

Inside this issue: Cocktails & Closets
Lobby Day
OACAP Mainstream
April - June 2015
Volume 93 Issue 2
We are delighted
to announce
the 2015 Section
Awards winners:
Community Service
Marvin & Muriel Beckerman
Rosalyn Borg
Andrea Newstead
Volunteer Service
Helene Meisler
Emerging Leader
Nancy (Nix-Rice) Litz
{Message from the President}
295 N. Lindbergh Blvd. p:(314)993-5181
St. Louis, MO 63141
f: (314)993-5362
p: (314)692-8141
f: (314)692-8148
NCJW Staff
Ellen Alper
Stephanie Enger
Lisa Gjerswald
Jessica Means
Marissa Rosen
Alyssa Shyken
Heather Silverman
Executive Director
Program Associate
Office Manager
Resale Shop Manager
Development Director
Editor, Marketing Associate
Program Director
2014-2015 Executive Team
Darien Arnstein
Erin Schreiber
Betty Kagan
Jane Tzinberg Rubin
Cynthia Albin
Gail Eisenkramer
& Andrea Newstead
Susan Katzman
Bonnie Solomon
Jill Gubin
Lori Goldberg
Marlene Hammerman
Jennifer Bernstein
VP Administration
VP Advocacy
Co-VPs Community Service
VP Development
VP Leadership
VP Marketing
VP Membership
Immediate Past President
State Policy Advocacy Chair
Jenny Abeles
Amy Hammerman
Alissa Arst
Jenny Hoffman-Mentle
Nanci Bobrow, Ph.D
Laura Levey
Michelle Brooks
Nancy (Nix-Rice) Litz
Hillary Friedman
Carolyn Satz
Maxine Friedman
Jennifer Scissors
Nan Goldberg
Karen Silverman
Sherri Goldman
Katie Berg Silversmith
Lisa Gubernik
Karen Suroff
Farilyn Hale
Amy Weiss
I want to wish you and your families a wonderful
Passover! I hope it will be a meaningful festival of
freedom for you, as freedom is certainly worth
celebrating! NCJW is committed to social justice
and the preservation of our freedoms, whether
it is women’s reproductive freedom, voter rights,
human trafficking or access to quality public
As you prepare for your Passover Seder
Darien Arnstein
observances, I hope you will use our Passover
insert found in this bulletin as a way to provide
awareness of human trafficking. Our human trafficking awareness
campaign has recently run two ads in the Jewish Light; kudos to our
Trafficking Task Force and co-chairs, Rosalyn Borg and Sarah Martin, for
spearheading these excellent efforts!
We will also be bringing our message of social justice to our
state legislators on Wednesday, April 15th with our NCJW Lobby
Day. Don’t be shy! Join us on this outing, bring a friend and meet new
women committed to NCJW issues. We provide the training and it is so
important that elected officials hear from their constituents.
All that NCJW is able to achieve in impacting our community is
due to you – our members, volunteers and financial supporters! The
NCJW fiscal year ends on June 30th, so it’s not too late to participate in
our Annual Campaign. We had a fabulous response to our matching gift
challenge, and we’d be honored to include your gift in our year-end totals,
especially if you’ve never made an Annual Campaign gift before! Please give
generously to support all the important work that you love about NCJW
and our advocacy for you on issues for women, children and families. We
have started new programming around racial justice issues as well.
We’re excited that a generous grant, from The Siteman Family
Foundation, will fund the opening of five new Kids Community Closets
in the coming year. A special event, Cocktails and Closets, is being
planned for Tuesday, April 28th to celebrate and help support this
program. We’re thrilled to be able to expand this vital program to reach
even more children having emergency clothing needs to be able to stay in
school and benefit from regular school attendance.
Our Section Installation and Awards will be held Wednesday,
May 27th, and we’ll be “kicking off ” the St. Louis Section’s birthday
celebration of our 120th year! Please come honor our incoming and
outgoing leadership and our very special volunteers who will receive
Section awards. My thanks to each of you for your commitment as
members of NCJW and I hope you will be enjoying our springtime events.
NCJW-St. Louis Section
A look back through NCJW History…
Court Appointed Special
Advocates (CASA), now Voices
for Children, incorporates the
CASA programs for St. Louis
city and county.
As part of our celebration
of our St. Louis Section’s
120th anniversary, we will be
highlighting a few of our past
projects throughout this year’s
bulletins. Many of you know
that several of our NCJW
projects which began long ago
through identifying community
needs have now been spun-off
to operate independently.
Some examples of these
The Delcrest senior housing
complex now operates as its
own non-profit, The Gladys and
Henry Crown Center. NCJW
took the lead in organizing the
capital campaign and securing
the HUD financing for the
original Delcrest and the
Delcrest II buildings.
Jessica Means, Manager, TheResaleShop (jmeans@ncjwstl.org)
Save the Date!
Earth Day Event & Sale
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Advocate Services for Abused
Women became Legal
Advocates for Abused Women
(LAAW), a program of the
Crime Victim Advocacy Center.
NCJW also has signature
projects which are no longer
active because the needs have
changed in the community.
Over the past twenty years
we have said “farewell” to:
• Luncheons for the Blind (a
monthly social event for
the visually impaired)
• Inside Israel (an educational
program in the schools
about Israel)
• Oral History (an important
fundraiser as well as a service
to families to record family
memories, so capably handled
by Eddie Rosenheim)
NCJW is fortunate to have
such capable volunteers who
have been engaged in these,
and many other projects, over
the years. Thank you to all who
have been involved throughout
our history! We hope that
you will join us for our Section
“Birthday Celebration” as part
of our Board Installation and
Awards event on May 27, and
again for Celebrating Women
this fall.
