KAYNARCA DAM Hydropower Project Turkey Interim Due Dilligence Review Report on Feasibility Study February 2013 KAYNARCA DAM Hydropower Project Turkey Interim Due Dilligence Review Report on Feasibility Study Project Authorization Cover Page REPDC GREEN PTE. LTD. 16 Raffles Quay, #33-03 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 Tel: +656000064422 Fax: +656000064411 www.repdc-green.com Info@repdc-green.com Engineer in charge: Zika Smiljkovic, Dipl.Eng. E-mail: Zika.smiljkovic@repdc-green.com Economist in Charge: Dusan Smiljkovic E- mail: Dusan.smiljkovic@repdc-green.com Managing Director: Yossi Edelstein E-mail: Yossi.edelstein@repdc-green.com Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUMMARY DD REPORT (4) (6) I Introductory Notes II Key Project Features III DD Review of Regulatory Issues supporting Project Implementation IV DD Review of Topographic and Geologic Conditions V DD Review of Climatologic, Water Resources and Hydrologic Conditions VI DD Review of Reservoir Engineering as planned in FS VII DD Review of Dam Hydraulic Setup and HP Parameters VIII DD Review of Structural Considerations IX DD Review of Mechanical and Electrical Considerations X DD Review of Capital Cost Considerations XI DD Review of Economic Considerations Concluding Notes of DD Review (6) (6) (7) (7) (8) (8) (9) (10) (10) (10) (12) (12) APPENDICES (14) SH1 ‐ Summary of Assessment Notes SH2 ‐ Downstream HP Projects SH3 ‐ Kaynarca Dam Project Watershed SH4 ‐ Kaynarca Dam Axis, MY Mean annual flows SH5 ‐ Key Outcomes of Reservoir Engineering SH6 ‐ MY Flow Duration Curve SH7 ‐ Conventional Concrete Gravity Dam Option SH8 ‐ Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam Option SH9 ‐ MY Mean Annual Inflow and MY Ecologic Outflows vs Turbine Flows SH10 ‐ Approximate Checkup of Hydropower Evaluation, Ecologic HPP SH11 ‐ Approximate Checkup of Hydropower Evaluation, Main HPP SH12 ‐ Approximate Checkup Analysis of Turbines SH14 ‐ Approximate Checkup of Monthly Productions, Monthly Productions commensurate to Monthly Inflows SH15 ‐ Management of Annual Hydropower Resources: Approximate Checkup of Gross Annual Income by relocating of monthly yields to higher Feed‐In Tariff SH16 ‐ Particular Structures Assessment SH17 ‐ Project Implementation Assessment SH18 ‐ Approximate Checkup of Capital Expenditures SH19 ‐ Economic Analysis of Project (15) (19) (20) (21) (22) (24) (26) (28) (29) (30) (33) (34) (37) (39) (40) (41) (43) (46) Acronyms PROJECT FDC Flow FS FS‐DE DDR HP PH PP DD IPC MW MWh CME M/E HPP BOQ MWA SCADA LV KVA MY MxOL MnOL WW DLP BOQ PU‐CF EU‐CF KAYNARCA DAM Hydropower Project Duration Curve Feasibility Study of Project Design Engineer of Feasibility Study Due Diligence Reviewing Report Hydropower Power House Power Plant Due Diligence Installed Power Capacity Megawatt Megawatt‐Hour Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Mechanical/Electrical Hydropower Project Bill of Quantity Megawatt – Ampere Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Low‐Voltage Kilovolt‐Ampere Multi‐Year Maximum Operation Level (of the reservoir) Minimum Operation Level (of the reservoir) Waterways Defects Liability Period Bill of Quantities Power Cost Factor (CAPEX/kW) Electricity Production Cost Factor (CAPEX/kWh) 4 Executive Summary The Project Passport tabulated hereafter was derived from FS considerations as construed by REPDC as well as from the REPDC DD Review appraisals concluded in Summary DD Report and its Appendices. Description Feasibility Study REPDC DD Review Report Capital Cost Expected Installed Power Expected Annual Production Power Cost Factor Production Cost Factor Time of Construction Return‐On‐Investment Period $ 47.96 M 55 MW 126000 MWh $ 872/kW $ 0.38/kWh 3.5 Years Circa 7.7 Years $ 88.45 M 50 MW 108000 MWh $ 1770 /kW $ 0.82 /kWh 3.5 Years Circa 14.5 Years The Passport presumed the hydraulic setup and structural design as it was envisaged in Feasibility Study. After having reviewed the Feasibility Study and the Project outputs discussed throughout this DD Review Report, the following feasibility grades could be assigned to KAYNARCA Project: Regulatory Feasibility Estimated as achievable . No insurmountable regulatory barriers were recognized in Feasibility Study. Engineering Feasibility Generally estimated as achievable. However, the feasibility rate should be further improved. Economic Feasibility Might be questionable if the declining water resources trends continue to evolve over the concession period of Project. That, even it was proved to be just a cyclic drop, but the optimized design of the Project and the wa‐ ter resources utilization, have been hypothetically found to be of insufficient contribution. Under the circumstances, REPDC would advise the Owner of the Project to prioritize updating of the cur‐ rent feasibility study, aiming to enhance the lower rated engineering and economic feasibility grades re‐ viewed there‐through. To the effect, the optimization measures discussed throughout the Summary Re‐ port are expected to be instrumental to engineering and economic standing of the Project. Here after is the essence of those. To check the source hydrologic data and repeat the statistical evaluations of Ayvalı Tohması River. To put the Ayvalı Tohması River watershed in analogy with those of proximate environment. The process should be managed preferably by an experienced local hydrologist with extensive reconnaissance of Ayvalı Tohması River and neighboring watersheds. The operation should outcome to updated hydrologic study, wherein the reasons for latest hydrological drops are expected be clarified. For more details, see Chapter V of Summary Report. By assuring the hydrological drop was of a matter of occasional meteorological cycling, to resume the ex‐ tensive optimization analysis of HP routing: River Hydrograph ‐ Storage Reservoir – Waterways. Max operation level and active storage volume of the reservoir then the waterways capacity are to be optimized then. The opti‐ mum dam height or crest elevation should be derived there from. The analysis should define as larger as reason‐ able the water volumes to be powered whilst higher Feed‐In Tariff ($0.09756/kWh). The sensitivity analysis to be conducted therewith should be all the time combined with economic parameters. Consequently, the optimum ratio of Production Cost Factor ($ 0.82 /kWh) and Feed‐In Tariff ($0.09756/kWh), should remain below 8. For more de‐ tails see Chapters VI and VII of Summary Report. Soon after the turbines of suitable operation and efficiency ranges were initially agreed with prospective supplier, a sensitivity analysis varying the number then the capacity of turbines should be conducted. The turbines set, running the majority of hours within their pick efficiency zone, would improve the annual production of the REPDC GREEN 5 Main Plant. Here, a trial with 3 Nos. turbines could be also worth to resume. For more details see Chapters VII and IX of Summary Report. Subject to geotechnical potential of dam site, the option of roller compacted concrete dam would be ad‐ visable for examination too. The option may come to be cost attractive as well to that of conventional concrete. For more details see Chapter VIII of Summary Report. The detailed BOQ, the updated FS design and sustainable work prices backed, should be a basis for up‐ dated economic analysis. There, the resulting Return‐On‐Investment period of less than 10 years, should enhance the Project lucrativeness. The stake sharing mechanism implemented to concession agreement provisions such as annual expenses of Water Use (12.80%) and Cost of Network System Use (7.31%), may keep the net annual in‐ come of electricity selling at attractive level for the Concessionaire. For more details see Chapters X and XI of Summary Report. In conclusion, the KAYNARCA Hydropower Project is a large scheme in every respect, and subject to results of Feasibility Study optimization, it can be attractive investment undertaking. The Owner of the Project is advised to proceed with Project development following enhancing of its engineering and economic standings. REPDC GREEN 6 Summary DD Report I Introductory Notes The KAYNARCA Project Due Diligence Review Report (DDR) following hereafter was established on best under‐ standing of the descriptions, the statements, the analyses, the assumptions and conclusions elaborated through‐ out the Feasibility Study (FS). It would be of merit to reconfirm those with Feasibility Study Design Engineer (FS‐ DE) prior to conclusion of Project feasibility process. II Key Project Features The Project was found to have been planned as a single objective one i.e. intended solely to electricity produc‐ tion. The project will be located in Malatya Province on Ayvalı Tohması Brook. The thalweg elevation of 995.00m should be relative to dam site. The highland geomorphology features the Project footprint. The Project is planned to be constructed as ‘On‐River‐Gravity Storage’ type and be conceded under the ‘Build‐Operate‐Transfer’ model. The overall annual production can be sold in the Market through PMUM. The size of the project is foreseen to remain all the time within the large scale category, meaning the large HP storage (172M cum > 60M cum), the large dam project (H=165m > 10m) and the large HP Plant (55MW > 30MW). The Project Reservoir is not intended to serve the regulation of downstream dam ponds neither to meet the other water users demand during the concession period. The dam block with PP structures integrated in, was chosen as fundamental structural framework. Hence, the waterways and the power house (PH) were embedded within the dam body. Under the dam site topo and geological circumstances, the conventional concrete gravity dam option was selected as appropriate. The initially planned diversion tunnel was presumed to serve bottom outlet during operation of the Plant. As per the FS drawings, the reservoir outflows are to be executed via the bottom outlet, the power intake and the over‐crest spillway. The dam heel spillway jet is envisaged to overlook the draft tube slab and to dissipate in stilling basin. The ‘as designed’ reservoir outlets should safely spill out the reservoir designed flood surcharge. The main valves and gating system was recognized to be of radial gates at the over‐crest spillway, the bonnet gate on the bottom outlet, the slide gates at waterway inlets and the butterfly valves at manifolds. Yet, the roller mounted gates were supposedly designed for draft tube closure from tailrace water. The 15km of 154kVA of energy transmission line was envisaged to connect the Plant with State greed network. Francis turbines were evaluated to satisfy the head/flow conditions. For more details on the Project features, see the Appendices SH1 to SH16 herewith. General Dam Site Layout according to Feasibility Study REPDC GREEN 7 III DD Review of Regulatory Issues supporting Project Implementation A locally institutionalized permits and acts affecting regulatory feasibility of the Project deserved to be more spe‐ cifically considered in FS report. This is due to their preconditioning the subsequent consideration of engineering and economic feasibility of the Project. Hence, the preliminaries of land use permit, the water use and environ‐ mental permits, then the construction and electricity producer permits, should be endorsed by the relevant Insti‐ tutional Bodies and concluded at feasibility study stage. The same applies to other water users, if any. The Owner of the Project as well as the future Concessionaire should be made free from any potential risks that could be im‐ posed by the Regulatory Bodies and Commissions during the final design and construction stages of the Project. A due consideration of the issue should be addressed to, whilst its discussion with the Owner, prior to his intention to update the existing FS report. The Concessionaire liberty to sell the energy on wholesale basis with take‐or‐pay obligation or to export the energy would upgrade his financial safety or the regulatory feasibility of the Project. The feed–in tariff de‐ clared in FS to be 0.09756$/kWh or 0.07254$/kWh, should be clarified as for its steadiness or revision during con‐ cession period. The same would apply to its gross or net rate status, the later one being calculated by deduction the dispatching and transmission cost from the gross rate. The issue would deserve a discussion in depth with the Owner, given its great impact to gross financial income generated from the electricity purchase. Under presumption the clarification of the foregoing issues has secured the regulatory feasibility of the Project, the DD reports following hereafter will discuss the engineering and economic feasibility of the Project outputs as concluded in FS. Résumé: Preliminaries of Project Permits, Modalities of electricity selling, Status of Feed‐In Tariff during conces‐ sion period, to be resolved at stage ending Feasibility Study, the latest. IV DD Review of Topographic and Geologic Conditions Of what has been deduced from the FS drawings, it appears that the dam and reservoir footprints were appropri‐ ately adapted to local site conditions. The issues that would remain to be clarified with the Owner are the accu‐ racy of the contour maps used for conceptual drawings of FS as well as that attainable for the contour maps serv‐ ing final design of the Project. The issues influencing the accuracy of reservoir and dam elevation, then the quan‐ tity of concrete and rock works, continue to be vital, because the available power storage and dam structure de‐ sign may be more or less inaccurate otherwise. No information featuring the dam site and reservoir footprint geology was recognized in FS. Although the images appended to FS drawings have indicated a good and probably hard rock mass side‐laying the abutments and underlaying the dam foundation, still a full scale geological report appropriated to FS stage should be vital to estimate the geotechnical feasibility of 165m high dam structure. The report should point the regional and gen‐ eral site conditions, focusing inter alia on faultiness of rock masses, their geological differentiation then their geo‐ logical, geotechnical and seepage properties. Its findings should clearly conclude and favour the risk free large dam setting. The weathering processes, dissolution processes (if any) then geodynamic processes (if expected) are worth to thorough discussion while updating the existing FS, too. The ponded water loss as a result of seepage then sediments accumulation would be of merit to appraise during the reservoir modeling exercise. The detail site reconnaissance in conjunction with minimum core drillings, followed by seismic refraction survey may amplify the confidence of FS report. The issue deserves further discussion during updating of existing feasibility study. The FS design the seismic hazard analysis supported, would be beneficial too. The Project location may lay within the seismic active zone making the seismic hazard study appropriative to FS stage, meaningful. The 165m high dam vulnerability could be largely induced by seismic movements. Hence, the earthquake intense classified according to Modified Mercally Intensity Scale, conjointly with pick ground acceleration estimated for, then, the epicenter recorded earthquake radiating hazardously to dam site and preferably its time history, would be the ba‐ sic data providing for qualitative assessment of high dam seismic behaviour for the FS stage. The Owner of the Project is strongly advised to encourage the Project Design Engineer to update the FS correspondingly. REPDC GREEN 8 Résumé: Geological report including the geological investigation already executed, then Seismic hazard report, are advised to take a part of Updated Feasibility Study. V DD Review of Climatologic, Water Resources and Hydrologic Conditions The mean daily temperature seasonally fluctuating from ‐20C to + 270C has classified the dam site being subjected from cold continental to hot tropical climate impacts. Yet, the annual precipitation load of 385 mm indicated the arid climate conditions being dominant. The number of frozen days per a year which may affect the construction program was not indicated. Between the two limnigraph stations (the AGI‐21‐162, 1978 to 2009, and AGI‐21‐45, 1962 to 2009) the former one with 31 years statistical package, was promoted by FS‐DE being relevant to FS considerations. Here, some readings of AGI‐21‐162 have been missing and been undertaken from AGI‐21‐45. No information in FS has been recognized on number of readings the daily discharges were averaged on, the series of those resumed from AGI‐21‐45, then the analogy model applied whilst such statistical transfer. In resume, although the 31 years hy‐ drologic history is looking confident, source material on daily measurements and the analogy model merits detail discussion with the Owner prior to any FS updating. For further details of DD Review, see SH3 appendix herewith. The FS Hydrologic Report has produced the MY mean annual flow distribution and MY mean annual flow duration curves at dam axis, then the maximum flow evaluated for the same axis. Here, the probability rate and the statistical error attributable thereon should be appropriately elaborated aiming to arrive to net graphs of the foregoing curves or, to more certain water resource volumes remaining to be powered. The net hydrological val‐ ues including the methodology applied for, should be implemented to updated FS following their discussion with the Owner’s engineering team. The following hydrologic outputs have come out from the FS report: 9.71m3/s, the MY mean annual dis‐ charge; circa 3.5m3/s, the Q95 flow; 128.54m3/s, the max flow rate measured; 2.74m3/s, the minimum discharge measured. The percentage of 36 % of Q95 into Qmean has ranged the Ayvali Tohması River within those of base flow prevailing. The FS considerations were not extended to design floods returning after 5Yr, 10Yr, 50Yr, 100Yr, 1000Yr, 5000Yr, and 10000Yr, which are typically necessitated to large dam projects design. The probable maxi‐ mum flood was not discussed either. All these, led to conclusion that the existing hydrologic study should be up‐ dated correspondingly. According to SH4 appendix of herewith, the history related mean annual discharges graph, exhibited a viewable decreasing trend over the recent hydrologic history lengthening through 1996 to 2009. Pursuant to SH9 appendix, the recent history (2001 to 2009) is taking 70.44% of that of 31 years range. Given its significant effect to Plant production if the trend has proceeded further on, the issue requires a consideration in depth before any further Project development. The potential reasons for, such as the other water users, climate changes, and the like should be given serious attention. As a conclusion, the Owner of the Plant is advised to update the hydrologic study and actualize the water resources evaluation as soon as practicable. For more details about this section of DD Review, vide SH3, SH4, SH6 and SH9 appendices enclosed herewith. Résumé: Design Flood flows, Probability rate assigned, Attributable Statistical Error, Net MY mean duration curve, Net MY mean flow distribution curve, Impacts of declining trend of the recent hydrologic history(1996‐ 2009), are advised to be a part of Updated Feasibility Study. VI DD Review of Reservoir Engineering as planned in FS The SH9 appendix of this DD report would be the most representative to the issue. Here below are the main FS outputs dealing with reservoir modeling which would deserve further consid‐ eration: 125m approximately, the reservoir depth at dam axis; 172.5M cum, the total reservoir storage (100%); 55.2M cum, the active reservoir storage (31.9%); 117.4M cum, the dead reservoir storage (68.3%). Besides, the 6.85 months, the 2.19 months and 4.66 months would be the filling time respectively to particular storages, counting the mean annual flow rate of 9.71m3/s. Finally, the total annual inflow aggregating to 306.2M cum cor‐ responds to 177.52% of reservoir total storage (172.5M cum). REPDC GREEN 9 Design flood flow was not specifically discussed in FS. Whilst routing of that, the spillway capacity was construed to be 1546.3m3/s. That, summated with the installed power flow of 35.62 + 3.65 = 39.27 m3/s, makes in total circa 1586 m3/s, the discharge which the Author of FS was presumably adopted to be the design flood flow. Design flood and Design Surcharge depth, given the governing inputs to spillway capacity and dam crest evaluations, should be appropriate analysis backed in FS. The corresponding updating of FS is then recommended. While reviewing the forgoing FS outputs, the REPDC begun from the maximum operation level of the res‐ ervoir which was fixed at 1155m asl. Here the REPDC can only presume that the Author of the Study was primar‐ ily led by hydropower benefits whilst the environmental, infrastructural and resettlement constraints (if any) were not of the effect. Under the circumstances, the Owner is advised to run a cost‐benefit analysis, varying the MxOL and the active storage volume, aiming to realize the minimum production cost factor ($/kWh), the point at which the optimum reservoir solution should be expected. The active storage of the reservoir would be the next priority of FS. Pursuant to FS the active storage was confined to a depth of 15m, i.e. spaced between the elevations of 1140m and 1155m. In the absence of mass curve demonstrated, the REPDC could have only presumed that the Author of the Study had in mind the average April water yield of circa 54.5 M cum, which was subsequently used as ‘demand volume’ i.e. the active storage. Whatever was the Author’s idea, the active storage optimization should be appropriately elaborated within the updated FS. The aim would be allocating as greater as reasonable active storage volume for powering during the higher rated feed‐in tariff (0.09756 US$/kWh, June to August). Here, the issue that would be particularly relevant for further study is: the active storage constrained to only 31.9% of the total reservoir storage or to only the 18% of the total annual inflow. The sedimentation accumulation analysis, the sedimentation handling and mitigation measures inclusive, are to be conceptualized at FS stage too. In conclusion, due consideration in the Study should be paid to performance of the system: river inflow‐ reservoir capacity‐dam outflows, aiming to arrive to optimum reservoir model, including the optimum dam height. Unlike ample of structural issues remaining with final design phase, the reservoir modeling should be evaluated in detail whilst the FS stage. Résumé: Max Operation Level, the height of dam and active storage, optimizations; Preliminary sedimentation accumulation analysis; Potential sedimentation handling means. VII DD Review of Dam Hydraulic Setup and HP Parameters Unless the geological features favour otherwise, the applied barrage system embracing the dam integrated WW and PH, the over crest spillway, and the side bottom outlet, seems to be close to its optimum approach under the prevailing topo conditions. The same would apply to variety of gating systems as envisaged: radial gates, sliding gates, butterfly valves, and roller mounted gates. The butterfly ones are supposed to be of regulating type. Still, there are a number of the technical points that would merit further consideration. Under the circumstances it would be worth to note the SH5 appendix herewith, wherefrom the following elevations should be emphasized: 1155m, the MxOL; 1151m, the spillway crest elevation; 1140m the MnOL; 1080m, the intake elevation; 1078m, the bottom outlet elevation. Here, since the MxOL(1155m) overwhelms the spillway elevation(1151m), it is to presume that the radial gates will also be serving the retention a volume of ac‐ tive storage whilst in their shutdown position. Then, a clarification should be made on the means keeping design flood surcharge under control when a number or all of them should be open, and the way the control system will automate the surcharge process. In addition, the design criteria for evaluation of spillway elevation(1140m), the intake elevation(1080m) and the bottom outlet elevation(1078m) should be specifically clarified whereas their impacting the economic outcomes of the Project. Yet, pointing the bottom outlet to a higher position would di‐ minish the means for handling the fine sediments accumulated in front of dam. The issue was further discussed within SH7 appendix herewith. The Plants hydropower outputs are principally governed by the design (installed) Plants’ flows optimally utilizing the available water resource. To the effect, the 3.65 m3/s and 35.62m3/s proportioned to ecologic and Main Plant respectively, should enable optimum annual production. The optimization should then maximize the annual production of the plants and minimize their power rating, which in turn can decrease the cost of power generating sets. The Owner of the Project is advised to resume a sensitivity analysis aiming to spot the optimum REPDC GREEN 10 Plants’ discharges. Meanwhile, the REPDC has conducted an approximate HP evaluation checkup, the results of which were collated with those of FS as follows: Description Feasibility Study REPDC Checkup Analysis ECOLOGIC PLANT MAIN PLANT ECOLOGIC PLANT MAIN PLANT Design(Installed) Flow Design(Installed Power) Mean Annual Produc‐ tion 3.65m3/s 35.62 m3/s 3.65m3/s (100%) (100%) (100%) 35.62 m3/s (100%) 5 MW 50 MW 4.63m3/s 