Winter Magazine 2015


Winter Magazine 2015
Class R ned!
ReNDA Annual Repor t Issue | Winter 2014
More than
simply a high
school, NDA
Worcester is part of a profound
time in a young girl’s life; the
age that Louisa May Alcott so
aptly termed “Little Women.”
Our “Little Women” are not
only students in the academic
sense, but also in life’s deeper
lessons. Here, they are part of
a global community where
passions ignite, hearts expand,
and creativity soars.
NDA is a place that awakens
their spirit and lets the light of
the divine shine. This is where
outer world competence unites
with inner world confidence —
propelling our students to find
their purpose and create a more
peaceful world.
I wish you all a very Merry
Christmas. May the beauty and
light of this holiday season bring
you joy. God Bless you for your
continued devotion to this
extraordinary educational haven.
Sr. Ann
Ann E. Morrison SND
A joy-filled heart creates a peaceful world.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 1.
Class Reunions Re-Imagined!
Reunions will be decades of fun!
How class reunions started is hard to pin down. One common belief, written
by Dan White in the Princeton Alumni Weekly, is that reunions began almost
by accident at Princeton University.
Princeton’s reunions date back to the 19th Century when the entire College
of New Jersey, as it was then known, was housed in Nassau Hall. The close
association of male students who roomed, ate, prayed, and attended classes
together in the Nassau Hall gave birth to a spirit of camaraderie that continued
after they left. “My jovial hours at Nassau Hall...I shall always consider my
happiest,” wrote James W. Alexander, Class of 1820. These graduates decided
Big Sister Delaney Heywood ’15 meets
her Little Sister Yvonne Landry ’18
on “Freshman Day.” Freshmen came
dressed as a character from their favorite
children’s book.
to keep in touch by returning to the college every year on Commencement Day
to visit professors and undergraduate friends.
By 1826, the stewards of the college anticipated alumni guests and offered
wine and a special dinner, paid for by the college president, on Commencement
Day. That same year, the college announced the formation of the
Alumni Association of Nassau Hall with James Madison, Class
of 1771, as its first president. As reunions became more popular,
they were held every 5 years.
Now that it’s the 21st Century
and women are involved
let’s change things up!
Regardless of the class year, we hear reunion planners
say that because of facebook, twitter and the internet, it is far
easier to find and stay connected with classmates. We also
hear that because of NDA’s traditions such as Freshman Day,
Big Sister/Little Sister and Kris Kringle, as well as the theater
and sports programs, there is an unusually high amount
of interaction among the freshmen, sophomores, juniors,
and seniors. As a result, our alums want to reconnect with
women from classes closer to them at reunions rather than
classes that are spaced 5 years apart.
When class reunions are
held 5 years apart, most of
the attendees only know their
classmates and none of the
other alumnae at the party...
that’s awkward!
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 2.
Do we all agree it is time
to re-imagine reunions?
NDA Worcester is establishing a new
reunion tradition that we hope will also last
two hundred years!
• Your class reunion will still be every
5 years
• Reunions will still be held on campus
• Reunions will be divided by decades
Moving forward, NDA will be inviting classes
back by decades. This way, you can reunite
with the classes ahead of you and below you
— you know, the girls you actually shared the
halls with while you were a student!
While our goal is to mix it up and have
some fun, we do not want to disappoint
traditional reunion classes. If it is a milestone
year — your 50th or 25th Reunion — your class
will still be invited that particular year.
For more information please contact
Cathy Caputo at 508-757-6200, Ext. 227
or email
Here is how NDA Reunions will “roll out ” starting this year.
April 11, 2015 • 5 -7 p.m.
H All
classes from the 50’s & 60’s H
April 2016
April 2017
All classes from the 70’s
plus 50th & 25th reunions
All classes from the 80’s
plus 50th & 25th reunions
April 2018
April 2019
And the cycle begins again!
All classes from the 90’s
plus 50th & 25th reunions
All classes from the 2000’s
plus 50th & 25th reunions
plus 50th & 25th reunions
April 2020
All classes from the 50’s & 60’s
plus 50th & 25th reunions
April 2021
All classes from the 70’s plus
50th & 25th reunions, and so on...
We will include specific details
on your reunion invitation.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 3.
Maryann Horton Luongo ’93 (left) shares her
life experiences and wisdom as guest speaker
at NDA’s 2014 graduation ceremony.
I am so excited to be here today.
I sat where you are sitting now
20 years ago and I can tell you I
remember that day very well.
I want to start by saying
congratulations to you. You have
reached an important milestone in
your life and I congratulate you on
the hard work and perseverance that
allowed you to be seated here today.
When Sr. Ann asked me to
speak today I was a bit taken aback.
Speaking at any graduation is a huge
honor — especially when it is at your
alma mater. What could I say to you
that would memorialize such an
important day? Since graduations are
a closing of one chapter of your life
and an opening of another, I thought
some advice for your new chapter
would be the route to go.
Since I graduated from NDA, I
have gone to college; had multiple
jobs; married; had three children;
lived in multiple cities; and had good
years and bad years. But if I look
back over those years, there are three
things I think have been guiding
principles in my life and the lives
of the many mentors I have been
blessed to have. They are as follows:
Be happy. Be healthy. Be kind.
They are intentionally phrased as
commands as you are the in the
driver’s seat when it comes to your
life. It is your job to find happiness,
good health and kindness.
First, be happy. We are all
happy today as we watch these young
women graduate but it is important at
all points in your life to take the time
to figure out what makes you happy.
The best advice I can give you about
being happy is that happiness is a
moving target — what makes you
happy today will not necessarily make
you happy after you have gone to
college, lived away from home and
met new people. Take the time every
few years to think about what exactly
makes you happy. It may be exactly
what you are doing. It may be that
you do not like your job and need to
For me, the greatest challenges
in the quest for happiness have been
work/life balance issues. When I had
my first child I was an associate in
a large law firm. When I broached
the topic of working part-time, the
partner in my group said, “I am fine
with that, but there is no part-time
policy at the firm so you need to write
one and present it to the Chair of the
Tax Department.” I thought, how on
earth was I the first person to request
a part-time arrangement? In the end,
I wrote the policy and presented and
defended it to the head of the department and it was approved. Sometimes
to get the happiness you are looking
for you have to step outside of your
comfort zone and speak up. When
you are at college, do not be afraid
to try new things or to ask for what
you want and need. If you see an
opportunity that will make you happy
— try it!
After I had been a lawyer for
7 years and had three babies at home,
I could not figure out why I was so
tired. I had moments of fun but
definitely felt like I was on autopilot.
I had set being a partner in a large
law firm as my life goal so I never
questioned the work part of my life.
