This Week`s Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Conception


This Week`s Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Conception
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September 27, 2015
September 27, 2015
Phone: 973-744-5650 30 No. Fullerton Ave. Email:
Fax: 973-744-7936 Montclair, NJ 07042 Website:
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Joseph A. Scarangella
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Paul L. Bochicchio
Weekend Assistant
Rev. Robert K. Suszko
In Residence
Rev. Frank J. Burla, Retired
Rev. Louis M. Pambello
Parish Catechetical Leader
Ms. Janet Natale
Organist and Director of Music
Mr. Preston L. Dibble
Assistant Director of Music
Ms. Kristin Roney
Office Staff
Mrs. Bette Kuczek, Secretary
Ms. Marcie Alexander,
Bulletin Editor/Office Administration
Plant Maintenance
Mr. Christopher Araya
Mrs. Joan Moriarty
Mrs. Ceil Zimmermann
Pastoral Council
Mrs. Seton Feeney, Chair
Immaculate Conception High School
Mrs. Celia Triggs Honohan, President
Ms. Michelle Neves, Principal
Immaculate Conception Cemetery
Mr. Jeffrey Dembowski, Foreman
Archdiocese of Newark, Catholic Cemeteries
Ms. Lisa Hayducka, Secretary
Mr. Joseph Mulford, Cemetery Maintenance
A Roman Catholic parish family since 1864, our call is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, in all our
relationships and responsibilities. We encourage our members to embrace a lifestyle marked by Stewardship of Time, Talent and
Treasure, engaging in active support of our ministries of the Word, Worship and Service. We welcome visitors and all who wish to
join us as new members; registration forms are available at church entrances and at the Parish Office.
Sacraments of Initiation
The Eucharist
Sundays: 5:30 PM (Sat.), 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist
or Reception into the Catholic Church: call
(choir) and 12:30 PM.
about Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Weekdays: Monday—Friday 7:30 AM (Held in
St. Gianna Molla Chapel–lower level of Parish Infant Baptism: celebrated monthly (except
Center), and Monday—Saturday 12:10 PM in Lent); Registration/information available online
or call for information about the baptism process.
First Eucharist: generally celebrated in Grade 2;
Holy Days: 7:30 AM and 12:10 and 7:30 PM
(Church has barrier-free access; limited call for information about preparation process
handicapped parking is available.)
for candidates and parents.
Confirmation: generally celebrated in Grade 9;
Rite of Penance with Individual Confession: call for information about preparation process
Saturday at 12:45 PM and after 5:30 PM Mass for candidates, parents and sponsors.
upon request; Seasonal Communal Services as
Anointing of the Sick
announced; Confession any time on request.
Those seriously ill or confined at home may call
Rosary: Prayed in Church Monday thru Saturday
following the 12:10 PM Mass. (September–June)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: In rotation
with our cluster parishes on First Fridays from 12:30
to 2:00 PM. (September –May)
Prayer Group: Wednesdays, 8:00 PM
Faith Formation
Religious Education: Pre-School to Grade 8
Sunday at 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM (Tegakwita Hall).
Family-Based Religious Ed.: contact parish office.
Adult Formation: see Bulletin for programs.
Parish Office
Location: 1 Munn St. (corner of Munn St./Fullerton)
Hours: Monday & Tuesday: 9:00AM‒6:00PM;
Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00AM‒4:00PM;
anytime for the Sacraments of Confession, Saturday: 9:00AM‒1:00PM (Closed Sundays
Arrangements should be made in person with a Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Call for times during summer months—June thru August);
priest at least one year in advance. At least one of communal celebrations. Please call to notify us Friday: Office is Closed. Call the Rectory for
of those who are hospitalized.
partner should be a registered parishioner.
emergencies, 973-744-5650 follow instructions.
