PRODUCT SHOWCASE SPRING 2016 Safety IN THIS ISSUEIssue: Safety...................................................................................................................................1-5 Site Work................................................................................................................................5-7 Tools & Equipment .............................................................................................................8 -12 C ore Products ....................................................................................................................13-16 R epair Products.......................................................................................................................17 Architectural C oncrete........................................................................................................18 -20 H ardscapes. ............................................................................................................................21 Line C ards .........................................................................................................................22-23 SAFETY STARTS HERE N OW S TOC K IN G G UltraSafe is excited for the 2016 safety season with a wide off new products as well id variety i d ll as our existing i i lines. UltraSafe prides itself on their domestic on-site individual sewing department. Having an in-house sewing department allows UltraSafe to customize every detail of your harness. Harnesses can be customized with your design, colors, and even embroidered company logos on the webbing. To top it all off we carry the best retractable lines on the market, IKAR. UltraSafe also provides simple concrete anchor points to complex anchoring systems for all of your tie off needs. If you have any questions or if you would like a guided tour of our facility please contact one of your sales reps today. Remember everyone, don't just be safe... Be ULTRASAFE B 2 Safety C OMPLIA N C E TRA IN IN G SAFETY STARTS HERE Whether you require a classroom setting for a small group or field instruction supporting larger groups, we have the training you need: • • • • • • • Fall Protection Ladder Safety & I nspection R espiratory Fitting H and, Face & Body Protection Confined Space C PR , AED & First Aid Over 50 Online Training C ourses Offered in both English & Spanish I n addition to consulting and training, Border C onstruction Specialties offers a full line of safety products. Not only can we help educate your team to recognize hazards, we can suggest solutions that meet or exceed current OSH A regulations. We partner with the top industry manufacturers to offer customers a broad range of options that help support a zero harm culture. A C C RED ITA TION S •OSH A Authorized C onstruction Trainer •Qualified Confined Space •Qualified Respiratory & Fit Testing W H O US ES OUR S ERV IC ES G ET TH E MOS T FROM Y OUR S UPPLIER Border specializes in the following: •M anaging your Safety R equirements •H elping to C ontrol Overall Safety C osts •Safety Planning with Jo bsite C onsultation •OSH A Authorized C onstruction Trainer •On Site, C lassroom Trainings & Demos •Rental of Confined Space Equipment & Air Monitors •Locally Stocked I nventory •C ustom Logo Safety / PPE •Site Audits & C onsulting •Safety Equipment I nspections • Large companies with multiple locations requiring consistency of training • Small companies lacking resources to build or support safety programs • Trade groups looking to add value for their members by keeping up to date with OSH A standards • OSH A Authorized Trainers seeking to advance topics beyond their usual scope • G overnment Agencies H ELP Y OUR EMPLOY EES A V OID UN S A FE C ON D ITION S B Y A PPLY IN G TOOLS A N D TRA IN IN G TH A T C ON TROL OR ELIMIN A TE H A Z A RD S A N D EX POS URES B ORD ER PROV ID ES S OLUTION S FOR Y OUR S A FETY N EED S 877-426-7337 3 Safety PREFERRED SAFETY STARTS HERE EMBRACE YOUR BRAND PA RTN ERS _______ ______ ____ Border Borde Bord Southw South Sout operatin operat oper masonr mason maso and sustainableanu. buildi build oodding will chooh mmanuf for y ______ _____ ___ CONTACT BORDER FOR ALL YOUR PRIVATE LABEL NEEDS [Borde [Bor [B _________ _______ ______ VESTS - HARD HATS - GLOVES - GLASSES LADDERS - SHIRTS - HARNESSES AND MUCH MORE CONTACT US PH P 1.844.SFTY1ST (1.844.738.9178) PHOENIX - TUCSON - FLAGSTAFF - LAS VEGAS YUMA - SAN DIEGO - EL PASO SAFETY STARTS HERE 4 Safety/Site Work _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Who Who Who We We We Are Are Are Border Border Border Construction Construction Construction Specialties Specialties Specialties has has has been been been a aleader aleader leader ininin the the the Southwest Southwest Southwest Construction Construction Construction Industry Industry Industry since since since 1955. 