ICS Telecom nG


ICS Telecom nG
ICS telecom
Network planning
Spectrum management
Indoor / outdoor
3D building models
GSM / 3G
Software solutions in radiocommunications
ICS telecomnG : extreme power in
multi-channel planning and modelling
ICS telecom nG represents
a major innovation in the
world of radio planning
tools for next generation
wireless networks.
nG is mobile internetready. Supporting high
bit rate applications such
as 3G mobile networks,
WiFi or WiMAX, ICS
telecom nG provides
unrivalled accuracy and
power to design, simulate
and analyze the latest
technologies in complex
environments mixing indoor
and outdoor situations,
dense urban landscape
and open areas, multiple
services such as voice,
data, wireless VoIP or
Personal Broadband.
pressure on
costs and
returns on
this business must find the most
expedient way to roll out
systems in continuously
shrinking timeframes.
How to control network
costs, speed up the roll
out phase and minimize
network adjustments
after installation? ICS
telecom nG is the key
answer to the equation.
Our business
is radio
ATDI has the experience
and skills to understand
radio and the modelling,
planning, measurement
and regulation of
the radio world.
Our focus is radio
and all the
and system
types that
use the radio
for their
systems integrators,
equipment vendors and
end users who make use
of these links and who
need to enhance their
understanding through our
products and services.
As contributors to the
leading world radio
institutions, we integrate
new standards as soon
as they are available,
ensuring that our
software tools are always
at the forefront of the
technological evolutions.
one view
No network uses a single
technology. Modern
networks are multi-layered,
and each layer is intricately linked to the others.
Forget the time when one
could focus on one technology and confidently hope
that the others would fit.
Today, capacity requirements involve an accurate
design and planning of
all the technology layers
interacting with each other.
Covering a unique
spectrum of services and
standards, ICS telecom
nG provides the view
and the tools to plan and
optimize a large number
of analogue and digital
technologies, including:
Aeronautical systems,
broadcast TV and radio,
RF planning
goes to Mars
with nG
One objective of the
Mars Proximity Wireless
Network project is to
simulate radio frequency
coverage on Martian terrain using commercial
communication technology to
setup a cost-effective and
reliable wireless local
area network. Reliability
assessment of the WiFi
technology on Mars will
be determined by using
radio coverage software
with good resolution cartography and propagation
cellular, fixed radio access,
land mobile, marine systems, microwave bearers,
mobile data, paging, radar,
satellite, telemetry...
ICS telecom nG incorporates sophisticated algorithms
to manage the diversity of
equipments, to ensure that
incompatibilities between
systems will not affect the
availability of the communications, and to forecast
capacity bottlenecks in
the overall network.
Local or nation
wide network
nG is capable of managing
any size of network from
intensive local area to
extensive countrywide
regions. The use of
internal and external
database allows for easy
management of thousands
of sites, including their
technical parameters and
coverage. The needs of the
end-user are also taken
into account through the
following services:
- geographical areas or
population to be covered
- detailed subscriber access
ICS telecom nG integrates state-of-the-art digital cartography for network analysis and geomarketing
- estimated traffic...
sharing, system administration, network optimization, service marketing...
Fast and
network design WiMAX ready
ICS telecom
nG provides
benefits at
all stages
of the network lifecycle,
covering tasks such as:
ICS telecom nG is already
compatible with the ProfP
175M to 10M data required
for the C/I, IRF and COFDM
interference calculations.
The frequency assignment
and optimization
engine also takes
ICS telecom nG manages the five cartographic layers that are
necessary for the propagation prediction and results display: digital terrain models,
full advantage of
geo-referenced maps or imagery, clutter files, vector files and building height files
this new feature.
The specially
developed mixed
propagation model
allows the design
of WiMAX base
stations for mobile
services as well as for
indoor/outdoor coverage.
