Goshen News - Oakland Baptist Church


Goshen News - Oakland Baptist Church
Goshen News
Goshen Baptist Association
September 2012
Fresh Expressions
There is a movement within the Christian community
called Fresh Expressions. I love the name, because it
reminds me of the mercies of God which come to us
new and fresh each day. The idea behind this movement is for the people of God to reach out in creative
ways to those they encounter to help them find the Savior. We are surrounded by people who for any number
of reasons will not enter or respond to our churches.
Fresh Expressions teaches our people to listen for and
accept the call of the Spirit to go out to those people
and present to them the same love and mercy we have
Many groups reach out to those around them to provide
support and fellowship but Fresh Expressions is different. Although these groups rarely look alike, all Fresh
Expressions of the church share four common goals.
Continued on page 3 ... Fresh
Volume XXXIII Number 9
October Meetings
Goshen Missions Celebration
Sunday, October 7
Louisa Baptist Church
3-5 p.m.
Mission emphases: Ghana, Coeburn,
and World Crafts
Please bring canned fruit, veggies, and meat
to be donated to a food pantry.
Goshen Fall Meeting
Tuesday, October 23
Mineral Baptist Church
10 a.m.
Mission panel featuring - Panama, Standing Rock,
Honduras & Romania
Old Oak Falls at Leland~Madison Park
Thank you to all who volunteered and helped clean up
our park. The tree also took out our parkʼs picnic tables
and another tree. The monument was not damaged.
If you know where we can get concrete picnic tables,
Continued on page 3... Old Oak
The approximately 400 year-old tree at Leland-Madison
Park on Route 20 in Orange which fell during a storm
was quite a large job for the thirty plus volunteer workers to clean up. The trunk of the tree will be professionally removed due to its size, but they worked the
morning away sawing, chopping and cleaning up brush.
The loan of a large chipper from White Oak Equipment
in Richmond brought by Lonnie Kincaid of Oakland,
and the log splitter brought by David Navarre from
Gordonsville proved to be invaluable.
Mission Opportunities
Fishing Anyone?
Project for August ~ Homeless Shelters
The pond at the Goshen Ministry Center has been fully stocked
and is ready for your Sunday School class or small group to
come and fish. All we ask is that you reserve your fishing date
with the Goshen office at 540.894.8440.
Moldova Church Planter
Several churches and couples have pledged and begun support
for Gheorge Rudie, our Indiginous Church Planter in Moldova.
Mechanicsville, North Pamunkey, Oakland, Trinity, Elk Creek,
Zoar VBS, Waldrop, Craigs Sr. Mens Sunday School, Kerns,
Hart, and Dickens. If you or your church would like to pledge
to support our church planter or would like more information,
call the Goshen Ministry Center at 540.894.8440. We need 4-5
more churches or individuals to commit to $350 a year for the
next five years.
The Unlikeliest Places
This yearʼs “Consider Your Call” emphasis focuses on Samuelʼs anointing of David as the new King of Israel. We see that
Godʼs anointed came from the unlikeliest of places. The sonʼs
of Jesse that were brought before Samuel to be Godʼs anointed
(from the outside) were not the ones God had in mind. God had
to remind Samuel that, “Man looks on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart: (I Samuel 16:7)
Consider Your Call ~ October 28
Congratulations to two of our RITE students who graduated
June 4 with a diploma from the John Leland Center for Theological Studies. Sean OʼToole, a member of Chancellor Baptist
Church and John “Toby” Tyler, a member of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Orange.
Monthly Projects
Our monthly projects will be changing this new church year.
So watch the “Goshen News” columns for changes.
RuraLove - A ministry of Goshen Association to
local families in crisis ~ 540.894.8440
URGENT: mops, brooms, dustpans, small kitchenettes, dressers, TWIN, FULL, QUEEN mattresses (separates or sets - weʼll
match), bed frames, pots and pans, electric stoves, washing machines, refrigerators, good vehicles, etc. Please make sure all
donations work properly and are clean.
