July - recreational vehicle fellowship of rotarians, na


July - recreational vehicle fellowship of rotarians, na
For Updated Information check the Fellowship Web Site at www.rvfweb.org
User name: join rvf to get to member section
The Recreational Vehicle Fellowship of Rotarians, NA, Inc. is not an agency of, or controlled by,
Rotary International
Dear Fellow RVFers,
Welcome to the next 2 years of RV Fellowship,
I look forward to leading the fellowship. The offers of assistance and support have been
overwhelming at this time. Rotarians are the best!
As Judy and I haven’t had the opportunity to meet a large part of our RVF to date, I
hope a brief background will help the introduction.
Judy and I grew up in Vermont-- Northfield and Brattleboro. We met when I was in my
5th year at Norwich University, the oldest private military college in the U.S, earning 2
degrees-- a BS in civil engineering and a BA in math. Judy was a legal secretary. We were
married in the Norwich University chapel 51 years ago. We spent 4 years in Worcester,
MA, while I worked on advanced degrees in civil engineering. Next came 3 years in the
Army Corps. Of Engineers-- 2 years teaching construction management at Ft. Belvoir, VA,
and a year in RVN building roads. We joined a private engineering company in NH, which
we ultimately bought, and after 30 years of consulting, we sold the company to my college
I’ve been in Rotary with 43 years perfect attendance, a past club president of Nashua
West Rotary, an RVF member for 15 years, and we’ve attended 6 international
The Ward’s Rally in Estes Park was truly a “Rocky Mountain High” in a beautiful
setting for fellowship.
Next June 14-18, 2016, “We’re Going to Kansas City” at Basswood Country resort in
Platte City, MO. I’ll expand on “What’s going on in KC” next time.
June 6-9, 2017, we’ll have “Georgia on My Mind” in Atlanta, with the RI convention
June 10-14, and a Rolling Rally with 12-20 rental RV’s for foreign Rotarians (June 15-28
+/-). More to come in Spring Caravaner. Hold on! We’re going to have FUN!
Yours in Rotary RV fellowship,
President Dave & Judy Farr
SEPTEMBER 10 –13, 2015
Central Zone Rally –
Onalaska TX
SEPTEMBER 10–14, 2015
Eastern Zone Rally -Trenton
SEPTEMBER 17-21, 2015
Eastern Zone Rally -Ontario
NOVEMBER 11-15, 2015
Pacific Zone Rally –
Death Valley CA
NOVEMBER 19-22, 2015
Central Zone Rally – Sunset
Point TX **** new
Mountain Zone Rally Tucson AZ
APRIL 18-23, 2016 –
Pacific Zone Rally – St
George UT
JUNE 14-18, 2016 – Annual
Rally - Kansas City MO
JUNE 6-9, 2017 – Annual
Rally Atlanta GA
JUNE 15-28, 2017 – Rolling
rally with Australians
Please submit your fall and
winter rallys no later than
SEPTEMBER 10 – for the
OCTOBER edition
President Elect
Vice President
Past President
David Farr
Debbie Conover
Sue Rasmussen
Richard Ward
Barbara Lucas
Bob Traister
Dick Hall
Web master
Debbie Conover
Kirk Greiner
FACEBOOK – it is
a closed group. Go
to your fb page and
enter “recreational
vehicle fellowship”
then request to join.
2015 – 2016
Eastern Zone
Carl Stigdon - New
Jack Harig
Central Zone
Barbara Lucas
Terry Geiger
Denny Pfaltzgraff
Mountain Zone
Debbie Conover
Pacific Zone
Lewis Donhost
Ed Goering - New
Current Members that want a new name
badge Contact –
Crown Trophys
53 E Central Avenue
Pearl River NY 10965
$10 for badge and shipping
Rally info
RI has changed bylaws so that fellowships can grow. Reach out to your RV friends and
encourage them to join a rally and sign up for membership.
