Layout 4 - Notre Dame Academy


Layout 4 - Notre Dame Academy
magazine of notre dame academy
2009 – eport
nt’s R
Preside iving
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winter 2010 | volume 6 | issue 3
What do we have in common?
Cultivating an Environment of Acceptance at NDA and Beyond
Message from the President
“ It all comes down to how we turn
strangers into friends.”
“Are service hours required at NDA?” That’s a question often asked by prospective students or
their parents. When I reply “no,” there’s usually a surprised look – until I explain my response.
The NDA community is involved in many service projects, but not for the reason of fulfilling a requirement. Being
of service to one another is being in relationship with one another. It is participating in the building up of the Kingdom
of God. It is the living out of our baptismal profession of faith.
It is also a response to the call of Julie Billiart, founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She once said,
“Our charity must not be limited by the love we have for one another. It must make our hearts as wide as the world.”
One of our tasks as educators here at NDA is to guide our young women to open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts
to the world community. It is not only to provide meals at Father Bill’s Place, but to examine the causes of poverty
and homelessness and how we contribute to the problem. It is to help our students see these men and women as real
people with hopes and dreams. Perhaps they made poor choices in the past. Perhaps circumstances went horribly wrong
for them. What our students learn intellectually must also take root in their hearts so that they grow in compassion
as well as wisdom.
The Sisters of Notre Dame were founded on the friendship of two women, Julie Billiart and Francoise Blin de
Bourdon. Together, they used their personal gifts and talents to respond to the needs of the poor in France and
Belgium during the upheaval of the French Revolution. Friendship is a core value at NDA as well. So often our
alumnae speak about the friendships that started during their NDA days and are still important to them today. But
it doesn’t end with these relationships. Our friendships need to strengthen us for the work we undertake in building
other communities. We also need to let these values influence how we look at our local communities, our church
communities, and our world.
We like to share stories in vita! that tell of our graduates making a difference in their community. Some have traveled
all over the world and others are still in their hometowns. It doesn’t really matter. It all comes down to how we turn
strangers into friends.
Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69
Kathryn Quinn Miller ’97
Contributing Writers
Breanne Diorio ’05
Lynn Page Flaherty
Meghan Rowley Little ’92
Amanda Quintin Design
Reynolds DeWalt
Mary Ellen Cahill P’13
Lindsey Gatto Harr ’03
Maura Connolly Longueil ’88
Published by the
Office of Institutional Advancement
Notre Dame Academy
1073 Main Street
Hingham, MA 02043
Office of Institutional Advancement
Lynn Page Flaherty
Director of Institutional Advancement
Miriam Brownewall P’94 ’95
Development Assistant
Lindsey Gatto Harr ’03
Annual Fund Coordinator
Kathryn Quinn Miller ’97
Director of Communications
Jenna O’Donnell
Director of Alumnae Relations
Notre Dame Academy
Board of Directors 2010 – 2011
Mark Baker P’10
Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69
Michael Bevilacqua P’08
Sister Edie Daly, SNDdeN
Sister Mary Farren, SNDdeN
Jennifer Merrigan Fay ’85
Steven Habeeb
Jeanne M. Higgins ’83
Sister Anne Malone, SNDdeN ’67
Paul Mulligan P’99
Colleen Nevin ’89
Robin McCarthy Pelissier ’77
Dianne Reilly P’98 ’00 ’09
Tabitha LaFarge Ross ’91, Chair
Brother Daniel Skala, CFX
Perry Vieth P’05 ’07
vita! winter 2010 | volume 6 | issue 3
inside this issue
from main street
NDA News, Events, and Accolades
cover story
NDA Inclusive: Acceptance is at the Core
of the Academy’s Mission
10 advancing nda
The Bell Sisters Reflect on their Mother’s
Commitment to NDA
12 the 2009 – 2010
President’s Report on Giving
26 class notes
Alumnae News and Moves
On the cover: Students and faculty enjoyed the annual Heritage Day celebrations on October 8, 2010.
Back row, left to right: Amanda Garrow ’14, Mrs. Marie Hoy, Eileen Mai ’12, Eleanor Donohue ’11, Mrs. Linda
Muller, and Anna Ratto ’13. Front row, left to right: Margaret Lewis ’14, Lauren Flynn ’12, Sara Ratto ’11,
Eve Wenger ’14, Grace Pozniak ’13, and Sarah Connors ’11.
If you would like to send a Letter to the Editor, update your information, or contribute a piece for consideration
to vita!, please send information to the address listed to the left, or e-mail
Main Street
news | events | accolades
NDA Achieves Re-Accreditation
Notre Dame Academy was recently re-accredited by the largest accrediting body for public and private schools in New England and the oldest regional accrediting association in the nation, the New
England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). “Achieving NEASC accreditation demonstrates NDA’s commitment to rigorous academics, a vibrant learning community, and strong mission,” said President Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69. “While we fully expected to receive this news,
this is a major accomplishment for our community.”
Re-accreditation is the result of more than a year’s worth of effort by committees of faculty, staff, and
administrators. They researched and wrote a self-study document and, with the involvement of many parents, alumnae, and students,
hosted a team of NEASC officials to complete the assessment.
In a letter to the Academy, the NEASC Commission on Independent Schools commended NDA on four specific strengths: “for the
dedication and professionalism of the faculty, the strong and clear sense of mission understood by all, the spirit of collaboration that
permeates the school, and the Campus Ministry program and community outreach … in tradition with its founders’ vision and legacy.”
Freshman Retreat
Outreach Up and Runnning
Freshmen gathered for their first retreat as a class.
There is never a dull moment in Campus
The theme of the retreat was “Wonderfully
Ministry and this fall proved to be no exception!
Made by God” and the activities and workCampus Ministry Coordinator Michelle
shops provided opportunities for students to get
Kelley reports that teams of students are workcommunity
to know each other and explore their relationing at Julie’s Family Learning Center in South
ship with God. Alexandra Butler ’11 was one of
Boston, Carolina Hill in Marshfield, Father Bill’s
the retreat team leaders and shared, “The freshmen
Place in Quincy, and Elder Services in Cohasset.
were really open-minded to what they were going to
Each week, teams of seven to eleven students travel to
experience. My small group came together and bonded in a
these centers after school. Kelley shares, “We have already had
whole new way. They realized that this retreat was so unique
our first group of students participate in an outreach program
to NDA and they wouldn’t experience this at another school.”
and these opportunities give students a chance to live out their
faith and make a difference.” If you are interested in learning
how you can participate in Campus Ministry activities, please
striding towards a cure
Thirty-five members of the NDA community participated in the Making
Strides for Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday, October 3 at the Hatch Shell in
Boston. Students were not the only ones to contribute to this worthy
cause; mothers, sisters, and friends showed up at NDA to board the
buses bright and early and represent Team NDA Hingham. The walkers
raised more than $4,000!
All smiles as Team NDA Hingham made strides against breast cancer
Main Street
focus on the
and staff
Art teacher Lisa Marder displayed several paintings, including one
of a sunflower field, at the new South Shore Art Center Gallery at the
Hingham Shipyard.
Sister Patricia Toce, SNDdeN, a Theology teacher and member of
the Campus Ministry team, made her final vows as a Sister of Notre
Dame de Namur. Congratulations, Sister Pat, on this important
Gym teacher Mary Perry completed a 200 hour inner peace yoga
certification program. She is incorporating several yoga practices into
her teaching including different breathing methods, and sharing
ideas on the importance of finding balance and setting limits in life.
Library Director Patricia Bologna traveled to Spokane, Washington this summer to attend the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Convention where she heard from a variety of leadership
experts. She traveled next to Seattle (and saw the Red Sox play the
Mariners!) and then on to Victoria, British Columbia where she enjoyed the beauty of Butchart Gardens and the history on display at
the Royal British Columbia Museum.
Theology teacher Kate Carter presented on the topic of “Raising
Teens with Spirituality” as part of the parenting discussion series
hosted by Sacred Threads Women’s Spirituality Center in Boston.
New Faces Grace the Halls
In addition to high school mathematics, Kathleen Coghlan joins
NDA having taught at both the elementary and middle school
levels. She previously worked as a manager of technology support at
the Faxon Company. She received her Master’s in Business Administration from Bentley College and her bachelor’s degree from Fairfield University.
Social Studies teacher Kimberly Ann Delaney received her Master’s
of Education in Secondary School Teaching from Suffolk University
and her bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University. She taught social
studies at North Quincy High School and now advises both the
Model U.N. and Model Congress teams at NDA.
Michelle Kelley joins NDA as the campus ministry coordinator. She
received her Master’s in Pastoral Ministry from Boston College and
her bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York, New
Paltz. She worked as a campus minister at several universities and
parishes around the country where she was responsible for developing both spiritual and outreach opportunities.
English teacher Kristen Mullin taught in both the Holbrook and
Dedham Public School systems; specializing in working with a diverse range of learners. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English from Boston College and also attended New York University’s
Creative Writing and Literature Program.
Marissa Simms joins the Science department with a background in
neurobiological concepts having received a B.A. in neuroscience from
Smith College and her M.A. in anatomy and neurobiology from the
Boston University School of Medicine. She has also worked as both
a high school ecology and music teacher.
un bon voyage!
French students had the opportunity to participate in a French immersion day field trip to Boston. Students visited the French Library
and Cultural Center in Boston. The group then visited a French
bistro for lunch and dined on croque-monsieurs, onion soup, vegetable quiche, and even escargots! Students were excited to discover
that French culture can be found nearby without traveling to Paris!
French students visited the French Library
and Cultural Center in Boston.
vita! winter 2010 | 3
Main Street
appreciation and welcome
to board members
We are pleased to recognize Stephen Brown P’04 ’06 ’08
’13, Thomas Hoffman P’06, Donna Milani Luther ’70 and
Rashaun Jamall Martin, all who completed their terms on
the Board this past year.
k o ne s c
One Book One School
The Secret Life of Bees is this year’s One
Book One School selection and thanks
to an engaged and thoughtful student
planning committee, the entire school is
enjoying various programs to enhance the
reading of the book.
NDA’s Corporation named four new board members:
Dianne Reilly P’98 ’00 ’09, Mark Baker P’10, Sister Anne
Malone, SNDdeN ’67, and Steven Habeeb.
This October, students were asked “What is community to you?”
They responded by writing on a green paper leaf and placed it on the
tree outside the Library. Students were then asked to do one thing
over the month to make NDA a stronger community. The tree turned
red, yellow, and orange as students shared how they helped a friend,
volunteered their time, or were kind to a classmate in need.
During the month of November, students were invited to “celebrate
abundance” as the sisters in the book so often do. Note cards and envelopes were placed in the Saint Julie Dining Hall and students wrote
more than 900 letters of appreciation to their classmates, friends,
and teachers.
college search begins for seniors
NDA hosted two college fairs for seniors this fall, welcoming representatives from more than 150 colleges and
universities from around the country. Admission
representatives from a number of schools visited campus
throughout the fall to conduct interviews with interested
seniors. They included: Providence College, Fairfield
University, Quinnipiac University, Saint Anselm College,
Sacred Heart, and Salve Regina.
a+ athletes
Athletic Director Donna Brickley managed a very busy fall
season. More than three hundred students were involved
in the athletic program and we are proud to announce that
ALL of our fall sports teams received GOLD academic
excellence certificates for their team GPA – averaging 3.0
or better. Once again, the varsity cross country team
placed first with a team GPA of 3.851 – an all-time high for
that sport. Congratulations to all our fall teams on a job
well done!
For more information about the athletics program please
click on the athletics tab on the NDA website, Full results from the fall season
will appear in the spring issue of vita!
heritage scholarship raffle
Each year, Notre Dame Academy students, faculty, and staff set out to
raise $75,000 to support the Heritage
Scholarship program. The Heritage
Scholarship was created in 2002 to provide tuition to an incoming freshman who
has demonstrated academic merit and strong financial
need, as well as the potential to be an active student
leader at NDA. “The Heritage Scholarship program is one
way to ensure that we are welcoming the best and brightest young women regardless of financial circumstance”
explains President Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69.
The tree near the Library turned red,
yellow, and orange as students shared
how they helped build community.
Proceeds generated by the Heritage Scholarship Raffle go
directly to funding these four-year scholarships. As a way
to build enthusiasm for selling tickets, students made
morning announcements and created fun incentive prizes
for top-sellers.
Main Street
Calendar of Events
A partial listing of dates and activities of interest to alumnae, parents, and friends. Please visit
the school’s website at for a more complete listing.
2010 Yearbook Party
Out of the Blue Gala
Father - Daughter Event
21 – 23
Musical: Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat
Spring Concert
Admissions Decisions Mailed
31 – 2/4 Catholic Schools Week
50th Reunion Celebrations for
Class of 1961
Reunion Celebrations for 1936, 1941,
1946, 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971,
1976, 1981, 1986, and 1991
Quebec Trip
Class of 2015 Accepted Students
Baccalaureate Mass
Close-Up Trip to Washington, D.C.
21 – 25
Out of the Blue Gala
Save the Date
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Granite Links Golf Club
Quincy, Massachusetts
by alumnae and
A dinner and auction, hosted
parents, to benefit ND
Blue Gala is well
Planning for the Out of the
Jane Dever Barry ’76
underway. Alumnae Chair
rington P’11, and
and Parent Chair Doug Far
y coordinating the
the entire committee
sponsorships. The
silent and live auctions, and
financial aid.
evening will raise funds for
sing and sponsorTo learn more about adverti
can help, contact the Office
ship opportunities or
at 781.749.5930, ext.
Institutional Advancement
National Achievement
We are proud to announce that three
Notre Dame Academy seniors have
been named Commended Students
in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended Students
placed among the top five percent of
more than one million students who
took the Preliminary SAT/ National
Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.
Congratulations to: Eleanor Donahue,
Claire Pozniak and Amber Seitz.
vita! winter 2010 | 5
Cover story
Acceptance is at the Core
of the Academy’s Mission
by meghan rowley little ’92
Isn’t it ironic?
The unique qualities embraced by adults are often the characteristics those same adults shunned as kids. What were they afraid of? Stars like Lady Gaga aren’t
scared. She grabs people’s attention with her elaborate garb and her catchy lyrics, but her real
message – it’s OK to be different – is not lost on today’s youth. Lyrics from her hit, “Born
This Way,” sums up the lesson, “I’m beautiful in my way, ’cause God makes no mistakes.
I’m on the right track, baby. I was born this way.”
Notre Dame Academy understands that individuality is the
real treasure. Regardless of a person’s race, religion, or socioeconomic status, she is welcome. The Academy promotes inclusive behavior by leadership example, through its academic
curriculum, travel opportunities, and outreach projects.
Leading by Example
Cultivating an environment of acceptance is paramount to
the NDA administration. In fact it is an integral part of the
school mission: “The Academy guides young women in
their personal faith formation, challenges students to pursue
academic excellence, and encourages social responsibility on
behalf of global justice.” The seed of acceptance is planted
before the freshmen arrive for their first day of class, and
it continues to grow long after each student leaves the
Hingham campus.
One student group plays a major part in setting a welcoming tone for the school. The Peer Mentors comprise 28
students – 14 seniors and 14 juniors – who serve as role
models, especially for the freshmen. Ms. Heidi Hayes, a
guidance counselor who is also involved with the peer
mentors says, “They welcome the freshmen and help them
with their transition to NDA by answering their questions
honestly, by giving advice, by introducing them to friends,
and by coordinating and running social events.”
Peer mentors welcomed the
freshmen on their first day
of school.
To create an accepting community, we must realize the
uniqueness of one another … and recognize that the differences
make us who we are.” jess nevins ’11, peer mentor
The connection between peer mentors and freshmen continues each day in homeroom where the older students serve
as a sort of human question and answer box. Peer Mentor
Jess Nevins ’11 considers her role – helping freshmen discover their place at NDA – to be her greatest responsibility.
“I enjoy observing the freshmen’s growth as they discover
their passions and interests within the NDA community,”
she says. With one year under her belt, she can see how the
sophomores have matured since her days with them in homeroom. “They have become more comfortable in their own
skin and have discovered all that NDA has to offer,” she says.
However, these 28 upperclassmen are more than guides for
the freshmen. They are leaders for the whole school. Hayes
is impressed by the dedication of the peer mentors. She says,
“It is true at any age, but especially for high school students,
that the opinions and actions of peers really matter. Influencing an environment necessitates involvement from all
parties, otherwise it only seems like an agenda or priority
of one small group.” The peer mentors do a superb job of
setting a tone of acceptance for everyone in the school.
Hayes says, “I know it is a priority for them that everyone
feels accepted.”
Nevins concurs. “To create an accepting community, we
must realize the uniqueness of one another, and we must
embrace these differences and recognize that the differences
make us who we are.”
Knowledge Is Power
The first step to accepting others is gaining an understanding of who they are. The Academy’s curriculum seeks to
expose students to diversity, broadmindedness, and a general understanding of others. “We teach our students to be
prepared to work and live in a global society,” says Mrs.
Kathleen Rowley Colin ’89, principal of NDA.
While the majority of the course offerings at the Academy
answer the call to train global citizens of tomorrow, Social
Studies, Theology, and World Language take a close look at
the pertinent issues. For example, both Social Studies and
Theology teach world religions. “One cannot understand
the world she lives in without understanding the people
she lives with,” Colin says. “Therefore, she must know the
religions, the customs, the cultures, and the history of the
people of the world in order to understand the way of the
world today.”
Honors World Affairs, a course offered as a senior elective,
is designed to develop the student’s global perspective by introducing issues and events of the past half-century, particularly in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. “By learning
about the struggles of others around the world, students are
exposed to the diversity of peoples and their religious, political, economic and cultural values, beliefs and practices,”
says Ms. Denise Capitummino who teaches the class. She
notes that emphasis is placed on developing the student’s
ability to take a different perspective. “Processing that skill
promotes acceptance, because you can understand and then
empathize with others,” she says.