Technology evaluation,
business modelling, infrastructure dimensioning,
network planning, spectrum
management, network
proofing, engineering data
nG also incorporates the
concept of adaptive modulation (voice, data, TV) used
for the access calculations
in 802.16x mode at the
subscriber level.
nG increases efficiency,
reduce costs and mitigate
commercial and engineering risk. A few days of
expert training allows endusers to immediately produce accurate
and effective
results soon
after installation.
Path profile in a urban environment with ICS telecom nG : outdoor
propagation is mixed with signal diffusion into the buildings
ICS telecom nG provides the functionnality
to model every radiocommunications type
- Spectrum
- 3G dedicated
design features
- Satellites
nG can be configured
by the user to be the
- Microwave
link network design
specialist toolbox for
radio planning, technical
- PMR - Private mobile
spectrum management,
radio networks
network planning or
just a simple coverage
- RLAN - Satellites
and link planning tool.
+ WiFi
Designed to allow
- Radars and
direction finders
integration into other
systems, nG can
nG is capable of managing
communicate with a
hundreds of thousands of
system planning suites,
sites within any one project,
spectrum management
including all their coverage
and monitoring systems or information. It is based on
individual system frequency a graphic user interface
management packages.
for both single users and
network planning teams.
nG utilizes a proprietary
three dimensional
cartographic workspace
(Digital Elevation Model)
for all operations and
analysis. Analysis results
can be displayed on
ICS telecom nG offers
dynamic 2D or 3D display.
the essential functions
for electronic radio
It’s capabilities include
Such functions
but are not limited to:
include connectivity, traffic
and interference.
These functions
completely integrate all the
for today’s
such as:
ICS telecom nG is a
comprehensive wireless
management software
application for civil and
military networks.
WiFi and
It also contains a module
possible scenarios across
for digital modulation
a range of frequencies,
schemes with
or takes
delay considchannels
ICS telecom nG
eration. This
from a
is the multiallows processfrequency list.
ing gain to
technology toolbox nG can be
be computed
for radio planning, directly
in simulcast
technical spectrum integrated
within a
nG computes
spectrum conthe relative
trol system or
or just a simple
received signal
a spectrum
coverage or link
level to calculate
manageprocessing gain
ment system
planning tool for
or loss and it
to monitor
reporting purposes licensing,
allows the user
to randomly
electromagplace sites to deploy a
netic compatibility, interconceptual network and
national coordination…
then compute all the
simulations to build a
picture of the performance
of that network.
This allows extensive
scenario modeling to
build trends and models.
Statistical charts
illustrating simulation
results extensively
describe interactions
between existing and
future networks.
ICS telecom nG
automatically assigns
frequencies and optimizes
spectrum occupancy,
re-using frequencies
when ever possible.
The frequency assignment
module uses C/I or drop
in threshold methods. The
algorithm considers all the
and multimedia
The information
available is
enhanced by the
use of multimedia
folders (containing
sounds, images,
spreadsheets and
text) associated
with each object.
Sorting and
modification of
database elements
is possible, and
parts of the database
can be extracted for
further analysis.
ICS telecom nG user is
also able to exchange
data with any ODBC
compatible database
such as Microsoft
Microwave link path budget with ICS telecom nG : reliability & outage time
- Digital elevation models
- Raster maps
- Satellite and aerial photos
This allows the operator to
- Clutter information
connect to existing databases and to share technical - Vector data
information on a computer
- 3D building models
network on a large scale.
ICS map server, the
natural companion tool to
nG allows for easy import
and geo-conversion of
standard map data format.
Population & geomarketing analysis with ICS telecom nG :
integration of census and demographic data
Access(TM), Oracle(TM), SQL
Server(TM) or Informix(TM).
ATDI restitution labs
may also quickly build or
import the require data.
map engine
Few radio networks today
enjoy the freedom of
noise limited coverage.
Spectrum demand means
frequency sharing.
ICS telecom nG manages
five cartographic layers
used for propagation
calculations and display :
nG lets the planner analyze
the resulting interference
and balance network
availability with spectrum
resource and budget.
