Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal
COUNTY OF ORANGE Department of Information Services HIGH SPEED COUNTY NETWORK Request for Proposal TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Design Goals 3 3.0 Network Features 3 4.0 Terms of Bid 4 5.0 Design Requirements 4 6.0 Network Speeds 7 7.0 Pricing 7 8.0 Service Level and Performance Monitoring 8 9.0 Communications Addendum’s 9.1 Glossary of Terms 9.2 Communications Site Information 9 10 10.0 Schedule of Events 11 11.0 Receipt of Proposals 11 12.0 Proposal Response 12 13.0 Contract Terms and Conditions 13 14.0 Indemnification 13 15.0 Inquiries and Questions 14 16.0 Modification and Withdrawal of Proposals 14 17.0 Insurance and Security Requirements 14 18.0 Performance Bond 15 18.0 Cash Discounts 15 19.0 Non-Collusive Certificate 15 Appendix A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 Notification of Intent to Bid Form Non-Collusive Bidding Certifications Orange County Standard Vendor Contract County Cisco Equipment List Glossary of Terms Diagrams -2- 16 17 18-24 25 26 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this document is to outline proposed requirements for a highspeed network for Orange County government 1.2 Proposed high-speed network must be compatible with current County equipment and comply with open industry standards (see Appendix A-4) 2.0 Design Goals The County high speed network: 2.1 Must be cost effective 2.2 Must be very reliable with redundancy, diversity and fault tolerance for identified sites (Refer Communications Site Information, page 10) 2.3 Technology must be flexible to meet future needs, including scalable bandwidth 2.4 Will have viable solution for growth 2.5 Provide high-speed connection to current County ISP (Warwick Valley Telephone) 2.6 Describe any suitable alternative Internet service now available through your network 2.7 Facilitate ease of additions, changes and deletions of locations 2.8 Information Services, 75 Webster Ave, Goshen will be the primary point of connectivity 3.0 Network Features The high speed Wide Area Network (WAN) will incorporate the following design criteria: 3.1 Redundancy and diversity will be incorporated into network as required (Refer Communications Site Information, page 10) 3.2 Fault tolerance will be incorporated into vendors equipment at locations identified (Refer Communications Site Information, page 10) 3.3 Wide area equipment must connect to County equipment using 10 or 100Mbps, Ethernet and Half or Full Duplex network technologies as specified 3.4 Network must be scalable in the future to 400Mbps or higher to accommodate new technologies 3.5 Minimum bandwidth required will be specified for each site -3- 3.6 Vendors to specify equipment and their manufacturers that they will be using for new network 3.7 County has standardized on CISCO communications equipment (see Appendix A-4) 4.0 Terms of Bid 4.1 The bid consists of one contract for five-years with five-year renewal option 4.2 This five-year renewal option may be renegotiated during the first five-year period upon agreement of both parties 4.3 The successful bidder agrees to maintain pricing as quoted for both the first five years and renewal portion of the contract 4.4 Vendors should propose a methodology for pricing and provisioning adds and changes including major ones broken down year by year of the contract, both first 5 years and renewal option 4.5 Not all adds and changes are major thus vendors in the methodology will define their designation and usage of major 5.0 Design Requirements 5.1 Vendors to describe their backbone and related technologies including equipment and manufacturers 5.2 Vendor to describe any value added services that can or will in the future be provided through their networks such as DNS services, gateways to local or long distance dial tone, etc. 5.3 Vendor will use Orange County’s definition of Core/Redundancy, Diversity and Fault Tolerance (see 9.0 Communication Addendum, page 9 & Appendix A-5 Glossary of Terms Diagrams, page 26) 5.4 Vendor to describe how they will provide adequate protection of County data e.g. in shared media environment 5.5 Vendor is required to describe in detail service level support for each system operation based site designations (Refer Communications Site Information, page 10) 5.6 Bandwidth into Webster Ave must be balanced, broken into several nodes, not to exceed 100Mbps per node 5.7 Vendors to respond with the level of reliability based on type of circuit 5.8 If vendor is not submitting changes to a specific site(s), vendor will clearly outline advantages /or impacts to their proposed network -4- 5.9 Priorities within Implementation Phases will be by mutual agreement between vendor and county 5.10 Vendors can submit an equivalent implementation phased approach mixing locations from different phases upon approval by County 5.11 Vendors will provide on their devices, an RJ45 Ethernet connection to interface with Information Services devices at a specified speed of 10 or 100Mbps supporting Half or Full Duplex