pharmacist - Wangaratta Chronicle
pharmacist - Wangaratta Chronicle THE CHRONICLE, Friday, March 21, 2014 - Page 19 IN PERSON BY PHONE BY EMAIL 37 Rowan Street, classifieds@ 5723 0101 Wangaratta 3677 5721 9447 fax WHEN TO SELLING BOOK A CAR Chronicle Classifieds 2.30pm the day prior to print North East Jobs 3pm Friday 2 WEEKS ADVERTISING WITH PICTURE from only $29 OPEN HOURS 8.30AM TO 5PM MON-FRI BUY ONLINE General Classifieds: Employment: Real Estate: WANGARATTA’S MARKET PLACE WITH OVER 40,000 READERS EACH WEEK IN PRINT AND ONLINE PUBLIC NOTICES PROPOSED SCHOOL NAME CHANGE ŽŐŽŶŐKƵƚĚŽŽƌĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĞŶƚƌĞ intends to change its current name to ‘Outdoor School’. KďũĞĐƟŽŶƐĐĂŶďĞ ŵĂĚĞŝŶǁƌŝƟŶŐĂŶĚƐĞŶƚƚŽ ‘School Name Change’, 1 Black Possum Rd, Bogong, 3699, by no later than the 17th of April 2014. DOCKER STREET GENERAL MEDICAL CENTRE 53 Docker St., Wangaratta 3677 (03) 5722 4887 FLU VACCINE HAS ARRIVED Our annual flu vaccination clinic will be held on SATURDAY 22ND MARCH 2014 between 11am - 1pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Consultations bulk billed. Vaccine can be purchased for $15 or is free to all clients over 65 years old and those with a chronic disease. GOORAMBAT IDOL FAMILY FUN DAY The fundraising committee would like to thank the following businesses and people who helped make this event so successful. /DQGPDUNIRUFDVKSUL]HGRQDWLRQ 6P\WKH)HHGVIRUFDVKSUL]HGRQDWLRQ 1RUWK(DVW7LOH´7KH7LOH3HRSOHµ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angaratta Pharmacy SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 8.30am - 2pm 10am - 2pm 35 Murphy Street, Wangaratta PHONE (03) 5721 5055 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES CANCER Council Victoria Wangaratta Volunteer Group notice o f AG M , Tu e s d a y, March 25, 7.30pm in the cafeteria at Northeast Health. WANGARATTA RACECOURSE RESERVE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT Notice is given of a PUBLIC MEETING To be held at The Wangaratta Turf Club on Monday, March 31st at 5.30pm The purpose of the meeting is to nominate no less than three (3) or no more than nine (9) persons as the Committee of Management for the Wangaratta Racecourse Reserve for a term of three years. The current committee’s term will expire on Monday March 31st. All positions will be declared open and nominations will be accepted prior to or on the night. Nominations from women are encouraged. Further information, nomination forms and nominee declaration forms may be obtained by contacting your local Department of Environment and Primary Industries office or at the meeting. For further enquiries please contact the Secretary, Paul Hoysted on 0407 753 224. Dr Anne Michelson Dr Martin Horwood Dr Carolyn Chong Dr David Lin Dr Wilson Chen Sarah Bekker - hygienist ****** Due to an error by Yellow Pages, the 2013/14 telephone directory contains an incorrect number. The correct telephone number for Michelson’s Dental Surgery is: 5721 8033 North East Water Public notice RE-ENERGISE YOUR HEALTH Don’t get sick this Winter Full Consultation with $ Computerised Body Scan 10 OFF - Natural Solutions for (until April 30 , Long Lasting Wellbeing 2014) With Your Local Naturopaths: Belinda McPherson, Michelle Cose & Sophie Atkin Immunity Loose bowels Constipation Energy Weight loss Hormones Reduced aches Headaches PMS Menopause Eczema Acne Allergies Better wellbeing Detox Kids health Sleep issues Stress management Call 5721 5886 20 Ely St Wangaratta WANGARATTA HIGH SCHOOL Open Afternoon and Evening EXPO Wangaratta High School invites all prospective students, particularly those in Years 4, 5 & 6, and their parents/guardians to an afternoon and evening of exploration and discovery of WHS. Monday 24th March 2014 Daytime tours begin at 2:30pm Evening program begins at 5.30 for an information session and tours. Wangaratta High School Edwards Street, Wangaratta. For further information or to book a daytime tour, please contact the General Office on (03) 5723 0500. Emailyouradvert CUSTOMER & COMMUNITY PANEL North East Water is developing a “Customer & Community Panel” to help provide us with our customers’ views about a variety of topics. The Customer & Community Panel will in broad terms represent the customer base, including residential, commercial and industrial tradewaste customers. People of all age groups, education levels and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Members of the Panel will be activated from time to time for specific time-limited consultations. Members may be asked to work in a range of forums, including surveys, polls and focus groups. Not all members will be activated at the same time or for all consultations. Members will be appointed based on the following criteria: 2Active interest as a customer of North East Water and/or established links to community groups 2Commitment to adhere to North East Water’s Values of Trust, Honesty, Teamwork and Respect 2Ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively with others in a community based committee 2Ability to openly and objectively explore concepts and ideas and consider a range of perspectives We encourage all interested customers to apply for membership on the Panel. Application forms are available at or by contacting the Communications team on 1300 361 633. Applications should be submitted by 4 April 2014. ZO450402 North East Water PO Box 863 Wodonga VIC 3689 Ph: 1300 361 633 NEWMAN Street, Wangaratta, Sunday market. P U R I TA L i n e a Remedial massage therapy. Ph 5721 7083 or 0408 450 155. Booking is essential. THE Wang Concert Band Inc is in need of players to help us on Anzac Day with the march and only a few other songs. All are welcome. Avian Park, Thursdays from 5.15pm tp 7pm or phone 0413 292 252. Thankyou. 