ICS telecom nG features technology oriented display :
above, overlapping areas of transmitters and below, composite coverage…
Today we pride ourselves in the supply of solutions.
Solutions to our customers’ radio problems, whatever they may be
characteristics of the
transmitter, including
transmitter output power,
operating frequency,
antenna response in
three dimensions and
antenna system gains and
losses. The associated
receiver is described
in full by its sensitivity,
antenna characteristics,
bandwidth and noise floor.
Best server
In fixed radio access
networks and indeed
anywhere where links are
needed to a multiplicity of
outstations or subscribers,
knowledge of which base
station serves best is critical to antenna orientation at
that subscriber. The report
shown can also include
2nd, 3rd... best server.
Network planning
A simple process allows
the users to develop an
optimized network, consid-
ering the geographical
area to be covered, the
characteristics of the
transmitter/receivers and
the installation constraints.
The planning engineer
can therefore state the
network requirements and
work to achieve optimal
performance in traffic
capacity, link budget,
reliability, resilience and
population or area covered.
Coverage is
calculated by
the technical
characteristics of
the transmitter,
the propagation
models (including
diffraction from
terrain and
earth curvature,
rain and other
effects and the
of the distant
coverage by
all technical
In addition several models
are optionally available
such as aeronautical
propagation (ITU-R P.528),
Recommendation ITU-R
P.533 for HF sky wave
communications, Recommendation ITU-R P.368
for LF/MF/HF ground
wave communications.
These optional models
extend the range of use
of ICS telecom down to
10kHz and its applications.
A variety of propagation
models are provided
within ICS telecom nG
to suit the particular
modeling scenario.
These cover the
effects of diffusion,
diffraction, refraction and
reflection. The standard
models include:
Free space loss plus
(Fresnel is
a unique
ITU-R P.370
and its
ITU-R P.1546, Lambertian
Reflections, Deygout 94
method for consideration
of diffraction, Recommendation ITU-R P.526,
Recommendation ITU-R
P.452, Consideration of
rainfall and other hydrometeors (ITU-R P.838),
Tropospheric scatter
propagation (ITUR P.617).
Unicode is
now available
with the nG
3G dedicated
features with
ICS telecom nG
pilot coverage,
Eb/No, Ec/Io,
serving cell
model :
statistical and
ITU compatible
Propagation loss in
urban environment
An “Urban Canyon” function
in ICS telecom nG shows
communications capabilities
determined from the urban
setting to include building
reflections and blockages.
Weather effects for
Weather conditions are
modeled using ITU and
Crane methods calculations
as well as vapor density
losses for higher frequency
ICS telecom nG has
an internal equipment
database that comes as
standard. The tool allows
the user to design their own
antennas for use at base
stations, link terminals and
at subscribers. These polar
responses can be viewed
and used in 3D, providing
the network planner with
virtually unlimited network
modeling potential.
and optimizes the installation
of a second reception antenna :
- P2P link design and analysis;
- Link budget;
- Frequency planning and
interference analysis.
All links in nG are defined by
the technical characteristics
of the two terminals. These
characteristics can be
entered through individual
parameters or by selecting
terminal equipment, antennas
and feeders from a user-built
database. The microwave
link modeling features
include creation of terrain
profiles between two stations
using passive repeaters
and automatic path budget
calculations generation.
Customer driven modifications
are standard procedures for
ATDI. Database integration,
custom frequency plans,
formatting of reports, etc.
are normal requests from
our customers and are
turned over within the
context of a supply project.
Microwave links modifications
The path analysis takes into
account multiple ground
reflections. ICS telecom nG
also considers space diversity
Now available
in Unicode
All user-definable strings
can be defined using
UNICODE characters
thereby allowing language
customization (into Chinese,
Japanese and the like).
