February 2014
February 2014
February 2014 Notes from the RE’s Desk Matthew Cox Customer Service 101 Ok, maybe the title is a little bit of a stretch. I am not a college professor, and I don’t expect you to read this if I droll on and on about how to provide good customer service. And I promise I won’t even write about giving someone the pickle. Damn, already mentioned the pickle. Some of the more astute readers may be thinking to themselves right now - “We are a club. We don’t have customers, we have members. What does customer service have to do with a member driven club?” Everything. The first thing one has to look at when defining customer service is who the customer is. I am here to tell you without any question of a doubt that I am a customer of SCCA. I pay for my membership. I pay to attend events, I even pay to attend the year end banquet. I am a customer. In fact, everyone reading this article is a customer. Ok. This may be a problem. If we are all customers expecting great customer service, who exactly is the customer service representatives in the outfit? Well, that brings me to the second point in defining customer service. Who provides the customer service? I have a brief answer for this - All of us. How can all of us be customers and customer service representatives at the same time? Its tough, but a lot of it boils down to just good old common sense and human values. Think back to an event from last year. Did you do N E B R A S K A R E G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S something for someone at the event that wasn’t necessarily called for, but you did it anyway? Did you walk up to a new member or a weekend member and introduce yourself and see if they had any questions? Did anyone come up to you before after or during the event to see if you needed anything or to help get your car on the trailer or anything else? Did you answer “no” to any of those questions? I know I did. Does that make me a bad member? No, but I know I have some work to do. I know we all have some work to do. Being a customer is easy. Providing customer service is easy too if you put just a little thought into it. Doing them both at the same time while trying/ preparing to race a car? That can be a challenge. But that is core component of what racing is about, right? Overcoming challenges? Here is a challenge for everyone to undertake at our events this year. Find a new person or someone you don’t recognize maybe this is someone gridded or paddocked near you. Introduce yourself to them before the event - if it is a solo event see if they have any questions about the event and what is going on. Then, after the event ask them how the event went for them. That simple - maybe that is a little bit too simple. Now for the advanced version: That same person, try to friend them on Facebook or get their email. Next time an event is rolling around shoot them a message inviting them to come back to the event. If that person was out for their first event, you taking a small amount of extra time could be the difference between that person coming back for the next event. If the same experience happens the second time around, there is a good chance that they will become a new member. OK, so we gained a new member. Where is the benefit in that? Members allow us to hold successful events continued pg.3 PA G E 1 2014 NRSCCA Board of Governors: Get In The Loop! Patt Buell..............bigcrk@aol.com 402-391-0120 Matthew Cox.........matthewjcox@me.com 402-680-6180 Steve Ducharme...spducharme@mac.com 402-416-8693 Sign up now on the New Notifications System - Latest news in your Email. Dave Fink..............dfink@tvsonline.net 402-753-0448 Go to http://notify.nrscca.com Candy Gerber .......c_gerber@aol.com 402-639-3706 Julie Heaton...........heaton1@cox.net 402-991-7221 NRSCCA Hotline (402) 827-4418 2014 NRSCCA OFFICERS: Regional Executive - Matthew Cox....................402-680-6180 Assistant Regional Exec - Dave Fink ................ 402-753-0448 Secretary - April Doctor - .................................402-672-5777 Treasurer - John LaRandeau .............................402-884-5333 Co-Editors - Patt Buell.......................................402-391-0120 NRSCCA Newsletter The Exhaust Notes is published monthly by the Nebraska Region SCCA, Inc. Permission to reprint from the Exhaust Notes is given to any SCCA member. Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the SCCA or the NRSCCA and it’s members. Letters to the editor must be signed, please. Candy Gerber.................................402-639-3706 Activities Director - Candy Gerber.....................402-339-7276 Competition Director - Natha Waldbaum...........402-680-0848 Membership Director - Julie Heaton...................402-991-7221 Points keeper - Jerry Doctor..............................402-592-7918 Club Racing Worker Coordinator Matthew Cox..................................402-680-6180 Ass’t.Coord. Andrew Anderson..........................402-637-1521 Solo Youth Steward - Tim Heaton.....................402-991-7221 Publicity Chair - Chuck Garcia ...........................402-672-3370 Solo Chair - Mark E. Walker................................402-968-3282 RallyCross Chair - Steve Ducharme....................402-416-8693 Co-RoadRally Chairs - Juie Heaton.....................402-991-7221 Patt Buell.........................402-391-0120 Solo Novice Advisor - Jon Simmons ............... 402-250-8916 Webmaster - David Cosseboom...............david@evorticity.com Regional Historian - Patt Buell...........................402-391-0120 Nebraska Region Meetings Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 19400 Topeka, KS 66619-0400 Phone: 800-770-2055 Hrs: 8 AM - 5 PM CST Monday-Friday 2013 MiDiv Officials MiDiv Exec. Steward : Scott Bowman..................515-314-3788 bowmansc@kjww.com Exec. Committee Chair: Keith Pfautz......................620-327-3264 MiDiv Nat./MidAm Pointskeeper: Rocky Entriken.................785-827-5143 Solo Steward: Al Hermans.......................816-478-2386 Solo Safety Steward: Jan Rick............................636-680-2416 Rally Div.Steward: Rich Bireta........................785-842-5097 RallyCross Div. Steward: Jim Rowland............JimR20@hotmail.com M e m b e r s h i p m e e t i n g s are held as the need arises and will be announced in the newsletter or by postcard. Also, can check the NRSCCA web site. Board of Governors meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month at Asset Appraisal Services, 344 N. 115th St. Omaha, NE - Members welcome. Meeting starts at 8 PM. NRSCCA Website: http://www.nrscca.com N E B R A S K A RE G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S PA G E 2 From the RE . . . continued and grow the club. But that isn’t a direct tangible benefit to you, so here goes a direct and tangible benefit to you: For every member you refer to the club who joins, you get a $10 discount on your membership renewal. So, if you are an individual member, and you are able to get 4 people to join, your next renewal will be roughly half priced. Throw in some Club Racing volunteer days, and your membership may even be free. We are, at the core of everything we do, a member driven club. This is what sets SCCA apart from some other organizations is that at our heart, we are doing this because we want to, and we generally enjoy being around other SCCA members. We don’t organize events for commercial gain, it is all about providing a fulfilling experience to our members. Mark Your Calendars ! RallyCross by Steve Ducharme RallyCross Chairman The RallyCross National Championship return to Nebraska Region in 2014. RallyCross is the youngest of the national SCCA club competitions, but its roots make it especially near and dear to Nebraska region members. Begun as a experiment, the inaugural national RallyCross competitions, which were held in 2005 and 2006 in Hastings, Nebraska, were called “National Challenge” events, drawing competitors from around the country. Following these early successes, the SCCA inaugurated the official “RallyCross(R) National Championship” series in 2007 in Hastings, giving the event the importance and national recognition that it deserved. The championships continued to grow, moving to Lebanon, Tennessee, in 2008, followed by Fountain, Colorado in 2009 and 2010, and then three years, 2011 to 2013, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Nebraska Region members have won many RallyCross Championship titles over the years: Dale Lind in 2005; Jim Wood in 2005 and 2006); and Jan Gerber in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, and 2012. Jan was also one of only three winners of the 2012 SCCA TripleCross award, having won his class (Stock All-Wheel Drive) championship