01 2016 NO. The Dairy Issue IN THIS ISSUE Wiesehoff Dairy first with 500ml Pure-Pak® Sense cartons 04 BIOG Molkerei speaks from the heart with new carton 05 Farmi first in Baltics in Pure-Pak® Sense cartons 06 Scandinavian dairies take the lead in renewable packaging 09 Grådö updates dairy with new generation, flexible filling technology 12 The Isle of Man Creamery brings more carton convenience to loyal consumers 14 Elopak first packaging company to join RE100 Campaign 16 Granarolo gets fresh with new soya milk 18 Elopak Roll Fed business expansion continues 19 Published by Elopak AS Group Headquarters. Postbox 418 Skøyen, 0213 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 31 27 10 00, Fax: +47 31 27 15 00 Editorial Team: Jutta Pinnerød, Ingrid Lille Thorsen and Stephanie Sergeant (Research) Layout: Nora Korvenkontio Print: 07 MEDIA AS February 2016 | PRODUCT NEWS | PACKAGING Wiesehoff Dairy FIRST WITH 500ml ® PURE-PAK SENSE CARTONS Wiesehoff Dairy has become the first to launch 500ml Pure-Pak® Sense cartons onto the consumer dairy market. The dairy was also the first to introduce the new food waste saving cartons in 1 litre format to the German market in mid-2015. W iesehoff’s own-brand fresh ESL milk (3.5 and 1.5% fat) and buttermilk were launched in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Sense cartons in June. The dairy, based in Schöppingen, north-west Germany has since launched the 500ml PurePak® Sense cartons for its milk, buttermilk and cocoa products. The carton was selected by Wiesehoff to help communicate stronger ties to the region under the ‘Good from Münsterland’ slogan. The easy-to-fold food waste saving feature and userfriendly shape fits perfectly with the Wiesehoff new fresh, chequered-style design. The carton’s rounded ‘Top Fin’ and smooth front panel are important features for the dairy. Hubert Wiesehoff, owner and CEO of Wiesehoff Dairy, says, “This is a carton with a more contemporary design for today’s market which enhances Wiesehoff’s core values. The option to print on the top fin is a valuable tool to help consumers with on-shelf navigation through product varieties. The new portion pack has extended the handling, convenience and environmental benefits of the Pure-Pak® Sense carton to our consumers.” More information on Wiesehoff Dairy is available at or contact Astrid Näscher at our office in Germany; 4 P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 | PRODUCT NEWS | PACKAGING BIOG Molkerei SPEAKS FROM THE HEART WITH NEW CARTON BIOG Molkerei in Luxembourg has become Elopak’s newest customer in the Benelux with the launch of its BIOG milk in Pure-Pak® Diamond carton with Curve®. The dairy is the only producer of fresh organic milk products in Luxembourg with a market share of 90 per cent. The products from BIOG Molkerei were launched in the beginning of January 2016 in 1 litre Pure-Pak® cartons with a large closure for added convenience: 1 liter BIOG milk 3,8%, 1 liter BIOG semi skimmed milk 1,5% and the supermarket label 1 liter Cactus milk 3,8%. All cartons have a fifth curved panel which creates a distinctive shape and a communication tool for key messages. BIOG previously contract packed its products at the Luxlait Dairy in Luxembourg. In June 2015 the farmers of BIOG decided to open BIOG Molkerei, a new dairy owned by the farmers to fill their own dairy products. However, the packaging type used by Luxlait for BIOG did not reflect the key intrinsic values and philosophy of the new organic dairy. Therefore, the move towards Pure-Pak® cartons was a logical change. “When choosing the new package, BIOG was attracted to the shape of the carton with the Curve® feature and the new design opportunities,” explains Kees Geelhoedt, Elopak’s Sales Director Benelux. The Curve® panel states ‘Bio & Fair & Regional’ highlighting that this is a dairy which promotes organic farming, supports a fair dairy business and its area by sourcing regional milk. BIOG Molkerei is a fully organic dairy and is part of Bio Farmers’ cooperative (BIOG) in Luxembourg who works together to protect the environment and support organic agriculture. BIOG supports farmers with fair prices and promotes these practices to the consumer to spread awareness. As a dairy, BIOG Molkerei operates traditional process for its milk production with the fat content corresponding to the natural fat content of the whole milk fluctuating around 3,8%. “With its new package the dairy wanted to bring some differentiation to the market in Luxembourg and also give more profile to what is truly at the heart of their business,” adds Kees. For more information, contact Director Business Development Kees Geelhoedt at our office in the Netherlands, P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 