September - Naperville Sportsman`s Club


September - Naperville Sportsman`s Club
The Naperville Trapshooter
The Official Newsletter of the Naperville Sportsman’s Club
September 2013
President’s Message
The Fred Section
Members’ Meeting and Board Meeting
We will have a member’s meeting followed by a
board meeting on Tuesday, September 10th. The
meeting starts at 7:30; doors open at 7:00. All
members are invited and urged to attend both
…Fred Turek
Bits and Pieces
Do you need or want an extra 75th Anniversary
Patch? The club has extras for sale. Contact Tom
Coleman, club treasurer, to get your patch.
Friends & Family Day – Sunday September 15th
ATA National Trapshooting Day – October 13th
Friends and Family Day
The Club will be holding this event on Sunday September 15 th.
It will operate like a small Open House for our Friends and
Family. We will use Trap 3 for the event. Bring someone out
that would like to try Trap Shooting here in Naperville.
New “Full” and “Probationary” Members
At the August meeting the Board approved Kevin Umsted, Rich
Monti, Wayne McCallister, Alec Bolas, David Martin and Tom
Jorstad for Full Membership. The Board also approved Scott
Billish, John Foust and Ian Borden for Probationary
Membership. When you see them in the clubhouse or on the line
please congratulate them on becoming a Full or Probationary
Members of the Club.
Upcoming Events
The Wobble league will start on September 5th. Friends and
Family Day is September 15th. We are sponsoring an ATA event
on October 13th (ATA National Trapshooting Day). The 2014
Annual Dinner and Raffle are scheduled for June 21 st. Please
mark your calendars now.
New Member Orientation
The next three new member orientations (informal history and
workings of the club) will be held at the club on Sunday
September 8th, Sunday October 13th and Sunday November 10th
at 10:00 AM. Please RSVP to myself at 630-842-0391. The
Range Volunteer clinic will begin at 11:00 AM on those days.
Everyone interested in learning how the machines work should
…Jim Monk
Gobble Wobble 2013
The Fall Wobble League will soon begin and that once again
signals the run up to the 11th Annual Club Turkey
Shoot…Naperville Sportsman’s Club turkey season opens on
or about Thursday, November 14th. Win a prize turkey to
gobble up on your Thanksgiving Table!
The “Gobble Wobble” is the Club’s invitation-only, member
shoot. The program format is a sliding wobble, leveraging the
full capability of our Pat-Traps as well as the 11 yards of the
trap field. Amazingly, the outfitter continues to hold the line on
cost… the entry fee per hunt remains a mere buck per bird.
As in years past, we allow a maximum of 20 Members per
hunt, with 10 hunts planned ($10 max.). Hunting regulations
stipulate a possession limit of 2 Toms… so everyone gets their
chance to bag this wily Naperville fowl.
Rules of the hunt will be posted in the Clubhouse – last year’s
“guns” receive a “right of first refusal” for this always-soldout event. A wait list will be available for those interested in
attending this year’s hunt.
With enough notice, I may be able to coax “Mrs. Spitter” to
cook up a pot of her famous “turkey chili” for the hunters
among us… gobble, gobble, gobble will be spoken here!
To reserve your place, contact the outfitter. Reservations are
pre-paid, so sign up and pay your money to Jay, today! Jay can
be reached at (630) 369-3666 or
Jay Spitz
Naperville Turkey Outfitters
ATA Membership – New Year
Happy New Year! No, there’s nothing wrong with my calendar,
but September 1, is the start of the new target year for 2013-14
and it’s your time to get with the program. The target year runs
from 9/1 to 8/31.
Join the ATA. Support the organization that governs American
Trap. It’s $20/year to support trapshooting.
Register some targets. Keep score – real score, by sampling
your practice and putting those numbers to paper. Registration
of targets is not for everyone.
If you’re the competitive sort, who wants to improve their game,
keep track and use registration as a method to improve your
game on the trap field. If you like the action of competition,
build “known ability” at home and take that experience to local,
state, region and national events.
We’re building something here. The next ATA shoot is
National Trapshooting Day on October 13th. It’s our kickoff for
the new year. Join the ATA and join your fellow members to
register some targets.
Download the form, contact the ATA or make plans to join at
the shoot. For more information, speak to Scott Calhoun, Mike
Moore or myself.
