
August/September 2009 Vol. 3 No. 7
– August 10-12, 2009
ro-Family leaders,
activists and
researchers from 63
nations attended World
Congress of Families V in
Amsterdam (August 10-12).
Roughly one-third
of the over 800 delegates
were Dutch. Other nations represented included the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, the United
Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy,
Romania, Poland, Latvia, Moldavia, Slovakia, Russia, Nigeria,
Malta, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya,
Pakistan, Australia and the Philippines.
WCF V included more
than 100 plenary
session and panel
speakers covering a
broad range of issues
affecting the natural
family, among them:
the psychological
Feder, Adamtey, & Jacobs
effects of child-care –
the value of a faith and
family approach to
counseling – the rights
of parents in public
education and home –
schooling – addiction to
Internet pornography –
the public purposes of
marriage – the power of
the African family – the
impact of declining birth
rates – fertility and
continued on page 9
Reports on Riga and Abuja –World
Congress of Families V Prep-Cons
he Congress also included special reports on the two
preparatory conferences (prep-cons) leading up to World
Congress of Families V – Marika Bertule
reported on “The Riga Family Forum” (held at
Riga City Hall, May 15), and Theresa Okafor
of the Foundation for African Cultural Heritage
reported on “The World Congress of Families
Dialogue of Civilizations” in Abuja, Nigeria
(June 4-7).
Theresa Okafor
Over 100 participated in the Riga
Family Forum. Attendance at The World Congress of Families
Dialogue of Civilizations was between 300 and 400. The latter
was covered by the two largest newspapers in Nigeria and the
largest television station in
Neither Theresa nor
Marika had ever been involved
with World Congress of Families
before, even to the extent of
attending a past Congress. Both
are typical of the outstanding
young leaders becoming active in
Marika Bertule
the World Congress of Families.
World Congress of Families V Speakers
Religious Diversity in Support of The Family
Voices of Amsterdam- Overheard at WCF V
Co-Sponsors and Partners-A Vital Part of WCF V
The Declaration of Amsterdam
World Congress of Families VI
Live Video Streaming of WCF V
The Overall Significance of World Congress of Families V
SIECUS Calls WCF “Fringe, But Still Dangerous”
Pro-Family Activism Around The World
World Congress of Families V Donors
DVDs Available of Second International Anti-Euthanasia Symposium
WCF Circulates Petition In Defense of Marriage In Albania
4th Pro-Life World Congress In Saragossa, Spain(Nov. 6-8)
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World congress of families V Speakers
ike its predecessors, speakers at World Congress
of Families V reflected the diversity of the
growing international pro-family movement –
scholars and researchers, academics and authors,
leaders and activists, parliamentarians and religious
figures. We were honored by the participation of the
following at Amsterdam 2009:
of Families), Henk Jochemsen (PRISMA*), Lech Kowalewski
(HLI, Europe), Roel Kuiper (Christian Union Party*), James
Kushiner (Fellowship of St. James), Drs. Richard Land and
Paige Patterson (Southern Baptist Convention), Gwen Landolt
(REAL Women of Canada), Phillip Longman (New America
Foundation), Yuri Mantilla (Focus on the Family), Elly van
Meel (New Families*), Tom Minnery (Focus on the Family),
Janet Morana (Priests for Life), Miguel Moreno (Leadership
Institute), Steve Mosher (Population Research Institute), John
Mueller (Ethics and Public Policy Center), Moise Napon (World
Relief Int’l., Burkina Faso), Elder Russell M. Nelson (Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), Wendy Nelson (BYU),