I kept saying to myself, I said I was
going to be a partner in a law firm
and I am going to do just that. But
when I stopped long enough to think
about what I was really doing, I realized that the goal I had chosen way
back when (I think I was 7 when I
set the actual goal) wasn’t working
for me or my family so I made the
“If I look back over those years,
there are three things I think
have been guiding principles
in my life and the lives of the
many mentors I have been
blessed to have. They are
as follows: Be happy.
Be healthy. Be kind.”
decision to follow a different path —
that of counsel rather than partner.
The decision was not without
heartache (and lots of lists of the
pros and cons of each decision) but
sometimes the difficult feelings in the
short term make the long-term result
much better. Make sure as you choose
classes and activities in college that
you find a balance that makes you
happy. All work and no play is not
balance, but neither is all play and
no work. You need both.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 4.
Part of being happy is making
good choices. As you go to college,
find professors that you know will
help guide you on your path through
college. It may take a couple of tries
to find the right professor for you but
it is worth the time and effort. Try
new things and see if they are a good
fit for you. You are entering a new
phase in your life — one that likely
will give you new independence.
Use that independence as a time to
grow, but do so thoughtfully.
Second, Be Healthy. This may
sound a little strange but it is important. I lost both my parents when I,
and they, were very young. Watching
them get sick and ultimately pass
away has made me focus a great deal
on health in my life and my family’s
lives. By healthy I do not mean do
not eat too many brownies. For me
and all other chocolate fans, that
would interfere with the happiness
piece of life. What I mean is be
conscious of when you are working
too much, be conscious when you
need more sleep, be conscious when
you are not smiling at least once a
day, be conscious when you are not
exercising, be conscious when you
just don’t feel well. Listen to your
body. You get the drift.
Third, be kind. I think this may
be the most important piece of advice
I have received and given. Kindness
takes many forms. It may be a
random act of kindness where you
help someone carry her groceries
to the car. It can be as simple as
carrying a newspaper up to an elderly
neighbor’s door so they can easily
reach it in the morning. It may be
listening to a person talk about
something troubling them. There
is an anonymous quote that well
captures the importance of acts of
kindness regardless of how small:
“Never get tired of doing little things
for others; sometimes those little
things occupy the biggest part of
their hearts.”
When I was in college I went on
a trip to London and my return flight
was delayed and then cancelled. We
were finally re-routed to JFK with a
second flight from New York to
Boston. However, they did not tell
us the connecting flight was at a
different airport. I started to panic
because I had no money left and no
idea how to find the shuttle from JFK
to La Guardia (this is pre-cell phones).
A gentleman who was on my
flight must have seen the stress on
my face because he came over and
said, follow me — I will show you
where to go.” He not only helped me
get to the shuttle, he paid for my
ticket. I asked him for his address so I
could send the money back to him
when I returned home. He said NO
but made me promise that if I ever
saw someone in a similar situation I
would help them. I promised him I
would. I think of this often as I travel.
Notre Dame has done a great job
exposing you to kindness through
the Love-in-Action program. The
idea of volunteering every week is
so important. The Love-in-Action
program was in place when I was at
NDA — think of how many people
and organizations have benefited
from the service and kindness of
NDA students over the past 50 years.
You have been a student of Notre
Dame for the past four years. Once you
receive your diploma you will take on
a new role here — your role as alumna.
You are part of a network of 5,000 plus
women who have sat in the chairs you
sit in now. With this new role comes
a new opportunity. I urge you to give
back to the school that has given you
such a strong start towards your adult
life. The term “alma mater” in Latin
means “nourishing mother.” I know
that because I took 3 years of Latin
with Sr. Justina here at NDA. I admit
it — my mom made me do it but it
has served me well.
NDA truly does serve as a nourishing mother in that the teachers and
coaches here have given you a solid
foundation both academically and
emotionally to face the world. I truly
believe that my academic success at
Yale and BC law school were a direct
result of both the solid academic and
moral foundation I formed at NDA.
Please consider when you are able
giving back to NDA either financially
or through volunteer work. We all
know when we are in college or are
starting out it is hard to contemplate
giving anyone money but any gift
makes a difference and shows your
support and gratitude to NDA. I would
also like to thank the Class of 2014
for your generous gift of the Sisters
of ND emblem that will hang in the
foyer of the Gage House.
So as you leave NDA I wish you
well. I hope you enjoy college as much
as I did! I hope you make great friends.
I hope you learn a lot. I hope you find
a career that interests you. But most of
all I wish you happiness, health and
an abundance of kindness.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 5.
Nancy Arvanigian Brown
Nancy Arvanigian Brown, Class of
1976, equates staying connected
with NDA to staying in touch with
family. It always brings a smile to
Nancy’s face remembering the
lifelong friends she made at the
Academy and experiences she
had here. They are all still a major
part of her life.
Nancy earned a degree in occupational therapy from
Quinsigamond Community College. She has worked in the
field of mental health first, as an occupational therapist, and
then as head of rehabilitation. She currently works at the
Worcester Recovery Center. Nancy sees her responsibilities at the center as being very similar to what was expected
of her as a student here. Both, she said, expect you to live
up to high standards.
Nancy loves the changes she has seen at NDA over
the years — the ever expanding campus, the wide variety
of sports teams and co-curricular… she appreciates the
forward thinking and generosity that has made it possible.
But, she says, tongue in cheek; she still misses the “sea
of green” which the school uniforms used to provide.
A loyal Alumna Association member since its inception,
Nancy is the poster woman for volunteers. No task has
been too big or too small as she has helped coordinate
events such as the Memorial Mass, the children’s reception
after the Spring Musical, reunions and the annual Cape Cod
Meg Quick
Meg Quick, Class of 2007,
finds herself right at home at
Freedom Prep Charter School
in Memphis, Tennessee. The
mission of her school closely
resembles the core values of
NDA: Respect, Integrity,
Excellence, and Community Service.
In less than a decade, Meg has amassed an impressive
resume focused on eliminating educational inequality. While
at Boston College, Meg expanded the immersion exchange
program with Native Americans in New Mexico. She also led
the Dialogue on Race program.
Elizabeth Gamache
When Elizabeth Gamache, Class
of 1962, entered the Academy
in the 7th grade she knew in
her heart that NDA was the right
choice for her. She credits the
Academy with giving her an
excellent well-rounded education
that fostered leadership skills and
instilled values embraced by the Catholic faith.
While at NDA, Liz volunteered at Head Start which
provided her with the opportunity to become a teacher’s
aide. This experience led to a 35 year teaching career in
early education. During her professional career, she
supported worthy causes that positively impacted the lives
of young children.
Liz credits her success to God, family, and hard work.
