

APRIL 2008
Keppel Group Newsletter
Towards people
excellence 20
Victory for Uniquely
Singapore 28
Keppel to supply
green power 40
Keppel lauded as
Patron of Heritage
MICA(P) NO. 047/11/2007
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:07 PM
Keppel secures new HCMC site
Sweet victory for Uniquely Singapore
Early bounty
New Roar for SPC
Steadfast in execution
Ringing to sunnier tunes
Solid Board wins award
Connecting Keppelites
Keppel yards abuzz
The benefits of co-operation
Underscoring safety
Dressed to win
Thumbs up for job well done
Sprucing up the lodge
Deepening ties
A good catch
International impact
No limits!
Industry standing
Keppelites Abroad
Grooming a Garden City
Green Initiatives
Green chorus
Keppel Volunteers
Sea-ing changes
Keppel to supply green power in Sweden
Commitment to heritage
Delivering more
Special Focus
Towards people excellence
Best New Asian Marina
Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01 Keppel Bay Tower,
Singapore 098632. Printed by Image Printers Pte Ltd, Blk 1002, Redhill Industrial Estate, Jalan Bukit Merah, #03-12, Singapore 159456.
Editorial Advisor
Wang Look Fung
Andrew Ong
Editorial Committee
Ang Lai Lee, Catherine Tan, Chen Xi, Cheryl Tang, Chung Xin Lei, David Loh, Diana Chan, Donald Sng, Eva Ho, Gayathri Prakash Nair, Geraldine Ang, Geraldine Lai, Grace Chia,
Ivana Chua, Irene Lee, Jacquelyn Wong, Jeanette Pang, Joey Ho, Lee Yin Chiin, Lynette Goh, Mak Chui Ling, Marianne Goh, Mohd Nor Nordin, Phang Weng Onn, Rebecca Ng,
Roy Tan, Sarah Seah, Serena Toh, Siddiqua Ovais, Teri Liew , Woon Pek Yong
Keppelite I April 2008
CO REG NO: 196800351N
29/4/08, 12:08 PM
Leading mindsets
Is leadership the exclusive role and responsibility
of management position holders?
As I pondered this question, I recall the crew
dynamics of the Uniquely Singapore team which
celebrated their first podium win in the Clipper
07-08 Round the World Yacht Race this month
(see page 24).
Each crew member is encouraged to perform every
task, big and small, from helming to calling the
sail trim. Beyond that, the boat culture is such that
everyone keenly pre-empts needful changes in sail
configurations and race tactics when wind and sea
conditions take unexpected turns, even though this
responsibility is more heavily weighted on the
watch leaders.
Such readiness in the crew contributes to the
overall boat performance especially when a crew
member is required to take on the responsibilities
of a watch leader who may be suddenly out of
action due to sickness or otherwise.
This leads me to conclude that leadership has
nothing to do with being in a supervisory or
managerial role, though it can.
Stepping into leadership is a personal journey,
when individual performers expand their focus
beyond their own scope of work to understand
wider team objectives and take active interest,
ownership, accountability, and not least of all,
pride, towards working hard to achieve them.
ethos and philosophy of our leaders. This takes
them a leap forward from being a team contributor
to acting and thinking as a team leader.
In Keppel, our management takes succession
planning seriously – identifying and grooming
individuals with high leadership potential for senior
positions and expanded roles. Our people must
respond by preparing themselves to take on these
roles and by proactively equipping themselves with
the requisite qualities and abilities.
To illustrate, another analogy comes to mind – that
of migratory birds flying in a V-shaped formation.
When the lead bird tires and falls back, another
bird from behind will quickly move forward to
maintain the V-formation, to uphold the critical
aerodynamics necessary to the entire fleet.
Seen this way, it seems then, that a successful team
player is in fact one who is already capacitated to
think and act as a leader.
This is especially important for aspiring young
leaders, seeking to grow beyond their current
wingspan, to prepare themselves to rise to the
occasion of becoming effective and competent
leaders, should and when the need calls for them
to step up to the plate.
Some say leaders are born; in Keppel, I believe there
are ample opportunities for those who seek to be
bred as leaders to stretch their wings and soar at
higher altitudes.
Businesses today depend on each and every
employee empowering themselves with a leader’s
mindset, and imbibing the thought processes,
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:08 PM
4 Business
Keppel secures new HCMC site
With this new development, Keppel Land is expected to offer more than
7,500 homes in HCMC’s residential District 2 alone.
As one of Vietnam’s largest
foreign property developers,
Keppel Land advances to
build on its quality portfolio
in the country, securing an
option to develop a new
residential site in Ho Chi
Minh City (HCMC).
Through wholly-owned
subsidiary Earlsbay
Investments Pte Ltd
(Earlsbay), Keppel Land has
signed an option agreement
with local property developer
Hong Quang Co. Ltd. (Hong
Quang) to develop luxury
residences on a prime 5.1-ha
(51,043 sm) site in District 2
of HCMC.
The proposed development
is expected to yield 1,500
quality apartments with a
potential total gross floor
a re a o f 2 4 4 , 8 0 0 s m ,
increasing the company’s
portfolio in popular District 2
to more than 7,500 homes.
Mr Ang Wee Gee, ED and
CEO, International of Keppel
Land International Limited
said, “Leveraging our first
mover advantage, strong
network and quality brand,
Keppel Land continues to
build up its portfolio in
Vietnam, securing sites in
prime locations and growth
corridors to tap on the strong
demand for quality homes.
“With the go-ahead for two
of our newest developments,
Keppel Land is on track with
the roll out of our strong
pipeline across Vietnam.”
In February 2008, Keppel
Land was awarded the
investment licence for a
prime residential project
comprising 2,400 waterfront
apartments in the popular
and established residential
estate of District 7, HCMC.
The company was also given
the go ahead for The Estella,
a prime residential project
comprising some 1,500
upmarket apartments in the
popular An Phu Ward,
District 2, HCMC, with the
award of its investment
licence by the HCMC
P e o p l e ’s C o m m i t t e e i n
August 2007.
A preview of The Estella’s
Phase 1 in 4Q 2007 was
p o s i t i v e l y re c e i v e d b y
potential buyers, with
interest registered for all
650 units.
The latest proposed
development in District 2 is
close to the 737-ha Thu
Thiem New Township, which
has been earmarked as
the new downtown to
complement HCMC’s CBD.
It also enjoys great
accessibility to the city centre
via the proposed East-West
Highway and Saigon River
Tunnel, both of which are
under construction and
scheduled for completion in
Ta r g e t i n g t h e u p p e r
middle market, the luxury
apartments are expected
to be launched in 2009.
Residents can look forward
to a quality lifestyle enhanced
by a comprehensive range
of recreational facilities,
including a clubhouse, a
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:08 PM
swimming pool and tennis
courts in lush surrounds and
under 24-hour security.
The total investment capital
for the proposed project,
which will be developed in
phases according to market
demand, is estimated at
US$390 million (approximately
S$546 million).
Upon exercise of the option
agreement, the issuance of
the investment certificate
and obtaining the relevant
government approvals,
Earlsbay will take up
60% stake amounting to
US$78 million (approximately
S$109.2 million) of the total
registered capital of
US$130 million (approximately
S$182 million) in the joint
venture company while
Hong Quang will subscribe
for the remaining interest.
Business 5
Early bounty
Yet another concrete
demonstration of Keppel’s
capabilities to execute
projects on time and to
customer satisfaction,
Keppel Singmarine has
delivered the third of six
Anchor Handling Tug/Supply
(AHTS) vessels ordered in
November 2005 by longtime customer, GulfMark
Offshore (GulfMark).
its sea trial performance. We
are also proud to announce
that our projects have been
delivered on time and with
zero lost-time incidents.”
Mr Gene Leech, Executive VP
of GulfMark remarked, “I am
impressed by the quality of
this vessel that Keppel
Singmarine has built for us.
The previous two AHTS
vessels were also delivered on
time to our full satisfaction.
“The Keppel team has
Delivered on 31 March 2008
for deployment in Southeast
Asia, Sea Kiowa will join
GulfMark’s fleet of more
than 60 OSVs.
As with the previous two
projects, Keppel Singmarine
was presented a US$10,000
bonus for its excellent
performance and safety
Mr Hoe Eng Hock, ED of
Keppel Singmarine, said,
“Like the previous two, this
third vessel has exceeded
its design and contractual
bollard pull and speed during
proven their expertise and
capabilities in design,
engineering and construction
of offshore support vessels
(OSVs). Timely deliveries
are critical for us especially
with the growing demand
for OSVs as a result of
the increasing global
activities in exploration and
Built to Keppel’s proprietary design, Sea Kiowa has exceeded expectations in project
execution and operational capabilities
The vessel was named after
a Native American tribe,
Sea Kiowa, by lady sponsor
Ms Glenna Ellen Roberts,
partner of Mr Marshall
Andrew Crowe, Director of
GulfMark, at a naming
ceremony held on 5 April
2008 at Keppel Singmarine.
All the six AHTS are built to
Keppel’s Marine Technology
Development’s proprietary
design. Delivery of the
remaining three vessels is
expected between mid and
end of 2008. Two of these
are being built at Keppel
Nantong Shipyard in China.
Accompanied by GulfMark and Keppel Singmarine’s management, Mr Gene Leech, Executive VP of GulfMark (second from right) presents Lady
Sponsor Ms Glenna Ellen Roberts (centre) with a token of appreciation
Gulfmark and its subsidiaries
provide marine transportation
services to the energy
industry through its fleet
of 62 OSVs, primarily in
the North Sea, offshore
Southeast Asia, and the
Americas. keppelite
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:09 PM
6 Business
Steadfast in execution
Keppel Corporation posted a creditable set of results following a challenging first
quarter in 2008. At the results webcast, Executive Chairman Mr Lim Chee Onn
shares Keppel’s strategy to harness long-term growth, given continuing sound
industry fundamentals and positive mid-term outlook.