What’s Right with the Region!
Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 5 pm
Sheldon Concert Hall
3548 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108
Cost: $50/person; $35
for Young Professionals (Under 30)
Purchase tickets at www.focus-stl.org/WRWR
25% off store-wide!
Healing Hearts Bank builds a community of
We will be hosting a shoe drive now through April 22 in
partnership with Solea Water Project, which identifies holistic
solutions for implementing safe, affordable and effective
clean-water projects with affected communities in the
Caribbean and Latin America. With every pair of shoes you
donate, you will receive a raffle ticket to win great prizes
including restaurant gift certificates, green products, and more!
women assisting women in need by providing them
with microloans. These loans of up to $500 are given to
underserved women and survivors of domestic violence who
apply through their “bank.” The banks are run by volunteer
bankers from NCJW and partner agencies. The goal of the
program is to help women move from financial dependence
to independence.
to Healing Hearts Bank
chair Marilyn Ratkin and
the Banker Team Leaders
Katie Silversmith, Eve
Frank Bensky, Gail Lapin
and Sue Rundblad, as well
as the many great NCJW
volunteers who participate!
TheResaleShop Sale Dates
3/30 – 4/4 Suit and Dress Sale
5/22-5/23 Memorial Day Sale
5/25 Shop Closed
6/15-6/20Men’s Sale
April – JUNE 2015 3
{Community Service}
Kids Community Closet is growing!
Thanks to a wonderful grant from
The Siteman Family Foundation,
we will be expanding our
Closets into 5 new schools
over the next year. We’re
excited to provide more
students with access to the
Closets on an emergency basis,
keeping more kids in school.
Do you collect small toiletries like body wash,
shampoo, soap (travel size), deodorant, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, and are looking for somewhere to donate
them? With the expansion of Kids Community Closet,
we will be adding these items to the Closets. Please
contact Stephanie, senger@ncjwstl.org, for more
information, or drop them off at the NCJW office.
Gail Eisenkramer, Co-VP Community Service (gbern1960@gmail.com)
Andrea Newstead, Co-VP Community Service (anewstead08@gmail.com)
Response to Kids Community Closet is overwhelming!
One of the schools with a Kids Community Closet
sent over this letter (below) around the holidays
to thank their closet Liaisons, Patty and Joy.
The email below was received after a
voucher was requested to provide clothing for
children in emergency need, who did not have
access to a Kids Community Closet.
Mirowitz Fills a Kids Community Closet
After learning about the unrest in Ferguson and
hearing that NCJW has three Kids Community Closets
in the area, students at Mirowitz Jewish Community
School wanted to help! Zach,Yeshara and Judah
decided they wanted to collect hats, gloves, underwear
and socks to be given to the Ferguson-Florissant
School District. Their 3rd Grade teacher, Sue Lapp, along
with Andrea Newstead (Technology Coordinator at Mirowitz
and NCJW VP of Community Service) and Joy Sterneck
(Closet Liaison) coordinated the delivery of over 50 items
to the closet at the end of January.
To: Lisa and Marissa
From: Keri Simon, LCSW
Special School District
Social Worker
I just wanted to write and express
my genuine gratitude for all your
help and for all NCJW provides for
the St. Louis community. As a social
worker, it is a safety net that I can
rely on for my families in need.
Every time I have requested help,
you have been so helpful, making
the pickup convenient and easy.
Thanks again for the vouchers -
Mirowitz students Judah Segal,Yeshara Reznikov and Zach Cohen, pictured here
with Cool Valley Students, put away items collected at a drive at their school.
I was able to get much needed
clothes for my students.
Warmest Regards, Keri Simon
Sponsor a child at the 15th
Annual Back-To-School! Store
Saks Fifth Avenue Supports Back-to-School! Store
During the month of December, employees of Saks
Fifth Avenue collected socks and underwear for NCJW’s
Back-to-School! Store and Kids Community Closets.
Marketing Director, Tania Beasley-Jolly, said “Saks was eager
to help improve the lives of women, children and families
in our community
and pleased to
partner with NCJW.”
In addition to
collecting socks and
underwear, sales
associates held a
bake sale and
contributed the
This was
the third business
collaboration for
with other successful
Tania Beasley-Jolly poses with the items sock/underwear
Saks collected for Back-To-School! Store. drives having been
held by Studio
Branca and Buckingham Asset Management. Thank you to
these businesses for their continued support of NCJW and
Back-To-School! Store!
The Back-To-School! Store co-chairs
Alissa Arst (alissa821@yahoo.com),
Stacy Kress (slskress@gmail.com), Karen Silverman
(ksilverman03@gmail.com), Jennifer Scissors
(jscissors@gmail.com) and their committee have
been hard at work planning the Sunday, July 19th
event at Central Reform Congregation. We’re
expecting to serve 1,200 kids! We’ll offer vision
and dental screenings again this year.
Want to get involved now? Sponsor a child
for $180 at ncjwbtss.org, or simply contact one of
the co-chairs. This event takes a lot of volunteer
power, and we’d love to have you! Volunteer
sign-up will be available in late May.
Project Renewal
On the afternoon of May 31st, NCJW will host women
from Haven of Grace for Project Renewal. Project
Renewal is designed to empower underserved women
by providing clothing, education, resources and the tools
they need to succeed at work and home. Please contact
our office at 314-993-5181 for more information or if you
would like to volunteer.
