Canley Heighlights - Canley Heights Public School


Canley Heighlights - Canley Heights Public School
Canley Heighlights
A Letter from the Director
Phone: 9724 3320
Volume24 Issue 15
18 September 2015
Important Dates
Friday 18th September
Last Day Term 3
Monday 5th October
Public Holiday
Tuesday 6th October
Term 4 Begins
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the retirement of Mr Peter Bowyer as Principal of Canley Heights Public School,
it is my pleasure to announce that the new Principal for the school has been selected
following a merit selection process.
Mrs Elle Hidson has been appointed as the new Principal for the school and will
officially commence in the position from the beginning of Term 4 2015.
Mrs Hidson brings to the school significant experience, having relieved as Principal of
Canley Heights Public School during the past three years. I know that your school
community will benefit greatly from her extensive curriculum knowledge, her
educational leadership and vision, her capacity to develop staff and her interpersonal skills
in establishing productive partnerships with parents and the broader school community.
Mrs Hidson is greatly looking forward to continuing her partnership with the staff, parents
and community to ensure that Canley Heights Public School continues its focus on enabling
excellent educational opportunities and outcomes for all students.
Yours sincerely
Cathy Brennan
Director, Public Schools NSW
Fairfield Principals Network
18 September 2015
Wednesday 7th October
Yr 5 Excursion—Maritime
Thursday 8th October
Onesight Eye clinic
Friday 9th October
Onesight eye clinic
Bổ nhiệm Hiệu trưởng cho Trường Canley Heights
继 Mr Peter Bowyer, Canley Heights
Mrs Elle Hidson
Thưa quý phụ huynh và người giám hộ
Sau khi Mr Peter Bowyer, Hiệu trưởng của trường Canley
Heights về hưu, tôi rất hân hạnh được thông báo hiệu
trưởng mới đã được bổ nhiệm sau một quá trình lựa chọn.
Cô Elle Hidson đã được bổ nhiệm làm hiệu trưởng cho
Mrs Hidson
Heights 学校代理校长
Mrs Hidson
Canley Heights
năm 2015.
trường và sẽ chính thức bắt đầu chức vụ vào đầu học kỳ 4
Cô Hidson mang đến những kinh nghiệm đáng kể cho
trường, cô đã tạm thế chức vụ Hiệu trưởng Trường
Canley Heights trong suốt ba năm qua. Tôi biết rằng cộng
đồng trường học của quí vị sẽ có lợi ích lớn từ kiến thức
sâu rộng trong chương trình giảng dạy, lãnh đạo, tầm
nhìn, khả năng phát triển đội ngũ nhân viên và kỹ năng
giao tiếp của cô trong việc thiết lập quan hệ đối tác hiệu
quả với phụ huynh và cộng đồng rộng lớn của trường.
Cô Hidson rất mong được tiếp tục hợp tác với nhân viên,
phụ huynh và cộng đồng để đảm bảo Trường Canley
Heights vẫn tiếp tục tập trung tạo điều kiện và cơ hội cho
học sinh có nền giáo dục tuyệt vời và hiệu quả.
Kính thư
Tuesday 13th October
Regional Public Speaking
Wednesday 14th October
Inquisitive Minds Incursion
Year 6 Transition
On Wednesday 9th September, our Year 6 students as well as the Year 6 teachers, with the assistance of Miss Chan and Mr Foley walked to Fairvale High
school for High School transition. The excitement was electric as we made our
way down the Cumberland Highway. Some students
were eager to see where their brothers or sisters go to
school, while others were a little anxious about the
As soon as we entered the High School we were
greeted by very welcoming staff that broke us up into
groups. Some students participated in language
classes where they learnt French or Spanish, while
others put on lab coats and safety goggles and
experimented with different chemicals in the science lab.
Another group enjoyed P.E on vast green fields, while a
very lucky group cooked crunchy choc chip cookies.
Some very clever students worked in the technology labs, where they
designed their very own computer programs. Finally a very creative group of
children had the opportunity to work in the Art rooms.
Our day was packed with great experiences and
hopefully it set some nerves at ease, while for some
Year 7 cannot come fast enough!
Our Children behaved in an exemplary fashion and the High School teachers
spoke very highly about their behaviour, eagerness to join in activities and
their overall confidence.
