bulletin 1 +2 - International Orienteering Federation
bulletin 1 +2 - International Orienteering Federation
BULLETIN 1 +2 BULLETIN 1 + 2 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es INFORMATION WcupSpain2014 Avda. Juan Carlos I, 52, 4º D 30840 Alhama de Murcia, Spain MEDIA Media representatives are welcome to the World Cup Spain 2014. For information about obtaining media accreditation contact: media@wcupspain2014.es +34 968 63 91 36 +34 600 97 94 09 info@wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es @WCupSpain2014 Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 2 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 WELCOME great atmosphere and climate Dear Orienteering Friends, We are honoured to organise the Stage1 of the 3rd World Cup Round 2014. Spain is going to be a World Cup hosting country for the first time. The City of Cehegín and the Murcia region is ready to welcome the orienteering world again. We hope you will enjoy interesting orienteering courses and the great atmosphere and climate of Murcia. CEHEGÍN culture, history, gastronomy, nature Cehegín is an ideal town for walking all year round and to take a break and enjoy experiencing our culture, history, gastronomy, nature, etc. Evidence of the former glories of this town can be seen in the remains of the city of Begastri, occupied by both Romans and Visigoths, and an episcopal set up until the Moorish invasion. In fact, the whole of this territory is layer upon layer of all the various cultures that established themselves here, the first settlers going back to 2400 BC. Reconquered by Alphonse VI with 1,000 horsemen and 11,000 infantrymen, Cehegín is one vast hilltop monument. Its famous mediaeval quarter (a Historical and Artistic Ensemble) owes its layout to the Arab settlements in the upper part of the town, and is a monumental gallery of stately homes, churches, convents, palaces and public buildings, some of indisputable value, such as the Church of la Magdalena, the Palacio Fajardo (an example of Murcian Baroque) or the Peña Jaspe. Aside from the indisputable value of its historical and cultural ensemble, Cehegín has a number of delightful surroundings: the fertile valley viewed from the Plaza de la Constitución, the site known as Hoya de Don Gil, or the Argos Reservoir, even the town itself huddled around the hill, are all well worth a look Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 3 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 WEATHER Average temperatures Cehegín in April: Max. temperature: 21º C Min. temperature: 10º C Average temperatura:15º C Precipitation 47 mm in April. EVENT CENTRE The Event Centre is located in Cehegín (70 kms from Murcia). TRAVEL By air San Javier (Murcia) and Alicante are the nearest international airports to the competition area. Many countries have direct economic flights to these Airports. San Javier (Murcia) Airport > 102 kms to Cehegín. Alicante Airport > 140 kms to Cehegín. These two airports are directly linked to Murcia by bus. By car Murcia and Cehegín are connected by highways to all other major cities in Spain. By train Railway station in Murcia. Teams are responsible for their own transport to and from the events. On request, the organizers can provide transport on bus from official accommodation to Competition centre (4, 5 and 6 April 2014): 30 € by person. State your accommodation and transport requests in the Preliminary entries. Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 4 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es ACCOMMODATION Official accommodation will be located in Murcia (70 kms from Cehegin by motorway). ***Hotel 20 EUR night with breakfast/ prize by person in double room BULLETIN 1 + 2 OTHERS ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPOR For futher information about accommodations and transport, please visit: www.wcupspain2014travelagency.es **** Hotel 35 EUR night with breakfast/ prize by person in double room A catering service will be available in the competition area (4, 5 and 6 April). Dinner cost: 12 € a day. TRANSPORT On request, the organizers can provide transport on bus from official accommodation to Competition centre (4, 5 and 6 April 2014): 30 € by person. State your accommodation and transport requests in the Preliminary entries. Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 5 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es PROGRAMME DATE From 1 January 2014 to 28 March 2014 BULLETIN 1 + 2 TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES World Cup National public race Regional public race Training opportunities Training opportunities Training opportunities Middle distance race SATURDAY 29 MARCH Middle distance race SUNDAY 30 MARCH The organization will organize, in partnership with SUN-O, various training opportunities from January 2014 on Murcia. For futher information about training opportunities, please visit: www.sun-o.com These opportunities will be duly advertised in bulletins and WCup Spain website. MONDAY 31 MARCH Free oficial training with Sportident COMPETITIONS TUESDAY 1 APRIL Free oficial training with Sportident SUNDAY 6 APRIL: Middle distance race WEDNESDAY 2 APRIL Free oficial training with Sportident THURSDAY 3 APRIL SATURDAY 5 APRIL: Long distance race More information about course length etc. will be presented later in the organizers website. CLASSES AND ENTRY REGULATIONS There is one class for women and one class for men. There are no age restrictions. The Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events, version valid from 1st January 2013 and IOF Special Rules for the 2014 World Cup in Orienteering shall apply. Free oficial training with Sportident Event Centre open PUCHING SYSTEM Model event FRIDAY 4 APRIL SATURDAY 5 APRIL SUNDAY 6 APRIL We use the Sportident system. Please bring your own e-card. If you don´t