Preston Noell (Tradition, Family & Property), Mariangeles
Nogueras (OFA*), Theresa Okafor (Foundation for African
Cultural Heritage), Gilbert Okoronkwo (African Christian
Opening Session WCF V
Television, Ivory Coast), Dele Olowu (Nigeria), Rob van Pagee
(Family Group Conference*), Prof. Rekha Pande (Center for
Kevin Andrews (Member of Parliament, Australia), Anatoly
Women’s Studies, India), Dorothy Patterson (Southwestern
Antonov (Moscow State Lomonosov University), Cardinal
Baptist Theological Seminary), Geert-Jan Poker (Chris*),
Ennio Antonelli (President, Pontifical Council on the Family),
Simon Polinder (chairman, LOC), Andre Rouvoet (Dutch
Constantin Asavoaie (Romania), Ted Baehr (Christian Film &
Minister for Youth and Family), Austin Ruse (Catholic Family &
Television Commission), Julie Baumgardner (First Things
Human Rights Institute), Bill Saunders (Americans United for
First), L. Brent Bozell (Media Research Center), Evert-Jan
Life), Peter Schalk (Christian Trade Union*), Don Schmierer
Brouwer (member of the Local Organizing Committee),
(His Servants), Carlos Simon (Pontifical Council for the
Benjamin Bull (Alliance Defense Fund), Dr. Byron Calhoun
Family), Sharon Slater (Family Watch Int’l.) Bet van Sloten
(OB-GYN), Marika Bertule (Latvia Family Forum), His Majesty
(Int’l Foster Care Organization*), Steve Smoot (Family First
Drolor Bosso Adamtey I (Ghana), Dr. Rene Bullecer (Human
Foundation), Joke Sperling (the Netherlands), Bart-Jan Spruyt
Life Int’l., Philippines), Dr. Allan C. Carlson (WCF founder),
(*), Kees van ver Staaij (Reform Party*), Mirjam Sterk
Chris Carmouche (GrassTopsUSA), Moria Chimombo
(Christian Democratic Party*), Fr. Jaroslaw Szymczak
(Malawi), Missy Christie (Colombia), Gilbert Crouse and
(Institute for the Family, Warsaw), Francisco Tatad (former
Janice Crouse (Concerned Women for America), Peter
majority leader, Philippine Senate), Tobias Teuscher
Cuyvers (*), Silvio Dalla Valle (Association for the Defense of
(European Parliament), Catherine Vierling (European Mothers
Christian Values, Italy), Sheri Dew (Deseret Books), Jaap
Assn., France), Christine Vollmer (Latin American Alliance for
Doek (Appeals Court of Amsterdam), Fr. Alain
the Family), Joel Voorvewind (Christian
Dominique (*), Bishop W.J. Eijk (Archbishop of
Union Party*), John Waller (singerUtrecht*), Pat Fagan (Family Research
songwriter), Jet Weigand (Parents
Council), Michael Farris (Home School Legal
Association*), Glenn Williams (Focus on the
Defense Association), Don Feder (WCF
Family), Annemiek van Woudenberg (Centers
Communications Director), Wanda Franz
for Youth and Family*), and Anna Zaborska
(National Right to Life Committee), Susan
(head of Women’s Rights and Equality
Dutton Freund, Andras Gabos (TARKI Social
Commission, European Parliament), Rudolf
Research Institute, Hungary), Dr. Farooq
Schmidheiny (Swiss Parents Forum), Martha
Hassan (Pakistan Family Forum), Arenda
Shupping (Rachel Network),
Haasnoot (Protestant Church in the
Glenn Stanton (Focus on the Family), John
Netherlands), Pierre Hernalsteen (Flemish
Tobias Teuscher - EU Parliament
Vining (Family Center, Church of God),
Association for Natural Family Planning),
Laruralee Christensen (United
Babette Francis (Endeavour Forum,
Families International), Stephen
Australia), Randy Hicks (Georgia
Baskerville (Patrick Henry
Family Council), Rob Hondsmerk
College), Joseph Meaney (Human
(De Hoop Foundation*), Marie Claire
Life International), Shelly Locke
Hernandez (The Family Network,
(American Mothers), John Smeaton
Mexico), Arend Huitzing (Children
(Society for the Protection of the
Affected by AIDS*), Rabbi Binyoman
Unborn, U.K.), Cindy JonesJacobs (Chief Rabbi of the
Nosacek, R.N., Paul Mero
Netherlands), Larry Jacobs
(Sutherland Institute).
