November 2011 - Havasu 4 Wheelers
November 2011 - Havasu 4 Wheelers
The Havasu 4 Wheelers TRAIL TALK Volume 19, Number 11 Your monthly club newsletter P November 2011 A FAMILY FOUR-WHEELING CLUB DEDICATED TO THE MOTTO •••••••• “TREAD LIGHTLY!” Upcoming Club Runs (1-5 rating) Check the Havasu 4 Wheelers Website for updates on runs and events: Moss Wash (3.75)…….………………………………….Nov. 1st 8:30am, Love’s @ Hwy 95 & I-40, Ladell Olson Red Line (3.50)…….………………………...……...….Nov. 2nd 8:30am, Standard Wash Kiosk, Ladell Olson Cherum Peak Hike/Chloride (3.0)…….……………….Nov. 4th 8:00am, Terrible’s @ Hwy 95 & I-40, Steve Riley Desert Bar-Back Way (3.25)……........…………...……Nov. 6th 9:30am, SARA Park, Tom Bunnell Tin Barn-Whiskey Basin Loop (3.75)…...……….……Nov. 9th 8:30am, Love’s @Hwy 95 & I-40, Andy Lucas Parker Desert Splash (3.75)…...……….….……Nov. 10th-13th See H4W club web page for information and flyer Yahoo Falls (4.0)…...…………………….……....……Nov. 15th 8:30am, Scenic Turnout, Gary Bullard Roulette Mine (3.25)…...……………..….……....……Nov. 16th 9:30am, Scenic Turnout, Charles Leipart Northwest Passage (3.0)…...……………………..……Nov. 17th 8:30am, Across from Havasu Heights, Willie Williams Black Inky (3.5)…...……….………………………..…Nov. 18th 8:30am, Love’s @Hwy 95 & I-40, Darryld Kautzmann Gold Springs (3.5)…...……………………..…….……Nov. 19th 8:30am, Standard Wash Kiosk, Snake Williams High Line (3.0)…...……….………………………...…Nov. 22nd 8:30am, End of Bison, Willie Williams Warm Springs (3.0)…...…………………….…....……Nov. 26th 9:00am. Terrible’s @ Hwy 95 & I-40, Charles Leipart Cattail (3.25)…...……………..…….…….……....……Nov. 30th 9:00am, Scenic Turnout, Charles Leipart Please Note: Please be at the departure location 20 minutes before the departure time. Call Trail Boss if you are unable to attend. Continued on Page 2... residents Message H a p p y Thanksgiving to all Havasu 4Wheelers and their families! We who enjoy the great outdoors and wide open spaces have a lot to be thankful for, with all the lands that are open for us to play in. It is an ongoing challenge to keep these lands open, but along with other access advocates we will strive to hold on to the freedom of the open trails that we currently enjoy. And speaking of freedoms, we must thank our veterans for all of the freedoms that we currently enjoy. The best way to say thank you is to participate in the Veteran‟s Day parade on November 11th. Willie Williams is leading our group this year, so even if you didn‟t sign up, please show up and show our support to all of our fine veterans! We have many activities coming up, and first on the agenda is the Trail Access Partnership Tour. Del Albright from the Blue Ribbon Coalition will be in Lake Havasu on Tuesday November 8th at Mohave Community College Room 600 from 6pm to 8pm. You will have an opportunity to meet Del and Stacie Albright, premier access advocates along with various sponsors and journalists from different Off Road publications. We will have an opportunity to share what we as a club are doing here in Lake Havasu as well as the work of the other area 4x4 clubs. The next day, Wednesday November 9th at 6pm the BLM is hosting a Havasu Travel Management Plan public open house at the Aquatic Center. This meeting is informational and intends to share with the public the progress that the BLM is making on the Travel Management Plan. Come and see where we stand on any possible trail closures. November 10th is our semi-annual desert cleanup, and we will hit the area around Paseo Del Oro again, since it seems to get the most debris. We are also going to have lots of fun coming up which includes the annual Turkey Roast and Jeep Games November 13 th at Campbell Ranch. Jim and Joanne Malara are hosting this year, so please help them any way you can and come and enjoy the fun. Campbell Ranch is located at the end of Chemhuevi, and the fun starts at 3:00 with the Jeep Games, and dinner will be served at 5pm. We have a lot going on, so sign up, show up and lets have a fun November! Happy Trails, Cheryl Boriana Mine Road & Hualapai Mt. Lodge Cont. from page 1 Other Club Happen’ns Desert Clean-Up ……........