All Theology courses stress the importance of recognizing
differences. The required sophomore class, Morality, taught
by Sister Pat Toce, SNDdeN, for example, lays the founda-
vita! winter 2010 | 7
Heritage Day
The preparations begin far in advance. Each
year, students excitedly gather items and costumes to display their class colors at NDA’s annual Heritage Day festivities. While the day is an
amazing display of crazy outfits, its true purpose – promoting a sense of community and
fostering friendships – does not go unnoticed by
students. During Heritage Day this past fall,
Molly McElgunn ’11 served as a leader of a community building circle. The entire NDA community was broken up into circles containing
students from each grade and at least one faculty or staff member. The objective was to meet
more people within NDA, thereby strengthening
the school community. “Going into it, I thought
I knew almost everyone at NDA, but I was very
wrong,” McElgunn admits. “It was great to meet
other girls from different classes.”
The day also includes an outdoor Liturgy where
freshmen receive their Our Lady of Hingham
medals. Taking the time to officially welcome
each new student is an important step in building an inclusive school environment. Principal
Kathleen Rowley Colin ’89 adds, “It is a celebration of who we are as a community, who we always have been, and who we will continue to be.”
he de Noel Christmas
ch II class makes the Buc
Each year, Mrs. Gean’s Fren
in the
log decoration, a tradition
tion for Catholic morality and delves into what
goes into making a moral decision. “We examine the big questions: when does life begin; when
does life end; what is war,” Sister Pat says. StuAcceptance is at the Core
dents also look closely at diversity, discussing
of the Academy’s Mission
what Sister Pat calls the “isms,” like racism and
sexism. The goal is for students to take what they
learn and apply it to their everyday life, whether on the sports field or in
the community. “I tell the girls, it has to translate into who you are as a
Just Choices is another Theology class that leaves a lasting impression
on NDA students. Required by all juniors, this class examines social
justice issues and how one’s decisions affect the lives of others. Sister Pat
says her students are very engaged and open to seeing something from
the other side. “The girls hold what they believe firmly, but they are
open to learning about another opinion,” she says.
Student enthusiasm is evident in language courses as well. Mrs. Anne
Marie Gean, who has been teaching French at NDA for the past 27
years, explains that world language classes are no longer just about
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. “Today we also celebrate
culture, music, art, and food.”
Class Colors
Seniors – Red
Juniors – Blue
Sophomores – Green
Freshmen – Yellow
Above: This year,
the NDA community
participated in a
community circle activity.
Right: Freshmen
received their Our Lady
of Hingham medals.
Gean applauds her students for realizing the importance of learning a
second language in today’s global society. The Internet makes it easy to
share materials, including news articles in class. “We’re always talking
about current events, not just in France but in African countries, Haiti,
and other French-speaking nations,” Gean says. Often the issues overlap
with those explored in another course. “It’s wonderful when there is a
tie-in to another class or an outreach project,” she says. “The girls apply
what they learned in Just Choices, and speak intelligently to it in our
French class.”
Beyond NDA
Academy faculty and administrators commend students for their inclusive attitude. Gean says NDA students know who they are and are
comfortable with themselves. “Class discussions show that they are not
afraid to speak their mind,” she says. “Our girls stand up for what they
NDA students are great listeners … they might not agree with all they hear,
but the ability to listen well to one another translates into having a community and a
forum to develop mutual respect.” denise capitummino, social studies teacher
Every year, World Language students
be safe, dry, and warm in their
have the opportunity to experience
homes. Hyder adds, “We also went
language outside the classroom.
to help our students better underSpanish students visit Spain where
stand the life of those less fortunate,
they soak up the culture, learn its
and to see the Good God in all
history, and practice language skills.
Some French students travel to
The group responded to the task in
Quebec, Canada, for four days durtrue
NDA fashion: with surprise, open
ing Carnival. “These trips give stuIn the Spring of 2009 24 junio
and compassion. Hyder says,
rs and seniors
dents a taste for being out of the
traveled to Spain and Portugal
was cheerful, hard-workcountry and expose them to their
and terrific problem
target language – they hear it, see it, and speak it,” Gean says.
solvers. They came away with a better understanding of how
During a 10-day immersion trip to France, students enjoy
others live and survive.”
a five-day home stay with a French family and attend a
There are many more examples of how NDA cultivates an
French school for two days. “Going to France and living
environment of acceptance and instills a sense of inclusion
with an unknown family shows how open the girls are,”
its students. One just has to visit the dining hall
Gean says. Naturally, they are intimidated before the trip,
an athletic practice, or even a drama club rebut they emerge more confident and independent. “The
students work together. Mrs. Capitumgirls always return saying, ‘We are so much the same’ as their
are great listeners … they might
French sisters,” Gean adds.
not agree with all they hear, but the ability to listen well to
Last June, a group of 90 students and 36 adults traveled to
one another translates into having a community and a
Appalachia for a week-long service trip that helped 17
forum to develop mutual respect.” And isn’t that the
families in West Virginia. For many participants, this was
ultimate goal?
their first exposure to socioeconomic circumstances vastly
Lady Gaga thinks so. She ended a recent Twitter tweet with,
different from their own. Assistant Principal Connie Hyder
yourself.” NDA students would add to that
describes the trip as “life-changing.” The objective was to
each other.”
help those less fortunate and ensure that the families would
“ There is
no such thing as an illegal human being ...”
embracing immigration
Immigration is a hot topic in today’s political arena. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are active advocates for migrants worldwide and believe that the human dignity and human rights of undocumented migrants should be protected.
A justice and peace committee within the Sisters of Notre Dame community raises awareness about social justice issues. This fall the
group spread the word when the Dream Act was about to go to vote in Washington, D.C. The Dream Act would create paths for the
children of undocumented immigrants to become legal residents – an action strongly supported by the Sisters of Notre Dame.
In a reflection about immigration policy, an author writes, “There is no such thing as an illegal human being. We are all, first, children
of God, endowed with the image of our creator and deserving of respect.” The reflection goes on to say, “Any good public policy must
be based upon respect for your fellow human beings as children of God. It must be based upon respect for family and community.”
The Dream Act remembers that.
vita! winter 2010 | 9
Advancing NDA
Great Expectations
The Bell Sisters Reflect on their Mother’s Commitment to NDA
by lynn page flaherty
Most of us inherit something from our
mothers: blue eyes, a great recipe, a turn
of phrase, maybe a piece of jewelry. For
1961 graduate Mary McGivern Bell’s
three girls, a love for Notre Dame
Academy and a commitment to giving
back were handed down early on from
their mother.
“As the youngest of the three girls in our
family,” explains Katherine (Kat) Bell ’03,
“I always knew I would go to NDA.
Although I was given the option to go
elsewhere, it didn’t really occur to me to
look somewhere else.”
Mary McGivern Bell ’61 surrounded by her three girls,
Eileen Bell Tran ’97, Katherine Bell ’03, and Maura Bell
Boucher ’88 as well as her mother, Anna McGivern.
Eileen Bell Tran ’97 concurs. “I always knew that we had a family
legacy at NDA. My great-grandmother (Katherine Gardner) attended NDA in the 1800s and my mother attended in Roxbury.”
Mary’s daughters knew NDA held a special place in their mother’s
heart. “She often told us stories about all sorts of friends, teachers,
and classes,” explains the eldest, Maura Bell Boucher ’88. “We met
many of the friends she made there while we were growing up.”
Mary McGivern followed in her grandmother’s footsteps, enrolling at
Notre Dame Academy’s picturesque Roxbury campus. She graduated in 1961, just four years before the brick Victorian buildings
would give way to a modern new school in suburban Hingham. She
earned her bachelor’s degree at Emmanuel College, married Matthew
Bell, launched her career as an elementary school art teacher, and
moved to the suburbs. The Bells raised six children – three girls and
three boys – in the Bradley Woods section of Hingham.
When asked to compare her NDA experience with that of her
mother, Maura starts with the obvious. “I was able to take the bus
to school; my Mom lived in the city and rode the T. We had a
sprawling campus; she had a converted boarding school.” But, she
chuckles, “We actually shared some of the same teachers!”
sharing one’s talents
Mary McGiviern Bell ’61 is an elementary school
art teacher, but her artistic achievements go far
beyond the classroom. Mary designed Notre
Dame Academy’s Alumnae Association logo,
using the shape of the Medallion.
A mother and daughter would certainly
expect to see the same school differently,
but with 16 years separating Maura and
Kat, the Bell sisters themselves represent
three different decades of white graduation
dresses. “My sisters and I often laugh
about our NDA experiences,” says Maura.
“We may have attended the same school,
on the same campus, but doing it so far
apart, we each experienced completely
different high schools.”
Yet their high school memories share similar happy themes. Kat says, “The most
memorable part of NDA for me is the relationships I built there; my five best friends from NDA will be
my five bridesmaids when I get married this August. “
“During high school, you change so much, you come in very dependent from middle school and you walk out very independent on
your way to college” remembers Eileen. “NDA gave me the perfect
environment to grow and develop into a confident young woman.”
Each sister recognizes that their mother’s affinity for NDA goes beyond her student experience. An active volunteer for most of her
alumnae years, Mary’s involvement with the NDA Alumnae Association was a matter of fact for the family. “My mom always wears
her medallion,“ says Eileen. “She seems to find women everywhere
we go that also attended NDA, due to the medallion.”
While NDA has always been a constant in the life of the Bell family, the family’s commitment to the Academy is one on which NDA
has long been able to depend upon.
Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69, NDA’s president, is one of
many who have appreciated Mary Bell’s service to her alma mater.
“Over the years, there has always been a core group of alumnae we
could count on for anything the Academy needed, but particularly
to help us find resources for a family in need. Mary Bell has always
been one of the first ones I could call.”
Eileen remembers one of those situations. “One of my favorite
things about NDA is that really, truly people care.” Eileen recalls
her mom mentioning a student who was going to have to leave the
school due to financial issues. “I do not know the details of the situation, but the issue arose at one of the alumnae meetings. The
girl was able to continue attending NDA due to the women who
were sitting at that meeting.”
“Mom always stressed giving back.
She always felt that she’d been so blessed along the way.”
maura bell boucher ’88
Growing up in a family of eight, and now juggling four small children of her own and a career as an emergency room nurse, Maura
acknowledges that it can be tough to follow through on one’s good
intentions when the Alumnae Fund campaign begins. But no matter how tight her family’s budget, she thinks participation is important. “The quality of the education we received, you can’t put
a price on it.”
She recalls receiving financial aid during her days at NDA. “Without that support, I would not have been able to attend.” Today,
she says, “I realize there are many families struggling to afford the
tuition. My hope is that with support from me and other alumnae, we can ease the burden on those families.”
Now living in New York City, Kat still feels the pull to Hingham.
“I give back in hopes that other girls can develop similar lasting relationships and NDA can continue its tradition of sending confident and prepared young women to high-caliber colleges and
universities. If I had daughters, I would happily encourage them to
choose Notre Dame.”
Eileen agrees. “I give back because I want more girls to have the
amazing opportunities I had. NDA has a high academic standard
and all of the students are treated with respect. NDA provided
every opportunity academically, athletically, spiritually, and socially
that I could want and more. I want to make sure that all girls have
this amazing opportunity, too.”
Like so many things, these women tie their own philanthropy back
to the lessons learned from their mother. “Mom always stressed
giving back,” says Maura. “She always felt that she’d been so blessed
along the way.”
Says Kat, “Giving back, monetarily or otherwise, has always been
close to her heart, just as it was to her mother’s. I would like to
think she’d be proud of all of us for following in her footsteps.”
The Bell Family attended NDA during four different
decades. Things certainly changed from year to year!
Billboard #1 Song
1961 – “Tossin & Turnin” Bobby Lewis
1988 – “Faith” George Michael
Planning Ahead
For many philanthropic graduates, outright gifts are the only
way they know to support their alma mater. While annual contributions are vitally important to NDA’s current operations,
the Academy’s financial future is also strengthened by commitments that won’t be realized for many years.
That’s a message that was easy for Carolyn Launie ’00 to embrace. When the certified financial planner was completing the
paperwork required for her company-sponsored life insurance,
she listed Notre Dame Academy as the primary beneficiary.
“Part of my role as a financial planner involves teaching my
clients the creative ways they can put together the pieces of
their financial picture. In reviewing my personal finances, I
found my group life insurance to be an intentional way in
which I could at some point in time make a significant financial contribution to my alma mater.”
This simple gesture makes Carolyn a member of the NDA’s
McAndrews Society, a group of individuals who have taken
steps to provide for future generations of NDA students. “This
sort of legacy gift doesn’t have to cost you anything now, but
can make such a difference for the Academy in the years to
come,” says Lynn Page Flaherty, NDA’s director of institutional
advancement. “We are so grateful to Carolyn and others like
her who not only take steps to provide for NDA, but who, by
notifying us of their plans, allow us to properly extend our
The McAndrew Society
honors those who have made Notre
Dame Academy part of their legacy
through a planned gift. Members of
this group have included a bequest
provision in a will or trust or provided
for NDA through a retirement plan or
insurance policy. For more information
about how a planned gift can benefit you and NDA,
please contact Lynn Page Flaherty, director of institutional advancement, at 781.749.5930, ext. 2246.
1997 – “Candle in the Wind” Elton John
2003 – “In Da Club” 50 Cent
vita! winter 2010 | 11
The 2009–2010
President’s Report on Giving
Dear Friend,
What a year it has been! We are pleased to report that Notre Dame Academy saw its most successful fundraising
year to date, raising in excess of $1,000,000. Reaching this seven-figure milestone is a first for the Academy and
the impact of this philanthropy has helped to enrich and energize our vibrant and thriving learning community.
These funds allowed us to make capital improvements, increase financial aid and scholarship awards, and
enhance student life in a variety of ways, including:
• 77 new windows and blue panels were installed on the front of the building
• The dining hall, now named in honor of Saint Julie Billiart, was renovated – new floors, lighting, ceiling
panels, as well as tables, chairs, and new columns all help make the space fresh and bright
Financial Aid & Scholarship
• The Class of 2010’s senior class gift established a three-year scholarship to help a freshman continue
her studies at NDA
• The Laura Guidoboni Scholarship was awarded for the first time to a member of the junior class
• An anonymous bequest created a multi-year fund to provide financial assistance to students from Quincy
Student Life
• Additional guest speakers and field trips were made possible through “wish list” gifts
• The dance team received new uniforms, theology classes benefited from a collection of DVDs, and science
students used a new centrifuge
On behalf of our young women who benefit from the great generosity of the NDA community, we extend
our admiration and gratitude.
Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69
Tabitha LaFarge Ross ’91
Chair, Board of Directors
Financial Overview
Operating Budget July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
Expenses $8,410,690
Revenue $9,412,952
Tuition & Fees 86%*
Instruction & Student
Activities 57%
Gifts 9%
General & Administrative 18%
Contribution from the Sisters
of Notre Dame 5%
Other 12%
Other Sources 5%
Operations & Maintenance 7%
Alumnae Relations,
Communications &
Development 6%
*Net of $690,972 financial aid
Philanthropic Profile July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
Gifts by Purpose
Gifts by Constituency
$ 628,428
$ 683,344
$ 139,760
Financial Aid & Scholarship
$ 304,000
Medallion Parents
$ 126,907
Capital Support
$ 118,014
$ 116,168
Support for School Programs
Corporations & Foundations
Faculty & Staff
16,295 **
Board of Directors
Report includes both new gifts and payments on pledges and does not
reflect revenue from alumnae activities or related projects.
9,496 **
Please note that gifts may be counted in more than one constituency.
** Does not include the $59,612 raised by students, faculty, and staff
during the 2009 Heritage Scholarship campaign.
vita! winter 2010 | 13
The 2009–2010
President’s Report on Giving
The following lists represent donors who made gifts to Notre Dame
Academy during the fiscal period of July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010.
We are most grateful for the support of all our donors.
Fideles Society
The Fideles Society recognizes alumnae, parents, and friends who supported Notre Dame Academy with
leadership gifts of $1,000 or more.
Cornerstone Society
$100,000 or more
Estate of Gertrude Drey ’43G
Estate of Roger McCormick
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Francoise Blin de Bourdon Society
$25,000 to $99,999
Frances and Harry Keegan
P`84 GP`12 `14
Saint Julie Society
$10,000 to $24,999
Catholic Schools Foundation
Elizabeth and Joseph Donahue P`11
Sean McDonough Charitable
Kitty and Timothy Pinch P`02 `07 `12
John Shaughnessy Sr. P`76 `80
GP`02 `09 `12
Namur Club
$5,000 to $9,999
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Catherine and William Kennedy P`09
LeVangie Electric Co. Inc.
Candy and Stephen Levangie P`98 `02
Carolyn and Peter S. Lynch
NDA Class of 2010
Dianne and Thomas Reilly P`98 `00 `09
Elaine Power Schneider `60
Kristen Shields
Diane and Thomas Shipp MD P`13
Shelagh Foley Sullivan `80 and
Patrick Sullivan
Cuvilly Club
$2,500 to $4,999
Allergy and Asthma Associates
Megan Tonderys Bearce `74 and
William Bearce III P`03 `06
Patricia Borden P`00 `01 `07
Brenda and John Costa MD P`12
Mary and Michael Darling P`99 `02
Debby and Ross Elder P`98
Jennifer Merrigan Fay `85
Rita and Kevin Gill P`07
Joanne and James Hajjar P`13
Lorraine and Mark C. Healy P`12
Michele and David Joy P`07 `09
Annemarie Lynch Kenneally `80 and
Kevin Kenneally P`13
McCusker-Gill Co. Inc.