Jay Spitz
ATA Member, since 1999
ATA event on Sunday, October 13 – National Trapshooting Day
Just a reminder to mark your calendar for our ATA event at Sportsman’s Park on Sunday, October 13 - National
Trapshooting Day.
The program will be 100 singles targets (16-yards), and we’ll begin shooting at Noon.
The club has generously agreed to provide trophies for this shoot. We’ll be shooting for leather goods from Shamrock
Leathers, which will be embossed with the ATA National Trapshooting Day logo. The high-score in singles will receive a
Shamrock Leathers 4-box Shell Bag. We’ll also award Shamrock Leathers Box Holders to the winners of three classes. We’ll
use the Lewis Class method to determine class winners, similar to how we award trophies during our league shoots. All
shooters will receive a National Trapshooting Day pin (while supplies last).
This shoot is part of the 2014 ATA Target Year, so please make sure you have renewed your ATA membership prior to the
shoot (current members should have received a renewal notice in the mail within the past few weeks). You can also join or
renew on-line at On the day of the shoot we will be selling the 2014
Illinois State Trapshooting Association membership stickers for $10 to anyone that doesn’t have one. You must have a 2014
ISTA membership sticker to be able to shoot.
The cost to shooters will be the $3 ATA daily fee and the $1 ISTA fee. You will also be responsible for paying for targets and
shells if you need them.
Eight NSC shooters attend ATA Grand American - Moore, Wieser and Calhoun bring home trophies
Eight members of NSC represented the club at the
recently completed ATA Grand American
Trapshooting Championships. The Grand was held
August 7 thru 17. The Grand American
Championships are in their 114th year, and are
contested at the World Shooting and Recreational
Complex in Sparta, Illinois. The championship runs
for 11 days and consists of 23 events covering
singles, doubles, and handicap shooting. The first
five days of the program are the preliminary days,
with the championship events taking place in the
final week. In addition to the competition each day,
the Grand is famous for its vendor row offering all
things shooting related.
This year the weather was close to perfect.
Temperatures in the initial days were in the mid to
high 80’s, but temps later in the week and thru the
final weekend were high 70’s and low 80’s. There
was a light rain one day during one of the handicap
events, and on championship Monday there was a 90
minute delay due to a thunderstorm passing thru the
area, but otherwise it was dry with very little wind
providing for excellent shooting conditions.
Mike Moore got things started, shooting in the first
event of the prelims on Wednesday, August 7 and
shot all 23 events and 2,600 targets thru the last day.
Tom Clark shot the single-target events from
Wednesday thru Tuesday, adding 1,300 targets to his
card. Ralph Nelson stopped by for two days,
shooting the preliminary 16-yard events on Thursday
and Friday. Scott Calhoun and Rich Kelly shot all
events beginning on Friday afternoon, totaling 1,900
targets. Ray Wieser shot starting on Saturday thru
the end of the program logging 1,500 targets, and Art
Jablonski and Jud Mann shot starting on Monday of
championship week, carding 1,100 and 800 targets
respectively. Two other NSC members, Bob Ash and
Mike Stevens, paid a visit to the complex to shop and
lend moral support to those of us shooting the
In addition to the shooting, we had our annual steak
dinner on Monday night. The group had an
enjoyable evening at Andria’s Steakhouse in
O’Fallon, dining on prime steaks and all the usual
accompaniments. Ray Wieser missed the outing (see
below), but he and Art made it to Andria’s again on
Wednesday night.
Anyone who hasn’t attended a Grand American
tournament should really consider attending. Even if
you don’t plan on shooting or aren’t an ATA
member, there are plenty of things to occupy a day or
two, and every shooter should take the opportunity to
see the incredible facility that was built by the state to
host this annual event. There are 120 trap fields
stretching 3 miles in length. Event participation
during the Grand saw nearly 2,000 shooters
participating in the championship events, with the
preliminary events drawing between 700 and 1,300
entrants. There are camping facilities for 1,000
campers and motorhomes. There are also two
sporting clay courses and pistol ranges, and 24 of the
fields are combination trap/skeet. It really is a mecca
for shooters.