If you’re interested
or know a company willing
to hold a drive to collect
socks and underwear for
Back-To-School! Store
and Kids Community Closet,
please contact Stephanie,
Project Renewal participants and volunteers pose for a photo after their shopping experience!
April – JUNE 2015 5
Susan Katzman, VP Development (susan314@charter.net)
Give STL Day – May 5
Give STL Day is a 24-hour, online giving
event organized by The Greater Saint Louis
Community Foundation to grow philanthropy
in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
The minimum donation is $10 and there is no
maximum. Prize money will be made available to amplify
charitable donations. The goal is to inspire the community
to come together for 24 hours to contribute as many
charitable dollars as possible to support the work of local
nonprofit organizations. Last year’s inaugural effort of
Give STL Day raised more than $1.1 million for 528 local
nonprofits. Over the course of the 24-hour period, Give
STL Day logged more than 13,000 individual gifts, which
ranged in value from $10 to $5,000.
To participate: simply visit www.givestlday.org on
May 5th and search “National Council of Jewish Women –
St. Louis Section”
{Annual Campaign Update}
Hannah G.
Lead Donors
$5,000 and Above
Jane Goldberg
Nancy Kranzberg
Pam Lester
Stanley and Lucy Lopata
Charitable Foundation
Nancy Siteman
$1,001 - $4,999
Marilyn Berkow
Nanci Bobrow, Ph.D.
Lois Gould
Lucy Shelden Levy
Sima Needleman
Barbara Newmark
Peggy Pearline
Marissa Rosen
Carolyn Satz
Karen Suroff
Ellen Alper
Darien Arnstein
Evelyn Cohen
Gail Eisenkramer
Sharee Feldman
Pepe Prince Finn
Fox Family Foundation
Roxanne Frank
Vicky Fraser
Hillary Friedman
Judith Gall
Sherri Goldman
Susan Goldstein
Nancy Green
Joanne Iskiwitch
Estelle W. & Karen S. Kalish Fund
Nancy Kalishman
Sally Katzif
Susan Katzman
Joan Klearman
Ann Lux
Lynn Lyss
Shelley Marglous
Joyce Margulis
Adrienne Momi
Jean Moog
Noemi Neidorff
Ilene Ordower
Lorrie Poscover
Judy Putzel
In March, NCJW testified at
the hearing for VESSA (Victims
Employment Safety and Security)
Legislation in Jefferson City.
All Donor Listings are from July 1, 2014 to February 22, 2015
Marilyn Ratkin
Ruth Siteman
Marilyn Steinback
Rochelle Weiss
Marilyn Werner*
Susan Witte
Linda Yatkeman
Vivian Zwick
$500 - $999
Marian Auer
Bettie Gershman
Terry Hieken
Debra Horwitz
Shirley Mosinger
Jill Schupp
Kathy Zigler
$250 - $499
Holly Bernstein
Jennifer Bernstein
Betsy Cohen
Roberta Frank
Audrey Friedman
Janice Gitt
Dorette Goldberg
Lois Goldring
Dolores Grollman
Rita Levis
Joy Liss
Susan Matlof
Sherri Newstead
Audrey Rothbarth
Susan Sale
Martha Scharff
Heather Silverman
Mary Strauss
Deborah Zimmerman
$100 - $249
Audrey Adreon
Cynthia Albin
Marcia Sokol-Anderson
Sandy Bell
Harriet Baron
Norma Baron
Beverly Barron
Deborah Benoit
Nancy Berg
Linda Berger
Marilyn Blum
Beatrice Borenstein
Rosalyn Borg
Edith Brown
Peggy Brown
Elaine Carp Wolff
Maxine Clark
Barbara Cotlar
Patricia Croughan
Jennifer Deutsch
Susan Edelstein
Madeleine Elkins
Barbara Finch
Mary Ellen Freund
Gloria Feldman
Maxine Friedman
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Tha
{Annual Campaign Update} July 1, 2014 through February 22, 2015 (continued)
Lois Friedman
Judith Garfinkel
Debbie Gilula
Maxine Goldman
Jane Goz Goodman
Rachel Haspiel
Rhoda Hochman
Carol Jacobson
Wendy Jaffe
Marianne Karsh
Evelyn Koshner
Lorraine Laiderman
Ruby Lapin
Faye Levey
Laura Levey
Terri Leyton
Shirley Londe
Sherri Lyss
Marlene Lefton
Bonnie Mann
Gloria McCarter
Linda Meyers
Lois Caplan Miller
Judith Milton
UP TO $99
Janet Aach
Harriet Abatgis
Alice D. Abrams
Donna Abrams
Susan Albert
Peggy Alper
Risa Alper
Shirley Alper
Harriette Arkin
Sidonia Arnstein
Alissa Arst
Faye Beth Baer-O’Byrne
Selma Balk
Melissa Baris
Henriette Barken
Lisa Graivier Barnes
Barbara Bianco
Karen Palmer Bland
Judy Brandvein
Michelle Brooks
Suzanne Broddon
This spring, 2 new
Kids Community Closets
are opening – one at
Barack Obama Elementary and
one at Kratz Elementary.
Nina Needleman
Sharon Rosenblum
Emily Rosenfeld
Eddie Rosenheim
Margot Schwab
Joanne Schwartz
Laurie Schweizer
Lee Scissors
Andrea Shanker
Marjorie Seldin
Horty Shieber
Rose-Lynn Sokol
Elaine Tenzer
Sally Tofle
Dale Wald
Bertha Wallbrunn
Nancy Weinreich
Enid Weisberg-Frank
Marilyn Young
Hillary B. Zimmerman
Sandy Brooks
Radine Borowsky
Benita Boxerman
Susan Boxerman
Judy Capes
Josephine Cassel
Arlen Chaleff
Barbara Corday
Reva Davis
Dana DeBlasi
Marcia Denenholz
Miriam Dennis
Marlene Eisenstein
Ellen Feinstein
Roberta Feinstein
Barbara Ferman
Dianna Fine
Shirley Finger
Elaine Fixman
Cynthia Frank
Lois Frank
Healing Hearts Bank made
30+ loans to survivors of
domestic violence.
