pharmacist - Wangaratta Chronicle
pharmacist - Wangaratta Chronicle THE CHRONICLE, Friday, July 12, 2013 - Page 21 IN PERSON BY PHONE BY EMAIL 37 Rowan Street, classifieds@ 5723 0101 Wangaratta 3677 WHEN TO SELLING BOOK A CAR Chronicle Classifieds 2.30pm the day prior to print North East Jobs 3pm Friday 5721 9447 fax BUY ONLINE General Classifieds: Employment: Real Estate: 2 WEEKS ADVERTISING WITH PICTURE for only $29 OPEN HOURS 8.30AM TO 5PM MON-FRI WANGARATTA’S MARKET PLACE WITH OVER 40,000 READERS EACH WEEK IN PRINT AND ONLINE PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ZUMB ATOMIC ĂƌŵŝŶĞĚĂŵŽdĞŶŶŝƐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐ A.B.N 96 776 305 790 WZ/sdE'ZKhW>^^KE^ Now taking names for 3rd and 4th term tennis coaching. Kids Zumba returns Monday 15th 4pm, 8-12yo Tuesday 16th 4pm, Thursdays 6.30pm. Zumba Gold for beginners and Wangaratta Relay For Life older groovers launches Monday 22nd 5.30pm. All $7 per class at Our Lady’s Hall, White Street. Phone Marnie on 0458 656 248 1st TEAMS MEETING Monday 15th July From 6-7pm Venue: Room 6&7, The Centre, 17 Chisholm St, Wangaratta UÊiÌÊÞÕÀÊÌi>ÊÀi}ÃÌiÀi`ÊÌ`>Þ UÊ,i}ÃÌiÀÊLivÀiÊÈ«Ê otice N c i l Pub Be there to be in the running to win $1000 for your team More information: Teams Coordinator Mandy Lyons P (03) 5721 7769 M 0423 740 811 E Customer Satisfaction Survey – July 2013 Register now online 1300 65 65 85 Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) will conduct its annual customer satisfaction survey during July 2013. Information provided during the phone interview process will be treated in strictest confidence and will only be used for the purpose of improving the GMW’s services. The names and individual details of participants will remain confidential. The interviewers abide by the National Privacy Principles. GMW thanks customers for their cooperation. Tuesday 23 July - 5.30pm @ The Centre Are you in Business or looking to start a Business? MOMENTS and M e m o r i e s Te a Room, 34 Camp Street, Beechworth. Introducing traditional Sunday Roast. Roast of the day and dessert, $19.95 p/p. Ph 5728 2273. MILAWA Hall and Park Committee. AGM will be held at the Milawa Hall. July 25 at 8pm. All welcome. OATS family reunion, August 3, Vine Hotel, 12.30pm lunch. RSVP Colleen 0438 086 792. OUTDOOR sketching around Beechworth w i t h a r t i s t We n d y Stephens. Information email: wendysue99 Ph 0402 288 207. WA N G A R AT TA Players presents ‘Lipstick Dreams’, a comedy with songs. Two shows only, July 19th and 20th, 8pm. Tickets Edgars. WINNERS RSL Ladies Auxiliary June fuel raffle, 1st: Elaine Griffin, 2nd: Ray Salafia. Special thanks to Brett at Apco for his support. TENDERS To register call today 1300 063 227 Dr Anne Michelson Dr Martin Horwood Dr Carolyn Chong Dr David Lin Dr Wilson Chen Sarah Bekker - hygienist ****** Due to an error by Yellow Pages, the 2013/14 telephone directory contains an incorrect number. The correct telephone number for Michelson’s Dental Surgery is: 5721 8033 FRIENDS ZO320460 For further information about the survey please contact Alice Milner from GMW on (03) 5826 3706. MOYHU Tennis Club Trivia Night, Friday July 19, 7pm, Moyhu Football Clubrooms, 8-10 people per table, $100, BYO drinks and nibbles. Bookings Kris 5727 9535. BELLYDANCE FOR BEGINNERS CHEESEMAKING. Make Camambert, A.C.B.A: Quark, and Ricotta kazandan@ cheese, 1 day workshop at Rutherglen, tutor from Cheeselinks, choose (03) 5752 2955 from Saturday, July 20 0407 525 980 or Sunday, July 21, cost $130. Phone Lois (03) 5726 1358, Chiltern ITALIAN Classes Rutherglen Continuing Immersion. Starting Tuesday, August 6, Education. 7.30pm, Galen College. Some basic Italian required. Ph 5721 8368. Vital Information Session: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 5:30pm to 7:00pm Wang Central 15-17 Ely Street, Wangaratta This survey will help GMW assess how well it is delivering services, as well as pinpointing any areas requiring action and attention. The survey will take place as a telephone survey. 750 customers will be contacted by phone and invited to answer a 15-20 minute survey, these customers will represent a cross section of GMW’s customer base across all areas. Customers contacted can request an alternate time with the survey team if preferred. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Zumba returns Tuesdays 6pm, Major Sponsor 4-7yo ͻKWEdK>>''ZKhW^ͻKDWd/d/sZd^ ͻEKhW&ZKEd&^ͻ'ZKhW>^^KE^ͻWZ/sd>^^KE^ Contact Carmine Adamo on 0427 169516 or email Carmine on ĐĂƚĞŶŶŝƐĐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵĨŽƌĨƵƌƚŚĞƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ A N N UA L G e n e r a l Meeting, Wangaratta Clay Target Club Inc., 7.30pm Thursday, July 25 at club rooms, Detour Road, North Wangaratta. All members welcome. Contact Kudri Demaj 0418 431 623. Wangaratta Netball Association General Meeting Monday, July 15, 2013 7.30pm - Netball Club Rooms Barr Reserve All teams/clubs must be represented or 2 points will be lost from the teams score. Quotes are invited from subcontractors and suppliers for: Wangaratta Law Courts Due: 5PM Tuesday 16 July 2013 CSU GOTafe Wangaratta Due: 5PM Tuesday 30 July 2013 Documents available via Bidcontender by email request to the estimator as mentioned above Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd PO Box 3605, Albury, NSW, 2640 P: 02 6057 0900 | F: 02 6057 0999 of the LEARN TO DANCE HOSPITAL in professional, heated studios, ZLWKDTXDOL¿HGWHDFKHU Friends Of The Hospital PHARMACIST Wangaratta Pharmacy SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 8.30am - 2pm 10am - 2pm 35 Murphy Street, Wangaratta PHONE (03) 5721 5055 CAKE STALL Hundreds of traditional home-baked goodies available Wednesday 17th July 2013 8.45am until sold out Northeast Health Wangaratta Staff Cafe Raising much needed funds for our local hospital Held 3rd Wednesday every month Ph (03) 57225 069 Subcontractors & suppliers are invited to submit quotations for the following tender: *CSU - Block A GOTAFE, Wangaratta :DQJDUDWWD¶V3UHPLHUGDQFHVWXGLRLV NOW accepting enrolments for Term 3 in: Jazz, Ballet, Funk, Contemporary, AcroDance & Boy’s Hip Hop Age 3+ For enrolments Phone Director Kate Loechel on: 0438 076 942 Closes noon, Tuesday 30th July 2013 Email: Ph (02) 6051 1900 Fax (02) 6021 7054 Note: Tender documents are available to download from our website. *Note: The Building Code 2013 (Building Code) applies to this project. Page 22 - THE CHRONICLE, Friday, July 12, 2013 EMPLOYMENT HAIRDRESSING Country Clippers, 1441 Oxley Flats Road, Milawa. Salon trading as usual also mobile service for haircuts. Phone Libby 0428 273 238 for all appointments. GOLD bracelets (2) joined with filigree heart locket, lost at front entrance of Coles Wednesday, July 10. Reward, sentimental value. Ph 0417 141 411. ROOM to let or board in Wangaratta, price negotiable. Ph 5721 6961. FIRST floor office space in Reid Street. Carpet, split system heating and cooling, $65pw. Ph 5721 5153 or 0431 190 630. CARPET CLEANING Moving and need your carpets cleaned? 