Satis Vacuum


Satis Vacuum
— J
Satis Vacuum
Beat Siegrist
President S
Chief Executive Officer
Satis Vacuum is an internationally active group of companies headquartered in Baar, Switzerland. Satis Vacuum's ophthalmic lens coating
systems are in operation on all continents.Accordingly.the SATIS sales
and service organization is truly global. It is aware of the specific needs
of the individual markets and can offer its customers optimized
and personalized support. Satis Vacuum operates 6 subsidiaries in key
markets, including its Swiss headquarters, and serves the other
Mario Dall'Acqua
Chief Financial Officer
regions with a network of representatives and service centers.
Hanspeter Eigenmann
Vice President
Marketing and Sales
Oskar Schmid
Vice President
Sales Administration
Silvano Salina
Sales Manager
Corporate Headquarters
From its headquarters in Baar, in the canton of Zug, Satis Vacuum
serves customers and representatives around the world.The subsidiaries in Europe, the USA, and Asia are managed from Baar. Headquarters is responsible for international sales and procurement management as well as for global financial management. For this reason, the
SATIS Group is organized as a holding company under Swiss law.
Giuseppe Siepe
Sales Manager
Another key mission of the management in Baar is to identify new
market requirements and to recognize trends in coating technologies
in the quest for solutions to future problems. Satis Vacuum has never
merely remained abreast of technological developments but instead
helped forge or anticipate them. In this manner, SATIS became the
Chris Jakober
Sales Manager
pacemaker in coating technology.
This was and is possible only thanks to close contacts with customers
and specialization in ophthalmic lens finishing processes.The lens, and
thus the needs of lensmakers and finishers, is still in the focal point
at SATIS. One of the fortes of Satis Vacuum is its commitment to
customers.The company perceives itself not simply as a supplier of
machines but offers comprehensive advice and support, prior to and
Michael Witzany
Vice President
after the sale.This includes planning of coating laboratories or extensions, the installation and commissioning of machines, training for the
customer's personnel, as well as ongoing quality assurance, service,
and technology support.
Because customers are comprehensively and permanently supported,
they can derive maximum benefit from their SATIS coating labs. At
the same time, they are assured that their systems and process technology are always state-of-the-art.
Dr. Werner Lobsiger
R & D Counsel
A SATIS customer commented as follows:"SATIS is such a paramount
factor in the field of ophthalmic technologies that we would never
make an investment in a coating laboratory without talking to the people at Satis Vacuum first."
The SATIS production plant is located in the Milan area.This site was
selected on the basis of resource-related considerations: Northern
Italy has an outstanding industrial infrastructure and ranks third in the
machine-tool field, behind Germany and Japan. These favorable conditions have enabled SATIS to devise an unconventional manufacturing
philosophy: Components (most of them manufactured especially for
SATIS) are delivered on a "just in time" schedule. Then, before the
Chief Executlve Ofcr
system is finally assembled, all components are thoroughly inspected,
some in test equipment specifically designed for them. SATIS has assigned a high priority to quality assurance.
Dr. Santo Caenazzo
Vice President
Dr. Valerio Bondesan
Process Technology
Lino C. Barbieri
Vice President
Technical Service
Research and development is also located at the Milan plant. SATIS divides this activity into electrical and mechanical systems on the one
hand and process engineering on the other.The world's largest development team specifically concerned with ophthalmic lens coatings
Claudio Calcaterra
must deal with increasingly complex problems. Because of the wide
Customer Service
range of substrates in use - high-index plastic and glass lenses, phototropic plastic lenses, a variety of hard lacquers - and the diversity of
processes used to manufacture ophthalmic lenses, and reflection coatings have to meet standards that are growing exponentially more
stringent. How well do SATIS engineers and physicists meet this challenge? Renowned lens manufacturers now come to SATIS to have
custom coating systems developed before they launch new products.
The clear trend in system design is toward integration and automation:
Operation is to become simpler and simpler ("pushbutton convenience")
and automation is to replace manual action whenever possible ("door
closed, door open").This philosophy has enabled SATIS to set the pace
in bringing new generations of technology to the market.
SATIS' interpretation of service includes not only preventive maintenance and repairs, but also customer training, advice, and technology
support.While long-term service is normally provided by decentralized
subsidiaries and service points all over the world, the Milan factory has
a specially trained team of experts to deliver technology support.
Whenever a new system is installed, these specialists are placed at the
customer's disposal to insure trouble-free commissioning; they can
remain available for several months if necessary. At the same time, they
help the customer's personnel deepen their knowledge through
"hands-on training."