ICS telecom nG optimizes 3G : TDD, FDD, TDD + FDD,
multi services simulation, automatic site placement and validation
GSM / 3G auto
sful. The measure of the
success of this methodology
was that :
White paper available at: • The 2 week deadline was
www.atdi.co.uk/casestudies/45/ met ;
• 2 engineers were used and
GSM---3G-autohence the cost saving was
realised ;
The mission was to
provide our client with • All the required deliverables
were supplied.
a GSM/3G network
plan for all the primary The cost benefit to the client
cities and link these to was considerable when comform a national plan
pared to traditional network
for a sizeable country. planning approaches. The
All of this had to be
final cost of the job was a
achieved within 2
fraction of the cost of manual
weeks. The network
design was for business plan analysis
and spectrum application and therefore
indicative sites with
indicative topology
were required to
scope the network.
The technology was
2G although the concept applies equally
Using automatic methods in
to 2.5g and 3G. The
modelling software does not
method proposed
replace the need for engineeand subsequently
ring rigour – indeed it makes
used by ATDI to
it all the more essential to
produce the requiavoid the «rubbish in, rubbish
red information was
out» syndrome so prevacompletely succeslent in automatic systems.
It does, however, make the
job much quicker, more
deterministic and
significantly more
cost effective.
>Existing site
design and
traffic modeling
Comparison Measurement / Simulation. ICS telecom nG allows
the import of field strength measurements made by on-site drive testers around a
site, and allows them to be compared with the simulated coverage along the same
route. The resulting correlation allows an optimization of the model that was used for
the simulation… Model tuning can be processed either step-by-step or automatically.
wireless access
each tranche of spectrum,
ATDI provided the means of
level playing field evaluation.
ICS Telecom was used to
White paper available at: model the various offers and
to show whether or not the
different technologies and
Broadband wireless access
different proposals met the
is a technology or service
regulators’ requirements. In
that has apparent utility but
countries such as Germany
since the early days of narrow and Switzerland, regulaband forerunners it has been tors used ICS Telecom to
searching for a business plan determine and demonstrate
that works and one that will
that exported interference
break-even even on a modest across their borders was at
scale. ATDI have supported
an acceptable level. Opemost of the BFWA players
rators and their consultants
across Europe.
learned too that they needed
During the period when there to comply with the various
memoranda of understanding
were many applications for
and called on
ATDI to check
compliance site
by site.
ICS telecom nG can model adaptive
modulation setting modulation order
according to the signal level received
ICS telecom nG graphical
user interface is intuitive, customizable
and improves management of projects…
Tetra network coverage with backbone
As the policy in the regulators
changed from beauty contest to
auction, so ATDI’s role changed. Our support to our regulator customers swung from
supply of evaluation tools to
supply of consultancy services
to evaluate methods of licencing.
ICS telecom nG features 802.16x access calculations :
LOS/nLOS simulation, adaptive modulation, C/I, IRF, COFDM interference
calculation, frequency assignment…
Multi-technology oriented : ICS telecom nG includes
a multi layered architecture allowing the mix of satellite PoP, WiFi coverage,
microwave link backhauling within the same project.
International coordination: propagation model, list of countries
covered, compliant with agreements and recommendations from CEPT, ITU.
The regulators were now
striving to find ways to divide
the spectrum lots to make them
attractive. The Irish regulator,
ComReg, went one step further
contracting ATDI to develop a
method of appraising individual
site assignment for a regime
akin to PMR where BFWA operators could apply for a licence
for any number of sites from
one upwards.
Tomorrow’s networks are likely
to use mesh methods where
each subscriber is a repeater
providing service to others.
ATDI have already implemented mesh functions in their
tools. They are also look like
cellular networks possibly
allowing self-installation by the
subscriber to reduce the CPE
installation overhead thereby
improving viability. There are
huge challenges for the future
and ATDI will again be instrumental in guiding operators.