NSC members Mike Moore, Ray Wieser, and Scott
Calhoun each returned from this year’s ATA Grand
American Trapshooting Championship with trophies.
Ray won two trophies, his first two from the Grand
American, while Mike and Scott each won one
trophy and have now collected four Grand American
awards each.
Mike earned a runner-up trophy in the Sub Veteran
category (shooters aged 55-64) as part of the National
Team Race event on Friday of preliminary week.
The National Team Race is a competition between
states, with each state combining the scores of the top
shooters in each category. Mike had a total score of
290 on Friday, scoring a 99 in the singles, a 95 in the
handicap, and a 96 in the doubles. This was the third
highest score for all Illinois shooters in the subveteran category which placed Mike on the team.
The Illinois team lost out to the team from Indiana
for the top spot.
Ray took the D Class Runner-up trophy in the
Winchester Class Singles event held on Monday of
Championship week. The Winchester Class singles
is a 200-target 16-yard event. The event featured
1,702 shooters. Competitors shoot 100 targets in the
morning and then another 100 in the afternoon. Ray
scored a 97 in the morning 100 and followed that up
with a 98 in the afternoon for a 195 total. Ray was
75 straight in the afternoon 100 when shooting was
interrupted by a thunderstorm, causing a 90 minute
delay before he could shoot the last trap. Ray ended
up in a two-way tie for the runner-up trophy, so he
had to stay around on Monday night for the shoot-
offs. Because Monday is the day of the opening
ceremonies at the Grand, shoot-offs didn’t start until
around 9 pm. Ray had a 24 in the first shoot-off
round, but was still tied so a second round was
required. Another 24 got Ray the runner-up trophy,
with the shoot-off completing just prior to 11 pm. A
long day, but a good reward at the end.
Scott won the A Class runner-up trophy in the ATA
Doubles Championship on Friday of Championship
week. The ATA Doubles Championship is 50-pairs
of doubles targets, and 1,537 shooters participated.
Scott posted a score of 98. A lone 99 took the top
spot in A Class, while there were 10 98’s, with
trophies being awarded down to fifth place. The
doubles shoot-offs were held on Friday night starting
around 9 pm, following the conclusion of the shootoffs for the Friday handicap event. Nine shooters
took the line to determine second thru fifth place (one
shooter did not show-up for the shoot-off). Scott
posted an 18 in the first shoot-off round (doubles
shoot-offs are 10 pairs of doubles), which was tied
with one other shooter for the high score in the first
shoot-off round, requiring a second round. In the
second shoot-off round Scott broke 19 targets, good
enough to win the runner-up trophy. It was another
late night, finishing around 10 pm.
Ray picked up his second trophy in the High Overall
competition, winning third place in D Class. The
HOA awards are based on combined score for the
1,000 targets that are shot during championship week
(400 singles, 400 handicap, 200 doubles). Ray had a
total score of 920 for those events.
Jud Mann had a near-miss for a trophy in the Kolar
Handicap on Friday of championship week. 1,987
shooters participated, with Jud posting a score of 96
in the event, which tied him for second and third
place with seven other shooters in the 18 to 20 yard
group. During the first shoot-off round, Jud posted a
score of 24 but lost the second place trophy to a
perfect score. One other shooter tied Jud with a 24,
so they shot-off for the third place trophy, with Jud
coming up a couple of targets short in the second
shoot-off. In addition to the shoot-off on Friday
night, Jud also earned a half-yard punch (yardage
increase) for his score of 96.
Left to Right: Mike Moore, Scott Calhoun, Ray Wieser
Left to Right: Art Jablonski, Jud Mann, Scott Calhoun, Mike
Left to Right: Ray Wieser, Rich Kelly, Tom Clark
2013 Events
Sunday, January 27 – Doubles League
50-pair doubles targets each Sunday for six weeks
Sunday, March 17 – Irish Open
50 Target Event – 25 singles and 25 handicap
Thursday, March 28 – Singles League
50 16-yard targets each Thursday for eight weeks
Sunday, April 28 – ATA Shoot
Thursday, June 6 – Club Handicap Championship
See Bob Ash for details
Sunday, June 23 – ATA Shoot
Sunday, August 4 – ATA Shoot
Thursday, September 5 – Wobble League
50 16-yard wobble targets each Thursday for eight weeks
Sunday, October 13 – ATA Shoot
National Trapshooting Day – trophies will be awarded
Thursday, November 14 – Gobble Wobble
See Jay Spitz for details
How is your Shotguns and Shooting IQ?
