Back as president, Boon addresses board


Back as president, Boon addresses board
VOL. 10, N0. 14
July 11, 2014
Back as president,
Boon addresses
board, attendees
By Christina Macone-Greene year,” said Boon. “I would
“You don’t always have to strive for innovation, but you always want to better yourself,” says Bertrand Hug, who oversees two award-winning
restaurants in Mille Fleurs in Rancho Santa Fe and Mister A’s in San Diego. Photo by Bill Reilly
Mille Fleurs nearing 30 years in the Ranch
By Christina Macone-Greene
— When an award-winning
restaurant maintains its
prestige year after year,
it offers a true testament
regarding the person who
is dedicated in overseeing
its operation. At the Mille
Fleurs helm, is the highly
regarded restaurateur, Bertrand Hug.
For those who know
him, Hug’s name is synonymous with dining excellence.
Born in Southwest
France, Hug was an ambitious son of humble farmers. He pursued his higher
education in economics at
the University of Toulouse.
While immersed in
postgraduate studies, Hug
eventually arrived in the
U.S., and to support himself
while in school, he worked
in the restaurant industry.
“I started working as
a busboy, then a bartender, and then a waiter,” Hug
And that’s where it all
Eventually, his focus in
banking shifted to fine dining.
When his friend and
client, Norman Eisenberg,
mentioned the probability
of opening a restaurant in
La Jolla, Hug made a bee-
line for the west coast.
In 1973, Hug became
the managing partner of Le
Cote d’Azur.
Since then, he’s owned
several restaurants.
Still, it wasn’t until
1985 when he purchased
the Mille Fleurs property
in Rancho Santa Fe – a location he was eyeing for
Mille Fleurs has received high praise from numerous media outlets such
as the Wall Street Journal
naming it as the “Top 100
Restaurants in America,”
and voted as the “Top 25
Restaurants in America” in
both Food and Wine Mag-
azine and Gourmet Magazine.
This recognition didn’t
come easy — it took persistence and diligence.
“I always loved food
and my mom instilled in me
this will to succeed,” Hug
said. “I always wanted to
be the best; and, to this day,
30 years later, we are on our
way but we still have to be
This perspective has
kept Hug at the top of his
game to enhance the dining
experience for his guests.
For some restaurateurs
who have reached the top
— As board members settled into their seats, many
attendees were interested
in how the meeting would
proceed. It was the first
meeting of the board’s new
fiscal year.
Following a heated
campaign, Ann Boon was
reinstated as president,
Craig McAllister served
as vice president, and newly elected board member
Kim Eggleston secured a
spot as treasurer.
Nearly five months
ago, Boon was removed
from her presidential position in a 5-2 vote among
the Rancho Santa Fe Association Board.
“Welcome to the first
meeting of our new fiscal
like to welcome our returning board members and
especially welcome our
first new board member,”
said added, referring to
Addressing both the
board and attendees, Boon
went on to say she hoped
that this initial meeting
would focus on a renewed
commitment to work together on the many issues
and projects they have
been working on this past
year and those which are
still in progress.
Boon wanted everyone to know of the current
projects the board was involved and that they would
make the organization run
Polo Club celebrates ‘First Responders Day’
By Christina Macone-Greene
— As always, polo in Del
Mar is the place to be on a
Sunday afternoon. While
all were excited to watch the
Pan-American Cup Finals,
the mood shifted during
the break when announcer,
Steve Lewandowski, handed
over the microphone to The
Oceanside Police K9 Officer’s Association.
Game dedication was in
honor of “First Responders
Day,” which also included
Del Mar Lifeguards, San Diego Fire Rescue, and all first
responders. While emergency vehicles rolled onto the
field, including the police
K9 patrol cars, Oceanside
police officers Anis Trabelsi and Sam Hay were there
with their K9 partners, Max
and Gonzo.
While Hay did a short
obedience phase with Gonzo, demonstrating the importance of obedience in
police line work, the action
skyrocketed when the protection segment entered the
Officer Sam Hay with his K-9 partner Gonzo Photo by Susan White
Both Max and Gonzo impressed the crowd.
Volunteering his time
that day, decoy and professional dog trainer, David
Greene, acted as a suspect in
pursuit when each officer de-
ployed their dog after him.
In one “staged” scenario,
Greene snatched a woman’s
purse that was standing on
the sideline; and, as he ran
across the polo field, Trabelsi remotely opened his car
door and Max launched out
and apprehended Greene
upon command.
Wearing a padded
sleeve, Greene caught each
Polo watchers were
amazed with the speed,
force, and agility from these
police dogs.
Handlers, Hay and Trabelsi, also provided narratives while everyone was
Polo attendees were
very supportive in their donations to The Oceanside
Police K9 Officer’s Association, a charitable organization and a subsidiary of The
Oceanside Police Officer’s
Lewandowski told the
crowd, “The Oceanside K9
Officers Association thanks
you for being here this afternoon.
This nonprofit,
established by the officers
in 2013, bridges the gap for
the K9s healthcare, training tools, and retired police
dogs.” He continued, “In
Tickets are still available to attend the RSF Community Center’s
benefit summer Supper Club Dinner event July 12. Photo courtesy RSF
Community Center
Community Center
readies for dinner benefit
By Christina Macone-Greene is a fundraiser,” said Linda
— The RSF Community
Center is readying for its annual summer Supper Club
Dinner event. Ranch residents Douglas Dolezal and
Tulug Kenaoglu are hosting
this summer evening soiree
underneath a star lit sky at
their hilltop home. Dolezal,
a local designer, is thrilled
to be taking part in this supper’s theme, a “Midsummer
Night’s Dream.”
The event is scheduled
for July 12 and tickets are
still available.
Proceeds from the
event support the RSF
Community Center.
“We appreciate the
support because it really
Durket, executive director at the RSF Community
As a nonprofit, the
community center does
rely on their events, programs and classes to keep
the nonprofit flourishing.
Durket went on to say
while residents swttep forward to host the dinner,
the community center is
involved with arranging
the theme, menu and entertainment for the evening.
This dinner will consist of an English cuisine,
punctuated by a heartier
“Our mission is to
T he R ancho S anta F e News July 11, 2014
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July 11, 2014 A3
T he R ancho S anta F e News RSF Historical Society hosts dedication tea
By Christina Macone-Greene
Inside the La Flecha House
in the heart of Rancho Santa
Fe, longtime resident Dottie
McCrink strolled around
and admired the display of
antique and collectible dolls
which decorated the interior.
McCrink, 93, recently
decided to gift her antique
doll collection to the RSF
Historical Society.
In return, they honored
her with an afternoon tea.
The tea menu included cucumber sandwiches, fingertip sandwiches, and sweet
tooth savories.
The blend of an afternoon tea and perusing a
doll collection of more than
75 pieces attracted many
guests. A swirl of talk highlighted how some dolls were
created during the Civil War
McCrink said she was
delighted to see them displayed. For a long time, the
dolls were stored away, and
now, their beauty has been
brought back to life once
McCrink had her own
way of procuring dolls.
“They didn’t have to be
pretty,” she said. “They had
to have character.”
And they did.
The afternoon affair
was a way to thank McCrink
for her generous contribution.
This special donor has
resided in the Ranch since
“Dottie has been a very
The popular E Street Café in Encinitas abruptly closed its doors last
month. A lawsuit filed from the café’s former owner to the current one
may have something to do with it. Photo by Aaron Burgin
Dottie McCrink’s granddaughter, Megan McCrink with her aunt, Katie Shull. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene
strong supporter of the Historical Society and these
dolls are her lifelong collection,” said Dana Evanson,
the docent and administrator of the Rancho Santa Fe
Historical Society.
Evanson pointed out
that many of these lovely
dolls are quite old, many antiques.
For the Historical Society, Evanson said, this donation is so special because
someone has gifted something so personal which adds
such meaning.
“To us, it is so nice when
people express their support
in whatever way they want,”
Evanson said. “And for Dottie, it was her doll collection.”
McCrink’s daughter, Katie Shull, and granddaughter, Megan McCrink, were
also there for the afternoon
According to Shull, her
mother was a lover of the
arts and also an artist. In
many respects, collecting
dolls was an extension of her
painting and sculpting.
McCrink started collecting dolls more than 45 years
“She would buy the porcelain head, paint the faces,
make the clothes or find antique clothing,” Shull said.
“She spent so many years,
energy, and care with collecting them, making them,
and displaying them.”
Shull said before her
mother gifted the dolls to
the Historical Society, family members did have the
chance to pick out their favorite ones for themselves.
Shull chose a selection
of dolls for herself and children.
“I kept several of her
homemade dolls,” said Shull,
noting how one of them was
on display at the afternoon
tea. “The doll reminds me of
my first daughter.”
Shull said it was important for her mother to do
something good and beneficial for the community.
Her mother, also an
admirer of antiques, said
gifting these dolls to the Historical Society was a natural
thing to do.
Association Board approves a one-time budget increase
By Christina Macone-Greene
—During the last RSF Association Board Meeting, peppered throughout the crowd
were representatives from
the California Highway Patrol, CHP Senior Volunteer
Patrol (SVP), and Explorer
Post Program.
On the agenda —a review of their annual budget,
including a one-time boost
for $1,500.
The board unanimously agreed on repeating the
same budget amount for the
SVP at $4,000, and $4,500
for CHP Explorer Post Program, which is usually at
The reason for
the $1,500 increase was to
purchase a trailer to haul
around equipment for special events.
Rancho Santa Fe Association acting manager Ivan
Holler started with the agenda introduction.
“Starting back in 1999,
the Association has provided
annual funding to the Senior
Volunteer Patrol of the CHP
as well as those to the young
men and women that are in
their Explorer Program,”
Holler said. “There are some
representatives here today.”
First up was Matthew
Wellhouser, patrol chief of
the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol,
who explained that every
year, funding is reviewed for
CHP senior volunteers and
Explorers, since they are a
big part of the community.
California Highway Patrol Sgt. Scott Payson, from
the Oceanside office, then
addressed the board.
“I want to thank the
board for the past contribution you have given to
our(Explorer) Post,” Payson
said. “Without your funding
we’re lost. We have an annual budget of about ($6,000 to
$7,000) a year and that provides uniforms to those who
cannot afford it, in addition
to events that we go to compete in.”
Payson called their
CHP Explorer Post Program
successful. He has been part
of it since 1995.
Payson reminded the
board of the letter sent to
them a few weeks ago asking
for a $1,500 increase in the
“The reason is we are
trying to buy a trailer which
will go to events like parades
and we need equipment taken to a post,” Payson said.
He continued, “Other than
patrol car trunks, we have
no other vehicles to transport that stuff. Whether you
support the trailer or not we
still appreciate everything
you do for us.”
The board approved the
motion and now the trailer
can be purchased.
Lt. Preston Keul of the
CHP Explorer Post Program
spoke to the board.
“I don’t know if you remember me from last year, I
remember a few of you, and
I had a pretty a hard time
speaking,” said Keul, adding
how he often paused during
sentences last time.
Since his promotion in
the Explorer Post Program
things have changed. Keul
said he’s had time to improve his confidence, public
speaking skills and leader-
ship which is a big part of
being an Explorer.
“The other big part is
helping the community and
helping the officers in the
community like participating in events. I want to thank
you all for donating money
to the Post,” Keul said.
Next up was a SVP
representative, Capt. John
Green, who has been part of
the volunteer program for 13
“I want to thank you
very much for your support,”
he told the board.
Green went on to say
that currently the SVP is
trying to recruit more people into their academy.
“We’re trying to get a younger bunch, in their late fifties
and sixties,” he said.
The SVP has a patrol car
at the R. Roger Rowe School
nearly every day and are on
hand to fill the gap with traffic control and other duties.
Holler thanked everyone for taking out the time
to come to the board meeting and the group was happy
for the ongoing support.
Lawsuit could be
tied to E Street
Cafe’s closing
weeks ago, the storefront
on West E Street was
filled with musicians, poets and coffee-drinking
Today, the musicians
are replaced with empty boxes, the poets with
stacked up restaurant
equipment, and the patrons are now just empty
E-Street Café, once
a bustling cultural hub
in Downtown Encinitas,
abruptly ceased operations last month. A sign
in the window said the
space would be reconfigured to its original orientation and leased as
office space.
Calls to George Gowland, who owns the property, were not returned.
Patrons, city officials and downtown insiders have all asked the
same question: what happened?
The answer may lie
in a 40-page lawsuit filed
in January that pits the
café’s former owner and
co-founder Keith Shillington against current
café owner Dominic Alcorn.
According to the complaint, Alcorn last fall
defaulted on a $125,000
loan from Shillington for
which Alcorn put up the
business as collateral.
Shillington, according to
the suit, notified Alcorn
that he would exercise
his rights to collect the
collateral by filing a financial statement with
the California Secretary
of State.
owned E Street Café with
life partner Robert Nanninga until shortly after Nanninga’s death in
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2009, confirmed the active litigation this week,
and said that he believes
Alcorn abandoned the
business so he could
avoid paying him back.
Tuesday, alluded to an issue with the former owners, but declined further
comment on the topic,
citing advice from his attorney Gregory Koehler,
who also declined comment.
Alcorn said he had
taken up Shillington and
Nanninga’s mantle and
created popular open-mic
nights and live music at
the café, but believed the
city and local MainStreet
Association had created
an unfriendly business
climate that partly led to
the demise.
He pointed to the
city’s decision to not enforce two-hour parking
limits in downtown as
cutting the business he
was doing by nearly 30
Alcorn said, downtown’s
well-documented issues
with public drunkenness
and vagrancy also played
a role in his increasing
“I’ve been spit at,
called all sorts of names,
my windows have been
smashed, but was there
anything done by the
city?” Alcorn said. “I sat
there and told the city
that the parking issue
was killing my business.
They did nothing.”
Alcorn, unlike his
predecessors, was not
a fan of the downtown
promotions put on by
the Downtown Encinitas
MainStreet Association,
T he R ancho S anta F e News Opinion&Editorial
July 11, 2014
Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Rancho Santa Fe News
Ranchers coming around
on global warming
California Focus
By Thomas Elias
Community Commentary
Protect Encinitas’ dog parks
By Julie Graboi
The city of Encinitas has recently released the highly anticipated Peak Democracy tool to capture citizen participation
online. A question on the discussion board
has already unsettled local residents only
two weeks after the unanimous council
vote to name the new dog park at Encinitas
Community Park after former Mayor Maggie Houlihan, who died of cancer in September 2011. The following question has
raised a lot of concern among dog owners
and dog lovers.
“How important is it for off-leash dog
hours to remain at Encinitas Viewpoint,
Orpheus and Sun Vista parks once the new
dedicated 2-acre off-leash dog park is open
at Encinitas Community Park?”
For pet owners and others aware of the
important role that dog parks play in the
health and well-being of dog owners, this
question seems to point to a city that is out
of touch with issues that are important to
its citizens. It also hints at a darker purpose to possibly close down neighborhood
dog parks and direct all dog owners to use
the future dog park at Encinitas Community Park instead of neighborhood parks.
Besides the leading nature of this question on dog parks and other issues of bias,
there are reports of other technical problems in using this platform. According to
Marlena Medford, Communications Officer
in a June 30 email comment:
“Peak Democracy does not have measurement expertise, and e-Town Hall is not
intended to be a scientifically valid statistical survey— but rather, an informal process
to deliver input from a self-selected group
of participants to decision-makers. The objective is to treat input from e-Town Hall
the same as input from all other non-sci-
entific channels for public input, such as
council meetings, emails, letters published
in local newspapers and chance encounters
on the street with constituents.”
As a concerned citizen, I have spoken
at length about the weaknesses of the Peak
Democracy platform and other invalid programs that the city has used to measure
public opinion for the past four years. This
is simply the newest iteration in a group of
expensive and invalid programs that have
cost us millions of dollars yet have yielded
no valid results.
As a candidate for council in 2014, I
intend to do everything possible to protect
neighborhood dog parks and to keep them
open with the same hours that are currently in place. This is not only a quality of life
issue for Encinitas pet owners, but a health
and safety issue for many dog owners, who
for health reasons, would be unable to own
a dog without access to neighborhood parks.
Local access to neighborhood parks allow for these residents who may be unable
to walk their dogs themselves to keep their
best friends. Dogs provide their owners
companionship and protection so that dog
owners with health issues can continue to
live independently and with an important
sense of purpose.
I call on the City Council to do all that
they can to make sure that the important
community resource of local dog parks remains in place.
The love and treatment of animals is
one of the most important values to Encinitas residents and is part of what makes
Encinitas the caring and compassionate
community that we all want to preserve.
Julie Graboi is an Olivenhain resident
and Encinitas City Council candidate.
Letters to the Editor
Re: Spa owner
After reading your recent article (“Spa owner
points to unprofessional
practices,” June 23, 2014),
highlighting a massage
owner’s frustration with the
increase of illicit massage
businesses in Oceanside,
readers were left misled and
Therapy Council (CAMTC)
does not regulate the massage industry in California,
neither does it have the authority to arrest, inspect, license, nor regulate massage
CAMTC’s mission is
simple: protect the public
by certifying qualified massage professionals.
Contrary to what was
published, CAMTC ful-
ly supports a city’s ability to crackdown on those
who seek to front massage
business for prostitution.
CAMTC oversees a voluntary certification process,
assuring consumers that responsible therapeutic massage therapists meet minimum uniformed standards,
along with passing an FBI
background check.
suggested by your article,
the CAMTC did in fact
communicate with Massage World co-owner, Alicia
Wright, prior to her June appearance before the Oceanside City Council.
It was during this email
exchange CAMTC suggested Ms. Wright take her concerns to the city council, she
Faced with the sunsetting of SB 731, your article
never addressed the introduction by legislators of the
Massage Therapy Act of
2014, that clarifies any ambiguity of a city’s authority
to curb illicit massage businesses by returning local
control and use, fully supported by CAMTC.
Which brings us back to
Ms. Wright, whose story is
headed for a happy ending.
After taking the CAMTC’s
advice, her concerns are
now being addressed by
those responsible for doing
From any perspective,
that is an outcome worth
Ahmos Netanel
Executive Director CAMTC
The chorus of global warming deniers
has not shrunk. Outcries claiming the entire issue is fraudulent are not going away.
But realism is also slowly setting in
among some California groups that long
tried to wish away the issue by claiming
any warming that’s happening is strictly a
cyclical natural phenomenon.
California ranchers are now among
the first interest groups to realize that like
it or not, global warming can no longer be
denied with any semblance of accuracy.
For very gradually, ranchers are seeing
the grasslands they depend upon to feed
their cattle begin to shrink and convert
naturally to shrub land.
What’s the difference? Shrubs have a
greater ability to withstand wildfires, but
cattle don’t like to eat them. This means
the more grasslands gradually shift to
chaparral-like shrubbery, the more ranchers must spend on hay.
For consumers, that means more expensive beef, from filet mignon to hamburger.
It’s not that grassland is disappearing quickly or that the loss is inevitable.
But there has already been some acreage
lost, mostly in the foothills of the Sierra
Nevada mountains and a 2013 study from
Duke University and the Environmental
Defense Fund concluded that if global
warming continues its present trends, it
will hike California ranchers’ spending
on hay by upwards of $235 million a year
within the next half century.
That time frame is similar to predictions made two years ago by the state Natural Resources Agency, which concluded
that if current trends continue (sea level
along the California coast having risen eight inches since 1910), as many as
500,000 persons living near beaches and
marshes will be threatened with flooding
by the end of this century.
Climate change denial tends to run
stronger among political conservatives
than others, so an interesting contradiction is arising. For these are usually the
same folks who oppose increasing national debt levels for fear of fobbing large
burdens onto generations to come. Why,
if they don’t want to impose financial burdens on their descendants, do they not
mind hitting those same generations with
an environmental calamity?