3 rooms $100, 4 rooms $120, hallways free. Phone P. & D. Oates 0428 500 109. GORGEOUS restored homestead in central Wangaratta, 3 large bedrooms, open fire, etc, set in picturesque over 55’s village, $290 pw. For details and availability phone 0430 136 045. MOTEL ACCOMMODATION THINK Central Wa n g a r a t t a M o t e l when friends or family visit for that special occasion, heart of CBD, local rates apply. Ph 5721 2188. Classifieds Work! Phone: 03 5723 0101 0V 5 LV ORRNLQJ IRU D EHGURRPKRPHLQWKH:HVW (QG EHWZHHQ 0XVW EH VWUXFWXUDOO\ VRXQG +DSS\ WRGRPLQRUXSGDWLQJCall Pam Jhonston on 0419 292 663. )LUVW KRPH EX\HU ORRNLQJIRUDYHU\QHDWIUHH VWDQGLQJ XQLW RU KRPH XS WR LQ WKH :HVW (QGCall Red Younger on 0487 222 663. ,QYHVWRUV ORRNLQJ IRU DQ LQYHVWPHQW SURSHUW\ $Q\ DUHD FRQVLGHUHG EHGURRPV DQG PXVW EH VWUXFWXUDOO\VRXQG&DQSD\ DURXQG IRU WKH ULJKW SURSHUW\ Call Pam Jhonston on 0419 292 663. 0U 0UV / DUH ORRNLQJ IRUDEHGURRPSOXVVWXG\ EULFN KRPH RQ D P EORFN 5HTXLUHV EDWKURRPV DQG VHSDUDWH OLYLQJDUHDV&DQVSHQGXS WR Call Pam Jhonston on 0419 292 663. 0U0UV0ORRNLQJIRU DFHQWUDOOLJKWILOOHGKRPH 0XVWKDYHDGHFHQWVKHGRU SURYLVLRQIRURQH+DYHXS WR WR VSHQG RQ WKH ULJKW KRPH Call Kyle Raven on 0418 573 184. SPECIALIST help with essay preparation for senior secondary tertiary students. Greg Miles M.Ed.Ph.D, phone 0448 194 688. AL Rasmussen lawn mowing and handyman service. Ring a local not a franchise. Fast, reliable and fully insured. Ph 0418 574 515. ARBORIST TREE CLIMBER. Trees removed, pruned, reduced. Experienced/ q u a l i fi e d / i n s u r e d , competitive/pensioner rates. Call Joe Rourke 0407 280 972. PA I N T E R . N e a t , tidy, always on time. For a fair quote, work guaranteed. Phone Julian on 0412 597 482. Garry Nash First National 23 Baker St, Wangaratta Ph. 5722 2663 :ƵŶĐƟŽŶ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͕ŽƉĞƌĂƟŶŐƐŝŶĐĞ ϭϵϴϵ͕ŝƐĂŶŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ͕ŶŽƚͲĨŽƌͲƉƌŽĮƚ ŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞKƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐ ŚŝŐŚƋƵĂůŝƚLJĂŶĚŝŶŶŽǀĂƟǀĞƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐƚŽƐŝŶŐůĞ ĂĚƵůƚƐ͕ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ͕ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶĂŶĚLJŽƵŶŐƉĞŽƉůĞ ŝŶƚŚĞĂƐƚĞƌŶ,ƵŵĞZĞŐŝŽŶŽĨsŝĐƚŽƌŝĂ͘ ĞŶƚƌĂů,ƵŵĞ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐŝƐĂĐŚĂƌŝƚĂďůĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶ͘ About the Lead Tenant role::^^ manages a number of houses that provide supported ĂĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƟŽŶĨŽƌLJŽƵŶŐƉĞŽƉůĞ;ϭϲͲϭϴLJĞĂƌƐ ŽůĚͿ͕ǁŚŽĂƌĞŝŶŶĞĞĚŽĨĨƵƌƚŚĞƌĚĞǀĞůŽƉŝŶŐ ƚŚĞŝƌůŝǀŝŶŐƐŬŝůůƐďĞĨŽƌĞŵŽǀŝŶŐŽŶƚŽ ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶĐĞ͘ŵĂƚƵƌĞĂŶĚƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞ>ĞĂĚ dĞŶĂŶƚŝƐĐƵƌƌĞŶƚůLJƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚƚŽƌĞƐŝĚĞŝŶƚŚĞ tĂŶŐĂƌĂƩĂƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJǁŝƚŚƚŚĞLJŽƵƚŚ;ƵƐƵĂůůLJ ϮͿ͕ƚŽĂĐƚĂƐĂƌŽůĞŵŽĚĞůĂŶĚĂƐƐŝƐƚƚŚĞŵŝŶ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐƚŚĞŝƌĞǀĞƌLJĚĂLJůŝǀŝŶŐƐŬŝůůƐ͘ In return ĨŽƌLJŽƵƌƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĂŶĚŐƵŝĚĂŶĐĞ ƚŚĞƌĞǁŝůůďĞno cost for residing in the home ʹŝ͘Ğ͘ŶŽƵƟůŝƚLJďŝůůƐĂŶĚŶŽƌĞŶƚƉĂLJĂďůĞ͊͊͊ EŽĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŝƐŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJ͘:^^ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐĞƐ ĂŶLJŽŶĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJŽƌǁŝƚŚ ĂŶLJƋƵĞƌŝĞƐƚŽĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƚŚĞŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶ͘ ƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐĐůŽƐĞϭϮ͗ϬϬƉŵ͕dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJϮϱƚŚ :ƵůLJϮϬϭϯ͘ &ŽƌĂƉŽƐŝƟŽŶĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƟŽŶ͕ƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞĐŚĞĐŬĨŽƌŵ ĂŶĚĨƵƌƚŚĞƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐƚŚŝƐƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ>LJŶŶŽŶ;ϬϮͿϲϬϰϯϳϰϬϬŽƌǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌƚŚĞĞŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚƐĞĐƟŽŶŽŶŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞʹ ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ũƵŶĐƟŽŶ͘ŽƌŐ͘ĂƵͬ Junction Support Services acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government Criteria: *RRG,QWHUSHUVRQDO6NLOOV &RPSXWHU/LWHUDF\ &RPSHWHQF\LQ3UDFWLFH (PSDWK\IRUWKH$JHGLQFOXGLQJWKRVHZLWK 'HPHQWLD .QRZOHGJHRI$&),)XQGLQJRUZLOOLQJQHVVWR OHDUQ 3OHDVH)RUZDUG5HVXPHE\)ULGD\-XO\ WR 6XH&DUO\RQ 'LUHFWRURI1XUVLQJ 32%R[ :DQJDUDWWD9LF (PDLOGRQUDQJHYLHZ#QHWFQHWDX )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHSKRQH Fixed Term Position Wangaratta Office – Hume Region Villa Maria is seeking an experienced Case Manager for our Intake/Carer Support Team based in Wangaratta for a fixed term till 30 June 2014. The role will include responding to telephone inquiries and also working with a range of Carers in Hume Region The successful candidate will possess a sound understanding of Carer needs, support services, the community sector, experience in personcentered planning would be highly regarded. The ability to work autonomously and