that year at the regional, divisional, and national levels that year. You can find out more about SCCA RallyCross at www.nrscca.com and www.scca.com. 2014 is the 10th year of SCCA RallyCross(R) National Championships, making it all the more fitting that Nebraska is again the host region. This year, we have six regional events (see the calendar for dates), all at the I-80 Speedway in Greenwood, which will also be the site of the National Championship from October 3-5. I am sure that we will uphold our reputation for outstanding hospitality and sportsmanship, and continue propel SCCA RallyCross to even higher levels of competition and excitement. You can join in this grand effort as a driver, worker, helper, or spectator, and make this the best year yet for the SCCA Regional and National RallyCross programs. Welcome New Members D e r e k H u t c h i n ss, Omaha, Family Member B e t h W e i n e rr, Omaha, Family Members M a t t h e w R h o a d e s Council Bluffs, First Gear N E B R A S K A R E G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S The first event of 2014 is coming up on February 16: registration is open now at www.motorsportreg.com. Oh, by the way. We need better names for this year’s events than “NRSCCA RallyCross Points #1”, and so on. Please leave your suggestions on the forum. PA G E 3 NRSCCA 2013 Annual Awards Banquet January 18, 2014 photos by Mikaela Walker unless indicated Flesher Memorial Award: James Wood A c t i vi ty P o i n ts: 2nd Matt Cox 4th Mark Walker 6th Shana Hogan 8th Candy Gerber 10th Jon Simmons 100% Club: Matt Cox Steve Ducharme Shana Hogan 3rd 5th 7th 9th S o l o C l a s s C h a m p i o n s ::(continued Jerry Doctor Chuck Garcia Jan Gerber Steve Ducharme CSP Sue Eckles ESP Jon Simmons CP Craig Worm FJA Austin Sherman DM Lee Mabee FJB Riley Heaton FJC Carter Heaton SMF Brian Shamblen STF Daivd Fink SSM James Lockard STC Alex Reinkordt STR John Pecoraro STX Chris Jepsen STU David Cosseboom RTF Steven Umholtz RTA Jeff Nothwehr RTR Erik Taylor RTP Chuck Garcia Ladies Ann LaRandeau ProPax John Hunter Outstanding Gymkhana Driver: 1st John Hunter Jerry Doctor Chuck Garcia James Wood 2nd Riley Heaton Solo Class Champions: SS Tim Walter CS Jerry Magorian DS John LaRandeau FS Don Knop HS James Wood ES Steve Ducharme GS Tim Heaton BSP Dave Pape N E B R A S K A RE G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S 3rd Steven Umholtz PA G E 4 Novice Solo Driver: Brian Shamblen Outstanding RallyCross Driver: Jan Gerber National Competition Driver: Andy Wolverton George Gunther Memorial Regional Competition Driver: Jeff Demetri Novice RallyCross Driver: Byers Memorial Award (Best Event): Mark Walker (Nebraskana) Terry Hack Workers Cup: The Lincoln Airpark Fence Crew Sue Eckles Dave Fink Don Knop Mike White Steve Ducharme Lee Mabee Justin Eckles Kelly Knop David Cosseboom Dave Pape Mark Walker RJ Wilson Memorial (S po n so r ’s ’ s Cu p ): Sp on p): Lincoln Airport Authority Lincoln Convention & Visitors Bureau (This award was presented by April Walter (granddaughter of R.J.Wilson) N E B R A S K A R E G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S PA G E 5 More Banquet Photos January 18, 2013 by Makaela Walker N E B R A S K A RE G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S Great Door Prizes Thnaks to the Banquet Chair, Miakela Walker and her co-chairs. Candy Gerber & April Walter bb PA G E 6 Photos by Candy Gerber More Banquet Photos - January 18, 2014 N E B R A S K A R E G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S PA G E 7 Tire Rack SCCA Match Tour NRSCCA Activities Candy Gerber c_gerber@aol.com More on Solo next month The 2014 Tire Rack SCCA National Solo Schedule April 12-13: Wilmington Airpark in Wilmington, OH May 17-18: Turner Field in Atlanta, GA June 7-8: Devens Airfield Police Training Facility in Ayer, MA June 14-15: Pikes Peak International Raceway in Fountain, CO July 5-6: Grissom Airpark near Peru, IN August 16-17: Milwaukee, WI October TBA: western location tbd Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals September 2-5: 42nd Tire Rack Solo National Championships at Lincoln Airpark in Lincoln, NE Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Series March 22-23: Akansas Aeroplex (formerly Eaker AFB) in Blytheville, AR April 5-6: El Toro ex-Marine base in Irvine, CA April 26-27: Fed Ex Field in Largo, MD, near Washington, D.C. May 