Pallet of Possiblities
Pallet of Possiblities
ENERGY VALLEY 2036 PALLET OF POSSIBILITIES Spatial Team, Grounds for Change Edited by Rob Roggema, Andy van den Dobbelsteen & Kees Stegenga May 2006 Contact: 1 2 “I am not one of those who is pessimistic about the future of the world, assuming we get off our butts and do something about climate change in a timely fashion” Bill Clinton, former president of the United States of America, May 2006 3 4 INTRODUCTION scale. Finding sustainable solutions for the future energy supply An attractive, longing perspective for Northern Netherlands. That tial quality of the region could very well be established by making is what we want to present. The future is hard to predict and to use of this sustainable energy system of the future. The characteris- present a blueprint of the future would not fit with the present era. tics and qualities of the region were a catalyst for designs, energy- We chose not to make one Grand Design, but to develop a Pallet proposals and spatial concepts. Off course we did not have an of Possibilities. A pallet, which shows different opportunities at the isolated view on the Space-Energy theme. We were influenced by same time. Different solutions and different approaches. All of many major trends and developments, relevant for the region. The them focus on an appealing spatial future for the Northern Nether- increase of elderly people, climate change, globalisation of the lands, based on a sustainable energy system. A future which lays world economics, developments in care and the future of agricul- 30 years, or even more, ahead of us. ture were important issues. The spatial team in the Grounds for Change project presents a We went off the beaten track, were exploring different time hori- story about Energy Valley. In this story the spatial possibilities and zons and we stepped outside the problems and subjects of daily qualities that might emerge in the Energetic region are of special life. We hope that the greater parts of our thoughts stimulate the interest. The story reflects on current development and policies, but imagination and count on enthusiasm. system and their possible implications on the landscape was our starting point. During the design we found out that the future spa- anticipates also on trends and future developments, even if they are uncertain. In the design process, we used the back casting On behalf of the Spatial team Grounds for Change and backtracking principles more than once: we were inspired Rob Roggema & Andy van den Dobbelsteen by successes from the past and transformed them into a desirable future. Within the spatial team different design-disciplines worked together: • Martine de Jong, Regional planner • Kees Stegenga, Urban designer • Steven Slabbers, Landscape architect • Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Civil engineer & environmental designer • Rob Roggema, Landscape Architect and coordinator Thanks to the differences in design approaches, good teamwork and a joyful atmosphere during the process we were able to deliver our final report. A considerable contribution to this report is made by 20 students Landscape Architecture of the Wageningen University. Their design studio resulted in worthwhile designs on different levels of scale. The focal point of the Grounds for Change project is the relation between the Energy and Spatial systems, mainly on a regional 5 6 CONTENT Introduction 5 Prelude ENERGY VALLEY, AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE Chapter 1 MEGATRENDS 13 9 Chapter 2 NNL-NOW? 21 Chapter 3 AMBITIONS 25 3.1 Energy ambitions 25 3.2 Climate change ambitions 26 3.3 Spatial ambitions 26 3.4 Design principles 26 3.5 Design strategies 29 Chapter 4 A SPATIAL ENERGY-TYPOLOGY 31 4.1 Combined exergy and spatial planning 31 4.2 Approach 31 4.3 Analysis of demand and supply 32 4.4 Energy potentials of the Northern Netherlands 35 4.5 Energy-landscapes 40 Chapter 5 LANDSCAPE TYPOLOGY 43 Chapter 6 ATLAS OF IDEAS 49 6.1 REGIONAL DESIGN 49 6.2 AUTARKADIA 49 Autarkadia A Regional design for Autarkadia, Berta Sanz Peña 50 Autarkadia B Autarkadian Grolloo in 2040, Szu-Ling Tao 55 Autarkadia C From the autarkic network to the eco-village, Berta Sanz Peña 58 6.3 BIOMASS COUNTY 63 Biomass county A Regional design for biomass county, Yi Ding, Francis Vos, Paula Espinosa 64 Biomass county B Dog Ridge & Peat Colonies: Monumental bio-energy, spatial team 71 Biomass county C Live and Enjoy, Francis Vos 72 Biomass county D Independent State Emmen, Yi Ding 75 Biomass county E Emmen - Glass & City at the edge of a National Park, spatial team 79 7 6.4 FRYSIAN WATERWORLD 82 Waterworld A Water comes, people stay, Erin Upton 83 Waterworld B Wetterwrâld, Fryslân, spatial team 85 Waterworld C Living with the flow, Roland Schmidt 97 Waterworld D Lauwers-lake: Seaside octopus in a tidal landscape, spatial team 91 6.5 CASCADE CITIES 95 Cascade cities A Eemshaven-Delfzijl: North-Port, spatial team Cascade cities B 8 Regional design for Cascade cities, Martina Sattler 96 100 Cascade cities C Cascading Hoggezand, Erik Smits 102 Cascade cities D Cascade city of Winschoten, Martina Sattler 105 6.6. WINDY RIDGES 107 Windy Ridges A Energetic North, Gerwin de Vries 107 Windy Ridges B Sand, sea and salt, Gerwin de Vries 111 & More 136 Chapter 7 PROMISE 115 Appendix 1 TIME-HORIZONS 123 Appendix 2 SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS 129 Appendix 3 CLIMATE CHANGE AND MORE (in Dutch) 137 Appendix 4 YIELDS PER HECTARE OF ENERGY RESOURCES (in Dutch) 144 PRELUDE ENERGY VALLEY 2036: AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE MISSION for the FUTURE would have come up with a small amount of renewables. In the end a small part of the measures would have been implemented. We thought to turn it around. Not a policy plan but a pallet of possibilities. A visual showcase of all kind of proposals that will help to create a beautiful region based on sustainable energy. A regional energy system, which is based on the potentials of the region itself. New living areas and industrial developments put in the landscape like a cascade of energy. New and more water and nature which will encourage the recreational potentials. And a transformation The Bridging to the Future project is collaboration between four re- towards the use of renewable energy sources efficiently produced gions in the world: Shanghai, Vancouver, Goa and Energy Valley. and fulfilling the demands of the future generation (which is likely Aim of the project is to research the possibilities of a sustainable to use more energy instead of less). So, in Energy Valley you may energy-system at a regional level and use that as the central focal use the energy you need as long as it is produced in a sustainable point for spatial developments. The local possibilities and poten- way and in the region itself. No punishment if you use a lot, but tials to provide the region with sustainably produced energy are a sustainable provision. This requires a little stubbornness and a leading in the regional and local spatial designs. The question how heroic attitude to go your own way from the local and regional this sustainable energy system can contribute to economic deve- governments. Be responsible for the quality of the lives of people in lopment, the security and the beauty of the region is a central one the region on the long term. Loosen the tight cadres of the global and needs to be answered to cope with future developments of and national (pretended) regulations and common habits. We are all kinds and to give a region a prosperous perspective. Lots of glo- not completely dependent on our national government or the Eu- bal and local trends are linked with the energy and spatial issue. ropean. We are not obliged to use energy provided by Russia. It is The contribution of (fossil) energy use to the changes in our climate possible to create our own sustainable resources and there is no li- is evident. Reducing the use of fossil energy might help slightly to mit in the amount of it. It requires decisions made by our politicians cope with this problem. The scarcity of energy resources like oil to do things differently. People with leadership who can make it and gas in the near future leads to a growing dependency on the happen: a region which is independent in its energy supply, which owners of these resources: security of supply becomes a major provides cheaper energy for its inhabitants and which will be an issue. In the same way the scarcity of clean water is increasing. attractive region. The well-known existing qualities of landscape, Regions which can provide themselves with clean water will have nature and peacefulness and with a couple of vibrant cities, the a clear advantage in the future. possibilities are endless. If we add a regional energy supply to it and we take also into account that the upcoming climate change What we could have done in this project is to present a policy plan will lead to a pleasant environment in the next centuries, Energy for the future of Energy Valley. It would have contained important Valley has all the opportunities of an emerging region in the world. goals and necessary measures. The problem we were facing It has better chances than all the mega-cities around the world would be described as an energy usage problem and our solutions and the crowded Randstad as competitors. would have been that, like the trias energetica tells us, the energy demand of users should be decreased. We would have presented A little fantasy about the chances of climate change: In Northern measures like increasing isolation of houses, smart technical solu- Netherlands you can have it all. We are going to use the climate tions which lead to a more efficient production of energy and we that is coming to us. In about 300 years from now our region will be 9 a (temporary) Côte d’Ollard: A Mediterranean Coast along the and live next to. Beautiful, because urban functions are brought North Sea. So, to arrange it a bit nicely for the coming 300 years: together in intensified and vibrant urban centres and, because of that would be great! From now on 300 years of climatic security: that the landscape is kept silent, clear and dark. One can feel the No Worries! Climate Change isn’t a threat, but a warm and friendly changes in weather. In our region you are close to a water and delight! This pleasant future makes our region one of the most at- weather experience. tractive of Europe: to celebrate your holiday, to live and to make money. And in case the Warm Gulf stream turns its back at us1 (see Why it is clean and clear: The air is pure and fresh. Life is healthier also the expose on climate change in Chapter 1 and appendix 3) than elsewhere and life expectancy is higher compared with other we can welcome some real historic winters. And this is also nice. To regions. Care is also better, thanks to scientific research and the cope with these uncertainties the design for the region needs to friendly people in the Northern Netherlands. Due to slowly climbing be robust and flexible. So robust that it can handle both scenarios. temperatures fitness and outdoor sports become popular quickly. And it cannot be a fixed image of the future but has to be an It is not strange that inhabitants of the North are healthy and fit. adaptive pallet of possibilities. The result is a decrease in the costs of health care! The water is also clean. Not only in streams, canals and lakes, but also in drinking The Northern Netherlands can be the wealthiest place, the most water reserves. Nature, swimming- and drinking water profit from beautiful, the cleanest and the safest spot in Europe. it. We do not burn any fossil sources. Clean energy is supplied from water, sun, wind and the earth. Why it becomes wealthy: In the future the region can be wealthy thanks to a prosperous economic development. The region will And why it is safe: We are protected against higher sea water be successful as a result of our location between the Randstad levels by an ingenious system of protecting dikes, instead of one and the fast growing economies in North Eastern Europe. Our big one. At the same time sea water will re-enter the land in a innovative entrepreneurship will give way to a huge growth of the controlled way. We are relatively independent from other coun- creative economy. The level of wealth is growing faster than in tries because of the production and control of our own resources surrounding regions, due to extremely low prices of energy, water and products. The agriculture produces clean food we can trust, and food for consumers as well as for companies. An added value primarily for our own inhabitants. is found in the new developments in the touristy sector as a result of a slowly rising temperature. Last but not least: Energy Valley A radical shift is not needed is the spider in the World Wide Web of energy trade. The Energy And the best part of giving ourselves 300 years to reach this Exchange, where energy is virtually traded and the Energy Nations perspective is that it does not require radical changes. A rigorous (EN) - Safety Council, where energy conflicts are solved found their change of policy is not necessary. It only demands consistency home up North. in all decision-making that forms our future, in a way it all works together in the same direction: towards this sunny valley with a laid 10 And why beautiful: If we will stop fighting the water new pos- back atmosphere. sibilities for an enriched landscape and nature will rise. We move Even better, it demands some form of laziness: our nice climate along with the rising water and reintroduce the seawater at the is coming at us by itself and it is not possible to accelerate by all land. Living areas at the edge of and on the sea are introduced. kinds of policy programmes. The quintessence is that we can cope We encourage a controlled stop of all the pumping in the polder with a lot of future developments by designing flexible solutions. areas and create larger water bodies to recreate, enjoy nature Unexpected changes, for instance in climate or economics are then not a threat. Regular policy plans should adjust themselves to the over-all mission. Upcoming zoning plans, political programmes and environmental plans can be put together with only a slight change in direction: give way to creativity and inspiration, experiment with tourism and living on and along water, realise the largest building programs in always dry areas and increase the connections with surrounding regions. 1) Warme golfstroom zwakt af, Volkskrant, 1 december 2005 11 12 CHAPTER 1 MEGATRENDS 1.1 Future developments years. The Netherlands is still a transport country and functions as a port for European markets. The Dutch economy has been open and outside-oriented. 2. Bakas3 describes it as follows: In the world there will emerge six superpowers (now only one: USA). Beside the United States these A couple of developments will play a major role in the upcoming are: Japan, China, India, Russia and Brazil. Beside the superpowers decennia. he defines Tigers, Sleeping Countries, Resource Countries, Poor 1. The economic focus will move (back) to (new superpowers like Countries and Multinational Tribes. The Netherlands belong to the China and India. The influence of the Western countries decreases, Sleeping Countries: relatively old inhabitants, reasonable stable, although the role of the Netherlands at a global level has not fluc- not innovative and perform on an average level. The people in tuated much since the Golden Century (International Economic these countries are not very ambitious. 2. World Order, IEWO) International trade and investments in combination with technological developments (navigation, shipyards, 3. An economic re-orientation is ahead of us: in the same way and maps) played a central role in the Dutch strategy over the as the transformation of the agricultural society into in an indu- fig.1 National share of global output 13 strialised one in the nineteenth century, the society of the (near) 6. Within 30 years from now the existing gas and oil reserve in the future transform from the industrial society into one, which can Northern Netherlands will be depleted. No other fossil resources be characterised by new added values: innovation, creativity are available in the region. If we do not change the supply of our and unicity. An increasing part of the working population, 30 to energy demands into renewable resources, we will have to import 50 % in the Natherlands has a job in the so-called creative sector fossil resources. nowadays. Together they earn around two-third of all wages in the country. These percentages will increase over time4. Creating The Task Force Energy-transition8 puts it like this: “The lack of sustai- a spot in this new economy demands distinctive qualities from the nability in the global energy system is a threat for the world. The future working people: by specialising on away-from-the-average speed of CO2-emission in the atmosphere results in unpredictable capabilities one becomes more attractive for companies in the changes in the climate and threatens the stability of ecosystems 5. all over the world. The level of dependency on global power- creative sector politics for the provision of oil and gas leads to unpredictable 4. A sustainable knowledge economy will appear6. In different changes in availability and the price of oil and gas. This is a threat sectors, among which the creative sector, the Netherlands can for our welfare and wellness. Due to the dominance of develo- become exporter of sustainable solutions. Our international trade ped countries in the use of fossil resources and the needs of the orientation gives the Netherlands an important advantage. In tra- poorest countries, tensions on a global level are increasing. This is ditionally strong sectors, (energy, food, water, chemical industries, a threat for peace and safety in the world. To have enough clean high-tech and the creative industry), the Dutch shall be excellent and affordable energy on the long term, we should decrease our in developing and selling new sustainable products and solutions. dependency on fossil resources at every moment and everywhere Fast grower in the Netherlands will be the personal care for elderly we can by using every available technology.” and children. The Netherlands can play a key role in the international knowledge network or become the node for the share and 7. The scarcity of clean (drinking) water will also increase. Usage trade of knowledge. of the clean sources, often for low quality purposes, is depleting the existing water 5. In coming decades, resource which results in scarcity of fossil resources drying out of the soil and will increase. Dependency a decreased quality. The on owners and transpor- enormous speed of ex- ters of these resources, tractions can impossibly like the Ukraine, will grow. be supplied with external And these countries will water. more and more take 8. Bakas9 expects that advantage of this power 7. 14 position In the future, the struggle between security and uncertainty Christianity and Islam will of supply, will play a major lead to a new European role in geopolitics. balance: Eurabia (Wesfig. 2 Historic changes in temparature tern-Europe, Northern- instead of intense ties with the Randstad might give us a change to stay away from possible conflicts. 9. We will have to say good-bye to the united and bordered Nation States. Instead of these independent regions and multinational tribes (Jews, Chinese, Muslim, youth and elderly), spread over the World, will play an increasing role10 ). These regions and tribes will take care of their own connections. Within Europe, regions are going to play a more important role : The Eems-Delta could become the hub between the Randstad and the Baltic Nations and Scandinavia. 10. The key elements of Dutch society will be a sustainable environment, tolerance and diversity, active people and attention for each other: a human knowledge society12 . The Netherlands become a showroom for our own sustainable export products. The people live mainly in urban areas and the buildings are adjusted at the natural surroundings. Attention and care for each other play fig.3 Moving costas a major role. Space to do things together and feel happy about that is more important than making money: a European Dream Africa and Turkey) and a New Europe (the historical Donau-monar- instead of the American. The flight of health and care will be enor- chy) emerge. A battle between China and Christianity at the one mous: more participation in active sports will lead to more healthy hand side and the Islam at the other side will appear in Europe. An people, who will be active longer. Finally, the Dutch, no matter Islamic North-Western Europe (England, France, Belgium and the what their ethnical background is, will be proud of openness and Randstad might be the epicentre of this battle. Connection of the tolerance. A strong bond between globalisation and attention for Northern Netherlands with Scandinavia and North Eastern Europe your neighbours. 15 2006 2036 2106 16 fig.5 Changes in the Wadden Sea due to sea level rise 11. Climate zones started a walk across earth. The average tem- already for centuries. That we will be totally under water again perature will rise everywhere. A city like Madrid suddenly finds itself within 2.5 million years or that the glaciers will have approached us amidst a Sahara-like desert, crossing the Mediterranean, without to several hundreds of metres within 10,000 years is hardly imagi- notifying. Next question: what will happen to the Costa del Sol, the nable, but puts our thinking in the right perspective. If we try to Costa Blanca and the Côte d’Azur? contemplate on the developments and events in the following 300 or 30 years, climate change, the global economic development In the year 2100 the temperature in the Northern Netherlands shall or the availability of resources will at once become relevant. have risen 2 degrees (central prediction)13, a climate that Paris is familiar with nowadays. The level of the sea is also rising. How With the present knowledge a few scenarios for the climate may much exactly is subject of debate, not the fact as such14. Most be considered. Those are summarised below. Per scenario the predictions show an average rise of 60 centimetres by the end of following will be discussed: general effects, effects for The Northern this century.15 Netherlands, and actions to undertake. With all scenarios we should acknowledge that the Northern Netherlands lie on the Discussion is possible about the extent to which human beings edge of the Eurasiatic plateau, which already declines due to contribute to this rise, but this is not relevant here. geological processes anyway. For a more elaborate explanation of climate change Appendix 3 If we project the rise of the sea level to our region, a substantial will give a scientific background. part of the marsh lands and sandbanks of the Wadden Sea will THE MOST PROBABLE SCENARIO, WITHOUT OCEAN CURRENT INVER- have disappeared in 2100. The sedimentation of mud and sand SION will not keep up with the rapid rise of the sea level. In a period of 16. 40 years more or less half of the sand plates will have been gone This scenario is based on the widely supported findings and expec- The maps give an indication of the different parts of the Wad- tations of the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change). den Sea that will stay under water for ever. The valuable nature that comes with these temporarily dry sandbanks will therefore disappear mostly 17. The complexity of growing and disappearing General The earth heats up considerably (a few degrees within this cen- sandbanks by flooding and sedimentation make a prediction of tury). Eternal snow, glaciers and icecaps will melt. Just as by the the exact locations of these banks very difficult. expansion of the warmer sea water, the sea levels will rise due to 1.2 SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND OF CLIMATE CHANGE this increased run-off of water on the land. This will lead to more and fiercer storms (remember the forerunners of the Caribean). There will be more clouding. There will evolve a greater difference between wet and arid areas. A FEW SIMPLE SCENARIOS May we predict the future for you? So easy it is to forecast the The Northern Netherlands future over 10,000 and 2.5 million years, so difficult it is for the For the Northern Netherlands this means that the temperature will following centuries. The future of the following decades is even rise a few degrees as well. This seems futile, but plant and animal almost impossible to predict, certainly not makeable and only limi- species will disappear because of it, and others will come instead. tedly directable. International developments and chronological It will also be wetter here. This mainly concerns summers, with more developments define the future more than we do. And this applies frequent short and heavy showers; in winter it will be wetter in 17 general and warmer on average, but icy cold winters can still oc- THE SCENARIO WITH OCEAN CURRENT INVERSION cur, only less frequent. The most important effect for the Northern Netherlands is the rise of the sea, most probably around 60 cm General within this century. This means, by the way, that in cases of storm The same effects, but locally (locally in terms of the global scale) and spring tide the level might be three to four times higher, and the ocean current in our regions will invert, and we will get the cold this implies a greater risk. This sea level rise adds to the increased polar current flowing along the East-American coast instead of the run-off of water from the mainland, building up the pressure from warm Caribean current. fresh and salt water on the lower areas, especially those below sea level. The Northern Netherlands A large part of the Wadden Sea will never run dry again, dimi- For the Northern Netherlands this means that the temprature will nishing the habitat of seals and fouraging birds. The sand banks drop by a few degrees, in spite of the up-warming global climate. that have come to lie below sea level make higher waves possi- As a result of this, the summers and winters will become colder. ble, which can influence navigation and the potential for sporting This makes the occurrence of long periods of frost in wintertime, (surfing). and thus the famous Elfstedentocht (‘eleven cities tour’), more Furthermore, the chances for the Northern Netherlands as a touris- probable. tic-recreative region will improve, because of the temperature rise. With regard to the sea level rise and the peril of water pressure, Wind certainty (sailing) will only increase. this scenario is no different from the previous one. However, the probability of storms and extreme weather is smaller in the case of Action a lower temperature, reducing the risk of extreme situations. The growing danger from the sea (including the increased probability of heavy storms) should be averted, or one should react to it Action actively. This can be established by even higher sea dikes, but the The measures of precaution against the danger of water are salty seepage will not be reduced by this, and the draining of pol- similar to the other scenario. The economic perspective for tourism ders will only agrivate this seepage. This apart from the increased however will be different. Compare the region with Newfound- demand for energy for draining pumps. Another strategy is a more land, also touristically interesting yet different and for less people. layered defence partly moving with the natural developments: The Elfstedentocht and winter sports in general may become a extra defensive banks at sea, flooding areas behind the present catalyst for the touristic-recreative economic development. The dikes, using the deepest diepste polders permanently for water cold, in combination with more precipitation will make the region retention, etcetera. more suited for snow-related sports. Furthermore, the Northern Netherlands can profit from climate ANY MORE SCENARIOS? change by touristic-recreative developments. Due to the rise of Above, only the most probable scenarios were discussed. These temperature a comparison with the present climate on the French are already scenarios with a certain margin of possibilities (tem- Atlantic coast (Britany, possibly more south) is realistic. Because of perature rise, sea level rise, precipitation increase or decrease). the temperature rise less energy will be necessary for heating and Of course there are more scenarios, which will be discussed briefly hot water (heat), and more for cooling (electricity). because in general they are considered less probable by climatologists. 18 • A more extreme scenario: the temperature rises even more, • and the sea level rises a couple of metres. Crucial for this leads to more algae in the ocean and abundant growth of seems to be the land ice of Antarctica melting or breaking plants that bind CO2 and thereby help cool the earth, or it can off (this already occurred a few years ago) and then melting happen because of cloud forming (causing a general cooling- in warmer water after all. The impact will be even extremer to down) or by a natural disaster (especially huge burts of vol- the Northern Netherlands, and in that case fighting the sea by canoes and comet bolts caused a cooling effect in the past). constructing even higher dikes seems a ridiculous measure. In combination with an ocean current inversion, the Northern An even more extreme scenario: as a result of the melting of Netherlands can foresee a subpolar climate, comparable to olar icecaps the water mass on earth will distribute differently Lapland. otherwise than at present, causing an inbalance, which will The safest policy seems to design a robust plan that can withstand lead to a toppling of the earth. In this scenario, the Northern different scenarios… Netherlands may become a new polar region, or a tropical • region along the Equator, both with dramatic impacts to man And Human beings? and environment. Man will be able too adjust to changing circumstances. His basic A moderate scenario: the temperature rise of the last deca- drivers stay the same and he always wants to take care of his ba- des turns out to be a result of other phenomena, of which the sic needs. A safe, conveniently arranged and familiar environment influence decreases, causing to reduce the temperature and is one of this major needs and exactly this is what a lot of people sea level (apart from the bottom level dropping by the turning believe is becoming more and more uncertain19. These basic over of the Eurasiatic shelf). In this case nothing needs to be needs are: done in the Northern Netherlands, at least because of climate • conditions of their own choice. the probable decline of industrial activities related to natural gas). • Humans are social animals: they live in groups, want to have contacts with others, but more and more at moments and on change (but surely because of the depletion of fossil fuel and • He is primarily a pictural being: triggered by the things he can A reversed climate scenario: in this case, the earth becomes see, more than noise or smell. It is of big importance what his colder. This could happen as a result of an exaggerated surroundings look like and the image culture will play a major natural reaction mechanism of the earth (for example: heating role in society. BOX 1 OR A WINTER? Generally spoken one assumes that the global climate change leads to higher temperatures and a sea level rise. For the Netherlands the expected rise in temperature will be approximately 2 degrees Celsius in 2100. This is based on the Warm Gulf stream which provides our regions with a temperate climate and this shall not change in the future. But, recent measurements showed us that the water circulation has dropped with 30% in the last 50 years18. The theory behind this is that the circulation, influenced by the density differences between salt and fresh water, could slow down, stop or even reverse if a lot of fresh water, melted from the poles, flows into the sea. Then, the Warm Gulf stream could disappear or change into a Cold Gulf stream. This affects the average temperatures in North-Western Europe: If the Warm Gulf stream changes into a cold one, the average temperature could drop between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius. The corresponding climate is the one we know from New Foundland today: old-fashioned historic winters! The 11-City-tour can be organised regularly, the dikes will have to deal with drifting ice and an increase in snowfall might lead to several white Christmases. In this (uncertain) scenario the rise of the sea level will also be approximately 60 centimetres. 19 • People also need a sense of security, a safe place and a roof to live under. His satisfaction depends on the comfort and safety of his house. • Enough food is condition of life. People get easily chagrined or worse if there is a lack of food. • Humans have ambitions, want to develop themselves and explore new directions. They want to adept new knowledge or cross physical boundaries. • People want to have trust in the future: to be certain of the future of their children. The way a region can fulfil these basic needs is and will be a key success factor, in comparison with other regions. 