2008 looks to be a tough
year. Problems in the US
subprime mortgage market
which surfaced in 2007
spread in many ways to
affect credit markets and the
rest of the economy. As a
result, business conditions
deteriorated worldwide.
Against this backdrop, our
Group’s growth moderated
sharply compared to previous
six years of record growth.
For 1Q2008 we achieved a
4% growth over 1Q2007 for
PATMI and Earnings per
Share (EPS).
Despite the more challenging
e n v i ro n m e n t , w e h a v e
re m a i n e d s t e a d f a s t i n
e x e c u t i n g o u r g ro w t h
strategies and driving
operational performance,
and shall continue to do so
going forward.
In Offshore & Marine, our
orderbook of S$11.8 billion
stretches into 2011.
Leveraging our long-term
working relationships with
customers, and a broad suite
of product offerings, we will
continue to build upon this
strong base to further
enhance visibility.
With oil companies striving
to sustain output and
re p l e n i s h h y d ro c a r b o n
reserves, E&P spending
remains robust and we
continue to receive healthy
enquiries in all segments,
including conversions,
Executive Chairman Mr Lim Chee Onn elaborates on Keppel’s 2007 performance and how the
Group will leverage innovation and technology to stay ahead
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:09 PM
jackups and deepwater
Likewise, global demand for
petroleum products remains
strong, and our search for
w o r t h w h i l e u p - s t re a m
investments continues.
Property sales slowed amidst
greater uncertainty both
domestically and in some
of our regional markets.
However we shall continue
to grow our footprint
across Asia where demand
for quality homes is
underpinned by the
emergence of a large middleclass.
We believe that for the
medium-term, the demand
for our regional township
projects and lifestyle
residential developments will
remain strong.
Business 7
Meanwhile, in Singapore, we
are putting together a luxury
waterfront development at
Keppel Bay, complete with a
world-class marina, and
exclusive amenities on a
“private” island. We plan to
leverage this distinctive
competency to replicate
this unique integrated
development abroad.
Our Infrastructure Division
is focused on successful
execution of on-going
projects. The Qatar Domestic
Solid Waste Management
facility is on track to
contribute meaningfully
this year, while engineering
work on the Doha North
Wastewater Treatment and
Water Reuse facility is
progressing according to
With an established track
record, we are well-placed to
support the infrastructure
requirements of growing
economies, particularly in
Asia. We expect demand
from these countries to
remain healthy owing to
tighter regulations and
g ro w i n g a w a re n e s s o f
environmental issues.
As we take appropriate
actions to deal with a more
difficult environment in the
near-term, we believe that
our strategy to harness longterm growth trends remains
Fundamentals of the
industries we operate in
are intact and outlook in
the medium term continues
to look positive though
More details of the
webcast on 1Q08 results
will be shared in the next
issue of Keppelite. keppelite
Solid Board wins award
Testament to its strong
corporate governance
practices, Singapore
Petroleum Company (SPC)
was named “Best Managed
B o a rd ” i n t h e b ro n z e
category at the Singapore
Corporate Awards 2008.
Mr Koh Ban Heng, CEO of
SPC said, “We believe that
corporate governance is
not merely compliance. It is
the bedrock of a sound
corporate mindset and
culture. Our people, from the
Board to the management
and to every single
employee, are the ones who
drive this collective behaviour
that distinguishes SPC.”
Winning companies are
selected for their Board
practices that go beyond
mandatory and standard
requirements. These include
high standards of corporate
governance, good board
composition and
accountability, company
performance as well as
corporate transparency and
governance disclosure.
The award recognises SPC’s
excellence in shareholder
communication and efforts
to build a strong and
sustainable enterprise for its
SPC shares the third placing
with SMRT Corporation for
companies with market
capitalisation of $500 million
or more. The Board of both
companies are chaired by
Mr Choo Chiau Beng, who
is also the Senior Executive
Director of Keppel
Corporation as well as the
Chairman & CEO of Keppel
Offshore & Marine. keppelite
Dr Audrey Chin, Independent Director on the SPC Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee,
receives the award from Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:09 PM
8 Business
Keppel yards abuzz
Amidst the backdrop of a
buoyant offshore and marine
industry, all engines are
fired up in Keppel’s yards
worldwide as they work
towards delivering projects
to customers’ satisfaction.
In Norway, Keppel Verolme’s
prior successful experience
in solving a tricky situation
gives its customers added
With only three metres’
allowance, the 87-m wide,
80,000-tonne Saipem 7000
had to enter the 90-m wide
drydock at Keppel’s shipyard
in Rotterdam with great care.
In addition to the challenge,
the crane and pipe-laying
vessel could only enter the
drydock at high tide due
to critical draught. These
conditions made it one of the
most challenging drydocking
operations carried out by
Keppel Verolme.
B e n e f i t t i n g f ro m t h i s
experience, Saipem 7000
was undocked in a smoother
reverse operation just three
months later. After the unit
was safely moored at Keppel
Verolme’s quayside for final
outfitting, all parties involved
congratulated each other for
a successful drydocking
Mr Marco Toninelli, Senior
VP Assets of Saipem
complimented the Keppel
Verolme project team, “We
are very satisfied with the
safe and timely performance
of the job and we thank all
involved for the effort and
Saipem 7000 is the world’s
second largest crane vessel
with lifting capabilities of up
to 14,000 tonnes. The vessel
left Keppel Verolme on
27 March 2008 for final trials
in the deepwater area off the
Port of Rotterdam before her
next assignment in the North
Over in Kazakhstan,
employees and customers of
Keppel Kazakhstan gathered
at the yard on 20 March
2008, as transportation
barge, Lashin 3, was getting
ready to be launched.
Thanks to good weather and
the project team’s wealth of
experience, the 7,000-tonne
barge took to the water
Mr A.B. Lim, Assistant Director
of Keppel Kazakhstan said,
“We are all pleased with the
successful launch of Lashin 3,
another milestone of this
project being achieved. We
look forward to launching
the next two barges,
Lashin 4 and Lashin 5, in the
months of April and May
2008 respectively.”
Lashin 3 is the fifth
transportation barge being
constructed for Agip-KCO.
Sister barges Lashin 1, Lashin
2, AKKU 1, and AKKU 2 were
delivered in June 2007.
The gargantuan crane vessel, Saipem 7000, awaits its exit from the drydock
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:09 PM
Business 9
The much-anticipated launch of Lashin 3, while Lashin 4 and Lashin 5 await their turns
On 16 March 2008, Keppel
FELS Brasil added another
milestone to its track record
by installing P-51’s flare
tower on its upper hull
before the marine mating
with its lower hull took place.
According to Mr José Pedro,
P - 5 1 P r o j e c t D i r e c t o r,
installing the flare tower
before the marine mating
occurs is unprecedented and
is structurally challenging.
“However, after detailed
study by the engineering
team, it was observed that
with structural reinforcement,
it would be possible to do so
at this stage of the job”, he
With the successful
completion of this operation,
85% of the floating
production unit has been
completed. keppelite
With the installation of P-51’s flare tower, the unit is now 85% completed
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:10 PM
10 Business
Underscoring safety
From the top executive in the
company to all employees,
safety is serious business. The
Keppel Group continues
to underscore its safety
commitment through a
series of activities a i m e d a t
i n c r e a s i n g awareness at
all levels.
To support the Group‘s
companies in learning more
about s a f e p r a c t i c e s ,
Keppel Corporation’s Board
Safety Secretariat invited Mr
Silas Sng, Deputy Director of
Occupational Safety and
Health Inspectorate, Ministry
of Manpower, to share
with senior management
across all business units on
26 March 2008.
Board members and top
management including
Mr Lim Chee Onn, Executive
Chairman of Keppel
Corporation, Mr Choo
Chiau Beng, Chairman &
CEO of Keppel O&M and
and safety champions from
Keppel’s business units were
also present at the sharing
Mr Sng commented after the
session, “Safety is the
responsibility of everyone. I
am pleased to see such
interest in safety from the
Keppel Group and through
this talk, I hope to share
with Keppel how decisions
made at every level, from
the management to the
supervisor can affect safety.”
We recognise a safe and healthy
working environment as one of the
critical success factors contributing to
our superior business performance.
We shall continue to actively roll out
our safety initiatives across the Group
worldwide this year, with a further
increase in our financial commitment
of no less than $15 million this year,
from $13 million last year and
$10.6 million the year before.
Mr Lim Chee Onn
Executive Chairman, Keppel Corporation
Mr Sng, Deputy of Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate, MOM, shares the salience of
Keppel Shipyard has long
been committed to safety
and through the years has
initiated several programmes
involving customers and
subcontractors. Through
these initiatives, Keppel
Shipyard improved its
accident frequency rating
(AFR) from 3.48 in 2002 to
0.24 in 2007.
However, the yard did not
rest on its laurels. Its safety
champions led by Mr Nelson
Yeo, ED of Keppel Shipyard
were determined to further
improve safety standards
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:10 PM
In October 2007, Keppel
Shipyard with help from
ExxonMobil Development
Company (ExxonMobil)
formed a safety task force
to develop a sustainable
plan to improve safety at
Keppel Shipyard. Eleven
recommendations were
made by the task force.
These recommendations
were thoroughly debated
at a workshop held over
2-3 April 2008 at the
Fullerton Hotel. Under review
were the pros and cons, as
well as the strengths and
Business 11
Safety Excellence 2010 maps out active steps for a safer working environment for everyone at Keppel’s yards
Besides Keppel Shipyard’s
management, the session
involved senior representatives
of its clients i n c l u d i n g
ExxonMobil, Apache, BW
Offshore, Frontier Drilling,
Maersk Contractors, Murphy
Oil, Prosafe Production, Shell,
Single Buoy Mooring (SBM)
and Woodside, to draw on
their expertise and safety
The two days of vigorous
debates and collaboration
led to the eleven
recommendations being
adopted as part of the Safety
Excellence 2010 initiative.