Following is the sixteenth list of questions which were taken from a book titled Shotgun + Clay Target Sports Trivia written by Mike
McGuire. See how many you know. Watch for the answers to these and more questions next month.
What are the three basic types of shotguns used
today in the United States?
18. Who was the first shooter in history to win the
Grand American Roundhouse?
T or F At first, live birds were shot when released
from under “top hats” by pulling the hats off with a
19. Name at least three (or more) international shotgun
shell manufacturers.
A shooting position in trap is called a ________; in
skeet it is called a _______.
Once the pellets escape the gases and plastic wad,
what factor influences the shot charge?
T or F A good shooter will locate the clay target
before he moves his gun.
What is the functional decoration that is cut into the
grip and fore-end of your shotgun?
How big is the shooting square in skeet at each
What makes the loud sound of “BANG!” when a
shot is fired?
What type of shotgun is commonly recommended
for beginning youth trap shooters?
20. What is the major reason to change chokes?
10. What is the protective plate called that is attached to
the butt of the stock?
11. Chokes should be cleaned every time the gun is
used to eliminate what two problem elements?
12. T or F Trap layouts, located on country club golf
course grounds were popular in the early 1900s.
13. What three chokes usually come with new shotgun
(at a minimum)?
14. What is the most popular choke combination in
Olympic Trap?
15. What is the portion of the gun called with all the
working parts; the action, trigger, magazine,
chamber portion of the barrel?
16. What three elements does trapshooting great Kay
Ohye say determines consistency in trapshooting?
17. Describe the shotgun shooting game of “popinjay?”
….Tom Coleman
Answers to Last Month’s Trivia Questions!
Following are the answers to last month’s Shotgun + Clay Target Sports Trivia questions. How many did you know?
What are the three parts of a plastic wad?
Powder wad, the cushion, and the shotcup
What is known as a “swarm of bees?”
Your shot string
The shot charge for Olympic Trap is restricted to what
weight limits?
24 grams (approximately a 7/8 oz. load)
What range in lengthening forcing cones is the most
effective from ballistic research?
1.5 to 1.75 inches
T or F Porting has virtually no real effect upon the
velocity of shot as it leaves the muzzle.
True. Remember, porting (holes) are near the end of
the barrel.
T or F Gratuities are not permitted in skeet
True, and should not be allowed by the rule book in
American Trap or any clay target competitions.
What occurs when a shooter is right-handed with left
eye dominance or vice versa?
Cross-eye dominance..shooting problems
What year did the American Amateur Trapshooting
Association (AATA) disband and start the Amateur
Trapshooting Association (ATA)?
The American Trapshooting Association in 1919, and
the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) in 1923.
John Phillips Sousa, First President
T or F White Flyer manufacturers two different
standard (108mm) targets for Eastern and Central U.S.
vs. Western states.
True. Good argument about hardness, altitudes and the
effects of humidity (see Question 10-20)
If a trapshooter on post 3 lifts his head “off the stock”
on a straightaway target, where will he miss the target?
Do American Trap and International Skeet shooters
usually us the same type and style of shooting vests?
No! Skeet shooters use a slick surface extending down
the total vest of the gun mounting side.
What style of case do most imported shotgun shell
manufacturers use?
Reifenhauser, a plastic tube
What is the “bore” on a shotgun?
The inside of the barrel. Normally the dimensions are
called by its gauge 12, 16, 20, 28 and 410.
T or F As a general rule for standard chokes, the total
range will be between .000 and .045 thousands of an
inch under bore diameter.
What are the terms for the top and bottom edge of a
butt plate or recoil pad?
Top edge, heel; bottom edge, toe.
16. What was the name of the “charter” when the term
“proof” was introduced concerning gun barrel
Royal Charter of the London Company of Gun
makers (1637)
17. T or F In wobble trap, the shooter is allowed two
shots at each target?
True. The oscillating trap throws some challenging
18. What is a shell bag used for?
To hold spent shells for reloading or just to help keep
the field clean. Pick-up after yourself!
