(x) 96 years ago Friday 30th of August 1918 48-year
(x) 96 years ago Friday 30th of August 1918 48-year
BIRTH(+)FACT(x)DEATH(-)CALENDAR by DDV 7 events for 30 August: (x) 96 years ago Friday 30th of August 1918 48-year-old Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, originally Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov is shot by revolutionary Fanya Kaplan aka The Woman Who Tried to Kill Lenin in Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia. Kaplan approached Lenin at his automobile after a meeting at the Former Michelson Works; he was resting a foot on the running board as he spoke with a woman. Kaplan called to Lenin, and when he turned to face her she shot at him three times. The first bullet struck his arm, the second bullet his jaw and neck, and the third missed him, wounding the woman with whom he was speaking. The wounds felled him and he became unconscious."My name is Fanya Kaplan. Today I shot at Lenin. I did it on my own. I will not say from whom I obtained my revolver. I will give no details. I had resolved to kill Lenin long ago. I consider him a traitor to the Revolution." (-) 79 years ago Friday 30th of August 1935 Writer Henri Barbusse dies of pneumonia at the age of 62 in Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia. (-) 44 years ago Sunday 30th of August 1970 Amateur filmmaker Abraham Zapruder known for his JFK Assassination Movie dies of stomach cancer at the age of 65 in Dallas, Texas, United States. (x) 39 years ago Saturday 30th of August 1975 29-year-old Serial killer Ted Theodore Robert Bundy aka The Only Living Witness is baptised in the Church of the Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. Bundy later converted to Hinduism while on death row. (-) 35 years ago Thursday 30th of August 1979 Actress Jean Dorothy Seberg commits suicide by an overdose of barbiturates and alcohol at the age of 41 in Rue du Général-Appert, Paris, XVIe, Île-de-France, France. Seberg was found on 8 September 1979 in the backseat of her white Renault 5. (-) 10 years ago Monday 30th of August 2004 Self-trepanation pioneer Bart Hugo Huges dies of a heart disease at the age of 70 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. (x) 7 years ago Thursday 30th of August 2007 The California Board of Prison Terms denies parole to 58-year-old Manson Family member Leslie Louise Van Houten aka Lulu in California Institution for Women, Chino, California, United States. It was Van Houten's 18th unsuccessful application. www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net
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