Fall 2009 - Order of the Merovingian Dynasty
Fall 2009 - Order of the Merovingian Dynasty
Reflecting on the Merovingian Dynasty Merovingian Mirror Newsletter of the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty: 448-751 www.merovingiandynasty.com Fall 2009 Officers... PRESIDENT GENERAL Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr. EdD 1ST VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL Charles Clement Lucas, Jr., MD 2ND VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL Charles William Neuhauser 3RD VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL Juanita Sue Pierce Augustus 4TH VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL John Hallberg Jones GENEALOGIST GENERAL Timothy Field Beard, FASG REGISTRAR GENERAL Tracy Ashley Crocker WEBMASTER Tracy Ashley Crocker SECRETARY GENERAL Linda Corinne Mistler, PhD ASST. SECRETARY GENERAL Bromme Hampton Cole CHAPLAIN GENERAL The Rev. Dr. Albert Clinton Walling II TREASURER GENERAL Barry Christopher Howard ASST. TREASURER GENERAL Catherine McCreary Strauch ARCHIVIST GENERAL John Mauk Hilliard CURATOR GENERAL Brantley Carter Bolling Knowles CHANCELLOR GENERAL Sutherland McColley SURGEON GENERAL George James Hill, MD, DLitt COUNSELOR GENERAL J. Michael Phelps, Esq. ADVISORY COUNCIL Caroline Bowen Grace Fisher DeuPree Philip Robert Livingston Brian R. Owens Shari Kelley Worrell IMPERATOR-PRINCEPS EMERITUS Richard Alan Gregory Volume 2, Issue 1 Greetings from the President General... Dear Members, As newly elected President General I would like to thank you for the privilege of serving the Order for the 2009 – 2011 term, and pledge to you my best effort on behalf of the Order. During the next two years my focus will include increasing membership, establishing and building the OMD scholarship fund, stabilizing the Order’s finances, and streamlining administrative and organizational procedures. In this, the first issue of the “Merovingian Mirror,” to be published during my administration, you will find important information about the Order, its members, and its activities. It is anticipated that two issues of the newsletter will be published yearly. In the interest of promoting good ecological and economical practice, the newsletter will be circulated via email rather than in print form. It will also be posted on the Order’s website. Please advise the Order’s Secretary General and Registrar General if you change your email address. I urge you to also visit the Order’s website on a regular basis as it contains the most current information about the Order including meetings, insignia, certificates and previous issues of the newsletter. Tracy Crocker is the webmaster. The address is www.merovingiandynasty.com Your Executive Board has been busy with several important issues relative to the good of the Order. Details of some of these are reported in this issue of the newsletter while others will appear on the website, in future issues of the “Merovingian Mirror,” or both at the appropriate time. A full report of all business issues and activities will be reported at the Annual Meeting. An updated Membership Roster will be compiled and printed prior to our April 2010 Annual Meeting. Please advise Dr. Linda Mistler, Secretary General, of any address changes. Plans for the 2010 Annual Meeting have been finalized and you will find the details in this issue of the newsletter. Make plans now to attend. I look forward to greeting each of you at the Annual Meeting. Sincerely, Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr., EdD President General Mark Your Calendars… The 2010 Annual Meeting of the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty will be a luncheon at the City Tavern Club in Washington, DC (Georgetown) on Wednesday, April 14, 2010. The Council will meet at 11:00 a.m. and the Annual Meeting/Luncheon will follow. The speaker will be Dr. C. Brian Rose. We will award our first OMD scholarship as a part of the meeting. Please reserve the date. Mark your calendar now. More information will follow in the Spring. Table of Contents… Scholarship Fund Established……………. 2 Note from the Registrar General………….. 2 New Members……………………………. 2 Directory Changes Contact Info………….. 2 In Memoriam……………………………... 3 Allan Cooper Dell, Jr. Obituary…………… 3 Miscellaneous Information……………….. 3 Memories from the 2009 Annual Meeting… 4-5 Minutes of Annual Meeting………………. 6-7 Dr. C. Brian Rose Bio……………………… 7 Proposal for Membership Form……………. 8 Insignia Order Form………………………. 