Dedicated features
>Search and optimize base station
>Associate each subscriber with
the best base station according to
spectrum occupancy and traffic
>Calculate link budget for each
>Analyze each station traffic load
>Complete frequency planning and
advanced interferences analysis…
Mixed absorptiondiffraction
models for
wireless proximity
White paper available at:
Outdoor networks transmit
signals which may be received
indoor. When relatively low
frequencies are used, for
instance in broadcast, the
diffraction is considered
to predominate over the
absorption and the fact that the
receiver is indoors is taken into
account through an increase of
the reception threshold
(cf. Chester 97 Agreement for
the coordination and planning
of DVB-T).
On the other hand, for purely
indoor networks, the standard
approach is to neglect the
diffraction and to focus on the
absorption due to the materials
through which the signal
passes (cf. IMT-2000/ITU1225).
With the emergence of the
new proximity networks (WiFi,
WiMAX, DECT...), using
outdoor base stations with
indoor and outdoor subscribers
at relatively high frequencies,
the border between absorption
and diffraction becomes much
fuzzier, and there is a need to
use mixed models.
Diffraction models : the
different treatment of buildings
and terrain in calculating
diffraction in ICS Telecom
nG is based on standard
recommendations (ITU-R 526,
Deygout, Bullington...)
Absorption models: for purely
indoor networks, ICS Telecom
nG provides the ability to
specify in detail the material
of each wall or partition taking
information from building
HTZ warfare nG
HTZ warfare nG is a comprehensive
radio planning software application for
civil and military networks.
HTZ warfare nG can be configured by
the user to be the specialist toolbox
for electronic warfare mission planning, technical spectrum management,
network planning or just as a simple
coverage and link planning tool for field
operations. HTZ warfare nG is designed
to allow integration into other systems,
like system mission planning suites,
spectrum management/monitoring systems or individual system frequency
management packages.
The HTZ warfare nG tool utilizes digital
terrain models to simulate communication effects with a dynamic two and
three-dimensional display from a frequency range of 10 kHz to 450 GHz.
HTZ warfare nG capabilities include but
are not limited to:
• electronic warfare ;
• spectrum management ;
• tactical communications.
HTZ warfare nG is capable of managing hundreds of thousands of sites
within any one project, including all their
coverage information. HTZ warfare nG
is based on a graphic user interface for
both a single user or to network teams.
HTZ warfare nG utilizes a proprietary
three-dimensional cartographic workspace (Digital Elevation Model) for all
operations and analysis. HTZ warfare
nG analysis results can be displayed on
dynamic 2D or 3D display.
ICS manager nG
ICS manager nG is a software platform
dedicated to advanced RF spectrum
management. Initially targeted at
regulators, its flexibility and ease of use
is of great value to operators as well.
The ICS manager nG platform is based
on the guidelines of recommendation
ITU-R. SM.1370. It offers:
• a safe database system
environment ;
• powerful data exchange
functions ;
• customizable reports
edition tool ;
• dedicated data input
interfaces ;
• enhanced visualization functions ;
As a synthetic tool, ICS manager nG
enables to:
• make sure that new services do not
interfere with existing systems according to
ITU plans and regional & national plans ;
• manage administrative procedures in
accordance with the national, regional
and international rules ;
• optimize the sharing of frequencies ;
• supply secure administrative and technical data storage and management ;
• efficiently share information between
The set of standard modules of ICS
manager nG covers all the needs of
regulating authorities.
ATDI product range
ICS microwave
ICS microwave features a
complete software dedicated
to microwave planning, well
integrated with the whole
ATDI software suite. For
example, ICS microwave
can automatically link BTS
stations together to suggest
a backbone network.
Microwave backbone networks are easy to manage
thanks to advanced yet easyto-use dedicated functions,
and the database structure
specific to microwave links.
Features such as automatic
frequency assignment, automatic antenna alignment,
automatic antenna height
setting to meet clearance
parameters, link budget
analysis, and interference
calculations are all standard
features of the software.