Page 2
September 27, 2015
Dear Parishioners,
As the Holy Father visits our area this week, I am reminded of
his call for all Catholic parishes to be transformed into “islands
of mercy”, places where God’s love is made visible to the
surrounding community. Immaculate Conception is blessed
with many ministries which help to ensure that God’s presence
is indeed made visible locally; two of these ministries were
especially active over the summer. The Pastoral Council is
sponsoring a reception after all Sunday Masses please stop by
the portico for a cup of coffee and introduce yourself to the
council members; they are always interested in hearing your
thoughts and ideas regarding our parish.
The Finance Council does an excellent job ensuring that we
continue to be good stewards of the funds entrusted to us. As
you have probably noticed over the past year, whether it’s the
bell tower or the air conditioning system, significant expenses
are part of parish life, and your weekly contributions are both
essential and deeply appreciated. Finance Council members
will be at the reception to introduce a new online giving
program offered through NCS Services. We chose to partner
with NCS after an extensive search – their platform is
convenient and secure, and offers you complete flexibility over
your giving schedule as well as full encryption of your
financial information. I encourage you to learn more about egiving and to prayerfully consider signing up for this exciting
new form of stewardship. We already have more than 50
families signed up on the new platform and the reviews have
been extremely positive. As always, thank you for your
continued generosity!
By now, the World Meeting of Families is in full swing in
Philadelphia with Pope Francis. Following pastoral visits to
Washington, D.C., and to New York City, the final stop is
Philadelphia to attend and participate in the World Meeting of
Families. The WMF is an event which is held every 3 years in
a different part of the world. Three years ago, it was held in
Milan, Italy, with Pope Benedict XVI. It’s main goal is to
strengthen the bonds of unity within the family structure. The
closing event of the World Meeting of Families with be the
Mass celebrated by Pope Francis at 4:00pm Sunday
afternoon. Please watch it and listen to his message, if you
can, watch it with your family. Pray with the Holy Father
during this special Mass in the comfort of your own home. It
promises to be a truly holy and fruitful experience, whether
live in Philadelphia or in the front of your television.
Next Sunday is October 4th, we will once again have the
blessing of animals on the portico of the church at 1:30pm.
Please bring your pet to receive this special blessing in honor
of St. Francis of Assisi. Also, next Sunday is the 20th
anniversary of the visit of St. Pope John Paul II to our
cathedral in Newark. A special prayer service will be
celebrated at 6:00pm to commemorate his visit at the
Cathedral Basilica.
This weekend we welcome back to our parish the Little
Sisters of the Poor. Their work and ministry in caring for the
poor and infirm is such a great blessing to so many whom
they care for and their families. Please be as generous as your
means will allow in supporting their ministry.
Sincerely in the Lord,
Fr. Joe
Charity is the form, mover, mother and root of all the virtues.”
—St. Thomas Aquinas
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Direct Access to Giving on our Parish Website.
It’s Safe, Easy and Accessible!
We are excited to announce our newest parish event, the Family
Fall Festival! This event gives us the opportunity to not only serve
our own parish, but to serve the community with a superb family
friendly event. Please come to this event to enjoy food trucks,
games for children, bounce house, live music, bake sale, balloons, and pumpkin painting patch. For more details, link to Facebook page, and to make donations directly to the event, please go
to the community building events page on the parish website
( As a reminder, 20% of all funds
raised online are going directly to Mary’s Pantry. Questions,
please contact Kristin Roney, at 973-744-5650x112 or, Please spread the word, invite your
friends, and costumes are encouraged!
Many Thanks, The Family Fall Festival Committee
Sponsored by: Church of the Immaculate Conception, Just Jakes,
Red Eye, Toast, Amanti Vino, School of Rock, Watchung
Booksellers, The Little Gym of Montclair, Samba, YMCA, Green
Chop, L3 Academy, Penguin books, Kiss Cake Cup & many more!
Adoration on Monday 7:30-8:30 PM
We invite our parishioner to a special Holy Hour on
Monday September 28th from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM,
sponsored by our Young Adult Ministry. There will
be Exposition of the Eucharist, Time for private
prayer and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament in
Church. Come and spend quiet time before the Lord.
