Academic News - Garces Memorial High School


Academic News - Garces Memorial High School
October/November 2007
Garces Memorial High School
Parent Newsletter
Governing Board of
Garces Memorial
Bishop of the Diocese
of Fresno
Most Reverend Bishop
John T. Steinbock
Superintendent of
Catholic Schools
Mr. Richard Sexton
Reverend Monsignor
Michael Braun
Board of Directors
Mr. Dan Giordano '66
Mr. Ray Karpe '83
Dr. Susan Helper
Mr. Geoff King
Mr. Bernie LeBeau
Mr. Sean McNally
Dr. John Ritter
Mrs. Marcie (Antongiovanni)
Soper '85
Mr. John Szewczyk
Mr. Luis Valenzuela
Mr. John Fanucchi '68
PEOPLE OF GOD. This is our charge, our
responsibility to each and every family we
serve. Thank you for entrusting in us this
awesome responsibility.
I would like to take this opportunity to share
with you information about our Board of
The Garces Memorial High School Board
of Directors is a committee of between
nine (9) and fifteen (15) persons whose
purpose is to assist and advise the Rector,
appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of
Fresno, and the school’s administration
with matters dealing with the mission,
educational, financial, developmental,
and business policies, planning, public
relations, and other pertinent matters
and affairs of the school. Its ultimate
purpose is to work with the Rector and
the Administration to create for the
students and their families a Catholic,
God-centered college preparatory
educational environment.
The Board members serve three-year
terms, renewable once. Nominations
to serve on the Board are welcomed
at any time. Members are appointed
by the Rector following consultation
with the Board’s Executive Committee.
Board members are selected for their
association with Garces Memorial,
either as current or past parents, as
alumni, or as recognized community
supporters of the school. Presently,
four members are current parents,
five are past parents, and three are
continued on page 2
From the Principal's Desk
In This Issue
Page 3
Page 4
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 6
Page 7
Special Information
Open House
Board of Directors
Foundation Information
John Fanucchi '68, President
Robert Garcia, Principal
Mr. Robert Garcia
Academic News
Dean's Notes
Campus Ministry
ASB Update
Parent Club
Development Update
Letter from the President
Page 3
Page 9
Page 10
On Saturday afternoon, September 15th, I
was so honored and excited to be a part of
our Garces Memorial H.S. community! It was
our 60th anniversary celebration together
with our annual Holy Bowl competition. I
was so proud of seeing our teams attend
the Holy Bowl Mass in Monsignor Leddy Hall
and hearing all the wonderful stories about
Garces since its opening in 1947. Sixty
Years of Excellence in Catholic Education
and Fulfilling the Mission of Christ is no
small endeavor. Our goal of creating the
very best school in the valley has not been
an easy one. It’s no surprise that in our
to Page
past 60
we have
some struggles
in reaching our goals. Catholic schools
do have great challenges. Not only
do we have financial challenges but
we also need to continuously work for
providing you, the parents, the very best
Catholic education that we can offer. I
can honestly say that the entire Garces
community is dedicated and committed
to this. We are very excited about
this academic year and our students.
They continue to excel academically
and in their extra-curricular activities.
More importantly, I see many examples
of young men and women growing
continued on page 2
Principal...continued from Page 1
spiritually. We continue to be very proud
of our athletes, our music and drama
program, our forensic team, our mock
trial team and all the club participants on
campus. Our students continue to involve
themselves in our community service
program and make a difference in lives
of those individuals less fortunate than
ourselves. What we offer to our families
is a safe and caring environment. We are
proud of your sons and daughters, and we
are continuously assessing our programs
in order to provide you with the very best
in Catholic education.
This year we will focus on our theme
of compassion. If you remember, last
year I shared with you the four themes
that we believe are at the core of who
we are. Two years ago our first theme
was Respect. Last year we focused on
the theme of Integrity. This year we will
focus on the theme of Compassion. Our
campus ministry team and our Theology
Department are working hard to focus on
our theme and introduce it to our Garces
community. I pray that we all ask God
to help have compassion for those less
fortunate than ourselves and that as
we approach the holidays that we can
reach out and help those less fortunate.
Our students often times respond to the
community needs for those who are having
a tough time with life. This is what defines
us, this is what we believe.
Again, thank you all for your support
and believing in what we do. When
speaking with numerous individuals from
San Joaquin Memorial last Saturday I
was very pleased to hear the positive
comments from them with regard to
Garces. They were most impressed with
the positive way that they were received.