1955. 1955. Border Border Border has has has 121212 operating operating operating locations locations locations specializing specializing specializing ininin concrete concrete concrete accessories, accessories, accessories, masonry masonry masonry supplies, supplies, supplies, fuste fabricated industrialrebar, maintenance industrial and maintenance sustainable nableanu. building buildingproducts. productsO. Our experienced Oe urstaff exp will helpwillerienced help you staff oodding will choose helpthe youbest choose products the best from products leading from manufacturers leading mmanufacturers for your upcoming foryour your projects. upcoming upcomingprojects. projects. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ [Border [Border [Border Fall Fall Fall Protection Protection Protection Demo Demo Demo Trailer] Trailer] Trailer] _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Contact Contact Contact Us Us Us 1.877.4.BORDER 1.877.4.BORDER 1.877.4.BORDER PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX - TUCSON - TUCSON - TUCSON – –FLAGSTAFF –FLAGSTAFF FLAGSTAFF – –LAS –LAS LAS VEGAS VEGAS VEGAS YUMA –SAN SAN DIEGO –EL EL PASO YUMA YUMA – –SAN DIEGO DIEGO – –EL PASO PASO CUT PROTECTION WITH FLEXIBILITY & DEXTERITY MAXI FLEX ® CUT™ QUALIFIED QUALIFIED QUALIFIED AND AND CERTIFIED CERTIFIED CERTIFIED TH EAND N EXT LEVE L OF EXPERTS EXPERTS SPECIALIZING SPECIALIZING IN IN PROTECTION. EXPERTS SPECIALIZING IN COM FORT AN D CUT PROVIDING PROVIDING SOLUTIONS FOR PROVIDINGSOLUTIONS SOLUTIONSFOR FOR You asked for a cut resistant MaxiFlex ®. So we did it. Known and loved ALL ALL YOUR YOUR SAFETY SAFETY NEEDS NEEDS ALL YOUR NEEDS ®SAFETY gloves have become the standard for handling in America, MaxiFlex protection. Now you can have the same super thin, flexible glove with a EN Cut Level 3. Introducing MaxiFlex ® Cut™. Need we say more. CALL (800) 262-5755 TO TRY MAXI FLEX ® CUT™. PROTECTIVE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC. BRINGING THE BEST OF THE WORLD TO YOU® 877-426-7337 5 Site Work R e pl a c es Pipe &G rav el Th Ge Ro De Th J•DRAIN SWD ŸAGGREGATE FREE DRAINAGE ŸSMALLER FOOTPRINT ŸHIGH FLOW RATE ŸGREATER DRAINAGE EFFICIENCY ŸLOWER INSTALLED COST Mi Be It’s ti Univ study perfo Base the b TRUS JOIST® TIMBERSTRAND® LSL C RSi Spe Highway Edge Drain Foundation Collection Drain (800) 843-7569 Natural Turf Drain ENTERPRISES, INC. 292 S. Main St., Suite 200 Alpharetta, GA 30009 ONE FORM BOARD MANY POURS. ONE FORM BOARD, ONE FORM BOARD, Scan stud TRUS JOIST® TIMBERSTRAND® LSL CONCRETE FORM BOARD TRUS JOIST® TIMBERSTRAND® LSL CONCRETE FORM BOARD One Choice. One Zurn. MANY POURS. MANY POURS. ONE FORM BOARD, MANY POURS. TRUS JOIST® TIMBERSTRAND® LSL CONCRETE FORM BOARD TIMBERSTRAND LSL CONCRETE FORM BOARD ® Innovative products and unique solutions to satisfy your customers. Straight forms are the critical component ® TIMBERSTRAND LSLcomponent Straight forms are the critical that makes all the difference to a CONCRETE FORM BOARD successful pour. TimberStrand LSL that makes all the difference to a concrete form board is ideal for forming Straight forms are the critical component slab-on-grade foundations, tilt-up ® successful that pour. TimberStrand makes all the difference to aLSL construction, driveways, sidewalks, footings—any ground-level slab. successful pour. LSL concrete form board isTimberStrand ideal for forming concrete form board is ideal for forming • Stands up to multiple pours slab-on-grade foundations, tilt-up slab-on-grade foundations, tilt-up • Engineered for strength and consistent construction, driveways, sidewalks, performance