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June 2010
Vol. 4 No. 5
n conjunction with the
Family Values Committee,
World Congress of Families
held its first Regional
Congress in the United
Kingdom in London, June 23, at the historic BadenLondon’s Baden-Powell House
Powell House
Speakers covered such diverse and timely
topics as pornography, demographics, the growing
persecution of Christians in Britain, attacks on the
family at the United Nations, the
continued on page 7
CF Communications Director Don Feder visited
Australia, May 7-14, speaking in Sydney and
On May 11, Feder met with
organizations that could
comprise a bid committee
for WCF VII or a
Regional Congress in
Sydney. The 15 groups
Sydney Oper House
represented at the
meeting included the Australian Family Association, Life
& Family Center of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney,
Family Voice Australia, New South Wales Right to Life,
the LDS Church Family Ministries, the Seventh Day
Adventist Church, Family International Australia,
Australian Christian Lobby, Focus on the Family
Australia, Institute for Judaism and Civilization and the
Anglican Archdiocese of Sydney. The meeting was held
in the boardroom of Business Events Sydney.
Participants were enthusiastic about bringing a
Congress event to Sydney but decided to begin
cautiously with a declaration (like the
continued on page 4
Participants at Riga Family Forum
he Second Annual Riga
Family Forum took place at Riga City Hall, in Latvia’s
capital, on May 14, 2010. The theme of the Forum, which
was also a WCF Regional Congress, was “The Natural
Family as a Value and State’s Priority.”
Speakers included: Dr. Catherine
continued on page 7
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Warsaw - 5th Annual March For Life & The Family
13th Annual Canadian National March For Life In Ottawa
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Has Successful Push-Back Seminar
Americans For Truth about Homosexuality Training School Aug. 5-7
Violence Against Kenyans Opposing Pro-Abortion Constitution
Profiles In Leadership
Excerpts from WCF Regional Congress Speech by Chris Carmoouch
WCF Partners
Calendar of
Upcoming Events
June 24 – Don Feder
speaking at Family
Research Council on “The
Roots of Demographic
Winter And The Global
economic Crisis.”
Click here for a flyer on
the event.
Click here to register for a
June 24-26 – National
Right to Life Convention –
Pittsburgh, PA
August 9-12 – Allan
Carlson speaking tour of
Australia. For more
information, contact John
Barich at afawa@msg.com
September 17-19 – Values
Voter Summit, Washington,
D.C., sponsored by Family
Research Council. click
here for more information.
September (date TBA) –
WCF Regional Meeting in
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
November 5-7 – Human
Life International AsiaPacific Conference in
Manila, The Philippines.
For more information,
contact Joe Meaney at
November 23-25 –WCF
Regional Congress, Family
As A Value in Religion,
Tradition and Modernity
Conference in Istanbul,
Co-Sponsored by the
Journalists and Writers
Foundation. Allan Carlson
will be a keynote speaker.
For more information,
contact Larry Jacobs at
n Sunday, May 30, The Fifth Annual March for Life and The Family took
place in Warsaw. With the slogan: “A Family Friendly State,” more than
6,000 participated. Marchers included many families with young children, prolife activists and representatives of Christian and social groups from across
Organizations represented included Associations for the Defense of
Tradition, Family and Property from Brazil, the United States, Germany,
Portugal and France. Marchers proclaimed that the family is indeed the foundation of society. The
march ended with a family picnic, sponsored by Slawomir Olejniczak, president of the Father Peter
Skarga Institute, a World Congress of Families Partner.
Olejniczak observed: “We should have no illusions that Poland will survive as a nation to the
end of the 21st century, if the family, the foundation of a nation’s identity, is undermined. The family is
threatened by a culture of death.” He noted that state institutions, which, in the face of these threats,
should support the family, are often in the service of its enemies. “This may be seen in two regards –
on the one hand on-going attempts to interfere with childrearing and – on the other – there are
economic policies that penalize the family,” said the Institute’s President.
Olejniczak reminded marchers that despite the opposition of pro-family groups, the Polish
Senate recently passed a law identifying the natural family as a source of violence against children. He
cautioned activists not to expect support from the current government. Therefore, public pressure
should be brought to bear by educating for family values through the media.
The March for Life and Family passed through the streets of The Nowy Swiat and The Krakowskie
Przedmiescie to the Church of St. Anne. In a colorful and joyful procession, several thousand
participated with banners, flags and balloons.
