Newsletter - St John Bosco College


Newsletter - St John Bosco College
Term 3 Week 2
24th July 2015
Volume 39 No 21
The Feast of St Mary Magdalene
On Wednesday of this week, the Church celebrated the Feast of Mary
Magdalene. We have very little solid information about Saint Mary, and both
scholars and traditions differ on the interpretation of what we do know. She
was a friend and follower of Jesus. Filled with sorrow over her sin, she
anointed Christ, washed his feet with her hair. He exorcised seven demons
from her. She was at the crucifixion and she was visited by the Risen Christ.
There are also arguments about her life after the Crucifixion. The Greek
Church maintains that she retired to Ephesus with the Blessed Virgin Mary
and lived there the rest of her life. A French tradition says that Mary, Lazarus,
and some companions went to Marseilles, France, evangelised and converted
the whole Provence region, and then retired to live 30 years as a hermit at La
Sainte-Baume. Whatever the tradition Mary will be always revered as a women who repented for her sins and chose to
follow Jesus. With Mary, Jesus’ mother, she is one of the first disciples. She is the patron saint of penitent sinners,
hairdressers, perfumers, pharmacists and all converts.
From the Principal
Coming Events: Reminder that HSC Trials, Year 9 Camp and Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews all occur next week. We
wish our Year 12 students the best of success over the next 12 days as they sit their Trial exams. Equally, Year 9 embarks on a
week of exploration and activity across southern NSW, visiting Canberra, the Snowy Mountains and farms in the Southern
Highlands. We trust they will have an interesting and enjoyable time. Year 10 students are busily discussing options with
parents and staff about their pathways to careers. The previous week of activity and information gathering now culminates
in interviews for subject selection. Again, we trust that all make clear and desirable choices. Lastly, the following week Year
11 go away on their much-awaited Retreat. I look forward to being involved in all these important events over the next two
Year 10 Subject Selection and Career Path Processes: The Parent/student meeting held earlier this week for subject
selection was extremely well attended. The various faculties of the College had market stalls to advocate their various
subjects on offer. Long and robust discussion took place throughout the evening and hopefully many students and their
parents gained greater insights and clarity about options for senior school. Individual interviews related to the subjects
selected by the students will be carried out on Monday 27 th and Tuesday 28thJuly. Hopefully, these events will help both
parents and students effectively plan clear pathways for their HSC or alternate career pathways.
Principal’s Award Recipients: Yesterday, at the College Assembly, the following students received recognition for
outstanding, sustained effort in their studies and citizenship. Congratulations to them and I hope their efforts have inspired
others to strive to achieve to their potential. The recipients came from both junior and senior levels. Pleasingly Year 12 had
the largest number of recipients.
Uniform and Grooming: I am pleased to say that most students have returned to school this Term well groomed and in
correct College attire. However, there are still a few who have incorrect or poorly presented uniforms. The College
consistently asks for support in regard to these matters. If your child is given a directive to attend to an issue concerning
this, I hope that it is undertaken with full parental support. Haircuts and uniform issues need to be addressed immediately.
As I have said many times, the manner by which the students present themselves reflects not just on them personally but it
also reflects on their family and of course, the College as a whole.
Mr Damien Carlton
Ph: (02) 9548 4000 - Fax: (02) 9548 4099 - - Email:
Ed uca tiona l Ex celle nce in a Ca ring Environme nt
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Monday 27th - Fri 31st July
Yr 9 Camp
HSC Trials begin
Mon 27th - Tues 28th July
Yr 10 Subject Interviews
Thursday 30 July
Yr 10 Pastoral Day
Mon 3rd Aug - Fri 7th Aug
HSC Trials continue
Monday 10th Aug
Year 11 Retreat
HSC Trials conclude
Tuesday 11th August
Year 11 Retreat
Tuesday 18th August
Yr 8 Elective Info Evening
NSWCCC Netball Penrith
Friday 21st August
Expo Night 4.00-9.00pm
Thursday 27th August
Prue Salter (Yr 12)
Thursday 3rd September
Fathers Day Mass &
Performing Arts Night
7.00pm - 8.30pm
Friday 4th September
Staff Development Day
From the Assistant Principal … Mr Michael Donnelly
The Federal Government has recently established the Office of the Children’s
eSafety Commissioner. The office is administered under the Enhancing Online
Safety for Children Act 2015. This is in response to the growing issue of cyber
bullying that is happening to young people.
The Act allows children suffering from serious cyber bullying to contact the office
of the commissioner to have offensive content removed if social media
companies do not remove the offending content after it has been reported to
At last it seems as if there is something being done to try to make the social
media companies more accountable.
Since 1st July a complaints scheme has been established. The office website is Children and parents can access the complaints process
and try to get offensive content removed. There are also valuable resources for
parents and children on the site.
Sports Uniform: With the cold weather of late it is quite noticeable that a
number of students need to go to Lowes or the uniform shop and update their
sports clothing. It is not a good look when we have students wearing different
track pants, hoodies and the like. I have said to students that if they cannot
wear their full sports uniform they are to wear their full school uniform and
change for sport. I ask for parent support on this.