As their Year 6 teachers we hope that this day was a valuable experience for
their journey into high school.
Mrs Filpi , Miss Graetsch and Miss Yildirim
Những ngày quan trọng
Thứ Sáu ngày 18 Tháng 9
Ngày cuối của học kỳ 3
Thứ Hai ngày 5 tháng 10
Ngày nghỉ lễ
Thứ Ba ngày 6 tháng 10
Ngày đầu của học kỳ 4
Thứ Tư ngày 7 tháng 10
Học sinh lớp 5 đi du ngoạnViện bảo tàng Hàng hải
Thứ Năm ngày 8 tháng 10
Khám mắt miễn phí của Onesight
Thứ Sáu ngày 9 Tháng 10
Khám mắt miễn phí của Onesight
Thứ Ba ngày 13 tháng 10
Thi Nói Trước Công Chúng (Khu vực)
Thứ Tư ngày 14 tháng 10
Đầu óc tò mò ham học
星期五, 9月18日
星期一, 10月5日
星期二, 10月6日
星期三, 10月7日
星期四, 10月8日
星期五, 10月9日
星期二, 10月13日
星期三, 10月14日
Preschool News!
The children have been learning about Community Workers. They were very excited when the police officers
from Cabramatta Police Station visited them. Constable Rayner spoke to the children about how they can recognise police by the uniform they wear. He also told the children about the importance of wearing a seatbelt in
a vehicle and a helmet when riding a bike. The children knew they have to call 000 in an emergency. The children got to wear police shirts and police hats. Constable Rayner also took finger prints of the children. The
children had a chance to sit inside the police car and turn on the siren and flashing lights.
Principal’s Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have received Principal awards. These awards along with
special certificates presented at weekly assemblies are given to children who have received 20 class awards
for excellent work or other special contributions in their classes.
Brenan T 1ET, Annalise P 1ET, Rethson N 4AB, Marcus C 1ET, Zoe K 1ET, Yasouarman K 1ET,
Valerija V KM, Amanda L KM, William T KM, Crystal T 6FB, Jane N 5M, Tanicha T 6Y, Gemma L 2D, Pare E
5M, Maire S 6Y, Necia W 5K, Maya L KM, Beni P 2B, Phuong N 4AB, Dinny L 4AB, Mohamad A 6FB, Nixion P
6FB, Jacky L 6FB, Ricky N 4V, Daniel D 4K, James H 4K, Nikki K 4K, Andy C 1ET,
Nathan M 1B, Miranda L 1B, Angelina N 5K, Danielle L 5K, Lucas I 5K, Adelene P 6FB
A very special mention to who has been awarded two Principal’s Awards this year.
Very well Done!
Roger T 2B
School Website
We strongly encourage our students and parents to access our school website regularly to read and view important information such as photos of recent school events,
view the calendar to see important events and read and download the school newsletter.
Any notes which are sent home are now ready for download on the school website
and can be accessed in the notes tab. We strongly encourage all our students and
parents to read and download the notes from the website and return the permission
slips with payment (if necessary) to the organising teacher BEFORE the due date as
NO late payments will be accepted.
