Electronic warfare
Electronic warfare
HTZ warfare Armed forces Military regulators Spectrum management Tactical communications Police services Communication & control Electronic warfare OTM oriented TCP connection Software solutions in radiocommunications HTZ warfare nG offers the essential functions for communication electronic warfare HTZ warfare nG is a Electronic Warfare technology: Trunking, comprehensive radio Spectrum Management PMR, Wireless Local Loop, planning software application Tetra, WiFi/Micro-cellular. Tactical for civil and military networks. It also contains a module for Communications digital modulation schemes HTZ warfare nG can be nG is capable of managing which will notably affect the configured by the user to hundreds of thousands of delay and arrival of signals be the specialist toolbox for sites within any one project, within a guard interval. HTZ electronic warfare mission including warfare nG planning, technical spectrum all their management, network “Real time” analysis computes the coverage relative received planning or just as a simple can be performed information. It signal level coverage and link planning is based on a calculate tool for field operations. utilizing GPS and TCP to graphic user processing It is designed to allow interface for connected message gain or loss. integration into other both single With these systems, like system traffic to give users and functions, a user mission planning suites, network Battlefield situational can manage spectrum management/ planning the following awareness to a monitoring systems or teams. missionindividual system frequency HTZ Commander critical tasks: management packages. utilizes a - It can proprietary three dimensional The nG tool utilizes digital also receive messages, cartographic workspace terrain models to simulate store the locs, correlate (Digital Elevation Model) for communication effects bearings coming from sevall operations and analysis. with a dynamic two and eral direction finders. Warfare nG analysis three-dimensional display results can be displayed on from a frequency range dynamic 2D or 3D display. of 10 kHz to 450 GHz. HTZ warfare nG capabilities include but are not limited to: examined, countermeasures can be simulated and displayed all on a 2D or dynamic 3D display. Warfare nG also calculates which elements within an enemy network can be intercepted from each waypoint along the path of a mobile interception. - Calculate the best locations to place jammers to attack an enemy network, identify the required minimum jamming power, determining efficiency of a mobile aerial or terrestrial jammer along a designated trajectory, calculate the efficiency of broadband jammers against frequency hopping communications. To study jamming efficiency, interception and band sharing, HTZ warfare nG can simulate networks in a random mode. In that mode, Electronic warfare HTZ warfare nG offers the essential functions for electronic warfare simulation. Such functions include traffic analysis, path loss analysis and hand-over calculations. These functions completely integrate all the requirements for today’s - Coverage of a groupbased, user-positioned radar system can also be calculated against a known radar cross section at different height intervals. - Vulnerability of a ground based or air radar system to interception can be the new network is composed of a random number of users in a given area. The size of the network is not limited. Statistical charts illustrating simulation results extensively describe interactions between existing and future networks. Above: satelitte map of the center of Baghdad (Iraq). Opposite: 3D building digital elevation model Spectrum management HTZ warfare nG automatically assigns frequencies and optimizes the spectrum occupancy, re-using frequencies when possible and minimizing interference. The frequency assigment module uses C/I or drop in threshold methods. The algorithm studies all the possible scenarios across a range of frequencies, or taking channels from a frequency list. HTZ warfare nG can be directly integrated with a spectrum control system or with a spectrum management system to monitor Licensing, electromagnetic compatibility, International Coordination, etc. When connected to a spectrum control system, HTZ warfare nG receives real time updates through a TCP connection from different direction finders and saves this information to an internal database. links and radar). The information available is enhanced by the use of multimedia folders (containing texts, sounds, images, spreadsheets and text) associated with each object. The system then automatically determines the probable position and compares it to the existing site of known emitters. Mission locations can be input as a binary (BIN) file or via a COM port. Sorting and modification of database elements is possible, and parts of the database can be extracted for further analysis. It has its own internal database which allows the operator to manage as many sites as necessary, along with their coverage, in groups of 300,000 objects (base stations, microwave