The picnic included stalls promoting voluntarism, charitable foundations, pro-life and profamily organizations and crafts. There was also a concert performed by an orchestra from
The March was organized by the Foundation Committee of the National Day Celebrations of
Life and the Father Peter Skarga Institute.
13th Annual Canadian National
March for Life In Ottawa
he 13th Annual Canadian National March for Life, and
related events, took place from May 12 to 14 in Ottawa,
Canada’s national capital.
The three-day program included many Catholic masses
and prayer services. There was also a May 12 candlelight
procession and vigil, attended by over 500, at Ottawa’s human
rights monument.
On Thursday May 13, a rally, followed by a march
through the downtown streets of Ottawa, drew a record 12,500
participants. Many were young people who infused the crowd
with their energy.
Ottawa March For Life
A small group of a few dozen counter-protestors used the
(photo courtesy of Robert Du Broy)
opportunity to shout their rage at marchers’ attempt to challenge
the concept of a “woman's right to choose.” For the most part, it was a beautiful day on
which to make Canadians aware that "Abortion is a crime against humanity" (this year's
theme). Twenty-two politicians gave their encouragement, as did many prominent clergy.
At a Friday youth conference, young people were inspired through talks by Melissa
Ohden, an abortion survivor, and Lila Rose, president of Live Action.
Click here for Campaign Life Coalition of Canada
Click here for The Father Peter Skarga Institute
he US/Canada Push Back Seminar in Seattle
was a huge success. The theme – “Celebrating
Our Success - Moving to the Future” emphasized
how groups like the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
have achieved unexpected victories in Canada and
New Hampshire, and how these successes can be
translated into future wins in Montana, Idaho and
Washington State. (In April, a legalization bill was
defeated in the Canadian Parliament by a 228 to 59
Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition discussed
the importance of establishing and maintaining a focused strategy.
Schadenberg noted there’s a need for an American group which will work on
the political front to counter euthanasia and assisted suicide campaigns. He
also explained why an effective anti-euthanasia coalition must represent
different political perspectives.
Dr Charles Bentz of Physicians for Compassionate Care said antieuthanasia forces need to build their base of support and identify physicians
and others who are willing to work together to oppose assisted suicide. He
mentioned a tragic case in which he referred a patient to an oncologist without
knowing that the doctor would prescribe assisted suicide to his patient, who was
experiencing significant depression and subsequently died due to the
oncologist’s advice.
Marilyn Golden, with the Disability Rights Education
and Defense Fund (DREDF) gave an excellent
presentation on the concerns of the disability rights
community with Oregon’s assisted suicide statute. Golden
exposed the Oregon statute, pointing out how safeguards
Marilyn Golden
at best are illusory.
Matt Bowman explained how the Montana court
decision did not legalize assisted suicide, but rather created
a narrow defense for a physician who is prosecuted.
Bowman also made a few suggestions about how to move to
reverse the Montana (Baxter) decision.
Margaret Dore discussed the recent successes in
Canada and New Hampshire and showed how issues like
Matt Bowman
elder abuse are effective in shattering the illusion of choice
regarding both euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Brian Johnston, author of the book and video “Death
as a Salesman,” spoke about the current situation and its
development over time. Johnston discussed the earliest
cases in the United States and explained how they were
misinterpreted and used by the euthanasia lobby to promote
its agenda.
Brian Johnston
For more information on the Push Back Conference and the Euthanasia
Prevention Coalition, a World Congress of Families Partner, click here.
August 5-7, 2010
mericans for Truth About
Homosexuality (AFTAH),
a World Congress of
Families Partner, will conduct
a rigorous three-day training
Robert Knight
program for leaders and
activists, August 5-7, at its headquarters in
Carol Stream, IL., just outside Chicago.
Instruction will focus on preparing
the next generation of young leaders to
counter disinformation by the “gay rights”
Instructors will include leading profamily experts on homosexuality, including
scholars, authors and leaders. Tentatively,
they include: Robert Knight (Coral Ridge
Ministries), Peter LaBarbera (AFTAH),
Ryan Sorba (Young Conservatives of
California), Professor Robert Gagnon
(Pittsburgh Theological Seminary), Prof.
Rena Lindevaldsen (Liberty University Law
School), Matt Barber (Liberty Counsel),
Laurie Higgins (Illinois Family Institute) and
Greg Quinlan (Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays).