3/4 Wangaratta Scouts Group open night, Monday March 24, 6pm-7.30pm, Barr Reserve, College Street, Wangaratta. Contact Carolyn Hicks 0428 317 980. MOBILE SCRATCH AND BUMPER BAR REPAIRS Well established and reputable business, large client base. For further information phone 0407 697 000 RESUME Wr i t i ng. Our service can assist you in developing you a resume for a small fee of $50. Contact Recruitment Select on 5720 0300 for further information. BOOK. Title “Inner History of The Kelly Gang”, Wangaratta city area. Ph 0457 429 961. 1 Hereford Heifer, approx 6 months, ear marked, from Warby Range property. Ph 0429 812 317. WANTED We have tenants wanting: 2 BR, Vincent Rd area preferred, bath pref, up to $200p/w 3 BR, near high school, allow dogs, up to $320p/w Contact Joe McKenzie 0423 655 179 or Rachel McMillan 0429 853 190 CARPET CLEANING Moving and need your carpets cleaned? 3 rooms $100, 4 rooms $120, hallways free. Phone P. & D. Oates 0428 500 109. CLOSE to CBD, renovated 3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom, BIR, gas heat, air con, dishwasher, large yard, $310pw plus bond. Ph 0412 988 285. LOVELY one bedroom unit with aircon in seniors village, central Wangaratta, $165pw neg. Ph 0430 136 045. LET TWO bedroom unit in Moyhu township. Rent $160 per week, minimum 12 month lease. Ph 0451 188 938. HOUSESITTER wanted, Beechworth, 4 weeks, June/July, must like birds and animals. Contact 0437 472 867 or megamouth@activ8. URGENT, 31 year old male wants room or private board for approx 8 months while studying, non-smoker or drinker. Please phone 0406 740 508. Page 20 - THE CHRONICLE, Friday, March 21, 2014 EMPLOYMENT 12 Month Maternity Leave position 76 hours/fortnight (negotiable), Ref No: 14/21C Contact: Yvonne Gibson (03) 5722 5280 Closing Date: 31 March 2014 ALLIED HEALTH ASSISTANT education. graduates encouraged to apply. Long New Service Leavearerelief Enquiries Annalee Leader Acute Allied Health Thomas HoganGardam, Centre,Team Ref No: 14/28C on (03) 5722 0113. Contact: Neil Barassi (03) 5722 5818 Position closing date - 5pm Friday 21st November, 2008. Closing Date: 4 April 2014 PAINTER. Ovens and King Painting Service. 20 years experience. Interior / exteriors. For free quote phone 0422 778 257 or 5721 5482. PA I N T E R . N e a t , tidy, always on time. For a fair quote, work guaranteed. Phone Julian on 0412 597 482. WA N G A R AT TA Property Services. Home and bathroom renovations, concreting, painting, rendering, bricklaying, plastering, tiling, any odd job. Chris 0488 912 951. For all your classified advertising needs Ph 03 5723 0101 NOR H G A R D E N I N G MOWING. City, rural up to 40km. Pruning and removable. Free quotes. Competitive rates. Fully insured. Geoff Moore 0421 639 775. ST H EA E LT SHEDS: Suitable for storage, workshop, small business, wine cellar etc. Power, water, toilets, truck wash bay, large inside and outside areas, truck access, unloading areas, all concrete. Shed 1: 160sqm, $440 per mth, shed 2: 340sqm, $880 per mth, combined 500sqm, $1100 per mth. Ph 0418 573 836 or 0438 216 690. H A T LLOYD’S Building, Faithfull Street, office approx 200sqm, fully furnished, underground carpark, ex government office. Ph 0408 573 651. NORTHEAST HEALTH WANGARATTA EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT W AN A FIRST floor office space in Reid Street. Carpet, split system heating and cooling, $90pw. Ph 5721 5153 or 0431 190 630. G A R AT T The successful applicant will have undergone a WWC & police check. For further details including a position description visit: EMPLOYMENT Senior Child Protection Practitioner (Supervisory) CPP5.1 Want to kick start an exciting career as an apprentice in a specialised field of floorcoverings? Status:- Ongoing Full time Location:- Wangaratta Salary CPP5.1:- $82,512 - $91,172 + Superannuation Position No DHS/E/381445 Learn in a team environment On job training 4 year apprenticeship with great government incentives 1 position available for Immediate start This supervisory position is responsible for supporting and developing Child Protection Practitioners in the integration of theory and practice whilst demonstrating their expertise through case practice. The Senior Child Protection Practitioner will work collaboratively with the Team Manager to strengthen case practice, provide effective service delivery and support other practitioners. Submit resume via email to Aggenbach Floors Applications close Sunday 6th April 2014 Please contact Sally Dare ph 02 60557817 for more information Advanced Child Protection Practitioner CPP4 Carraragarmungee Primary School Status:- Ongoing Full time Location:- Wangaratta or Wodonga Salary CPP4:- $71,511 - $81,137 + Superannuation Position No DHS/E/381444 COORDINATOR / CARER After School / Vacational Care Program Project and Administration Officer Up to 12 hours week, flexible days Contract to June 2015 Benalla location Central Hume Primary Care Partnership has a position available for an enthusiastic person to work in our office. The position involves providing administrative support to staff and assisting in key project areas. A Primary Care Partnership works predominantly with health services and local government organisations to improve the health service system. Wage based on qualifications and experience (HSU award). Flexible working hours and family friendly principles apply. Immediate start desirable. A position description is available by emailing or