20 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Aromar Revi, Long range strategic sustainability concerns for the Groningen-Friesland-Drente region, Design Charette, Groningen, Oktober 2005 Adjiedj Bakas, Megatrends Nederland, 2005 Richard Florida, The flight of the creative class, 2005 Kjell Nordström en Jonas Ridderstråle, Karaoke Capitalism, 2005 NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 Gaskraan Oekraïne even ‘dicht’, Volkskrant, 24 December 2005 & Moskou sluit Oekraïne af van gas, Volkskrant, 2 Januari 2006 Meer met energie, Kansen voor Nederland, Task Force Energitransitie, mei 2006 Adjiedj Bakas, Megatrends Nederland, 2005 Adjiedj Bakas, Megatrends Nederland, 2005 Strategische agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 (ontbreekt intekst) NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 Derde IPCC-rapport & Opgewarmd Nederland, 2004 Munasinghe, IPCC, Energy Convention, Oktober 2005 Derde IPCC-rapport & Opgewarmd Nederland, 2004 Prof. Marcel Stive, TU Delft, in NRC Handelsblad, 20 Maart 2005 Kaartserie Waddenzee bij verschillende zeespiegelstijging Warme golfstroom zwakt af, Volkskrant, 1 December 2005, obv onderzoek National Oceanography Centre in Nature, 1 December 2005 Nieuwjaarstoespraak Hans Alders, provincie Groningen, 2 Januari 2006 CHAPTER 2 NNL-NOW? Kuwait, Arabia and Iraq rule our world. • Large parts of the Netherlands are below sea level. In (partly other) parts of Northern Netherlands the soil-surface is dropping a couple of decimetres in the next decades. At the same time What are the perspectives of the Northern-Netherlands? Still very the sea water level is rising up to 60 centimetres above N.A.P. good, but taking the future as it comes leads to a couple of poten- (current Dutch Water Level). If we do nothing, the chance at tial dangers. Developments that will transform our wealthy and rich Europe into an Argentina-like status20: used to be wealthy, now a bit poor. Which are the dangers who threat our Northern future? • There is a reasonable chance that within 40 years half of the sandbanks in the Wadden Sea do not exist anymore22. If we Nowadays we are part of the wealthy part of the World. This, do not take any action, for instance by creating new islands at despite the fact that we do have a subordinate position in the smart locations in the North Sea, which will capture sand and Dutch Spatial Economic structure21, lets us profit from the gene- mud and supply the existing Wadden Sea with it, most of the ral high level of wealth in the ‘Western World’. If we do nothing the economic balance is going to shift eastward and we could • flooding increases, with possibly large effects. • current and valuable ecology will disappear. • Together with Zeeland the Northern Netherlands is the only become an economic peripheral region. region in the Netherlands where it is possible to enjoy a clear Our ‘own’ natural gas is depleted. Without alternative resour- sky at night, where it is still quiet at night and where the air is ces we will end up as a dependent country. Ukraine, Russia, not polluted. But if we do not take any action we end up as fig.6 A disaster: in case the dikes break through 21 2106 2106 2036 2036 2006 2006 fig.7 Possible changes in the Wadden Sea due to sea level rise the Lelystad or Zwolle North of the Randstad, due to a chaotic 22 • A relatively small percentage of the people living in the push-out-process23, connected by squid-arms of bright lighted Northern Netherlands are of ethnic minority. The integration highways, illustrating the boundaries of the Randstad urban problems the Randstad is facing do not exist in the Northern development. Netherlands. Are there any uncertainties or fear, prejudices perhaps? Thus, in 30 years from now….. In the image of the Northern Netherlands judgements are appa- ….. We will be dependent on those countries with fossil resources rent, some of them right, others untrue and persistent. For example: available • The North loses the smartest part of its people over and over • Growth of the elderly people is higher in the North ….. We will be dependent on the strength and height of our dikes • On average we are less rich in the North24 ….. The average temperature will have risen 1 degree Celsius an • The North has a backdrop in education • In the North agriculture will probably disappear ….. half of the sandbanks are under water for ever26 • Unemployment rate is high ….. Are we dependent on ‘old money?’ • People in the North are stubborn and stiff ….. Are we the battle field of a war of religions? again to the Randstad or international mega-cities. ….. We possibly will be dependent on countries which can produce clean drinking water (one of them can be the Netherlands) the Dutch Water Level will be 20 centimetres higher The other side! Or do we turn it into an opportunity? Nevertheless, there is also another side to it. There are many ad- Can we define opportunities and challenges out of the mega- vantages of Northern Netherlands. Regularly unknown: like a well trends, problems and developments in a Northern specific man- kept secret. ner? • In the North a relatively large amount of artists, writers and intellectuals are living, some of them part-time. • Life is cheaper in the North. This can be illustrated by the map of the price of land in the Netherlands: the huge difference between the North and the rest is perfectly clear25 • The North is safer • The people in the North are sturdy, but they also have manners: people really call you back, a zebra is a safe place to cross the street and in the bus a seat is offered if you’re pregnant or old. • Almost no segregated schools are apparent in the North • People know what ‘taking care’ means. • Landscapes are sound in the North and it is just beautiful. 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) Adjiedj Bakas, Megatrends Nederland, 2005 De economische hittekaart van Nederland, Bureau Louter, december 2002 Prof. Marcel Stive, TU Delft, in NRC Handelsblad, 20 maart 2005 Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 De Armoedemonitor, SCP, 2005 Grondprijs per hectare, Dirk Sijmons, Startconferentie Klimaat voor Ruimte, februari 2005 Prof. Marcel Stive, TU Delft, in NRC Handelsblad, 20 maart 2005 23 24 CHAPTER 3 AMBITIONS Assumptions 1. Climate change is taking place 2. Sea level is rising. We assume that by the end of the century the sea level is 60 centimetres higher than it is now. This is Our ambition is to create a future for the Northern Netherlands undoubtedly not exactly going to happen, but it gives us the which gives people living in the area a great environment to live chance to think through the consequences and meaning of in. In this environment people can be sure of a beautiful landscape, which is clean and pure, where people are relaxed and climate change, even if the rise will be less or more. 3. The energy demand stays at least at the same level as it is now. laid back. An environment also where one can be sure of the provision of energy and water. And finally, where climate change 4. The Northern Netherlands is so beautiful. is dealt with and the risks are reasonable and will never lead to big disasters. A couple of driving forces and assumptions helped Approach us to define our ambitions on energy, climate change and spatial 1. The method we use is backtracking and back-casting. quality. These ambitions were translated in design principles and 2. We look at a desired situation, let’s say 2100 and formulate the strategies. first steps towards it, with a focus on 2036. 3. The story 2100 is based on the assumed climate change. This Our driving forces makes it possible to define images and ideas about what 1. We see climate change not as a threat, but as an opportunity. Energy Valley might look like in the future, not as a fixed image, Our approach is not defensive but offensive: adapt and lead but as a utopia or fantasy. We can use this fantasy to make developments instead of neglecting and regulating them. Use designs for 2036. energy knowledge to give identity to the landscape and the 4. We design strategies and principles, not a fixed blueprint-design. region. 2. We see the North as a transparent clean machine. Which 5. In the end we show attractive images, the designs become means that we do not strive to become a satellite of the Randstad. We make use of the unique qualities of the North: the space, relaxation and the crispy atmosphere. Energy charac- imaginable. 3.1 Energy-ambition teristics can be used to profit from the unique qualities of the North. In the next 30 years: 3. Connect through images. An intimate connection between energy and space offers chances to develop an attractive • We produce energy for our own demand within the region. region, in which the basic needs of the people are fulfilled to • Maximum of 20 % of our energy use comes from fossil resources. the max. Inspiring and creative images, appealing for people, politicians and companies shall play a major role. 4. Regional approach: security of energy, food and water supply. Independent from import or external influences. 5. The power of energy: the LowExergy principle, a multi energy strategy and 3D-approach. • The CO2 emissions in the region are cut down by 70%. This ambition is a lot higher than the Task Force Energy transition describes27: 50%. To reach this goal, almost all transition pathways, described in the report of the Task Force, should be followed. The choices we make in our Pallet of Possibilities are those pathways that are spatially relevant (biomass, cascading, 25 renewables, energy storage and smart systems). Our proposal • therefore shows an overlap with the chosen pathways of the and design those, smaller, living areas and houses in a way that they will survive floods. Task Force. It is perfectly clear that we need to focus on a lot of different pathways at the same time. At the same time we make living on and in the water possible • To slow down the effect of heavy storms and floods we • There is no import of biomass or fossil resources. propose a multi layered defence system, with new islands in • We make use of different energy sources at the same time the North Sea, the existing Wadden Islands, the existing dikes (multi-energy strategy). and the old sea-dikes inland. We propose an offensive land The new production space of energy is the trigger for land- protection and multilayer defence. • scape and urban designs. • • • kept safe or even enhanced in the future, sand and mud has regional level. to be collected in the Wadden area. New structures in the Energy is used efficiently: the LowExergy principle guides North Sea can provide the existing Wadden with enough sand energy cascades in the region. • To ensure that the existing nature values of the Wadden are The regional energy potentials steer the functional zoning at a The demand of the people in the region is leading (with no to keep up with the rapid changes due to the sea level rise. • limits beforehand). Renewable energy supplies what is asked for. The reduction of demand is secondarily (NB. the trias energetica is redefined as follows: 1. supply energy-demand We aim at a substantial contribution to the reduction of global warming. 3.3 Spatial ambition with renewable resources, 2. use energy efficiently and 3. try to minimize the overall demand). • • We make use of several newly introduced techniques as soon as possible (osmosis, tidal energy, geothermal energy). 3.2 Climate Change ambition duction and the climate that lies ahead of us. • Differences in landscape lead to specific functional typologies. • The existing spatial qualities are enhanced and less qualitative locations should be improved. • • We do not just see climate change as a threat, but mostly The existing landscape structure and different typologies are the base on which designs are created. as an oppotunity. If it is possible to adapt the landscape, • The spatial characteristics and differences are strengthened. the functional zoning and human beings to the upcoming • The historical basics, often based on the natural driving forces, changes, it might be better possible to handle these changes. are used as an inspiration to find the most sustainable direc- Instead of protection of the existing situation, often at high • We aim at creating new living areas inspired by energy pro- tion. costs and bigger risks (for example: higher dikes), our ambition • We want to create attractive landscapes and urban areas. is to use the changes as inspiration for the design. • Available energy potentials steer directly and indirectly the If we only heighten the dikes, the future sea level rising will became a huge risk at a. Creating a more flexible and multilayered defence system, giving the sea more influence inland, order of functions. 3.4 Design principles causes fewer risks. • 26 We encourage projecting the largest living areas at the safest We made use of a couple of design principles, which steered our spots. Which means the higher grounds, where it is safe even if design process: backtracking, multi energy strategy and LowExer- a flood occurs. gy. Principle 1: Backtracking Backtracking aims to find a moment in history when social-economic developments of the region were in balance with the natural system. For the Northern Netherlands this moment lies in a period when sea-influence was normal and formed the landscape of the northern region (see also appendix 1, Time Horizons). This landscape that we are so proud of has terps and wierden, an open landscape with historical dikes and a rich agricultural system. The use of the landscape did not deplete the natural resources. After that period we occupied the landscape more intensively. Roads and highways were built, new industries and urban areas were planned. Temporarily flooded areas were endiked and became polders. We took, bit by bit, land from the sea. Compared to the fig.8 Multi energy strategy rest of the Netherlands our region still lives in a reasonable balance BOX 2 ENERGY RESOURCES 1. Biomass: large parts of Drenthe and the ‘Veenkoloniën’ (peat colonies) can be used for the production of biomass. Also existing biomass from the region can be added to the industrially produced quantity through an intelligent collection system, and converted to high-quality energy in power plants. 2. Wind: Alongside the Northern coast there is a lot of space for large-scale and beautifully designed wind parks. Partly in the old Wadden Sea and partly on the remnants of the islands they would pay a valuable contribution to the generation of electricity. Beside the known techniques we could think also about the deployment of enormous kites (developed by Prof. Wubbo Ockels), which would capture the great wind speeds at the altitude of 10 kilometres and convert this to power. 3. Water, tidal: Between the remnants of the islands and in places where sea water can flow to the hinterland in a controlled way, there is an opportunity to develop tidal plants. Water, osmosis: At the spots where salt and fresh water meet, electricity can be generated by the process of osmosis through membranes. The interaction between highly-concentrated salty water and fresh water leads to the most efficient process. The salt water can originate from the Wadden Sea or North Sea, but also be produced by solving rock salt form the bottom and extracting this up to the surface. 4. Sun: In large parts of Frisia and Groningen solar energy can be made useful by active and passive systems. Well-integrated designs of solar energy parks of the roofs of buildings would make an energy plant of unused space. 5. Geothermal: There are several aquifers at different depths in most parts of the Northern Netherlands. Below 900 metres the temperature of this water exceeds 60 degrees Celsius. This implies that it is a very appropriate heat source for heating and hot water in domestic use. The mechanism to extract the hot water is simple: drill a hole and pump it up. A second drill-hole should be used to replenish the deep wells with cooled water. In the North there already are numerous drill-holes for the extraction of natural gas. These could be used soon for the extraction of geothermal heat. 6. Natural gas: Using the available natural gas will remain necessary in the following decades, as a regular fuel or as a transition fuel towards the use of sustainable energy. 27 with its surroundings, though we cannot call it really sustainable: we use more resources, water and energy than we (can) produce. Proposing a back to nature approach, where a historic situation is copied, is not realistic and not desirable. But to make use of the driving forces that formed the landscape in history and transform them into future forces that guide us towards a new future and designs that are modern is a powerful approach. Making use of the newest technologies and ideas and show a ‘fit’ with the drivers of the past. And continue the natural logic of the place. The back-casting principle gives us the ingredients to form an ideal image for the far future. Out of this future, we can define designs, projects and concrete steps to take to reach this ideal. This sets the agenda for the next decades. Principle 2: The Multi-energy strategy An energy strategy based on just one, fossil, fuel will prove very vulnerable in the future. This is in particular the case when this resource – in the Northern Netherlands this is natural gas – is finite. In time, the region (and thereby other parts of the country) will become dependent on the costly and unsure supply of fossil fuels from other countries. In order to tackle this a strategy based on various energy resources is desirable. For Northern Netherlands it would be useful to focus on biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and energy from osmosis. An ideal mix of energy resources would supply the region with sufficient energy, thereby assuring the availability of energy and avoiding the need to become dependent on other regions and countries. Principle 3: LowExergy Nowadays, energy of a high caloric value, such as heat of a high temperature (1200 degrees Celsius, produced by the combustion of natural gas), is applied in low-grade applications, such as heating of dwellings, for which a temperature of approximately 20 degrees would suffice. Because of this a great deal of the original exergetic value is lost. The high-quality energy could be used in higher-grade functions first. The Low-Ex principle is based on optimal matching of supply and demand of energy qualities. 28 fig.9 Low exergy Design strategy 4: Gas for change In high density areas and in areas with an intensive gas network, bio-gas or H2 can be implemented. Design strategy 5: Waste for use In areas where the largest amounts of waste are produced and where waste out of green spaces (parks, forests) can be collected, an intelligent transport system can be implemented to transport waste to biomass plants. Design strategy 6: Support-less landscape In areas where nowadays a lot of energy is used, this energy-use can be decreased. For instance, stop certain pumps which keep fig.10 Cascade of exergy 3.5 Design strategies the polders dry and the ingredients for a whole new landscape are found. Design strategy 7: Tension fields Where tension can be build up by bringing together salt and fresh Based on the principles we defined several design strategies. These water, tension fields can be introduced. This is possible at the ed- strategies can be used in appropriate areas. Specific local situati- ges of land and sea, at locations where the sea re-enters the land ons usually ask for a specific strategies. and wherever salt layers in the deep soil are available and can be brought to the surface. Use the osmosis technology. Design strategy 1: Stand alone/autarky Where no direct grid is available or not enough natural potential Design strategy 8: Time tidal in the landscape is available to supply the demand, these areas Where certain differences in tide are available tidal plants can be should find autarkic solutions for their energy supply. Biomass, solar introduced. Smaller tidal plants can be located at locations where and wind-energy and geothermal energy are possibilities. wind turbines are placed and used to pump water up (in the night times, when the wind energy is not used). During the day the water Design strategy 2: New potentials moves out through the tidal plant and produces energy. New technologies, some of which are still in a research phase, should be added where specific circumstances are present. Suitable locations can be used to experiment with new techniques, e.g. the high speed wind kite. Design strategy 3: Generatives Where energy is for free and the potentials for wind and solar are high, these generative energy sources should be developed, possibly at the largest possible scale. 27) Meer met energie, Kansen voor Nederland, Task Force Energitransitie, mei 2006 29 30 CHAPTER 4 A SPATIAL ENERGY-TYPOLOGY 4.1 Combined exergy and spatial planning Thanks to the wide application of the Low-exergy principle28, sing utilities, or – to speak with Arjan van Timmeren31 – autonomy or heteronomy. in which supply and demand of energy qualities are matched, hardly any exergy is lost. The functions that have been matched Centralisation on one level can be decentralisation on another lie in the landscape as a cascade: high-caloric waste heat is one (the ‘paradox of scale’ by De Jong). We don not want supplied to the next energy demander in the chain, who in turn centralisation on a global scale: thereby the region of the Northern supplies waste heat to the next, lower-grade function. For the Netherlands (as well as the Netherlands and even Europe) would Northern Netherlands an analysis took place in which parts of the become much too vulnerable. Centralisation on a national scale landscape which types of energy can be yielded. For instance, (i.e. decentralisation on the global scale…) could be an option for ‘potential maps’ have been made with the suitability of wind the region, but this in fact comes down to the current approach: energy, the potential extraction of geothermal heat, the possibi- energy is organised nationally. Centralisation on the regional scale lities for the produce of crops for biomass, etcetera. The combi- (decentralisation on the national scale; now we’re talking) is an nation of these maps produces an image of how different areas, option but would imply a regional grid for power and gas for the depending on the climatic, geo-morphological and functional entire Northern Netherlands. This is possible, but our approach so features, can contribute to the production of energy. On the basis far has been that it is perhaps wiser that remote areas would not of this, matching, most appropriate functions could be defined. By have to be connected to such a central network. In contrast, it connecting these functions in such a way that cascades of energy seems logical that urban hearts with a good energy infrastructure evolve – in which the one function uses the waste energy of the be provided centrally with energy (in which case connected ele- other – a very energy-effective and sustainable energy system can ments could feed the grid also). Whether such an up- and down- be designed29. Different areas originate from this, each with its own load grid be suitable for the entire region is a subject for debate. characteristics, spatial and energetic: the energy landscapes (see Box 4). Locally decentralised spots can be rural areas, villages or secluded In the series of cascades the Eems delta takes a very important buildings, depending on the local potentials. From the doctoral position, as it is the place where the highest-grade energy is pro- research by Arjan van Timmeren32 [2006] it turns that, for the duced and used. Through a system of transport urban domestic robustness of energy networks, autarkic elements be better con- waste can be brought to this area, incinerated and directly used nected to a grid. for the industry and horticulture. As electricity and heat it conse- The moral of this story: not either central or decentral, however quently returns to the urban network of Winschoten-Groningen- central as well as decentral. Assen, where it is used in hotel and catering industry, offices, and housing30. 4.2 Approach GLOBALISATION OR PROTECTIONISM It is dicey to proclaim or predict global political and economic developments and their influence on the energy market in the Nor- CENTRALISATION OR DECENTRALISATION thern Netherlands. We think that the development of Energy Valley Discussion about energy often concerns centralising of decentrali- should assure independence with regards to global insecurities. To 31 clarify: this does not mean independence from the world, however industrial processes robustness, or flexibility, to respond to any global development. • incineration of oil, gas, biomass and waste: 600-18000 This robustness demands for an at least partly (not necessarily fully) • steam: 100-3000 independent energy system based on local resources and potenti- • exhaust cooling water: 30-1000 als (and hence, on exergetic principles). • liquid nitrogen: -1960 • solid nitrogen: -2100 4.3 Analysis of demand and supply agricultural processes TEMPERATURES REQUIRED ON THE DEMAND SIDE • exhaust air from greenhouses: 25-400 Below are the temperatures required for certain processes, divided • exhaust air from stables: 25-400 into specific functions in which they appear (apart from the fact that industries also contain restaurants). industrial processes 33: 300-18000 domestic processes • exhaust air from the oven: 100-2000 • exhaust air from cooking plates: 30-900 • power plant • waste water from (dish) washing machines: 20-700 • metal production or recycling34: 223-15360 • waste water from bath & shower: 20-400 • stone bakery: 12000 • exhaust air from living spaces: 24-300 • chemical reactor: 6000 • waste water from toilets: 20-300 • production and processing of synthetics: 95-2400 natural storage systems domestic processes • geothermal heat from deep layers (>900 m): 60-900 • kitchen oven: 2500 • geothermal heat from shallow layers (< 900 m,): 10-600 • cooking of food and water: 1000 • surface water: 0-250 • (dish) washing machine: 900 • soil and ground water (approx. 1 m below surface): 110 • heat storage: 600 (minimum temperature for heat supply to • ice (solid water): 00 dwellings) • shower/bath/sauna: 400 • indoor air heating: 200 • cooling: 200 artificial storage systems • fridge: 50 • freezer: -200 WASTE HEAT SUPPLIED TO THE DEMAND SIDE Below are the temperatures that certain processes in specific functions can produce. 32 ENERGY SUPPLIED AND DEMANDED BY FUNCTION primary resource for the other, in multiple steps. In our redesign of As a next step we can couple the temperatures from the proces- the Northern Netherlands this implies that the spatial planning is ses mentioned above to function types of the built environment. tuned to the order most logical in terms of exergy. In doing so, one The table below gives an overview. can cling to some anker-points: the Eems power plant (highest exergetic value), existing, difficultly replaceable functions such as industries and horticulture, and gas drillings, which are suitable for the extraction of relatively cool (shallow) of hot (deep) water. CONSEQUENCES FOR SPATIAL FUNCTIONS • Power plants are – in sofar as non-sustainable – fed with fuels. These can be fossil resources, but they are depleting, and biogas, biomass and non-recyclable domestic waste. Therefore, they can be best situated close to the production of biomass and households, or - better and more liveable – be connected to infrastructure that can supply these resources. Power plants themselves provide electricity, steam and heat, which are useful to industry and greenhouses. The power plant can provide hydrogen as well. • Industries usually require – of course depending on the type of industry – the highest form of energy and temperatures, and therefore should be located close to power plants and other forms of industry. Industries themselves provide heated cooling water that can be appropriate for dwellings and offices, and possibly for greenhouses as wel. • Greenhouses for horticulture could use steam and heated cooling water from power plants and industries and need to be situated close to these, because of possible transport losses. Another solution is that greenhouses will be designed in such a way that they can take care of their own heat supply (no problem on a sunny day but during the night and in wintertime traditional greenhouses radiate and transmit too much heat). Exergetically seen, the use of lighting for heating is inefficient. Greenhouses can supply low-caloric waste heat that is appropriate for dwellings and offices. MATCHING SUPPLY AND DEMAND • Commercial accommodation such as in offices should be able The principle of exergy is the tuning of supply and demand of to cool as well as heat. These functions therefore prosper from energy qualities. This implies that energy flows should be put in a location close to drilling holes that can provide them with cascades, where waste energy of the one process forms the hot and cold water. Besides, offices can also use waste heat 33 • from industries, greenhouses and their own exhaust air. Cooling depicts when a certain area is supposed to be close to another is the most important problem, due to which use of the ground, one. ground water or flowing open water seems most appropriate. According to the regional area types designed during the 2005 Because of the limited demand for heat, waste heat from charette in Groningen, a schedule could look as the table below. offices can be used also in dwellings. Mixing with living areas In order to develop a new typology for the Northern Netherlands, therefore is, also because of travel distances, desirable. this schedule should be tuned to the previous table. With a good design, dwellings only require heating for thermal comfort. Heat from exhaust air and water from the dwelling itself could suffice, or exhaust heat from offices could be additional, as well as heat from greenhouses. Apart from this, dwellings need hot water of at least 60 degrees Celsius (to avoid the Legionair’s Disease). Therefore, houses can be located best close to drilling points for geothermal heat, but heat can also be yielded from solar collectors. SPATIAL AREA TYPES AND THEIR ENERGY Depending on the natural and topographical site of an area, a principal selection can be made of suitable energy resources and techniques, systems of storage, and produced output (in terms of energy). In the table below we assumed a sustainable situation, and therefore fossil resources are not mentioned. The table also PROBLEMS OF FINE-TUNING There are some problems concerning the tuning of residual energy flows: the supply and demand need to be matched in a spatial and temporary sense. For instance, the demand for heat is seasondepending, whereas industrial production of heat is continuous or asynchronic. This is a challenge in this project, and for the future in general. From an exergetic point of view, nature but also the very first settlements of human beings were much better organised than nowadays, and this also applies to some industrial complexes. Today’s habits need to be tackled again in another, creative approach that better resembles natural effectiveness. Perhaps an optimal tuning of supply and demand is not tech34 nically possible yet, but in this case Grounds for Change should make clear which technological developments are desirable. This gen and, in terms of energy, hydrogen is not a resource but a mainly regards discrepancies in the temporary sense (for Grounds medium of storage, which still needs to be produced through for Change provides the spatial solutions), requiring tuning of func- electricity. If this electricity is produced from fossil fuels, no tions, which can feed one another at different times, and storage emission improvement will be achieved with regard to today. systems for low- and high-caloric heat and power. For an optimal If we want to talk of an efficient production of electricity we spatial integration, existing and new functions should be matched really will have to think about sustainable resources, which can in terms of energy supply and demand, for example by means of only be preceded or filled up by fossil resources in a stage of time schedules (annual, seasonal, daily). transition. Moreover, reckoning with the decreasing demand for heat (amplified by the most probable climate change!), COMBINING INDUSTRY, HORTICULTURE AND HOUSING Exergy cascading within and around industrial development areas (connections to plans of horticulture and housing) should be electricity whose generation produces a lot of heat should be avoided, and this again points towards sustainable energy. 