To be launched in May 2008,
this exciting new endeavour
will focus on entrenching a
safety culture within Keppel
Shipyard where every
individual takes a collective
ownership for workplace
safety and health, taking
responsibility for their own,
as well as their colleagues’
Customers were invited
to become partners and
co-owners of the new
Appreciating customer
involvement, Mr Yeo said,
“We value ExxonMobil’s
unconditional support and
the energy they have put in
helping us with our safety
initiatives. We shall continue
to work together with
ExxonMobil and other
customers to further
enhance safety in the yard.”
Mr Tom Dalton (left), Transocean’s Senior Project Manager presents Mr Muliady, Keppel FELS’s
Project Manager with a plaque commemorating the safety achievement
D e s p i t e c u r re n t h e a v y
workflow, Keppel FELS
Continues on page 12...
Keppelite I April 2008
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12 Business
...continued from page 11.
Mr Augustine Tan, CEO of Singapore Residential, Keppel Land, was present at the Consultants and Contractors Health & Safety (H&S) Meeting to recognise staff, consultants and contractors
for their commitment to workplace safety
continues its quest for zero
lost-time incidents (LTI),
ear ning awards from
a safety culture that inspires
and motivates not only its
employees, but also external
A ceremony was held on
21 April at Keppel FELS to
commemorate two million
man-hours without LTI for
work done on Transocean’s
SEDCO 706. Keppel FELS
was awarded US$20,000
for each of the million
The company recently
organised its inaugural
Consultants and Contractors
Health & Safety (H&S)
Meeting to propagate
the safety message as well
as to recognise those
who achieved exemplary
workplace safety standards.
The semisubmersible is
currently undergoing major
life extension and upgrading
w o r k s t o i n c re a s e i t s
capabilities, from drilling in
water depths of 1,000 feet
to 6,500 feet.
In 2007, Keppel Land
established a H&S
management system
stipulating the necessary
requirements for its
contractors to comply with.
Over at Keppel Land, no
efforts are spared to promote
Mr Wong Yew Meng,
H&S Manager from Keppel
Land’s Property Management
said, “Our consultants
and contractors play an
important role in
complimenting our efforts as
a responsible developer.
Therefore, we need to
engage and work with them
closely in order to realise our
vision of achieving a zero
harm workplace.
Keppel Land will continue
to work closely with
architects and consultants to
incorporate safety features
in its property design, so as
to spread the message of
‘zero harm’ beyond the
construction site, and into
the lives of its home and
office occupants.
Singapore Refining Company
(SRC) clocked five million
man-hours without a Day
Away From Work. For 17
Keppelite I April 2008
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months ending 12 March,
all 1,500 employees and
contractors returned home
safely to their families
without LTI.
SRC embarked on a
programme in July 2007 to
foster an Incident and Injury
Free (IIF) safety culture.
A consultant was engaged
to enhance SRC’s safety
management systems and
inculcate employees’
commitment to personal
safety and concern for
Since the implementation of
the IIF programme, fewer
risk-takers were noted
during site observations. SRC
is 50% owned by Singapore
Petroleum Company. keppelite
Business 13
Thumbs up for job well done
When it comes to project
management and safety
performance, Keppel FELS
never fails to impress,
receiving compliments from
customers and visitors alike.
As the last tow ropes from
the tugboats were fastened
to Al-Zubarah, members of
the Keppel FELS and Gulf
Drilling International (GDI)
project teams bade the rig
farewell as it began its
journey to Doha, Qatar,
where it will carry out its
maiden drilling assignment.
Managers of Russian oil
company, TNK-BP, left with
lasting impressions of Keppel
Offshore & Marine (Keppel
O&M) after they visited its
shipyards and shared
conversations with its senior
Shortly after calling on
Keppel O&M in March and
October 2007 as part of an
INSEAD executive education
programme, Mr Robert
Dudley, President & CEO of
TNK-BP wrote a letter
conveying his appreciation to
Keppel O&M.
He said, “The tour of the
executives of how similar our
companies are in their use of
sub-contracted labour and
consequently how impressive
Keppel’s performance on
health and safety and on
project management.”
TNK-BP is a leading Russian
oil company and is among
the top ten privately-owned
oil companies in the world
in terms of crude oil
production. INSEAD is one of
the world’s leading and
largest graduate business
schools. keppelite
Named after one of Qatar’s
most important economic
centres, Al-Zubarah was
delivered on 18 February
2008 and is the second
KFELS B Class jackup rig that
Keppel FELS has completed
for GDI on time and within
Mr Yoichi Onoe, COO of GDI
said, “We would like to take
this opportunity to extend
our sincere appreciation and
heartfelt thanks to Keppel
FELS for the hard work to
accomplish this project.
“This would not have been
possible without the support
of all your subcontractors,
vendors, suppliers and others
involved as well.”
Al-Zubarah left Keppel FELS on 17 March 2008 for its first drilling assignment in Doha
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14 Business
Deepening ties
Distinguished guests from far
and wide visited Keppel this
month, some in a bid to learn
what drives the Group’s
growth and others, to
rekindle old ties.
Building on its relationship
with one of Asia’s fastest
growing economies, Keppel
continuously seeks to
enhance rapport and
strengthen ties with the
People’s Republic of China.
As an essential stopover in
their week-long training
programme on ‘Investment
Promotion’, the Tianjin
Municipal Investment
Promotion Delegation visited
Keppel Corporation on
15 April 2008.
Comprising 28 senior
government officials from
Tianjin, the delegation was in
Singapore to understand its
experiences in investment
promotion as well as to
acquire knowledge and skills
in developing competitive
strategies for investment
activities and programmes.
During their visit to
Keppel, the delegates were
given an overview of
the conglomerate’s key
businesses worldwide and
particularly those in China.
Success stories in
spearheading investments,
how the company leverages
Delegates from the Tianjin government gained valuable insights to business strategies undertaken by Keppel
its international network,
resources and strong
b r a n d i n g t o g ro w k e y
businesses into global
entities were also shared.
Keppel also played host
t o d e l e g a t e s f ro m t h e
Nantong Municipal People’s
Government who visited
Keppel Bay and Keppel
Offshore & Marine (Keppel
O&M) on 27 March 2008
to better understand and
enhance its partnership with
Led by the Vice Mayor
Mr Shen Zhen Xin, the 23strong delegation was in
Singapore to organise a
seminar on the developments
of Nantong’s shipbuilding
and marine-supporting
industries, as well as the
benefits of investing in the
municipal. The seminar was
held on 26 March 2008, as
part of ‘Asia Pacific Maritime
2008’ at the Singapore Expo.
Mr Tong Chong Heong, MD of Keppel O&M (fourth from left) led delegates from Nantong
on a tour of Keppel FELS
As part of a collaborative
effort to boost the marine
industry of Nantong, Keppel
Nantong Shipyard supported
the Nantong Municipal
Government’s efforts by coorganising the Seminar with
International Enterprise (IE)
Singapore and COSCO
During a meeting with
Keppel’s senior management
led by Mr Tong Chong
Heong, MD of Keppel O&M,
Keppelite I April 2008
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Mayor Shen said, “The
establishment of Keppel
Nantong Shipyard has raised
the benchmarks of our
marine industry and made
Nantong famous for its
maritime developments.
“With greater presence, we
are confident that Keppel
Nantong can pioneer and
develop the marine industry
in the area and turn Nantong
into a world-class ship
valley. The Government will
Business 15
continue to provide a
conducive environment for
Keppel’s expansion in the
ED of Keppel Shipyard,
toured the Floating
Production Storage and
Offloading (FPSO) facilty Saxi
FPSO Saxi Batuque completed
her conversion at Keppel
Shipyard and is being leased
to EMDC by Single Buoy
Mooring. The FPSO was
To share knowledge and
safety practices, as well as to
enhance industry ties with
business partners, Keppel
O&M continues to welcome
guests and visitors into its
EMDC has been very
supportive of Keppel
Shipyard’s safety initiatives
and has partnered the
shipyard in its efforts since
2001. This visit was an
opportunity for EMDC to
view first hand the results of
their safety journey.
On 1 April 2008, senior
management representatives
from Petrobras also visited
Keppel Shipyard to learn
more about the yard’s
activities and to tour the
vessels being converted for
Brazil’s oil fields. These
vessels include FPSO Cidade
de Sao Mateus and FPSO
Espirito Santo being
converted for SBM and Shell
This month, representatives
from oil majors ExxonMobil,
Statoil Hydro and Brazil’s
n a t i o n a l o i l c o m p a n y,
Petrobras paid a visit to
Keppel Shipyard.
Mr Mark Albers, Senior
V P of E x x o n M o b i l
Corporation, Mr Chong Seng
Kwa, Regional Director of
ExxonMobil Asia Pacific and
Mr Steve Greenlee, Asia
Pacific VP of E x x o n M o b i l
E x p l o r a t i o n C o m p a n y,
hosted by Mr Nelson Yeo,
named at a ceremony on
9 March 2008.
Mr Nelson Yeo, ED of Keppel Shipyard and Mr Mark Albers, Senior VP of EMDC, tour FPSO
Saxi Batuque before its sail away
They were received by
Mr Choo Chiau Beng,
Chairman & CEO of Keppel
O&M as well as representatives
from Shell and Prosafe.
A delegation from Statoil
Hydro also called on Keppel
Shipyard, to witness the
progress of the FPSO Maersk
Ngujima Yin, for Woodside’s
V i n c e n t f i e l d o ff s h o re
S t a t o i l H y d ro re c e n t l y
awarded Maersk Contractors
with a contract to provide a
FPSO for the Peregrino field
in Brazil. The conversion of
this FPSO will be carried out
by Keppel Shipyard and is
expected to commence in
4Q2008. keppelite
Valuable exchanges between representatives form Petrobras, Prosafe and Keppel Shipyard during their visit to the yard
Keppelite I April 2008
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16 Business
International impact
AIC is a much-anticipated week of networking and knowledge sharing among Keppel Land colleagues
With presence in 12
countries spread across 33
cities, Keppel Land’s is fast
internationalising, in the
geographical spread of its
premier properties and even
more so in the diversity of its
talent pool.