19. A shotgun’s “_____________” is determined by the
physical dimensions of the butt stock relative to the
shooter’s physique?
20. In International competitions of Olympic Trap, how
many targets are shot at by men and women?
125 for men; 75 for women
….Tom Coleman
2013 Calendar of Events
Sun, 27 – NSC Doubles league starts*
Sun, 17 – NSC Irish Open
Thu, 28 – NSC Singles League starts **
Sun, 21 – ATA (McHenry)
Sun, 28 – ATA (Downers Grove – targets only)
Sun, 28 – ATA (Naperville – targets only)
Sun, 5 – ATA (Maywood)
Sun, 19 – ATA (Northbrook)
Sun, 26 – ATA (McHenry – targets only)
Sun, 2 – ATA (St. Charles, Bob Sommers Memorial)
Thu, 6 – NSC Handicap Championship
Sat-Sun, 8-9 – ATA (Downers Grove, Grand Chicago)
Tue-Sun, 11-16 – ATA Illinois State Shoot (Brittany
Shooting Park, Bunker Hill, IL)
Sat, 22 – NSC Member Picnic
Sun, 23 – ATA (Naperville, targets only)
Sun, 23 – ATA (McHenry)
Sun, 30 – ATA (Northbrook)
Sun, 7 – ATA (St. Charles, Illini Indian)
Sun, 14 – ATA (Downers Grove, Illini Indian)
Sun, 21 – ATA (McHenry, Buckle Shoot)
Sun, 28 – ATA (Maywood, Zone Illini Indian)
Sun, 4 – ATA (Naperville, targets only)
Thu, 5 – NSC Wobble league starts***
Sat-Sun, 14-15 – ATA (Downers Grove, Illinois
Northern Zone)
Sun, 22 – ATA (Northbrook, Illini Indian)
Sun, 29 – ATA (St. Charles, Fall Handicap)
Sun, 13 – ATA National Trapshooting
Day (Naperville, trophy shoot)
Sun, 20 – ATA (Downers Grove, Grundy County
Thu, 7 – NSC Gobble Wobble Shoot
Sun, 4 – ATA (Maywood – targets only)
Wed-Sun, 7-11 – ATA Grand American
Preliminary (WSRC, Sparta, IL)
Mon-Sat, 12-17 – ATA Grand American
Championship (WSRC, Sparta, IL)
*-NSC Doubles League – 50 pair of doubles each Sunday for six weeks, ends March 3
**-NSC Singles League – 50 singles targets each Thursday for eight weeks, ends May 16
***-NSC Wobble League – 50 wobble targets each Thursday for eight weeks, end October 24
Officers and Board Members
President: Jim Monk
Vice President: Michael Moore
Secretary: Fred Turek
Treasurer: Tom Coleman
Ed Heasley: Director ’13
Jim Chakour: Director ’13
Bob Beyer: Director ’14
Steve Pfister: Director ’14
Charlie Tlapa: Director ’15
Ray Courney: Director ’15
Park District Liaison: Brad Wilson
Newsletter Editor/Publisher: Tom Coleman
Club Information
The Naperville Sportsman’s Club
PO Box 27
Naperville, IL 60566
Board/Member Meetings: 7:30 PM, 2nd Tuesday
Range Information
Sportsman’s Park Trap Range
735 S. West Street
Naperville, IL 60540
Clubhouse phone: 630-848-2124
Hours of Operation:
Thursdays: 6:00 – 10:00 PM
Sundays: 12:00 – 6:00 PM. Final Signup at 4:00 PM
Hours are subject to weather and attendance, holidays, and
community events
Open year round
Many thanks to our contributors. Please support those who support our club.
Business Card Size
Rates: $10/month - $100/year
September 2013
“Labor Day”
Club Open
Club Open
Wobble League Starts
Club Open
New Member
NSC Board &
Member Meeting –
7:30 PM
Club Open
Club Open
Club Open
Friends & Family
Club Open
Club Open
Club Open
October 2013
Club Open
Club Open
NSC Board &
Member Meeting –
7:30 PM
Club Open
Club Open
Club Open
National Trapshooting
New Member
Club Open
Club Open
Club Open
Club Open
Naperville Sportsman’s Club
P.O. Box 27
Naperville, IL 60566