Introducing NCJW-GNO`s Officers and Directors
Introducing NCJW-GNO`s Officers and Directors
® National Council of Jewish Women Greater New Orleans Section Bulletin May-June 2013 Introducing NCJW-GNO’s Officers and Directors 2012-2013 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Ina Davis, Chair EX-OFFICIO Phyllis Nitzkin EX-OFFICIO Julanne Isaacson COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Ellen Balkin Jenny Nathan Julie Wise Oreck Ann Thompson Sheryl Title Lisa Pulitzer Zoller 2013-2014 SLATE OF NEW OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Barbara Greenberg Executive Vice President, 2013-2014 Jenny Nathan Vice President, 2013-2015 Rachelle Stein Financial Secretary, 2013-2014 Kathy Shepard Treasurer, 2013-2015 Tricia Kirschman Assistant Treasurer, 2013-2015 ELECTED BOARD MEMBERS Lisa Abel 2013-2015 Brenda Brasher 2013-2015 Robin Goldblum 2013-2015 Rollie Rabin 2013-2015 Eileen Wallen 2013-2015 THE INSTALLATION 2013-2014 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Beth Hershberg, Chair EX-OFFICIO PRESIDENT Phyllis Nitzkin, 2013-2014 EX-OFFICIO, COMMITTEE CHAIR Ina Davis, 2013-2014 COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM BOARD Sarah Covert 2013-2014 Sue Jernigan 2013-2014 Jenny Nathan 2013-2014 Dana Shepard 2013-2014 FROM MEMBERSHIP Jody Portnoff Braunig 2013-2014 Sarah Wise Hess 2013-2014 Julie Wise Oreck 2013-2014 Jenny Good Zurik 2013-2014 CONTINUING OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT June Leopold 2012-2014 VICE PRESIDENTS Michelle Erenberg 2012-2014 Sue Jernigan 2012-2014 Susan Kierr 2012-2014 Jill Zimmerman 2012-2014 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Lynda Warshauer 2012-2014 CO-RECORDING SECRETARIES Katie Single, 2012-2014 Missy Taranto, 2012-2014 ELECTED BOARD MEMBERS Patty Barnett, 2012-2014 Linda Friedman, 2012-2014 Sandra Chass Goldsmith, 2012-2014 Marisa Kahn, 2012-2014 President’s MESSAGE A FAITH IN THE FUTURE. A BELIEF IN ACTION. Habit and Custom Taxicabs are for tourists. And for sure, tourists are important to New Orleans. Rarely do many of us here hail a cab after lunch to get back to the office, or call one to take us to the airport, or depend on said vehicle to take us home after a late night. Our cars are parked in a convenient lot, or we rely on a willing friend, habit and custom, perhaps. NCJW in New Orleans is 116 years ® National Council of Jewish Women Greater New Orleans Section President June Leopold Vice President Jill Zimmerman Editor Mary Stein Photographs Ina Davis Page 2 | NCJW old, and NCJW nationally is celebrating 120 years. Has it become a custom to rely on NCJW to look after our community needs, or is our organization evolving with new generational attitudes? I hope it is a bit of both. NCJW stands for community and concerns in domestic violence, education, reproductive rights. It is a place where volunteers run an effective and efficient large hierarchical organization with many responsibilities. Yet, we also join to make friendships, often for a lifetime, and to be a part of a historic past -- first Jewish women’s organization working to usher in social change, such as women’s vote, civil rights, equality in the workplace. This year, we honored Ina Davis as recipient of the Harold Salmon Award. We celebrated 30 years of Parkway Partners, a group we helped create. We visited the newly renovated Rosa Keller Library for our General Meeting as Dr. Rebecca Marks recanted tales of wellknown Jewish comediennes. We joined NFL wives at the N.O. Family and Justice Center in support of teens helping teens who suffer through domestic violence. Ruth Kullman was honored for community service at the elegant Hannah Solomon Luncheon. And we laughed and danced and enjoyed delicious cuisine at our annual fundraiser, Hawaiian Paradise. Dr Larry Cohen visited us at our Closing where he discussed parenting. Throughout the year, we supported programs in Women’s Rights, pre-school education, college scholarships, enrichment for Alzheimer’s, and much more. Our thanks go to all the wonderful chairpersons who made these events and programs possible. Beginnings too are important. We are adding a storytime for Jewish toddlers to read new and classic tales. And we are creating a most valuable leadership training program, NCJW Way, to tell new leadership of our past achievements and future goals. Take an active part if you can, if you will. ~ June NCJW Summer Office Hours Change The schedule for the NCJW office is changing for the summer. Between now and Monday, September 9, the office will be open Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. The hours will remain the same - 8am to 3:30pm. ***Please jot yourself a note about the change!