Registration is limited to those with
a serious interest in this aspect of the
culture war and who share AFTAH’s
perspective. Registration is $99 for
students (14-25) and $199 for those over
25 years of age. Click here for more
information or call the AFTAH headquarters
at 630-717-7631, or write
americansfortruth@gmail.com. Click here
for information on underwriting a youth
Americans for Truth About
Homosexuality (www.aftah.org) was
profiled in the April-May World
Congress of Families
Click here for the issue, story on page 8.
he campaign to legalize
abortion in Kenya took a
deadly turn on June 13, when
two explosions killed Pro-life
Kenyans at a rally against a
proposed constitution. Another
75 were injured.
In August, Kenyans will go to the polls to vote on
a new constitution, passed by its parliament on April 1.
While ostensibly recognizing a right to life
beginning at conception (a position overwhelmingly
endorsed by Kenyans), Section 27 of the draft constitution
allows abortion when, in the “opinion of a trained health
professional (which could include nurses, paramedics and
other health-care providers) there is a need for
emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is
in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.”
This is a carte blanche for abortion on demand.
Almost anything can be considered a danger to the
mother’s health, including her mental state. That’s why
abortion proponents always try to include a mother’shealth exception to laws restricting abortion in the United
A newspaper poll in March showed 69% of
Kenyans are opposed to legalizing abortion. But in a
recent poll, 57% of citizens said they intend to vote for the
new Constitution, while only 19% said they’ll vote against
it. This could be reversed if pro-life forces can succeed in
educating voters on the reality of Section 27.
This makes recent violence all the more ominous.
A statement issued by the National Council of Churches of
Kenya and 14 other churches and groups (all opposed to
the draft constitution) suggests that Kenya’s government,
which is behind the constitution, was involved “either
directly or indirectly” in the explosions.
On another front, a group of Congressmen is
seeking an investigation to determine if the Obama
administration violated federal law by reportedly funneling
$10 million to U.S. groups pushing the Kenyan
World Congress of Families pledges to support
those forces fighting for the unborn in Kenya and
elsewhere in Africa.
Click here for the latest news from Kenya4life.
continued from front page
Manhattan Declaration) to see
how well the coalition can work
together and what support it can
Feder spoke to a group
of about 100 students and
Warrane College
faculty at Warrane College – a
Catholic institution which is part
of the University of New South
Wales. He also addressed the
Life Coalition (a monthly
meeting of pro-life groups) and
the Endeavour Forum.
Potential Bid Committee
The WCF Communications
Director participated in a press conference in the
building of the Victoria State Parliament. This was
arranged by Peter Kavanagh, a pro-family state senator.
He also met with Peter Westmore, President of the
National Civic Council, David Perrin (National Chairman
of the Australian Family Association), Michael Casey
(Secretary to Cardinal George Pell), Chris Meaney
(Director, Life, Marriage and Family Centre of the
Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney) and MP Kevin Andrews,
Shadow Minister for Families,
Housing and Human Services
(profiled in the April/May World
Congress of Families News).
Feder’s speeches
generated coverage by Miranda
Feder Press Conference
Devine in The Sydney Morning
Herald and Celeste Badman in Kairos Catholic Journal.
Feder’s schedule in both Sydney and Melbourne
was arranged by Babette Francis (National and
Overseas Coordinator of Endeavour Forum) and MaryLouise Fowler (National Vice President, Australian
Family Association). The Congress is exceedingly
grateful for their support.
World Congress of Families Founder and
International Secretary Dr. Allan Carlson will be on a
speaking tour of Australia, August 7-16, sponsored in
part by the Australian Family Association.
Click here for story in Kairos Catholic Journal
This continues our regular feature celebrating the women and men who have contributed to
the growing success of the international pro-family movement.
John Smeaton
ohn Smeaton is National Director of the Society
for the Protection of Unborn Children and VicePresident of the International Right to Life
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
(SPUC) was the first pro-life organization in the
world (established in 1966) and has led the
educational and political battle against abortion,
human embryo experimentation and euthanasia for
40 years. It has 130 branches, 30,000 members and
30 full-time staff.
John is its national director, and has worked full-time in the pro-life
movement since 1978. He was appointed national director of SPUC in the
United Kingdom in 1996, having been General Secretary of the Society since
1978. He was elected a vice-president of International Right to Life Federation
in 2005.