construction, driveways, sidewalks, footings—any ground-level slab. • Requires less bracing than footings—any ground-level slab. thinner 1 ⁄ " materials TIMBERSTRAND® LSL ® Zurn offers a wide variety of linear drainage products from decorative 2.5” wide systems to high volume 21” systems with Class A pedestrian and ADA compliance through Class F 200,000 lb load rating grate options. Choose Zurn to deliver reliable performance for your site needs. Z874-21 TIMBERSTRAND® LSL CONCRETE FORM BOARD ® 1 • Stands up to multiple pours 8 • Resource-efficient technology CONCRETE FORM BOARD • Engineered for strength and consistent • Stands up to multiple pours • Excellent fastener holding properties Straight forms are the critical component performance • Resists bowing, twisting, that makes all thefor difference to a • Engineered strength and shrinking • Requires less bracingand than consistent successful pour. TimberStrand LSL • Compatible with most thinner 1 ⁄ " materials performance concrete form board is ideal for forming ® 1 8 release agents • foundations, Resource-efficient slab-on-grade tilt-up technology • Requires less bracing than construction,•driveways, sidewalks, Excellent fastener holding properties footings—any slab. thinner 1•1ground-level ⁄8Resists " materials bowing, twisting, • Stands up toand multiple pours shrinking • Resource-efficient technology • Engineered for strength and consistent 21” High Density Trench Drain System To eliminate stacking the following sizes are available: 11⁄4" x 31⁄2" 11⁄4" x 51⁄2" 11⁄4" x 71⁄4" 11⁄4" x 91⁄2" 11⁄4" x 117⁄8" 11⁄4" x 16" • Compatible with most performancerelease agents • Excellent fastener holding properties • Requires less bracing than To eliminate stacking the following 1 thinner 1 ⁄ " materials • Resists bowing, twisting, sizes are available: • Resource-efficient technology 1⁄"x9⁄" 1⁄"x3⁄" and shrinking 8 1 • 4 1 1 2 4 1 CONTACT US 888.453.8358 TRUSJOIST.COM 2 1 11⁄4" x 117⁄8" ⁄2" 11⁄4" x 5holding • Excellent fastener properties 11⁄4" x 71⁄4" most 11⁄4" x 16" Compatible • Resists bowing,with twisting, and shrinking release agents November 2014 Reorder TJ-8800 Weyerhaeuser, TimberStrand, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks of Weyerhaeuser NR. © 2014 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. • Compatible with most release agents To eliminate stacking the following To eliminate stacking the following sizes are available: sizes are available: CONTACT US 888.453.8358 TRUSJOIST.COM 1 1 1 1 11⁄4" x 1 91⁄2⁄"4" x 9 ⁄2" 4 2 November Weyerhaeuser, TimberStrand, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks of Weyerhaeuser NR. 1 1 17⁄8" 7 11⁄4" x2014 11 4 2 Reorder 1 ⁄4" x 11 ⁄8" 1 111⁄4"⁄ "xx 3 3 ⁄ ⁄"2" 5 1⁄ " ⁄2" 111⁄4"⁄ "xx 5 1⁄"x7⁄" 11⁄4" x 71⁄4" 1 6 CS_Zurn_FEB2016.indd 1 4 1 4 TJ-8800 1 1/15/16 3:17 PM CONTACT US November 2014 Reorder TJ-8800 1 ⁄4" x 16" © 2014 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. 11⁄4" x 16" 888.453.8358 TRUSJOIST.COM Weyerhaeuser, TimberStrand, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks of Weyerhaeuser NR. © 2014 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. CONTACT US 888.453.8358 TRUSJOIST.COM Site Work Think Geotechnical Roadway Design. Think Ahead. Think TenCate. Mirafi® RSi Beats Traditional, Old Technology Hands Down. It’s time to re-think how you build a better road. Western Transportation Institute and Montana State University partnered with nine state D.O.T.s to complete an unbiased, independent, fullscale performance study on unpaved roadways. The findings are in and the results are astounding. TenCate Mirafi® RS580i out performed the rest in the world. TenCate Mirafi® is shown to have the Best Traffic Benefit Ratio and the Best Base Course Reduction Factor. Both, only achievable by the best technical minds in the business, creating the best geosynthetics in the world. RSi – Build the Best Specifi Mirafi® Scan to read the study for yourself. Reduced roadway cost up to 1/3 using Mirafi® RS580i means: Cost Savings Reduced Placement Time Improved “Green” Effect Longer Service Use 800.685.9990 RM BOARD LSL CONCRETE FORM BOARD Protective Outdoor Fabrics Aerospace Composites Armour Composites Geosynthetics Industrial Fabrics