Annual Blessing of Animals Sunday, Oct. 4th
In honor of the Memorial of St. Francis of
Assisi (Oct. 4th) and his love for animals, the
annual Blessing of Animals will take place
following the 12:30pm Sunday mass. All
are invited to bring their household pets to the
Church Portico (at front of Church) for a special blessing. Rain or shine!
2016 Mass Intention Book is OPEN!
The Church of the Immaculate Conception 2016 Mass Book is
now open if you wish to make Mass intentions for specific memorial dates in 2016. Please stop by the Parish Center (1 Munn
St.) during office hours (see front of bulletin for times). 2015
weekday masses are still available for immediate Mass Intentions.
For the latest news about happenings at
Immaculate Conception: follow us on Facebook at
Page 3
September 27, 2015
I am feeling extremely grateful to all of the parents, children,
catechists and aides who made last weekend’s Catechetical
Sunday such a success. There are of course a few kinks to be
worked out, but we will make our way together.
As I said in my remarks in our parent meeting, the priests and
the staff at Immaculate Conception Parish are your partners in
faith. As we sang in our opening hymn: “We are pilgrims on a
journey, we are travelers on the road, we are here to help each
other walk the mile and bear the load.” We are here to walk
this journey of faith with you and your family. Please reach out
to me or any of the Parish Pastoral Staff with any concerns you
may have. Be assured that you will find a friendly, listening ear.
Should you wish to set up a “face to face” meeting with me,
please do not hesitate to call or email me at the Catechetical Office. A “sign up genius” has also been set up for that purpose,
and the meeting times will be regularly updated. The link is:
I also remind you of important upcoming dates; please mark
them in your calendars: (Meetings held in St. Kateri Room in
School Building.)
Sunday 9/27/15 9:30 am–2nd Grade Parent Meeting
Sunday 10/4/15 9:30 am 1st Grade Parent Meeting
Thank you for all of your kind words of welcome, I am so
happy to be part of this parish family
Attention Volunteers Working with Children
Any adult 18 years of age or older who would like to be involved
with the children of our parish are
required to attend a “Protecting
Working with Children God’s Children” workshop. This is
required by the Archdiocese of
Newark for all volunteers and employees. Please remember that
if you are teaching or assisting Religious Education classes, sharing your faith at Children’s Liturgy you MUST attend a workshop. If you attended more than 3 years ago, it is time to get
recertified by attending a workshop or renewing online (contact
Marcie Alexander prior to renewing online to get your original
sign-on). Instructions for Volunteering with Children can be
found on our website under the About tab—click on Protecting
God’s Children ( Any
questions please contact Marcie Alexander, Parish Safe Environment Coordinator at or 973-7445650ext. 111. Thank you for your help in keeping our children safe.
40 Days for Life-Fall Campaign in Montclair
LIFENET is organizing a “40 Days for Life” effort of prayer
and fasting for an end to abortion in America from Wednesday, September 23rd – Sunday, November
1st. We are asking people to come and pray
for 1 hour per week for 6 weeks between the
hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM at the Social Security Building in Montclair, 396 Bloomfield
Ave. (across the street from a high-volume abortion center.) To get more information or to signup to volunteer, please call Lisa Hart at 973-769-4512 or email Prayer saves lives!
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We welcome all who are visiting the parish family of
Immaculate Conception in Montclair, and invite any who
would like to join our parish to fill out a registration form, found
on the tables in the back of church. Please complete both sides
and give to one of the priests or return to the Parish Center.
The registration form may also be found on the Parish Web
site at To all our parishioners,
please advise us of any changes to your address, phone # and
email so that we can keep our files current.