Ri by law changes:
The section on Rotary Fellowship membership in the RI Code of policy is updated accordingly:
42.010.2. Organization and Membership
A fellowship shall have a governing document (charter, constitution, bylaws or similar document) which must be
consistent with RI policy. All governing documents, and amendments thereto, must be reviewed by the
fellowships committee, if practicable, and approved by the general secretary. A fellowship shall be organized with
at least three officers, one of whom shall be the chair (president or other administrative head) and serve as a nonvoting member-at-large of the RI fellowships committee. The chair must be an active Rotarian. A fellowship's
membership shall be open to all Rotarians, family members of Rotarians, program participants and alumni.
and spouses of Rotarians. Fellowships are encouraged to open their memberships to Rotaractors. Only Rotarians,
spouses of Rotarians, and Rotaractors may be members of fellowships.
[text omitted]
42.010.17. Youth Protection
Rotary Fellowships must protect the safety and wellbeing of all youth participating in their activities and comply
with Rotary International’s youth protection policies.
President Richard Ward welcomes new President David Farr at the Annual Rally in Estes Park Colorado.
Message from Past President Richard --******************Hello to All,
My term as president of the Recreational Vehicle Fellowship of Rotarians, NA has come to an end
and Lynne and I wish to thank all members who helped to make it an exciting and successful term. Thank you
to the Board Members and Wagon Masters (that includes the Real wagon masters) who put on a great number
of rallies during the last two years. With more rallies, more members were brought into the fellowship.
A big plus was the number of grandchildren in attendance at the Rallies. This is a start to the Youth
movement in Rotary and the Fellowship.
Thanks again to all for helping to make my term in office very enjoyable.
********* Past President Richard and Lynne
*********Message to members:
I'd like to thank everyone for all of their e-mails, calls, cards, and letters. The love and support I've received
during this hard time has made it much easier to handle what has happened. There are not enough words to
describe how moved I've been by how people have rallied around me.
Call anytime – 505-350-3386
New Rally St George Utah for April 2016 - Bob and Betty Traister Wagon Masters
Bob likes to plan ahead so don’t miss out - add to your calendar early.
Go to the RVF link for the itinerary.
For more information e-mail Bob at thegov@sbcglobal.net or call 909-241-2354
RVF Annual Rally at Estes Park CO
June 24 - 28, 2015
President Richard Ward
Bill Hendren did a wonderful job in putting together the 2015
Annual RV Fellowship rally for President Richard and Lynne
Ward. The meals and entertainment by Brad Fitch were top
notch. There were about 37 rigs including a couple from
Australia and many grandchildren.
There was a great presentation by past RI director Mike
Pinson about Budreau and Tibadeau per request. This saved
us from a few quality jokes by Bill.
Linda Jo Hendren and committee did a nice job on the table
decorations with postcards from the area.
About $2000 was raised in the silent auction which also
included a 50/50 raffle that was won by the McDill’s. In true
rotary fashion they donated it back to the club. It was voted
by the board to raise the amount given to the fire department
to $3000 as the needs are very great after the floods. The
grandkids of the Scoma’s – Scott and Malia Harton,
encouraged the RVers to get their raffle tickets.
Lauri Craig played her harp in memory of those that we have
lost this last year.
There was also a Paul Harris Presentation done by Mike for
Caty and AJ, grandchildren of Jim and Sandi Anderson.
Board gathering.
The beauty of
Estes Park. Good
fellowship, good
food, good times until we met again
next year in
Kansas City.