Rosalie Franklin
Kate Gibbs
Nan Goldberg
Tracy Goldberg-Gross
Alice Goodman
Jan Greenberg
Carol B. Gusdorf
Roberta Gutwein
Debra Halpern
Lynn Friedman Hamilton
Selene Hammerman
Carolyn Henges
Myrna Hershman
Jenny Hoffman-Mentle
Lisa Iglauer
Joyce Jacobs
Randee Jacobs
Betty Kagan
Carole Kalish
Norma Kaplan
Marsha Karney
Hattie Katzman
Natalie Kauffman
Elizabeth Kerner
Ruth Kiem
Michele Kingsley
Linda Koenig
Jacquelyn Kofsky
Orietta Kohn
Elaine Kramer
Shirley Lieber Kronemer
Donna Lainoff
Fritzi Lainoff
Gail Lapin
Carol Lasker
Naomi Lasky
Linda Levin
Karen Levine
Louise Levine
Deborah Levinson
Constance Levy
Maxine Levy
Sally S. Levy
Hadassah Lebman
Cindy Lefton
Joy Lending
Jackie Lipsitz
Judith Lipsitz
Nancy (Nix-Rice) Litz
Carole Loebner
Alice Ludmer
Rhona Lyons
Jerri Livingston
Louise Mandel
Bernice Mange
Marylen Mann
Julie Mathes
Judith Medoff
Susan Meltz
Carrie Merrifield
Goldee Miller
Dee Mintz
Marcia Moskowitz
Rosalind Neuman
Andrea Newstead
Nancy Novack
Frala Brown Osherow
Diana Padratzik
Heather Cohen Padratzik
Miriam Pessin
Jill Evans Petzall
Mary Pomerantz
Evelyn Portnoff
Nancy Powers
Sylvia Powers
Edith Price
Vida Prince
Sandy Redler
Gladys Reichenbach
Rabbi Carnie Rose
Carla Rosen
Barry Rosenberg
Ellen Ross
JoEllen Rubenstein
Ann Ruwitch
Marilyn Sandweiss
Florence Schachter
Ellen Schapiro
Mariva Scherck
Erin Schreiber
* of Blessed Memory
ou! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
{Annual Campaign Update} July 1, 2014 through February 22, 2015 (continued)
Francine Schraier
Betty Schwartz
Esther Schweich
Helen Seeherman
D. J. Serkes
Aileen Shapiro
Sarah Siegel
Pamela Siegel
Barbara Silver
Karen Silverman
Carole Simon
Merle Singer
Sharon Singer
Victoria Singer
Debra Spigel
Edna Surinsky
Katie Silversmith
Gloria Sirkin
Elinor Slosberg
Bonnie Solomon
Marcia Sterneck
Arlene Stiffman
Margie Summers
Myrna Sokolik
Helene Sherman
Carol Shook
Ellen Soule
Barbara Spector
Gloria Spitzer
Judith Stix
Helen Stolar
Roberta Stolz
Amy Stone
Jane Tarlow
Debra Segal Tatkow
Patricia Teper
Sharon Tureen
Debbie Tzinberg
Jane Tzinberg Rubin
Georgee Waldman
Amy Wallerstein
Faith Greenberg Waxman
Ellen Weiss
Vicki S. Weiss
Ilene Wittels
Patti Wolkowitz
Diane Weinstock
Carole Zatlin
Sheryl Zigler
Shelley Zimbalist
Store provided
1,200 children with
new clothing and
school supplies.
July 1, 2014 through
February 22, 2015
Sam and Tucker Abeles’
Lemonade Stand (2)
Fran Balk (2)
Barbara Barnholtz
Beverly Barron (2)
Maris Berg
Terry Bernstein
Susan and Larry Boxerman
Brightway Insurance
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Joshua and Emily Corson
Gloria Cotlar
Kathy DeWoskin
Evelyn and Lester Fagin
Dianna Fine
Katherine Gross (2)
Roberta Gutwein
H2O Club
Randee Jacobs
Nancy Litz
Carolyn Losos - In Honor of
Marilyn Werner’s Birthday
Mrs. Claire Marx
Monsanto Matching Gift
Helene Meisler and Ken
Susan Newman
Diane and Michael Packman
Peggy and Rod Pearline
Susie Philpott (2)
Karla and Steven Rosenblum
Ken and Jane Tzinberg Rubin
Marilyn M. Sachs
Saks Fifth Avenue Plaza
Carolyn Satz
Peggy and Alan Schaffer - In
Honor of Karen Silverman’s
Hardwork for BTSS
Eileen Schechter
Barbara Shifrin
Rabbi Susan Talve (3)
Beth and Bob Tucker
Amy Wallerstein
Betty Kagan and Martin Wice
Carolynn Wolff
July 1, 2014 through
February 22, 2015
Cynthia Albin
Harriette Arkin
Alissa Arst
Nancy Berg
Donna Bick
Michelle Brooks & Family
Lauren Davis
Miriam Dennis
El-Bethel Baptist Church Sunday
Taylor Flotken
Phyllis Goldberg
Lillian Goldman
Gertrude Hulbert
Ruth Kiem
Alan and Jackie Kofsky
Stacy Kress
Jerri Livingston
Ellen Lourie
Ariel Lyons-Warren
Neil and Rachel Peters
Sandy and Frank Wasserman
STORE GRANTS+ July 1, 2014 through
February 22, 2015
The Staenberg Family
Trio Foundation of St. Louis
The Harvey Kornblum
Norman J. Stupp Foundation
Boeing St. Louis Employees
Community Fund
Ruth Berg
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Express Scripts Foundation
Ed and Dorette Goldberg
Keystone St. Louis
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Religious School Tzedakah
Essman Family Charitable
The Blue Gator Foundation Inc.
