Thank You - Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish


Thank You - Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish
Third Sunday of Easter
Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish
Readings and Mass Intentions
for the Week
Sunday, Apr. 22
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/Ps 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9/
1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48
8:00 a.m. Mass
10:30 a.m. Mass................. Tom Hamilton
Monday, Apr. 23
Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30/
Jn 6:22-29
Tuesday, Apr. 24
Acts 7:51-8:1a/Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 7b and
8a, 17 and 21ab/Jn 6:30-35
Wednesday, Apr. 25
1 Pt 5:5b-14/Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17/
Mk 16:15-20
No Daily Mass
Thursday, Apr. 26
Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20/
Jn 6:44-51
No Daily Mass
Friday, Apr. 27
Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Jn 6:52-59
No Daily Mass
Saturday, Apr. 28
Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17/
Jn 6:60-69
5:30 p.m. Mass.......... Richard Callahan †
May 17th, 2012
M&M’s Shopping and Lunch Day
in Granbury.
More details to come.
Thank You
Thank you to all who took part
in the planning and preparation
of the Confirmation retreat.
Also to those who
helped work the retreat,
your hard work and dedication
is appreciated.
Help Wanted
Art and Environment Ministry
This ministry is periodically in need of
seamstresses, carpenters and handymen. If you
are talented in any of these areas, please contact
the church office, or Carolyn Pass at clcpass@
Christmas Play Costume Seamstress Wanted
We are looking for someone who would be
interested in making some new costumes for the
Christmas play in December. If this is something
that you would be interested in helping out
with please contact the church office or Diane
Religious Education programs
FFT (Pre-K-6th Grade):
Sunday 9:15-10:15am
Last FFT class Apr. 29th, and class parties
REMINDER: First Communion is
Saturday May 5th, at 5:30pm
Middle/High School Youth:
Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm
Why Catholic
Sunday 11:45am-1:15pm
Sunday evening from 5:00-6:30pm
Monday evening from 7:00-8:30pm
(Bible Timeline to begin on Apr. 30th)
Wednesday morning from 9:45-11:45am
Wednesday evening 7:00-8:30pm
No Daily Mass on
Apr. 25th, 26th, and 27th
The 2nd Collection on Apr. 28th
is for the Seminarian Formation Fund.
Spanish Mass Apr. 29th, 5:00pm
Vacation Bible School will be held
July 16-19
For Ages 3 to entering into 6th Grade
Adult and Youth Volunteers Needed!
Youth Volunteers must be entering
into 7th Grade
Please Contact the Church Offices or
by emailing Diane Barkell at
Returning our Treasure
in Thanksgiving
Financial Information thru the week of
Apr. 14th - 15th:
Weekly Need:.................................. $10,430.00
Weekly Actual:................................. $8,225.50
Attendance:................................................. 538
Church Debt Loan Balance...... $1,935,648.69
(as of 02/12)
Thank You….
Thank you so much for all of the candy and eggs that were donated
for the Easter Egg Hunt, and to everyone who took the time to help out
in some way to make the hunt a success! The kids had a great time.
The last day to register to vote in the Presidential Primary Election is Apr. 30, 2012
To vote in Texas, you must be registered. Simply go to to get your
voter registration application and mail it at least 30 days before the election date.
“The Church teaches that all Catholics should participate as “faithful citizens” in the public square,
especially through our voice in the voting booth, and that we have the responsibility to treat the decision
for whom we will vote for with profound moral seriousness. We must approach the right and duty to
vote with a properly formed and informed conscience in accordance with the teachings of the Church.” ~
Bishop Farrell and Bishop Vann, Joint Statement 2008.
Please continue to remember and pray for all those listed in the prayer intention book and
those listed below. Feel free to add any of your special prayers to the intention book located
on the back table in the sanctuary. Please contact the parish office if you would like to have the
intention mentioned at mass or in the bulletin.
Remember in Prayer - Recuerde en Oración
Edmund Gutierrez, Becky Reese, Bill McAdams, Barbara Gosnell,
Travis Hill, Charles Campbell, Rita Roarick †, Kimberly Harrington †,
Holly Fisher, Marge Klinksiek, Willie Romo
April 22, 2012
Apr. 23: Stephen’s Ministry 7:00pm
Apr. 24: Bea’s Quilting Group 9:00am
Apr. 29: Last Day of FFT classes
Apr. 30: Bible Timeline Begins 7:00pm
May 1: Una Fe 6:30pm
May 4: First Friday Adoration 9:00am
May 5: First Communion Mass 5:30pm
May 6: Msgr. Publius Mass and Reception 2:00pm
Center Of Hope
The monthly food drive for the Center of Hope
is taking place this weekend. Please stop by
and pick up a flyer for a list of items needed.
You may drop your donations off directly at the
Center of Hope or here at the church.
dear Padre
Dear Padre
April 22, 2012
Which Bible stories are true?
It seems to me that Church teaching on
biblical fundamentalism isn’t consistent.