2. Combined heat and power (CHP) can be put into service in based on short distances for transportation of heat: 5 kilometres at the case of a simultaneous demand for electricity and heat or the maximum. This starting-point would lead to compact, casca- hot water, common for all living areas. However, CHP nowa- ded areas and an exergy-driven return of mixing of energy pro- days is mainly powered by gas and petrol, and we consider duction and other (urban) functions, something abolished widely this non-available by 2035. Therefore, it is useful to develop in the Western world after World War II. Residential areas (yet ac- CHP fueled by other sources (waste, biomass, … - in fact an commodation for working and catering industries) efficiently provi- advanced furnace), thereby still offering perspectives after ded with energy will be situated close to greenhouses and (clean) 2035. By the way, CHP produces too much heat when elec- industries. In order to avoid a deterioration of spatial quality a tricity defines the demand. So, we should couple CHP utilities new design language will be the solution, as well as the persistent to functions that demand a lot of heat, such as greenhouses development of clean manufacturing. In short, multi-functionality – another reason to combine horticulture with housing… and optimised functional matching in optimal shape… 3. The heat pump can be a universally applicable technique That current spatial policy plans restrict the mixing of functions for exchange of heat and cold between two environments. should be no reason to ignore solutions that are energetically But it requires that the electricity powering it be supplied from better. Initially, the essence of Grounds for Change was to improve sustainable resources and not conventional (from fossil fuels). spatial policy any way. This may be established decentrally (per house, block, district, village or rural area) or centrally (via the regional grid). OTHER REMARKS 1. There is a trend for increased electricity en decreased heat demand. Although the greater part of energy demand is still 4.4 Energy potentials of the Northern Netherlands related to heat, a system still based on (waste) heat may be questioned. The present energy industry propose to focus on a INTRODUCTION more efficient power supply, mentioning natural gas and fuel In this section a method is elaborated on that laid the foundations cells. Regarding the depletion of local gas reserves by 2035 for the regional vision for the Northern Netherlands in which energy this can be possible only when import of gas from e.g. Russia functioned as a directive element for spatial developments. will be secured (and accepting that delivery will be prolonged In the following subsections the region is studied on it climatic with a few decades only). Fuel cells are powered by hydro- and geophysical properties in order to determine the potentials 35 of different energy resources step by step. Per resource of energy tion: built and forested areas. consequently the natural or technical/cultural availability, the Solar energy can be used through passive systems (heat) and potentials already present, and the potentials that will be possible active systems for power (solar panels, or photovoltaic cells), hot in time but that still require research. Moreover, an energy value water (solar collectors), or both (PTV panels). It can be collected per hectare is given for every energy resource. best in the built environment, because of the short distances of The resources discussed are worked out orderly in potential maps, transportation of hot water and low-voltage power. ultimately culminating in a map of energy blends, visualising which energy forms have a great potential in the various areas of the Potentials in time (to be studied) region of the Northern Netherlands. The techniques exist already but systems will become cheaper and/or perform better in the near future. New developments at THE SUN the moment are studies directed at total low-voltage buildings, which would make the conversion of low-voltage AC power from Natural availability PV panels superfluous, further improving the overall performance. The Northern Netherlands receives sufficient energy from the sun, on average approximately 100 Watt per per square metre. This Costs of solar techniques energy is suited for passive and active applications. Without subsidies, the investments into solar collectors has a rate of return of exactly the term for writing off the installation (around 15 years). Hence, no reason to ignore this solar technique. The price of PV cells, per generated Watt, has been reduced by a factor of 14 since 1975, however, solar electricity cannot compete with power from fossiel fuels yet: the price is still more expensive by a factor of five. The so-called amorphous silicium cells can become cheaper by a factor of eight, but these perform worse (yield around 6%). Nevertheless, this development can lead to competetiveness with fossil fuel eventually. This moment will be sooner if the costs of fossil energy further increase, or if environmental costs are accounted in the price of energy. These developments may be expected within 30 years. fig.11 Potentials for solar energy Power per hectare35 • heat from solar energy: 350-500 kW/ha (incl. storage) • power from solar energy: 60-100 kW/ha (accu-watersofopslag) Potentials already present Solar energy can be yielded everywhere, if there are no obstacles WIND that reduce the reception of solar radiation in buildings, on panels 36 or collectors. Therefore, all open areas have a potential for solar Natural availability energy (the so-called ‘yes’ areas), but apart from these, there are The Northern Netherlands have enough potential for yield of wind ‘yes if’ areas, where the suitability depends on the specific situa- energy: excellent around the Wadden Sea, high along the coast, reasonable behind that and sufficient close to the German border. Power per hectare36 Electricity can be generated from wind. • power from wind energy, large turbines: 450 kW/ha • power from wind energy, small turbines: 70 kW/ha built area BIOMASS AND WASTE Natural and cultural/technical availability In comparison with the rest of the Netherlands, the North still has large-scale agriculture, in the Veenkoloniën (Peat Colonies) and the Groningen and Frisian ‘highland’. These areas of agriculture yields biomass directly or indirectly (as waste product after a primary function), or biofuels can be produced from crop. Biomass is present also in forests (predominantly in Drenthe) and in the reed fig.12 Historic windmills stretches along the banks of mainly the Frisian lakes and canals. The Eemshaven is suitable for import of energy resources from outside the Northern Netherlands, such as biomass from the Baltic and other Eastern European states. Not only biomass, yet also domestic waste can be seen as a source of energy. Potentials already present Apart from the old-fashioned incineration of biomass for heating, electricity and heat is also produced from biomass by power plants. Biofuels can already be used for transport means. Transportation of waste (and biomass!) should be limited, supporting our fig.13 Potentials for windenergy Potentials already present There are resistance-driven and lift-driven wind engines. The latter ideas to develop a network with short distances for transport. fig.14 Potentials for biomass – among which modern windmills and small turbines such as the Turby and Darraeus – have a greater yield. The tall wind turbines, known from windmill parks, have up to 5 MW of power. The smaller types are suited for built environments. Potentials in time (to be studied) Wubbo Ockels designed a windkite with a vane wheel reaching up until an altitude of 10 km. Because of the high wind velocities at this altitude this windmill can generate more than regular turbines. 37 Potentials in time (to be studied) Within a reasonably short term the first small CHPs on biomass (bioCHPs) can be expected, enabling generation of power and heat on a smaller scale than the large power plants are serving. A next step is the development of clean furnaces for incineration of various fuels (such as domestic waste). It may be useful to investigate whether every urban and village heart should have a small waste plant (similar to the CHP on biomass and waste previously mentioned) to deploy waste optimally into the energy chain. Additional research would with no doubt mainly focus on (hazardous) emissions, notwithstanding that this development would be a catalyst for a more conscientious ap- fig.15 Potetials water as energy source (tidal, osmosis, seepage) proach to waste (back to waste separation?) and clean processing technology. Other research could be directed at energy-ef- Potentials in time (to be studied) ficient systems for transportation of waste and biomass (tubes, In time a tidal plant can be constructed near the Lauwers Lake, at boats, trains…). the site of the present sluices. Osmosis plants will be possible along the Afsluitdijk, in the Lauwers Lake (opened again to the sea) and Power per hectare37 near Delfzijl. In certain places at sea energy can be generated • power from biomass: 5 kW/ha from waves. Another investigation-worthy topic is the small-scale • power from domestic waste: 1,0 kW/ha built area generation of energy from water around the Hondsrug, because of the height differences there, by means of free fall, water steps WATER or new springs. Natural availability Power per hectare The Northern Netherlands have the disposal of various water types • power from tides: 6,9 kW/ha enclosed sea and a pallet of opportunities with them: there are relatively great • power from gulf energy: 3000 kW/ha (3 m) water height differences between high tide and ebb; fresh water from the IJssel Lakemeer is spouted to the Wadden Sea; SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND there are wave movements at sea; there are long borderlines between fresh, brackish and salt water (facilitating electricity from Natural and cultural/technical availability osmosis). The land has a natural and technical/cultural surface (including In reverse there are relatively large areas below sea level (in the roof surfaces), open water, groundwater and underground, which polders) that need to be drained. can be made useful to the energy system. There is geothermal energy in different layers of the underground, for which the tem- 38 Potentials already present perature depends on the depth: until 1 m the temperature varies A hydraulic spout plant is foreseen already on the Afsluitdijk (‘lock- with the air temperature above the ground and the reception of up dike’) near Harlingen. Drainage pumps can be switched off solar radiation (but also heat radiation from buildings); from 1 m already, not generating energy yet reducing the demand for it. down the temperature is fairly constant around the average year temperature (10 degrees Celsius in the Northern Netherlands); and Potentials already present going deeper, the underground becomes warmer because of the Heat and cold can be extracted from open water, ground water proximity of the earth core. and the ground by means of heat exchangers and heat pumps. A separate category are the gas and oil fields. In time these will The potentials of shallow layers mainly lie in passive cooling (10 deplete entirely but they can also be utilised in other ways. degrees is always cooler than the desired indoor temperature) and storage of heat and cold by means of aquifers, heat pumps, hollow foundation poles or storage tanks. From around 900 m and deeper the temperature stays above 60 degrees and thus is safe for domestic use (Legionella are not possible above 60 degrees). Imported natural gas can be temporarily stored in empty gas fields. Potentials in time (to be studied) At the surface heat or cold can be extracted from asphalt roads and bituminous roofs (also in a coller climate) by means of heat pumps (or heat exchangers). Traditional plants that cannot comply with the serious CO2 reductions required will be able to store carbon dioxide in empty gas fields. The potentials of deeper geological layers are the extraction of hot water for domestic use (do not forget that the Dutch climate can coll down because of an ocean current inversion). Extraction fig.16 Potentials for storage in the underground from these deeper layers can be established via old drill holes and gas pipes. Hot bedrocks can also be used for power generation in certain areas of the North. WASTE HEAT Technical/cultural availability We produce heat by our human processes in various ways: exhaust air, waste water of showers, kitchen and toilet, heat radiation, etcetera. Potentials already present Waste heat from human and domestic processes can be made fig.17 Potentials for geothermal drillings (existing gas or oil drillings) useful through heat pumps and heat exchangers. 39 RESUMING POWER PLANTS 4.5 Energy landscapes In the previous part different power plants have been discussed already. They primarily generate electricity but often also produce OVERLAP MAP OF ENERGY POTENTIAL MIXES (waste) heat: If all potential maps are laid over one another, a pallet of op- the Eems plant: suited for a multi-fuel approach: natural gas, portunities arises for suitable energy resources in every area in the biomass, waste as fuel Northern Netherlands. This does not mean that every area should • the VAM plant: a power plant fueled by biomass and waste use every potential, but the opportunity is there. • micro-CHPs: for the semi-decentral traditional (gas, petrol, die- • sel) combined generation of power and heat This map of energy mixes was translated into a master plan for • bio-CHPs: CHPs fueled by biomass or biofuels the whole region, also taking into account other qualities: the • all-incineration CHPs: clean CHPs fueled by various sources, landscape, historic-cultural values, economic and demographic including domestic waste developments, etcetera. • tidal plant: in the Lauwers Lake Based on local-regional features, in May 2005, analysis and po- • spout plant: on the Afsluitdijk tential maps38 were developed for the Northern Netherlands, and • osmosis plant: along the Afsluitdijk, in the Lauwers Lake and/or making use of the low-exergy principle nine energy landscapes39 near Delfzijl evolved (Box 3), which are connected to one another by the wave plants: at open sea energy grids. • The areas described in Box 4 were elaborated on after the Charette of May 2005, of which the results will be discussed further on. fig.18 Possible power-plants fig.19 The regional mix of energy-potentials 40 fig.21 Energy landscapes 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) Grounds for Change, Design Charette, Scanning the Futures, Mei 2005 Grounds for Change, Ruimteteam, Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Oktober 2005 Grounds for Change, Ruimteteam, December 2005 Van Timmeren, Autonomy & heteronomy, dissertation, TU Delft, june 2006 Van Timmeren, Autonomy & heteronomy, dissertation, TU Delft, june 2006 piston engine: 1800o, gas engine: 1300o, steam engine: 300o, Starling engine: 300o tin: 223o, lead: 327o, zinc 420o, aluminium: 660o, copper 1036o, iron: 1536o See appendix 5 See appendix 5 See appendix 5 Grounds for Change, Ruimteteam, Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Oktober 2005 Design Charette, Grounds for Change, regionaal Ontwerpteam, Groningen, Mei 2005 fig.20 Integrated energy landscapes 41 BOX 3 - ENERGY LANDSCAPES 1. Windy Dikes & Reefs: The Wadden islands and present sea dikes are very suitable for wind energy. The wind is abundant and strong. Existing techniques such as wind turbines provide the ‘Connected Hinterland’ with most of the electricity needed. Also new techniques such as Wubbo Ockels’ windkite can be localised in this area. 2. Connected Hinterland: The northern parts of Groningen and Frisia can be largely provided with energy by wind energy. The heat demand from larger urban areas such as Sneek, Leeuwarden, Dokkum and Leek but also the existing knoll villages, can be supplied by geothermal resources, for which drillings to deeper layers of the earth are established. For cases of possible shortage (for instances in cases of windcalm) a backup connected with the Industrial Development area is foreseen. 3. Water World: The southern and eastern part of Frisia will become more and more flooded. Because of the opportunities to connect fresh and salt water an osmosis plant can be projected and a tidal plant near Lauwersoog. These provisions will mainly supply electricity to the power grid. For the remaining energy provision Water World uses active solar energy, wind energy (small turbines) and heat pumps. People live in low densities near, next to, on or in the water. 4. Autarkadia: The higher plateau of Drenthe (and a part of Frisia) remains relatively empty and dark. It is the area where rain water should infiltrate into the soil to keep the ground water at level. One can provide oneself with energy by (small-scale) use of sun and wind. Here, most significant energy resources are biomass, heat and cold from the underground by heat pumps, and geothermal heat. The thought was that people from this area do not apply for facilities in the neighbourhood but provide themselves with food, energy and water as much as possible. Public artificial lighting is rare in this area. For the necessary extras the autarkadic dwellers can move over unpaved and non-maintained roads with their Sustainable 4WD to the closest supermarket. 5. Biomass County: eastern Groningen changes into a biomass producing landscape. Large-scale, modernly produced biomass is transported efficiently to a biomass plant in the area of Industrial Development (Eemshaven-Delfzijl). 6. Industrial Development: In the zone between Eemshaven and Delfzijl large industrial developments can be expected, because in this place energy is produced for high-grade functions. The biomass plant, which not only converts industrial biomass into electricity yet also waste from the entire northern region, supplies power to the industry and the Urban Corridor. 7. Urban Corridor: Connected to eachother through high-quality urban transport over the A28 motorway all cores of Meppel to Groningen become part of the Urban Corridor, an urban network that connects the northern region to the rest of the Netherlands. Here are the greatest dynamics, with everything a modern lifestyle demands for. The electricity in this Corridor is supplied through the power plant in the Industrial Development. For heat the area is connected to a series of geothermal drillings, which extract hot water for heating and hot water. 8. Dog Ridge Estate: The Hondsrug (translated: dog ridge), from Groningen to Emmen, is suitable for the addition of new estates, which use heat pumps for there energy. 9. The Green Community: At the end of the Hondsrug lies Emmen, that transforms to a Green Community, where an ecological lifestyle floorishes. For the energie one is depending mainly on biomass and geothermal heat. 42 CHAPTER 5 LANDSCAPE TYPOLOGY The landscapes of the Northern Netherlands are varied. A lot of dif- MARINE-CLAY AREA ferent typologies can be defined. Each of them has its own spatial The marine-clay area is the most northern part of the region. Most characteristics, history, occupation and functional order. of this landscape was gained on the sea. ALTITUDES The differences in altitude in the region steer the historic developments in the area and result in different landscape typologies. For instance, the altitude mainly arranges where dry and wet landscapes exist. fig.23 Marine clay area fig.22 Altitudes fig.24 Reclaimed land In history this landscape was influenced by the sea and therefore the people lived on little hills: the terps and wierden. In the sea- 43 clay area a couple of special places are visible: the old salt water THE LIME PLATEAU inlets. The Middel Sea in Friesland is still visible in the landscape pat- Almost all of Drente belongs to the lime plateau. The plateau tern on the topographical map, but there is neither sea nor water contains the highest areas of the region. The highest point can be left in this old inlet. Nowadays, the landscape of the Middel Sea is found here as part of the Hondsrug (Dog Ridge). The northwest- on a higher level than its direct surroundings. The Lauwers-lake is southeast oriented ridge is very characteristic and the shift to the an old inlet as well. This area was cut of from the sea and became open peat colony landscape is dramatic. fresh water in recent years. A combination of open water and reet land can be found here. Finally, the Dollard is a combination of fig.27 The plateau gained land on the sea (now large polders) and open water, used as a transportation route. fig.25 Special places fig.28 Ridges fig.26 Terps and wierden 44 Most of the plateau is covered with forests and open fields. At At certain spots in the Northern Netherlands other lime hills exist. some places smaller lakes and little rivers exist. The water is kept on Most of them are covered with forest and are seen as a special the plateau because in the underground there is a thick layer of landscape because they are a strange hilly element in a flat and lime, which makes deeper infiltration impossible. Most of the water open surrounding. The Gaasterland area is a well known example. is transported to the sides of the plateau, where it is captured and combined with strong seepage it leads to wet circumstances in fig.31 Lime hills the peat areas (for instance the Hunzelaagte). fig.29 River valleys PEAT AREAS A large area in the region used to be covered with peat. In the nineteenth century most of these landscapes were excavated. fig.30 Woods and forests The peat was used as a fossil energy-source, mainly to heat houses. The Frysian peat area nowadays looks very different from the Groningen-Drente one. In Friesland the peat area was transformed into a rich lake-area, especially suitable for water recreation. The Groningen-Drente peat colonies were used as production space for potatoes and straw. The landscape over here is monumental and contains a lot of industrial artefacts. The south-eastern part of Drente is the only location where original moor-peat still exists. 45 fig.32 Peat areas fig.33 Lakes fig.34 Moor-peat fig.35 Peat colonies SAND AREAS Spread over the region there are several types of landscapes finding their origin in sandy soils. They are mostly small areas made of sand that was blown to this region in the Holocene era. For instance, the Westerwolde area and south Friesland emerged this way. A special area is the Frysian Woods, where a small scale landscape is visible, with woods, small agricultural companies and a fine maze water structure. 46 fig.36 Sand areas fig.37 River valley Westerwolde fig.38 Forest, estates in the Frysian Woods The third landscape is that of the high north. Here the former Wadden Sea has its influence. Old inlets are visible and the pattern of terps and wierden is clear. Close to the existing dike the higher coastal grounds are found. The fourth one is the Frysian peat and lake area. This area was formed by the excavation of the peat and the existence of the lakes. The Gaasterland lime hill has a special position. Fifth is the Drente plateau, where forest and heather fields, little river valleys and parts of moor-peat exists. Finally the sixth landscape is the Groningen-Drente peat area. This area consists of three different sub-landscapes. Firstly the Hunzelow, a wet and low natural landscape where the Hunze meanders through the landscape. Secondly the peat colony, where the large scale of the landscape is combined with openness. The strong monumentalism of rigid lanes and rectangular shapes is dominant LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, TYPOLOGY over here. And finally the Westerwolde area at the edge of the When all the different landscape types are put on one map, the peat area. The Westerwolde Aa meanders through the landscape result is a landscape structure map. Six landscapes can be de- here, accompanied by little woods and forests. fined, each of them with a couple of sub-landscapes. The first two landscapes are the Wadden Islands and the Wadden Each landscape has its own magnificent qualities. Respecting the Sea. The islands are the constant factor in a sea of tidal changes, cultural and historical identity and using the energy typology to where twice a day the incoming sea water is followed by leaving create new landscapes, we can ensure a sustainable future for sea water. And every day new forms of land and water are the Northern Netherlands by reinforcing these qualities. shaped. 47 fig.39 Landscape structure map 48 CHAPTER 6 ATLAS of IDEAS happens when you make designs from a sustainable energy point of view? They can be used as inspiration, to copy and use at other locations and in other situations. In the Atlas of Ideas all designs, produced since the summer of 6.1 Regional design 2005 are brought together. In this chapter you can find ideas on If we combine the energy typology map and the landscape the regional level, but most of the designs are done on a sub-re- structure map with each other a regional vision on the Northern gional and local level. The designs were made by the spatial team Netherlands can be projected. Where ambitions as defined in and by Master students Landscape Architecture (Wageningen chapter 3 are picked up and are combined with the mega-trends University). The designs are not meant to be realized right away in chapter 2. It cadres the think-pathways and focuses on future (though this would be nice), but have to be seen as explorations possibilities and chances in the North: a promise for the future! of possibilities for future energy-landscapes. They visualize what 49 6.2 AUTARKADIA sible. To avoid losses, Autarkadian houses could be based on low-voltage systems. • ENERGY PRINCIPLES AUTARKADIA This area in the Northern Netherlands has the best potential for au- exhaust air and waste water. • tarky: energy-independence at the level of separate buildings or Solar energy: passive and active (PV, collector) where pos- Biomass and waste: biomass predominantly from pruning and cutting, plus domestic waste; both can be used in new meso- settlements (village/town/linear or grouped stretches of built area): • Heat pumps: systems coupled to the underground and/or level (settlement) power plants (bio-CHP). • Geothermal energy: possible yet bound to new drillings. fig.41 The autarkadia area 50 AUTARKADIA A AUTARKIC CONCEPT REGIONAL DESIGN FOR AUTARKADIA Berta Sanz Peña, España ABSTRACT The higher plateau of Drente and the eastern part of Friesland have an unfavourable geophysical position for an efficient connection to the energy network. In order to find out the solution to this problem, Autarkadia Group ¬¬-- Helena Mally, Monique Sperling, Szu-Ting Liao and Berta Sanz Peña -- developed a self-sufficient strategy to provide a sustainable way of living in this area. fig.42 Autarkadia concept The team work consisted basically in making a complete analysis of the Autarkadia Region, creating the autarkic concept, planning Autarkadia Group used the autarkic concept as basis for the re- the system of autarkic networks, developing the autarkic principles gional design. The main goal was to reach an Autarkadia Region: according to the characteristics of the landscape and designing a self-sufficient area where local agricultural products, freshwater an autarkic Regional Master Plan. and renewable energy sources could supply the demand of the PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES At present, some of the main problems in the Autarkadia Region are: the isolation from the surrounding areas due to the existence of fewer infrastructures than in other parts of the Netherlands, a less efficient agricultural system, a decrease in population, who mostly do not want to change their behaviour. Contrary, the opportunities of this region are: a lot of seepage to get fresh water from the underground, the agricultural and farm tradition in the area to supply the population with local products, the presence of renewable energy sources (geothermal energy, biomass, solar and wind energy) as a new alternative to no-renewable ones, the landscape diversity (national parks, wetlands, forests, meadows, farms,…), which could enhance recreational uses. fig.43 Analyses 51 population. Moreover, the intention was to decrease the present Autarkadia Group studied how each of these networks would energy demand making people more conscious of the environ- work: how the demand, supply and transport of food, water and mental problems and, on the other hand, to improve the living energy would be inside these networks. conditions and recreational uses in order to increase the number of people living there. REGIONAL DESIGN After making the analysis of the area and creating a basic concept, the Autarkadia Group started the regional design. Some preconditions were to take the existing identities of the region into account, to keep and make them more clearly and, also, to consider the characteristic of surrounding areas, like Biomass County and Water World. Since the region is quite large, we decided to make subdivisions creating, on one hand, different energy sub-regions where the different renewable energy sources were predominant and, on the other hand, planning different autarkic networks inside the region. fig.45 Water system DESIGN PRINCIPLES Considering the landscape typology, different design principles were set for each kind of renewable energy source. This way, we got the first impressions of how windmill farms, solar panel fields, biomass crops or geothermal areas would look like in different parts of the region. fig.44 Food system Each autarkic network consists in a group of contiguous towns and villages sharing the same food and fresh water systems, the 52 renewable energy sources and the corresponding energy plants. fig.48 Detail biomass fig.46 Landscape typology fig.49 Wind energy design principles fig.47 Biomass design principles 53 fig.50 Detail wind energy fig.52 Geothermal energy system fig.51 Solar energy, design principles Taking into account the different energy regions with all the autarkic networks, the food and fresh water systems and all the design principles, the Regional Master Plan was developed. Autarkadia Group planned the project execution to be developed in 35-years period, divided in four different phases, starting in 2006 and reaching the Autarkadia Region in 2040. 54 fig.53 Geothermal energy, design principles fig.54 Autarkadia, master plan 55 AUTARKADIA B AUTARKADIAN GROLLOO IN 2040 Szu-Ting Liao, Taiwan CONCEPT What is “Autarkadia”? In this assignment, for the village of Grolloo surrounded by forest, Autarkadia means people who live here try to be food independent, energy independent and they use water in an efficient way. The food, energy, and water supplies try to be independent in different scales: regional scale, village scale, fig.55 Food demand sub-village scale, and maybe household scale. It is independent, but not isolated. They share and co-operate! Besides, the change of landscape and lifestyle is continuous. Therefore, time scale is also considered. In 2040 the story happens. Grolloo is in the Province of Drente, not far from Assen. According our last group work, Grolloo belongs to a network which includes Balloo, Rolde, Nooitgedacht, Ekehaar, Amen; Rolde is the biggest city in this network. Land use, wind speed, sun hour, altitude, population and rainfall were analyzed. FOOD People need food to support their lives, potatoes, grains, meats, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc. To produce the demand of 1000 people in Grolloo, it only needs arable 12 ha and meadow 110 ha. The rest arable and meadow can produce food for ENERGY exporting. I suggest farmers feed cows for cheese in the meadow In Grolloo, at least two renewable energy-sources can be used: and grow fruits in the arable which they do not need much water wind and solar energy. One of the bottlenecks of wind and solar per hectare and farmers can earn higher returns. However, there energy is instability. The weather changes, the supply changes, is not much rain in this area, even if they use water in a very ef- during the day, different seasons… ficient way. The rest of the arable would be transformed in solar fields. Because the agriculture is not efficient here and the general demand of renewable energy will increase. 56 fig.56 Food production fig.57 Instability of wind and solar energy Therefore, the storage and distribution concepts are very important. Every household could have its own small wind turbine and fig.59 Grolloo electricity system solar panel for electricity. The surplus electricity can be stored in WATER the battery in its basement. All the batteries are connected to dis- Fresh water is scarce. Rain is one of the main sources of fresh tribution substation. While the battery is full, the electricity transport water. Who need water? Creatures, arable, meadow, etc. all to the distribution substation by which the household in sub-village need water. The main idea of treating rain water is “you need scale share their electricity. All the distribution substations connect water, you collect water by yourself”. Therefore, there should be to each other as a network, and also connect to other cities. storage barrels for rain water collected from roofs and then the water can be used for washing cars or irrigate gardens. Also, the rain garden allow some water slowly filter into the ground to re- fig.58 Storage and distribution fig.60 Integrated sustainable water system 57 fig.61 Water system Grolloo fig.63 Master plan Grolloo-Autarkadia plenish the groundwater. The rain dropping on other places, such as road, flows to wetland through the drain system. The wetlands can storage the water and clean it. Canals connect the wetlands and provide arable and meadow water to produce food. Then agricultural waste water goes into canals and wetlands in which the fertilizer or other materials can be cleaned up. fig.64 Reference image MASTERPLAN Integrating the demand and supply of food, energy and water with spatial quality, comes up with an energy landscape plan for Grolloo, an Autarkadia in 2040. 58 fig.62 Integrated systems of energy, water and food AUTARKADIA C FROM THE AUTARKIC NETWORK TO THE ECOVILLAGE Berta Sanz Peña, España inside the network. In the network the continent and the islands can be distinguished. The continent consists of the two largest towns: Oosterwolde and Appelscha and the islands consist of the contiguous villages: Weper, Fochteloo, Langedijke, Elsloo, Tronde, Makkinga and the new Eco-village (to be designed). The continent is the area with largest population and, therefore, with largest energy demand and energy supply. It is also the area with better connections, which means that migration of In the individual work, one of the autarkic networks inside the energy would be continuous. On the other hand, the islands have region was chosen in order to study deeply how it could work: the much less population, demand and supply of energy is much less number of population, the total energy demand and therefore important than inside the continent and connections between the energy supply, the food and the fresh water necessities, the continent and islands are more difficult and less efficient. There- green structures and recreational areas. After this study the basis fore, migration between continent and islands would be intermit- to develop the Network Planning was set. Moreover, a location tent, only when islands would need extra energy supply from the inside this network was chosen to introduce and design a new continent. Eco-village, in which I desired to apply the autarkic principles on a smaller scale. ‘CONTINENT-ISLAND’ CONCEPT I created a new concept to apply to the autarkic network already chosen, a concept which would be later the basis of the plan and With this concept I wanted to clarify the existing differences, inside the autarkic network, between town (continent) versus village (island) conditions, connection versus isolation and dependence versus independence. design. I was inspired by the ‘Continent-Island’ model written by AUTARKIC NETWORK PLANNING the genetician Sewall Wright. The ‘continent-island’ concept can After making an exhaustive analysis of the network and taking into explain how the migration of energy, food, water, and people is account the ‘continent-island’ concept, the Autarkic Network Planning was developed. The best locations for geothermal and fig.66 Energy fig.65 The continent-island model demand 59 biomass plants, wind and solar technologies, waste treatment plants, markets of local agricultural products, fresh-water pump stations, green corridors and recreational areas were defined. fig.69 Solar energy fig.67 Geothermal network fig.70 Wind energy fig.68 Biomass (big and small treatment plants) 60 fig.71 Seepage and pump stations ECO-VILLAGE PRINCIPLES Finally, I chose a location inside the Autarkic Network, in the entrance of the Natural Park Drents-Friese Wold, close to Appelscha, to design more in detail a new Eco-village ( a new ‘island’). The main goal was to apply in a smaller scale all the knowledge acquired after designing in the bigger scale the Autarkadia Region and the Autarkic Network and, moreover, introduce new ideas and impressions about the way of living in an eco-community. fig.72 Super- and open markets fig.74 Energy demand fig.73 Network planv 61 fig.78 Wind energy supply fig.75 Solar energy supply: individual dwellings fig.76 Solar energy supply: public buildings fig.79 Energy from waste fig.77 Solar energy supply: public spaces 62 fig.80 Water demand fig.81 Food demand and agriculture 63 6.3 BIOMASS COUNTY ENERGY-PRINCIPLES BIOMASS COUNTY Biomass County has many opportunities related to agriculture but is close to the city of Groningen as well and thus can be connected to the urban network around this city: • Biomass and waste: biomass is predominantly from agriculture; biomass and domestic waste can be used as fuel for microlevel (local) CHP plants or for the new macro-level multi-fuel plant near Delfzijl. • Heat pumps: systems coupled to open water, ground and/or exhaust air (N.B. also from small CHP installations) and waste water. • Solar energy: passive and active (PV, collector) where possible. The remark about low-voltage systems applies here too. • Geothermal energy: possibly by means of existing gas and oil drillings (in the northernmost or southernmost parts of Biomass County), else by new drill-holes; heat is useful for domestic use and possibly greenhouses as well (around Emmen). fig.82 The Biomass county area 64 BIOMASS COUNTY A REGIONAL DESIGN FOR BIOMASS COUNTY Yi Ding, China; Francis Vos, Nederland; Paula Espinosa, Argentina LOCATION Biomass County is located in the north-east part of the Netherlands, south of Groningen and east of Drente. Its boundaries are the Eems River on the north, the German border on the east and south, and the ridge that extends between Groningen and fig.83 The biomass chain Emmen on the west. The area’s surface is 221,000 hectares and WHY IN BIOMASS COUNTY? 