(Managing Director, World Congress
* The Netherlands
continued from page 3
women, to face the challenges of the future.
In this globalized world, a new approach is
needed, one that supports the family as an
institution based on equality, love and
respect rather than on power and privilege
for men and boys and weakness and
subservience prescribed for women and
girls.” Prof. Rekha Pande (India)
“The importance of being spiritually connected cannot be
overstated. A family that frames its daily struggle purely in
economic or material terms is likely to
crumble as soon as the going gets rough.
Marriages that survive the prolonged
separation of the spouses or any kind of
trial at all are usually those in which the
spouses, helped by the Church, retain their
hope in God, and know what the Pope
means when he says “man is not a lost
atom in a random universe.” Francisco
Tatad (Philippines)
“Being aware that it is fundamental for marriage to combine
opposites and to bring together the differences between men
and women and between the
generations in a meaningful
connection, one cannot possibly equate
a homosexual or lesbian relationship
with marriage of men and women.”
Archbishop Willem Eijk
“The greatest threats to the institution of the family come from
contemporary ‘liberal’ philosophies of the predominantly
advanced Western civilizations (and not from the developing
nations). The problem that we are thus faced with is simple.
Some of the ‘changes’ that are currently
advocated by a sizeable segment of
liberal-based ideologues are such that
they aim to denude the very foundations
and grundnorms of the institution of the
family so as to adversely affect its wellbeing and character as traditionally
understood.” Farooq Hassan (Pakistan)
“Spiritually, we need children almost as
much as they need us. They are our
spiritual wealth. Children teach us the
joy of building goodness that will outlive
our own. They teach us the joy of loving
someone more than self. That love lifts
one to give from the abundance of one’s
own life to help a child.” Elder Russell
Nelson (U.S.)
“Today, I invite you to consider that the
single most pervasive threat to the stability
and future of the family is sexual
immorality in all its forms. Nothing would
do more to strengthen the families of the
world than a resurgence of moral virtue,
particularly sexual purity.” Sheri Dew
“This insight helps explain the massive efforts of the
polygamous to deprive parents of control over educational
programs, especially reproductive health and the sexual
education of their adolescent children. In the last decade the
rise of abstinence education (monogamy education)
immediately galvanized the polygamous culture institutes of the
US into massive political counter-attack, culminating with their
recent victory in eliminating federal
funding for such programs. This
despite all the good that came with
abstinence: reducing teenage
abortions, out of wedlock births and
sexually transmitted diseases and
increasing educational attainment.”
Pat Fagan (U.S.)
“It is virtually accepted dogma among homosexual activists that
religion and the Church pose a final obstacle that must be
surmounted in order to achieve full ‘recognition.’ Cathy Renna,
the former spokeswoman for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation (GLAAD) has
stated, ‘People often get their views
[about homosexuality] from their
religion, so we don't want the pulpit
saying that being gay is wrong.’
Indeed, radical advocates of
homosexual behavior will seek to
censor or shut up any voice that
disagrees with their views.” Benjamin
Bull (U.S.)
“It’s time for a new feminism, ready to hear the message that
women around the globe are raising with greater frequency and
intensity than ever. That message is: I regret my abortion.
Whether in private or in public, women are expressing the
shared experience that abortion
represents a dead end, an empty promise,
a failed experiment, a false hope. For
countless women, not only did abortion
not solve their problems, but it only
created new ones, of a physical,
emotional, and spiritual nature.” Janet
Morana (U.S.)
“Maternity should be viewed by all as intellectually respectable
and emotionally rewarding as well a worthy profession in the
continued on page 5
Co-Sponsors and Partners – A Vital Part of WCF V
orld Congress of Families wishes to express
its profound gratitude to the Partners and
Co-Sponsors who contributed so much to the
success of the Amsterdam Congress. They
include the largest pro-family groups in the United
States, as well as proponents of family values in
Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, Italy,
Switzerland and Poland.