She is grateful for the continuous support from her brothers
George and William and their families as they continue to
inspire her. She also credits the Sisters of Notre Dame, in
particular, Sr. Marguerite Louise, a former principal of NDA
and Sr. Margaret Phillips, her 7th grade homeroom teacher
as having a lasting influence on her. Today, Liz considers
herself privileged to have so many special people in her life
— especially the friendships that began here.
Liz enthusiastically serves on the Academy’s Alumnae
Board organizing the Cape Cod Luncheon and the Book
Swap program during National Library Week. She also
volunteers at events such as: Women in Business Network,
Reunions, Remembrance Day, and the Knollwood Awards.
Her desire to make a difference in education led her
to the Teach for AmeriCorps program, as a middle school
teacher at Freedom Prep Charter School. After two years,
Meg chose to stay at the charter school specializing in
literacy — first as a 6th grade writing teacher, then 6th
grade chairperson, and now she is an assistant principal.
She readily admits the model she uses to develop
her English course is based on what she learned in
Mrs. Krauss’ and Ms. Tsantinis’ classes. Meg is a shining
example of what she believes NDA does best — inspires
young women to be their best, strongest selves!
View photos from NDA’s memorable
Knollwood evening on pages 8 and 9!
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 6.
Sara Burgwinkle
Maryann Horton Luongo
The old saying
“If you want
something done,
ask a busy
woman,” aptly
applies to the
recipients of this
year’s St. Julie
Past Parent Mrs. Sara Burgwinkle (left), whose daughter
Erin is now a freshman at Villanova University, and Attorney
Maryann Horton Luongo (right), Class of 1993, were
given the challenge of raising 1.7 million dollars to renovate
425B Salisbury Street into our World Language &
Communication Center…mission accomplished!
The new Center, now known as Gage House, opened
on September 8th. Both Sara and Maryann were inspired
by history and literature to become involved in the
campaign. Maryann recalls being a student in Ms. Philipp’s
history class and listening to her describe the history of
the Knollwood property. She recalls, “I remember thinking
how different life was when Knollwood was built. One of
my favorite things about the campus is the blending of the
old and the new.”
According to Sara, a kindergarten teacher, whenever
she drives onto the NDA campus, she is always taken
back to the book Madeline and is transported into the
pages containing the beautiful building that housed the
young girls and Miss Clavel.
When asked to describe what surprised them most
during the Campaign, Atty. Luongo states it most
emphatically, “It’s hard to raise money!” To all the donors
of 425B…thank you for making our education your priority.
We will make you proud as we go out into the World more
prepared and confident because of Gage House.
Mrs. Burgwinkle and Mrs. Luongo your desire to
make this school better for us goes to the core of what
NDA is all about…a sisterhood of wonderful women
paying it forward. The Gage House will serve as a reminder
to us that when we are alumnae…and Sister Ann calls us
to help...we will say YES!
Zachary Ford’s legacy of
kindness lives on through
his family and the 365Z
Foundation. After Zach’s
tragic death when he was
only 20 years old, his family learned about Zach’s endless
acts of kindness and the positive impact he had on so
many others lives. This inspired his parents and sisters to
perform their own acts of kindness.
Shortly after his death, his mother Rosemary was
invited to be a guest lecturer for a course entitled Death
and Dying and its Effect on Families. In response to a
student inquiring as to how she copes with Zach’s death
day-to-day, Mrs. Ford replied, “In memory of my son I
perform an act of kindness every day.” This was the
beginning of the 365Z Foundation; the 365 represents
an act of kindness each day and the Z is for Zach.
The 365Z Foundation is building a fellowship of
people of all ages who share the commitment to make a
personal difference in the world, one small act of kindness
at a time. As Zach’s sister Brittany says, “Although my
brother’s heart no longer beats physically, his soul pulses
on and is a guiding force of light and love for his family
and friends.”
The Ford Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ford, Kristin and Brittany inspire us all.
In the depths of their grief, they courageously decided
to replace isolation and sorrow with outreach and love.
Their gift of kindness in honor of Zach is sending ripples
of hope far beyond the Worcester community. We are
proud to be part of the 365Z Commitment to Kindness
Congratulations to all our Knollwood recipients!
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 7.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 8.
The Knollwood Awards were established in 1989 by Notre Dame Academy’s Board of Trustees
to honor individuals whose innovation and generosity to the Worcester Community changes
lives. All proceeds from this event go to the Scholarship Fund for highly qualified students
who would otherwise be unable to attend the Academy.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 9.
Sisters from Notre Dame schools in Kenya
pose before their country’s flag on the wall
inside the Gage House foyer.
Barbara Barry SND
Michael Keegan
Rosanne Matulaitis
Cushing C. Bozenhard
Gary Carskaddan
Robert Longden
Ann Morrison SND
Kevin T. Byrne
Anne Mary Donovan SND
Maryann Horton Luongo
Patricia O’Brien SND
Paula Blute Ebben
Joseph Favulli
John Madaio
Christine O’Connor
Laura Gray
Amy Harmon
Anne Malone SND
Jordan O’Connor
William J. Mulford
Kristin Hokanson SND
Patrick Maloney
Joseph Stolberg
TayAnn Jay
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 10.