The Saks Philanthropic Fund
Maxine Clark
July 1, 2014 through
February 22, 2015
Buckingham Asset Management
Debbie Deutch
Amy Fleisher
Emily Rosen
Josh Rosen
Saks Fifth Avenue - Frontenac
Shaare Emeth Knitting Group
Studio Branca
Building Fund
July 1, 2014 through
February 22, 2015
Cynthia Albin
Darien Arnstein
Jennifer Deutsch
Farilyn Hale
Marlene Hammerman
Rhoda Hochman
Betty Kagan
Shirley Mosinger
Marilyn Werner*
Susan Witte
Fran Zamler
Healing Hearts
Incarnate Word Foundation
The Jean Stein
Bloch Wife-WidowWoman Program
Sally and Nardie Stein
in honor of their sister,
Jean Stein Bloch
* of Blessed Memory
+ Includes Kids Community Closet
We apologize for any misspellings
or names omitted by mistake.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Lori Goldberg, VP Membership (lorib626@aol.com)
Directory Updates
Staci Falk
1122 Culverhill
St. Louis, MO 63119
Let us know if you have
updates to your contact
information. As of February 22, we received the
following changes:
Eunice Reichman
14180 Woods Mill
Cove Dr.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Amy Gallant
Bella Packman
11185 Schuetz Road
St. Louis, MO 63146
Hadassah Lebman
8600 Delmar, Apt. 4H
St. Louis, MO 63124
Judy Abrams
36 Ridgetop Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63117
Sheryl Rosen
14101 Ladue Rd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Laura Silverberg
1 Twin Springs Lane
St. Louis, MO 63124
Jennifer Stiff
7745 Fleta St.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Sarah Stolker
19 Covington Road
St. Louis, MO 63132
Staff Corner
Congratulations Lisa Gjerswald! In March, she
celebrated 2 years as our (incredible!) Office Manager.
Jennifer Stiff, joined NCJW in January as
a Practicum student from the Brown School at
Washington University. She is working on a variety of
projects with Advocacy and Community Service. She
will be with us through July.
Lisa Gjerswald
Jen Stiff
December 1, 2014 –
February 22, 2015
New Members
Judy Abrams
Staci Falk
Bella Packman
Sheryl Rosen
Laura Silverberg
Jennifer Stiff
Sarah Stolker
New Life Members
Madeline Elkins
Karen Suroff
In Loving Memory
Jeanne Ansehl
Esther Bressler
Sarene DeWoskin
Joyce “Toodles” Green
William L. Mantinband
Aida Novack
Mitzi Sisson
Shirley Sparks
Marilyn Rudman Werner
Help us fill Kids Community Closets – we’re growing!
Join us for drinks and appetizers
sure to bring back fond school
memories while supporting our
expansion into 5 new schools
this year! We are asking all
attendees to bring a package
of new socks, underwear or a
gift card for Target or Old Navy
to help stock Kids Community
For more infomation
or to RSVP visit www.
ncjwstl.org or call
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 @ 5:30 pm
NewSpace 1960 Innerbelt Circle Drive, St. Louis, MO 63114, (at Page and 170)
Cost: $18 to attend. $100 to be a sponsor.
April – JUNE 2015 9
Susan Katzman, VP Development (susan314@charter.net)
Trivia Night…Success!
Thank you for supporting our 10th Annual Trivia Night! Co-chairs Melissa Alper
and Helene Meisler led a great committee to a successful evening!
Committee members include: Susan Katzman, Marissa Rosen, Rose-Lynn
Sokol, Beth Kodner, Susan Newman, Debra Deutsch, Farilyn Hale, Leslie Gubitz,
Nancy Nix-Rice Litz, Jill Gubin, and Alyssa Kaitz.
The evening was filled with trivia knowledge, mulligans, the Big Tenth
Raffle, round games, raffle baskets, and laughter all around. Jerry Ehrlich
emceed the event, which went off without a hitch. Thank you to everyone
who participated for making the evening a blast! Thank you to our generous raffle basket donors, round
sponsors and participants!
1 Co-chairs Helene Meisler and Melissa Alper
2 Trivia Night winners!
3 Thank you to the CORO Fellows for
volunteering! The Coro Fellowship uses
the city as a classroom to train the
next generation of change makers.