Kudos to everyone who helped make our
anniversary Holy Bowl Mass and festivities
a smashing success!
Finally, we are all gearing up and planning
for another successful Open House on
Saturday, October 20, 2007. We would
like to take this opportunity to invite you
to tour the campus and meet our new
faculty. Even if you don’t have a freshman
this next year applying to Garces we would
still like you to come and enjoy a fun day.
Open House will start at 10:00 a.m. and
the last tour will go out at 12:15 p.m. If
you have friends and/or acquaintances
with a 5th, 6th, 7th and/or 8th graders,
please invite them to join us at our Open
Thank you for your prayers and good
wishes for Garces. We’re off to a great
year with many 60th anniversary events
taking place. I’m looking forward to seeing
you at our many events and please know
that we always keep you in our prayers. If
you have any questions and/or concerns
please feel free to email me, and I will get
back to you as soon as I can. God Bless
you and your family and may God Bless
Garces Memorial High School.
President...continued from Page 1
All regular meetings of the Board are open
to parents of Garces Memorial students,
faculty and staff, and other persons
invited to attend such meetings by the
Rector, Monsignor Michael Braun, or the
Chairperson, Mr. Daniel Giordano.
If you wish/desire to address the Board of
Directors, please contact a member of the
Board of Directors or the President of the
school ten (10) days prior to the scheduled
Board meeting to request an invitation.
The request must be made in writing,
with a detailed outline of the topic(s) to
be addressed. The Executive Committee
of the Board of Directors will review the
request and place the presentation on the
agenda for the next meeting.
Please refer to the Garces Memorial High
School website ( for dates,
times, and locations of Board of Directors
and Executive Committee meetings and
other Board information.
The most effective way to become
involved with the school is through the
five committees established by the Board
of Directors addressing specific aspects
of the school. They are: Alumni Relations,
Development, Mission and Philosophy,
Property and Facilities, and Student Life.
If it is your desire to serve on one of these
committees or would like more information,
please contact me at (661) 327-2578,
ext. 116 or by email at jfanucchi@garces.
org .
The 2007-2008 Annual Fund Drive is
currently underway. The Annual Fund
Drive is our effort to bridge the gap
between the cost of educating your
student (approximately $8,600 per
student) and the average tuition cost
(approximately $6,500 per student). In
order to continue to offer the finest in
Catholic, faith-based, college preparatory
education; in order to attract and retain
the most qualified, dedicated faculty
and staff through a competitive salary
base; in order to continue to improve and
upgrade our facilities and programs; in
order to keep the cost of this education
affordable to all deserving families; we
must have your support. When you receive
your appeal letter in the mail, please
respond generously to this drive. If you
have questions or concerns, or would
like to make an immediate contribution,
please contact Ms. Tonya Abbott at 3272578, ext. 118. You may also contact me
at 327-2578, ext. 116. The immediate
and future success of Garces Memorial
depends on you, and on your sincere
generosity. There is no greater sacrifice
that you can make than to the spiritual
and intellectual education of your child
– of our students.
The Fall BBQ will be held on October 4. I
want to personally thank Deborah (Cerri)
Leary ’67, Gary Icardo ’65, Adam Icardo
’92, Tonya Abbott, and the entire Fall
Barbecue Committee, the many donors,
and all of those parent volunteers who give
so generously of their time and efforts to
make this event so very special.
And finally, I want to take this opportunity
to wish you all a very reverent Feast of
All Saints and a very happy and joyful
Academic News
We are off to a great start. Here is some
academic information that may help you
assist your student.
Mrs. Limi (A –F )
Mr. West ( G – M )
Mrs. Lopez (N– Z )
You may keep track of your student’s
academic progress on Parent Connect.
If you have not registered or need
instructions, please refer to pg. 99 of
the Garces Handbook located in the
student planner. Students should use
their lesson planners to keep track of all
assignments and should be doing at least
30-45 minutes of homework to prepare
for all core academic courses. All faculty
members post homework assignments by
4:00 PM each day on the Garces Web Site.
Click on Faculty/Staff. Enter the teacher’s
name and scroll down to homework
SAT Testing
October 6
November 3
December 1
Please note, the December test date is the
last testing date for UC and many private
All School Testing
October 17, 2007, is All School Testing Day
for sophomores and juniors. Sophomores
will take the PLAN test as an introduction
to the ACT. All junior students will take the
PSAT in preparation for future SAT testing.