Maybe because they don’t believe
there’s anything humans can do about
global warming, which many conservative
politicians and writers ascribe to nature.
They ignore, though, the hundreds
of academic studies that have found increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) are associated with higher
ambient temperatures.
Maybe, also, they don’t think a degree or two of difference in average temperatures makes much difference. The
once-large and permanent ice fields visible from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park offer some evidence to the
contrary: Photographed a century ago at
midsummer by the legendary Ansel Adams and others, they are now all but gone.
There was barely a glimmer of ice visible
from the point last July and there’s less
each year. It’s the same at Glacier National Park in Montana, which may now be a
So even if the warming visible on
rangelands and high mountain peaks were
mostly from natural causes, it is helped
along by human activity that produces
CO2. Which means today’s adults have an
obligation to their children to do whatever
For consumers, that
means more
expensive beef, from filet
mignon to hamburger
they can to contain it.
True, some other countries and much
of America are doing little or nothing
about all this. Does that excuse Californians from our responsibility? Meanwhile,
plenty of other countries have acted similarly to this state’s cap-and-trade program
for greenhouse gases.
One officer of the California Cattlemen’s Assn., which just over two years
ago issued a statement opposing all capand-trade legislation, later said in a rangeland conference at UC Davis that climate
change (natural or not) is “certainly going
to impact all the other natural resources
that we’ve worked to steward for so many
This change of attitude toward climate change from an organization that’s
anything but politically liberal was remarkable.
Whether it presages movement among
other interest groups that have consistently fought climate change legislation is an
open question.
But it demonstrates that ideology can
sometimes go out the window when confronted with hard reality.
Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@aol.
com. His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to
Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover
fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit
Rancho Santa Fe newS
ellen WrighT
deanna sTriCKland
Windy osBorn
P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850
Contributing writers
ChrisTina maCone-greene
BianCa KaPlaneK
Promise yee
david Boylan
e’louise ondash
franK mangio
Jay Paris
Bill reilly
Contact the Editor
Tony Cagala
July 11, 2014 A5
T he R ancho S anta F e News Budget shows nearly $500K Foundation still going strong after 32 years
surplus for new fiscal year
By Bianca Kaplanek
By Bianca Kaplanek
The city is starting its new
fiscal year with a surplus
of almost half a million
dollars after the 2014-15
budget, which began July 1,
was adopted unanimously
at the June 25 meeting.
Overall it shows revenues of about $24.3 million
and expenditures of slightly more than $26 million,
but an excess in the general
Though expenditures
exceed revenues, reserves
were established and are
available to provide the additional funding needed for
one-time capital projects,
such as the pump station,
Marie Berkuti, the city’s finance manager, explained
during a May 20 budget
“We have the reserves
available from prior years
so that we can take care of
these projects that we have
for this coming fiscal year,”
City Manager David Ott
added. “That’s why we put
the money away for these
planned expenditures.”
“We’re not … in the
red,” Mayor Tom Campbell
The general fund,
which pays for the daily operation of the city, will have
an estimated $14.6 million
in revenues, with the largest amount — $6 million,
or 42 percent of the budget
— coming from property
General fund expenditures will be about $14.2
million, with the biggest
chunk — $8.4 million or 59
percent of the budget — going to public safety.
Ott described it as a
“good and solid budget”
with revenues expected to
be higher than estimated.
“I usually don’t say
that but I do anticipate revenues to be better during
the year,” Ott said.
The budget includes a
few new items, including
establishment of a fund
for future improvements to
public facilities.
This year the city
will set aside $100,000, although that amount will
likely change in future
years. Ott said staff inspected some public properties and indicated they
will need repairs, such as
new roofs, in the coming
Council members also
approved a $10,000 increase for the Community
Grants Program, which provides money for nonprofit,
nongovernmental groups
and civic or youth organizations that serve Solana
Beach and its residents.
The city’s two waste
haulers contribute $5,000
each to the program. SeverTURN TO BUDGET ON A14
DEL MAR — The Del
Mar Foundation has been
promoting civic pride and
hosting events for the county’s smallest community for
more than 32 years.
And based on the
group’s 2013 annual report,
the city’s oldest nonprofit
organization doesn’t plan to
slow down anytime soon.
Last year the foundation saw capacity crowds
at its many educational,
cultural and entertainment
events, including the Easter egg hunt, July Fourth
parade, Earth Day celebration, summer twilight
concerts, playgroups for
infants and Halloween dog
parade, to name a few.
The group also provided funding for the junior
lifeguard program, restoration of the library mosaic
wall and two beach-accessible wheelchairs for use by
the Wounded Warrior Project in Del Mar.
Free Flight bird sanctuary and the Del Mar Garden
Club and Community Connections also benefit from
the foundation, which manages more than $1.5 million
in endowment funds.
In 2013, the Del Mar
Foundation raised more
than $172,000 in donations.
Of that, about $72,000 went
to operations and nearly
$6,300 was designated to
the endowment fund. The
remaining $93,800 was
earmarked for community
Youngsters scramble to collect eggs during an annual Easter egg hunt, one of many free community events
hosted by the Del Mar Foundation. File photo by Bianca Kaplanek
The organization also
received close to $69,000
from program income such
as ticket sales, grants and
sponsorships for community programs.
Expenses of about
$53,000 resulted in a nearly
$16,000 surplus.
More than 60 volunteers serve on the group’s
nine committees that are
responsible for communications, cultural arts, development, grants, special
events, the youngsters of
Del Mar, investment advice, nominations and the
twilight concerts.
Current officers are Jill
Weitzen MacDonald, president; Judd Halenza, vice
president; Bob Gans, secretary; and Carol Ostroff,
Council opts not to go for 10/20 race in Encinitas
By Aaron Burgin
back to the drawing board
for organizers of a musical-themed 10-mile foot
race, as the Encinitas City
Council blocked use of its
stretch of Coast Highway
for the event.
But a representative of
the race said the June 25
meeting was a mistake, and
is hoping the council will
reconsider the decision at
its next meeting.
A divided council voted
3-2 to deny the request by
the organizers of the California 10/20, which was
slated to take runners from
Del Mar to Encinitas and
back on Feb. 15. The council majority cited a lack of
a commitment to contribute
to the Cardiff Mainstreet
101 Association and other
local groups and closure of
Coast Highway as the chief
reason for the denial.
The race is named for
the 10-mile course, which
last year spanned from the
Del Mar Fairgrounds to Cardiff-by-the-Sea and back to
the fairgrounds, and the 20
bands that perform to the
racers on stages throughout
the course.
Peter Douglass, the
race’s organizer, said that
was a mistake. Douglass
did not attend the June 25
meeting, and said his associates were not familiar
with the group’s philanthropic plans, which he said
do include a donation to the
group, as well as other organizations.
Last year, Douglass’
company donated $10,000
to the business group.
co-founded the San Diego
Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon,
said the group needed to secure city approval before it
could negotiate the amount
of the donation with the
MainStreet association.
He said he will be at
the July 9 council meeting
to request the council reconsider the vote.
“It was definitely a misunderstanding, my group
didn’t do a good job with
its presentation to the council,” Douglass said Monday.
“We followed through last
year with our pledges to
donate to local groups, and
will do the same this year.”
While Douglass’ comments appear to address
the issue with the donation,
there is still the concern
about closing the Cardiff
section of Coast Highway,
the second such closure
scheduled for February.
“They are an out-oftown organization that
would cause a negative impact to our businesses, who
will be dealing with a closure two weeks before this
race,” Councilwoman Lisa
Shaffer said.
That closure, on Feb. 2,
is associated with the Cardiff Kook Run, the locally
organized 10K and 5K race
for which the City Council
unanimously approved its
closure request the same
night it denied the 10/20’s.
Shaffer said she voted
for the Kook’s request because of its local roots and
the fact it is in its 15th year,
compared to the 10/20’s second running.
“They were here first,”
Shaffer said.
“It is too much to ask
the Cardiff merchants to
have Coast Highway cut off
twice in the same month.”
Douglass said the group
is willing to work with the
city to alleviate their concerns about the street closure, including possibly
making slight alternations
to the course.
“It’s not out of the question,” Douglass said. “We
want to be a good neighbor
and partner with the city
and will do what we need to
do to preserve that relationship.”
Board members are
Richard Bockoff, Robin
Crabtree, Karla Deerinck,
Michael Halpern, Kelley
Huggett, Steve Lutz, Julie
Maxey-Allison, Tom McCarthy, Bill Morris, Donna Shaw
and T. Pat Stubbs. Visit for
more information.
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T he R ancho S anta F e News All your
local doctors
in one
Mark T. Galli, DDS
Aesthetic and Family Dentistry
Dr. Mark T. Galli, D.D.S. has over 20 years of experience providing
state-of-the-art aesthetic and family dentistry for patients in Encinitas,
Carlsbad and all over North County. Dr. Galli graduated from UC San
Diego, UCLA dental school in 1994, and started his private practice in
Encinitas in 2001.
Dr. Galli's team utilizes the most advanced technology to make patient
visits easier, faster and more convenient. The office is fully digital, from
patient charts and X-rays to smile simulations and even crown design and
fabrication. Dr. Galli and his staff pride themselves in making patients of
all ages feel welcome, comfortable and well-served during their visit.
Some of the services they provide include Preventive care, CEREC® One Visit Porcelain Crowns,
Invisalign, Porcelain Veneers, Whitening, Fillings, Gum/Periodontal treatment, Digital Custom
Smile Design, Sedation Dentistry, and more.
To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, visit or call (760) 943-1449.
July 11, 2014
Local dentist gives patients
plenty to smile about
the recent changes in
health care, you might be
worried about your dental benefits.
Maybe you can’t see
your preferred dentist
on your new plan or you
don’t have dental insurance at all.
Though there is plenty of confusion, one thing
is clear: healthy gums
and teeth are paramount
to your complete health.
The Surgeon General
reports that 80 percent
of Americans have some
form of inflamed gums
or gum disease. Research
has shown links between
gum health and conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Gum inflammation
can increase your risk
for diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and low
birth weight and premature births.
“As a nation, we have
never been as unhealthy
as we are today,” said Dr.
Mark T. Galli, DDS, of
Encinitas. “And for those
who don’t have a dentist, or are having trouble keeping their gums
healthy, the health risks
are cumulative.”
“We wanted to help
and figure out a solution,” Dr. Galli said. “As
a team who wants to improve access to great dental care in this community, we decided to work
As a nation, we have never been
as unhealthy as we are today.”
For more than 25 years, physicians at
Dr. Mark T. Galli, DDS
North Coast Health Center have
been providing highly personalized
care to coastal north San Diego
County. With more than 250
physicians to choose from, North
Coast Health Center patients have
access to primary care, a surgery
center, pharmacy, lab, imaging, and
over 45 medical and dental specialties
all in one convenient location.
To find the right doctor for you, visit:
and then UCLA Dental School, Dr. Galli has
been practicing for 20
years and in Encinitas
since 2001. “Dentistry is
a career I really love,” he
Dr. Galli’s services
range from cleanings to
cosmetic dentistry, and
consultations are complimentary.
He has several certifications,
CEREC one-visit porcelain crowns. When
you think about getting
a crown, you probably
imagine a lengthy process resulting in numerous office visits.
“With the latest onsite CEREC digital imaging technology, all of
this has changed,” Dr.
Galli said. “We make custom-fit, beautifully crafted porcelain restorations
and bond them in place
on the same day.”
If you’ve ever considered
your teeth, Dr. Galli
offers Invisalign clear
aligning trays. These
trays are made of smooth
plastic and improve hygiene during treatment
because they are removable.
And if you one of the
22 million Americans who
suffer from sleep apnea,
Dr. Galli might be able to
help you with this too. He
has advanced training to
recognize and diagnose
various problems associ-
with all insurances —
even if we are out of network on some — and to
create an option for people who don’t have dental insurance but need a
great dentist. So we came
up with a Dental Savings
As part of his quest
to help people achieve
complete health, Dr. Galli’s Dental Savings Membership provides patients
with most or all of their
diagnostic and preventative care and includes a
substantial 15 to 20 percent discount on most adjunctive services.
“There are no third
parties involved, which
means no yearly maximums or deductibles,”
Dr. Galli said. “There are
no claim forms and you
get immediate eligibility
and group discounts for
dual or family options.”
Dr. Galli and his family are Encinitas residents, and he is happy to
be able to help out his local community. “We are
excited to provide a simpler and more affordable
option for your whole
A graduate of UCSD
ated with sleep.
Dr. Galli starts with
a complete evaluation of
your airway, jaw joint,
muscles and bite.
“These should all
work together in harmony for ideal comfort and
jaw position,” he said. “If
we discover there may be
a sleep apnea issue, you
may be a candidate for
an oral appliance to help
with breathing.”
This is a perfect solution if you have fears
about using a continuous
positive airway pressure,
or CPAP machine.
Speaking of sleep,
Sedation Dentistry is another area in which Dr.
Galli is certified and specially trained.
It is an appealing option if you have dental
fear or a busy schedule
as it reduces anxiety and
turns multiple appointments into a single visit.
Mark T. Galli, DDS,
is located at 477 N. El
B207 in Encinitas. Call
(760) 943-1449 or visit
complete list or services
helpful information.
July 11, 2014 T he R ancho S anta F e News Opening Day fashion show and luncheon
By Christina Macone-Greene
— Mille Fleurs overflowed
with activity during the
“Opening Day Fashion
Show and Luncheon” on
July 2. Both the glamorous couture and savory fare
won praise from the guests.
Before the luncheon,
attendees had the opportunity to do some unique
boutique shopping with
Maggie B & Mister B, Del
Mar Hat Company, Marisa
Baratelli, Paige California,
Karoo Collection, Grazia
Bella, and Setti Divini Jewelry.
Walking through the
crowd was Andrea Naversen, chair of the “Art of
Fashion” event. She was
modeling a custom diamond necklace valued at
$25,000, designed by RSF’s
John Matty Company.
guests to know they had
an opportunity to win this
The winning ticket
holder will be announced
at The Country Friends’
“Art of Fashion” on September 18. The cost of a
single ticket is $100.
Numerous guests took
advantage of this incredible opportunity.
While guests dined on
chilled Chino’s Farm gazpacho soup, layered wild
salmon salad, and Farmer’s
Market peach gratin, models graced the restaurant
wearing Maggie B & Mister
B fashions and Carol Bader’s breathtaking hats and
The afternoon truly
captured the essence and
the anticipation of “Opening Day” in Del Mar.
Above all, the proceeds
from the afternoon soiree
were filtered back to The
Country Friends so their
chosen charities could benefit from everyone’s generosity.
To learn more about
the John Matty Company’s
diamond necklace oppor-
Andrea Naversen modeling the RSF’s John Matty Company “oppor- Above, Denise and Bertrand Hug. Below, Steve Knight and Dave Baker manning the registration table.
tunity win custom necklace” valued at $25,000. Photos by Christina Macone-Greene
Deborah Cross and Donna Ahlstrom
tunity win and the “Art
of Fashion” event, visit call (858) 756-1192.
This property is listed for sale by Laura Barry (01154111) of Barry Estates, Inc.(1076961), 6033 Paseo Delicias, Ste. K, Rancho
Santa Fe, CA 92067, Auctioneer Frank Trunzo (CA Bond #511522). Concierge Auctions, LLC is the provider of auction marketing
services and possesses California Auctioneer’s Bond #511475 - 777 S. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (888) 966-4759.
The services referred to herein are not available to residents of any state where prohibited by applicable state law. Concierge
Auctions LLC, its agents and affiliates, broker partners, Auctioneer, and the Sellers do not warrant or guaranty the accuracy or
completeness of any information and shall have no liability for errors or omissions or inaccuracies under any circumstances in this
or any other property listings or advertising, promotional or publicity statements and materials. This is not meant as a solicitation
for listings. Brokers are fully protected and encouraged to participate. See Auction Terms and Conditions for more details.
T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
JULY 11, 2014 Barry EstatEs,
License #1076961
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$3,295,000 or $13,900/month
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6024 Paseo Delicias, Ste. A, P.O. Box 2813, Rancho Santa Fe • 858.756.4024• Fax: 858.756.9553 • Barry
T he R ancho S anta F e News A rts &Entertainment
July 11, 2014
Send your arts & entertainment
news to
Still happy together
Mark Volman,
Howard Kaylan
of the Turtles
headline summer tour
By Alan Sculley
When the Turtles recorded “Happy Together,”
it looked like it might be
the group’s last hurrah.
At the time, the Turtles
had achieved a measure of
popularity with a cover of
Bob Dylan’s “It Ain’t Me
Babe.” The single, released
in 1965, around the time
the Byrds were also having
success with their chiming
pop versions of Dylan songs,
became a top 10 hit for the
Turtles and pulled the
group members out of high
school and into the world of
being a touring act.
But the singles that followed had failed to build on
the success of “It Ain’t Me
“The Turtles were really struggling,” singer Mark
Volman recalled in an early
June phone interview. “We
had put out ‘Can I Get To
Know You
Chance,’ ‘Grim Reaper of
Love,’ and we had no luck
cracking the top 50…We
were going through such
a down time in our career
that, if ‘Happy Together’
had not done well, we probably would have been out of
a record deal.”
Obviously, “Happy Together” did pretty well. It
became the Turtles’ signature hit. The song also
serves as the title for a
package tour
Volman, 67, and his musical partner since the days
of the Turtles,
Howard Kaylan, are
headlining this summer for
the fourth straight year.
This year’s lineup rep-
Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan of the Turtles; they’ll be performing at
Humprhrey’s Concerts by the Bay July 17. Courtesy photo
resents a bit of a change
in the musical focus of the
tour, expanding the era of
music represented into the
very early 1970s, with Mark
Farner (of Grand Funk
Railroad) and Chuck Ne-
gron (of Three Dog Night)
joining the Turtles, Gary
Lewis & the Playboys and
Mitch Ryder on the bill.
“It really was of interest of us to see how far we
could kind of lean a little bit
more rock,” Volman said.
What hasn’t changed
is the hit-laden approach to
the entire evening.
“Ultimately the goal
was to play nothing but hit
songs,” Volman said.
“This is not a tour
where you’re going to come
and hear new material
or tracks from albums or
b-sides. This is going to be
a half hour of number one/
top 10 records from every
The Turtles ended up
having enough hits to fill
more than a half hour.
breakthrough of “Happy Together,” the group dented the
upper reaches of the charts
with “She’d Rather Be with
Me,” “Elenore” and “You
Showed Me.”
The Turtles also got
Author Alan Mindell talks about his debut novel, “The Closer” at the
RSF Senior Center on June 25. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene
RSF Senior Center
welcomes author talk
By Christina Macone-Greene hood baseball dream.
FE — Health, fitness and
mental dexterity can occur at any age. Yes, even
for someone in their 70s or
beyond. And Alan Mindell
can prove it.
For Mindell, life began at 70. He amplified
this message to the RSF
Senior Center on June 25,
but his inspirational words
affect people of all ages.
A couple years after
celebrating his 70th birthday, Mindell’s first novel
entitled, “The Closer,” was
published and skyrocketed
up the best seller list.
First time novelists
generally write something
they know about. And
Mindell knows baseball.
“When I was in my
20s, I played center field
varsity at the University
of California, Berkeley, for
three years,” said Mindell,
adding how he was a skillful base stealer. “During
the course of my three
years, one of my coaches,
who became a head coach,
nicknamed me, ‘Motorbutt.’”
Mindell was known for
his speed. His talent on
the diamond gave him the
chance to live out a boy-
Then that “announcer
daydream,” the one that
plays in the minds for so
many kids, came true in
college for Mindell.