to be an effective team player is required as would an understanding of and experience in working with people from different cultures and backgrounds. We require a confident communicator, a good listener with strong negotiation skills, someone who enjoys the challenge of handling a diversity of tasks and has high level computer skills. Ongoing, Full-time (76 hours per fortnight) $81,093 - $89,604 plus 9.25% superannuation DHS/E/381436, Ovens Murray Area, Wodonga Appropriate Tertiary Qualifications in health / welfare or related field is essential. Are you an inspirational leader who: Course Includes a forklift licence and One Truck Licence )RUNOLIW Medium Rigid, $750 )RUNOLIW Heavy Rigid, $1240 )RUNOLIW Heavy Comb, $1150 )RUNOLIW Multi Comb, $1500 JULY and AUGUST ONLY (Airport Industrial Estate) (OLJLELOLW\FULWHULDH[LVWV Phone (02) 6040 0807 Albury/Wodonga RTO #40543 Case Manager Carer Support For all enquiries please contact Suzie Don Leonard on 03 5720 2022 *$&) #! #$&"#!& %"# *%##%)$"$#$ ")$ !"$$ #%" $% %# !" &$!" ## !"$ * !$$)!" &#& (!"$#% " " $$ "$$ "# To view the position description and submit an online application, please visit our website at Permission to conduct a police check is required. Applications close Sunday 28 June 2013. Villa Maria is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We welcome applications from Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. Villa Maria is a smoke free environment. %"$" "$ "#& Applications close: 27 July 2013 Rewrite tomorrow, one child at a time. ZO330596 Are you Mature, Responsible, Caring? Position available for Registered Nurse Div 1 - Permanent & Casual Senior Child Protection Practitioner Certificate III Driving Operations McDonalds Glenrowan Southbound are now hiring for weekday, weekend and overnight crew! ͻƌĞLJŽƵŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚĂŶĚĞŶƚŚƵƐŝĂƐƟĐĂďŽƵƚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ͍ ͻtĞŚĂǀĞĂƌĂŶŐĞŽĨƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĂŶĚǁŝƚŚ ŇĞdžŝďůĞŚŽƵƌƐ͕ĂƉŽƐŝƟǀĞǁŽƌŬĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂŶĚ ŶĂƟŽŶĂůůLJƌĞĐŽŐŶŝƐĞĚƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ͻtŚLJŶŽƚĂƉƉůLJ͍ ƉƉůLJĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĂƉƉůLJ͘ŵĐĚŽŶĂůĚƐ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ ŽŶŽƵƌĐĂƌĞĞƌ͛ƐƉŽƌƚĂů͘ PRIVATE NURSING HOME EMPLOYMENT ACCOMMODATION FREE RENT ACCOMMODATION DRIVER/MEAT LUMPER tĂŶŐĂƌĂƩĂďĂƩŽŝƌƐƌĞƋƵŝƌĞƐĂƌĞůŝĂďůĞ ĚƌŝǀĞƌDŽŶĚĂLJʹ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͘^ŽŵĞŚĞĂǀLJůŝŌŝŶŐ ŝŶǀŽůǀĞĚ͘,Z>ŝĐĞŶĐĞĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů͘ dƌĂŝŶŝŶŐǁŝůůďĞƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚƚŽ ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůĂƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚ͘ Please apply in person to ϱϯ'ƌĞƚĂZĚ͕tĂŶŐĂƌĂƩĂ or phone (03) 5721 2349 Fast Art 190150_v5 BEAUTY SERVICES 3 bedroom brick veneer, great location, close to schools and shops, secure backyard, lockup garage. Ph 0421 348 976. To apply, please go to m o u n ta i n v i e w Client Engagement Officer AH3 Certificate III Civil Construction (PLANT OPERATIONS) Units include *UDGHU%DFNKRH 5ROOHU/RDGHU %REFDW'R]HU ([FDYDWRU $OO0DFKLQHV Only $800 1H[W&RXUVHV -XO\WK-XO\WK $XJXVWWK$XJXVWWK $LUSRUW,QGXVWULDO(VWDWH (OLJLELOLW\FULWHULDH[LVWV 3KRQH $OEXU\:RGRQJD 572 h o t e l | k i n g va l l e y HEAD CHEF Salary:- AH3 - $70,281 - 79,742 + 9.25% Superannuation Status:- Ongoing Full time (76.0 hours per fortnight) Mountain View Hotel, Whitfield, NE Victoria Location:- Wodonga, Wangaratta or Benalla (negotiable) You will work with Housing staff and clients to improve outcomes for public housing tenants including access to employment & training, improved education & health outcomes , increased feelings of safety, and enhanced environment & physical amenity. One of Epicure’s top 10 regional gastro pubs is looking for a new head chef to lead its team of professional staff. This is a great opportunity for the right person to take the helm at this iconic venue and take advantage of its growing reputation. r0XOFSPQFSBUFECVTJOFTT r-FBEJOHXJOFUPVSJTNBSFB r'BOUBTUJDMPDBMQSPEVDF r$PNQFUJUJWFTBMBSZQBDLBHF r.JOJNVNZFBSTFYQFSJFODF r)JHIMFWFMNBOBHFNFOUTLJMMT r4PVOECVEHFUJOHTLJMMT r)JHIMFWFMDPNNVOJDBUJPOTLJMMT r1BTTJPOGPSRVBMJUZMPDBMQSPEVDF You will develop strategies to continue the reduction of disadvantage that is being experienced within hotspot areas, work closely with stakeholders and will provide a tenancy management support role. * Do you have case management skills? * Do you have experience with working with complex clients? * Are you capable of implementing best practice and promoting change? If this opportunity appeals to you, you may wish to discuss it with Richard Slade Manager Individual & Family Support ph 02 6055 7892 Please quote position no DHS/E/380823 Closing date for applications is Sunday 28th July 2013 PoliceChecks form part of the Department of Human Services recruitment process. The department encourages and welcomes interest from Aboriginal Australians for this role. Please contact our Aboriginal employment information and support line (phone: 1300 092 406 or email: should you wish to access assistance with your application. To apply online and view the job description, visit For other Victorian Government opportunities, please visit Emailyouradvert ZO330598 TRADITIONAL Latin Mass, every Sunday, 5pm, St Patrick’s, Ford Street, Wangaratta. EMPLOYMENT 0OMZFYQFSJFODFEDIFGTXJMMCFDPOTJEFSFEGPSUIJT SPMF4PVTDIFGTMPPLJOHUPUBLFUIFOFYUTUFQBSF encouraged to apply. This is an opportunity not to miss out on, with great facilities and the support of a well established and WFSZFYQFSJFODFEGBNJMZCVTJOFTT Contact 0422 767 405 THE CHRONICLE, Friday, July 12, 2013 - Page 23 EMPLOYMENT NORTHEAST HEALTH WANGARATTA REGISTERED NURSES - Grade 2 2 Positions – Medical Unit Both Positions 64 hours/fortnight Maternity Leave until August 2014, Ref No: 13/36C Permanent, Ref No: 13/37C Contact: Gabrielle Robinson (03) 5722 5496 Closing Date: 26 July 2013 Tree Service Full time/Benalla Requirements: +59,&/LFHQFH (:37LFNHW :KLWH&DUG PROJECT OFFICER Regional ED Telemedicine Phone 0413 842 525 T H The Ox and Hound Bistro – Beechworth Experienced casual required to work evenings, approx. 