Melinda 0439 633 564. Applications close 5pm on Friday 4th April The position would include the administration of the program and the provision of care for primary aged children, from Monday to Friday from 3.00pm to 6.00pm and extended hours during Vacation holidays. Completion of Certificate III in Children’s Services qualifications and actively working towards a Diploma in Children’s Services would be required for this position of coordinator. Experience in the childcare industry would be an advantage. Current First Aid, Level Two and Working with Children Check is required. The Advanced Child Protection Practitioner receives and assesses reports of alleged abuse and neglect of children and young people. They undertake investigations and develop plans to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is achieved. This may include taking matters to court. Applications close Sunday 6th April 2014 Please contact Sally Dare ph 02 60557817 for more information Team Manager Intake and Assessment CPP5 Status:- Ongoing Full time Location:- Wangaratta Salary CPP5:- $82,512 - $99,833 + Superannuation Position No DHS/E/381405 For further enquiries contact the Principal at Carraragarmungee PS on 5725 1531 Applications in writing marked “Coordinator/ Carer” should be forwarded to the Principal, Carraragarmungee PS, 1001 Wangaratta-Eldorado Road, Londrigan, via Wangaratta or email to: Applications close Monday, March 24, 2014 The Child Protection Team Manager is responsible for effective service delivery, managing resources and budget, cases awaiting allocation and small teams of practitioners. The Team Manager has the formal delegation to endorse case plans and will work collaboratively with the Senior Child Protection Practitioner to strengthen case practice, provide effective service delivery and to support other practitioners. Applications Close Sunday 6th April 2014 Please contact Tammy Robl ph 03 57220502 for more information Advanced Child Protection Practitioner CPP4 Building Services Manager (New position) 56 – 72 hours per fortnight Status:- Ongoing Full time Location:- Wangaratta Salary CPP4:- $71,511 - $81,137 + Superannuation Position No DHS/E/381415 Cooinda Village, a not for profit organisation, is Benalla largest Aged Care facility. On site we have 68 independent living units (ILU) and a 78 bed residential care facility. The Advanced Child Protection Practitioner receives and assesses reports of alleged abuse and neglect of children and young people. They undertake investigations and develop plans to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is achieved. This may include taking matters to court. We are seeking a motivated person experienced in building development and working with external contractors to manage and develop the ILU component of the business and support the ILU residents. This person will also be responsible to oversee the grounds and maintenance works and in consultation with the current Project Manager ensure the efficient management of all building planning, permits and works till completion. Applications close Sunday 6th April 2014 Please contact Tammy Robl ph 03 57220502 for more information Rewrite tomorrow, one child at a time. To discuss this position contact Margaret Aldous, Chief Executive on 5761 3300. Applications by 11th April 2014 to: Julie Folan, Quality and Customer Services Manager, Cooinda Village, Benalla 3672 or To apply, please go to COMMUNITY SERVICES AND HEALTH NURSING INFORMATION SESSIONS Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing) Thursday 27 March 2014 5pm B019 ZO440244 | 1300 MY TAFE (1300 69 8233) | For students commencing in 2014 2185_WT220314. CRICOS 01961J TRAINING AND TUITION KITCHEN HAND CASHIER Approx. 15 - 20 Hrs Customer Service Food Preparation Washing Dishes See Chris or Marjory SYDNEY HOTEL 2-4 Templeton St Wangaratta Ph 5721 7977 BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED MYOB experience essential. Pay-roll experience essential. Full-time position. Enquiries to Brock Fallon Fallons Group of Companies THE CHRONICLE, Friday, March 21, 2014 - Page 21 S E W I N G MACHINIST. Due to the expansion of our business in Wangaratta we are seeking a number of experienced sewing machinists. All applicants must h ave g o o d l i t e r a cy and numeracy skills, high work ethic and experienced in industrial sewing. This is a company that values all its employees, we pay above award rates and can be flexible with hours where necessary. Email resumes to tim@ blackduckcanvas. com before 25/3/14. Classifieds Work! (03) 5722 9255 Phone: 03 5723 0101 Precinct Bar & Restaurant tĂŶŐĂƌĂƩĂ͛ƐŶĞǁĞƐƚŝĚĞŶƟƚLJŽŶƚŚĞƌŝǀĞƌƐŝĚĞŝƐŶŽǁ ŚŝƌŝŶŐƉŽƐŝƟǀĞ͕ŚĂƌĚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ͕ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌŽƌŝĞŶƚĞĚ ^ƚĂīĨŽƌƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƐͲ Head Chef & Chef - Full Time tĞĂƌĞůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌYƵĂůŝĮĞĚŚĞĨƐƚŚĂƚŚĂǀĞ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĂƐĂƚĞĂŵůĞĂĚĞƌŽƌƚĞĂŵŵĞŵďĞƌ ĂŶĚĂƌĞĂďůĞƚŽŝŶƐƉŝƌĞĨĞůůŽǁǁŽƌŬĞƌƐƚŽĂĐŚŝĞǀĞ ŽƵƚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐƌĞƐƵůƚƐ͘džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŝŶǁŽƌŬŝŶŐŝŶĂĨĂƐƚ ƉĂĐĞĚĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚΘĂŐĞŶƵŝŶĞƉĂƐƐŝŽŶĨŽƌĨŽŽĚ ΘĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĂƌĞĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů͘ ƉƉƌĞŶƟĐĞŚĞĨϭƐƚĂŶĚϮŶĚLJĞĂƌ - Full Time tĞĂƌĞůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌƚǁŽĂƉƉƌĞŶƟĐĞŚĞĨ͛ƐƚŚĂƚŚĂǀĞ ĂƉĂƐƐŝŽŶĨŽƌĨŽŽĚΘƚŚĞĚĞƐŝƌĞƚŽůĞĂƌŶ͘zŽƵǁŝůů