HTZ warfare nG user is also able to exchange data with any compatible ODBC/DAO/ADO database such as Microsoft Access, Oracle, SQL Server, My SQL or Informix. This allows the operator to use an existing database and to share technical information on a computer network on a large scale. Improved map engine HTZ warfare nG manages five cartographic layers that are necessary for the propagation calculations and display: - Digital elevation models - Raster maps - Satellite and aerial photos - Clutter information - Vector data - 3D building models - DTED level 1, 2, & 3 - CADRG - ADRG - VMAP - DFAD - SRTM - SDTS In turn, a converted proprietary DEM is exported to warfare nG to serve as a workspace for analysis and simulation. Network planning A simple process allows the users to develop an optimized network, considering the geographical area to be covered, the characteristics of the transmitter/receivers and the installation constraints. The planning engineer can therefore state the network requirements and work needed to achieve optimal performance in traffic capacity, within HTZ warfare nG Best locations the link budget, The digital elevation model also offers an reliability, to place jammers that is imported into HTZ “On-The-Move” resilience and warfare nG can, depending to attack an enemy population or (OTM) function on the resolution of the that can be network, identify area covered. model, be GeoConverted utilized in several and imported into HTZ the required Coverage is ways. Node paths warfare nG within 24 hours calculated by can be imported minimum considering or it can be created within as vector files and jamming power the technical an ATDI restitution lab and communication characteristics delivered in a matter of capabilities as well as of the transmitter, indoor/ weeks. Communications Electronic outdoor simulation Warfare (CEW) studies Import capabilities models, curvature of the through ICS map server can be performed as a pre-planning function. First-time licensees of the HTZ warfare nG package “Real Time” studies can be also receive our cartographic performed utilizing GPS and tool, ICS map server, to TCP connected message allow the import and reuse traffic to update element of many military cartographic locations and give real time data formats such as: situational awareness to a Commander. Simulations can be done dynamically in two or three dimensions to allow the user to simulate the following communications tiers: Tactical communications - Ground to ground; - Air to ground; - Space to ground. Receive messages, store the locs, correlate bearings coming from several direction finders earth, rain attenuation, tropospheric propagation as well as any customized propagation models. The coverage is calculated for each point of the terrain. Once the entire network is simulated, composite coverage, best server coverage or overlap or handoff between stations can all be displayed as simulation results. HTZ warfare nG calculates coverage by considering the technical characteristics of the transmitter (Antenna response in 2D or 3D, radiated power, gain, losses, frequency or channel, receiver sensitivity, etc..) 3G dedicated features Existing site validation (GSM...), network analysis, design and roll-out, multiservice traffic modeling... Propagation Incorporated free space propagation, diffraction, refraction and reflections. Such propagation standards include: - Fresnel, - Okamura-Hata/Cost 231, - ITU-R.P370, - Vienna Agreement, - Lambertian Reflections, - Deygout 94, - ITU-R.P526, - ITU-R.P452, - rain attenuation (ITU-R 837/838), - tropospheric propagation (ITU-R.P617), etc. - Integration with user created/customized propagation models. HTZ warfare nG manages 5 cartographic layers that are necessary for the propagation calculation and display: digital elevation models, raster images, clutter files, vector files and building files - Optional models for high altitude communications based on IF-77/ITU-R.P528 and HF Skywave (ITU-R.P533) and Groundwave (ITU-R.P 368). All links in HTZ warfare nG are defined by the These new additions can technical characteristics enable the HTZ warfare nG of the two terminals. tool to cover most forms of Microwave links military communications for all three services operating anywhere from 10 kHz to 450 GHz, anywhere on land, sea or in the air. Propagation loss in urban environment: An “Urban Canyon” function in HTZ warfare nG shows communications capabilities determined from the urban setting to include building reflections and blockages. Weather effects for ground-to-satellite communications: Weather conditions are modeled to include ITU and Crane rain calculations as well as vapor density losses for higher frequency communications. These characteristics can be entered through individual parameters or by selecting terminal equipment, antennas and feeders from a user built database. Microwave link network - Creation of terrain profiles between two stations using passive repeaters. - Automatic path budget calculations generation. The path analysis takes into account multiple ground reflections. HTZ warfare nG also considers space diversity and optimizes the installation of a second reception antenna - P2P link design & analysis - Link budget - Frequency planning and interference analysis Customer specific modifications Customer driven modifications are standard procedures for ATDI. Database integration, custom frequency plans, output formatting of reports, etc. are normal requests from our customers and are turned over within days or weeks. ICS telecom nG ICS telecom nG is the key package in a planner’s toolkit. It is capable of modeling radio systems of any size from intensive local areas to extensive countrywide regions. ICS telecom nG provides benefit at all stages of network ownership including tasks such as: • technology evaluation and business modeling ; • infrastructure dimensioning, network planning, network optimization ; • spectrum optimization ; • engineering data sharing. ICS telecom nG enables the planning engineer to design rapidly and economically wide networks. It features applications throughout all modern radio networks, both fixed and mobile and across the frequency range 10 kHz to 450 GHz, including: • broadcast TV and radio ; • aeronautical & marine systems ; • cellular, paging, and mobile data ; • fixed wireless access ; • land mobile, Private Mobile Radio ; • microwave ; • radar, satellite. ICS telecom nG runs on a PC platform under Windows. It integrates its own database engine and can also exchange data with any marketavailable ODBC-compatible database such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Informix, Gupta, Microsoft Access etc. ICS telecom nG integrates easily with an existing environment, whatever its size or structure, in local mode or within a corporate network. ICS manager nG ICS manager nG is a software platform dedicated to advanced RF spectrum management. Initially targeted at regulators, its flexibility and ease of use is of great value to operators as well. The ICS manager nG platform is based on the guidelines of recommendation ITU-R. SM.1370. It offers : • a safe database system environment ; • powerful data exchange functions ; • customisable reports edition tool ; • dedicated data-input interfaces • enhanced visualisation functions. As a spectrum management tool, ICS manager nG enables the user to : • make sure that new services do not interfere with existing systems according to ITU plans and regional & national plans ; • manage administrative procedures in accordance with the national, regional and international rules ; • optimise the sharing of frequencies ; • supply secure administrative and technical data storage and management ; • efficiently share information between stakeholders. The set of standard modules of ICS manager nG covers all the needs of regulating authorities. ATDI product range ICS microwave ICS microwave features a complete software dedicated to microwave planning, well integrated with the whole ATDI software suite. For example, ICS microwave can automatically link BTS stations together to suggest a backbone network. Microwave backbone networks are easy to manage thanks to advanced yet easyto-use dedicated functions, and the database structure specific to microwave links. Features such as automatic frequency assignment, automatic antenna alignment, automatic antenna height setting to meet clearance parameters, link budget analysis, and interference calculations are all standard features of the software. For each link, the user can open a microwave link analysis window, and analyse the technical characteristics of the link: Availability, quality, margin, losses (diffraction, gases, rain...), RSL... ICS map server ICS map server is an advanced software system designed to create and manage digital cartography datasets. Operators working on very sizeable networks or those who are present over very large territories need large amounts of cartographic data. ICS map server is a software designed to create topographic data files via the processing of land contours, interpolations, maps, aerial and satellite views, conversions, etc. The latest release of ICS map server integrates a large number of new functionalities that make it one of the most powerful systems for cartographic database management. In particular it integrates the automation of the project creation process, making it possible to immediately display the data available for any region, etc. Suitable for all image processing work and digital terrain model files (DTM) it can interface with image processing tools as well as with market-available geographic information system software (GIS). Antios Antios is a 3D software system for the design of antennas and antenna systems. The increasing occupation of radio frequencies requires new antenna designs capable of meeting both frequency allocation plans and the coverage requirements of each operator. Mobile communications and broadcasting networks must satisfy complex constraints designed to reduce or eliminate possible interference. Modeling such a complex problem was solved with Antios software. This highly innovative product enables engineers to