Katherine and Curt Morley P`12 `13
Linda and Paul Mulligan P`99
Margaret Sheehan Norton `81 and
Michael Norton P`12
NDA Alumnae Association
Adele Urbsas `58
Roger W. Wade P`11
Les Fideles
$1,000 to $2,499
Acada Communications LLC
Aftermarket Specialists
Kathleen Ahern `80
Virginia and Michael Ayers MD P`13
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Katherine T. Bell `03
Ann and Michael Bevilacqua P`08
Drs. Mary and Brian Blanchette P`13
Janice and Frank Bridgeman P`13
Sheila and Stephen Brown
P`04 `06 `08 `13
Paul Callahan
Barbara and Richard Campbell P`96
Commonwealth Soap and Toiletries Inc.
Lauren and John Concannon P`13
Kerrie Manning Coughlin `91 and
James Coughlin
Carolyn and Lawrence A.
Cunningham P`12
Christine and Richard Dalton P`13
Kathleen Devin Dauphinais `92
Walter and Bessie Dilley Family Fund
John Dwyer
Andrew Edelman
Beverly and Brian English P`11
Diane and Douglas Farrington P`11
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to
Dorothy and Terry Green P`12
Allison Quinn Guido `98
Cheryl and Mark Guidoboni P`10
Hingham Lumber Company
Kristin Keegan Hunt `84 and James
Hunt P`12 `14
Cornelia Kelley-LaCambria `65
Carolyn Launie `00
Rosemary and John
MacKinnon P`88 `92
Andrea and Rashaun Martin
Peter McDonald DMD
Maureen and Thomas McNulty P`10
Carrie and James Murphy P`13
Leo Neenan P`13
Margaret and David Nolan P`12
NSTAR Foundation
On Island Gas Co. Inc.
Mary Gallagher Piccirillo `84
Julia and Thomas Powers P`12
J. Calder Smoot Reardon
Patricia Foynes Roach `80 and
Richard Roach P`09 `11
Mary and Hugh Sease P`11
Karen Brumbaugh Sharland `83
Nancy and Oswald Street P`10
UHY Advisors NE LLC
Sheila and Perry Vieth P`05 `07
Patricia and John Vlassakis P`03
Holly and Christopher Wenger
MD P`12 `14
Patti Ann and Norwin Wolff P`12
Sheila Wynne `54
Giving Clubs
Notre Dame Guild
$500 - $999
Beverly Alexandre P’96
Anderson Insulation Co.
Erica Burzyk Arcand `91
Elizabeth and Mark Baker P`10
Heather Mooney Bastardi `89
Mary McGivern Bell `61 P`88 `97 `03
Ann and Robert Bizak P`12
Anne Clancy Botsch `55
Margaret Walsh Brauer `56
Susan and Kevin Butler P`11
Mary Sheehan Cahill `60
Mary Ellen and Michael Cahill P`13
Alicia Caron `88
Barbara and Bradford Caron P`12
Nina and George Carrick P`12
Ann Doolin Chizauskas `59 P`89
Judith Greene Coady `60
Kathleen Rowley Colin `89
Adrienne Cote `74
Jane Dever-Barry `76
Paula and Donald Dickinson P`10
Patricia and Leo Donovan P`10
Karen and Richard Dubois P`12
Nancy Edwards `65
Jane Good Everett `62
Sheila and Lawrence Foley P`91
Donna and James French P`11
Ellen and John Gallagher P`95
Gannett, Welsh and Kotler
Dorothy and Terry Green P`12
Habeeb & Associates Architects Inc.
Deirdre King Hainsworth PhD `83
Harrington Brothers
Colleen Knight Harvey `89
Laurie and Michael Hayes MD P`11
Jeanne Higgins `83
Nancy Holt `87
Catherine and Joseph Hult P`13
Brenda and Geoffrey Hunt P`09
Debbie and James Ioli MD P`04
Elizabeth and Michael Jones P`05
Katie Kenneally Kelly `65
Keybank Foundation
Monica Landry `86
Lemon Lime Salon
Betsy Hamel Lussier `71
Francis McArdle
Eileen and Michael McAuley P`12
Theresa C. McLoud MD `61
Maureen and Thomas McNulty P`10
John McQuillan
Jennifer and Richard Miller P`13
Narragansett Bay Insurance Company
Colleen Nevin ESQ `89
Roberta and Daniel Nevins P`11
Gayle and Daniel O`Connell P`11
Michele and Robert O`Leary MD P`13
Robin McCarthy Pelissier `77
Maureen and Dwight Peterson
P`03 `05 `11 `13
Matthew H. Power
Christine and Michael Puzo P’96 ’98 ’04
Cornerstone Society
As Notre Dame Academy continues its tradition of educating
young women for life, it is fitting to find new ways to recognize those who support the Academy at the highest levels.
We are pleased to introduce the Cornerstone Society to
honor donors whose annual gifts exceed $100,000. The
society’s name recognizes the Academy’s history of philanthropic support and also acknowledges that the foundation
for our continued growth is built by our most generous
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect all gifts to NDA between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement with any errors or omissions.
Celine Burke Richardson `60
Rock-o Mantville Foundation
Mary and Lawrence Schrall P`11
Margaret Sellon
Signet Electronics
Sara Smithson `80
Patricia and Michael Spatola P`02 `09
Virginia and John Sullivan P`10 `12
Nancy and Sean Teague P`08 `13
Carol and Paul Troy P`91 `94
Patricia and Christopher
Valente P’05 ’13
Judy and Thomas Varney P`13
Diane and Paul Vo P`12
Stephanie Burzyk Walling `85
Jeanne Gemmel Wasson `62
Nancy and William Wise Jr. P`95
Left: Celine Burke Richardson ’60R, Adrienne Cote ’74, Megan Tonderys Bearce ’74 P’03 ’06 and Nancy Doyle Graham ’68 P ’88
’91 ’93. Right: Stephen and Candy Levangie P’98 ’02 and Paul and Linda Mulligan P’99.
Loretto Julia Associates
$250 - $499
Ace Charitable Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Alden Shoe Company
Bank of America Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Banner Systems of Massachusetts
Barnes & Noble Hingham
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN `69
Regina Toland Bender `80 P`10 `14
Lisa and Raymond Bisio P`10
Vilija and Daniel N. Bonda P`11
Cynthia Catri and Philip Brown P`10
Janet Brown-Sederberg and James
Sederberg P`09
Kaitlin Burek `02
Renee and Thomas Carmody P`13
Kate Carter
Cynthia Giordani Ciardello `80
Elizabeth Cifrino `49
Anne Marie O`Connor Clogston `87
Alice and Bruce Cluett P`03
Margaret and Francis Colpoys P`08
Paula and Matthew Connors P`11
Colleen and Daniel Cudgma P`13
Susan and James Curtis P`06 `11 `13
Donald Dacier
Maureen and Mark Daley P`13
Carol Darling
Rosaria Tomasello DeMatteo `35
Joyce Donadio `91
Amy and Michael Dorsey P`12
Eileen and Thomas Dunn P`13
Claire Mondor Dwyer `46
Nora Dziegielewski P`08 `13
Francesca Eastman `68
Beverly and Brian English P`11
Mary Anne and William N. Fenney
Elizabeth and Joseph Ferreri P`13
Lynn Page Flaherty
Fruit Center Marketplace
Christine Gallagher
Ellen and Robert Garrow P`10 `12 `14
Diane O`Brien Gaudet `83 P`12
† deceased
Fideles Society Reception
On October 6, NDA hosted an appreciation reception for some of the Academy’s most
generous donors: members of the Fideles Society. More than 75 alumnae, parents, and friends
gathered in the newly renovated Saint Julie Billiart Dining Hall for a lively evening celebrating their support.
Guests heard from senior Molly Morrissey who shared how their giving has impacted her studies. Lynn Page Flaherty, director of institutional advancement, thanked donors for their gifts
and Principal Kathleen Rowley Colin ’89 provided an overview of NDA’s focus on community building. To conclude the evening, donors were the first to learn about the results of the
re-accreditation team visit and the strategic planning process now underway from President
Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69.
The Fideles Society, Notre Dame Academy’s leadership giving society, includes individuals and
organizations that support NDA with annual gifts of $1,000 or more. The society’s name signifies
the faith its members have in the Academy’s mission.
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
GE Foundation
Marilyn Gilboy P`92
Debra and William Gilcoine P`10 `11
Melinda and William Gildea P`13
Google Matching Gifts Program
Nancy Doyle Graham `68 P`88 `91 `93
Roberta and Edward Grimes
Rita and Joseph Hajjar P`13
Catherine Hayes-Duffey `81
Helen and Richard Hickey
Debra and Thomas Hoffman P`06
Lillian and Jon Holbrook P`12
Jennifer Ioli `04
Joan Rose Kearns `50
Pamela and Robert J. Kelley P`02
Joanne Donovan Kelly `54
Aileen Giovanello Kenney `94
Sandra and William Kirsch P`08
Denise and James Laiosa P`11
Bold = 5+ consecutive years of giving
Allison Tweedy Lamb `87
Kristen Landry `88
Linda Leahy
Gail and Charles Lemke P`99
Lord & Taylor
Margaret McMorrow Love `69
Kathy and Greg Maccune
Katherine and Brian Maher P`13
Doris Good Marr `54
Marianne and Thomas Martin
Gina Mathews
Anna McCarthy `37
Joanne Roland McCarthy `50
Kimberly and Robert McClelland
P`08 `10 `12 `13
Brigid McCue and John
Nonnamaker P`12
Marilyn and Robert McCunney
MD P`13
Dorothy Davock McDermott `52
Michelle McGee `80
Mary and James Mohan
Jennifer and Jason Morgan P`13
Elizabeth Morrison `02
Janet and Raymond Murphy P`11
Catherine and Robert Murray P`13
Deirdre Daley Nectow `78
O`Brien, Riley and Ryan PC
Mary and Austin O`Connor P`09
Mary and Kevin O`Connor P`12
Claire Paglierani-Banks `94
Janet Keefe Parnes `69
Margaret and Leonard Pepe P`07
Roxana and Joseph Perry P`13
Paula Carroll Pozniak `75 and Frank
Pozniak P`11 `13
Queen Anne Nursing Home Inc.
Barbara Raftery `50
Daryl O`Donnell Ramsey `69
Barbara Ratto `77
Karen and Jim Ratto P`11 `13
REI Matching Gift Program
Barbara and Charles Rizzo P`12
Tabitha LaFarge Ross `91
vita! winter 2010 | 15
The 2009–2010 President’s Report on Giving
Melissa Scott-Lorentz
Marie and Robert Shaughnessy P`09
Deirdre Fleming Shea `92
Carole and William Simmons P`13
Sandra and Uldis Sipols P`08
Lisa Degiacomo Smith and James
Smith P`97 `07
Christine McDonnell Smoragiewicz `94
Virginia Sopyla `00
Julie Sullivan Sorgi `78 and David
Sorgi P`06 `08 `13
Sprint Foundation
State Street Matching Gift Program
Monica and Joseph Steeves P`11 `13
Patricia and Joseph Stefaniak P`10
Christine and Leo Stickney P`11`13
Lisa and Sean Stover P`12
Marguerite Barry Sullivan `46
Christine and Steve Sypek P`13
Lauren Murphy Tobin `81 and David
Tobin P`11
Maureen and Nicholas Trifone P`13
Kelly Dunn Turner `80
Varsity Books
Anne Boluch Vegnani `84
Julie and Stephen Venturelli P`11
Mr. and Mrs. Verano
Verizon Foundation
Patricia and Francis Walsh P`09 `11
Jane Wessen
Weymouth Bank
Diana Woodbury P`13
Kathleen Torsney Young `63
Michael Young
Academy Club
$100 - $249
Lisa Fina Abel
Nicole Merrigan Ackerman `90
Susan Adams `00
Mary Courtney Alfano PhD `59
Traci Anastas `94
Kathryn Anastasia `68
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Agnes Ralph Anderson `48
Regina Aries `76
Lynne and Blake Artz P`06
Robert and Linda Austin
Auto Country Inc.
Jane Ayer
Joan Sullivan Bacon `55
Donna and Edward Bartlett P`11
Bay Point Capital
Susanne Beldotti
Nicole and Derek Bennett P`11
Christopher Bianchi
Mary McCarthy Bivins `60
Black Rock Matching Gift Program
Carolyn Hardy Block `53
Mary Blood `60
Patricia Bologna
Elizabeth Bonome `80
Jean Sweeney Booth `45
Annmarie and Paul Bouzan P’06 ’09 ’12
Jane M. Branca-Wallace `71
Donna Brickley
Erin Wall Brighton `94
Marion Brooks `48
Mildred Brooks `44
Cynthia and Roger Brown P`12
Madeline Rosati Brown `56
Miriam Brownewall and James
Wall DMD P`94 `95
Julie and Paul Burke P`10 `14
Kerry Gilmore Burke `75 P`09
Rosemary Holland Burke `56
Claire and Donal Cahill P`11
Linda Cahill
Mary and James Cahill P`03 `13
Maureen Cahill `87
Virginia Dunn Cahill `60
Kelli Rose Calhoun `78
Ann Boyle Camera `65
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cardillo
Patrice Carroll `77
George Carter
Anne Lyons Carty `52
Eileen McDonnell Casciari `91
Beatrice Fitzgerald Casey `46
Diane and James Casey P`09 `12
Noreen and George Cataldo P`11 `13
Maureen Colella Cataudella DMD `84
Karen Cauthorne
Charles Chamberlain
Elizabeth Cheyne
Laura and Michael Clancy P`13
Suzanne and Andrew Clark P`11
Kathleen Cogliano `79
Christine Colella `81
Danette Colella MD `87
Anne and Frank Collins P`10
Ann and Thomas Comeau P`13
Mary Ellen and Kieran Comer P`12
Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly
Shawna and James Connor P`13
Jessica S. Consilvio `98
Tracy and Brian Constantino P`10
Jane Malloy Corry `72 P`00
Tamera and Stephen Cosaro P`13
Regina Cotter `59
Sheila Elledge Courtney `94
Marie Cronin
Mary and Daniel Cross P`11
Jean O`Flaherty Crossen `48
Marie Cusick `42
Custom Vending
Mary Appleton Dandrow `47
Amy Graham Delaney `88
Theresa and Gary Delaney P`99
Joan Delany
Diane and Michael Dipietrantonio P`13
Betty and Paul Disch
Anne and Michael Dixon
Anne Park Dobrzynski MD `88
Mary Powers Doherty `83
Winifred Doherty `51
Kay and Ming Dong P`07
Julie and Gregory Douglas PhD
P`06 `09 `12
Shawn Driscoll
Jennifer Kate Willett Duggan`92
Dorothy Madden Dunford `65
Ellyn Sartucci Dunford `77
Kathleen Izzo Dyer `60
Joanne McCorkle Edwards `58
Susan and Steven Esielonis P`08
Diane Libardoni Fee`79 and Edward
Fee P`14
James O. Fennessey
Susan Karle Ferguson `77
Dolores Fici
Antoinette Fidler
Flynn & O`Hara Uniforms Inc.
Tracy L. Flynn `95
Katherine Fogarty `72
Erin B. Fontana `97
Susan Fuller `72
Jack Garrity
Brian Gaughan
Thomas Gaughan
Anne Marie Gean
Adam J. Gelinas
Rosemarie Gentile
Janice Jennette Giambanco `60
Margaret McCusker Gillis `60
Michael Goldman
Ellen McDonough Good `50
Marylou Gens Greene `65
Michael Griffin P`92
Susanne and Daniel Griffin P’06 ’07 ’08
Robert T. Groover
Patricia Coughlin Gurevitch `47
Hajjar`s Auto World
Virginia M. Hamel `69
Constance Landen Hammond `48
Maureen Hanley-Lynch `80
Alayna and Jonathan Hanlon P`12
Claire Mitchell Hanlon `49
Kimberly and Mark Hannon P`12
Lindsey Gatto Harr `03
Karen Hawthorne
Kerry and Gerald Hayes MD P`13
Elizabeth and Paul Healey P`13
Tara and Stephen Healy P`13
Alice Moloney Hennessey `50
Christine and Raymond
Hennessey P’11
Eileen and Thomas Henry P`10 `12
Elaine Cawley Hill `65
Margaret and Robert Hillman P`10
Dorothea Shea Hogan `45
Maureen McKenna Horn `57
Marie Hoy
Patricia White Hull `57
Barbara and Michael Hurley
Rita Hurley
Tricia E. Hurley `94
Bridget and Michael Jaklitsch MD P`13
Tricia and Scott Johnson P`13
Brian Joyce
Steven Joyce
James Judge
Joyce-Ellen Tulis Kaseta `54
Mary and Thomas Kelly P`02
Patricia Hart Kelly `87
Maryanne Donoghue Kenary `50
Louise Fogarty Kenneally `49
Geraldine Martin Kennedy `49
Joan Cunniff Kennedy `50
Margaret and Jeffrey Kent P`10
Carol Fencer Keppe `54
Ann and Michael Kiceluk P`13
Kathleen Kimball
Kingfish Swimming Inc.