For each link, the user can
open a microwave link analysis window, and analyse the
technical characteristics of
the link:
Availability, quality, margin,
losses (diffraction, gases,
rain...), RSL...
ICS map server
ICS map server is an
advanced software system
designed to create and
manage digital cartography
datasets. Operators working
on very sizeable networks or
those who are present over
very large territories need
large amounts of cartographic
data. ICS map server is a
software designed to create
topographic data files via the
processing of land contours,
interpolations, maps, aerial
and satellite views, conversions, etc.
The latest release of ICS
a large number of new
functionalities that make it
one of the most powerful
systems for cartographic
database management. In
particular it integrates the
automation of the project
creation process, making it
possible to immediately display the data available for
any region, etc. Suitable for
all image processing work
and digital terrain model
files (DTM) it can interface
with image processing tools
as well as with market-available geographic information
system software (GIS).
Antios is a 3D software
system for the design of
antennas and antenna systems. The increasing occupation of radio frequencies
designs capable of meeting both frequency allocation plans and the coverage
requirements of each operator. Mobile communications
and broadcasting networks
must satisfy complex constraints designed to reduce
or eliminate possible interference. Modeling such a complex problem was solved with
Antios software. This highly
innovative product enables
engineers to design systems using multiple horizontal or vertical dipole arrays
arranged around the support. A 3D diagram enables
definition of the positions of
antenna components and
the necessary phase shifts to
obtain the requisite propagation result.
HerTZ mapper
HerTZ mapper is a simplified software system for radio
coverage analysis. This product, which is immensely popular with broadcasters, has
undergone numerous recent
technological upgrades, in
particular in terms of performance, user-friendliness and
ergonomics. These changes
confirm that HerTZ mapper
is the ideal tool for light radio
network analysis and simulation.
Finally, HerTZ mapper can be
connected to a GPS system,
thereby enabling field teams
to carry out customer site
surveys, and then repatriate
the data to ICS telecom nG
for further analysis. A demo
version of HerTZ mapper is
available at:
ICS online provides networks on the net - www.atdi.com/icsonline.php
The recently introduced ICS online represents a powerful and yet simple internet / intranet gate to your
network data, and a link between the network design
team and the marketing department, the sales force,
the customer center and the installation and main-
tenance services. ICS online is entirely designed to
answer typical questions such as:
- Where should we market the service?
- Can a particular prospect be connected?
- Can I subscribe to your service?
- What are the installation instructions for this new
- I cannot use the service today, is there a problem
with your network?
Built using the latest Rich Internet Application technologies, ICS online provides everyone in your organization
with an up-to-date, intuitive and flexible map interface
gathering all the relevant network information:
- Mapping data — handles multiple scales,
- Service coverage: handles multiple services,
- Geomarketing data (companies/clients, addresses
and corresponding geographic coordinates),
- Network constituents (base stations, links...),
- Technical notes (for installation, maintenance...),
- Real-time network status (failures, maintenance
Main features
>Works as an Internet or Intranet application. Light
client using Macromedia Flash Player only.
>Map display: Pan, Zoom in / out, Change map
scale, Coordinate display
>Coverage display by service.
>Address Query based on street number, street
name, city, province... (handles misspellings).
>Coverage quality at the center point of the map.
Handles various kinds of coverages (field
strength, C/I, Ec/Io, Eb/No...). Customized comments on the coverage quality.
>Report including map extract, coverage details...
ATDI s.a.
8, rue de l'Arcade
75008 Paris
Kingsland Court,
Three Bridges Road
Crawley West Sussex,
RH10 1HL - UK
Tel +33 (0)1 53 30 89 40 Tel +44 (0)1293 522 052
Fax +33 (0)1 53 30 89 49 Fax +44 (0)1293 522 521
ATDI Ibérica
c/ Manuel González
Longoria, 8
28010 Madrid
1420 Beverly Road,
Suite 140
McLean, VA 22101
Azarieh Bldg. A-5
Downtown Beirut
Bd. Aviatorilor, 59
Sadovnicheskaya st.