ďĞǁŽƌŬŝŶŐŝŶĂĨĂƐƚƉĂĐĞĚĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚΘŐĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŝŶǀĂůƵĂďůĞĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐŽƚŚĂƚLJŽƵŵĂLJůĞĂĚLJŽƵƌ ŽǁŶŬŝƚĐŚĞŶŽŶĞͲĚĂLJ͘ ĂƌΘtĂŝƚ^ƚĂī - Casual/Full Time tĞĂƌĞůŽŽŬŝŶŐĨŽƌĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĚĂŶĚũƵŶŝŽƌ^ƚĂīƚŚĂƚ ĞŶũŽLJǁŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƐƉĂƌƚŽĨĂƚĞĂŵĂŶĚŚĂǀĞƚŚĞĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂůĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ͘ WůĞĂƐĞƐĞŶĚLJŽƵƌƌĞƐƵŵĞƚŽ Ś͘ďĞĐŚĂnjΛŚŽƚŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵŽƌĨŽƌĂŶLJƋƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ ƉůĞĂƐĞĐĂůů,ŽůůŝĞĞĐŚĂnjŽŶϬϰϯϮϭϰϰϱϬϬ ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶůĞƌŬ Due to increasing work load, a Casual / Part dŝŵĞƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶƉŽƐŝƟŽŶŚĂƐďĞĐŽŵĞĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ Ăƚ tĂŶŐĂƌĂƩĂ yͲƌĂLJ͘ tĞ ĂƌĞ ƐĞĞŬŝŶŐ Ă ŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶůĞƌŬǁŚŽŝƐĂƚĞĂŵ ƉůĂLJĞƌ͘ ƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚƐ ŵƵƐƚ ĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞ Ă ŚŝŐŚ ůĞǀĞů ŽĨ ŝŶƚĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶĂů͕ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶĂů ƐŬŝůůƐ ĂŶĚ ŚĂǀĞ Ă ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůůLJ ŵĂƚƵƌĞĂƫƚƵĚĞĂŶĚǁŽƌŬĞƚŚŝĐ͘ /ŶŝƟĂůůLJƚŚŝƐƉŽƐŝƟŽŶǁŝůůĞŶƚĂŝůƉŚŽŶĞƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶ ǁŽƌŬ͕ ĚĞĂůŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ĞŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŬŝŶŐ ĂƉƉŽŝŶƚŵĞŶƚƐ͘dŚĞƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůĐĂŶĚŝĚĂƚĞǁŝůůďĞ ƚƌĂŝŶĞĚŝŶĂůůĂƐƉĞĐƚƐŽĨƚŚŝƐƌŽůĞ͘ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚƐ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚ Ă ĐŽǀĞƌ ůĞƩĞƌ ĂŶĚ ƌĞƐƵŵĞ ƚŽ tĂLJŶĞ ƐŚƚŽŶ Ăƚ ǁĂƐŚƚŽŶΛǁĂŶŐdžƌĂLJ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ ďLJ ŶŽ ůĂƚĞƌ ƚŚĂŶ ϱƉŵŽŶ&ƌŝĚĂLJƚŚĞϰƚŚƉƌŝůϮϬϭϰ͘ A Cheeky Gal, 18+, 1902 271 048. Randy Housewives, 1902 225 951. $2.45pm mobx. BEAUTIFUL kitten to give away. Ph 5752 2759. FEMALE Staffy, free to good home, 2 years old, desexed. Ph 0438 006 328. Microchip no. 900012000936862. To Visit R Visited COROWA Community Garage Sale, Saturday March 22, 50+ households! Maps $2 from 7.45am at Corowa Public School - Honour Ave. R To Visit R Visited Check out our R 4 Paws Deli. Chicken necks (frozen), $2.50kg. Beef mince, $3kg. Kangaroo mince, $4kg. Plus heaps more to choose from. Open 6 days a week. 45 Vincent Road, Wangaratta. Ph (03) 5722 1151. To Visit R Visited S AT U R D AY 8 a m onwards. Deceased estate. 5 Morrell Street, Wangaratta. R To Visit R Visited S AT U R DAY, 8 a m , 1163 Whitfield Road, Oxley. Just excess stuff. Don’t come Friday. CHEAP Steers and Heifers (14), Angus, 5/6 months, all weaned. Ph 0407 949 237. 9 pigs for sale, 8 weeks old, $70 each. Ph 0400 273 642. AGISTMENT or lease wanted, 100-200 acres, for cattle. Phone Nathan 0428 250 576. whatever your need is in pets or livestock for all your classified advertising needs Ph 5723 0101 Why not charge your advertisement to Mastercard or Visa? For all your classified advertising needs Ph 03 5723 0101 ALL building jobs. Extensions, renovations, bathrooms, tiling, j o i n e r y, a l f r e s c o , alterations, general maintenance, owner builders. Contact Andrew 0418 597 246. ALL building jobs. S h e d s , ex t e n s i o n s , renovations, bathrooms, verandahs, pergolas and other general carpentry work. Contact Tony 0418 873 733. CONCRETING - Big or small jobs. Paths, driveways, shed slabs, verandahs. 15 years experience. For a free q u o t e p h o n e Tr e v Anderson on 0422 200 761. PLUMBING, Ovens and King. All plumbing, hot / cold water, spouting downpipes, roofing, mig / tig welding. Ph 0409 842 487. TRAILERS NORTH EAST motor guide LIFT OUT in today’s paper for more classifieds vehicles for sale... Published every Friday fortnight. Don’t miss out! PRICED to clear combined sale, 7am1pm, Saturday, 193 Frost Road, peechelba. Steel ast, m-bike, tow FREE Range Hens, hitch, ride-on, furniture ISA Brown Pullets, $18 ast, wheels, farm eqt, each. Phone Becky or garden eqt, baths, bee TOYOTA Prado Hugh on 5798 1868. hives, camping eqt, elect Grande, V6 petrol, bed. List keeps going. 2001, immac cond, KITTENS, 6 weeks R local service history, old, females, 3 grey R (XCD898), 199,000 k's, To Visit Visited and white, 1 tabby, very sunroof, leather, near quiet, handled since birth, free to good home. SATURDAY, 13 Muntz new tyres, Dec reg, alStreet, 8am, no early ways garaged, no offPh 0409 333 709. callers. Toys, books, roader, heavy towing, MOBILE d o g bric-a-brac, homewares, $13,500. Ph 0400 111 990, 5775 1990. grooming. Curbside, lots more. professional care. Full R R service - clipping, To Visit Visited bathing, nails, flea treatment. Superior SATURDAY, 8am results at a reasonable 1 p m . 3 M c D o n a l d price. Call to book 5752 Court, Wangaratta. 2121. CreditCard& Eftposfacilities 5723 0101 R HOLDEN Commodore 2009 Omega. 108,000km, new tyres and windscreen, full service history, tint, tow pack, Bluetooth, (YPA263), excellent condition. Price reduced, deceased estate, must sell. $12,500 negiotable. Ph 0417 893 337. 2 0 0 0 Fo r d AU , 93,500km, A1 mech, no rego, needs a little body work, eng no. JGSWYR32879, $3200 ono. Ph 0405 164 483. NISSAN Maxima J32 St-s 350 Xtronic, 2012, CVT auto, Xenon lights, climate control, heated leather seats, under factory warranty, (1AL2DA), $19,500. Ph 5727 6332. 