U.S. Co-Sponsors of World Congress of
Families V were: Alliance Defense Fund,
American Family Association, Americans United
for Life, Catholic Family and Human Rights
Institute, Concerned Women for America, Earhart
Foundation, Ethics and Public Policy Center,
Family First Foundation, Family Research
Council, Family Watch International, Fellowship of
St. James (Touchstone Magazine), Focus on the
Family, GrassTopsUSA, GFC Foundation, His
Servants, Home School Legal Defense
Association, Human
Life International, Latter-Day Saints Foundation,
Media Research Center, National Right to Life
Committee, Population Research Institute, Priests
for Life, Tradition, Family and Property and United
Families International.
Co-Sponsors outside the United States were:
REAL Women of Canada, Euthanasia Prevention
Coalition (Canada), Red Familia (the Family
Network, Mexico) Alliance for the Family (Latin
America and Europe), (Spain),
Associazione per la Difesa Dei Valori Cristiani –
Luci Sull ‘Est (Association for the Defense of
Christian Values, Italy), The Parents Forum of
Switzerland and the Fr. Piotr Skarga Institute
Many of these groups also co-sponsored
WCF IV (Warsaw 2007). Others support the
Congress of an ongoing basis as World Congress
of Families Partners.
S e c u r i n g a Fu t u r e f o r t h e Fa m i l y S i n c e 1 9 7 8
Population Research Institute
Putting People First
Earhart Foundation
The Declaration of Amsterdam
n the closing ceremony, World Congress of Families V adopted The Declaration of Amsterdam. Approved by the
delegates overwhelmingly, the Declaration is a forthright, concise and eloquent articulation of pro-family principles,
thanks primarily to the craftsmanship of Dr. Allan C. Carlson. That such a bold challenge to the reigning political/cultural
ethos was issued in the heart of the European Union made it especially significant.
Representing families and organizations from over 60 nations, we delegates to the World Congress of Families V,
convening in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, this 10-12 August 2009, affirm Article 16, par. 3, of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, agreeing that ‘the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, and is entitled to protection
by society and the State.’
In solidarity with earlier WCF Declarations, we define the natural family to rest on the lifelong marriage of a man to
a woman, for the purposes of welcoming and nurturing new human life, providing love, companionship, and mutual support,
building a home rich in functions, and strengthening the bonds of the generations.
We define ourselves as pro-child. We affirm those social, cultural and legal structures that encourage optimal
outcomes for children, in terms of health, learning and later civic engagement. We favor work arrangements that enable
parents to spend more time with their children. We understand the biological and social sciences to teach that children
predictably do best when raised by their natural parents in a married-couple home.
We affirm that the future of nations rests on families that are spiritually grounded. Religious organizations should
be free to uphold their own moral teachings about marriage and family in the public square.
We affirm that the natural family exists prior to the state. Public policies must respect this family autonomy.
We call for sound laws and policies that will:
support the natural institution of marriage;
discourage divorce, especially when children would be involved;
encourage couples that commit themselves to the rearing of children;
protect the primary right of parents to guide their children’s moral and practical education;
protect the physical, mental, social and spiritual development of children;
and guard vulnerable human life, especially at the beginning and end of the life cycle.
This Congress gave special attention to the status of the natural family in developing nations. In this light:
-We affirm intergenerational solidarity. Beyond the immediate circle of mother, father and their children lies the
rich tapestry of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Urbanization, industrialization, migration, wars, epidemics, and
selfish individualism have all weakened extended family bonds. We favor actions that would re-energize this broader family
circle as the place where individuals might find help in times of crisis, unemployment, sickness, poverty, old age, and
-We raise up the natural family as our solution to poverty. Support to people living in extreme poverty should be
given in a family context, wherever possible. We endorse actions that favor family home ownership and micro-enterprises,
deliver appropriate vocational training to young men and women, and renew rural economies as rich alternatives to
migration to the cities. We view each new child as an asset for the world, a new mind and a new pair of hands.