25 hours. Resume to: info@ LT CASUAL WAIT STAFF Closing Date: 22 July 2013 ST H EA E H A GERMAN/ ITALIAN 0.6 Fixed Term Semester 2 2013 An exciting opportunity to be part of a dynamic team. Applications close 12pm Friday, July 19, 2013. Key Selection Criteria & Position Description on www. (Recruitment Online) Enquiries to Heather Sarau at sarau. heather.l@edumail. NOR Wangaratta High School July 2013 – Jan 2014, Ref No: 13/38C 64 hours/fortnight education. New graduates are(negotiable) encouraged to apply. Enquiries Annalee Gardam, Team Leader Acute Allied Health Contact: Jonelle Hill-Uebergang on (03)(03) 57225722 0113. 5450 Position closing date - 5pm Friday 21st November, 2008. W AN A Level 2 Arborist EMPLOYMENT G A R AT T The successful applicant will have undergone a WWC & police check. For further details including a position description visit: Borinya Welfare Worker Full Time, based in Wangaratta Borinya is an alternative educational setting, which supports young people to transition back into mainstream education. NESAY supports Borinya by providing a Welfare Worker to deliver a direct service, case management, referral, and secondary consultation role to the young people and families engaged with the Borinya School. Borinya and NESAY are seeking a dedicated and qualified person to excel in this unique role. Applications close: 18th July 2013. Please access the website au for position description and application instructions. Contact Manager Operations for additional information (03) 5720 2201. CHEF / Cook. A p o s i t i o n ex i s t s f o r a qualified chef or a accomplished cook. The position entails 8 - 10 split shifts per week at a busy hotel in the Wangaratta area. Fo r a c o n fi d e n t i a l appointment please call Peter on 0478 153 513. D A I R Y FA R M , a part time position. The position involves milking and some herd movement. Experience preferred, not essential. An apprenticeship for the right applicant may also be available. Licence essential. Contact John after hours on 0411 240 367 or (03) 5727 3221. HAIRDRESSERS REQUIRED. Qualified with experience to do ladies of all ages, young and old. Send your CV to R E Q U I R E D A R B O R I S T. To b e considered for this positon, you shall possess the following experience and tickets: A qualification in arboriculture/ horticulture or are studying toward currently, previous arboriculture experience, EWP ticket, valid limits of Approach t i c ke t , W h i t e O H S Card, chainsaw licence, Traffic management certificate, Medium rigid licence, First Aid. ABOVE AWARD WAGES APPLY. For further informaiton please CONTACT 1300 788 830. FREE range hens, ISA Brown $18 ea. Ph 5722 1700 to order at Wang Stock Foods. JACK Russell, female, 12 weeks old, vaccinated and wormed, $300. Ph 0417 305 189. Microchip no: 900006000193885. CATTLE (15), Angus Steers, 6 months, weaned, good condition. Ph 0407 949 237. WANTED machinist operating C&C lathes and mills. Full time/part time. Phone George at DAIRY X calves, 4 months old. Ph 0407 Burder 0417 357 586. 806 744. CHEF Jobs at Indigo The Chef who currently works at one of the leading local Hotels has told the owners that he will be leaving shortly. To facilitate a smooth hand over, the KRWHORZQHUVKDYHDVNHGXVWRÀQGD Chef who can step into the role. Working with other Chefs you will be cooking a range of a la carte meals while EULQJLQJ\RXUSHUVRQDOÁDLUWRWKHPHQX Logically split shifts are involved with rostered days off during the week. <RXZLOOEHDTXDOLÀHG&KHISUHIHUDEO\ with a number of years’ experience working in busy kitchens. Your salary would be negotiated with the owners dependent on your TXDOLÀFDWLRQVDQGH[SHULHQFH 7RGLVFXVVWKLVUROHLQWRWDOFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\ phone Will from Recruitment Select on 5720 0300 or drop your resume in at 90 Ovens Street, Wangaratta. ,ZĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶKĸĐĞƌ $24ph plus super ϮϮŚŽƵƌƐƉĞƌǁĞĞŬ;ŶĞŐŽƟĂďůĞͿ for 6 months Interested? or call 03 5728 8011 AGISTMENT wanted for 10 cows and calves or land to lease (up to 100 acres). Ph 5721 8943 or 0438 218 942. R To Visit R Visited ALL items inside / undercover. Household items, furniture and lots more. Moving interstate. All must go. Free items as well. Saturday, 8am onwards. No early birds. 5 Taylor Street. MANAGER Employment & General Services NESAY is seeking an experienced dynamic senior manager to join our progressive and well respected Youth and Family Welfare organisation. You will be part of the executive leadership group, responsible for the Specialist Employment Services, Youth at Risk and Homelessness contracts of Job Services Australia and developing strategic initiatives for NESAY’s Specialist Employment Services. In addition to this you will oversee Road Safety programs and work with staff to develop and implement new programs. Primarily located in Wangaratta, this position will be a hands-on management role and reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer. Ideally, you will have significant experience in the sector of Jobs Services Australia or related industry in a management role and have a comprehensive understanding of employment services. Regional Publications Ask about networking your classified advert into our regional publications: Myrtleford Times/Bright & Kiewa Valley Observer Booking deadline: 12 noon Monday Ovens & Murray Advertiser Published Wednesday Booking deadline: 4pm Tuesday Mansfield Courier Published Tuesday Booking deadline: 12 noon Monday North East Farmer Published monthly Booking deadline: 2nd Friday of month Phone: ZO330582 35 sec phone fun 1902 271 048. Listen in secretly 1902 225 951. $2.45pm mobx. (03) 5723 0101 In return for your qualifications, skills and experience, you will have the opportunity to work for a regional not for profit organisation that offers a wide range of benefits including attractive salary packaging and a truly supportive culture. Visit our website for further information including a position