2003 VY series 2 wagon, 166,000km, regular service, V6, auto, local car, Quicksilver colour, (UMN082), $7000 ono. Ph 0437 108 682. Vehicle Advertisers Guidelines Private vendors of motor cars advertised for sale must include in their advertisement &DVKSULFHRI motor car ,IFDULVUHJLVWHUHG UHJLVWUDWLRQ number ,IXQUHJLVWHUHGWKH HQJLQHQXPEHU STORM, brand new, 300cc quad bike, water cooled, reverse geared, $3000 ono. Ph 0427 341 321. CARAVANS & CAMPERS 2007 Jayco Destiny, 15ft 5x7 pop-top caravan, reg till April 2014, immaculate, $19,500. Phone Fred 0427 443 133. We’ll make your car go faster Two weeks advertising with photo only $ SOLD * 29 Over two weeks your advertisment will appear in one edition of the fortnightly Motor Guide and five editions of the Wangaratta Chronicle. Together these papers are read by over 90,000 people. *Cond apply. Private advertisers only, min 20 words, extra words 50¢ each, impact heading $2 per word. No refunds given if item is sold before advert expires. 2 weeks = 5 Wangaratta Chronicle & 1 North East Motor Guide, covering all NE Victoria. Classifieds 5723 0101 Boat/Canoe 3.66 mts, Beavertail Stealth 2000, includes second seat, motor mount with electric motor, deluxe paddle and custom trolley. The ultimate fishing and hunting canoe. Two years old, excellent condition. $1600 0422 372 280 19FT Stringray bow rider, seats 8, 4.3 ltr V6 Mercruiser, 54 hrs use since new, always garage, $23,500. Ph 0400 111 990, 5775 1990. Classifieds Work! Phone: 03 5723 0101 LARGE shed to house securely undercover, historic operational preserved bus, minimum 40FT (12.2m) long by 11FT (3.4m) high with suitable access. Shed could be on a farm or property within 30 minutes of Wangaratta. contact David 0409 356 885. ONE Treadmill, must be in good working order, basic model. Send photo and details to CYRO1989@gmail. com. Domestic box, tradie, m/bike, car, tipper. - ALL SIZES Also fire fighting units WANGARATTA TRAILER SALES 0438 217 103 A 2 B To w i n g a n d Salvage, servicing NE Victoria and beyond. Forklift, scissor lift hire. 24/7 service. Wangaratta, call Tony 0418 132 056. BICYCLES: One men’s Learsport Cuiser 700 and one ladies Apollo Shoreline, great condition, rarely used, $200 for both with lots of accessories including wall racks (2). TASCO 450 telescope, n e w, n e v e r u s e d , only out of box once, reflexing finderscope 10x; objective lens 60m; visor reflector 10x; and accessory tray, equatorial mount, $150 ono. WILSON blockout curtains, 140220cm wide, 213cm drop, pencil pleat, colour mushroom, style Broome, never out of package, $50. WILSON blockout curtains, 220-270cm wide, 213cm drop, pencil pleat, colour snow, style Broome, never out of package, $75. AUDIO components: Technics CD changer (5 disc) SL-PD827, $75; Technics stereo double cassette deck RSTR165, $50; ONKYO amplifier R1, $150; Solid Solution PB100 b a s s s p e a ke r, $ 2 5 . All in working order. Sansui receiver 9090, condition unknown = make an offer. Marantz CD player CD-56 and NEC amplifier AV-300, condition unknown, $50. Contact CYRO1989@ CARAVAN mattress, double size, pillow top, as new, excellent condition, $80. Ph 0423 739 673. FRIDGES and freezers, must be in clean working condition. Filing cabinets. Phone Yarrawonga Trading CONCRETE mixer Warehouse on 5743 with electric motor, $150. Ph 5721 5592. 1766. PELLET silo, 6 to 9 tonne, good condition. C U RTA I N t r a c k s , assorted sizes x 9, ec, Ph 0417 117 856. $50 the lot. Brand new SECONDHAND metal queen size comforter tank, 1.5-2.5 metre dia, set, 7 piece black/cream, suitable for pig shelter. $50. 8 foot trampoline, Ph 0421 341 825. vgc, $70. Radio BMX WA N T E D t o bu y bike, ec, 12 months old, coins. Phone Ray 5721 $220 ono. Ph 0414 856 7341 or 0401 177 370. 125. FOR SALE QUINCES, POMEGRANATES, JAMS, JELLYS, SAUCES, CHUTNEYS Smith’s Glenrowan Orchards Open 8am - 5pm weekends only. Phone 5766 2335 p/otherjobs/classifieds/houseadsnewfeb2011/motoring - 15cm x 2col (classy size) Page 22 - THE CHRONICLE, Friday, March 21, 2014 DRAPES, 1 year old, very good condition, grey/green, all accessories, $250 per pair. Ph 5721 4951. SUPER SPECIALS. Pork spare ribs, marinated for 72 hours, $11.99kg. Heat and eat Chicken Parmies, $5 each. Marinated FIREWOOD for sale, Porterhouse steak, a pick up or delivery crazy $9.99kg. BBQ available, no load too Scotch fillet, $9.99kg. big or small. Please Chech out our Facebook page!! 2 chicken, cheese contact 1300 788 830. and bacon mignons for F I R E W O O D . To p $9. King size Chicken quality, dry, clean, split K i e v s , 2 f o r $ 9 . redgum. Ph 0417 377 Londrigan beef topside roast, super tender, 391 or 5727 3328. $9.99kg. Frozen family pies, only 20 to clear at FIREWOOD. Redgum $10. Honey soy wings, or box mix, 1.25 tonne $3.99kg. Your Everyday mini tipper loads, 3 to 6 Gourmet, 25 Rowan tonne truck loads, pre- Street, Wangaratta. Ph season discounts start 5721 3444. now. Hill’s Wood Yard. Ph 0400 651 748 or (03) 2012 Taylor Made r11 driver, stiff shaft, 5726 5359. Lamkin wrap grip, FIREWOOD. Quality, headcover, excellent dry, split, mixed species, condition, $150. Ph pick-up only Carboor, 0447 223 353. $90 cubic metre. Ph T Y R E S , u s e d , 5729 5509. guaranteed quality. F and B from $30 FURNITURE for sale. each. 10” to 16”. W Lounge suite, $100. treads, light truck. X Washing machine, $50. ply. Adzam Tyres, 44 Clothes dryer, $50. 400 Newman Street.Ph 5722 litre Hoover fridge, like 2035 or 0428 257 221. new, $200. 2x QS beds, 2x A-frame (1x wood, $50 each. TV stand, 1x metal) rabbit/chook $20. Ph 0419 614 150. hutch (116cm), $100 each. 1x 170cm x-large HAY. Clover and rye, wire cage aviary portable stored in shed, $88 per on wheels, $200. 