Network Technologies 5.12 Vendors to install their communications equipment in the specific site’s location as specified by Information Services 5.13 Minimum bandwidths are required but scalable is preferable, vendors to recommend best solution 5.14 Dry cable pairs with DSL or ADSL used by County are suitable; vendors can propose better options 5.15 Vendors should not plan on replacing County owned fiber 5.16 Installed fiber not owned by County will be replaced by preferred vendor’s fiber 5.17 Residential Health Care and Parks Ski Lodge, Maintenance Shed / Golf Course Maintenance can be considered optional contiguous parts of the new network 5.18 County will consider any network topology that meets bandwidth requirements 5.19 County is seeking pricing only for vendor running dark fiber point to point between Information Services 75 Webster Ave and following sites Site 1887 Building Department of Public Works Environmental Facilities and Services Mental Health Department Matthews Street Location 124 Main Street, Goshen 2455 State Route 17M, Goshen 2455 State Route 17M, Goshen 30 Harriman Drive, Goshen 30 Matthews Street, Goshen Fiber to be terminated at patch panels using SC Connectors Vendor can recommend an aggregate strategy and price accordingly 5.20 County is seeking pricing only for vendor running dark fiber point to point between following sites: Site Department of Social Services 11 Quarry Road, Goshen Site Residential Health Care 19 Quarry Road, Goshen Fiber to be terminated at patch panels using SC Connectors -5- 5.21 Implementation Phases Implementation Phase I Site Location Information Services 75 Webster Avenue, Goshen 1887 Building 124 Main Street, Goshen Mental Health Department 30 Harriman Drive, Goshen Department of Public Works Environmental Facilities and Services 2455 State Route 17M, Goshen 2455 State Route 17M, Goshen Department of Social Services 11 Quarry Road, Goshen White House, Department of Social Services 11 Quarry Road, Goshen If Residential Health Care is not connected to DSS, DSS bandwidth minimum need is 5Mbps If Residential Health Care is connected to DSS, DSS bandwidth minimum need is 10Mbps Currently White House at DSS is connected to this DSS site Residential Health Care 19 Quarry Road, Goshen Residential Health Care, currently site is connected to Dept of Social Services Quarry Rd Jail / Sheriff 110 Wells Farm Drive, Goshen Warwick Valley Telephone Co. And any Suitable Alternative 47 Main Street, Warwick Fulton Plaza 33 Fulton Street, Middletown Newburgh Armory 141 Broadway, Newburgh Implementation Phase II Site Emergency Communications Location 14 High Street, Chester Community Development 223 Main Street, Goshen Consumer Affairs 99 Main Street, Goshen Government Center 255 Main Street, Goshen Backup to County owned fiber from Information Services Webster Avenue Water Authority 15 Matthews Street, Goshen Matthews Street 30 Matthews Street, Goshen Records Management 23 Hatfield Lane, Goshen Includes Department of Social Services in Hatfield Lane Sewer District Number 1 72 River Road, Harriman Airport 500 Dunn Road, Montgomery Ski Lodge, Parks Maintenance Shed, Parks Golf Course Maintenance, Parks Administration, Parks 211 211 211 211 Employment and Training Administration 3 Washington Square Center, Newburgh -6- State State State State Route Route Route Route 416, 416, 416, 416, Hamptonburgh Hamptonburgh Hamptonburgh Hamptonburgh Fire Training Center 9 Training Center Lane, New Hampton Potential to connect Transfer Station, EF&S at 21 Training Center Lane to Fire Training Center Port Jervis Facility 146/150 Pike Street, Port Jervis Employment & Training Administration 123 Pike Street, Port Jervis Nursing, Health Department 168 East Main Street, Port Jervis Transfer Stations Environmental Facilities and Services Environmental Facilities and Services Environmental Facilities and Services 21 Training Center Lane, New Hampton 9 Orr Avenue West, Newburgh 86 Tow Path, Deer Park, Port Jervis Health Department, Community Health Outreach, 72 Broadway, Newburgh Note: The above Health Department location could move within the area. Note: Refer to Communications Site Information, Section 9.2, page 10 for further site information 6.0 Network Speeds The network speed for each connection will be indicated at the time the network is authorized by Information Services 6.1 Network must be designed to be scalable to 400Mbps and above in the future with optional speeds available in 5Mbps increments 6.2 Vendors can propose alternatives to the 5Mbps increments with justification 7.0 Pricing 7.1 Migration path pricing to a higher bandwidth guaranteed for life of contract for both first five years and five-year renewable 7.2 There will be two pricing proposals one for the five years and second one for the renewal period 7.3 All pricing is required to be categorized by bid sites and modifications (adds, changes / deletes) 7.4 For adds and changes, vendors must state pricing will be guaranteed in both the first five years and negotiable five year renewal portion of contract 7.5 