45.23 MW (100%) (100%) (92.6%) (82.2%) 14037 MWh 112228 MWh 13100 MWh 94900 MWh (100%) (100%) (93.3%) (84%) The SHs 10, 11 and 14 herewith have detailed the checkup analysis made by REPDC. Regardless of techniques used in two approaches, a breakdown analysis of power evaluation and annual production evaluation should be conducted, which at the end can decisively affect the Owner decision to go or not with Project development. To this effect, the model of: inflow hydrograph‐the reservoir (operation levels and active storage)‐waterways (eleva‐ tion and capacity)‐power generating sets(capacity and efficiency), should be sensed up to its optimum capacity and economy. Along with that, the manufacturers with up‐to‐date factory techniques should be encouraged to offer the turbines of pronounced efficiency over their pick‐on and pick‐of regimes, followed by major overhauling periods being not less than of 40 years. It is assessed that the Project HP outputs could be improved by an analysis in depth which for the stage of feasibility study is essential and supportable in view of economic parameters arising out there from. The flood design criteria for dam and its associated structures components could be pivotal inputs to their design and subsequently to their cost. Hence the design floods attributable to diversion tunnel in conjunction with the upstream cofferdam, the reservoir flood surcharge and the spillway, merit being subject of debate at the stage of feasibility study. This is to avoid the unforeseen price pyramiding during Project development phase. Résumé: Flood design criteria for diversion tunnel and upstream cofferdam then for spillway; Design criteria for power intake and bottom outlet elevations; Optimization of reservoir‐waterways‐turbines system; Optimization the turbines number aiming to maximize annual production. Recommendation: The issues to be evaluated in depth whilst updated Feasibility Study. VIII DD Review of Structural Considerations As designed, the concrete structures and the underground structures conjointly with geotechnical structures of supporting rock mass, may considerably affect the engineering feasibility of the Project and thus its economic at‐ tractiveness. Correspondingly, the basic geotechnical considerations distinctive to FS stage should be carefully discussed whilst FS phase of Project. Here, the qualitative structural classification of rock substratum upon its inhomogenuity, deformability, shear strength and hydraulic conductivity, may favour the optimum dam option. The Owner of the Project is ad‐ vised to pay due attention to the issue before commencement of Project development phase. Under proviso of favorable geotechnical conditions, the option of conventional concrete gravity dam might be effective, particularly because of its convenience to have the waterways and the PH united in. The op‐ tion may be coded as earthquake resistant too. Direct and indirect cost wise, it would be also merit to make si‐ multaneous examination of roller compacted concrete option again integrating in the power house. Given its shorter construction time the option may offer promising outcomes. For more details about, the SH8 and SH9 herewith might be contributing. If for any site reason the compact concrete dam option has to be abandoned, then CFRD option remains to be considered as a spare alternative. This always under presumption of having locally available the rock fill ma‐ terial at a quantity required for. Résumé: Qualitative definition of bedrock conditions favouring concrete gravity dam options; Alternative op‐ tion with RolCrit Dam. Cost comparison between the two dam options. The appropriate updating of Feasibility study is recommended. REPDC GREEN 11 IX DD Review of Mechanical and Electrical Considerations On the basis of parameters handled in FS, it is to conclude that type of turbines was selected to serve the pur‐ pose. The turbines flow (3.65m3/s or, 17.81m3/s) and the net head (159m) fell under the hydropower strip where the Francis turbines will be the most efficient in generating kinetic energy. The SH12 herewith i.e. a checkup analysis conducted by REPDC has confirmed the issue. The Owner of the Plant is advised to prepare the inception tender conditions for turbines supply accentu‐ ating specifically the major overhauling periods of not less than 40 years, the turbines having the pick‐on and pick‐ off efficiencies maximized, the operation range of which exceeds 40%, and finally the turbines with reasonable annual maintenance expenditures. In addition, the Manufacturer Guarantees (Warranties) for, should cover the defects liability period (DLP) of the Project, meaning the guarantee period be not shorter than 4 years from the date of turbines delivery. To the effect, the page 19, article 1.2 of annex 8 of Feasibility Study should be reconsid‐ ered. The same should apply to generators and step‐up transformers. If for any reason the manufacturer would not be able to improve the efficiency/operation range of turbines, an exercise with 3Nos. turbines should be also conducted. The aim would be to have the 3 turbines concurrently working at higher efficiency than 2 of them, which can contribute to higher Plant’s income. The pre‐tender quotations should be then called from the manu‐ facturers with recognized past performance and included in updated issue of FS. As for the electrical setup, the Owner is advised to supplement the existing FS with single line diagram wherefrom the appropriate insight into power, voltages and ampacities (each where appropriate) of the generat‐ ing units then the power transformation and transmission facilities. As for the transmission lines, the type of poles, the conductors cross section, the voltage and power drops should be preliminary calculated. The foregoing could lead to more accurate cost estimate. The Owner is advised to update the FS report correspondingly. Résumé: Efficiency and operation range of turbines to be upgraded; Major overhauling periods not shorter than 40 years. Optimum maintenance cost. The appropriate updating of Feasibility study is recommended. X DD Review of Capital Cost Considerations Under the FS design and detailing provided, the previous chapters of this DD report dealing with dam options and water resources utilizations, then the unit rates for the main work items REPDC has estimated for similar projects in Africa, Balkan Area, Middle and Far East countries, REPDC has conducted the alternative CAPEX analysis, which summary compared to that of FS, has resulted to: Feasibility Study $47,957,639.65 959.54/kW $0.4440/kWh Versus REPDC Analysis $88,447,115.40 $1,769.65/kW $0.8188/kWh That, broken‐down to main cost items, was tabulated as follows: Description As per Feasibility Study Advance Services and $3,495,299.00 Works $29,899,998.85 Civil Works Mechanical and Electri$12,133,981.20 cal Works $1,678,360.60 Transmission Line Consultancy Services $750,000.00 and Supervision $47,957,639.65 Grand Total As assessed by REPDC 7.29% 69.934 /kW $0.0324 /kWh $5,220,299.00 62.35% 598.24 /kW $0.2768 /kWh 25.30% 242.78 /kW $104.45 /kW $0.0483 /kWh $55,937,910.00 63.24% $1,119.21 /kW $0.5178 /kWh $0.1123 /kWh $20,726,406.40 23.43% $414.69 /kW $0.1919 /kWh 3.50% 33.581 /kW $0.0155 /kWh $2,062,500.00 2.33% $41.27 /kW $0.0191 /kWh 1.56% 15.006 /kW $0.0069 /kWh $4,500,000.00 5.09% $90.04 /kW $0.0417 /kWh 100.00% 959.54 /kW $0.4440 /kWh $88,447,115.40 100.00% $1,769.65 /kW $0.8188 /kWh 5.90% Again, instead of FS power parameters of 55MW/112000MWh, the foregoing analysis has been referenced to those assessed by REPDC: 50MW/108000MWh. REPDC GREEN 12 While drafting the alternative CAPEX analysis, the REPDC was led by his assessment that some CAPEX items were omitted in FS and some others appeared to be underestimated. That prejudiced REPDC professional stance that a successful construction of a project the largeness, and the site conditions similar to those of Kay‐ narca HPP, at a rate down to $1000/kW, could be aligned with uncertainties. Or, even if hypothetically it would appear feasible, the planned lifespan of 100 Years or 40 Years, to civil works and to power generating and trans‐ formation sets respectively, might be brought in jeopardy. Yet, it may be aligned with largely increased repairing works during Plant operation. In order to avoid the potential risks of undervalued capital cost, the Project Owner is advised to resume a much more detailed BOQ which should be priced up to date and be preceded with design optimizations discussed in previous chapters of this report. For more details of Capital Cost Review, see SH18 appendix herewith. Résumé: Original FS price might have been underestimated. Optimization of Feasibility Study design followed by detail BOQ currently priced is recommended. XI DD Review of Economic Considerations While discussing the Project Economic outputs affecting decisively the Project Feasibility process, the first flesh should be put on CAPEX and its power cost factors. Here, the REPDC analysis (SH18 herewith) has outcome the kickoff economic indices aggregating to: US$ 88.45M, the capital cost of Project; US$ 1770/kW, the Power Cost Factor (PU‐CF); US$ 0.82/kWh, the Electricity Production Cost Factor (EP‐CF). While a PU‐CF of US$ 1770/kW can be nowadays judged as economically affordable for the projects of size and type of Kaynarca HPP, the EP‐CF of US$ 0.82/kWh may be beyond the economic margin expected for such projects. The latter may be conjugated with the following causes: ‐ The Kaynarca Project design is still out of its optimum setup, or, ‐ The hydraulic and structural extent of the Project was over proportioned to available water re‐ sources, or, ‐ The utilization of available water resources was not optimized. The Owner of the Project is advised to consider each of the foregoing potentiality at its own merit aiming to reach an EP‐CF/Feed‐In Tariff Ratio which is not higher than 8. See the SH19 herewith for further details. Out of 100% of Operation and Maintenance cost estimated for an average calendar year, the 12.80%, 7.31% and 4.60% remain to Water Use cost, the Cost of State Network System Use and the Maintenance Cost, re‐ spectively. Those conjointly with other items, have reduced the Gross Annual Income of $ 8.55M to Net One of $ 6.10M. The total annual reduction reached thus the amount of circa $ 2.45M. The Return‐On‐Investment Period arising out from, has approached the margin of 14.5 Years. Simultaneously with that, the original analysis of FS would allow the 7.7 years Payback period, the main reason being the CAPEX which according to REPDC could have been underestimated. The details of this exercise were elaborated within the SH19 appendix herewith. Besides, the cost schedule embracing the Water Use cost up to Contingencies was strictly resumed from FS report (see SH19 herewith). As for the Annual Cost of Maintenance, the following lifespans to particular Project components were considered in DD Review Report: 100 Yr to civil structures, 40 Yr to power generating sets, 60 Yr to hydro‐mechanical equipment, 20 Yr to automation system. The fraction of Maintenance Cost was derived there from. Towards mitigating the 14.5 years of Investment payback period resulting from REPDC DD Review, REPDC suggests the stake sharing mechanism be implemented to concession agreement such that the Water Use cost (12.80%) and Cost of Network System Use (7.31%), are partially subsidized by Contracting Authority. The Net An‐ nual Income to Concessionaire would be then augmented, reducing thus the expected length of Return‐On In‐ vestment period. Résumé: The FS design optimization succeeded by subsidizing the Water Use Cost and Network System Use cost bay the Owner (the Contracting Authority), is to be considered. That may bring the Return‐On‐Investment pe‐ riod down to 10 Years. REPDC GREEN 13 Concluding Notes of DD Review The Project Passport tabulated hereafter was derived from FS considerations as construed by REPDC as well as from the REPDC DD Review appraisals concluded in this Report and its Appendices. Description Feasibility Study REPDC DD Review Report Capital Cost Expected Installed Power Expected Annual Production Power Cost Factor Production Cost Factor Time of Construction Return‐On‐Investment Period $ 47.96 M 55 MW 126000 MWh $ 872/kW $ 0.38/kWh 3.5 Years Circa 7.7 Years $ 88.45 M 50 MW 108000 MWh $ 1770 /kW $ 0.82 /kWh 3.5 Years Circa 14.5 Years The Passport presumed the hydraulic setup and structural design as it was envisaged in Feasibility Study. After having reviewed the Feasibility Study and the Project outputs discussed throughout this DD Review Report, the following feasibility grades could be assigned to KAYNARCA Project: Regulatory Feasibility Estimated as achievable . No