140,000 of them can be used as energy production landscapes. There is a strong past and present tradition of agriculture in the area. The global benefits are that it would help with the mitigation PROBLEM of the climate change, lowering the green gas emissions since it is There are local and global dilemmas in this area. The global are a cleaner technology. The local benefits are that it would provide general problems that the Netherlands as a whole is dealing an economical boost to the agricultural industry, it would bring with; large amounts of C0 emissions due to the use of fossil fuels more jobs opportunities to the area, it would allow the preservation provoking global warming and sea level rising; and exhaustion of of natural areas, and it would promote tourism to the site. 2 fossil fuels (oil and gas) in the near future. The local problems are specific for the area of Biomass County. The main economic force SHAPING BIOMASS COUNTY here is agriculture, and it’s decreasing due to the weak market for We started analyzing the topography, the soil types, the land- the present cultivated crops. This is causing unemployment and scape types and the possible sea water level changes. There are diminishing the population. There is not a very diverse landscape 3 main soil and landscape types in the area: the peat area with its since most of the fields are planted with the same types of crops. linear canals, the sandy area with its meandering rivers and forest, There is a lost sense of identity in the area. and the more open clay area with its fertile soils. Also we looked WHY BIOMASS? at the spatial and cultural characteristics: natural areas like the protected peat areas and the valley next to the ridge; historical Biomass consists in all organic matter of vegetable an animal areas like the Hunnebedden routes, the defence cities on the west origin. The raw material for bio-energy comes from three main and the Esdorpen landscape; and a unique urban structure of the sources: waste, dedicated energy plantations, and wood. peat colonies along the canals. Biomass has many environmental and economical benefits; it is a carbon neutral power source; it protects soils and watersheds MAIN STRUCTURES since crops use almost no fertilizers and the soils need less tillage; it There are strong existing structures in the site. The repeating, long creates or maintains biodiversity; it provides employment where is lines of the peat canals are clear in the landscape. These canals most needed, in the rural areas; it offers a new income for farmers with their orthogonal structure were developed for the former peat strengthening job security. production landscape. Contradictive to that are the structures of 65 the forest and the rivers. These organic shaped lines and planes give the site a more natural feeling. The historical routes fit into these natural structures; along the forest and river we find the historical cities and Hunnebedden. In Emmen, at the south of Biomass County, all the structures are presented in the landscape; therefore this part could be seen as an independent state. CONCEPT Taking into account the earlier mentioned structures and pro- fig.85 Biomass yards blems; the Biomass County can be divided in four parts. The ‘live and work’ area is the part with the strong peat canal structures, which are re-used for the distribution of the biomass. The two parts with the natural elements and historical routes have ‘live and enjoy’ potentials; since are more diverse areas, they will attract more tourists and recreation. Emmen is the DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ‘live and all’ area because it has all. In the north of Biomass County, water retention is proposed for the lower parts of the area. When the water level is rising in the future, the retention areas will protect the rest of Biomass County. This part is the ‘live and relax’ area, where people can relax in, next to and on the water. BIOMASS LOGISTICS Fig.transporta84 Concept We propose the use of the existing canals as the main tion system for the biomass. Treatment plants, power plants, fuel plants and gas plants are necessary for producing energy from biomass. These energy-plants are situated next to the canals. To complete the canal system an extension of the main canal (Mussel canal) is proposed to connect the major power plants in Delfzijl and Eemshaven. 66 fig.86 Biomass plazas fig.87 Bio-electricity fig.88 Bio-fuel and biogas The distribution of the bio-energy is through the existing networks, ENERGY CROPS which are the electricity grids, the gas pipes and the roads and According to the weather conditions and soil types in north Net- canals. herlands, we proposed three types of biomass, which are annual, perennial and short rotation coppice to be planted in Biomass County. Referring to the specific species, we choose those ten species as biomass resource: rapeseed, sunflower, common wheat; miscanthus, switch grass, reed canary grass, common reed and sugar beet; willow and poplar. Those ten species are used in different types of soil. In Biomass I, which is the peat area, we use perennial and short rotation coppices. For Biomass II, the sand area, annuals, miscanthus and short rotation coppices can be used. In Biomass III which is clay, we proposed annuals, some perennials like reed canary grass and common reed and short rotation coppices. fig.89 Energy crops 67 the future for Biomass County could be balanced with of economic, ecologic and socio-cultural benefits. The north of the Netherlands had the tradition of being an energy landscape, and it could become one again in the future. The difference this time is that the energy produced will be renewable and it won’t destroy the needs of future generations. It will become a sustainable future. fig.90 Soil types DEMAND AND SUPPLY Biomass County could produce electricity, biofuel and biogas as bio-energy which can cover the demand of the whole biomass county. ONLY BIOMASS? Apart from the bio-energy produced in Biomass County, there are potentials for other uses as well. We can get spring water from the underground, treat it, bottle it, and sell it. We can also develop water transportation not only to transport biomass, but also use it for tourist’s movement. And promote tourism, for people to visit tourist spots like the historical cities and the Hunnebedden, while discovering the new production landscapes. CONCLUSION The biomass production will be introduced to this area gradually, taking approximately 30 years to be fully implemented. The characteristics of the biomass industry are a good fit for the needs of the region. As mentioned before agriculture has been part of this area for many years, so it wouldn’t be a drastic change for the local inhabitants. They could adapt its productions from food to energy. The benefits are not only for the good of the environment, 68 but also for the development of the local economy. In this way fig.91 Biomass areas fig.92 Demand and supply fig. 93 Water production fig.94 Biomass county master plan 69 70 fig.95 Design Dog Ridge and Peat colonies BIOMASS COUNTY B DOG RIDGE & PEAT COLONIES: MONUMENTAL BIO-ENERGY Spatial Team BACKGROUND The area of the peat colony and dog ridge shows very large con- Bio-yeasting On the plateau neighbourhoods and settlements will arise, for instance on the flanks of the existing ‘es’ complexes (Zuidvelde, Westervelde, Bunne, Donderen) and in the transition zone to the brook valley. These settlements are suited for an autarkic energy provision. A biomass plant can be fuelled by 170 cows and supply more than enough energy to a community of 300 persons. Furthermore, every household has a woodstove to provide additional heating in bleak times. This woodstove burns wood resuming from the maintenance of the small landscape elements such as woodwalls in the brook valleys and the shrubs around the es complexes. trasts. The Drente plateau has small scaled sandy soils, where small rivers flow through. At the other side the Peat colony is a large Heat storage in water scale and well ordered landscape. Between the two different In order to combat the desiccation of the Drenthe plateau, the landscapes the Dog Ridge and Hunze-low with its peat edges extraction of ground water on the plateau is switched to extrac- mark the border. The difference in altitude of sometimes 14 metres tion of open water in the Hunze low. Making use of the extreme that we find at the steep slopes of the Dog Ridge is an uncom- seepage pressure of water flowing from the Hondsrug, the Hunze mon sight in the Netherlands. The plateau is drying out, while the low will be wetter than at present. Here, an area will evolve with seepage pressure in the Hunze-low is very high. gradual transitions from land to water. In this watery area heat can ENERGY be stored. Energy from seepage pressure Wind energy The height difference between plateau and Hunze low is evident. Wind energy is an option in windy and vast open landscapes. In Near Drauwenerzand there is a steep edge of 14 meter. Due to particular the Peat Colonies are suited for large-scale application this height difference, the steep edge contains a considerable of wind energy. difference in seepage pressure. The seepage flows can be made Biomass useful for the activation of simple hydro-electric turbines. The size and scale of companies, coupled to a relatively low land price, make the Peat Colonies appropriate for large-scale agricul- DESIGN ture, focussing on bulk production. Additional to food crop, the Three different landscapes meet at this location: The monumental agriculture can produce resources, also for energy gerenation. On Peat Colony, the Hunze-low and the Drente Plateau. the Drenthe plateau, around new estates, energy plantations can evolve. These consist of avenue structures, energy forests, chip- Peat Colony wood complexes and tufts for pruning. These plantations will arise At the bottom of the Dog Ridge there is a monumental land- especially where space is available and the price of land relatively scape, which can be compared with the Grain-republic. The Peat low: the locations recent heath cultivation. Colony can be characterised by the large scale and open-ness. To prevent the humus top-soil from blowing away, forest singles are planted. By doing so, the landscape is broken into smaller spatial 71 pieces, spattial rooms, that can be understood by the human the traditional gradient between high-dry and low-wet: the edges eye. Within these rooms large scale agriculture takes place. A of the little rivers. These houses supply themselves with energy in in- patchwork of crops evolves. The companies are large, about 200 dividual house-energy-plants by using biomass, which is produced hectares. The farms are spread over the area and are located far by maintaining little landscape elements. from each other, like islands in space. They are highly self-sufficient, using bio-combined heat & power installations. The Hunze-low The Hunze-low is wetted, fed by seepage of high quality. Within the In the Peat Colony the agriculture got an impulse, because of the area the differences in altitude are extreme. The Hunze-low itself growing demand for bio-fuels. Beside potatoes, sugar beats and has very divers soils and a strong micro-relief. A special and varied grain, fast growing energy crops are grown, like willow, rape seed, nature reserve emerges because the water level is raised a bit. elephant grass, flax and poppy. Henna is used as a new crop in Subtle gradients of land and water evolve with large water and the rotation cycle to create multifunctional usage. Starch, sugar reed areas, swamp and wet meadows as a result. Because of the beets and flax are flexible resources for the production of food, as excellent water quality, this area is like heaven on earth for crane- building materials, for textile purposes or chemicals. By-products birds, beavers and otters. are used to produce energy in biomass-plants and bio-fuel. New estates are developed at the edge of the plateau and the Adjusted to the large scale of the landscape big wind- Hunze-low. By creating new sprinkles (like the ones in Arnhem) the farms are proposed in the Peat Colony: they increase the monu- seepage flow is directed to the surface and stimulated. The land- mentality of this productivity-landscape. scape is an expression of the underlying geomorphology. In the landscape there are a lot of canals, used as routes to transport the peat to little villages at the edge of the Dog Ridge. Villages like Haren, Onnen and Noordlaren all had a harbour, where the shift from boat to land-transport took place. From here the peat was transported to the cities. This system of canals and harbours can be used again to transport people and goods: like modern ‘transferia of the North’. The Drente Plateau On the plateau newly introduced energy plantations are spatially and functionally combined with older estates. These plantations are developed at locations where there is still space and the price of the land is low enough: the younger heather excavation. Series of land-houses, surrounded by forests, lanes, and willow woods are proposed. The living areas can be found in the larger villages like Vries, Zuidlaren and Eelde and in the necklace of smaller villages at the edge of the Dog Ridge (Onnen, Noordlaren, Midlaren, and Tynaarlo). 72 More individually spread out over the plateau housing will occur at BIOMASS COUNTY C Live and Enjoy Francis Vos, Nederland AGRICULTURAL LAYER For the economical/agricultural layer, the sandy soils are good soils for producing nice looking annual energy crops. Perennials are productive in the occasional appearing peat soils. Bio-energy still fits the agricultural background and is also a new necessary Biomass County is located in the south-east of the Groningen energy source in the future. Therefore the economy and agricul- province. This agricultural area is the biggest of the four areas in ture industry will increase. It contains the intensive biomass energy the Northern Netherlands with opportunities for producing biomass production. energy crops. A part in the south-east of Biomass County is introduced as the Live and Enjoy area, mainly because of the natural elements where people can live and enjoy themselves. THREE LAYERS The visible qualities of the Live and Enjoy area are the forest, the historical cities and the river. The following actual problems can be described: economical /agricultural decrease, lack of diversity, desiccation and pollution of natural areas, no positive image. The agricultural layer, water layer and an introduced health layer in this region give solutions for the problems in the qualities and analyse of the landscape. fig.97 The biomass chain for live and enjoy THE WATER LAYER As for the water layer, the existing natural elements could be more explored to provide besides energy also more diversity and to take care of the dry out and pollution of the natural areas. Re-meandering of the canalised pieces of the river, the use of chemical free biomass agriculture, infiltration in the extended forest and peat fig.96 Three layers fig.98 The water system 73 parts close to the river and stop withdrawing drinking water are CONCEPT & DESIGN solutions which contribute to the diversity and the water problem. The Live and Enjoy region concept is rendered by the intensive Extensive biomass energy production is taken place. biomass energy and extensive biomass energy. The plan contains the three main layers. The agricultural layer is enjoyable because THE HEALTH LAYER of the interaction and seasoning of the flowery new crops. As The introduced health layer contents the power of nature, which biomass is proposed to be transported over existing canals, people gives a new image to the Live and Enjoy landscape. The energy can join the boats and enjoy the landscape from water and crops used for the enjoyable area can namely be used for reversed from land. The water layer improves enjoyment because medication, health, cosmetics and practising sports. In this way it substitutes for new small swamps herbs, births and shows small the landscape gives energy for body and mind of the living and scale meandering. Close to the river, people can enjoy the new visiting people. Energy crops are included in the extensive biomass energy forest with water loving willows and poplars. The health energy production. layer fulfils the enjoying of the energetic water flow and the natural atmosphere and peacefulness. In the sunflower fields wonderful lines and planes of colourful and life stimulating sunflowers can be enjoyed. fig.100 Concept fig.101 Devsign fig.102 A positive chain fig.99 Health in live and enjoy fig. 100 Concept 74 POSITIVE CHAIN fig. 101. Design Biomass has a positive influence in this area on the economics, the water, the nature and health, which will attract more recreants and people who are searching for a new living. A positive chain. fig.102 A positive chain 75 BIOMASS COUNTY D INDEPENDENT STATE EMMEN Yi Ding, China SITUATION Emmen is a prosperous city. It has 1 urban centre and 13 smaller villages, each with their own characteristics. Its total area is about 35,000 ha and has the population is around 108.000 people. There are spacious areas for recreation, like a zoo, forests, water recreation centres and wetlands. The proposal theme is to make a much nicer future of Emmen by using biomass. fig. 104 Autarkic living Emmen is one of the largest cities within the three Northern provinces. It is located at the national boundary between Germany and the Netherlands and is the largest city of the Drente province. Compared to other problematic areas in north Netherlands, fig. 105 Cascade chain 76 fig.103 Emmen analysis fig.106 Electricity and methane flowchartvv FUTURE VISION DESIGN IDEAS The future vision for Emmen contains three aspects: autarkic living, The ideas for proposing a nice future of Emmen contains the follo- cascade energy chain and tourist city. Autarkic living means using wing aspects. Proposing more area for greenhouse and residential the biomass which yields in Emmen to produce bio-energy, to be house will bring more job opportunities and people into Emmen. consumed by the people living in Emmen. The cascade energy Building biomass power plants near the traffic ways and the chain is a way of improving the efficiency of energy consumption greenhouses is convenient for transportation of biomass and will as well as saving energy. Because there is large area of greenhou- efficiently follow the cascade principle. Transforming the content ses in Emmen, the cascade principle could be applied effecti- of the agricultural fields into the energy crop fields is a way for vely. The last aspect – a tourist city is about the combination of revitalization the agricultural situation and gaining a big economic landscape with energy. Since Emmen is already an attractive city profit. for tourists, the future meaning of Emmen could be even richer. In Making different types of landscape between northern and sou- other words, it means making an energy landscape which has its thern Emmen is not only following the existing landscape but also own identity. providing a diverse view of landscape. As I proposed in Emmen, the north and central part of Emmen will mainly about biomass fields while the south part is meadow and forest. 77 fig. 108. Heat flowchart fig.109 Master pla fig.107 Heat distribution The last idea of design is to create a unique energy landscape that gives people the feeling that energy surrounds them all the time. Take the greenhouse for instance. I proposed a big area for greenhouse in northern Emmen for the reason of providing another recreation place for people. The character of the greenhouse is both for production, education and tourism. When people walk into that greenhouse corridor, they will feel the productive atmosphere surrounding them. And they will be attracted by the things happen inside. So they go into it, see it, feel it and have fun with it. Additionally, we can use the existing infrastructures to emphasize the function of landscape. We can use canals for transporting 78 biomass and for tourism as well. an fig.110 Recreational and tourist routes 79 BIOMASS COUNTY E Emmen - Glass & City at the edge of a National Park the most monumental farms are located and inside the valley two ‘boo-s’ exist, the place where the cowboy lived in summer months to look after the cattle. Fast connection with Germany Could not be closer. Spatial Team ENERGY BACKGROUND Use of excess heat In the southernmost area of the Peat Colonies, on the changeover Fragmented monumentality to the living high peat of the Amsterdamse Veld, industry as well as The landscape around Emmen is an a-typical part of the Peat horticulture will develop. The presence of management of central Colony. In many ways this is the Ultimate Colony: it is the end of the utilities (Emtec) in this area is a starting-point for the coupling of peat area, ending at the left-over’s of the high-peat of New-Am- industry to horticulture for use of excess heat. sterdam and almost all infrastructure finds its end in this area. The landscape lacks of the characteristic monumentality, that the rest Bio-cascade of the Peat colony is known of. An ‘iron’ structure, with long lines In Emmen a bio-cascade industry will evolve, in which multi-func- and large sizes, does not exist in this area. Especially near Emmen tional crop grown in the Peat Colonies (e.g. hemp) are turned a subtle and complex change of directions can be seen. into high-grade products. Waste flows from the production are Spread around are new glasshouse areas, industrial complexes converted to electricity and heat through bio-CHP, supplying an and working areas. But these developments nowhere adjust to the important part of the heat and CO2 to the complex of green- scale and size of the landscape. This results in further fragmenta- houses. For that matter, the heat supplied to the complex will be tion. Here, where the long lines were not too clear to begin with, limited, because new developments will be constructed in an the chance on an anonymous area with no identity is real: The energy-neutral way. ‘Back-side of the Netherlands’. Large wind turbines are a re-enforcing factor to the large-scale peat landscape (in the direction of e.g. Ter Apel). Living moor-peat For housing, innovative solar energy systems will be applied: a The Amsterdam Field is one of two existing living moor-peat areas residential area developed as a solar plant, with every house in the Netherlands (the other one is the Fochteloerveen near As- carrying a parabola reflecting the sunlight to a solar tower, which sen). Around this peat-area a circle of little satellite-peat-areas are produces stoom for power generation. In addition, the dwellings located. These satellites are too small and too isolated to exca- will be extremely energy-efficient: solar heat in combination with vate economically. seasonal storage and super-insulation will avoid the necessity of a connection to the natural gas grid. Schoonebeeker Diep South of the Amsterdamse Field the River of the Schoonebeeker Diep flows. Here, the last examples of upland cultures exist: agri80 cultural fields above the high peat. At the edge of the river valley fig. 111 Design Glass & City DESIGN The new glasshouse area is projected in a strip of 10 kilometres Emmen is at the edge of plateau and peat area and at the edge length alongside the national borderline. Within this strip a long of one of the oldest landscapes and one of the youngest land- brink (central, communal space) is shaped, where live and work scapes in the Netherlands. dwellings are projected. Three developments take place in the area. First, extensions of 1000 ha of glasshouses requires a lot of water storage. This water industry and working spaces are at hand. Secondly extension of is led to the wetted River valley of the Runde. At the edges of the the glasshouse area with approximately 1000 ha (50 companies valley new living areas are proposed. The houses get their heat of 20 ha) is foreseen. Thirdly, a modest extension of living areas, from the glasshouses (as a part of the LowEx-cascade). which can be connected to glasshouses for their heat demand, is A second living area is developed between the working spaces planned. and the extended estate-forest area, east of Emmen. Inside the In this area we propose to make more use of the real long lines in industry and working spaces a huge lake is realised to store water. the landscape, the strengthening of the living moor-peat area and Alongside the edges of the water boulevards are projected, add an attractive living area. where companies can locate their buildings. Near the glasshouse 81 area the water storage is combined with possibilities for living on the water. The Amsterdam Field, together with its surrounding circle of peat areas is developed into one connected peat area. Together with the River valley of the Schoonebeeker Diep the National Park ‘Peat and Diep’ emerges. Regeneration of the peat is encouraged by hydrological isolation and rise of the water level. In the Schoonebeeker Diep the two boo-s (Helpman-bo, Wester-bo) are restored and the upland cultures are sustained. 82 6.4 FRYSIAN WATERWORLD lings, around which new areas for living (and leisure) can be developed; use of existing gas drillings is possible in the area of Bergum, which from an exergetic point of view may be a new concentration area for living and working, to keep transportation distances of heat short. fig.112 The Frysian Wetterwrâld area ENERGY-PRINCIPLES WATERWORLD The main principle for this area in the middle of the Frisian lake district is ‘connected (energy and water) autarky’ at the level of settlements (village/town/linear or grouped stretches of built area) • Solar energy: passive and active (PV, collector). • Wind energy: grouped park of large turbines and/or small turbines per building. • Heat pumps: systems coupled mainly to open water, and/or exhaust air and waste water. • Biomass and waste: biomass comes mainly from water plants (reed); together with domestic waste this can be used as fuel for meso-level CHP plants. • Geothermal energy: possible but then by means of new dril- 83 WATERWORLD A WATER COMES, PEOPLE STAY new opportunities for living and working in the region. A key to this proposal is that all water is introduced in a controlled way and that the local character of the region is maintained. This includes small scale infrastructure and independent, yet interconnected living. Implementation of such a project would take place in incremental Erin Upton, United States stages over decades. Much of the province of Friesland is located below sea level, and The first step was to carefully consider the spatial layout of Friesland a system of dikes protects the land and its inhabitants from the in regards to its cultural, environmental and economic factors. The waters of the sea. Ground water is drained and pumped away in province was then divided into nine regions. Industry is concen- order to create arable land for farming. Historically the inhabitants trated along two existing major transportation lines. Allowing more lived with the rise and retreat of the sea water. They built their vil- water into the region can result in the reduction of energy used for lages on raised terps or wierden, and used the sea as a source of powering the water pumps. With the reintroduction of more water living with fishing. to the landscape, this region has the potential to gain energy from the movement of the water. It is necessary for Friesland to implement other types of sustainable energy production in addition to energy produced from water. These can include wind, solar, heat exchange and storage, and geothermal energy. fig.113 Water depths in water world One of the challenges in the future for the region is sea level rising as a result of global warming. This means the groundwater will be higher and there will be a risk of flooding will increase. This project aims to reduce pumping of groundwater in the area and reintroduce more natural water processes in the region. This solution helps 84 deal with environmental and safety concerns, while also creating fig.114 Waterworld Masterplan 1. The first region is the Lake District. It has high value for recreation and living. Energy can be gained through wave turbines in the transport canals. Sailing, kayaking, swimming, fishing, and bird-watching are all activities that can take place in this region. New areas for living on the water, and at the water’s edge, are explored. 2. The second region is in the west of the province and borders the lake region and the agriculture region. This area will be transformed to a production region for aquaculture. New plant and animal species will be introduced for production and harvest. This area will also have the potential to produce modest amounts of biomass and alternative types of recreation (primarily bicycling and kayaking through the regions water fields). 3. To the west of this area and in the north are the estuary regions. In these unique regions, tides are reintroduced, allowing for exploration of alternative forms of energy production, such as osmosis energy and tidal energy. This also presents new research opportunities in these fields. 4. More water is introduced in the south of the province, creating the wetland region. This region has high ecological value and is part of a larger network of habitat corridors. The wetlands are the transition between the larger Lake District and the newer polders that are predominantly used for agriculture to the south of the province. 5. In the eastern part of the province is the river sub region. In this location the water will be permitted to flow more freely (although the borders of the area are controlled), allowing for more storage capacity, higher ecological value and unique living situations. 