9 Scholarship Fund Established... A Note from the Registrar General… Due to the generosity of member, Dianne Robinson and her gift of $25,000.00 in bonds, the OMD Scholarship Fund is now a firmly established reality. The scholarship fund will be named the Cornelia “Nellie” Smith Isenhour Memorial Scholarship Fund, in memory of Dianne's grandmother. Mrs. Isenhour's father died when she was 6 months old and her Mother remarried when she was two. She never knew much about her Smith family and she was always curious about them. Dianne reports that her grandmother "would be very pleased and very overwhelmed that I have traced them to the Merovingian Dynasty." The lineages of Merovee (Merovech), founder of the Merovingian Dynasty, from Charlemagne and Hildegard can be found in the book Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States: Verified Lineages to Gateway Ancestors that have Proven Pedigrees to Charlemagne. The book is available for $75, which includes a 150 lineages of Gateway Ancestors and companion-searchable data base CD with proofs. Please contact Tracy Crocker for further information at: Tracy Ashley Crocker OMD Registrar General 14115 41st Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55446-3824 registrar@merovingiandynasty.com The OMD Board unanimously voted to award an initial annual scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to a suitable student of history related to the medieval or earlier period. The scholarship committee, of which Dianne is a permanent member, will work closely together to establish criteria for the award. We are indebted to Dianne and her forward thinking spirit of generosity. Members of the OMD are encouraged to make contributions in any amount to the fund to help build the corpus from which annual awards will be made. ~ New Members… We welcome the following new members who have joined our organization since the 2008 Directory: #138 #139 #140 #141 #142 #143 #144 #145 #146 #147 #148 #149 #150 #151 #152 #153 #154 #155 #156 Silent Auction... Member Dianne Robinson has generously secured and donated three items of jewelry for a Silent Auction to be held during the 2010 Annual Meeting to benefit the OMD Scholarship Fund. Two of the three items are shown below. The third item is a man’s sport watch donated by Prince’s Jeweler’s of Vienna, VA. Ms. Cecelia Maxwell Hale Mrs. Nancy Ann Davis Ms. Cornelia Wendell Bush Dr. Robert Armstead Naud Mrs. Mary Carolyn Austin Mrs. Kathy Gayle Wells Ms. Dianne Robinson Mrs. Anne Standish Brandt Mr. Richard Harley Calendine Carter Branham Snow Furr, Esq Thomas R. Moore, Esq Dr. Wallace Harden Smith II D. Kerry Crenshaw, Esq Mrs. Mary Ellen Wright Mr. Lewis Stetson Allen Mrs. Vernette Snyder Nichols Mrs. Anna Boykin Ferguson Duff Mr. Thomas George Schafer Mr. John Luther Boyter III ~ 14 K yellow gold Knot Style cufflink with lever back. Donor is a friend of OMD. Cufflinks never worn. Value $800.00 Direcctory Changes… Please notify the Secretary General and the Registrar General of any changes: Linda Corinne Mistler, MD OMD Secretary General 20707 Ruhl Rd. Freeland, MD 21053-9710 lmistler@prodigy.net Tracy Ashley Crocker OMD Registrar General 14115 41st Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55446-3824 registrar@merovingiandynasty.com David Yurman 10mm silver and 14K gold bazel with pearl tips and 10 like stones. The bracelet is from the Nieman Marcus’ RENAISSANCE COLLECTION. Value $1875.00 2 Mr. Dell is survived by his sisters Diana Ezell and her husband Charles, Marjorie 'Mimi' Delaney and her husband Timothy and his sister-in-law, Jaqueline 'Jackie' Jones and her husband Tony Lewis Putnam. He is also survived by his nieces and nephews Whitney, Hillary and Cotesworth Delaney and Christopher, Andrew and Hunter Geiss, and a host of devoted friends. In Memoriam… “For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even unto death” Psalms 48:14 Mr. Dell, an accomplished equestrian, loved the country life and enjoyed extensive travel throughout the United States and England. He had a keen interest in ancestry and was involved in a vast array of historical societies, but his favorite pasttime was sharing these moments with his son, Cooper, and wife, Woozie, weaving together the fabric of their loving family. 'Pause, friend, and strip from out your heart All vanity, all bitterness, all hate: Quench, for this hour, the fever of your fears. Then, treading softly, pass within this gate. There, where the ancient trees wait, hushed and dim, May you find God, and walk awhile with him! Pearl Hiatt, 'Inscription for a Garden Gate' #122-ALLAN COOPER DELL, JR. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be made to the Allan Cooper Dell Memorial Fund, c/o Myers Park Band Boosters, P.O. Box 11891, Charlotte, NC 28220. A service to celebrate Allan Cooper Dell's life will be held at 1:00 PM Wednesday, August 5th, 2009, at Myers Park Presbyterian Church. The family will receive friends Tuesday evening from 6:30 until 8:30 PM at Hankins & Whittington, 1111 East Blvd., Charlotte. Mr. Dell, of Charlotte, died unexpectedly Friday, July 31st, 2009. Born on April 22, 1957, Mr. Dell was the son of the late Jean Edrington Dell and Allan Cooper Dell, senior. He is survived by his wife, Susan 'Woozie' Dell, and son, Allan Cooper Dell, III, of the home. Mr. Dell is a graduate of Charlotte Latin School, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and earned a B.S. in Interior Design from the O'More College of Design with a major in Historic Preservation. In addition, Mr. Dell studied at the Parson's School of Design in England, the Institute of Classical Architecture of Great Britain, and took extensive coursework through the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. An Allied Member of the Society of Interior Designers, Mr. Dell was a highly respected designer among his peers and known for his generosity and eagerness to mentor and share best practices. The recipient of many design awards, Mr. Dell worked diligently to create interiors that were at first glance exuberant and elegant, but above all else, loved and used by his clients. While he designed many residential interiors in Charlotte, his work was recognized throughout the Southeast serving a wide range of clients all along the Eastern Seaboard. Mr. Dell was known for his thorough and accurate research and understanding of materials, textiles, architecture, antiques and art. An avid student, Mr. Dell studied history, architecture, and art extensively and incorporated his wide knowledge into his work and his life. Arrangements were in the care of Hankins & Whittington Funeral Service. Please share condolences online at: www.hankinswhittington.com. ~ Miscellaneous Information... The President General solicits your input and welcomes your suggestions, constructive criticism and recommendations. Please feel free to contact him via his email address or by telephone. PRESIDENT GENERAL Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr., EdD (404) 766-9392 hsjohnson30222@yahoo.com ORDER OF THE MEROVINGIAN DYNASTY’S REGISTERED AGENT: Jack McQuerk 312 West Fourth Street Carson City, NV 89703 Mr. Dell was an active member at Myers Park Presbyterian Church, and served as a Deacon, a Sunday School teacher, and a member of many committees. Mr. Dell was a devoted Christian with a deep faith, a love for all mankind and a commitment to make the world a better place. He delighted his friends and family with his quick wit, his friendly smile, and his willingness to help others. Any corrections for the newsletter, please contact: MEROVINGIAN MIRROR EDITOR: Shari Kelley Worrell 269 Bluff Ct. Lake Barrington, IL 60010-7312 (847) 277-0268 shariworrell@aol.com 3 Memories of Washington, D.C.… Doris Roth, Marlene Wilkinson Christine Fortenberry, Gloria Harper Tom Bird, Mary Lynne Bird David von Nirschl, Nita Sue Augustus Mary-Stuart Montague Price, DeEtte Nesbitt Nicholas Ward, Charles Lucas, Tracy Crocker Gabrielle Bielenstein, Tim Beard, Danielle Bielenstein Alberta Baker, Lew Toulmin, Jane Power Philip Livingston, Bob Arnold Russell Scott, Anne Scott 4 More Memories of Washington, D.C.… Tim Field Beard, Shari Kelley Worrell, John Mauk Hilliard, Lynn Long The Rev. Dr. Christopher Agnew, Elizabeth Agnew, The Rev. Dr. Albert Walling Richard Gregory Jim Marvin, Linda Marvin, Lee Perryman DeEtte Nesbitt Brantley and Peter Knowles Patricia Kryder, Melissa Fischer, Marlene Wilkinson Linda Mistler, Barry Howard, Charles Lucas Mary-Stuart Montague Price 5 members. Mr. Crocker has a link to the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne. Members need to email Mr. Crocker for the password as the link is for “members only”. Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting… The fifth Annual Meeting of the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty was held 15 April, 2009 at the Metropolitan Club, Washington, DC at 5:30pm. The Invocation was given by Dr. Albert Clinton Walling, II. Dr. Charles Clement Lucas reported that we need to have a scholarship to qualify for 501(c)(3) status. He stated that he would like to have a $500.00 scholarship, per year, for a student of Dr. Brian Rose. Dr. Rose is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a leading expert in medieval archeology. Dr. Rose is President of the Archaeological Institute of America. A motion was made by Dr. Lucas and it was seconded. Motion passed. Those in attendance were the following: Mr. Richard Alan Gregory, President General; Dr. Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr., First Vice President General; Dr. Charles Clement Lucas, Second Vice President General; Mr. Timothy Field Beard, Genealogist General; Mr. Tracy Ashley Crocker, Registrar General and Webmaster; Mr. Barry Christopher Howard, Treasurer General; Ms. Juanita Sue Pierce Augustus, Recording Secretary General; Dr. Albert Clinton Walling, II, Chaplain General; Mr. John Mauk Hilliard, Archivist General; Dr. Linda Corrine Mistler, Curator General; Mr. J. Michael Phelps, Esq., Counselor General; Mr. John Hallberg Jones, Assistant Treasurer General. Mr. Gregory called on Mr. John Mauk Hilliard to give the Nominating Committee Report. It was as follows: Members of the Advisory Council in attendance were: Mrs. Charles Lamar DeuPree, Mrs. Brantley Carter Bolling Knowles, Mr. Russell Cecil Scott and Mr. Philip Robert Livingston. Mrs. Joel Strauch attended as a guest. Mr. Gregory brought greetings and welcomed all to the fifth Annual Meeting. In Mr. Gregory’s possession was the President General’s neck chain which had arrived in time for the meeting. Mr. Gregory announced that the donor’s names would be engraved on the chain and would be passed on to the next President General of the Order. A motion was made and seconded that the Minutes of the last Council Meeting be approved as mailed and that they be filed. Motion carried. Mr. Barry Christopher Howard, Treasurer General, gave his report. Mr. Howard reported a balance, as of April 10, 2009, of $19,874.03. However, $8,537.43 is accounts payables that are still outstanding. The 990 forms have been filed for 2008 and 2009. Copies attached. President General First Vice President General Second Vice President General Third Vice President General Fourth Vice President General Genealogist General Registrar General/Webmaster Treasurer General Secretary General Chaplain General Archivist General Curator General Chancellor General Surgeon General Counselor General Asst. Treasurer General Asst. Secretary General Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr., Ed.D Dr. Charles Clement Lucas Charles William Neuhauser Ms. Juanita Sue Pierce Augustus John Hallberg Jones Timothy Field Beard Tracy Ashley Crocker Barry Christopher Howard Linda Corrine Mistler, PhD Dr. Albert Clinton Walling, II John Mauk Hilliard Mrs. Brantley C. Bolling Knowles Sutherland McColley George James Hill, M.D., D. Litt John Michael Phelps, Esq. Mrs. Joel Strauch Bromme Hampton Cole Advisory Council: Mrs. Charles Lamar DeuPree Philip Robert Livingston Russell Cecil Scott Ms. Caroline Bowen Ms. Sharyn Dianne Worrell Mr. Brian R. Owens Imperator-princeps emerite: Richard Alan Gregory Mr. John Mauk Hilliard gave a resolution that “a thank you go to Mr. Richard Alan Gregory for his vision and his careful stewardship of the Order”. The resolution was passed by acclimation. A motion was made by Mr. Timothy Field Beard and seconded by Dr. Charles Clement Lucas that the Treasurer General’s report by accepted. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm. It was discussed that Mr. Howard investigate the cost of insuring the President General’s neck chain. The amount of $20,000.00 was discussed. Mr. Howard will look into this and report at the next meeting. A Fragmented Account of the “Le Bal des Royals” 15 April 2009 Metropolitan Club Washington, DC It was also discussed that Mr. Howard differentiate between our funds. There should be a General Fund, a Life Membership Fund and a Scholarship Fund. Mr. Howard will adjust his Treasurer’s report to accommodate this request. One hundred sixty members of the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty and the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne met for “Le Bal des Royals” at the Metropolitan Club, Washington, DC on 15 April 2009. Mr. Timothy Field Beard, Genealogist General, reported that there were several papers still in the application process. Dr. Hardwick Smith Johnson, together with Mr. Richard Alan Gregory, called to order the first combined meeting of the Order of Mr. Tracy Ashley Crocker, Registrar General, reported twelve new members since our last meeting; we now have 140 active 6 The Crown of Charlemagne and the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty. Dr. C. Brian Rose to Speak at 2010 Annual Meeting... The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was recited and the Invocation was given by the Rev. Dr. Christopher Agnew. Mr. Johnson introduced the Council of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne and Mr. Richard Alan Gregory introduced the Council of the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty. Dinner was served. Mr. John Mauk Hilliard introduced the new officers for the OMD. Mr. Richard Alan Gregory called for a vote of the Bylaw change. The new Bylaw (Paragraph 2) reads as follows, with the change in Italics. DR. C. BRIAN ROSE • • • “The initial Advisory Council will be nominated, elected and installed at the first Annual Meeting in April, 2005 and will serve for a period of two years. Thereafter, the members of the Advisory Council will be nominated and elected along with the officers, every two years with the exception of the President General who shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.” Motion passed. • • • Professor of Classical Studies at University of Pennsylvania James B. Pritchard Professor of Archaeology Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Vice President, American Research Institute in Turkey President, Archaeological Institute of America Trustee, American Academy in Rome Education Ph.D. (Art History and Archaeology) Columbia University, 1987 • M.A. (Art History and Archaeology) Columbia University, 1980 • B.A. (Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology) Haverford College, 1978 Mr. Nicholas Donnell Ward, Esq. was installed as President General of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne. Mr. Timothy Field Beard installed the new officers. Mr. Ward moved that Dr. Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr. be given the honor of Honorary President General of the Order. Motion passed. • Officers and Council members of the Order of the Merovingian Dynasty were installed by Mr. Timothy Field Beard. Outgoing President General, Richard Alan Gregory, placed the President General’s neck chain and jewel around the neck of newly elected President General, Dr. Hardwick Smith Johnson, Jr. Current excavations Head of Post-Bronze Age excavations at Troy (since 1988) Granicus River Valley Survey Project (recording and mapping the Graeco-Persian tombs that dominate the area) • • Dr. Albert Clinton Walling, II, Chaplain General of the OMD, delivered the Benediction. Teaching and research Mediterranean archaeology Roman art • • The meeting was adjourned and the members enjoyed dessert and dancing. Recent courses (undergraduate) (graduate) Roman Topography, the Archaeology of Troy, Augustan Rome, and Roman Republican sculpture, architecture, and coinage • Respectfully submitted, Ms. Juanita Sue Pierce Augustus Recording Secretary Major publications Dynastic Commemoration and Imperial Portraiture in the Julio-Claudian Period (1997) • English-language editor, Studia Troica, the annual journal of the Troy excavations ~ • The Order of the Merovingian Dynasty (OMD) was conceived of and organized in September 2004 by 23 Founder Members whose names denote leadership in the field of genealogy to honor the heritage of the Merovingian Kings, the first of which was Merovee who governed the Salic Franks from 448-457. Work in progress final publication of the architecture and architectural decoration of the Roman houses at Troy • 7 Order of the Merovingian Dynasty 448 ~751 PROPOSAL FOR MEMBERSHIP 6 May 2009 To the President General and Committee on membership: The undersigned propose for membership in the Order: Full Name: ___________________________________________ Maiden Name: ________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State: Zip: Country: _____________________________________ Tel # Email: ___________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________ Who is personally known and request that a formal invitation be sent to our friend. It is understood that upon acceptance of the invitation and payment of the fees, that lineage blanks will be sent to the prospective member on which can be recorded the requisite genealogical data relating to lineal descent from the. Other Personal Recommendations (As Societies, Commissions, and Honors) Name of Gateway Ancestor: ______________________________ Proposed by: __________________________________________ Proposed by: __________________________________________ Proposer Comments: Please send completed Proposal for Membership to: Tracy Ashley Crocker OMD Registrar General 14115 41st Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55446-3824 Or e-mail to: registrar@merovingiandynasty.com 8 Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Large Neck Medallion for Gentlemen ~ Bow and Tails for Ladies. The cost of the Medallion will vary based on the exchange rate and the current gold prices. Approx. cost is $1600.00 The Order of the Merovingian Dynasty is manufactured in Sterling Silver, (925 parts in 1,000 pure silver), and then 24ct gold plated. The Medal consists of an eight pointed star, alternating four gold plated fluted rays and four silver bright cut rays. The star rays are bound by a circle of purple vitreous enamel with the title Order of the Merovingian Dynasty. A gold plated Merovingian decorative wreath encloses a white enamel disk, upon which is the title Sanguinarius Regum (Blood of Kings) Symbolism includes period Eagles heads and the Royal Bee. The centre disk is in purple enamel and contains the gold plated silver portrait of Childeric, taken from the Ring of Childeric. Miniature Medal Silver/Gold Plate $85 or 14K Gold (Appx.) $300 Send Order to: Order the Merovingian Dynasty Tracy A. Crocker, Registrar 14115 41st Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55446 Large Men _____________________ (Appx.)$1600 + $10 Shipping Large Ladies _____________________ (Appx.)$1600 + $10 Shipping Miniature S/G _____________________ $85 + $ 5 Shipping Miniature 14K _____________________ (Appx.) $ 300 + $ 5 Shipping Total $______________ 9
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