Mary Knasas `74
Susan Knowles
Reina Kolman
Marianne Kroha `95
Linda Laborde
Janet Carney Lagace `60
Lambert`s Garden Center
David Landry P`88 `94
Linda Laque P`06 `09
Marilyn McIntyre LaRosa `59
Geraldine Leahy P`11
Patricia O`Connell Leary `46
Mary and Thomas Lee P`11
Mary L. Lennon `53
Patricia and Paul Letsche P`09 `11 `14
Yvonne and Pingkuen Leung P`12
Kristen and William Liddell P`11
Marie McElaney Linz `59
Mary Mulvoy Lofty `65
Susan and Scott Love P`11 `13
Therese and Thomas Lunny P`10
Donna Milani Luther `70
Joan and Glenn Lydon P`13
Mary Patricia Courtney Lyons `50
Ruth and Kevin MacEachern P`11
Brenda Madden `86
Marie Halpin Madden `46
Robert T. Madden
Ann Murray Madigan `47
Romina Magner
Julie Knight Maier `83
Karen Malikowski
Joan and John Malloy P`11
Lisa Marder
Greg and Sara Marino
Virginia Mayhew
Domenic Mazzocco DMD
Ellen Ferriter McAllister `77 and Kevin
McAllister P`11
Monica Harrington McCafferty `49
Mary and James McCarthy P`10
Marie McDonnell MD `90
Mary and John McDonough
Maureen and Christopher
McElgunn P`11
Mary Brambilla McFarland `57
Judy and Ronald McGann P`01
Mary McHugh McKelvey `81 and
James McKelvey P`13
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect all gifts to NDA between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement with any errors or omissions.
Eleanor Hannigan McKinnon `44
Mary McEvilla McLaughlin `40
Susan Gordon McLeod `81 and
Richard McLeod P`10
Joan McMahon `49
Sharon and Mark McNamara P`13 `14
Maryanne and Peter Merrigan
P`85 `87 `90
Jeanne Ryan Messmer `60
Maureen Meyer
Kathryn Quinn Miller `97
Minot Technology Group LLC
Barbara and Paul Mirabito P`14
Noreen and David Mirabito
Kathleen Moriarty `60
Deirdre and Jeffrey Morton P`10 `12
Linda Muller
Joan Murphy McCarthy `77
Bonnie and Sean Murphy P`10
Gloria Ford Murphy `50
Ivanka and Thomas Murphy P`07
Maureen Murphy `63
Lillian Dyer Murray `50
Mary and Joseph Murray P`12
Barbara Neely `46
Annie and Carl Nelson P`14
Patricia Goggin Nestor `72 and Paul
Nestor P`07 `09
Maura and Christopher Nevin P`89 `97
Janice Gallagher Norris `62
Malee and Michael Nuesse P`09 `11
Christine and William O`Brien P`13
Ellen Curley O`Brien `61
Rosanne O`Brien `71
Brenda and James O`Connell P`10
Austine Burke O`Connor `58
Claire Sullivan O`Donnell `54
Lois O`Hara `47
Elizabeth O`Hare `74
Eileen and John O`Leary GP`10 `12
O`Neil Findings
Charlene and Stephen O`Sullivan P`11
Catherine and Marc Oullette P`12
Janet and David Page P`12
Kathleen Healy Palmer `32
Deana Palombo P`13
† deceased
Rosemary Parise
Elaine Ryan Pearson `61
Pamela Short Pedonti `78
Joan Perrault
Mary Perry
Karen and Richard Peterson P`01
Morgan Peterson `01
Maria and Steven Powell P`12
Susan Pratt
Jacqueline and Thomas Quinn P`12
Lisa Rafferty
Grace Cotter Regan `78
Maureen Regan P`01
Linda and James Reichardt P`13
Carolyn L. Rein `86
Julie Lamb Rice `77
Robert H. Cook Insurance Agency
Susan Cronin Robinson`77 and
Francis Robinson P`10 `12
Joanne and Daniel Roche P`10
Lisa and James Roche P`12
Mary Cleary Ronan `41
Barbara Drew Roper `60
Ross Engineering
Richard Rougeau
Maura Rowley-Himelrick `84
Sally Ruscito
Sabrina Khan `85
The Scarlet Oak
Kelly Condon Scrivner `80
Andrea Seddon `86
Rachel B. Sederberg `09
Jennifer Sellon
Semi Source Inc.
Kathleen and Keith Shea P`11
Margaret Bushlow Shea `60
Ann Leahy Sheehan `50
Elaine and William Shields P`01
Daniel Skala CFX
Jane and Michael Smeglin P`10
Claire Smith `54
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Michelle and Richard Smith P`13
Eileen and Alexander Sopyla `00
John Souther
Bold = 5+ consecutive years of giving
Kathleen and Charles Spurr P`12
Jo-Ann Messina Stadelmann `70
Sheila Donovan Standring `54
Mary Louise Stebbins `58
Theresa Mee Stenholm `30
Marie and Paul Stewart P`08
Judith and Frank Strauss P`13
Sullivan Tire Co.
Darlene Curley-Sullivan and Frederick
Sullivan P`13
Elaine McNulty Sullivan `56
Holly Langmeyer Sullivan `98
Rita Greene Sullivan `53
Eiji Tamura
Amy Teehan
Regina Timmerman
Sarah Small Titus `88
Christine and Bruce Tobin P`10
Lauren Murphy Tobin `81 and
David Tobin P`11
Nancy Tobin P`10
Patricia Toce SNDdeN
Karon and Robert Tombari P`11
Paula Robison Towne `69 P`99
Marie Trask `56
Judith Trostel
Tyco Electronics Matching Gifts
Joan Curtin Tyrrel `50
Ana C. Ulchak `98
Deborah and Charles Usher P`13
Danute Vaiciulonis P`10
Christine and Anthony Varano P`13
Deborah and Michael Vazza P`13
Regina Strain Venditto `52
Carole and Santino Vitale P`11
Maribeth and Scott Wahle P`02 `03
Kathleen Walsh `91
Heather Ward `87
Kimberly and Theodore
Weckbacher P`14
Merri Weinberg
Christina Macvicar-Welch and
Michael Welch P`11
Mary Curnane Wernig `40
Carole McInnis White `50
Elaine Bailey White `82
Mary White `46
Maureen White `64
Patricia White `75*
Judith and Ronald Whitham
P`09 `10 `13
David and Marie Whiting
Marilyn Wilburn
Jeanne and Matthew Williams P`12
June Wright
Xaverian Brothers High School
Giving By Constituency
Board of Directors 2009–2010
We are pleased to note that all members of the Board of Directors made a
gift to the Academy this past fiscal year.
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN `69
Michael Bevilacqua P`08
Stephen A. Brown P`04 `06 `08 `13
Sister Edie Daly SNDdeN
Sister Mary Farren, SNDdeN
Jennifer Merrigan Fay `85
Jeanne M. Higgins `83
Thomas Hoffman P`06
Donna Milani Luther `70
Rashaun Jamall Martin
Paul Mulligan P`99
Colleen Nevin `89
Robin McCarthy Pelissier `77
Tabitha LaFarge Ross `91
Daniel Skala CFX
Perry Vieth P`05 `07
1926 Roxbury
Catherine Dewey†
1930 Fenway
80th Reunion Gift
Theresa Mee Stenholm
1932 Roxbury
Kathleen Healy Palmer
1935 Roxbury
75th Reunion Gift
Rosaria Tomasello DeMatteo
1937 Granby Street
Anna McCarthy
1939 Granby Street
Joan McAuliffe
Mary Kelly O’Connell
1940 Granby Street
70th Reunion Gift
Patricia Beatty Delaney
Barbara Gervais Ridg
Mary Curnane Wernig*
1940 Roxbury
70th Reunion Gift
Kathryn Murphy McCabe
Mary McEvilla McLaughlin
1941 Granby Street
Mary Cleary Ronan
Eleanor Kennedy Winn
1941 Roxbury
Dorothy Clarkson Teehan
1942 Roxbury
Marie Cusick
1943 Granby Street
Estate of Gertrude Drey
Louise McInerney Ryder
1944 Granby Street
Elaine Morton Casey Murphy
Regina Harrington CSJ
Marie O’Hara
Dorothea Ryan
Barbara Sturgis
Esta Gendreau Wall
Lois Murdoch Wallace
1944 Roxbury
Mildred Brooks
Angela Carroll Fay
Katherine A. McCluskey
Eleanor Hannigan McKinnon
Eileen Donovan O’Keeffe
vita! winter 2010 | 17
The 2009–2010 President’s Report on Giving
1945 Granby Street
65th Reunion Gift
Jean Sweeney Booth
Gertrude Hackett Cuetara
Helen Brady Drake
Alice Connerney Drew
Marguerite O’Hare McCarthy
Agnes Saunders
1945 Roxbury
65th Reunion Gift
Dorothea Shea Hogan
Elizabeth Shatos Thompson
1946 Granby Street
Mary White
1946 Roxbury
Beatrice Fitzgerald Casey
Claire Dwyer †
Patricia O’Connell Leary
Marie Halpin Madden
Barbara Barry Pogue
1950 Granby Street
60th Reunion Gift
Ursula Cairnes
Maryanne Donoghue Kenary
Mary Patricia Courtney Lyons
Ruth McBride Mullen
Gloria Ford Murphy
Lillian Dyer Murray
Carol Murdoch Power
Joan Curtin Tyrrel
1950 Roxbury
60th Reunion Gift
Maureen Sullivan Carey
Rosemarie Flanagan Cronin
Joan Cunniff Kennedy
Ellen McDonough Good
Alice Moloney Hennessey
Joan Rose Kearns
Joanne Roland McCarthy
Carol Fencer Keppe
Claire Smith
Sheila Wynne
1954 Roxbury
Joyce-Ellen Tulis Kaseta
Joanne Donovan Kelly
Doris Good Marr
Mary Lyons Norton
Claire Sullivan O’Donnell
Sheila Donovan Standring
1955 Roxbury
55th Reunion Gift
Joan Sullivan Bacon
Anne Clancy Botsch
Jane O’Shea Hanley
Sheila Sullivan Henaghan
Deborah Hyland
Ann C. Landers
Mary Quirk McCormick
Ann Kiley Melia
1960 Roxbury Sets New Record!
The Class of 1960 Roxbury, this year’s 50th Reunion Class, outdid itself. Together, they
achieved a new giving participation record. Fifty-seven percent of the class made a gift
to NDA during this milestone year!
Congratulations and thank you to the tireless volunteers who made this possible.
Patricia Walsh McGrath
Barbara Neely
Marguerite Barry Sullivan
Barbara Raftery
Ann Leahy Sheehan
Carole McInnis White
1947 Granby Street
1951 Roxbury
Lois O’Hara
Ruth Murphy Roche
Anne Sullivan Casey
Winifred Doherty
Joan O’Sullivan Gearin
Mary Kelley McCoole
Jacqueline Brawley Sullivan
1947 Roxbury
Mary Appleton Dandrow
Patricia Coughlin Gurevitch
Ann Murray Madigan
1948 Granby Street
Joan White Joyce
1948 Roxbury
Agnes Ralph Anderson
Marion Brooks
Jean O’Flaherty Crossen P’72 ’74 ’77 ’79
Constance Landon Hammond
Frances Cook Patrick
Sally Tully P`88
1952 Granby Street
Ann White
1952 Roxbury
Anne Lyons Carty
Dorothy Davock McDermott
Elizabeth Furze Trask
Regina Strain Venditto
1953 Granby Street
Kathleen Walsh Leary
Rita Greene Sullivan
1949 Granby Street
1953 Roxbury
Claire Mitchell Hanlon
Claire O’Connell McAuliffe
Carolyn Hardy Block
Margaret Breen Falcone
Mary Teresa Kelleher SNDdeN
Mary L. Lennon
Marylou Hession Sewall
1949 Roxbury
Elizabeth Cifrino
Patricia Langan Fisher
Louise Fogarty Kenneally
Geraldine Martin Kennedy
Monica Harrington McCafferty
Joan McMahon
1954 Granby Street
Carolyn Nash Blair
Mary Ryder Cavanaugh
Mary Ellen Monahan Curtis GP `11
Eleanor Breen Moynihan
Sarah Reilly
Adrienne Savage
Barbara Hobin Zielinski
1956 Roxbury
Margaret Walsh Brauer
Madeline Rosati Brown
Rosemary Holland Burke
Ruth Barry Cox P`90
Judith Klein Etheredge
Elaine Hayden Farrand
Carol Klein
Mary Geraldine Fitzpatrick Messina
Elaine McNulty Sullivan
Marie Trask
1957 Roxbury
Mary A. Carty
Patricia Salmon Cronin
Elynor Hartley Harrington
Maureen McKenna Horn
Patricia White Hull
Mary Brambilla McFarland
Elizabeth Good Wadden
1958 Roxbury
Mary Pat Kelly Bartsch
Elizabeth Conn
Joanne McCorkle Edwards
Anne Reardon Gildea
Ann Morrison SNDdeN
Austine Burke O’Connor
Brenda Lewey Russo
Ann Mullaney Skelly
Mary Louise Stebbins
Rosemary Dervan Sullivan
Mary Ellen Waggett Taylor
Adele Urbsas
Mary Ellen Kneizys Voytek
1959 Roxbury
Mary Courtney Alfano PhD
Ann Doolin Chizauskas P`89
Regina Cotter
Mary Fleming
Marilyn McIntyre LaRosa
Marie McElaney Linz
Rosemary Sheehan Loughlin
Ruth Hanson Lutts P`86 `92 `96
Dorothea Conway O’Connell
Gertrude Sheehan Williams
1960 Roxbury
50th Reunion Gift
Mary McCarthy Bivins
Mary Blood
Mary Sheehan Cahill
Virginia Dunn Cahill
Claire Campo
Judith Greene Coady
Frances Lawler Conley
Marilyn McCluskey Cummings
Dorothy Dempsey Daly
Susan Linn DiNatale
Mary J. Drinkwater
Kathleen Izzo Dyer
Anne Madden Fancelli
Helen Bennett Gerty
Janice Jennette Giambanco
Margaret McCusker Gillis
Maria Ristagno Keller
Janet Carney Lagace
Eileen Dervan McDonnell
Kathleen Kunz McQueeney
Jeanne Ryan Messmer
Kathleen Moriarty
Cornelia Cronin Noonan
Jane Kennedy Ragab
Celine Richardson
Barbara Drew Roper
Catherine Bohld Sacco
Julianne DeFranzo Salamone
Elaine Power Schneider
Margaret Bushlow Shea
Mary Conway Stewart
Margaret Ierardi Vogel
Pauline Mayr White
1961 Roxbury
Mary McGivern Bell P`88 `97 `03
Mary Curran Doyle
Patricia McCann Egan
Mary Gillen McElroy P`03
Theresa C. McLoud MD
Ellen Curley O’Brien
Elaine Ryan Pearson
Louise Scanlon-Oberg P`96 `00
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect all gifts to NDA between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement with any errors or omissions.