3-4: Mineral Wells Airport in Mineral Wells, TX May 23-24: Lincoln Airpark in Lincoln, NE June 7-8: NASA Crows Landing Airport, near Patterson, CA June 28-29: Toledo Express Airport in Toledo, OH July 12-13: Former Hamilton Lumber Plant in Packwood, WA July 26-27: Wilmington Airpark in Wilmington, OH August 30-31: ProSolo Finale at Lincoln Airpark in Lincoln, NE Tire Rack SCCA Championship Tour March 15-16: South Georgia Motorsports Park in Cecil, GA March 29-30: Texas A&M Annex near College Station, TX April 12-13: Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, CA May 3-4: MetLife Stadium, E. Rutherford, NJ May 25-26: Lincoln Airpark in Lincoln, NE June 14-15: NASA Crows Landing Airport, near Patterson, CA July 5-6: Former Hamilton Lumber Plant in Packwood, WA August 2-3: Wilmington Airpark in Wilmington, OH September 27-28: Arkansas Aeroplex (formerly Eaker AFB) in Blytheville, AR N E B R A S K A RE G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S PA G E 8 Natha’s Fun Corner Additional event information will be posted on the SCCA website in early 2014 and email blasts to our workers will supplement these postings. We hope to see you at MRLS next October! Natha Waldbaum, Comp Director 2014 SCCA National Championship Runoffs® October 6-12, 2014 at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca (condensed information) To all SCCA licensed workers: A l l l i c e n s e d S C C A w o r k e r s a r e w e l c o m e to participate in the 2014 SCCA National Championship Runoffs® October 6-12, 2014 at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca in Monterey, California. We want to see you there and hope this information is helpful in your planning your attendance. Workers will be able to camp or park an RV for “no charge” in one of two areas which will be determined based on the number of workers wanting this capability (likely the Frogpond or Archery areas). There is no electricity or hook-ups available in these areas, but you will have access to public restrooms and shower facilities. RV servicing will also be available during the event. A request will be sent out early in 2014 to identify the number of workers who wish to camp in the free area so we can determine the actual location. Camping will be open as of Saturday, October 4th. I f y o u d e s i r e a c c o m m o d a t i o n s o t h e r t h a n t h i ss, reservations for Camping and RV spots can now be made at the Monterey County Park at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Spaces are limited, so if you want/need to camp/RV outside the paddock, but on-property you should reserve a spot as soon as possible. To do so, call the Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca Ticket office at 800-327-7322. Additional information about the Camping areas in the park can be found http:// www.mazdaraceway.com/camping, but please use the number noted in this paragraph to make your reservations. L o d g i n g is also available in the area at reasonable rates depending on your personal preferences. Seaside, Salinas and other communities within a half hour commute offer additional options. Weekly rental properties are also a possibility. For assistance in making your arrangements, you can contact the Monterey County Convention and Visitors bureau at 877Monterey or www.seemonterey.com. N E B R A S K A R E G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S Photo of the Month Some of the banquet photographers thought they needed to take a “Selfie” but I think it’s an “Us-ie”! PA G E 9 February 31-2 - MiDiv Convention @Springfield, MO 1-2 - OPEN March April 6 - NRSCCA Solo Points #1 @LAP -------5-6 - Majors Race @HMRC 2014 Calendar of Events 15 - OPEN 16 - NRSCCA RallyX #1 @I80 6-9 - SCCA National 15 - OPEN 16 - NRSCCA RallyX Convention #2 @I80 @Charlotte NC 12-13 - OPEN 19-20 - OPEN 8-9 - OPEN 5-6 - OPEN 10 - Motorsport Mile 17 - OPEN 18 - NRSCCA RallyX #1 @MPH #3 @I80 11 - OPEN 7-8 8 - MidAm Race @ISW 14 - OPEN 15 - NRSCCA RallyX #4 @I80 May June 5-6 6 - NRSCCA MidAm Race @MAM July August September October November 12 - OPEN 13 - NRSCCA Solo Points #4 @LAP -------12-13 - MidAm Race @MIR 2- OPEN 10 - NRSCCA Solo 3 - Motorsport Mile Points #5 @LAP (w/ Solo #2 @MPH Mustang Club) -------9-10 - MidAm Race @GMP 2-5 - Solo Nationals 13 - OPEN 14 - NRSCCA RallyX @LAP #5 @I80 -------6-7 - OPEN 11-12 11 12 - NRSCCA 3-5 - RallyX