6. Three areas remain largely dry in the province due to topography or high agricultural value. These areas are the eastern upland region, the southern ridge and the northern agricultural area. Important components of the design include connectivity within the province and to surrounding areas by road, water and rail. 85 WATERWORLD B WETTERWRÂLD, FRYSLÂN Spatial Team BACKGROUND Peat meadows everywhere, the stereotype image of Friesland. ENERGY Biomass This elaboration is featured by a lot of water and reed in the lower peat-meadow areas, and woodwalls on the higher sandcover ridges of South-West Frisia. Through the management of pools, reedlands and the small-scale landscape of woodwalls and woodchannels of South-West Frisia a considerable amount of biomass is produced. This biomass will be the fuel for the energy plant near Oudehaske. Lakes like mirrors are spread over the countryside. Green and fertile grasslands, black tailed godwits all over the place, while black Heat exchange and white cows are quietly re-chewing. In the background the The ample open water makes this area suited for heat exchange wind blows in the sails of big and small yachts. It is just an image. with water. There is more to it than meadows and lakes. The sandy ridges of South-Western Friesland, with their estates and country-seats, are Heat cascade also part of the Frysian landscape. In Friesland water storage and Near Joure, Heerenveen and Sneek heat cascades will be water quality deserve special attention. developed, in which the industry supplies its excess heat to newly Added problem is the dropping of the soil, due to the shrinking developed residential areas. Here an energetic quality of living is of the peat layer. The rising sea level is, in this perspective, not an developed, in which is strived for zero-energy dwellings. advantage and results in an increasing use of energy to pump the land dry. Wind and sun This area is suitable for the use of wind energy. On can think of large-scale windparks on the IJssel Lake. Nevertheless, wind energy does not necessarily be large-scale: consider small turbine techniques such as the ‘turby’. In the old land these small-scale forms of fig.115 Frysian lakes 86 fig. 116 Design Waterworld wind and wolar energy will be deployed for a sustainable energy living areas, agricultural edges, recreational edges and nature at system. the edge. In the area of sand ridges the purpose is to strengthen the small DESIGN scale of the landscape and give space to develop small estates and country-seats. By stop pumping parts of the area, the landscape is wetted. The water goes where the altitude lines steer it to. This results in a differentiated landscape, where wet and dry areas emerge next to each other and lead to subtle gradients between land and water. Deep water exists next to shallow, lakes as well as reed lands and swamps are spread around the area. The water is used for innovative solutions, connected to the spatial and cultural identity of the area. There is space for experimental living in, at and next to the water: on islands, on little hills in the water, connected to piers and alongside the edges of the lakes. The edges differ in function: 87 WATERWORLD C LIVING WITH THE FLOW Creating powers of water Roland Schmidt, Österreich The edge of the project area arises from the analysis and consideration of four factors: the existing dikes, the existing dwellings, the existing water system and the 1m elevation line (which takes into account a future sea level rise of 1m). Where possible, the edge goes along with the 1m elevation line, where dwellings or the connection to the existing infrastructure would be negatively influenced. The edge is adapted to the certain situation and moves away from the 1m elevation line. The different topographical characteristics within the area give the chance to create two regions with different models of free flowing water. On the one hand the “network region”, where water flows and forms a network, on the other hand the “collecting fig.117 Location region”, where water is collected and rises and falls depending on the amount of water which enters the region. The aim of the project is to make use of the existing topography and structures of the landscape and certain characteristics of water to create energy and form an extraordinary landscape for living and recreation. In a defined area, water is given the freedom to flow where it wants to flow and shapes how it wants to. Water is seen not just as an element but as an active design player. fig.118 Water characteristics: flow & network 88 fig.119 Two different areas: network and collection The regions are separated through existing dike structures but connected through a spot where energy is created by using the flowing power of water when the water of the network region enters the collecting region. At the spot where the collecting region empties in the Princess Margrethe channel energy is been created a second time. fig.120 Energy-power of water 89 fig.121 Water as a generator of energy In both regions the forming power of water designs an extraordinary and very dynamic landscape. fig.122 Changing landscapes influenced by natural water 90 fig.123 Living with the flow While incorporating the new structures in the existing structures the accessibility of the project area is maximized. New living areas within the project area are implemented on the existing dike system, which is been newly interpreted. These living areas are designed in such a way which allows living with the flow of the water and the therefore ever changing circumstances of this extraordinary landscape. fig.124 Master plan 91 WATERWORLD D LAUWERS-LAKE: SEASIDE OCTOPUS IN A TIDAL LANDSCAPE Spatial Team ENERGY-PRINCIPLES LAUWERS-LAKE old days transformed in a bit ‘boring’ landscape. ENERGY Osmosis The Lauwers Lake area will be the paragon of adaptive policy: space is offered to the rising sea by letting in salt water in the Lauwers Lake area. The concept for an osmosis plant as developed by KEMA will be applied in this area. The joining of fresh and salt water arouses a The Lauwers Lake area can become the connected supplier of electricity of the Middle-North, although smaller disconnected autarkic units (farms mainly) will also be possible: • Solar energy: passive and active (PV, collector). • Wind energy: large turbine parks yet also smaller turbines near buildings. • Tidal plant: on the site of the present sea sluices. • Osmosis plant: on the borderline between salt and fresh water, behind the tidal plant. Because of the low-voltage power generated here, residential areas or touristic leisure areas can be located best close to the osmosis plant. • Heat pumps: systems coupled to open water, ground and/or exhaust air and waste water. • Geothermal energy: possibly by means of old or new drill-holes in the area; heat is useful for domestic use, and for short transportation distances, buildings should be concentrated around the drillings. • Biomass and waste: mainly from agriculture and domestic waste; can be used in the Eems power plant, the new multifuel plant near Delfzijl, or in smaller local CHP units. BACKGROUND In history Northern Netherlands contained three salt inlets: EemsDollard, Lauwers-lake and Middel Sea. Lauwers-lake can be best recognised, because Eems-Dollard was made a polder and became industrialised and the Middel Sea became a regular part of the Frysian landscape. But the threat of the sea and the dynamics 92 of the tides are also tamed in the Lauwers-lake. The tension of the fig.125 Design Lauwers-lake chemical reaction comparable to that in a battery. The develop- DESIGN ment of cheap membranes will make the osmosi plan to a compe- The Lauwers-lake can become a tidal landscape with an extrava- titive alternative for power plants fuelled by fossil energy. gant dynamic. Apart from the Wadden Sea, this is the best place in the Northern Netherlands to experience the influence of sea Tidal plant and tides. The omnipresent salt-spray is very healthy, especially Furthermore, a tidal plant will be integrated in the primary dam of in combination with clean air. Because of this wellness and living this area. become dominant over here. The recovery-centres of the 21st century will be developed over here. Patients recover, while their Agriculture families recreate and vitalise. Living areas and recreation centres The agriculture in this area will become the producer of food and are located at the head of the osmosis fields. resources, for instance for energy. The large scale marine clay areas are reshaped into a production landscape, where large amounts of agricultural crops are produced. Beside the traditional products energy-crops are introduced: poppy, flax and rape seed. They turn the landscape into a large Mondrian painting in spring. In salted areas the sea-raspberry is a popular ingredient in the European cuisine: this new fruit was developed in the Northerly agri-knowledge centre. fig.126 Reference image Lauwers-lake 93 BOX 4 BLUE ENERGY: A NEW NORTH NETHERLANDS WADDEN-LINE The design of a new Northern Wadden-line is based on the availability of sources, which are necessary to apply the ‘Blue Energy’-concept (Energy-gaining through osmosis). Most important driver here is that the difference in salt-concentration between salt and sweet water should be as large as possible. Other inspiration was found in the aim to arrange an ‘energy-secure region’. Dependency on other parties or countries to fulfil the energy demand is minimized. The urge to combine different energy-sources seems necessary: a ‘multi-energy-strategy’. Analysis a. To enhance a good functioning osmosis a maximum possible difference in salt-concentration between salt and sweet water is best. b. Osmosis is easier with warmer water. c. Large amounts of water are needed (the more water, the more energy). d. In the deeper layers of the North Netherlands underground large salt packages are available, partly excavated in the past (for instance in the Pekela’s). e. In the Northern Netherlands old gas-drillings exist, ‘crossing’ the salt-layers. f. Deep in the underground the temperature is high (minus 1000 metres approximately 75 degrees Celsius). g. In the landscape old sea-dikes exist. They lost their defence-function after respective land-gaining. Design In the design the salt-layers in the underground and the old gas-drillings, useless as soon as the gas source is finished, are used. Water is pumped downwards into the drillings, where it dissolves the salt. This warm salt water, highly concentrated, is pushed upwards to the surface. There it emerges, after Pekel-A, Pekel-B until Pekel-Z. The warm salty water is first used in houses and offices for heating. Afterwards it is led to series of membranes, where osmosis and the energy production take place, by the mix with sweet water. This water is taken out of the polders next door, filled by stopping the pumps. The stopping of the pumps will only happen in polders that are needed for the energy production (i.e. where salt is available in the underground and membranes fit in the landscape. The sweet water is an endless source, because it is taken from the IJssel-lake. The output of the osmosis-process is brackish water. This water can be used to pump it into the salt layers over and over again, where it is uploaded in salt concentration. After this it can be used again in the osmosis machinery. The overflow of brackish water is retained in a large landscape zone, where a slow sweet-salt gradient can be developed. A new valuable salting-landscape emerges. The design consists of 10 osmosis machines, each of which heating 5000 houses and providing electricity for 3000 houses. Even if a larger number of houses are programmed, more osmosis machines can be developed. The machines can be placed in series, as an enlarged Afsluitdijk with a total length of about 300 kilometres, if necessary: the new North Netherlands Wadden-line! In this long dike the old sea dikes are connected. The osmosis machines are incorporated inside the dike. And more: the dike plays an important role as the last layer of defence against heavy storms and floods, which will occur periodically as a result of climate change and sea level rise. A Wadden-line from Afsluitdijk till Dollard tou. 94 Whereever an osmosis machine exists a fortification evolves. Around it new village scan be projected, directly provided with (cheap) heat and electricity. A beautiful location to live, close to a very attractive recreation lake district, where existing lakes and newly introduced ones are connected with each other. And also close to a new and large brackish nature reserve. Well connected with the exterior world over the beautiful and fast route over the dike. Advantages: • Natural processes like sea level rise are adapted to. This is less risky and less costly than to keep heightening the dikes (one breakthrough of a high dike leads to an enormous disaster, as New Orleans illustrates); • The osmosis machine can be part of a long ‘Afsluit-ribbon’; • By using the salt of the soil the heated water can also be used to heat houses; • The extra length of the dike can ultimately provide electricity and heat for a large amount of houses (10 machines = 30.000 houses electricity and 50.000 heated houses). And the introduction of more machines is possible; • Between the existing sea-dike and the ‘Afsluit-ribbon’ a large nature reserve emerges. This nature ultimately can be compared with the quality of the existing Wadden Sea and is approximately as large; • Introduction of the New Northern Wadden-line can apply for the World Heritage List; • Enormous recreational possibilities emerge by introduction of more surface water; • This surface water can, treated, also function as drinking water reservoir; • A real estate development is at hand, which the North is not familiar with. An increase of the value of existing and new real estate can be estimated; • A chance for employment, if the specialised membranes can be produced in factories in the North. One disadvantage Extracting salt from the soil might lead to dropping of the surface. This can be discouraged by filling the empty ‘holes’ with brackish water again. 40) Suburban Ark, 2de Internationale Architectuur Biënnale Rotterdam, Juni 2005 95 6.5 CASCADE CITIES • Solar energy: passive and active (PV, collector) where possible. Local power generation from PV panels may be coupled to low-voltage systems in buildings. • Heat pumps: systems coupled to open water, ground and/or exhaust air and waste water. • Geothermal energy: possible by means of existing gas drillings (which are abundant); heat is suited for greenhouses and domestic usage. Because of the many drill-holes for natural gas, there are many opportunities to extract heat from deeper layers and – hence – to develop large areas for living. However, waste heat is also abundant here from the industry. • Osmosis plant: on the borderline of salt and fresh water, possibly instead of a tidal plant. Because of the low-voltage power generated here, residential areas would be located best close to the osmosis plant. • Tidal plant: near the Eems firth, possible instead of an osmosis plant. The industrial zone around Eemshaven may function on its own: industrial ovens (on biomass/waste) serve the industry, and waste fig.127 The Cascade Cities area heat is re-used or left to greenhouses, which in its turn leave waste heat to new residential areas for labourers. CO2 from the industry may be stored in empty gas fields. ENERY-PRINCIPLES CASCADE CITIES The cascade cities area has many opportunities for energy mixing and the highest energy quality available, hence the greatest potential to establish an exergy cascade: • Power plant: at macro-level near Delfzijl, fuelled by biomass and waste, leaving waste heat to greenhouses, which in its turn leave waste heat to residential areas (including other urban functions).. • Biomass and waste: biomass is predominantly from agriculture; biomass and domestic waste can be used as fuel for the multi-fuel plant near Delfzijl. Additional to the excellent position between the agriculture of the Peat Colonies and the industry of Eemshaven-Delfzijl a location near Delfzijl is appropriate because of the availability of infrastructure for transportation: roads, railways and old canals from the former peat areas. 96 • Wind energy: large and small turbines. CASCADE CITIES A Wind EEMSHAVEN-DELFZIJL: NORTH-PORT The area is especially suitable for wind energy, as a part of the windy ridges of the North. ENERGY Multi-fuel plant Spatial Team Our energy provision should be guaranteed at all times. From this BACKGROUND perspective, for the backbone of the electricity provision, the use Harbour of ‘safe’ fossil fuels is defendable in the transition period towards Eemshaven is an important harbour for the Netherlands, where a fully sustainable energy provision. The transition period however large ships can enter. The Eemshaven is the Rotterdam of the should to an increasing extent involve other, sustainable fuels in North. In history the Eemsmond area was always important. In the traditional power plants, such as biomass. atlas for industry en work (1856) is shown that Eemsmond was as A multi-fuel plant for the gasification of coal and combustion of important as the Rijnmond (Rotterdam) and IJmond (Amsterdam) biomass and if necessary natural gas offers advantages. With a area. Where the latter increased their economic activities after- mix of fuels, a power plant on the basis of gas, coal and biomass wards, Eemsmond area decreased its importance. The harbour can react optimally to price variations of these resources. This will offers specific potentials for the import, storage and distribution of also enable the cost-effective use of biomass. In the transition pe- energy-sources and CO2. riod toward 2035 biomass and, to a decreasing extent, coal can be imported via the harbour of Eemshaven. CO2 Storage The availability of former gas fields offers a unique chance to store Ethanol CO2. The empty fields are the cellars of the North and some of Another important track for biomass is the production of fuels for them offer space to store CO . After filling up the fields with CO 2 2 transportation, which is stimulated by European policy to become an enhanced recovery of the existing gas is possible, which can less dependent on fossil fuels. The Dutch policy for biofuels emp- not be get out of the fields economically. hasises on innovation towards a second generation of biofuels, such as ethanol from straw (residual product from the Northern Cascading agriculture) and wood pallets (from Scandinavia). The surroundings of the Eemshaven and the area around Delfzijl can be transformed according to the LowEx-principles. Smart Agriculture combinations of functions can be projected here using the rest- This district has an exquisite location. Here, the large-scale land- heat and other energy of each other. scape of the Peat Colonies almost touches the large-scale and fertile seaclay polders. Former drillings Both areas are appropriate for large-scale agriculture, which is A couple of old drillings, up to a depth of 3 kilometres, exist in directed at the production of food and resources from biomass. the area. These drillings offer potentials for the use of geothermal Residual material flows can be used for the generation of energy. energy. After the food component has been extracted, food crop leaves behind, waste material flow which can be made to products and refined to fuels. After refinery, the fuel can be combusted in the 97 multi-fuel plant. In addition, some biofuels can be destilled directly of industries in the Eemshaven/Delfzijl area will be stored here. from crop. This will be a plus for the settlement of energy-intensive industries, An important element is the development of crops with a high which cannot comply with stringent performance demands for yield. The Northern Netherlands can use knowledge of crop cross- CO2 emissions elsewhere but need some time to develop cleaner breeding in combination with their own produce in the peat area processes. to develop new crops for the world. Thermo-knolls Wind energy In this area some old drill-holes for the extraction of natural gas can Features of this area are: be found. These are suitable for the exploitation of geothermal • Extremely windy heat. Via existing drill-pipes high-caloric heat can be extracted • Large-scale from the deeper layers of the earth crust. This heat will be used to • Industrial character provide a ‘thermo-village’ (on a knoll to avoid flooding, hence a The use of wind energy is very feasible here. Wind is abundant, thermo-knoll) with energy. Heat can rather not be transported over and wind turbines in great quantities fit the scale and nature of the long distances. This is why concentrated development around the landscape. drillings is necessary. A thermo-knoll can be a residential area as well as a health resort Heat cascade Close to the multi-fuel plant an enlarged industrial area will be developed. Also near Delfzijl/ Heveskes there is a considerable industrial area. Both will be transformed toward clean industrial areas. Both produce a considerable quantity of excess heat, which will be used to supply low-caloric heat to other industries. Clean industry on the Eems-Dollard balcony will be combined with a highly valued quality of living on the Cote d’Ollard. CO2 storage Some empty gas fields will temporarily become the ‘CO2 cellars of Europe’. In the transition period towards zero-emission 98 industry by 2035, CO2 emissions with geothermal baths, the gaysers of the Netherlands. fig.128 Design of the North-Port DESIGN High-quality industrial complexes offer many jobs. People find new The Eemshaven-Delfzijl area becomes the ‘Balcony in the Dollard’, homes alongside the Côte d’Ollard and the Damsterdiep-Eems- as one of the lobes of the urban network. Energy is produced, sto- canal zone. A broad boulevard, with watery and high quality living red and transported from here. If sustainable, efficient and neces- areas around it, connects Delfzijl with Eemshaven. Because the sary, energy resources can be imported. The area becomes the coastline has been moved, the living areas become urban islands energy-warehouse of Europe. In the Golden Age the Western part in the sea. You can live here next to the water and it is also pos- of the Netherlands became rich because of the trade with the sible to take your boat and sail away to the Frysian lakes, Terschel- Far East. Imported goods were stored in warehouses in Zaandam, ling or Esbjerg. Edam and Amsterdam. From here the goods were distributed A second living area is projected between the Damsterdiep and throughout Europe. A lot of money was earned with this storage the Eems-canal. Living here has a cultural-historical dimension, and distribution: the warehouse of Europe. The North Port can play alongside the Damsterdiep, with its old stone factories and estates a similar role with energy as the driver: an energy-warehouse. The like Ekenstein and Rusthove. Other locations are next to the Balcony in the Dollard will be the intense centre of live and work powerful Eems-canal, where enormous ships pass, the Schildmeer, of the Northern Netherlands. Its image can be compared with the where children can practice their sailing skills or the lovely small Rotterdam harbour area. Megalomane, high-tech bio-refineries town of Appingedam. The Eems-canal is the quickest and shortest stand side-by-side with sustainable energy-knowledge centres. connection to Groningen. Vaparettos transport the people to the centre of Groningen, without any traffic jam. fig.129 Design Delfzijl 99 BOX 7 DELFZIJL Could anyone predict at the beginning of the century that Delfzijl could ever become the most wanted living area in the Groningen province? No one could. But somehow it happened. The unique combination of experimental living areas and living alongside the boulevard, on the dike and in the sea, firstly attracted alternative artist and other creatives, we used to know from Ruigoord. But after a couple of years the growth of the creative industry became so successful that the speed of new housing could not catch up with the demand. The growth of jobs first took place within the creative sector41). The Dutch Design Academy Delfzijl can compare itself easily with the design schools of Eindhoven and Amsterdam. And rapidly after this the growth in the harbour and more old-fashioned economic sectors also shows a huge increase. Especially after the settlement of the Energy Exchange Index (EEX), the United Energy Nations Safety Board and the European Panel on Energy Technology in a Sustainable World, business flourished. EEX trades virtually gas on the World market, which causes a well developed ICT-business and a rapid growth of hotels, restaurants and cafes. Even Gasunie is thinking of moving its headquarter to a location alongside the Eems. 100 41 NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 CASCADE CITIES B Regional design for Cascade Cities and this is linked trough the greenhouses, the industry until the Power Plant to fulfil the Cascade. Martina Sattler, Österreich Starting with the topic of Cascade City was for all the group members (Bojan, Erik, Martina) new and technical. One difficulty was to understand the Exergy principle. It is the idea of using waste heat. The first link in the chain of Exergy is the power plant. The waste heat of the power plant heats industrial processes. The waste heat out of the industry can further on heat the greenhouses. The last step in this system is the link to the offices, restaurants and dwellings. Those buildings are provided with the waste heat of the greenhouses. The distance between all those links should not exceed the distance limit of 8 kilometres. fig.130 Top-down or bottom-up We decided to focus on the existing living areas: the bottom-up approach. The aim was to find the best existing infrastructures for each part of the Cascade City. A good spot, focusing on the existing living areas, was the canal of the Winschoterdiep: the development line. The choice to use this infrastructural availability (highway, canal, and rail) as a basis was made because it is a sustainable way to transfer goods of the industry and biomass to the power plant. It would be best if the parts of Cascade City fit in between the infra-lines, but is there space enough? The question how big each part should be to fulfil the LowEx-system was studied, but there could be found hardly any numbers. Questions, questions. What the temperature is of the waste heat out of each link and how big can the area of each link be to be heated? How much space for greenhouses is needed to get a fig.130 Cascading within a maximum distance of 8 kilometres certain amount of dwellings heated? While working and putting lots of energy in this question it was possible to assume the num- The next step was the definition of two approaches: top-down and bers for greenhouses. The Cascade Team found that one hectare a bottom-up. The first one starts the Cascade City from an existing of greenhouses supports two hectares of dwellings (restaurants Power Plant (top) and links it till the dwellings (in most cases a new and offices included). The things the group took into account to living area). The second approach starts at an existing living area get to this assumption were the seasons, the differences in heating 101 during day and night and the possibility to store the heat during So a conclusion of the team work was to use the LowEx-principle, summer. But for the other parts it was almost impossible to guess and design Cascade Cities is difficult but possible. Using this princi- how big and how much heat. For example, which amount of ple form the beginning of a design for new areas makes it easier to heat the industry provides for greenhouses depends largely upon combine each part of the Cascade City. the type of industry? This part was solved by the Cascade team by introducing industry which demands and supplies most heat, like metal industry. But still, the question of how large the industry should be is not solved yet. fig.131 Cascade cities, Master plan The next step was to look if there is enough space in the Winschoterdiep area and the space directly around it. We found for every Cascade City along the cannel space for every part of the LowExsystem, but found also out that after implementing these functions almost no space was left over for the natural landscape. How to fit the Cascades into the area required a lot of thinking and was one of the most interesting parts of the work. Everyone had his or her own reason, why to plan it there and why not. For the Cascade team the landscape behind was very important, and to fit Cascade City into an existing living area was not an easy challenge. 102 The 8 kilometre boundary made things not easier. CASCADE CITIES C Cascading Hoogezand Erik Smits, Nederland fig.132 Energy use in the Netherlands fig.133 Six Cascade Cities in Groningen In the Netherlands every year a lot of energy is used. A lot of this energy is used to produce heat for making electricity, industry and heating our homes and offices. The way we have been using this energy had been very inefficient. Waste heat from industrial processes is being dumped into the air or in the river while we are still burning a lot of gas to keep our houses warm. Till now our main source of energy has been fossil fuels. In 30 year it is predicted that we will have run out of fossil fuel or that they at least will be to expensive to just be burnt. We have to find new ways of producing energy and new ways of using and saving energy. One way to save energy is through exergy. Exergy is the base idea of Cascade City. In this Cascade City heat that was used to produce electricity is being used again in industrial processes, then to heat greenhouses and finally to heat houses. There are some examples of parts of Cascade city, but till now no full Cascade City has been made. With this plan I want to give an example of what a Cascade City can look like. fig.134 Cascade models of current and future situation 103 In a previous phase we found that in the Northern Netherlands it is not possible to make one big Cascade City. The maximum range between a power plant and the dwellings is 8 kilometres. Because of this the Cascade City of the Northern Netherlands has to consist of several smaller cascades. One of these cascades can be between Hoogezand-Sappemeer and Groningen. In this area there will in several years be 2800 hectares of living and office area. To heat this living area 700 hectares of greenhouses, 35 hectares of heat using industry and a power plant is needed (assuming a proportion of 1 ha of dwelling to 0,25 ha of greenhouses to 0,0125 ha of industry). To make it as effective as possible all of this has to be as close to each other as possible. The biomass for the power plant will be brought in by boat. This is why the power plant has to be close to the Winschoterdiep. It is placed in such a fig.136 Master plan Cascading Hoogezand way that it covers all of Hoogezand-Sappemeer and a large part The power plant is integrated in a strip of industry which is in of the city of Groningen. between the Winschoterdiep and the railroad between Groningen and Hoogezand. To show what happens here the area is not hidden from its surroundings. The buildings dominate this area and because of this attention should be paid to the design of these buildings. From the industry big pipes go over the Winschoterdiep to the fig.135 Cascade model and landscape structure 104 greenhouses on the other side. This area is based on the original structure, which is still clearly visible. The base is formed by the old greenhouses, dwelling or a combination of both. The greenhouses excavation lines where people are living. This line is strengthened are mainly in the west of the area. The most western part is only by the trees along the roads and the gardens of the houses. These greenhouses; the area more to the lake is a combination of dwel- will make it green lines through a glass landscape. ling and greenhouses. The part east of the lake is mainly used for dwelling with a park Perpendicular to these lines there are the greenhouses. These are strip going through the area. The build areas are not completely narrow and long following the structure of the original landscape. filled with houses, but each area in between the ditches should In between the greenhouses there are open spaces for water be recognizable as one whole. In the middle of the area there is a and reed. These can be used to store the rainwater that comes centre where recreation, shopping, greenhouses and dwelling are from the roofs of the greenhouses. Sometimes a greenhouse is left combined. This centre makes the link between the eastern and the out to keep the long views possible. These areas can be used for western part of the area. agricultural purposes. Other areas are left open to make ecological and recreational connections between the landscape to the north and the south. fig.138 Design living area fig.137 Design industry and glasshouses To the south of Hoogezand a new living area will be developed. Here living and horticulture are. The structure of this area is also based on the structure of the original landscape. As with the previous area the base of this landscape consists of living ribbons with perpendicular on them the parcellation. The difference with this landscape is that the parcellation is parallel to each other, dividing the area in even parts. This parcellation is the base for the design. It is shown in the form of ditches. These all come together in a lake that will be used for water retention. The area in between the ditches is used by 105 CASCADE CITIES D Cascade city of Winschoten Martina Sattler, Österreich As a member of the group Cascade City I worked further on one Cascade City: the Winschoten area. In the area a new living area “De Blauwe Stad” is realised. The largest city is Winschoten, which is south of the new living area. fig.140 Scheme Cascade City fig.139 Cascade cities along the Winschoterdiep There are some existing functions which might be helpful in designing a cascade. East and west of Winschoten two existing industrial areas exist. The cascade is starting at these two points with the projection of two new power plants, which are as big as the electricity demand of the future inhabitants. These power plants are surrounded by industry. The next step was to find out how the greenhouses are arranged to get them as close as possible to the living areas. At this point the design should be subtle, because greenhouses too close to houses might disturb people living there. Either it can be the work during the day or even more the lights during the night. Here a certain fig.141 Master plan distance between the two parts of the Cascade City is required or 106 there has to be a grove in between, preventing the light to have a The next step was design the transportation of the heat. I proposed negative impact. to have pipelines with heated water either above or underneath the ground. Above the ground you see the pipelines, connecting Combining greenhouses with other things can have a lot of dif- the power plant, the industry and the greenhouses, while you ferent looks. Combinations of recreation and greenhouses are pass through the area. At certain points pipelines are shown at for me the most interesting. It is possible to combine any sports the surface to show how the LowEx-principle functions. To enter you can think of with greenhouses. In between two greenhouses the houses you need a lot of pipelines, because the distribution you can make space for example a climbing hall, a rink to do ice of the heat to each house. These connections are planned under sport, a skate park, a swimming pool, a leisure park, etc. Those halls the surface, to prevent too much disturbance or chaos. Pipelines are in between the greenhouses and can use the light out of the above surface can also be used as an artwork. Maybe there will greenhouses during the night; they also have the closest connec- be some parks where those lines can be the benches or skaters tion to get heated with the waste heat of the greenhouses. can use them for tricks. Dealing with the distance of each part leads to an idea of combining functions. First there can be a combination of greenhouses and offices. Nowadays, office buildings are mostly covered with glass facades. Greenhouses do naturally have a lot of glass. Why not combine them? The offices can be on one side of the big greenhouses. On the side where they get the attention of people who drive past, the companies can be seen well. If there is a staff canteen, it can use the products out of the greenhouse directly. fig.143 Multifunctional use of glasshouses, Winschoten There will be less transportation of goods. A further idea is a floating greenhouse on the “Blauwe Meer” with a big terrace. Boats can My individual work brought me to the conclusion like in the group dock on to it; people get pleasure from the sun and enjoy the work that the “Cascade City Principle” can be used everywhere. It food out of the greenhouse. is easier to think about the Exergy system to fit in a design in advance then to fit it in an existing area. No attendance is put nowadays on the appearance of the existing industries, but in the future this can change. The combination of functions can be a solution for the efficiency of the heat transportation, because the closer the parts are, the better the efficiency is. The better Cascade City, the better the LowEx-principle functions. fig.142 Reference image glasshouse-recreation, Blauwe Stad 107 6.6 WINDY RIDGES built and the Dutch people controlled the sea. This continuous change of the coast was a game of sand and water, which was a dynamic process which shaped the landscape of the north. This landscape is an inspiration for the energetic north. In the future the northern Netherlands has to deal with certain changes. On of this is the rise of the sea level (we assume 0,5m in 50 years) and the shift to sustainable energy sources. Our plan proposes a concentration of new sustainable energy sources, to fig.144 The windy ridges area WINDY RIDGES A ENERGETIC NORTH, Landscapes that give and supply energy Gerwin de Vries, Nederland create an energy landscape. fig.146 Altitude lines Since the Stone Age the shape of the coast has changed by influence of the sea. This influence was lost since the dikes were We choose a more adaptive strategy towards the rise of the sea fig.145 Changing coastline during the ages 108 level, by creating wetlands on the lowest places. With this the wet scapes, sandy sedimentations, living on terps and the energy majority of the pumping stations can be removed and a lot of islands. Energy landscapes and at the same time energetic land- energy is saved. In the future the dikes will have to be higher and scapes. We introduce three different energetic landscapes which higher because of sea level rise. This costs energy. We re-introduce are based on its history: the influence of the sea and let the sea come into the land. This is saving energy by no longer fighting against the sea. This also creates possibilities for a tidal plant and an osmosis plant. fig.147 Energy production fig.149 Energy islands fig.148 60% is supplied sustainable The northern of Netherlands has always been important for gaining At the energy islands we use the rati- energy. With its gas bubble under the ground, turf landscapes and onal polder landscape to suit in large impressive fields of windmills oil recourses. In the future sustainable energy will be a new face and precisely organized patchworks of biomass with sight lines of the north; new energy landscapes. When you visit the northern over the open polders. The existing knowledge of taking land from part of The Netherlands it is a rough, windy, muddy, salt-smelling the sea is used to win biomass-land. On energy islands 60% of the and empty landscape. We want to use these characteristics in energy need of the north is supplied. the concept of the energetic north. When you visit them, they will give you energy. The energetic north will be a landscape of large 109 PHASING The area in The Northern Netherlands is mostly agricultural, polderlandscape near to the sea and old terp-landscape more to the south. Leeuwarden is the biggest city. 2010 - The polders are used for different types of sustainable energy. Some pumping stations are taken away and lower places will become wet. Houses are put within dikes or on a terp. 2020 - There is a direct connection with the Wadden Sea, the water will be salt. The first farmers will shift to brackish agriculture. On Energy Island, land is taken from the sea. fig.150 Terp wet scape 2030 - Terps are built and the number of people will increase. The In the terp wet scape we restore the sedimentation. In the most northern part farmers will have the pos- idea of living on a terp. Old terps are sibility to run big lands with cattle. re-inhabited and new terps are built. Seepage will find its way to 2050 - The energetic north in its final form. Adventurous ways of lower places because of the sea level rise. In the current situation living in wet scapes, astonishing energy landscapes and an every- terps are visible, but inactive. They don’t have a function. Living day changing salt landscape. on terps as a high, dry and save place in a landscape of wet gradients. It will be an ultimate way of living in the nature. fig.151 Salty inlets With the salty inlets we let the sea come inlands at the lower places. The unique character of the Wadden Sea with its tidal changes and sedimentation is enlarged to the inland. Between the sweet 110 salty inlet is developing to a small Wadden Sea inland, with sand terp wet scape and the salty inlet there can be brackish agriculture. 