*** If you need to drop off something small that will slip under the door, you may do that at any time that the building is open, 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Enjoy your summer! Public AFFAIRS NCJW-GNO Goes to Washington by Jenny Nathan From March 17th to 19th, NCJW-GNO members Lisa Abel, Sue Jernigan, Marisa Kahn, Jenny Nathan, and State Policy Advocate Ina Davis joined hundreds of advocates from across the country in Washington, DC for Washington Institute: NCJW’s triennial public policy conference. The three-day conference combined inspirational speakers and educational panels with hands-on advocacy, culminating in a full day of lobbying visits on Capital Hill. For each Washington Institute, NCJW staff chooses three issue areas on which to focus, learn, and advocate. This year’s issues included: u Gun Violence Prevention: In the wake of Sandy Hook and so many other mass shootings, NCJW is standing up and making gun violence prevention a priority. At the opening plenary, we heard from advocate Lori Haas, who told the agonizing story of learning that her daughter had been injured during the horrific 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech. u Comprehensive Immigration Reform: With 11 million undocumented immigrants living and working in the United States, it’s clear that our current policies are out-of-date and ineffective. NCJW works for comprehensive, humane, and equitable immigration and naturalization laws, policies, and practices that facilitate and expedite legal status for more individuals. u Reproductive Justice: NCJW was an early supporter of abortion rights and access to the full range of family planning options, and continues to advocate for reproductive health and rights at the local, state, national, and international levels. On the opening night of Washington Institute, NCJW presented “New Voices for Reproductive Choice,” honoring young advocates Sandra Fluke, Kierra Johnson, and Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas. Melissa Harris-Perry and James Perry share the joy with NCJW-GNO delegates after receiving the coveted “Women Who Dared Award” at the 2013 Washington Institute, NCJW’s premier public policy event. NCJW-GNO Section delegates (from left) Ina Davis, Sue Jernigan, Jenny Nathan, Marisa Kahn and Lisa Abel. After learning about these issues from a variety of sources, and hearing from inspiring speakers like Tulane University’s own Melissa Harris-Perry, we woke up early on Tuesday morning and headed to Capitol Hill. Throughout the busy day, we met with staffers from the offices of Senators Landrieu and Vitter, and Representatives Scalise and Richmond. At each meeting, we presented our three issues and advocated for the legislators’ support. As you can imagine, some were more supportive than others, but we made our voices heard as is our right and responsibility as constituents. The Institute closed on Tuesday evening with a tribute to Sammie Moshenberg, celebrating her 30th year of leadership in NCJW’s Washington Office. Sammie is a smart, passionate, and dedicated advocate for the many issues that NCJW supports, and it was truly fitting to honor her as we closed out another successful event. You can take action on these issues as well! At Washington Institute, NCJW rolled out its new online platform for “virtual organizing” and discussion: Make sure you log on and create an account so that you can stay upto-date on these issues and so many more, and take action in our local community! With Congressman Cedric Richmond and Legislative Correspondent Samantha Sher. (Samantha is NCJW member Karen Sher’s daughter). Be in the know - Send your email address to today! NCJW | Page 3 SPA reports to the membership: NCJW-GNO advocates are fired up! by Ina Davis With your support, our issues can win in Louisiana NCJW advocates have been working feverishly over the last few months to affect progressive change in both Washington, DC and Baton Rouge. We took to the Hill at Washington Institute to deliver concerns about immigration, gun control and reproductive rights (see page 3). Statewide, we continue to be active in several coalitions: LAW (Legislative Agenda for Women), the Act 3 Coalition, and Louisiana Courts Matter. We have also created a membership database to identify each and every one of your legislators so that we may tap you when action is required. When you see an action alert email please read and respond. A cut-and-paste template or script will make it quick and easy to write or call your legislator. NCJW, GNO is a formidable group and our membership carries clout when we call on our elected officials. According to legislators who briefed us last month in Baton Rouge, it takes “ten calls to make a difference on an issue.” With our membership, this should be a cinch. Your constituent calls matter, your voice and your vote count... but only if you make the call. Please know