Smeaton first became involved in SPUC after graduating from Oxford
University, when he established a branch in his home area in south London in
At the United Nations Conferences in Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing,
Istanbul and Rome, John played a leading role in organizing more than 150
pro-life and pro-family Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as an
effective lobbying force, resulting in important pro-life victories in Cairo,
Istanbul and Rome, where attempts by rich western nations to impose
abortion-on-demand policies on the poorest nations on earth were soundly
John was educated at Salesian College in London, before going to
Oxford, where he graduated in English Language and Literature.
He qualified as a teacher, becoming Head of English at an English
Secondary School. However, John felt so strongly about the political fight
against abortion that he gave up his post, taking part-time work in teaching so
that he could give as much time as possible to SPUC as a volunteer, thus
helping to build and expand the work of the Society. It was after three years of
part-time voluntary work that he was appointed SPUC’s General Secretary.
John Smeaton and his wife, Josephine, have a grown-up family; they
live in north London. As a result of family experience, they developed a
program for parents entitled “Teaching Our Children About Human Sexuality:
Meeting the Challenge” – a series of seminars for parents involving leading
Catholic doctors and lay experts. In developing their ideas, John has worked
closely with the Pontifical Council for the Family.
John Smeaton has always had a particular interest in drama and
youth work. He produced a pro-life revue for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
which won considerable acclaim; this followed a successful production on
racism which he directed at Oxford University, which he subsequently took to
the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
John spoke at the June 2-3 WCF Regional Congress/Family Values
Conference in London, on combating sex education in the United Kingdom.
See story on page 1. SPUC was also a Co-Sponsor of World Congress of
Families V.
Click here for the website of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
Morton Blackwell
n 1960, Morton Blackwell began
to identify, train, and place
young conservatives for
activism in the public policy
He was one of the original
eleven members of the Steering
Committee of National Youth for
Goldwater. Barry Goldwater’s
youngest elected national
convention delegate in 1964, Blackwell
served as the state chairman of the Louisiana College
Republicans and Louisiana Young
In 1965, he became executive director of the
College Republicans and held that
position on and off for five and a half years under four
College Republican national chairmen.
A veteran conservative activist with wide
experience in and out of government, Blackwell founded
the Leadership Institute in 1979. In 1980 he organized the
national youth effort for
Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign, and went on to
serve on President Reagan’s White House Staff.
In 1984, Blackwell left the White House to work
full-time as the President of the Leadership
Institute, his educational foundation dedicated to training
and placing young conservatives.
Blackwell’s writings have been published in The
Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The
Washington Times, and Human Events.
Since 1988, he has served as a member of the
Republican National Committee as Virginia’s National
Today, Morton Blackwell continues to increase the
number and effectiveness of conservative activists and
leaders through the programs of the Leadership Institute,
which, in 2009 alone, trained 11,633 people in its 41 types
of training schools. Its leadership training includes campus
activism, media, campaigns for elective office, fundraising
and working for elected officials.
Its Campus Leadership Program currently has
more than1,360 active, independent conservative student
groups and campus publications in colleges and
universities in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
The Institute did leadership training at World
Congress of Families IV (Warsaw) and V (Amsterdam).
WCF managing Director Larry Jacobs has lectured at L.I.
international schools in the United Kingdom and Bolivia, as
well as at its Arlington, VA headquarters.
Click here for the website of the Leadership Institute.
The following are excerpts from the speech of Christopher Carmouch to the Family
Values Conference/WCF Regional Congress in London (June 2-3)
“According to the Internet Filter Review,
worldwide pornography revenue in 2006
was USD $97.06 billion.”
♦ “Per the Internet Filter Review, every
second of every day in 2006, $3,075.64
was spent on pornography and 28,258
Internet users viewed pornography.
Furthermore, 12% of all websites were
pornographic websites.
♦ Per Audiovisual Magazine, in 2005,
hardcore video rentals increased from 75
million annually in 1985 to 490 million in
1992, and to 665 million in 1996. By 1978,
100 hard-core films were released. By
1996, 8,000 hard-core films were released.
By 2002, 11,300 hard-core films were
released, compared with only 470 Hollywood feature films released
that year.
♦ And lastly, child pornography reports to CyberTipline, a
congressionally mandated mechanism for monitoring child sexual
exploitation, jumped from 3,267 tips in 1998 to 106,199 tips in 2004.”