…..……………..…...…Nov. 10th 8:30am, Paseo de Oro & Colt, Sue Guibord/John Strong A gorgeous drive on a classic mountain mining road was waiting for seven jeeps that left Terribles at 95/40 Friday, October 7, at 8:05 a.m. with nine members. We aired down near Alamo road and Boriana Mine road. With blue skies and cool weather we arrived at Boriana Mine for a fish count and our second stop. Along the way we noted Escalator and Upper Moss wash trails and stopped for lunch at the half way mark. The short trail to lunch is under large virgin pines. Near the end of Flag Mine road we saw a least 6 elk grazing. 34.5 miles after air down we ended our run in the Hualapai Mountain Lodge parking lot. Everyone was on there way home by 2:40 p.m. Thank you Ladell and Judy Olson for being tail gunner and Jim Bowen for carrying the AED. Veterans Day Parade…...……….…………….....…Nov. 11th Information TBA, Check Website, Willie Williams John Strong, Trail Boss Ladies Luncheon ....,,,............................................... Nov. 17th 12:30pm, The Wired, 2131 McColloch Blvd., Diana Delk Turkey Roast & Jeep Games ……..………..…...…Nov. 13th 2:00pm, Campbell Ranch, Jim & Joanne Malara MWD Tour…...……………….….……………...…Nov. 14th 8:00am, SARA Park, Snake Williams H4W Board Meeting ………………………........... Nov. 14th 4 pm, Mohave Comm. College, Rm 827, Cheryl MacLean Date Change Men‟s Breakfast .......................... Nov. 15th 8:00am, Bad Miguel’s, Bruce Speirs H4W Membership Meeting ........ Nov. 15th 7:00pm, Realtor’s Center, Cheryl MacLean Serpent's Tail-Hualapais W Look at the newsletter on the club web site and you can see the gold fish in the pond. Photo By: John Strong Oct. 3, 2011 hat a beautiful day in the mountains! The weather in the Hualapais was absolutely perfect! While it is still hot down in LHC-it was great in the Hualapais! The Serpent's Tail starts just south of the mountain lodge and winds it's was along the spine and down into some canyons on the west side of the peaks. The trail was in very good shape after the summer rains except for one tree branch that was partly broken and hanging down onto the trail. The branch was nicely pruned to prevent further damage to the tree and vehicles passing underneath it. We had no problems and did stop to check on one of the geocaches our club placed 2 years ago. There had been some folks register that had found the "cache". We continued along part of the "Black Inky Trail" and were back to the highway around 3:30. Jim Bowen, Trail Boss Our sincere condolences from the entire membership go out to Tom & Margie Christiansen with the passing of her Brother… Also to Bob & Wanda Scholl with the passing of her father... Photo By: Jane Bowen Trail Talk -2- November 2011 Walnut Canyon Escalator S even jeeps left Terribles Friday, October 14 at 8:00 a.m. with 14 members. We topped off and aired down at exit 66 Blake Ranch Road. Our first stop was near Democrat Mine for a vehicle inspection along Antelope Wash . A short second stop was along Flag Mine Road and we continued on to our lunch spot, top of Escalator. A short safety meeting took place after lunch to discuss driving Escalator. With all the recent traffic Escalator was in great shape and a piece of cake. We continued on through the survivalist area and our next stop to view the petroglyphs. Next stop was our air up area near Griffin road on ramp. Air down to air up was 40 miles and we were on our way home shortly after 3:00. Thank you Judy and Ladell Olsen for being tail gunner. Thanks again to Jim Bowen and all his wisdom. Larry & Patti Gant 