Alumnae Donors
Rosemary T. Cronin
Anne Marie Early Giangregorio
Maryann O’Brien Lord
Jane Moynagh Padro
Margaret Mary Gallagher Schmitt
Lorraine Gagnon Thomas
Maureen O’Brien Fitzgerald =
Ella Hurley Houlihan
Barbara Coffey Silva
Barbara Kittredge Spugnardi
Margaret Trainor Sulivan
Joyce Quinn West
Judith Zinkus
Mary Creamer Arnberg
Rose Brault
Mary Paulukonis Brosnihan
Grace Purcell Dietz
Elizabeth Gamache
Mary Ann Scannell Kenny
Eve-Marie Lacroix
Kathleen Murray Lyons
Mary Elizabeth Tobin Maloney
Catherine Morrison O’Brien
Jane McCarthy Smith
Anne Boyle Tatum
Maureen Hogan Wilber
Janet Ginkus Allen
Brenda Smith Burke
Karen Lucey Busenburg
Jane Candito Corr
Kathleen O’Connor Gruszka
Paula Schultz Lemire
Sheila Armstrong Mansfield
Maryliz Volin O’Brien
Kathleen Chosta Palardis
Kathleen Rogers
Nancy Jablonski Smith
Mary O’Connell Trainor
Anne Howard
Cecilia Duesberg LeBlanc
Marsha Bottom McCarthy
Patricia Kelleher Bartram
Donna R. Desautels
Ann L. Ermshausen
Mary Kiritsy Foley
Patricia Killeen Fouhy
Joan Donoghue Johnston
Mary Bowe Rose
Patricia Sweeney–Hurst
Mary Murphy Vrabel
Mary Mulhern Bartholomew =
Nan Connor
Mary Davis Hebb
Lauraine Longval Laurence
Joan Cure O’Toole
Mary Eileen Martin Brosnan
Mary Alice Bernet Houghton
Paula Favulli Kapulka
Patricia O’Grady King
Francis Locke Halverson
Elizabeth Wolanin Daly
Maureen Callahan Gustafson
Patricia Bergin Matthews
Patricia Brown McKenna
Deborah Clifford O’Connor
Mary Lee Harrison O’Leary
Joan Murphy Powers
Joanne Benedict Caulfield
Loretta Lapinsky Clayton
Paula Locke Gaudet
Carol Tagman Grigas
Barbara Kirklauskas
Victoria Bonardi Manzi
Ann M. McGreevy
Gail Mulvihill Murphy
Jane Sawicki O’Leary
Kathleen Hart Raymond
Rosemarie Reno Swindell
Mary Tinsley Bava
Ann Marie Bouvier
Carol MacDonald Burns
Dorothy Malboeuf Cronin
Patricia Miller Dawes
Rosemary Fay SND
MaryAnn Cadieux Gardzina
Kathleen Driscoll Larson
Phyllis Etre Leonard
Rosanne Sullivan Matulaitis
= Deceased
Joanne Shea Frew
Elaine Power Halpin
Elizabeth Cooney Maher
Mary Egan Aleksiewicz
Geraldine Friel Collins
Patricia Morano Donovan
Marianne Curran Girouard
Mary Ellen Killelea
Cornelia Curran Lund
Sally Ann Smith Mahoney
Katherine Creen Morocco
Suzanne Barry O’Brien
Patricia O’Toole Quinn
Eileen Brosnan Stokes
Patricia Gallagher Bologna
Claudia Crowley Collins
Linda Palermo LaFleche
Martha Bergin Liddy
Susan Blaze Livingston
Maureen Butler Marcotte
Marianne Birch McWilliams
Margaret Manning Noyes
Monica Ridler Pyle
Susan Donohue Simitis
Patricia Tinsley Steen
Mary Doyle Williams
Mary Ellen Donoghue Atchue
Joan T. Barry
Mary St. George Becker
Maryanne Ballantine Hammond
Therese Scollen Hayward
Mary Shea Kennedy
Dorothy Matuzek Lapriore
Susan Jordalen Leary
Margaret Murray Madaus
Anne Morrison McCambridge
Patricia Neville Mulford
Theresa Lavin Pesapane
Kathleen Rogers
Suzanne St. Pierre Starzyk
Kathleen McCarthy Wojnarowicz
Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo
Joan Toomey Farmer
Elizabeth Rodier Mokrzecki
Anne Harvey Wright
Ellen Harrington Ylitalo
Mary Jo Ball
Karen Birch
Rita Comtois
Marie Cousy
Maureen Ryan Doyle
Nancy Sedor
Mary Jane Dinneen
Katherine Nichols Greenberg
Christine DiBenedetto Latham
Suzanne McTigue Magaziner
Gabrielle Culhane Norgren
Anne Rodier
Denise Coomey Schwed
Denise Gleason Taylor
Elaine Wilson Whalen
Annette Joseph Ahlin
Martha Libby Dandurand
Catherine Ermilio Davies
Elizabeth O’Connell–Inman
Kathryn Marion Lapierre
Christina Duggan O’Donnell
Eileen Harvey Perron
Marla Donlin Maykel Pyle
Susan Vassallo
Marylou Hannon Ansel
Nancy Arvanigian Brown
Dianne Bruce
Anne Hallisey Covino
Nancy Gallagher
Mary O’Connell
Susan McCarthy Pope
Maribeth Flagg Prunier
Anne Queenan
Martha Buckley Rizzoli
Deborah Nabhan Rowland
Colleen O’Connor Wernig
Arlene Lavallee Fraher
Margaret Donoghue Golden
Lynn Fallavollita Hennigan
Patricia Moran Iandoli
Patricia A. Johnson
Catherine Loconto Lucey
Margaret Mathurin Phoenix
Judith Kiritsy Roy
Marilyn Joseph Tencza
Sheryl Bourisk-Minda
Christine Coulter Briggs
Mary Jane Calhoun–Donelan
Catherine Bowe Caputo
Kathleen McCready Daly
Rachel Kenary Egan
Ellen Reardon Hartman
Cynthia Lian Henderson
Maria Hickey Jacobson
Susan McCann
Elizabeth Reynolds McCright
Louise R. Ouellette
Catherine Riordan
Maryanne Galvin
Christina Hickey
Catherine Bonofilio Hunter
Patricia O’Day
Mary Kate Duggan Thompson
Mary F. Madigan Bauchspies
Lisa Cataldo
Nancy Eckland Fiore
Regina Dougherty Hall
Catherine Campos Ledec
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 11.