He was up to bat.
“Bases were loaded,
two outs, I came out against
the University of Southern
California who at that time
was the number one team
in the country; and, it was
the 10th inning and the
score was nothing, nothing,” he said. “I struck out
— and I never forgot it.”
With a little poetic
justice on his side, Mindell wrote, “The Closer,” a
story about a minor league
knuckleballer relief pitcher who gets a crack in the
major leagues after 15
years. Intertwined is some
romance, too.
Not giving too much
away, Mindell said he reshaped the bases loaded,
two outs scenario once and
for all and put his main
character on the pitcher’s
mound. After all, that’s
where all the action is.
Mindell wants people
to know although his novel
is a fictional piece, like his
main character in the book
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July 11, 2014 A11
T he R ancho S anta F e News A rts &Entertainment
Del Mar sculptor gains inner peace through the act of creation
with art
Send your arts & entertainment
news to
kay colvin
Maidy Morhous has observed firsthand tragedies
and inequities of mankind in
many regions of the world.
A seasoned traveler, she
finds inspiration for her artistic expression through experiencing cultures in various
locales across the globe.
As fate would have it,
Morhous was visiting Japan
during the earthquake and
tsunami that decimated Sendai, Japan on March 11, 2011.
Since that time she has
created a series of commemorative bronze sculptures for
the survivors of Sendai in the
aftermath of their city’s destruction.
A member of the board
of the San Diego Museum of
Art Artists Guild, Morhous
has founded the “Art for US”
program, which formalizes
the donation of one of her
sculptures annually to an organization that exemplifies
concern for their community
while serving local needs. Recipients have included Rady
Children’s Hospital, Scripps
Hospital Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Foundation, as well
as the Sendai Memorial of
Sendai, Japan.
Know something that’s going
on? Send it to calendar@
Elijo LIFE Club will screen
the Japanese film “Hula
Girls” directed by Sang-il Lee
at 1 p.m. July 11 in room 204
at the San Elijo Campus, 3333
Manchester Ave., Cardiff. Admission and parking are free.
Chanting and a concert will be
held featuring singer Nathen
Aswell, with chanting at 7:30
p.m. July 11 and the concert at
1:30 p.m. July 13 at the Crossroads Spiritual Center, 2734
Loker Ave. West, Suite H,
Carlsbad. $25 for each event
or $40 for both. For more information, call (760) 431-1831.
PUPPING TRIO The Peter Pupping Trio will perform
from 5 to 8 p.m. July 12 at
Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort, 1 Ponto Road,
Carlsbad. For more information, call (760) 683-5500
Carlsbad Oceanside Art
League (COAL) Gallery’s
Fine Art Show-within-a-Show
will host a reception from 3 to
5 p.m. July 13. The show features animal-themed art, computer-generated art and all its
high school scholarship winners through July 25 at 300
Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite
101, Carlsbad. For more information, call (760) 434-8497 or
Maidy Morhous at work in her Del Mar sculpting studio. Courtesy photo
Morhous notes, “One
does not have to be an art enthusiast to be touched or emotionally moved by art; art is for
Born in Upstate New
York, as a child Morhous
moved with her parents to
Southern California, residing
along the coast from Redondo
Beach to San Diego since that
Introduced to creating
artwork by her mother at an
early age, her primary interest
from early on was in working
three dimensionally.
During college years
Morhous studied under the
tutelage of master printmaker Richard Swift and Stanley
Hayter, founder of Atelier 17
in Paris, France and subsequently earned her Master of
Fine Art Degree.
She progressed quickly to
full professional status as an
artist, exclusively represent-
CAMP FUN Art in the
Garden summer camp for
kids with Abrakadoodle, will
be offered for youth ages 7 to
12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July
14 through July 18; July 21
through July 25 and July 28
through Aug. 1 at the San
Diego Botanic Garden, 230
Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Cost is $189 per week.
Register at abrakadoodle.
Rose’s, “Come See through
My Eyes,” acrylic paintings
through July 14 and Laura
Mika’s mixed media “Outside
the Box” through July 15 at
the Encinitas Library, 540
Cornish Drive. (Call 760) 7537376 for more information
July 17, Aug. 21 and Sept.
18, rock and roll at Encinitas
Classic Car Nights comes to
Downtown Encinitas from
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. with hot rods,
Woodies and other classic
and vintage cars along South
Coast Highway 101 from D
Street to J Street.
Robert Nichols’ Pre-Colombian Mayan Pottery and Stoneware and San Dieguito Art
Guild’s “Envision 24 Hours”
paintings will be on display
through July 17 at the Encinitas Civic Center Gallery, City
Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Ave. Call
(760) 633-2600 for details.
Hate Hamlet” by Paul Rudnick will run through July 17
through July 19 at the Liggett
Theater, San Dieguito Academy, 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas. Tickets: $35 by calling
(888) 71-TICKETS, or at the
door. For show times call (760)
Village Arts will stage “The
Full Monty” with pay-whatyou-can performances July 18
through July 25 and final staging July 26 through Sept. 7 at
2787 State St., Carlsbad. Visits for tickets.
THESPIAN CAMP Register now for the Young Americans National Tour Summer
Camp Workshops for youth
grades three through 12 from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 5 through
Aug. 9 at Sage Creek High
School Gymnasium, 3900
Cannon Road, Carlsbad.
The cost is $250. A percentage will benefit the Carlsbad Educational Foundation.
To register, visit
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950 Boardwalk, Suite 304, San Marcos
ed by Fidelity Arts of Beverly
Hills for over a decade.
Although she has worked
in various mediums including printmaking, ceramics,
stained glass and photography, she feels more at ease
expressing herself through
She creates her expressive forms in oil clay prior to
the lost-wax casting process,
which results finally in a
bronze sculpture.
Morhous confides, “I am
inspired by the depth and
breadth of bronze sculpting.
The soft malleable aspect of
clay allows my work to develop
naturally while the strength
and power of the metal evoke
sensuality, passion.”
Her work centers on the
human form as it continues
to evolve towards abstraction.
Morhous explains, “I begin
with an idea, an emotion, an
abstract concept. As the piece
develops, my original concept
evolves, solidifies, or in some
cases, changes completely. I
see my work as relating collectively rather than as individualistic, the embodiment of
feelings and emotions. In this
way, my artwork is meant to
be symbolic rather than representative.”
Morhous contemplates,
“The act of creating is an emotional release; it centers the
artist, giving an inner peace
which allows us to reflect not
only on who we are, but how
we think and feel.
“It’s very important to
move into personal space and
to make time for meditation.
My readings of Eastern philosophy give me peace and
inspire me to think beyond
expressing myself in humanistic terms. To become inspired
I daydream and always have
something to write with to jot
down ideas. I love silence. I
need to be alone when I create
and let things develop.”
Morhous continues, “I derive inspiration from the act of
creating — in essence, bringing together two diametrically
oppositional forces. The pride
of being an artist comes not
from what one sells, but the
inner peace one derives from
the act of creating.”
Morhous is currently
showing in several exhibits
across the country including
the Whistler Museum in Lowell, Mass. and a solo exhibition
at Tohoku University of Sendai, Japan. She is also featured
in the award winning documentary film “One,” directed
and produced by Sue Vicory
for Heartland Films Inc.
Her recently commissioned sculpture “Humanity”
is the subject of an upcoming
documentary by Vicory.
to learn more about the artist
and her work.
Kay Colvin is director of
L Street Fine Art Gallery in
San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter,
and specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Contact her at
T he R ancho S anta F e News M arketplace News
July 11, 2014
Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article.
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Buena Vista Audubon
aims to preserve two sites
By Ellen Wright
North County Advocates
(NCA) has pledged to give
$50,000 to The Buena Vista
Audubon Society’s (BVAS)
campaign to buy two pieces
of land for ecological conservation. The campaign
called The Clapper Rail Society, after the endangered
light-footed clapper rail bird,
aims to raise $1 million to
go towards purchasing and
restoring two parcels of land.
One of the properties
is a 3.56-acre property on
the South Coast Highway in
South Oceanside bordering
the Buena Vista Lagoon. The
sensitive wetlands are the
habitat for the endangered
light-footed clapper rail. The
BVAS hopes to make the
property part of the Buena
Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve and to establish an endowment for ongoing habitat
The NCA is a nonprofit organization that aims to
curtail over-development of
coastal lands in North County and to curb the negative
effects of increased traffic
and zoning density, according to their website.
“We are thrilled to assist the BVAS with these purchases because we know how
precious our natural spaces
are becoming in San Diego’s
coastal communities,” said
Patricia Bleha, director and
founding member of the
habitats for endangered species while ensuring a healthy
balance of open space and
development with area cities is our main focus,” said
The other piece of land
BVAS is trying to buy is a
31-acre property between
the San Luis Rey River and
Camp Pendleton. It would
link together four contiguous protected habitats. The
society would like to restore
the property with sage brush
and chaparral to make the
land hospitable to the endangered California gnatcatcher, Andy Mauro, vice president of the BVAS, writes on
their website.
The close proximity
to Camp Pendleton, “represents a unique opportunity for partnership,” writes
Mauro. The U.S. Navy has
entered into a memorandum
of understanding to share
equally in the purchase of
the land and to fund restoration and on-going management of the new habitat.
The BVAS expects the
properties to cost between
$3 million and $4 million,
according to Mauro. The
$50,000 for the properties
to go into escrow and has
already raised $120,000 for
The Clapper Rail Society
campaign. The Preserve
Calavera organization has
also donated $50,000 to the
campaign. The Buena Vista
Lagoon Foundation and personal contributions from the
staff of the BVAS make up
the other $20,000 in contributions.
Impact Report will be completed on the Buena Vista
Lagoon parcel within a year,
which is expected to free up
additional funds, according
to Maura.
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Surfing Madonna celebrates first round of brick sales
By Promise Yee
Surfing Madonna mosaic
has created a significant
community impact since it
was first installed on public property three years
ago, and moved to its permanent home on private
property just across the
street from its original location.
Mark Patterson, mosaic creator and chairman of
Surfing Madonna Oceans
Project, said the Surfing
Madonna is doing the community good in ways he
never expected.
The annual Surfing
Madonna 5k/10k run, held
in 2012 and 2013, raised
significant funds for youth
scholarships including a
special needs surf school.
Currently, memorial
bricks in the Surfing Madonna courtyard are being
sold to raise funds for community projects.
“That was one of the
big aha moments for us, is
when we realized we have
the potential to change
things in lots of ways,”
Patterson said.
“Not just issues with
the ocean, but also people’s lives for the better.
And that was a huge awakening,” he added.
A ceremony was held
on June 29 to celebrate the
sale of the first 200 bricks.
The bricks carry messages that honor family
and friends, or share inspirational quotes.
“They range from people’s memorial bricks to
funky ocean, beach messages,” said Bob Nichols,
Surfing Madonna Oceans
Project vice chairman
The Snavely family, from left: Nancy Snavely, Sophia Snavely, Julia Chadwell, and the Snavely sisters, celebrate a memorial brick dedicated to Allan Snavely. The family said Allan had a special connection to the
Surfing Madonna. Photo by Promise Yee
and Patterson’s ally in the
initial installation of the
Surfing Madonna mosaic.
The Snavely family
was at the ceremony to celebrate a memorial brick
dedicated to Allan Snavely who passed away in July
2012 after an unexpected
heart attack.
Allan Snavely was a
beloved husband, father,
son, and older sibling to
seven brothers and sisters.
His sisters said he was
their hero.
Allan Snavely served
as associate director at
Center and helped design
and build the renowned
He was a surfer, and
had an instant and deep
connection to the Surfing
His sisters and brothers said Allan painted
a picture of the Surfing
Madonna, and wrote the
poem, “Our Lady of the
Killer Swells” to honor it.
“He celebrated things
he loved,” Julia Chadwell,
Allan’s mother, said.
His last email to family included a note saying
the Surfing Madonna had
found a permanent home.
His family said they
felt Allan was there at the
Others also shared the
strong connection they
have to the mosaic that
was created by Patterson
out of reverence for the
“I wanted people to
remember, on their way
down to Moonlight Beach,
the oceans are in trouble,”
Patterson said. “They can
do something. They should
try to help.”
The brick fundraiser will continue until all
1,000 bricks at the base of
the mosaic are purchased.
The price of a fundraiser brick is currently
$150, and will be bumped
up as fewer bricks become
“The goal is to raise as
much money as we can and
give back to community,”
Nichols said.
The fundraiser is
$100,000 to help support
community programs.
July 11, 2014 A13
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Encinitas Little League enjoys being in the red
jay paris
The red coats are coming. And the red shirts and
well, the red caps, too.
“They really like to
get the red on,’’ Todd Sleet
said. “It’s a pride thing and
they love to come back.’’
Sleet is the Encinitas
Little League president.
He watches with amazement at ELL All-Star
games, when ex-players
and coaches arrive in red
to support the neighborhood tykes.
Some of those faded
red T-shirts are taut with
bulging midsections. Maybe those weathered red
hats are covering a bald
spot instead of youthful
“I’ve seen guys from
the 1980s and 1990s that
have pulled stuff out from
the back of their closet,’’
Sleet said. “A big part of
our league is our history.’’
True enough, considering the first pitch was
heaved in 1957 down at
the Moonlight Beach field,
when ELL was North San
Dieguito Little League.
A rough calculation reveals some 25,000 children
have chanted, “hey batter,
batter” and are their any
sweeter words on a warm
Saturday afternoon?
While ELL is long in
the tooth it has done something fresh. It fielded four
age-group teams in District
31 All-Star tournaments
and dang if they didn’t go
all Tony Gwynn: 4 for 4.
Actually ELL went a
combined 18-1 to win all
four events.
“We know it’s never
happened in District 31
by a league and we’re not
sure about south San Diego
County,’’ Sleet said. “But
no one can remember it be-
ing done.’’
Well done, ELL and
just what’s brewing in this
503-player league that
starts each February?
“I think it says the
community really believes
in our league,’’ said Sleet,
who’s ending his third year
as the head honcho, with
many clamoring for his return. “The parents are a
big part of what we do; it
starts with getting the kids
to practice. Then it’s the
coaches that put in countless hours. Then it’s the
board of directors and the
work they do.’’
It’s also about location
and ELL’s comes up roses
— or is it poinsettias?
After three years at
Moonlight Beach, ELL
moved to its current site
at the Magdalena Ecke
YMCA in the early 1960s.
Years ago when the Ecke
family donated the land for
the YMCA, presto, a firstclass, four-field baseball
facility was built, too.
Add an epic skateboard park and at some
point, the roar of the crowd
and the crack of the bat is
heard by all.
“Being at the YMCA
the younger kids start
watching the older kids
play,’’ Sleet said, and that
plants the ELL seed.
With anything that
blossoms, someone had to
till the land. Sleet said this
record-breaking postseason was in the works for
some time. He mentions
the leadership of previous ELL presidents, Rich
Ritchie and Steve Valois.
“It just has been building and building,’’ said
Sleet, whose three sons
have ELL roots. “People
ask ‘how did this happen’
and I say ‘it’s been a decade-long transformation.’
Hopefully now that we are
at this pinnacle the other
kids will see it and this
will continue for years.’’
Play continues on
Friday for ELL’s 11-and
12-year-old squad in the
Section 6 tournament. It
faces Oceanside National,
the District 70 champion,
in a North Coast showdown
at San Diego’s Chollas
Lake Little League.
“We have a really, really sound team and we
haven’t depended on any
single person,’’ ELL coach
Chaz Gagne said. “Every
kid has contributed equally. We’ve had six kids pitch
and we are hitting pretty much up and down the
lineup. We are balanced.’’
Not bad for a community with youth more associated with hanging 10
than hoisting another title
banner at the snack shop.
ELL has four new ones
and it could just be getting
warmed up.
“We’re a beach town
but there is nothing laidback about those kids,’’
Sleet said. “They have so
much drive that they want
to practice every single
day and get better.’’
Without getting arrogant.
“We are not in it to
embarrass anyone or to
degrade our opponents,’’
Sleet stressed. “We show
respect for the game and
we respect the opposing
players. ‘‘
It’s easy to find where
ELL is playing — just look
for the color that sits atop a
traffic signal.
“It’s awesome with everyone out there wearing
red,’’ Gagne said. “There
are a lot of ELL fans, former coaches and players
that come out.
“And the kids understand that. This year has
been building for years,
really since 1957. And they
feel a part of that.’’
So much, that ELL’s
boys of summer are seeing
Contact staff writer Jay
Paris at
Follow him on Twitter at
Horse races set to start, but on a new day this year
By Bianca Kaplanek
Junior lifeguards paddle in during the relay paddle race. Relays and
games build physical fitness and lifeguard skills. Photo by Promise Yee
Annual Junior Lifeguard
competition hits beach
By Promise Yee
Oceanside Junior Lifeguards faced off against
Carlsbad, Camp Pendleton
and San Clemente Junior
Lifeguard teams in a fun
day of competition July 7.
In the water teams
competed in swimming
and paddling relays.
Water events included
the relay paddle race, in
which competitors paddled
Boogie Boards to a buoy
and back.
On the sand, running
relays took place.
“Its a fun day to compete against other kids,”
Oceanside Lifeguard Sgt.
Mason Turvey said.
“There are about 800
kids from all the different
agencies. It’s a large group
of kids and parents with
plenty of people in the water.”
Sand competition included a game of beach
flags in which runners
must capture a diminishing number of flags. Those
who fail to capture a flag
are eliminated until one
flag and one runner are
“It’s competitive and
fun to watch,” Turvey said.
Top finishers in each
competition are awarded
points. The Junior Lifeguard team with the most
points at the end of the day
claims the overall win.
achieve top finishes are
also recognized. The best
of the best go on to the
junior lifeguard regional
DEL MAR — When
the hooves hit the ground
running July 17 for the
75th season of horse racing at the Del Mar Racetrack, fans may notice a
few things are different
this year, including the
opening day.
The Del Mar Thoroughbred Club usually
begins its regular meet
on a Wednesday, but because the San Diego County Fair was extended past
its traditional July Fourth
closing date, officials are
taking an extra day to
prepare the grounds and
racing surface for safety
This will be the fourth
time since 1937, when racing started where the turf
meets the surf, that opening day is on a Thursday.
Also new this year is
the seven-furlong inner
course that replaced the
previous turf installed for
the 1960 season.
The $5 million project began in September
to widen the course to 80
feet all around. While the
main goal was to increase
safety for the riders and
horses, officials hoped
it would also attract the
Breeders’ Cup, which it
Del Mar was selected to host the prestigious
event in 2017.
The old course had
GN-1 Bermuda grass, or
Greg Norman-1, named for
the golfer who invented
the strain.
The same type was
used because of its ability to adapt and grow well
in Del Mar and withstand
the track’s use of salty reclaimed water.
The grass is also tough
and dense, which keeps
the hoof from penetrating
the turf.
DMTC officials were
also hoping California
Chrome would help make
the 2014 season unique.
There was a possibility the Kentucky Derby
and Preakness Stakes
winner would race in the
Pacific Classic, but an injury he suffered in the
Belmont Stakes will prevent him from doing so.
His owners, however,
said California Chrome
could make an appearance on Pacific Classic
Day, which is Aug. 24.
Most of the track’s
tried and true traditions
will return, including the
Opening Day Hat Contest,
family day, giveaway days
and post-race weekend
At the close of opening day, race-goers can
continue the fun at the
nearby businesses.
At L’Auberge Del Mar,
for example, the hotel will
be transformed into a par-
ty by the sea with music,
cocktails and food.
New this year is Club
1540, a limited-access
nightclub offering a private red-carpet entrance,
champagne and a special menu
of tray-passed creations
from the new Kitchen
1540 menu.