2748 Pony Drive LHC, AZ 86406 928/453-3049 (home) 928/846-1616 928-846-1826 Penny Leistiko P.O. Box 114 Golden Shores, AZ 86436 928/768-5601 (home) 406/871-1330 John Strong, Trail Boss Jim & Diana Liston 2324 Ajo Drive LHC, AZ 86403 562/884-2182 • Roster Changes • Snake & Willie Williams New email Also eliminate home phone number 855-7183 Photo by: John Strong Kenny & Dee LuskNew email Mike & Carol YahrmarktNew home phone # - 928/566-1054 Ladell & Judy Olson Home phone number 928/566-1517 Havasu 4 Wheelers Annual Turkey Fry and Jeep Games 50/50 Winner Was Sunday, November 13th 2:00pm Jeep Games, 4:00pm Dinner At Campbell ranch (end of Chemehuevi, east of McCulloch) Come join your friends for another fun filled day of food and games WE NEED FOOD & VOLUNTEERS Contact Joanne Malara 928/566-4881 Jim Hofstetter $63.00 Trail Talk -3- November 2011 S Goat Hill Passage ure felt good to back to jeeping after the summer break, and apparently a few other people felt the same way because there were 17 jeeps on the run. I had hoped that by the 18th of October the weather would be a little cooler, but with the little breeze we all survived. Great start to the run……everyone made it up the beginning sand hill which has a reputation of stopping a few people dead in their tracks. A little farther down the trail we even had a few brave souls who took on the extra credit soft, sandy down hill. With this run we usually see a lot of burros, but since the BLM has recently rounded up 57 of them we didn‟t expect to see any, but much to our surprise someone spotted 7 of them. On the run we stopped at the Boulder Mine that the club had fenced off last year. Someone on the run commented that some of the fencing is missing already. What a shame since the club work crew put forth so much effort to make the desert safe for everyone. The run was uneventful until after lunch. A call came over the radio that something was dragging on Bill Farr‟s jeep. Upon inspection it turned out that the weld at the right front axle tube had given way, and the lower control arm was what they saw dragging. Luckily the resident mechanic, Ladell Olson, was along and had the necessary equipment and know how to put a band aid on the problem so Bill could get out of the desert. A special Thank You to Ladell for fixing the problem and to the two other jeepers who escorted Bill out of the desert. What a great group of people on the run. They didn‟t even pick on me for making a couple wrong turns. Not only did Ladell do a great job with the mechanical repairs but was also my tail gunner. Thank You. Willie Williams, Trail Boss Photo By: Willie Williams O Cattail Cove Run ctober 20, 2011, what a beautiful morning, and seventeen jeeps and eager occupants waiting to go. We left Sara Park after a brief drivers meeting to air down location. All but two drove up and over the Wall of Death, and from here we were off to a good start. The trail was a little dusty however, and it may be noted that 98% of the vehicles went over every one of the obstacles with only a moderate amount of spotting, which made my job much easier. So - - THANK YOU, THANK YOU. After an early lunch, we started back, and everyone again did a great job, so to keep the boredom level down I decided to add in some extra credit‟s with NO SPOTTING, thinking this will for sure slow down the pace and be a good exercise in picking lines. The down side of this idea is that it may also be a little intimidating to some, and they may just go around. After the first obstacle I looked back in the rearview mirror, and just like a pack of lemmings, they all followed me up and over all of the extra credit‟s, I couldn‟t believe it ! WOW WHAT A GREAT JOB BY ALL, very impressive. And then the leader poked a hole in the side of his tire, and while I repaired it at the entrance of the Bowling