Alumnae Donors
Kathleen Blute Madaus
Jean Bonofilio Nabhan
Jane O’Neil O’Connor
Catherine Keane O’Leary
Jean Sullivan Piazza
Margaret Bowe Fitzgerald
Michele Italiano–Perla
Sheila O’Connor Massarelli
Maryann Lauring Seibold
Catherine Woods–Goodwin
Tracy Everbach
Amy Harmon
Patricia Mahon Hurley
Maura Marshall McCarthy
Kathleen Monahan Myshrall
Mary O’Brien
Megan O’Toole
Cheryl Eckland Trimby
Maria Viapiano
Donna Pearson Wallace
Elizabeth Donoghue White
Heather Davenport
Susan Campbell Drapeau
Margaret Hanafin McGraw
Susan Saulnier O’Gorman
Anne Marie Harrington Weiler
Wendy Taparanskas Alexander
Rachel Costa Alva
Christine Lawless Ayers
Mary Moran Losapio
Reenie Phillips McCarthy
MaryKate McMaster
Donna Mallozzi Perkins
Elizabeth Andreoli Smiley
Molly Diggins
Lisa McNamara
Patricia Mullen Sardnola
Rosemary Shea
Lisa Tarallo Carmody
Renee Messier Carroll
Joan Bowen Dowd
Katherine Sonier Larson
Courtney A. Birch
Susan Beisaw Butler
Eirinn Buckley Campaniello
Deirdre Diggins
Patricia Kennedy Ward
Mary Beth Tice Czaja
Lori MacInnes LaBarge
Kathleen Salmon-Robinson
Kelly Ann Lee Weimer
Kimberly Vinnes Ainsworth
Shelia Harvey Fitzgerald
Kirsten Cordial Prindle
Julie Bottom Vitek
Deidre Burke Fornari
Monique Leroux
Kara Madaus Metraw
Tracie Bourgeois Moore
Tara Pigo-Cronin Rizzo
Kristina Newman Ryan
Kerinna Svenning Silvestri
Elizabeth Hackett Smith
Tammy Rives Smolansky
Lauren M. Todd
Stephanie Lewis Weinfurt
Karen Bonin Zidonis
Hannah Kenary
Elizabeth Marr
Heather Landes McLeod
Deirdre A. Milionis
Katherine Barry
Rachel Abbott Egan
Jennifer Kanavos
Christina Lauring
Sarah Palmgren
Alice Athy
Megan Donnelly
Abigail Egan
Laura Paige
Courtney C Lemoine
Breanne Wojnarowicz Roderick
Kristin Celona Becker
Vinita Pandey
Emily Rourke Adcock
Erika Lazar Farrell
Christina O’Hara
Erin McGuirk Dobson
Lisa Mancini Peare
Charlene Bedord Stolberg
Michelle McKenna Zimmerman
Jill Coghlin Conant
Laura Hespell
Kimberly Ragsdale Kennedy
Erin Condron
Elizabeth Hurley
Katherine Bak Connor
Margaret Turpin Belsito
Sarah Cole Camerer
Tracey Hare Christopher
Jacqueline Dube
Katie Dennis Joyce
Kathleen Marmen Kelleher
Melissa Rocha Meyerowitz
Tracy O’Connell Novick
Jennifer Salvatore O’Connor
Mary Lambert Pergola
Kara Kennedy Spaulding
Tania Knapik Harris
Tonia Pizzuti Klein
Tara Reddy Young
Nicole Statuta Artz
Beth Caissie
Kara Howard
Maria Bartholomew Knights
Maryann Horton Luongo
Leandra Manos
Sarah Duclos Neal
Margaret Horton Apgar
Mary Ann Daly Coppolino
Kerry McGuirk Wall
Christina Sciammacco Andreoli
Sarah Ann Maloney Dowden
Jaclyn Bedard
Marissa Borst
Brittney Lazar Burgess
Yvonne DeBenedetto
Shauna Sullivan Hoffey
Erin Hickey Moschos
Elizabeth Myshrall
Kathryn Rezuke
Jessica Snow
Erin Brosnihan
Paige Carskaddan
Emilia Froio
Rachel Murphy
Samantha Webb
Kerri Clark
Anne Hennigan Forsythe
Julie Lynch
Mary Beth McGee
Mary Therese Daly
Mary-Kate Haylon
Emily Provost
Michaela Atchue
Nicole Fitzpatrick
Christina Mirarchi Wojs
Elizabeth Foley
Heather Leary
Christine O’Connor
Danielle Perron
Michaela Prouty
Erin Burgwinkle
Cara Caputo
Rachele Perla
Kristen Rezuke
Madison Snow
Joy Tartaglia
Current Students
Rachael Seibold Carlucci
Meredith Doherty
Kyra Robins
Emily Robins
Megan Barry
Lindsay Belec
Emily Egan
Lianne Henderson
Gina Caputo
Nicole Gould
Deirdre Robins
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 12.
2013 - 2014 ANNUAL REPORT
I am very
proud to
report a
record-breaking year of giving
to NDA Worcester.
Your enthusiasm for our
mission is deeply humbling.
Your generosity allows us to
continue to thrive by expanding
our campus as well as our
educational offerings.
The following pages reflect
gifts received for the new World
Language & Communication
Center, the Annual Fund, and
the Scholarship Fund.
From the bottom of my
heart, on behalf of our faculty
and students, thank you.
Clement T. Desautels
Jesse Caplan and Valerie Kerxhalli
Jay and Rachel Kenary Egan
Michael and Maria Bartholomew Knights
Cindy and Joseph Favulli
Jonathon and Kimberly Kossuth
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Ron and Angela Lombard
The Fletcher Foundation
Suzanne McTigue Magaziner
William and Patricia Moran Iandoli
Elizabeth Cooney Maher
Michael and Joyce Keegan
Maloney/Dowden Families
James B. Kenary
John and Nancy Simone Manzello
Mark and Beth Andreoli Smiley
Vincent and Rosanne Sullivan Matulaitis
Christine and Terrence Sullivan
Dennis, Mary, and Mary Beth McGee
Margaret Ward Trust
George McKenna
Anne Harvey Wright
John and Anne Messier
Ann E. Morrison SND
$1,000 – $4,999
Lynn Douglas Mouden
Mary Ellen Atchue
William and Patricia Neville Mulford
Santo and Teresa Arcuri
Timothy and Elizabeth Murphy
Joseph and June Bafaro
Jean Bonofilio Nabhan
Joan Barry, Shaunessey, Katherine,
Megan and J. Dolan Barry
Jordan and Debra O’Connor
George and Meg Turpin Belsito
Patricia O’Day
William and Marjorie Bernstein
Christopher and Elizabeth Ott
Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Beisaw
Peter and Susan Palmer
Charles and Olympia Billis Borgstrom
James and Cindy Paquette
Christine Coulter Briggs
Patti Parker
Mary Paulukonis Brosnihan
Philip and Mary Lambert Pergola
Kevin and Sara Burgwinkle
Kathleen A. Philipp
Ernest and Sarah Cole Camerer
John, Mary, Emily and Erin Provost
Stephen and Cathy Bowe Caputo
Alice Purington
Lisa Tarallo Carmody
Gary Carskaddan and Barbara Dean =
Marla Donlin Maykel Pyle
Jaret and Tracy Hare Christopher
The Rezuke Family
Mary Ann Daly Coppolino
Donald Rissling
Ann Hallisey Covino
Kathleen Salmon Robinson
Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo
Catherine Riordan
Joseph W. Daly
George I. Alden Trust
Judith Kiritsy Roy
IMO Alice Lucille Daly
Kristina Newman Ryan
Gloria Doubleday
Boston Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame
IMO Elinor Salvidio
Maureen Ryan Doyle
Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual
Charitable Trust
Alfred and Rosemarie Scala
Jacqueline Rose Dube
Margaret Gallagher Schmitt
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Duggan
Lauring Charitable Foundation
Maureen O’Brien Fitzgerald =
Denise Coomey Schwed
The Stoddard Charitable Trust
Mary Kiritsy Foley
Scott and Kara Kennedy Spaulding
$15,000 – $49,999
Paula Locke Gaudette and Frances
Locke Halverson
The Tartaglia Family
Claudia Crowley Collins
Sandra Gibson-Quigley
Donna R. Desautels
Barbara Tsantinis and Michael Murphy
David and Rosalie Grenon
Emmanuel College
Julie Bottom Vitek
Waino and Linda Gustafson
Hoche-Scofield Foundation
Timothy and Helena Wickstrom
Robert Stefanic and Amy Harmon
Maryann Horton Luongo
Kathleen McCarthy Wojnarowicz
Dennis and Cynthia Lian Henderson
Stan and Elizabeth Reynolds McCright
Judith Zinkus
Lynn Fallavollita Hennigan
Charles and Lenore Monahan
Mary Estes Zywar
Ella Hurley Houlihan
Gerard and Clare Richer
Maria Hickey Jacobson and
Christina M. Hickey
Sr. Ann
Rick Teller and Kathleen Rogers
Kallin and Linda Johnson
$5,000 – $14,999
Frank and Katie Dennis Joyce
Leslie and Jim Andreoli
William and Kate Marmen Kelleher
Patricia Kelleher Bartram
John and Patricia Kelly
Karen Birch and Marianne Birch McWilliams
Alison C. Kenary
Jeanne and James Corrao
Mary Shea Kennedy
= Deceased
Ryan and Jennifer Salvatore O’Connor
Patricia O’Toole Quinn
Susan Donohue Simitis
Denise Gleason Taylor
We gratefully acknowledge these gifts.