5 | PRODUCT NEWS | PACKAGING Farmi first in Baltics in ® PURE-PAK SENSE CARTONS Farmi Piimatööstus, a pioneering dairy in Estonia, is the first in the Baltics to launch its products in Pure-Pak® Sense cartons including a new revolutionary pure pasteurized countryside milk with a non-standardized fat content. I n 2015 Farmi re-launched several of its products in the waste-saving Pure-Pak® Sense cartons. The products include a lactose free yoghurt, drinking yoghurts and yoghurts with particles. The Farmi milk products include fullfat milk, 2.5% milk, sour milk and the new non-standardized Countryside milk with 3.5-4.2% fat. Farmi also packages Coffee Cream and Whipping Cream in 250ml Pure-Pak® Classic cartons. one machine. This flexibility in operation brings significant efficiencies and competitive advantages for Farmi to a busy dairy market,” explains Olgert Pallo, Elopak Oy. UUS FARMI JOGURT ANNAB ENDAST KÕIK! Farmi invested in Elopak technology to bring new flexibility to its filling operations. “We installed an Elopak S-PS60EC which enables Farmi to fill several different products into a variety of carton configurations, closures and sizes on Farmi is well known for having many ‘firsts’ in Estonia and the Baltics and both the launch of Pure-Pak® Sense cartons and the new non standardized milk are the latest in a long line of innovations. “The recent launches have brought great success to Farmi,” adds Olgert. “The new milk concept of non-standardized product brings the consumer a very different product which is a real, pure milk from the countryside – enhancing milk’s natural benefits.” The introduction of the Pure-Pak® Sense cartons and the new pure countryside milk has been supported by a creative marketing campaign including TV spots and highly visible outdoor advertising. The campaign focusses on the benefits of pure milk to the whole family and also on the folding capability of the carton which allows consumers to easily squeeze out more product bringing them greater value for money. Adverts feature the Farmi yoghurt products with the strapline ‘Farmi yoghurt gives you everything’ and clearly communicates that the new folding carton enables the ‘entire contents’ to be consumed. For more information, contact Sales Manager Olgert Pallo at our office in Tallinn, Estonia; or go to our customer’s website 6 Kõige kaasaegsem pakend laseb end mugavalt kokku voltida, P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 | AD | Ehe maapiim pastöriseeritud Pure pasteurized milk from the countryside | AD | | E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D T E C H N O L O G Y U P D AT E | PACKAGING Scandinavian Dairies TAKE THE LEAD IN RENEWABLE PACKAGING On the following pages you can read about Scandinavian dairies setting new standards in sustainable packaging with the launch of their products in fully renewable cartons, and new renewable closures added to leading organic milk brands. Falköping starts roll-out of renewable packaging Falköping Dairy in Sweden has introduced a fully renewable dairy package. In February 2016 Falköping launched the private label COOP brand Änglamark fresh EKO cream in 330ml and 500ml mini Pure-Pak® cartons featuring both coating and closure made from certified renewable polyethylene (PE). T he Falköping Dairy expanded its operations in 2014 with the purchase of the Grådö Dairy, a producer of some COOP branded products. The purchase increased production volumes for Falköping in south and central Sweden and opened up further markets. Both Falköping and Grådö are part of an initiative where small Swedish-owned dairies work together to help maintain the country’s dairy industry. “Falköping Dairy is an innovative Swedish dairy that wants to make a difference and therefore was attracted to Elopak’s renewable materials offering. We worked with the dairy to produce the first 100% renewable milk package from Elopak in Sweden and will continue to support further roll-out of renewable materials in 2016 for both Falköping and Grådö dairies,” says Key Account Manager Jörgen Björnson, Elopak Sweden. Also in February Falköpings Dairy will introduce a renewable closure for private label Lidl Ängens fresh EKO milk in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Diamond cartons. At the same time Grådö Dairy will introduce renewable closure to private lable COOP fresh sour milk and COOP fresh milk, all in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Diamond cartons. For more information, contact Key Account Manager, Jörgen Björnson at our office in Sweden; P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 9 | E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D T E C H N O L O G Y U P D AT E | First Dairy