The PSAT is a very important test because
it is the qualifying exam for National Merit
recognition. We believe very strongly
in helping our students prepare for
standardized exams. Research has shown
the more students expose themselves to
standardized test material, in the timed
format, the better prepared they will be.
Garces has purchased an on-line SAT Prep
Program from the College Board. Students
will be introduced to this program in their
English and math classes. Once the
students have established their accounts,
they can practice at school and at home.
We strongly encourage you to make this a
requirement of your student. SAT and ACT
test results are a critical determining factor
in college acceptance. Students can
improve their test scores with practice.
All seniors should be working on college
applications and using the on-line SAT
Prep Program to prepare for the fall SAT
tests. Please see your counselor for
questions or assistance.
Extracurricular Eligibility
In order to participate in extracurricular
activities, students are expected to
maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Eligibility
will be declared the last week in October.
Semester Exams
Final exams for the first semester will begin
on December 14. Please refer to the
school calendar in the Garces Handbook
for the exam schedule. All students
are expected to take their exams at this
time. Students who take their exams as
scheduled tend to get better results than
the student who takes the test at another
time. If there is a reason why your student
will not be able to take an exam on the
scheduled date, please call me as soon
as possible. Students requesting a delayed
exam are required to fill out a Delayed
Exam Request Form. This can be obtained
in the office at Mrs. Hylton’s desk. Unless
illness or unforeseen circumstances
that students make every possible effort
to take the exams at the appointed time.
Family vacations should not be scheduled
during exam week. Please encourage your
student to be on campus fifteen minutes
before the exam time. Students should be
in their seats and ready to begin the test
when the final bell rings. When a student
arrives late to an exam, it does not put
the student in the best circumstances
to do well on the test. Delayed/Make-up
exams will be given on December 19 at
1:00 PM, December 20 beginning at 8:00
AM, December 21 beginning at 10:00 AM.
Students should report to the library.
Please help your student to begin
organizing and preparing for these tests
By Kathleen Bears
Assistant Principal for
Academic Affiars
well before the exam week. Encourage
your student to attend all review sessions
that teachers hold. These are always a
valuable indication and clarification of
what will be on the exam. Students who
are having difficulty with a subject should
be seeing the teacher on a regular basis
during collaboration or during additional
office hours available to help students. The
second semester begins on January 9th.
The faculty will verify grades with students
and report cards will be mailed the second
week in January.
If you have any academic questions
or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me at ext. 110.
Open House
October 20, 2007
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Garces Memorial High
Learn about Excellence
College Preparatory
Honors & Advanced
Placement Classes,
Physics First
Science Program,
Fine Arts, Clubs,
Service Organizations
Champion Athletic
Experience the Tradition
Tour the Campus*
Meet the Instructors
Talk with Students
*Campus Tours
Campus Tours begin every 15 minutes
with the last tour starting at 1:00 p.m.
Dean’s Notes
It has been my pleasure to work with
these young men and women, your
sons and daughters, during the past
three months. They are the finest
students in the county. As stated in the
student handbook, Garces Memorial is
committed to the partnership approach
to student discipline and I welcome
any comments or suggestions for how
we can continue to work together to
promote a safe and healthy school
environment. Please do not hesitate
to contact me. My office number is
327-2578 ex. 132. May God continue
to Bless us all.
Important Reminders
Cell Phones: We realize that student
phones and IM devices are essential
to many families but cell phones that
make noise during class time are a
major disruption to the entire class.
During the school day these devices
may be used ONLY while a student is
in the Attendance Office. If you have
an emergency message for your child,
By Mike Susank
Dean of Students
even at break or lunch time, please call the
office first so that we may locate your child
and bring them to the office. The office is
the only place on campus that provides the
appropriate privacy for these emergency
conversations. Non-emergency calls must
wait until after school.
looking sharp but also promoting Garces
Memorial school spirit. Waterproof or
water resistant jackets are available
through our uniform company, Norman’s
Uniforms. Garces beanies and scarves
may be worn outdoors during the cold
Student Property: Please remind your
students to keep their backpacks, books,
wallets and all other personal belongings
with them at all times or lock these items
in their lockers. Students should label all
personal items with their name. Most
electronic devices (ipods, gameboys,
portable music players, etc.) are not
permitted on campus during the school
day so please keep them home unless they
are necessary classroom items.
Graduation Festivities: I know it seems
strange to talk about graduation in
October but plans are already being
does the school sponsor any student
trips over the summer. Garces staff
members who organize student trips are
operating as representatives of travel
companies and NOT Garces Memorial
High School.
Parent Club
Holiday Wishes
to You!