Alley, Gary and Diana Bullard led the group, and I met up with them at the exit. From here on it was easy going to our air up location with John Strong leading the way to a place north of the entrance, as a little side trip. Thank you to Ed Heil for tail gunning. Snake Williams, Trail Boss Photo By: Willie Williams Spellum errurrrs, mizpelled namez & mizuse of Ingalish are the responsibilite of Spell Chuck & the board of directors who push to got thiz thing out on time. The editors „aint gon‟na be held liable. If, in readin this newsletter, you get t he message, be satisfied with what ya got! DIZCLAIMER Trail Talk -4- “Sunshine” If you know of anyone in the club who might need some cheering up, please call Lisa Bunnell at 855-1780. She will be happy to send cards for any occasion on behalf of the entire Havasu 4 Wheelers membership. November 2011 O October 22nd & 23rd, 2011 ctober 22, 9am 4 jeeps met at the Avi parking lot and headed to the Mohave Trail. It was decided to bypass Fort Piute due to the time factor and the rough road to the remains of the fort. We headed through Lanfair Valley stopping at the Piute Gorge overlook for lunch. After leaving the overlook we saw a group of Jeeps in the distance which turned out to be a group of River Cities 4-wheelers out for the day. We drove through an area thick with Joshua Trees and Cholla which was quite beautiful until we got to Cedar Canyon Road where we stopped at a 70+ year old Rock House. After about 75 miles of travel we found a flat open area to camp where we built a campfire to enjoy before turning in for the night. The next morning we awoke to the sounds of coyotes in the distance and broke camp to start a new day. We drove across Soda Dry Lake after each picking up a rock to deposit at the Traveler‟s Monument. After leaving the dry lake we hit several miles of soft sand in which we had to drive over at a high rate of speed. The second two jeeps were briefly separated from the first two since we didn‟t want to slow down in the sand. We all caught up before heading into Afton Canyon which is quite beautiful, but much of it is now closed to motor vehicle traffic. We had lunch under a train trestle at the Afton Canyon Campgrounds where we ended the run and headed back to Highway 15 and home. Thanks to Steve and Kathy Perry for tailgunning. Mike MacLean, Trail Boss Photos By: Cheryl MacLean Trail Talk -5- November 2011 O Havasu 4 Wheelers Holiday Party January 14, 2012 5:30pm @ Shugrue’s Luau theme Break our those Hawaiian Shirts A Highway Clean Up nother successful highway clean up was accomplished by 19 hardy volunteers on Monday, October 24th. I really think our stretch of adopted Highway 95 (between mile posts 166 and 168) is the cleanest of all the “adoptions”! We were lucky to have beautiful sunny skies (which were borderline too warm) for our laborious endeavors. A few donuts and orange juice were enjoyed prior to the safety briefing. Then decked out in safety vests and armed with grabbers and waters we hit the highway to see what treasures and trash we could remove. After 2 hours we had the highway in pristine condition and although no one found any “lunch money” this time we were all delighted that 38 bags of trash were no longer occupying our roadsides. Copper Head – Ca. n October 25th, eight jeeps arrived at Sara Park, and after a brief drivers meeting we proceeded to our air down location, on the Ca. side of the river near Cross Roads. I thought we were in trouble from the get go, as I lost our tail gunner. After a short search and rescue mission he was found (missed the turn off and was headed to Earp). O.K. all accounted for, we were on our way. And I must say that everyone did a great job with all of the obstacles in the canyon. We stopped for lunch on top the Copper Basin over look, that afforded a nice gentle breeze on this warm day. We then continued on, and upon reaching the intersection of Bowman Wash and Bennett Wash, we were stopped by a BLM sign indicating AREA CLOSED – WILDERNESS AREA with large boulders placed across the trail leading to Bennett Wash. Which of course is the latter part of this run, and some very beautiful country. So being the good guys that we are, we exited the area via Bowman Wash, and the run was over approx. 