Thank You to All our Raffle Donors
Amy and Kevin Fischer
Aveda Experience Center St. Louis Galleria
Baked T’s
Balaban’s Restaurant
Bonnie Solomon
Breeze Blow Dry Bar
Byrd Designer
Consignment Boutique
Casa del Mar Coastal
Mexican Grill
Cha Boutique
Chesterfield Athletic Club
Clara and Geoff Goldman
Climb So Ill
Craft Restaurants LTD
Dana and Mike Windsor
Embroider the Occasion
Five Bistro
Food Network
Forever Flawless - Diamond
Infused Skin Care
FOX Sports Midwest
Frontenac Salon and Spa
Giddyup Jane
Hair Theatre Salon
Happy Tails
Home Wine Kitchen
Hufford’s Jewelry
Imagination Toys
Jacob Klein, MD
Jay Eiler, Assoc. IIDA
Jennifer Bernstein
Jennifer Jim
Jill and Aaron Settler
Joel Marion Photography
Katherine Jessica Collections
Kim Kuehner Sportswear
KIND soap company
Lisa Gravier Barnes
Little Fishes Swim School
Mavrik Fine Jewelry
Nancy Nix-Rice
Neiman Marcus
Nordstrom Café Bistro
Olive Oils and More
PALM Health
Peacock Loop Diner
Pillsbury Marketing
Prints Charming Gallery
PRP Wine
Sally and Ken Katzif
Seven Gables Inn
Soleil by Erkers at
Plaza Frontenac
Special Occasions
St. Louis Magazine
Stages St. Louis
St. Louis Cardinals
Stonewater Spa, Salon
& Boutique
Strawberry Stitch Co.
Sugarfire Smokehouse
Sweet Serenity Massage
The Clover
The Designing Block
The Diamond Shop
The Magic House
The Original Pancake House
The Pasta House Company
Walt Disney World
White Buffalo Massage
Woody’s Mens Shop
Yucando Art Studio
Zydeco Blues
Thank you to our sponsors and underwriters!
The Gladys K. Crown Foundation
Harvey Kornblum Foundation
Helene Meisler and Ken Morrison
Drs. Nanci and James Bobrow
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Mother2Mother Begins Important Discussion
On January 26, women from the
YWCA - Metro St. Louis and The Ethics
Project joined the Jewish Community
for Mother2Mother, a discussion
between mothers about parenting their
sons as African-American mothers.
The eight women who took the stage
described “the talk” they give to their
sons about how to safely get home
if they are stopped by the police and
Cynthia Albin, VP Advocacy (calbin@sbcglobal.net)
Jennifer Bernstein, State Policy Advocacy Chair (jkbernstein@sbcglobal.net)
how they must behave to be safe. They
shared heart-wrenching stories about
situations they have seen or their sons
have experienced.
The event was sponsored by
NCJW and co-sponsored by Temple
Emanuel, United Hebrew, Central
Reform, Bais Abraham and Kol Rinah
Congregations along with Nishmah and
Jewish Community Relations Council.
NCJW President Darien Arnstein
said she felt the event achieved its goals.
“I was extremely pleased with the
engagement, energy and content that
was brought up throughout the evening.”
At the end of the evening,
audience members and the panelists
had the opportunity to discuss the
current climate of issues facing St. Louis
and ways to help make change happen.
They gave the audience advice to stand
up for injustices they see to help the
Special thanks to Philip Deitch for
his wonderful photos of the evening.
NCJW Goes to Jefferson City!
Eight Months
The Journey from
Recovery to Rebuilding
Seeking Sustainable solutions to
Economic & Racial Disparities
Thursday, April 16
7-8:30 pm
Sheet Metal Workers
Local 36 Union Hall
2319 Chouteau Ave., 63103
For more information visit www.ncjwstl.org
Co-Sponsored by NCJW,Women’s
Voices Raised for Social Justice and
Jewish Community Relations Council
Whether you walk
the halls of our
state capitol on a
regular basis or are
just getting into
progressive issues,
we’d love to have
you join us on Wednesday, April 15!
Our elected officials need to
hear from us on issues we care about.
Health care, reproductive rights,
protection for victims of domestic
violence, what we say can make a
There will be two pick up
locations, one at the NCJW offices at
7:45am, the other in Chesterfield Valley
at 8:15am. We will return by 5pm that
day. For a $36 donation, you get bus
transportation, training, lunch, snacks,
drinks, and an opportunity to make a
difference in our state. To RSVP or for
more information visit ncjwstl.org or
call 314-993-5181.
Witnessing Whiteness Group begins April 1
...a form of modern-day slavery.
National Council of Jewish Women – St. Louis Section is asking you
to remember those who have been affected by human trafficking.
Please use this insert in your Seder for the Hillel sandwich.
As we recall our time of slavery in Egypt, we place an extra
portion of maror in our Hillel Sandwich to remember that
in our lifetime we were also slaves during the Holocaust.
Slavery continues today in the form of human trafficking.
We remember those entrapped by criminals who promised
them a better life here.
We remember young people who are exploited with
promises of false love and protection.
This dialogue group
is designed to assist people
who identify as White
with understanding racism,
White privilege and White
supremacy in America. This
group will follow the book
Witnessing Whiteness and
will be led by a trained
facilitator from the YWCA.
The group starts
Wednesday, April 1 and will
meet from 5:30-7:30PM on
the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
of the month for five months.
All meetings will be held
at the NCJW office. Bring
a brown bag dinner and
NCJW will provide drinks.
The group is free and
open to the public. Advanced
reservations required. RSVP
to lgjerswald@ncjwstl.org.
For more information
contact Heather Silverman,
hsilverman@ncjwstl.org or
314-993-5181. Babysitting
will be provided upon
advanced request.
We recall those swept into captive labor.
We think of children sold into slavery.
We, who are free, understand the bitterness of today’s slaves.
Let us resolve to educate ourselves and the community
to end human trafficking for all time.
295 N. Lindbergh
St. Louis, MO 63141
April – JUNE 2015 13
Join us for Board
Installation and
Section Awards on
Wednesday, May 27
at TheResaleShop
We are delighted to announce and
recognize our incoming, continuing
and outgoing board leadership!
Thank you for all you do for NCJW!