Synthetic Grass D, 877-426-7337 7 scite scirb ssar Tools & Equipment IN TROD UC IN G B ORD ER’ S MOB ILE TOOL V A N • Power Actuated Tools Certification • To o l D e m o s • Pr e c i s e A n s w e r s t o y o u r To o l N e e d s • Fa s t Re s p o n s e • J o b s ite S e r v ic e • POS Tr a n s a c t i o n FULLY S TOC K ED . REA D Y TO G O. 8 Tools & Equipment LES HAND N O I S EN 6’ EXT 1/16 Expires 5/3 MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE MORE COMFORTABLE 99 /EA $13. hase of 3 min purc 17-6 ASU The re-engineered Norton Gemini RightCut’s 100% aluminum oxide wheels provide thinner, faster cutting with a burr-free, precision cut for increased productivity. The low pressure cutting action means the wheel does the work for higher operator comfort at the same wheel life with less changes and improved cost savings. It’s a Gem! Made in USA. © Saint-Gobain January 2016. STRONG. DURABLE. PRODUCTIVE. 2,500 LB PAYLOAD AR POWER BUGGY The AR16 Power Buggy is built with unparalleled strength and durability, and a 16 cubic foot easy-to-clean poly bucket to provide an enormous 2,500 lb. payload. PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS, USA 870.236.7751 877-426-7337 WWW.ALLENENG.COM 9 Tools & Equipment THE STANDARD IN HIGH QUALITY EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS NEW DRIVEN TO OUTPERFORM. Ride On Trowels Reversible Plates POWERSTATE™ BRUSHLESS MOTOR 2 REDLINK PLUS™ 3 REDLITHIUM™ INTELLIGENCE XC5.0 BATTERY PACK XC5.0 TM 1 Trench Rollers Mixers MOST FASTER MOST POWERFUL SPEED 800- 421-1244 COMPACT PART OF THE M18™ SYSTEM OF OVER 90 TOOLS. TM SYSTEM Pull the Trigger on Two Hot Deals! FREE PREMIUM PTP-27 TOOL FREE PT-27 TOOL With purchase of 15,000 PDPA Pins and 15,000 Strip Loads (P27SLXA). The PT-27 is a semi-automatic and fast cycling fastening tool that is engineered for continuous use, high reliability and low maintenance. This versatile tool fires a variety of fastener types and lengths. With purchase of 30,000 PDPA Pins and 30,000 Strip Loads (P27SLXA). The PTP-27L and PTP-27S are powder-actuated fastening tools designed to provide versatility and ease of use on the jobsite. These tools deliver productive fastening with automatic piston reset, which enables the user to simply load and shoot. The PTP-27L is a single-shot tool with a longer barrel. The PTP-27S is a single-shot tool with a short barrel. Both models can be easily affixed with a fastener magazine. • Acoustical ceilings • Electrical applications • Framing members • Drywall track • Water proofing material and/or lathing • Adjustable power for fastening versatility: a 1 – 1 ½ power level range from a single strip • Easy disassembly for cleaning and maintenance • No manual resetting of piston required • Operator comfort: cushioned grip, reduced recoil and sound-dampening muffler for quiet operation. *Offer also applies to magazine tools with purchase of 15,000 PDPA Pins and 15,000 Strip Load Features Key Fastening Applications PDPAW PDPA © 2016 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. • P.O. Box 10789, Pleasanton, CA 94588 10 800-999-5099 PDPAWL WL P27SL5A Tools & Equipment EW arrel. ener n. Husqvarna Soff-Cut™ Husqvarna Soff-Cut® is an ideal system for Ultra Early Entry™ sawing of contraction joints one to two hours after pouring a concrete slab. It is the best solution for minimizing the risk of random cracking, which is one of the most costly and aggravating problems for a concrete contractor. Soff-Cut™ Vari-Cut® Item No. 587665201 Soff-Cut™ 2500 Soff-Cut™ 2000 Soff-Cut™ 150 Item No. 966845301 Item No. 966845401 Soff-Cut™ Excel Item No. 966844805 Item No. 542777005 10% OFF ALL SOFF-CUT BLADES *10% OFF ALL SOFF-CUT BLADES ENDS MAY 31ST ENDS MAY 31, 2016 Beautiful concrete you can feel good about. Husqvarna Masonry & Tile Husqvarna masonry saws are developed for efficient and precise cutting of all kinds of bricks and building blocks. Their sturdy, rigid design makes them stable enough to cut large, heavy blocks. The latest edition, the MS 360, offers new technology not commonly found on masonry saws. Husqvarna gives you 360 degrees of performance. Husqvarna tile saws are developed for efficient and precise cutting of all kinds and sizes of tiles. The