1 ½ hrs. early. Sorry folks, but that‟s the way it goes. Thanks to our tail gunner Ed Heil, and to Ladell Olson for plugging a ripped tire for Al Pepper. Snake Williams, Trail Boss Thank you so much for your participation! Sue Guibord, Trash Queen February 3rd & 4th, 2012 Mark your Calendar and Start saving your valuable treasures Photo By: Willie Williams Tuesday, November 8th, 6-8pm Mohave Community College Room 600 H4W‟s are hosting Del & Stacie Albright from the Blue Ribbon Coalition at a meet & greet as part of their Trail Access Partnership Tour.. Open discussions about AZ land use & trails. Trail Boss of the Month Willie Williams Congratulations! Trail Talk BLM‟s Havasu Travel Management Plan Public Open House Meeting Wednesday, November 9th, 6 - 8pm Aquatic Center There will be a brief presentation about travel management planning at 6pm followed by time for interested parties to speak with BLM specialists & managers. -6- November 2011 “Trail Talk” Safety Rant of the Month – – ET call home! Cellular phone coverage in the Space Age – As common as it is today almost nobody is out of touch anymore. With emails, faxes, cellular phones, answering machines, texting, pagers, house phones, and voicemail its absolutely inconceivable that anybody, and I mean absolutely anybody could be out of touch or unreachable by some sort of wazoo communications device. Well that is true for just about anywhere – except the very places where we Havasu 4 Wheelers go Jeeping. Holy Marconi radio boys and girls, what possibly is going on here? What do you mean no phone service? Didn‟t we just spend $800 billion to fix everything & now life is now wonderful? Well that‟s another story but as far as communications in our desert area goes its slim pickings in some places! AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile - they all claim great coverage - but if you go on to their sites and check coverage maps you‟ll notice that once you are in Standard Wash, on the back side of the Mohaves, or in the Hualapais Mountains you are out of luck – and stuck with your CB radio. And with a CB you‟re lucky to get out a few miles – even in open territory - but if behind a small hill or in a gulley forget it. What‟s a H4W‟er to do if he needs to talk to someone? And let‟s say it‟s a full blown emergency and we need H –E-L-P! Here‟s your list of options: Try your CB on the usual club frequency (27) and then on Channel 9, the FCC assigned emergency frequency. Turn your squelch till you hear static – this lets more reception in as signals will be weak. Lastly try 19, the trucker channel. They‟re always listening. Drive to the closest high ground and try the CB again. Hike up higher to see if you can acquire a cellular phone signal. Buy a HAM radio and get HAM licensed. (Obviously before you go! Cost $200 and up. We have a few “Hams” in the club). Buy a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). A what? Well it‟s kind of like an electronic carrier pigeon that carries a note saying who you are, exactly where you are, and “Emergency - send help now!” It sends a radio signal from you straight up to a satellite, broadcasting who you are and your exact GPS coordinates. This information is then immediately relayed to a ground station that then alerts public safety rescue personnel in your area to respond. The response you get will be a full blown rescue response – and could