Our school website address is
Missing School = Missing Out
Page 3
Canley Heighlights
Stars of the Week
Term 3 Week 9
Term 3 Week 10
Angelina T
Excellent story writing
Joaji S
Excellent improvement in written vocabulary
Farah A
Playing nicely with others
Saraynonn P
Great work in all areas
Nicholas T
Trying hard to finish his work
Nadeem Y
Trying hard in writing
Mikayla Y
Working well in class
Amber R
Great improvement inwriting
Yaso K
Excellent spelling results
Annalise P
Improvement in reading
Lucas L
Wonderful information report
Hineakura W
Working well with others
Natalie T
Effort in guided reading
Happy M
Great improvement in attitude to learning
Daniel H
Excellent classwork
Mark G
Excellent work in spelling
Edward Y
Thoughtful question responses
Anna H
Being a kind class member
Joshua J
Great effort in reading comprehension
Gemma L
Great progress in maths
Zachariah C
Wonderful predictions in science
Sky L
Improving her sentence structure
Orsola M
Improvement in guided reading
Orsola M
Making a bif effort to listen
Randy L
An interesting magic potion
Matterlynn R
Great work in maths groups
Andy N
Improvement in writing
Sophia K
Fantastic team work in computer lab
Logan P
Being interested and focused
Joseph R
Good work in VCL
Emmaly M
Working hard & beautiful bookwork
Angelina N
Fantastic dancing
Chloe L
Improvement in reading
Trang P
A helpful & thoughtful student
Sophea P
Improvement on clock reading
Brandon V
Working well in maths
Pare E
A positive attitude
Jane N
Excellent improvement in public speaking
Zaia S
Always having a positive attitude
Samantha L
An amazing ANZAC project
Jenny N
Great work habit
Linh N
Excellent book review
Ryan v
Determination in maths
Jeremiah M
Consistently working well in class
Adelene P
A positive attitude
Blayde R
Excellent research on India
Cindy L
Working hard always
Mary D
Excellent work in maths
Deputy Principal’s Awards
Congratulations to all the students who have received class awards. These students
have demonstrated excellent behaviour in class and have keenly participated in
classroom activities. Well done!
YEAR 1: Brian N 1B, Stephanie T 1B (30), Ivan N 1ET, Brendon N 1ET, Violeta V 1ET (30),
Tina L 1ET (30), Marcus C 1ET, Ethan H 1ET, Mark L 1ET (30), Angelina S 1B (30),
Happy M 1B, Mary-Sophia M 1S,
YEAR 2: Bernice L 2D, Jennifer L 2T
YEAR 4: Brandon V 4V, Chris C 4AB (30), Tracey N 4AB (30),Vivien P 4AB (30), Sarah N 4AB (30),
Sandra D 4AB (30), Connor U 4V (30), Anthony H 4K (30),
YEAR 5: Joanna-Lee J 5C (30), Amany A 5K, Nathaniel T 5C, Zaia S 5K
YEAR 6: Richard L 6Y, Hendrix M 6Y, Johnson P 6Y, Alen C 6Y, Alex K 6Y
School Uniform
Students are to wear their summer uniform from the beginning of term 4.
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Canley Heighlights
Canberra War Memorial Excursion
On the 1st of September, ninety four Year 5 and Year 6 students
went to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. This trip was
a conclusion to our Term 2 unit ANZACS which was taught to
coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the Landing at Gallipoli.
We left school at 7am and travelled by coach eagerly looking
for Victorian Cross winner Rest Stops along Remembrance
Drive. All students were treated to an hour tour of the War
Memorial with a volunteer giving all students a different
perspective of the displays and artefacts. The Guides were
impressed with our students’ knowledge and understanding as
well as the questions asked on the day.
Classes were then able to take self-guided tours and some
groups even managed to complete the Walk of Remembrance
looking at the different memorials depicted all the wars from
different countries like Vietnam and sectors such as the nurses.
A fitting ending to the day was witnessing The Last Post
Ceremony held at the memorial at 4.55pm daily. Our Captains
Katherine and Ryan laid a wreath on behalf of our school during
this ceremony. The ceremony marked 100 years of Air force chaplains in the war, particularly Squadron
Leader Gordon Gladstone Wood. We returned to school at 8.40pm tired but full of admiration for the men
and women who have fought and died for our country. I
would like to thank all the students for their excellent
behaviour throughout the day. I would like to thank the
parents for allowing their children to attend such a long
and special excursion. A special thankyou to our teachers,
Mrs Filpi, Miss Yildirim, Mr Mourad, Miss Chan and
Mrs Hidson.
Miss Graetsch
Expression of interest—Year 6 Farewell Hummer Hire
Interested parents have taken the liberty to contact two limousine hire companies— WOW Limousines &
Crown Limos. Providing 13-14 seats can be filled we are looking at approximately$30 per student.
A 50% deposit will need to be made relatively soon to secure vehicle/s. Please take care in your
decision as no refunds can be given once the deposit is paid. More information will be made available once
interest is established. Please contact BY TEXT Mel ( Kaleb’s (6FB) Mum on 0435 717 314 0r Linda
(Mitchell’s (6Y) Mum on 0450 448 404.