Cold Weather: As colder weather
approaches please note that jackets,
sweaters, and sweatshirts must be
Garces affiliated by logo. Color (solid
green, white, etc.) is not sufficient, by
itself, for a garment to be considered
Garces affiliated. We want our students
Garces Memorial High School
Counseling and College
Center News
We are pleased to offer weekly support
groups for students having difficulty with
drug and alcohol experimentation and use.
The program has been on campus since
1994 and has helped many teens get back
on track. Our intervention specialist, Scott
Huhn, is a certified addiction specialist
with over twenty-one years of experience
working with teenagers and parents dealing
with these various issues. He is the Director of Action Family Counseling, an intensive outpatient program dealing with adolescents, adults and families dealing with
substance abuse issues. Mr. Huhn will be
on campus throughout the school year on
Tuesdays and Fridays conducting groups
as well as individual counseling sessions
for students in need. In order to insure
honesty and to protect the students, these
meetings are fully confidential and do not
By Greg West '95
Director of Counseling
require parental notification. Though students may occasionally miss class, their academic success is of utmost importance to
Garces Memorial High School, and every
effort will be made to guarantee scholastic achievement. If you have any concerns
or questions regarding this, please do not
hesitate to contact Mr. Greg West, Director
of Counseling or Mr. Scott Huhn at 661325-HELP (4357)
Family Connection
It is critical that all students and parents
access their family connection account.
Information such as college search, scholarships, transcript requests, recommendation requests etc can all be found on family
connection. If you do not remember how
to access your account, please contact you
counselor ASAP.
continued on page 5
The first Parent Club
Meeting of the year will TE
be on Wednesday, EW D
October 24, 2007,
Monsignor Leddy Hall
5:30 - Business
6:30 - Topic
"Drug & Alcohol Use,
Signs & Symptoms"
An informative meeting you
won't want to miss!
By Susan Rizo
Director of Campus Ministry
The Stepping Up Mass
Monsignor Braun will be our celebrant
for the annual “Stepping Up Mass” on
Thursday, October 11, at 9:45 a.m. in the
school Gym. This is a special opportunity
for our junior class to have their rings
blessed and receive their Garces pins
as a sign of their stepping into a role of
leadership as an upperclassmen. Our
praise band, “The God Squad,” will be
providing music for our liturgy.
a small group retreat where students get
to know themselves and one another on
a more intimate level. The theme of the
retreat is “Using our Gifts” which will
focus on our God-given gifts and where
we are being called to use them. Sign-up
forms will be available in theology classes
at the end of September and in the Campus
Ministry Center. Deadline for registration
is October 12th. This retreat fills up fast, so
don’t delay!!
Frosh Retreats – On Wednesday, October
17, all freshmen students will gather for
their freshman retreat at St. Philip the
Apostle Church at 7100 Stockdale Hwy.
The retreat will begin at 8:00 a.m. and go
until 2:00 p.m. The dress will be casual
with freshmen wearing their class shirts
and shorts or jeans. (Please no cut-off
jeans or short –shorts). The day will
end with Mass in the church. Senior
Campus Ministry students and Link Crew
Leaders will be assisting with the retreat
experience. The cost of the retreat is
$20.00 which includes their class shirt,
lunch, snacks, and drinks at the retreat.
All Saint’s and All Soul’s Day
The entire student body will gather to
celebrate Mass for All Saint’s Day on
Wednesday, November 1st. Fr. Daniel Coyle
will be our celebrant with the Garces choir
providing music for our liturgy. For all
Soul’s Day students will be asked to submit
names and pictures of loved loves that have
passed away. Campus Ministry will post
these names and pictures on a remembrance
board during the month of November.
Sophomore Retreat – All sophomores will
be attending their class retreat on Tuesday,
November 20th. Sophomores will be
boarding busses at 7:00 a.m. for either St.
Anthony’s Retreat Center in Three Rivers
or St. Nicholas Retreat Center in Dunlap.
The theme for the retreat is “Overcoming
Obstacles and Building Bridges.” This
is a wonderful day for the students to
get away from the stress of school and
focus on their relationship with God and
others. The Cost of the retreat is $40.00
which includes the bus transportation
and a continental breakfast and dinner.
Students will need to bring a sandwich
and one other item to share with their
group for lunch.