111 WINDY RIDGES B SAND, SEA AND SALT interaction between nature and people. Energetic north, where the speed of the landscape is the speed of life. You live in the landscape, feel real emptiness, discover new places, make long New urban living possibilities for Leeuwarden distance walks, get stuck in the mud or feel a strong sea wind. It Gerwin de Vries, Nederland gives you energy. The process of salt water coming inland from the Wadden Sea: water will cut sharp edges where it flows fast and sand will sedimentate where water flows slowly. The wind will blow sand away and dune areas are created. The result of the landscape process is a complete new landscape. Sand islands, daily tidal changes, sand sedimentation, salt and sweet water gradients and a mangrove-forest. This concept studies the potential of living in this new landscape. A new urban area of 1000 ha with 3000 houses on the north side of Leeuwarden, which use the new landscape of the fig.152 Coastlines of all ages salty inlet as a basis. The shape of the Northern coast has always been changing in time, it shows an interesting dynamic. In the current situation there is a clear distinction between land and sea, a static moment within this dynamics. In the future the sea level will rise. In the concept energetic north I want to use the sea level rise to reintroduce the dynamics. In the Energetic North the game of sand and water is the structuring process in the landscape. There is a strong fig.154 Three urban typologies URBAN ISLANDS The urban islands will have a fast urban atmosphere. There is a high density of houses, with an open landscape and long views as a context. The stony islands contrast with the sand and water landscape. People work in Leeuwarden and live here, they are well connected to the city but still have the contact with the 112 fig.153 Salty inlet and new houses near Leeuwarden landscape. The tidal influences give rhythm to de day. During low fig.155 Design urban island fig.156 Design Mangrove Forest fig.157 Design Autarkic living wills sedimentate sand. The water is salt, so the gardens will have a water the public space will be sandy. People can use it to make salty and sandy environment with all new kind of plant species. The long walks into the landscape. During high water the urban islands islands get most of their energy from the main network in the city. stand in the water. There are bridges to move between the islands. Besides this every island has its own tidal plant, and extra energy is Some houses have a small garden on the seaside. Here the sea won from solar energy on the roofs of houses. 113 MANGROVEN FOREST connection it is possible to get in contact with the world, without We are dealing with the end point of the salty inlet. This means that physically moving. These extreme living conditions will be very po- a lot of sand is brought here because of tidal changes every day. pular in the future, when pressure on space becomes larger, and Slowly the water will disappear again, and the inlet fills itself with the need for spontaneity in landscape will increase. sand. On the far end of the inlet, sand can be kept on its place by mangrove trees. The trees have large roots and grow well on these specific conditions. They can become up to 25 meters. Where sand is dried out, dunes come into existence. First small young dunes will emerge, later whole dune areas. This landscape offers a chance for a unique living environment. Within the mangrove forest villas, with two or three houses, are build. The enclosure of the forest and the dune areas near makes it a new way of living in the landscape. The landscape does not stop till the door of your house. The forests are connected by sandy roads to Leeuwarden. The forest will be growing, as more sand gets sedimentated. The building of houses will follow after, so that there is already forest. The urbanization follows the process of the landscape. Near the water small trees are growing. At certain times they get flooded and die out. The wood that is left is used as biomass. This is a continuous interaction between people and the landscape. AUTARKIC LIVING This way of living is the most free and isolated one you can find within the Netherlands. The relation with the landscape is very strong and the density of houses very low. Only sometimes you meet your neighbours. Some houses are mobile houses, which can float over water. In this way people have the freedom to find their own living space. Not always they can decide for themselves, they might be forced to leave because of change in landscape conditions. There are also temporary houses, which can quickly be build and taken down. People will move about once a year. The houses are completely autarkic, self-sufficient. At some places in the salty inlet windmills are placed, the houses can log on to these windmills to get their energy. On a smaller scale energy is won from fast growing crops, like mangrove, from small windmills and solar panels on the roof of the house. Most of the food is harvested near the house. Crops could be sugar beet, mangold or marsh samp114 hire. Also freshly caught fish will be on the menu. With an internet BOX 6 LEEUWARDEN & MORE It should be no surprise that water plays an important role in ties. Imagine: A couple of new key-projects42 can add to the pallet of possibili- Friesland. But it is a little miracle that the Institute on knowledge about water maintenance, coastal protection, water purifica- 1. The energy-cascade North Netherlands: a montage of the tion and energy production from water came to Leeuwarden: energy network on the scale of Northern Netherlands. One the Wadden Academy. The existing Wadden Academy, the comprehensive Cascade. technical water laboratory, the RIZA and RIKZ, even the water part of the ministry of Traffic and Water policy found their home in the centre of Friesland. Wetsus, TNO and other research centres connected to the technical universities, brought together their knowledge in the Philips-campus of the North: off course located in the middle of the lake district. Beside the growth of 2. New island in the North Sea. Dutch dredgers are working in front off the Dutch coast. 3. A tourist bond between Wadden Sea and East Sea: experiment with new recreative concepts. 4. Cultural connections with Hamburg, Copenhagen and Malmo, the Baltic axe and Berlin. jobs this also encouraged the cultural development of Leeu- 5. Wadden ferry-boats cruise the Wadden area like the Greek warden. It turned one of the most criminal cities of the Net- islands. herlands into a balanced city, where highly educated people 6. Hyper net, so fast, a bit never was before. enjoy art and culture, restaurants and cafés, sports and nicely 7. Flow to Tallinn. The Maglev all the way to the Baltic States. designed living areas. As one of the most vibrant inner-cities 8. World Exhibition 2014, showcase of sustainable solutions, techno- Leewarden became a huge competitor of Groningen. logies, ideas and products. BOX 7 ASSEN The largest building programme found its place on the Drente plateau. At first close to Assen, later on making use of historical excavation lines. A lot of experiments were done on sustainable solutions in living and building. Complete autarkic dwellings and modern Domoticas in the forests were realized. Assen is the centre of the World Exhibition with Sustainable living as a central theme. The Dutch Dream of sustainable (export) products43) is located as a showroom on the plateau. 42) Nieuwe nationale sleutelprojecten hard nodig, Riek Bakker,, 22 November 2005 43) NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 115 CHAPTER 7 The economy of the future focuses on the themes health, tourism PROMISE and creativity46, the economic sectors, which become specifically important in the next decades47 and those sectors where the IN ENERGY VALLEY, YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL region traditionally has a strong position48: • On several functional themes the promise of the project Grounds for Change will be described here. What are the promises for culture, history and art. Painters, writers, filmers and designers energy valley? find themselves a surrounding with a relaxed laid back atmosphere and a dynamic experience city. Tourists with a passion ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT for cultural heritage and modern design are attracted by the The Golden Age of the North is coming: the 21st century. At one hand costs for energy, food and water decrease and, because of North Netherlands proposition; • Fun and tourism: the Northern Netherlands is seen as an at- our healthy environment, the costs of health care are dropping. tractive cultural region. Wealthy and vital elderly with a lot of On the other hand we earn money, thanks to the booming deve- spare time form a good focus group. Beside them the number lopment in tourism and recreation. This economic development of Chinese and other Asian tourists will increase (in 2003 60.000 is made possible by the rise in temperature, which makes beach Chinese visited our country and in 2008 500.000 are expected); life and solar tourism more common. Even if temperatures drop in • Transport, the Netherlands as an international Trade and Invest- the next decades the new qualities of the North winter-sports, like ment Company: like a new VOC, the Netherlands becomes skating on natural ice and other winter-fun become dominant and a real distribution country. We own harbours in other countries make of our region an attractive one. Both scenarios show a fast and are organising transport and logistics all over the World. grow of the creative industry. The production does not necessarily take place inside the Ne- Northern Netherlands is connected, both physical and virtual, therlands, but more and more in foreign countries. In 10 years with the rest of the World. The city of Groningen is the hub to and from now 20% of all products are produced in China and the from economic centres like the Randstad, Hamburg, and Copen- Netherlands takes care of the logistics. Like this the Netherlands hagen-Malmo and, further away, Shanghai, Mumbai, New York becomes, just like back in the 18th century an ‘investment- and Moscow. Especially in a peripheral region, with an attractive company’ with a network all over the World. The Northern Netherlands also benefits from this; landscape like the North, with a strong and dynamic centre-town and an innovative climate for entrepreneurs a strong creative 44: a Nokia Valley45. • Energy and energy business; Energy Valley is a region • Marketing and Communication; with an unspoilt, quiet and beautiful surrounding to live in, contains • Bio- and Life Sciences/Nanotechnology; technical amenities of high quality, has excellent connections with • Bio based Chemicals49; the rest of the World and invests in creative people. The healthy • High-Tech & ICT (among with Domotica, personal care, secu- • Innovation-, knowledge- and educational centre50. An economy can emerge rity); and well ordered metropolitan area pulls people from all over the World to choose their living base in Northern Netherlands. The 116 Creative economy: growth of employment in the ‘creative jobs’. The Northern Netherlands becomes the place to be for condensation of talents leads to a climate of creative entre- international well known knowledge centre (Edrec, EDI, Wad- preneurship. Many people can find themselves an inspiring and den Academy). Ideas about the World exhibition ‘foot-loose challenging job. This attracts people like writers, artists, filmers and building and living with a minimal footprint’ in 2014 function as musicians. a stepping stone; fig.158 References of living on, in and around the Sea • • Water (water alliance) and Maritime industry51 and Nature; 52 Agri-business and a changing agriculture. Shift from quantity Northern Netherlands First. In the Urban Network Groningen-As- to quality. Bio-based products form input for the pharmaceu- sen new, centrally located business nodes are being developed, tical industry, which opens new markets (elderly). And a new integrated neighbourhood-offices are realized and the ‘club-of- market can be found in the desire for speciality food from next fice-building’ is introduced55. door, that can be trusted; • • • New Intelligent Working will probably be developed in the Wellness and care53: The older population of the future leads PLACES TO LIVE to an increasing demand for care. If the percentage of older Living in the Northern Netherlands is easy and comfortable in a people grows in the Northern Netherlands this is an opportu- healthy and clean environment56. The clean air, the mild climate nity. Elderly people invest in well-being. New technologies are and the best possible health care offers people the chance to live necessary to cope with or compensate becoming older. ICT longer. People really know what care means and you notice it, gives older people the chance to visit the rest of the World especially when you become older. The (biomedical) technology without travelling; is developed over here, the most up-to-date treatment methods 54 A place to establish international institutes (research, techno- are at hand. logy and international service): The Northern Netherlands can Living is also beautiful. Outside the urban areas, Northerly people host the European Panel on Energy Technology in a Sustai- live in an oasic landscape, where the earth is at your feet, right in nable World or an institute like the Copenhagen Consensus front of your doorstep. The Northern skies are famous, clear and (, Björn Lomborg). crispy. The landscape57 contains meaning, is sound, open and full New living trends: Elder people and youngsters will choose a of nature. Through the internet you are connected with anyone spot to live for only a short time. you like, the quiet environment, clean air and silence surrounding you. There is space enough: 211.000 new dwellings are easily reali- 117 fig.159 Floating piers zed before 2030. The professional and no-nonsense development 58: strategies help to do that rapidly Living in the space and with the water, in different styles and densities as a part of the North-West59. location: Behind the flood-line of 1717, the largest flood in the Northern Netherlands since 300 years: on the Drente plateau in the forests, (almost) autarkic or intensively concentrated in the urban network of Groningen-Assen. Here, urban densities are realized69, European Lake District On the North Sea people live on new islands, dredged by Dutch 60. dredgers, who shift their activities from Dubai The islands flood several times a year, that’s why the houses are floating61. The view 62. like a confident, dynamic, modern and historic conurbation. Large scale functions concentrated in the urban centres, creating the basis for public transport and the pressure on the surrounding landscape is kept low (shape and contra-shape idea)70. The can be compared with the best ones in the World urban network develops into a mega-city of human scale, a In the Wadden Sea is limited space to live. This can only be hyper-city71. Architects and politicians can prove again how well sustained under the condition that the ecological qualities of area urban planning can be done72. Banlieues, where everyone feels are strengthened. Living areas are moving up and down with the at home and people are connected with each other. Groningen- tides on spider-shaped floating piers63. Assen is the skip in the triple jump (hop-skip-jump), from Randstad towards Baltica, a well ordered and controlled enlargement of the Polders and other lower parts of the landscape may be under Randstad73. water once in a while. New lakes are developed and are used to Living and staying in the urban network is even better: nice people store water64. It is possible to live there quite well, but once every around you, a challenging and creative job, culture, festivals, the 20 years a flood possibly enters your house, like it is happening beach, art and music around the corner. Still, connected through nowadays to people in the big-river area of the Netherlands. New speedy internet and the airport with mega-cities where you only 65: shapes and techniques are used to live above the water on want to be for a short while: the Randstad, Berlin, New York, Mum- piles66 or on top of dikes67. Beautiful spots in the wet landscape of 68. 118 bai, Shanghai, Tokyo, Moscow, Sao Paulo and Sydney. You live in the North can also be used to create these new forms of living ‘Groninga magna’, the confident mini-mega, where globalisation The largest amount of new houses finds its place at a proven safe and the attention for your neighbours come together74! Development Axe77, but the connection with the North-East has a more meaningful dimension. It dissolves the peripheral location of Northern Netherlands78. Important in itself, but it is also connecting the North Sea basin with the East Sea basin. This is not only very important economically (Randstad is connected with other high-income high-growth regions, like Copenhagen, Malmö and Helsinki79), but is also connecting the touristy structures of North Europe. The local and regional transport is intensive and unhindered: light rail or subway is not only for the urban area ideal, but can be extended throufig.160 The Urban Network Groningen-Assen ACCESSABILITY ghout the region connecting the larger urban centres with each other and with touristy attractions and beaches. A fast ferry-boat system connects the islands within the Wadden area from Esbjerg up to Den Helder, the same as in Bangkok, where the Chao Praia is To initiate a prosperous development for the North a nice climate crossed permanently. alone is a great incentive, but not enough: fast connections are Finally, the connection with North-East Europe expresses the bond a conditio sine qua non75. A fast Zuiderzeelijn is only a small step with the New Europe of the Donau-monarchy. Escape from the for our future, but a giant step for mankind. The missing link in the Islamite development of Western Europe; prevent ourselves from a North-East European network76 is compensated with the Northern religious war happening in our front-yard. TOURISM AND RECREATION The Northern Netherlands becomes very attractive for the recreating people of the future. In 30 years from now climate change gives the Côte d’Ollard the perfect climate: nicely warm summers and mild winters. It offers a rapid tourist development80, in which beaches, resorts, culture and history can play a dominant role. The competition with the Côtes of the Mediterranean Sea is an easy triumph: over there it is just too hot, the quality of the surface water is too low and the risk at forest fires too high. The Wadden Sea can become a subtropical diving paradise81, in the North Sea a real Surfers Paradise evolves, because of the new sand plates in front of the coast82. A necklace of exclusive resorts83 and beaches host kite surf events84, which are only a frontrunner of other windy hypes85 . And the North has more to offer than sun and sand: culture, art, fig.161 Connections with North East Europe media, film and high tech86. The unique combination of history 119 EDUCATION The educational strategy aims at educating the true top-talents. The Americans are used to ‘buy’ not only the best athletes, but also the best scientists and turn them into American citizens as quick as possible. The North attracts Chinese and Indian top-talents, because of the well developed creative industry and the booming beach-life. They come over to study and stay to work in science and research (Zevensprong88). Our cultural heritage leads to an attractive living environment, where talented people from abroad like to live89. Education and institutes like EdreC, the Wadden academy and EDI, profit from that: high-quality top-courses, oriented on the future important sectors: tourism, health, culture and creativity. fig.162 Possible beach life? A PROTECTED REGION Floods: Our region also has to deal with a more extreme climate. Longer dry periods, followed by heavier storms. Gamble to heighten the dikes again is risky. Because our surface continues to drop over the years, the disaster is even bigger in case of a flood. If we apply another approach we can start to live with the water. We can welcome the sea from time to time in a controlled way. The lower areas may flood sometimes90: a substantial contribution to modern culture and climate attracts the new rich to the Côte the North-West European Lake District91. To protect us better on the d’Ollard: Chinese, Japanese, people from India, Americans and long term, we introduce a multi layer protection system, instead of Russians own second, floating, houses in the region within 30 years. one dike, that is supposed to be strong enough. Smart locations The touristy main structure contains the edges of the North Sea of new islands in the North Sea, the existing Wadden islands, the and East Sea basins 87: Esbjerg to Hull and from Aarhus until Tallinn. existing dike, the former sea-dikes inland and the higher plateaus The Wadden parcel plays a central role, because of its perfect protect us against different varieties of heavy sea and storms. An accessibility. extreme situation is brought back to reasonable proportions step In the alternative scenario, of dropping temperatures and real by step. With each phase of the system a specific living environ- winters, specific qualities can be explored: the same recreative ment can be developed: amenities are used for winter-holidays. A winter base for skating-, • Floating houses on the new islands. They flood more than once • In the Wadden Sea and on the existing islands the houses are every year. langlauf- and walking tours and sports like ice sailing and ice-kiting will dominate the image of the North and transform the region into a touristy attractive area. Beside the ski-jump-tower in Grunostrand sources of ecology and play a role as a nature reserve. Every new jump-towers are added and if the edges of the dog ridge few years they can flood. are used as ski-tracks in the North real winter sport village scan be 120 developed. People enjoy the clear and crispy fresh air. • In the lower parts behind the existing dike houses are build on newly developed terps. And new technologies are applied: on • piles, floating or tidal dwellings or adaptive (to water) furnished and the innovative power of everyone, high or low educated, houses. Every now and then the water is at your doorstep. whatever background, religion or sexe. Facilitate a tolerant The higher grounds are occupied by the largest amount of new houses: always dry and build the way we are familiar with. environment, connected to our pleasant cultural genes; • regional and international; By moving with the changes in climate and nature problems and threats can be transformed into a safe location with lots of chan- New transport-concepts, which will connect people, locally, • New concepts for living on the water, floating homes, tempo- • New island in the North Sea, to live on or as a Surfers sand rary flooded dwellings and more; ces and new possibilities. Attacks: The question is in which part of Europe exactly the Islamic plate; threat will occur. If we assume that it’ll take place where the • New technology in health care; largest concentrations of Muslims live, countries like France, Bel- • The new working: the optimum of work-live combinations in the gium, the Ruhrgebiet, Madrid and London, but also the Randstad, are the prior tension areas. The peripheral regions do have the city. (relative) advantage that these developments stay behind, and LIVE CHEAPER AND EARN MORE! will not exist in the future. The Northern Netherlands has something Life will be cheaper in the North. The advantage on the real estate to choose for. A choice for a strong bond with the Randstad the market and the prices of the ground will continue to be lower. North will be seen as a part of the Randstad and a higher risk at Added to that are the price advantages of cheaper (locally riots might be the case. If the North finds its connection with North- produced) energy, water and food. The prices of energy turn sky East and Middle Europe, the religious war might pass by. Ties with high internationally; in the North we become independent from Hamburg, Scandinavia, the Baltic nations and Poland, but also this. We do not have to worry about the loss of jobs, due to (too) Eastern Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Austria high energy-process82. If the price of water follows the same route might offer Northern Netherlands protection against terrorist at- as the energy prices, the Northern consumer still profits from the tacks. And we can continue to cherish our peace and silence. almost free water: there is enough and it is close by. Our food also INNOVATION becomes cheaper than we know. Even without the European subsidies we succeed to produce cheaper products, mainly be- The North is very good at creating an innovative climate. Innova- cause there is almost no transport necessary and we import slightly tion programmes are directed towards those Points that will form nothing. the future: • • • • • thermal energy and high speed wind kites; SUSTAINED RESOURCES OF ENERGY, WATER AND FOOD New ways of water management and coastal protection: Water: In Northern Netherlands we produce our own clean drinking precision management; water. By letting the water in temporarily into a couple of pol- New fun and tourism concepts. Exclusive, expensive and eco- ders and treat it at the site. And also by digging out zones at the logical; bottom edge of the Drente plateau which encourages the natural New ways of speciality agriculture. Exclusive products, focused flow of pure and clean groundwater to the surface. Because this on the local market; water is our own, we can decide about it and price it. Stimulating the creativity of every person. Not the focus on buil- The filling of canals, lakes and polders is done by computers to ding another cultural quarter, but investments in the originality steer exactly where in the fine-maze network which water has New energy-technologies like tidal and osmosis plants, geo- 121 which level. Off course: an innovation by the Northern ICT-engi- The chances for agri- neers. business are also good. Technological and biolo- Food: Uncertainty about food from abroad (bird flue, Kreuzfeld- gical innovations94 turn the Jacob) is abandoned in Energy Valley by producing the majority existing agriculture into a of our food in our own region. Food quality and food security are producer of speciality food 93. major competitive advantages for entrepreneurs Finally you know again what you eat. and bio-based (pharmaceutical) products. The fertile soils provide agriculture with a new future as a producer of climate adjusted crops: grain and sugar beets, but also grapes (our own wine!) or oranges. The increasing influence of salt water fig.163 Sustainable living, the in agricultural soils encourages the introduction of salt-loving crops new luxury95 like marsh samphire. 122 A broad pallet of mostly luxurious and speciality products are Energy: In the Northern Netherlands we provide the energy grown in the region. This also enriches the local cuisine, which, so demand by producing most of the energy in our own region. far, was not well known as the most tasteful in Europe: a treat for Therefore we make use of different available sources in the region inhabitants and visitors and development chances for the local (multi energy strategy), make efficient use of energy (LowEx-princi- restaurants. ple) and become independent for the larger part. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Richard Florida, The flight of the creative class, 2005 & Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 Nokia profiel, Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn 1.1, Mei 2003 2.0 Ontwikkelingsperspectieven Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn, December 2004 Adjiedj Bakas, Megatrends Nederland, 2005 Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 & Speerpunten economisch beleid NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 Speerpunten economisch beleid, Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 & 2.0 Ontwikkelingsperspectieven Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn, December 2004 Speerpunten economisch beleid, provincie Groningen, 2005 Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 & Speerpuntennotitie Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 2.0 Ontwikkelingsperspectieven Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn, December 2004 Andy van den Dobbelsteen, the Sustainable Office, Dissertatie, TU Delft, 2004 Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 Trend ++/GroeiPlus, Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 2.0 Ontwikkelingsperspectieven Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn, December 2004 Hollandse Hoogte, Dubai, in: the Flood, Catalogue 2nd International Architecture Biënnale, Rotterdam, Juni 2005 Pompen alleen is te weinig, interview met Chris Zevenbergen, Dura Vermeer, Volkskrant, 28 december 2005 Referenties uit the Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary Architecture, 2005 Tide City, AvB Rotterdam, in: the Flood, Catalogue 2nd International Architecture Biënnale, Rotterdam, Juni 2005 Plan voor de Blauwe Stad, Provincie Groningen et al. Referenties uit the Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary Architecture, 2005 Naar zee! Ontwerpen aan de kust; Rotterdam 2003, in: Nova Terra, december 2004 Flood resistant houses, Water Works, TU Delft, in: Nova Terra, Oktober 2005 Ommelanderzeedijk, Westpolder, Landschapsontwikkelingsplan Noord-Groningen, Bosch Slabbers, September 2005 Appartementengebouw, Madrid, MVRDV, Volkskrant, 17 november 2005 Kompas voor de Toekomst, SNN, Januari 1998, Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 en Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 City Scape NL, Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn 1.1, Mei2003 Aaron Betsky, De menselijke maat, Volkskrant, 22 december 2005 Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 en The North-East European Agenda for Noord -Nederland, BAW, Mei 2005 Kompas voor de Toekomst, SNN, Januari 1998 en Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 The North-East European Agenda for Noord -Nederland, BAW, Mei 2005 Strategische Agenda voor Noord-Nederland 2007-2013, SNN, 26 Januari 2005 & 2.0 Ontwikkelingsperspectieven Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn, December 2004 Lonely Planet, Australië, Januari 2004 Lonely Planet, Australië, Januari 2004 Bora Bora Beach Resort, QAS Holidays, Brochure Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland en de Pacific, 2004-2005 Rob Roggema, St Kitts, Melbourne, Januari 2005 Costa Iberica, MVRDV, 1998 Plan Oostwand Grote Markt, gemeente Groningen Atlas van Kooper, Carte de la Mer d’Allemagne, 1693 + De Grote Bosatlas, 49ste druk, 1981 Zuiderzeelijn - de kansen in kaart, November 2005 NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 Grounds for Change, Design Charette, Regionaal Ontwerpteam, Mei 2005 Lake District NW-EU, Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn 1.1, Mei 2003 4000 banen in het Noorden op de tocht door hoge energieprijzen, Groninger Internet Courant, 1 december 2005 NL2027, Het toekomstbeeld van het innovatieplatform, December 2005 Agro-Inno-Bio-Tech, Masterplan Zuiderzeelijn 1.1, Mei 2003 Time, May 2006 123 124 Appendix 1 TIME-HORIZONS In 2036 our children will be 32, 34, 33, 34 and 35 years old. All of them will be almost as old as we are now. They will look at our former prime ministers like Wim Kok, Ruud Lubbers and Dries van Agt, the way we look back at Drees, De Quay and Biesheuvel: old men from a former time. Like we got used to the television and the (mobile) telephone, they cannot understand a world without i-pod. The way Reinier Paping, heroic winner of the Eleven Town Skating Race in 1963, became mythical in our memories, in the same way they will look back at historic pictures of Henk Angenent, the last winner of the race. Did we hear our fathers talk about Bob Beamon and Martin Luther King, they will listen to us telling stories about Pieter van den Hoogenband and Pim Fortuyn. Or let’s take another random family. Amalia and Alexia, the two daughters of crown prince Willem Alexander and princess Maxima will be 32 and 31 years in the year 2036. They will experience the fig.1 Map of 1665 world in the same way our children will. In 2036, an entirely new 1665: The map of 1665100 mainly shows the enormous deltas of Lau- generation, yet unspoilt, will be young adults. wers and Dollard. The flow of water off the Drente plateau is also The Northern Netherlands our children were brought up in will have beautiful. The soil and water system determined the landscape. changed in 2036. Large parts of the Wadden Sea disappear if the Far inland the influence of the sea could still be experienced. sea level rises with 60 centimetres96. In any case, it wont be the Wadden Sea we know now. Dry marsh lands and sand plates will 1717: Around the year 1700 the land-gaining in the Dollard started. have shrinked and are enlarged at different locations, because The so-called News-map from 1717101 shows us which parts of the of the sedimentation of mud and sand. How much dry plates will land were flooded during the Christmas-flood of that year. Large remain is unpredictable, because the circumstances in the Wad- parts of Groningen and Friesland, but also Northern-Germany and den Sea will be very dynamic for ever. The high value ecology will the western parts of Denmark were flooded. The heaviest flood in change with these changes and will be replaced by another type, the last 300 years. maybe as valuable. It seems plausible that the living space of the seal might shrink, the same way this happens in Canada with habitat of the polar bear97 or the Inuit98. The strange thing is that in 1660 en 1781: If we put together the maps of 1660102 and 1781103, the PKB (National Planning Decision) Wadden Sea climate change the huge development of the Peat Colony can be seen: the exca- 99. is not really an issue BACK, FURTHER BACK, ALL THE WAY BACK Let’s go back in history for a couple of hundreds of years. vation of the peat changed the landscape fundamentally within 100 years. A peat-landscape changed into a peat-colony. 