Immaculate this Week at a Glance
Sunday, September 27
― Religious Ed classes (K-8) in School Building (9:30 AM)
― 2nd Gr. Rel. Ed. Parent Meeting in School Blg. (9:30AM)
― Little Sisters of the Poor Collecting at doors of the Church
Monday, September 28
― Adoration in Church-Young Adult Group (7:30-8:30 PM)
Wednesday, September 30
― ICHS Mass in Church (9:00 AM)
― Chancel Choir Rehearsal (7:30 PM)
Saturday, October 3
― Confessions follow 12:10 Mass
― Mass for Sunday (5:30 PM)
Sunday, October 4
― 2nd Collection: Monthly Repair & Maintenance Collection
― Religious Ed classes (K-8) in School Building (9:30 AM)
― 2nd Gr. Rel. Ed. Parent Meeting in School Blg. (9:30AM)
― Blessing of Animals following the 12:30pm under the Portico
― KofC selling raffle tickets at the doors of church (after all mass)
MUSIC AT IMMACULATE 2015-2016 Season
Music at Immaculate is pleased to announce the 2015-2016 season
of concerts here in our parish. Each year, thousands of community
members who are not part of our parish are
able to share in the magnificent beauty of
our church through the evangelizing nature
of music. This year’s events are perhaps
the most diverse offering ever presented in the series with everything from large choirs to vocal jazz, short programs featuring
young people in our community as well as a “Carnegie Hall” level
performance of the Messiah the Sunday just prior to Christmas. Please see the parish website (
p=2075) or the back tables in church for the series listing and a
sponsorship form. Sponsorship of the series is greatly appreciated
and includes complimentary ticket(s) to each performance at the
minimum sponsorship level of $175. We invite all parishioners to
consider attending and sponsoring the concert series this season;
joining in sharing our church and thereby our faith, with the entire
Montclair community and beyond.
Questions about the Catholic Faith?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
Is the formation process which guides people inquiring
about our faith as well as Catholics seeking full
initiation. Please contact Mrs. Deana Campion
for more information at (973) 509-9036.
Page 4
September 27, 2015
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30pm (Sat.) Steve Vallillo
8:30am Raphael Badagliacca
Ann Gulyas
12:30pm Calvin Navatto
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
5:30pm (Sat.) Nancy Juelis, Ann Kraus,
Frank Borek, Ana Avila
John Trapp, Sue Trapp
Kevin Schlatmann, Carla Millien
Angela Zaccardi, Marilyn Graham,
Eddie Haas, Floater
12:30pm Barbara Germann Dennis Reis,
Robert Dyer, Nora Reis
Altar Servers
5:30pm (Sat.) Alexander DeLosReyes, Erik Swanson
Sean Trapp, Henry & William McDermott
Dylan, John, Jessica & Mia Green
12:30pm Nicolas Graham, Brandon Rombough
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sue Trapp
Laura Kenney, Rita Deas
Readings for the Week
Monday: Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50
Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a;
Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51
Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6; Lk 9:57-62
Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12
Friday: Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 18:1-5, 10
Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24
Sunday: Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11
Mk 10:2-16 [2-12]
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time $ 9,072
In-pew donations
$ 7,063
E-debit contributions (weekly)
$ 1,999
Guidelines for Stewardship suggest contributing 5% of weekly income to parish support, and 5% to other charities (e.g.,
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal). Thank you for your continued support of your parish. If you are not already doing so,
please use your envelopes each week — only contributions in
your numbered envelope (or an envelope indicating your
name/address & #) or E-Debit are recorded for documentation
required by the IRS. Please contact Marcie Alexander at the
Parish Office if you are not receiving contribution envelopes.
Stewardship Reflection:
26 Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 27, 2015
“Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because
you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you,
will surely not lose his reward.” —Mark 9:41
Does your life reflect the life of Jesus? Remember, we were
made in His image. We tend to forget this. When others see you,
do they see the face of Jesus? When you look at others, do you
see the face of Jesus in them?
September 26
Peter Fess and Janie Lamb
September 27
(Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
For the People of the Parish
11:00 Joseph Palmieri
12:30 Michael Maher
September 28
(St. Wenceslaus, Martyr, St. Lawrence Ruiz, Martyr)
Joseph & Eva Duchensky
12:10 Marie Cammilleri
September 29
(Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels)
William & Marilyn Duthie
12:10 Nathan and Anthony Steinmann
Wednesday September 30
(St. Jerome, Priest & Doctor of the Church)
Carmine Federico
12:10 Iren Hsu (living)
Thursday October 1
(St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church)
Serena Bobrowsky
12:10 Therese Byrne
October 2
(The Holy Guardian Angels)
Dorothy Cox
12:10 Serena Bobrowsky
Saturday October 3
12:10 Serena Bobrowsky
Rebecca Vance Meyers
October 4
(Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time)
For the People of the Parish
11:00 Serena Bobrowsky
12:30 Catherine & John Breunig
Rosary Intentions for the week of Sept. 28
Mon.: For peace in the world. For World leaders. For people in the military.
For people who are persecuted and tortured.
Tues.: Through the intercession of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael,
we pray for peace in the world, in our families & our hearts.
Wed.: For the respect of life from conception to natural death and for the
sanctification of marriage & family.
Thurs.: For the intentions of the Parish community through the intercession of
St. Therese of the Child Jesus.
Fri.: For the souls in Purgatory and deceased members of our
Parish. In reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Sat.: For the sick of our families, Parish & communities.
In reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Upcoming Rosary Society events
September 23, “Forty Days for Life” has begun- please pray
one hour per week for 6 weeks to end abortion, concludes Nov1st.
October- Respect for Life month – daily rosary following the
12:10 Mass, please join us.
Sunday, October 4th- Communion Breakfast at Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel after 10 AM Mass, cost is $15. RSVP to Nancy
Clutterbuck 973-746-3457 by September 28th.
Saturday, October 17h- Blessing of Roses after 12:10 Mass,
rosary & spiritual adoption prayer to follow. Parish festival at 2 PM.
Page 5
September 27, 2015
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus Feast Day Oct. 4
“To everything there is a
season, and a time for
every purpose under
––Ecclesiastes 3:11
“…… A time to be healed……”
Sick List:
Michael Quinn, Sr. Cora Marie McGuire, Anita
Szarzinski, Donna Valenti, Rosemary Thomasberger, Gloria
Reinhardt, Amy Brown, Pamela Doffont, Jill Cerullo, Shelia
Settle, Sr. Carol Jaresewski, Thomas D. Sheen, Damion Regan,
Barbara Regan, Stephen Bacino, Edward Britt, William Crum,
Mary King, Joan Emerson, Baby Maisy Chapman, Mariella
Ramirez, The Puleo family, Dino Pisaneschi, Billy Birmingham,
Jeanette McConachie, Patricia Jimmerson, Sherri Alexander,
Dorothy Leitgeb, Laura Lass, Denise Jenkins, Debbie Despirito,
Gianna Ramirez, Susan Haas, Jack Daudt, Maria Dyer, Ryan Reism,
Mary Seiler, Mark Emerson, Lisa Mataro, Paul Barrere, Jane
Maloney, Alice Fleming Deisler.
“…… A time to die……”
Deceased: Lawrence “Yogi” Berra, Ann Landi. May all the
faithful departed rest in peace.
Altar Bread and Wine in memory of
Walter Willabus.
Sanctuary Lamp burns for
Serena Bobrowsky.
Memorial Candle burns
in memory of Gennaro Di Minico.
Altar Candles are also available to
memorialize a loved one.
We pray for national and world leaders and for those
in the armed services, especially, Joshua Dibble, USN;
Oliver Kotelnicki, Capt. USAF; SrA Edward Walker, USAF.
Intercession for Life: For our president and political
leaders: tht they may use their influence to protect religious
freedom and those who are most vulnerable in our country;
We pray to the Lord.
Vocation Intercession: That we may comfort the afflicted
and live lives of compassion and service; We pray to the Lord.
Thursday, October 1st is the Feast day of St. Thérèse of the Child
Jesus. She was born at Alencon, France in 1873.