Spa L’Auberge has
also launched a new seasonal race menu that includes a mint julep scrub
and daily double, exacta
and trifecta spa packages.
One thing race fans
won’t have to do when the
summer season ends Sept.
3 is wait another year to
watch live thoroughbred
Also new to Del
Mar this year is a fall
meet that runs Nov. 7
through Nov. 30.
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praise, complacency has
in the restaurant industry
doesn’t pair well together — some establishments
flounder because of it.
Not for Hug. He stays
involved with Mille Fleurs,
and his other downtown
San Diego restaurant, Mister A’s.
“You don’t always
have to strive for innovation, but you always want
to better yourself,” he
Changing the décor at
Mille Fleurs every seven
to eight years is part of the
betterment protocol.
And then there is the
food and wine, of course.
While the French have
a love affair with food, Hug
said, he has always championed the movement,
“From Farm to Table.”
Chino Farm has been
Hug’s go to destination for
fine produce.
which he said siphoned
more business away from
the establishment.
Alcorn said he likely
would never run a business
in California again.
“It has been such a disheartening
Alcorn said.
City officials declined
to comment on Alcorn’s
Shillington said the
café wasn’t the same after
the sale. In the years following Alcorn’s purchase,
he said, he tried to help the
new owner turn the corner,
but could see the dwindling
“If anyone says that
they didn’t see this coming
or were blindsided by the
closure, shame on them,”
Shillington said. “It was
clear he was struggling.”
He also said Alcorn
was having increasing difficulty making the payments, which according
to the promissory note in
court files were quarterly
more ambitious musically
as time went on. Its fourth
album, “The Turtles Present the Battle of the Bands,”
was a concept record in
which the Turtles assumed
the identities of 12 different
bands, each with a different
style of music and wrote
and recorded one song for
each of the groups in that
particular style.
Before long, though, issues with managers and the
group’s record label, White
Whale Records, (among other things) pulled the group
apart in 1970.
If the Volman/Kaylan
story had ended with the
Turtles, they would still be
a big part of the overall story of pre-Woodstock 1960s
Instead, the duo has
gone on to enjoy a multi-faceted music career that took
them into several different
areas of the music business.
Soon after the Turtles
ended, Volman and Kaylan
were recruited by
T he R ancho S anta F e News “I want to provide
the freshest and best food
possible which is not tainted by a lot of sauces,” he
said. Hug continued, “We
provide an environment
where service is knowledgeable, but also friendly.”
Over the years, it has
been paramount for Hug to
provide fine dining without the “stuffy ambience.”
Delivering the best food
possible in a welcoming
environment has always
been his unwavering mission.
A visit to the wine cellar at Mille Fleurs brims
with a robust collection.
“I have a passion for
wine. Frankly, I knew
nothing about wine when
I came to America,” he
said. “I basically drank
the homemade table wine
or whatever was put on the
table — we drank red wine
cold to hide the imperfections.”
Now, Hug is considered a regarded sommelier, tasting and procuring
the wines for his restaurants. Three mornings a
week, Hug is wine tasting.
“The sales people
come by and I taste anywhere from 30 to 50
wines,” Hug said. He added, “You got to keep up
with the Jones’ if you want
to have a solid wine list because you cannot rely on
the old.”
Nearing 30 years, Hug
is humbled by the fact that
couples and families have
chosen Mille Fleurs to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special
milestones. Along the way,
Hug has built close friendships.
Hug went on to say
that in the world there are
about 10 percent of people
who love what they do and
he is one of them.
“At night, it is such a
true pleasure to say hello
to everyone at Mille Fleurs
because I love to see people smile and enjoy themselves,” he said. “I want to
thank everyone for their
wonderful patronage.”
amounts of $5,817 until October 2016.
By late 2013, according
to the court files, Alcorn
had stopped making payments to Shillington, and
on Nov. 26, Shillington issued a notice of default. By
January, Shillington had
filed paperwork with the
state notifying them of his
intent to collect the collateral to satisfy the balance.
Alcorn never responded to the default notice or
the notification of Shillington’s intent to collect the
collateral, Shillington said.
Shillington said he is
extremely disappointed by
Alcorn’s decision to shutter
the business rather than
trying to sell the business
to satisfy the loan agreement.
“To simply walk away,
without attempting to see
what was left, I don’t understand it,” he said. “Instead,
he walked out on so many
people. It’s heartbreaking
to see the business shuttered, the whole city busted
up about it.”
Both city and down-
town officials have lamented the café’s demise.
In it’s heyday, the café,
the first cyber café in Encinitas, was a popular watering hole that attracted
city officials, local celebrities like Joe Walsh of the
Eagles and dozens of other
folks who were drawn to
the energy created by the
ownership duo.
“They were two of the
most vibrant and vivacious
people you’d ever meet,”
MainStreet Executive Director Dody Crawford said
of Shillington and Nanninga. “They were people you
wanted to be around, talk
to and they made it a very
special place. Losing them
put a crimp in the place’s
Shillington and Alcorn
are scheduled to be in court
for a case management conference at 9 a.m. Sept. 26.
The popular E Street
Café in Encinitas abruptly
closed its doors last month.
A lawsuit filed from the
café’s former owner to the
current one may have something to do with it.
Frank Zappa to join his
Mothers of Invention. The
duo gained a special place
within the Zappa shows,
taking on the characters of
the comedy/musical duo Flo
(Volman) and Eddie (Kaylan). Zappa was interested
in Volman and Kaylan because of the “Battle of the
Bands” album.
“Frank had heard that
and really liked the tonguein-cheek (character of the
album),” Volman said. “He
just really thought the image of the album and the
dressing up as all of the
bands and everything we
were doing, that was what
captivated what he thought
of our band.”
Flo & Eddie remained
an integral part of Zappa’s
music through 1972, singing
on such key Zappa albums
as “Live at the Fillmore”
and “Chunga’s Revenge,”
and appearing in his movie,
“200 Motels.”
After the members of
the early 1970s Mothers
went their separate ways,
Volman and Kaylan
launched Flo & Eddie as a
duo act. They released seven albums that achieved
modest success, while doing
multiple tours.
During this period, the
duo also began building
what has been a long and
successful career singing
background vocals for the
likes of Alice Cooper, T.
Rex (They’re on the group’s
great 1970s albums) and
Bruce Springsteen (They
sing on “Hungry Heart”).
In more recent years,
Volman and Kaylan have
ventured into writing kids’
music (including “Strawberry Shortcake” and “The
Care Bears”) while maintaining a steady schedule
of headlining concerts to
go along with the Happy
Together tour, which now
looks to be established as
an annual outing.
“That was the hope,”
Volman said. “That was the
hope that we would have it
so that people would come
out no matter who was doing the tour, so they would
know that it was going to be
a great show no matter who
was plugged into the slots.”
more efficiently while protecting the Ranch’s beautiful, rural community.
“For example, working
with the fire department
to remove dead and dying
trees throughout the Ranch,
exploring ways to improve
our infrastructures such as
websites, cell service, and
broadband,” she said. Boon
continued, “As well as ways
to improve the recreational
amenities that can add to
the enjoyment and benefit
of all our residents.”
Boon interjected this
was a partial list of what the
board would be working on
this year.
“There is a lot to do,”
she said.
Following this, Boon
al years ago the city provided another $15,000, but that
was cut by two-thirds during
the economic downturn.
Councilman Peter Zahn
proposed bringing it back to
the previous funding level.
“We have a great number of people in need in the
community,” Zahn said.
“We have a good number of
applications that do come in
with grant assistant proposals, and we’re not able to really come close to fulfilling
all of them and there’s good
work to be done.
“This is a relatively
modest increase.”
His colleagues agreed.
competition in Huntington
The day allows Junior
Lifeguards to bond and
show off skills they learned
during the four-week Junior Lifeguard program.
The program teaches boys and girls ages 9
through 17 about ocean
awareness, ecology and basic first aid.
There is also lots of
running, swimming, surfing and beach games.
“You’re always paddling and surfing, that’s
every day,” Sean Mcquerry, a 12-year-old Carlsbad
Junior Lifeguard, said.
Water safety is the No.
1 lesson.
“They have a specific,
good understanding of the
ocean that ensures kids are
safe,” Turvey said.
Many boys and girls
continue through the Junior Lifeguard program
and progressively learn
he never gave up, either.
In total, it took Mindell 15 years to write and
ultimately publish, the
Mindell’s dream
of being a novelist finally
came true. A year before
his novel was published,
though, Mindell decided
to tackle another goal.
“My ‘Motorbutt’ was
good at the age of 20 so I
thought maybe it was still
there at the age of 70,”
Mindell said. “I decided to
try out for the San Diego
July 11, 2014
turned to Ivan Holler, the
acting manager for the Rancho Santa Fe Association for
an update and report.
Holler said that staff
was still looking at choices to inform new property
owners about registering to
“A couple of those ways
included potentially sending a registration packet to
their escrow officer when
they first buy a home and
possibly sending a packet
out with their first bill,”
Holler said. “So we are still
looking at a couple of those
Holler said his office
also met with a group of real
estate agents as part of its
concierge efforts. The goal
of this, Holler pointed out,
was to help inform realtors
and new owners about all
of the amenities the Ranch
offers, as well as voter registration awareness.
Holler informed the
board and attendees that
the Rancho Santa Fe Association’s new website was
officially up and running.
He confirmed that the
new website address was, however, if visitors used the old address it would redirect them
to the new site.
All minutes and agenda items from the different
committees have remained
intact and were transferred
from the old site to the new.
“Hopefully, you’ve had
a chance to take a look at
it,” Holler said.
Holler’s work behind the
website calling it a monumental effort.
“We cut it back when we
didn’t have the money and
now we have the money,”
Councilman Mike Nichols
said in support of the increase.
Another $28,000 will
go to Partnership with Industry, a local nonprofit organization that provides job
training for people with developmental disabilities.
Three- and four-person maintenance crews
are hired by cities or other
municipalities to help keep
beaches, parks and sidewalks clean.
Solana Beach will receive three employees who
will work 24 hours a week.
“It’s a win-win for everyone,” Nichols said. “Peo-
ple that want jobs that may
have a hard time getting
jobs … can get these jobs,
and we benefit because we
get a lower-paid employee
through the state subsidy.”
Ott said other cities who
participate in the program
describe the employees as
“extremely loyal” people
who “truly enjoy having a
job where they can come to
and really make things better.”
“So they really, I think,
will be an asset to our organization,” Ott said.
“It’s going to benefit
everybody in the community with more hands on our
local parks,” Councilwoman Lesa Heebner said. “It’ll
be great.”
more advanced water safety and lifesaving skills.
Lessons include tower
guarding, rescue techniques, boat rescues, first
aid and CPR.
“They get more comfortable around the ocean,”
Carlos Alfaro, San Clemente lifeguard said. “They
become better watermen
and waterwomen.”
Sean has participated
in the Junior Lifeguard
program for four years. He
said each year builds upon
previous skills learned.
“You get a better concept of it,” he said.
Shayna Dumont, 11,
had been a Carlsbad Junior
Lifeguard for two years.
She said she has gained
confidence to take on new
challenges in the water.
She was introduced to
the walk on water drill last
year. The balance and agility drill challenges Junior
Lifeguards to walk across
surfboards that are lined
up end to end in the water.
“Last year I was too
afraid to do it,” she said.
“This year I did it.”
Advanced challenges
include a one-mile swim
around the Oceanside Pier,
and run-swim-run drills.
us to be lifeguards,” Bridget Donnelly, a 15-year-old
Oceanside Junior Lifeguard, said.
At age 14 Junior Lifeguards have the opportunity to train as lifeguard
assistants. They are paired
with a lifeguard, help set
up equipment and get a
day-to-day feel for the job.
A high percentage of
Junior Lifeguards later go
on to become Oceanside
lifeguards or police officers.
“Eighty percent of
our lifeguards were Junior
Lifeguards,” Turvey said.
Turvey has served as a
lifeguard for 10 years and
overseen the Junior Lifeguard program for four
He got his start in Junior Lifeguards.
Senior Olympics.”
Mindell became disciplined and trained hard.
At 71, during the 2012
San Diego Senior Olympics, Mindell won four
gold medals as a sprinter
in the 50, 100, 200 and 400
meter races.
“I was pretty tired
after that day but it was
a wonderful experience,”
he said. “It showed me
that training was very important.”
In 2013, Mindell took
part in the San Diego Senior Olympics once again.
He beat his 400 meter race
from the year before and
received a 25th masters
rating in the U.S.A.
While Mindell publicizes his book, he puts
a twist on things by also
weaving in a motivating
message, particularly for
seniors: Life Begins at 70.
In many respects,
he’s become an inspirational speaker by reminding people to keep the
body and mind active.
After Mindell’s talk, he
grabbed his nearby glove
and baseball and gave
a few RSF seniors some
knuckleball lessons.
July 11, 2014 A15
T he R ancho S anta F e News Piano company hits sour note for some in Bird Rock
By Dave Schwab
La Jolla Today
LA JOLLA — The business practices of Schroeder
Piano Company, a Bird Rock
merchant that handles consignments, have been called
into question by multiple
customers and are the subject of review by the county
District Attorney’s Office,
as well as being featured in
spotlights of TV consumer
advocate Michael Turko.
La Jolla resident Lance
Pelky has stepped forward
to ask the public if other residents feel they have been
unfairly dealt with by Peter
Schroeder, owner of Schroeder Piano & Piano Rentals,
Inc., located at 5680 La Jolla
Blvd., after entrusting the
company with their pianos
set for consignment.
“About nine years ago
I consigned a $10,000 piano
with Schroeder on a 60-40
split,” Pelky said, adding
Schroeder kept delaying
him. “He would tell me, ‘I
haven’t sold it yet,’ then he
told me, ‘I’ve been contacted
by someone interested,’ then
said, ‘They’ve given me a deposit.’”
Finally, Pelky said, he
stopped hearing from Schroeder at all.
After many months,
Pelky took his case to TV
consumer watchdog Michael
Turko and “The Turko Files,”
which subsequently profiled
Schroeder and Schroeder’s
alleged unfair business practices.
After that, Pelky claims
Schroeder offered to pay
him part of the money he
was owed, which Pelky said
he rejected, before both parties finally arrived at a mutually agreed-upon partial
“I have been contacted by several people since
who’ve consigned pianos
with Schroeder, had the
same problems with him
and have never been paid,”
Pelky said.
“I’ve tried to get some
kind of resolution for them.
I think he’s (Schroeder’s) a
public nuisance at best.”
After unsuccessful attempts to speak with Peter
Schroeder, La Jolla Village
News spoke with Schroeder’s
wife, Dolores, who chose to
respond to allegations about
their piano company’s business dealings.
Dolores Schroeder said
her company has settled
with Pelky and a handful of
others who’ve come forward
with allegations she maintains are unfounded.
“Pelky’s account was
settled five years ago,”
she emailed. “He was paid
more than he deserved after threats that he would do
more bad publicity. He required us to pay him at the
Soledad Mountain Road Dog
Park for the transaction.
That was done.
“There are other mitigating circumstances with
(other) accounts payable that
are too lengthy to go into,”
she said.
Turko said he’s done
about five spots on Schroeder, two several years ago and
three more recently. The TV
journalist said he gets about
300 calls each week pitching
prospective stories, 10 percent of which turn out to be
more substantial, with about
1 percent of the pitches received actually being publicized on “The Turko Files.”
He talked about what intrigued him about the Schroeder case.
“People were claiming
that their pianos went missing,” Turko said. “That, by
itself, is pretty interesting. A
piano is a big object.”
Turko said he was told
repeatedly by interviewees, many of them elderly,
that Mr. Schroeder “won’t
or hadn’t given them a satisfactory explanation” as to
where their pianos were.
As to the substance of
K9 Officer Gonzo apprehends decoy and professional dog trainer David Greene. Photo by Susan White
the line of duty, sometimes these police dogs
may get injured requiring expensive veterinary
Thanks to generous community members, these dogs can stay
healthy and safe, while
they protect and serve.”
Also on hand for the
day was Oceanside Police
Officer Tiffany Hogan.
The Polo Club then
invited officers Hogan
and Hay for the trophy
presentation to the winning polo team, Hanalei
On this special day,
the San Diego Polo Club
also offered their support with a fundraiser
for San Diego County’s
nonprofit, Solutions for
Change visit and The
Oceanside Police K9
Officer’s Association at
bring residents together in
unique and special ways
which foster community
spirit,” Durket said.
“Keeping with that mission,
we look for these kinds of activities in an enjoyable way
— so many people leaving
our dinners never expected to have so much fun and
meet so many new people.”
Once again, the RSF
community center has secured the entertainment
of virtuoso guitarist Hank
Rancho SanTa Fe
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few days,” Hull said. “But I
never heard any more.”
Dolores Schroeder counterclaimed the money will
be delivered, as promised.
“He has been paid 25
percent of monies owed to
him and will be paid in full,”
said Dolores Schroeder.
Piano restorer and technician Russell Berkley of
North Pacific Beach said he,
too, has a similar story.
“I bought and restored
an old Steinway for about
$18,000 and consigned it
with Schroeder, who later
called me and told me he’d
gotten about $3,800 for it,”
Berkley said, adding he ultimately settled with Schroeder — following legal action
— who agreed to pay some
cash upfront and then make
“He finally ended up
giving me an old Steinway
he paid $6,000 for, and I
restored it,” said Berkley.
“We’re done.”
maintains Berkley was fully
“We gave him a job with
our company and he enjoyed
referrals,” she said. “We sent
him to technical school for a
specialty learning to install
Pianomation Units, which
gave him a unique niche in
the business, thus profiting
him from our initial employment.
“We had his piano on
consignment, we traded him
for the amount due to him
after the sale with a ‘special’
Steinway Piano,” she said.
“He sold that piano for much
more than we owed him and
made a large profit.”
George Ashikyan, who rebuilds pianos, said he’s dealt
with the Schroeders for 15
years or more, adding the
relationship was pretty positive until recent years.
would send his pianos to me
and I would rebuild them
and send them back to him
for consignment to sell,”
Ashikyan said. “The last piano he sold, he just didn’t pay
me. I had to hire an attorney
and sue him. He paid the
remainder of what he owed
Ashikyan said Schroeder was good about paying
him until four or five years
ago, when Schroeder “got
slower and slower with payments, and then the last time
he didn’t pay.”
Dolores Schroeder takes
issue with Ashikyan’s claim.
“We have a legal contract with our attorney and
his, that we are to pay him
‘whenever,’” she said.
Easton who is the featured
guitarist in “The Steely
award-winning band. “We
are excited to have Hank
Easton perform.
“He is such a talented guitarist and vocalist,”
Durket said.
For those who have never attended one of these special dinners, so many RSF
residents have the opportunity to cross paths and make
new friends.
Another allure is the
San Diego weather and taking pause to enjoy the beauty of the Ranch.
Including Dolezal and
Kenaoglu, Durket also wanted to thank their July dinner sponsor, Laura Barry of
Barry Estates.
For those who are unable to attend the dinner,
the next Supper Club Dinner is scheduled for August.
Durket also wants residents to know how thankful
they are to any families who
are able to assist in any way
“We have had local families who have farms donate
some of the produce and
also families who have wineries donate wine; and, that
goes a long way when you
are trying to run an event
with a budget,” she said.
To learn more about
this special July 12 event or
to purchase tickets, Durket
invites all to call the Community Center for more information at (858) 756-2461
or visit
2253 S. Santa Fe Ave
Vista, CA 92083
allegations made about subjects of his TV spots, Turko
said, “I’m not a cop. I’m not
a law-enforcement agent. I’m
not a judge. That’s not my
call to make. That’s a call the
DA has to make.”