TS 60, TS 70 and TS 90 tile saws You. Us. The project. are equipped with innovative features to800 take255 your4255 tile installation projects to the next level of ergonimic support and production. MS 360 PROSOCO.COM At Consolideck, we do a lot more than provide superior colors and dyes for concrete floors. We supply the whole gamut of products for any Item No. 967318101 concrete surface – guards, prep products, densifiers, maintenance cleaners, you name it. Our support staff HUSQVARNA CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS You. Us. 17400 WestThe 119thproject. Street • Olathe, KS 66061 USA will be right there to ensure Tel: 800-288-5040 • Fax:PROSOCO.COM 800-825-0028 your success on every project. 800-255-4255 TS 70 Item No. 967285201 877-426-7337 Untitled-1.indd 1 11 8/31/2015 4:32:56 PM ® Tools & Equipment Expires 5/31/16 A P For offe Co Euc Va Th 12 FSP Ad Qtr Page Bo Core Products A WORLD OF QUALITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS PROVEN. CONCRETE. SOLUTIONS. For over a century, The Euclid Chemical Company has served as a leading supplier to the concrete and masonry industry offering a full line of engineered concrete admixture and construction products. Congratulations Border on your 60th Anniversary! Euclid Chemical products are also branded as: Vandex • Increte • Dural • QWIKjoint • Speed Crete • Baracade • Tamms The Euclid Chemical Company • Cleveland, OH • 800-321-7628 SP Ad Qtr Page Border Showcase Sept 2015 12496 Rev A.indd 1 877-426-7337 9/25/2015 3:47:04 PM 13 Core Products FOCUS ON TILT-UP Engineering Expertise System Approach Chemical Solutions TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE is available to designers and contractors from the planning through the construction phases of tilt-up concrete construction projects. T110 SUPERIOR LIFT SYSTEM combines the strongest insert in the tilt-up industry with the strongest engineering support. It is the ideal time-and-money saving solution for the heavier, taller and more complex panels now being designed. BONDBREAKERS such as Sure Lift™ and Maxi Tilt™ are formulated with the specific needs of tilt-up contractors in mind. Whether a solvent based or water based product is desired, Dayton Superior has formulas designed to provide clean, easy lifting. ACCUBRACE® bracing solutions have been used in some of the most innovative and demanding tilt-up applications across North America. Our braces have supported some of the tallest tilt-up panels ever constructed. Accubrace solutions should be your first choice for an economical and reliable solution backed by proven performance. PENTRA-HARD® GUARD a high performance finish that adds shine, stain resistance and abrasion resistance to concrete. Effective on all concrete and cement containing floors, this water-based, lithiumfortified material cures quickly to form a clear, extremely hard, microcoating that protects the substrate, even in demanding industrial and commercial environments. TILT-WERKS allows users go to from concept to completion faster than you ever thought possible with Tilt-Werks by Dayton Superior, a standardized software package for designing tiltup buildings and producing precise structural drawings. An outstanding tool for enhancing productivity and efficiency, Tilt-Werks features a user-friendly interface that allows architects, engineers, designers, contractors and material providers to collaborate quickly and easily, online. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K WWW.DAYTONSUPERIOR.COM 14 Core Products A Game Changer in Concrete Curing THE NEWEST, STATE-OF-THE-ART TECHNOLOGY, SINGLE-USE WET CURING CONCRETE BLANKET ON THE MARKET • Super absorbent technology • High strength fiber construction • High water weight-to-fabric ratio • Non-staining/non-mildew composites • Labor-saving install/removal properties 855-259-CONCRETE e Manufactured By: Distributed By: C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 877-426-7337 15 Core Products -R -I -R -4 -A -U -E IF YOUR CONCRETE CAN DO THIS . . . THEN YOU NEED THIS . . . When conditions are hot and dry, you need to control evaporation. Choose EVAPRE from W. R. MEADOWS. When moisture is evaporated too quickly from newly poured concrete, significant