In line with Keppel Land’s
commitment to empower
and engage its employees,
the Annual Regional
Conference was created as
a valuable platform for
management to share the
group’s strategic thrusts and
objectives with its staff
It was aptly renamed Annual
International Conference
(AIC) this year to reflect the
company’s increasingly
diverse workforce and its
geographic spread.
Over a hundred of Keppel
Land’s overseas postees from
China, India, Indonesia,
Vietnam and other parts of
Asia convened in Singapore
over 24-28 March 2008 for
a fruitful week of training
workshops, networking and
sharing sessions.
Among key updates shared
were Keppel Land’s sterling
re s u l t s f o r 2 0 0 7 . Amid
this positive backdrop,
senior management
encouraged staff to
continue maintaining high
performance standards
and stressed the need
to achieve safety and
environmental objectives.
Mr Ang Wee Gee, ED & CEO,
International of Keppel Land
challenged the team to stay
relevant in the marketplace.
He also shared on the need
to innovate, team up with
like-minded partners,
capitalise market opportunities
and maintain strong quality
Keppelite I April 2008
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branding to differentiate
Keppel Land from competition.
The AIC also saw the
inaugural launch of the
WOW! (Work of a Winner)
Twelve teams, shortlisted
from an initial submission of
22 entries, presented case
studies on innovative
problem solving methods
and people management
A panel of judges,
comprising senior
Business 17
representatives from across
the group, and the audience
had to vote for their favourite
works at The Estella, Keppel
Land’s upcoming luxury
residential project in District
2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The winning team, which
includes Project Manager
Nicholas Tan and Senior
Marketing Manager Cecilia
Yeoh, shared how they had
achieved substantial time
and cost savings during piling
Apart from recognising
Keppelites for their
achievements, the WOW!
Awards is also an excellent
platform for learning and
sharing of best practices.
Keppel Land’s overseas postees from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, India and other parts of Asia
convened at AIC
Arabian knights
The AIC week ended on
a high note as Keppelites
convened at The Fairmont
Singapore for their
annual dinner and dance,
themed ‘Arabian Nights’.
During the fun-filled
evening, Keppel Land
paid tribute to 20
employees who have stayed
the course and grown with
the Company.
Of special mention was
Mrs Yeo Kah Tiang, GM of
Group Finance and
Administration, who was
honoured for her unwavering
dedication of 30 years to the
Joseph Low, Chairperson
of this year’s Organising
C o m m i t t e e s a i d , “ We
decided on ‘Arabian Nights’
as a theme in view of the
company’s recent success in
making a beachhead into
the Middle East.
enthusiastic response as
many colleagues gamely
dressed to the theme,
participated in the
activities and exhibited
unity as one big family.”
“I was delighted with the
Celebrating internationalism and long-serving staff at Keppel Land’s Arabian Night
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:13 PM
18 Business
Industry standing
Mr Choo Chiau Beng,
Chairman & CEO of Keppel
Offshore & Marine (Keppel
O&M) has been elected to
be a Board Member of the
American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS) on 15 April
Mr Robert D. Somerville,
Chairman & CEO of ABS
said, “Input from industry is
a vital part of our efforts to
develop and implement
technically sound and
practically applicable
standards that promote the
safety of life, property and
the natural environment.”
He also added that every
individual within ABS’s
membership network is
selected to reflect the
entire spectrum of industry
interests, each eminent in
their particular field.
Founded in 1862, ABS is
a leading international
classification society devoted
to promoting the security of
life, property and the marine
environment through the
development and verification
of standards for the design,
construction and operational
maintenance of marinerelated facilities.
Mr Choo joins ABS Board
Mr Choo is also a Council
Member of ABS, and a
member of ABS’s Southeast
Asia Regional Committee and
Special Committee on Mobile
Offshore Drilling Units. keppelite
Commitment to heritage
In recognition of its
unwavering support towards
Singapore’s museums and
cultural heritage activities,
Keppel Corporation was
bestowed the Patron of
Heritage Award recently.
Organised by the National
Heritage Board for the
second year, the Award
acknowledges those who
have made significant
contributions to enrich our
country’s heritage.
The Keppel-sponsored exhibition, Between, Beside, Beyond, highlights master architect
Daniel Libeskind’s most celebrated works across the world
Keppel was applauded for
Keppelite I April 2008
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introducing the ingenuity
of New York-based master
architect, Mr Daniel
L i b e s k i n d t h ro u g h t h e
exhibition entitled, Between,
Beside, Beyond: Daniel
Libeskind’s Reflections and
Key Works, 1989-2014.
The exhibition, highlighting
some of Libeskind’s most
celebrated works spanning
some 25 years, was
presented in conjunction
with the showcase of the
iconic Reflections at Keppel
Bay. keppelite
Business 19
Delivering more
The Keppel Group 2007 Annual Reports present shareholders with the scale and
spread of its businesses and achievements with sharpened focus and clarity.
More with less. Our 2007
annual reports are simple,
sharp and clear. Not to
mention much lighter as they
are printed on wood-free,
recycled paper which also
immediately reflects Keppel’s
commitment to the
And they are compact with
Apart from providing
shareholders with a record of
the Group’s developments
and accomplishments for a
sterling year, the annual
reports retained quick
reference pages to important
information such as Key
Figures, Group Strategic
Directions and Group at a
Glance, which received
positive feedback from
framework for a green
culture and strides made in
implementing its green
strategies and practices in its
business operations.
Readers will also appreciate
the special features in Keppel
Corporation, Keppel Land
and K-REIT Asia’s reports
which provided deeper
insights into the strategies
and focus for the Group’s
Reinforced by an
understated creative
execution, the message is
simple yet strong: Leveraging
the collective strengths
and global network of
its businesses, the Keppel
Group is poised for robust
growth and to deliver more
to shareholders.
The Group also reports
on efforts to set up a
“Enhancing shareholder
communication is our
ultimate goal. As the Group
grows from strength to
strength and continues to
expand its footprint globally,
we are challenged to reach
out to our shareholders
“The feedback over the years
from our loyal shareholders
and readers helps the team
to sharpen the content and
creative execution for this
important communication
tool,” commented Ms Wang
Look Fung, GM of
Keppel Group Corporate
Communications. keppelite
Keppelite I April 2008
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Special Focus
Towards people excellence
Executive development programmes build bench strength for positions in the Keppel Group
From sterling results to stellar
returns, Keppel’s businesses
depend on a committed
cadre of employees who
deliver with a can-do spirit!
To nurture a ready pool of
talents, Keppel continues to
support education, training
and learning programmes, in
the process serving the
societies in which it operates.
At Keppel O&M, HR heads
and managers recently
gathered to brainstorm on
best methods to integrate
and align the group’s HR
vision and practices across
its global yards and
international workforce.
To further this objective,
Cindy Lim, Senior Group
Talent Manager and her team
organised the inaugural talent
management symposium,
where 28 HR managers and
officers from the group’s local
and overseas subsidiaries
Held in Singapore from 24 to
28 March 2008, participants
explored methods to cascade
the Keppel O&M’s Group
Talent Management and
Succession Management
Framework to all its other
They also shared on each
unit’s HR strengths and
consolidated best practices
to troubleshoot prevailing HR
challenges as well as crafted
a set of HR practices with the
aim of achieving people
Mr Gilbert Elizondo, VP (HR)
of Keppel AmFELS, shared
“This has been a positive
experience for me to share
concepts and best practices
with my colleagues across
the group.”
The symposium culminated
in a team presentation
session to senior management
on tactical and strategic
learning points, as well as
best practices that could be
adopted across the group.
On the educational front,
Keppel O&M supports
learning programmes and
Keppelite I April 2008
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institutions even beyond
local shores.
Keppel O&M recently
participated in an alumni
event hosted by Dr Andrew
Simpson, Director of
Executive Programmes &
Senior Lecturer of Newcastle
U n i v e r s i t y u p o n Ty n e ,
Business School.
It may even have been more
than 20 years for some, but
the alumni members were
merrily swapping vivid stories
of their student years during
their reunion at the Meritus
Mandarin Singapore on
28 March 2008.
Newcastle University has
enjoyed a long connection
with Singapore. There are
currently about 600 alumni
from Singapore working in
different sectors of the
offshore and marine industry
and that number looks set to
An annual affair, the reception,
was held to celebrate the
achievements of its
Singaporean alumni and
their continuing involvement
with the University.
Mr Choo Chiau Beng,
Chairman & CEO of Keppel
O&M paid tribute to his alma
mater saying, “Since the
1960s, Newcastle has been
the cradle of some of the
best and brightest in the
Singapore offshore, marine
and maritime sectors. Today,
about 70 stellar people, both
current and former students
at Newcastle, work together
with me at Keppel O&M.”
Mr Choo added, “Today, it
gives me great satisfaction to
note that in the coming
years, our numbers will
continue to swell. Newcastle,
a s y o u k n o w, h a s a n
unparalleled reputation in
both Naval Architecture and
industry-based research. It is
therefore not just the
loyalty of old-boys that
encourages us at Keppel
O&M to send our employees
on scholarships to study at
our alma mater.”
Continues on page 22...
Meeting new faces and catching up with familiar ones as Mr Choo Chiau Beng attends the Newcastle University upon Tyne alumni reunion
Senior management at Keppel share keen business insights with MBA students
Keppelite I April 2008
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Special Focus
...continued from page 21.
A tour of the Reflections at Keppel Bay show gallery introduces to potential Keppelites one of Keppel’s key businesses
At headquarters in
Keppel Corporation, senior
management took time off
from their busy schedules to
receive and engage some 20
full-time MBA students from
the University of Oxford Said
Business School on 4 April
The students were in
Singapore on a study trip to
learn more about Asia’s
phenomenal rise as a growth
centre of business and
investment in the recent
As a home-grown global
conglomerate with key
businesses in Offshore and
Marine, Property and
Infrastructure, the Keppel
Group offers an interesting
business case study.