description with key selection criteria and how to apply. Applications close Tuesday, July 23, 2013 and must include a statement addressing the selection criteria. Confidential enquires in the first instance to the Chief Executive Officer, Glen James on 0407 217 001. R To Visit 11 Cavanagh Street, Strictly 8am start, no early callers. Vases, garden pots, curtain material, hand bags, paintings, prints, pottery, TV entertainment units, picture frames, books, kitchenware, old childs bike, steel scroll mirror x 2, fold up stretcher bed, wooden fence pickets, beach umbrella, solid pine desk, swivel chair, round table and 4 chairs, 2 stools, coffee tables, tool box, curtain rods and hooks, lots of other odds and ends. R To Visit Why not charge your advertisement to Mastercard or Visa? 5723 0101 R Visited 10 Harper Street, 8am, Saturday. Collectables, tools, mower, gates, ladder, cream cans, playstation, baby and sundry items. R To Visit CreditCard& Eftposfacilities R Visited R Visited HUGE SALE. Saturday 13th, 8am - 2pm. Hundreds of clothes, costumes, furniture, books, dvd’s, games and so much more. 421 Milawa Bobinawarrah Road, Milawa. Page 24 - THE CHRONICLE, Friday, July 12, 2013 GARAGE SALES R To Visit R To Visit FOR SALE Visited SATURDAY, 7.30am, 3 McAuliffe Pl. Furniture, odds and ends, little girls clothes size 6 years. R CARAVANS & CAMPERS R Visited SUNDAY, July 14. 240 Byawatha Road, Byawatha. 8am 12noon. Kids motorbike boots, guitar stands, horse riding jodhpurs, baby clothes, books, h o m ew a r e s , b i t o f everything. ALL building jobs. Extensions, renovations, bathrooms, tiling, j o i n e r y, a l f r e s c o , alterations, general maintenance, owner builders. Contact Andrew 0418 597 246. TOYOTA Yaris, model YRS, 3 door, 1.5L engine, auto, silver, reg until May 2014, (ZHS996), only 57,000km, excellent condition, $8800. Ph B/H 5721 2422, A/H 5727 3664. TOYOTA 1998 3.0L 4X4 diesel Hilux dual cab chassis, (QRP995), bullbar, side rails and steps, towbar, driving lights, tinted windows, 3 door removable cage, removable canvas canopy, 80 ch UHF, 3 spares, air con, power steering, OME suspension, full service history, RWC, reg. Feb 14, 353,000km, $11,900. Ph 0439 064 158. SUBARU Sportswagon, manual 5 speed, very good condition, new tyres, new motor, reg. Nov. 2013. (RUK975). $3500. Ph 0408 125 380. SUBARU Forester, 2005, (TLZ930), manual, cruise control, MP3/CD, Bluetooth, fog lights, towbar, roof racks, 174,000km, full service history, Konig chains. $10,500. Ph 0408 896 103. FORD Festiva Trio 2000 mod. Reg no (QFM261) till 5/14, gen low 79,000klm, auto, air con, pwr str, one owner, new timing belt, ex mech con, very clean in/out, ex 1st car r/about, RWC, $4850. Ph 0407 505 040. LMCT 11086. Suppliers of 2006 Hyundai Getz. 5 Door Hatch, 1.6lt, 5 speed manual, drives excellent, 1 owner, serviced regularly, 1490,00km RWC,Rego to 21/8/13 (UJI 101) $4900 ono. Ph 0417 033 110. C A M P O M AT I C Wanderer GL offroad camper trailer. Full annexe, 12V water pump and lights, 2 x 4.5kg gas bottles, 2 x jerry can holders, 2 x 150 amp hour deep cycle C O M M O D O R E batteries, pullout kitch2005 VZ sedan, auto, en with 2 burner stove, air conditioning, CD, near new tyres. Good 11 months Vic rego, condition. $7250 ono. ( T K N 8 3 4 ) , b l u e , Ph 0412 247 690. 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 k m , RW C , $10,500. Ph 0499 868 410 or (03) 5721 9831. SOLD HYUNDAI Excel 3 door hatch 1995, 5spd man, elec wind, cent lock, pwr str, aircon, gen 54,000klm yes 54,000 klms only! In as new con, one owner, serv history avail, reg no (NRB254) till 1/14, RWC, $4850. Ph 0407 505 040. LMCT 11086. 1994 Nissan Patrol, 4.2 ltr diesel motor, new pistons, rings, big end bearings & clutch. 11 mths rego no rwc. (ERP101) $6000 ono. Ph 0419 554 527. HYUNDAI Excel X3 GX 1999 Reg No (PTA017) till 7/14. Auto, aircon, pwr str, tint, CD, gen 113,000 klms, one owner, mech A1, very clean in/out. A beaut 1st car r/about with RWC $4500. Ph 0407 505 040. LMCT 11086. 1995 Mazda 121. Auto, 159,571 kms. Well maintained, service history available. Rego (RVF549), until 12/09/13. RWC provided. $1950 ono. Ph (03) 5722 2750. FORD AU2 Ute 2002. 200,000km. Good condition 11 months rego. RWC included. (YKJ195). $4900. Contact 0429 379 796. Emailyouradvert COMMODORE 1991 VN sedan, petrol/gas, runs well, 3 months rego (PWX511), $1500. Ph 5721 4916 or 0400 142 346. 2002 Honda CRV Sport. (RYE031), 228,000km, sunroof, leather interior, front seat warmers, $5000 neg. Ph 0419 582 699. NISSAN Skyline Executive ‘89, auto. Great condition, only 160,000km, tinted windows, always garaged and serviced. Very clean and tidy car. Attractive round tail light model, (ZDZ325), $2250 ono. Ph (02) 6035 3853. 1996 Toyota Corolla Seca, CSi, 1.6EFI, 4 speed auto, air conditioned, CD, mechanically A1, maroon duco, full service records, 277,000 hwy kms, 2 months rego, (ZTH408), RWC, $3000, Glenrowan area. Ph 5727 6090. VT Commodore, Acclaim series II, 1999, auto, wagon, (PSS192), MP3 player, roof racks, tow pack, 370,000km, $2400. Ph 0408 896 103. HONDA XR650L 2002 model. Rego II998 until 24/12/13, B&B bushplate, Maxxi tyres 90%, heavy duty tubes, Clarke 17L tank, professionally lowered, 4500km, just serviced, electric start, Dargo cruiser, comfortable go anywhere bike, Renthal bars, Barkbuster handguards, small marks, etc. RWC, negotiable $5000 ono. Ph 0429 290 045. Vehicle Advertisers Guidelines Private vendors of motor cars advertised for sale must include in their advertisement &DVKSULFHRIPRWRUFDU ,IFDULVUHJLVWHUHG UHJLVWUDWLRQQXPEHU ,IXQUHJLVWHUHGWKH HQJLQHQXPEHU QUINTREX 480 Hornet Trophy with 80 4-stroke Yamaha, serviced every 50hrs, 400hrs in total on motor, never been in salt water, travel and Bimini covers, carpeted throughout, sounder/ ¿VK ¿QGHU OLYH ZHOO tank side, console, rod holders, all safety gear, black in color, in new condition. $28,000 ono. Ph 0467 450 707. FREE removal of cars, machinery, scrap metal etc. (Cash for some) Any condition! Anywhere! Call Tony 0418 132 056 Anytime! SNOW ROAD NURSERY Citrus Trees - Cold climate root stock guaranteed to grow $30 each or 4 for $100 www.snowroad 3210 Snow Road, Whorouly Ph: (03) 5727 1488 OPEN Thurs, Fri, Sat, & Sun 10am-5pm 10-12 Gibson Street, Wangaratta Ph: 03 5721 8652 email: F I R E W O O D . Quality dry seasoned redgum. Free delivery Wangaratta area, $125 for 6x4 trailer load. Ph 0449 088 044 anytime. FIREWOOD, good dry Redgum and hardwood, cut and split to size. Ned’s Wood Yard. Ph 0407 516 221. FIREWOOD, dry split, pick up only. Carboor $90m3. Ph 5729 5509. FIREWOOD, $125 ute load, delivered. Ph 0419 990 973. FIREWOOD - redgum or box mix, mini tipper or truck loads. Hill’s Woodyard, 7 days. Ph 0400 651 748 or (03) 5726 5359. LOG SPLITTERS. Work in horizontal and vertical positions on trailers hydraulic /petrol. 