Every effort has been made to ensure
the accuracy of this listing.
Please notify us of any corrections
by contacting Rachel Egan
at 508-757-6200, Ext. 226,
or Thank you!
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 13.
2013 - 2014 ANNUAL REPORT
$10 – $999
Daniel Cahill
Sheilah Dooley
Regina Hall
Emily Rourke Adcock
Beth Caissie
Jane and Robert Dore
Elaine Halpin
Annette Joseph Ahlin
Mr. and Mrs. John Calhoun
Dolores Dorsey
Maryanne Ballantine Hammond
John and Patricia Aiello
Mary Jane Calhoun-Donelan
Tom and Janet Dougherty
Tania Knapik Harris
Kimberly Vinnes Ainsworth
D.F. Callahan, Inc.
Joan Bowen Dowd
Ellen Reardon Hartman
Mary Egan Aleksiewicz
Eirinn Buckley Campaniello
Susan Campbell Drapeau
Claire Harvey
Wendy Alexander
Richard Cancelmo
Cheryl Ducharme
Timothy and Trish Haylon
Janet Ginkus Allen
Patricia Carignan
Michael Nanette Duquette
Mary-Kate Haylon
Rachel Alva
Rachael Carlucci
Richard Durand
Therese Scollen Hayward
Diane Anderson
Madeline Carrabino SND
Abigail Egan
Mary Davis Hebb
Jean Anderson
Renee Messier Carroll
Emily Egan
Ruth Heeder
Christina Sciammacco Andreoli
Paige Carskaddan
Jim Egan
Michael and Elizabeth Helenius
Marylou Ansel
Anne Cataldo
Rachel Abbott Egan
Laura Hespell
Margaret Horton Apgar
Lisa Cataldo
Sheila Egan
Shauna Sullivan Hoffey
Mary Arnberg
Gary and Ann Cattarin
Robert and Kathleen Eichelroth
Kristin Hokanson SND
Nicole Statuta Artz
Joanne Caulfield
Ann Ermshausen
Mary Alice Bernet Houghton
Assumption College
Dean and Michele Chaffe
Tracy Everbach
Anne Howard
Michaela Atchue
Sherry Champlin
Anthony and Suzanne Fantaroni
Kara Howard
Alice Athy
Christopher Heights of Worcester
Joan Farmer
Christine Hubbard
Sandra Nabhan Avellone
Kerry Clark
Erika Farrell
Charles Eisenmann and Betsy Hudson
Christine Ayers
Class of 2012, 2013, 2014
Favulli Electric
John and Claire Hunt
Mary Jo Ball
Loretta Clayton
Rosemary Fay SND
Catherine Hunter
Bank of America
Harry Clough
Lynne Feraco
Elizabeth Hurley
Ernest Bardier
Jim and Nancy Coghlin
Nancy Eckland Fiore
John and Joy Hurley
James and Valerie Barry
Mary Mulhern Bartholomew =
Barbara Collins SND
Helen Fitzgerald
Patricia Hurley
Geraldine Friel Collins
Margaret Bowe Fitzgerald
Madeline Iacobucci
Mary Francis Bauchspies
Rita Comtois
Sheila Harvey Fitzgerald
Industrial Cleaning Products, Inc.
Mary Tinsley Bava
Jill Coughlin Conant
Nicole Fitzpatrick
Frank and Michele Italiano-Perla
Kristin Celona Becker
Erin Condron
Ann Flynn
Patricia Johnson
Mary St. George Becker
Judith Connor
James Flynn
Joan Johnston
Jaclyn Bedard
Nan Connor
Brian and Jan Foley
IMO Eileen Joseph
Stephen Bedard
Tim Cooney
Elizabeth Foley
Lindsay Belec
Jane Corr
Rosemary and Paul Ford
Anne Marie Joubert
Mary Ann Bello
Lawrence Cournoyer
Deidre Burke Fornari
Jay and Michelle Kanavos
Christine Bellows
Marie Cousy
Anne Forsythe
Jennifer Kanavos
Mr. and Mrs. James Bergin
Dorothy Malboeuf Cronin
Savvas Fotiadis
Paula Kapulka
Patricia Gallagher Bologna
Rosemary Cronin
Patricia Killeen Fouhy
James Kavanagh
Regina Bonofilio
John and Deborah Crowley
Arlene Fraher
Kathleen Kelleher
Rita and James Bonofilio
Kathleen Crowley
Joanne Frew
Mary Teresa Kelleher SND
Marissa Borst
John and Marie Curran
Anthony and Stephanie Froio
Elizabeth Keller
Stephen and Marilynn Borst
Mary Beth Tice Czaja
Emilia Froio
Dan and Julie Kenary
Sheryl Bourisk-Minda
Lucy Daigle
Nancy Gallagher
Hannah Kenary
Ann Marie Bouvier
Elizabeth Wolanin Daly
Maryanne Galvin
Kim Ragsdale Kennedy
Cecilia Bowe
Katie McCready Daly
Elizabeth Gamache
Mary Ann Scannell Kenny
Mary-Ellen Boyle
Mary Therese Daly
MaryAnn Gardzina
Kim Kepler-Gennert
Cushing Bozenhard
Gerry and Maureen D’Amico
Thomas Gentz
Mary Ellen Killelea
Rose Brault
Dan Amorello Services
Anne Marie Giangregorio
Patricia King
Mary Eileen Brosnan
Martha Dandurand
Lisa Giarrusso
Rosemary Kiritsy
Erin Brosnihan
Heather Davenport
John and Jane Gilligan
Barbara Kirklauskas
Alice Brossman
Catherine Ermilio Davies
Marianne Girouard
Andrew and Jennifer Klein
Nancy Brown
Patricia Miller Dawes
James Giza
Tonia Pizzuti Klein
Dianne Bruce
Jeanne Buckley =
Robert and Marie Defalco
Joan and Jay Gold
Nicholas and Sonja Kotsopoulos
Matthew Dennison
Margaret Golden
Marie Kraus SND
Brittney Burgess
Yvonne DiBenedetto
Erin Goldstein
Frances Krauss
Brenda Smith Burke
Grace Purcell Dietz
Dorothy Goodrich
Kathleen Krieger
Rosanna Burke
Deirdre Diggins
Catherine Woods Goodwin
Meg Kursonis
Carol MacDonald Burns
Molly Diggins
Nicole Gould
Wallace and Kelly Kurtz
Geraldine Burns SND
Mary Jane Dinneen
Paul and Rebecca Grautski
Lori LaBarge
Marian Burns
Erin Dobson
Katherine Greenberg
Eve-Marie Lacroix
Karen Lucey Busenburg
Meredith Doherty
Carol Tagman Grigas
Linda Palermo Lafleche
Susan Beisaw Butler
Gerard and Nancy Donnelly
Charles and Kathleen Gruszka
Philip and Kathy Lahey
George and Alta-Mae Butler
Megan Donnelly
Maureen Gustafson
Kathryn Lapierre
Kevin and Virginia Byrne
Anne Mary Donovan SND
Robert Lisa Haddon
Dorothy Lapriore
Philip Cabrera
Patricia Morano Donovan
Emily Haley
Kathleen Driscoll Larson
= Deceased
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 14.