Apart from an overview of
the Keppel Group’s key
businesses and talent
development programmes,
the students enjoyed a
lively dialogue with senior
management from Keppel
Corporation represented by
Mr Teo Soon Hoe, Senior
Executive Director and Group
Finance Director, Ms Wang
Look Fung, GM of Group
Corporate Communications,
Mr Paul Tan, Group Financial
Controller and Mrs Tan Poh
Hong, Director of Group HR.
Another people-focused
initiative rolled out at Keppel
Corporation in April was an
orientation programme
specially organised for senior
management and key
personnel new to the
Participants hailed from
China, Indonesia, India,
Malaysia and Vietnam,
r e f l e c t i n g K e p p e l ’s
geographical spread.
During the full-day
programme, presenters
from the accounts, tax,
treasury, legal and corporate
d e p a r t m e n t s p ro v i d e d
insights into the workings,
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:14 PM
roles and responsibilities of
their respective departments.
The session provided an
introduction to the Group’s
practices, policies and
processes. More importantly,
it gave new Keppelites a
deeper understanding of the
Group’s culture, values and
the potential platforms for
synergy across the business
Attracting and retaining
young talent is another
important HR goal for Keppel
Corporation. That is why
substantial time and effort
also go into organising
orientations for potential
Keppel Scholars to help
them better understand the
prospects and challenges
facing the industries in which
the Group operates.
In an informal tea session on
5 April 2008, organised by
Group HR, some 90 Keppel
Scholarship hopefuls
convened at Keppel
Corporation’s headquarters
at Keppel Bay Tower before
touring Reflections at Keppel
Bay’s show gallery for an
overview of the Keppel Bay
redevelopment plan from
booming shipyard to
luxurious waterfront lifestyle
A trip to Keppel O&M yards
also provided insights on the
facilities and capabilities of
Keppel FELS and Keppel
Shipyard. This was a much
anticipated part of the
programme for those eager
to start a career in the
offshore and marine industry.
Keppel’s focus on people
excellence extends beyond
Group-centred efforts. It also
seeks to provide platforms
for individuals outside the
Group to further their pursuit
of excellence.
To enhance learning interest
and efficacy, Keppel FELS,
together with AE Models,
recently donated a detailed,
built-to-scale replica of the
KFELS B Class jackup rig to
students at Ngee Ann
The students pursuing the
Diploma in Marine &
Offshore Technology (MOT)
and Degree in Naval
Architecture can now use the
rig model to learn about the
design of the latest offshore
M r Wo o n K o k M e n g ,
D i re c t o r o f N g e e A n n
Polytechnic (Mechanical
Engineering Division) said,
“We are grateful to Keppel
FELS and AE Models for their
readiness in sharing their
technology with our staff
and students.
“Such collaborations are
important in keeping our
students abreast with the
latest in industrial practices
and demonstrate the
industries’ strong commitment
in supporting education.”
Mr Michael Chia, ED of
Keppel FELS said, “The KFELS
B Class jackup drilling rig was
first developed to meet the
needs of a trend-setting
customer looking for a
p re m i u m r i g t h a t c a n
address new challenges in
more difficult operating
environments. It is today the
benchmark for drilling rigs of
its class.”
He added, “I am very happy
to learn that this model will
be used for teaching the
students in Ngee Ann
Polytechnic and to help
prepare our future engineers
and naval architects for the
industry.” keppelite
Over presentations on
Keppel’s businesses conducted
by Keppel Scholars Alumni
Association, participants
engaged HR personnel and
Keppel scholars to learn
more on career development
prospects in the Keppel
“Good performance, a cando! attitude and adaptability
to different situations are
qualities that would stand
you in good stead,” shared
Serene Loh, Senior Manager,
Group HR.
Mr Michael Chia, ED of Keppel FELS (left) presents the KFELS B Class rig model to Mr Woon Kok Meng, Director of Ngee Ann Polytechnic
(Mechanical Engineering Division)
Keppelite I April 2008
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24 Business
Best New Asian Marina
Marina at Keppel Bay adds premium, colour and vibrancy to the Keppel Bay precinct
Beating seven other new
marinas in the region, Marina
at Keppel Bay has been
named ‘Best New Asian
Marina/Yacht Club of the
Year’ at the prestigious
Christofle Asia Boating
Awards 2008.
This is the first year that the
award, ‘Best New Asian
Marina/Yacht Club of the
Year’, was introduced and a
total of eight marinas from
Dubai, China, Thailand and
Singapore were nominated
for the award.
Nominees for this award
category were assessed by a
panel of 20 industry experts
from around the region
on the facilities, berthing
systems, procedures and
systems and overall service
standards. Assessments were
carried out on site and
included meeting boaters at
marinas to get their views.
Features that won kudos for
Keppel included its pontoon
system built by US-based
Bellingham Marine
Industries, which incorporates
a wave attenuator to
dampen the effect of wake.
The Marina also features
state-of-the-art modern
concrete Unifloat© floating
berths with capacity for 170
yachts, including individual
berths for mega-yachts of up
to 250 feet. Marina at Keppel
Bay is the first marina in the
region to have a reticulated
vacuum sewer pump-out
Receiving the award for
Marina at Keppel Bay was
Keppelite I April 2008
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Mr Francis Olsen, Chief
Marina Officer. He shared at
the ceremony, “The guiding
principle for Marina at
Keppel Bay is simple, that
is, to offer best-in-class
services as we strive towards
becoming Asia’s signature
waterfront lifestyle
destination of choice.”
The annual Christofle Asia
Boating Awards is widely
known as the region’s
premier event for recognising
the efforts of boat builders,
marinas, clubs and
Business 25
individuals in creating a
diverse and exciting boating
community. It has also
become a must-attend event
for Asia’s jet set.
“This is the chance for Asia
to celebrate its achievement
as a growing centre of luxury
boating that will rival places
like the Caribbean and the
Mediterranean in the near
future,” said Mr Olivier
Burlot, MD of Blu Inc Media.
The awards are sponsored by
Christofle and organised by
Blu Inc Media, publisher of
Asia-Pacific Boating and
China Boating magazines.
Into its fourth year, the award
ceremony took place on
11 April 2008 in Shanghai,
giving due recognition to the
best in the leisure marine
Marina at Keppel Bay’s chief marina officer Mr Francis Olsen (left) receives the award from Mr Paul Chin, MD of Remy-Cointreau China
An important feature that
gave Marina at Keppel Bay
an edge at the Christofle
Asia Boating Awards was
its outstanding service
standards – Marina at Keppel
Bay is the only marina in
South-east Asia to be
managed by a fully-trained
and qualified marina
management team.
Marina at Keppel Bay has put
all its staff through the widely
recognised ‘Introduction to
Marina Management’ course
by Marina Industries
Association of Australia.
Continues on page 26...
The Marina at Keppel Bay team with (front row, from left to right) Mr Augustine Tan, CEO of Singapore Residential, Keppel Land (in white polo
tee-shirt) and Mr Andrew Chapman, Education Director, Marina Industries Association of Australia
Keppelite I April 2008
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26 Business
...continued from page 25.
Driving style and substance onto Keppel Island
Leading by example is Keppel
Land’s CEO (Singapore
Residential) Mr Augustine
Tan, who took a proactive
stance in participating in the
two-day training course
alongside some 30 staff
Everyone from customer
service officers and
administrative staff to the
property management team
and marina service crew,
right up to Mr Tan himself,
got involved in both the
theoretical side of operating
a marina as well as at a very
practical level.
The course was specially
customised for the Marina’s
staff by Mr Andrew
Chapman, who is a certified
marina manager and director
of the MIAA. He is also CEO
of the waterfront residential
marina estate The Marina
Hindmarsh Island in South
Australia with over 20 years
of experience in the marina
industry. Topics covered
included marina terminology,
day-to-day operations and
work safety aspects.
“Marina at Keppel Bay
has recognised that the
professional development of
their staff is very important
to improving the level of
service that is offered to
the boating community in
Singapore and the
surrounding areas.
“With the quality of its
marina construction, there is
no doubt that this is a cutting
edge, premier facility within
the region which will attract
superyachts and megayachts
and will become an iconic
destination in Asia,” said
Mr Chapman.
“We would also hope to
work very closely with
Keppel on any future marina
developments in the region
they might have down the
track,” he added.
“This marina is pioneering
training at this level in
Singapore. They will be able
to offer top-end service to
match the facilities at the
marina which will stand out
as an advantage compared
to what other marinas can
Keppelite I April 2008
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Apart from its high standards
of services and facilities,
Marina at Keppel Bay has
also garnered widespread
recognition for having
hosted a series of exciting
Although brand new, the
Marina has already staged
several flagship events
including the stopover of the
ten-strong international fleet
from the Clipper 07-08
Round the World Yacht Race.
More recently, some 80
Maseratis and Ferraris
basked at the exclusive
Marina at Keppel Bay where
Privé held a cocktail and
canapés evening hosted by
Business 27
Hong Seh, for the launch of
the coveted luxury sports car,
Maserati Quattroporte Sport
Benefiting most from the
added colour and vibrancy
to the Keppel Bay precinct
are residents and owners
who are enjoying a packed
calendar of recreational
activities organised onshore
and offshore in the southern
waters by the Marina team.
A recent one-day fishing trip
departing from Marina at
Keppel Bay saw residents
from Caribbean at Keppel
Bay bring home with them
loads of seafood and
beaming smiles.
Organised by Performance
Motors, the professional
team endeavours to
understand what customers
and drivers enjoy about the
BMW drive experience and
promises to ramp up
appreciation of the world’s
finest automobiles.
For more information, please
contact Performance Motors
at 6319 0100/500. keppelite
Caribbean at Keppel Bay residents enjoyed a day of fishing success in Singapore’s southern
waters, organised by Marina at Keppel Bay
Krall by the Bay
Jazz star Diana Krall is
set to enthrall at
Marina at Keppel Bay in
September this year, in
conjunction with the
Formula One racing
event and kicking off her
Asia Tour 2008.
At press time, Marina at
Keppel Bay also hosted
South-east Asia’s biggest
boat show, Boat Asia 2008.