that we are available to explain any of the issues and will help you in the process if you need guidance. NCJW is playing a leading role in these advocacy coalitions; help us win by making the call to your legislators when we call upon you, the legislative session* continues through June 6th: u LAW coalition has been established to develop and support specific legislation to improve and protect the interests of women. This legislative session the coalition has focused on Pay Equity, Age Appropriate Sex Education, and Medicaid Expansion. • Pay Equity legislation has passed in the La. House and we presently await a State Senate vote. Our position is simple: women deserve equal pay for equal work. • We have won approval for a Department of Education survey to be conducted of students regarding risk behaviors. With abstinance-only sex education in La., and among the highest rates of STDs, HIV and teen pregnancies in the country, this is an important move forward. • Medicaid Expansion continues to be a most important issue around the U.S. Louisiana’s acceptance could positively affect 400,000 of Louisiana’s low-income adults, and approval will also create 15,000 jobs for Louisianans. According to The La. Budget Project, “The reason Medicaid expansion is such a great deal for the state budget is that the federal Page 4 | NCJW government will pay 100 percent of the cost for the first three years. The state will slowly chip in starting in 2017, but will never have to pay more than 10 percent of the expansion cost. Compare that to today, when Louisiana is responsible for about 40 percent of the cost of providing care to the uninsured.” u ACT 3 coalition The Early Childhood Coalition has continued its work during the Legislative Session by providing critical advocacy to sustain the School Readiness Tax Credits that have been threatened by a number of different bills in the Legislature. So far, these efforts have been very successful, and the credits have not been cut. These tax credits benefit families, early childhood teachers and providers and businesses by encouraging and supporting high quality early childhood education in our state. Additionally the credits are extremely important to Louisiana as they have been used by the state to draw down over $20 million in federal dollars under the Child Care Development Fund Block Grant. u La. Courts Matter coalition has been pressing for appointment of judges to the U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit. Since July 2011, Louisiana’s Middle District has had a vacant seat. Every day a vacancy goes unfilled, peoples lives are affected. We must urge Senators to move expeditiously to fill the federal judicial vacancies. Every day justice is delayed, justice is denied. Will you help us to achieve progressive change? Michelle, Joel, and I are always available to answer questions and loop you in on the cause. Contact Ina Davis:, 919-2559 or Michelle Erenberg:, 451-8489 or Joel Myers:, 282-2233 to get involved. We need you! We have also created a membership database to identify each and every one of your legislators so that we may tap you when action is required. When you see an action alert email please read and respond. A cut-and-paste template or script will make it quick and easy to write or call your legislator. It takes ten calls to make a difference on an issue.... Your constituent calls matter, your voice and your vote count... but only if you make the call. Find your Louisiana Legislators: Just type in your address and voila! Your voice is at your fingertips NCJW WAY NCJW, Greater New Orleans Section is looking for five good women who want to learn, network, and take action for progressive social change. Beginning in the fall of 2013, our local section will offer six seminars focused on NCJW’s history, mission and structure with a sharp focus on advocacy, service and non-profit management. Afterwards participants will attend NCJW’s 46th National Convention in St. Louis where attendees will have the opportunity to network with other community leaders and to speak out and make their mark on the future of NCJW. Following the convention, participants will work together as a committee on a service project of their choice. The Mayer Israel Trust Fund will underwrite up to $1250 in travel expenses and approximately $150 in service learning costs per participant. Qualifications for participants: • Current or new member of NCJW-Greater New Orleans Section • Interest in working to achieve mission of NCJW • Ability to work well with others • Commitment to stay in New Orleans area Expectations for participants: • Attend local NCJW crash course (six seminars) • Attend two general meetings • Attend NCJW’s National Convention in St. Louis from March 6 - 8, 2014 • Organize and participate in a service project