♦ “Shere Hite found that of the men who read pornographic
magazines, 67% admitted that they had wanted to rape a woman
while only 19% said that they had never wanted to rape a woman
♦ According to a report by Edward Donnerstein [Donnerstein, Edward.
Unpublished Transcript Of Testimony to the Public Hearings on
Ordinances to Add Pornography as Discrimination Against Women.
Committee on Government Operations. City Council. Minneapolis,
MN, pp. 4-12.], over 25% of male college students selected at random
admitted that there was some likelihood they would rape a woman if
they could be assured of getting away with it. The proportion of
potential rapists increased to 57% after the young men were exposed
to sexually violent images, especially those of women shown as
enjoying being raped.
♦ According to Jean Rosenberg [Rosenberg, Jean. 1989. Two New
Books on Pornography Effects. (2) Sexual Assault Report, p. 31.],
65% of rapists in one study used pornography and often mimicked it in
their crimes.
♦ Per The Aurora Center for Advocacy and Education at the University
of Minnesota; Two-thirds (67%) of offenders who committed any type
of Internet sex crimes against minors possessed child pornography.
♦ The FBI reports that the most common interest among serial killers
is hardcore pornography.
♦ And according to one of the most extensive and exhaustive sex
studies ever conducted, by William Marshall, “Report on the Use of
Pornography by Sexual Offenders,” Report to the Federal Department
of Justice, Ottawa, Canada, 1983 - 87 percent of child molesters
studied were regular consumers of hardcore pornography.
♦ Marshall also found that, in a study of outpatient sex offenders
treated over a six-year period, one-third reported they had used
pornography immediately before at least one of their crimes.”
♦“ Austin, TX - 1986 - in four study areas with sexually orientated
businesses, sexually related crimes were 177% to 482% higher than
the city’s average.”
♦“ Phoenix, AZ - 1978 - Sex offenses, including indecent exposure,
were 506% greater in neighborhoods with sexually orientated
businesses. [National Law Center for Children and Families (1997).
NLC summary of “SOB land use”
♦ “Oklahoma City: During the years 1984
to 1989, Oklahoma City closed 150 out
of 163 sexually oriented businesses.
During the same period, reported rapes
declined 27% in Oklahoma City while
rising 19% in the remainder of the state.
Law officers were aware of no other
likely cause of the difference.”
♦ “Various studies by a researcher, John
Court, led him to the following conclusion
of what happens on a national level
when constraints against the distribution
of pornography are lifted: ‘As the
constraints on the availability of
pornography were lifted... the rates of
rape in those countries increased. For example, in two Australian
states between 1964 and 1977, when South Australia liberalized its
laws on pornography and Queensland maintained its conservative
policy... over the thirteen-year period, the number of rapes in
Queensland remained at the same low level while South Australia’s
showed a six-fold increase.’ [John Court, Criminal Neglect: Why Sex
Offenders Go Free (Toronto: Doubleday, p.141)]”
“Based on interviews with a nationally representative sample of 1,501
youth, ages 10 to 17, that use the Internet regularly during a year
♦ Approximately one in five received a sexual solicitation or approach
over the Internet.
♦ One in four had an unwanted exposure to pictures of naked people
or people having sex.
♦ One in seventeen was threatened or harassed.”
“According to a report, ‘Online Victimization of Youth: Five Years
Later’ published in 2006:
79% of youth unwanted exposure to pornography occurs in the home."
“And do not be deceived into thinking that the pervasive influence of
pornography is something that happens to other people.
Focus on the Family has noted the following:
♦ A Focus on the Family commissioned Zogby International survey in
2000 and found that 17.8% of all ‘born again’ Christian adults (in
America) have visited sexually-oriented Websites.”
“And according to a Christianity Today article from 2001:
♦ 51% of pastors said cyberporn was a possible temptation. 37% said
it was a ‘current struggle’ and 4 in 10 pastors had visited a porn site.”
“Effecting real change must start within each and every one of us.
We can start to change the world by changing ourselves... our families
and those within our own circles of influence.
As with all things, we can start to tackle this problem through personal
resolve, personal initiative and commitment.”