Read more about this lifestyle
event in the next issue of
The multiple Grammy
award-winning Canadian
singer and pianist is
touted as one of the
best-selling female jazz
artistes in history, having
sold 13 million albums.
She has performed in
Singapore twice, in 2002
and 2005. Only 4,500
tickets will be sold for her
public performance. To
book tickets, go to
More experiences of the high
life at Keppel Bay will be had
when BMW presents the
Principle of Joy at Reflections
at Keppel Bay Show Gallery
from 10 to 25 May 2008.
Test-drive the latest BMW
cars and relish the thrill of
sitting behind the wheels
o f t h e w o r l d ’s f i n e s t
Jazz by the Bay – Diana Krall to perform at Marina at Keppel Bay in September 2008
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:16 PM
28 Team
Sweet victory for
Uniquely Singapore
Gone the ‘wrong way round’ from Hawaii to Santa Cruz and still clinched the
podium position!
In a nail biting finish,
Uniquely Singapore overtook
the Nova Scotia team and
was the first of the ten
international Clipper yachts
to arrive in Santa Cruz, in
Race Eight of the Clipper 0708 Round the World Yacht
Stealing line honours from
Nova Scotia, Uniquely
Singapore also was also the
inaugural winner of ‘The
Wrong Way Race – Hawaii to
Santa Cruz’ trophy, specially
commissioned by the Crow’s
Nest Restaurant at the Santa
Cruz Yacht Harbour.
For over a hundred years,
yachts have been racing
from California to Hawaii.
Historically, these races occur
with the wind behind their
sails, from cold air down to
the warm tropics.
For the first time in nautical
racing history, sailors on
the Clipper 07-08 Race
raced from Hawaii to
California, against the
prevailing winds, into the
cold North Pacific.
First podium finish is a big boost to Uniquely Singapore crew
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:16 PM
‘The Wrong Way Race –
Hawaii to Santa Cruz’ trophy
recognises the harder path in
which these sailors had taken
in reverse to Santa Cruz.
Uniquely Singapore, the
winner of this inaugural race
has set a new record, making
the win a sweeter one at the
end of the 2,080-mile race
from Honolulu.
Onboard Uniquely Singapore
Team 29
A hearty dinner and round of drinks in Santa Cruz sponsored by Keppel as a strong show of support towards the Uniquely Singapore team
It was an adrenalinepumping race to the finish
between Uniquely Singapore
and Nova Scotia with the
team representing the east
coast province of Canada,
crossing less than an hour
later at 05:51 local (12:51 GMT).
Both teams were greeted by
a group of local volunteers
and representatives from the
Santa Cruz Yacht Club, who
welcomed the crews and
skippers to the Californian
The Uniquely Singapore
crew’s determination to win
was best summed up by
Keppel Ambassador Koh
Kok Siong from Keppel
Integrated Engineering, who
shared, “We put in our best.
We never stopped believing
we could do it. We never
gave up.”
Uniquely Singapore’s victory
marks their first win of the
Clipper 07-08 Race series
and their first podium
position of the race so
far. Their win was much
celebrated by supporters all
over the world and even
made front page news in the
local paper, The Santa Cruz
Skipper Mark Preedy and his
crew were clearly elated as
they pulled alongside. “I’m
over the moon!” exclaimed
a delighted Mark. “It seemed
like a lot of the crew had
settled for second place at
the end there until we started
to see the lights of Nova
Scotia on the final approach.
So we kept going, as we
knew we had a good chance
of getting closer, and we
kept pushing hard.
“We were the northerly boat
so we had an advantage and
when the wind died it was a
bit of a free for all. They
chose to fly the spinnaker
whilst we went for the
windseeker and the wind
came round the right way for
us and we took them just
before the line.”
Singapore’s win was a result
of a calculated risk which
paid off immensely. A tactical
decision to head north paid
off for both teams as they
achieved more favourable
wind angles and avoided the
wind holes that beset the rest
of the fleet further south.
Keppel Corporation shares in
the Uniquely Singapore
crew’s jubilation of winning.
Ms Wang Look Fung, GM,
Keppel Group Corporate
Communications shared,
“They continue to do us
proud in this race, with
their can-do spirit and
determination to succeed.
Such qualities reflect Keppel’s
own values. We hope their
achievements will inspire
more Singaporeans to pursue
their dreams.”
The majority of the fleet
arrived over the next few
days with the US entry,
New York taking the final
podium position in third
place. Arriving later in
the week were Durban
2010 and Beyond and
which were delayed leaving
Hawaii due to essential mast
refit work as a result the
dramatic dismasting of both
yachts during Race Seven
from Qingdao, China.
The Uniquely Singapore crew
is grateful for the continuous
support of friends and
families in following their
efforts in the Race.
Continues on page 30...
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:17 PM
30 Team
Celebrating century-old Keppel connection
...continued from page 29.
K e p p e l A m b a s s a d o r,
Lawrence Chan said, “We’d
like to thank our friends and
family for their support
throughout the race. We
know this win would mean
so much to everyone back
home and we’re proud to
keep the Keppel and
Singapore flags flying high!”
On receiving their awards,
Mark Preedy said, “A big
thank you to Santa Cruz
Yacht Club and Santa Cruz
itself for the amazing
welcome you have given the
whole crew and a big thank
you also to the crew.
“We actually started this race
from Liverpool and we have
never compromised. We
always said that everyone
takes part and everyone is
involved and that’s a principle
we’ve started with and
stuck to.
Thousands of miles away,
Ms Mel Robertson, who
lives in Santa Cruz,
California, holds a fond
affinity with Keppel and
It appears, substantiated
by research done by her
relatives living in Singapore
that the connection
between the Robertson’s
family and Keppel runs
more than a century deep.
So when Ms Robertson
first heard a b o u t t h e
K e p p e l - sponsored
Clipper’s visit to Santa
Cruz, she was eager to
revisit and share the
charming piece of history
left behind by her ancestor.
Captain Mark Moss, also a
trader, was Ms Robertson’s
great, great-grandfather. In
one of his several journeys to
Southeast Asia, his ship was
attacked by pirates as he was
approaching Singapore or
Temasek, as it was then
referred to.
He lost a ear in the attack and
survived by jumping into the
sea and hanging on to the
rudder. Fortunately, he was
rescued by Admiral Sir Henry
Keppel who was passing by
in his ship and survived the
Many will know that Keppel
Corporation derived its name
from the old Keppel Harbour,
the country’s best known
and primary deepwater
Great, great granddaughter of a captain rescued by Admiral Keppel in the 1800s,
Ms Mel Robertson (centre) with Keppel Ambassadors Koh Kok Siong and Lawrence Chan
Keppelite I April 2008
When Clipper Ventures
learnt of this interesting
historical connection, they
invited Ms Robertson to
do the honours of handing
the individual pennants
(winning flags) to the
Uniquely Singapore crew
at the awards ceremony
held at the Santa Cruz
Yacht Club.
Ms Robertson shared, “It
was wonderful to be able
to present the flags to the
Singapore team. They had
announced my connection
to Keppel during the
presentation. What was
most exciting to me was
that Uniquely Singapore
came in first, bringing the
clipper into Santa Cruz,
and to a descendant of
one saved by Captain
She added, “I was brought
on a tour onboard
Uniquely Singapore along
with my son and husband,
and some crew members
even learnt that Keppel
was not just the name of a
corporation, but the name
of a very pioneering,
dashing and daring
Captain! It was a bit of
history and the thrill of
victory all rolled into one.
I loved it!”
“We didn’t finish this race
without everyone taking
everything on. For me, this
crew really is fantastic
because they stuck to their
guns, so I’d like to say
thanks. This result has given
everyone a boost. To the
crew, you deserve it and you
really are amazing, well
To send well wishes, please visit
keppelclipper keppelite
harbour, which was named
after the Admiral in 1900.
29/4/08, 12:17 PM
Team 31
New Roar for SPC
Singapore Petroleum
Company’s (SPC) quarterly
newsletter Roar now has a
new look since its inaugural
issue a year ago.
The dynamic and vibrant
new design reflects SPC’s
bold approach to realising its
vision to become a strong,
integrated oil and gas
company with a premium
brand in the Asia-Pacific
SPC’s revamped newsletter gets roaring good looks
Its slightly tilted lettering
complements the majestic
leaping lion of the SPC logo
and signifies the company’s
ability to adapt swiftly to
change. The slant also
represents progression and a
driving force to advance its
The bright red of the
masthead symbolises the
company’s passion for
excellence while evoking a
sense of national pride as a
Singaporean company.
Turquoise represents SPC’s
commitment to responsible
environmental practices and
good corporate citizenship.
Ringing to sunnier tunes
Known for its innovative
spirit, M1 kickstarted the
year with some exciting new
mobile services and tariff
plans, signalling brighter and
sunnier days ahead for its
When the Singapore’s
leading mobile service
provider launched M1
Jukebox in March, it was
literally music to the ears for
all music lovers.
M1 customers were first in
Southeast Asia to enjoy this
unique music streaming
service on their mobile
phones. Jointly developed
by M1 and digital music
company, Soundbuzz, M1
Jukebox allows customers
to listen to songs from
an extensive collection of
diverse genres for a monthly
subscription fee of $5.35.
customers hold more than
two Free Incoming Calls
Plans and/or Broadband
Plans from M1, they will
automatically enjoy up to
35% discount off their
monthly subscription fees
under the Multi-Line Saver
Customers can look to M1
for better value and more
quality mobile services in the
coming year ahead. keppelite
By listening to customers
and acknowledging their
changing needs, M1 also
launched three new tariff
plans that offer a package
of enhanced benefits to
its customers. The new
SunSaver, SunSaver Plus and
SunMax plans all feature per
second charging mechanism,
and offer free unlimited calls
to three M1 numbers.
Furthermore, when
M1 says “Good Buy” to good value and innovative services
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:17 PM
32 People
Connecting Keppelites
Energy and enthusiasm
fuelled the exchange of
brilliant ideas and the
beginning of new
friendships at the Keppel
Scholars Alumni Association’s
(KSAA) Annual General
Meeting, held at Keppel
Corporation on 2 April 2008.