insurmountable regulatory barriers were recognized in Feasibility Study. Engineering Feasibility Generally estimated as achievable. However, the feasibility rate should be further improved. Economic Feasibility Might be questionable if the declining water resources trends continue to evolve over the concession period of Project. That, even it was proved to be just a cyclic drop, but the optimized design of the Project and the water resources utilization, have been hypothetically substantiated to be of in‐ sufficient effect. Under the circumstances, REPDC would advise the Owner of the Project to prioritize the current feasibil‐ ity study updating, aiming to enhance the lower rated engineering and economic feasibility grades re‐ viewed there‐through. To the effect, the optimization measures discussed throughout the Summary Re‐ port are expected to be instrumental to engineering and economic standing of the Project. The Owner of the Project is advised to proceed with Project development following its optimization. REPDC GREEN 14 Appendices REPDC GREEN 15 SH1 SH1 - Summary of Assessment Notes FStudy Statements & REPDC Recommendations Descriptions Project Name Kaynarca Dam Project Operation Concept Build-Operate - Transfer 3 Type of HP Project Gravity Storage Type 1 2 4 PPA Arrangement 6 7 Climatology 8 10 55MW/112,229.40MWh The overall annual production can be sold in the Market through PMUM 100% Mean daily temperature fluctuations Circa -20C to Circa +270C Precipitation load fluctuations 2mm/M to 42mm/M Total annual precipitation load 385 mm Arid climate conditions prevail 3,514.80 km2 River: Ayvalı Tohması Watershed Area Ayvalı Tohma Water, 1978. The location is to be clarified. Tohma Water Hisarcık, 1962. Details, linked under Sheet3!A1 11 Limnigraph Stations 12 Average flow rate at the dam axis: Qmean= Q28.77 13 Maximum flow rate at the dam axis 14 Ecologic flow rate Hydrology Number of frozen days per a year should be estimated Average flow rate exhibits decreasing trend 9.71 m3/s in the period of 1994 onward. To be Sheet3!A1 Sheet4!A1 clarified. Details linked under Sheet4!A1 128,54 m3/s 1.80m3/s: March, April, May. 1.80 m3/s 0.975m3/s for the rest of the year. P70, 57 Sheet9!A1 15 Q95 16 Flow Characteristics: Q95/Qmean 17 Flood peak discharges affecting the dam design 18 MY FDCurve and MY annual distribution curve circa 3.5 m3/s 36.00 % Base flow regime is prevailing. Details linked under Sheet6!A1 Flood return periods of 50 Yr, 100Yr, 1000Yr, 2000Yr, 5000Yr, and 10 000Yr. Ending with the Probable Maximum Flood. Details linked under Sheet4!A1. The 31 year daily measurements, the assessed probability rate, other water users, and the like should be clearly indicted in the Study Sheet6!A1 Sheet4!A1 Sheet6!A1 General geology and engineering geology Not recognized in Feasibility Study. The suitability of geological conditions is be clarified. To be reconfirmed by the Owner Surrounding 23 Projects No upstream projects are planned Five downstream projects. One already constructed whilst the others are within planning phase. Details, linked under Sheet2!A1 Sheet2!A1 Reservoir 26 Engineering Total Storage Active Storage Sheet5!A1 27 Dead Storage Active storage of the reservoir bears only 31.97% of the total one. To be clarified. Details, linked under Sheet5!A1 20 Geology 22 25 1.725E+08 m3 5.515E+07 m3 1.174E+08 m3 REPDC GREEN 16 SH1 28 Reservoir Engineering Sedimentation Storage 29 Floods volume Not discussed in the feasibility study. The Owner's clarification would of interest to Project assessment. Not discussed in the feasibility study. The Owner clarification would help assessing the dam crest elevation and the spillway capacity. Details, linked under Sheet5!A1 Reservoir Engineering 30 Floods routing The Preliminary flood routing analysis, in conjunction with the outflow dam outlets capacity as evaluated in the Study, that of over-crest spillway, the waterway and the bottom outlet should be a part of the Study. Details, linked under Sheet5!A1 31 Classified upon Storage Large HP Storage( >60 M cum) 33 Project Setup & Dam Options Conventional Concrete Gravity dam with over-crest spillway and integrated PHouse 34 Alternative Option recomeded by REPDC: Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity dam with over-crest spillway and integrated PHouse 35 Classified upon Height 37 Hydropower Features Issues to be particularly discussed in the Study: - Foundation geotechnical conditions, - Sedimentation accumulation discharge, - Seismic hazard level, expected in the region, - Hydraulic model test concept relative to spillway outflow jet. - Subject to conclusions outcome, the conventional concrete gravity dam can be an option. Details, linked under Sheet7!A1 The following features may favour the Rolcrit Dam Option: - Shorter construction time, and - More economic construction cost. To the effect, the option is recommended to be a part of Feasibility Study considerations as well. Details, linked under Sheet8!A1 Large HP Dam(H=165m >10m ) Sheet5!A1 Sheet5!A1 Sheet7!A1 Sheet8!A1 Main Plant + Ecological Plan within the same HP House. 39 Main Plant 40 Storage Pick-On Type Type 41 Number 42 Turbine flow Serving 'Pick -On' demands Details, linked under Sheet12!A1 Francis Sheet 12'!A1 2 The turbine flow as indicated in feasibility 2x17.81 m3/s study should be supported by appropriate Sheet9!A1 analysis. 43 Gross Head 44 Main Turbines Net Head 45 Installed capacity 46 Working hours per annum 47 48 Annual production Classified upon capacity 160.00 m 159.00 m The checkup analysis showed the real plant 2 x 25 MW power of 2 x 22.6 MW. 2,052.00 98,190.70 Hr MWh 23.4% on average of total annual hour, equal to 85.5 days during June, July, August. Large HP Plant(>30 MW) REPDC GREEN Sheet 12'!A1 17 SH1 50 Ecologic Plant Storage Pick-On/Off Type 51 Type 52 Number 53 Turbine flow 54 Ecologic Turbines Net Head 55 Installed capacity 56 Working hours per annum 57 58 Annual production Classified upon capacity 60 Annual Production 61 Francis 1 3.65 Minimum flow rate measured: 2.74 m 3 /s 3 m3/s Q ecolog =3.33m /s(November-April) Q ecolog =4.44m 3 /s(May-October) The checkup analysis showed the real plant 5 MW power of 1 x 4.63 MW. 8,766.00 Hr 100% on average of total annual hours 14,038.70 MWh An analysis in depth should be integrated with Feasibility Study. The FDC and ADC daily measurements based and a probability and statistical error distinctive to watershed nature should secure the confidence of annual production. Annual production commensurate to daily/weekly/monthly River discharges. 66 Exchange Rate US$/TL 67 Management of incremental storages to be powered under Peak time price. 69 Upstream Cofferdam and Derivation Tunnel Serving 'Pick -On' demands 0.09756 $/kWh P44, P57, P59, June& August 0.07254 $/kWh P44, P57, September to May 1.78150 P92 Average time price Particular Overcrest Spillway Structures Designs 71 15km of 154kVA of energy transmission line 72 Penstock Towards the further confidence improvement, the Design Engineer of the Owner is advised to run the appropriate analysis based on MY mean daily or at least the mean weekly river discharges. The flood criteria applied for evaluation of upstream cofferdam height (cca 16m)and radius of derivation tunnel(cca 6m), should be clarified. Clarification to be detailed: The design criteria on the basis of which the spillway crest level was evaluated. Any upgrading of Darende substation due to Plant connection? To be clarified. The penstock walls seem to be underestimated. The brief structural analysis should be conducted. Water use and environmental permits Status of the permits to be clarified 75 Preliminary construction and electricity producer permits Status of the permits to be clarified 76 Permits on Land use Status of buyout of 2,348,743 m2 land to be inundated, to be clarified. Project Implementation Program 3.5 Years construction time was scheduled. The project development phase and defect liability period should be further discussed. 78 Status of Permits Project Implementation Sheet10!A1 Small HP Plant( <10MW) Peak time price 74 Sheet9!A1 158.65 m 63 Management of Plant 64 annual production 65 70 Sheet 12'!A1 79 REPDC GREEN Sheet15!A1 Sheet16!A1 Sheet17!A1 18 SH1 80 82 Capital Cost Expenditures Civil and Electro-Mechanical Works 872.00 US$/kWh Economic Analysis 7.7 vs 14.5 Years Civil and Electro-Mechanical of Return-OnWorks Investment Period $47,957,639.65 It would be difficult to achieve successful construction of a project, the largeness and the site conditions similar to those of Kaynarca HPP, at a rate beneath $1000/MW. Sheet18!A1 There is apparently a significant separation between the economic parameters concluded in feasibility study and those estimated by REPDC. Sheet19!A1 REPDC GREEN 19 SH2 SH2 - Downstream HP Projects ●Medic Project: 12MW, combined power/irrigation production, ●Gudul WR regulating Project, under planning phase, ●Merkez WR regulation Project, under planning phase, ●Catalbache WR regulating Project, under planning phase, ●Kuskonmaz,WR regulation Project, under planning phase, ●Sadikli, WR regulating Project, under planning phase. REPDC GREEN 20 SH3 SH3 - Kaynarca Dam Project Watershed Ayvalı Tohma Water, 1978, relevant for the Project FS design Description of FS: (1) AGI-21-162, Ayvalı Tohma Water, LStation. Established on 1-09-1978. 31 Year hydrological history. (2)AGI-21-45, EİE Tohma Water Hisarcık. Established on 30-06-1962. 47 Years hydrological history. The readings of the AGI-21-162 station have been promoted by the Owner Design Engineer to be relevant for the Project design. Missing readings of AGI-21-162 have been resumed from AGI21-162. DD Notes: (1) Location of AGI 21-162 gauging station should be clarified. (2) The length of hydrological history used from AGI-21-45 to supplement the hydrological series of AGI-21-162 would be of effect to Project assessment. The same for the analogy model between the two stations. (3) The number of daily measurements used for statistical evaluation should be clarified. Towards rounding the DD process, the list of all daily measurements used for evaluation of hydrological inputs for the Plant should be discussed in first instance. (4) The probability rate and the statistical error assigned to evaluation of MY mean annual flow of 9.714 m3/s would be of interest to analyze too. (5) Within the Project sensitivity analysis, the mean annual flow reflecting the period of 1996 to 2012 should be considered either. (6) A comprehensive hydrological analysis or that updated one should be produced in order to make the economic outputs of the Project more confident. REPDC GREEN 21 SH4 SH4 - Kaynarca Dam Axis, MY Mean annual flows DD Notes: (1) As per the diagram, the multiyear mean annual flows evaluated for the profile of dam axis, exhibits the decreasing trends from 1994 onward. It would be of utmost importance for a competent DD of Project performance, to locate the reasons for such a trend and to forecast flows trendline for the period spanning at least the following 30 years. (2) The MY mean annual flow evaluated from the recent hydrological history (1994 to 2012)might be indicative if included within the sensitivity analysis of power and the economic outputs of the Project. (3) The probability rate and the statistical error affecting determination of MY mean annual flow of 9.714 m3/s are to be clarified. To this effect, the probability of equal or greater than 50%(P59) assigned to, deserves further consideration. (4) Under the circumstances, the flood peak discharges defining the design criteria of the dam and its outlets, should have been discussed within FS too. Those being but not limited to: flood return periods of 5Yr, 10Yr, 50 Yr, 100Yr, 1000Yr, 2000Yr, 5000Yr, and 10 000Yr. The Probable Maximum Flood is the ending data which should be appraised at FS stage of dam's design either. REPDC GREEN 22 SH5 SH5 - Key Outcomes of Reservoir Engineering 1 2 3 Description Reservoir 4 Engineering 5 6 7 8 9 Total Storage Active Storage Dead Storage Average flow rate at the dam axis Reservoir depth at Dam axis Design flood depth Operation depth of Active Storage Total Annual Inflow to Reservoir Volume 1.725E+08 m3 5.515E+07 m3 1.174E+08 m3 Percentage 100.00% 31.97% 68.03% Time of Initial Impoundment Days Months 205.62 65.74 139.88 6.85 2.19 4.66 Circa 56% of total annual inflow Circa 18% of total annual inflow 9.71 m3/s Circa 125 m To be clarified Hoperative = 15 m 3.062E+08 m3 Question: The criterion of having only the 15m operation depth should be clarified. 