72 bld 1
115035 Moscow
Russian Federation
Tel +34 91 44 67 252
Fax +34 91 44 50 383
Tel +1 703 748 4750
Fax +1 703 848 4752
Tel +961 1 980 820
Fax +961 1 980 781
Tel +40 21 222 42 10
Fax +40 21 222 42 13
Tel: +7 095 252 96 10
Fax: +7 501 408 50 74
eastern-europe@atdi.com moscow@atdi.com
northern-europe@atdi.co.uk southern-europe@atdi.com americas@atdi.com
Main features of ICS telecom nG
1.Station parameters
- Location
- Height above ground
- Power
- Dynamic power range
- Gain
- Losses
- Frequency
- Bandwidth
- Modulation
- Channels: Transmitter & receiver
- User frequency plan
- Administrative information
- Type: Transmitter, Radar, subscriber, microwave,
satellite, user...
- Signal information: FM, TVA, Wimax...
- Polarization
- Vertical pattern, every 1°
- Horizontal pattern, every 5°
- 3D Patterns
- Parabolas
- Multimedia folder: texts, images, sounds...
- Automatic changes of antenna parameters for
activated antennas.
- Carrier
- Coverage & receiver thresholds
- Noise Level
- TV parameters
- CDMA / W-CDMA parameters
- Traffic parameters
- Launch delay
- NFD matrix...
Radar parameters
- Power converter
- Field strength converter
- Cell range calculator
- Noise calculator
- W-CDMA traffic calculator
- Earth radios coverage
- Coordinate converter
- IRF mask calculator
- Multimap
- Indoor map design
- user defined reports
3.Microwave link parameters
- All station parameters plus:
- Amplifier database
- Feeder database
- Cable database
- Frequency & space diversity: 2 & 4 receivers
- Automatic antenna orientation
- Quality objectives parameters
4.Propagation models
- Fresnel
- Okumura Hata
- COST 231
- Wojnar
- Vienna 93
- ITU-R.P370-7
- ITU-R. 525 & 526
- User model (dll)
- ITU-R. P452-10
- ITU-R. P1546 (BLM)
- Tropospherical propagation models: NBS 101,
ITU 617
- HF: skywaves & groundwaves
- Aeronautical model
- Ducting
- Customisable
- Bullington
- Deygout
- ITU-R. 526 round mask / new version
- ITU-R. 526 cylinder / new version
- ITU-R. 526 Deygout
- Visibility...
Other parameters
- Availability of calculations according to different
methods such as Siemens, Barnett-Vigants, ITU-R.
- Subpath attenuation
- Attenuation due to atmospheric gases & fog
- Rain attenuation: CRANE 1985+1996 rain model,
ITU-R. 838/530-10
- Rain zone estimation
- Customized models
- 3D Reflections
- Ground Reflections
5.Ground Occupancy
- Rural
- Suburban
- Urban 8, 15, 30 & 50 meters
- Forest / wood
- Water
- Roads / roofs
- Indoor 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20th floor
- + 2 User defined class
Clutter attenuation
- dB/km
- Building attenuation
- User attenuation...
6.Network design
- Field strength calculations
- Radar coverage
- Reverse coverage
- Broadcast coordination
- Composite coverage
- Best Server coverage + call rejection calculation
- Simultaneous coverage and/or limited
- Received Rx coverage
- Overlapping
- Margin
- Availability
- Normal distribution
- Simulcast networks
- Coverage modification
- Field strength exposure
- Capacity coverage
- Global or best server
- Single or multi-channel cases
- C/I: co-channel, adjacent channel... up to N+16
- Receiver antenna discrimination
- Threshold degradation
- C/(N+I)
- Predefined protection ratios & IRF values: analog &
digital broadcast, point to point, Wifi, Wimax...