selected by the group • Commit to a 2-year term of board service follow ing participation in NCJW WAY Scholarship Opportunity Through NCJW NCJW of Greater New Orleans has scholarships available to candidates who meet the following criteria: • Must be Jewish • Must live in the Greater New Orleans area • Must be able to demonstrate financial need • Must have a realistic plan to accomplish a specific educational goal The Irma M. Isaacson Memorial Scholarships and The Clara and Roy Schwartz Book Fund allocations are for students who have completed high school, but there is no upper age limit. The scholarships are not awarded for academic excellence as a criterion. Each applicant may receive up to eight semesters of assistance and the grants are for college and graduate school. The financial assistance does not need to be paid back, although recipients are encouraged to support the funds when they are in a financially stable position. The deadline for applications is June 1st, but the committee has decided to extend the date to July 1st this year. If you have any questions or would like to apply, please contact Nancy B. Timm at nancybtimm@gmail. com. Nancy B. Timm and Ann T. Thompson NCJW Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs Nominations should not exceed two pages and are due by July 20. Self-nominations are encouraged. Please include nominee’s name, physical address, email address and phone number. Also include a brief bio and rationale for selecting this individual. Mail nominations to Madalyn Schenk, 600 Port of New Orleans Place #8G, New Orleans, LA 70130 or email to For more information, call Madalyn at 504 412-9840. Don’t miss a great program! Send your email address to today! NCJW | Page 5 Hawaiian Paradise Raises Funds for NCJW-GNO NCJW-GNO members and supporters enjoyed a tropical evening on April 6 at Sun Ray Grill. The annual fundraising event had great food, music, hula dancing, silent auction, and lots of fun. NCJW celebrates 116 years young this spring in New Orleans, and has been continually providing support by volunteering, leadership, creating, and underwriting for many important community programs. Many thanks to the Sun Ray Grill, our entertainers, silent auction contributors, and photographer. Thanks go to our underwriters and patrons as well. Big Island Patrons Joan and Gerald Berenson Sandra Chass Goldsmith Lisa Davidson Sara Stone Ina and Richard Davis Maui Patrons Matt Greenbaum and Theresa Carazo Tricia and Rick Kirschman Susan and Bill Hess Dana and Louis Shepard Babs Isaacson Kathy Shepard Roma and Michael Kahn Nancy and Steve Timm Kauai Patrons Patty Barnett June Leopold and Martin Goldstein Cathy and Morris Bart Phyllis and Joel Nitzkin Caroline and Bob Brickman Julie Wise Oreck James P. Friedman, CPA (APC) Loel and Larry Samuel Linda and Richard Friedman Hal Shepard Barbara and Mark Greenberg Karen and Leopold Sher Amy and John Haspel Sue and Harold R. Singer Barbara Herman Ellen and Mark Yellin Celia Katz NCJW President June Leopold with Committee Chair Marisa Kahn *Patrons as of April 1, 2013 Underwriters Shellye Farber and Sara Stone Betty and Ira Kohn F O U N DAT I O N Page 6 | NCJW Babs Isaacson, Susan Tramontana Tricia Kirschman, Jill Zimmerman, Phyllis Nitzkin and Betty Karem Aloha ® Kathy and Hal Shepard The Committee - Betty Karan, Sue Jernigan, Marisa Kahn, Barbara Greenberg, Ina Davis, Phyllis Nitzkin, Dana Shepard, Kathy Shepard, Loel Samuel, June Leopold Be in the know - Send your email address to today! NCJW | Page 7 All Alzheimer’s Care and Enrichment Volunteers PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This program provides a regular break to family members who are taking care of a relative with Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders. Persons with Alzheimer’s are brought by caregivers to the Jewish Community Center for a four hour session in which they have refreshments and participate in simple recreational and social activities. Under the supervision of the Program Director, the volunteers provide companionship and assistance to the participants as they engage in the following activities. VOLUNTEER TASKS: Volunteers are expected to 1) Offer support and reassurance to participants 2) Assist participants with program activities ex. arts proj ects, food preparation, music etc. 3) Aid in the preparations and serving of refreshments and lunch TIME COMMITMENT: One 4-hour session, twice a month QUALIFICATIONS: 1) Concern for and interest in older people 2) Ability to work cooperatively with volunteer team mem bers and staff 3) Good communication skills, and enjoyment of social interaction 4) Ability to accept and understand the limitations of people with Alzheimer’s Disease PLEASE CONTACT: ACE Program Director Allison Freeman at 504.897.0143 Volunteer at the Library