1962 Roxbury
Maria Anastasi
Jane Good Everett
Evelyn Brawley Hardiman
Rosemary Bennett MacQuarrie
Janice Gallagher Norris
Ellen Lawlor Ugi
Jeanne Gemmel Wasson
Donna Milani Luther
Patricia Shaughnessey Noone
Cheryl Meade Pacella
Deborah Petrell
Elizabeth Dorn Snow
Jo-Ann Messina Stadelmann
Jane Truelove
Sandra Wysong Deneault P`94 `95 `98
Kathleen Kane
Maureen Murphy
Kathleen Torsney Young
Jane M. Branca-Wallace
Susan Leahy
Betsy Hamel Lussier
Rosanne O’Brien
Carol Cote Schneider
1964 Roxbury
Ellen Pierce Mirabile
Patricia Golding Paolucci
Maureen White
Rita Barry
Jane Malloy Corry P`00
Katherine Fogarty
Susan Fuller
Patricia Goggin Nestor P`07 `10
1963 Roxbury
1965 Roxbury
45th Reunion Gift
Eileen Condon Callanen
Ann Boyle Camera
Ann O’Malley Casey
Dorothy Madden Dunford
Nancy Edwards
Virginia McViney Flynn
Laraine Lamond Frisbee
Paula Guerra Gralinski
Marylou Gens Greene
Kathleen Scanlon Henningson
Elaine Cawley Hill
Pamela Tullock Keefe
Kathleen Curran Kelley
Cornelia Kelley-LaCambria
Katie Kenneally Kelly
Mary Mulvoy Lofty
Melissa Nichols-Goldstein
Judith Cummings Settana
Deborah Gross Simonds
Mary Ann Stanford McCulley
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan P`06
Megan Tonderys Bearce P`03 `06
Adrienne Cote
Maryellen Dever
Mary Knasas
Elizabeth O’Hare
Joanne Knasas Pretti P`05
Kathleen Reardon Boyd
35th Reunion Gift
Kerry Gilmore Burke P`09
Erin Haley Bush
Kathleen Duffy-Dicarlo
Marguerite Hamel-Nardozzi
Jacquelyn O’Sullivan
Paula Carroll Pozniak P`11 `13
Maureen Sullivan
Patricia White
Kathleen Fleming
Anne Malone SNDdeN
Regina Aries
Jane Dever-Barry
Maryanne Ahern Donald
Kathryn Anastasia
Francesca Eastman
Nancy Doyle Graham P`88 `91 `93
Patrice Carroll
Ellyn Sartucci Dunford
Susan Karle Ferguson
Ellen Ferriter McAllister P`11
Mary Spatola McCourt
Robin McCarthy Pelissier
Barbara Ratto
Julie Lamb Rice
Susan Cronin Robinson P`10
Joan Murphy McCarthy
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN
Constance A. Coleman
Virginia M. Hamel
Margaret McMorrow Love
Janet Keefe Parnes
Patricia Costello Quintiliani
Daryl O’Donnell Ramsey
Paula Smith
Paula Robison Towne P`99
40th Reunion Gift
Mary Barry
Barbara Desmond Cox
Eleanore Gately
Marie Driscoll Hanlon
† deceased
Kelli Rose Calhoun
Anita Horne Lawlor
Pamela Short Pedonti
Grace Cotter Regan
Julie Sullivan Sorgi P`06 `08 `13
Deirdre Daley Nectow
Kathleen Cogliano
Bold = 5+ consecutive years of giving
Diane Duggan
Diane Fee P`14
Cathleen Twohig
Patricia Sullivan Kennedy P`10
Kathleen Coyte Manley
Jennifer Clary Rohnstock P'12
Stephanie Burzyk Walling
30th Reunion Gift
Jennifer Mullare Cedrone
Colleen Wyse Chave P`13
Heather Stevens Freedman
Monica Landry
Brenda Madden
Carolyn L. Rein
Andrea Seddon
Kathleen Ahern
Regina Toland Bender P`10 `14
Elizabeth Bonome
Pamela Carroll
Cynthia Giordani Ciardello
Jennifer Killian Cyrs
Maureen Hanley-Lynch
Cheryl Vozzella Keller
Annemarie Lynch Kenneally P`13
Maura Landry Bayliss
Eileen Leary
Michelle McGee
Donna Mullen
Patricia Foynes Roach P`09 `11
Kelly Condon Scrivner
Mary O’Keefe Silveira
Sara Smithson
Shelagh Foley Sullivan
Anne O’Loughlin Tirrell
Kelly Dunn Turner
Sally Hutchinson Burke
Christine Colella
Jeralyn Czarniak Cremone MD P`12
Catherine Hayes-Duffey
Mary McHugh McKelvey P`13
Susan Gordon McLeod P`10
Margaret Sheehan Norton P`12
Lauren Murphy Tobin P`11
Elaine Bailey White
Laura Buchanan Woodward
Laura Gaffney Brusca
Mary Doherty
Diane O’Brien Gaudet P`12 `14
Deirdre King Hainsworth PhD
Jeanne Higgins
Elizabeth McKenna Leonard
Julie Knight Maier
Margaret Kenneally O’Neil
Karen Brumbaugh Sharland
Maureen Colella Cataudella DMD
Kristin Keegan Hunt P`12 `14
Jennifer McDermott Lance
Mary Gallagher Piccirillo
Maura Rowley-Himelrick
Anne Boluch Vegnani
25th Reunion Gift
Denise Dilley Boll
Nancy Losordo Clinton
Tracy Connelly Cutting
Jennifer Merrigan Fay
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Christine Deminico Graziano
Sabrina Wilks Khan
Mary Beth Autio Blanchard
Maureen Cahill
Anne Marie Clogston
Danette Colella MD
Emily Beaton Cournoyer
Heather Stevens Cronin
Nancy Holt
Patricia Hart Kelly
Gael Mullaly Kourafas
Allison Lamb
Jennifer Miskel McMahon
Heather Ward
Maura Bell Boucher
Alicia Caron
Celia Corkery Civello
Amy Graham Delaney
Anne Park Dobrzynski MD
Kristen Landry
Kimberly Costas Mellen
Anna Beaton Murphy
Sarah Small Titus
Heather Mooney Bastardi
Stephanie Batchelder Buckley
Kathleen Rowley Colin
Eileen DeGraan Flaherty
Colleen Knight Harvey
Ann Furlong Luukko
Jennifer Harrington Lyden
Heather Gartland Mensching
Colleen Nevin ESQ
Trisha Erwin Stravin
Nicole Merrigan Ackerman
Kristen Cosman
Mary-Jennifer Marino Hanlon
Marie McDonnell MD
Kelly McGrath
Joanne Doyle Petrongolo
Erica Burzyk Arcand
Eileen McDonnell Casciari
Kerrie Manning Coughlin
Joyce Donadio
Tara Joy-Connelly
Tabitha LaFarge Ross
Cheryl Arlanson Russo
Kathleen Walsh
Kathleen Devin Dauphinais
vita! winter 2010 | 19
The 2009–2010 President’s Report on Giving
Jennifer Kate Willett Duggan
Kerriann Kennedy Cronan
Amy Loughlin
Therese Santoro Schaffer
Deirdre Fleming Shea
Mary Clark Coffey
Pamela Hynes Hayden
Allison Shea Wolosz
Traci Anastas
Erin Wall Brighton
Maureen Kelly Burgess
Sheila Elledge Courtney
Meredith Curran Desharnais
Eileen Fewer-White
Andrea Fleming
Aileen Giovanello
Jennifer Mackin Gustafson
Tricia E. Hurley
Tia Gardner Ivanko
Allison Landry Juba
Heather Mahoney McDonnell
Erin Clarke Mohr
Claire Paglierani-Banks
Molly Halloran Sacco
Christine McDonnell Smoragiewicz
Caitlin Webb
Kelly Manning Collins
Tracy L. Flynn
Marianne Kroha
Shannon P. Miller
Whitney A. Wise-Lloyd
M.E. Puzo Bailey
Kameelah Benjamin-Fuller
Heather Oberg Brown
Luiza Nanu Pellerin
Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey
Jennifer Schraut
Karen E. Adams
Elizabeth R. Coyte
Erin B. Fontana
Kathryn Quinn Miller
Jacqueline Barow Natale
Eileen Bell Tran
Julie A. Briggs Brown
Jacki A. Borden Connery
Jessica S. Consilvio
Nicollette Reilly Disch
Claire Duffy-Finn
Kristin R. Elder
Julie M. Fitzgerald Farley
Allison Quinn Guido
Lindsay Deneault Hobart
Holly Langmeyer Sullivan
Ana C. Ulchak
Caitlin Sullivan Crowther
Catherine A. Fawls
Meghan O’Brien Girard
Julianne Leary
Laura Morrison
Meghan E. Murphy
Erin J. O’Connor
Lauren Parlee
Ashley Peterson
Vanessa M. Rodriguez
Meghan K. Spillane
Caroline A. Stebbins
Susan Adams
Lyndsay Bennett
Carolyn Launie
Courtney Murray Russillo
Virginia Sopyla
Lauren Tighe
Hilary Habershaw
Andrea Leahy
Morgan Peterson
Catherine Spatola
Caroline Bradley
Kaitlin Burek
Rachel Marshall
Elizabeth Morrison
Kathryn Pinch
Caitlin L. Bearce
Katherine T. Bell
Moira E. Brady
Caroline E. Cahill
Meredith P. Daly
Lauren E. Faherty
Lindsey Gatto Harr
Rachel A. McElroy
Molly A. Connolly
Jennifer Ioli
Laura C. Maguire
Danielle M. McCarthy
Bridget E. Murray
Susan E. Spring
Kathleen E. Wasiolek
Alison Woods
Sunflower Society
The Sunflower Society celebrates
any alumna who makes a gift to the
Academy before her fifth reunion.
Meaghan A. Cassidy
Margaret M. Ashur
Meagan E. Dwyer
Mary M. Gaughan
Julie A. Gilbody
Emily R. Greene
Jennifer D. Kane
Lynne M. Shea
Stephanie M. Tetreault
Alyssa M. Williams
Colleen E. Kelly
Christina Moniz
Maura C. Monahan
Molly A. Lunn
Emily F. Finn
Margaret A. Holland
Christine Letsche
Rachel B. Sederberg
Students play an important role in
supporting the Academy through the
Heritage Scholarship raffle. We are
pleased to recognize current students
who made gifts in addition to selling
their raffle tickets.
Elizabeth Bisio `10
Mary Gilcoine `10
Katherine Lunny `10
Corinne Manning `10
Jessica Nevins `11
Jacquelyn Polito `13
Alyson Stickney `11
Caitlin Tulio `11
Joanne and Alexander Adkins P`11
Corey and Daniel Axelson P`11
Virginia and Michael Ayers MD P`13
Elizabeth and Mark Baker P`10
Rosemarie and Bradley Baker P`06 `10
Nancy and Charles Baragwanath
P’12 ’14
Cynthia and John Barney P`10
Christine and Patrick Barrett P`13
Wendy and Michael Barrett P`12 `14
Donna and Edward Bartlett P`11
Margaret and Arthur Beecher P`10
Regina Toland Bender `80 P`10 `14
Nicole and Derek Bennett P`11
Lisa and Raymond Bisio P`10
Ann and Robert Bizak P`12
Mary and Brian Blanchette P`13
Vilija and Daniel N. Bonda P`11
Annmarie and Paul Bouzan
P`06 `09 `12
Marybeth and George Bradley P`12
Janice and Frank Bridgeman P`13
Cynthia Catri and Philip Brown P`10
Cynthia and Roger Brown P`12
Sheila and Stephen Brown
P`04 `06 `08 `13
Laura and Steven Bruce P`13
Julie and Paul Burke P`10 `14
Maureen and Joseph Burton P`10
Susan and Kevin Butler P`11
Susan and Thomas Cadigan P`11
Claire and Donal Cahill P`11
Mary and James Cahill P`03 `13
Mary Ellen and Michael Cahill P`13
Renee and Thomas Carmody P`13
Barbara and Bradford Caron P`12
Nina and George Carrick P`12
Stephen Carrier P`13
Diane and James Casey P`09 `12
Noreen and George Cataldo P`11 `13
Colleen Wise Chave `86 and William
Chave P`13
Ho and Min Chen P`10
Sabrina and Patrick Chilcott P`11
Laura and Michael Clancy P`13
Suzanne and Andrew Clark P`11
Barbara K. Cochran P`07 `11
Anne and Frank Collins P`10
Jennifer and Michael Collins P`12 `14
Ann and Thomas Comeau P`13
Mary Ellen and Kieran Comer P`12
Lauren and John Concannon P`13
Shawna and James Connor P`13
Paula and Matthew Connors P`11
Karen Constantino P`11
Tracy and Brian Constantino P`10
Joan and John Conte P`13
Lori and Russell Corner P`13
Tamera and Stephen Cosaro P`13
Brenda and John Costa MD P`12
Jeralyn Czarniak Cremone MD `81 and
Robert Cremone P`12
Mary and Daniel Cross P`11
Mary and John Crossen P`10
Colleen and Daniel Cudgma P`13
Carolyn and Lawrence
Cunningham P`12
Ellen and William Curley P`10
Susan and James Curtis P`06 `11 `13
Maureen and Mark Daley P`13
Christine and Richard Dalton P`13
Paula and Donald Dickinson P`10
Diane and Michael Dipietrantonio P`13
Elizabeth and Joseph Donahue P`11
Kimberly and Hugh Donovan P`05 `13
Patricia and Leo Donovan OD P`10
Amy and Michael Dorsey P`12
Sarah and Paul Drury P`13
Karen and Richard Dubois P`12
Eileen and Thomas Dunn P`13
Nora Dziegielewski P`08 `13
Beverly and Brian English P`11
Diane and Douglas Farrington P`11
Maureen and Michael Feely P`11
Maureen and Gary Ferreira P`12
Elizabeth and Joseph Ferreri P`13
Marie and Patrick Flaherty P`10 `13
Tammy and Mark Forsberg P`10
Donna and James French P`11
Ellen and Robert Garrow P`10 `12 `14
Michelle and Pelino Gasbarro P`06 `10
Diane O’Brien Gaudet `83 and Edward
Gaudet P`12 `14
Debra and William Gilcoine P`10 `11
Melinda and William Gildea P`13
Elizabeth and Daniel Gillen P`10
Paula and Celestino Goncalves P`11
MaryEllen and Hugh Gorman P`11 P`13
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect all gifts to NDA between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement with any errors or omissions.
Dorothy and Terry Green P`12
Julie and Gregory Douglas PhD
P`06 `09 `12
Joanne and James Hajjar P`13
Rita and Joseph Hajjar P`13
Alayna and Jonathan Hanlon P`12
Kimberly and Mark Hannon P`12
Kerry and Gerald Hayes MD P`13
Laurie and Michael Hayes P`11
Elizabeth and Paul Healey P`13
Lorraine and Mark Healy P`12
Tara and Stephen Healy P`13
Christine and Raymond
Hennessey P`11
Eileen and Thomas Henry P`10 `12
Margaret and Robert Hillman P`10
Lillian and Jon Holbrook P`12
Catherine and Joseph Hult P`13
Kristin Keegan Hunt `84 and James
Hunt P`12 `14
Bridget and Michael Jaklitsch MD P`13
Tricia and Scott Johnson P`13
Susan Kelley P`12
Patricia and Robert Lesenechal P`13
Patricia and Paul Letsche P`09 `11 `14
Yvonne and Pingkuen Leung P`12
Kristen and William Liddell P`11
Laura and Joseph Lipinski P`10
Susan and Scott Love P`11 `13
Pamela and Christopher Lueck P`13
Therese and Thomas Lunny P`10
Joan and Glenn Lydon P`13
Ruth and Kevin MacEachern P`11
Karen and Richard MacKay P`10
Cynthia and Michael MacQueen P`12
Ann and Robert Maguire P`12
Katherine and Brian Maher P`13
Joan and John Malloy P`11
Nan-Marie Jaeger and Richard
Manning P`08 `10
Sheree and Damian Marciante P`10
Linda and Daniel Mardeusz P`12
Helen Marrone P`13
Ellen Ferriter McAllister `77 and
Kevin McAllister P`11
Eileen and Michael McAuley P`12
Deidre and Mark Kelly P`11
Mary and Charles Kelly MD P`11
Annemarie Lynch Kenneally `80 and
Kevin Kenneally P`13
Patricia Sullivan Kennedy `79 and
Michael Kennedy P`10
Margaret and Jeffrey Kent P`10
Ann and Michael Kiceluk P`13
Sandra and William Kirsch P`08
Jennifer and Scott Knobloch P`02 `13
Patricia and Steven Kupsc P`11
Joanne Lacey P`13
Denise and James Laiosa P`11
Gloria and George Landry P`13
Suzanne and John Landry P`11
Sheila and Timothy Landy P`12
Geraldine Leahy P`11
Ann and Donald Lee P`13
Deborah and Peter Lee P`12 `14
Mary and Thomas Lee P`11
Norma and Benjamin Leong P`10 `12
Mary and James McCarthy P`10
Kimberly and Robert McClelland
P`08 `12 `13
Mal and Robert McCunney MD P`13
Maureen and Christopher
McElgunn P`11
Sandra and Steven McGunigle P`11
Mary McHugh McKelvey `81 and
James McKelvey P`13
Susan Gordon McLeod `81 and
Richard McLeod P`10
Claire and Timothy McManus P`00 `11
Catherine and John McNamara P`13
Sharon and Mark McNamara P`13 `14
Maureen and Thomas McNulty P`10
Beth and Kevin McQuaid P`11
Cheryl and Edward Mekjian P`12
Jennifer and Richard Miller P`13
Tracy Miner P`13
Cynthia and John Moran P`10
Jennifer and Jason Morgan P`13
† deceased
Bold = 5+ consecutive years of giving
Katherine and Curt Morley P`12 `13
Catherine and Sean Morrissey P`11
Deirdre and Jeffrey Morton P`10 `12
Lynne and John Murney P`12
Bonnie and Sean Murphy P`10
Carrie and James Murphy P`13
Janet and Raymond Murphy P`11
Mary and Joseph Murray P`12
Catherine and Robert Murray P`13
Leo Neenan P`13
Annie and Carl Nelson P`14
Patricia Goggin Nestor`72 and Paul
Nestor P`07 `09
Roberta and Daniel Nevins P`11
Margaret and David Nolan P`12
Brigid McCue and John
Nonnamaker P`12
Margaret Sheehan Norton `81 and
Michael Norton P`12
Malee and Michael Nuesse P`09 `11
Christine and William O’Brien P`13
Brenda and James O’Connell P`10
Gayle and Daniel O’Connell P`11
Mary and Kevin O’Connor P`12
Patricia and Finbarr O’Donovan P`12
Eileen and John O’Leary GP`10 `12
Michele and Robert O’Leary MD P`13
Pamela and Edward O’Leary P`11
Catherine and Victor Ona P`13
Amy and Glen Openshaw P`11 `12
Charlene and Stephen O’Sullivan P`11
Catherine and Marc Oullette P`12
Joanne and Mark Owen P`13
Janet and David Page P`12
Deana Palombo P`13
Elizabeth Cronin Pappano PhD P`11 `14
Maryellen and Mark Paradise P`13
Paula and Gary Parker P`11
Roberta Pellant P`12
Dorothy and Kenneth Pentheny P`12
Roxana and Joseph Perry P`13
Maureen and Dwight Peterson
P`03 `05 `11 `13
Kitty and Timothy Pinch P`02 `07 `12
Jacqueline and Michael Poliseno P`11
Maria and Steven Powell P`12
Julia and Thomas Powers P`12
Paula Carroll Pozniak `75 and Frank
Pozniak P`11 `13
Jacqueline and Thomas Quinn P`12
Collette and Thomas Rajotte P`12
Karen and Francis Ratto P`11 `13
Linda and James Reichardt P`13
Maryann and Robert Ridge P`11 `14
Mary and Timothy Rinaldi P`13
Barbara and Charles Rizzo P`12
Patricia Foynes Roach `80 and Richard
Roach P`09 `11
Marla and David Robinson P`11
Susan Cronin Robinson`77 and
Francis Robinson P`10 `12
Joanne and Daniel Roche P`10