- Steady interference
- Tropospheric interference
- C/I Map (min C/I, max C/I) up & down link
- Protection margin
- Handover
- Serving cells
- CDMA & W-CDMA analysis
- Single Frequency Network
- COFDM interference
Frequency Assignment
- Fast & automatic frequency & polarisation
assignment module
- From frequency band / plan / group / list
- Launch delay assignment...
- Grade of Service: Erlang B, Erlang C, Delayed calls
- Device assignment from clutter, subscribers,
population & vector layer
- Drop calls
7.Point to point functions
- Automatic Frequency assignment: new method
«Most constrained, first assigned»
- Interference analysis inside a network & with other
networks (nuisance field strength)
- Call rejection point to point calculation
8.Point to Multipoint
Interaction of random transmitters / network
- Statistical analysis
- Interference on transmitter or on receiver (I/N, I/TIL,
Subscribers’ automatic connection
- To best server
- To all stations
- Maxhold...
Subscribers’ analysis
- Best server
- Affiliate rules & options: in up/down link, traffic
control, of service level, threshold degradation...
- Traffic analysis
- Interference, new functions : I/N, N+1/I, C/N+I, MIN C/I
- Options for stations polarisation assignment,
frequency distribution: C*1, multi-cx, FDMA up/down
- Re-locating
- Demand diagrams
- Advanced filtering
9.Satellite specific functions
- Threshold interference level App. S7 (RR)
- Satellite intervisibility
- Frequency sharing between satellite & fixed services
- Satellite according to ITU-R. S.765
- Satellite database
- Modification of satellite box (NGSO) & orbits display
10.Radar specific functions
- Limit distance diagram
- Radar Coverage
- Radar interference
11.Other functions
- Site searching
- Line of site
- Constraints: intervisibility, elevation
- Reports
- Population analysis using «central point» or «city
- GPS connection
- Comparison Measures / Simulation
- S.A.M: Subscriber Access Management
- IRF Matrix
- Profile analysis between two points
- Non exclusive frequency bands sharing
- Quality of service / Frequency sharing
(spectrum trading)
- Raster image
- Digital Elevation Model
- Building layer
- Ground Occupancy Layer
- Vector files
- Cadastral files
Site, Microwave link, Subscriber
- Internal, current project
- External: Access, Oracle...
- Sort
- Filter
- Direct calculations...
13.Cartographic Management
- Coverage in full transparency
- Dynamic 2D & 3D displays
- Buildings visualization in 3D
- Filters...
14.Imports & exports
Imports from a file
- ASCII polygons
- Planet antenna formats
- Dxf format file
- Cept Analog or Digital TV: TVA/TVD
- HerTZ Mapper file
- Industry Canada
Export to a file
- BMP, Targa, TIF, BIL, MIF, CSV...
- HerTZ Mapper file
- IMG in RIM
- MIF in ASCII polygon
- TIFF 8 bits in IMG
- Palette
- Legend
- Layers management: map / image / objects / results
/ vectors
- Printings customisation
16.User interface
- Direct access to help files
- Customisation of menus according to the
technologies used
- Tooltips on the left bar
- External maps
- Simulation & environment parameters set from one
single window
- Prefered user units, dBµV/m or dBm
- Update coverage & receiver thresholds from tables:
Broadcast, Wifi, Wimax...
- Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2, 2003 SP1, Windows XP
Professional x64 edition
- Processor Intel, AMD 2GHz or more, Intel Centrino 1,4 GHz
- 1 Gb of RAM or more (SDRAM or RDRAM)
- AGP graphic adapter with 32 Mb of RAM & 3D
graphic accelerator (Direct X + OpenGL)
- 40 Gb hard disk drive Ultra ATA, SATA or Ultra-wide SCSI
- 19 inches screen - Display resolution 1024 * 768 or
1280* 1024, with 65,536 colors or more
- CD/DVD ROM drive
- CD/DVD writer for backup