in Norway to launch renewable cartons Rørosmeieriet combines organic dairy products with renewable packaging as the first dairy in Norway to launch its products in cartons from Elopak made from only renewable raw materials. n ti o bu tri Residual waste ion uct turing od Pr ufac an em r C u s e o n s u me r , re u s e , re p air Di s P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 (1)FSC : Forest Stewardship Council : is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that aims to protect our forests for future generations. FSC is a global, multi-stakeholder membership organisatoin that sets the highest standards of forest management to maintain the sustainable use of a renewable resource. (2)ISCC: International Sustainability and Carbon Certification is a world-wide applicable and acknowledged certification system for any kind of bioenergy and biofuels. See esig n on 10 D Raw materials c ti C o lle About Rørosmeieriet Rørosmeieriet was established on 5 January 2001 to continue operating the plant formerly owned by TINE Central Norway Røros. The company is owned by organic food Røros BA, Stratell AS, Sandkjernan Development, and former and current employees and directors, Tine and Investron AS. Rørosmeieriet offers organic food of high quality through industrialized handicraft production that originated from rich traditions and good raw ingredients and materials from Røros area. Rec ycl i ng All Rørosmeieriet cartons use FSCTM (Forest Stewardship CouncilTM) certified board sourced from northern Europe- Renewable raw material For further information please contact Andreas Weselka, Account Manager at our office in Norway; or see our customers website “Rørosmeieriet is one of the foremost representatives of environmentally friendly dairy products and we support their choice of renewable materials,” says Account Manager Andreas Weselka. “Fundamentally they want to make a real difference by combining their organic products with our most environmentally friendly beverage carton to date.” The renewable barrier in the carton is made from the ISCC certified organic waste and second generation feedstock from Europe.2 The use of second generation raw materials instead of more commonly used first generation crop based materials contributes to a more circular economy, a key strategy of the European Union. This is one of the pillars of the European Circular Economy Package, along with the stronger claim for recycling of packaging, for example. Elopak’s cartons are fully recyclable. The carton is made up, in addition to the renewable barrier polymers, mostly of raw materials from sustainable forest operations. Rørosmeieriet produces Änglamark Milk Coop, and has signed a major agreement with the Norway Group for the supply of organic milk to several Norway Group chains. Demand for organic products has increased dramatically in recent years and the trend continues. an forests that are FSCTM certified.1 Plastic materials used as barriers in the carton and closure are made from organic waste sourced in Europe. Elopak’s renewable PE offering contributes to the circular economy, which was a very important discussion topic during recent climate change negotiations in Paris. The renewable PE reduces the carbon footprint of the carton with closure by 20% compared to a standard carton. Production in the new Pure- Pak cartons began in January 2016. Rørosmeieriet’s Dairy Manager Trond Vilhelm Lund, says; “It is a great pleasure to be able to supply organic milk in environmentally friendly cartons which also includes renewable plastic. This is a real boost to our overall commitment to environmental improvements. We are a relatively small player, so we will encourage other parties to follow suit to ensure that this is an environmental innovation that makes a difference.” ® Leading Position in Norway within the environment | E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D T E C H N O L O G Y U P D AT E | Skånemejerier expands renewable closures across brands Skånemejerier dairy (part of the Lactalis Group) has introduced the new medium sized closure made from renewable PE to its Hjordnära EKO milk brand. The organic milk range has traditionally been packaged in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Classic carton with no closure. K ey Account Manager, Elopak Sweden, Jörgen Björnson explains, “The Hjordnära EKO organic brand is made from 100% organic milk sourced from environmentally conscious farms with high standards of animal welfare. To date there has been no plastic closure as this would not be in line with the product’s wholly natural concept. Whilst listening to consumer calls for a closure, Skånemejerier saw the opportunity to increase both convenience and