Also NEED VOLUNTEERS for pick-ups and deliveries, and
to help sort Tues. or Wed. mornings or another by appointment.
REMINDER: Requests should come from the church to help
meet the needs in the community in the name of Jesus. Thus our
motto “Neighbor Helping Neighbor” - meeting physical needs,
developing trust through relationships and ministering spiritually.
PLEASE make sure to FOLLOW UP with families after they
have been helped. This is key to making the most of opportunities to minister spiritually to families in crisis.
RuraLove Ministry Update
During the past month RuraLove helped churches minister to:
families with financial help
families with household needs
families with a whole house
families with clothing
Thank You
Dear Fellow Christians,
Thank you for your continued support of the Brown Bag Lunch
program of Coeburn and the support of the Backpack and School
Supply program. Coeburnʼs needs are great. I spoke with Johnny
Adkins and he shared that they were able to feed the children all
summer. They are currently feeding between 200 and 250 children a day.
This wouldnʼt be possible without your prayers and financial support. Thank you again for making this a successful program for
the children of Coeburn.
Friends in Christ
Susie Able
Thank You for Your
Continued Prayers
Hunter’s Meal
Elk Creek Baptist would like to thank you for your prayers for
the Comer family and ask that you continue praying for them.
Everyone is making good progress. God is good. Thanks for
your continuing prayers and help in so many ways. The familyʼs
home address is 18 Spring Road, Mineral, VA 23117
~ Woody Jenkins, pastor
Page 2
September 15 at 5 p.m.
Men, please bring your favorite game dishes
and invite your hunting buddies or hunt club.
Ladies, we would appreciate your help with one
of your delicious side dishes.
Mechanicsville Baptist Church
Continued from front page... Old Oak
please call the Goshen Ministry Center at 540.894.8440.
Leland~Madison Park is an eight-acre wayside park which
commemorates the meeting of John Leland and (future
president) James Madison which led to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
John Leland was a church planter and pastor in The Goshen
and an advocate of the Freedom of Religion. The Orange
Jaycees gave this property to Goshen because of Lelandʼs
connection to Goshen and Baptist heritage.
Continued from front page... Fresh
They serve those not currently being served by any church.
They seek to listen to the people they will work with and
walk beside them in their lives. They seek to help these
people live their lives with Christ as their center. And, they
seek to be the church for these people.
This demands new approaches, creative thinking, and the
patience the Lord alone can give. But, each new Fresh
Expression of the church enlarges the Kingdom and the
family of God.
Church News
First Baptist Missionaries will celebrate their annual Missionary Day on Sunday, September 23 at 10:45 a.m. The guest
speaker will be Ms. Wanda Chiles, a Louisa native now living
in Maryland. She is an entrepreneur, writer, and motivational
speaker. Everyone is invited to attend.
Wallers is holding their Fall Festival on Saturday, October 6
from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Homemade apple butter will be for sale.
On Sunday, October 21, the church body will be celebrating
Homecoming at 11 a.m. with lunch following.
“Grist from the Mill”
I enjoy reading and hearing stories about Francis of Assisi. I particularly enjoy the story of Francis and the Leper.
It seems that Francis was terrified of leprosy. One day he
was walking along a narrow path when he saw a leper approaching him. His first thought was to run, to get away
from that loathsome being. But then, growing ashamed of
himself, Francis turned around and threw his arms around
the leper and kissed him. He went a few
steps past the leper and turned again to
him but no one was there. To his death
Francis believed there had been no leper,
but an angel sent by the Lord to teach him
that people are more important than self
or pride or fear.
Francis challenges me in many ways. The
record of his faith and the life he chose to
live bear a witness to me of how a Believer should live each day before the Lord but this story, where
he confronted what he loathed and feared, brings into focus
those choices, life-styles, and issues that keep me away from
certain people who live around me. As I am confronted by
these my “lepers,” I too wish to turn from them and run in
another direction, not wishing ill upon them but most assuredly wishing to be far from them. And in so doing, I fail to
equal the witness, faith, and obedience that Francis showed
on a lonely path in the Italian hills so many centuries ago.