30 ton with 6.5hp, $1350 incl. 30 ton with electric start, $1380 incl. 40 ton with 13hp with gear box, $1460 incl. Easy to assemble. Phone Bruce 0407 257 286. NATIVE plants and farm trees. Cheapest prices, huge range. Freight, mail or collect. Ph (02) 6027 1497 Yackandandah, www. au. ROSES standards, 90cm stems, 24 varieties, bare rooted, strong plants, $15 each. Phone 5722 3635 Wangaratta. SOIL $35 metre, good quality. River sand for packing, horseyards etc $20 metre includes GIANT bikes: Boys delivery to Wangaratta 20”, 7 gears. Girls 24”, in 6 metre loads. Ph 21 gears. $150 each, 5726 8205. ono. Pine TV wall unit, $150. Ph 0458 082 620. T Y R E S , u s e d , guaranteed quality. HAY lucerne small F a n d B f r o m $ 3 0 squares, top quality, each. 10” to 16”. W $11. Cattle feed, $8. Ph treads, light truck. X ply. Adzam Tyres, 44 5727 0478. Newman Street.Ph 5722 2035 or 0428 257 221. HAY - Parkers Hay: s m a l l s q u a r e s , b i g WHITE wrought iron s q u a r e s a n d r o l l s . single bed, gold plastic Lucerne, Clover, Rye/ knobs with mattress, Clover, Oaten, Rye, good condition, $150. Straw, Founder hay, Ph 5721 5881. from $7.50. Ph 0427 273 388. www.parkershay. com .au. H AY, s m a l l b a l e s , shedded, $10. Ph 5727 6324. HAY 5 x 4 netted rolls shedded pasture, $70 per roll. Ph (03) 5726 8205. For all your classified advertising needs Ph 03 5723 0101 BIG BAREROOTED TREE SALE NOW ON! BAR fridge 120L, as new condition, 83cm H x 49cm W x 49cm D, $40. Glass TV cabinet, suit TV up to 50”, $30. Phone Scott 0401 279 495. EVERDURE Brigadier 25mj gas heater, $450. RCE318h gas heater, $350. Both run LPG bottles, bayonet fittings. Fireguard 2m x 2m, $200. Ph 0407 856 847. Buy direct from the grower and save 3_bVaa_RR`NYdNf`" .``\_aRQPVa_b`NYdNf` ZDRR]V[T0UR__VR`NYdNf` Z:\]a\]NYdNf` TOM & ERIN’S NURSERY !XZS_\Z/RRPUd\_aU\[aUR@aN[YRf?\NQ OPEN 10am - 4pm CLOSED SATURDAYS =U\[R' "$%#" ddda\ZN[QR_V[`P\Z THANKS Having returned to work from sick leave after major abdominal surgery, I would like to thank all the friends who have helped me. Your support through calls, gifts, mail etc. was wonderful. To the many friends who visited me in hospital and at home, took me out for coffee, a drink, lunch, dinner, laughter and drove me around, I will always be grateful for the kindness and effort you showed. Please accept this as my personal thank you to you all. Thank you to my children and their partners, with a very special thank you to my wonderful daughter, Rhiannon, your tireless support has been amazing. ~ Peter R Thomas. 18 AT LAST! LINDSAY Chris, Nicole and big brother William announce the arrival of Thomas Donald July 1, 2013 weighing 9lb 9oz. Thanks to CMP, special care nursery and staff at Northeast Health. LOVE YOU BUB From Mum & Rylee 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 GLENDENNING (McDiarmid) Congratulations Josh & Elizabeth on the birth of your son Chase Alan on July 7, 2013. First grandchild for John and Margaret McDiarmid. First great-grandchild for Garnet and Mary Frost. Tenth great-grandchild for Ian and Gwen McDiarmid. GLENDENNING -McDIARMID Ray and Jennie would like to congratulate Josh and Wib on the arrival of CHASE ALAN born July 7, 2013. A beautiful grandson. 18 18 18 Happy 18th birthday Shane 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 It only feels like yesterday that you entered the world. We are so proud of you and love you so much. Love Mum, Josh, JJ and Antonio. 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Jess Newton 10/7/1992 Happy 21 Birthday st 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Best wishes, 21 21 Mum, Dad, Sarah, 21 21 James, Pop, Nan, 21 21 21 Grandad and all 21 the family 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 McGAURAN (Anderson) Congratulations Nita and Christian on the safe arrival of Darcy's little sister Ella Mary Love Ray, Carmel, Janet, Steve, Leah, Rick and the very excited cousins. BOX ~ HAYWOOD Malcolm and Sue, together with Vern and Kaye, are pleased to announce the engagement of Mandy & Jeremy on July 6, 2013. THE CHRONICLE, Friday, July 12, 2013 - Page 25 SPORT BEREAVEMENT THANKS FA L C O N E R , Margaret. Loving memories of a very caring lady and my dear friend. Will never forget your lunches, cuppas and our long talks and laughs. Our deepest sympathy to all her family. - Kaye and family. FA L C O N E R , Margaret. In loving memory of a very dear friend known to me as Auntie Marge. Rest in peace. United with Uncle Bill. - Love Shirley Dobson and family. GEE, Vera Annie. Passed away peacefully on July 6, 2013. Aged 92 years. Formerly of Moyhu and late of Wangaratta. Beloved wife of Napier (dec). Loving mother a n d m o t h e r- i n - l a w of Allan and Wilma, Robert and Carol. Loving grandmother of Peter, Trevor, Karen, Andrea and Felicity and great grandmother of 6. Finally at rest. WEST, Marlene Olivia. Loved wife of William (Bill, dec). Much loved mother of Haley, Dallas and Narelle and Daniel. Much loved Grandma of Rachel, Isabelle and Charlie. Taken too soon and will be sadly missed. Re-united with Dad. WEST, Marlene. Passed away July 9, 2013. Deepest sympathy to Haley, Dallas, Narelle and family. A loving nature, True and kind. What beautiful memories, You leave behind. Loved cousin of John (dec), Merl, Sharon, Michael and Jordan. BROWN A service to celebrate the life of Lionel Henry Brown, (formerly of 6 Warby Street) will be held at the Anglican Cathedral, Wangaratta at 2pm on Friday, July 19, 2013. Christine and Stephen warmly invite family and friends to attend. SHAW, Adam Thomas. 