Pricing includes vendors connecting their devices to our devices via 10 or 100Mbps with RJ45 Ethernet connection 7.6 Pricing shall be for bandwidth to the specific location 7.7 In addition vendors must supply a uniform pricing schedule for incremental changes in bandwidth, in 5Mbps increments 7.8 Vendors are not restricted to the 5Mbps increments and can provide an alternative pricing structure 7.9 Information Services reserves the right to not install a network connection to a specific site as part of the contract process 7.10 Define cost per connection node at a specific bid location to the network -7- 7.11 Vendors have the option of not pricing specific sites if not proposing changes, but must state so and have explanation in reply to Design Requirements 5.0 7.12 Vendors should supply estimated cost to add future connections to the Wide Area Network, if costs not supplied need explanation 7.12.1 Cost to change the location of a specific connection in a site 7.12.2 Cost to delete a network node at a specific location 8.0 Service Level and Performance Monitoring 8.1 Vendor must supply a written copy of its Service Level Agreement, including all guarantees of service, time to restore service, guaranteed data rates, delay, reliability, penalties for extended outages, the management protocol used, and definitions and/or explanations of all terms and conditions. 8.2 Vendor will describe their procedures for notification and working with customers for planned maintenance / upgrades and it is preferred not to have such events on weekdays 8.3 Maintenance coverage will be described in detail, including single point of contact, for 24/7 and any other variations or schedules both for onsite and vendor network desk coverage 8.4 Vendor to describe problem reporting system and processes 8.5 Vendor will state its policy and procedures for problem escalation 8.6 Vendor to describe Fail over Recovery, if failure what is recovery time 8.7 Vendor to describe their redundant power supply strategy and policy 8.8 Down time response time for: - Jail and Webster Avenue, is 24 hours 7 days per week - All other locations peak hours (7 AM – 7PM Monday – Friday) and off peak hours (7PM - 7AM Monday – Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays) to be described 8.9 Vendors to state their policy and procedures to restore network services for both major and minor failures from time of notification 8.10 Describe vendor penalties including monetary rebates for fix not completed within time period 8.11 Vendor must describe its performance monitoring / alarm systems and the type of fault tolerance it uses 8.12 Vendor will describe in detail reports to be supplied for but not limited to usage / network analysis including exception reports, outages, collision analysis, traffic patterns and data received / transmitted will be described -8- 8.13 Vendors should specify the monitoring capability for equipment installed and bandwidth utilization per site 8.14 Vendor monitoring to include trouble detection and problem resolution 8.15 Vendors will describe their communications operations center and functions provided, including network management 8.16 County seeks low cost option for real time viewing of vendors proposed network, vendors to describe cost and viewing options 8.17 County owned fiber would not be part of the vendors monitoring 9.0 Communications Addendum’s 9.1 9.2 Glossary of Terms (please see diagrams Appendix A-5) Term Definition Core/Redundancy If the Sonet Ring or whatever ring/ topology is broken then the data will travel in the opposite direction to the site location Diversity Two physical lines and two different entry points into the same site location Fault Tolerance The communication equipment inside a site location has duplicate power supplies, cards, whatever that will takeover automatically in case of a failure and/or a networks ability to overcome electrical or electronic problems and faults automatically Communications Site Information See following page -9- 9.2 Communications Site Information From Dept From Address From City To Dept To Address To City Comm Vendor OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS Admin Park Admin Park Admin Park Admin Park OCIS OCIS DSS DSS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS Employ Train OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS OCIS Comm Hlth 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 211 St Route 416 211 St Route 416 211 St Route 416 211 St Route 416 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 11 Quarry Rd 11 Quarry Rd 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 3 Washington Ctr 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 75 Webster Ave 72 Broadway Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Hamptonb Hamptonb Hamptonb Hamptonb Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Newburgh Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Newburgh OCIS Emerg Com Comm Devl All Depts Cons Affairs Gov't Center Water Auth All Depts Mental Hlth Recs Mgmt DPW Sewer Dist