1x roll. Phone Matt 0411 large circular bird cage, 270 887. $40. 1x wooden kennel (large), $100. Ph 5727 H AY. N ew s e a s o n 6018. w h e a t e n h a y, a l s o wheaten straw available, in 5x4 rolls or 8x4x3 squares, can deliver. Phone 0428 438 512 or 0428 652 260. HAY, oaten, new season, 5’x4’ rolls, net wrapped, ME-8.6, protein-8.9, $75/roll, Tarrawingee. Ph 0429 016 401. HAY, 80 round bales, cut 3 mths, 12 plus loads, $49.50. Ph 0458 781 392. HAY, small squares, rye/clover pasture hay, no patto, suitable horses, South Wangaratta. Ph 0407 277 797. LUCERNE hay, third cut, small bales, from $10 each. Ph 0427 268 226. N E C a r R e m ova l s , 2 4 / 7 , f r e e r e m ova l of cars, boats, c/ vans, machinery, etc. Servicing NE Victoria. Ph 0418 132 056. STIHL 034 AV Super, $ 4 5 0 . H o n d a l aw n m o w e r , H RV 1 9 4 . Honda Buffalo mower, HRV194, $300. Echo blower, PB-2155, $300. Ph 0400 373 279. Personal Notices 18 TODAY! REA SHANLEY BARRY LUKE CORKER (Coles) Jono and Katrina Michelle and John together with Trevor and Jenny are pleased to announce the marriage of welcome with much love Imogen Elise born March 14, 2014 7lb 15oz. A huge thank you to the fantastic team of nurses and doctors at NEHW and Dr. Squires. ELISE & MATTHEW Happy 18th Birthday Luke. Lots of love on this special day. Mum, Dad, Ben & Tegan 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 ss 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 May all your 21 dreams for your 21 future become 21 reality. Live life 21 to the fullest. 21 21 21 21 All our love always 21 - Dad, Mum and 21 Anthony xoxo 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 FLYNN (LITTLE) Congratulations and love to Shane and Michelle on the safe arrival of our tiny angel Evie's little sisters RAFFAELE MOLINARO Zoe Nora and Lola Willow born in Geelong on March 17, 2014. -Pat, Dianne and family. Happy 21st Birthday! JONES (JOHNSON) To Graham and Joanna a precious baby daughter at 5pm on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at Boynton's Winery, Porepunkah. We wish you both much love and happiness always. 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 HISKINS ~ ELLIOTT Jessica & Leon, 13 March, 2014 Thanks to Janet and the CMP ladies and the NHW team. MASON (Magree) Nick and Hannah are delighted to welcome Patrick Ashby to the family, born March 18, 2014. A beautiful brother for Lila and Joe. 8 1 AT LAST! STUART BOOTH 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 We are all proud of the young man you've become. Love always Mum, Dad, Brooke, Jessica, Paige and family. 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 with their family and friends, are excited to announce their wedding tomorrow, Saturday, March 22, 2014 HALL, Theo. 25/6/1930 - 18/3/2014. Dad, the memories we shared and the special bond that we had between us will never be broken. At peace now, reunited with Mum. - Your loving daughter Leanne. HALL, Theo. 25/6/1930 - 18/3/2014 When someone you love becomes a memory, That memory becomes a wonderful treasure to always hold in your heart. You’ll always be in our hearts Grandpa. With love, - Emily, Lauren and Nick. Personal Notices Guidelines 50th Wedding Anniversary Born 13/3/14. All well. Welcome to Brian and Miriam’s family little Isabelle. God’s beautiful blessing to Graham and Joanna Isabelle Alice Elizabeth and Gordon are pleased to announce the wedding of their daughter Tara to Don, son of Rosey and Noel, on Saturday, March 22, 3pm at Milawa Uniting Church. Bill & Sue Nicholson Isabelle Alice JONES SHAW ~ BENNETT HALL, Theo Herbert. 25/6/1930 - 18/3/2014. Passed away peacefully at Rangeview Private Nursing Home. Loved husband of 53 years to Betty (dec). Loving father of Leanne, father-in-law of Peter. Adored grandpa of Emily Paige, Lauren Ashley and Nicholas Peter. Always in our thoughts, Never forgotten. Congratulations & love from Dianne, Wayne & Bryton t"MMQFSTPOBMQIPUPT TVCNJUUFEGPSQSJOUJOH JOUIJTJTTVFNVTUCF DPMMFDUFEXJUIJOUIF OFYUXFFLT t"MMFOHBHFNFOUBOE NBSSJBHFOPUJDFTNVTU DBSSZUIFTJHOBUVSFT PG#05)QBSUJFTJG VOEFSUIFQBSFOUT TJHOBUVSFTBTXFMM t#JSUI/PUJDFTSFRVJSF TJHOBUVSFT Phone: 03 5723 0101 Fax: 03 5721 9447 JAMES, Noel Stanley. Born 31/12/1926 Passed away 16/3/2014 Aged 87. Lovingly known to all as Pop. Dearly loved husband of Vera (dec). Loving father and father-in-law of Annette and Bob, Alan and Jan, and Kim. Brother to Dot (dec), Len (dec), Clem, Kevin (dec), Muriel (dec), Reg, Terry, Geoff and Wendy. Born in Mudgee, NSW. Formerly of Tarrawingee, VIC and West Wyalong, NSW. Loved Pop of 12 grandchildren Nathan, Jade, Leah and Aaron, Kristy, Samantha and Michael, Jai, Brooke, Holly, Payton and Levi and 11 great grandchildren. Forever in our hearts. For funeral details please see later paper or contact: JAMES, Noel Stanley. 31/12/1926 - 16/3/2014 As I stroked your forehead and kissed your cheek, and told you how much I loved you, I told you that you were the best father ever, and how proud I am to call you Dad. Reminding you of all the good old days, and dancing with my young mother. They say memories are golden, Well maybe that is true. PersonalNotices may be placed before 2.30pm the day prior to publication Phone: 03 5723 0101 Fax: 03 5721 9447 I never memories, wanted I only wanted you. - Your loving daughter Kim. JAMES, Noel Stanley. 31/12/1926 - 16/3/2014 In our hearts you will always stay. - Love Ashley. Poppy, A face I love is missing, A voice I love is still. A place is empty in my heart, That no-one can ever fill. - Your little man, Levi. xx Pop, It’s not what we write, It’s not what we say. It’s how we remember you, In our own special way. - Your loving grandson, Jai, Kristie, Hunter and Rydah. JAMES, Noel Stanley. 