The Lord Jesus demands that we love “the least of these.”
These could be the poor, the addicts, or the aliens around us.
The Lord has placed these people in our path to see if we
run from them or, like Francis, embrace them with the love
of Christ.
Women’s Conference
VA Baptist Library Assoc.
Louisa Baptist Church
Simulcast Event ~ Beth Moore
Saturday, September 15
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ~ lunch included
Tickets are $20 until September 1. After, $25
go to www.louisabaptist.org click on Beth Moore
registration and follow the instructions. 540.967.1364
The Virginia Baptist Library Association fall conference will
be held on Saturday, October 13 at Monument Heights Baptist
Church, 5716 Monument Ave., Richmond, VA 23226. The conference begins with registration is at 8 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.
The Executive Board will meet Friday night Oct. 12 for dinner
at 6:30 p.m. and a meeting for the Executive Board only at 7:30
p.m. The cost will be $25 for Friday and Saturday for Executive
Board members and $20 for Saturday only for everyone else.
With the start of a new year, now is the perfect time to get training for your staff.
WMU Reports Due
WMU Directors Annual Reports are due September 1 to :
Teresa Groome
625 Green Pastures Dr.
Dabneys, VA 23102
Church Clerks
When Words Fail...
Clerks Annual Church Profile Time!! You should receive information from Goshen Ministry Center this month. Due in by
October 10.
Practical Ministry to People with Dementia
Sept. 27 10a.m. - 2 p.m.
1600 Westbrook Ave., Richmond
The cost is $20 which covers materials and lunch. Space is limited, so please contact Vanessa Perry vperry@wcrichmond.org
by Sept. 20 for more info or to register.
Page 3
Websites for Ministries
Door of Hope - South Africa (Christian Orphanages which
place abandoned children) www.holeinthewall.org.za
Living Hope Community Centre News - South Africa (Living Hope makes a difference in the lives of those infected and
affected by HIV/AIDS in the deep south of Cape Town in the
Name of Jesus Christ.) www.livinghope.co.za
South India - Dr. & Mrs. Kunjumon Chacko, P.O. Box 11,
Vadavathoor P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India 686010
email: chackos@sancharnet.in
Goshen Counseling Center
Dwight Boston, LCSW, M.S.W.
2011-2012 Ministry Action Budget
GMC = Goshen Ministry Center 587 Mica Rd., Mineral
CCCC = Crossroads Camp and Conference Center, Lowesville
VBRC= Virginia Baptist Resource Center, Richmond
Monthly Needs
Received Oct-July
Received in July
Budget Shortfall to date
Newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month.
Goshen News
Goshen Baptist Association
587 Mica Road
P.O. Box 296
Mineral, Virginia 23117
Rev. John Miller, DoM
Cell: 540.229.5366
Joy Dickens, Ministry Assistant
Phone: 540.894.8440
Fax: 540.894.8442
Email: goshenba@nexet.net
website: www.goshenassociation.com
Tammy Wood, Editor
Member: American Association of Christian Counselors. Fees
are covered by most insurance plans. Those with no insurance
may be seen with an adjusted fee based on finances if funding
allows. Counselor is trained to provide counseling to children,
adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Dwight is available
to provide educational seminars on specific topics of interest.
Clothing and Yardsale at RuraLove 8-1
Labor Day - Office Closed
Ministerʼs Breakfast 9 a.m. GMC
WMU Advisory Board Meeting - CCCC
Week of Prayer for Virginia Missions and
Alma Hunt Offering
Ministers New to Virginia Orientation 9:30 a.m.
Womenʼs Silent Retreat CCCC
Latino Fall Festival 2-5 p.m.
Non Profit Organization
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Louisa, Virginia 23093