Junior Retreat – Our first junior retreat
is November 8 and 9 at St. Nicholas
Retreat Center in Dunlap, CA. The
cost of the retreat is $100.00 which
includes bus transportation and overnight
accommodations. The junior retreat is
Canned Food Drive
The Canned Food Drive will begin on
November 1st and run through the month of
November. Canned food will be collected
during homeroom on “White Days” and
given to St. Vincent de Paul to distribute to
the needy in our community. We will be
accepting any non-perishable items such as
canned food, pasta, rice, beans, etc. Students
can bring these items to their second period
class. The last day of the drive will be
on Wednesday, November 21. Any items
our families can donate will be greatly
continued from page 4
Sophomore Class College Advising
Meeting with Parents and Students
Wednesday, Oct. 3rd
6:00 p.m. in MLH
Find out how to conduct college searches, receive information about testing
(PLAN, PSAT, ACT, SAT etc.), and review graduation vs. college admission
Freshman Class College Advising
Meeting with Parents and Students
Wednesday, Oct. 10th.
6:00 p.m. in MLH
Find out how to use the resources at
Garces High School to begin planning
for college. Find out how to conduct college searches, receive information about
testing (PLAN, PSAT, ACT, SAT etc.),
and review graduation vs. college admission requirements
UC Application Night
Tuesday, Oct. 16th
6:00 p.m. in Room 31 (Computer Lab)
Work with your counselor and a UC
representative on completing the online
application for admission into the UC
CSU and Private College
Application Night
Thursday, Oct. 18th 6:00 p.m.; CSU in
Room 31 (Computer Lab) Private School
in Library
Work with your counselor to complete
the CSU online application or the online
common application for private universities.
Financial Aid Night
Wednesday, November 14th
6:00 p.m. in MLH
Learn about the financial aid process,
Associated Student Body
By Anne Styles
Director of Student Activities
Start your Chistmas shopping early. Stop
by the Student Store on Senior
Hill anytime during school office hours
and we will help you. If we don‛t have
what you are looking for, let us know, we
will try to find it for you.
$ 10.75
$ 10.75
The Student Council has had a very busy
first quarter. They have been planning
for the Holy Bowl, Homecoming which
will start Sunday, October 21, and the
Sadie Hawkins dance to be held Saturday,
November 17. This years Homecoming
theme will be incorporating our 60th
Anniversary Celebration, “A Blast from
Garces’ Past”
$ 20.00
On November 17, 2007 the Garces
Memorial Student Council will host a Sadie
Hawkins Dance in Msgr. Leddy Hall from
7:30 PM – 10 PM. This year’s theme will
be announced soon.
The Council’s first big project of 2008 will
be the Winter Formal, Saturday, February
2, from 8 PM until 11 PM. All students
and parents interested in assisting are
encouraged to see Mrs. Styles or any
Student Council officer.
The junior class is busy planning the data
match fund-raiser. All proceeds will go
towards the Junior/Senior Prom, which
will be held Saturday, May 10, 2008 at the
Seven Oaks Country Club. Junior Class
Moderators are Mr. Mark Brown and Mr.
Robert Tyminski. If you would like to help
the junior class in any way please contact
either one or both of the class moderators.
This is a very hard working class; please
continue to support them in every way.
The Student Council continues their
annual philanthropy of making and
distributing hygiene kits to Saint Francis
Church. Also, the Garces Student Council
will continue to send two officers to the
Kern Association of Student Council’s
monthly meetings.
$ 30.00-$ 35.00
$ 15.00
$ 10.00
$ 25.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
LANYARDS (key rings)
$ 3.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
$ 3.00
$ 30.00
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Parent Club Corner
By Tracey Barkate
2007-2008 Parent Club President
Welcome to a new and eventful year at
Garces. Whether you’re new or returning we have something for all parents
to feel connected and more aware of
what is really going on in our children’s
world today!
There are three parent club meetings
scheduled and the first meeting on
Wednesday, October 24th, will be
“Drug and Alcohol Use, Signs &
Symptoms” with Scott Huhn. We’ll
also have Interquest K-9’s with a demonstration of the drug dog’s role in our
school. The board meets at 5:30 p.m.
and the speakers begin at 6:30 p.m.
Please join us for this educational and
informative topic and remember parents-“The only safe ship in a storm – is
leadership.” Working together really
can make a difference in our wonderful school and the lives’ of our children.