SATIS customers can also obtain technology support over a telephone
hotline - around the clock. With the new generation of systems, the
SATIS technician can directly manipulate the software installed on the
customer's equipment, using a modem, and thus optimize processes or
identify malfunctions.
Driven by the AR boom, the activities of the SATIS Group on the North
American continent have evolved dramatically over the past few years:
The number of systems customers has shown double-digit growth year
after year. In view of this momentum and the overall potential of this
huge market, but also because of the ways in which it differs from other
markets, Satis Vacuum has established a wholly-owned subsidiary in the
USA. All of its employees are American optical industry specialists.
Larry Clarke
President &
Chief Executive Officer
m Satis Vacuum
Normen Kester
Vice President
Mark Imus
Vice President Sales
North America
Brian Peterson
Technology Support
Satis Vacuum of America Inc., is domiciled in Groveport, Ohio, in the
new "Optical Village." It is home to a number of optical and ophthalmic
businesses and is only 40 minutes away from a major air courier hub.
The location offers further advantages, including the proximity of ophthalmics suppliers and labs. Moreover, it is in a Free Trade Zone, a very
welcome asset for an internationally active company like SATIS, especially as regards imports.
The spacious facilities accommodate the customer service, sales, and
administration departments.At the same time, the company has an onsite coating laboratory which serves as a demo system, training center,
and testing and research lab. It is also available to SATIS systems customers if they have an interim need for extra capacity to bridge downtimes or cover demand peaks.
In addition to its headquarters in Ohio, Satis Vacuum also has a technical service center in Dallas, Texas. The team of service technicians
there is managed by staffers who have many years of installation and
service experience with SATIS systems.They support SATIS customers
in North and South America.
SATIS USA does not limit itself to selling equipment and processes. In
accordance with the SATIS philosophy, it also offers customers a full
package of services: advice on design, financing assistance, operator
training at the SATIS lab and on the job, installation of systems for lens
preparation and coating, technology support for the smooth startup of
new equipment, and quality control. What is more, SATIS technicians
make sure that the equipment always remains state-of-the-art and that
the customer gets the best return on investment.
Werner Kalb
General Manager
Dieter Grane
Technical Assistance
The Satis Vacuum subsidiary in Erlensee near Frankfurt is a service and
logistics center for those regions of Continental Europe that lie north
Stefan Weber
Technical Assistance
of the Alps. It operates a large warehouse with an extensive inventory
of consumables from quartz crystals to protective gloves and also has
its own workshop with all the equipment needed to handle conversions, overhauls, and extensions.
Adam Brierley
General Manager
Gillian Walrnsley
Sales Manager
Satis Vacuum (UK) Ltd. is the Group's newest subsidiary. It is headquartered in Greater Manchester and conveniently accessible. The company's consumables department serves the entire UK, offering customized and specially designed products as well. Its spacious workshop can
handle conversions, overhauls, and extensions.Three service technicians
are trained to maintain high-vacuum systems of any European make. A
fully equipped coating laboratory on site is available for tests, demos,
and sample lenses.
Paul Lee Kah Ctioon
General Manager
Hans W. Schmidt
Technology Support
Satis Vacuum Asia in Singapore is the operations base which allows
the SATIS Group to serve its customers in the Asia-Pacific region.
The organization is structured in such a way that the responsible
specialists can competently provide customers with technical and
technology support, maintenance work, and marketing and sales
information about new equipment and coating processes. They also
function as consultants and planners for turnkey coating labs starting
from scratch.
With an extensive inventory of spare parts and consumption materials Satis Vacuum Asia is able to serve its customers within the shortest period of time.
Запросы направляйте по адресу:
DUCK GmbH, Bielefelder Str. 272
D-32791 Lage / Германия
тел.: (1049-5232) 9797-60, факс: 9797-62
или в наше представительство в Москве:
тел./ Лаке (095) 434-25-06
Satis Vacuum
The pacemakers in coating technology
Satis Vacuum Neuhofstrasse 12 CH-634I Baar/ZG
Phone 4I-4I-766 16 16 Fax4l-4l-766 16 IO
Satis Vacuum Via del Campacelo 13 I-200I9 Settimo Milanese
Phone 39-02-33 55 6I Fax 39-02-33 50 12 00
Satis Vacuum Beethovenstrasse 30 D-63526 Erlensee
Phone 49-6I83-7308I Fax 49-6183-72770
Satis Vacuum of America Inc. PO Box ISO
Phone 877-409-9401 Fax 614-409-9306
Groveport OH 43I25
Satis Vacuum (UK) Ltd. Futura Park Aspinall Way Middlebrook
Bolton BL6 6PG Phone OI204 698 955 Fax OI204 469 I47
Satis Vacuum Asia Pte. Ltd. !9Tanglin Road #04-18 Singapore 247909
Phone 65-737 97 II Fax 65-735 07 1 1

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Satis Vacuum Запросы направляйте по адресу: DUCK GmbH, Bielefelder Str. 272 D-32791 Lage/Германия тел.: (1049-5232) 9797-60. фате: 9797-62 e-mail: или в наше представительство в Москве:

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