even amount to paramedics arriving in a rescue helicopter. Now that‟s a response! But it is an all or nothing option. Not to be used „cause you stubbed your toe or are cold. And do like I always do – pack extra sandwiches and take your friends with you! Hualapai Peaks W Oct. 10, 2011 hile the weather was still warm in LHC--the weather was beautiful in the Hualapais! We started out around 2,800 feet and went up over 6,000 feet to some of the best views in the area on the west side of the Hualapai Mountains. We had lunch at an old corral and then stopped to check out one of the "geocashes" our club has put out. There was only one name in the last year (it may be in a bit rough a trail area for the average person!) The trail was in pretty good shape with only very minor pinstripping from some gentle little bushes that very carefully wipped some of the dust off our Jeeps. Jim Bowen, Trail Boss Trail Talk Photo By: Jane Bowen -7- November 2011 November 2011 Birthdays & Events Havasu 4 Wheelers Monthly meetings are held the 4th Thursday of the month starting at 7:00pm at: Realtors Center 2293 Swanson Avenue Lake Havasu City, Arizona Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 4 5 2010/2011 Executive Officers: President……………….……………..Cheryl MacLean Vice President………….……………....…...Bob Scholl Secretary……….………………………………..……..Ro Beets Treasurer……..………………….….Loretta Robinson Moss Wash Voting Members: Immediate Past Pres…………….Bruce Speirs At Large……….……………….……. Jim Hofstetter & Janet Drew 6 Den Fleenor Renee Milton Desert Bar Committees: Advertising…………………….…Tom Christiansen Audit……………………………………………Willie Williams By-Laws………………………………………….....Steve Riley Community Service…………….Connie Hoppe Desert Clean-Up …………………....Sue Guibord Events…………………..……..Rodger & Diana Delk Historian……………………….………………………….……...TBA Merchandise…..…...Anna & Jim Hofstetter Membership……………………………..… Janet Drew Newsletter Editor………………...Wanda Scholl Public Land……………….…….……….…...Jim Bowen Runs………………………………..…………......…..Bob Scholl Safety………………………….……………...…….…...Bob Drew Sunshine…………………………………....….Lisa Bunnell Webmaster………………..Dennis Kreuzenstein 2 Marilyn McGrew 13 Turkey Roast & Jeep Games 20 7 8 M Dat eetin eC g han ge 14 3 Greg Shepard Red Line Cherum Hike 9 10 11 Sally Satterfield Dave Opperman Mike Smith Tin Barn 15 Yahoo Falls 16 Bill Lawson MWD Tour Mens Breakfast Leonard Husted Nancy Lucas Board Meeting H4W Meeting 21 22 Roulette Min 23 Kathleen Herbster Desert Clean-up 17 12 Veteran’s Day Parade 18 19 Cheri Lansing Ladies Luncheon Northwest Pas 24 Black Inky Gold Springs 25 26 Jay Myers Warm Spring High Line 27 28 29 30 Donna Owen Keith Faust Patti Gire Cheryl MacLean If we forgot your Birthday or Anniversary, please let us know so we can correct our records. Cattail - A nna’s H4 W “Club Stu ff” T a nk T Men‟s S/S ops ........ $5.00 T-Shirts LF XXL .…. …. $9.00 GO Men‟s L/S $11.00 T-Sh XXL…..$irts …$12.00 1 Ladies T -Shirt .... 4.00 $9.00 Golf Shir ts …… $1 -$13.00 8.00 X Henley S XL …. $20.00 hirts ….... $ XXL .... $ 18.00 Baseball 20.00 Hats, Me n‟s .. $10 .00 Aussie H Ladies .. $8.00 a S ts E Visors .... ......... $15.00 TE H4W Lo .............. $10.00 go Sticke r .. $3.00 H4W Win or 2 for $5.00 dow I.D .. $4.00 Trail Talk H Anniversaries A T S Nov. 3rd Todd & Diana Flesner Nov. 20th Dave & Pat Billick Nov. 23rd Robert & Kathleen Herbster Nov. 24th Rocky & Martha Gorder Nov. 27th Sonny & Carole Schaffer H L 4 I T OG W E O M S -8- November 2011 855-4404 1675 MESQUITE AVE. LAKE HAVASU CITY “RATED THE BEST BY OUR CUSTOMERS” Wrangler 4 Door Wrangler Compass ….. Liberty Grand Cherokee Patriot 3920 North Highway 95 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 (928) 764-5153 ● Toll Free 1-866-455-3457 ● FAX (928) 764-9001 t un s co o D i r ts t b e r s % a 1 0 o n p m em W H4 “The Colorado River Home For