25D10179-V62 Advert.indd - Rural City of Wangaratta
25D10179-V62 Advert.indd - Rural City of Wangaratta
RURAL CITY Connection Friday September 2 :: 2016 @WangRuralCity /WangarattaCouncil www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au Administrators’ Message Chair of Administrators Ailsa Fox attended the launch of the Ice Action Film, by Killer Pig Productions and The Centre VCAL students last weekend at Wangaratta Cinema. The film is essential viewing for Wangaratta families, showing how easily people can get sucked in to taking the drug ice. It showed the impact that the drug Ice is having on regional communities from the perspective of a young person. It was a great initiative from The Centre and was thoughtfully executed by the filmmakers. The screening on Saturday was a sell out and Public Notices Ordinary Meeting of Council All residents and ratepayers are invited to attend. Notice is hereby given that the next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on: Date: Tuesday 13 September 2016 Location: Whorouly Recreation Reserve Time: 6.00pm Free Immunisation Session The following FREE IMMUNISATIONS will be available at the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre, corner Ovens and Ford Streets, on Tuesday, 6 September 2016. Time: 9.00am-10.30am. All immunisations available will be provided in accordance with the National Immunisation Program. CHICKENPOX HIBERIX INFANRIX/HEXA INFANRIX/IPV MEASLES/MUMPS/RUBELLA MENINGOCOCCAL C PREVENAR (Pneumococcal) ROTATEQ SCHOOL IMMUNISATIONS (missed at school) SELECTED ADULT VACCINES (at cost) Please contact Council’s Environmental Health Unit for further information on 5722 0888. TENDERS/EOIs C1617/007 Reconstruction of Taminick Gap Road The Rural City of Wangaratta invites Tenders from suitable organisations for the above tender. The tender closes at 2pm on Tuesday 27 September 2016. Tender documents are available from Council’s website www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au. Further details may be obtained by contacting Rod Sloan, Acting Technical Services Coordinator on 5722 0888 or 0409 944 000. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. C1617/008 Street Reconstruction & Renewal Matheson Street, Wangaratta The Rural City of Wangaratta invites Tenders from suitable organisations for the above tender. The tender closes at 2pm on Tuesday 27 September 2016. Tender documents are available from Council’s website www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au. Further details may be obtained by contacting Rod Sloan, Acting Technical Services Coordinator on 5722 0888 or 0409 944 000. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. hopefully it will be made available through public viewings in the future. We would like to congratulate all those involved in the successful launch of the Bullawah Trail and Down by the River last week. The Bullawah Trail was two years in the making and it was not without its challenges, including flooding and very disappointing vandalism. But the launch itself was a celebration of our Indigenous culture, led by Coby Brock, who did an excellent job as the emcee. Uncle Freddie Dowling played some heartfelt songs and the Bangerang dancers’ performance was also excellent. Bullawah celebrations blended into Down by the River, with another performance by the Bangerang dancers, and a rock carving demonstration by artists Chris Thorne. Down by the River was well attended yet again, and serves as an example of what can be achieved in the Ovens Riverside Precinct and Apex Park. Ailsa Fox, Irene Grant and Rod Roscholler. Public Notices Planning and Environment Act 1987 WANGARATTA PLANNING SCHEME Notice of the preparation of an amendment Amendment C67 The Wangaratta Rural City Council has prepared Amendment C67 to the Wangaratta Planning Scheme. The land affected by the amendment is the Oxley Township and immediate surrounds. The amendment proposes to implement the key objectives (immediate and ongoing), and short term actions of the Oxley Township Development Plan, September 2015 into the Wangaratta Planning Scheme by: amending the Local Planning Policy Framework to include reference to the Oxley Township Development Plan, September 2015; and amending the Schedule to the Low Density Residential Zone in accordance with the recommendations of the Oxley Township Development Plan, September 2015. You may inspect the amendment, any documents that support the amendment and the explanatory report about the amendment, free of charge, at the following locations: • during office hours, at the office of the planning authority Rural City of Wangaratta Council, Wangaratta Government Centre at 62-68 Ovens Street, Wangaratta. • at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website www.delwp.vic.gov.au/public-inspection. Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. The closing date for submissions is Monday 10 October, 2016. A submission must be sent to STRATEGY UNIT– C67, Rural City of Wangaratta, PO BOX 238 Wangaratta 3676 or via email ATT: STRATEGY UNIT– C67 to planningmail@wangaratta.vic.gov.au The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect free of charge for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses. Brendan McGrath, Chief Executive Officer Rural City of Wangaratta WIN a $500 shopping voucher Register to receive Rate Notices by email to enter the draw for one of ten $500 shopping vouchers Enter at www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au or call 03 5722 0888. Competition closes 30 September 2016. Rural City of Wangaratta 62-68 Ovens Street Wangaratta 3677 Phone: 03 5722 0888 ABN 67 784 981 354 Positions Vacant Gallery Officer Permanent Part Time (0.3 FTE) $28.53 per hour Applications for this position close 4pm Tuesday 13 September 2016 For further information: www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au/council/careers or phone 5722 0888 Public Notices WANGARATTA RURAL CITY COUNCIL Governance and Meeting Conduct Local Law No. 2 of 2016 Notice is hereby given that Wangaratta Rural City Council resolved, at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 19 July 2016, to make the Governance and Meeting Conduct Local Law No. 2 of 2016 (the Local Law) in accordance with sections 111(1) and 119 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act). Purpose of the Local Law The Local Law will supersede the Meeting Procedure (Administrators) Local Law No. 3 of 2014 and will operate throughout the municipal district of Wangaratta Rural City Council. The purpose of this Local Law is to: provide for the election of the Mayor; regulate the use of the common seal; provide for the procedures governing the conduct of meetings; establish the rules of behaviour for those participating in or present at meetings; provide for the appointment of Councillors as members of committees established by the Council or as Council representatives to external committees and organisations; and regulate the use of Council’s name and nomenclature.. The Local Law comes into operation on the day following the fourth Saturday in October 2016. A copy of the Local Law can be obtained from the Wangaratta Rural City Council Offices at the Wangaratta Government Centre, corner Ford and Ovens Streets, Wangaratta, and on Council’s website at www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au. For more information on the Local Law, please call Council on 5722 0888. BRENDAN MCGRATH Chief Executive Officer Drop-In at Glenrowan Planning Scheme Amendment C66 - Glenrowan Township Development Plan Thursday 8 September, 2016 3.30 - 6.00 pm Glenrowan Bakehouse and Café 34 Gladstone Street, Glenrowan www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au/services/planning Planning Scheme Amendment: C66 - Glenrowan Township Officers will be available to answer questions about the amendment and the amendment processes No appointment necessary Council’s Corporate Management Team Ph: 03 5722 0888 (Left to Right) Barry Green – Director Development Services Jaime Carroll – Director Community Wellbeing Alan Clark – Director Infrastructure Services Brendan McGrath - Chief Executive Officer Ruth Kneebone – Director Corporate Services WANGARATTA GOVERNMENT CENTRE - Cnr Ford & Ovens Streets, Wangaratta 3677 council@wangaratta.vic.gov.au Open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm Closed Public Holidays j/25d10179-v62/36-16
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