English/Maths at Canley Heights Public School on Sunday
And Fairvale Public School Saturday
Please contact Kevin Le 0425 242 363
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Canley Heighlights
Kip Corner
The KiP students have been working very hard to make pinch pots, fridge magnets, popcorn
flowers, coasters and glittery vases to sell at the Mini Fair. All money raised will be given to
the Make-A-Wish Foundation which aims to grant the lifelong wishes of seriously ill children.
This might be meeting their favourite sports star, having a holiday to Disneyland or seeing
their favourite band at a concert. Our KiP group is proud of what they are doing to make a
difference to the lives of other children. Please come and visit their stall at the Mini Fair on the 15th October and help
them make a difference.
Extension Art Group
On Saturday the 12th of September Mrs Jamieson, Miss Tang and Mrs Payne took 8 lovely year
6 Artists to Operation Art. The exhibition was held at the Armory in Sydney Olympic Park to
display nearly 1000 artworks created by students from NSW Public Schools. 2 students from the
year 6 Extension Art group had their work selected to be shown in the exhibition. After the
exhibition finishes the art will decorate hospitals throughout NSW, bringing happiness, hope and
inspiration to patients. The girls should be very proud of their representation of the school and
the commitment they have shown to developing their artistic talents. The exhibition is open every
day until October 25th and is FREE to see.
Swim School
The weather is heating up! Is your child ready to swim this summer?
If your child has limited experience in water, needs to build their water safety and survival skills,
or cannot swim 25 metres by themselves in deep water, they are able to participate in the Swim
Scheme. The scheme focuses on weak swimmers in years 2, 3 and 4. Lessons will take place
at Prairiewood Leisure Centre each day. The scheme will continue daily for two weeks from
Monday 2nd of November to Friday 13th November 2015.The cost of the two week program is
$75.00. Payment is to be made directly to The School Office. There are only 60 places for year 2 and 60 places for
year 3 so get in quick to avoid missing out.
Mrs E. Payne
Woolworths Earn and Learn
The Woolworths Earn and Learn has finished. If you have any leftover stickers could you bring them in by this Friday.
A big thank you to all the classes who have brought in stickers. I will let you know as to how many we collected and
the number of stickers each class tallied. Prizes for the best infants and best primary collections will be rewarded on
Friday. Well done to all!
PSSA Sport
Two weeks ago we had two teams represent our school in PSSA. The junior rugby league team was
victorious over Fairfield West 24-6. The Year 5 girls netball team also won their grand final 11-7 after a
6-6 deadlock at full time.
Congratulations to both teams.
Zone Athletics
44 students from our school represented us at the zone athletics carnival last month at the Crest, Bankstown. They performed extremely well considering some of our better athletes were at camp.
Tini from 4V won the discus and shot put, Bernice from 2D was 2nd in her 100m race final, Nathaniel 5C
was 2nd in his final for the 100m and our Junior Boys team came 1st overall. They will be representing
our school at the Area athletics championships.
Mr Mourad
Aileen Le
Vincent Le
Tuition That Works
Branch Manager – Cabramatta
0410 572 818
Branch Manager – Campbelltown 0425 242 191
Canley Heights Writing Competition
During term two and three the Canley Heights Writing Competition has been taking place.
For this competition each child had to select their best piece of writing in any genre to enter
into the competition. All entries were read and the best three per grade were selected as
winners. Congratulations to all students for the high calibre of writing and publishing.
The grade winners were:
Kinder: 1st Henry Y KC
2nd Mikayla L KT
3rd Mimi H KS
Year 1: 1st Katherine I 1B
2nd Erica D 1P
3rd Dylan K 1S
Year 2: 1st Alysha P 2B
2nd Emily T 2D
3rd Gemma L 2D
Year 3: 1st Lynne L 3P
2nd Zolanda P 3P
3rd Alison L 3S
Year 4: 1st Kristen N 4AB
2nd Crystal P 4V
3rd Justin S 4K
Year 5: 1st Linh N 5C
2nd Necia W 5K
3rd Lyndell F 5M
Year 6: 1st Natalie T 6G
2nd Victor L 6FB
3rd Morrisa H 6Y
Area Athletics
Five students represented our school at the Regional Athletics Championships at Campbelltown sports Ground.