God’s blessing’s to you and your family,
Garces 07/08 Parent Club Board
Tracey Barkate – president
Susie Marchesini - vice president
Jackie Coppola – past president
Melanie Ehteshami - secretary
Tonya Abbott - moderator
Marianne Harmer - freshman rep
Lori Hale & Esther Brandon –
sophomore reps
Jennifer McNally – junior rep &
Mary Berry, Lisa de Pencier & Kelly
Brown – senior reps Domenique Buck,
Irma Cornejo & Bridget Vehlewald
Hospitality Committee
By Tonya Abbott
Director of Development
Development Update
We are starting this year's development
efforts with the Garces Fall BBQ on
Thursday, October 4th. The business
community and generous individuals
have responded positively to our request
for their support! As of this writing
over $60,000 in sponsorships have
been secured! The sponsorships will
undoubtedly help us surpass our event
goal! All of this would not be possible
without the efforts of a dedicated corps
of volunteers, promoting the event, asking
businesses and individuals for their
support through sponsorships, selling
tickets and organizing the event. Special
thanks to BBQ Chairman Deborah (Cerri)
Leary ’67, BBQ Chefs Gary Icardo ’65
and Adam Icardo ’92 for their help again
this year. If you have not purchased your
tickets there is still time. The BBQ is a
wonderful opportunity for our parents
to meet other parents, Garces Memorial
alumni and other long time supporters of
this great school.
Garces Memorial President John Fanucchi
has starting his Annual Fund Drive calls
to parents of freshman and transfer
students. Last year’s freshman and
transfer student families donated over
$90,000 to the Annual Fund Drive.
Therefore, Mr. Fanucchi and I have decided
that in addition to his personal contact
with our Freshman and Transfer families,
he will be contacting again this year our
Sophomore families. When comparing
Garces Memorial's Annual Frund Drive,
specifically the parent appeal, with similar
private Catholic schools, our parents are
right up there with the best when it comes
to their financial comittment. Of course we
want our parents be the best! Therefore
the goal is to have 100% of our families
participate by making a gift to this year’s
Annual Fund Drive. All of our families will
receive, or have received a letter from Mr.
Fanucchi requesting a contribution to this
year’s fund drive. Please be generous
within your giving potential. The Annual
Fund Drive is the most cost-effective way
for you to give to Garces Memorial. The
success of the Annual Fund Drive continues
to be a priority. With an aggressive goal
of $375,000 we are reaching out not only
to our Garces Memorial families, but also
alumni, families of alumni, past supporters
and prospective supporters throughtout
our community. Like the other fund
raising activities, the Annual Fund Drive
helps make up the difference in what
our families pay in tuition and the cost of
educating your students. Together, with
the support of all of our constituents, we
can reach our $375,000 goal.
Be sure to mark your calendars
for upcoming events:
Saturday, March 1
Formal Night Gala
Friday, March 7
Casual Night Gala
Monday, April 21
Msgr. Leddy Golf Classic
(please note date change for Golf
Tuesday, May 6
Hall of Fame Dinner
(nomination forms available in the
Development Office)
If you would like to offer your talents
and resources for one of the above
listed events, please call
Tonya Abbott 327-2578 ext. 118
or email
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Garces Memorial
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Sponsored by
Fall BBQ
Thursday, October 4
$23 per person * Doors Open at 5:00 * Dinner Service 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Spirit Sponsors
Ray & Lisa Karpe
Robert & Karen McCaffrey
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School
San Joaquin Bank
St. Philip the Apostle Church
Emerald Sponsors
Barbich Longcrier Hooper & King
Kern Schools Federal Credit Union
Silver Sponsors
Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Braun
John & Kathy Gargan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Giordano
Jim’s Supply Co., Inc.
Bill & Holly Lazzerini
Mercy Hospital
James E. Noriega, Law Office
Dan & Sally Panero
St. Francis of Assisi Parish Church & School
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Sullivan
W.A. Thompson, Inc. - Mary Trichell
Tickets available at the door,
or stop by the
Development Office.
A.S.I., Inc.
E.G. & Frankie Berchtold
The Bidart Family
Bord A Petite Catering
Bud’s Oil Company
Christ the King Church
Citizens Business Bank
Clark Pest Control
Colombo Construction Co., Inc.
Anthony & Marlene Cueto
Paul Dhanens Architect, Inc.
Eagleson Body Works, Inc.
In Honor of David & Mary Fanucchi
Gregg’s Pharmacy - Gregg & Fran Gunner
Mike Hale
George Haller
Gary & Cynthia Icardo
Kern Turf Supply
Gary & Deborah Leary and
Grady & Susan Buck
LeBeau  Thelen LLP
Patrick & Laura Lencioni
Sean & Erin McNally
Kevin & Laura Pascoe
Mazzei-Franconi LLC
Kathy & John Ritter
Sacred Heart Church
Schwebel Petroleum Co., Inc.