125 fig.2 News-map of 1717 fig.3 The maps of 1660 and 1781 1857 en 1962: (In 1959 the gas reserves of Slochteren are discovered) On the map of 1857104 small parts of the Dollard are reclaimed. A complex system of polders, kept dry with windmills (the Mill-colonies) gave the Northern Netherlands new land bit by bit. Later on the reclaiming went on in a more rapid way: the Lauwers-lake105 and parts of the Wadden coast. What happened in the North also took place in the rest of the country. In the last 150 years the Beemster, Wieringermeer, Haarlemmermeer, the Noord-Oostpolder and Flevoland were reclaimed. The Markerwaard and the rest of the IJssel-lake were also planned to become polders and even the Wadden Sea should become land at a time. Now, IJburg is realized and plans to develop the Randstad in the North Sea are being made. What can we learn from the series of maps? 1. We do not have to go back in time very far, only several hundreds of years, to find out what the North looked like in a fragile and dynamic balance with the elements. It offers us an insight in the natural driving forces in the region. No more, no less. It 126 does not show us an ideal historic desirable image. We can fig.4 Maps of the North in 800 AC see how far inland the largest flood reached: obviously until it the maps of 800 and 1665, it is visible that the landscape has not met a strong natural barrier. Behind this barrier, the land was changed that much. kept dry by a natural force. 2. Mid 18th century the people started large scale interventions, FURTHER BACK: A POLAR DESERT which changed the landscape and the natural balance. Peat Go back in time a little further and our image of the region chan- was excavated, gas and land were gained. Parts of the North ges dramatically. As the Holocene started (10.000 years ago) the ended up below sea level. sea level was 35 metres lower than nowadays. The coast line was 3. In only 300 years (between 1736 and 2036) the North uses all far away from the current coast111. And then: spring starts. The ice its fossil resources (peat, gas and oil), especially if the produc- which covers Scandinavia is melting away quickly and the sea tion is increased106. These resources were formed in millions of level starts to rise very rapidly. More and more dry land is flooded years 107. permanently. The seals, which were living for 10.000 years in front 4. Approximately 80% of the North is a polder, one way or 110, another is kept dry by pumps and most of the area is below sea level. BACK: TERP AND WIERD109 of the Portuguese coast, migrated back to the Wadden Sea. The polar desert that dominated Europe for a long time112 disappears and is replaced by the first pines and beeches. Now, in 2006, it is summertime on earth. Despite the fact that the climate has been stable for centuries now and the sea level only rises with centime- In the year 800 AC the Northern Netherlands looked completely tres, we are concerned about a few degrees and some deci- different110. The Middel Sea, the Lauwers and the Eems intruded metres more. And the geological autumn approaches us: within the land deeply and flooded the land regularly. People lived on 10.000 years it will be autumn and our climate will have changed wierden and terps, on just dried marsh land and subtly spread out into a climate that we know from Lapland. Scandinavia will be in the landscape. The higher, Pleistocene, grounds, like the Dog covered with glaciers again, the sea level will have dropped and Ridge, were surrounded by large peat areas. When we compare the seals will be playing near of Portugal113. 127 fig.5 A polar desert fig.6 Under water ALL THE WAY BACK: UNDER WATER AND IN 10.000 YEARS? And if we go back in time one step more? As the Pleistocene starts (2.5 million years ago), the Netherlands were covered with water 114. and were just a piece North Sea This could be the case again 2.5 million years from now. It will be rather cold out here and we are migrating to warmer areas on earth: somewhere along the Indian Ocean coast. Northern Netherlands is a ski resort, where downhill races take place from the Dog Ridge and the Emmen peak. THE FUTURE: IN 300 YEARS … In 2306 our descendants look back, just the way we do now towards 1717. The next 300 years people in the North still live safe and withstand a lot of disasters. People experienced economic prosperity, because the Côte d’Ollard proved to be successful. People can provide themselves with their own energy, water and food. Beside technological development a flourishing development of highly rewarded creative people took place. The North is connected with other hotspots in the World: Shanghai, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Sydney and others. We live longer. We live without ecological footprint in Sea and on terps again. The mini-mega-city Groninga magna is copied all over the World and a very successful City-typology. 128 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Kaartenserie Waddenzee bij verschillende scenario’s zeespiegelstijging, provincie Groningen Januari 2006 Hans Alders, Keynote speech on climate change, 7 October 2005, Ottawa, Canada De snelweg van de Inuit smelt, NRC Handelsblad, 7 December 2005 Concept aangepast deel 3 pkb Derde Nota Waddenzee, kabinetsstandpunt, 20 december 2005 Atlas Maior van 1665, Joan Blaeu, Taschen 2005, III/22 Rhenus FluviorumEuropæ Celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella, et reliquis, in illum se exonerantibus, fluminibus Atlas van Kooper, 2003, Geographische Vorstellung der jämerlichen Wasserflut in Nieder-Deutschland, Johann Baptist Homann Atlas van Kooper, 2003, Tabulae Dominii Groningea, A.F. de Wit, ca. 1660 Atlas van Kooper, 2003, Beckeringhkaart, 1781 Atlas van Kooper, 2003, Molenkoloniën in de Vier Karspelen en Bellingwolder Zijlvestenijen, de Oostwolder- en Stadspolders, 1857 Kleine schoolatlas der gehele aarde, P.R. Bos - C.L. van Balen, 1962, plan tot afsluiting van de Lauwerszee Gaskraan in Slochteren verder open, Volkskrant, 23 December 2005 Jan Terlouw, Zonne-energie kan veel problemen oplossen, Volkskrant, 23 December 2005 Polders!, Adriaan Geuze en Fred Feddes, 2de Architectuur Biënnale, Rotterdam, 2005 Words used in the Northern Netherlands (Terp is the Frysian, Weird is the Groningen) to indicate historical little hills in the landscape on which people lived, safe and dry Professor van Giffen en het geheim van de wierden, 2005 Geologie, Teleac, 1978 De Grote Bosatlas, 50ste Editie, 1988 Salomon Kroonenberg, hoogleraar technische aardwetenschappen, De menselijke maat - de aarde over 10.000 jaar, voorpublicatie, Delta, 15 December 2005 Geologie, Teleac, 1978 129 130 Appendix 2 SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS 1 The urge of sustainable development president George W. Bush the United States, known to be the greatest contributor to environmental problems, withdrew from the Kyoto protocol. By the year 2000 surveys indicated that the emission of carbon dioxide had not decreased. Recent publications in Nature [Liu et al., 2003] and Biological Conservation [McKee et al., 2003] describe the threat to biodiversity of human population growth, smaller households and the increasing use of space by humans. Especi- Problems ahead ally deforestation in developing countries with a recognised rich A healthy environment is a basic condition for the existence of biodiversity forms a serious threat to one-fifth of the world’s plant plants, animals and also human beings. Without sensible proces- and animal species [Brook et al., 2003]. Correction seems more sing of natural resources, irreplaceable materials will deplete, the necessary than ever. natural resistance and purifying capacity of the earth will not be able to handle pollution anymore, and ecosystems will be deterio- The concept of sustainability rated, eventually victimising human beings themselves. This stands The World Commission on Environment and Development [Brundt- apart from the direct health impact that the use of resources land et al., 1987] proposed a pro-active global approach to tackle causes to human beings themselves. environmental problems. The concept of sustainable development was introduced, relating environmental protection to a prosperity The world population is growing and demanding economic more equally divided across the world, concisely formulated as: growth and more luxury, whereas the natural capacities of the “a development that meets the needs of the present without planet are limited. In the 1970s, the Club of Rome warned against compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own the dangers of uninhibited growth [Meadows et al., 1972]. The needs”. However, this definition does not clearly express the congregation of scientists stated that large problems would arise if balance between economy and ecology, and the diminishment we continued living the way we have been. This is difficult to ima- of differences between rich and poor countries. The commission gine, living in a prosperous country, with no lack of resources and emphasised this in their report: “a process of change in which ex- food. The problems, however, are not ‘here and now’, but ‘there ploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation and later’ [Duijvestein, 2001]. With respect to climate change and of technological developments and institutional change are all expected resource depletion, ‘there’ presumably equals develo- in harmony and enhance current and future potential to meet ping countries, and ‘later’ has already started in many places… human needs and aspirations”. In western countries, sustainabi- Many research projects on the state of the Earth [e.g. Meadows lity is therefore often interpreted in its environmental meaning, et al., 1992; WHO, 1997; RIVM, 2001a] demonstrate that the natural forgetting its promise to developing countries. In spite of this, many equilibrium between human intervention and ecological resilience governments have taken up the responsibility to put sustainability has been disturbed. The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 on the political agenda, translating it into policy and coupling it was a first attempt to globally tune policy on environmental issues. into targets. In 1996, this was followed by the summit in Kyoto, where most countries committed themselves to measures against emissions of In a broader sense, sustainable development is sometimes divided ozone-deteriorating compounds and greenhouse gases. Under into four main aspects: environmental sustainability, economic 131 sustainability, cultural sustainability, and social sustainability115 As formula A01c indicates, the environmental impact by unit of [e.g. Bächtold, 1998], in which sustainability is specifically related prosperity, or metabolism needs to be reduced by factor 20, or to ecological, economical, cultural and social developments. 95%. Five Dutch ministries [Jansen & Vergragt, 1992] and different In the research presented, I mainly focussed on environmental departments of the Delft University of Technology [Heel & Jansen, sustainability, directed at improvements to the ecological side of 1993] made this factor 20 a goal for sustainability. It is a global sustainability, yet also contributing to the other aspects mentioned. target that needs to be complied with in all aspects of life. It there- Sustainable building refers to sustainability in regard to building fore also affects the building industry, as well as office use. and construction. There are not many countries outside the Netherlands that picked The factor 20 this factor 20 as a target for policy on sustainability. Better known Commoner [1971] related environmental problems to the world and more widely supported are the factor 4 and factor 10. These population, its prosperity and the environmental impact by prospe- less ambitious factors of improvement however do not ensure the rity. In order to make the objectives of the Brundtland Commission dual objectives of the Brundtland Commission, which I chose to quantifiable, Ehrlich & Ehrlich [1990] and Speth [1990] re-introdu- take as an underlying basis for my research: improving the health ced this relationship, as in formula A01a, in which the pressure on of the environment on the one hand and establishing a better the environment (EP) equals the magnitude of the world popula- spread of wealth over the world. Of course it is arguable if these tion (P) times the average rate of prosperity or wealth (W) times two goals are even separately realistic in an economy-driven the environmental impact related to this wealth (E): world, let alone if they can be simultaneously achieved, but I saw the factor 20 as the summit to be checked before the findings EP = P x W x E <A01a> would perhaps prove that this is unattainable. Nevertheless, it remains more of an image of the immense improvement needed 1990 was taken as the reference year, indexing all factors 1: 1991 = 1x 1 x 1 <A01b> rather than an exact goal. 2 Environmental problems Around 1990, the Brundtland Commission, like many other institutions, considered the pressure on the environment too high, Environmental effects can be attributed to the three main environ- intending to halve it within 50 years. Another target was a more mental problems (table). equally divided wealth, meaning that - if western countries do not give up their prosperity - the average rate of prosperity will need to grow immensely. Estimates of the increase required are factor 4 to 8; however, factor 5 was chosen. Meanwhile, as recent estimates confirm, the world population was expected to double within 50 years. Therefore, with two factors in formula A01a as a global goal, and another considered inevitable, the manageable factor left is E: 132 2040 ½ = 2 x 5 x 1/20 <A01c> Table: Environmental effects and problems In this section, these three problems will be discussed briefly. Depletion is caused by the following simultaneous developments: • The world population grows, increasing the demand for resour- • The demand for resources per person increases, mainly be- Depletion of resources From an environmental point of view, depletion can be seen as ces. the running short of a certain resource116. This may concern finite a- cause of growth in welfare. biotic resources (minerals, such as metals and stony material), ho- • The availability of finite resources decreases. wever, biotic resources (organic materials and fossil energy) may • The growth of renewable resources is insufficient. also be finite when their extraction exceeds their growth. Organic The first phenomenon is a problem or fact that designing engineers fossil resources like mineral oil and natural gas have evolved during can hardly solve. The third is also a natural condition. The fourth millions of years. However, over the last 200 years they have been emphasises the importance of the exploitation of renewable consumed at a phenomenal rate (see figure A01). resources. The second phenomenon however results from the human need to improve welfare: more personal space, with more possessions and luxury; nobody wants to reduce their comfort level. Without frustrating this need, something needs to be done about the personal demand for resources by avoiding waste of resources or the application of renewable or reuseable products. Deterioration of ecosystems An ecosystem is “all the plants and living creatures in a particular area considered together with their physical environment” [Hornby et al., 1998]. Ecosystems are ‘deteriorated’ when the coherence and interaction between plant and animal communities and their physical environmental is disturbed. This does not mean that an ecosystem should be static; it is dynamic by nature and its contents and size fluctuate in time. The issue is the natural balance: a healthy ecosystem is able to restore the numbers of species, and relations between species, after a disturbance. Deterioration of ecosystems can be divided into two parts: Figure: Estimated lower and upper limits of oil and gas reserves and • Deterioration of biodiversity (abundance of species) consumption lines, indicating the moment of depletion [Scheer, • Number reduced per plant or animal species (species size) 1999] Both influence the balance of an ecological system. Depletion can also concern space, oxygen and water. The Biodiversity represents the very foundation of human existence. It capacity of the earth to replenish possible losses in a natural way is the natural biological asset of the Earth. The diversity of species is essential. As long as growth exceeds consumption, there is no and genes affects the ability of ecological communities to resist or matter of depletion. recover from disturbances and environmental change, including long-term climatic change. Recent estimates of the number of 133 The decisive factor for permanent deterioration by climate species vary between 7 and 20 million, of which only 1.75 mil- • lion are scientifically described [Watson et al., 1995]. The global change is the adaptability or mobility of plants and animals [Jong, population growth [McKee et al., 2003] and its growing personal 1997]. Some animals can move into urbanised areas and survive use of space [Liu et al., 2003] put a severe pressure on natural perfectly. There are also plants that can move by 100 meters in 10 habitats, thereby threatening the biodiversity. Small-scale studies years. Rapid climate change is fatal for these. Whether it is a direct of biodiversity indicate that up to one-fifth of the original species consequence of global climate change or due to local interven- could vanish within 100 years [Brook et al., 2003]. Global estimates tions, local or even regional extinction of species is particularly are 7 species per day [McKee et al., 2003]. In some areas, fragile accelerated by desiccation. animal and plant families might even be reduced by 90% within the present century. Deterioration of human health In the case of a natural disaster the consequences will be more The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the term health as dramatic if nature is less varied. Consciously or unconsciously, man follows [1983]: “a state of complete physical, mental and social is dependent on a considerable part of these species. Austra- well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity”. The as- lian Aboriginals say that every time an animal species becomes sociation of the condition of body and mind is therefore acknow- extinct, man comes a step closer to his own extinction [Morgan, ledged117. 1996]. Jong et al. [1992] call biodiversity the risk insurance of life, Health may be considered “the ability to adapt oneself to con- the natural resistance against catastrophes, and therefore consi- stant change in the environment”. A human being has natural me- der it the most important aspect of sustainability. Nevertheless, the chanisms to defend himself against illness. Resistance, for instance, size of species is also an important indicator. is in the skin, stomach, intestines and mucous membranes, and also in the form of the immune system (‘anti-bodies’ neutralising Deterioration of ecosystems can take different forms. • Most evident is the direct visible deterioration of tropical forest ‘anti-genes’). The excessive reaction of this defence system causes allergies, one of the greatest health problems of recent times. as a result of wood-cutting and deterioration of the landscape by extraction of superficially located minerals (like most metal ores, Health effects can manifest physically (“through the body”) and marl, clay and other minerals). Through this extraction biotopes psychologically (“through the mind”). These are referred to as disappear. Secondary effects like erosion, desiccation and deserti- physiological functioning (“the mechanism on the body”) and fication cause similar effects. psychological functioning (“the mechanism on the mind”). • 134 Another form of deterioration is evolving more gradually. It Based on the health definition of WHO, health problems can be concerns the change of life conditions: climate change, radiation defined as “problems caused by lack of physical, mental or social effects, desiccation or pollution spread. Global climate change well-being”. The seriousness of health problems can differ greatly. is generally considered the most persisting and devastating In decreasing seriousness these can be divided into [Dongen & environmental problem. Many discussions have taken place about Steenbekkers, 1997]: the human influence on climate change. However, since the 1. Death International Panel on Climate Change [IPCC, 2001a] published 2. Non-recoverable clinical effects their findings and expectations (discussed in subsection 03.01.04), 3. Recoverable clinical effects the idea that man has a more than marginal influence is broadly 4. Sub-clinical effects (vague physical trouble) supported, implying that international action will be necessary if 5. Nuisance reactions and disorder (see frame text) we want to mitigate the effects that are already developing. 6. Degeneration of feeling comfortable and aesthetics. Different mechanisms can lead to the six categories of health years, concentrations of CO2 and CH4 have however never been trouble. A direct transfer occurs when somebody is exposed to as high as they are presently (see figure A02). 118. a certain agent Human transport mechanisms as well as the extraction, transport, fabrication and use of building materials, energy and water have an important influence. The mechanism of indirect transfer is less transparent. Deterioration of ecosystems sometimes leads to deterioration of human health, though often via a longer route, because man forms the highest level in the food chain. When the definition of ‘sustainable development’ is applied, the deterioration of human health is an important environmental problem because future generations have to fulfil their needs, good health being the first condition of life. 3 Problems most recognised The following environmental problems are considered most important to the future of mankind and nature: • Global climate change and its expected consequences. • Depletion of (fossil) energy - and its consumption as a possible cause for climate change. • Availability of clean fresh water in large areas of the earth • Deterioration of tropical forests. Deterioration of the ozone layer used to be a major issue; however, since the world-wide prohibition of CFCs, the main cause of this problem has been almost completely removed. Figure: Greenhouse gases and temperature over the last 160.000 Climate change years, derived from arctic ice samples [Houghton & Woodwell, The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon enabling life on 1989]. earth: it limits the loss of reflected solar heat. Over the last two centuries an increase in gases that form the basis for the greenhouse In the year 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change effect (carbon-dioxide and methane) and a rise in the average [IPCC, 2001a] produced a series of four reports concluding that temperature on earth have been detected. The growing emission human activities had a indisputable influence on climate change. of greenhouse gases by human activities is largely attributable to The judgement of the IPCC is generally used as the basis for inter- the use of fossil energy. national environmental policy. Scientific discussion has been going on about the extent to which human beings can be held responsible for this climate change. A The first IPCC workgroup [2001b] described the expectations for natural fluctuation in the contents of the atmosphere and hence climate change. the temperature has already been proven by Arctic ice samples • analysis [Houghton & Woodwell, 1989]. Looking back 160.000 by 3.5 degrees in the 21st century. Based on new insight into the In the year 1995 scientists expected a maximum increase 135 expectations for SO2 and CH4, the temperature on earth is now this rise therefore is a kind of barometer for it. expected to rise by 0.6 to 5.8 degrees. In North America, North and Central Asia the temperature will rise 40% more than the average. In spite of the expected dramatic impact of climate change, the The margin for the expected temperature increase is rather large, IPCC workgroup III [2001d] states that the increased greenhouse indicating uncertainty. Wigley & Raper [2001] however calculated effect can be stopped with existing technology and for reaso- the most probable event: the chance that the extra temperature nably low costs. The workgroup suggested energy conservation, increase is less than 1.7 C is negligible. As a probable upper level electric cars, electric fuel cells and storage of CO2 in the ground. Wigley & Raper chose 4,9 C, with 90% certainty that in the first 30 Nevertheless, when considering electric solutions, electricity years the increase will be between 0.3 and 1.0 C. will need to be sustainably produced. Underground storage of • carbon dioxide can be considered a tail-end solution, applicable 0 0 0 The northern hemisphere and Antarctica will encounter more precipitation. In other places arid and humid areas will alternate. • Ocean and sea levels will rise 9 to 88 cm, again a great band- to the unavoidable localised production of CO2, as by electricity plants. Sustainable energy remains a key factor in the fight against width indicating uncertainties in the calculations and including humanly influenced climate change, particularly in regards to local differences. transport and building. • There are no indications of increasing extreme weather (heavy storms) trends. Biodiversity In scientific fields of ecology and nature conservation, biodiversity The second report of the IPCC workgroup II [2001c] presented the is generally recognised as an essential condition for life. As its main expected impact of these climate changes to man and nature: long-term problem is related to climate change, as stated on • Glaciers will shrink and permafrost on tundra will defrost. the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992, policy is merely directed • Ironically, countries that produced most greenhouse gases will towards reduction of energy consumption and use of sustainable suffer least. Therefore, the gap between the rich and poor parts of energy. A more direct problem is growth of the population and the the world will increase. resulting claim on land, in particular tropical forest areas with a rich • In temperate regions breeding seasons will commence earlier and agricultural seasons will last longer, leading to greater yields, basis of mid-range climate scenarios, 15% to 37% of all species are lower heating costs and less deaths. committed to extinction. • In South-Eastern Asia the temperature rise will lead to more precipitation, annihilating water shortages. • For Africa, vast parts of Asia and, to a lesser extent, Southern In the year 1995, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) presented their Global biodiversity Assessment [Watson et al., 1995], in which the necessity of conservation and sustainable use America, there will be intense heat and draught. In contrast to this, of biodiversity was expounded. As the main solutions for these, due to a rising sea level, heavy storms and floods are expected. Watson et al. suggested: As with all expectations and assumptions, we should allow for pos- • An equitable sharing of income and assets sible surprises, because certain parameters might become critical, • Enhanced research, inventory, and monitoring of biodiversity fundamentally altering the chemical processes in the atmosphere. for policy-making and management Alverson & Pedersen [2001] observed more indications of a non- • gradual climate change. Santer et al. [2003] found that the rising through committed and skilled people. top of the Earth’s troposphere is a result of transport and industrial 136 biodiversity (see further on). Thomas et al. [2004] found that, on the emissions closely associated with the greenhouse effect and that Successful maintenance and sustainable use of biodiversity Deterioration by deforestation cipitation. Lower ground water levels have great consequences As a direct consequence of deforestation, anywhere in the world, for nature and the environment. Beside aridity, in coastal areas, the landscape is affected. Biotopes disappear, leading to possible a shift in the salt-water borderline is likely, causing problems for deterioration or even vanishing of complete ecosystems. If nature ecosystems and waterworks. can restore itself in deforested areas, loss of ecologic quality will only be temporary. However, in many cases deforestation Beside global scale climate change, one of the causes of desic- causes erosion: the disappearance of trees or plants holding the cation is the human extraction of ground water. Water works soil together causes the upper, fertile layers to wash away. This and agricultural companies pump water up and thereby lower problem applies mainly to tropical forests. Erosion often precedes the ground water level, necessitating irrigation in drier periods for desertification. Once turned into a desert, little can be done about agriculture. A consequence of the enlargement of urban area an area anymore. means an increase of macadamised and drained land area, An indirect consequence of deforestation is desiccation (see be- causing accelerated discharge of rainwater to open water as well low). In the ground plants retain fluid and vaporise water. Through as decreased infiltration of rain water into the ground. Extraction of evaporation warmth is drawn from the environment, causing a resources (for instance brown and black coal, and marl), changes difference between cool vegetated areas and warm bare plains resulting from drainage through polder and land reorganisation, or cities. Due to vegetal evaporation it rains more often in forested regulation of open water levels, and - as already presented - defo- areas than elsewhere. When a forest disappears, precipitation re- restation, also influence desiccation. duces, the air becomes warmer, and the soil dehydrates, leading to less precipitation. This ultimately also leads to desertification, as References in the case of eroded forest areas. This vicious circle can only be The text of this appendix was generally based on Dobbelsteen A. broken by timely reforestation. van den & Alberts K.; Milieueffecten van bouwmaterialen; Weka Freshwater supply • Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2001. Detailed references are: In the Johannesburg Earth Summit of 2000 fresh water was made a key issue for sustainability. As a result of the combination of climate change and increased demand for water, some areas in the world will run out of fresh water. Ironically yet logically, these countries often already belong to the poorest. They therefore lack the financial means to treat seawater for drinking purposes. Nevertheless, even rich countries in temperate areas can sense the impact of excessive water consumption and climate change. • • • • • Water conservation and direct use of precipitation water, anyw- • here in the world, should therefore be institutionalised. • Desiccation • • All consequences of lowering ground water levels share the name of ‘desiccation’: lack of water, accelerated mineralisation, peat • soil sagging, changes in the supply of ground water flow and pre- • Alverson K.D. & Pedersen Th.; ‘Environmental Variability and Climate Change’, in: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Main Serials QC903, I32 no. 6; International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001 Ambroggi R.P.; ‘Water’, in: Scientific American, Sept., 1980 (103) Bächtold H.