community matters community matters


community matters community matters
Autumn 2016
The Rural City
of Wangaratta
-"the Ultimate in Liveability"
A message from the Administrators
The past 12 months has been a very productive year
for Council and the benefits of recent work will be
enjoyed by the community for some time to come.
One of the most exciting projects has been the
construction of a splash park in Mitchell Avenue –
the splash park has been extremely popular since
the day it opened, confirming Council’s decision
to build aquatic facilities to meet the community’s
The saleyards complex has a roof over it and soft fall
for cattle to stand on.
This major project has been completed while the
saleyards continued to operate.
We thank the community for playing its role in
bringing this project to fruition – those using
the facility have been patient and co-operative
throughout the construction phase.
From a planning point of view, the Rural Land
Strategy has been adopted by Council. The
community has been much more receptive to the
latest version of the strategy, meaning it can now
progress to the next stage.
The community has also been heavily involved in
the draft CBD Masterplan, both in its formulation
and in the public exhibition period.
It is great to see this level of community interest in
the future of Wangaratta’s CBD.
One of the more exciting initiatives that hasn’t had
much publicity, but which will have a very positive
impact on the Council's future, is the Wangaratta
Community Leadership Program. The program
is being run in partnership with Alpine Valleys
Community Leadership Program.
One program was completed last year and three
more programs are being run this year.
The aim of the program is to provide community
members with skills, networks and knowledge
to step up and take on community Committee of
Management and Board roles, and even explore
the possibility of standing for Council in the 2016
We hope you enjoy reading the Autumn newsletter
to find out what Council has been up to recently, and
how you can go about accessing Council services.
Ailsa Fox, Irene Grant and Rod Roscholler
Photo courtesy Luke Plummer, Wangaratta Chronicle.
phone: (03) 5722 0888
Fax. (03) 5721 9526
Address: Wangaratta Govenment Centre, Cnr Ford &
Ovens Streets, P.O.Box 238, Wangaratta.Victoria 3676
Design and Print Edgeprint, Wangaratta
Remembering Karen Chetcuti
Most in the community will be aware of the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Rural City of
Wangaratta employee, Karen Chetcuti.
Karen worked at Council for 20 years and was a valued member of staff.
She was highly skilled in her role as Records Coordinator and brought a lovely, engaging personality to all her
interactions with her workmates.
Karen also made a strong contribution to the community through her involvement in several committees and
events in Whorouly.
Her death has been felt deeply by her work colleagues and our thoughts are with her friends and family, especially
her two teenage children.
With this in mind, Council has established the Karen Chetcuti Memorial Fund, which will form a trust for the
education, support and welfare of Karen’s children.
Community members can make a contribution to the fund, as a way of doing something tangible to help.
Any contribution would be highly appreciated by Council and by Karen’s children.
Details of how to donate through a transfer of funds are listed below. Donations can also be made online, by
visiting the user friendly portal, GiveNow. To donate with this option, please visit
The Rural City of Wangaratta has established a trust fund to help provide
support for the children of Karen Chetcuti, a wonderful, generous friend
who worked with Council for almost 20 years before her tragic death.
Contributions will form a trust for the purposes of education, support and
welfare of Karen’s children.
Anyone who would like to support the fund can make contributions into the
following bank account:
BSB: 033-260
ACC: 365 904
The trust will be administered by Council.
Contributions are not tax deductible.
The Rural City of Wangaratta - "the Ultimate in Liveability"
Celebrating our citizens on Australia Day
King George V Gardens played
host to a vibrant Australia Day
Celebration on the morning of
Tuesday, 26 January 2016.
The celebration included the
announcement of the Australia
Day Award recipients, a citizenship
ceremony which welcomed 7 new
Australians, live music by Antonia
Maher, the Sing Australia choir and
The Swagzters.
The Rural City of Wangaratta
honored three very worthy recipients
of local Australia Day Awards.
Anne Shaw received the Citizen of
theYear award for her outstanding
work in the community. Anne is an
unassuming leader who is able to
bring the best out in people without
seeking the limelight for herself.
Deputy Youth Mayor Marcel Tonini
was named Young Citizen of the
Year. Marcel is a young leader in
the community, involved in Youth
Council and his school band, as well
as many other activities focused on
advocating for youth.
Community event of the year
was given to the Greta Combined
Committee for the official opening
of the WW1 Centenary of ANZAC
Memorial Wall and Plaque and
the Greta – Hansonville Hall WW1
Honour Board.