177.52% 1155m MxOL 1151m SpL 1140m MnOL 1080m Intake El REPDC GREEN 23 SH5 DD Notes: (1) Active storage of the reservoir bears only 31.97% of the total one and only of circa 18 % total annual inflow. It would deserve further clarification, given its influence to economic outputs of the Projects. (2) Sedimentation load of the reservoir and in consequence, the sedimentation storage of the reservoir should be clarified. (3) Flood volume, affecting the spillway capacity and dam crest altitude were not discussed in the Study. Clarification would be required prior to final DD Analysis. (5) Whilst the probability analysis, the flood peak discharges and the appropriate flood volumes, should be evaluated for several return periods which are meritorious for setting the dam design criteria. Those being but not limited to: flood return periods of 5 Yr, 10Yr, 50 Yr, 100Yr, 1000Yr, 2000Yr, 5000Yr, and 10 000Yr. The Probable Maximum Flood is the ending data which should be appraised at feasibility study point of dam's design process. (6) The depth of flood reservoir surcharge(15m) is to be clarified. REPDC GREEN 24 SH6 SH6 - MY Flow Duration Curve Qturbin = Q6=34.2m3/s Q95=3.5 m3/s Qmean = Q28.77=9.714 m3/s REPDC GREEN 25 SH6 DD Notes: Apart from inflow hydrograph and the inflow MY flow duration graph presented in FS, the following issues would deserves further discussion at the feasibility study level: (1) The Preliminary flood routing analysis, in conjunction with the dam outlets designed in the study, those of over-crest spillway, the waterway and the bottom outlet. As for the waterways, the scenarios of turbines operation whilst the pick -on electricity production should be counted in. (3) The potential losses of ponding water i.e. seepages through bottom and hillsides of reservoir and due to those being exerted through grout curtains, should be estimated. REPDC GREEN 26 SH7 SH7 - Conventional Concrete Gravity Dam Option Over-crest Spillway and integrated PHouse REPDC GREEN 27 SH7 DD Notes: Description of Dam Setup (1) Dam setup: Over-crest gated spillway; Integrated Intake and Power House; Diversion Tunnel with its subsequent conversion to Bottom Outlet. (2) Drainage galleries, grout curtain and grouting galleries, not indicated. It should be clarified before final DD analysis. (3) Key dam elevations: Dam Crest 1160m; Dam Spillway: 1150.85m; Intake: 1075m; Foundation Interface: 987.40m to 1015m; PHouse 995m; Diversion tunnel: 1021m; Bottom outlet: 1078.75m; Dam height: 145m to 165m. Queries and Recommendations (4) The dam foundations water tightness and geological competitiveness of dam foundation should be clarified. (5) Grout curtain and its depth is to be appraised and included in the economic analysis appended to FS. (6) Whereas the appreciable spillway altitude designed, the flow dissipation basin basics deserve discussion at the feasibility study stage. (7) Design criteria appropriated to power intake(1075m) and bottom outlet (1078.75m) evaluations, should be clarified. (8) Measures alleviating the sediments accumulation, would be important for considering on feasibility study level. (9) The radial gates, the bonnet gate and pre-turbine valves, are presumed to control downstream outflows. Question to be clarified: in case of future needs the Kaynarca pond should act as regulating storage to the downstream reservoirs, the role of the designed gating system should be clarified. (10) Since Max OL(1155m) is designed to be above the spillway elevation(1151m), it appears that the radial gates were conceived to hold a volume of active storage of the reservoir. Question to be discussed: Does the economy may favour the use of fusegates, instead. (11) Seismic hazard and its effect to potentially faulty structure of dam footprint, should be appropriately discussed at the level of engineering feasibility. (12) The need for hydraulic model test of spillway outflow jet, which is customarily distinctive to final design phase, would be worth discussing in the study. This is to the effect of safety of handling the draft tubes gates whilst the intensive flow jet is propagated over the draft tube cover slab. (14) The dam heal hollowed by Power House, might be critical in view of stress concentrations. Inward shifting of Power House cavern might be necessary in case of overstressing. Interim Conclusion Subject to conclusions coming out from engineering discussions of the foregoing issues, the proposed conventional concrete dam option, might be responsive. REPDC GREEN 28 SH8 SH8 - Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam Option Over-crest Spillway and integrated PHouse Recommendation: Contemporaneous consideration of a Rolcrit Dam option, with over-crest spillway and integrated power house, should be examined as well and the cross-comparative outputs with conventional one, be collated. If the former has been proved feasible, the consideration should help deriving the optimum dam option. The Rolcrit Dam could only be promoted under the availability of suitable geological conditions. To the effect of both dam options, the geological conditions are playing appreciable role and are to be appropriately detailed in the Feasibility Study. Under the existing topo and presumably favourable geological conditions, the following features may promote the Rolcrit Dam Option as prevailing to that of conventional one: - Shorter construction time, and - More economic construction cost. Given that, the recommendation is the Feasibility Study considerations are to be extended appropriately. REPDC GREEN 29 SH9 SH9 - MY Mean Annual Inflow and MY Ecologic Outflows vs Turbine Flows Average flow rate at the dam axis: Qmean= Q28.77, 31 Yrs 1 HRange 1978 to 2009 9.71 m3/s 100.00% 3.33 m3/s 34.28% Minimum flow rate measured: 2.74 m 3 /s Q Tecolog =3.33m 3 /s(November-April). P56 4.44 m3/s 45.71% Minimum flow rate measured: 2.74 m 3 /s Q T ecolog=4.44m 3 /s(May-October). P56 3.65 m3/s 37.57% evaluation. P70. 2 Ecologic Plant Turbine Flow 3 4 Main Plant: Turbine flow 5 Compulsory Ecologic Outflow Average flow rate at the dam axis: Qmean, 9 Yrs HRange 1 2001 to 2009 2x17.81 m3/s 1.8 to 0.975 m3/s 6.84 m3/s Average turbine flow used in hydropower 366% of 9.71 m3/s Max 18% of 9.71 m3/s. P57 70.44% DD Notes and Recommendations: (1) There are contradictions spotted in the Study between the ecologic plant turbine flow (3.65m3/s) and compulsory ecologic outflow (1.8m3/s), Pages, 56, 57 and 70. (2) In the light of Para (1) herein, the design criterion of 3.65 m3/s for ecologic plant turbine flow, deserves detail clarification and supporting analysis. It is to note that the installed capacity of ecologic turbine defined in FS, was derived there from. (3) As regards of Paras (1) and (2) from here above, the analysis supporting the Main Plant turbine flow of 2 x 17.81m3/s would be vital towards valid assessment of hydropower and economic parameters of the Project. The two main plant turbines installed capacities handled in FS, were based thereon. (4) The mean MY annual flow comprising the period of 2001 to 2009, remains to 70.44% of design one(1978 to 2009: 9.71 m3/s). The appropriately inputted sensitivity analysis of Project production should be exercised in order to assess the effects of climate changes (if any). REPDC GREEN 30 SH10 SH10 - Approximate Checkup of Hydropower Evaluation Ecologic Hydropower Plant 1 2 3 4 5 On River Storage Type of the Plant: Formula: P = * g * Qturbine * H net * Real Hydraulic Power: 6 Inputs: 7 Max Turbine Flow (March, April, May) Q turbine Hnet ρ g hturbin Net Head at Installed Turbine Flow Water Density 10 Gravity Acceleration Turbine Efficiency at Pick(Installed) Flow 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 Generator Efficiency at Pick(Installed) Flow Transformer Efficiency [W] 3,650.00 l/s 158.65 m 1.00 kg/dm3 9.81 m/s2 0.93 hGenerator 0.90 hTransf 0.98 P70 Derived Inputs: 16 Installed Plant's Turbine Flow 17 Minimum Turbine Flow: Q Plant 3,650.00 l/s Q Plant hPlant 1,460.00 l/s 0.82 Instl 18 Francis Makeup Application (0.40* InstlQ Turbine) 19 Plant's Efficiency hPlant=hPlant *hTurbin* hTransf Min 20 Plant's Real-Output Power Evaluation: Real Hydraulic Power [Preal] of Plant 22 21 23 24 Description Max & Installed Min Serviceable 25 Francis 26 27 28 29 30 31 Fraction [W] Q Plant [kW] Q Plant/KW [m3/s] [MW] [l/s] 100.00% 4.63E+06 4.63E+03 4.63E+00 3.65 0.79 40.00% 1.85E+06 1.85E+03 1.85E+00 1.46 0.79 Q turbin = Turbined Flow: P *10-3 m3 /s * g * H net * Plant's Input Power Evaluation: 32 Pinput = 33 P plant 34 35 36 Input Hydraulic Power [Pinput] of Plant Description Max & Installed 37 Fraction 122.57% [W] [kW] 5.68E+06 5.68E+03 Feasibility Study vs REPDC Assessment: Q Plant Q Plant/KW 3 [m /s] [MW] 5.68 5 MW REPDC GREEN 3.65 vs [l/s] 0.79 4.63MW 31 SH10 DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) The vital issue would be the supporting analysis of Feasibility Study justifying the turbine flow rate of 3.65m3/s. (2) Secondly, the analysis on the basis of which the input Power of Ecological Plant of 5.00 MW was concluded in Feasibility Study. This is to locate the reasons of its separation to the approximate checkup analysis run herein (4.63MW). (3) The up-to-date turbine assemblies are equipped with operation range of up to 30%. The prospective manufacturer of turbines should be encouraged to comment the issue in view of 40% operation range achievable by his manufacturing technology. REPDC GREEN 32 SH11 SH11 - Approximate Checkup of Hydropower Evaluation Main Hydropower Plant 1 On River Storage Type of the Plant: 2 3 4 5 6 Formula: 7 Inputs: P = * g * Qturbine * H net * Real Hydraulic Power: 8 Max Turbine Flow (March, April, May) 9 Net Head at Installed Turbine Flow 10 Water Density 11 Gravity Acceleration Turbine Efficiency at Pick(Installed) Flow Q turbine Hnet ρ g hturbin 12 13 14 15 16 Generator Efficiency at Pick(Installed) Flow 35,620.00 l/s 158.65 m 1.00 kg/dm3 9.81 m/s2 0.93 hGenerator 0.90 hTransf 0.98 Transformer Efficiency [W] P70 Derived Inputs: Q Plant 35,620.00 l/s Q Plant hPlant 14,248.00 l/s 0.82 17 Installed Plant's Turbine Flow Instl 18 Minimum Turbine Flow: 19 Francis Makeup Application (0.40* InstlQ Turbine) Min 20 Plant's Efficiency hPlant=hPlant *hTurbin* hTransf 21 Plant's Real-Output Power Evaluation: Real Hydraulic Power [Preal] of Plant 23 22 Description Max & Installed 25 Min Serviceable 26 Francis 27 28 29 30 31 24 32 Q Plant Q Plant/KW [m3/s] Fraction 100.00% 4.52E+07 4.52E+04 45.23 35.62 0.79 40.00% 1.81E+07 1.81E+04 1.81E+01 14.25 0.79 [W] [kW] Q turbin = Turbined Flow: [MW] [l/s] P *10-3 m3 /s * g * H net * Plant's Input Power Evaluation: 33 Pinput = 34 P plant 35 36 37 Input Hydraulic Power [Pinput] of Plant Description 38 Max & Installed Fraction 100.00% [W] [kW] 5.54E+07 5.54E+04 Feasibility Study vs REPDC Assesment: Q Plant [MW] 55.44 50 MW REPDC GREEN Q Plant/KW [m3/s] 35.62 vs [l/s] 0.79 45.23MW 33 SH11 DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) The vital issue of FS would be the supporting analysis justifying the turbine flow rate of 35.62m3/s. (2) Secondly, the analysis by which the input Power of Main Plant of 50 MW was concluded in Feasibility Study. This is to locate the reasons of its separation to the approximate checkup analysis run herein (45.23MW). (3) The up-to-date turbine assemblies are reaching the operation range of up to 30%. The prospective manufacturer of turbines should be encouraged comment the issue in view of 40% operation range offered by his workshop. REPDC GREEN 34 SH12 SH12 - Approximate Checkup Analysis of Turbines Background I II III IV Impulse Turbines– Pelton, free-jet, high head turbines, hydraulic heads of 200 to 2000m. Reactive Turbines – Bulb, placed directly in water stream. Reactive Turbines – Kaplan, axial flow low head turbines, hydraulic heads of 5 to 50m. Reactive Turbines – Francis, radial-axial flow, medium head turbines, hydraulic heads of 50 to 200m. REPDC GREEN 35 SH12 Main Plant I Synchronous Rotational Speed of Generator Formula: Sinchronous Rotational Speed: Type of Generator: N= f*120 z Salient Type Inputs: Generator Frequency Number of Generator's Poles f z 50.00 Hz 8.00 Rotational Speed(Number of revolution per a minute) N 500.00 rpm II Turbines Specific Speed Formula: Specific Speed: Q N* instal Plant n Nq = ^0.75 (H) net ^0.5 Installed Turbine Discharge QTurbin instl QPlant n Inputs: Installed Plant's Turbine Flow n 3 35.62 m /s 2 instlQturbin 17.81 m3/s Q Plant Instl Selected Number of Turbines Installed Turbine Discharge Rotational Speed(Number of revolution per a minute ) N Net Head at Installed Turbine Flow Hnet Specific Speed Nq Pturbin Input Turbine Power: Pturbin = P/n 500.00 rpm 159.00 m 47.13 27.72 MW III Selection of Type of Turbine Criteria: Nq < 20 20< Nq < 120 Nq >100 Impulse Pelton Turbine is recommended Radial Flow -Axial Francis Turbine is recommended Axial Flow Kaplan Turbine is recommended Francis Turbine was proved as appropriate: instlQturbin 3 17.81 m /s minQturbin 3 7.12 m /s 27.72 MW 11.09 MW