This is a great summer opportunity for you and your teenager to drop into the public library and offer yoga sessions to young kids. The New Orleans Public Library is Page 8 | NCJW happy to have you or your teenager come to the library on as many summer days as you wish to offer and do yoga with children! Email Laura Bevins at lbevins@gno Volunteer with the Fox 8 Defenders Susan Tramontana, Director FOX 8 DEFENDERS and the NCJW, WVUE - FOX 8 TV In July the FOX 8 DEFENDERS will be completing its 3rd year of affiliation with WVUE. (The first 16 years of this program’s existence were spent with another station in New Orleans.) It is thanks to Lee Zurik that we are reaching this milestone with WVUE-FOX 8 TV and we are very gratified by our accomplishments. For those who are unaware of our program, we are the Consumer Advocates at FOX 8, serving the under-served in the Community and trying to further educate the public on consumer issues. For example, in recent days we have had several successes worth mentioning. A consumer was unable to get a local eyeglass dispensary to honor his one year warranty. We were able to contact the company’s national headquarters and assist our consumer in getting the resolution (a complete new pair of eyeglasses) which, on his own, he had been unable to obtain. Secondly, a photo portrait studio in a couple of big box stores suddenly, and without notice, went out of business, leaving consumers not only without cherished picture memories, but also without their funds (one client had paid over $140 in advance for her photos). Our consumer eventually received a package that contained the majority of her order and the big box store has been most cooperative. Thirdly, the City of New Orleans heard our pleas on behalf of a resident who has been living next to a blighted property for years and called in desperation as the house was now leaning towards his home and in imminent danger of collapse. Thankfully, the City responded immediately and now our consumer lives next to an empty lot which has been completely cleared. We don’t have a magic wand; we don’t have a “get out of jail free” card, but we do have seasoned, committed professional volunteers who work for the betterment of our community. As the director of this program at WVUE-FOX 8 TV, I personally thank the NCJW for continuing to sponsor and support this vital service. It certainly lives up to the Mission of the NCJW and especially the Greater New Orleans Section. If you are interested in volunteering, contact: Babs Isaacson 861-0716 or Lois Shepard, 861-4692. Scenes from the Closing Luncheon Playful Parenting and Playful Grand-Parenting May 13th, 2013 Tricia Kirschman, Missy Taranto, Sue Singer and Loel Samuel Guest Speaker Larry Cohen, Ph.D. “Playful Parenting and Grandparenting” author of Playful Parenting Members enjoying a delightful garden lunch and a leisurely visit. Brenda Brasher and June Leopold Shellye Farber, Phyllis Nitzkin and Eileen Wallen Thank you to Children’s Hospital for the use of their auditorium. Don’t miss a great program! Send your email address to today! NCJW | Page 9 Joy of Reading always on NCJW’s radar by Ina Davis New Orleans Public Library counts on volunteers for many of its branch and outreach programs. NCJW women stepped up to the call for volunteers on April 5th to read at various childhood learning centers for Head Start’s Annual Day of Literacy. Many thanks to volunteers Ina Davis, Babs Isaacson, Helen Polmer, Lisa Silverman and Ann Thompson, who provided their time to read to the children. All the children loved the story times, as did the volunteers. If you would like to participate in the Krewe of Dewey, a joint reading program with NCJW & NOPL, contact Ina Davis, or 919-2559. “It gave me a real ‘high’ to see 10 to 15 excited little faces looking up at me in anticipation of hearing a good story. A wonderful interactive treat for them and for me.” ~ Babs Isaacson A big thank you to our blue book sponsors Ambrose Garden LLC Andrea’s Restaurant & Catering Audubon Tea Room & Clubhouse Ballins LTD Blue Frog Chocolates Carlisle Collection (Bebe Marchal & Karen Davidson) Corky’s Bar-B-Q Crescent Capital Consulting, LLC Curtis Herring Interior Design, LLC Dashka Roth Contemporary Jewelry & Judaica Doctors Imaging East Jefferson General Hospital Face to Face Photography (Donna Matherne) Federico’s Family Florist Fiber-Seal/Fiber-Clean Five Happiness Restaurant Friend and Company Fine Jewelers Gentry Haase Shoes, Young Folks Shop and Monogrammig Page 10 | NCJW Hebrew Rest Cemetery Association, LLC Hiller Jewelry Company Hilton Marx Title, D.D.S. Hurwitz Mintz Finest Furniture Store South InterContinental New Orleans Interiors and Extras (Nancy Lassen) Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Jewish Community Center Katie Koch