shrinkage cracking will occur. Warm temperatures, low humidity and wind all contribute to accelerated evaporation rates. The use of EVAPRE™ evaporation retardant from W. R. MEADOWS will effectively reduce the rate of surface evaporation, giving newly poured concrete the time needed to gain sufficient strength to resist unwanted shrinkage cracking. EVAPRE’s protective film shield disappears as soon as the concrete begins to “set”. P.O. Box 338 Hampshire, IL 60140-0338 Phone: 847/214-2100 | Fax: 847/683-4544 1-800-342-5976 HAMPSHIRE, IL / CARTERSVILLE, GA / YORK, PA / FORT WORTH, TX / BENICIA, CA / POMONA, CA / GOODYEAR, AZ / MILTON, ON / ST. ALBERT, AB 16 MasterFlow_100_4 Repair Products - Rapid Setting Topping - Interior or Exterior Applications - Ready for Forklift Traffic in 8 Hours - 4200 psi in 1 Day...8900 psi in 28 Days - Application Depth 1/2” to 6” neat - Use in Cold Weather Environments Down to 32 Degrees F - Easy to Apply and Finish Smooth Sika's Re LYONS MANUFACTURING, INC. 8900 Forney Road t Dallas, TX 75227 t 214/381-8100 SIKATOP MORTARS – HIGH STRE ▲ 111 PL U S – SEL F L EV EL I N G ▲ 122 PL U S – T RO W EL A BL E ▲ 123 PL U S – N O N - SA G **High early strengths, thin overlays/p polymer-modified, and ADOT APPRO Sika's Re WHEN GROUTING CRITICAL CONNECTIONS, USE A BRAND YOU CAN TRUST MasterFlow® GROUTS FROM BASF SIKAQUICK – FAST SETTING 1-C SIKATOP MORTARS – HIGH STRE 10 0 0 PL – U 1,S0 – 0 0 SEL psiF inL 3 EV h ours, ▲ 111 EL I N G allow 250 0 – U 2,S50 – 0 T psi 1 h A our, ▲ 122 RO in W EL BL Eallow s S **ADOT IK 123A PLPL’APPROVED S U SREPA ▲ – N O N - SA G IR **High early strengths, MORTA . . . thin . overlays/p SIKAREPAIRRS – ECONOMICAL &S polymer-modified, and ADOT APPRO ▲ 222 – T row elab le 1- c om p. repair ▲ 211 – 1- c om– FAST ponentSETTING f orm and 1-C pou SIKAQUICK SH 0 A 0 – – H 1,igh0 0 0 b uild, 1- 3 c omh ours, ponent r ▲ 10 psi in allow ....When OnlyBest The BestDo! Will Do! ...When Only SH B0 – – H 2,igh50Will ▲ the 250 0 b uild, psi in1-1c omh our,ponent, allow s SIKATOP MORTARS – HIGH STRENGTH REPAIR MORTARS **ADOT LocalAPPROVED Contact Information: Ray Russo • S ▲ 111 PL U S – SEL F L EV EL I N G Sika's Repair Mortars... ▲ 122 PL U S – T RO W EL A BL E ▲ 123 PL U S – N O N - SA G **High early strengths, thin overlays/patches, polymer-modified, and ADOT APPROVED Chandler, AZ 85249 • Office: 480-883-7626 • MobilC SIKAREPAIR – ECONOMICAL & S ▲ 222 – T row elab le 1- c om p. repair ▲ 211 – 1- c om ponent f orm and pou SIKAQUICK – FAST SETTING 1-COMPONENT MORTARS ▲ 10 0 0 – 1, 0 0 0 psi in 3 h ours, allow s f or epox y c oating▲ in 6 h SHoursA – H igh b uild, 1- c om ponent r ▲ 250 0 – 2, 50 0 psi in 1 h our, allow s f or epox y c oating in▲ 4 h ours SH B – H igh b uild, 1- c om ponent, **ADOT APPROVED Call 1-800-243-6739 or visit us at © 2015 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved. MasterFlow_100_4.375x4.7361.indd 1 Local Contact Information: Ray Russo • S SIKAREPAIR – ECONOMICAL & STRUCTURAL AZ 85249 • Office: 480-883-7626 • Mobil ▲ 222 – T row elab le 1- c om p. repair m ortar – **ADOTChandler, APPROVED ▲ 211 – 1- c om ponent f orm and pour w ith pre- pac k aged aggregate ▲ SH A – H igh b uild, 1- c om ponent repair m ortar; 3 inc h es vertic al ▲ SH B – H igh b uild, 1- c om ponent, non- ac c elerated m ortar Local Contact Information:: Ray Russo • Senior Sales Representative • 2925 East Riggs Road • Suite # 8 PMB 181 Chandler, AZ 85249 • Office: 480-883-7626 • Mobile: 602-315-1676 • Toll Free: 1-800-933-SIKA (7452) • 877-426-7337 9/17/15 1:47 PM 17 Architectural Concrete Introducing Xcel Surfaces New All Season Acrylic Additive New & Improved No more need for a Summer or Winter Blend We have formulated an ALL SEASON ACRYLIC ADDITIVE All Season Acrylic Additive When you use our whole system you will have Improved Pot Life Better Workability Higher Tensile Strength (Bonding Ability) Stronger Compressive Strength (Durability) Save $ Annually 2 Year warranty when you use the entire system to see our whole line of products go to To see our whole line of products go to PROTECT YOUR HIGH END SURFACES AND BOTTOM LINE WITH This is the temporary protection you should be using to cut down on scuffs, scrapes and dings on all finished surfaces. cover guard® temporary protection is the product to use on all highend surfaces and finishes. Our film is the safest, most cost effective means of protecting expensive finished surfaces. 