Lisa and James Roche P`12
Jennifer Clary Rohnstock `85 and
Michael Rohnstock P`12
Pamela and David Sanderson P`12
Mary and Lawrence Schrall P`11
Kristen and Paul Schwartz P`13
Mary and Hugh Sease P`11
Kathleen and Keith Shea P`11
Diane and Thomas Shipp MD P`13
Leah and Scott Siereveld P`11
Carole and William Simmons P`13
Jane and Michael Smeglin P`10
Mary and Mark Smith P`13
Michelle and Richard Smith P`13
Lorraine and Gregory Sophis P`13
Julie Sullivan Sorgi `78 and David
Sorgi P`06 `08 `13
Kathleen and Charles Spurr P`12
Patricia and Douglas Squires P`10
Monica and Joseph Steeves P`11 `13
Patricia and Joseph Stefaniak P`10
Christine and Leo Stickney P`11`13
Mary and Edward Stokinger P`13
Lisa and Sean Stover P`12
Judith and Frank Strauss P`13
Nancy and Oswald Street P`10
Darlene Curley-Sullivan and Frederick
Sullivan P`13
Virginia and John Sullivan P`10 `12
Kathleen Sullivan P`09 `11
Christine and Steve Sypek P`13
Nancy and Sean Teague P`08 `13
Christine and Bruce Tobin P`10
Lauren Murphy Tobin `81 and David
Tobin P`11
Nancy Tobin P`10
Karon and Robert Tombari P`11
Maureen and Nicholas Trifone P`13
Deborah and Charles Usher P`13
Danute Vaiciulonis P`10
Patricia and Christopher Valente
P`05 `13
Christine and Anthony Varano P`13
Judy and Thomas Varney P`13
Deborah and Michael Vazza P`13
Julie and Stephen Venturelli P`11
Marie and Ronald Villani P`09 `11
Carole and Santino Vitale P`11
Diane and Paul Vo P`12
Alice Cook and Patrick Voke P`10
Gail Von Drashek P`11
Andrea Wade P`11
Roger W. Wade P`11
Karen and Charles Walker P`12
Patricia and Francis Walsh P`09`11
Patricia and Joel Weber P`10
Kimberly and Theodore
Weckbacher P`14
Christina Macvicar-Welch and Michael
Welch P`11
Holly and Christopher Wenger MD
P`12 `14
Judith and Ronald Whitham
P`09 `10 `13
Susan and Brian Whitley P`11
Julie and Cary Whitmore P`13
Jeanne and Matthew Williams P`12
Laura and Dwayne Wilson P`11 `13
vita! winter 2010 | 21
The 2009–2010 President’s Report on Giving
Jean and John Wojner P`08 `12
Antoinette and John Wojtasinski P`10
Patti Ann and Norwin Wolff P`12
Leona and William Wong P`12
Diana Woodbury P`13
Rhonda and John Zaniewski P`08 `10
Jeanne and Robert Zoebisch P`13
Irene and Gerald Zoppi P`10
Medallion Parents
The following parents continue to
support NDA after their daughters’
Elizabeth and Richard Adams P`07
Paula and Richard Ahl P`08
Lynne and Blake Artz P`06
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker P`88
Mary and John Barr P`09
Donna and Edward Bartlett P’01 ’05 ’11
Megan Tonderys Bearce `74 and
William Bearce III P`03 `06
Mary McGivern Bell `61 and Matthew
Bell P`88 `97 `03
Ann and Michael Bevilacqua P`08
Patricia Borden P`00 `01 `07
Miriam Brownewall and James Wall
DMD P`94 `95
Janet Brown-Sederberg and James
Sederberg P`09
Kerry Gilmore Burke `75 P`09
Barbara and Richard Campbell P`96
Diane and James Casey P`09 `12
Alice and Bruce Cluett P`03
Margaret and Francis Colpoys P`08
Ruth Barry Cox `56 P`90
Jean O’Flaherty Crossen `48
P`72 `74 `77 `79
Mary and Michael Darling P`99 `02
Theresa and Gary Delaney P`99
Sandra Wysong Deneault `63
P`94 `95 `98
Janet and John Dolan P`02
Kay and Ming Dong P`07
Kimberly and Hugh Donovan P`05 `13
Ann Doolin Chizauskas `59 P`89
Debby and Ross Elder P`98
Sally and James English P`06
Susan and Steven Esielonis P`08
Gina and John Finn P`09
Sheila and Lawrence Foley P`91
Ellen and John Gallagher P`95
Karen and Francis Gaughan P`99
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
Marilyn Gilboy P`92
Nancy Doyle Graham ’68 P’88 ’91 ’93
Michael Griffin P`92
Susanne and Daniel Griffin P’06 ’07 ’08
Catherine and Joseph Harrington P`08
Debra and Thomas Hoffman P`06
Brenda and Geoffrey Hunt P`09
Debbie and James Ioli P`04
Nan-Marie Jaeger and Richard
Manning P`08`10
Elizabeth and Michael Jones P`05
Michele and David Joy P`07 `09
Frances and Harry Keegan
P`84 GP`12 `14
Pamela and Robert J. Kelley P`02
Mary and Thomas Kelly P`02
Catherine and William Kennedy P`09
Sandra and William Kirsch P`08
Jennifer and Scott Knobloch P`02 `13
Patricia Kotoulas P`96
David Landry P`88 `94
Linda Laque P`06 `09
Gail and Charles Lemke P`99
Maura and Shaun Lockett P`08
Ruth Hanson Lutts `59 P`86 `92 `96
Regina and John MacDougall P`09
Rosemary and John MacKinnon
P`88 `92
Mary Gillen McElroy `61 P`03
Judy and Ronald McGann P`01
Claire and Timothy McManus P`00 `11
Maryanne and Peter Merrigan
P`85 `87 `90
Linda and Paul Mulligan PhD P`99
Ivanka and Thomas Murphy P`07
Patricia Goggin Nestor`72 and Paul
Nestor P`07 `10
Maura and Christopher Nevin
P`89 `97
Mary and Austin O’Connor P`09
Sally Oldach P`00
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paone P`02
Jeanne and Paul Paquin P`05 `09
Margaret and Leonard Pepe P`07
Karen and Richard Peterson P`01
Joanne Knasas Pretti `74 and Brian
Pretti P`05
Christine and Michael Puzo
P`96 `98 `04
Maureen Regan P`01
Dianne and Thomas Reilly
P`98 `00 `09
Karen and Peter Santilli P`08
Louise Scanlon-Oberg `61 P`96 `00
John Shaughnessy Sr. P`76 `80
GP`02 `09 `12
Marie and Robert Shaughnessy P`09
Elaine and William Shields P`01
Sandra and Uldis Sipols P`08
Lisa Degiacomo Smith and James
Smith P`97 `07
Eileen and Alexander Sopyla P`00
Patricia and Michael Spatola P`02 `09
Mary and Thomas Stenson P`09
Marie and Paul Stewart P`08
Nancy and Sean Teague P`08 `13
Paula Robison Towne `69 P`99
Carol and Paul Troy P`91 `94
Sally Finnerty Tully `48 P`88
Patricia and Christopher Valente
P`05 `13
Sheila and Perry Vieth P`05 `07
Patricia and John Vlassakis P`03
Maribeth and Scott Wahle P`02 `03
Elaine and Joseph Williams P`06
Nancy and William Wise Jr. P`95
We are grateful for the involvement
of our grandparents. If you have a
granddaughter at NDA, please contact
the Office of Institutional Advancement
so we can update our records.
Mary Ellen Monahan Curtis `54 GP `11
Frances and Harry Keegan
P`84 GP`12 `14
Eileen and John O’Leary GP`10 `12
John Shaughnessy Sr. P`76 `80
GP`02 `09 `12
Lisa Fina Abel
Nancy Adams
Kristen and Keith Anderson
Jennifer M. Arnason-Mason
Robert and Linda Austin
Ann and William Barres
Donal Barry
John Barry
Deborah V. Bentrup
Theresa M. Bostaph
Marie Bouton
Mary Beth and Edward Burns
Patricia Butler SNDdeN
Marie L. Callahan
Paul Callahan
Margaret and James Canny
George Carter
Karen Cauthorne
Ann Dare Cavanaugh and Bernard
Patricia and David Chadbourne
Col. Charles Chamberlain
Thomas Champine
Kathryn and Stephen Collins
Lauren B. Conn
April and William Cornett
Jennifer and William Costello
William Cox
Marie Cronin
Carol and John Crosslin
Jennifer Curtis-Whipple
Donald Dacier
Sandra and Leslie Damon
Birgit and Stephen Danckert
Julie Dardano
Julie and Donald Deems
Maureen Devoe
MaryAnn and James DiBona
Anne and Michael Dixon
Claire and Edward Donahue
Martin J. Drilling
Shawn Driscoll
John Dwyer
Andrew Edelman
Elizabeth Edgerly
Helen G. Edwards
Maureen R. Emmons
RJ and Stacie Feely
James O. Fennessey
Patrice and Mark Fitzgerald
Laura and Douglas Foley
Benjamin B. Fowke
Erik Peter Frantzen
Mary Frugoli
Margaret Gallagher
Jack Garrity
Tracy and Timothy Garvey
Janis and Vincent Gately
Brian Gaughan
Thomas Gaughan
Adam J. Gelinas
Linda and William Genovese
Dorothy Gill
Carolyn and John Gillis
Ellen Golden
Rosemarie Grady
Kathleen and Kenneth Gray
Roberta and Edward Grimes
S. John Hajjar
Barbara and Joseph Hancock
Rose and Richard Hayes
Rita and Paul Healey
Helen and Richard Hickey
Elizabeth Highfield
Mary and Paul Hillson
Christine and Michael Hoadley
Cheryl Holmes
Cynthia Hugh
Barbara and Michael Hurley
Sharon and David Hurley
Marie Anne Jacobs
Maria and Mark Jenkins
Brian Joyce
James Judge
Jacqueline Kilraine
Kathleen Kimball
Kelley Kivior
Susan Knowles
Mary Kreckie
Linda Leahy
Kathleen and Peter Leneweaver
Dorothy Leptich
Laura and Christopher Lewis
Jeanne and James Longo
Lisa and Kenneth Lyons
Kathy and Greg Maccune
Patricia Macello
Robert T. Madden
Joanne and Dennis Mahoney
Linda and Philip Mahoney
Sheryl Mardeusz
Greg and Sara Marino
Charles and Marie Marquardt
Shirley May
Virginia Mayhew
Francis McArdle
Nancy and Robert McCarthy
Estate of Roger McCormick
Peter McDonald DMD
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect all gifts to NDA between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement with any errors or omissions.
Dorothea McDonough
Jennifer McDonough
Mary and John McDonough
Ronald McGann
MaryPat and John McMahon
John McQuillan
Noreen and David Mirabito
Mary and James Mohan
Doris Montgomery
Susan Moran
Joan Morton
Claire Mullin
Jacqueline Murphy
NDA Alumnae Association
NDA Boosters
NDA Class of 2010
Margaret and Paul Norton
Sisters of Notre Dame Ipswich
Amy Novikoff
Roberta and John O’Donnell
Donna Osborne
Ann Marie and John Parker
Alice and Joseph Parker
Debra and Jeffrey Patuto
Nancy Peguero
Nicole Pirello
Judith and Donald Plumb
Kimberley Poliseno
Matthew H. Power
Thomas Puppa
Elaine and Thomas Rando
J. Calder Smoot Reardon
Judith Rhodes
Valerie and Christopher Robertson
Joanne and Paul Rojee
Richard Rougeau
Beth and Todd Ryan
William Ryan
Leanne Ryanne
Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson
Margaret Sellon
Kristen Shields
Joanne and James Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Lea Sorgi
Amy Teehan
Elizabeth Thompson
James Thompson
Frank Tobin
Judith Trostel
Melissa and Jason Trulby
Hilary Habershaw Valentine
Paula and Thomas Vangel
Mr. and Mrs. Verano
Marie Villani
Ana Villegas
David and Marie Whiting
Karon and Andrew Wierman
Patricia and Roger Wong
June Wright
Michael Young
† deceased
Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff have always played an
important role in supporting NDA. The
following list includes those who made
gifts as well as those who sold Heritage
Scholarship raffle tickets.
Lynne Artz P`06
Jane Ayer
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN `69
Mary Janice Bartolo SNDdeN
Susanne Beldotti
Christopher Bianchi
Patricia Bologna
Donna Brickley
Miriam Brownewall P`94 `95
Linda Cahill
Denise Capitummino
Kate Carter
Kathleen Rowley Colin `89
Marie St. Barbara Connolly SNDdeN
Charlotte Elizabeth Cheyne
Robert Darling
Theresa Delaney P`99
Joan Delany
Sarah Dowden
Antoinette Fidler
Bobbie Finn
Lynn Page Flaherty
Erin B. Fontana `97
Anne Marie Gean
Rosemarie Gentile
Marilyn Gilboy P`92
Michael Goldman
Robert T. Groover
Lindsey Gatto Harr `03
Karen Hawthorne
Paul Himelrick
Marie Hoy
Rita Hurley
Constance Hyder
Steven Joyce
Richard Kates
Patricia Kotoulas P`96
Michael R. Kreckie
Linda Laborde
Linda Laque P`06 `09
Maura Lockett P`08
Rosemary MacKinnon P`88 `92
Romina Magner
Marie Marchesiani
Lisa Marder
Marianne Martin
Thomas E. Martin
Gina Mathews
Maureen Meyer
Kathryn Quinn Miller `97
Barbara Mitchell
Linda Muller
Janet Murphy P`11
Maura Norton
Rosemary Parise
Margaret Pepe P`07
Joan Perrault
Mary Perry
Susan Pratt
Lisa Rafferty
Bold = 5+ consecutive years of giving
A New Look
This September, students returned to NDA and were
warmly greeted by a renovated dining hall. The
turquoise tiled columns and old tables were gone,
giving way to new floors, increased lighting and brighter
ceiling panels, as well as new tables, chairs, and
re-designed columns.
These extensive renovations were made possible by a
generous donor family. While they prefer not to be
identified, they asked that the space be named in honor
of Saint Julie Billiart. Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN,
president of NDA, shared, “In naming this dining
hall, we remember and honor the legacy of friendship
between the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur cofoundresses, Julie Billiart and Francoise de Bourdon.
This beautiful and welcoming new space fosters a spirit
of friendship and the entire community has benefitted
from this extraordinary gift.”
Our benefactors felt strongly that girls deserve facilities
and resources every bit the equal of those at NDA’s
brother schools. They are strong supporters of women’s
education and want to ensure that our students are
given every opportunity to grow into faith filled, socially
responsible young women.
vita! winter 2010 | 23
The 2009–2010 President’s Report on Giving
Maureen Regan P`01
Carolyn L. Rein `86
Sally Ruscito
Courtney Murray Russillo `00
Karen Santilli P`08
Mary Elizabeth Sheehan SNDdeN
Melissa Scott-Lorentz
Lisa Degiacomo Smith P`97 `07
John Souther
Patricia Spatola P`02 `09
Eiji Tamura
Regina Timmerman
Patricia Toce SNDdeN
Carol Troy P`91 `94
Patricia Vlassakis P`03
Kimberly Weckbacher P`14
Merri Weinberg
Jane Wessen
Marilyn Wilburn
Corporations & Foundations
AAA Rockland
Abe & Louie’s Steak House
Acada Communications LLC
Ace Charitable Foundation
Aftermarket Specialists
Ahold Financial Services
Alden Shoe Company
Allergy and Asthma Associates-South
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Anderson Insulation Co.
Ann Taylor Loft
Aquitaine Dedham
Auto Country, Inc.
Balance Studio / Kellie Lynch
Bank of America Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Banner Systems of Massachusetts
Barnes & Noble Hingham
Bay Point Capital
Bearce Insurance
Bernie and Phyl’s Furniture
Black Rock Matching Gift Program
Boston Duck Tours
Boston Red Sox
Buttonwood Books and Toys
Camilley’s Closet
Catholic Schools Foundation
Commonwealth Soap and
Toiletries Inc.
The Company Theatre Inc.
Robert H. Cook Insurance Agency
Custom Vending
DP Nail Salon
Fairview Inn
Family Fitness
Fernwood Investment Management
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms Inc.
Fruit Center Marketplace
Gannett, Welsh and Kotler
GE Foundation
Google Matching Gifts Program
Gourmet Caterers, Inc.
Habeeb & Associates Architects Inc.
Hajjar’s Auto World
Hanover Orthodontics
Harrington Bros.
Hingham Lumber Company
Hingham Square Needlepoint
In Control Advanced Driver Training
Jefferies & Company Inc.
Jenny Nourse Photography
JLM Studio
Joseph Ingle Bus Service Inc.
Keybank Foundation
King Jewelers Inc.
Kingfish Swimming Inc.
KISS 108
Konditor Meister
La Petite Maison
Lambert’s Garden Center
Lebaron Hills Country Club/Frank Will
Lemon Lime Salon
The Lenox Hotel, Boston
LeVangie Electric Co. Inc.
Lord & Taylor
The Lynch Foundation
Maggie’s Dog House
Marriott Boston/Newton
McCusker-Gill Company Inc.
McNamara Plumbing
Minot Technology Group LLC
Narragansett Bay Insurance Company
National Amusements
Nella Pasta
O’Brien, Riley and Ryan PC
The O’Donovan Corp.
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
On Island Gas Co. Inc.
O’Neil Findings
Lynn Evans for Potpourri Designs
Queen Anne Nursing Home, Inc.
Random House Inc.
REI Matching Gift Program
Robin’s Nest
Rock-o Mantville Foundation
Ross Engineering
The Scarlet Oak
Sean McDonough Charitable
Semi Source Inc.
Signet Electronics
South Shore Natural Science Center
Sprint Foundation
State Street Matching Gift Program
Sullivan Tire
Suzanne’s Home Design LLC
TARGET / Take Charge of Education
TD Bank
Tyco Electronics Matching Gifts
UHY Advisors NE LLC
University of Massachusetts Boston
The Upper Crust Pizzeria
Varsity Books
Verizon Foundation
Vineyard Vines
Weymouth Bank
The Whitney Gordons Inc.
Xaverian Brothers High School
Scholarships in italics received
gifts this past fiscal year.