design systems using multiple horizontal or vertical dipole arrays arranged around the support. A 3D diagram enables definition of the positions of antenna components and the necessary phase shifts to obtain the requisite propagation result. HerTZ mapper HerTZ mapper is a simplified software system for radio coverage analysis. This product, which is immensely popular with broadcasters, has undergone numerous recent technological upgrades, in particular in terms of performance, user-friendliness and ergonomics. These changes confirm that HerTZ mapper is the ideal tool for light radio network analysis and simulation. Finally, HerTZ mapper can be connected to a GPS system, thereby enabling field teams to carry out customer site surveys, and then repatriate the data to ICS telecom nG for further analysis. A demo version of HerTZ mapper is available at: www.atdi.com ICS online provides networks on the net - www.atdi.com/icsonline.php The recently introduced ICS online represents a powerful and yet simple internet / intranet gate to your network data, and a link between the network design team and the marketing department, the sales force, the customer center and the installation and main- tenance services. ICS online is entirely designed to answer typical questions such as: - Where should we market the service? - Can a particular prospect be connected? - Can I subscribe to your service? - What are the installation instructions for this new client? - I cannot use the service today, is there a problem with your network? Built using the latest Rich Internet Application technologies, ICS online provides everyone in your organization with an up-to-date, intuitive and flexible map interface gathering all the relevant network information: - mapping data — handles multiple scales, - service coverage: handles multiple services, - geomarketing data (companies/clients, addresses and corresponding geographic coordinates), - network constituents (base stations, links...), - technical notes (for installation, maintenance...), - real-time network status (failures, maintenance status...). Main features >Works as an Internet or Intranet application. Light client using Macromedia Flash Player only. >Map display: Pan, Zoom in / out, Change map scale, Coordinate display. >Coverage display by service. >Address Query based on street number, street name, city, province... (handles misspellings). >Coverage quality at the center point of the map. Handles various kinds of coverages (field strength, C/I, Ec/Io, Eb/No...). Customized comments on the coverage quality. >Report including map extract, coverage details... ATDI s.a. 8, rue de l'Arcade 75008 Paris France ATDI Ltd. Kingsland Court, Three Bridges Road Crawley West Sussex, RH10 1HL - UK Tel +33 (0)1 53 30 89 40 Tel +44 (0)1293 522 052 Fax +33 (0)1 53 30 89 49 Fax +44 (0)1293 522 521 atdi@atdi.com www.atdi.com ATDI Ibérica c/ Manuel González Longoria, 8 28010 Madrid Spain ATDI Inc. 1420 Beverly Road, Suite 140 McLean, VA 22101 USA ATDI Sal Azarieh Bldg. A-5 Downtown Beirut Lebanon ATDI Est Bd. Aviatorilor, 59 Bucharest Romania OOO ATDI Sadovnicheskaya st. 72 bld 1 115035 Moscow Russian Federation Tel +34 91 44 67 252 Fax +34 91 44 50 383 Tel +1 703 748 4750 Fax +1 703 848 4752 Tel +961 1 980 820 Fax +961 1 980 781 Tel +40 21 222 42 10 Fax +40 21 222 42 13 Tel: +7 095 252 96 10 Fax: +7 501 408 50 74 mea@atdi.com www.atdi.com eastern-europe@atdi.com moscow@atdi.com www.atdi.ru www.atdi.ro northern-europe@atdi.co.uk southern-europe@atdi.com americas@atdi.com www.atdi.co.uk www.atdi.es www.atdi-us.com Main features of HTZ warfare nG 1.Station parameters Standard - Location - Height above ground - Power - Dynamic power range - Gain - Losses - Frequency - Bandwidth - Modulation - Channels: Transmitter & receiver - User frequency plan - Administrative information - Type: Transmitter, Radar, subscriber, microwave, satellite, user... - Signal information: FM, TVA, Wimax... - Polarization - Vertical pattern, every 1° - Horizontal pattern, every 5° - 3D Patterns - Parabolas - Multimedia folder: texts, images, sounds... - Automatic changes of antenna parameters for activated antennas. Advanced - Carrier - Coverage & receiver thresholds - KTBF - Noise Level - TIL - TV parameters - CDMA / W-CDMA parameters - Traffic parameters - Launch delay - NFD matrix... Radar parameters 2.Microwave link parameters - All station parameters plus: - Amplifier database - Feeder database - Cable database - Frequency & space diversity: 2 & 4 receivers - Automatic antenna orientation - Quality objectives parameters 3.Propagation models - Fresnel - Okumura Hata - COST 231 - Wojnar - Vienna 93 - ITU-R.P370-7 - ITU-R 525 & 526 - User model (dll) - ITU-R P.452-10 - ITU-R P.1546 (BLM) - Tropospherical propagation models: NBS 101, ITU 617 - HF: skywaves & groundwaves - Aeronautical model - Ducting - Customisable Diffraction - Bullington - Deygout - ITU-R 526 round mask / new version - ITU-R 526 cylinder / new version - ITU-R 526 Deygout - Visibility... Other parameters - Availability of calculations according to different methods such as