have one you can rent one or buy one at the competition area. Opening Ceremony Long distance race Middle distance race Long distance race CLOTHING RESTRICTIONS Middle distance race There are no formal clothing restrictions but full body cover is recommended for the World Cup Event. PUBLIC COMPETITION National Competition will be organized in concurrence with the World Cup 2014 in the same Competition Area. For more information check: www.costacalidaorientacion.com Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 6 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 MAP Coto de las Maravillas Map according to IOF (ISOM 2000) Middle Distance 1:10 000, E5 Long Distance 1:15 000, E5 Terrain The terrain is undoubtedly the best so far mapped in the region of Murcia, for the use of Orienteering. Located north east of the city of Cehegín, in an area known as Coto de las Maravillas (which gives its name to the map) and the location of the source of the river of Gilico. The land has plenty of detail, with plenty of valleys, spurs, gullies, etc.., it has mainly gentle climb. It is covered with pine forests, alternating with semi-open in some areas, there are also pine reforestation areas that limit visibility, but do not slow down the running speed. Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 7 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 EMBARGOED AREA The competition areas “Coto de las Maravillas” (Long and middle distance) is embargoed area for competitors, team officials and others who, through knowledge of the terrain or the competitions, may influence the results of the competitions, it is prohibited to enter the embargoed area. These embargoed area are valid until the competitions are over Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 8 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es ENTRIES Preliminary entry deadline: 1 November 2013 Preliminary entries include the following information: • Number of competitors (men and women) • Number of team officials (men and women) • Team manager: Name, address, phone, fax, e-mail • Any special requests (transport, accommodation, etc.) Please use the Preliminary Entry Form available on the event website as of June 1, 2013. Entry deadline: 1 February 2014 Final entries include the following information: • All competitors and team officials: family name, first name, nation, sex, year of birth, IOF ranking ID (competitors only), passport number • IOF officials: family name, first name, address, IOF function. Entry fees must be paid before 1 February 2014 Please note that Final Entries can only be accepted if a Preliminary Entry has previously been submitted. Final deadline for changes: 10 February 2014 ENTRY FEES Currency: Euro. BULLETIN 1 + 2 VISA PERMITS For the list of states whose citizens are required to have visa to enter the Spain, check the official site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Spain. www.exteriores.gob.es ANTI-DOPING Doping is strictly forbidden, and the organisers of Orienteering World Cup Spain 2014 are dedicated to supporting the anti-doping authorities in their work. Doping controls may be carried out any time during the competition period. As some sites for the doping controls may be a few minutes’ drive away, we suggest that athletes are prepared at all events to take along some dry clothes to change into after their race. Doping tests are always carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the WADA International Standard of testing. The IOF Anti-Doping Code and rules apply as of 1st February 2010. Athletes who are selected for the doping tests must bring an official identification (with photo) to the doping test area. The athlete should also bring along their therapeutic use exemption (TUE) if applicable. In general, it is advisable that the athletes bring along their ID to all the competitions and events. Competitors: 100 EUR entry + accreditation Team officials: 50 EUR accreditation The accreditation fee includes identity badges, model event maps, new competition maps, start and results lists. We will offer a special invitation and a free of charge entry to the 3 highest ranked male and female athletes in the IOF World Cup 2013 2013. Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 9 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 ORGANIZATION WcupSpain2014 is organized by the national orienteering federation of Spain and the regional orienteering federation of Murcia, in cooperation with local organizing clubs. Event Director : Francisco Guerao Navarro Technical Directors: José Aº García Murcia and Juan Ferra Casado. Results: Agustín Caballero Belda Administration: José Aº Galián Ros Media: Juan Carlos Peñarrubia Blanch Start: Pablo J. Costa Cánovas Finish: José Aurelio Belmonte Gil Arena, infrastructure: Juan Valverde Event Advisors IOF Senior Event Adviser: Lars Forsberg (SWE) National Controller: José A. Nieto Poblete (ESP) PRIZE MONEY Prize money will be awarded by the event organiser to the best men and women in both competitions: 1,000 EUR/race. a total of 2,000 EUR. INSURANCE The organisers decline any liability that might occur through participation in IOF World Cup Events. Each person participates at their own risk and is responsible for their own insurance coverage (illness and accident). SEE YOU SOON The Organising Committee is pleased to welcome all orienteering friends to another spectacular orienteering event in Spain. Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 10 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 PREVIOUS MAP March 2011 Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 11 www.wcupspain2014.es www.wcupspain2014.es BULLETIN 1 + 2 Organisers Institutional Partners Partners Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 5 -6 APRIL 2014 12
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