Asta Aleksonis Scholarship
Alumnae Association Scholarship
Sr. Marie Barry Memorial Scholarship
Brambilla Family Scholarship
Colleen Clancy Memorial Scholarship
Erin and Allison Darling Scholarship
Sr. Eleanor Joseph Delaney Grant
Marie D’Amora Dilley `50 Memorial
Catherine H. Doyle Scholarship
Mary Malloy Duplain Scholarship
Eleanor Falcione Scholarship
Joseph H. Findley Scholarship
Paul and Helen Ganley Scholarship
Brian Gaughan Scholarship
Katherine H. Gaughan Scholarship
Christine Welch Gillis Scholarship
Glennon-Wallace Scholarship
Laura Guidoboni `10 Scholarship
Heritage Scholarship
Kelley Family Attendance Award
Anne Lynch Grant
John H. MacKinnon Scholarship
Margaret A. MacRae Scholarship
Will McDonough Scholarship
Meade-O’Connor-Holt Scholarship
Regina D. Merenda Scholarship
NDA Class of 2009 Scholarship
NDA Class of 2010 Scholarship
Sr. Anne Monica Ruane Scholarship
Elizabeth Shields `01 Scholarship
Jane Drohan Suleski Future
Achievement Award
Heritage Scholarship
Raffle 2009
The annual Heritage Raffle campaign
supports the Heritage Scholarship,
a fund established by students and
faculty in 2002 to provide a four-year
grant to an incoming student.
Top Student Sellers
Eleanor Donahue `11
Maria Costa `12
Kasey McNamara `13
Hannah Poliseno `11
Victoria Smith `13
Jennifer Vo `12
Top Faculty Sellers
Mary Janice Bartolo SNDdeN
Patricia Toce SNDdeN
Kathleen Rowley Colin `89
Kate Carter
Out of the Blue Gala
The Out of the Blue Gala raised
in excess of $100,000 to support
financial aid.
Presenting Sponsors
Elizabeth and Joseph Donahue P`12
Carolyn and Peter S. Lynch
The Pinch Family
Gold Sponsor
Michele and David Joy P`07 `09
Blue Sponsor
UHY Advisors NE LLC
Plaid Sponsors
Allergy & Asthma Associates/ Dr. and
Mrs. John Costa P`12
Dianne and Thomas Reilly P`98 `00 `09
Ann and Michael Bevilacqua P`08
Mary and Brian Blanchette P`13
Lauren and Jack Concannon P`13
Margaret Sheehan Norton `81 and
Michael Norton P`12
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect all gifts to NDA between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement with any errors or omissions.
Gifts in Honor Of
Elizabeth and Mark Baker P`10
Robert H. Cook Insurance Agency, Inc.
Jane Dever-Barry `76
DP Nail Salon
Habeeb & Associates Architects
Hanover Orthodontics
The French Family
Fruit Center Marketplace
Narragansett Bay Insurance
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Queen Annes Nursing Home
TD Bank
The Valente Family
Judy and Tom Varney P`13
Varsity Books
Francesca Eastman `68
Susan and Steve Esielonis P`08
Rita and Kevin Gill P`07
Debbie and Tom Hoffman P`06
Marie Hoy
Denise and James Laiosa P`11
Linda and Paul Mulligan P`99
Thomas and Ivanka Murphy P`07
Susan Pratt
Sally A. Ruscito
Sandy and Uldis Sipols P`08
Lisa Degiacomo Smith and James
Smith P`97 `07
Holly Langmeyer Sullivan '98
Sullivan Tire
Kathleen Torsney Young `63
The individuals listed in blue were
honored this past year when donors
made gifts in their name.
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN `69,
Kathleen Rowley Colin `89, Connie
Hyder and Joan Perrault
At Christmas, NDA faculty and
staff came together to make a gift in
support of financial aid. The gift
was given in honor of NDA’s
administrative team.
Mary Gallagher `95
Ellen and John Gallagher P`95
Katherine Gaughan `99
Margaret Sellon
Karen and Francis Gaughan P`99
Margaret Sellon
Mary Gavigan
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
Kevin Gaughan
Margaret Sellon
Nora Henderson GP’99
Margaret Sellon
Florence Larsen
Margaret Sellon
Mary Hogan Livingston `47R
Mary White `46G
Ann White `52G
Joan Joyce `48G
Sean Flaherty / LPL Financial Services
O’Neil Findings
† deceased
Daniel Graham
Amy Graham Delaney `88
John F. Henderson GP`99
Margaret Sellon
Ellen Marie Hickey SNDdeN
Helen and Richard Hickey
Jennifer Sellon
Margaret Sellon
John Sellon
Margaret Sellon
Gertrude Nolan McCormack `18R
June Wright
Gifts in Memory of
Helen Patcchio
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
AJ Borden P`00 `01 `07
Kay and Ming Dong P`07
Nancy and Richard Staley
Elaine and Joseph Williams P`06
Maura Cluett `03
Custom Vending
The Graham Girls
Carolyn Launie `01 /Ameriprise
Christine Welch Gillis `92
Rock-o Mantville Foundation
Kathleen Logue
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
Funds raised from the 2010 Golf
Tournament supported the NDA
Annual Fund and the Laura
Guidoboni ’10 Scholarship Fund.
Cart Sponsors
Claire Mondor Dwyer`46
Karen Cauthorne
John Dwyer
Susan Knowles
Elaine and Thomas Rando
Brian Gaughan
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
The individuals listed in blue were
honored this past fiscal year when
gifts were made in their memory.
Acada Communications LLC
Aftermarket Specialists
Alden Shoe Company Inc.
Anderson Insulation Inc.
Banner Systems Inc.
Bearce Insurance
Fruit Center Marketplace
Habeeb & Associates Architects
Harrington Bros. Corp.
LeVangie Electric Co. Inc.
NDA Boosters
The Pinch Family
Weymouth Bank
Leo Donovan GP `98 `00 `09 `12
Margaret Sheehan Norton `81 and
Michael Norton P`12
Mary Janice Bartolo SNDdeN
Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey `96
19th Annual Golf
Tournament Sponsors
John Driscoll
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
Rita Carney
Margaret Sheehan Norton `81 and
Michael Norton P`12
Florence Horn Chamberlain `50
Charles Chamberlain
Kenneth Churchill
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
Colleen Clancy `99
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN `69
Brian Gaughan
Karen and Sophie Malikowski
Erin Darling ’99 and Allison Darling ’02
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN `69
Christopher Cardillo
Carol Darling
Mary and Michael Darling P`99 `02
William Fenney
Brian Gaughan
Karen and Sophie Malikowski
Gill Dineen
Kathleen Fenn Gaughan `73 and
Edward Gaughan P`06
Bold = 5+ consecutive years of giving
Joseph Russo
Elaine and Joseph Williams P`06
Elaine Shea P`10
Margaret Sheehan Norton `81 and
Michael Norton P`12
Elizabeth Shields `01
Lauren B. Conn
Martin J. Drilling
Shawn Driscoll
Andrew Edelman
Elizabeth Edgerly
Janis and Vincent Gately
Adam Gelinas
Kathleen and Kenneth Gray
Hilary Habershaw Valentine
Kathleen Kimball
Kingfish Swimming Inc.
Marie and Charles Marquardt
Ronald McGann
Noreen and David Mirabito
Mary and James Mohan
Amy Novikoff
On Island Gas Inc.
Nicole Pirello
J. Calder Smoot Reardon
Richard Rougeau
Sally Ruscito
Elaine and William Shields P`01
Kristen Shields
Judith Trostel
Jane Wessen
Marie and David Whiting
Mark Skelly
Ann Mullaney Skelly `58
Diane Smithson
Sara Smithson `80
Sister Marie St. Catherine Troy
Adele Chapman Urbsas `58
John J. Welch
Margaret and James Canny
Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. William Cox
Anne and Michael Dixon
Dorothy Gill
Carolyn and John Gillis
Ann Grover
Mary and John McDonough
Margaret and Paul Norton
Roberta and John O’Donnell
Alice and Joseph Parker
William Ryan
Margaret Sellon
McAndrew Society
The McAndrew Society honors those
who made NDA part of their legacy
through a planned gift.
Megan Tonderys Bearce `74 P`03 `06
Mary C. Bishop `25†
Agnes Rennie Bryant†
Margaret Corr `38†
Margaret McCabe Curtis `31†
Kathleen Cobb Daly†
Rev. Timothy J. Danahy†
Anna F. Doherty `34†
Gertrude Drey `43†
Mary-Louise Kearney Finigan `32
Jean M. Finneran `76
Jane Maynes Gaddis†
Louise C. Galvin†
Marie Glennon `21†
Adele A. Graf†
Cheryl and Mark Guidoboni P`10
Ida Finn Hackett `19†
Walter D. Howe†
Rose Eilene Kearney `37†
Mary G. Kelley
Carmela F. Lauro†
Adeline H. Leary†
Patricia Raftus MacAskill `41
Donald MacRae†
Mary A. Mahan†
Agnes B. Maloney `24
Madeline McAndrew `26†
Mary Ganley Montanari `71
Florence Roma Murphy†
Frank S. O’Hara†
Mary Owens†
Catherine Hayes Queally `35
Ellenmarie Reade `37†
Helen Ryan `41†
Margaret M. Sallaway†
Mary Dunn Schreiner `29†
Germaine B. Sgarzi†
Marie Noble Stapleton `50
Anne M. Sullivan†
vita! winter 2010 | 25
news received through october 1, 2010
Mary-Louise Kearney Finigan and
her daughter Jane Rakip attended
the Roxbury-Granby Street Luncheon in September at Phillips Old
Colony House. Mary-Louise shared
that NDA continues to play an
important role in her life and she
brought several mementos from
her time as a student at the Roxbury campus including a class
photo and graduation programs.
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Agnes Saunders upon the recent
death of her nephew Edward.
Edward was also the uncle of Elizabeth McCarthy Cardiasmenos ’00.
Elizabeth (Betty) Dyer Soini, longtime Alumnae Association leader,
recently donated her extensive
collection of papers to the NDA
Archives. We are grateful to Betty
for her donation.
Save the date for your 75th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
Mary L. O’Brien was pleased to
attend the Roxbury-Granby Street
Luncheon at Phillips Old Colony
House in September.
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Rosemarie Lynch Sullivan upon
the recent death of her husband
Arthur. Arthur was also the father
of Julie Sullivan Sorgi ’78 and
Maryann Sullivan Macdonald ’83,
as well as the grandfather of
Christina Sorgi ’06, Stephanie
Sorgi ’08, and Rosemary Sorgi ’13.
Save the date for your 70th
Reunion on April 30, 2011.
See page 31 for more details.
class agent
Elizabeth McCarty Grimes
class agent
Eleanor Hannigan McKinnon
Save the date for your 65th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
class agents
Sheila Heffernan Clark
Janet LaPoint Manning
1 Sister Barbara A. Barry,
’69 SNDdeN spoke with
Mary L. O’Brien ’38 and
Mary-Louise Kearney
Finigan ’32 at the RoxburyGranby Street Luncheon.
class agent
Constance Kearney Hanley
2 “Granby Girls” from the
Class of 1954
class agent
Patricia O’Neal Schmitt
Mary Alba Arcelli Shaw sent the
following note to her classmates:
“Hey 49ers! So happy to see you at
the 60th. How is everyone doing?
I am back in Texas enjoying God’s
gifts through my children and 17
grandchildren. How about a note
from you!? And then let’s gear up
for our 65th!”
class agent
Carolyn Nash Blair
Several “Granby Girls” from the
Class of 1954 gathered together for
their regular luncheon this August.
Mary Ellen Curtis reports that
the group had an excellent time
catching up!
Save the date for your 55th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
class agent
Patricia Fagan Arnold
Joanne Roland McCarthy
OIA Note: Kenny Honan
McCurdy’s mother passed away
at age 99 in October. Our condolences to Kenny and her family.
class agents
Anne Clancy Botsch
class agents
class agent
Sheila Sullivan Henaghan
Mary Pat Kelly Bartsch
Adele Chapman Urbsas
class agents
Barbara Gilboy Gillis
class agent
Carol Wynne McDermott
class agent
Rosemary McGee
Save the date for your 60th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
class agent
Position Available
Maureen Murphy McMahon
class agent – granby
Barbara London Ryan
Rita Greene Sullivan
Virginia Burchill Shannon
class agent – roxbury
Gloria Spriano O’Connor
Anne Reardon Gildea
Position Available
class agent
Anne Madden Fancelli
Members of the Class of 1960
enjoyed a mini-reunion at the
Roxbury-Granby Street Luncheon
in September at the Phillips Old
Colony House. The following
alumnae attended: Virginia Dunn
Cahill, Mary Sheehan Cahill,
Kathleen Izzo Dyer, Anne Madden
Fancelli, Janice Jennette Giambanco, Rosemary McCarthy
Gilmartin, Kathleen Davis HeinHansen, Maria Ristagno Keller,
and Jane Ragab.
Maureen White
class agent
class agents
Julie Nesbit Valiton
Jane Dever Barry
Mary Mulvoy Lofty
Mary Beth Vargus
Mary Barry
class agents
class agents
Catherine Coccimiglio
class agents
Mary McGivern Bell
Mary Ann Stanford McCulley
Mary Gillen McElroy
Save the date for your 45th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
Save the date for your 50th
Reunion April 29 and 30, 2011.
See page 31 for more details.
class agent
Sally Burns DiZinno
class agent
class agents
Position Available
Sandra Wysong Deneault
MaryCarroll Sullivan reflected
upon her unique career as a
nurse-bioethicist-attorney at
NDA’s Networking Reception in
November. Having worked in
health care, ethics, and public
policy for more than two decades,
MaryCarroll shared her experiences and offered insight into
managing a successful career.
Patricia Golding Paolucci
Karen Mulloney Rattin
Save the date for your 40th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
Adele Chiachio
class agent
Carolyn Combie Dolan
Carol Schneider
class agent
class agents
Mary Ganley Montanari
class agent
class agent
Jane Malloy Corry
Katherine Fogarty
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Patricia Doolan Gillespie upon the
recent death of her father John.
class agents
Denise Murphy Cargill
Judith White
Brenda McHugh King
class agent
roxbury – granby street luncheon
The inaugural luncheon for alumnae of the Roxbury
and Granby Street academies was a great success,
with nearly 70 graduates from the Class of 1932 to 1961
gathering at Phillips Old Colony House in
Dorchester on September 30.
Megan Tonderys Bearce
Jane Dever Barry was recently
featured in the South Shore
Women’s Business Network
newsletter, where she discussed
her work with TD Bank.
Save the date for your 35th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
class agents
Susan Dever Marriner
Patricia Malone Perry
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Jacqueline White McCarthy upon
the recent death of her mother,
Jacqueline Herel White. Jacqueline
was also the mother of Patricia
White ’75.
class agent
Dianne Chase
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Grace Cotter Regan upon the
recent death of her father James
Cotter. James was also the father
of Kelly Cotter ’81.
class agents
Mary Hayes Lawrence
class agents
Rita McNulty Taugher
Kerry Gilmore Burke
Paula Carroll Pozniak
Maria Gillis Read
class agents
Janice Hayes Cha
Michelle McGee
Maureen Sullivan
Shelagh Foley Sullivan
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Patricia White upon the recent
Special thanks to Annemarie Lynch
death of her mother, Jacqueline
Kenneally and her husband, Kevin,
Herel White. Jacqueline was also
for being this year’s Sophomore
the mother of Jacqueline White
Parent Fund Chairs.
McCarthy ’77.
OIA Note: Please keep Patricia
Cahill Greene in your prayers as
she battles cancer.
Members of the Class of 1960 filled an entire table at the luncheon!
vita! winter 2010 | 27
3 Marjorie McCahill Mahoney ’83, Mimi Sullivan
MacDonald ’83, Julie Knight Maier ’83, Colleen
Knight Harvey ’89, and Laura Gaffney Brusca
’83 were pleased to attend the wedding of
Jeanne Higgins Clemmey ’83.
4 Sarah and Megan, daughters of Kate Devin
Dauphinais ’92
class agents
Mary Sullivan Butler
Mary McHugh McKelvey
Lauren Murphy Tobin
ones and the team of doctors
that helped her through this
tremendous ordeal.
class agents
Jill Flaherty Dunbar
OIA Note: Our condolences to Kelly Jennifer McDermott Lance
Cotter upon the recent death of her
father James. He was also the
father of Grace Cotter Regan ’78.
OIA Note: Special thanks to
Margaret Sheehan Norton and her
husband, Mike, for being this
year’s Junior Parent Fund Chairs.
Save the date for your 30th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
class agents
Nancy Stolfa Loewe
Jennifer Clary Rohnstock
class agents
class agent
Kathryn McConville Flatley
Maureen Feeley Ridings
Ellen Sullivan Haynes
Mary Furlong Healey
class agents
Linda Federico
Kara Sullivan Lynch
Diane O’Brien Gaudet
Save the date for your 25th Reunion
on April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details.
Jeanne Higgins
Congratulations to Jeanne Higgins
on her marriage to Bill Clemmey.
The couple was married at Ballymeade Country Club in Falmouth
on October 16. A full table of NDA
grads were in attendance including
Julie Knight Maier who was the matron of honor. The couple traveled
to Jamaica for their honeymoon
and will reside in Plainville, MA.
Maura Tierney opened up about
her battle with breast cancer to
Parade Magazine. Her surgery was
successful and she has started
work again on this fall’s The Whole
Truth on ABC. Maura expresses
immense gratitude to her loved
class agent
Patricia Hart Kelly
class agents
Amy Graham Delaney
M. Kate Hartford Kennedy
class agents
class agents
Eileen DeGraan Flaherty
Beth Bernier Crowell
Ann Furlong Luukko
OIA Note: Our thanks to Beth
Crowell for organizing a great
20th Reunion celebration for her
class in November.