sustainability with the addition of a closure made from renewable materials in autumn 2015.” In February 2016, Skånemejerier has further expanded its use of renewable materials. The dairy has introduced a large size closure made from renewable PE to the private label fresh yoghurt in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Diamond cartons for retailer ICA. The leading grocery retailer in Sweden has driven the use of renewable and lightweight materials for its packaging due to consumer demand for products with lower environmental impact. The closures are made from certified second generation renewable polyethylene (PE) made from organic residue from waste products such as used cooking oil and other fats. “Elopak is working with customers to meet both consumer demands for convenience, usability and sustainable products by delivering both cartons and closures made from renewable materials. Skånemejerier is a leader in dairy packaging innovation and was the first in the world to launch the food waste saving Pure-Pak® Sense carton in 2013. It continues to expand the use of sustainable packaging materials and features such as lightweight closures across its brand portfolio,” adds Jörgen Björnson. For more information, contact Elopak’s Key Account Manager Jörgen Björnson at our office in Sweden; P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 11 | TECHNOLOGY NEWS | FILLING MACHINE Grådö updates dairy with NEW GENERATION, FLEXIBLE FILLING TECHNOLOGY Grådö Mejeri dairy in Sweden has just completed an upgrade of its Hedemora-based dairy with the first flexible, ultra-hygienic, new generation Skikoku filling machines from Elopak. T he installation S-PSF65UC took place at Grådo, owned by the Falköping Dairy, in November 2014. The single lane machine has since logged over 3000 running hours filling a wide range of fresh milks in 1 litre Pure-Pak® cartons with closure. In 2015 the dairy installed further two new S-PSF65UC filling machines as part of its major production upgrade and modernization. “We worked closely with the team at Grådö to build its new production operation with the latest filling technology including a closure feeding system and three other filling machines for ESL milk,” says Anders Segerström, Technical Manager, Elopak Sweden. “The new Shikoku machines have the flexibility of fast conversion between sizes and formats, with a compact design for reduced footprint. It provides the production flexibility and operational efficiencies required for today’s fast and complex markets.” The new machine is a result of a collaboration with Elopak’s long-time business partner Shikoku Kakoki in Japan. It has been developed to with higher hygienic, efficiency and consumption standards bring cost efficiencies. With minimal external equipment the S-PSF65UC has a 15% reduction of installation time and all the Grådö machines feature the integrated Embedded Data Capturing System (ELOEE*). 12 The new Shikoku machines have the flexibility of fast conversion between sizes and formats. Anders Segerström, Technical Manager, Elopak Sweden “With the ELOEE*, both Elopak and Grådo receive daily reports of valuable data on the machines’ operation enabling better communication and management of performance in line with production demands,” adds Anders. All three new Flex machines are filling fresh milk from Grådo plus yoghurt, cream and fermented products, all filled in 1 litre Pure-Pak® cartons. For more information, contact Key Account Manager Jörgen Björnson at our office in Sweden; joergen.bjoernson@ *ELOEE: Elopak Line Overall Equipment Effectiveness P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 | TECHNOLOGY NEWS | S-PSF65UC P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 13 | PRODUCT NEWS | PACKAGING The Isle of Man Creamery brings more CARTON CONVENIENCE TO LOYAL CONSUMERS The Isle of Man Creamery has been established for almost a century on the British island famous for its fairies, cats with no tails and TT races. Today the Creamery is a cooperative of 31 family owned farms with a range of award winning dairy products. With a milk supply that travels a maximum of 15 miles from farm to dairy, the Creamery guarantees the freshest and best quality. T he Creamery’s portfolio was expanded in late 2015 with the launch of two new carton sizes to add to its long standing pint of milk in the Pure-Pak® Classic carton. Following a £800,000 investment in state-of-the-art filling technology the Creamery introduced an 189ml snack pack and an 950ml family pack– also in Pure-Pak® cartons. the snack size and family size carton are really strengthening our offering on-island. The introduction of the screw closure on the Pure-Pak® cartons brings the convenience of easy