For example, the Church doesn’t teach
that the world was created in seven days,
but it does teach that the Last Supper
happened exactly as written. How does
the Church decide what in the Bible really
happened and what is just a story?
Dear Aidan,
The Catholic Church doesn’t divide the
Bible into what “really happened” and what
is “just a story.” We believe everything in the
Bible is the inspired Word of God and, as
such, is all true.
The Bible isn’t only one book. It’s a
collection of books written by different
people in different times and with different
purposes. Parts should be read like poetry,
others like history, and others like the law.
We don’t read, “Your teeth are like a flock
of ewes to be shorn” (Song of Songs 4:2) the
same way we read, “Be careful to observe my
commandments. I am the LORD”(Leviticus
A Catholic study Bible will help you
understand how the Church interprets the
Bible. If your parish doesn’t have a Biblestudy group, ask your pastor for one. Studying
the Bible by yourself is a great thing, but you
can learn even more through guided group
So no part of Scripture is “just a story.”
It’s all the inspired Word of God, who reveals
himself throughout the Bible in a variety of
Patrick Keyes, CSSR
© 2012 LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS, Liguori, MO 63057-9999.
Good News!
April 22, 2012
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:13–15, 17–19 / 1 Jn 2:1–5a / Lk 24:35–48
The word witness can be a little scary. Witnesses to an accident often have to see and talk
about unpleasant or tragic happenings.
Serving as a witness in a court case can be intimidating as lawyers pose challenging questions
and expect the full truth to be told. Even those who have given “witness talks” on a retreat or at
the end of Mass would probably admit to some trepidation about speaking publicly about one’s
faith and commitment to Christ.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls those gathered around him witnesses. Imagine being that kind
of witness—among the first people to experience Jesus after his resurrection. The Gospel first
describes those gathered as startled, terrified, and doubting, but then later as incredulous with
joy. Jesus showed them his wounds, ate in front of them, and explained the Scriptures to them.
Perhaps the experience would have been slightly frightening at first, but imagine the exultation
they felt as they witnessed Jesus real and alive among them. Quite a different experience than
testifying as a court witness, for sure.
But though we weren’t among those privileged few, we still are witnesses to Jesus’ real
presence alive among us today. Certainly we experience Jesus most profoundly in the Eucharist
we celebrate together. But we also can recognize him when others reach out to touch our wounds
or when forgiveness occurs between relatives or friends who have suffered a rift. He is present
when we feed hungry people and give generously to those in much greater need than ourselves.
Jesus didn’t stop being real, alive, and present back in the times of the Gospel. He is present
with us now—if we open our eyes to recognize him. Do we feel that same incredulous joy when
we witness him in our midst?
Janel Esker |
© 2012 LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS, Liguori, MO 63057-9999.
Professional Video
We would like to hire a
professional videographer to be
at Msgr. Publius’ Mass and Reception
to make a special DVD of the event.
If you know of a professional that
you would recommend, please call
the parish office with the details.
Catholic Charities Fort Worth: We need your
help! Over the next 90 days Catholic Charities
Fort Worth will see an increase in refugee arrivals
along with the need to furnish apartments for our
homeless and veteran programs. The Creating
Hope Donation Center is in need of 50 dinette sets
and 50 sofas and chairs. If you have a dinette set
or sofa and chairs you would like to donate please
email or call Emma Rojas at
or 817-413-3934 to make arrangements. We can
schedule a time to pick up the items at your home.
Thank you Kwik Kar Lube and Auto Care, Len and Debbie Minco, parishioners.
Without your support the bulletin would not be possible. Please patronize our sponsors. See back of bulletin.
Thank You to All Who Are Called to Serve
Sat, Apr. 28 • 5:30PM Mass
Altar Servers
PS-John Miller
PS-Matthew Miller
Lynda Wright
Shawn Prickett
Eucharistic Ministers
Elizabeth Weaver
Mike Barron
Sheila Haase
Karen Florance
Allen Broesche
Mike Barron
Monica Knesek
Kaitlyn Williams
Sun, Apr. 29 • 8:00AM Mass
Altar Servers
PS –Ben Clements
PS –Ben Slabbekoorn
Eucharistic Ministers
Jackie Voss
Myra Speer
Dani Voss
David Weaver
Clay Melton
Jeff Hensley
Allen Broesche
Dave Mestemaker
Keith Brinkley
Loren Mott
Sun, Apr. 29 • 10:30 a.m. Mass
Altar Servers
PS - Daniel Rakowitz
PS - Rebecca Rakowitz
Eucharistic Ministers
Chuck Sheridan Maryrita Mallett David Wagner
Val Grooms
Sandy Moore Maureen Munson
Bernie Rakowitz Michael Weaver Caileen Tallant
Austin Abbett
Laura Brown
Michael Harding
Regina Grammer Dave Abbett
Felix Ruiz
Kater Taylor
Drew Wright