Australia Day
award recipents
Australia Day celebrations were
also held in 15 rural communities,
with awards given to the following:
Boorhaman – Kevin O’Keefe
Eldorado – Ann Watson
Everton – Ron and Doreen Briggs
Glenrowan – Jason Maroney and
Glenrowan Warby Lions Club
Hamilton Park – Colin Atkin
Milawa - Greg Trethowan, Shania
Hackett, Baden Ryan, Matthew
Gardner, Kathryn Box
Moyhu - Anita Cook, George
Snowling, Bonnie Shanley, Thomas
Wright, Riley Grimshaw, Brady
Michel, Nathan Sampson, Jacques
Simian, Emily Griffin-Croucher,
Moyhu Action Group for the Great
Victorian Bike Ride Moyhu Stopover
Murmungee – Judith Griffiths
Springhurst – Tony Ransom
Pictured are Adrian Younger and Noeleen Lloyd accepting the community event of
the year award on behalf of Greta Combined Committee, along with Young Citizen
of the Year Marcel Tonini and Citizen of the Year Anne Shaw. Photo Marc Bongers.
Tarrawingee – Neil Jensen, John
Whorouly – Rajanna Costenaro,
Amber Newton, Jake Morey
National honours for a select few residents
Also announced on Australia Day
were local recipients of national
councillor David Evans was named
a Member of the Order of Australia
Moyhu resident and former state
Upper House MP and Rural City
of Wangaratta and Shire of Oxley
Wangaratta resident and last year’s
Rural City of Wangaratta Citizen
of the Year, Marg Pullen, received
a Medal of the Order of Australia
Helen Curtis, known for her work in
preserving the local environment,
was posthumously awarded a Medal
of the Order of Australia (OAM).
The third Instalment for Municipal Rates for the Rural City of Wangaratta was recently due. Thank you to those
who made their payments on time. Reminder notices for overdue accounts will be sent out in mid-March.
The Rural City of Wangaratta - "the Ultimate in Liveability"
Wangaratta Residents are Recycling Right!
Wangaratta residents are
recycling right and diverting on
average 90 tonnes of organic
waste per week from landfill!
A product that was previously
landfilled is now being turned
into valuable compost.
The cost of disposing waste at
Bowser Landfill is constantly rising,
with one cell lasting just two years
costing $2M.
Residents are doing a great
job separating their organic
material from their waste, with
Wangaratta maintaining a low 1-2%
contamination rate, which is great.
We can still improve by ensuring
only organic material is placed
in your organics bin. Never place
plastic bags or general waste in your
organics bin.
If your household is finding the
standard waste service does not give
you enough bin space each fortnight
you can increase your bin sizes for
an additional fee. Households that
generate a lot of recycling each
fortnight are encouraged to opt
for a larger 360L recycling bin. This
provides 50% more volume than the
standard recycling bin for just $21.00
extra per year! (2015/16 Fees and
A large 360L recycling bin, pictured next to the organics bin
and general waste bin.
Cell 7 being constructed at Bowser Landfill.
Where do I find
out about waste?
Visit Council’s waste website for all you need to
know about kerbside collections and transfer
stations. The website can be found at
The Rural City of Wangaratta - "the Ultimate in Liveability"
What CAN go
sed motor oil
(up to 20L containers)
✓ Household batteries
✓ Light globes
✓ Paint & paint tins
✓ Steel
✓ Household recyclables
✓ White goods (Excluding
fridges and freezers)
✓ Car batteries
✓ Gas bottles (up to 10kg)
✓ Electronic waste (Ewaste)
✓ Mattresses
✓ Tyres
✓ Timber
What CANNOT go
sbestos (can
be accepted at
Bowser Landfill by
✗ Liquid Waste
✗ Fire Extinguishers
✗ LPG Cylinders over
10kg (including car
✗ Chemicals
Compostable liners help the environment
As part of Council's kerbside
organics system Council will
provide households with
an ongoing supply of FREE
compostable liners, with a new
roll delivered to households each
year. If you run out between this
time you can collect additional
rolls for FREE at the Wangaratta
Government Centre.
It is very important households
only use compostable liners, as any
other type of liner or bag (plastic
& biodegradable bags) will be
considered contamination and your
bin may not be collected.
Biodegradable liners or bags are
different to compostable liners.
They break into tiny pieces and
contaminate the final soil product.
Compostable liners are designed to
completely break down during the
process and
will return to
valuable soil.
If you wish to
buy different
sized liners
you can,
ensure these
liners comply
with the
AS 4736 for
compostability, look for the symbol
to ensure the liner will break down.
Biodegradable plastic bags do not
carry this symbol as they will not
break down.
For further information on kerbside
waste systems please visit Council’s
or contact Council’s Customer Service
Team on (03) 5722 0888.
Need to
know which
bin to put
out this
Download your waste
collection calendar by
visiting Council’s website
and clicking on the Waste
Collection Service tab, then
pressing the “Which bin this
week?” button.