The Sill Family
Soper Homes
David Stanley & Family
Don Noble - Stewart Electric Supply, Inc.
T & L Battery - Larry & Stacey Briscoe
Three-Way Automotive Group
Advance ticket purchases are appreciated.
Garces Memorial’s
Board of Directors
Reverend Monsignor
Michael R. Braun
Our Lady of
Perpetual Help Church
Monsignor Braun served on the school
board from 1979-1984 and served as
school chaplain from 1984-1988. He has
served as pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Church for the last 19 years.
Chairman of the Board
Daniel Giordano’66
Retired Physical Therapist - Glinn and
Giordano Physical Therapy, Inc.
Garces alumnus
Board committee - Development/Alumni
Board Members
Susan Helper, M.D.
Physician - Mohawk Medical
Parent of three Garces Memorial graduates
Board Committee - Chair of Mission
Mr. Ray Karpe, ’83,
President - Karpe Real Estate
Garces Memorial alumnus and current parent
Board Committee - Chair of Facilities and Planning
Mr. Geoff King
Partner of accountancy firm, Barbich Longcrier
Hooper and King
Parent of three Garces Memorial graduates
Board Committee - Chair of Finance
Mr. Bernard LeBeau
Attorney - LeBeau Thelen LLP
Parent of three Garces Memorial graduates
Board of Directors - Garces High School Foundation
Mr. Sean McNally
Vice President of Human Resources/Legal Counsel Grimmway Farms
Parent of past Garces Memorial student
Board Committee - Student Life
Dr. John Ritter
Retired educator/administrator.
Former Garces Memorial administrator, parent of two
Garces Memorial graduates
Board Committee - Chair of Student Life
Board of Directors - Garces Memorial High
School Foundation
Mrs. Marcie (Antongiovanni) Soper, ‘85
Vice President - Soper Homes
Garces Memorial alumnus and current parent
Mr. John Szewcyk
Attorney - Clifford & Brown
Garces Memorial current parent and parent of Garces
Mr. Luis Valenzuela
General Contractor - Icon Construction Company
Current parent
Board Committees - Facilities and Planning
Our Heartfelt Gratitude
Former board members
Deborah (Cerri) Leary ‘67, Kevin
Pascoe ‘71, thomas P. Bell, and
Thomas A. Crear for their
dedicated service to
Garces Memorial
High School.
Their commitment to Catholic
education is greatly appreciated.
Garces High School Foundation
Preparing for Future Generations
♦ The Garces High School Foundation is a nonprofit organization governed by an independent board of
directors. The foundation was organized for the exclusive benefit of Garces Memorial High School.
♦ The foundation provides additional means by which friends of the school and supporters of quality
Catholic education may participate in preserving the school's unique place in our community.
♦ Initially, funds were restricted to Garces Memorial tuition scholarships. Since 1995 additional scholarship
funds, a building/capital improvement fund and an operational endowment have been established.
♦ Foundation assets have doubled over the past five years.
♦ For a named fund or endowment to begin generating income from the corpus, the gift must be twenty
thousand dollars ($20,000) or greater. Gifts less than $20,000 are added to the general scholarship,
building fund or operations endowment.
♦ If a donor has a specific request for the use of his or her donation, and the school is not currently in a
position to utilize the funds, the donation will be held within the foundation until such a project or need is
Current Funds and Endowments
♦ Garces Tuition Scholarship Funds
Thomas Aquinas Scholarship
Emily Bidart Memorial Scholarship
Kevin Boylan Memorial Scholarship
Milan Caratan Memorial Scholarship
Arnold Cattani Memorial Scholarship
Victor & Dolores Cerro Scholarship
Lou Evans Destefani Memorial Scholarship
Michael Fahey Memorial Scholarship
Lou Alice Koelzer Memorial Scholarship
Lupe Lara Memorial Scholarship
James Price Memorial Scholarship
Margaret Reischmann Cole Memorial Scholarship
Catherine Ann Sill Memorial Scholarship
Brandon Wedel Memorial Scholarship
Corinne Cattani Excellence in Teaching Award
is a monetary award given to the teacher of
the year.
Foundation Summary as of June 30, 2007
Fixed Income
Deed of Trust
$ 586,209
$ 50,000
♦ Endowments and Other Funds
Garces General Endowment provides funding
for the day to day operations of the school,
such as keeping competitive teachers' salaries,
technology upgrades in the classrooms, student
programs and extra-curricular activities.