Drapery Kosher Cajun N.Y. Deli and Grocery Langenstein’s Lazy Bug Shop Le Visage Day Spa Loews New Orleans Hotel Longue Vue House and Gardens Maple Street Patisserie Mark S. Greenberg Insurance/Annuities/Retirement Mercedes-Benz of New Orleans Mid City Veterinary Hospital M. Goldberg Mignon for Children M Press / Brennan’s Printing & Mailing Morning Call Coffee Stand Neal Auction Company New Orleans Hamburger & Seafood Company Old. New. Blue Orient Expressed Pearl’s Place Riccobono’s Peppermill Restaurant Perlis Clothing Projects With Purpose Pulitzer Design Corp./Lisa Plitzer Zoller Rubensteins Scriptura Stein’s Market & Deli Test Masters Tharp-Sontheimer Funeral Home Ventura Uniform Service, Inc. Vincent’s Italian Cuisine Whimsy Windsor Court Hotel Dedicated FUNDS NCJW Cares... u In memory of Lane Meltzer By Celia Katz u In honor of Ruth Kullman upon receiving the Hannah G. Solomon Award By Stephen Katz u In honor of Jean Frank’s birthday By Loel and Larry Samuel u In honor of Bobbie Lincove’s birthday By Loel and Larry Samuel u In memory of Lillian Glazer By Loel and Larry Samuel Irma M. Isaacson Scholarship Fund... Irma M. Isaacson Scholarship Fund enables the National Council of Jewish WomenNew Orleans Section to provide needed financial assistance to local Jewish students pursuing an academic or vocational goal. u Nancy Timm u Irma M. Isaacson Memorial Scholarship Fund u In memory of Lisa Herman’s father By Nancy Timm u In honor of Ruth Kullman By Madelyn Schenk u In honor of Ruth Kullman By Myra Soboloff u In Birthday Dollars... u Sue Frank, for her birthday & in memory of Pam LeNoir’s birthday Carole Gottsegen Clara and Roy Schwarz Book Fund... The Clara and Roy Schwarz Book Fund provides each Irma M. Isaacson Scholarship Fund recipient with supplementary funds for the purchase of books. In honor of Barbara Greenberg By Sue and Harold Singer u memory of Lil Levine By Babs & J E Isaacson u Irwin NCJW Cares Your donations to NCJW CARES support important NCJW, GNO Section education, advocacy, and community service programs — improving the quality of life for women, children and families. Please consider NCJW CARES when you wish to make a donation honoring or memorializing your relatives, friends, and/or those you admire. Note for whom the donation is, who should be acknowledged, and from whom it is. This is a great way to support NCJW and honor those about whom you care! Please send your donations to Sheryl Title, Chairwoman - 515 Hillary Street, New Orleans, LA 70118. Isaacson u In memory of Lil Glazer By Celia Katz u In honor of Marion Burkett’s Birthday By Jo-Ellen Kupperman Best to you, Sheryl P.S.You may also find a donation card in the front of the NCJW Directory. There are many ways you can donate to NCJW! Don’t forget us when you want to honor or memorialize your friends and family. NCJW Endowment Fund n Personal Giving Create a Jewish Legacy (leave funds directed to NCJW in your will) n NCJW Cares Irma Isaacson Memorial Scholarship Fund n Birthday Dollars Clara and Roy Schwarz Memorial Book Fund Be in the know - Send your email address to today! NCJW | Page 11 ® Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PA I D National Council of Jewish Women Greater New Orleans Section Permit No. 608 New Orleans, LA 6221 S. Claiborne Ave., Suite 208 New Orleans, LA 70125 Have You Changed Your Address? Have You Changed Your Address? If so, please remove the mailing If so, please contact the office label from this issue of the Bulletin, Phone (504) 861-7788 cross out the old address, Fax (504) 861-0044 write in the new one, and send it to our above address. Calendar of Calendar of EVENTS EVENTS Tuesday, Sept. 4 Executive Committee Mtg. Uptown JCC, 12:30 pm Wednesday, Sept. 19 BookPartners Saturday, Oct. 20 VOTE - Primary Election State office and Councilperson at large-(N.O.) Saturday, Sept. 22 AUGUST Yom Kippur A panel discussion with Rabbi Cohn NCJW & others sponsor Tuesday, Oct. 30 and the Fox 8 Defenders-Consumer Advocates Gubernatorial Issues Forum Executive Committee Sunday, Sept. 23 Temple Sinai Temple Sinai, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Meeting Opening Tea & Installations 12:30 pm at home of Esther Windsor Court Hotel, 1:30 pm u SEPT. 16 NCJW Opening Luncheon Hendler Thursday, Sept. 13 Rosh Hashanah Tuesday, Oct. 2 Monday, Nov. 5 Board Meeting, Board Meeting 7-9pm, Metairie JCC Monday, Sept. 17 Metairie JCC, 7 - 9 pm KnitWits will meet! A FAITH IN THE FUTURE. Learn how to knit and crochet at Joel Wednesday, Oct. 17 Myers home. Questions? Call 282-2233 Tuesday, Nov. 6 Gubernatorial Debate ® A BELIEF IN ACTION. or 972-754-6604 VOTE - Election Day 6:00-7:00 FOX 8 - WVUE TV General Election and Runoff NCJW & LW V sponsors Monday, Sept. 10 Page | NCJW Page 12 |8NCJW u
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