The county District
Attorney’s Office was then
contacted for independent
“All I can say is that a
case is currently under review,” confirmed DA spokesman Paul Greenwood.
The Village News talked
with a couple of other apparent customers who’ve had
similar stories to tell about
their business dealings with
the Schroeders.
Thomas Hull, who is retired from UCSD and still
lives near the university,
said he placed his mother’s
piano with Schroeder for
consignment back in 2009.
told me he was going to ask
$35,000 for it,” Hull said.
“When I called him back
a few months later, he said
he’d gotten a down payment.
I never heard any more about
Hull said he later told
Schroeder he wanted his piano back.
“He said it was sold and
sent me a check (said to be a
partial payment) in the next
T he R ancho S anta F e News July 11, 2014
The San Diego County Library’s “Pause to Read” program invites all ages to submit a drawing
or painting of their favorite place to “pause to read” through Aug. 1. Submission forms are
available at all SDCL branches, including Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Cardiff,
Encinitas, San Marcos and Vista, or online at You may complete your drawing at
home, or contact your local library to find out if they will provide art supplies for you to use
at the branch. Entries must be on an 8.5-inch-by-11-inch piece of paper. Winners chosen in
youth, teen and adult level. Submitted pieces will be featured on the SDCL Web site. For more
information, visit Courtesy photo
Del Mar Fairgrounds CEO Tim Fennell, left, congratulates Encinitas resident Tania Cotta on June 26. Cotta,
was the millionth visitor to the San Diego County Fair and received lifetime tickets to the fair amid some pomp
and circumstance. Courtesy photo
A lifetime of tickets
Encinitas resident Tania Cotta wins tickets for life
after becoming the millionth visitor to county fair
By Aaron Burgin
Cotta had little idea the
San Diego County Fair ticket she purchased at a little after 4 p.m. on June 29
would be the last one she’d
ever have to buy.
That was until confetti cannons burst, horns
started to blow, Pharrell’s
“Happy” started to blare
from the speakers, and fair
workers informed her that
she was the millionth visitor to the fair’s latest installment, known as “The
Fab Fair.”
As fair officials said
in a press release, Cotta
“received all of the pomp
and circumstance of British
royalty,” complete with fair
regalia and special gifts.
what was going on when I
walked through the gate
And for the first time,
because there were so the fair was making a big
many Fair workers lined deal out of milestone —
up, and then wow,” Cotta Cotta received a Lifetime
Fair Admission pass, food
vouchers worth more than
$100, free concert tickets of
her choice for any of the remaining shows, VIP tickets
to the Big Bite Bacon Fest
on July 5 and a Professional
Bull Riding event Aug. 16,
and gifts from fair vendors,
including a $700 gas grill.
“I never win anything,”
Cotta said. “I am so thankTania Cotta ful for your generosity.”
The San Diego County
San Diego County Fair
which posted at least
one million visitors every
said. “My best friend Ni- year since 1989, also passed
cole and I wanted to visit another milestone Sunday,
the Fair today to ride rides, as the event reached its
eat our favorite Fair food, 50-millionth visitor since
and just hang out, and then attendance records started
being kept in 1947.
this happened.”
I never win
anything. I
am so thankful
for your
JULY 11, 2014
to Grand
Jury Report
jean gillette
It’s a bug’s
life out
I wish it were just
a summer problem.
However, in my gentle
husband’s “lower 40”
(front, back and side
yards) bugs, both flying
and crawling, happily
make their home.
He will neither
squish them nor poison
them, insisting if left
to their own natural
rhythms, they do good
things and keep each
other in check.
Clearly, his idea
of “in check” differs a
tad from mine. Since
no pesticides ever sully our growing green
space, no day goes by
without my having to
pull a spider web off my
face or an ant out of my
I really do support
keeping pesticides out
of our environment. But
these days, when I see
any beautiful backyard
layout I might covet,
maybe in a magazine or
at the fair, I can immediately dissolve all desire for it by picturing
it overrun with sticky
spider webs or a line of
ants marching resolutely through it. It’s the
best buzzkill ever.
There is no such
thing as a last-minute
party in my backyard
(except maybe for the
bugs). Yes, I know the
spiders are eating the
bad bugs, but I have
massive spider condos
adorning every piece
hanging plant, hot tub,
plant, the patio cover,
the grill, my car, the
mailbox and anything
else that doesn’t move
fast and frequently. I
spent hours scraping,
sweeping, spraying and
wiping them off everything in the backyard
for my last party. I
didn’t even bother until the morning of the
event, because I knew
that within four to six
hours, they would all
be back. This does not
prompt me to remove
them regularly. It’s like
sweeping the Sahara.
If anyone needs
black widows for research or sport, please
let me know. Our yard
seems to be their favorite vacation spot.
There are also spiders
from pinpoint size to
half-a-hand span in evTURN TO SMALL TALK ON B15
By Christina Macone-Greene
and some of the subspecies of giraffe
are in real trouble. The West African
giraffe only has 200 left in the wild; the
Nubian giraffe may already be extinct.
So this World Giraffe Day initiative, I
think, is fantastic.”
June 21 marked the first ever
World Giraffe Day. It’s an initiative
started by the Giraffe Conservation
Foundation, which, according to its
website, is meant to “raise awareness
and shed light on the challenges they
(giraffe) face in the wild.”
What initially brought O’Connor
to study giraffe was his interest in how
they were able to coexist with cattle
and goats, especially as it pertained to
food sources.
Giraffe feed up so high, O’Connor
explained, adding that cattle and goats
feed so low that their food sources don’t
Yet, he found that there was a shift
in how people were relying on the traditional livelihood of pastoralism.
“And that is where pastoralists
keep cattle and goats and everyday
— Once again, the County
of San Diego Grand Jury
has issued another report
to the school districts
within the county, including the Rancho Santa Fe
School District.
Grand Jury Report is entitled, “Evaluating the
While students undergo county, state and federal evaluations, the Grand
Jury believed it was time
to address the protocol
for evaluating teachers in
San Diego County.
A few months ago,
the Grand Jury delivered
another report to the districts in San Diego called,
“School Security: There Is
No Greater Purpose.”
The Rancho Santa
Fe School District’s legal
representative, Richard
Currier, Esq., responded
to the most current report.
According to Currier, from time to time,
the Grand Jury will find
certain topics essential
enough to issue a report to
the school districts.
“This report is not
aimed at the Rancho
Santa Fe School District
because a number of the
findings and recommendations don’t relate to our
school district,” Currier
said. He speculated that
the report was perhaps
aimed at larger school districts.
All in all, Currier’s
response was sent back
to the Grand Jury. It underscored either a disagreement to some recommendations,
highlighting how the others were already being
The letter responded
to the Educational Code
Sections dealing with
teacher evaluation at the
Rancho Santa Fe School
procedures are a mandatory
subject to negotiations.
We have a provision in
the collective bargaining
agreement and these are
not accurately described
as merely guidelines,
these are things that
the District must comply with,” Currier said.
“Having said this, I put
in the response the actual
article from the collective
dealing with evaluation
procedures, indicating it
is consistent with the Education Code Sections and
does not overly restrain
the District in being able
to evaluate certificated
With the Grand Jury
Leroy, a 6-month-old giraffe, left, munches on an Acacia branch at the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park. He is one of 14 giraffe at the park. Conservation programs locally, as well as the Giraffe Conservation Foundation’s World Giraffe Day are helping to raise awareness on the declining
numbers of giraffe in the wild. Photos by Tony Cagala
Sticking their necks out
Programs to help conserve giraffe look to gain traction locally and around the world
By Tony Cagala
ESCONDIDO — The two giraffe
approached the truck seemingly without a worry as Amanda Lussier, an animal keeper at the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park extended a large Acacia branch
out and over the truck’s railing.
One of the giraffe quickly latched
onto the branch with its large blue
tongue and proceeded to pull it into its
mouth, contorting its lips around the
The second giraffe followed suit,
with some of the park’s 14 other giraffe
coming over, lowering their long necks
down into the truck’s flatbed to see
what food might be available.
That was an entirely different experience than what David O’Connor, a
conservation education division consultant with San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research, found
while studying giraffe in the East African country of Kenya.
For six months near the area of
Laikipia, O’Connor would have to overcome certain challenges while trying to
observe giraffe in the wild — at times
being forced to observe them from distances anywhere from 200 meters to
500 meters away.
It took him a month, he said, just to
get the giraffe used to seeing his truck.
Other times, the giraffe wouldn’t do
anything but stare at him for several hours on end, making it difficult to
make any behavioral observations.
They’re really a popular species,
but nobody’s really spent much time
studying them, he said.
What they know a lot about is their
physiology — what isn’t so well known
is how they live in the wild, and how
they live with humans and how giraffe
and humans interact, O’Connor added.
What he did note, however, was the
skittishness of the giraffe in the wild as
the result of falling prey to poachers.
“The main challenges facing giraffe are most recently poaching,”
O’Connor said. “And they’re poached
for several reasons: one reason is for
A giraffe lowers its head down to see what other food animal keepers at Safari Park might be
meat, for food. Unfortunately, in the
wild, giraffe are quite easy to kill,”
he said. “Because sometimes initially
they’ll just stop and stare at you, so one
bullet can take them out, as opposed
to an elephant or something where it’s
harder. And you get quite a lot of meat
for that one bullet….
“If you’re just trying to get some
protein for your family, if you’re thinking about the species you could go after…you can see why that’s attractive.”
While O’Connor said that the numbers on certain species, such as the
Reticulated giraffe are uncertain, researchers think they’ve declined from
about 28,000 in the year 2000 to about
5,000 today.
“So if that trend continues, that
subspecies will be extinct by 2019,”
O’Connor said.
That’s why now, working with the
institute, O’Connor and others are trying to start a program addressing giraffe conservation.
“People don’t really think about giraffe as a conservation issue,” he said.
“People don’t even know that there
are nine different types of giraffe…
T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
Rotary sponsors From the battlefield to the boardroom
young musicians Jobs
suggests more
REGION — Now in its
10th year, a partnership program between the San Diego
Youth Symphony and Rotary
District 5340’s International
Youth Exchange, will bring
students from Ireland, Italy,
Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and the UK for a twoweek summer program.
The program brings together international conservatory musicians with SDYS
musicians and Music Director Jeff Edmons for an intensive orchestral and chamber
music performances from
July 14 to July 30. This summer's performances include a
Twilight in the Park concert
at Spreckels Organ Pavilion,
an intimate Chamber Music
Recital at the Mingei International Museum, a Classical
Concert at California Center
for the Arts in Escondido
and a sunset performance at
the La Jolla Music Society's
SummerFest Concert at Ellen Scripps Park in La Jolla.
SDYS also welcomes the public to observe the students’
rehearsals in Casa del Prado
in Balboa Park. For tickets
and information, visit sdys.
From 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
July 14 to July 18 and July
21 to July 25, free rehearsals will be at Casa del Prado Room 101, Balboa Park.
Rehearsal times are subject
to change.
positive employment
environment for
military veterans
(BPT) — Employment
opportunities seem to be
on the upswing for military
veterans, which is encouraging for the hundreds of
thousands of service members returning from duty and
veterans who are looking for
new civilian career opportunities.
The unemployment rate
for veterans dropped to 6.6
percent in 2013, according
to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
While the news is positive, a 2013 University of
Phoenix survey conducted
by Harris Poll, revealed only
one-third (33 percent) of active duty service members
reported having made a transition plan for returning to
civilian life after separation
from the military.
“Service members acquire skills during their military careers that bring value
and diverse experience to civilian workplaces,” said University of Phoenix Military
Relations vice president, retired Army Col. Garland Williams. “But some men and
women leaving the service
may not know how to market their skills as they transition to civilian jobs, and
may therefore take jobs that
do not leverage their expe-
7th Annual Camp Erin® San Diego
Golf Tournament & Dinner Auction
The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe
September 9,
Golf Tournament Noon Shotgun Start
Dinner Auction 5PM
rience. As thousands of men
and women return from Iraq
and Afghanistan to a highly
competitive job market, it is
imperative that they have a
plan to translate their skills
into fulfilling and enriching
If service members don’t
know where to start, there
are resources such as the
U.S. Department of Labor’s
Transitional Assistance Program (TAP) to help veterans
translate their skills and find
quality jobs.
Service members who
have recently returned home
might be interested in pursuing careers at firms recognized for hiring veterans.
The military has a Best
Veteran Employers list as
well as current job postings
for those companies. This list
is updated frequently, so job
seekers should check it often.
In additional to applying for
current positions, service
members may consider requesting informational interviews in advance of their job
searches to make sure they
have the necessary training
to be considered for the roles.
Some universities also
offer resources for members
of the military community
who want to understand the
available career options,
making it easier to get started or continue a career path.
For example, the Military
Skills Translator Tool provided by University of Phoenix
takes a service member’s
military occupational specialty code and provides a
list of civilian occupations
that correlate to the job skills
the service member used and
refined while in the military.
Each military job is
linked directly to labor market data to provide background on jobs and the education required to enter a
specific field. Service members can also earn college
credit toward their degree
programs based on their military experience.
Here are some additional tips offered by Williams
to help active duty service
members and veterans pre-
pare for a civilian job search:
Start early. Begin the
transition process from military to civilian life as early
as two years before being discharged.
Speak the language.
Communicate military experience and training with
words, not acronyms, which
may not translate on a resume. Promote universal
skills such as leadership,
management, cooperation,
teamwork and strategic
Don’t be afraid to promote yourself. As every proud
service member knows, there
is a “we” vs. “me” mentality
in the military.
The ability to work in
a team is important to communicate, but you also have
to be willing to discuss your
own contributions and results.
Consider flexible education and training programs.
Education can help you address knowledge gaps and
better understand and prepare for future careers.
Non-golfing friends, join us for the dinner celebration featuring
fabulous food, music, drinks and silent and live auctions.
To register or for event sponsorship information:
Kristy Brehm
760.492.2053 or visit:
Camp Erin San Diego is made possible
through a collaborative partnership between
The Elizabeth Hospice and The Moyer Foundation.
Proceeds from the tournament and dinner auction benefit Camp Erin San Diego, an annual bereavement
camp offered at no cost to children and teens, ages 6-17, who are grieving the loss of someone close to them.
EH CESD Golf ad_.indd 1
The unemployment rate for veterans dropped to 6.6 percent in 2013, according to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics. Courtesy photo
7/8/14 9:24 AM
A collection by artist and
Thorpe will be on exhibition
and available for acquisition at
Legends Gallery Fine Art of La
Jolla, marking the artist’s return to La Jolla July 20 through
Aug. 15. Enjoy a Meet-the-Artist reception from 6:30 to 9:30
p.m. July 26. Thorpe’s special
appearance is complimentary
and open to the public. Make
reservations at (858) 4569900 or visit Courtesy photo
JULY 11, 2014 B3
T he R ancho S anta F e News Odd Files Rancho Santa Fe Association launches new website
By Chuck Shepherd
Rocking “Messiah”
Prominent theoretical chemist David Glowacki was ejected from a
classical music concert at
England’s Bristol Old Vic
in June for disrupting a
performance of Handel’s
“Messiah” by attempting
to crowd-surf in front of
the stage. Dr. Glowacki,
an expert in non-equilibrium molecular reaction
dynamics and who is presently a visiting scientist at
Stanford University, was
attending a special “informal” performance at
which audience members
were encouraged to stand
and cheer loudly instead
of showing the usual demure appreciation. He
said afterward that he
could not control himself
when the performance
moved to the “Hallelujah
Cultural Diversity
A formal-dress rental store in Fukui, Japan,
with a side business making keepsake portraits
of client brides, was surprised at the number of
men who began requesting a similar service — to
be outfitted just like the
women, in wedding gowns
and other frills. In fact,
just as women expect full
makeup and hairstyling
for their portraits, so, too,
do the men. The store,
Marry Mariee, charges
the equivalent of about
$400 ($600 on weekends).
Said the manager, “We
want to provide opportunities for people to enjoy
showing their real selves,
whether they are men or
Democracy in Action!
Tim Murray handily lost
June’s primary election
(82 percent to 5 percent)
in Oklahoma’s 3rd District to incumbent U.S.
Rep. Frank Lucas, but he
did not give up. In a rambling letter to KFOR-TV
in Oklahoma City, Murray
accused “Lucas” of being
a body-double for Lucas,
since it is “widely known”
that the “real” Frank Lucas was executed by order of the World Court in
southern Ukraine in January 2011. Lucas, asked
for a comment, told the
station, “It does come as
kind of a shock to read
that (I’m) not (me).”
The county Association of Governments in
Phoenix notified Diane
“DD” Barker recently
that she could continue to
address association meetings as a community activist, but was to cease introducing her remarks by
performing cartwheels,
as she apparently has
done several times in the
past. Barker, a 65-year-old
former Ohio State University cheerleader, said
she seeks to demonstrate
the value of exercise and
public transportation, but
agreed to hold off on the
By Christina Macone-Greene
We have new
content for
the new website
and actually had
a lot of volunteers
help us with the
FE — Following several
months of multiple decision
making prospects, the RSF
Association launched its
new website this week. So
far, the feedback has been
promising with its new look,
photos and navigation tools.
According to Ivan Holler, acting manager of the
Rancho Santa Fe Association, they interviewed a
Ivan Holler
couple website firms and
Acting Manager
ultimately found one which
they felt would convey the
What was needed most,
Association best.
Holler said, was to update
the website since it was on
an old platform and needed
“We have new content
for the new website and
actually had a lot of volunteers help us with the photographs,” he said.
It was also important to
not only have an attractive
website, but a user-friendly
one, as well.
“Another goal was that
no matter where someone
was on the site, the headers
would remain the same to
make the navigation easier,” he said.
Holler wants people to
know that there is a section
on the site which is password protected for members. While it’s in operation, more features are still
being built. Holler called it
a work in progress.
“We tried to build a site
that would be helpful to the
residents, members, and
also for folks who don’t live
in the community but are
interested in the community,” he said.
Holler went on to say
that with the new website,
these visitors would have
the ability to learn more
about the features and amenities which the Ranch has
to offer. And quite possibly,
spur a residential move.
“There was a dual mission for our website,” said
While there was a soft
launch a few weeks ago, the
site went live this week.
So far, Holler said everyone has offered some
great feedback in relation
to the site and it’s been well
for more information.
Scripps unveils new emergency department
By Aaron Burgin
Health on Tuesday held the
grand opening of its new
emergency department and
inpatient rooms at Scripps
Memorial Hospital Encinitas, the centerpiece of the
$94 million second phase of
the hospital’s expansion.
The new rooms comprise the Leichtag Foundation Critical Care Pavilion, the 72,321-square-foot
building that hospital officials say will help the hospital meet the rising demands
of the local population.
“With steady population growth in North County, this expansion helps fill
a critical community need
by broadening Scripps’ capacity to treat an ever-increasing patient demand,”
Scripps Health President
and CEO Chris Van Gorder
Hospital officials said
that since 2000, the population of the hospital’s
surrounding region has increased by more than 20
percent while emergency
room visits have grown by
more than 50 percent.
The new pavilion features a 26-bed emergency room with all private
rooms, two of which can
also serve as resuscitation
rooms and four that can
serve as isolation rooms for
patients with suspected airborne illnesses.
rooms, our patients will
notice a more comfortable
environment and our staff
will have more space to deliver care with even greater efficiency,” Van Gorder
Another key feature of
the new emergency room
is five ambulance parking
bays — more than double
the previous amount —
which officials hope will reduce ambulance transport
time and get first responders back into the field more
Part of Scripps Health’s expansion came to fruition with the opening of its new emergency department on July 1. Photo courtesy Scripps Health
With all
private rooms,
our patients will
notice a more
central energy plant, med- $40 million from major do- Scripps employees
ical imaging technology, nors and $1 million from doctors.
including new CT, MRI and
X-ray units, and infrastructure improvements both
on and around the hospital
campus, including improvements to the southbound InYour Oceanside/Carlsbad
terstate 5 on- and off-ramp
Territory Manager
at Santa Fe Drive and improvements to Devonshire
Call Windy for all
Drive, which are still ongoing.