2013 - 2014 ANNUAL REPORT
Katherine Sonier Larson
Patricia McKenna
Vinita Pandey
Joseph and Charlene Stolberg
Molly DiBenedetto Latham
Heather Landes McLeod
Jane and Michael Papaz
Robert and Maryann Sudmyer
Lauraine Longval Laurence
MaryKate McMaster
Lisa Pear
Janice Sullivan
Christina Lauring
Lisa McNamara
Marilyn Pechillo SND
Margaret Trainor Sullivan
Austin and Sharon Leary
Allisen Menchaca
Donna Perkins
Michael and Diane Sullivan
Heather Leary
William Messier
Rachele Perla
Paul and Kathleen Sullivan
Susan Leary
Kara Madaus Metraw
Dan and Eileen Perron
Sullivan Bille Group
Cecilia Duesberg LeBlanc
Melissa Rocha Meyerowitz
Danielle Perron
Patricia Sweeney-Herbst
Kevin Lecuyer
Robert and Susan Michaud
Teresa Lavin Pesapane
Rosemarie Reno Swindell
Catherine Campos Ledec
Miles Press
Margaret Mathurin Phoenix
Paul Szlyk
Francis and Mary Lee
Deirdre Milionis
Jean Sullivan Piazza
Take Charge of Education Target
Paula Schultz Lemire
Clint and Karen Mills
David and Sherri Pitcher
Ann Boyle Tatum
Courtney Lemoine
Elizabeth Mokrzecki
William and Cheryl Plante
Marilyn Tencza
David and Mary Lemoine
Charles and Lynda Monahan
Susan McCarthy Pope
Lorraine Thomas
Thomas and Frances Leonard
Anthony and Heather Montoya
Richard Powell
Mary Kate Duggan Thompson
Phyllis Leonard
Tracie Bourgeois Moore
Joan Powers
Msgr. Edmond Tinsley
Monique Leroux
Gregory and Tracey Morelli
Mary Principe
Lauren M. Todd
Martha Bergin Liddy
Morgan Stanley
Kirsten Prindle
Peter and Phyllis Tomailo
Susan Blaze Livingston
Katherine Creen Morocco
Michaela Prouty
Margaret Traina
James and Candace Longo
Erin Hickey Moschos
Patricia Provost
Mary O’Connell Trainor
Maryann O’Brien Lord
Matthew and Christine Mullaney
Maribeth Flagg Prunier
Cheryl Trimby
Honorable Joseph and
Lorraine Lian
Gail Murphy
Monica Ridler Pyle
Jane Umphrey
Rachel Murphy
Anne Queenan
Susan Vassallo
Mary Moran Losapio
Andrew and Suzanne Murray
Donna Quick
Maria Viapiano
Pamela Lovaas
Thomas and Kate Myshrall
Mary Jane Reed
Mary Vrabel
Catherine Lucey
Elizabeth Myshrall
John and Alice Riordan
Kerry McGuirk Wall
Cornelia Lund
Sarah Duclos Neal
John and Rosemary Riordan
Donna Wallace
Ann Rachel Luongo
John and Mary Nicholson
Mary Riordan
Ann Walsh
Bobby Horton Luongo
Timothy and Joanne Rivard
Patricia Ward
Joseph Thomas Luongo
Dominic Nompleggi and
Ann Brown
Tara Pigo-Cronin Rizzo
Samantha Webb
Julie Lynch
Gabrielle Culhane Norgren
Martha Buckley Rizzoli
Ann Marie Harrington Weiler
Peter Lynch
Tracy Novick
Deirdre Robins
Kelly Ann Weimer
Kathleen Murray Lyons
Gerald and Frances Nugent
Emily Robins
Stephanie Lewis Weinfurt
Michael Lyons
Catherine Morrison O’Brien
Kyra Robins
Richard and Rebecca Welch
Lorraine MacDonald
Mary O’Brien
Scott and Mary Robins
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wells
Meredith MacNeil
Maryliz Volin O’Brien
Breanne Roderick
Colleen Wernig
Kathleen Blute Madaus
Patricia O’Brien SND
Anne Rodier
Joyce West
Margaret Murray Madaus
Edward and Mary O’Connell
Mary Rose
Philip and Anne Wettengel
Francis and Mary Madigan
Kerry O’Connell
Deborah Nabhan Rowland
Elaine Whalen
Sally Ann Smith Mahoney
Rev. Paul O’Connell
Maureen Hogan Wilber
Sue H. Malone
Donald and Mary Maloney
David and Elizabeth
Saint Mary’s Albanian
Orthodox Church
Robert Salamy
Mary Williams
Patrick and Kristine Maloney
Christine O’Connor
Patricia Sardnola
Witt Orthodontics
Managed Wealth Strategies, LLC
Deborah O’Connor
Stephen and Pamela Savage
Kathleen Wojnarowicz
Leandra Manos
Jane O’Connor
Nancy Sedor
Christina Wojs
Sheila Mansfield
John and Juliann O’Connor
Tim and MaryKay Seguin
Denise Wood
Marie Bonardi Manzi
Rosemary Shea
Henry and Corinne Wood
Victoria Manzi
O’Connor, Maloney &
Company, PC
Barbara Coffey Silva
Peter Woodbury
Maureen Butler Marcotte
Susan O’Gorman
Kerinna Svenning Silvestri
John and Janet Wornham
Rocco and Sheila Botti Marino
Christina O’Hara
Jack Slosky
Cynthia Xenakis
Elizabeth Marr
Catherine Keane O’Leary
Elizabeth Hackett Smith
Ellen Harrington Ylitalo
Mass College of Pharmacy
Jane Sawicki O’Leary
Jane Smith
Tara Reddy Young
Sheila O’Connor Massarelli
Mary Lee O’Leary
Nancy Smith
Jennifer Zecco
Patricia Bergin Matthews
Anne O’Malley
Tammy Rives Smolansky
Delores Zelenak
Anne McCambridge
Timothy O’Malley
Jessica Snow
Karen Bonin Zidonis
Susan McCann
Joan Cure O’Toole
Steve and Lynette Snow
Michelle Zimmerman
Marsha McCarthy
Megan O’Toole
Madison Snow
Victor Zona