Council's Economic Development Unit produces monthly electronic newsletters covering the
latest in: Business, Agriculture and Tourism. For more information, or to start receiving the
newsletters, email
The Rural City of Wangaratta - "the Ultimate in Liveability"
Highlights of Autumn at Wangaratta
Art Gallery
4 March – 30 May 2016
David Frazer: Works on paper
During March to May, an exhibition of prints and books
from well-loved Australian artist David Frazer will be on
display at the 'WAG'. Frazer has exhibited nationally and
internationally with many solo exhibitions and a number
of group exhibitions and prizes throughout Australia,
China, the UK and Poland. His evocative, landscapes
and individuals in isolation in the Australian bush are
captivating as he expresses his subjects with expert,
masterful printmaking techniques.
He has won many major prizes and his work is represented
throughout Australia and overseas including the National
Gallery of Australia, the Art Gallery of NSW, the National
Gallery of Victoria, The National Library of Australia, the
National Museum of China, the Royal Academy of Art in
London, and most regional galleries in Australia.
19 March – 29 May 2016
Collected II
Celebrating 11 years of the Wangaratta Art Gallery
Collection, ‘Collected II’ showcases works of art from the
Gallery collection which began in 2004. Supported by
Council, private donors, State and Federal Government
departments and grants the Gallery has been able to
develop a collection comprising original works of art
and craft of excellent quality. The biennial, Wangaratta
Contemporary Textile Award also brings new works to the
collection and is a major event attracting national interest
and involvement. This exhibition highlights some of our
collection and is enhanced by loaned works from key
artists represented.
7 May – 5 June 2016
Fleur Rendell – Shelf Life
An exhibition of Fleur Rendell’s most recent prints that
celebrate friendships with people whose bookshelves,
mantelpieces, window sills, wardrobes and kitchens are
portrayed as subjects. An over-arching theme in Rendell’s
work is that of everyday life and everyday objects, each
object possessing, for her, both meaning and beauty.
The artist has exhibited widely and has works held by the
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; the University of
Melbourne and the Australian Print Workshop, Melbourne.
7 MAY - 5 JUNe
DavID FrazEr:
wOrks On papEr
4 MArch - 30 MAY - wpAc
Celebrating 11 years of the
Wangaratta Art Gallery Collection
showcasing pivotal selected works
Recent linocut prints from this local
artist celebrating everyday life and
everyday objects
Works from this internationally
renowned artist who specialises in
wood engraving
56 Ovens Street, Wangaratta 3677
03 5722 0865
open 12-5 Mon-Tues, 10-5 Wed-Fri, 12-3 Sat-Sun
The Rural City of Wangaratta - "the Ultimate in Liveability"
Images l-r: Stephen ANDERSON, Southward (detail), 2008, oil on canvas. Wangaratta Art Gallery Collection.
Fleur RENDELL, Sunbeam on Wattle,(detail), 2014, colour lino-cut print, ed 10. David FRAZER, Woe,
(detail)2002, wood engraving.
Upgraded saleyards a big hit
A $3.7 million upgrade to the
Wangaratta Livestock Exchange has
been completed.
The facility was used in its full
capacity for the first time for the Blue
Ribbon Weaner Sale on 5 February,
2016, where 4,200 cattle were sold.
The biggest feature of the upgrade
is the installation of a roof over the
yards, while selling pens have also
been reconfigured to make best use
of the space.
Soft fall has been put in pens, saving
cattle from standing directly on
As well as this, two 400,000 litre tanks
have been installed to capture water
from the massive roof over the yards.
This water is being used for saleyards
activities, reducing demand on mains
The Wangaratta Livestock Exchange
is located in Shanley Street,
Wangaratta, with prime cattle sales
held every Thursday at 9am and
special store sales held every first
Friday of the month, commencing at
Photo courtesy Luke Plummer, Wangaratta Chronicle.
A $1.5m road re-sealing program was undertaken this
financial year, regenerating various roads in the
municipality, including the HP Barr Reserve car park and
Osboldstone Road (pictured above).
The Rural City of Wangaratta - "the Ultimate in Liveability"
Asanti Dance
The 52
Time 7:00pm
Time 6.30pm
Time 8:00pm
Early Bird Tickets
All $20 (until 25 Feb)
All Tickets $20
Adult $59.90
Group 4+ $15ea
Con/Pen/Sen $49.90
Regular Price Tickets
All $25 (from 26 Feb)
Group 4+ $20ea
Child 12 & under $49.90
Group 8+ $49.90
Time 7:30pm
Early Bird Tickets $32
Regular Price Adult $38
Time 7.00pm
The Phantom
of the Opera
(Radio Play)
Conc $54.90
Student (16-25) $54.90
Time 10.30am
Time 6.30pm
Child (12-15) $54.90
All Tickets $20
All Tickets $15
Group 10+ $54.90
One complimentary
ticket for every 10
Group 4+ $12.50ea
Adults $59.90
Rated MA:
Children (12-15yo) must
be accompanied by a
parent or guardian
The Moon’s
A Balloon
Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre | Cnr Ford & Ovens Streets, Wangaratta | 03 5722 8105 |