She entered the Carmelite convent of Lisieux at a
young age and was recognized for her humility,
simplicity and confidence in God. She died of
tuberculosis in 1897, a the age of 24. Her autobiography. “The Story of a Soul” was published after
her death. She also left many letters, poems, religious plays and prayers. She was canonized in
1925 and in 1997, Pope John Paul II declaired her the 33rd Doctor of
the Church; the youngest person and only woman to receive this
title. Her relics and that of her parents (who will be canonized on
Oct. 18) will be at Immaculate for Veneration on Friday, Oct. 23rd
from 10AM until Saturday, Oct. 24th 10AM.
Holy Relics come to Immaculate Conception
Come to the Church of the Immaculate Conception Montclair, NJ
and venerate the holy relics of ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD
JESUS and her Blessed parents LOUIS & ZELIE MARTIN.
10am: Reception of Holy Relics 8am: Mass
Devotions/veneration 8:30: Devotions/veneration
12:10pm: Mass
10am: Departure of Holy Relics
1pm: Rosary
Church open for private veneration
6:30pm: Confessions
7:30pm: Mass
It is very exciting that these relics will be here
at Immaculate Conception starting October 23,
because on October 18th, Louis & Zelie Martin,
the parents of St. Therese, will be the 1st couple ever canonized.
Feast of St. Therese at Holy Face Monastery
Please join in the celebration of the feast of St. Therese of the
Child Jesus at Holy Face Monastery this Thursday, October 1.
There will be all day Eucharistic adoration, confessions (2-5),
Praying the Rosary with St. Therese (4:30), Holy Mass at 7:30 pm
followed by a procession and distribution of blessed roses. Fellowship, free food, raffle will follow in Abbot Gregori Hall. All
are welcome! Contact Marty Kleber (973) 865-9075 for information. “He who has Jesus, has everything.”-St. Theresa of the Child
Knights of Columbus selling Raffle Tickets
we may learn to be neighbors to those who find themselves on the
margins of human life and society.
Members of the Montclair Knights of Columbus will be outside
of church the week October 3rd & 4th selling raffle tickets to
benefit the Knights of Columbus NJ Chapter 1 - Relief and
Scholarship Fund. The chances are $5 each. The drawing will
be on November 20, 2015 at 11:00 PM. Winners do not need to
be present to win. ♦ 1st Prize: Visa Gift Card - $1,500
♦ 2nd Prize: Visa Gift Card - $ 400
♦ 3rd Prize: Visa Gift Card - $ 300
As always thank you for your support.
Little Sisters of the Poor ‘Door Collection’
ICHS Golf Classic October 8th
The Holy Father's Intentions — SEPTEMBER 2015
Opportunities for the Young. That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people. Outreach to the Marginalized. That setting aside our very selves
The Little Sisters of the Poor from St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly
in Totowa will be collecting at the doors of the Church after mass
this weekend. The Little Sister of the Poor operate 188 homes
throughout the world providing loving care to the elderly poor and
have served the aged in NJ since 1879. Please be as generous as
your means allow. Thank you for your support. Serving the Elderly
with Love and Respect. Visit
Immaculate Conception High School is hosting the 35th Annual
G. Walter Connell, Class of 1941, Memorial Golf Classic at the
Essex Fells Country Club, Thursday, Oct. 8th. This year’s outing honors the Fess Family—In Memory of Peter Fess Class of
1968. Single Golf Package: $250; Dinner Only: $100; Hole
Sponsor: $200. For more information please call: Nora Bishop/
Alumni Office at 973-744-7445x26 |
Electronic Giving
Comes to
It’s Safe, Easy and Accessible!
Direct Access to Giving on our own Parish Website
E-Giving Logo
To register directly—click on the
For more details and notes on how to Maximize your E-Giving for the Parish Go
to the E-Giving Page on the Parish website: and then the
E-Giving Tab.
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a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent
and Eastertime, or for any time of year!
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Saint Margaret Sunday Missal
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