Pturbin minPturbin Comments & Recommendations: (1) Francis turbine type was proved as appropriate to the Plant. (2) The real turbine power as checked(45.23MW/2) is below the one evaluated in the Study(25MW). A detail analysis supporting the IPC of 25 MW is advised to be appended to Feasibility Study. (3) The operation range of turbine of 100% to 30% should be considered. REPDC GREEN 36 SH12 Ecologic Plant I Synchronous Rotational Speed of Generator Formula: Sinchronous Rotational Speed: Type of Generator: N= f*120 z Salient Type Inputs: Generator Frequency Number of Generator's Poles f z 50.00 Hz 8.00 Rotational Speed(Number of revolution per a N 750.00 rpm II Turbines Specific Speed Formula: Specific Speed: Q N* instal Plant n Nq = ^0.75 (H) net ^0.5 Installed Turbine Discharge QTurbin instl QPlant n Inputs: Installed Plant's Turbine Flow Q Plant n instlQturbin Instl Selected Number of Turbines Installed Turbine Discharge Rotational Speed(Number of revolution per a minute ) Net Head at Installed Turbine Flow N Hnet Specific Speed Nq Pturbin Input Turbine Power: Pturbin = P/n 3.65 m3/s 1 3.65 m3/s 750.00 rpm 159.00 m 32.00 5.68 MW III Selection of Type of Turbine Criteria: Nq < 20 20< Nq < 120 Nq >100 Impulse Pelton Turbine is recommended Radial Flow -Axial Francis Turbine is recommended Axial Flow Kaplan Turbine is recommended Francis Turbine was proved as appropriate: instlQturbin 3 3.65 m /s minQturbin 3 1.46 m /s 5.68 MW 2.27 MW Pturbin minPturbin Comments & Recommendations: (1) Francis turbine type was proved as appropriate to the Plant. (2) The real turbine power as checked(4.63MW) is beneath the one evaluated in the study(5MW). A detail analysis supporting the IPC of 5 MW is advised as appendix to Feasibility Study. (3) The operation range of turbine of 100% to 30% should be considered. REPDC GREEN 37 SH14 SH14 - Approximate Checkup of Monthly Productions Monthly Productions commensurate to Monthly Inflows 1 Active Storage 55,150,000.00 m3 Ecologic Plant Turbine 3.65 m3/s 2 flow Main Plant Turbine flow: 3 2 x 17.81 m3/s 4 Compulsory Ecologic 5 Flow 7 9 January 11 February 12 March 13 April 14 May 15 June 16 July 17 August 18 September 19 October 20 November 21 December 22 23 1.80 m3/s 0.975 m3/s March, April, May June to February Production of Ecologic Plant Period 10 35.62 m3/s Annual MY Mean Monthly Flows(m3/s) 7.585 8.046 13.650 21.004 15.205 9.710 6.802 5.740 5.932 7.257 7.812 7.829 9.714 Average MY Mean Monthly Storages (m3) (Max to 5.515 *107) 20,315,664.00 19,464,883.20 36,560,160.00 54,442,368.00 40,725,072.00 25,168,320.00 18,218,476.80 15,374,016.00 15,375,744.00 19,437,148.80 20,248,704.00 20,969,193.60 306,299,750.40 Total Compulsory Ecologic Flows(m3/s) 0.975 0.975 1.800 1.800 1.800 0.975 0.975 0.975 0.975 0.975 0.975 0.975 Storage Volume exploited by Ecologic Plant (m3) Ecologic Plant Nominal turbine flow(m3/s) Power Hours per Month (Hr) Ecologic Plant Real Power (kW) MY Mean Monthly Production (kWh) Storage Volume outstanding to Main Plant (m3) 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 17,704,224.00 2,358,720.00 3.65 179.51 4.63E+03 8.31E+05 17,106,163.20 4,821,120.00 3.65 366.90 4.63E+03 1.70E+06 31,739,040.00 4,665,600.00 3.65 355.07 4.63E+03 1.64E+06 49,776,768.00 4,821,120.00 3.65 366.90 4.63E+03 1.70E+06 35,903,952.00 2,527,200.00 3.65 192.33 4.63E+03 8.90E+05 22,641,120.00 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 15,607,036.80 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 12,762,576.00 2,527,200.00 3.65 192.33 4.63E+03 8.90E+05 12,848,544.00 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 16,825,708.80 2,527,200.00 3.65 192.33 4.63E+03 8.90E+05 17,721,504.00 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 18,357,753.60 1.31E+07 268,994,390.40 37,305,360.00 Total 12.18% 2,839.07 Total Of the total annual yield(22) REPDC GREEN Total 1.40E+07 According to Feasibility Study Total 38 SH14 26 Production of Main Plant Period 28 29 January 30 February 31 March 32 April 33 May 34 June 35 July 36 August 37 September 38 October 39 November 40 December 41 42 Annual MY Mean Monthly Flows(m3/s) 7.585 8.046 13.650 21.004 15.205 9.710 6.802 5.740 5.932 7.257 7.812 7.829 9.714 Average MY Mean Monthly Storages (m3) (Max to 5.515 *107) Main Plant Nominal turbine flow(m3/s) 20,315,664.00 35.62 19,464,883.20 35.62 36,560,160.00 35.62 54,442,368.00 35.62 Storage Volume remaining for Main Plant (m3) Power Hours per Month (Hr) Main Plant Real Power (kW) 138.06 45,230.00 6.24E+06 17,106,163.20 133.40 45,230.00 6.03E+06 31,739,040.00 247.51 45,230.00 1.12E+07 49,776,768.00 388.18 45,230.00 1.76E+07 1.27E+07 17,704,224.00 40,725,072.00 35.62 35,903,952.00 279.99 45,230.00 25,168,320.00 35.62 22,641,120.00 176.56 45,230.00 7.99E+06 18,218,476.80 35.62 15,607,036.80 121.71 45,230.00 5.50E+06 4.50E+06 15,374,016.00 35.62 12,762,576.00 99.53 45,230.00 15,375,744.00 35.62 12,848,544.00 100.20 45,230.00 4.53E+06 19,437,148.80 35.62 16,825,708.80 131.21 45,230.00 5.93E+06 6.25E+06 6.48E+06 20,248,704.00 35.62 17,721,504.00 138.20 45,230.00 20,969,193.60 35.62 18,357,753.60 143.16 45,230.00 306,299,750.40 9.49E+07 268,994,390.40 Total Total 87.82% Total 9.82E+04 Of the total annual yield(41) 44 46 47 48 MY Mean Monthly Production (kWh) According to Feasibility Study Cross-Comparable Outputs: Feasibility Study 5 MW 50 MW REPDC Assessment 14,037 MWh 98,190.7 MWh 4.63 MW 45.3 MW 13,144.9 MW 94,879.7 MWh DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) There was concluded a marginal separation in MY mean annual productions between the Feasibility Study and REPDC checkup analysis. (2) Still, an elaborative supporting analysis should be presented by the Author of Feasibility Study, aiming to back the real powers and annual productions there derived. (3) Probability 50%(P59) the Design Engineer has allocated to flow duration curve and annual distribution curve should be clarified and improved in the context of their confidence. REPDC GREEN 39 SH15 SH15 - Management of Annual Hydropower Resources Approximate Checkup of Gross Annual Income by relocating of monthly yields to higher Feed-In Tariff Peak time price Average time price Exchange Rate US$/TL 0.09756 $/kWh 0.07254 $/kWh 1.78150 P44, P57, P59, June& August P44, P57, September to May Annual Redistribution of Active Storage aiming to amplify the storage to be powered under higher FeedIn Tariff Period MY Mean Monthly Flows (m3/s) MY Mean Monthly Inflows (m3) Annual Redistribution of Monthly Yields (m3) Monthly Storages intended to Power (m3) (Max to 5.515 *107) MY Average - Gross Ecologic Plant Income Compulsory Storage Volume Ecologic Plant Power Ecologic Ecologic Flows exploited by Nominal turbine Hours per Plant Real (m3/s) Ecologic Plant (m3) flow(m3/s) Month (Hr) Power (kW) August 7.585 8.046 13.650 21.004 15.205 9.710 6.802 5.740 September 5.932 15,375,744.00 Annual Maintenance October 19,437,148.80 12,848,544.00 32,285,692.80 November 7.257 7.812 20,248,704.00 0.00 20,248,704.00 0.975 0.975 December 7.829 20,969,193.60 0.00 20,969,193.60 0.975 January February March April May June July Annual Average Gross Ecologic Plant Income US$ Main Plant Nominal turbine flow(m3/s) Storage Volume exploited by Main Plant (m3) Power Hours per Month (Hr) Main Plant Real Power (kW) MY Mean Feed-In Monthly Tariff Production (kWh) US$/kWh Gross Main Plant Income US$ Gross - Both Plants Income US$ Period 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 0.07254 $66,748.76 35.62 17,704,224.00 138.06 45,230.00 6.24E+06 0.07254 $452,985.83 $519,734.60 January 2,358,720.00 3.65 179.51 4.63E+03 8.31E+05 0.07254 $60,289.21 35.62 17,106,163.20 133.40 45,230.00 6.03E+06 0.07254 $437,683.66 $497,972.87 February 4,821,120.00 3.65 366.90 4.63E+03 1.70E+06 0.07254 $123,228.49 35.62 23,757,360.00 185.27 45,230.00 8.38E+06 0.07254 $607,863.27 $731,091.76 March 4,665,600.00 3.65 355.07 4.63E+03 1.64E+06 0.07254 $119,253.38 35.62 37,776,768.00 294.60 45,230.00 1.33E+07 0.07254 $966,568.24 $1,085,821.62 April 4,821,120.00 3.65 366.90 4.63E+03 1.70E+06 0.07254 $123,228.49 35.62 25,903,952.00 202.01 45,230.00 9.14E+06 0.07254 $662,786.65 $786,015.13 May 2,527,200.00 3.65 192.33 4.63E+03 8.90E+05 0.07254 $64,595.58 35.62 52,622,800.00 410.37 45,230.00 1.86E+07 0.09756 $1,810,822.64 $1,875,418.22 June 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 0.07254 $66,748.76 35.62 15,607,036.80 121.71 45,230.00 5.50E+06 0.09756 $537,059.52 $603,808.28 July 15,374,016.00 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 0.07254 $66,748.76 35.62 12,762,576.00 99.53 45,230.00 4.50E+06 0.09756 $439,177.73 $505,926.49 August 2,527,200.00 0.975 2,527,200.00 3.65 192.33 4.63E+03 8.90E+05 0.07254 $64,595.58 35.62 0.00 0.00 45,230.00 0.00E+00 0.07254 $0.00 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 0.07254 $66,748.76 35.62 29,674,252.80 231.41 45,230.00 1.05E+07 0.07254 $759,254.75 $826,003.51 2,527,200.00 3.65 192.33 4.63E+03 8.90E+05 0.07254 $64,595.58 35.62 17,721,504.00 138.20 45,230.00 6.25E+06 0.07254 $453,427.96 $518,023.54 November 2,611,440.00 3.65 198.74 4.63E+03 9.20E+05 0.07254 $66,748.76 35.62 18,357,753.60 143.16 45,230.00 6.48E+06 0.07254 $469,707.25 $536,456.01 December 0.00 20,315,664.00 19,464,883.20 0.00 19,464,883.20 36,560,160.00 7,981,680.00 28,578,480.00 54,442,368.00 12,000,000.00 42,442,368.00 40,725,072.00 10,000,000.00 25,168,320.00 29,981,680.00 30,725,072.00 55,150,000.00 18,218,476.80 0.00 18,218,476.80 15,374,016.00 0.00 Total Feed-In Tariff US$/kWh 0.975 0.975 1.800 1.800 1.800 0.975 0.975 0.975 20,315,664.00 9.714 306,299,750.40 MY Mean Monthly Production (kWh) TOTAL Ecologic + Main Plant MY Average - Gross Main Plant Income 306,299,750.40 Total 37,305,360.00 2,839.07 1.31E+07 Total Total Total $953,530.11 Total 268,994,390.40 2,097.72 Total Total 11.15% Of Total Gross Project Income DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) Whilst the foregoing approximative analysis, the REPDC used the real power outputs at their nominal i.e. maximum rates as apprised by REPDC. The operation monthly hours were derived thereon. (2) Towards the further confidence improvement, the Design Engineer of the Owner is advised to run the appropriate analysis based on MY mean daily or at least weekly river discharges. (3) Probability of 50% or more(page 59), supporting the MY flow duration curve and MY annual distribution curve, should be upgraded up to 70%, reinforcing thus the analysis competence. (4) The operation hours of main plant(2052Hrs) and ecologic plant(8766Hrs), P82 of FS, should be further backed whilst the updated issue of FS. REPDC GREEN 9.49E+07 $64,595.58 September $7,597,337.49 $8,550,867.60 Total Total 88.85% $9,927,214.00 Of Total Gross Project Income According to Feasibility Study October 40 SH16 SH16 - Particular Structures Assessment Upstream Cofferdam and Derivation Tunnel The flood criteria applied for evaluation of upstream cofferdam height (cca 16m)and radius of derivation tunnel, (cca 6m), should be clarified. If the local material availability proved favourable, the gravity structure of lean or rolcrit Cofferdam should be considered as an option. Overcrest Spillway Max Operation level of the reservoir….cca 1155m Min Operation Level of the reservoir….cca 1140m Spillway crest elevation: ..................... cca 1151m Clarification to be detailed: The design criteria on the basis of which the spillway crest level was evaluated. Penstock Steel penstock of 8mm to 16mm walls thickness. The penstock dia of 3.80m. The penstock walls seem to be underestimated. The brief structural analysis should be conducted. Transmission Line 15km of 154kVA transmission line is planned. Any upgrading of Darende substation due to Plant connection? To be clarified. REPDC GREEN 41 SH17 SH17 - Project Implementation Assessment REPDC GREEN 42 SH17 DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) The milestones designating the construction and environmental permits award should be clearly indicated in the program. (2) The land nationalization process should be all the time conducted by the Owner and be terminated the latest by the date of obtaining of construction permit. (3) The 'as drafted' program was construed to be in succession of the project development program wherein the geological conditions then the topo and hydrology statistics updating, then the final design, BOQ and tender documents, were completed for CME works. The development program deserves further discussion. (4) The meaning of 'Survey Project Works' '2' should be clarified within the context of the program. (5) The one month of tendering process (call for and award) might be insufficient. Suggestion: to be reconsidered. (6) 'Consulting and Technical Services' '3', were understood as aligned with supervision and consulting engineering during construction. Here, the 'On Owner Design' construction contract package was assumed to apply. In case the chart was conjugated with 'On Contractor Design' construction contract package the issue would deserve further consideration. (7) The 3 year chart allocated to civil construction process was estimated as appropriate under the assumption of favourable geological conditions. (8) The 2 year for E/M equipment and assemblies manufacturing/erection, might be overestimated whereas the issue is dealt with the standard power generating sets. The appropriate optimization of the chart is suggested. (9) The 15km transmission line chart should be clarified. (10) The defects liability period for the Project is missing and it should be implemented to the program. Given the importance and size of the projects, the period should not be shorter than 2 years. (11) Manufacturer Guarantees (Warranties) should coincide to termination of defects liability period. To the effect, the page 19, article 1.2 of annex 8 of Feasibility Study should be reconsidered. Conclusion: The 3.5 year construction period of the Project could be achievable under the comments and recommendations set forth here above. REPDC GREEN 43 SH18 SH18 - Approximate Checkup of Capital Expenditures 49.98MW/10.80x107kWh Output(Real) Power: Main + Ecologic Plant 49.98 MW As per REPDC approximate analysis MY Mean Annual Production 108,024,607.30 kWh As per REPDC approximate analysis Description As per Feasibility Study 1 Advance Services and Works 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Contract Documents: Instructions, Conditions, Specifications, BOQ, and Forms for Preliminaries, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical works, roads and tunnels, transmission lines and substations. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 3 Included(4) $1,250,000.00 2.61% Derivation tunnel, 321m Dam foundation and abutments excavation, including consolidation grouting and rock strengthening Excavation for tailrace tunnel, 100m Tail water leveling Flow dissipation basin (excavation, lining and rock strengthening) Dam Structure, 148000 m3 Dam Integrated Power Structure Dam Instrumentation and Dam abutments instrumentation 1.41% 25.010004 /kW $0.0116 /kWh $75,000.00 0.08% 1.5006002 /kW $0.0007 /kWh $2,245,299.00 2.54% $44.92 /kW $0.0208 /kWh $2.40 /kW $0.0011 /kWh 11 $1,650,000.00 3.44% $33.01 /kW $0.0153 /kWh $69.93 /kW $0.0324 /kWh 12 $5,220,299.00 5.90% $104.45 /kW $0.0483 /kWh $612,375.00 $227,375.00 $1,038,451.00 $1,908,504.00 1.28% $12.25 /kW $0.0057 /kWh 0.47% $4.55 /kW $0.0021 /kWh 2.17% $20.78 /kW $0.0096 /kWh 3.98% $38.19 /kW $0.0177 /kWh $650,000.00 1.36% $13.01 /kW $0.0060 /kWh $1,824,305.00 2.06% $36.50 /kW $0.0169 /kWh 6 $2,245,299.00 4.68% Preliminaries Accommodation, Furniture and Fixture Site offices; accommodation for the Client's and Engineer's staff; furniture for offices and accommodation; telephone/fax; computers; vehicles; site laboratory; survey equipment; first aid facilities; maintenance of all the above. $1,250,000.00 Not specifically priced. Land Nationalization Process 234.8Ha á $9,562.6 25.01 /kW $0.0116 /kWh 4 5 Call for tenders, tenders evaluation, contract award 12 Sub-Total (1) - (11): Advance Services and Works 13 Civil Works Access and Service Structures 14 Access road to dam site, 8165m 15 Dam crest service road , 1819m 16 Dam crest service tunnel , 261m 17 Service tunnel to power house, 495m 18 Temporary Structures 19 Upstream=cca 15m) and downstream(H=cca 10m) cofferdams 20 Dam structure and associated works 21 22 1 Project Development Cost Final Surveys: Topo, Hydrological, Geological, Environmental Final Reports and Designs: hydraulic, hydropower, structural/geotechnical, access/service roads and tunnels, environmental mitigation structures. Functional designs of all electromechanical works. Final design of transmission lines and substations. Cost of Project Construction Contract Award As assessed by REPDC(Lower Bound Estimate) $120,000.00 $3,495,299.00 7.29% 7 8 $44.92 /kW $0.0208 /kWh 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Included(6) $339,040.00 $138,086.00 $1,038,451.00 $1,908,504.00 0.71% $6.78 /kW $0.0031 /kWh 0.29% $2.76 /kW $0.0013 /kWh 2.17% $20.78 /kW $0.0096 /kWh 3.98% $38.19 /kW $0.0177 /kWh $238,563.00 0.50% $4.77 /kW $0.0022 /kWh $1,824,305.00 3.80% $36.50 /kW $0.0169 /kWh $982,318.00 2.05% $19.65 /kW $0.0091 /kWh 23 $2,500,000.00 2.83% $50.02 /kW $0.0231 /kWh $841,987.00 $1,108,616.00 $1,403,312.00 $15,054,168.00 $1,122,649.00 1.76% $16.85 /kW $0.0078 /kWh 24 0.95% $16.85 /kW $0.0078 /kWh 2.31% $22.18 /kW $0.0103 /kWh 25 1.25% $22.18 /kW $0.0103 /kWh 2.93% $28.08 /kW $0.0130 /kWh 26 1.59% $28.08 /kW $0.0130 /kWh 31.39% $301.20 /kW $0.1394 /kWh 27 28.83% $510.20 /kW $0.2361 /kWh 2.34% $22.46 /kW $0.0104 /kWh 28 $841,987.00 $1,108,616.00 $1,403,312.00 $25,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 2.83% $50.02 /kW $0.0231 /kWh 29 $250,000.00 0.28% $5.00 /kW $0.0023 /kWh Not specifically priced. REPDC GREEN 44 SH18 30 Dam grouting and Dam seepage control works Not specifically priced. 30 31 Fish path structure Not specifically priced. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Environmental mitigation structures Tributaries barrages mitigating pond sedimentation, wild animal passes,…….. 40 Sub-Total (13) - (39): Civil Works Included(14) to (36) $3,899,999.85 $29,899,998.85 8.13% 62.35% $78.03 /kW $0.0361 /kWh 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Turbines, governors, cooling system and other accessories 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 20% contingencies 57 2.67% $25.60 /kW $0.0118 /kWh 0.58% $5.52 /kW $0.0026 /kWh $2,011,300.00 $434,000.00 $561,526.00 $3,087,286.00 4.19% $40.24 /kW $0.0186 /kWh 0.90% $8.68 /kW $0.0040 /kWh 1.17% $11.24 /kW $0.0052 /kWh 6.44% $61.77 /kW $0.0286 /kWh Penstock and accessories D/d=3.8m/16mm $355,567.00 0.74% $7.11 /kW $0.0033 /kWh 57 58 Plant's bridge crane $195,564.00 0.41% $3.91 /kW $0.0018 /kWh 58 59 Drainage and dewatering system, Compressed air system, workshop tools,…. Not specifically priced. 59 Included 60 61 Switchgear Included 60 61 Included 62 63 64 65 66 67 Generators and accessories Main Plant: 2 X V227.8 MVA Generators Ecologic Plant: 1 X V15.56 MVA Generator Transformers Radial gates, turbine valves, bonnet gate, draft tube gates, trash racks, …… Control, protection and automation system Analog control and indicator cubicles, protective relays, computerized SCADA system, open protocol system, integrated SCADA software: $84,190.00 + $701,656.00 AC and DC power supply, cabling, Lighting and LV power services, telephone network, fire fighting system, earthling system, … . Transportation and Insurance Expenses Import and Custom Expenses $785,845.00 1.64% 63 Not specifically priced. $445,000.00 $185,000.00 D/d=3.8m/38mm $15.72 /kW $0.0073 /kWh 62 0.93% $8.90 /kW $0.0041 /kWh 64 0.39% $3.70 /kW $0.0017 /kWh 65 Erection of mechanical and electrical equipment Including only the crane works, welding works and small services(min 5% of cost of E/M equipment). The erection of the equipment and assemblies are included in the prices quoted here before. $35.01 /kW $0.0162 /kWh $9,322,985.00 10.54% $186.53 /kW $0.0863 /kWh $55,937,910.00 63.24% $1,119.21 /kW $0.5178 /kWh $3,700,000.00 $370,000.00 4.18% $74.03 /kW $0.0343 /kWh 0.42% $7.40 /kW $0.0034 /kWh $4,850,000.00 $485,000.00 $1,210,000.00 $3,087,286.00 5.48% $97.04 /kW $0.0449 /kWh 0.55% $9.70 /kW $0.0045 /kWh 1.37% $24.21 /kW $0.0112 /kWh 6.44% $61.77 /kW $0.0286 /kWh $850,000.00 1.77% $17.01 /kW $0.0079 /kWh $195,564.00 0.22% $3.91 /kW $0.0018 /kWh $2,475,000.00 5.16% $49.52 /kW $0.0229 /kWh $650,000.00 $250,000.00 0.73% $13.01 /kW $0.0060 /kWh 0.28% $5.00 /kW $0.0023 /kWh $750,000.00 0.85% $15.01 /kW $0.0069 /kWh Included(14) to (36) $1,279,300.00 $275,900.00 Ecologic Plant: 1 X VFrancis, 1 x 25MW 1.98% Included(13) to (32) $598.24 /kW $0.2768 /kWh 40 41 Mechanical and Electrical Works Main Plant: 2 X VFrancis, 2 x 25MW $0.0417 /kWh $1,750,000.00 34 35 36 37 38 Included(13) to (32) Contingencies Contingencies estimated to civil works: 15% of (13) to (37) $90.04 /kW Included (27) 33 Not specifically priced. Overhead and profit On/Off site overhead and profit aligned with civil works 5.09% 32 Value Added Tax VAT to material and workmanship of civil works $4,500,000.00 Included 66 $750,000.00 1.56% $15.01 /kW $0.0069 /kWh 67 REPDC GREEN 45 SH18 68 Commissioning Expenses 69 Contingencies estimated to M & E works: 15% of (49) to (68) 70 Sub-Total (41) - (69): Mechanical and Electrical Works $185,000.00 0.39% $3.70 /kW $0.0017 /kWh 68 $1,582,693.20 3.30% $31.67 /kW $0.0147 /kWh 69 $12,133,981.20 25.30% $242.78 /kW $0.1123 /kWh 70 71 Transmission Line, Switchyard and Substation Upgrading 71 72 72 73 74 75 76 Structural, foundation and electro-mechanical works 15 km of 154 KVA Transmission Line. According to feasibility study:15km x $77,000 = 1,155.000 Switchyard and Substation upgrading Included(73) VAT and O/P Included(73) Contingencies estimated to TLines: 15% of (72 ) to (75) 77 Sub-Total (66 ) - (71): Transmission Line $1,459,444.00 3.04% 29.2006 /kW $0.0135 /kWh 73 Supervision of construction, review of additional designs, POE services, …. 80 Sub-Total (78 ) - (79): Consultancy Services and Supervision 0.28% $5.00 /kW $0.0023 /kWh $1,603,556.40 1.81% $32.08 /kW $0.0148 /kWh $20,726,406.40 23.43% $414.69 /kW $0.1919 /kWh $1,875,000.00 2.12% $37.52 /kW $0.0174 /kWh $187,500.00 0.21% $3.75 /kW $0.0017 /kWh $2,062,500.00 2.33% $41.27 /kW $0.0191 /kWh 74 75 $218,916.60 0.46% 4.38008 /kW $0.0020 /kWh 76 $1,678,360.60 3.50% 33.5806 /kW $0.0155 /kWh 77 78 Consultancy Services during Construction and works supervision 79 10% Contingencies $250,000.00 10% Contingencies 78 $750,000.00 1.56% $15.01 /kW $0.0069 /kWh 79 $4,500,000.00 5.09% $90.04 /kW $0.0417 /kWh $750,000.00 1.56% $15.01 /kW $0.0069 /kWh 80 $4,500,000.00 5.09% $90.04 /kW $0.0417 /kWh 84 84 Summary of Cost 85 49.93MW/10.80x107kWh 86 86 Description 88 Sub-Total (1) - (11): Advance Services and Works 89 Sub-Total (13) - (39): Civil Works 90 Sub-Total (41) - (69): Mechanical and Electrical Works 91 Sub-Total (66 ) - (71): Transmission Line 92 Sub-Total (78 ) - (79): Consultancy Services and Supervision 93 Grand Total As per Feasibility Study $3,495,299.00 $29,899,998.85 $12,133,981.20 $1,678,360.60 $750,000.00 $47,957,639.65 As assessed by REPDC 7.29% 69.934 /kW $0.0324 /kWh 88 $5,220,299.00 5.90% $104.45 /kW $0.0483 /kWh 62.35% 598.239 /kW $0.2768 /kWh 89 63.24% $1,119.21 /kW $0.5178 /kWh 25.30% 242.777 /kW $0.1123 /kWh 90 23.43% $414.69 /kW $0.1919 /kWh 3.50% 33.5806 /kW $0.0155 /kWh 91 2.33% $41.27 /kW $0.0191 /kWh 1.56% 15.006 /kW $0.0069 /kWh 92 5.09% $90.04 /kW $0.0417 /kWh 100.00% 959.537 /kW $0.4440 /kWh 93 $55,937,910.00 $20,726,406.40 $2,062,500.00 $4,500,000.00 $88,447,115.40 100.00% $1,769.65 /kW $0.8188 /kWh 94 94 DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) From the present stance, it would be difficult to achieve successful construction of a project the largeness, and the site conditions similar to those of Kaynarca HPP, at a rate beneath of $1000/MW. (2) In the absence of a BOQ appropriately detailed to Feasibility Study, REPDC has utilized the ranges of prices for particular works and machineries designed or embedded to similar international projects, whereby it appeared that approximate price in the order of $1800/kW would more certain to expect. Conclusion: The Design Engineer is advised to detail and reevaluate the prices for particular works of the Project. REPDC GREEN 46 SH19 SH19 - Economic Analysis of Project 49.98MW/10.80x107kWh General Inputs Output(Real) Power: Main + Ecologic Plant 49.98 MW As per REPDC approximate analysis 2 MY Mean Annual Production 108,024,607.30 kWh As per REPDC approximate analysis 1 3 Exchange Rate US$/TL 4 Capital Expenditures 5 Average Annual Gross Income 1.78150 $88,447,115.40000 As per REPDC approximate analysis $8,550,867.60413 As per REPDC approximate analysis Average Feed-In Tariff (Gross) $0.07916 kWh As per REPDC approximate analysis Power Cost Factor (PU-CF) $1,769.65 kW As per REPDC approximate analysis Electricity Production Cost Factor (EP-CF) $0.82 kWh As per REPDC approximate analysis EP-CF/Feed -In Tariff Ratio 10.34 The Ratio < 8, being indicator of lucrative Investement REPDC GREEN 47 SH19 Average Annual Cost of Maintenance Workmanship and Material inclusive Expected Lifespan of Structure & Equipment(Yr) Fraction of Capital Cost remaining to Total Maintenance Cost Total Maintenance Cost Average Annual Maintenance Cost $1,250,000.