1 Zolang we het niet lokaal
1 Zolang we het niet lokaal
Lang leve volhoudbaar gebieds -functioneren Ronald Rovers r.rovers@sustainablebuilding.info www.sustainablebuilding.info Blogs: www.ronaldrovers.com MAXergy land calculation tool: www.maxergy.org Twitter: @ron_rovers Madagascar village . BC 0 AD Urban organism: Orbanism Jagers: en verzamelaars: 1 Zolang we het niet lokaal (op gebiedsniveau) oplossen, blijven we plunderen en stelen van andere culturen. (nog steeds jagers en verzamelaars!) WW I : The Dutch Island During World War I The Netherlands was thrown back on their own resources. And after the sea war started no supplies from overseas arrived anymore. It had become an island . 1914 : export bans (gold, fossil fuels, machinery, transportmeans, basic foods, minewoods, fertilizer) 1916 : Fuel rationing law (coal ships plundering) 1917 : potato rationing law (potato riots) 1918 : Land ripping law Meat reduction measures: ‘The artificial fertilizer ministry’ radiation Energy food materials gravit y stocks heat If a system, whether defined as a building, city or the earth as a whole, consumes more thermodynamic “quality” as being converted and stored from radiation, somewhere depletion takes place and quality in the system as a whole decreases. Or: If not balanced within system: Either steel from neigbors or deplete stocks URBAN BOX UH “ average NL Urban hectare” URBAN HARVEST UH LimbAT 1ha Limburg Average Tissue 1 ha wonen bos Soc-cult bedrijve Open nat park Glas delf n bouwterrrestrecr sport rest Per hectare 5,2 persons and: Roads: 320 m2 Living area: 874 m2 Industrial area: 321 m2 agriculture: 6066 m2 forest: 1444 m2 Open nat:ure 145 m2 Open water: 263 m2 Limburg Island (Towards) Zero-impact Built environment, Its about Exergetic space of a any system To define as : The max potential of human valued quality over time and by human knowledge of conversion technologies. squeeze into the system Orbanisms Vitality Urban Harvest+ program Urban Harvest POTENTIAL After Conversions: In Technologies and typologies UH Vitality of ‘Orbanism ’ ACTUAL HARVEST: DEMAND established Vitality of cities: Measure to which level they can survive in times of stress. Case study Kerkrade Maximisation for energy water materials and West land use as descisive factor Actual transition: Hestia/Heemwonen (near) 0-energy renovation In Kerkrade West 2 produceren Its a time ánd space relation Energy plan: passive standard renovation exploring research, indicative data, do not spread 17 ha Not including materials, storage 135 ha Not including remaining heating, processing materials, transpor District of Tomorrow, Heerlen, Netherlands ~ 5000 m2 of materials production land on a 50 year return basis, (for a 266 m2 house) 1 reorganiseren 3 separate sewer systems: black water - grey water - rainwater ,for easy treatment (Culemborg) Efficient, but smart? 3 times infrastructure! A smart resource solution –and resilient- would be a compost-toilet system Findings: fotos MAss is more improtant, only energy is suboptimising… Geen A+++ C2C wasmachine, maar wasserijen, met haal en breng service 3 billion new electrical cars: What about resources and embodied energy? “Electric cars!” 1,5 billion new e-cars??? Keep the old cars and replace engines: Less resource problem, massive (local) jobs…. Rooms-20-100 people free Tomorrow : Start reorganising, Especially in an urban enviroment, not possible in a rural environment . 2 mobiliseren van slapend kapitaal: Kapitaal in de zin van produktieve ruimte, niet van geld. This is Güssing … Situation 1991 compared 0-energy Town to 2005 Gussing: ~ 4000 inhabitants 1992 - 2007 1100 new jobs Municipality X 1000 commuters Municipality X 2005 50 new companies © EEE 2005 3 De nieuwe (economische) waarde is de m2 En een lokale economie daarop gebaseerd , en dus volhoudbaar is …. Cultural and social structures •Location conditions •Functional program •Existing Situ. •Eff/Renewable possibilities •Available resources/options •Possible ecoTourism energycycl e farmingcycl e watercycle materialscyc le •Water resources: rivers/lakes/s ea?/stream •Drinking water •Daily use •Sewer/waste Educatio n/ training cycle Proces productio cycle n •Skills •Facilities •Budget •Recycle/Reuse • local/Renewable resources: •Manpowe r •Meet the own need •Export from Lang leve volhoudbaar gebieds -functioneren Dank voor uw aandacht Ronald Rovers r.rovers@sustainablebuilding.info www.sustainablebuilding.info Blogs: www.ronaldrovers.com MAXergy land calculation tool: www.maxergy.org Twitter: @ron_rovers stellingen Er is nog nooit een nieuw gebouw neergezet dat heeft bijgedragen aan de absolute verlaging van de milieu-impact . Er is geen recht op huisvesting, slechts op een gelijk aandeel in de grondstoffen We hebben doorbraak-processen nodig, geen doorbraaktechnologieen. Die hebben we al lang. Duurzaamheid is een hol begrip geworden. Het gaat om volhoudbaarheid mbt energie en materialen. Er is geld zat, als je lokaal en op gebiedsniveau verantwoording neemt.