31/12/1926 - 16/3/2014. One last battle you could not fight, Time for you and Mum to reunite. We will miss you Dad. - Love Annette and Bob xx. JAMES, Noel Stanley. 31/12/1926 - 16/3/2014. Pop James, When the stars shine up in the sky, We will miss you. When the sun rises and sets everyday, We will miss you. When the rain falls and everything looks beautiful, We will miss you. Everyday, every hour, in every way, We will miss you. - Love Alan, Jan, Kristy, Samantha and Michael xx. JAMES, Noel. Poppy, You left us beautiful memories. Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You’re always by our side. - Your granddaughters H o l l y a n d Pa y t o n , partners Jeffrey and Dylan, and great granddaughter Amelia. Martin ~Evans Parents Neil and Double the impact In print and online Samantha & Leighton Do you know that whenever you place a classifieds Jenny, Mark and Lynda are excited to announce the marriage of Saturday, March 22, 2014. Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. For all your advertising needs... Ph 03 5723 0101 ad in the Wangaratta Chronicle it appears online at at no extra cost. For further information or to book a classifieds or employment ad, contact our classifieds team. Classifieds 5723 0101 Online everyday… Wangaratta JAMES, Noel. Poppy James, Yo u h a v e b r o u g h t strength, courage, and happiness to our lives in the many great years with you. - Love always Aaron, Kailey and Oliver xx. THE CHRONICLE, Friday, March 21, 2014 - Page 23 SPORT ASQUITH, Trevor. March 23, 2013. Miss our dinners and We wish to thank family our phone calls, miss and friends for their love the squabbles, the fun and support leading up and laughter of family to and after the passing times together. of our Mum and Nan. Can’t believe it’s one year. Yo u r p h o n e c a l l s , JAMES, Noel Stanley. beautiful cards, fl owers - Glenda, Kay, Bart. 31/12/1926 - 16/3/2014. and messages have been Pop James, Those we love don’t go overwhelming. In loving memory of away, Special thanks to Chelsea They walk beside us Heather and Colin Isabella everyday. Younie and family for Unseen, unheard, but Castle your continued love and always near. 23/03/13 support both to Nan In my heart, I’ll keep and Annette over many Happy birthday you here, baby angel. years, you made a hard Although I’ll miss you journey a lot easier. Cherished moments in our arms. dearly, A lifetime in I know that you’ll be To the wonderful staff our hearts. fine, at “The Grange”, Sadly missed by Back in Nana’s arms Thurgoona your love your family. again, and care to Mirla will Never forgotten. After all this time. always be remembered. Love from Nanny - Jade xx. & Poppy Kay, Special thanks to Angela JAMES, Noel. Aunty Sharon & and Rosemary who were Pop James, Jaci, Uncle Paul & always available when Goodbyes are not Marcus, Cousins we needed them. Ashleigh, Jack, forever, Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean, “We will miss you so much”, Until we meet again. - Love Nathan, Rebecca, James, Emma and Annabelle xx. JAMES, Noel. Sadly we farewell a true gentleman and good friend. We will forever have him in our thoughts and hearts. - Marian and Ray Langshaw, Colleen and Tony Cole and families. HALL The funeral service for Mr Theo Herbert Hall will be held in the Mason Park Funeral Home, 95 Mason Street, Wangaratta on Monday, March 24, 2014 commencing at 2pm. The funeral will leave at the conclusion of the service for the Wangaratta Lawn Cemetery. COOK, Mirla Grace. To John Haddrick and staff of Tate Funeral Service and Archdeacon John Davis for attending to all our needs so professionally and giving Mum/Nan a beautiful farewell. Also thank you to Rev C h r i s t i n e Pa g e f o r attending to Mum’s needs in her final days, it meant a lot to all of us. Phebe, Finn & Liam. FIRTH, Margaret. March 21, 2004. Ten years, Time does go, But memories never fade. - Lots of love Jim x and Sharon x. It has been ten years since you left us. Never a day goes by Please accept this as our that you’re not in my thoughts. personal thanks. I miss your beautiful - Annette Marengo, Pam smile. - Love you from Darryl Wilson and families. xx. BEREAVEMENT THANKS Margaret Ablazej Peter, Glenda, Shaun, Lisa and family wish to thank all relatives and friends for their help, love and support in the loss of our loved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Your cards, flowers and expressions of sympathy will be remembered. Huge thanks to the fantastic staff at Rangeview Nursing Home for their kindness, care and support over the years to Margaret and also thanks to Fr Eugene Delacort and Mason Funerals. Please accept this as our personal thanks. s#HAPEL&ACILITIES s0RE!RRANGED!DVICE s0REPAID&UNERALS Member (03) 5722 2525!LL(OURS 'RETA2OAD7ANGARATTA WWWTATEFUNERALSCOMAU celebrating life Ph 03 5723 0101 MCDONALD, Damian John. 12/5/1972 - 23/3/2007. If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, I’d walk right up to Heaven, And bring you home again. Always in our thoughts and hearts. - Mum and Dennis. ROBBINS, Ronald McGregor. Passed away March 21, 2004. May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper for you to hear, That we will love and remember you, And forever keep you near. - Loving wife Norma and family. Instead of flowers, a Memorial Gift An alternative to flowers at a funeral of a loved one is a memorial donation. Family and friends can make a donation in lieu of flowers in recognition of the care and attention