All Your Jeep Needs” Farrell’s Open 7 Days 855-2120 Steakhouse & Saloon 4501 N. London Bridge Road Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 (928) 764-3800 LONDON BRIDGE RD. 141 Swanson Avenue Lake Havasu City, AZ (Across from Movies Havasu) 505-8030 Best Do it Shop online at: LOND BRIDGON E 2059 McCulloch Blvd. ..... Lake Havasu City, AZ 27.1% Than Less Calo T Chick he 2 Majories en Bra r nds icken ed Ch Broastas Up To at H Less F 40.5% : urs Are Our Ho am - 8:00 pm 0 pm t: 11:00 Tue-Sa 11:00 am - 7:0 : n o -M n Su THE BEST MEXICAN FOOD ON THE COLORADO RIVER & HOME OF THE FAMOUS "MARIACHI MARGARITA" Havasu Hardware HIGHWAY 95 CHENOWETH KEN & TINA BONSANG Lake Havasu City & Kingman E STA B LI S H IN 1991 ED ONE DAY AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND PERFORMANCE CENTER 2010 Holly Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (928) 855-0600 Fax (928)855-7272 GENUINE BROASTED CHICKEN & RIBS All Our Food Is Cooked To Order, Not Cooked Ahead Homemade Food • Assortment of Fried Foods • Homemade Desserts Beer & Wine • 100% Cholesterol Free Oil Lake Havasu City, AZ….410 El Camino Way Kingman, AZ ………..4120 Stockton Hill Rd Phone: 928-680-4441 Phone: 928-757-8770 2120 McCulloch Blvd. Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403 855 -1818 Tammy Pray § Owner When you purchase services or merchandise from our advertisers, please make them aware that you are from the Havasu 4 Wheelers. This is the only way they know that you ... Support Our Advertisers Trail Talk Our Great Advertisers 2011 Mirage POOL & SPA ● SERVICE & REPAIR 928.505.2826 Call For A Free Estimate Jody & Holly Christensen 171 Swanson Ave. Ste. 100 928/453-8339 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Serving Havasu Since 1995 ● Licensed & Insured BUS TOURS & GROUP CRUISES leaving from LHC Utah Canyon Country 4065 Northstar Drive Thanksgiving Baja Cruise Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 Christmas in Branson 124 N. Lake Havasu Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (928) 855-9171 Fax (928) 855-9319 Hours M-F: 7am-6pm Sat: 7am-5pm Sun: 9am-3pm Lake Mead/Valley of Fire BransonFest Out West Palm Springs Follies 928 680-4142 Gordon & Patty Bartlett Visit our Web Site www.Bartlett for our full schedule Direct: (928) 505-HOME(4663) Toll Free: ER ISkeH (866)473-5542 F r E o Fax: TT iate Br NE Assoc (928)505-4649 Y L LYNETTE FISHER‟S Team One 1990 N. McCulloch Blvd., Ste 109 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (Corner of Smoketree Ave/Swanson Ave) KELLER WILLIAMS Arizona Living Realty Larry Perger 2167 Birch Square (On Main Street McCulloch) Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Cell 928/486-2879 Fax 928/854-7211 Havasu 4 Wheeler Member and your connection to buying or selling real estate in Lake Havasu City Automotive A/C - Off Road Accessories We Service Most All Makes & Models Honest, Old Fashion Service At Affordable Prices! 1115 Aviation Drive, Unit D Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 - SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY HELP MAKE YOUR CLUB NEWSLETTER POSSIBLE! Trail Talk Our Great Advertisers 2011 FORD CERTIFIED Buy 1 Combo or Speciality Meal, get 1 for $1.00 2200 MESQUITE AVENUE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-8932 HI M Havasu Iron & Metal “A Family Owned Business” FAX (928) 855-5288 (928) 855-6344 Established 1973 H4W Member 720 N. Lake Havasu Ave. Lake Havasu City, Arizona MOHAVE Larry & Dave Gerchman 928-505-4499 ELECTRIC COMMERCIAL STEEL DISTRIBUTORS Rebar • Channel • Angle • Strap • Plate • Pipe Beam • Tubing • Ornamental Iron Supplies ALUMINUM/STAINLESS DISTRIBUTORS Angle • Channel • Strap • Tubing • Sheet Plate Shearing • Sawing • Rebar Fab • Hole Punching 1909 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 RESIDENTIAL Looking for direction in this volatile market? 