EASTERN Zone Fall Rally at Ontario Canada
September 17 - 21, 2015
$ 500 approx
Wagon Masters:
Frank and Genia Newell
US # 239-463-7516
Where: Barrie KOA Campground Barrie Ontario, CANADA
3138 Penetanguishene Road, R.R. #1, BARRIE, ON L4M 4Y8
THURSDAY: Catered BBQ dinner BYOB
Full day Tour including;
-Wye Heritage Conservation Area admission
-Ste Marie Among the Hurons admission
-Miss Midland 30,000 Island boat tour
-Dinner at Henry’s World Famous local Fish & Chips
8:00 - 10:00 Pancake Breakfast by KOA, Pancakes plus sausage and bacon
Wagon Tour of the park and nature trails,
4:00- 6:00
Dinner at Shanty Bay Golf Club
“POT LUCK” (dinner items to follow)
MONDAY: Catered Full Breakfast prior to closing
Site price for two people. Deposit to be paid directly to the Barrie KOA by May15th
Attn: Lindsay (705)726-6128 *** or go online www.barriekoa.com
Total campground price to be paid to Barrie KOA
Cost of campground depends on 30 amp, 50 amp, partial hook ups or Cabin (sleeps 4). Canadian $72 – $50
or US $60 - $40
BY JULY 1- Mail registration and make check payable to:
Frank Newell
30 Berczy Street
Aurora,Ontario, L4G 1W9
USA: 239-463-7516 or Canada: 647-896-4001
Non Refundable Registration fee: CDN$25.00 (USD$21.00 )—- x _______——————= $___________
Rally Package———————-CDN$160.00 (USD$130.00 )— x _______ ——————=$___________
Option: International Comedy Night per person - CDN $35 USD $29 x________
(*Cost per person) Includes tax and tips
Total $__________
CENTRAL Zone Fall Rally at Oalaska TX
September 10 - 13, 2015
$150 for two
Wagon Master: Goudy’s
Northshore Resort on Lake Livingston
168 Butler, Onalaska, TX 77360
Fee is $36.00/night and we get rally room with six rigs.
Lots of places to visit in the area and we are still refining the schedule.
THUR. 4:00 Social time in Rally Room with heavy hors d’oeuvres. Bring your favorite snacks and your
beverage of choice. We will spend the evening socializing.
FRI. 7:30 Continental Breakfast in Rally Room
4:00 Social time in Rally Room
5:30 Dinner at Jerry’s Restaurant (on your own)
SAT. 7:30 Continental Breakfast in Rally Room
4:00 Social time in Rally Room
5:30 Potluck Dinner in Rally Room
SUN: 8:00 Happy Trails Breakfast at the Rally Room
Call Northshore (877-766-7847) to make your reservations. Be sure to
tell them you are with Rotary RVF.
Then please contact: (512-590-2832) or keith.goudy@gmail.com) that
you are attending and number of people. Rally fee to be determined
and we will collect it at the Rally.
EASTERN Zone Fall Rally at Trenton ME
September 10 - 14, 2015
$246 for 2
Timberland Acres RV Park
Wagon Master: Jack Harig
57 Bar Harbor Road Trenton, ME 04605
330-644-0235 jack@twinoaksoh.com
PH: 207-667-3600 www.timberlandacresrvpark.com
Early Arrival or Late departure Schedule with Campground @$30.00 per day
The tentative itinerary for the rally is as follows:
Thursday- September 10 – Arrival Set up, 5:00 pm Attitude Adjustment & heavy hors d’oeuvres followed by a
speaker on the area
Friday September 11 - Continental Breakfast, morning pick up by Oli’s Trolley for Tour of Acadia National
Park. Time to be determined 5:30 pm Attitude Adjustment, 06:00 PM Lobster Dinner full dinner –with Rotary
Clubs if Ellsworth, Ellsworth Noon Club & Bar Harbor.
Saturday September 12 – Continental Breakfast provided and 5:00 pm Attitude Adjustment & Potluck Dinner
Free day with optional touring: individuals & groups Options include the following activities: (1) Carriage
Ride ($26.00 pp) through Acadia National Park – Lunch at Jordan Pond House – (2) Downeast Acadia and
Schoodic Peninsula – US Bells Shop – Lunch in Winter Harbor – Salmon Smoke House (3) Day trip to
Campobello Island, to include a tea with Eleanor ($12 pp) (PASSPORT REQUIRED) and a visit to Quoddy
Head Light House – lunch on Campobello Island or in Lubec. - (4) - Explore Mount Desert Oceanarium Abbe Museum - train ride on the Downeast Scenic Railroad - Visit Sewall & Bass Harbor Light – Thurston’s at
Bernard Rd. Tremont, ME or Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound – Tour The Jackson Laboratory – Visit Deer
Isle/Stonington area – Scenic Flights of Acadia
Sunday September 13 - Continental Breakfast: Scenic Cruise aboard the Sea Princess ($23 pp) & lunch in
Northeast Harbor –Sea Cove Auto Museum Return to camp free time – 5:00 pm Attitude Adjustment & heavy
hors d’oeuvres.
