PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016 ORDINATION TO THE SACRED ORDER OF DEACON ERIC RUSSELL BURGENER Saturday, May 21 - 11:00 a.m. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception First Communion 2nd Grade 2 Yrs Old 6th Grade 4th Grade 8th Grade F r e s h m a n ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH - FORT WAYNE, INDIANA ST. CHARLES FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2016 May 8, 2016 Vigil, Pentecost Sunday Gn 11.1-9/Rom 8.22-27/Jn 7.37-39 5:00 p.m. Jessica Murphy Sunday, May 15, Pentecost Sunday Acts 2.1-11/1 Cor 12.3-7,12-13/Jn 20.19-23 7:30 a.m. Peter Johnston 9:00 a.m. Deceased of the Masbaum Family 11:00 a.m. Margaret Fortier 5:00 p.m. For Our Parish Community 7:00 p.m. Rosary Monday, May 16, Weekday Jas 3.13-18/Mk 9.14-29 6:15 a.m. Richard & Mary Jane Lichtsinn 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Charles & Margaret Lawrence 7:00 p.m. Vincent, Mary Helen & Joseph Masbaum Tuesday, May 17, Weekday Jas 4.1-10/Mk 9.30-37 6:15 a.m. George & Ginny McKenzie 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:15 - 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation 8:15 a.m. Rita Minnick 6:35 p.m. St. Monica Prayer Novena (Chapel) 7:00 p.m. Deceased of the Meese Family Wednesday, May 18, Weekday, St. John I, Pope and Martyr Jas 4.13-17/Mk 9.38-40 6:15 a.m. Deceased of the Stephens Family 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Deceased of the Joseph A. Bruck Family 7:00 p.m. Deceased of the Milligan Family Thursday, May 19, Weekday Jas 5.1-6/Mk 9.41-50 6:15 a.m. Nick Bloom 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Howard & Wally Fritz 7:00 p.m. St. Charles Graduating Class of 2016 St. Charles Graduation Mass 7:30 p.m. Due to the Graduation Mass there will be NO Reconciliation after Mass. Friday, May 20, Weekday, St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest Jas 5.9-12/Mk 10.1-12 6:15 a.m. Seminarians of Mount St. Mary’s, Class of 2017 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Rocco & Anna Ciocca 7:00 p.m. Deceased of the Peter & Alma Stewart Family 7:30 p.m. Adoration and Benediction Saturday, May 21, Weekday, St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs Jas 5.13-20/Mk 10.13-16 8:15 a.m. Eugene Rose 11:00 a.m. Diaconate Ordination—Cathedral 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation Vigil, The Most Holy Trinity 5:00 p.m. Stephen Ramp Sunday, May 22, The Most Holy Trinity Prv 8.22-31/Rom 5.1-5/Jn 16.12-15 7:30 a.m. For Our Parish Community 9:00 a.m. Bert & Catharine Dahm 11:00 a.m. James & Mary Storch 5:00 p.m. Living & Deceased of the Rowe & Walter Families 7:00 p.m. Rosary Budgeted Collection Needed $ May 8 Collection (549) $ Electronic Withdrawals-Weekly (96) $ Percentage of envelopes/withdrawals - 32% 38,750.00 27,429.60 3,037.50 Total Collections 30,467.10 This Week TOTAL $ - $ (8,282.90) $ (137,604.68) THANK YOU For Your Support of St. Charles Borromeo One miracle of Pentecost was that, despite their diversity, each listener heard God’s word in his or her own language. The meaning for stewardship is that, by sharing the gifts poured out on us by the Holy Spirit, we will be empowered to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters, whatever they may be. Saturday, May 21 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Kathleen Haines, Kathy Johns, Ann Murphy, Kirk & Lisa York (C Carolyn Tyndall) Servers: Jared Lee, Callan Stauffer (MC Jeremiah Jauch) Lector: Justin Braselton, Debra Rorick Offertory: Andrew & Audrey Stauffer Family Sacristan: Melinda Firestine Sunday, May 22 7:30 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Joe & Pam Paris, David Pierre, C.J. Steigmeyer (C Jane Relue) Servers: Katia Fuentes, Molly Lothamer (MC Adam Freiburger) Lector: Dorothy O’ Ross, Michael Wilkins Offertory: Ron & Colleen Richter Sacristan: Linda Braselton 9:00 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Jan Hoy, Colleen Jacobson, Dorla Rice, Heather Sovine (C Mary Ann Slater) Servers: Brenden Lytle, Drew Lytle (MC Tom Lonsway) Lectors: Mitch Black, Bill Meyer Offertory: Paul & Kaitlin Hilger Family Sacristan: Heather Turk 11:00 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: John Elsasser, Carole Fuller, Fred Jehle, David Lonsway (C Darlene Simpson) Servers: Christi Anne Capuyan, Lucas Krohn (MC Ian Capuyan) Lectors: Linda Duesler, Ken Nelson Offertory: Dan & Kristina O’Neal Family Sacristan: Doug & Norma Baisinger 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Matt & Patty Bobay, Jeff & Beth Schneider Servers: Rory O’Connor, Vincent Wallace (MC Joe Steigmeyer) Lectors: Lucy Blakey, Retta Kohrman Offertory: Jeff & Beth Schneider Family Sacristan: Beth Schneider USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY ARE TEAM A. PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016 The Diocese of Fort Wayne—South Bend Joyfully Requests Your Presence Saturday, May 21, 2016 11:00 a.m. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacon of. . Eric Russell Burgener Parishioner of St. Charles Son of Curt & Arlene Burgener Dennis Michael Di Bendetto Parishioner at St. Vincent’s Through the Imposition of Hands and The Invocation of the Holy Spirit by His Excellency The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades Bishop of Fort Wayne– South Bend The St. Charles Parish Community is Cordially Invited to Attend this Special Celebration ! MAY 15 Pentecost † Reading I Acts 2.1-11 (Descent of the Holy Spirit) † Reading II 1 Corinthians 12.3-7,12-13 (Many gifts, one Spirit, and the analogy of the body) † Gospel Luke John 20.19-23 (Appearance to the disciples) KEY PASSAGE: “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord.” Adult: What gift of service have you received from the Holy Spirit and how well are you using it right now? GREAT NEWS . . . The Ordination of Brother Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P. is being TELEVISED ! EWTN –9:30 a.m. Live from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. On May 21, 2016, Rev. Mr. Patrick Ryan Briscoe will be ordained to the Priesthood of the Dominican Order. He is the son of Todd & Mary Briscoe, brother of Kathleen and Kristin Briscoe. Child: What gift do you hope to receive from the Holy Spirit? How could you use it to serve others? REKINDLE THE FIRE will meet on Thursday, May 19, 7:30 p.m. in the Hession Center, Room D. Seminarian Mark Helinger, will share the story of his faith journey. ALL MEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED. The Knights of Columbus Council 451 (St. Charles) will have the annual “End of Year/Awards Recognition” meeting on Monday, June 6. Spouses are invited to this “Social Meeting” that will start with a dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Charles Hession Center (Door #3). Following the meal and Rosary, there will be a meeting to recognize contributions of individual Knights, families and others from our local Catholic/Parish Community. More details will follow in future Church Weekly Bulletins—including important RSVP information. MASS OF THANKSGIVING AT ST. CHARLES SUNDAY, MAY 29—11:00 A.M. Also taking place this day, Corpus Christi Sunday with Eucharistic Procession around the campus (weather permitting). Reception to Follow in the Hession Center. Please pray for the following members of our parish community who will marry soon. II Megan Reiling - Brandon Geiger ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH - FORT WAYNE, INDIANA ST. CHARLES VOCATION COMMITTEE PENTECOST COLLECTION FOR SEMINARIAN EDUCATION Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Send forth workers into your vineyard. May some of our parishioners choose to serve you by becoming Priests, Brothers, and Sisters. (John 20.19-23 Today we have a special Pentecost collection that will help fund the education of our seminarians. Thank you for your generosity to this important collection. VOCATION CROSS PROGRAM Next weekend, May 22, Tom & Annette Jones will take home the Vocation Cross. They will pray daily throughout the week for an increase in vocations. The 2016 National Marian Conference will be held at the Joyce Center on the campus of the University of Notre Dame on the weekend of May 20-22, 2016. The conference begins on Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and ends 12:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon following Holy Mass. For more information, contact Queen of P e ac e Mi nis t ri es at ( 5 74 ) 28 8- 87 77 or visit If you are unable to contribute this week, please bring your contribution in the Pentecost collection envelope and place it in next week’s Offertory. Or, feel free to donate online at the diocesan website, Thank you for your generous support for seminarian education. St. Charles B&B Bible & Breakfast Due to Fr. Jacob being out of town to attend Brother Briscoe’s Ordination in Washington, D. C. there will be NO Bible and Breakfast on Saturday, May 21. Parishioner Looking for Ride to Church Can attend 5:00 p.m. Sat., 7:30, 9:00 or 11:00 a.m. Mass. Lives in Bear Creek Apts, corner of Reed Rd. and Lake Ave. Call Phil, (260)580-6113. BAPTISM CLASS THE WESTMINSTER CONCERT BELL CHOIR In Concert at St. Charles Church Thursday, June 2 7:30 p.m. The Westminster Concert Bell Choir of Rider University, Princeton, New Jersey performs on the largest range of hand bells in the world, and has appeared on national television and with stars, Josh Groban, Julie Andrews, and Mr. Rogers among others. Their 2016, 3 1/2 week concert tour covers 7500 miles from coast to coast including performances in New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California. The program entitled, “Songs of America” will feature many patriotic selections as well as other sacred and popular music. Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. and a free-will offering will be received. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS AND JOIN US FOR A WONDERFUL EVENING OF MUSIC PRESENTED BY THIS ACCLAIMED AND TALENTED GROUP ! Baptism class will be held at St. Charles Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Office Basement Call the Parish Office to register, 482-2186. Next class will be Wednesday, July 13, 2016 HASA 300 CLUB 2015-2016 $150.00 May 9 Leo Kuntz VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 JESUS IS MY SUPERHERO It is not too late…..sign up for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 TODAY! Join us for four days learning about Jesus the ultimate superhero! Registration forms are due by June 1! Visit the parish website to get your registration form under the Children’s Religious Education tab or pick one up on the table in the back of church. Return the form to the Religious Education office to secure your spot in a room. Your child will enjoy crafts, stories, games and a treat each day. We hope your children can join in the fun! PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH - FORT WAYNE, INDIANA SCRIP NEWS Schedule Notes - With a mild winter, school will be starting summer vacation early! The last day of school is Friday, May 20; summer hours will begin on Friday, May 27. Friday sales take place during the summer from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. instead of 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. • There are no SCRIP sales on Memorial Day weekend, May 28 & 29; the SCRIP office will be closed, Monday, May 30. Feel free to place an order in the collection basket that weekend and the order will be filled and ready for pickup at the parish office on Tuesday, May 31. Congratulations The winner of the Mother's Day gift was THERESA CORNEWELL ! The package included items from Bath & Body, DeBrand and a $100 Macy's gift certificate. Staying Informed - There is always something new happening with SCRIP. We encourage you to read the bulletin each week for updates. There are sure to be giveaways throughout the summer. You can't win if you don't purchase! Volunteers - Don't forget that if you volunteered to help with sales that your commitment continues until the end of September. If you are planning to travel this summer, be sure to check your SCRIP schedule to see if you will need to lineup a sub. Sales are a little more hectic when we are short staffed. If you need help finding a sub, call the SCRIP office - 9694027. Mon., May 16 Fri., May 20 Fri., May 20 Sat., May 21 Sun., May 22 CLASSROOM DELIVERY - Cathy Yaggy Ruth Marburger, Jenny Perkins, Sue Rohling, Judy Smith CLASSROOM DELIVERY - Jodi Christle Mary Jones, Jill Onion, Diane Keefer Angela Bauer, Mary Jones, Denette Pearson BISHOP DWENGER GOLF OUTING Bishop Dwenger’s Annual Saints Open Golf Outing is Friday, June 10, at Cherry Hill Golf Club. Registration is at noon with shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. Please join us for this fun outing by putting together a foursome, sponsoring, donating a door prize, or all the above! Must be 21 years old to play, or be with a parent/legal guardian. Visit or contact Molly Schreck at for registration information. See you on the links! SCHOOL TUITION GRANTS Your May envelope packet contains an additional envelope which may be used for this purpose. Those who have the financial means and those who have raised their children, but perhaps could not give adequately when their children were attending Catholic schools, are encouraged to contribute. This school year, 2015-2016, over $35,000 (2016-17 yet to be determined) will be used to help families pay for partial or full scholarships. St. Aloysius Anniversary Social in Yoder, scheduled for May 22 has been postponed until the fall. An Invitation to Live the Franciscan Spirit in Your Daily Life Does living in the “spirit of St. Francis” intrigue you? You may want to join the many lay men and women who are journeying with the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart (FSSH) and deepening their understanding of and living out the Franciscan spirit in their own home, places of work, local churches and communities. If being a follower of St. Francis as an Associate of the FSSH resonates with your hearts, please contact Marlene McKinney, a parishioner at your parish and an Associate of the FSSH, at (260) 7608782, or call the Associate Office of the FSSH at (815)4694895 X 879. Come share this joyful journey! CONTACT THE SCRIP COORDINATORS, PEGGY OR MADONNA WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE SCRIP PROGRAM, (260) 969-4027. ST. CHARLES YOUTH MINISTRY YDisciple Small Groups meet weekly. If you are interested in joining a small group, or interested in training to be a small group leader, please contact Stacey. SUMMER KICK-OFF - JUNE 1 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - Youth Center Summer Friday Morning Mass and Breakfast Schedule Breakfast follows the 8:15 a.m. Mass in Church until 10:00 a.m. in the Youth Center. (June 3, 10, 17 & 24) Like us on Facebook: And on Twitter: @StCharlesTeen Office Phone: (260) 484-7307 Google Voice (Text): (260) 207-4677 Email: (Master Cleaners) THANK YOU! The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity.
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