Our Junior Boys relay team made the final and came 5th- a tremendous effort. Tini from 4V placed 4th in the
discus and was the best competitor in the Junior boys Shot Put. Nathaniel from 5C placed
1st in an exciting 10 year old boys final. These two boys will be representing our school,
zone and region at the State Athletics championships to be held at Homebush next term.
A big congratulations to all of the students. You have done us proud.
Sydney South West Mathematics Competition: Sumdog
Congratulations to class 5M for officially winning the sumdog competition. They have all
won subscriptions to Sumdog as the regional classroom winner. In addition, three student
from 4V also received annual subscriptions as well. A job well done!
Mr Mourad
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Canley Heighlights
Kindergarten Transition 2015-2016
Is your child or a child you know starting Kindergarten next year in 2016? Have you enrolled your child?
Canley Heights Public School is introducing a new Transition to Kindergarten program starting in week 1 term 4.
Each Friday morning in term 4 from 9.00am to 10.00am we will be conducting a play and learn session in the
Kindergarten rooms and on the Kindergarten verandah for all children who will be attending Kindergarten next
year in 2016.
During this time your child will have the opportunity to play and socialize with other children who will be starting
Kindergarten next year. They will also get to know the teachers and support staff who will be involved with your
child at school. This will help your child to become familiar with the school and teachers and feel confident and
happy about starting school in the New Year.
If you would like your child to be a part of this program please make sure you have enrolled your child at the
school office.
The program will start in Week 1 Term 4 – Friday 9th October and continue each Friday until the 27th November.
A parent program will also be running at this time in the school hall for interested parents.
Mrs C Munro- Kindergarten Supervisor
Mini Fair Sponsors
Canley Heights Public School has received generous donations of prizes for the Mini-Fair raffle. We would
like to express sincere thanks to the following businesses for supporting our Mini-Fair Fun Day.
Prizes drawn on Mini Fair Day Thursday 15 th October
Canley Heights Newsagency
What the Fudge – Canley Heights
What the Fudge – Cabramatta
Caltex - Canley Heights
The Glass Occasion
Exotic Fruit Canley Heights
Hypoxi -Cabramatta
Canley Heights Butcher
Active Aquariums
Selene & Theia
Captain Cook Cruises
Canley Heights Hotel
Hong Hoa Restaurant
Adidas Store
Bach Dang Vietnamese Restaurant
Fairfield RSL
Be in it to Win it!
Our Cybersafe Message for this week is:
Select passwords carefully. When creating passwords there
are some definite dos and don’ts, these include:
make it at least eight characters in length
◦combine letters, numbers and upper and lower case letters.
◦change your password regularly.
use pet names, birthdates, family or
friends’ names
◦share passwords with others, even with
◦store them on the device.
Page 8
Sponsors of our Breakfast Club
Canley Heighlights
Dear students, staff and parents of Canley Heights Public School.
It is with both sadness and excitement that I write to inform you that I will be leaving the school at the end of term
3. I have enjoyed many fond memories at Canley Heights and developed strong friendships with the dedicated
Teachers, Support Staff and Office staff that make this school brilliant. Each of you, and the role you play is
irreplaceable to the success and ‘can do’ culture at this school.
During my time at Canley Heights I have witnesses the transformation of the school made possible by visionary
leadership and a commitment to reflective self-improvement. This has included among other things the following
learning and well-being initiatives; Learning Links Counselling, Kids in Philanthropy, Breakfast Club, Bounce Back
Program, Community First Step Social Worker Support, and School Speech Therapy. From my perspective these
initiatives and others have been successful because of the schools unwavering commitment to ‘never give up’,
‘believe change is possible’, ‘take risks’ and ‘collaborate’.
I will carry these lessons with me to my new role in State Office where I will be working on the new NSW Student
Well-being Framework as Pro-social Behaviour Advisor. This is an exciting and challenging role that seeks support
students live fulfilling, productive and responsible lives by assisting them to develop a sense of optimism and
resilience- alongside their need to excel academically.