14/8/1989 - 12/7/2012. It doesn’t need a special day to bring you to mind, For the days without a thought of you are very hard to find. No longer in our lives to share but in our hearts you’re always there. Missing you Ad. From your family Greg, Anne and James Shaw. Ray “Bodsy” Bodsworth 12/01/1948 – 14/07/2012 My heart is full of beautiful memories, With pride I speak your name, Though life goes on without you, It will never be the same. Love and Miss you Bods – Your girl Therese BODSWORTH, Raymond. I will always remember you. - Love Lynnie. xx CARPENTER, Lillian ‘Edna’. 3/8/1916 - 13/7/2012 One year has passed. Remembered every day. - Your loving family. CORNHILL, Alan & Barbara Walsh July 14, 2009. On what is our 4th wedding anniversary darling. What dreams we had, plans for a beautiful future together all taken from us. I know you loved me and you knew I loved you and no one can ever take that away GEE, Vera. from us. Goodbye to our The years we had beautiful Nanna and together I will cherish GEE Great Nanna. We’re going to miss you The funeral service for in my heart forever. Mrs Vera Annie Gee I talk to you everyday so much. R e s t p e a c e f u l l y i n will be held in the and will never forget. heaven beside Pa. Mason Park Funeral Our last days were Love you both always, Home, 95 Mason marred by very sad - Andrea, Brett, Daniel Street, Wangaratta on events. and Rachael. Monday, July 15, 2013 The doves of peace fly high and then fade into commencing at 12pm. GEE, Vera. oblivion, taking all Light refreshments Loving mother of Robert and daughter- will be served prior to with them. in-law Carol and family. leaving for the Beechworth General Your wife forever, LELIEVRE, Jenny. Barbara. R e s t i n g w h e r e n o Cemetery (arriving at approx. 2.30pm). shadows fall. Dear friend for 30 years. - Isabel and Kevin. LELIEVRE, Jenny. Loved wife of Allen. The way she approached the day to day challenges was an inspiration to us all, and will remain in our hearts forever. Peacefully resting in God’s care. - Trish, Bryan, Matt, Leanne, Wayne, Ann and Ian. celebrating life C 03 5723 0101 DOWNING, Graeme. Graeme's family wish to thank everyone for their cards, messages of sympathy and attendance at his funeral, for their love and support at this sad time. Our thanks also to Father Alan Jarrod and Glenn from Mason Park Funerals for their help, understanding and guidance to us all. Please accept this as our personal thank you. 3UHSDLGDQGSUHDUUDQJHGIXQHUDOV&UHPDWLRQ %XULDO$OODUHDVLQFOXGLQJLQWHUVWDWH 6HUYLFLQJWKHDUHDIRURYHU\HDUV Y&UNERAL0LANNING "$"&&" 0\UWOH6W0\UWOHIRUG $)3*4501)&35"5& GVOFSBMT @&AREWELLS ANDLASTINGMEMORIES ESS WANGARA SIN TT A BU PERSONAL CARE & HEALTH AR AT TA B USINESS AWARD OR SF 5721 5060 (All Hours) Professional, Personal Service Glenn & Emma Bouchier Church Chapel Burial Cremation şśȱȱǰȱĴȱȱȱȱȱȱ 11.3.1938 – 8.5.2013 We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the kindness of all who shared the loss of our dear Mum. To all who brought food, sent flowers, cards, visits and phone calls, it has been a great comfort to us all. A very special thankyou to the palliative care team, district nursing, the doctors, nurses and staff of Wangaratta Private and NE Health Hospital. Also our sincere thanks to Robert Tate and staff at Tate Funeral Service for their compassion and professionalism. To all those who attended Mum’s funeral and made donations to Breast Care Cancer Network Australia. Please accept this as our personal thankyou. AnnMaree, Suzie, Janine, Clare and families. KEVIN GRIFFIN We, Kevin’s family, wish to thank relatives and friends for their support, phone calls, cards, flowers and all who attended Kevin’s requiem mass. A special thanks to Sister Mary, Fr Eugene, staff at NEHW, Dr Bruce Wakefield, Mr Les Bolito and Glenn from Mason Park Funerals. Please accept this as our personal thanks. - Elaine, Ray, Anthony and Dianne, Colleen and Simon Kennett and families. MANSFIELD, Vin Robert Tate, 59 - 63 Greta Road, Wangaratta (03) 5722 2525 24 hours Y0ERSONAL3ERVICE !T!LL(OURS CHRISTIAN, Margaret (Margo) Forever in our hearts Ph 03 5723 0101 NG WA Phoneyour advert For all your classified advertising needs 1 201 WEST, Marlene Olivia (nee Knuckey). Passed away suddenly at Northeast Health, Wangaratta on July 9, 2013. Aged 70 years. Loved wife of William (Bill, dec). Much loved mother of Haley, Dallas and Narelle, fond motheri n - l aw a n d a d o r e d grandmother and aunt. WEST A graveside service for Mrs Marlene Olivia West will be held at the Eldorado General Cemetery on Friday, July 19, 2013 commencing at 1.30pm. STYLES, Peter John Jnr. 11/7/1976 - 11/7/2007 In loving memory of Peter on his 37th birthday. Six years have passed and everyday we still think about you. Miss you mate. Love forever, - Dad, Sue and all your brothers and sisters. xox EX CE LL EN CE FA L C O N E R , Margaret. Our thoughts are with you all. Margaret was a gentle and loving lady. It was an honour to have known her. - Betty and Russell Canning. ȱ ǯǯǯ We wish to thank our friends and relations for their expressions of sympathy, cards of condolences and their kindness at Vin’s passing. Special thanks to St Catherine’s for their care for Vin, to those who travelled long distances for Vin’s funeral and to the RSL for their graveside service. - Yvonne and Vin and Yvonne’s families. Notarianni, Domenico (Nic) 9/11/1948 - 5/6/2013 We have lost our loved and loving husband and father. We miss him and we will never forget him. However, we are comforted by the love and affection shown to us by all who knew him. We want to thank everyone for your comforting words, visits, cards, flowers, food, phone calls and presence at his funeral. We would like to thank so much the management and staff of the Rural City of Wangaratta for your kindness and help at this sad time, Robert Tate for his compassion and professionalism, Father Eugene for the beautiful service, to everyone who supported the Royal Melbourne Neuro Science Foundation, the doctors, nurses and