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Scripps has raised
Chirs Van Gorder nearly half of the money
President & CEO for the multi-million dollar
growth plan through
vate donations, including
quickly than before.
The pavilion’s second
floor houses 36 private
medical-surgical inpatient
rooms for patients recovering from surgery or acute
illness, as well as by patients admitted to the hospital from the emergency
The expansion’s second
phase also includes a new
Look in today’s
Classified Section
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Autos to Real Estate
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T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
Teachers in North County school districts train to implement the International Baccalaureate program into their curriculum. Two magnate schools in Vista are working to become IB recognized schools.
Courtesy photo
Vista magnate schools
giving students 21st
century-ready outlook
Thanks to sand replenishment projects like this one in 2012, the shoreline in Solana Beach, and especially at Fletcher Cove, is wider now than it
was nearly 20 years ago. File photo by Bianca Kaplanek
Sand replenishments show beaches wider
Thanks to two sand replenishment projects city
beaches are wider now
than they were about 20
years ago.
That’s the good news.
Without similar future projects, however,
that increase could be
washed away, according
to a report at the June 25
council meeting from Greg
Hearon of Coastal Frontiers, a coastal engineering firm.
Hearon likened the
situation to a bank account.
“If you’re putting in
more than you’re getting
out, your balance grows,”
he said. “Or in this case,
your beach widths gain.
Your sand volume increases.
“But if you’re not
putting in as much, more
is leaving,” he added.
“You’re going to have an
erosional type situation.
So that’s essentially where
we are. We’re not putting
as much on the beaches as
we had in the past so we
can expect that the longterm trend probably is going to be erosional.”
The San Diego Association of Governments
Your Rancho Santa Fe, Solana
Beach & Del Mar Territory Manager
Call Krista for all your
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from the program
It’s really nice ments
there was an initial loss of
sand during the first year
not so much that the
to see that the but
net outcome wasn’t posiHearon said.
projects seem to tive,Sand
from the second
project seems to be stayon the beaches longer,
be maintaining ing
primarily because the
used were much
wider beaches grains
coarser, he added.
coastline of Solana Beach
for you.”
there has been an average
Greg Hearon
Coastal Frontiers
conducted regional beach
in 2001 and 2012. In the
overall project area, from
Oceanside to La Jolla, less
sand dredged from borrow
sites in 2012.
But Solana Beach received about 142,000 cubic
yards of sand both times.
established a monitoring
program in 2002 that is
designed to document
changes in the shore zone,
evaluate the impacts of
human intervention and
natural events such as El
Niño and develop a foundation for future sand
nourishment projects.
According to measure-
beach width gain of about
36 feet, Hearon said.
At Fletcher Cove, the
beach is now about 90 feet
wider than it was before
the first replenishment
project, when it measured
about 104-feet wide.
It increased to 132
feet after the first nourishment and 193 feet following the second project.
“It’s really nice to see
that the projects seem
to be maintaining wider
beaches for you,” he said.
Hearon also noted that
while it appears the sand
has been moving south, it
is staying in Solana Beach.
He said the monitoring efforts didn’t indicate much
sand is moving to beaches
in Del Mar.
“Most of that material
stayed in Solana Beach for
the first year,” he said.
By Tony Cagala
VISTA — Two magnate schools within the
Vista Unified School District are on their way towards making its students
more culturally aware,
multi-lingual and emerge
with a more 21st century-ready outlook thanks to
the implementation of the
International Baccalaureate curriculum.
Laurel Ferreira is an
Baccalaureate coordinator with
the Cal State San Marcos
extended studies course,
where for the past two
years teachers from the
school districts of Escondido, San Marcos and Carlsbad have been enrolled
and receiving training in
the curriculum.
And for the last year,
Ferreira has been working
with Vista teachers from
Casita Center for Technology, Science and Math and
the Vista Academy of Performing Arts as the schools
work to become IB recognized.
The program has been
implemented into the
schools as teacher training
Baccalaureate really works
on not just high academic achieving levels, but
having people understand
different cultures, speak
different languages, be
able to critically think,
problem solve; take in different perspectives — all
of those pieces — so that
when they’re working with
other people it facilitates
that,” Ferreira said.
A lot of European,
Asian and Australian
schools are IB recognized,
explained Ferreira.
Alvin Dunn in San
Marcos is in the beginning
phase of becoming an IB
recognized school, too.
Jefferson Elementary
in Carlsbad was one of the
early schools to implement
the IB program into their
“It’s one of these
things, that it’s growing.
“What IB tries to do
is take skills and knowledge and put them into
real world settings so that
you’re learning is more interesting, it’s meaningful
and very authentic,” she
Instead of breaking up
the day into specific areas
of subjects as math time or
language arts time, IB goes
across disciplines.
Laura Smith, principal at Casita Elementary,
explained that parents
have a choice of pathway
for their students, which,
she added, include either
the STEM path or the IB
Having spent the past
24 years in educations,
Smith said there was absolutely a need for a change
in how students are being
“It’s inquiry based,”
Smith said of the IB program. “And it’s meant
Debra Taylor-deMontegre
Marketing Expert
Call Debra for all
your advertising needs.
Call 760.436.9737 x109
JULY 11, 2014 B5
T he R ancho S anta F e News Council approves
EIR for El Caballo
By Ellen Wright
proposed 8-acre equestrian
El Caballo Park is one step
closer to becoming a reality.
On June 18, the Escondido
City Council approved the
use of $40,000 for an Environmental Impact Report
during the 2014-15 fiscal
The report will make
it possible to begin building the park, located across
from the Caballo Trail Head
at 3410 Valley Center Road,
once enough money has been
“It is not a true project
until the EIR is completed,”
said Library and Community Services Director Loretta
The city approved the
budgeting for the report as
part of the 2014-15 fiscal year
in order to set into motion the
process of creating the park.
The piece of land has
been the subject of debate
between the city and residents since 2011, when the
city originally planned to
use the recreational space
as a water treatment and
distribution facility. The
city planned to build on the
site but the Council decided
not to after learning the site
would cost $6 million to develop.
The project still has a
long way to go until it is completed.
The fundraising for the
park will be in the hands of
the community, said McKinney.
The nonprofit group El
Caballo Conservancy was
established in March 2013
to help develop the land as a
unique public park focused
It is not a
true project
until the EIR
is completed.”
Loretta McKinney
Director, Library and
Community Services
on equestrian services, according to their website.
They are asking the community for donations to raise
enough money to build on
the site.
The city funded the
drafting of a master plan
for the park by Wynn-Smith
Landscape Architecture, Inc.
The estimated cost of
the park is $10 million. The
park will be built in phases
so building can begin earlier than the entire funding is
The plan includes arenas, bull corrals, pens,
bleachers, a bandstand and
The land has been in use
for over four decades by the
Charros de Escondido, who
lease it from the city and
built an arena on the property.
The Conservancy is celebrating their accomplishments July 27 on the site of
the proposed future park
near the Escondido Humane
Society off of East Valley
Parkway at Bevin Drive.
The event, which takes
place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
will feature pony rides,
demonstrations, equine therapy, entertainment and a food truck.
Del Mar helps
locals to recycle
DEL MAR — Coast
Waste Management and the
city of Del Mar have joined
to make it easy for Del Mar
residents and businesses to
recycle and dispose of common household items in an
environmentally safe way.
The event from 9 a.m.
to noon at the Del Mar City
Hall upper parking lot, 1050
Camino Del Mar, will offer
on-site document shredding
and the safe collection of
non-controlled medications,
sharps, compact fluorescent
bulbs, household batteries
and cell phones. Sharps and
non-controlled medication
drop-off is limited to residents only.
Document shredding is limited to three
standard office storage boxes. Compacted fluorescent,
tubes or lightbulbs are limited to 12 bulbs or tubes.
Limits are per person or
business, per event.
Used batteries being accepted include AA,
AAA, C, D, 9-volt, alkaline,
rechargeable, lithium, coin
cells, and small button size.
There is no limit on the
number of batteries. Residents can also conveniently
recycle household batteries
by placing them out for collection inside a clear plastic
storage bag on top of their
blue recycling cart on service day.
In loving memory of
June 24, 2014
Karen A. Castle died
on June 24, 2014 after courageously and gracefully battling Alzheimer’s and cancer
for over 10 years. Karen’s
beautiful spirit and joy of living were inspirational to all
who knew her. She was a devoted wife, mother, daughter,
and grandmother as well as a
superb athlete, child advocate,
and community leader.
Karen Ann was born in
Greeley, Colorado to Max and
Ruth Oesterle. She has two
brothers, Dallas of Canoga
Charlotte C. Hoban, 92
January 22, 1922 - July 3, 2014
Winifred Jane Geyer, 69
May 10, 1945 - July 2, 2014
Delores Johnson, 85
Nov.24, 1928 - July 1, 2014
Helen Annette Hammarstrom, 103
Jan. 4, 1911 - June 28, 2014
Park, CA and Max of Ft. Collins, CO. As a young girl, Karen
was extremely shy and quiet. But when she entered high
school, she blossomed into a
beautiful, popular teen who
was voted Miss Greeley High
as a senior. Her winning smile
and genuine kindness opened
doors for her as she went on
to attend the University of
Northern Colorado, where she
earned her BA and MA in elementary education. Karen
was a very proud member of
Alpha Phi Sorority as well as
numerous women’s honorary
On August 23, 1964 Karen married the love of her
life, Jim Castle, and together
they received their Master’s
degrees in 1967. Born to work
with children, Karen taught
first and second grade in
Littleton, Colorado for five
years. Karen and Jim were
blessed with two daughters,
Kelli and Nicole, and for the
next 20 years, Karen devoted herself to providing every
opportunity for her girls. No
mother has ever been more
proud to celebrate successes
or more capable of soothing
difficult losses. Karen taught
her daughters what motherAurice Jane Goodban, 88
Nov. 16, 1925 - June 28, 2014
Jean Marie Krampe, 68
Dec. 10, 1945 - June 30, 2014
Caterina Gangale, 90
Sept. 13, 1923 - June 27, 2014
Gloria June Jones, 84
Oct. 16, 1929 - June 27, 2014
whether it be for the loss of a loved
one or to support a friend, we want
you to feel that you are in good hands.
At our facility, we provide the attention
and support needed to make this life’s
transition as easy as possible.
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Ave., Encinitas
Submission Process
Please email obits @ or call (760)
436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg
format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by
1.5” tall inh black and white.
Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the
customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.
Text” $15 per inch
Photo: $25 Art: $15
Approx. 21 words per column inch
(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)
hood truly means. During her
marriage to Jim, Karen relocated their family ten times!
The former small town girl
addressed each challenging
new community with class and
excitement. She always maintained her connections with
dear friends, even from oceans
away. Karen joined Bible studies, headed PTAs and PEO,
volunteered for children’s
service organizations, even
learned new languages. The
saying “Behind every successful man is a strong woman”
must have been written about
Karen’s devotion to her
family was strengthened by
her Christian faith. She found
her passion traveling with her
family around the world, learning about different cultures
as well as different cuisines.
Always an athlete, Karen challenged herself to become a terrific runner, golfer, skier, tennis pro, and Jim’s best dancing
partner. She taught her family
how to love and forgive; how to
laugh and be a champion; how
to work hard and play harder; and most importantly, how
to be a strong mother, grandmother, and wife. She was a
compassionate listener and a
fiercely loyal friend. Even as
she battled to maintain her
memory and her dignity, Karen continued to make friends,
care for others, bring those
around her joy, and through it
all...share her beautiful smile.
The family wishes to
thank the Silverado Alzheimer’s Community in Encinitas which was Karen’s last
home. The care, love, and respect the nurses, caregivers,
residents, and their families
showed for Karen during the
end of her journey was a blessing to her family. And they
always spoke of Karen’s sweet
disposition and her loving spirit.
Words cannot express
the many ways Karen will be
missed by her loving husband,
her devoted daughters, her
amazing son-in-law, and her
four precious grandchildren. A
celebration of Karen’s life followed by a reception will be
held at the Village Church in
Rancho Santa Fe on Monday
August 18th at 11 am; 6225
Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa
Fe, CA 92067. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association in Karen’s
name at
A funeral serves a wide range of purposes,
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T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
Planning commission unanimously endorses cell tower ordinance
By Aaron Burgin
Marcos’ proposed cell-tower ordinance received a
unanimous endorsement
from the city planning
commission on June 30, despite being panned by both
cell phone companies and
opponents of the towers.
That’s compromise —
when nobody is happy —
the commissioners said.
“This is a perfect example of ‘you’re damned if
you do, and damned if you
don’t,” Commissioner Carl
Maas said.
“Nobody is going to
walk away from this happy,” Commissioner Steve
Kildoo concurred.
Technically, the commission’s vote was to recommend the Council approve the proposal at a
future council meeting.
Among other things,
the new rules would discourage cell companies
from installing towers in
residential and agricultural areas by requiring them
to seek a conditional-use
permit (as opposed to a less
Business news and special
achievements for North San Diego
County. Send information via email
permit) and provide the
city with technical proof
that the location is necessary to bridge a significant
gap in coverage and is the
only possible location that
would do it.
The ordinance also sets
the maximum allowable
towers on a given property
based on its size.
For example, a 10.1acre parcel could have a
maximum of three cell towers.
commission’s chair, said
the inclusion of the maximum-tower language and
the conditional-use requirement made his decision easier, despite the opposition from both sides of
the debate.
“Having a CUP requirement means that the
people will have a chance
and we will have a chance
and the council will have a
chance to weigh in on these
application,” Flodine said.
“It gives me comfort to
move forward.”
Cell-tower opponents
email at
or by calling (760) 815-8512.
Jodie K. Schuller & Associates has been selected
for the 2014 Best of Del Mar
Award. Each year, the Del
Mar Award Program identifies companies that they
believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in
their local community. These
are local companies that enhance the positive image of
small business through services to their customers and
Casa de Bandini in Carlsbad just celebrated its fifth
anniversary. The restaurant
originally opened in Old
Town in 1980, but after Diane Powers lost her lease at
Old Town State Historic Park,
she moved the restaurant to
North County. Powers’ newest
restaurant, Casa Sol y Mar, in
Carmel Valley, also celebratKimberly Alexander, a
ed it first year on May 22.
graduate of MiraCosta College’s Horticulture Program
Positive Action Commu- was looking for a career
nity Theatre (PACT) is cur- change when she enrolled at
rently forming an advisory in the midst of the last recesboard of top-level profession- sion. Now she’s running her
als to assist those on the au- own landscape design comtism spectrum in finding and pany that earned a record 15
keep their perfect jobs. The awards in this year’s garden
long-range goal of the project competition at the San Diego
is to establish a successful County Fair.
business that is owned and
operated by individuals with
San Diego-based Zephautism. Anyone interested in yr Partners broke ground on
being involved may contact new Carlsbad luxury condos
PACT Co-founder/Executive at Buena Vista Lagoon, 2303
Director Kathryn Campion by Ocean St., Carlsbad. The first
homes will be ready to move
in late 2014/2015. Prices will
start in the low $1,300,000s.
For more information, visit
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Van De Vort fashion boutique in Flower Hill Promenade in Del Mar, celebrated
its one-year anniversary by
throwing a party right in their
store July 6 with proceeds of
sales going to the Miracle Babies Charity.
Your Encinitas Territory Manager
Call Deanna for all your
advertising needs.
railed against the ordinance, arguing the rules
did not go far enough to
protect residents.
One particular group
of opponents have been
urging the city for stricter rules since last fall,
when a homeowner in the
Questhaven neighborhood
sought — and received
— approval for a second,
35-foot-tall microwave tower on his property.
John Signorino, who
served as spokesman for
the group at Monday’s
meeting, repeatedly pointed to the cell-tower issue in
their neighborhood, which
he said was the “UNICEF
poster child for everything
wrong with the ordinance.”
He said the proposed
ordinance, by virtue of
its tower-to-acreage standards, would allow the
property owner to seek a
third tower on the property
in question.
He also said that ordinance did not require the
city to seek a third-party
analysis of the wireless
companies’ technical data.
Signorino’s strongest
criticism, however, was
that the ordinance did not
set a minimum distance
between cell towers and
homes and did not mandate
wireless companies to install newer, smaller, less
intrusive tower technology.
doesn’t do it,” Signorino
said repeatedly throughout
his 15-minute presentation
to the council.
Signorino pointed to
Irvine and Calabasas’ ordinance as examples of
one with distance requirements.
City staff, however,
would later say that Irvine’s ordinance only mandates the distance between
towers and Calabasas’
provides a similar “safety valve” provision as San
Marcos’ proposal, which a
wireless carrier used to get
a tower installed within
minimum distance.
Federal law prohibits
cities from creating provisions that would effectively ban wireless facilities
in areas where a coverage
gap exists or would ban
certain tower technologies
outright, said Jonathan
Kramer, a wireless law expert contracted by the city
to develop the ordinance.
The proposed ordinance, Kramer said, goes
as far as the city can within the current constraints
of the law.
Wireless companies,
however, said they believed the ordinance goes
beyond the scope of federal law.
Representatives from
Verizon, AT&T and a company that develops the
smaller tower technology
said some of the requirements, including annual
reports to the city’s planning department and the
requirement for companies
to prove the need to install
sites in agricultural and
residential sites, would be
unnecessarily costly and
Milan Brandon, whose
father Jeff Brandon is the
property owner whose cell
towers sparked the controversy, said the proposed
rules would hamper the
city’s ability to provide
quality wireless coverage
to residents.
“This ordinance would
put our city at an economic
disadvantage to other cities…and hinder progress,”
Brandon said. “We must not
delay the wireless buildout
of our city any longer.”
“We don’t want to see
a government taking of
rights from the carriers,”
said John Osborne, AT&T’s
external affairs director.
AT&T sent a letter to the
city weeks ago that outlined 47 points of contention the wireless carrier
has with the proposed ordinance.
After the meeting,
Osborne said the fact that
both sides opposed the
city’s rules didn’t necessarily mean that the ordinance
was a good compromise.
“We still believe the
ordinance violates AT&T’s
rights and ability to place
infrastructure as designed
to be placed where it is allowed under federal law,”
Osborne said.
Rancho Santa Fe rider shines in Pony Hunter Derby
REGION — On the
evening of June 28, the
inaugural $5,000 Markel
Insurance Pony Hunter
Derby at the Blenheim
Red, White & Blue Classic
welcomed a group of small,
medium and large ponies
to the San Juan Capistrano
North Grass Field.
Young rider Jillian
Stuart of Rancho Santa Fe
earned a third place riding Prima Ballerina and
placed fifth astride Anisette.
After two rounds,
Classic and Handy, it was
Bianca Jenkins on her medium pony Fine Art that
took home the top prize.
Festival is planned for July
16 to July 20 at the Blenheim facility.
Coming into the second round with an 82,
Jenkins earned a score of
77 with five handy bonus
points to take the lead.
Her total score of 164
narrowly beat second place
finisher Woodland’s Huck
Jillian Stuart, of Rancho Santa Fe, scored in the top three on Prima Ballerina at the Pony Hunter Derby at
the Blenheim Red, White & Blue Classic. Courtesy photo
Finn with Grace Tuton.
Tuton and her large
pony earned 80 in both
rounds, and three handy
bonus points, which gave
her a final score of 163.