Kind Regards,
Kris Wrona
School Counsellor
Showcase of Student Wellbeing Programs at CHPS
All parents are invited to attend an information session highlighting the many different Student Wellbeing
programs being offered to students at Canley Heights Public School. The showcase will be presented by Mr Vidler
and will explore additional support programs such as: Learning Links Counselling; Breakfast Club; Reading Café;
After-School Sport; KiP; Speech Therapy; MTC New Links to Learning; and many more.
Friday 9th October
9:00am – 10:00am
School Hall
Presented by: Mr Vidler
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mr Vidler
Assistant Principal
Learning and Support
OneSight is visiting your child’s school on Friday 9th October, 2015 to provide a free vision
At this screening, your child’s distance and near vision will be tested to ensure they can see the
blackboard and read a book, and their colour vision and depth perception will also be tested. An
optometrist will conduct a basic test and may refer your child for a full examination.
Should your child require a full eye examination, your child will be issued with a OneSight Vision
Voucher, which entitles your child to a free pair of glasses from a select range, should they be
required. The voucher is only valid at OPSM stores.
OneSight provides this eye care program free of charge, with no obligation.
Please fill in the permission form with your child’s name, address and family history and return to the
school before Wednesday 7th October 2015.
If you have lost these forms, please see the school website or ask the office for another one.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday.
Miss Langworthy
Ideas to use at home Helping your child with literacy and numeracy:
Pre-school to Year 6
Pause, Prompt… Praise
You may have already heard of Pause, Prompt Praise or the 3Ps as it is sometimes called.
These three catchy words, Pause, Prompt Praise describe a simple technique that, used well, will support your
child to practise his/her reading and to develop more reading confidence.
The principle of Pausing – then Prompting – and then Praising is very useful to remember and apply anytime your
child is reading aloud to you.
Teachers and trained tutors often use a more structured version of this principle but the following tips can help you
to try out it when reading with your child at home.
The 3Ps technique is best used when your child is reading and ‘gets stuck’ on words that they can’t read or are
new to them.
When your child encounters words that are difficult for them to read, the 3Ps technique will allow him/her the
opportunity to have another go, self-correct, or if needed, find out (be told) what the problem word is.
Two important things to remember from the outset when using the 3Ps:
The goal of reading is to understand (make sense) of what is read, so always keep this
in mind when you are prompting and praising your child.
Try to ensure that you are relaxed, interested and supportive, which in turn, will help your
child feel OK when they make mistakes or just can’t work out a word and need to be told what it
At home this technique will work best when your child is reading a text that is well- matched to their reading level,
that is, where your child can easily read most of the words in the text and only falters on
occasional words.
Before reading, make sure that you are both comfortable and can clearly see the text your child is reading.
Once your child starts reading aloud carefully follow the text as they read.
If (or when) your child comes to a word they don’t know try not to jump in straight away and supply the correct
word. Wait and give your child time to work out the word.
In the first instance ‘pausing’ creates an opportunity for your child to try and self-correct or work out the word for
If your child successfully supplies the word they have stumbled over it’s a good idea to suggest that he/she goes
back to the beginning of the sentence and re-reads the whole sentence again (to recap meaning) before reading
If your child has not independently worked out the problem word, at this point you may intervene and prompt them
with some quick, low-key suggestions about what they could do. Say things like:
Try reading on for a sentence or two, miss out the difficult word and see if that helps you to work it out what it is.
Look at the sound the word begins with, use that clue and think about what might make sense here. Look at the
pictures and see if they give you a clue to what the word might be.
Go back to the beginning of the sentence, re-read it and have another go at working it out.
If prompts like these are not working, this is the point at which you simply tell your child the correct word. After a
short time ‘prompting’ say:
Would you like me to help you? or How about I tell you the word?
You may even briefly explain the meaning of the word but then quickly prompt your child to continue reading. Try
not to spend too much time prompting as your child will find it difficult to maintain the overall meaning of what they
are reading.
This is the easiest part of the process for any parent because it’s something that comes naturally. Praise your
child’s reading efforts and successes whenever you think it is appropriate during the reading process.
As well as praising their effort it is often good to tell them why. For example you might say:
Well done, I thought it was brilliant the way that you went back, re-read the sentence from the beginning and
worked out that word you were having trouble with.
That was great reading tonight, I know I had to tell you a few words but you also worked out some pretty tricky
ones for yourself. Well done
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Canley Heighlights