Monday September 14 – Break away Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, & toast breakfast served by
September 10 – 14 2015
Mail registration and check to:
Jack Harig
235 Oak Grove Drive
Akron OH 44319
NAME: ________________________________Rotarian PARTNER: _______________________
RV Type: ___________________ Length ______ Towing or towed car ______(Y) (N)
Registration Fee:
Full Hookups/Drive Thru
4 Nights one person $168.00
Two person $206.00
Extra people; per person
Tour of Acadia National Park
Oli’s Trolley will pick the group up at the RV Park $34.25 per person
Scenic Cruise Sea Princess
$23 per person
***Non-RVF members Registration Fee $60.00 (Includes 1 year RVF Membership
PACIFIC Zone Fall Rally at Death Valley CA
November 11 - 16, 2015
Wagon Masters Bob & Betty Traister
Trail Masters Dave & Bev Stomps
four full days of sightseeing and fellowship fun
Includes Death Valley '49ers Encampment - November 5th-9th, 2015
November 10, 2015. Tuesday, some of us will be meeting at Peggy Sue's Diner in Barstow on Tuesday afternoon &
spending the night there.
Itinerary: for complete details go to www.rvfweb.org to future rallys
Happy hour 4pm daily, Breakfast daily 7:30 am to 8:30 am Dinners 6:30 pm daily
November 11, Wednesday – Meet at Peggy Sue’s Dine in Barstow Exit 191 off I 15 departing at 9AM sharp
November 12, Thursday – Breakfast – Oatmeal, sweet rolls, coffee, oj and fruit; leave at 9:00 am for day trip to Scotty’s
Castle via Grapevine Ranger Station to view the Ubehebe Crater – (Stovepipe Wells & Harmony Borax area)
November 13, Friday – After breakfast bring a lunch, water and camera to see Ghost town and gold mines
November 14, Saturday – Breakfast – Mexican Burrito, refried beans, coffee, oj, and fruit – FREE DAY
November 15, Sunday – Breakfast then drive to Devils Golf Course then Badwater view the Natural Bridge and Artists drive
November 16, Monday – Breakaway breakfast
*** If you plan to join in the 49er's encampment activities, membership is required, 49er’s, membership fee is $35
Per family. Paid at the Encampment office in Furnace Creek, Death Valley
Registration Fees include: 5 breakfast, 2 dinners, including refreshments (Coffee, OJ, Water & Wine.) Plus
a trip gift
****(Not included in the fees are: 1 Breakfast, 2 Dinners on your own & 1 Italian Potluck Dinner to share.
Park fees and entrance fees to Scotties Castle)
Cutoff date is October 1, 2015 ***** No refunds after October11, 2015
For more information e-mail Bob at thegov@sbcglobal.net or call 909-241-2354
Make checks payable to: Bob Traister Wagon Master - Re; Death Valley Rally 2015
Send payment to:
Bob Traister
18560 Bert Rd
Riverside, CA 92508
thegov@sbcglobal.net or call 909-241-2354
Rotarian: ___________________________ ___________ Partner:________ _________________
Guest Name: Last __________________ First _________________
E-mail Address: _____________________
Home Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ___ Zip: ______
Cell #: _______________ E-Mail: ___________________
$120.00 per couple per coach
$ 60.00 Single per coach
RVF Member (Y) (N), No add fee $35.00 for first year
Member guest fees $60.00 per person ( ) X ($60.) =
Amount paid
International Recreational Vehicle Fellowship of Rotarians
Please complete this form printing with Black or Blue Ink
Date: _______________ Applicant is a member of the Rotary Club of: ____________________________ _______
District #
Rotarian’s Name ________________________________ Partner’s Name ___________________________ _______
Street Address or P. O. Box # _______________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ Province/State ________ Mail Code _____________
Home Phone ___________________ Day-time Phone __________________ FAX Number ___________________
Cell Phone ____________________ Email Address ____________________________________________________
Referred By _____________________________________________________________________________________
If you maintain an alternate seasonal address and would like to have it included in the Fellowship Directory,
please provide it here: Dates __________________
Address ___________________________________City ______________________________ State _____
ZIP __________________
Initial dues covering the first year and Fellowship
Name Badge(s) is US$35.00. Subsequent year’s
dues are US$15.00. Dues cover the Fellowship’s
Fiscal Year running from July 1st through June 30th.