18 Tile Terrazzo Stone and Marble Hardwoods Carpet Ceramic and Epoxies *Recyclable *Flame Retardant *Re usable Toll Free (877) 426-7337 Architectural Concrete Beautiful concrete you can feel good about. You. Us. The project. 800 255 4255 At Consolideck, we do a lot more than provide superior colors and dyes for concrete floors. We supply the whole gamut of products for any concrete surface – guards, prep products, densifiers, maintenance cleaners, you name it. Our support staff will be right there to ensure your success on every project. em Untitled-1.indd 1 PROSOCO.COM You. Us. The project. 800-255-4255 PROSOCO.COM 8/31/2015 4:32:56 MP 65 PM :23:4 All you need to know about concrete color. ©2015 Davis Colors, a brand of Huntsman Pigments LLC 877-426-7337 19 Architectural Concrete By popular demand, DAY1 is now available in CONCENTRATE and new READY-TO-USE formula in the green label. ● DAY1 imporoves workability under adverse conditions ● DAY1 eliminates the need to add water ● DAY1 is not membrane forming ● DAY1 keeps the slab from getting awayfromthefinisher ● DAY1 helpsfinishhighperformance concrete and shake-on hardeners MIrage_N ● DAY1 hardensanddensifies when applied ● DAY1 will save a slab CONCENTRATE READY-TO-USE “IT’S LIKE HAVING AN EXTRA FINISHER ON THE JOB” DAY1 by Solomon Colors, Inc. 4050 Color Plant Road ● Springfield, IL 62702 ● (800) 624-0261 ● 20 Hardscapes WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION Four ground breaking ways to join the commercial hardscape REVOLUTION. Joining the Hardscape Revolution is easy. Simply request a FREE Belgard New Product Information is at Raising the light bar. 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Muddox Husqvarna Hilti HTC Interstate Brick Intertool Jobox J-Drain KHK Kraft Tool Lyons Magnolia Brush Mapei Marshalltown Trowel Company Multiquip McNear Brick Mi-TM Mortex Muck Truck Newlook Nox-Crete Nudura Oztec Pacific Supply Pactiv Corp Pro Spec Pacific Polymers Pavestone Phoenix Brick Yard PNA Construction Prosoco Proline Quality Block Quarries Direct International Rampdome Systems RJD Industries Robinson Brick Company Salt River Materials Group Sika Simpson Soff-Cut Solomon Colors Spec Formliners Stabila Superabrasive Super-Krete Superlite Block Sonneborn Spec Mix Stegmeier Sterling Stihl Stow Symons The North Rim Stone Works TC Mirafi Tamms Techni Seal Thoro Triangle Coatings Trimble Universal Building Products Union Tools Unistrut Universal Forest Products Veron Coating Systems Western Block W. R. Meadows Wacker Neuson Weyerhaeuser Wyco Xcel Surfaces Zurn 3M 3 North Screened Cont. Mineral Park Gold Palomino Gold Sedona Red Sierra Verde Table Mesa Brown Table Mesa Gold Minus Arizona Beige Madison Gold Sized Madison Gold Washed Madison Gold Mixed Madison Gold TILE PRODUCTS Tile Saws Pan Material Spacers Thinsets Tools Grouts Sponges Scrapers Sealers Mastics BULK PRODUCTS Lime Mortar Overlays Patching Materials Plaster Plastic Cement Portland Cement Pre-Mix Concrete Pre-Mix Mortar Repair Mortar Retarders Sealers Silica Sand Thin Set Mortar Tile Grout Veneer Mortar FIREPLACE PRODUCTS Fireplace Dampers Fireplace Ash Dump Fire Bricks Fire Rings Flu Liners Shaways Clean Out Doors TURF Artificial Turf Putting Greens Crumb Rubber Silica Sand Spikes Putting Cups Sand Gravel ABC Mix Grout Mix THERMAL MOISTURE & PROTECTION Building Wrap Caulking Fire Proofing Systems Flashings Membrane Coating Polyethylene Premoulded Membrane Primers Reglets Roof Hatches Roof Traffic Pads Sealants Vapor Barriers Waterstop Line Card SITE WORK Anchor Bolts Barricade Tape Cab Protectors Caution Tape Chalk Chalk Reels Chests (Storage) Clamps Clips (Footing) Coolers (Water) Erosion Control Fabrics, Geotextile Fencing, Safety, Silt Gabion Baskets GeoTextiles GeoGrid Hard Hats Hoses Lasers & Accessories Lime Marking Paint Nails Piano Box Racks Safety Fence Sand Bags Silt Fencing Sqwincher Beverage Stake ChasersWhiskers Stake Pullers Stakes SAFETY Straw Blankets Straw Fiber Rolls StringLine StringLine Clamps StringLine