Maura McCarthy
Louise Ouellette
Penny Kittridge Spugnardi
Reenie McCarthy
Jane Moynagh Padro
St. John’s High School
Ann McColgan
Laura Paige
William and Ann-Marie McCusker
Stephen and Nancy Paige
St. Mary’s Albanian
Orthodox Church
Margaret Hanafin McGraw
Kathleen Palardis
Suzanne Starzyk
Ann McGreevy
Cynthia Palmgren
Patricia Tinsley Steen
Evelyn McKenna SND
Sarah Palmgren
Eileen Brosnihan Stokes
Stephen and Marilyn Willand
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 15.
NDA presents...
Maureen O’Brien Fitzgerald
Mary Mulhern Bartholomew
Maryellen Atchue Standring
Marie Tinsley Barylick
Paula Toupin Schnare
Nancy Foley Young
Jim Diggins, husband of Maureen
Rogers ’67
Thomas Sullivan, son of Clare
Twoomey Sullivan ’71
Jane Brothers, mother of Mary Ellen
Brothers Burke ’78
Jeanne Buckley, mother of Martha
Buckley Rizzoli ’76 and Eirinn Buckley
Campaniello ’85; grandmother of
Kathryn Buckley ’10 and Allison
Buckley ’13
Barbara Dean Carskaddan, mother of
Paige Carskaddan ’12; wife of Trustee
Gary Carskaddan
Dr. John Curran Jr., father of Janet
Curran Lappen ’69, Patty Curran Platika
’71, Marianne Curran Tawa ’75 and
Deirdre Curran Huff ’81
Alfred Desjardin, father of Nicole
Desjardin ’96
Rudolph DiGregorio, father of
Julianne DiGregorio Begin ’90
James McTigue, father of Suzanne
McTigue Magaziner ’70, Linda McTigue
Bushbee ’71 and Nancy McTigue
Cornwell ’73
“Coach” John Rives, father of Tammy
Rives Smolansky ’95; beloved NDA
Running Coach for 13 years
Paul Soulliere, father of Joan
Soulliere Denshaw ’81
Helen St. Germain, mother of
Barbara St. Germain Holbrook ’64
Edgar Greeney Jr., brother of Maria
Greeney Taylor ’60
George Kotval, Jr., brother of Olga
Kotval Farrell ’92
Mary Baker Estes, mother of faculty
member Mary Estes Zywar
Vincent Mezynski, father of faculty
member Linda Gustafson; grandfather
of Sara Gustafson ’02
Nora O’Connell SND, former faculty
We remember with deep gratitude, the
Elinor Salvidio family and the Barry
Walsh family, for directing gifts in
memory of their loved ones to Notre
Dame Academy.
Carl Iaccarino, father of Maria
Iaccarino ’67, Marguerite Iaccarino
Lemire ’69 and Carla Iaccarino
Renzoni ’74
Joseph Kapurch, father of Rev. Linda
Kapurch ’68
Philip Laino, father of Cynthia
Laino ’79
Margaret McLean, mother of Lauren
McLean ’83 and Jacqueline Martino
McLean ’82
Cinderella Matinee After-Party
for young princesses and princes.
Sunday, March 15, 2015, 2:00 pm
NDA Campus
Cherry Blossom Luncheon at the
home of Maryann Horton Luongo ’93
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Washington, DC
Reunion Reception for all classes
from the 1950’s and 1960’s plus
50th & 25th reunions.
Saturday, April 11, 2015, 5–7 p.m.
NDA Campus
Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Wachusett Country Club
Alumnae Business Network (ABN)
Dinner Meeting
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
NDA Campus
Charles Hajko, Sr., father of Patricia
Hajko Tucchio ’65 and Joanne Hajko
Childs ’67
Veronica Hennigan, mother of
Eileen Hennigan ’66; grandmother
of Kathryn Hennigan Holta ’98,
Anne Hennigan ’01 and Elizabeth
Hennigan ’05
March 12th, 13th,
14th & 15th
Paul Foley, father of Beth Foley ’75;
grandfather of Caitlyn Foley ’11
Rosemary Harrity, mother of
Ann-Marie Harrity Ryan ’72
NDA Worcester is published by the
Office of Institutional Advancement.
Tel: 508-757-6200
Director of Institutional Advancement
Rachel Kenary Egan
Director of Publications & Alumnae Relations
Catherine Bowe Caputo
Harry Clough
Donna R. Desautels
Mike Nyman
Design & Production
Barbara A. Truell/Truell Design
Cape Cod Luncheon
Thursday, July 9, 2015
New Seabury Country Club
More details will follow in future
e-blasts. In the meantime, please
contact Cathy Caputo for more
information or suggestions.
NDA WORCESTER | Winter 2014 | PAGE 16.
Opening Ceremony
September 8, 2014
Thank you to all our donors for making NDA what it is today.
Your generosity inspires us all.
For up-to-the-minute news visit
Non-Profit Organization
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Permit No.16
Worcester, MA
Notre Dame Academy
425 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Soccer co
to NDA
in 2015!
Senior Delaney Nosel ’15, was presented the “Volunteer
of the Year” award by the Sweetpea Friends of Rutland
Animals Shelter on October 26, 2014.
May your hearts be filled with peace and joy in 2015.