Bonnie Solomon, VP Leadership (oldpeep@aol.com)
2015-2016 Board
of Directors
Cynthia Albin*
Alissa Arst***
Melissa Baris**
Community Service
Nanci Bobrow, Ph.D
Marvin & Muriel Beckerman
Michelle Brooks
Hillary Friedman
Rosalyn Borg
Maxine Friedman***
Nan Goldberg***
Executive Team
Jill Gubin*
Darien Arnstein
Jenny Hoffman-Mentle
Susan Witte
Felice Joyce**
Amy Hammerman
Marilyn Ratkin**
Betty Kagan
Barbara Langsam Shuman**
Nancy (Nix-Rice) Litz
VP Advocacy**
Gail Eisenkramer and
Andrea Newstead
Co-VP’s Community Service
Susan Katzman
VP Development
Bonnie Solomon
VP Leadership**
Lisa Gubernik
VP Marketing**
Jennifer Scissors
Karen Silverman***
Katie Silversmith
Lynn Spewak**
Amy Weiss
* One year term
** New two year term
*** Additional term
Thank you to the following
who are retiring from our board:
Jenny Abeles
Lori Goldberg
VP Membership
Sherri Goldman
Marlene Hammerman
Immediate Past President
Laura Levey
Jennifer Bernstein
State Policy Advocacy Chair
Andrea Newstead
Volunteer Service
Helene Meisler
Emerging Leader
Nancy (Nix-Rice) Litz
Allison Izsak**
Erin Schreiber
Jane Tzinberg Rubin
VP Administration
We are delighted to
announce the 2015
Section Awards winners:
The 2015 awards ceremony will occur at the NCJW board installation on
Wednesday, May 27.
Celebrate with us!
Don’t forget to send a
tribute to celebrate our
award winners and new
board leadership! You can
send a tribute online at
ncjwstl.org/tributes, or call
the office at 314-993-5181.
Farilyn Hale
Carolyn Satz
Karen Suroff
NCJW St. Louis Section, December 1, 2014 through February 20, 2015
Tributes are listed under the name of the person honored or remembered. Each tribute is keyed with the initials of the fund to which the contribution was made.The fund
initials appear after the donor’s name. Funds are listed below by category. Tributes received too late to make the deadline of this bulletin will appear in the next issue. For further
information concerning a fund or contribution, please call 314-993-5181. Please note: We no longer send acknowledgement cards to donors.
Key to Fund Listing
Back-To-School! StoreTM Fund
Julius Perlstein Fund for Children
Lassie Frager Fund
Lois W. Markus Fund
(WBL)William B. and Bernice Susman Lee Fund for Back-To-School! StoreTM
Kids Community Closet
In Honor of
Stephen Arnstein’s Special Birthday
Marlene and Harley Hammerman (BTSS) n
Eugene and Debbie Horwitz (ATK) n
Sue and Rob Weintraub (ATK) n
Steve and Lindy Wilhelm (ATK) n
Gary Meltz (BTSS)
Susan and Alan Witte (SP)
Benita and Burton Boxerman (ATK)
Marilyn and Gary Ratkin (ATK)
Marian Auer’s Special Birthday
Mickey and Marvin Goldman (BTSS/KCC) n
Marvin and Muriel Beckerman for all of their
hard work with OACAP
Rochelle Harris (OACAP)
Sandy and Steve Bell on the birth of grandson Simon
Sally and Ken Katzif (BTSS)
Eve Frank Bensky for all your hard work and
accomplishments as a Healing Hearts Team Leader
Marilyn Ratkin (HHB)
Morry and Ellen Berger on the
engagement of David and Brittney
Mark and Sharee Feldman
The Doughty Family for including us in your
Chanukah celebration
The Rosens and Fingermans (BTSS)
Edie and Stephen Feman on the birth of
grandson Hugo
Nanci and Jim Bobrow (SLL)
Susan Frank’s Special Birthday
JoAnn and Bill Frazier (BTSS)
Hillary and Bill Friedman on birth of new granddaughter
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Warner and Helane Isaacs’ Special Anniversary
Mickey and Maxine Goldman (BTSS/KCC)
Karen and Henry Stern (BTSS)
Fritzi and Mike Lainoff for all of their hard work with OACAP
Rochelle Harris (OACAP)
Phyllis and Howard Loiterstein on birth of grandson Jack
Steve and Sherri Newstead (BTSS)
Doug McElvein’s Speedy Recovery
NCJW Board & Staff (BTSS)
Andrea Newstead for continued passion for BTSS
Nancy Weigley (BTSS)
Sylvia Nissenboim in appreciation of her kind and
capable faciliation of the Jean Block Stein
Wife Widow Woman Support Group
Joan Hoffman (WWW-JB)
Beth and Dr. David Parks’ Special Anniversary
Marilyn and Gary Ratkin (HH)
Carolyn and Larry Satz on the marriage
of daughter Jamie
Lise and Lee Bernstein (BTSS/KCC)
Joel Schraier’s Special Birthday
Sally and Ken Katzif (BTSS)
Steve and Sherri Newstead (BTSS)
Joel Schraier’s Speedy Recovery
Marlene and Harley Hammerman (BTSS)
Sally and Ken Katzif (BTSS)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
(WWW-JB)Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Fund
Women’s Emergency Services Tribute Fund
Section Priorities
Ruth and Nancy Siteman Leadership Legacy Fund
Healing Hearts Fund
Harry Fredrick and Ann Trepp Koenigsburg Fund
Karen Silverman for continued passion for BTSS
Nancy Weigley (BTSS)
Katie Silversmith for all your hard work and accomplishments
as a Healing Hearts Team Leader
Marilyn Ratkin (HHB)
Nancy Siteman on the birth of new
granddaughter Aviva
Lise and Lee Bernstein (BTSS/KCC)
Ellen Alper (SLL)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Ruth Siteman on the birth of new
great-granddaughter Aviva
Ellen Alper (SLL)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Bunny Steinbaum’s Special Birthday
Carol Jacobson (WMF)