opening and closeability, and adds a few extra days of shelf life for more consumer value,” says Findlay Macleod, Managing Director of the Isle of Man Creamery. In addition to the two new pack formats the Creamery has also added a closure bringing the first milk carton closure to the Isle of Man. “We are delighted with the results of the new investment. A new packaging design along with “This massive investment in the new technology and new cartons shows commitment to our consumers and the 31 local farms from across the island who supply us with over 20 million liters of fresh milk a year,” continues Findlay. The Isle of Man is situated between the English and Irish coastlines and is 32.5 miles long and 13.5 miles wide with 80,000 inhabitants. The island is part of the United Kingdom but has its own parliament ‘Tynwald’ which dates back to the Vikings. With a native language – Manx Gaelic – and its own flag, currency and stamps – the Isle of Man is proud of its history, folklore, myths and traditions. The Isle of Man Creamery has been an integral part of the community since 1919. 14 P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 | PRODUCT NEWS | We are delighted with the results of the new investment. A new packaging design along with the snack size and family size carton are really strengthening our offering on-island. Findlay Macleod, Managing Director of the Isle of Man Creamery To celebrate the launch of the new cartons and filling line, the Creamery has teamed up with local charity Manx Cancer Help with an advert on the 950ml Pure-Pak® cartons. The new cartons and closure were launched in December with a special ceremony at the Creamery. The products are distributed throughout all key supermarket chains on the island. For more information, contact Sales Manager Imelda Harrington at our office in the UK; or go to our customer’s website . P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 15 | E N V I R O N M E N TA L N E W S | ENVIRONMENT Elopak: FIRST PACKAGING COMPANY TO JOIN RE100 CAMPAIGN In November 2015 Elopak joined the RE100 campaign by committing to purchase 100% renewable power for all business units owned by more than 50% from 2016. This will cut Elopak’s greenhouse gas emissions by over 40% compared to 2014 emissions. Elopak is the first major packaging company and also the first Norwegian company to join the RE100 campaign. E lopak aims to become carbon neutral in its operations, as outlined in our ambitious Future Proofed Packaging strategy, and by joining RE100, we take a major step in this direction. Elopak supplies packaging which is predominantly made out of renewable materials, and it is important for us that also the power supply comes from renewable sources,” says Elopak’s CEO, Niels Petter Wright. “Renewability is important for Elopak, both in materials and in energy supply,” says Director Corporate Environment, Kristian Hall. “We are providing low carbon packaging originating from responsible forestry, and it is only nat- ural that our power supply becomes renewable as well. It is crucial that businesses step up to the plate to mitigate climate change and deliver concrete greenhouse gas reductions. By sourcing renewable electricity, Elopak will be reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by over 40% compared to 2014 emissions.” Elopak has been investing in energy efficiency at its plants for several decades and is reaching a stage where a lot of the potential has already been tapped. Electricity consumption is the largest source of Elopak’s greenhouse gas emissions and by purchasing renewable power Elopak is tackling the largest source of its emissions. RE100 is a collaborative initiative of influential businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity, working to massively increase corporate demand for renewable energy. This will accelerate the transformation of the global energy market and aid the transition towards a low carbon economy. RE100 shares the compelling business case for renewables and showcases business action, while working with others to address barriers and develop transparent reporting mechanisms. RE100 is led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, as part of the We Mean Business coalition. Read more at 16 P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 | E N V I R O N M E N TA L N E W S | Elopak is continuously working towards improved energy efficiency at its factories Elopak supplies packaging which is predominantly made out of renewable materials, and it is important for us that also the power supply comes from renewable sources. Niels Petter Wright, CEO of Elopak “Elopak knows renewables are good for business – switching its electricity supply sends a clear message