Rancho Corral de Tierra Trail Map Brochure
Rancho Corral de Tierra Trail Map Brochure
A GOLDEN GATE NATIONAL PARKS TRAIL MAP RANCHO CORRAL DE TIERRA Through the collaborative efforts of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, National Park Service, Presidio Trust, and community volunteers, the Trails Forever initiative builds and maintains a world-class trail system north and south of the Golden Gate—while protecting resources and ensuring access to the parklands. Similar brochures are available for the other Golden Gate National Parks in San Mateo County: Milagra Ridge, Mori Point, Phleger Estate, and Sweeney Ridge. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE SAND HILL FOUNDATION, THE SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION’S DONOR CIRCLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, AND THE MEMBERS OF THE GOLDEN GATE NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVANCY. TRAILS FOREVER LOGO ©MICHAEL SCHWAB STUDIOS • COVER PHOTO: KIRKE WRENCH ENJOY YOUR PARKS TODAY Preserve Them for Tomorrow RANCHO CORRAL DE TIERRA Encompassing nearly 4,000 acres along the San Mateo County coast, Rancho Corral de Tierra features a variety of visitor experiences. Explore panoramic views, vital watersheds, and diverse habitat for wildlife, including threatened and endangered species like the California red-legged frog and Hickman’s potentilla. One of the largest undeveloped tracts of land in the county, Rancho includes miles of trails across steep hills and hidden valleys for hikers, bicyclists, and equestrians. This site is in the early stages of becoming a national park—and we could use your help! Get involved through one of our many volunteer programs. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES IN SAN MATEO COUNTY PARK STEWARDSHIP Z Restore habitat for endangered species such as the San Francisco garter snake, and learn all about local ecology. Volunteer projects are a combination of hands-on work and short natural history lessons. TRAILS FOREVER CREW Z Your park trails need you! Join the Trails Forever crew and you’ll help restore and maintain trails, construct new routes, and protect sensitive natural habitat. GET STARTED—TODAY! Z Most programs are ongoing, and offer regularly scheduled drop-in opportunities. Individual and group opportunities are available. MORE INFORMATION: volunteer@parksconservancy.org www.parksconservancy.org/volunteer • (415) 561-3044 • www. nps.gov/goga • To sign up for our newsletters visit www.parksconservancy.org/sanmateo and parksconservancy.org/rancho McNee Ranch (State Park) San Pedro Valley County Park Ma ti n ek Gray Whale Cove State Beach iC re r h Re ef Wicklow (County Park) El Granada Bus Stop* Dogs currently allowed on leash on all trails, unless otherwise noted. Pillar Point 17 Half Moon Bay Public parking in the Rancho property is currently unavailable. SAN MATEO A RA NT SA CLA August 2014 SUBJECT TO CHANGE a ari ALAMEDA NORTH 0.5 aM nt Sa Pillar Point Harbor *Check SamTrans for service. miles LOCKED GATE Co ral 17 Private Property Equestrian Areas De er Cr ee kTr ail il Alm e r i a Tra Other Open Space 0 l il Tra p o T at Fl Sa nC arl os Tra il Half Moon Bay Airport Golden Gate National Recreation Area Lands Parking l Tr ai u g te h 1 Pillar Point Bluff Trail Clipper Ridge l Trai Cli pp er Ri dg e D Tr a il er ’s Cy p nch Fre a Private Property re ston C ni Farm Moss Beach Ranch Cabrillo Farms Hiking, Horses, Bikes Hiking and Horses Hiking Only Tr ai e ce nt e Den n St Ro ad e nc Ra res sA ve Sp in V Ember Ridge Equestrian Center Sa 17 RANCHO CORRAL DE TIERRA n Sa ail WALK BIKE h Sa n Renegade Ranch Cr e Vi in V ic e Valley R ent eT r Sun s n ice te Trail Eth eld or Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Private Land Al am oS 17 tre et d Moss Beach Cr Montara Le Co n te Av e 17 ra ek dS t M on ta 2n r r Fa e ek al lo ne ad il onte Tra eC Trail R L o ek edr n P o M tn Sa Montara State Beach Al ta Vis ta Tra il ld O Ocean View Farms WALK BIKE (through stable area) San Francisco Watershed Lands (restricted access) M O N TA R A M O U N TA I N Rancho is home to four working ranches; please do not feed or touch any animals or enter any buildings without the staff's permission. Quarry Park