KSAA President Ivan Teo
kicked off the meeting,
saying, “I want to thank all
the management committee
members for a year of good
work and efforts put in.
We have a capable and
unified team and I hope that
our numbers and strength
will continue to grow as
our activities draw more
Keppelites closer.”
M o o t e d b y K e p p e l ’s
Executive Chairman Mr Lim
Chee Onn in 2001 to
augment Group synergy
and promote networking
across Keppel’s business
units, KSAA welcomes
contribution of efforts and
ideas by all Keppelites across
the Group. The only requisite
qualities are a Can Do! spirit,
passion and eagerness to
share experiences with
While it can sometimes
be challenging balancing
work and responsibilities as
President of KSAA, reaping
the rewards of hard work put
in have certainly given much
satisfaction to Ivan.
The 27-year-old Project
Engineer from Keppel FELS
shared, “Through KSAA, I’ve
come to know many more
like-minded Keppelites from
all over the Group with
whom I’ve worked closely
to plan and execute our
events. I’ve also honed my
management, organisational
and communication skills.
“Most of all, it is gratifying
to know that KSAA events
have benefited many, such as
students from Keppel’s
adopted charity, Association
of Persons with Special
Needs (APSN).”
Indeed, the scale and
spread of KSAA events have
grown steadily over the
years, extending the myriad
of important platforms
to encourage employee
interaction and camaraderie
Close to some 30 studying
and working KSAA members,
as well as enthusiasts and
supporters of KSAA-led
activities came together
to review and revisit an
impressive and fully-packed
calendar of events organised
over the past year, wellattended and appreciated by
Keppelites across the Group.
Showing support to the
team was Jackson Goh, the
founding President of KSAA,
who shared interesting
All hands in support – KSAA committee members work hand in hand to organise Group-wide
anecdotes of the trials and
tribulations, as well as the
joys and rewards experienced
by the first committee who
had to set up shop from
Highlights of 2007
include the fifth Inter-SBU
Games with the
introduction of a new
event called ‘The Vertical
fundraiser that raised
$30,000 for APSN.
Furthermore, KSAA also
organised arts-related
events and the Keppel
Group Scholarships
Award Ceremony.
Driven by three key subcommittees initiating
Keppelite I April 2008
Jackson added, “KSAA is a
bridge to connect past and
present Keppelites and
harness the diverse ideas and
energies of our people from
across the business units.”
29/4/08, 12:18 PM
activities relating to
P r o f e s s i o n a l
Development, Social
Development and
C o m m u n i t y
Development, KSAA’s
accomplishments are by
any measure, impressive
feats put together by a
team of passionate and
resourceful young
Keppelites. If you are
interested to be part of
KSAA, write to:
People 33
The benefits of co-operation
The Keppel FELS MultiPurpose Co-operative Society
(Keppel FELS Co-op), a nonprofit organisation that
manages the canteens in
Keppel FELS’ yards, had a
sterling year in 2007.
At its 30th Annual General
Meeting (AGM), Mr Chor
How Jat, GM (Operations) of
Keppel FELS who is also
Chairman of Keppel FELS Coop said, “I would like to
thank all members for your
support and the Board of
Directors for their efforts in
making 2007 a successful
year. Special mention also
goes to the AGM organising
Business aside, members of the Keppel FELS Co-op shared an evening of fun and laughter
committee for making this
function possible.”
ways to enhance the quality
of life of its members.
The Keppel FELS Co-op has
been serving its members
through organising social
events since its inception in
1978. It also finds diverse
Some of these include annual
rebates, dividend payouts,
bursary awards, bereavement
grants, insurance coverage,
retirement awards, free movie
tickets and complimentary
passes to places of interest
such as the Singapore
Zoological Gardens.
For membership, contact
the Keppel FELS Co-op at
6863 7053. keppelite
Dressed to win
From the moment she
donned her dress for the
Keppel Recreation Club’s
(KRC) 32nd Annual Dinner &
Dance (D&D) to the time she
walked into the grand
ballroom of Swiss Hotel
Merchant Court, Teo Jia Ee
had Lady Luck smile on her
all the way.
From Keppel FELS’
Production Department, Jia
Ee not only received the
Best Dress Award but also
walked away with the lucky
draw grand prize of a
complimentary stay at Swiss
Hotel Merchant Court for
two and a 7.2-megapixel
Casio camera.
The charming lady shared on
her pleasant surprise, “I had
always wanted to wear a
traditional sari and since the
theme of the evening was
‘Experience the Diversity
of Asia’, the thought of
wearing a sari instantly
crossed my mind. I didn’t
think I would win but I’m
really glad the judges chose
in traditional costumes as
well, true to the spirit of the
The event was a
kaleidoscope of colors, as
ladies donned saris, sarong
kebayas, cheong sums and
the gentlemen came suited
President of KRC Mr Charles
Foo said, “This year’s D&D
theme aptly reflects the
dynamism of our multiethnic work force and the all
inclusive culture embraced at
Spread over an eight-course
sumptuous dinner, the
evening was a lively mix
of dance performances,
spontaneous vocal renditions
by guests, exciting games
and of course the ever
popular lucky draw. keppelite
Rose among the ‘thorns’, Jia Ee steals the show for the night
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:18 PM
34 People
Sprucing up the lodge
With the new laundromat, residents no longer have to dry their clothes only on sunny days
Spinning the wheel of fortune as residents check out the M1 roadshow
After a hard day’s work,
residents of Acacia Lodge
can now look forward
to home-sweet-home.
lodge while English language
classes have been organised
and are conducted in the
study and training rooms
within the premises.
The Keppel Housing
re s i d e n c e i s c u r re n t l y
upgrading its facilities and
has recently set up a
laundromat and an internet
centre as well as spruced up
its gymnasium and added
new pool tables.
Residents like Mohd
Bazlurrahman from
Bangladesh welcome the
upgrade. He shared, “The
new washing machines and
dryers have helped to greatly
ease our chores as it is faster
than doing it ourselves and
waiting for it to dry.”
Bazlurrahman, who is a
Machine Shop Supervisor at
Keppel Shipyard (Tuas)
added, “The variety of food
in the canteen has also
increased. So while waiting
for our clothes, we usually
have our dinner at the
canteen instead of cooking.”
Besides the new food
vendors, recent additions to
the canteen include plasma
televisions. Back in their
rooms, residents also enjoy
new furnishings such as
lockers, a dining table and
chairs, shelves and improved
bed support.
The lodge has also stepped
up on activities organised for
its residents. M1 recently
held its second road show in
the residence road to offer its
comprehensive services to
the residents.
Qu Yuan Liang, a marker
from Keppel Seaways and a
With the upgrades to Acacia Lodge,
we hope to improve the residents’
quality of life and make the residence
more self-sufficient.
From a wet market, a fully furnished
gym to free internet access, I think
there is something for everyone
when they return home from work.
Mr Steven Lee
GM, Acacia Lodge
The Salvation Army also runs
a monthly bazaar at the
Keppelite I April 2008
newcomer at Acacia Lodge
said, “These lessons are
very helpful. My English
has improved and I can
communicate better with
my other English-speaking
colleagues.” keppelite
29/4/08, 12:19 PM
People 35
A good catch
Dive in and catch insights to
extraordinary marine life
on Arts Central from April to
June 2008.
Blue Planet took almost five
years to produce, involving
nearly 200 filming locations.
The series won multiple
E m m y a n d B A F TA T V
awards for its music and
Blue Planet will premiere on
23 April on Arts Central
and will be telecast every
Wednesday at 10pm. keppelite
Keppel is proud to be
the main sponsor of Blue
Planet, a highly acclaimed
10-part documentary
p ro d u c e d b y B B C a n d
narrated by worldrenowned David
Described as “the first ever
comprehensive series on the
natural history of the world’s
oceans”, the series examines
different aspects of marine
Hold your breath as Blue Planet dives in to give a breath-taking account of marine life
No limits!
The fourth instalment of the Keppel Group Grow Beyond
Series - No Limits! – is hotly anticipated, with Ms Elim Chew,
the well-known Founder & President of 77th Street and
motivational speaker, Mr Nick Vujicic, from Attitude is Altitude,
specially invited to share their life experiences and passions.
Part of the Keppel Group’s Leadership Development initiatives
to inspire talents within the Group, the afternoon promises
to offer learning pointers and stimulating thoughts.
Keppel Credit Union AGM
The Keppel Credit Union will be holding its 29th
Annual General Meeting. Details are as follow:
Date: 28 May 2008
Time: 5.45pm
Venue: Rock Auditorium
3 Temasek Boulevard, #03-063/065
Suntec City Mall, Singapore 038983
For enquiries, kindly contact Donald Sng at 62731554.
Date: 13 May 2008, Tuesday
Time: 3.30pm – 5.45pm
Venue: Raffles City Convention Centre, Canning Room,
Level 4 keppelite
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:19 PM
36 People
Keppelites Abroad
Grooming a Garden City
Sudden floods, incessant
traffic jams, stifling heat and
unbearable humidity.
These are just some of the
inconveniences that Gerard
Lau, Head of Marketing
for Jakarta Garden City,
Keppel Land’s township
development in Indonesia,
has had to overcome in the
almost two years since he
had undertaken the overseas
posting in the foreign land.
But these paled in comparison
to the task placed before him,
when Lau first joined Keppel
Land in 2006 to take up the
challenge of kick-starting the
marketing needs of Phase
One of the township.
Drawing on his strengths –
an indomitable can-do!
spirit, a keen aptitude for
problem-solving and strong
regard for fellow colleagues
– and backed by a strong
team responsible for
developing the township
project, Lau quickly got to
work to bring the brand and
product, Jakarta Garden City,
Armed with an in-depth
understanding of local
market conditions and
c o n s u m e r p re f e re n c e s
accumulated from years of
working in other parts of
Indonesia such as Medan,
Lau planned and executed
the township’s strategic
advertising and promotional
A significant milestone in
his stint in Indonesia was
recently seeing hoards of
visitors and homebuyers
impressed by the dramatic
transformation of the
original empty site.