Rounding out the top
three, small pony Prima
Ballerina danced into
third, with Stuart, of Rancho Santa Fe, aboard.
Her final score was
162, with a 76 in the first
round and an 80 in the
Handy round, plus six
handy bonus points.
Stuart also earned a
fifth-place finish on Anis-
Devon Gibson and
Seahorse Riding Club train
They also train Emily Maclean, winner of
the 2014 Zone 10 Pony
Hunter Challenge.
Solana Beach filmmaker offers Xsports-on-line
Solana Beach filmmaker
Ira Opper has launched
an extreme sports online
video platform subscription service called Vaporvue.
Vaporvue is a monthly,
video streaming service
available on Internet connected devices.
“Subscribers can access Vaporvue on their
computer, smart phone,
tablet and TV,” said Opper, president of Opper
Sports Productions. “You
can watch what you want,
when you want.”
includes movies, documentaries and TV series Ira Opper, a Solana Beach resident and filmmaker, has launched
on surfing, skiing, snow- an extreme sports online subscription service called Vaporvue.
boarding, mountain bik- Courtesy photo
ing, outdoor, moto and
other extreme sports.
Vaporvue also includes a wide spectrum of
related adventure, travel, fitness, yoga, and the
how-tos of extreme sports.
Opper is one of the
credited with documenting “extreme sports” on
cable TV.
provide on-demand, HD,
Internet-streaming media
designed to give subscribers access to the world’s
extreme sports movies
whenever and wherever
they are.
produced more than 200 extreme sports television
and movies.
JULY 11, 2014 B7
T he R ancho S anta F e News A couples’ infertility struggle leads to helping others
CARLSBAD — Having a baby may not be so
easy for some couples.
According to The
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more
than 7 million Americans
deal with infertility every
Stephanie and Mario
Caballero struggled with
infertility for years, resulting in Stephanie having to undergo 10 artificial
inseminations, surgeries,
13 in vitro fertilizations,
and miscarriages.
The dream of parenthood faded with each
attempt, but new hope
emerged when Stephanie’s cousin became her
surrogate and gave birth
to their twins.
Today, the twins are
It was the heartache
of infertility and ultimately realizing the different
options for parenthood,
which inspired Stephanie,
who is also an attorney, to
open Extraordinary Conceptions in 2005.
Stephanie’s husband,
Mario, joined the company a year later serving as
executive director.
In under a decade, Extraordinary Conceptions,
headquartered in Carlsbad, has transformed into
an international agency
which matches surrogates
and egg donors to couples and individuals, also
known as “intended par-
After struggling with infertility for several years, Stephanie and Mario Caballero turned to a surrogate to have
children. Courtesy photo
Stephanie admits she
did not have a specific vision when she founded her
“The goal that Mario and I both did have,
though, was to help as
many people have a baby
wherever they were and to
see the joy on their faces,”
Stephanie said. “To help
people in the U.S.A., China, France, Germany or
even Italy — to help some-
one have a baby is the best
job ever.”
Stephanie wants people to know that there is
no average couple that
comes to them for help.
While numerous issues
cause infertility, others
may face it due to cancer
treatments and even those
born without a uterus.
And Extraordinary Conceptions also helps gay
couples that yearn to be
For Mario, who was by
his wife’s side during eight
years of infertility, the
obvious emotional frustrations were also punctuated by the changing of
doctors and not receiving
the right information.
“It seemed that people were more interested
in our wallets than helping us and we learned a
lot over those years,” Mario said.
Invariably, this helped
fine-tune Extraordinary
Conceptions to become a
company of fairness and
“What this company
does is educate potential
clients on all the different roads as far as egg
donation and surrogacy to
achieve fertility,” he said.
According to Mario,
since Extraordinary Conceptions opened its doors,
for the first initial years
they helped five to 10 couples per month. Now, they
average 20 to 30 couples
every month.
Mario went on to say
they have expanded internationally for many years
and it continues to be a
“There are people in
so many countries that
are not allowed to do in
vitro fertilization after
the age of 40,” he said.
Mario continued, “Some
counties also have limitations about having a child
if someone is in a wheelchair, specific disease
and restrictive policies,
and where surrogacy is
Because of this, foreign couples travel to the
come to California where
surrogacy is legal and legitimate to have a child;
and, to have the name of
the clients on the birth
certificate the moment
their child takes its first
breath,” Mario said.
Stephanie said when
their focus went international they wanted to
make sure they had people
on staff who spoke various
languages such as French,
German, Italian, Spanish,
Be it a phone call or
“intended parents” flying
thousands of miles to the
United States, this was a
comforting welcome.
Stephanie attributes
their business growth because it comes from the
heart. After the grieving process of infertility,
Stephanie said, couples
come to realize there are
other options for becoming parents.
“It may not have been
the way you thought or
wanted — but if you really want it, you can get it,”
she said.
Mario said a common
misconception he runs
into is people thinking a
business like theirs is focused on financial gains.
Not for Extraordinary
Conceptions, Mario said,
because their policy is
helping the client first.
“Even if clients decide not to work with us after we invested hundreds
of hours, just educating
them toward making the
right choice is our goal,”
Mario said.
deserves the love of a child
and no one should be
denied that right.”
Studio Mgr.: Rosa Baer
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T he R ancho S anta F e News The wines of Rocky
Mountain high
taste of
frank mangio
n January, Colorado became the first
state in the U.S. to
allow retail recreational
marijuana sales to adults 21
and older. 37 dispensaries
opened for business and
business has been booming.
But hold on.
Since 2005, the Colorado wine industry has more
than tripled to more than
144 million, with local vineyards doing very well.
The state’s consumers
drink 3.1 gallons per capita
annually, 24 percent more
than the U.S. average. Colorado has about 108 wineries, small by California
numbers (Napa Valley has
over 400 alone), and most
of those are boutique style
with less than 25 acres un-
der vine. Most wineries offer unlimited free tasting.
Jean and Walt Stringer
are long-time wine aficionados and former next-door
neighbors of mine.
They left for Denver
when his career as major
light rail projects manager
took him from Carlsbad. At
their urging,
I spent eight days,
first in Denver, then Grand
Both areas are a mile
high in elevation with
wines that accent this natural challenge with stunning
scenery at every turn that
quickly vaults up to 10,000
feet just a few miles from
Grand Junction and the Palisade districts.
After a meandering
Amtrak train that took 10
hours to get from Denver
to Grand Junction, about
245 miles, we were ready
to knock on doors and try
some high altitude wine.
The AVA District is
Grande Valley with 21
wineries, and eye-popping
By Frank Mangio
2012 Rodney Strong Pinot Noir
Russian River Valley Sonoma,
About This Wine:
One of the first of the spectacular 2012 Pinot Noirs; West
Coast Wineries are all applauding this vintage as the best in a
Rodney Strong’s Pinots are
grown in gravelly soils, warm
afternoons and brisk, cool
evenings. It has a toney vanilla
taste from toasty French Oak
About This Winery:
Considered one of the best wineries in Sonoma, wine grapes are sustainably farmed.
The winemaker is Rick Sayre, a respected, long-time
maker of Pinot Noir and other varietals. Property is
just above Santa Rosa.
The Cost:
COSTCO has just stocked this wine at $15 per bottle.
New ownership!
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JULY 11, 2014
Food &Wine
views of the Colorado National Monument.
First stop was more
a farmhouse winery, purchased in 1999 by former
tech executives Nancy
Janes and John Behrs.
Janes makes the wine on
24 acres. She likes to say,
“Handgrown, handpicked,
and handcrafted.”
Among the 17 different
wines made, the standout
was the 2012 Shiraz ($15)
that Janes collected a Gold
Medal for, at last year’s international show at Finger
Lakes New York.
It showed rich notes
of plum, currant and black
pepper. Another winner
was the cold-weather resistant Dry Riesling ($13)
with accents of jasmine,
apricot and apple.
A surprise was the alcohol content of 13.9 percent.
Riesling normally comes in
at 9 percent. Find out more
The fifth winery to
open its doors in Colorado
is the distinguished Grande
River Vineyards.
Steve and Naomi Smith
planted their first grapes
in 1987, right by the grand
Colorado River. Until 2006,
Steve and Naomi Smith built Grand River Vineyards into the largest this vineyard was the No. 1
winery in Colorado. Photo by Frank Mangio
grape grower in the state.
A decision was made to
sell off most of the 50 acres
and concentrate on making
great wine with the remaining 10 acres and quality
varietals elsewhere in the
My top choice was the
2011 Viognier ($17.99). In
my Top 10 Tastes for the
first half of 2014, I thought
this one could compete with
any Viognier in California.
I said, “Their Viognier was
art in a bottle, with its characteristic pear and apricot
aromas and flavors.”
A close second was the
2011 Syrah ($17.99) with its
mocha, cherry, blackberry
and spice. Both of these
varietals are robust wines,
resistant to the cold blasts
of winter, common in Colorado even in late spring.
For more, visit
On Sept. 18 to Sept.
20, the Colorado Mountain
Winefest will happen in the
Palisade area with 45 wineries participating in what
will be the biggest Winefest in Colorado this year.
Check out the details at
Any discussion of Colorado wine would not be
5 easy tips for throwing the ultimate summer party
How you can bring
together right food,
drinks and friends
for an amazing
summer party
(BPT) — There’s nothing quite like a summer
party where beautiful
weather, great food and
good friends come together to create memories
that last. If you’re looking forward to throwing a
summer party but you’re
not sure how to get started, the following tips will
have you outside enjoying
a warm breeze with your
friends in no time.
guest list. What’s a party without guests, right?
Start by determining
how many people you can
comfortably host and create your guest list with
this realistic number in
mind. Friends, family and
co-workers can all attend,
but make sure to invite
people you know will be
respectful of your home
and your neighborhood
as their actions reflect on
you. You might consider
adding your neighbors
as well as they may feel
slighted if they aren’t invited to the big party taking place next door.
• Pick a theme. Theme
parties make planning
and decorating so much
easier, and they provide
sense of what kind of party it is, how to dress, etc.
If you own a pool, invite
everyone to a day at the
beach. Or, pick a theme
around your favorite tele-
When planning a summer party it’s best not to forget these five tips. Courttesy photo
vision show. Whatever you
decide, carry your theme
through to the decorations, the attire and the
invitations themselves.
taste. Warm weather gatherings shouldn’t involve a
lot of time in the kitchen
working over a hot stove.
Instead, consider offering a selection of easy,
ready-to-eat snacks in a
variety of flavors. TGI Fridays Snacks are a perfect
choice because they parallel popular menu appetizer items that people are
instantly familiar with.
Choose from the popular
Cheddar Bacon Potato
Skins Snack Chips or the
new Bacon Ranch Potato
Skins Snack Chips. With
11 different flavors to
choose from, your guests
can roam the party to try
them all.
• Dress your party to
impress. The right decorations are a matter of
taste and your skill level. If you’re the creative
type, you may enjoy building your own decorations
from scratch. Or, you
might prefer to simply
purchase your decorations
from a local party supply
store. No matter what
you choose, select decorations that complement
the theme of your party.
Remember to make sure
areas like the food table
• Keep them enterand sitting areas are appropriately decorated.
tained. The right entertainment options can keep
• A flavor for every your party going longer. If
you have a pool, make it
the main attraction and
don’t forget the floats!
Outdoor yard games like
darts, lawn bowling or
bean bag toss are popular and you can encourage
participation by turning
them into a competition.
Smaller groups may appreciate a deck of cards
and no one can say no to
bingo if there’s a prize on
the line. Good music is a
must so be sure to load
your iPod with a fun, upbeat playlist your guest
will enjoy.
Planning the perfect
party is easier than you
may think. With a little
preparation and the right
food, decorations and entertainment, you can give
your guests a memorable
event they’ll be talking
about all summer long.
JULY 11, 2014 B9
T he R ancho S anta F e News Pet of the Week
Meet Helen Woodward Animal Center’s
This 3-year-old, 9-pound
brown Tabby blend is a social gal with a calm, sweet
personality, lots to say to
visiting friends and a generous purr. She’s playful,
inquisitive, and gets lots of
exercise tossing her mousy
toys around. She has been
spayed and is up-to-date
on all of her vaccinations.
Her adoption fee is $106
includes up-to-date on
all vaccinations and micro-chipped for identification. Kennels, at 6461
El Apajo Road in Rancho
Santa Fe, are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.;
Fridays from noon to 7
p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m.; and Sunday 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes
before closing). For more
information call (858) 7564117, option #1 or visit
From left: Amateur ham radio operators Greg Gibbs, Tom Howard, Brian Tagg and Terry Runyon at the annual Field Day event on Sunday. For
two days, amateur ham radio operators gather to try and make as many contacts as possible. Photos by Tony Cagala
HAM radio enthusiasts gather for ‘field day’
By Tony Cagala
Ham radio enthusiasts
were literally having a
field day.
Sifting through static and listening for another voice on the other
end, ham radio operators
spent two days in a field
off of Rancheros Drive,
participating in the annual ARRL Field Day
Greg Gibbs, organizer of the event, said
one of the goals was to
see how many messages
could be sent from their
camp to others around
the U.S. and Canada.
During the two-day
event on June 28 and
June 29, their group
made 776 contacts from
cities within the U.S. as
far away as Virginia and
Florida to Texas, Ohio
and Hawaii. They were
also able to reach other
ham radio operators in
The Field Day event
is part fun, but part
training, too.
Meant to simulate
an emergency where all
power and communications are down, the event
served to highlight that
with portable generators
still possible by using
ham radios.
“The fastest way to
turn a crisis into a total
disaster is to lose communications,” said Allen
Pitts of the ARRL in a
press release. “From the
tsunami in Japan to tornadoes in Missouri, ham
radio provided reliable
communication networks
in the first critical hours
of the events. Because
ham radios are not dependent on complex systems, they work when
nothing else is available.
We need nothing between us but air.”
member of the Palomar
Amateur Radio Club,
said that as people are becoming more addicted to
instant communications
through cell phones,
ham radios are important because during an
emergency, cell phone
signals are cut to allow
for emergency personnel
to communicate, leaving
ham radio operators to
Brian Tagg, an amateur radio operator demonstrates making a radio
help spread the word on
what’s going on.
If the ground shakes,
Runyon said, a ham radio
operator will be there to
report on the damage.
He said that law enforcement is also using ham
radios as backup commu-
nication devices.
Oceanside resident, has
been involved with ham
radios since 2007. Howard, who is blind, said
he keeps his radio by his
bed and is able to talk
with people all over the
In March 2012, the
ARRL listed 702,506
ham radio operators in
the U.S. and more than 2
million around the world.
with the radios sounded
like something interesting for Brian Tagg, who’s
been with the Palomar
Amateur Radio Club for
three years. He said he
didn’t know anything
about it when he started,
but found out how much
there was to it.
“It’s a very neat hobby,” Tagg said.
The Palomar Amateur Radio Club has
more than 300 members,
who come from all over
San Diego County, Howard said. It was founded
in 1936 and meets at the
Carlsbad Safety Center
the first Wednesday of
each month.
Visit PalomarARC.
org for more information.
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T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
When two glaciers meet, the rocks and scree that are pushed by the moving ice meet, creating what looks like a manmade line. This photo was taken during a 90-minute “flightseeing” tour near Anchorage. Photos by
Jerry Ondash
hit the
e’louise ondash
e are high over
the Knik Glacier north of
Anchorage, trying to take
in the vastness and splendor that is Alaska. As far as
our bird’s eye view takes us,
there are rugged snow-covered peaks, braided rivers
and giant sheets of moving
ice that have created the
valley where Alaska’s largest city sits.
Because the state is
so big, when you visit, you
must come with a plan.
“You can’t come with
three hours to kill and expect to drive up and back
to Denali (National Park),”
says Jack Bonney of Visit
Anchorage. “You need to
come with a focus. It’s just
too big to see everything.”
One focus of our 10-day
stay in June was to get up
in a plane and see a portion
of south central Alaska,
which includes some of the
Anchorage residents celebrate their short-but-intensely-bright summer
(the sun shines about 20 hours a day) with lots of flowers. The city’s
businesses hang 1,200 flower baskets and fill hundreds of planters in
late spring. This year, gold and purple seem to be the prominent colors.
seacrest village
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Come home to Seacrest Village!
50 glaciers within as many
miles of downtown Anchorage. We sign on with Rust’s
Flying Service, which has
been hosting “flightseeing”
tours in the area for more
than half a century. Its pilots have logged thousands
of hours before flying for
Rust’s, whose planes take
off and land from Lake
Hood, the world’s busiest
seaplane base.
It’s hard to grasp how
close the wilderness is to
civilization here, until we
are up in our six-passenger
DeHavilland Beaver (for
which die-hard bush pilots
have reverential devotion).
It doesn’t take long before
we must contemplate just
how insignificant humans
are compared to the forces
of nature.
“This valley was once
under 4,000 feet of ice,”
explains our pilot, Stu, who
immediately after our plane
ride will remove the seats
and load barrels of oil destined for somewhere north.
When asked if I may contact
him later, Stu replies that
“I don’t have email, I don’t
have a computer, I don’t
have a TV and I don’t have
a cell phone.”
But the longtime pilot
is plenty forthcoming when
it comes to pointing out
land features and explaining the mighty geological
forces that shaped Alaska
and are still doing so. Stu
notes that the dark ridges
of the glacier’s snow were
created by volcanic ash that
rained down from Mount
Redoubt, southwest of An-
Dramatic scenery like this arm of Knik Glacier near Anchorage can only
be viewed from a plane. There are 50 glaciers near the city of 301,000.
Only 18 percent of Alaska’s 663,000 square miles can be accessed by
road, so small planes are vital to every aspect of Alaskan life.
Lake Hood, a small body of water next to the Ted Stevens Anchorage
International Airport, is the busiest seaplane airport in the world. For
many Alaskans, a single-engine plane is as common as a family car
because so much of Alaska is accessible only by plane.
chorage, when it erupted in
2009. By contrast, a deep,
almost eerie shade of aquamarine emanates from glacier crevasses, and we see
broken chunks of blue and
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black ice floating in frigid
glacier lakes.
It may be summer by
the calendar, but this is one
place where snow is a constant. However, our pilot
notes that goodly portions
of the glaciers no longer exist — the result of climate
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WIZARD FUN Youngsters ages nine to 13 are
invited to take over the Del
Mar Library at 5:30 p.m.
July 11 and get in touch
with their inner wizard
during the first After-Hours
Harry Potter Tween Mystery Night, at 1309 Camino
Del Mar. The event will include Harry Potter-themed
costumes and Harry Potter
Trivia while solving the
mystery in teams for prizes. Parental permission is
required. To register, contact the Del Mar Library at
(858) 755-1666 or visit sdcl.
SwitchFoot Bro-Am will be
held July 12 at Moonlight
Beach and at La Paloma
Theatre, 471 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. It will
include a surf contest at
7 a.m., concert from noon
to 5 p.m. followed by a 7
p.m. screening of Switchfoot’s documentary “Fading West,” and a Switchfoot
performance. Tickets at
The Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society holds its
annual Home Tour from 1
to 4 p.m. July 12 from 6036
La Flecha, Rancho Santa
Fe. Tour the historical Lilian Rice Row Houses. Your
check is your reservation.
Mail to P.O. Box 1, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067.
For more information, call
(858) 756-9291.
North County Road Runners invite runners to the
Bake at the Lake 4 Mile
Cross-Country race, 7:30
a.m. July 12 at Lake Hodges, Escondido. No bib numbers distributed after 7:20
a.m. To register, visit HYPERLINK
"" sdtc.
Carlsbad Lifestyle & Fitness Festival from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. July 12 at Pine
Avenue Community Park,
3333 Harding St., Carlsbad,
before the July 13 Carlsbad
Triathlon. Both events are
hosted by the City of Carlsbad and feature relays, agility tests and seminars and
live demonstrations and a
blood drive. For more information, visit tcarlsbadca.