Mary Strauss’s Speedy Recovery
Susan Katzman (SLL)
Bernice Volk’s Special Birthday
Shirley Finger (CC)
Judy Wasserman’s Special Birthday
The Ratkins (BTSS)
Harry and Miriam Weintrop
Wealth Management Advisors Inc. (BTSS) n
In Memory of
Brother of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amsterdam
Debi and Bob Feit (BTSS)
Lloyd Arkin
Marilyn Lipman (ATK)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Jenny, Zach, Sam & Tucker Abeles (BTSS)
Lillian Arky
Joanne and Dan Schwartz (BTSS/KCC)
Jerome Berger
The Mentle Family (BTSS)
Bernard Bloom
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Bernard Bornstein
Joan Klearman (HH)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Joan Abrams (BTSS)
Esther Bressler
Joan Klearman (BTSS)
Jerry Chod
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Eve Levy Dann
Barbie Baronholtz-Present (WBL)
Karen and Henry Stern (BTSS)
Sarene DeWoskin
Joanne and Dan Schwartz (BTSS/KCC)
Jenn and Irl Scissors and Family (BTSS)
Matt and Lizzie Berman & Family (BTSS)
The Mentle Family (BTSS)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Jenny, Zach, Sam and Tucker Abeles (BTSS)
Darien and Stephen Arnstein (SP)
Andrea Newstead (BTSS)
Phyllis Fineshriber
Nanci and Jim Bobrow (SLL)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
(CC) Crown Center and Older Adult Programs
Wilma Messing Fund
(OACAP) Older Adult Community Action Program
(SF) Sosnoff Fund
n Denotes Chai Tribute of $18-$24
Tribute of $25-$49
Gold Tribute of $50 or more
Norman Finger
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Shirley Fink
Sue and Rob Weintraub (WWW-JB)
Marvin Finkelstein
Marilyn Lipman (ATK)
Reuben Goodman
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Carol Jacobson (WMF)
Joyce “Toodles” Green
Lisa and Mark Gubernik (SLL)
Ruth Hilton
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Harriet Kronick
Ellen and Ed Lieberman (BTSS)
Barry Mandel
NCJW Board & Staff (HH)
Mildred G. Mellman
Mellman/Nathan Family Fund (SP) n
Hortense Morgan
Karen and Henry Stern (BTSS)
Harold Mosinger
Dorothy and Billy Firestone (SP)
Joanne and Dan Schwartz (ATK)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Barbara and Michael Newmark (SP)
Joan Abrams (BTSS)
Lois Goldring (BTSS)
Carol Jacobson (WMF)
Rita Pearline
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Judy Milton (ATK)
Jennifer Scissors’ Grandmother
Stephanie and Craig Saur (BTSS)
Edward Schapiro
Gloria Goldblatt (CC)
Mrs. Ron Sherman’s Brother
Mickey and Marvin Goldman (BTSS/KCC)
Miriam (Mitzi) Sisson
Joan Klearman (HH)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Helene Skutch
Ruth and Alvin Siteman (SLL)
Shirley Sparks
Lois Goldring (BTSS)
Rhoda and Buddy Hochman (CC)
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Goodman (CC)
Jeanette Studna
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Jenny, Zach, Sam & Tucker Abeles (BTSS)
Steve and Sherri Newstead (BTSS)
Jane and Mark Tucker (BTSS)
Erwin Waldman
Steve and Sherri Newstead (BTSS)
Marian Wisnev
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Marvin Wool
The Resale Shop Staff (SP)
NCJW Board & Staff (SP)
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
295 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63141
Join us to celebrate
Kids Community Closets
on April 28.
See page 9 for
more information.
The National Council of Jewish Women–St. Louis Section
is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive
ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice
by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families, and by
safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.
Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Witnessing Whiteness Group
Passover Begins at Sunset – Office CLOSES 1pm / TheResaleShop CLOSES 4pm
Art Interest Group
OACAP SOS Training with MEAAA
Executive Team Meeting
Board Meeting
Women’s Equality Day – Jefferson City
Lobby Day – Jefferson City
Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Witnessing Whiteness Group
8 Months Post Ferguson Program
Past President Coffee
Earth Day Sale – TheResaleShop
Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Dimvaloo Girls Night Out Event
Cocktails and Closets Event at NewSpace
Women of Achievement Luncheon honoring 4 NCJW members – Ritz Carlton
Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Witnessing Whiteness Group
ealing Hearts Bank being honored at FOCUS H
St. Louis’ What’s Right with the Region Award Event –
Sheldon Concert Hall
Executive Team Meeting
Art Interest Group
Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Witnessing Whiteness Group
Memorial Day Sale – TheResaleShop
MEMORIAL DAY – Office Closed
Project Renewal
22 Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Witnessing Whiteness Group
Executive Team Meeting
Board Meeting
Jean Stein Bloch Wife-Widow-Woman Group
Board Orientation
Witnessing Whiteness Group
Jewish Light Women in Business Event – Ritz Cartlon
Witnessing Whiteness Group
Independence Day – Office and TheResaleShop Closed
Witnessing Whiteness Group
Back to School! Store
NCJW Office Closed