From just soil and sand to
t o d a y ’s b e a u t i f u l a n d
tastefully designed show
gallery and sales office,
complemented by a stately
and welcoming entrance
statement leading from the
main road to the gallery, the
current development rouses
great pride and joy in Lau.
At the recent unveiling of the
show gallery to press and
public, Lau was gratified to
see an encouraging turnout
and positive feedback.
Lau (right) shares the quality hallmark of Keppel Land’s developments with visitors to the
show gallery
He shared, “Everyone has
worked hard to translate the
excellent plan on paper to an
equally outstanding physical
reality – a holistic live, work
and play environment where
families can raise their
children safely and enjoy a
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:19 PM
quality lifestyle; in short, a
place where life flourishes.
“To this end, we have sought
to work with the best talents,
creative agencies, interior
designers, landscaping
s p e c i a l i s t s a n d p ro j e c t
consultants to bring Keppel
Land’s hallmark of quality to
bear on Jakarta Garden City.
I am proud to be part of the
team working on this
exciting project.”
Apart from a sense of
achievement, one of the best
takeaways for Lau from
working on this project is
the friendships with his
He added, “A long-term and
large-scale project like
Jakarta Garden City requires
extensive marketing needs
and support from the
operations team. Working
on the project, I find that my
colleagues and friends are
my most important assets to
help me through tough
To any Keppelite keen to
carve a career path overseas,
Lau offers this as sound
advice, “Take care of your
friends as they too will take
good care of you when in
need!” keppelite
Green Initiatives
Green chorus
Committed to play its part in
the global effort to mitigate
climate change, the Keppel
Group is keenly supporting
sustainability practices and
programmes aimed at
environmental conservation.
In July 2007, the Keppel
Group was the first private
organisation to partner the
National Parks Board
(NParks), National University
of Singapore (NUS) and
Agency (NEA) to launch the
nation’s first coral nursery in
July 2007.
Almost nine months later, 17
tables comprising over 100
coral fragments have been
deployed in the coral nursery
off Pulau Semakau. The
partners target to deploy up
to 20 tables and about 500
to 600 coral fragments by
The site for the nursery
was chosen because of its
thriving coral population and
optimum environmental
factors such as the
abundance of light and
oxygen for the corals to
Unlike commercial nurseries
that deliberately break
fragments from healthy
colonies, this project is the
first nursery to use already
fragmented corals. Naturally
occurring coral fragments are
collected from existing reefs
at Pulau Semakau and other
reefs in Singapore.
Suitable candidate species
for propagation of coral
colonies are then grown
t o s u ff i c i e n t s i z e a n d
transplanted to coral reefs
off the southern coast of
Singapore to enhance the
ecological health of these
Over 60% of Singapore’s
coral reef was lost over the
last 200 years. Recognising
the importance of a coral
nursery in Singapore,
the Keppel Group has
committed $250,000 over
two years, in addition to its
expertise and volunteer
With NUS providing strong
scientific input and NEA
providing expertise in water
quality management, the
collaboration creates a very
unique solution to balance
urban development with
marine conservation.
Tables housing coral fragments are lowered and secured underwater by Keppel Volunteers,
NParks and NUS divers for propagation before transplanting to recipient coral reefs
Furthering its commitment to
marine conservation efforts,
Keppel supported the Asia
Dive Expo (ADEX) 2008,
Asia’s premier diving and
dive-related event.
Marine conservation was the
message at the event held on
18-20 April at the Suntec
Convention Centre. The
slogan this year is “Save the
Sea, Be a Diver”.
Launched under the aegis
of TMX Show productions,
ADEX was officially opened
b y G u e s t o f H o n o u r,
Mr Francis Lee, Chairman
of Marine Roundtable
Singapore Chapter, who
termed the gathering as the
‘Fellowship of the Reef’ and
said that the event was a
timely prelude to the
International Year of the
The Keppel booth at the
Eco-Village showcased the
Coral Nursery project as well
as its other green initiatives
at a regional and global
level. Through practical
demonstrations and graphic
displays, NParks and Keppel
volunteers shared insights on
the significance of the coral
nursery and its long-term role
in helping replenish the
decreasing coral reef cover.
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38 Community
...continued from page 37.
Dark city, bright idea – lights out at Ocean Tower to spread green message
K e p p e l L a n d ’s o f f i c e
buildings participated in
the annual Earth Hour, an
international event started by
the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) Australia in 2007
that encourages households
and businesses to turn off
their lights and non-essential
electrical appliances.
Delivering a powerful
message about the need for
action on global warming,
Keppel Land’s participation
in Earth Hour is a reminder
to tenants and employees
that reduced electricity
consumption can in the
long-run result in improved
energy efficiency and lower
operating costs.
Beyond cost savings, the real
saving is in the future costs
of undoing the compounded
environmental harm that
cannot be measured
presently as the damaging
effects are accumulative.
About Earth Hour
On 31 March 2007, for
one hour, Sydney made a
powerful statement about
the greatest contributor to
global warming – coalfired electricity – by turning
off its lights.
Over 2.2 million Sydney
residents and over 2,100
businesses switched off,
leading to a 10.2% energy
reduction across the city.
What began as one city
taking a stand against
global warming caught the
attention of the world.
In 2008, 24 global cities,
including Singapore
participated in Earth Hour
at 8pm on 29 March.
Earth Hour is the highlight
of a major campaign to
encourage businesses,
communities and
individuals to take the
simple steps needed to
cut their emissions on an
ongoing basis.
Source: http://
Sharing An Inconvenient
Sustainable development is a key priority for Keppel Land,
which recently disseminated the impactful docu-film,
An Inconvenient Truth, to employees during its Annual
International Conference to spread the global go-green
message .
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29/4/08, 5:11 PM
Community 39
Sea-ing changes
With 70% of Mother Earth
covered by oceans and seas,
marine conservation efforts
are fast gaining momentum,
alongside land-based
environment protection
The participants from
Tanglin School and the
Centre for Adults learned
about the damaging effects
of irresponsible human
behaviour on the long-term
survival of our marine life.
H o w e v e r, m u c h h a r m
continues to be done to our
water worlds, not out of
malice or willfulness, but due
to negligence and ignorance.
As they recalled the
animation Finding Nemo,
they were fascinated to see
the same fishes in reality but
also saddened to hear that
many of such marine life will
eventually disappear if
A central part of eco-projects
and efforts is thus targeted
at educating the public on
the grim hard facts and
statistics to encourage green
humans do not protect
their welfare and interests.
Guides brought the APSN
students and Keppel
Volunteers on an educational
tour around the EcoVillage
w h e re s e m i n a r s , m i n i
films and photography
competitions shared tips and
global efforts to protect
vulnerable marine species.
Many took their time to read
the informative posters,
asking questions to
understand coral reefs and
the habitats of marine life
The APSN students went
home not just with memories
of being up close and
personal with coral reef
fragments, but also an
increased awareness of
the value and importance
of coral reefs to marine
creatures. keppelite
Doing its part to spread
the important message of
environmental awareness,
Keppel was the Gold
Sponsor for Asia Dive Expo
(ADEX) 2008 held in
Singapore this year.
Keppel Volunteers took
the opportunity to bring
beneficiaries from the
Association for Persons with
Special Needs (APSN) on a
field day to ADEX to learn
about the challenges facing
the sustainability of marine
APSN students trying their hands at securing coral fragments onto a nursery table with Keppel Volunteers ready to assist
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:20 PM
Keppel to supply green power
in Sweden
Keppel Seghers Belgium
N.V. (Keppel Seghers), the
environmental technology
division of Keppel Integrated
Engineering (KIE), has
s e c u re d a € 3 4 m i l l i o n
( a p p r o x i m a t e l y
S$74.8 million) turnkey
contract for a Combined
Heat and Power (CHP)
waste-to-energy (WTE) plant
owned by Amotfors Energi
AB (Amotfors Energi), in
Amotfors, Sweden.
When completed in 2010,
the plant will process close to
70,000 tonnes of waste per
year to generate steam and
Amotfors Energi has entered
into a 20-year agreement to
supply steam and electricity
to Amotfors Bruk’s papermill
operations. Eventually the
plant will also be able to
supply district heating to
neighbouring industries and
Mr Chua Chee Wui, CEO of
KIE, said, “With escalating
energy prices, businesses are
keen to explore alternative
energy sources including
renewable and/or green
energy. Waste can be an
effective supplementary
source of green energy for
businesses to tap on,
reducing their dependency
on traditional energy
“Keppel Seghers is wellplaced, with its comprehensive
suite of thermal solutions
and proven track record, to
help companies apply and
integrate green energy as
part of their business.”
With the exception of civil
works, the CHP WTE plant
will be entirely designed and
built by Keppel Seghers.
The plant will feature Keppel
Seghers’ proprietary AirCooled Grate, vertical boiler
design and semi-dry flue gas
cleaning system with Keppel
Seghers’ Rotary Atomiser,
offering not only state-ofthe-art energy recovery but
also ensuring emissions
surpass the stringent EU
The plant will also be
equipped with fully
automatic refuse and ash
handling cranes, minimising
the number of operators
Amotfors Energi has been
formed as a single purpose
company to build and
operate the CHP waste-toenergy plant. Amotfors
Energi is owned 37.5% by
Nordic Paper through its
wholly-owned subsidiary
Amotfors Bruk.
KIE, through its whollyowned Netherlands subsidiary,
Keppel Seghers Holding B.V.
(Keppel Seghers Holding),
will take up a 22% equity
stake in Amotfors Energi.
Keppel Seghers Holding’s
total investment in both
equity contributions and
loans will amount to
35.2 million Swedish Kroners
(approximately S$8.1million).
The remaining shares are
owned in equal parts by
three financial institutions.
Waste can be tapped on as a resource to supplement traditional energy sources
Keppelite I April 2008
29/4/08, 12:21 PM