staff at RMH and Doctor Ian Price. Please accept this as our personal thanks. - Luigina (Lou), Steven and Sarah Notarianni and Rosa and Diego Marasco. PERUZZO, Serafino ‘Joe’ Irma and family wish to thank relatives and friends for their support and cards of condolences after the loss of our dear husband, father and nonno. A special thanks to all staff at Illoura for their dedication, finally to Robert Tate and his staff of Tate Funerals for their professional care and attention on the day of his funeral. Please accept this as our personal thank you. TARRAWINGEE GOLF THURSDAY, July 4, Stableford. Men’s winner: Bruce Fletcher 35. Runner-up: John Vescio 33. NTP: 4th Bruce Fletcher. Ladies’ winner: Pauline Mercer 38. Runner-up: Fay Phillips 34. NTP: 4th Catherine Dundon. Saturday, July 6, Stroke. Men’s winner: John Vescio 65 cb. Ball winners: Peter Farquhar 65, Manny Tanraiu 67 and Ian Simpson 68. Ladies’ Stroke winner: June Christesen 71. Ball winners: Toni Wilson 73 and Lynn Barrow 73. NTP: 4th June Christesen 8th Toni Wilson. Tuesday July 9, Ladies’ second round Single’s Knockout. winners: June Christesen def Valda Watson, Lynn Barrow def Di McLaughlin, Beverly Brewer def Shirley Steel and Carole O’Sullivan def Lorraine Grenfell. Stableford Winner: Yvonne McAliece 35. Ball Winners: Pauline Mercer 34 and Toni Wilson 33. NTP: 4th June Christesen. Coming events: Saturday: Double’s Knockout round two plus event. Tuesday: Ladies’ Monthly Medal Stroke annual tournament; Friday August 2: Ladies’ Day; Saturday: Mixed Pinehurst plus event; Sunday: Men’s 27 Hole Stroke. JUBILEE GOLF CLUB JUBILEE Golf Club results. Thursday, July 4 - Stableford. Winner: Robyn Harrison 37 on a countback from Judy Fogarty and Wendy Hennessy. Ball winners: Robyn Harrison 37, Judy Fogarty 37 on a countback from Wendy Hennessy. Nearest the pins on 4th: Vicki Moorhead; 8th: Bruna McDonald; 13th: Wendy Hennessy; 17th: Bruna McDonald. Saturday, July 6 - Stableford third round weekend aggregate. Winner: Joy Hester 35. Ball winners: Bruna McDonald 31 on a countback from Di Murphy. Nearest the pins on 8th: Georgia Macklan; 13th: Georgia Macklan. Saturday, July 6 - Par second round president’s trophy. A Grade winner: Neville Hogan +1. B grade: Ken Beitzel +1 on a countback from Jim Moore. C grade: Ray Hyland +2. Ball winners: Ray Hyland +2, Ken Beitzel +1, Neville Hogan +1, Mal White +1, Jim Moore +1, Ian Dinsdale 0, Danny Fogarty 0, Ian Mills 0, Jim Darcy 0, Ron Smith 0 on a countback from Steve Fisher. Super Nine winner: Ray Hyland 22, runner up Craig Gibbs 22, third place: Nathan Kungl 21 on a countback from from Di Murphy and Robyn Harrison. Nearest the pins on 4th: Jim Moore; 8th: Brendon Hennessy; 13th: Glen Hunt; 17th: Gordon Paterson. Sunday, July 7 - Stroke. Winner: Brendon Hennessy 72. Ball winners: Brendon Hennessy 72, Alex Gibbs 76, Martin VanRhee 77 on a countback from Neville Hogan, Marcus Angehrn and Brian Lee. Nearest the pins on 4th: Sashi Krishandutt; 8th: Brendon Hennessy; 13th: James Bannan; 17th: James Bannan. Ladies: Winner: Vicki Moorhead 73. Ball winners: Wendy Hennessy 77 on a countback from Georgia Macklan. Nearest the pin on 13th: Georgia Macklan. Wednesday, July 10 Stableford. A grade winner: Steve Fisher 37 on a countback from Simon Groves; B grade winner: Peter Ford 34 on a countback from David Tanner and Spencer Lamb; C grade winner: Michael Baillie 34 on a countback from Chris Keast. Ball winners: Steve Fisher 37; Simon Groves (2) 37; Peter Ford 34; David Tanner 34; Spencer Lamb 34 on a countback from Michael Baillie and Chris Keast. Nearest the pins on 4th: David Tanner; 13th: Aaron Kungl. Thursday, July 11. Stableford. A grade winner: Kay O’Shea 35; B grade winner: Glenise Williams 35. Ball winners: Kay O’Shea 35, Glenise Williams 35, Judy Fogarty (2) 33, Heather Wickham 33 on a countback from Di Murphy. Saturday, July 13 Stableford 1st Tee. 8.20: A. Gibbs, S. Goldsworthy, G. O’Connell; 8.28: D. Fogarty, D. Cryer, P. Nippress, R. Smith; 8.36: G. Hines, P. Lawrence, G. Hunt, P. Grady; 8.44: I. Harrison, R. Chivers, G. Paterson, R. Hutchieson. 11.00: J. Moore, K.O’Shea, M, Dean, I. Mills; 11.08: B. Waite, G. Dinsdale, D. Ritchens, M. Baillie; 11.16: R. Nalder, S. Godfrey, A. Newcombe, R. Hyland; 11.24: S. Fisher, D. Ferguson, N. Kungle; 11.40: S. Lamb, P. Ford, A. Kungle; 11.48: R. Stone, B. Adams, S. Witting; 12.12: J. Matthews; 12.36: A. Senkic, K. Gulbin, S. Gulbin, M. White. 10th Tee: 11.32: D. Murphy. WANGARATTA GOLF CLUB WANGARATTA Golf Club results. Tuesday, July 2, Ladies 9 hole Stableford event. Winner: Angela Watson 17pts c/b, R/UP: Lyn Barker 17pts. Ladies 18 hole Stableford event. Winner: Carol Coghill 35pts, R/UP: Helen Tate 32pts. Ball Winners: Iris Brock 31pts, Sue Chatfield 31pts, Prue Dick 31pts, Elaine Smith 31pts, Marlene Thompson 31pts. NTP: 2nd: Glenda Dodson, 5th: Helen Tate, 17th: Elaine Smith. Wednesday, July 3, Men’s 18 hole Stableford event. Winner: Peter Lamb 36pts c/b, R/UP: Kevin Fox 36pts. Ball winners: Andrew Raison 35pts, Robert Murray 33pts, Steven Baertschiger 32pts, Simon McKay 32pts, Kurt Schubert 32pts, Norm Walford 32pts. NTP: 2nd: Duncan McCallum, 5th: Robert Murray, 12th: Simon McKay. Thursday, July 4, Ladies 9 hole Stableford event. Winner: Wendy Stephens 20pts, R/UP: Jan Staff 17pts. Ladies 18 hole Stableford event. Division 1 Winner: Margaret Price 33pts. Runner Up: Sue Chatfield 32pts. Division 2 Winner: Dawn Fleet 35pts. Runner Up: Iris Brock 34pts. Ball winners: Lesley Anderson 29pts, Jill Halbwidl 29pts. NTP: 2nd: Glenda Dodson, 5th: Lesley Anderson. Saturday, July 6, Men’s 18 hole Stroke event (Monthly Medal). A grade winner: Wayne Dickson 69nett, R/UP: Trevor Cooper 73nett. B Grade Winner: Kurt Schubert 67nett (Medal Winner), R/UP: Kevin Fox 73nett. Ball winners: Sam McLean 73nett, Steve Bismire 75nett, Arthur Ingarfield 75nett, Howard Constable 76nett, Craig Henwood 76nett, Matt Nicolosi 76nett, Andrew Raison 76nett. NTP: 2nd: Peter Crawford, 5th: Gil Arnold, 12th: Alastair McLean, 17th: Gil Arnold. Subway voucher: Sam McLean. Maccas voucher: Howard Constable.
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