Siemens, Barnett-Vigants, ITU-R P.530-10 - Subpath attenuation - Attenuation due to atmospheric gases & fog - Rain attenuation: CRANE 1985+1996 rain model, ITU-R 838/530-10 - Rain zone estimation - Customized models - 3D Reflections - Ground Reflections 4.Ground Occupancy Classes - Rural - Suburban - Urban 8, 15, 30 & 50 meters - Forest / wood - Water - Roads / roofs - Indoor 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20th floor - + 2 User defined class Clutter attenuation - CCIR - UER - dB/km - Building attenuation - User attenuation... - CDMA & W-CDMA analysis - Single Frequency Network - COFDM interference Frequency Assignment - Fast & automatic frequency & polarisation assignment module - From frequency band / plan / group / list - Launch delay assignment... Traffic - Grade of Service: Erlang B, Erlang C, Delayed calls - Device assignment from clutter, subscribers, population & vector layer - Drop calls 6.Point to point functions - Automatic Frequency assignment: new method «Most constrained, first assigned» - Interference analysis inside a network & with other networks (nuisance field strength) - Call rejection point to point calculation 7.Point to Multipoint Interaction of random transmitters / network - Statistical analysis - Interference on transmitter or on receiver (I/N, I/TIL, EMC...) Subscribers’ automatic connection - To best server - To all stations - Maxhold... 5.Network design Coverage - Field strength calculations - Radar coverage - Reverse coverage - Brodcast coordination Analysis - Composite coverage - Best Server coverage + call rejection calculation - Simultaneous coverage and/or limited - Received Rx coverage - Overlapping - Margin - Availability - Normal distribution - Simulcast networks - CDMA/W-CDMA - Coverage modification - Field strength exposure - Capacity coverage Interference - Global or best server - Single or multi-channel cases - C/I: co-channel, adjacent channel... up to N+16 - Receiver antenna discrimination - Threshold degradation - C/(N+I) - Predefined protection ratios & IRF values: analog & digital broadcast, point to point, Wifi, Wimax... - Steady interference - Tropospheric interference - C/I Map (min C/I, max C/I) up & down link - Protection margin - Handover - Serving cells Subscribers’ analysis - Best server - Affiliate rules & options: in up/down link, traffic control, of service level, threshold degradation... - Traffic analysis - Interference, new functions : I/N, N+1/I, C/N+I, MIN C/I - Options for stations polarisation assignment, frequency distribution: C*1, multi-cx, FDMA up/down - Re-locating - Demand diagrams - Advanced filtering 8.Satellite specific functions - Threshold interference level App. S7 (RR) - Satellite intervisibility - Frequency sharing between satellite & fixed services - Satellite according to ITU-R S.765 - Satellite database - Modification of satellite box (NGSO) & orbits display 9.Radar specific functions - Limit distance diagram - Radar Coverage - Radar interference 10.Other functions - Site searching - Line of site - Constraints: intervisibility, elevation - Reports - Population analysis using «central point» or «city contours» - GPS connection - Comparison Measures / Simulation - S.A.M: Subscriber Access Management - IRF Matrix - Profile analysis between two points - Non exclusive frequency bands sharing www.atdi.com 11.Database Cartographic - Raster image - Digital Elevation Model - Building layer - Ground Occupancy Layer - Vector files - Cadastral files Site, Microwave link, Subscriber - Internal, current project - External: Access, Oracle... - ODBC import & export - Sort - Filter - Direct calculations... 12.Cartographic Management - Coverage in full transparency - Dynamic 2D & 3D displays - Buildings visualization in 3D - Filters... 13.Imports & exports Imports from a file - ASCII polygones - Planet antenna formats - Dxf format file - Cept Analog or Digital TV: TVA/TVD - HerTZ Mapper file - Industry Canada Export to a file - BMP, Targa, TIF, BIL, MIF, CSV... - FMS - HerTZ Mapper file Conversions - IMG in RIM - MIF in ASCII polygone - TIFF 8 bits in IMG 14.Printouts - Palette - Legend - Layers management: map / image / objects / results / vectors - Printings customisation 15.User interface - Direct access to help files - Customisation of menus according to the technologies used - Tooltips on the left bar - External maps - Simulation & environment parameters set from one single window - Prefered user units, dBµV/m or dBm - Update coverage & receiver thresholds from tables: Broadcast, Wifi, Wimax... 16.Nominal hardware requirements - Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2, 2003 SP1, Windows XP Professional x64 edition - Processor Intel, AMD 2GHz or more, Intel Centrino 1,4 GHz - 1 Gb of RAM or more (SDRAM or RDRAM) - AGP graphic adapter with 32 Mb of RAM & 3D graphic accelerator (Direct X + OpenGL) - 40 Gb hard disk drive Ultra ATA, SATA or Ultra-wide SCSI - 19 inches screen - Display resolution 1024 * 768 or 1280* 1024, with 65,536 colors or more - CD/DV ROM drive and CD/DVD writer for backup
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