From the Religious Education Coordinator …
Mrs Moira Loader
WYD 2016
To date we have 29 Bosco students who have paid a
deposit confirming their interest in attending World Youth
Day in Poland next year. Our students will be going to
Poland via pilgrimages through Italy or The Holy Land. If
anyone else is keen for more information; please contact
myself or Miss Bautista through the College.
Parish Dinner Dance Friday 31st July
Monday 7 September
Wednesday 9th September
Yr 11 Final Exams begin
Friday 11th September
NSWCCC Athletics
Mon 14th Sep - Fri 18th Sep
Yr 11 Final Exams
As part of the celebrations of the Bicentenary of
John Bosco's birth, the Parish is hosting a Dinner
Dance in the coming weeks. If you would like to
attend (or organise a table of 10) please contact
the Parish on 9520 8277. It should be a lovely
THE BOSCONIAN, the quarterly parish magazine, is now
available online via the parish website
Tues 15th September
Yr 12 Picnic Day
Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope
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E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment
Curriculum News – Mrs Christine Harding
Year 10 Subject Selection for 2016
Timeline of events
Week 3
Monday 27th July
Tuesday 28th July
3:45 – 6:45pm
College Library
Parent/Student Interviews (Compulsory)
Each student, along with their parents, will be interviewed to
discuss individual subject selection and requirements.
Students must bring with them their subject selection print
out. A note was sent home this week for the online booking
Week 4
Friday 7th August
Completed Subject Selection Forms submitted online.
Assessment dates for Week 3, 27th July - 31st July 2015
The following assessment dates are due in the upcoming week:
Year 7
Year 8
English and Technology
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Business Studies, Biology
Year 12
HSC Trial Examinations
Year 12 Trial
Examinations begin
Monday 27th July
Year 12 Parents and Students - StayFocusd
StayFocusd is a great source which will temporarily block you off from social media sites, games, programs
and other addicting websites. StayFocusd increases your productivity by limiting the amount of time that you
can spend on time-wasting websites. It is a Google App that can be found in the Google Chrome store. This
App helps you to stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting
websites. It allows you to block or allow entire sites, specific subdomains, specific paths, specific pages, even
specific in-page content (videos, games, images, forms, etc). A great way to help you study.
Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope
E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment
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Mrs Sarah Culligan, Mrs Amanda Caines
Coming next week to the College Library is a wonderful exhibition of a selection of
Visual Art student work from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
Year 7 "Expressive Archibald style Portraits" and Year 8 Lino Printing work will be
displayed firstly, followed by some fantastic Year 9 "Cubist Still Life" paintings,
Year 11 "Personal Icons" and Year 10 "Personal Totems".
All of these artworks showcase the huge variety of styles and mediums that students can experience in the
study of Visual Art.
Don't forget the College "Expo" Evening is coming up next month, so come along and see Major projects on
display of Year 12 student work from Visual Art, Technology and Design and Photography.
The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday of Week 1 from 3.00 - 3.45pm and then every Friday morning
of Week 2 from 8.45am - 9.30am. The next open dates are Wednesday 29th July and Friday 7th August .
Winter Pants $10.00
Blazers $80.00
Lots of stock available (various sizes)
Week 3
Mon 27th July
Tues 28th July
Wed 29th July
Thurs 30th July
Fri 31st July
Week 4
Mon 3rd Aug
Tues 4th Aug
Wed 5th Aug
Thurs 6thAug
Fri 7th Aug
R Wells, D McRae
Help is needed please
S Edwards
N Smith, J Brecknell
Help is needed please
G Jones, M Gorry
L Walsh
Help is needed please
V Abela
L Lockton, L Radford
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Keep the chill out of your relationship this winter with a weekend together. A Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment experience – set in peaceful, picturesque
surroundings, away from the distractions of everyday life. During the weekend, couples have a
unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Give the greatest gift, that of
your time alone - invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage!
2015 Weekend Dates
11-13 September Venue for Weekends: Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW
13-15 November To apply contact: Ardell & Bill Sharpe Tel. 02 4283 3435 or
Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope
E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment
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Principal Awards
Alexandra Adam, Mia Aros, Patrick Cartwright, Zoe
Corliss, Joseph Darlington, Juye Ebb, Felicia Feng,
Abbey Gentle, Holly Gosbell, Lara Harrison, Samuel
Herrmann, Daniel Jamieson, Steven Jones, Isabella Maddison, Joseph Mekhamer, Emma Mills, Shayan Murray,
Caroline Noronha, Alana Robinson, Darcy Smith, Bronte
Southwell, Joshua Walker, Benjamin Waters, Emily Watson and Ryan Ziegenfusz
Athletics Carnival Aged Champions
Hockey Team
Georgia Anger Year 10 Drama Class
Winner of the raffle— Rebecca Wallace
Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope