La Femme Plus International - La Femme Magnifique International
La Femme Plus International - La Femme Magnifique International
Darcelle XV Presents La Femme Magnifique International™ and La Femme plus International™ La Femme Magnifique is a contest to crown the most glamorous female impersonator in the world. We have broken the contest down into two categories consisting of La Femme Magnifique InternationalTM and La Femme Magnifique Plus InternationalTM. If you are interested in competing for this prestigious title, please review the application, rules and guidlines and the calendar of events. This information is available on the website. Once you have reviewed the information and made the decision to compete, please complete the application and email it to or mail the hard copy to Darcelle XV 208 NW 3rd. Ave. Portland Oregon 97209. If you have any additional question or would like a hard copy of the information sent to you please call us (503) 222-5338. Application are being accepted from the winner and first runner up in each category from the cities where a preliminary is being held. If your city does not have a preliminary you may register as the contestant for that city. Please contact us if you like a complimentary DVD of the previous years to review. Please be certain to review the rules and regulations each year for current information. Sincerely, Darcelle XV and the La Femme Family D a r c e l l e X V P r e s e n t s L a F e m m e M a g n i f i q u e I n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d L a F e m m e P l u s I n t e r n a t i o n a l 2015 Contestant Information La Femme Magnifi que International TM and La Femme Magnifique PlusTM Sunday, September 6th. 2015 Phone: 503-222-5338 — FAX 503-222-6771 Website: — E-mail: Darcelle XV Production We are indeed pleased and proud that you have decided to compete in the La Femme Magnifique International™ and La Femme Plus International PageantTM! Please take a few moments to review the following changes for 2015 1. Black and White will not be a judged as part of the overall score. A special award will be given for the best in the category as chosen by a special and separate panel of judges. This score will not have any effect on the score for the contest. 2. All perfomances for the contestants and previous winners will be limited to 3.5 minutes. Pageant Producer: Darcelle XV Pageant Administrator: Roxy LeRoy Pageant Director, Pageant Coordinator & Choreographer: Monica Boulevard Pageant Secretary: Jay Mitchell "Dela'Rosa 3. We will allow all previous winners to perform that have turned in thier music at least 10 days prior to the pageant. (August 27th. is the deadline for 2015) All that is required of you to compete in the LA FEMME MAGNIFIQUE INTERNATIONAL™ or LA FEMME MAGNIFIQUE PLUS INTERNATIONAL™ Pageant as a contestant is that you agree to be in Portland, Oregon over the Labor Day weekend to compete. The 2015 pageant will be held on Sunday September 6th. 2015 at The Oregon Convention Center. IF YOU HAVE HAD BREAST IMPLANTS, BEEN TAKING HORMONE SHOTS, OR HAVE HAD ANY GENDER ALTERING, YOU MAY NOT COMPETE! NO EXCEPTIONS!! Categories and Judges Criteria There are 4 required categories. The first category will have a prize for best presentation. The following three categories will be judged to determine the winner of the pageant. First Look (Not Judged) 1. Black and/or White Presentation: For this category you will wear your interpretation of a Black and/or White look. This will be choreographed and the house music will be provided. This is your first chance to make an impression on the audience. We are looking for a strong and confident presentation to start the evening with excitement. There will be a prize for presentaion in this category, chosen by a select and seperate panel of judges. While this is an important look for the evening, it will not have an effect on your final score towards winning the title. 2. EVENING GOWN COMPETION: (Judged) For your first judge look you will wear a floor length gown. The gown may be any style, color, and material. Judges criteria include but not limited to: Presentation of Gown, Make-Up, Hair, Style, Poise, and Stage presence. 