The San Dieguito Heritage
Museum family program,
noon to 4 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at 450
Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas, will be crafting
our own tambourines, just
as Native Americans used
natural resources to create many different instruments. For more information, call (760) 632-9711
THANKS Lake San Marcos
Democratic Club will thank
area firefighters at its meeting at 10:30 a.m. July 12
with coffee and light refreshments at Lake San
Marcos Pavilion, 1105 La
Bonita Drive, San Marcos.
Visit for directions or call (760) 744-9233
T he R ancho S anta F e News for more information.
community is invited to
a benefit for the Rancho
Coastal Humane Society
at 10 a.m. July 19 at Atria
Encinitas, 504 S. El Camino
Real, Encinitas, including
a Pooch Parade with prizes for dogs with the best
costumes. A $10 donation
is suggested. Reservations
are needed by July 12, by
calling (760)436-9990.
of Parks and Recreation
is holding a Senior Dance
from 2 to 4 p.m. July 13 at
the Country Club Senior
Center, 455 Country Club
Lane, Oceanside. Live music by the Vidals. For more
information, call (760) 4355250. Cost is $5 per person
Branch of the American Begonia Society meets at 1:30
p.m. July 13 at the Olivenhain Meeting Hall, 423 Rancho Santa Fe Road, Encinitas. Al Palacio will speak on
terrariums and growing begonias. Bring any begonias
you have growing in terrariums. For more information,
call (760) 815-7914 or visit
HYPERLINK "http://www."
Friends of the Carlsbad Library, hosts its “ Old and Interesting” book sale July 14
through July 19 at the Dove
Library lobby, 1775 Dove
Lane, Carlsbad, during normal bookstore hours. Prices
begin at 50 cents. Credit
cards are accepted for $3 or
more. For information, call
(760) 602-2020.
Women of North County
will meet at 6 p.m. July 14
at the San Marcos Senior
Center, 111 Richmar, San
Marcos. For membership or
information, contact Lisa
HYPERLINK "mailto : membersh ip @ c wonc .
org" membership@cwonc.
org or visit
PLAY FOR CEF Carlsbad Educational Foundation hosts a Night at the
Moonlight with “Mary Poppins” at 8 p.m. July 15, at
1200 Vale Terrace Drive,
Vista. Tickets at
State Senator Joel Anderson and Stephen Guffanti
will speak at the Tri-City
Tea Party 6 to 7:30 p.m.
July 15 at Boomers, 1525
W. Vista Way, Vista. For
more information, contact
Tri-City Tea Party at info@ or (760)
JOB SEMINAR Employment and Career Services of Jewish Family Service of San Diego presents
“Job Search from A-Z,”
from 10 a.m. to noon July 16
at The Ranch, 441 Saxony
Road, Encinitas. Register
for free online
E-READER INFO Escondido Public Library offer a tutorial at 6 p.m. July
15 at 239 S. Kalmia St.,
Escondido, on how to use
eReaders to download free
library eBooks “Train your
Tablet for eBooks.” Registration is not required.
Bring your Kindle or tablet
eReader device.
Politics, a satellite club of
Carlsbad Republican Women Federated, will present
Brad Dacus, president of
the Pacific Justice Institute,
speaking on “The Eroding
of your Civil Rights: How
to Right Wrongs Legally”
from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. July
17 at The Crossings, 5800
The Crossings Drive, Carlsbad. There is a $15 cash
cover charge (includes appetizers) and drinks are
available for purchase. For
reservations, contact Coordinator Melanie Burkholder at (307) 690-7814 or
The North County Jewish Seniors Club will host
Steve Shaefer, professor of
Integrated Studies speaking on the global market,
at 12:30 p.m. July 17 at the
Oceanside Senior Center,
455 Country Club Lane,
Oceanside. Call (760) 2952564 for information.
Racing season in Del Mar
begins July 17 and runs
Wednesdays through Sundays until Sept. 3 with post
time for the first race at 2
p.m. On Fridays, first post
is shifted to 4 p.m. and
Say you saw it in the
Rancho Santa Fe News!
When you shop or use the services that are
advertised in the Rancho Santa Fe News, you
are supporting the newspaper and our efforts to
bring you quality news. We are funded only by
advertising revenue, so please, when you use a
product or service that you saw in the paper,
say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!"
Thank you for supporting our advertisers!
Sincerely, The Rancho Santa Fe News Staff
concerts are scheduled.
For more information, call
(858) 755-1141 or visit
Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club
will host “Golf Fore Fun
-- Sip and Swing” at 3:45
p.m. July 18 at 5827 Via de
la Cumbre, with a shotgun
start. For more information,
visit or call
(858) 756-1182.
Simply The Best Singles
presents the “Tonight's
The Night” dance/mixer
for ages 35+, 7:30 to 11:30
p.m. July 19 at the Del Mar
Marriott, 11966 El Camino
Real. Carmel Valley. Icebreakers, prizes, photographer and more.
Dress upscale classy
(no jeans/no shorts). Cost is
$15 prepay/$20 at the door
Register at SimplyThe- or call
(818) 577-6877.
Nativa Furniture will celebrate the Del Mar racetrack’s opening day with
a July 19 “Opening Day”
cocktail reception for its
“Horses in Motion” art exhibit at 143 S. Cedros Ave.
in Solana Beach July 17 to
Aug. 30. Ten percent of the
art sale proceeds will benefit After the Finish Line, a
Thoroughbred rescue organization.
up now for the Canine Companions for Independence
annual Golf Tournament
Aug. 22 at the Omni La Costa Resort in Carlsbad. Tee
time is 8 a.m. with Awards
Luncheon and Silent Auction to follow. If you are not
a golfer, there is a spa package that includes the luncheon. Make reservations
online at or call
(800) 572-2275.
Weird Animals Vacation Bible School will run from 6
to 8:45 p.m. July 21 through
July 25 at the Family Fellowship Church, 420 N. El
Camino Real, Oceanside
for ages 3 through 14. Cost
is $15 per child/$45 max
per family. For more information, call (760) 439-1971.
SCHOOL Redeemer Presbyterian Church offers Vacation Bible School Sports
Camp for ages 4 through
12 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
July 21 to July 25 at 1831 S.
El Camino Real, Encinitas
with extended day available until 3 p.m. There will
be basketball, cheerleading, Team 45, martial arts
and games. On-line registration at
vbs or call (760) 753-2535.
T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
and just what it is you want out of life. It’s
time to re-evaluate matters and make adjustments to suit your needs.
SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski
By Bernice Bede Osol
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014
FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves
THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom
ake a moment to review your past and
present before pursuing the future. You
have too much on your plate, and you
must channel your energy in the direction
that makes the most sense. Modify your
schedule and remain focused on your
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You
will be emotional today. Try not to let your
feelings overflow into the workplace. Professionalism will count when it comes to
future advancement.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Keep a
close eye on your wallet, assets and personal papers. Your bank account could
be compromised if your financial information becomes vulnerable.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Family
members will be extremely hard to please
today. Get out with colleagues or friends if
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Family it will help you avoid a domestic situation
matters will be confusing or could cause that you aren’t prepared to deal with.
uncertainty. Put your best effort into your
work to avoid making impulsive personal PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Avoid
emotional blackmail. Your peers will lose
changes that are likely to be costly.
interest if you insist on having everything
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Prepare to take your way. Honesty, integrity and comproon a new challenge. Find the sports and mise will be necessary.
recreation facilities in your area and sign
up for a new activity. Striving to be your ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- A holiday to
a resort, hotel or spa will help keep your
best will lead to both personal and profesmind off your troubles. Making arrangesional advancement.
ments with someone special will be half
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Take a back the fun.
seat and observe what’s going on around
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Spruce up
you. Don’t be too quick to make changes
your living space without being extravaprematurely. Keep an open mind and wait
gant. Applying a coat of paint or moving
until you have a clear picture.
furniture around to suit your current interLIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Do whatev- ests and lifestyle will make a difference in
er it takes mentally and physically to im- your attitude.
prove your standing, but don’t try to buy GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Treat a busisupport. Extravagance will end up cost- ness or personal partner respectfully.
ing you more than you can afford.
Think before you say or do something
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- A choice that has the potential to hurt someone’s
between money and satisfaction will feelings. Listen to what people say, and
need to be made. Question your motives show patience and understanding.
BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce
MONTY by Jim Meddick
ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson
ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender
JULY 11, 2014 B13
T he R ancho S anta F e News Place your classified ad
through our website 24/7
VOL. 28,
classifieds • 760.436.9737 •
6TH, 2014 Walk 5K stopping at
21 Solana Beach Restaurants and
EATING FREE Food! Benefiting
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Full Charge Live-in Housekeeper?
I want to help you. I would like to
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soccer, swimming. I would like to be
YOUR “Man Friday” I can take care
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motorcycles (I am mechanically inclined), salt water fish tank, dogs,
and cats. Take you to the airport,
help you with shopping and save
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Call Devon (760) 696-2957 or email
CASH For sealed Unexpired Boxes
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PERMIT NO. 92025
N0. 25
JUNE 20,
Sophia Ceja,
3, of
for April Oceanside, shows
19. See
the full story off a handful
of eggs
on page
she found
A9. Photo
. Four city
by Promis
e Yee
egg hunts
Council clo
Two commer
be demolis cial structure
hed to make s at Carlsba
of retail
d’s La
way for
a revamp Costa Towne Center
above, would apartment building
retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition
nts, a courtyarnew building
, shown
d for resident
s, and
Carlsbad reta
revamped il center to be
with apartm
By Rachel
for five years,
— With
the 33-yea it’s primary
the corner
By Jared
last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty
Real and
La Costa
The ownerrevamp.
— The counci
Avenue at
molish two
of the
step toward
is at
cific View
commercialproperty gained
acquiring l took
ter and
site on Wedne
the Pareplace
and half
them structures
favor of il members sday night.
2.3 times
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voted 3-2
ng centhat price.”
from Carlsb gs that are
conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi
ad’s Planni half retail
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Planning 16.
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Kranz said
But the
said Plannihave no idea
just this
of upping
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what’s inside,
big long
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EUSD had the price knowwhite
it’s not invitin
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eux. “This
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to pay
cenEncinitasto acquire the
eyesore. r Aurthur Neil
The city
Black called
Union School site from $10
the distric
the little
t’s rezonehave tried to fight
Jeff EddingDistrict.
would likely
owning at the prospect ton said he’s
court battle,resulted in anthat
cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city
Kranz added. ex“bamboozled d the counON A15
auction month, EUSD
Pacific View
was due
Pacific View
the propercity offered $4.3 .”
bid set at
with a minim
past, and ty in the not-too
ticking, $9.5 million. With
for cade ago. The
the city
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d a memora
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g more
the deadli ted an offer
, bringing
n- delayed
than the
day night’s
the city
site. Photo
closer to
a safegu the auction by two EUSD has
by Jared
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Artist Mark
By Promis
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d Dick
MaUr. A5
accept the
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The final remains
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(760) 436-97 us
the planne
of namin He said
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center after g the reCalendar
tells of
Classifieds............ A10
project wife was well deservhis late
OUSD takes
the commu
..... B21
reasons. applause for two
affordable Mission Cove
to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12
form “green
mixedwere glad unity membe
aimed at
teams” Opinion......... ....... A18
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resource to have a family
Sports........... .......A4
oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part
h a partne
....... A20
of betwee
ing project
hous- tional n the city
, and
and Nastnewsgroup.
the name equally sance Community Renais
center will
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developer. Kay Parker honor the late
, a belove
ground project will break
this summe
d, fair
r. Grad-
to finalizin
g Pacific
View deal
Center to
of housi be part
ng projec
Two Sectio
48 pages
12TH & 13TH 1:00-4:00PM 5108
Spencer Ct, Oceanside. Beautiful
home located in golf community
of Arrowood. 4 br, office, loft, 3 full
ba, 3-car garage. 2832 sq ft. Must
See! Jennifer Graber 760-533-8717,
Coldwell Banker, Carlsbad.
12TH 12:00-3:00PM 5 br 4.5 ba offered at $935,000. 5158 Steinbeck
Court Carlsbad, CA 92008
13TH 1:00-4:00PM 3 br 4.5 ba home
offered at $990,000 - $1,089,000.
3673 Camino De Las Lomas Vista,CA 92084
13TH 1:00-4:00PM 4 br 3.5 ba home
offered at $499,000. 302 Bandini
Place Vista, CA 92083
12TH 1:00-4:00PM 5 br 2.5 ba
priced at $535,000. 1296 Cottonwood Drive Oceanside, CA 92056
Per Paper
1-2 wks
Display PCI
3 wks 6 wks 12 wks 26 wks 52 wks
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25 a word
POTENTIAL Looking for a true
win-win deal structure. I’LL... *
Bring some cash for down payment
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go to:
ery nook and cranny,
and clouds of gnat-like
creatures hovering over
my lawn.
But this battle is not
column, I learned that
citrus, peppermint or
tea tree oil may naturally repel my many-legged
they’ll take them out into
the wild for grazing,” he
But they’re now switching to camels as a new livestock species, perhaps, he
said, because of climate
chaos and other reasons.
That’s something they’ve
never done before, O’Connor said, but noting that
camel milk is now becoming a new health trend.
And the camels will eat
anything — they’ll move
through an area leaving the
whole of the vegetation denuded, and with camels being so big they can get into
“The only way to see all
this is from a plane,” Stu declares, as he takes the single-engine aircraft down to
less than 1,000 feet.
A bit later, we fly just
a few hundred feet from
the steep mountain slopes,
where, with the pilot’s help,
we spot a few moose, sheep
and even a bear loping uphill.
In about 90 minutes, we
turn toward Anchorage and
Lake Hood, where our flight
I have to watch the
plane’s pontoons to tell
when Stu puts the Beaver
down on the water because
the landing is so flawless.
I take a deep breath; I’m
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Character-education is
entwined with being an IB
learner, she explained.
Smith said the IB program really engages students, and that it’s a lot
more interesting, which
leads to a lot less discipline
problems because there’s
more participation.
“If you’re bored in
class you’re going to start
T he R ancho S anta F e News But to spray it every
week will take a fair
chunk of time.
I’m offering free
and safe shelter to any
and all hungry lizards,
frogs and maybe even
down. We have a 24/7,
all-you-can-eat policy.
Jean Gillette is a
freelance writer wrestling with a love-hate
outdoor relationship.
Contact her at jgillette@
recommendations having to
do with developing guidelines for teacher evaluations,
Currier responded that additional guidelines were not
necessary at the District.
Recommendation 14-24
stated, “Encourage and support district superintendents
to give input to the evaluation clauses in their union
contracts.” Currier said in
his reply that in Rancho Santa Fe, the superintendent al-
that zone of the giraffe.
Most worrying, O’Connor said, was a myth being
perpetuated, which said
that eating giraffe brains
or bone marrow could protect people from HIV and
slaughtered for that reason,
and it’s completely ineffectual,” he added.
The giraffe conservation program is hoped to
be in place over the next 12
Some of the ongoing
conservation efforts include working with the
communities that overlap
with giraffe.
One of their main goals
for helping to implement
conservation efforts with
those communities is not to
be viewed as outsiders.
“We can’t just say,
‘Stop killing giraffe,’ or,
‘Stop using the wood in the
forest,’ without giving them
an alternative,” he said.
It’s about building relationships with the communities and with the herders,
which usually entails going
out on walks with them, understanding what their perceptions of the animals are.
One of the best ways
to help a species is to bring
awareness, said O’Connor.
“And that is what
World Giraffe Day is going
to do,” he added.
thrilled and — OK, I admit
— also relieved.
It is only three miles
back to the heart of Anchorage, where about half of the
state’s 710,000 residents
(plus 1,500 moose) live.
It is easy to see from
the air how only 18 percent
of cities and towns are on
the state’s road system.
The rest of the state is
accessible only by plane,
boat or snow machine
We’re talking 663,000
square miles of open space,
as compared to California’s
163,000, or Texas’ 267,000.
Texas’ secondary status in
the size category is a fact
that Alaskans like to exploit every chance they get.
A favorite souvenir
T-shirt shows a silhouette
of Texas within the borders
of Alaska and claims that
“We’ve been pissing off
Texas since 1959,” the year
Alaska became a state.
Since those who live
outside the road system
are mostly Native Alaskans
who reside in tiny isolated
villages, the roads have become a reference point for
defining culture.
Some say this rift is
wide, while others think of
Anchorage more as a place
through which peoples of
many cultures and beliefs
eventually must pass.
For more information,
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W ine B ytes
Il Fornaio in Del Mar
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now through July 20 with
food and wine from Veneto. Enjoy a three-course
Tasting Menu for 31.99.
E’Louise Ondash is a
freelance writer living in
North County. Tell her about
your travels at eondash@
Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas now has
Thursday night wine
flights once a month
from 5 to 8 p.m. The next
event is scheduled for
July 17.
The Barrel Room in
Rancho Bernardo has
a Duckhorn Vineyard
Napa Valley Tasting,
July 13 at 2 p.m. ; $45 per
guest; five wines plus
small bites. Call (858)
Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur
certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading wine commentators on
the web. View and link up
with his column at Reach him at
goofing around,” she said.
“So their kids are being
challenged, they’re active;
they’re moving around.
And when kids are asking
the questions, instead of
the teachers asking the
questions, they’re a lot
more involved.”
Ferreira said it isn’t
just the standards when it
comes to how the program
monitors students’ understanding of the materials.
“STAR testing, and we’re
moving into Common Core,
would just be the knowl-
edge based,” she said.
“This is actually working
with the whole child, and
really working on their social, emotional needs; music and artistic abilities,
academic abilities.”
Common Core standards are standards, which
the schools have had before, Ferreira said. “Common Core is kind of the
‘what.’ These schools will
still be meeting those standards, however, IB is how
they’ll be teaching it,”
she said.
ready sits in on negotiations
and has direct input.
Perhaps in lager districts they do not. But in
Rancho Santa Fe District,
Currier pointed out, the superintendent plays a role in
what goes into the collective
bargaining agreements.
Recommendation 1425 reads, “Develop and
support programs that give
more individualized attention to teachers who may
need to ameliorate their
Currier indicated in his
response that the District
already gives individualized
attention to teacher performance. “In fact, the superintendent and the two principles are very proactive in
regard to providing support
and evaluating teachers,”
he said.
Currier pointed out
that in the report teacher
“Burn Out” was discussed
in reference to moving instructors to other schools.
Again, this does not apply to
Rancho Santa Fe.
There is only one school
in Rancho Santa Fe and
teachers don’t get transferred to another school in
the District.
And the Rancho Santa
Fe School District already
abides with recommendation 14-28 which reads,
“Give oversight and input to
the districts’ contracts to assure that teacher evaluation
has some elements based on
student performance rating, to comply with the state
Another recommendation was to allow teachers
to participate in Professional Learning Communities
which the District already
historically complies with.
The last recommenda-
tion, 14-30, reported, “Develop a system to measure
effects of teacher evaluation
on student performance.”
Currier pointed out that the
District already carefully
evaluates teachers based on
pupil performance. “In fact
the superintendent, herself,
tracks all of that,” he said.
Most of the items in
the San Diego Grand Jury
Report either did not apply
to Rancho Santa Fe or they
were already being done.
“The district does a really good job and it is reflected in the quality of their
teachers,” Currier said.
Currier also wants
people to know that not at
any time when this newest Grand Jury Report was
created, did they ask the
Rancho Santa Fe School
District to provide any information, documentation
or testimony.
T he R ancho S anta F e News JULY 11, 2014
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