Christopher Carmouche is the Executive Director of GrassTopsUSA a
WCF Partner
Click here to read Chris Carmouche’s full remarks.
continued from front page
Vierling (the founder and
former General Secretary
of the European Forum for
Human Rights and
Family), Christopher
Carmouche (Executive
Director of GrassTopsUSA,
a World Congress of Families Partner), Theresa Creel,
(Presiding Officer Steering Group - Human Dignity
Institute European Parliament), Vavzinecs Kovalsky,
(Polish Ministry of Education, Scientific Specialist on the
Quality of Education Board Regarding The Family), and
Galina Maslenikova, (family psychotherapist, Manager of
the Family Center in Moscow) speaking on “Marriage and
Family as The Foundation for A Nation’s Survival.”
Particularly important for Latvians was the
presentation by Dr. Gints Lapins, who recently
announced that physicians at the hospital where he
heads the department of gynecology will no longer
perform abortions. This is a first in Latvia and for a postSoviet state, where abortion was once the only form of
birth control. It is hoped that this courageous decision
will encourage all gynecologists to say no to abortions.
This year’s Forum focused on the following
areas: 1) Marriage and Family – “Family Based on
Marriage – the Best Environment for Child
Development,” 2) Education and Health – “The Role of
Education in Family Welfare” and; 3) Family Politics –
“Poverty and Social Exclusion and their Effects on the
Demographics of the Family and the Nation.”
There was special interest in the presentation of
Vavzinecs Kovalsky, who discussed Poland’s Family
Education Program, which is used instead of
propagandistic “sex-education” in the country’s public
schools and is now being translated into Latvian.
The Riga Family Forum was held in conjunction
with the International Day of the Family which is
celebrated in Latvia on May 15. Next year’s forum is
being planned for two days – Thursday, May 12, and
Friday, May 13, 2011. Languages of the forum are
English and Latvian.
For more information contact Gunta Irbe, Forum
Coordinator, by clicking here.
continued from front page
sanctity of life, the psychological
causes of homosexuality, the fight
against sex education in the U.K.,
educating for values and
responsibility, and the African
perspective on motherhood.
Janice Crouse
Vollmer gave welcoming
remarks on behalf of the Congress and
also spoke on “Educating for Strong
Families.” Janice Crouse asked: “Is
There Hope for Marriage and Families
in the 21st. Century?” Both are
Chrisyine Vollmer
members of the World Congress of
Families Management Committee.
Chris Carmouche, a WCF Partner, spoke on the
devastating impact of pornography. (His remarks are
excerpted on page 6) Andrew Hernandez (son of Jesus
and Marie-Clare, longtime WCF leaders in Mexico)
gave a presentation
on sexual
responsibility that
involved humor and
magic. WCF
Director Don Feder
discussed declining
Speakers also included Dr. Farooq Hassan,
Paul Diamond (a barrister with the Christian Legal
Centre), John Smeaton of the Society for the
Protection of Unborn Children (profiled in this issue on
page 5), Theresa Okafor (organizer of the Abuja
Conference), Edmund Adamus with the Catholic
Diocese of Westminster, Sharon Slater (Family Watch
International), Stephen Green (Christian Voice U.K.),
and Amy King with Front Page Campaign, as well as
Buddhist and Muslim spokesmen.
World Congress of Families presented
Defender of the Natural Family Awards to David Eaton
and Vanessa Theed with the Family Values Committee.
The Committee is already planning next year’s
For more information, visit www.familyvalues.org
Thank you to all World Congress of Families Partners for your all support.
American Family Association
Americans for Truth About Homosexuality
Alliance Defense Fund
Alliance for the Family
Americans United for Life
Associazione per la Difesa Dei Valori
Cristiani - Luci sull’Est, Italy
Concerned Women for America
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Family First Foundation
Family Research Council
Father Peter Skarga Institute (Poland)
Fellowship of St. James
Focus on The Family
Grasstops USA
His Servants
Human Life International
National Right to Life Committee
Parents Forum, Switzerland
Population Research Institute
S e c u r i n g a Fu t u r e f o r t h e Fa m i l y S i n c e 1 9 7 8
Population Research Institute
Putting People First
Click here for information on becoming a World Congress of Families Partner.
World Congress of Families
934 Nor th Main Street
Rockford, Illinois 61103
815-964-5819 info@worldcongress.org
Priests For Life
Real Women of Canada
Red Familia (Mexico)
Tradition, Family, & Property
United Families Internationa
Western Center For Journalism