-We identify declining birthrates as the core demographic problem facing the 21st century. We favor responses
that discourage abortion (including sex selective abortion), enable larger and healthier families, and encourage economic
-We respond to the HIV and AIDS pandemic with a program of abstinence, faithfulness and character building
through life skills education. We believe that this approach will inspire and reinforce family life in societies, break the cycle
of infection, and best serve the interests of children. We also urge special initiatives to improve treatment for victims and to
assist orphans and elderly care-givers in rebuilding viable homes.
-And, we call for a family-centered approach to good health: Sexual education should be parent-guided and focus
on skills such as self-restraint, relational faithfulness, and the making of responsible choices. Access to pre- and post-natal
care should be expanded, including counseling on positive alternatives to abortion, including adoption. Breastfeeding
should be promoted as a child-survival strategy.
Adopted this day, 12 August 2009, in the City of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
World Congress of Families VI
he Amsterdam Congress also provided an
opportunity to jump-start the process of
choosing a city for the next Congress. Possible
sites for World Congress of Families VI (2011)
include: Canada, the United States, Bolivia,
Spain, Italy, Ghana, Nigeria, Latvia, Russia,
Australia, Singapore and Malta.
There was a meeting the evening
before WCF V convened for a general
discussion with representatives of groups
considering hosting WCF VI. Discussion
included the time table for letters of intent,
proposals, the Selection Committee meeting,
etc. There were also side meetings with
interested parties throughout the Congress.
The International Selection Committee
for WCF VI will meet before the end of the
year to evaluate the proposals submitted and
meet with potential organizing committees for the next
Live Video-Streaming of WCF V
orld Congress of Families V (Amsterdam, August 1012), was the first Congress to be web-cast live on
the Internet with video and audio. More than 3,000
watched the live webcast.
Both plenary sessions and panel discussions in
the main hall were web-cast live and may also be viewed
at ( by following the instructions.
DVDs of the Congress are also available for sale by
clicking here. Entire set of 22 DVDs for $100(includes
S&H). Individual DVDs $10 each.
The Overall Significance of
World Congress of Families V
aving a Congress in Amsterdam was an achievement in
itself. It’s hard to think of a European city where the
social policies of the anti-family left are more firmly
entrenched. Raising the standard of the natural family here
was a bold move. It also helped Dutch family activists to
initiate a national dialogue on issues once thought closed
to debate.
There was also more participation by activists from
Africa than at any previous Congress, thanks in part to the
Abuja Prep-con. (see page 1).
Allan Carlson often
describes WCF as an
alliance of orthodox
believers who disagree with
each other on doctrinal
matters but can unite in
support of the family.
Speakers at World
Congress of Families V
included the Chief Rabbi of
the Netherlands, the
President of the Pontifical
Council on the Family
Allan C. Carlon, WCF International Secretary
(whose speech was read by
a Msgr. Carlos Simon), the
Archbishop of Utrecht, a past President of the Southern
Baptist Convention, the President of the SBC Ethics and
Religious Liberty Commission and a member of the Council
of Twelve Apostles of the Mormon Church.
Nevertheless, secular speakers dominated the
Amsterdam Congress, including those like Pat Fagan
(Family Research Council), Philip Longman (New American
Foundation) and John Mueller (Ethics and Public Policy
Center) noted for their scholarship on issues affecting the
The Amsterdam Congress also taught us the
difficulties of having a Congress in August, and the
challenges of doing a Congress when the host country
lacks an effective network of
pro-family groups.
Each Congress offers
unique challenges and
opportunities. Each is a learning
experience. We are grateful to
members of the Dutch Local
Organizing Committee –
especially Simon Polinder,
Evert-Jan Brouwer and GeertJan Poker– for their hard work,
patience and perseverance.
Simon Polinder
SIECUS Calls WCF “Fringe, But Still Dangerous”
The Sex Information and Education Council of America
(SIECUS) – which supports life-style indoctrination and
undermining societal norms in the guise of “sex
education” – is about as far removed from the naturalfamily worldview as an organization can get.