Airport Ski Lodge Maint Shed GolfC Maint Admin Park DSS RHC WhteH DSS Jail Sheriff War Internet Fulton Plaz Armory Armory Fire Training All Depts Emp Train Nursing Hlth Transfer Stat Transfer Stat Transfer Stat Armory 75 Webster Ave 14 High St 223 MAIN St "1887" - 124 Main St 99 Main St 255 Main St 15 Matthews St 30 Matthews St 30 Harriman Drive 23 Hatfield Lane 2455 St Route 17M 72 River Rd 500 Dunn Road 211 St Route 416 211 St Route 416 211 St Route 416 211 St Route 416 11 Quarry Rd 19 Quarry Rd 11 Quarry Rd 110 Wells Farm Driv 47 Main St 33 Fulton St 141 Broadway 141 Broadway 9 Training Ctr Lane 146 / 150 Pike St 123 Pike St 168 East Main St 21 Training Ctr Lane 9 Orr Ave West 86 Tow Path Rd 141 Broadway Goshen Chester Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Harriman Montgom Hamptonb Hamptonb Hamptonb Hamptonb Goshen Goshen Goshen Goshen Warwick Midletown Newburgh Newburgh New Hamp Port Jervis Port Jervis Port Jervis New Hamp Newburgh Deer Pk,PJ Newburgh Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Front War HVDN HVDN Verizon Frontier Front Citz Front Citz Frontier Unknown Unknown Unknown Verizon Site Designations Codes C/R = Core/Redundancy D = Diversity F = Fault Tolerance N = No 10 Current Bandwidth Site Type Circuits Designations Bandwidth Circuit Up/Down Phase C/R D F Min Needs T1 ADSL DSL ADSL DSL DSL DSL DSL DSL T1 Dial Up DSL DSL DSL DSL Fiber Fiber DSL ADSL Fiber T1 Fiber Fiber DSL Dial Up T1 Dial Up Dial Up Unknow Unknow Unknow DSL 1.5mbps 200/700k 2.3mbps 200/700k NIS 1.55mbps 1.5mbps 2.3mbps 1.04mbps 1.5mbps 240k 400k 528k NIS 100mbps 100mbps 2.3mbps 200/700k 100mbps 1.5mbps 5mbps 5mbps 2.3mbps 1.5mbps Unknown Unknown Unknown unknown 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C/R N N C/R N N N C/R C/R N C/R N N N N N N C/R C/R N C/R C/R C/R C/R N N C/R N N N N N N D N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N F N N F N N N F F N F N N N N N N F F N F F F F N N F N N N N N N Focal Point 1.5Mbps 512k 5Mbps 512k 1.5Mbps 1.5Mbps 5Mbps 5Mbps 1.5Mbps 5Mbps 56k 512k 512k 512k 512k 768k 5or10Mbps 5Mbps 512k 5Mbps 5Mbps 5Mbps 5Mbps 1.5Mbps 512k 1.5Mbps 56k 512k 56 - 512k 56 - 512k 56 - 512k 512k-768k 10.0 Schedule of Events TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE Event Date Release of RFP – on or after 07/18/01 Deadline for Inquiries and Questions By Vendors 07/30/01 Information Services to Respond to Vendor Questions By 08/13/01 Deadline of Vendor Notification of Intent to Bid 08/20/01 Proposals Due 08/27/01 Evaluation of Proposals 11/05/01 Vendor Selection – after 11/12/01 Develop Implementation Plan – on or after 12/19/01 11.0 Receipt of Proposals 11.1 Vendors considering submitting proposal must complete lower portion of Intent to Bid Form (Appendix A-1, Intent to Bid Form) via registered mail or hand delivered by 08/20/01 3:00 P.M. to : Frank Eppinger Information Services Orange County Government 75 Webster Ave Goshen New York 10924 Phone 845-291-2310 Fax 845-291-2998 11.2 Eight (8) original copies and a copy on CD (in PDF format) of the vendor’s proposal must be received no later than 3:00 PM 08/27/01 at the following address: Frank Eppinger Information Services Orange County Government 75 Webster Ave Goshen New York 10924 and shall be clearly marked Proposals for High Speed County Network 11.3 The proposal submitted by the individual vendor(s) is the document upon which Information Services will make its initial judgment regarding the vendor's qualifications, understanding of the County's Request For Proposal and ability to complete services under the contract. -11- 11.4 Those submitting proposals do so entirely at their expense. There is no expressed or implied obligation by the County to reimburse any firm or individual for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting proposals, preparing or submitting additional information requested by the County, or for participating in any selection interviews. 11.5 Submission of any proposal indicates acceptance of the conditions contained in this RFP unless clearly and specifically noted otherwise in the proposal. 11.6 The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted in response to this RFP. 11.7 Orange County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part, to waive any and all informalities and to disregard all non-conforming, nonresponsive, or conditional proposals. 11.8 The proposal of the selected vendor must and will become public information 12.0 Proposal Response 12.1 Proposals should be prepared as simply as possible and provide a straightforward concise description of the vendor’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP 12.2 Indicate the complete name of firm or person(s) submitting proposal, primary and secondary contact persons, telephone numbers (including area codes), e-mail addresses, fax telephone numbers, address of contacts, main office address 12.3 All parts, figures and tables should be numbered and clearly labeled 12.4 Include any additional information, data, prints, or literature deemed pertinent to the understanding and evaluation of the proposal 12.5 Vendor may include in their proposal items not specified in this RFP, which they would consider pertinent. All such items shall be listed separate from the proposal and the cost thereof shall be separate and itemized. 