Nat Street Survival@TBA Champs @I80 8-9 - OPEN 1 - OPEN 2 - NRSCCA RallyX #6 @I80 (18-21 - Formula SAE) 22 - NRSCCA Solo Points #3 @LAP -------21-22 - MiDiv Solo @CC 19-20 - OPEN 16-17 - MiDiv Solo Championships @LAP 22-23 - OPEN 22-23 - OPEN 28-30 - World of Wheels 26 - Starting Line Solo School 27 - NRSCCA Solo Points #2 @LAP -------26-27 - MiDiv Solo (Salina) @FtR -------26-27 - MidAm Race @GMP TireRack Spring 31 - 1 - OPEN Nationals @LAP 23-24 - Pro-Solo 25-26 - Solo Tour 28 - OPEN 29 - NRSCCA Road Rally #1 @TBA 26-27 26 27 - NRSCCA MidAm Race @MPH 23 - Motorsport Mile 30-31 - Majors Race Solo #3 @MPH @HPT 24 - OPEN -------29-31 - ProSolo Finale @LAP 20-21 - MidAm Race 27 - OPEN @ISW 28 - NRSCCA Solo Points #6 @LAP 18-19 - OPEN 15 - OPEN 16 - NRSCCA Road Rally #2 @TBA 25-26 - MidAm Race @GMP 22-23 - OPEN 8-9 - OPEN Nebraska Region event weekends are shaded Pre-Registration required on all Nebraska Region Solo's CC = Neosho MO | LAP = Lincoln AirPark | FtR = Ft Riley | GMP = Gateway Motorsports Park | HMRC = Hallett Motor Racing Circuit | HPT = Heartland Park Topeka I80 = I-80 Speedway | ISW = Iowa Speedway | MAM = Mid-America Mtrplx | MIR = Memphis Int Raceway | MPH = Motorsports Park Hastings N E B R A S K A RE G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S PA G E 1 0 For Nebraska Region return to: Julie Heaton, membership 15748 O Circle - Omaha, NE 68135-1030 Membership Application Dear Prospective SCCA Member Member: To apply for a membership in the Sports Car Club of America, the world’s largest motorsports enthusiast organization, please complete the form below and return, with payment, to SCCA Membership Department, P.O. Box 299, Topeka, KS 66601-0299. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Dues include payment for subscription To SportsCar ($24 value) Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions) Membership Dues (Includes region dues) _____ Individual $80.00 _____ First Gear $45.00 (24 yrs & under) _____ Family $100.00 Name____________________________________________ Birthdate_________________ Address__________________________________________ Telephone_________________ City_______________________________________ State_______________ Zip________ Email_______________________________________________________________ Primary Interest: Please indicate the area of SCCA in which you plan to participate, or interests you the most. (please check only one box) __ Club Racing __ Time Trials/PDX __ Rally __ RallyCross __ Solo __ Vintage __ProRacing Payment Method: __ Check __ Credit Card __ Money Order Visa/MasterCard (only) ________________________________________ Exp.________ Acct#________________________________________ Applications submitted by fax must be accompanied by a Visa or MasterCard account number for payment. Spouse Name _______________________________________ Birthdate___________ Child’sName _______________________________________ Birthdate___________ Child’sName ________________________________________ Birthdate__________ Amount Due Membership Amount $80.00 Weekend Membership #1_______$15.00 Weekend Membership #2 _______-$15.00 Referred by SCCA Member ___________________________#___________ -$15.00 First / Last Name & Member Number REQUIRED TOTALDUE $_________ I will become a member in the region I reside in or place me in N E B R A S K A r e g i o n . B y accepting membership in the SCCA and any SCCA Region I agree to conduct myself a c c o r d i n g t o t h e h i g h e s t standards of behavior and sportsmanship in a manner that shall not be prejudicial to the reputation of the Club or fe l l o w m e m b e r s . _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ Applicant’s Name e(Signature Required) Date e(Required) N E B R A S K A R E G I O N - E X H A U S T NO T E S PA G E 1 1 Please Mark Your Calendars! January 31 to February 2 MiDiv Convention Springfield, MO February 16 16 RallyCross #1 I-80 Speedway February 20 (Thursday) NRSCCA Race Meeting 7 PM At Legends March 6-9 SCCA National Convention Charlotte, N.C. N O T E : Please Let the Membership Chairman know when you have a change of address, phone number or email address. Exhaust Notes 1115 So. 92nd Circle Omaha Nebraska 68124 updates & schedules Check Nebraska Region website at: http://www.nrscca.com * directions to sites o r NRSCCA Hotline (402) 827-4418
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