3. TALENT COMPETITION: (Judged) Your talent presentation is limited to 3.5 minutes. NO EXCEPTIONS! Judges criteria include but are not limited to: Talent, Poise, and Presentation. You may include other performers in your presentation, however, it should be noted that these additional will be considered when judging your performance. (Special Note: Talent music must be in our hands ten (10) days prior to the pageant. In the event of duplications, the contestant with the earliest postmark will perform the number and the other contestant will be required to choose another selection.) PLEASE BRING A BACK-UP COPY OF YOUR TALENT MUSIC! 4. SHOW GIRL COMPETITION: (Judged)This one is the “BIGGIE”. The glamorous and glorious evening climaxes with the Las Vegas Show Girl/Headdress Look. It is to your advantage to construct your headdress well. BALANCE is important. The look is designed for glamourous and exciting. It is expected that this will be a strong presentation. It should be "over the top" impresive. It should be large enough to create a spectacle but contructed in a fashion that makes it seem as natural as everyday clothing. You are expected to manage the costume while giving a strong and energenic presentation. Be aware that your competition in this category will be BIG, however, BIGGER IS NOT NECESSARILY BETTER. (House music will be provided for this category.) In the event of a tie for, La Femme Magnifique International™ and La Femme Plus International™, the following will apply: The highest Score in Showgirl Presentation will be the first level tie breaker. The highest score in Talent Presentation will be the second level tie breaker. The highest score in Evening Gown Presentation will be the third level tie breaker. In the unlikely event that we still have a tie at that time, we will poll the judges. THE JUDGES DECISION WILL BE FINAL!!!! Schedule for Labor Day Weekend September 4-5, 2015 (Friday and Saturday Night) All La Femme Magnifique International™ and La Femme Plus InternationalTM contestants are invited to perform in the Darcelle XV Cabaret Show. There are two shows to choose from. For more information about perfoming or to reserve your spot, please contact the show coordinator at the club number (503) 222-5338 or email Attention Show Coordinator. September 5th. 2015 (Saturday 1:00 pm Meeting) Meet and Greet: The contestants, their dresses, and sponsors will meet with the producers and directors of the pageant. We will review rules and expectations at that time. This meeting will be held a 1:00 pm. at Darcelle XV Showplace, 208 NW 3rd. Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209. This will be an oppertunity to purchase tickets and to review the seating chart. September 6th., 2015 (Sunday 11:00 am. Rehearsal) Rehearsal will start at 11:00 AM. It is IMPERATIVE and MANDATORY that you are at rehearsal and ON TIME! Tardiness Will result in loss of points. We will start rehearsal for the Black and/or White Presentation. Then we will provide each contestant with the oppertunity to run through their number on stage. This is limited to one non-stop run through per contestant. You may bring your costumes and accessories in and choose your spot in the dressing room at this time as well. September 6th., 2015 (Sunday The Pageant) The 2015 La Femme Magnifique InternationalTM and the La Femme Magnifique Plus InternationalTM Pageant will commence at 6:00 pm. SHARP! All contestants are required to be checked into the dressing room at 5:00 pm. (Tardiness will result in loss of points) La Femme Magnifique is proud to provide you with a variety of vendors in the lobby of the pageant for all your glamour needs. Schedule for Labor Day Weekend The La Femme After Party will be held and hosted by Portland's Premiere Gay Nightclub, C.C. Slaughters, in "The Lounge" starting at 8:30pm. You must have your La Femme Ticket to enter this extravaganza. Complimentary champagne served while supplies last. The Victory Party will be held at Darcelle's and Roxy's House 89 NE Thompson Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 287-5716 Party always starts at Noon.... La Femme Magnifique International™ and La Femme Plus International™ Please have registration COMPLETED and RETURNED on or before August 1, 2015 If you are filling out the form manually, please write clearly. Name: Stage Name: Title you are running for: La Femme Magnifique International: La Femme Plus Magnifique International: Street: City: State: Contact Phone Number: E-Mail Address: Please fill the form out completely. Email to: Mail to: Darcelle XV Attn: La Femme Magnifique Coordinator 208 NW 3rd Ave. Portland, OR. 97209 Zip Code:
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