Garces Building Fund assists Garces
Memorial High School with current and future
capital projects which enhance the educational
Garces Scholarship Fund provides young men
and women the opportunity to attend Garces
Memorial High School through funding for need
based tuition assistance.
Garces High School Foundation Board of Directors
Deborah (Cerri) Leary '67 - President
Sylvia Cattani
Anthony Cueto III '64
John L. Fanucchi '68
Bernard LeBeau, Jr.
John Ritter
Joseph Ziemann
Ways You Can Help Preserve Quality Education
for Future Generations
Outright Gifts
For most donors, a cash contribution will provide
immediate tax benefits in the form of a tax deduction.
Contributions of appreciated stocks are also a form of
outright giving. These gifts also provide immediate tax
benefits and allow donors to avoid capital gains taxes in
most situations.
Real Estate
Additional outright gift opportunities include donations of
real property such as a residence, commercial property or
undeveloped land. In most situations, the charity would
sell the property and invest the proceeds.
Planned or deferred gifts are those in which a donor has
made a written provision for a future gift to the Garces
High School Foundation. Establishing tax consequences
require the guidance of qualified legal and/or accounting
professionals. The nature of the tax benefit is determined
by whether or not the gift is irrevocably assigned to the
foundation, and in some cases, by the donor’s age and the
ages of his or her beneficiaries.
Planned Gifts
A bequest under a will or trust is the most common type of
planned gift and allows the donor to name the Garces High
School Foundation as the beneficiary of his or her estate.
The Garces High School Foundation may also be assigned
as beneficiary of life insurance policies. For the donor
who no longer needs the policy, it can be donated to the
Garces High School Foundation for the foundation to
Another option is for the donor to give the life
insurance policy to the Garces High School Foundation
and continue to pay the premiums. In these situations, the
premium payments represent charitable contributions and
the policy is excluded from the donor’s estate,
thereby avoiding estate taxes.
Non Roth IRAs/Retirement Plans
Beneficiaries of IRAs or Retirement Plans may be subject
to substantial death tax consequences. By donating an IRA
or Retirement Plan to the
foundation, in most cases, the donor will save his or her
beneficiaries now from incurring additional income taxes.
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs)
There are two principle types of CRTs which allow a donor
to contribute sizeable assets to the Garces High School
Foundation and continue to receive the income from those
assets for life, and even for a spouse’s lifetime.
A Charitable Remainder Unitrust allows the donor to
receive a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the
trust assets determined annually.
A Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust provides for the
donor to receive a fixed amount for the lifetime of the
trust. When the CRT is terminated, the Garces High School
Foundation receives the remainder of the assets. However,
tax benefits are usually available at the time the remainder
trust agreement is made.
"Let no one ever come to you
without leaving better and
happier." Mother Teresa
If you are interested in establishing a named
endowment or fund, or if you would like to
contribute to an existing fund or endowment,
please contact
Garces High School Foundation
Attn: Tonya Abbott, Director of Development
2800 Loma Linda Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93305
661-327-2578 ext. 118 *
Garces Memorial High School
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Bakersfield, California
Permit No. 617
2800 Loma Linda Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93305
Return Service Requested
Registration Deadline for
November SAT
Board Meeting
5:30 in the Library
Sophomore College
Advising Night for
Parents and Students
6:00 p.m. in MLH
CSU College Application Night
6:00 p.m. - Room 31
Open House
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Garces Fall BBQ
SAT 050215
Freshman College
Advising Night for
Parents and Students
6:00 p.m. in MLH
Registration Deadline
December ACT
SAT - 050215
Band Competition
Junior Retreat
Band Competition
Veterans' Day Observed
No School/Office
Festival of the Bands
College Planning
Financial Aid Night
6:00 p.m. - MLH
Homecoming Dance
7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - MLH
Board Meeting
5:30 p.m. - Library
Homecoming Week
Red Ribbon Week
24 DA Parent Club Meeting
EW 6:30 - MLH
Stepping Up Mass
9:40 a.m. in the Gym
UC College Application
Night 6:00 p.m. in Rm. 31
No School
Teacher In-service
Sadie Hawkins Dance
7:30 - 10:00 p.m.
All School Testing
Sophomores and Juniors
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Reigstration Deadline for
December SAT
Mandatory Sophomore
7:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Early Release Schedule
Thanksgiving Holiday
No School/Office
Freshman Retreat
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at
St. Philips
No School for Seniors
All Saints Day Mass
Canned Food Drive Begins

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