Please attach your check payable to “THE RVF”
For either one year @ US$35.00 or five years @
US$90.00, both covering preparation and delivery
of Fellowship Name Badges as shown below
R. V. Fellowship Badge Information
Mail Badge To:
Badge #1 _____________________________________
Badge #2 _____________________________________
City, State. Zip______________________
Home City and State ____________________________
Please Mail the completed form
and your check payable to RVF
RV Fellowship Membership Chairman:
Dick Hall
5016 Olive Oak Way
Carmichael CA 95608
The Fellowship’s quarterly
Journal, The Caravanner, will be emailed to you
early each January, April, July and October.
Contact info:
"The current and past issues of
the Caravanner can be viewed on the
Fellowship web site at:" www.rvfweb.org
CENTRAL Zone Rolling Rotarians at Galvaston TX
Wish you were there
April 9 – 12, 2015
Duitchers’ wedding anniversary celebration.
The Central Zone April campout in Galveston went swimmingly, all
Even though the weather wasn’t very cooperative, seventeen people in
nine RV’s enjoyed being together at Sandpiper RV Resort on the beach
in Galveston. The facilities there were outstanding and the staff helpful
and friendly, and we found three local eateries that made sure no one
went hungry.
Nearly all took part in the guided tour of the Lone Star Flight Museum,
and everyone took advantage of the great discount all-day passes at
Moody Gardens.
But the highlight of the weekend was the celebration of PDG Stan
Duitcher and wife Elaine’s 62nd wedding anniversary on Friday. They
were feted with an ice cream cake from Ben and Jerry’s, and the
Duitchers had entertaining stories to tell. When asked what their secret
was, Elaine replied, “Just remember, you’re in it for good.” Sage
advice for sure.
Reporter Pat Bumpus, Wagonmaster
PACIFIC Zone Spring Rally at Jackson CA
Wish you were there
April 13 - 17, 2015 ** Wagon Masters: Paul Scheller, Lew Donhost & Bill
Pictures and articles provided by Bob Traister PDG & RVF Treasurer
The rally was held at the Jackson Rancheria & Casino RV Resort. Twenty coaches were registered with forty
members & guest in attendance; Phil & Jean Brown, Leah Clark, Don & Jean Cotton, Keith & Ellen Dindinger,
Lewie & Becky Donhost, Bob & Hedy Downing, Glen & Virginia Duysen, Sandy & Bob Glasso-Boyd, Kirk &
Jackie Greiner, Dick & Linda Hall, John & Jeanne Hawkins, Paul & Margie Jones, Jack & Sue Kasper, Gordon
& Polly Lipp, Ken & Rudie Lund, Bill & Vicki McDill, Paul & Edna Scheller, Dave & Bee Stomps, Bob & Betty
Traister, Robert & Pat Vogel, Harry & Jackie Walls.
What a welcome sight, after eight hrs on the road. Welcome sign at the wagon master site. Paul was setup and ready to greet all the
members. The nicest RV Resort that I have ever attended, tucked away in the beautiful little town of Jackson, nested in a pine tree forest in
Northern California, in the foothills of the great High Sierras.
Downtown Jackson with a population of 4,551 in 2013, elevation is 1,217 ft. Our first happy hour outside Paul Schaller's RV
Group meal inside the community room.
Welcome presentation by the Jackson Rotary president. Toured the Jackson Gold mine. Wine tasting at one of the fme area wineries.
A very small business tucked away in the township of Volcano, CA. Picture 2 from left I was told was the oldest trading store &
eatery in the state of California built during the gold rush days. Inside the unique eatery was an original Char Broiler Oven, made
of stones & fired by logs. Slow cooking but very flavorful. Some of our RVF members waiting patiently for their lunch to be
prepared. What a great place for a rally. Thank you Paul, Lewie & Bill.