Rods Tapes Truck Boxes Trench Drains Twine Wattles Water Hoses Whiskers ADA Back Support Bar Guards Belts Boots (5 Buckle, Slip On, Steel Toe) Caution Tape Coolers Ear Plugs Emergency Spill Response Kit Fencing, Safety, Silt First Aid Kits Flags Gloves Handwipes Hard Hats Harnesses & Belts MASONRY & METALS Cinder Block Slump Block Fence Block Decorative Block Adobes ADA Brick Tile Used Brick Fire Brick Patio Brick Pavers (Belgar, Pavestone) Glass Block Manufacture Stone Veneers Real Stone Veneers Thin Pavers (CD) Travertine Pavers/Tile Artistic Pavers Column Covers Control Joints Drywall Moldings Flashing Graffiti Remover Graffiti Coating Masonry Cleaner & Stripper Masonry Waterproofing Mitered Corners-Prefab Mortar Mortar Color Pavers Plaster Moldings Reglets Guard Rail Post Header Form Support Inserts Jahn Brackets Key Plate & Ties Lifting Accessories Loop Ties LSL Formboard Lumber Products LVL Formboard Modular Form Poly-Cone Form Tie Pres-Steel Hangers Reveal Strip Rod Clamps & Tightening Wrench Rustification Strip Scaffold Bracket Jahn She-Bolts Single Waler Stake Chasers-Whiskers Super Striper Towels Traffic Safety Vests POWER TOOL & EQUIPMENT Compactors Compressor Concrete Polishing Equipment Cords Demolition Hammers Diamond Blades Diamond Blocks Drills Drum Roller Extension Cords Generators Georgia Buggy Grinders Grinder Heads Ground Rod Driver Hammer Drills Heads & Shafts Light Towers Mixers, Cement, Mortar FORM WORK & TILT Anchors Anchor Bolts Adjustable Safety Rail Bracket Brackets Chamfer Chisels Clamps Coil Rod Hangers Coil Thread Turnbuckle-Aligner Column Tube Column Tube Liner Curb Forms Curing Blankets Fiberglass Rods Form Ply Foundation Form & Footing Clips Gang Forming Ice Jackets Lanyards Lifelines Marking Paint Protective Clothing Rags Rain Suits Respirators Safety Fence Safety Glasses Safety Harnesses Safety Rail Post Sand Bags Signs Silt Fencing Spill Containment Sqwincher Beverage Slab Bolsters Snips Snap Ties Snap Wedge Splicing Irons Spreader Clips Stem Panels Stiff-Back Clamp Supertie Gripper & Wedge Taper Ties Threaded Bar Ties Tilt Wall Systems Washer Waterstop Wedges Plate Compactors Portable Blast Cleaning System Powder Actuated Guns Power Washer Pumps Rammers Reciprocating Saw Scarifier Machines & Accessories Saw Blades Saws Screeds Shafts Trash Pump Vibrators Vibratory Truss Screed *Rental Equipment Available* REBAR & ACCESSORIES Angle Iron Bar Lock Benders Chairs Couplers Dobies Dowel Bar Clips Dowels Fiber Mesh Fab Rebar Porter Open Head Cutter Pre-Form Lintels Rebar Reinforcing Wire Sleeves & Bases Sling & Sling Choker Splicing Accessories Welded Wire Products Wire Mesh products vary by location ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE ADA-Mats ADA-Pavers ADA-Rampdome Aggregate Coatings Concrete Polishing Concrete Stamp Crack Filler Deck Products Decorative Concrete Fiber-Optic Regular & Capstone Kool-Deck Lambs Wool Application Overlays Pavers Polishing Pads Polishing Machines Pool Deck Coatings Primers Stencils Texture Mats & Floppies Texture Rollers Touch-Up Rollers 877-426-7337 LANDSCAPING Block Castle Wall Edgers Parking Curbs Pavers Belgard Patio Bricks Flagstone Pavestone Zurn Drain Travertine Pavers Landscape Lighting Thin Pavers Artificial Turf 23 Locations B ORD ER C ON S TRUC TION 3 8 8 0 E. B ROA D W A Y RD . PH OEN IX , A Z 8 5 0 4 0 S PEC IA LTIES Serving the Southwest since 1955. 17 Marvel North 101 101 3113 E. Bell Rd 602-971-2710 Marvel Northwest 51 8060 W. Thunderbird Rd. 623-487-1500 101 60 Marvel Central Paradise 2606 E Indian School Rd Valley 602-956-4880 51 17 101 87 101 10 10 10 17 202 143 60 10 60 Marvel East 101 Border Phoenix 1113 S Country Club Rd 3880 E Broadway Rd 480-833-5885 602-437-1900 5 4 Tucson 10 Flagstaff El Paso I-1 0 180 66 40 1 8 0 I-1 0 180 89 77 10 Marvel Tucson 3183 N Fwy Ind Loop 520-887-0088 Border Tucson 3143 N Fwy Ind Loop . D r n o is a P a E . 520-623-4100 40 2 0 I-1 1 0 6 2 o D r. E . P a is a n 8 95 Yuma 3515 E Industrial Dr 928-773-0005 915-566-1688 593 593 95 Border Flagstaff Border El Paso 5623 E. Paisano Drive Las Vegas San Diego 15 805 604 Border Yuma Border Las Vegas Border San Diego 928-344-5060 702-253-1100 858-558-8300 2830 E 16th St 5580 S Arville 5601 Eastgate Dr