-G.; ‘Nachhaltigkeit’, in: Schweizische Ingenieur & Architekt, No. 13, 1998 (pp.194-197) Bos R.P.; ‘Milieu en kankerverwekkende stoffen’ (in Dutch), in: Copius Peereboom J.W. (ed.), Basisboek milieu en gezondheid (pp. 229-232); Boom, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994 Brook B.W., Sodhi N.S. & Ng P.K.L.; ‘Catastrophic extinctions follow deforestation in Singapore’, in: Nature 424 (420-423); Nature AOP, published online 24 July, 2003 Brundtland G.H. (ed.) et al. (World Commission on Environment and Development); Our Common Future; Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK / New York, USA, 1987 Commoner B.; The closing circle: nature, man and technology; Random House, USA, 1971 Copius Peereboom J.W. (ed.); Basisboek milieu en gezondheid (in Dutch); Boom, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994 Davis G.R.; ‘Energy for Planet Earth’, in: Scientific American, Sept., 1990 (55-62) Dongen J.E.F. van & Steenbekkers J.H.M.; Gezondheidsproblemen en het binnenmilieu in woningen (in Dutch); Nederlands Instituut voor Preventieve Gezondheidszorg TNO, Netherlands, 1993 Duijvestein K.; Lecture on sustainable building, at: Milieudiscussiedag; Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Netherlands, 2001 Ehrlich P. & Ehrlich A.; The population explosion; Hutchinson, London, UK, 1990 137 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 138 Geerts G. & Heestermans H. et al.; Van Dale Groot woordenboek der Nederlandse taal (twaalfde druk in de nieuwe spelling) (in Dutch); Van Dale Lexicografie, Utrecht, Netherlands / Antwerp, Belgium, 1992 Gerritse C. (Deerns raadgevende ingenieurs & Werkgroep PARAP); Energiegebruik in EER hersteld - Kantelpuntonderzoek energiegebruik rijksgebouwen deel 2; de invloed van structuureffecten (in Dutch); Rijksgebouwendienst, The Hague, Netherlands, 2002 Glass J. & Pocklington D.N.; ‘Delivering Sustainability throughout the Building Process: a Study of the UK Cement and Concrete Sector’, in: Anson M., Ko J.M. & Lam E.S.S. (eds.), Advances in Building Technology, Volume I (1457-1465); Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK, 2002 Heel H.P. van & Jansen J.L.A.; Met zoeken en leren duurzaam op weg (Diesrede 1993) (in Dutch); Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 1993 Hornby A.S. & Crowther J., Kavanagh K. & Ashby M. (eds.); Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Fifth edition); Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1998 Houghton R.A. & Woodwell G.M.; ‘Global climate change’, in: Scientific American, April, 1989 (40) IPCC; Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report (Summary for Policymakers); IPCC:, 2001a IPCC Working Group I; Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis (Summary for Policymakers); IPCC:, 2001b IPCC Working Group II; Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (Summary for Policymakers); IPCC:, 2001c IPCC Working Group III; Climate Change 2001: Mitigation (Summary for Policymakers); IPCC:, 2001d ISO; Environmental management systems - Specification with guidance for use (ISO 14001); ISO, 1996 Jansen J.L.A. & Vergragt Ph.J.; Sustainable Technological Development (accepted proposal 1992); Ministries of VROM, EZ, O&W and LNV, Leidschendam, Netherlands, 1992 Jong T.M. de; Inleiding Technische Ecologie en Milieuplanning (in Dutch); Publikatieburo Bouwkunde, Delft, Netherlands, 1997 Jong T.M. de, Leeuwen C.G. van & Vermeulen C.; Technische Ecologie en Milieuplanning (in Dutch); Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Delft, Netherlands, 1992 Kristinsson J.; Vitale architectuur - Integraal ontwerpen (in Dutch); KristinssonReitsema, Deventer, Netherlands, 2002 Leijten J.L.; ‘Binnenmilieu, productiviteit en ziekteverzuim (in Dutch)’, in: Praktijkhandboek Gezonde Gebouwen (cahier A3); ISSO/SBR, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2002 Liu J., Daily G.C., Ehrlich P.R. & Luck G.W.; ‘Effects of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity’, in: Nature 421 (530-533); Nature AOP, published online 12 January, 2003 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lomborg B.; The Skeptical Environmentalist - Measuring the Real State of the World; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK / New York, USA, 2001 McKee J.K., Sciulli P.W., Fooce C.D. & Waite T.A.; ‘Forecasting global biodiversity threats associated with human population growth’, in: Biological Conservation; published online 8 April, 2003 Meadows D.H., Meadows D.L., Randers J., Behrens III W.W.; The limits to growth; Universe Books, New York, USA, 1972 Meadows D.H., Meadows D.L. & Randers J.; Beyond the limits - Global collapse or a sustainable future; Earthscan Publications Limited, London, UK, 1992 Morgan M.; Australië op blote voeten (in Dutch); Uitgeverij A.W. Bruna, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1996 RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne); Nationale Milieuverkenning 5, 2000-2030 (in Dutch); Samson bv, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2001a RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne); Milieubalans 2000 - Het Nederlands milieu verklaard (in Dutch); Samson bv, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2001b RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne); Zorgen voor morgen - Nationale Milieuverkenning 1985-2011 (in Dutch); Samson Tjeenk Willink, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, 1988 Santer B.D. et al.; ‘Contributions of anthropogenic and natural forcing to recent tropopause height changes’, in: Science 301, 2003 (479-483) Scheer H.; Solare Weltwirtschaft - Strategie für die ökologische Moderne (in German); Verlag Antje Kunstmann, München, Germany, 1999 Speth J.G.; ‘Can the world be saved?’, in: Ecological economics vol. 1 (pp. 289304); 1989 State of the World, 1995 Thomas C.D., Cameron A., Green R.E., Bakkenes M., Beaumont L.J., Collingham Y.C., Erasmus B.F.N., Ferreira de Siquieira M., Grainger A., Hannah L., Hughes L., Huntley B., Jaarsveld A.S. van, Midgley G.F., Miles L., Ortega-Huerta M.A., Townsend Peterson A., Phillips O.L. & Williams S.E.; ‘Extinction risk from climate change’, in: Nature, Vol. 427, No. 6970, 8 January, 2003 (145-148) UN (United Nations); Energy Statistics Yearbook 1982-1990; U.N., New York, USA, 1982-1990 US Bureau of Mines; Minerals Yearbook 1906-1990; Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA, 1906-1990 Vroon P.; Psychologische aspecten van ziekmakende gebouwen (in Dutch); Ministerie van VROM, The Hague, Netherlands, 1990 Watson R.T. (ch.), Heywood V.H. (ed.), Baste I., Dias B., Gámez R., Janetos T., Reid W. & Ruark G.; Global Biodiversity Assessment - Summary for Policy-Makers; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK / New York, USA, 1995 WHO (World Health Organisation); Health aspects related to indoor air quality (EURO Reports and Studies 21); WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1983 Wigley T.M.L. & Raper S.C.B.; ‘Interpretation of high projections for global-mean warming’, in: Science, No. 293 (pp. 451-455); 2001 115 Definitions of these and most other terms (printed italic) are given in the terminology list at the end of this thesis. 116 According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English [Hornby et al., 1998], the verb ‘to deplete’ means: “to reduce greatly the quantity, size, power or value of something”. The Dutch Van Dale dictionary [Geerts & Heestermans, 1992] describes it as “to tap a layer (of oil) completely empty”, “to consume by repeatedly taking something away” or “to deprive of its strengths”. ‘Depletion’ is “the process of depleting” or the “condition in which one is at the end of ones strengths”. 117 This awareness can be found in the old Roman saying “mens sana in corpore sano” (a healthy mind is in a healthy body). 118 An agent is “a force or a substance that produces an effect or change” [Hornby et al., 1998] or “a particle that causes a chemical effect or an illness condition” [Geerts & Heesterman, 1992]. Appendix 3 CLIMATE CHANGE and MORE Fluctuaties in het klimaat In de loop der tijd heeft de hoeveelheid CO2 in de atmosfeer gefluctueerd, waar¬mee ook de temperatuur heeft gewisseld. Geologische seizoenen Geologisch gezien is er een cyclus van warmere en koudere pe- Het natuurlijke broeikaseffect rioden; de geologische vier seizoenen duren elk ongeveer 10.000 Het klimaat op aarde wordt bepaald door complex samenhan- jaar. We zitten nu ongeveer in de geologische zomer, 20.000 gende chemische processen. Zonnestraling is daarbij de univer- jaar na de laatste ijstijd. Wat dat betreft is het natuurlijk dat er de sele, voorlopig niet aflatende energiebron. De zon zendt voort- temperaturen stijgen. Echter, voor seizoenen die 10.000 jaar duren durend straling met een korte golflengte (ultraviolet licht) uit. Dit is de temperatuurstijging van de laatste 150 jaar veel te snel ge- UV-licht bereikt de atmosfeer en wordt grotendeels doorgelaten. gaan. Die periode is begonnen met de Industriële Revolutie, sinds Geabsorbeerd door wolken, stofjes en het aardoppervlak wordt welke het gebruik van fossiele bronnen exponentieel toenam. de kortgolvige UV-straling omgezet en uitgezonden in langgolvige infrarroodstraling. Deze warmtestraling wordt grotendeels De zonnecyclus tegengehouden in de stratosfeer, door gassen zoals kooldioxide Deense onderzoekers hebben bewezen dat de temperatuur op (CO ), methaan (CH4) en aarde gelijkloopt aan de koolwaterstoffen (CFK’s). ‘zonnevlekkencyclus’. De In de atmosfeer fungeren zon heeft een variërend deze gassen dus als een aantal zonnevlekken, translucent isolatiema- wat onder andere teriaal: lichtdoorlatend, een sterker of zwakker maar warmtewerend. magneetveld aangeeft Zonder dit natuurlijke (hoe meer zonnevlekken, broeikaseffect was er hoe groter de activiteit geen leven mogelijk van de zon). Dit leidt tot op aarde, omdat de uitstoot van minder of temperatuur dan te laag meer kosmische straling. zou zijn. Als de kosmische straling 2 afneemt, neemt ook de bewolkingsgraad af, wat leidt tot een temperaFiguur 01: Effecten op tuurstijging. De afgelo- zonne¬straling in de pen honderd jaar is door atmo¬s¬feer [Crutzen korte zonnecycli de kos- & Graedel, 1996, naar mische straling afgeno- Schneider & Londer, men en de temperatuur 1989] navenant gestegen. De 139 temperatuur steeg opvallend gelijk mee met de kortere perioden meen en de gevolgen van de temperatuurstijging, mede door van zonnevlekken. De zonnevlekkencyclus duurt ongeveer 11 jaar, ver¬schil¬lende theorieën over neven¬effecten bij de toename en kan dus weliswaar tijdelijke opwarming verklaren, maar niet een van CO2. gemiddeld doorstijgende temperatuur. Er is dus een onderliggen- Bij de verbranding van fossiele energiebronnen komen onder de stijging die de fluctuaties van elke 11 jaar niet kunnen verklaren. andere CO2 (kooldioxide), NOx (stikstof¬oxide), onverbrande koolwaterstoffen en in het geval van olie en kolen ook SO2 (zwaGolfstromen en onze kans op kou veldioxide) vrij; bij onvol¬ledige verbranding tevens roet en CO Sterke invloed op het lokale klimaat hebben ook de golfstromen. (koolmonoxide). Door verbranding van fossiele energie worden De grote oceaanstroombanen zijn de grote transporteurs van daarom de voornaamste broeikasgassen uitgestoten, die het warmte (of koude) en bepalen daarom weliswaar niet fluctuaties broeikaseffect kunnen versterken. Los van de natuurlijke geologi- in het mondiale klimaat, maar wel verschillen in lokale omstandig- sche cyclus van warmere en koudere perioden (de geologische heden. Een bekende golfstroom is die in de Grote Oceaan, ter vier seizoenen duren elk ongeveer 10.000 jaar) is het aannemelijk hoogte van de evenaar. Deze west-oostgerichte stroom kan het dat het broeikaseffect op dit moment wordt versterkt onder men- klimaat in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika sterk beïnvloeden. Is de stroom selijke invloed. relatief warm, dan wordt hij El Niño genoemd en brengt hij heftiger Deze invloed is tweeledig: stormen, neerslag en grotere windsnelheden. Is de stroom relatief • Directe opwarming door de productie van warmte bij verbran- • Indirecte opwarming door het versterkte broeikaseffect, door dingsprocessen koud, dan heet hij La Niña, en krijgt het gebied een relatief koude periode te verwerken. emissie van CO2, NOx (bij verbranding van fossiele energie- In onze streek (West-Europa) ondervinden we de relatief matige in- bronnen), CFK’s en CH4 (door vervlieging van gassen). vloed van de warme golfstroom die vanuit het Caribische gebied via de Noordzee naar de Noordpool stroomt en daar omkeert en via de Amerikaanse oostkust terugstroomt naar de Caraïben. De Klimaatverandering: de feiten motor voor deze stroming li•gt bij de Noordpool, een meer dan Al sinds een jaar of 15 wordt er veel gediscus¬sieerd over de 3000 m diepe trog die als een pomp voor de golfstroom fungeert. gevaren van het broeikas¬effect. Volgens de meeste klimaatex- Het is de verwachting van veel wetenschappers dat de golfstroom perts wijzen metingen en computermodellen op een onmisken- door allerlei klimatologische invloeden (waaronder opwarming bare invloed van de mens (en dan met name zijn fossiele-ener- van de Caribische Zee en opwarming van het poolgebied en gieverbruik) op het klimaat; volgens een minderheid wordt die smelting van landijs aldaar) tot stand gebracht kan worden en kan invloed overdreven. In 2001 kwam het Inter¬governmental Panel omkeren. In dat geval zal onze streek relatief kouder worden, en on Climate Change (IPCC), een grote groep vooraanstaande het oosten van Amerika warmer. Globaal heeft dit geen duidelijk wetenschappers op het gebied van klimatologie, met een drietal effect, maar lokaal maakt het nogal uit dat wij bijvoorbeeld het rapporten waaruit de invloed van de mens op het klimaat waar- klimaat van Newfoundland (zelfde breedtegraad!) krijgen, en New schijnlijk lijkt. York ineens mediterraan wordt… Allereerst een opsomming van gemeten feiten, uit het eerste rap- 140 Het versterkte broeikaseffect port van het IPCC uit 2001 [IPCC, 2001a]. Een toename van CO2 in de atmosfeer leidt tot • De afgelopen halve eeuw is de mondiale temperatuur gemid- temperatuur¬verhoging. Dat is iets dat algemeen wordt erkend. deld met 0,6 0C gestegen. Op zich is de temperatuur op aarde Minder zeker zijn de invloed van de mens op dit natuurlijke feno- nooit constant, maar de snelheid waarmee deze de laatste Figuur 02: Temperatuurstijging van 1880 tot 1985 [Boden et al., 1990]; de laatste 15 jaar heeft de stijging doorgezet Figuur 04: Concentraties van broeikasgassen in de afgelopen eeuwen [World Meteorological Organisation, 1990] tweehonderd jaar is toegenomen is sneller dan wat op basis van poolijsmetingen ooit kan worden berekend. • De hoeveelheid kooldioxide in de atmosfeer is sinds 1750 met 30% toegenomen. De hoeveelheid methaan is zelfs verdrievoudigd. De afgelopen 400.000 jaar zijn beide broeikasgassen niet in zulke grote hoeveelheden voorgekomen. • Op het noordelijk halfrond groeide de afgelopen decennia de hoeveelheid neerslag met 5%. Het landoppervlak dat met sneeuw is bedekt is met 10% afgenomen. Het ijs op de Noordpool is tussen 1979 en 2003 met 40% afgenomen [NASA, 2004] (zie figuur 05). De zeespiegel is 10 tot 20 cm gestegen. Verwachtingen van het IPCC Op basis van geavanceerde klimaatmodellen en de verwachte groei in uitstoot van broeikas¬gassen, worden de volgende voorspellingen gedaan [IPCC, 2001a]. • Figuur 03: Broeikasgassen in de afgelopen 160.000 jaar [Houghton & Woodwell, 1989] In de loop van de 21e eeuw stijgt de temperatuur op aarde met nog eens 0,6 tot 5,8 graden. In 1995 werd nog uitgegaan van een maximale stijging van 3,5 graden. In de recentste 141 Figuur 05: IJskappen op de Noordpool, in 1979 (links) en 2003 (rechts) [NASA, 2004] • voorspelling zijn de verwachtingen voor SO2 en CH4 en gewij- Gevolgen zigde inzichten in de effecten van de ozonlaag verwerkt. In In het tweede rapport van het IPCC [IPCC, 2001b] worden de Noord-Amerika, Noord- en Centraal-Azië zal de temperatuur gevolgen van de klimaatverandering voor mens en natuur gepre- 40% harder stijgen dan gemiddeld. senteerd. Op het noordelijk halfrond en op de zuidpool valt meer neer- • slag. Elders wisselen droge en natte gebieden op aarde elkaar af. De zeespiegel stijgt 9 tot 88 cm. • Gletschers krimpen en permafrost (de permanent bevroren aardbodem in noordelijke streken) ontdooit. • Landen die de afgelopen decennia de meeste broeikasgas- Voor een trendmatige toename van extreem weer (zware sen produceerden hebben wrang genoeg het minste last van stormen en ander noodweer) ontbreken aanwijzingen. de gevolgen daarvan. De kloof tussen rijk en arm zal hierdoor worden vergroot. Waarschijnlijkheid • duren de landbouwseizoenen langer, wat tot grotere land- vrij ruim. Wetenschappers Wigley en Raper [2001] hebben echter bouwopbrengsten, lagere stookkosten en minder sterfgevallen berekend wat de meest waarschijnlijke gebeurtenissen zijn. Zij zal leiden. komen tot de conclusie dat de kans dat de extra temperatuurtoe- • name minder is dan 1,7 0C te verwaar¬lozen is. Als waarschijnlijke bovengrens is door Wigley en Raper 4,9 C aangehouden. Het 0 In Zuidoost-Azië leidt de temperatuurstijging tot meer neerslag, wat watertekorten opheft. • Voor Afrika, grote delen van Azië en in mindere mate Zuid- verwachte gemiddelde tempo van opwarming is daarmee in Amerika wordt enerzijds intense hitte en droogte verwacht en deze eeuw vijf keer zo hoog als van vroeger. anderzijds, door de stijgende zeespiegel, zware stormen en De komende 30 jaar zal de toename met 90% zekerheid tussen 0,3 overstromingen. en 1,0 C liggen. Daarmee is de stijging per 10 jaar gemiddeld 0,2 0 oC, een stijging die gelijkstaat aan de stijging in de afgelopen 25 jaar. 142 In gematigde streken beginnen broedseizoenen eerder en De marge voor de temperatuurstijgingvoorspelling in deze eeuw is Figuur 06: Verdeling van droogte en vochtigheid over de aarde in de afgelopen en lopende eeuw [Rind / NASA] In het derde rapport van het IPCC [IPCC, 2001c] wordt ondanks Bij alle verwachtingen moet rekening worden gehouden met de verwachte impact gesteld dat het met bestaande technieken mogelijke verrassingen in het klimaat, bijvoorbeeld omdat be- en tegen betrekkelijk geringe kosten het verergerde broeikaseffect paalde parameters over een kritische grens gaan en de werking kan worden gestopt. Daarbij wordt gedacht aan energiebespa- van de atmosfeer (basis van de klimaatmodellen) fundamenteel ring, elektrische auto’s, elektrische brandstofcellen en opslag van veran¬dert. Volgens Alverson & Pedersen [2001] zijn er steeds meer CO2 in de bodem. aanwijzingen dat het klimaat niet geleidelijk zal wijzigen. Santer et 143 al. [2003] ontdekten dat door emissies uit het transport en de industrie de bovenlaag van de troposfeer kan dalen en stijgen. Een stijgende bovenlaag – zoals momenteel plaatsvindt – betekent een toename van het broeikaseffect, en dus versterkte klimaatverandering. 144 References • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alverson K.D. & Pedersen Th.; ‘Environmental Variability and Climate Change’, in: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Main Serials QC903, I32 no. 6; International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001 Ambroggi R.P.; ‘Water’, in: Scientific American, Sept., 1980 (103) Bächtold H.-G.; ‘Nachhaltigkeit’, in: Schweizische Ingenieur & Architekt, No. 13, 1998 (pp.194-197) Bos R.P.; ‘Milieu en kankerverwekkende stoffen’ (in Dutch), in: Copius Peereboom J.W. (ed.), Basisboek milieu en gezondheid (pp. 229-232); Boom, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994 Brook B.W., Sodhi N.S. & Ng P.K.L.; ‘Catastrophic extinctions follow deforestation in Singapore’, in: Nature 424 (420-423); Nature AOP, published online 24 July, 2003 Brundtland G.H. (ed.) et al. (World Commission on Environment and Development); Our Common Future; Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK / New York, USA, 1987 Commoner B.; The closing circle: nature, man and technology; Random House, USA, 1971 Copius Peereboom J.W. (ed.); Basisboek milieu en gezondheid (in Dutch); Boom, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994 Davis G.R.; ‘Energy for Planet Earth’, in: Scientific American, Sept., 1990 (55-62) Dongen J.E.F. van & Steenbekkers J.H.M.; Gezondheidsproblemen en het binnenmilieu in woningen (in Dutch); Nederlands Instituut voor Preventieve Gezondheidszorg TNO, Netherlands, 1993 Duijvestein K.; Lecture on sustainable building, at: Milieudiscussiedag; Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Netherlands, 2001 Ehrlich P. & Ehrlich A.; The population explosion; Hutchinson, London, UK, 1990 Geerts G. & Heestermans H. et al.; Van Dale Groot woordenboek der Nederlandse taal (twaalfde druk in de nieuwe spelling) (in Dutch); Van Dale Lexicografie, Utrecht, Netherlands / Antwerp, Belgium, 1992 Gerritse C. (Deerns raadgevende ingenieurs & Werkgroep PARAP); Energiegebruik in EER hersteld - Kantelpuntonderzoek energiegebruik rijksgebouwen deel 2; de invloed van structuureffecten (in Dutch); Rijksgebouwendienst, The Hague, Netherlands, 2002 Glass J. & Pocklington D.N.; ‘Delivering Sustainability throughout the Building Process: a Study of the UK Cement and Concrete Sector’, in: Anson M., Ko J.M. & Lam E.S.S. (eds.), Advances in Building Technology, Volume I (1457-1465); Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK, 2002 Heel H.P. van & Jansen J.L.A.; Met zoeken en leren duurzaam op weg (Diesrede 1993) (in Dutch); Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 1993 Hornby A.S. & Crowther J., Kavanagh K. & Ashby M. 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Transportefficiency voor een standaard 90/70°C warmte- Algemeen Fotovoltaïsche cellen of PV-cellen (zonnepanelen) hebben een De atmosfeer laat ongeveer de helft van de zonne-energie maximaal gerealiseerd vermogen van 15 W/m2, uitgaande van door op het aardop¬per¬vlak, de rest wordt gereflecteerd, de straling die op een horizontaal vlak valt. Het rendement is iets terugge¬straald of geabsor¬beerd. te verhogen door de panelen onder een hoek naar de zon te zet- Op elke vierkante meter aardoppervlak in Nederland valt (met ten, maar dan moeten ze toch op een grotere afstand van elkaar pieken tot 1.000 Watt) gemiddeld ca. 100 Watt zonlicht. Voor het staan, om geen schaduw te werpen. Kortom, te rekenen valt Nederlandse economisch benutbare land- en wateropper¬vlak met 15 W/m2, of 150 kW/ha. Deze energie zal echter op gezette (inclu¬sief het Nederlandse deel van het continentaal plat) is tijden moeten worden opgeslagen. Gebeurt dat in waterstof, dat over het jaar gemid¬deld 8.000 GW (8*109 Watt). Deze ruwe dan blijft het vermogen bij het theoretische rendement van 100% waarde is dus 100 keer de energiebehoefte van heel Nederland, gelijk, maar in de praktijk is nog niet meer dan 60% rendement en Nederland en zijn continentaal plat ontvangt bijna net zoveel gehaald. Wordt stroom opgeslagen in een traditionele accu (wat zonne-energie als de gehele wereldeconomie nodig heeft [Jong, goedkoper is), dan gaat de helft van de potentie verloren. Waar 1995]. vervolgens nog meer verliezen optreden is bij de conversie van 12-Volts gelijkspanning naar 220-Volts wisselspanning. Schatting Potentie van zonne-energietechnieken verliezen: 20%, dus dan blijft 120 kW/ha over bij waterstofopslag, Er bestaat een aantal kunst¬mati¬ge technieken (fotovoltaïsche en 60 kW/ha bij accuopslag. cellen, waterstofcellen, spiegels, collectoren) voor de omzetting en opslag van zonnestraling naar nuttige energie. Deze kunnen Energie van de wind met de ontwikkeling van de techno¬lo¬gie een steeds hoger Algemeen rendement behalen (zie tabel 01). Een kwalitatief hoogwaardige energievorm is de ‘mechanische energie’, onder te verdelen in bewe¬gings¬¬energie en potentiële energie. De bewegingsenergie is in de natuur voorhanden in de vorm van wind- en waterbewe¬gingen. Ongeveer 2% van de buiten de atmosfeer opvallende zonnestra¬ling (28 W/m2 van de 1400 W/m2, loodrecht op de zonnestraling, dat wil zeggen ca. 7 W per m2 aardop¬pervlak) Tabel 01: Rendement energieproductie uit stralingsenergie van de wordt omgezet in lucht¬bewegingen. Daarvan is slechts een klein zon [schattingen Lysen et al., 1982] gedeelte win¬baar. Deze bewegingsenergie is ongelijk over het aardoppervlak ver¬deeld. Neder¬land is relatief goed bedeeld, 146 Uit tabel 01 valt af te leiden dat de opbrengst van zonnecollecto- maar kan alleen met de nieuwste technologie en bij optimale, ren voor warmwater 70 W per vierkante meter is; de opslag in een onrealistische ruimtelijke ordening net in zijn eigen elektriciteitsbe- hoefte voorzien. Dit wordt hieronder uitgerekend. • ‘Planologische reductiereductie’ is te onderscheiden in een Potentie van windenergietechnieken reduc¬tie van het verti¬caal beschikbare oppervlak in de Deze potentieberekening is gebaseerd op Jong & Dobbelsteen vorm van maximale bouwhoog¬ten of minimale bouwhoogten [1999]. van windmolens (i.v.m. nabijge¬legen ruwheids¬elementen) Indien over 300 km van de Neder¬landse kust een windmolen- en een reductie van het horizontaal beschikbare oppervlak linie van 100 m hoogte zou worden opgesteld dat door een in de vorm van een plaatselijke belemme¬ringen (fysiek of nieuwe technologie het vermogen van de wind uit alle richtingen politiek). Een reductie van de bouwhoogte vermin¬dert de voor 100% zou kunnen winnen, en daar¬achter telkens op 2 km energieopbrengst meer dan evenredig, omdat de windsnel- opnieuw een dergelijk scherm tot aan de Duitse grens, dan zou heid (en dus de energieop¬brengst) tot 100 meter kwadratisch daarmee, reke¬ning houdend met een afnemen¬de windsnelheid met de hoogte toeneemt. in de richting van het binnenland, een jaarge¬middeld vermo- • Daar staat echter tegen¬over, dat bij geringere bouw¬hoogte gen van 520 GW (ongeveer zesmaal het huidige Neder¬landse tussen de schermen kleinere afstanden kunnen worden aan- energiever¬bruik) kunnen worden gedekt. Dit gebaseerd op gehouden. In Nederland geldt in het algemeen een maximale windturbines van 2 MW per stuk. bouwhoogte van 40 m voor windturbines. Aangezien beneden • Het rendement kan echter niet 100% zijn, omdat dan de de 10 m de windvang in het algemeen niet rendabel is, wordt wind¬snel¬heid achter het scherm tot 0 zou moeten worden daarmee de potentiële opbrengst nog eens met tenminste gereduceerd. In dat geval waait de wind over het scherm 30% gereduceerd. Deze reduc¬tie in bouwhoogte betekent heen, zodat in het geheel geen wind kan worden geoogst. echter tegelijker¬tijd, dat de afstand tussen de schermen met Het maximale theoretische rendement van een windturbine ca. 40% kan worden verkleind, waardoor de op¬brengst ruim is daardoor funda¬menteel beperkt tot ca. 60%, terwijl in de verdubbelt. praktijk ca. 40% rendement wordt gehaald. • • Een reductie van het beschikbare horizontale oppervlak Het denkbeeldige scherm beslaat een oppervlak van 15.000 om plano¬logische redenen vermindert de opbrengst meer km lengte x 100 m hoogte. Vult men dit vlak in dichtste dan evenre¬dig in het windrijke westen en noorden van het pakking met rotors, dan blijft toch ca. 20% onbedekt. De land, en minder dan evenredig in het zuiden en oosten. Deze ‘vullingsre¬ductie’ bedraagt dus 80%. Tussen de turbines bin- ‘horizontale planologi¬sche reductie’ wordt geheel door de nen het scherm dient voorts ter voorkoming van onderlinge ontwerpers van Nederland bepaald. beïnvloeding een afstand van 3 x de diameter te worden opengelaten. Dit betekent nog eens een reductie tot 25%. De Samenvattend moet het theoretische potentieel van 520 GW onderlinge afstand tussen de schermen van 20 x de hoogte windenergie boven Nederland achtereenvolgens verminderen reduceert de opbrengst van het achterliggende scherm tot met de waarden van tabel 01.02. Door deze reducties wordt het ca. 85%. theoretisch potentieel van 520 GW gereduceerd tot 26,4 GW, R1 technisch rendement 0.40 R5 verticaal planologisch 0.30 R2 vullingsreductie 0.80 R6 horizontale compensatie 2.50 R3 afstand intern 0.25 R7 horizontaal planologisch P.M. R4 afstandsreductie 0.85 PRODUCT TOTAAL 0,051 Tabel 02: Reducties op het theoretisch windpotentieel [Jong & Dobbelsteen, 1999] 147 maximaal en in de ideale situatie haalbaar. Dat is ongeveer de een alternatief met een hoger rendement kunnen zijn voor het ge- helft van het benodigd elektriciteitsvermogen. Let wel, dit is een matigde klimaat. Nog niet duidelijk is of er mogelijkheden zijn om theoretische benadering van het absoluut maximale vermogen gewassen met voldoende hoge opbrengsten als meerjarig gewas, aan windenergie, maar zonder medeneming van windturbines in continuteelt of gecombineerd in één rotatiecyclus te verbouwen, zee. waardoor een continue hoge opbrengst per hectare kan worden verkregen. Op kleinere schaal is de maximale potentie wel te realiseren door- Niet volledig vallend onder de noemer biomassa, is huishoudelijk dat een hoop algemene belemmeringen niet gelden voor een afval, dat ook kan worden ingezet als energiebron voor elektrici- met zorg uitgekozen locatie voor windturbines. Met de grofweg teitsopwekking 40.000 ha land in Nederland is het potentiële vermogen globaal 600 kW/ha. Daar moeten echter inefficiëntieverliezen vanaf Potentie van elektriciteit uit biomassa worden getrokken voor de windkrachtdrempel vanaf welke de Bij de beschouwing van biomassa wordt alleen uitgegaan van de turbine pas draait, plus voor uitval. Aanname: 25% verlies van de inzet daarvan in de elektriciteitsvoorziening (dus niet puur de ver- potentie. branding voor de opwekking van warmte, want die komt ook bij Naast de grote turbines bestaan ook de kleinere, niet weerstand- de elektriciteitsopwekking vrij als reststroom). Hier wordt gedacht gedreven maar liftgedreven turbines, zoals de Turby. Deze hebben aan de inzet in biomassacentrales, multifuelcentrales of bio-WKK’s. door het liftprincipe een relatief grotere opbrengst per door- De eerder genoemde maximale conversie van 1,2% komt neer op stroomoppervlak, maar doordat het doorstroomoppervlak klein is, maximaal 1,2 W/m2, of 12 kW/ha. Wordt deze biomassa verbrand is de absolute opbrengst natuurlijk kleiner dan bij de grote turbines. of vergast om elektriciteit op te wekken, gaat daar nog het Waarden die voor gebouwen – de geschikte plekken voor kleinere rendement van de krachtcentrale overheen, van 30 tot 50%. In de turbines – worden genoemd door windtechniekdeskundigen is toekomst is een hoger rendement realistisch wanneer synthesegas maximaal zo’n 8 kW, maar dan gaat het om grote gebouwen. Een kan worden ingezet in SOCP brandstofcel–gasturbinecombinaties. gemiddelde waarde van 2 kW per gebouw lijkt realistischer, en Laten we vooralsnog uitgaan van een turbine met 40% rende- met 35 woningen per hectare (Vinexdichtheid) is dan de potenti- ment, dan is het vermogen: 5 kW/ha. Hierbij is de benodigde ele opbrengst 70 kW/ha. energie voor transport – dat zeker een rol speelt bij de import van Energie van biomassa 148 biomassa – nog niet meegenomen. Algemeen Potentie van elektriciteit uit huishoudelijk afval De opbrengst van biomassa is een verre afgeleide van zonne- Hier moeten we een aantal aannamen doen. Jaarlijks wordt energie. De zonne-energiestroom bereikt het aardoppervlak ongeveer 15 miljoen ton aan huishoudelijk afval geproduceerd. voorname¬lijk als stra¬ling, en verlaat het aardoppervlak weer Dat geldt voor 16 miljoen mensen, dus laten we voor het gemak door reflectie (ca. 10%), stra¬lings¬uitwisse¬ling met de atmosfeer zeggen: 1 ton per persoon per jaar. Een gemiddelde stedelijke (ca. 30%), warmteoverdracht (ca. 35%) en verdamping (ca. 25%) dichtheid is 50 personen per hectare, dus een hectare kan 50 ton [Jong et al., 1992]. Slechts ca. 0,5% wordt chemisch opgeslagen in afval opleveren. Daarvan is niet alles droge massa, laten we zeg- planten. De opbrengst hangt af van gewas en klimaatzone. Suiker- gen 50%, oftewel 25 ton. Voor het vermogen kunnen we voor het riet in subtropische en tropische regio’s haalt zo’n 1,2% rendement. gemak stellen dat een hectare gewas 10 ton biomassa oplevert, In Nederland bedraagt dit bij de huidige bosbouw ca. 0,3 %, maar 2,5 keer minder dan nuttig afval. De verbrandingswaarde van bij zeer inten¬sieve teelt zou dit ca. 1,2% kunnen worden. Maïs zou afval ligt lager, zeg de helft van de biomassa met een hoog ren- dement. Dat betekent dat aan afval per hectare stedelijk gebied het zoute water moet kunnen worden afgevoerd, een dergelijke een vermogen van 1,5 kW wordt geleverd, ruim een derde ten toepassing voor de hand ligt. opzichte van de intensieve bioteelt. In dichte stedelijke gebieden kan dat getal worden verdubbeld, maar in het noorden is de Potenties van energie uit getijde dichtheid in steden en dorpen lager, dus een waarde van rond Het gemiddelde getijverschil varieert in Nederland van 3 me- de 1,0 kW lijkt realistischer. Hierbij is de benodigde energie voor ter (Zeeland en Groningen) tot 1 meter (Noord-Holland). Elke transport van afval nog niet meegenomen. kubieke meter water die tweemaal per etmaal 1 meter wordt omhoogge¬bracht, beschikt gemiddeld bij hoog water over een Energie van water potentieel vermogen van 0,23 W. Uit elke km2 zee die kan worden De berekeningen hieronder zijn weer gebaseerd op Jong & Dob- afgesloten kan derhalve in theorie ter hoogte van Noord Holland belsteen [1999], op basis van studies door het ESC [1982], en later 0,23 MW, ter hoogte van Zuid-Zeeland en Oost-Groningen 0,69 MW PLEM en NEOM. worden gewonnen. Dit komt overeen met 6,9 kW/ha. Potenties van energie uit rivierstromen Potenties van energie uit golven Lokaal (met name turbines en waterraderen aan de monding van Het vermogen dat door de wind aan het water wordt toege- zijrivieren) kan waterkracht, ook wel eens ‘witte steenkool’ ge- voegd in de vorm van watergolven is verras¬send hoog. De noemd, een belangrijke rol spelen bij het verschaffen van energie betrokken m3 water wordt immers niet tweemaal per etmaal, voor de winning en verwerking van grondstoffen. maar misschien wel 25.000 maal per etmaal (7 keer per minuut) Het debiet van Maas en Rijn bedraagt ca. 2.500 m /s over het ca. 1 meter omhooggebracht, hetgeen overeenkomt met ca. 3 jaar gemid¬deld; het verval bedraagt over het jaar gemiddeld kW (3.000 Watt) per m2 golvend water. Cirkel¬vormige golfener- 14 m; het totaal daarin vervatte vermogen bedraagt derhalve gie-eenheden op zee van ca. 0,5 hectare kunnen op deze wijze ca. 0,35 GW. Verschillende technische reducties (rendementen) theoretisch 10 à 20 MW (3 kW/m2 x 5.000 m2) opwekken, en per en planologi¬sche reducties (scheepvaartverdragen voor Rijn hectare is dat grosso modo dus gemiddeld 30 MW. De verschil- en Waal) vermin¬deren het winbare vermogen tot ca. 0,125 GW lende technische reducties beslaan hier echter kennelijk circa 3 elektrisch vermogen, te winnen uit Maas en IJssel. Dit is niet van 10%, zodat er 3 MW/ha overblijft, nog steeds een fikse waarde. toepassing op The Northern Netherlands, waar de kleine stromen Theoretisch zou een ketting van 1.000 van dergelijke eenheden te weinig vermogen van betekenis hebben. over een lengte van 400 km voor de Neder¬landse kust 10 tot 20 GW, en daarmee geheel in de huidige jaarge¬middelde elek- Potenties van energie uit osmose triciteitsbehoefte kunnen voorzien. Daarbij wordt echter geen Het theoretisch jaargemiddeld potentieel van ‘osmotische ener- rekening gehouden met planologische onmogelijkheden langs de gieconversie’ (OEC) bedraagt ca. 5,6 GW. Welke techni¬sche en kust. Maar toch: iets nieuws om serieus mee te nemen? planolo¬gische reducties hier gelden moet echter nog worden vastge¬steld, omdat met deze vorm van energieproduc¬tie References nog geen ervaring is opge¬daan. Het principe berust op het The text of this appendix was generally based on Jong T.M. de & drukverschil tussen zoet en zout water aan weerskanten van een Dobbelsteen A. van den; Milieueffecten van het energiegebruik; osmotisch membraan. Dit biedt uiteraard grote problemen bij Publicatiebureau Bouwkunde, Delft, Netherlands, 1999. For additio- de scheepvaart, zodat alleen in rivieren bij stuwen, sluizen en nal data en some corrections to this original source, thanks to Frans dammen waarbij het overtollige zoete water na menging met Rooijers of CE in Delft. 149 Colofon Title: Pallet of Possibillities Edited by: R. Roggema, A. van den Dobbelsteen, K. Stegenga Published: 2007, Province of Groningen Contributors: R. Roggema, Province of Groningen A. van den Dobbelsteen, University of Delft K. Stegenga, Werkplaats voor Stedenbouw M. de Jong, University of Groningen S. Slabbers, Bosch-Slabbers Landscape architects S. van Lieshout, Province of Friesland Masteratelier Landscape architecture, University of Wageningen Participants: Berta Sanz Peña Szu-Ling Tao Yi Ding Francis Vos Paula Espinosa Aguilar Erin Upton Roland Schmidt Martina Sattler Erik Smits Gerwin de Vries Bojan Balen Marloes Holleman Eveline de Kock Maarten Looise Helena Mally Arjen Meeuwsen Monique Sparling Sarah Tang Rocio Torres Mendes Matej Zuljan Tutoring: R. van Etteger S. Stremke prof. J. Koh R. Roggema Graphic Design & Production: Grafisch Centrum Provincie Groningen, 150 ISBN/EAN: 978-90-72410-17-7