SIECUS sent an “opposition
researcher” to Amsterdam who
filed a series of reports that
swung between disinformation
and denunciations. Here are
excerpts from its final report,
titled “World Congress of
Families: Fringe, But Still
•“One should be concerned
about WCF, not just because of
One of a handful of
demonstrators at WCF V
what they say, but because of
what they do: influence
domestic and international policy.”
•“The WCF’s mission is to protect ‘the natural family,’
which they define as a nuclear family with a father and
mother and children. This outdated worldview
discriminates against women, is homophobic and
upholds an offensive and outdated patriarchical system.
Yet, the WCF has succeeded in institutionalizing this
model, most recently in Romania where, last month, the
government enacted the country’s new civil code,
defining marriage as only between a man and a
•“And these attacks are not just focused on more
conservative countries. Even in a liberal bastion such
as the Netherlands, not only do they want to limit
marriage to only for a man and a woman, they want
stricter restrictions on divorce and they want to take
away the right of gay couples to adopt.”
•“Such extreme views are anathema to a rights-based
society that respects and values the individual. And it is
this very rights-based framework that the WCF and its
organizers seek to dismember in favor of a theocratic
and ideological order.”
SIECUS seeks to abolish the natural family in favor of a
utopian vision that has contributed to an unwed
pregnancy rate of 40% in the United States, and where
8,000 teens contract a new sexually transmitted
disease every day.
The World Population Fund and something called
CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality collaborated with
SIECUS in what was designated “a response to the
World Congress of Families.”
Click here to read the entire report.
continued from front page
10-12, 2009
human dignity – the role of religion in
supporting families – media and the family
– the complimentary roles of mothers and
fathers – human trafficking in women and
children – HIV and AIDS – the impact of
international law on the family – how
biotechnology and ethics affect the family
– abortion, euthanasia and other life
issues – and character education and the
Anna Zaborska, Theresa Okafor, Marika Bertule, Paige Patterson and others
World Congress of Families V
he World Congress of Families gratefully
acknowledges the following foundations and
individuals whose generous support made Amsterdam
2009 a reality:
Alberto and Christine Vollmer
American Values
Bradley Foundation
Caryl Crahan (in memory of her
husband Marcus Crahan, Jr.)
Catholic Citizens of Illinois
David Swain, Jr.
Don Schmierer
Earhart Foundation
Fieldstead & Company
Frederic Clark
George Marlin
GFC Foundation
Gilbert and Janice Crouse
Herbert Hansen
Heritage Foundation
Jack and Mary Wheatley
Jaren Hiller
John and Connie McCartney
John and Dena Koehler
John and Janice Fisher
Kirk Boyenga
Knights of Columbus
Mary Ellen Smoot
Michael and Lindy Keiser
Norman McClelland
Paige and Dorothy Patterson
Religious Freedom Coalition
Robert and Mary Galvin
Rodney Brady
Russell Van Cleve
Sigmund and Sarah Bachmann
Sunmark Foundation
Terry and Mary Kohler
Thomas Humphris
Warren and Virginia Babcock
Warren Rothwell
William Andrews (special gift for
Live Web-Streaming)
“Each Life Matters”
Demonstration In Madrid Oct. 17
fter government approval of a draft
version of a new abortion law, more
than 40 Spanish organizations,
representing over 4 million families, announced an October 17
demonstration against the proposed law, in Madrid.
At a June press conference, the President of
Fundación Mujer, Familia y Trabajo, Gloria Yuste, read a
manifesto, which will also be read on the day of the
demonstration. The manifesto – A Defense of Life, Women and
Maternity – stresses not only the importance of supporting
pregnant women and of providing a voice for the unborn child,
but also the role of maternity in Spanish society today.
The Spanish group Foro Espanol de la Familia (the
Spanish Family Forum) hopes pro-life/pro-family groups in
other countries will endorse its petition.
Click Here to read the Petition in it’s entirety, in English.