provided by Northeast Health Wangaratta. For more information please contact our Community Relations Department (03) 5722 5069 or PO Box 386, Wangaratta, Vic 3676. FUNERAL DIRECTORS For all your classified advertising needs HOWARD, Sylvia. March 23, 2013. Forever in our hearts. So sadly missed b y y o u r s o n Ke n , daughter-in-law Sharon, grandchildren Kai, Ashlee, Sean and Natalie and great grandchildren Myka, William and Amelia. ESS WANGARA SIN TT A BU Credit Card &Eftpos facilities Why not charge your advertisement to Mastercard or Visa? 1 201 EX CE LL EN CE PERSONAL CARE & HEALTH NG WA AR AT TA B USINESS AWARD OR SF 5721 5060 (All Hours) Professional, Personal Service Glenn & Emma Bouchier Church Chapel Burial Cremation şśȱȱǰȱĴȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ǯǯǯ 5723 0101 HUNGRY FOR MORE: Milawa’s (from left) Nat Sims, Jami Hunt, Erin Conroy, Melissa Finnigan, Jordan Maddern and Tayla Hutchieson are keen to maintain the winning feeling that saw the club’s four netball sides go through 2013 undefeated. Finnigan takes reins at Milawa From back page “I’ve had a lot of different jobs during my time at Milawa, so it’s nice to come back in this role.” Taking over from Kim Michelini, who last season led Milawa to an eight-goal grand final win over defending premier Greta, Finnigan said she was aware of the challenge ahead. “I’m really excited, but obviously I have huge, huge shoes to fill,” she said. “The club had amazing success last year, so there is a lot to live up to. “But we have retained a lot of our numbers and also got in a few new players, so we’re hopeful of giving it a good shake again this year. “Some of our under 17s have moved on to the Ovens and Murray, so we’ve had a reasonable turnover there. “But the other three grades have stayed very consistent – there might be one change in each team, but that’s about it, which is great.” With all the talent still there, the Demons’ biggest problem may be maintaining the desire to keep on pushing themselves, but Finnigan is confident the winning spirit won’t waver. “The girls are all pretty keen,” she said. “They’re the team to beat, and they know they are the team to beat having gone through last year undefeated. “Success like that is great, and they are hungry for more. “The year before last year they lost the grand final, so they can remember what that was like.” More than anything, Finnigan said the mood around the club was one of excitement, and that’s a feeling she shares with the playing group. “I’m just loving being involved again,” she said. “It’s a great club to be around – the girls all know each other really well and get along great, so there is a real camaraderie about the side. “We’re not going to get ahead of ourselves and start thinking about premierships – we just want to get out there and see what we can do.” Sport in brief Nolan guides St Mary’s to perfect NTFL season FORMER Wangaratta Rovers player Rick Nolan coached St Mary’s through an undefeated season to its 30th Northern Territory Football League premiership last Saturday night. Nolan, the son of late Rovers and North Melbourne legend Mick Nolan, lined up briefly with the Hawks in 2001. In his first year at the helm, he led the Saints through their perfect premiership season, with a proud contingent of Wangaratta family and friends cheering him on during Saturday’s match in Darwin. The Saints defeated Wanderers by 21 points to claim the NTFL flag, with captain Peter Macfarlane crediting Nolan’s three quarter time speech as a major factor in the win. Riders hit the track and the road LAST Friday saw 22 junior and senior members enjoying the track cycling events. For some riders, this was their first night competing in the safety of the track while the skills of the novice track riders and the junior riders have certainly shown marked improvement during the season. The novices rode their first ever Italian pursuit and the juniors rode their first ever points race. Zac Bladon smashed three seconds off his personal best for the 500m ITT with a time of 57.3 seconds. Track racing results: Senior 6 lap scratch: 1st Josh Sullivan (4:07.5), 2nd Rob Sullivan, 3rd Fergus Samon. Senior team pursuit: 1st Front Straight Team by 7.9sec (Seamus Lane, Abby Gray, Alex Little, Paul DaSilva). Senior points race: 1st Rob Sullivan, 2nd Josh Sullivan, 3rd Seamus Lane. Junior 4 lap scratch: 1st Megan Quick (2:37.3s), 2nd Naomi McGowan, 3rd Dan DaSilva. Junior 3 lap team pursuit: Dan DaSilva, Naomi McGowan. ON THE CLIMB: Paul Lane leads Fergus Samon, Alex Little, Mal Taylor, Aden Corke (hidden) and Jeff Little (observer) up the Glenrowan Hill. PHOTO Anthony Reeckman Junior 4 lap points race: 1st Aden Corke, 2nd Megan Quick, 3rd Naomi McGowan. Novice 2 lap scratch: 1st Sam Northey (2:30.9s), 2nd Zac Bladon, 3rd Cooper Northey. Novice 500 ITT: 1st Zac Bladon (57.3s), 2nd Sam Northey (1:08.4s), 3rd Harry Long (1:10.5s). Novice 3 lap Italian pursuit: Jasper Bladon, Sam Cooper, Jack McGowan. Chocky racers 200m ITT: 1st Oliver Bladon (40.7s), 2nd Tessa DaSilva (43.0s), 3rd Ellie Samson (53.5s). Chocky racers 200m handicap: 1st Oliver Bladon (36.9s), 2nd Ellie Samson, 3rd Tessa DaSilva. Chocky racers 200m handicap: 1st Ellie Samson, 2nd Oliver Bladon, 3rd Tessa DaSilva. Wangaratta Cycling Club will be running race two of its Autumn Series Road Races tomorrow, Saturday, March 22, with the 45km, 15 Mile Creek return race with registrations at 10.30am and racing at 11am from the Shanley Street Clubrooms. For further details contact Steve Field on 0447 274 944.
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