to customers that Elopak wants to manufacture more responsibly,” says Mark Kenber, CEO of The Climate Group, behind the RE100 campaign. “It’s fantastic to see Elopak take the lead on this issue and urge other businesses to step up to the plate”. Kristian Hall explains why Elopak became involved in the campaign: “We joined to show leadership in the area of renewable electricity, to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and to bring us closer to our Future Proofed Packaging vision of becoming carbon neutral in our operations. Also, we are doing this to further strengthen P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 the position of our cartons as a low carbon packaging choice for liquid food”. Elopak produces beverage cartons with a low carbon footprint, which are sourced from predominantly renewable materials. Elopak recently launched cartons and closures featuring renewable polyethylene made from renewable feedstock. Thus, Elopak is moving ever closer to its vision of a fully renewable raw material supply, as well as a renewable energy supply. Read more at: 17 | PRODUCT NEWS | PACKAGING GRANAROLO GETS FRESH WITH NEW SOYA MILK The number one Italian milk and dairy group, Granarolo has launched a new soya milk in 1 litre Pure-Pak ® cartons with the Curve® feature. It is an extended shelf life (ESL) product and is the first non-UHT soya milk from the company’s extensive range of products. L aunched in September 2015, the Granarolo Soya Milk brings new freshness to the Italian market. “This is the only fresh soya milk in Italy”, explains Jacopo La Rosa, Sales Manager, Elopak Italy. “It is dairy free and fills a gap in the market for a natural alternative to fresh milk.” Granarolo uses the carton to communicate the product’s natural benefits to the consumer. It is 100% vegetable and is both lactose-free and gluten-free. “Intolerances to lactose and gluten are growing and consumers are looking for alternatives,” adds Jacopo. The new Soya milk has low salt content, contains fibre and is made only with non-genetically modified (GMO-free) soy, all sourced from Italy. “This fits with the increasing demand for natural healthy food products,” adds Jacopo. “Granarolo is committed to providing the most natural products to the consumer and carefully select ingredients, and has strict controls at all stages of the production process.” The Pure-Pak® carton with the Curve® feature gives the new fresh Granarolo soya milk a distinctive premium look compared to the UHT products on the market. The Curve® feature boasts the message ‘SEGUI IL TUO INSTINTO NATURALE’ translated as – ‘follow your natural instinct’ – which clearly calls to the consumer trend for products that their bodies naturally demand due to the growing intolerances in the modern diet. “The carton has enabled Granarolo to communicate the specific benefits of the new fresh Soya Milk to consumer targets, building a new segment within the growing dairy alternative market,” adds Jacopo. For more information, contact our sales manager in Italy Jacopo La Rosa; or go to our customer’s website 18 P R O D U C T & B U S I N E S S N E W S – E L O TA L K N O. 1 | AD | PACKAGING Elopak Roll Fed BUSINESS EXPANSION CONTINUES The Elopak Roll Fed business in Europe continues to expand including a collaboration with the multi-national food company Unternehmensgruppe Theo Müller. S ince May 2015, Elopak Roll Fed has supplied 1 litre Slim cartons for Müller UHT milk products. A range of different designs to the cartons are supplied by Elopak. Roll Fed materials are supplied to Müller’s dairy plants in Germany and Prague. The continued collaboration with Müller into 2016 was agreed following detailed technical assessments which included a full audit of Elopak’s plant in Aarhus, Denmark. Currently the 1 litre Slim and Base, and the 200ml Base are available and other configurations are being developed as Elopak Roll Fed continues to increase volumes sold in Europe, Russia and beyond. For more information about Elopak Roll Fed business contact your local Elopak Market Unit Managers or go to Appealing to your senses The Pure Pak® Sense carton – Elopak’s next generation gable top carton DO YOU WANT TO RECEIVE ALL THE NEWS FROM ELOPAK? Subscribe to Elotalk and stay updated at Better stand out on shelf. Arched and printed “top fin” Elopak Watch our easy-to-fold Feel the difference. Less package and food waste demonstration online! Embossed “first touch” zone Easy-to-fold line Published by Elopak AS Group Headquarters. Postbox 418 Skøyen, 0213 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 31 27 10 00, Fax: +47 31 27 15 00 Elopak Group Headquarters · ELOPAK AS · Postbox 418 - Skøyen · N-0213 Oslo · Tel.: +47 31 27 10 00 · ·