For more information on the Oct. 17 demonstration, and to
endorse the petition, contact Lourdes del Fresno at
DVDs Available of Second
International Anti-Euthanasia
Mirjam Sterk , Dutch Parliment
Chris Carmouche ,
Tobias Teuscher flanked by Miguel Morano and someone else
he Euthanasia
Prevention Coalition – a
World Congress of Families
Partner – held a highly
successful Second
International Symposium on
euthanasia and assisted
suicide in the Washington,
D.C.-area on May 29-30.
The Symposium focused on the rhetoric and strategy
of the international euthanasia lobby and how to counter it.
The Second-International Symposium DVD set is
available for $49. This six DVD set includes all the talks from
the Second-International Symposium on Euthanasia and
Assisted Suicide.
Special Offer: Order one Second-International Symposium
DVD set and one First-International Symposium DVD set for
$70 or Order one Second-International Symposium DVD set
and one Turning the Tide DVD set for $70.
Click here for more information on the Euthanasia Prevention
Coalition .
World Congress of Families
Circulates Petition In
Defense of Marriage in
of Families is
collecting the
signatures of
pro-family/prolife leaders and scholars on a “Petition In
Support of Marriage In Albania.” The Albanian
government has announced that it is preparing
legislation to legalize same-sex marriage.
The WCF petition notes (in part) that:
The nation’s religious leaders – Catholic,
Orthodox and Muslim – oppose the move. Any
attempt to re-define marriage will inevitably
weaken an institution that is the foundation for
a just and prosperous society.
“Same-sex marriage” severs the bond
between marriage and child-bearing, by
applying the label to couples who – by their
very nature – are incapable of procreation. A
threat to the family anywhere is a threat to the
family everywhere.
“Therefore, we the undersigned profamily leaders, scholars, activists and officeholders from around the world state our
unequivocal support for the natural family and
our opposition to any attempt to redefine
marriage or the family. We call on the Albanian
government to listen to the voice of the people
– and the nation’s religious leaders – and
withdraw its proposal to legalize same-sex
Click here to read the Petition in Support of
Marriage In Albania
To add your name, contact Don Feder at
In 2008 – at the request of the Alliance for
Romania’s Families – World Congress of
Families circulated a similar petition in support
of marriage in Romania, which helped to
persuade the Romanian Parliament to amend
its civil code to define marriage as the union of
one man and one woman and to ban so-called
gay marriage.
4th Pro-Life World Congress In
Saragossa, Spain (Nov. 6-8)
he 4th. Pro-life World Congress will take place in Saragossa,
Spain, November 6-8. The theme of the Congress is “Public
Awareness: A Symphony for Life.” Defense of the unborn will be
explored from medical, judicial, political, ethical and
anthropological perspectives.
The Congress’s objectives include: Detecting new and
successful approaches to raise awareness of the value of life –
Defending the right of mothers to continue their pregnancies with
the help of society and government – Promoting sound medical
research to stop the
destruction of and traffic in
human embryos – Serving as
a venue for national pro-life
leaders to discuss and agree
on common policies and
strategies at the international
Speakers will include Ramon
Lucas Lucas (professor of
philosophical and bioethical
anthropology, Gregorian
University of Rome),
Alejandro Leal Esquivel
(professor of human genetics,
University of Costa Rica), Dr.
Maria Concepcion Morales
Peralta (internist and
president of Pro-Life Cuba), Anna Zaborska (chairman,
Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, European
Parliament), Carlo Casini (member of the European Parliament),
Julia Regina de Cardenal (president, Foundation, Yes to Life, El
Salvador), Richard
Stith (professor of
law, Valparaiso
University, U.S,),
and John Smeaton
(Society for the
Protection of
Unborn Children,
U.K.), as well as
pro-life leaders
from Argentina,
Christian Family Day in Madrid, Spain
Croatia, Chile and
Previous Congresses were held in Madrid (2003), Lima,
Peru (2005) and Mexico (2007). The 5th Congress will be held in
Nicaragua in 2011.For more information on the 4th. Pro-Life World
Congress (in English and Spanish), go to
or e-mail
World Congress of Families
934 Nor th Main Street
Rockford, Illinois 61103