Colleen Knight Harvey
Melissa McCarthy Rose had her
third son, Gavin, on August 6.
Big brothers Grady (5) and Jake
(9) love their new baby brother.
Jodi Coughlin Craft performed in
the production, Expressing Motherhood, this fall in Cambridge. She
delivered a self-written monologue
in tribute to her own mother, who
died of Alzheimer’s disease in
2008. Jodi’s message was a hopeful one, inspiring women in the
audience to gain a greater appreciation for their mothers, and for
themselves as mothers to their
own children.
class agents
Robin Sullivan Campbell
Kathryn Sullivan Everett
Shelagh Foley O’Brien
Tabitha LaFarge Ross
Cheryl Arlanson Russo
Save the date for your 20th Reunion
On April 30, 2011. See page 31 for
more details. Be sure to check out
your class Facebook page for updates
on Reunion plans.
day of service
On September 11, our National Day of Service, 20 alumnae
volunteered at Cradles to Crayons in Quincy and sorted
clothing for local boys and girls in need. Alumnae Association Board President Allison Quinn Guido ’98 shared, “It
was a great chance to spend time with fellow graduates and
to do something for people who really need the help.”
class agents
Kathleen Devin Dauphinais
Kendra LaFauci Garvin
Amy Hunter
Therese Santoro Schaffer
Congratulations to Kate Devin
Dauphinais on the arrival of Megan
Elizabeth on August 26. Megan
weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and
was 21.5 inches. She joins big sister
Sarah who is 16 months old.
class agents
Amanda Condon Adamczyk
Nicole Anderson Cox
Erica Rettman Welch
second daughter, Rileigh Anne
on July 26. She joins her excited
big sister Kaelyn (2). Nicole is
self-employed as an independent
college counselor, which allows
her much appreciated time at
home with both girls.
Erin Wall Brighton and her husband, Brian, welcomed their fourth
child, Rory James, on July 25. Big
siblings Julia, Quinn, and Noelle
are thrilled with their newest playmate. Erin is teaching part-time as
an adjunct faculty member in the
Health Education department at a
community college in Charlotte,
working on her cooking blog
- and trying to squeeze in a
little tennis in her spare time.
6 Members of the Class of 1997
enjoy the fall with their children: Erin Blake Connolly
with Mairead and Niamh,
Jacky Accomando Jorgenson
with Rosalind, Charlene
Hagerty Pifer with Matthew
and Daniel, and Erin Nally
Margaret Slattery Kara and her
husband, Andrew, recently
welcomed twin girls. Margaret
Grace and Kathryn Andrea were
born on July 15.
class agents
class agents
Erin Wall Brighton
Jennifer Mackin Gustafson
Nicole Bell McLoughlin and her
husband, Evan, welcomed their
5 Caroline Rose, daughter of
Karen McGillicuddy Gates ’96
Elizabeth Banker Costello
Jennifer Howley D’Ambra
Marianne Kroha
Nicole Palermo Rooney
networking reception
On November 3, the Alumnae Relations Office hosted the
3rd annual Networking Reception. MaryCarroll Sullivan ’68
reflected upon her unique career as a nurse-bioethicist-attorney. An interesting conversation pursued and alumnae
from many different generations had the opportunity to
connect on their professional experiences.
Are you “LinkedIn?” NDA has an alumnae group
on LinkedIn. Search for “Notre Dame Academy,
OIA Note: A special thanks to
Jenn Howley D’Ambra, now the
proud mother of three girls, ages
5, 2, and 3 months – for organizing
her class celebrations this fall.
Pamela Walsh Prior and her husband, Ed, welcomed their third
child, Noah Christopher on August
16. His brother, Owen, and sister,
Kara, were very excited for his
Jennifer Murray married Connor
Rooney of Northern Ireland in the
Emmanuel College Chapel on
October 10. Classmate Sara
Verseckes was in the wedding
party and Jennifer Kelly was in
class agents
Kara Lynch
Megan Madden
Gina Muscato
Heather Oberg
Luiza Nanu Pellerin
Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey
MaryCarroll Sullivan ’68, Kerry Gilmore Burke ’75, and Jennifer Ioli ’04
Jennifer Schraut
Karen McGillicuddy Gates and
husband, Bobby, welcomed a
daughter, Caroline Rose, on
September 26. Caroline joins
big brother Aidan in the Gates
Save the date for your 15th Reunion
April 30, 2011. See page 31 for more
class agents
Colleen Carney
Elizabeth Condon Driscoll
Erin Fontana
Therese Plaehn recently graduated
with an MFA in acting from the
A.R.T.’s program at Harvard.
Erin Blake Connolly and her husband, Peter, welcomed daughter
Mairead Sarah Connolly, born on
July 10; 7 pounds 4 ounces and
20 inches long. Mairead joins her
big sister, Niamh, 23 months.
This fall four members of the Class
of 1997, Erin Blake Connolly, Jacky
Accomando Jorgenson, Charlene
Hagerty Pifer, and Erin Nally
Amirault went pumpkin picking
with their families. The kids are all
close in age and are all great
friends, just like their moms!
vita! winter 2010 | 29
Seaport Hotel in Boston. Attendants included Sarah Callahan and
Amanda MacDonald ’02. Brianne
received her undergraduate degree
from Villanova and her graduate
degree in nursing from Simmons
College. She currently is a Lymphoma/Myeloma nurse practitioner at Massachusetts General
class agents
Erin Daly
Brianne Donahoe ’01 and Colin McGree celebrate their wedding.
class agents
class agents
Courtney Curran
Hayley Cammarata
Lindsay Deneault Hobart
Meghan Corry
Claire Duffy-Finn
Carolyn Launie
Allison Quinn Guido
Courtney Madden
Lindsay Worswick-Caron
Ashley Kosier went to Nicaragua
in July with Global Vision International. As a volunteer, she taught
in an underprivileged, rural community. She was inspired by the
children’s positive attitudes and
is planning to return during her
school break in January.
Ana Ulchak, Jessica Consilvio, Allison Quinn Guido, and Beth Agius
attended the 2010 Hancock Street
Pub Crawl to support Little Hearts,
Inc., an organization that helps
children and families affected by
congenital heart defects. Anna
shares that she is a Hypoplastic
Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) patient and she participates to make
others aware of this #1 birth defect.
This past May, Danielle Thibeault
graduated from the University of
Arkansas for Medical Sciences
with a master’s degree in Imaging
Sciences. She is currently working
as a Registered Radiologist Assistant at Children’s Hospital Boston.
class agents
Jennifer Boussy
Amanda Callahan
Kristen Cwirka
Caitlin Fowkes Jamali
Ashley Taylor Peterson
Kathryn Szymanski is studying for
her degree in medical radiology
at Lawrence Memorial Hospital
through Regis College.
OIA Note: Our thanks to the class
committee for organizing a great
10th Reunion in November!
class agents
Alyssa Mazeika
NDA alumnae along with their
friends and family gathered last
Friday for the second annual
fundraiser to support the Liz
Shields Scholarship Fund. Current
NDA swimmers showed their support by donating raffle items and
coming out to volunteer. The event
was a huge success with dinner,
dancing, and a chance to share
memories about Liz.
Brianne Donahoe married Colin
McGree on May 30, 2009 at the
Holy Name Church in West
Roxbury with the reception at the
Jillian Harrison
OIA Note: Our condolences to
Erin Hynes upon the recent death
of her father John.
Jenna Paone and her band, Briar
Rose, performed a 45-minute
concert in the NDA auditorium
on Heritage Day.
Kate Kelley, a two-time Patriot
Ledger All-Scholastic basketball
player during her years at NDA,
traveled to Rwanda last year to
start the UBUMWE, a basketball
program that uses sports to encourage children to engage with
their peers and appreciate each
other’s differences. This past
summer, Kate sponsored a local
basketball clinic with proceeds
going toward Hull High School
girls’ basketball, as well as the
camp in Rwanda.
Courtney Wahle spoke at the Archdiocese of Boston’s Priest Appreciation Dinner on September 16.
Courtney gave testimony on the
profound impact that the priests
she has known throughout her life
have had on her Catholic faith.
Congratulations to Rachel Marshall and her business partner
Leigh Foster for being selected
winners for the DailyCandy’s Start
Small, Go Big contest. Rachel and
Leigh own and operate Nella
Pasta. Visit
to learn how to get fresh pasta in
your area.
defeated the Philadelphia Independence 4 to 0 to win the 2010
Tracey Moriarty recently became
engaged to Dan Davey. They are
looking forward to planning their
Jacquelyn Olen married Dennis
Finnegan, of Weymouth, on September 17. The two had their
ceremony at Sacred Heart Church
in Weymouth and spent their
honeymoon in Hawaii. Alumnae
Meghan Monahan, Moira Brady,
Lindsay Daly, Meredith Daly, and
Kim Olen were on hand to help
the couple celebrate!
Lauren Faherty married Matt
Bagnell on October 16. The happy
couple traveled to Hawaii on their
class agents
Jill O’Sullivan
Meaghan Cotter
Jennifer DuPont completed her
master’s degree in Exercise Physiology at the University of Delaware
and is currently working on her
Ph.D. in Applied Physiology at
the University of Delaware. Her
research is focused on vascular
function/dysfunction in the
chronic kidney disease population
as well as the vascular effects of
dietary salt.
class agents
Katelyn D’Entremont
Kristina Valente
Amy Wright
OIA Note: Our thanks to the class
committee for organizing a great
5th Reunion in November!
class agents
class agent
Meagan Dwyer
Meredith Daly
Molly English
Reaching the pinnacle of her
professional soccer career,
Nicki Cross earned a spot in the
Women’s Professional Soccer
championship game as a member
of FC Gold Pride. Nicki’s team
Alyssa Williams
Laura Hokenson graduated from
Villanova University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice,
and hopes to receive her master’s
degree in Criminology and Sociology next spring. Currently, she is
working with the Public Defender’s
Office of Philadelphia, trying to
help women with a history in prostitution turn their lives around.
in Los Angeles as a social media
coordinator. Courtney plans to
return to school part-time in the
fall while maintaining her position.
Emily Greene recently graduated
Summa Cum Laude and at the top
Toir Bourret has joined Class XVII
of her class from the University of
of Americorps NCCC and will be
Hartford, with degrees in biology
stationed at the Denver, Colorado
and chemistry. She has since
campus. Her commitment began
found employment at Dana-Farber
on October 13 and will last ten
Cancer Institute and Children’s
Hospital Boston in their pediatric
oncology research department.
Amy Mueller recently moved to
Baltimore, MD where she is work- OIA Note: Please keep Emily and
ing as a researcher/lab technician her family in your prayers as her
in the National Institutes of Health mother, Patricia Cahill Greene ’80
battles cancer.
International HIV and Infectious
Disease research lab at Johns
Hopkins. She is also attending
graduate school at Johns Hopkins class agents
in pursuit of a master’s of science Maura Dee
in Biotechnology. OIA Note: Our
condolences to Amy and her
Molly Griffin
family, as her younger brother,
Karl, passed away this summer.
Mary Kate Jasper
Jen Kane graduated with her BSN
from The Catholic University of
America in May. Following her
graduation, Jen moved to Texas to
participate in a Nurse Residency
program specializing in MedicalSurgical nursing as both an Orthopedic and Neuroscience nurse.
Courtney Lauria graduated from
the Fashion Institute of Design &
Merchandising in June and completed an internship with Wenner
Media Advertising. She was offered a full-time position with
A.D.D. Marketing and Advertising
Fiona Moriarty
Kristen Garza attends Worcester
Polytechnic Institute and was recently chosen for the Skull Senior
Honor Society. This society has
been an important part of the WPI
campus since 1911 and consists of
representatives from a cross-section of the on and off campus
population. Kristen shares that it
was an honor to be chosen.
Save the date
reunion 2011
class agents
Brittany Concannon
Hilary Ippolito
Marina Alberti ’08, Katie Laque
’09, and Isabella Villani ’09
Margaret Maguire
Joanna Timmons
OIA Note: We regret to inform
you of the death of Mary Ann
Lunn, mother of Molly Lunn,
on September 1.
Kara Dunford recently accepted a
position with The Washington Post
in the high school sports department. She will be working with
multimedia for the website as well
as game briefs and box scores for
the paper.
OIA Note: We regret to inform you
Katie Laque and Isabella Villani,
of the death of Sean Aruda, father
along with Marina Alberti ’08 will
of Jacqueline Aruda, on October 19.
travel on a mission trip to Jamaica
Jacqui Sanford will dance her first
in January through St. Anselm’s
full season as a company member College. These nursing students
of the Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre,
will assist with the care of orphans
where she has studied ballet since who are physically and mentally
age seven. To celebrate its 25th
challenged. If you are interested in
anniversary, the ballet theatre
learning more or making a
has a particularly demanding
donation, please contact them
season of five programs with
50 performances., and
class agents
Molly Burke
class agents
Maggie Holland
Kara Dunford
OIA Note: We regret to inform you
of the death of Sean Aruda, father
of Jessica Aruda, on October 19.
Nichols College sophomore, Jillian
McQuiggan won honors in the
Commonwealth Coast Conference
as the Women’s Tennis Player of
the Week. Jillian starred in the season’s first two matches, winning
twice at No. 2 singles and No. 1
doubles in wins over Rhode Island
College and Curry College.
Angela Skeiber
Emily Donovan
Abigail Squires
Caroline Roche
OIA Note: Welcome to our newest
alumnae! We encourage you to
share your stories with us.
april 29 – april 30, 2011
Enjoy this time to reconnect and reminisce about
your NDA days with classmates.
April 29: 50th Reunion Day for the Class of 1961
April 30: Celebrations for the classes of 1936, 1941, 1946,
1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, and 1991
Invitations for Reunion events will be mailed to
individual classes this winter.
If you would like to be part of the planning committee for
your class, please e-mail
or call 781.749.5930, ext. 2244.
Special thanks to Breanne Diorio ’05
who contributed to Classnotes.
vita! winter 2010 | 31
Listings reflect notifications received by the Office of Institutional
Advancement through October 31, 2010. In order to accommodate
all listings, we are able to include only basic family, educational, and
professional information for alumnae obituaries. Our Friends and
Family section lists only immediate family members of our current
students, faculty, and staff. We will continue to publish updates on the
families of alumnae in the Class Notes section of vita! and the Intentions
section of the Alumnae E-Newsletter. Should you wish to have a
classmate or family member remembered, please contact
Mary Elizabeth Betty Doyle Schmakel ’36G died peacefully on
October 23. She was the wife of the late Raymond Schmakel.
She leaves three children and seven grandchildren. She worked
as a nutritionist at The Statler Hotel and later entered the insurance field. She was the only female underwriter for a number of
years at Fireman’s Fund.
Eleanore O`Neill Gately Farrell ’37R, a resident of Hingham
and former resident of Cohasset and Jamaica Plain, passed away
on September 8. She was a graduate of Emmanuel College.
Eleanore is survived by her four children, including Kathryn
Gately Poole ’66 and Eleanore O’Neill Gately ’70. She also
leaves her fourteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Patricia Raftus MacAskill ’41G, a resident of West Roxbury,
passed away on August 7. She was a graduate of Emmanuel
College and received a master’s degree from Boston University.
Patricia worked for more than 35 years as an administrator at
the Soldier’s Home in Chelsea. Predeceased by her husband
Angus, she is survived by a niece, nephews, and cousins.
Nancy Slattery Clifford ’48G, found her life’s work as a teacher
in the Boston school system. She died at home on August 28.
Elizabeth Ann Betsy Hyde McGinn ’60R of Middleboro,
formerly of Braintree, died on October 4. She was a retired
assistant manager in the accounting department of the New
England Telephone and Telegraph Company, retiring in 1990,
after 29 years of service. Survivors include her husband; Walter
McGinn, three daughters, and two grandchildren.
Linda Desmond Burke ’64R of Buzzards Bay died on October
23. As a newlywed in 1967, she worked with her husband, Kevin
for the State Department in less developed countries. Stateside,
she and her husband made their home in Falls Church, VA,
where she was a math teacher. Linda is survived by her husband,
three sons, and four grandchildren.
Family & Friends
Frederick Hyder, father-in-law of Assistant Principal Constance
Hyder, passed away on July 26.
Patricia W. Cahill, mother-in-law of faculty member Linda
Cahill, passed away on August 14.
Sister Paula Marie Farrah, SNDdeN, former faculty member,
passed away on September 7. She was a Sister of Notre Dame
for 69 years.
Sean Aruda, father of Jacqueline ’08, Jessica ’09, Jillian ’13,
and Jennifer died on October 19. He is also survived by his wife
Patricia. Mr. Aruda was a longtime member of the NDA
basketball coaching staff.
Kelly Gabriel, mother of Siobhan Gabriel ’14, passed away
on October 31.
Dance Self -Portrait — By Mary Curtis ’11
Using letters from various fonts, Mary used Adobe Illustrator to create this dance self-portrait for her Advanced
Placement two dimensional design portfolio. This intricate
project took a significant amount of time to complete, but
Mary’s attention to detail was well worth her time. She
shares, “I am extremely happy with how it turned out!”
Mary has been dancing for 12 years. She plans on attending
art school next year with a concentration in graphic design
or photography.
Feeling creative?
vita! is looking for artists! Readers are invited to contribute artwork and photography to be considered for future issues.
Please contact Director of Communications Katie Quinn Miller ’97 at
Notre Dame Academy is a vibrant, Catholic, college-preparatory learning community, sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The
Academy guides young women in their personal faith formation, challenges students to pursue academic excellence, and encourages social
responsibility on behalf of global justice.
In support of this mission, vita! magazine communicates through its pages the newsworthy activities of members of the NDA community.
vita! is published three times a year for alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the Academy.
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