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODEL SERVICE Tom Otero LicensedBondedInsured (928)505-3209 AZ Contr. Lic. #146501 Dodie Gildea Financial Advisor 2093 McCulloch Blvd. #102 Lake Havasu City, AZ 928-846-4445 Tamra and Barbara Smith Ne oca wL tion 2550 N Kiowa Blvd Ste 100 Lake Havasu City. AZ 86403 928 - 680 - 8949 DOREEN CASTELS Owner - Manager Bridge Travel Center, Inc. (928) 855-7900 FAX (928) 855-5353 30 S. Acoma Blvd. Lake Havasu City, AZ Member SIPC Suite 104 86403 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® LIFT KITS ALIGNMENTS BRAKES SHOCKS STRUTS ROUTINE MAINTENANCE A/C SERVICE OIL CHANGES SUSPENSIONS & FRONT END TIRE SERVICE & REPAIR PLUS MUCH MORE! ALEX ROSS Agent, H4W Member 2138 McCulloch Boulevard Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (928) 855-ROSS (7677) STATE FARM INSURANCE CO. Fax: (928) 855-2539 HOME OFFICE: BLOOMINGTON, IL Supply 1841 N. Kiowa Blvd. (BETWEEN FOOD CITY & STAPLES) Mon - Thru 7:00am - 8:30pm Fri - Sat 7:00am -9:00pm Sunday 7:00am - 3:00pm Call: 928/680-0201 Ross & Marlene Hobday H4W MEMBERS Since 1981 INDUSTRIAL & WELDING SUPPLY SOURCE HVAC/R • Fasteners • Gages • Hoses • Welding Supplies Motor & Tool Sales/Repair • Bldg. Hardware • Work Clothing 1081 N. Lake Havasu Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (928) 453-3185 • 1-800-593-2074 • Fax (928) 453-6560 • ~ SHOP Lake HAVASU City ~ PHOENIX & VEGAS ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH BUSINESS ! Trail Talk Our Great Advertisers 2011 HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS H 4W Havasu Four Wheelers PO Box 1486 Lake Havasu City, AZ. 86405 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ PERMIT NO. 235 Label H4W HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS • HAVASU 4 WHEELERS - HAVASU 4 WHEELERS TRAIL RATINGS - Mandatory Vehicle Equipment - All vehicles on H4W runs must be 4-wheel drive & equipped with a CB radio, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, tow straps, and front and rear tow hooks or safe hitching point ….. all in working order. RATING DESCRIPTION 1 EASIEST: Passable by stock vehicles. Gentle fairly wide grades. 2 EASY: Use of 2 wheel and some 4-wheel drive. Trail may have some rocks, loose road surface, and ruts but a reasonable line for driving. 3 EASIEST MODERATE: 4-wheel drive with aggressive tire treads. Expect a rough road with rocks and sand that requires lower tire pressure. Substantial sections of single lane. 3¼ MODERATE: Some 4 wheel driving experience needed. Same as above with some use of high and low range gearing. These trails have a rough, rutted surface, rocks and deep sand. Sections may be steep enough to cause traction problems, narrow shelf roads with steep drop -offs and tight clearance between rocks. 3½ HARDER MODERATE: For experienced drivers. 33” tires with aggressive tire tread, one locked differential, high and low range gearing. Potentially dangerous, large rocks, ruts, steep slopes, loose surface and narrow clearances that need to be negotiated. 3¾ HARDEST MODERATE: Skilled experienced drivers only. Same as above with both differentials locked, Some strapping/winching. Very challenging sections, extremely steep grades, loose surfaces, large rocks, deep ruts and tight clearances. 4 DIFFICULT: Highly skilled experienced drivers only. Same as above with belly up, 4 to 1 transfer case or equivalent, skid plates, beefed up axles and suspension system. Probable strapping/winching. Vehicle width and wheelbase should be considered. Possible body damage. 5 HARD: All of the above. Probable body damage. HAVASU 4 WHEELERS, PROUD MEMBERS tread lightly! ® LEAVE A GOOD IMPRESSION A HAVASU 4 WHEELERS 2011 PUBLICATION PRINTED BY: JET PRINTERS, LAKE HAVASU CITY, ARIZONA
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