12.6 Vendors may provide any additional information that they feel would distinguish their firm in its service to the County 12.7 The very first part of the proposal is the executive summary This part of the response should be limited to a brief narrative (two pages) highlighting the vendor’s proposal Executive summary should not contain cost quotations 12.8 List of client references that may be contacted regarding vendors performance in providing network services Information shall include at the minimum : - Company Name - Contact name / Title - Address, city, state, zipcode and Telephone number - Service provided -12- 12.9 Vendors must provide the following information about their company: - How long company has been in business - A brief description of the company - Company size and organization - The most recent audited financial statement eg. Annual sales, profitability, etc The County at its option may require a vendor to provide additional documentation to support and / or clarify requested information 13.0 Contract Terms and Conditions 13.1 The selected Vendor will be required to execute a contract with the County of Orange in substantial compliance and conformance with the RFP and the attached standard Orange County Vendor Contract (see appendix A-3). 13.2 Proposals shall remain valid until the execution of a Contract by Orange County. 13.3 The selection of a Vendor will not be based solely on a monetary evaluation of the vendors understanding of the work required and approach to this project 13.4 The Vendor's response to the "RFP" will become part of the Standard Contract. 13.5 Vendor is to state any exceptions to the conditions listed in this RFP deemed important by the vendor 13.6 The County may make such investigations it deems necessary to determine the ability of the Vendor to perform the work proposed. The Vendor shall furnish the County of Orange, within five (5) days of request, all such information and data for this purpose as may be requested. The County reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Vendor fails to satisfy the County that such Vendor is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional proposals will not be accepted. 14.0 Indemnification 14.1 The Vendor shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the County, its employees and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including without limitations, reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of, or in consequence of, any negligent or intentional act or omission of the Vendor, its employees or agents, to the extent of its or their responsibility for such claims, damages, losses and expenses -13- 15.0 Inquiries and Questions 15.1 All inquiries with respect to this Request for Proposals shall be directed to Information Services no later than Monday July 30, 3:00 P.M. as follows: Frank Eppinger Information Services Orange County Government 75 Webster Ave Goshen, N.Y. 10924 TEL: (845) 291-2310 FAX: (845) 291-2998 E-Mail 15.2 All questions about the meaning or intent of the specifications shall be submitted to the aforementioned designated person in writing via FAX. Replies will be issued by Addenda FAXED to all parties recorded as having received the proposal documents. Questions must be received no later than 07/30/01. All timely received questions will be responded to no later than 08/13/01. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral or other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 16.0 Modification and Withdrawal of Proposals 16.1 Proposals may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Proposal must be executed) and delivered to the place where Proposals are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Proposals. 16.2 If within twenty-four (24) hours after the Proposals are opened, any Vendor files a duly signed written notice with the County and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the County that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of his Proposal, that Vendor will be disqualified from further proposal process. 17.0 Insurance and Security Requirements 17.1 The successful Vendor will be required to procure and maintain at its own expense the following insurance coverage: Note: See Appendix A-3 Orange County Standard Vendor Contract Article 13. 