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A Cost of Project Construction Contract Award Contract Documents: Instructions, Conditions, Specifications, BOQ, and Forms for Preliminaries, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical works, roads and tunnels, transmission lines and $75,000.00 substations. Included(6) Call for tenders, tenders evaluation, contract award N/A N/A N/A N/A $2,245,299.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A $1,650,000.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 Sub-Total (1) - (11): Advance Services and Works $5,220,299.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 Civil Works Access and Service Structures 14 Access road to dam site, 8165m 15 Dam crest service road , 1819m 16 Dam crest service tunnel , 261m 17 Service tunnel to power house, 495m 18 $612,375.00 $227,375.00 $1,038,451.00 $1,908,504.00 Description Capital Cost 1 Advance Services and Works Project Development Cost 2 3 Final Surveys: Topo, Hydrological, Geological, Environmental 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Final Reports and Designs: hydraulic, hydropower, structural/geotechnical, access/service roads and tunnels, environmental mitigation structures. Functional designs of all electromechanical works. Final design of transmission lines and substations. Land Nationalization Process 234.8Ha á $9,562.6 Preliminaries Accommodation, Furniture and Fixture Site offices; accommodation for the Client's and Engineer's staff; furniture for offices and accommodation; telephone/fax; computers; vehicles; site laboratory; survey equipment; first aid facilities; maintenance of all the above. REPDC GREEN 100 100 100 100 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% $153,093.75 $1,530.94 $56,843.75 $568.44 $259,612.75 $2,596.13 $477,126.00 $4,771.26 48 SH19 19 20 21 Temporary Structures $650,000.00 Upstream=cca 15m) and downstream(H=cca 10m) cofferdams N/A N/A N/A Dam structure and associated works 22 Derivation tunnel, 321m $1,824,305.00 23 Dam foundation and abutments excavation, including consolidation grouting and rock strengthening $2,500,000.00 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 N/A $841,987.00 $1,108,616.00 $1,403,312.00 $25,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $250,000.00 $4,500,000.00 Excavation for tailrace tunnel, 100m Tail water leveling Flow dissipation basin (excavation, lining and rock strengthening) Dam Structure, 148000 m3 Dam Integrated Power Structure Dam Instrumentation and Dam abutments instrumentation Dam grouting and Dam seepage control works Fish path structure N/A 25.00% N/A 100 $456,076.25 N/A $4,560.76 N/A 50 100 100 30 50 25.00% N/A 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% $350,828.00 $7,016.56 $6,375,000.00 $63,750.00 100 25.00% N/A $210,496.75 N/A $2,104.97 N/A $625,000.00 $6,250.00 $62,500.00 $2,083.33 $1,125,000.00 $22,500.00 $437,500.00 $4,375.00 Included (27) Environmental mitigation structures 32 Tributaries barrages mitigating pond sedimentation, wild animal passes,…….. 33 Value Added Tax 34 VAT to material and workmanship of civil works 35 Overhead and profit 36 On/Off site overhead and profit aligned with civil works 37 Contingencies 38 Contingencies estimated to civil works: 15% of (13) to (37) 39 40 Sub-Total (13) - (39): Civil Works 41 Mechanical and Electrical Works Turbines, governors, cooling system and other accessories 49 Main Plant: 2 X VFrancis, 2 x 25MW 50 Ecologic Plant: 1 X VFrancis, 1 x 25MW 51 Generators and accessories 52 Main Plant: 2 X V227.8 MVA Generators 53 Ecologic Plant: 1 X V15.56 MVA Generator 54 100 $1,750,000.00 Included(13) to (32) Included(13) to (32) Included(14) to (36) Included(14) to (36) $9,322,985.00 $55,937,910.00 100 $3,700,000.00 $370,000.00 40 40 $4,850,000.00 $485,000.00 40 40 REPDC GREEN 25.00% $2,330,746.25 $23,307.46 $12,919,823.50 $145,414.85 50.00% 50.00% $1,850,000.00 $46,250.00 $185,000.00 $4,625.00 50.00% 50.00% $2,425,000.00 $60,625.00 $242,500.00 $6,062.50 49 SH19 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Transformers Radial gates, turbine valves, bonnet gate, draft tube gates, trash racks, …… Penstock and accessories D/d=3.8m/16mm Plant's bridge crane $1,210,000.00 $3,087,286.00 $850,000.00 $195,564.00 40 60 100 50 50.00% 37.50% 37.50% 37.50% 20 $650,000.00 $250,000.00 50 50 $750,000.00 14.37% Drainage and dewatering system, Compressed air system, workshop tools,…. Included Switchgear Included $605,000.00 $15,125.00 $1,157,732.25 $19,295.54 $318,750.00 $3,187.50 $73,336.50 $1,466.73 50.00% $1,237,500.00 $61,875.00 37.50% 37.50% $243,750.00 $4,875.00 $93,750.00 $1,875.00 Control, protection and automation system Analog control and indicator cubicles, protective relays, computerized SCADA system, open protocol system, integrated SCADA software: $84,190.00 + $701,656.00 AC and DC power supply, cabling, Lighting and LV power services, telephone network, fire fighting system, earthling system, … . Transportation and Insurance Expenses Import and Custom Expenses Erection of mechanical and electrical equipment Including only the crane works, welding works and small services(min 5% of cost of E/M equipment). The erection of the equipment and assemblies are included in the prices quoted here before. Commissioning Expenses 68 Contingencies estimated to M & E works: 15% of (49) to (68) 69 70 Sub-Total (41) - (69): Mechanical and Electrical Works $2,475,000.00 Included $250,000.00 $1,603,556.40 $20,726,406.40 N/A 50 $15.01 /kW N/A 37.50% $0.0069 N/A N/A $601,333.65 $12,026.67 $9,033,652.40 $237,288.94 71 Transmission Line, Switchyard and Substation Upgrading Structural, foundation and electro-mechanical works 72 73 15 km of 154 KVA Transmission Line. According to feasibility study:15km x $77,000 = 1,155.000 Switchyard and Substation upgrading $1,875,000.00 75 37.50% $703,125.00 $9,375.00 74 VAT and O/P 75 Contingencies estimated to TLines: 15% of (72 ) to (75) 76 77 Sub-Total (66 ) - (71): Transmission Line $187,500.00 $2,062,500.00 75 37.50% $70,312.50 $937.50 $773,437.50 $10,312.50 78 Consultancy Services during Construction and works supervision Supervision of construction, review of additional designs, POE services, …. 79 80 Sub-Total (78 ) - (79): Consultancy Services and Supervision $4,500,000.00 $4,500,000.00 84 REPDC GREEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 SH19 Summary of Annual Maintenance Expenses 85 Workmanship and Material inclusive 86 Description 88 89 90 91 92 93 Capital Cost Sub-Total (1) - (11): Advance Services and Works Sub-Total (13) - (39): Civil Works Sub-Total (41) - (69): Mechanical and Electrical Works Sub-Total (66 ) - (71): Transmission Line Sub-Total (78 ) - (79): Consultancy Services and Supervision Grand Total Expected Lifespan of Structure & Equipment(Yr) Fraction of Capital Cost remaining to Total Maintenance Cost $5,220,299.00 $55,937,910.00 $20,726,406.40 $2,062,500.00 $4,500,000.00 $88,447,115.40 Total Maintenance Cost Average Annual Maintenance Cost N/A N/A $12,919,823.50 $145,414.85 $9,033,652.40 $237,288.94 $773,437.50 $10,312.50 N/A $22,726,913.40 N/A $393,016.29 Water Use Cost 1 Average Annual Production Description 2 Average unit rate according to wholesale price (2007-2012): 10.13US$/MWh Water Use Unit rate Average Annual Water Use Cost $0.0101 $1,094,289.27 Percentage of Gross Annual Income 12.80% 108,024,607.30 kWh Plant's Own Consumption Cost 1 Average Annual Cost of Imported Electricity Description 2 Estimated to be 1% of Installed Plant's Capacity, equivalent to 49.98 *0.01=0.50MW REPDC GREEN $14,520.00 51 SH19 Cost of State Network System Use Average Annual Cost of Network Use Description 1 2 According to Local Board Resolution, No, 3689, dated 9 February 2012 $625,000.00 Plant's Management and Supervision Staff Description 1 Working Status Daily Shifts Gross Daily Rate Average Annual Cost 2 Plant's Manager 3 Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (two daily shifts by 1) 4 Civil Engineer Full time 1 2 $2,800.00 $1,950.00 $2,800.00 Full time Part time 0.5 $1,950.00 $975.00 5 Electrical and Mechanical Technicians(three daily shifts by 2) 6 Civil Technician Full time 6 $1,400.00 $8,400.00 Full time 1 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 7 Others, not specified Full time 3 $1,400.00 $4,200.00 8 TOTAL Monthly 9 TOTAL Yearly $3,900.00 $21,675.00 $260,100.00 Plant's Overheads Description 1 Average Annual Cost 2 Transportation, communication, hosting, stationary and the like $42,000.00 Operation Insurance Expenses 1 Description Working Status 2 Assets All Risk Insurance Daily Shifts Gross Daily Rate Average Annual Cost $126,000.00 REPDC GREEN 52 SH19 Summary of Operation Cost Description 1 2 Average Annual Cost of Maintenance Workmanship and Material inclusive 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Water Use Cost Plant's Own Consumption Cost Cost of State Network System Use Plant's Management and Supervision Staff Plant's Overheads Operation Insurance Expenses Contingencies Capital Expenditure Percentage 10 TOTAL Annual Operation Cost 11 Percentage to the Capital Expenditures $88,447,115.40 Average Annual Cost 15.09% $393,016.29 42.01% $1,094,289.27 0.56% $14,520.00 23.99% $625,000.00 9.98% $260,100.00 1.61% $42,000.00 4.84% $126,000.00 1.92% $50,000.00 100.00% $2,604,925.56 2.95% Summary of Economic Analysis According to REPDC Assessment 1 Period 2 January 3 February 4 March 5 April 6 May 7 June 8 July 9 August 10 September 11 October REPDC GREEN Gross Income $519,734.60 $497,972.87 $731,091.76 $1,085,821.62 $786,015.13 $1,875,418.22 $603,808.28 $505,926.49 $64,595.58 $826,003.51 53 SH19 12 November 13 December 14 Annual Total $518,023.54 $536,456.01 100.00% $8,550,867.60 15 Capital Expenditures 17 Annual O/M Cost Average Annual Cost of Maintenance 18 Workmanship and Material inclusive Water Use Cost 19 Plant's Own Consumption Cost 20 Cost of State Network System Use 21 Plant's Management and Supervision Staff 22 Plant's Overheads 23 Operation Insurance Expenses 24 Contingencies 25 26 SUB -Total (18)-(25) 27 Renewable Energy Exemption Certificate 4.60% 12.80% 0.17% 7.31% 3.04% 0.49% 1.47% 0.58% 30.46% 1.80% $2,604,925.56 $154,000.00 28 Net Income per a Year: (14)-(26)+(27) 71.34% $6,099,942.04 Years 14.5 29 Return-On-Investment Period (15)/(28) $88,447,115.40 $393,016.29 $1,094,289.27 $14,520.00 $625,000.00 $260,100.00 $42,000.00 $126,000.00 $50,000.00 According to Feasibility Study 1 Annual Total 100.00% $8,550,867.60 2 Capital Expenditures 3 Annual O/M Cost Average Annual Cost of Maintenance 4 Workmanship and Material inclusive Water Use Cost 5 Plant's Own Consumption Cost 6 Cost of State Network System Use 7 Plant's Management and Supervision Staff 8 Plant's Overheads 9 Operation Insurance Expenses 10 Contingencies 11 12 SUB -Total (4)-(11) 13 Renewable Energy Exemption Certificate 4.09% 12.80% 0.17% 7.32% 2.46% 0.49% 1.48% 0.59% 29.39% 1.80% $2,513,513.27 $154,000.00 14 Net Income per a Year: (14)-(26)+(27) 72.41% $6,191,354.33 15 Return-On-Investment Period (2)/(14) Years 7.7 REPDC GREEN $47,957,639.65 $350,000.00 $1,094,289.27 $14,520.00 $625,787.00 $210,497.00 $42,000.00 $126,298.00 $50,122.00 54 SH19 DD Notes & Recommendations: (1) There is apparently a significant separation between the economic parameters concluded in Feasibility Study and those estimated by REPDC. Whilst the Feasibility Study had endorsed the economic feasibility of the Project, the REPDC analysis made it questionable. (2) It is to note that the Water Use Cost and Cost of State Network System, take circa 19% of total gross annual income which negatively affect the economic parameters of the Project. The issue deserves serious discussion with Owner of Project before the next step of Project evaluation. (3) Towards annulling the disputes among the two Approaches, the Design Engineer is advised to review engineering solutions of the Project and the price inputs to construction works. REPDC GREEN REPDC GREEN Pte Ltd 16 Raffles Quay, #33-03 Hong Leong Building Singapore 048581 Tel: Fax: +65 6000 064 422 +65 6000 064 411 E-mail:info@repdc-green.com Web: www.repdc-green.com IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE All information, opinions, expectations and projections have been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable; however, REPDC GREEN does not guarantee their precision and/or completeness. REPDC GREEN is not liable for the accuracy of information obtained from external sources. The contents of this publication may only be used for information purposes. Investors should conduct their own research about a project prior to making investment decisions. Price fluctuations and past performance do not guarantee future results. No position, information or projection should be construed as an offer, requirement or imposition of sale of any type of security. Information, opinions, expectations and projections may be affected by subsequent market developments.