17.2 No work shall be commenced under the contract until the Successful Vendor has delivered to the Information Services Department or his designee proof of issuance of all policies of insurance required by the Contract to be procured by the successful Vendor. If at any time, any of said policies shall be or become unsatisfactory to the County, the Successful Vendor shall promptly obtain a new policy and submit proof of insurance of the same to the County for approval. Upon failure of the Successful Vendor to furnish, deliver and maintain such insurance as above provided, this Contract may, at the election of the County, be forthwith declared suspended, discontinued or terminated. Failure of the Successful Vendor to procure and maintain any required insurance, shall not relieve the Successful Vendor from any liability under the Contract, nor shall the -14- 17.2 insurance requirements be constructed to conflict with the obligations of the Successful Vendor concerning indemnification. 18.0 Performance Bond 18.1 A separate Performance Bond, or its cash equivalent, equal to ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) OF THE TOTAL PROPOSAL COST shall be required of the successful bidder, and the bond shall be satisfactory to the Orange County Purchasing Agent and the Orange County Attorney. The bidder to whom the contract any be awarded shall within seven (7) days after the date of notification of the acceptance of his proposal, provide insurance and security as required by the Contract in a form acceptable by the Owner. In case of his failure to do so, or in case of his failure to give further security as herein prescribed, the bidder will be considered as having abandoned the same, and the certified check or other bid security accompanying his proposal shall be forfeited to the County of Orange. 18.2 Orange County reserves the right to waive the required Performance Bond provided the selected Bidder is able to provide other forms of assurances for completion of their services in a timely manner. 19.0 Cash Discounts 19.1 Cash discounts may be offered by Vendor for prompt payment of bills, but such cash discounts will not be taken into consideration in determining the successful bidder. 19.2 For purposes of any applicable cash discount, payment date shall be calculated from the receipt of invoice or final acceptance of the goods, whichever is later. 20.0 Non-Collusive Certificate 20.1 All Vendors proposing under the provisions of the specifications are subject to provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. A signed Non-Collusive Bidding Certificate is required to be submitted with each proposal on the form provided by the County. See Appendix A-2 attached hereto. -15- APPENDIX A-1 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO BID FORM As instructed in Section 11.1, any vendor considering the submission of a proposal in response to the RFP must forward the lower portion of this page, properly completed, to: Frank Eppinger Information Services Orange County Government 75 Webster Ave Goshen, New York 10924 Phone 845-291-2310 Fax 845-291-2998 via registered mail, or hand delivered no later than August 20, 2001, the date identified in the Schedule of Events Section 10.0. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR HIGH SPEED COUNTY NETWORK Company Name: intends to submit a proposal in response to the above titled RFP. Send all RFP addenda and all other related correspondence to the individual and location identified above: Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________ Street Address/PO#: ________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _____________________ Zip Code: _____________ (Area Code) Telephone No.: _______________________ Fax Number: _____________________ E-Mail Address: 16 APPENDIX A-2 Information Services Orange County Request For Proposal HIGH SPEED COUNTY NETWORK NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATIONS By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of their knowledge: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor and: 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted on this bid haven't been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor and: 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or corporation to submit or not submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. Dated: _______________ Company Name:______________________________________________________________ Name/Title: __________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Street/ PO Address: ___________________________________________________________ City/State: _______________________________________ Zip: _______________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: ________________________________ Federal ID Number: _________________________________ AWARDED: Dated:_____________ Signature: ________________________________________ Director of Purchase 17 1 18 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 Appendix A-4 Cisco Router Models: - Cisco 3660 - Cisco 3640 - Cisco 2611 - Cisco 2514 - Cisco 1602 25 APPENDIX A-5 Site location 26 If the Sonet Ring or whatever ring is broken then the data will travel the opposite way to the site location X SONET RING or WHATEVER RING Site Location Two physical lines into the site location 27 SONET RING or WHATEVER RING Site location 28 Equipment inside a site location The communication equipment inside a site location has duplicate power supplies, cards, whatever, that take over automatically in case of a failure