August - October 2016


August - October 2016
August—October 2016
Ω Festival report from Tanzania
Ω WIBI Tanzania kicks off this
Ω Toronto Conference
A Publication Of Peter Youngren & World Impact Ministries
By Taina Youngren
Page 2
The Burden
Page 4
Never Before Has Such A Huge
Crowd Gathered!
Page 6
Welcome To WIBI Tanzania!
Page 8
Study Corner & Greater 2016
& Contact Info
Global Grace News (GGN) has been available
for more than 10 years for pastors and teachers, who have attended Peter Youngren’s Gospel Revolution Seminars. Study the articles,
meditate on the revelation of Jesus Christ and
be strengthened!
This is what the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:4,6-8:
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Be
anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses
all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are
lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there
is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. ”
Why is it then that so many Christians are anxious, ready to focus on all the
negative that they might see in the world? Let’s lift up our eyes and see the
noble, just, pure, lovely, virtuous, praiseworthy—things of good report! They
are plenty, in your life and mine.
In this issue we will give you a good report from Tanzania and invite you to
join us in September—whether you are in Toronto, Canada or in Mwanza,
Tanzania, where WIBI will start another Bible Institute! Read more and meditate on great things that God has done. Enjoy!
Greater 2016 Weekend In Toronto
With Peter & Taina Youngren ∙ Anthony Greco ∙
Bob Fitts ∙ Nathan Thurber … See last page!
The Burden
By Peter Youngren
Burden For Catholics
My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
– Jesus
n the late 1970s and early 1980s I conducted many campaigns
in the French-speaking part of Canada, where almost everyone is
a Roman Catholic. Well-intentioned Pentecostals frequently reproved me for not preaching against the Roman Church. The belief that RKK is the ”great harlot” in the book of Revelation was
prevalent at the time. That wasn’t my belief back then, and it still
isn’t. I see the great harlot as any religious system, which opposes
the true bride of Christ.
Besides the other things, what comes upon
me daily: my deep burden for all the
– Paul
arrived from Sweden to Zion Bible Institute in Rhode Island,
USA, in September 1973 with one purpose in mind – to learn to
speak English fluently. My mother tongue, Swedish, was not sufficient; I needed English to be able to reach the world with the Gospel. I was motivated by a burden from the Lord. Zion Bible Institute was unlike anything I had experienced before, a very strict,
even legalistic, institution. My bell bottom jeans and hair covering
my ears were serious ‘sins’. Today we smile at stories of the sin
catalogues from the past, but back then this was serious.
The hair couldn’t touch the ears;
it was a serious ‘sin’.
My experience, rooted in those early years, is that Roman Catholics long to know Christ. The burden compelled me to reject narrow-minded ideas. In 1978, in Edmunston, New Brunswick, a
town where, at the time, no evangelical church existed, more
than 1,000 people came to Christ. A church was established, the
first of many churches that resulted from one of our campaigns.
Burden Continues After Failure
A year later I launched into
evangelistic ministry in Canada.
My first crusade in Toronto, Ontario, in a 1000-seat tent was the
beginning of 16 years of Gospel
campaigns across Canada, from
British Columbia to Newfound
land, and in many parts of the
United States and Europe. In
Canada, I visited just about every
city and town of any size, con
ducting meetings lasting any
where from one to six or seven
ost people have experienced failures, and so have I—
terrible failures. Was I tempted to quit? Of course! In truth, I
wanted to quit. Sometimes I wished that the burden would have
lifted, but it never did. I could never stop thinking about the great
injustice that some hear the gospel again and again, while others
have not heard it once. As a teenager, I had lifted my eyes to see
the ripened harvest field, and I haven’t been willing to take my
eyes off of that harvest. The Book of Acts records how Jesus told
Saul of Tarsus to “open people’s eyes”. What a revelation! It is
not automatic. People don’t have ability to open their own eyes—
they need help.
The culprit, that blinds people’s eyes, is religion. It has created a
myriad of grotesque views of God, each one of them in stark contrast to the true representation of the Almighty, which is in Jesus
alone. Just like Jesus and Paul, the apostle, our calling is to help
everyone see God 100% reflected in Jesus Christ.
I often walked a tight rope, a
balancing act between religious traditions that hindered people
from coming to Christ and the burden to give the Gospel to everyone. Personally, I was willing to give up whatever the religious
traditions demanded. I stopped wearing my bell bottom jeans, cut
my hair, all for one purpose—to follow the burden.
“The Church is at a crossroad—the Gospel of God’s love
vs. rituals and performance-based religion.”
Burden For Muslims
Lester Sumrall’s Words
ears ago, after spending a day with the late Lester Sumrall
in South Bend, Indiana, he suddenly blurted out: “You are a
covenant person. Others can be in ministry or not, they choose
as they wish. Some change direction, at one time they believe
one thing, and in a few years later they believe something
different. You can’t do that, because God has made a covenant
with you, because of His Gospel.” At the time I didn’t really understand what those words meant, and I still don’t. To me, it is
about a burden—a light burden—but nevertheless a burden for
n the aftermath of the terrorist attack in New York City, September 11, 2001, I saw an opportunity. I reached out to Muslims and the result was an invitation to speak at a mosque.
Tragically, but not unexpectedly, Christians went on the attack.
Had I compromised? How could I speak in an unholy building—
a mosque? The secular newspapers understood what I was doing; my problem was with Christians.
There are always a few who question our outreach to Muslims.
Do I really preach the gospel to Muslims, or is it a watereddown message? Many seem to believe that confrontational
evangelism, to blaspheme Allah and Mohammed, is the way to
go. To blaspheme other religions is against the spirit of God,
and against good behaviour. The Bible says to show respect
towards others, (1 Pet. 2:17), and to be kind to all, (2 Tim. 2:2324). Those who believe that you can win people to Christ by
attacking them have been proven wrong repeatedly.
Burden For India
fter more than 30 Gospel Campaigns, I was banned from
India in 1998, because, according to the authorities, I had
engaged in a crime of “mass conversion”. I didn’t quit, and in
2006 I was back in India. Last year, after more history making
campaigns, I was banned again, but we will be back to India.
The last six months I have had more invitations to India and the
burden is still there.
Many wonder if “Allah” is God. Muslims and Christians do not
have the same view of God. But, when we are talking about
words like Allah and God, it is a matter of language. In English,
the Anglo-Saxon word is God, in Arabic (and many other languages) it is Allah—both for Christians and Muslims.
My first
campaign in
India in 1980.
Jesus always
confirms His
Gospel with
signs and
Most Christians have no idea that when millions of Christian
believers call on God, the word they use for God is “Allah”. Millions of Christian Arabs pray to Allah. It is as if we were brainwashed into thinking that the whole world speaks English,
when in fact every language has their own word for God.
One of the earliest translations of the Bible into Arabic is Codex
Arabicus (8th century). This translation was many centuries
before we had a Bible in English or French, and the word used
for God is Allah. Why does this Bible use the word “Allah”? Because that’s the word Arabs use when they spoke of the Almighty, even long before Mohammed. I have preached in Arab
Christian churches in the Middle East, and when I say “God”,
Continues on page 7
Never before has such a huge crowd gathered!
tion. The dinner was also attended by many from the media,
who afterwards peppered Peter with questions. He assured
them that this Festival was not a church event; this was for the
entire city. He invited the journalists to check for themselves on
the Muslims who, he assured them, would testify that Christ
had healed them.
“The Bishops in the Morogoro region are unanimous
that this Gospel Festival is historical! Never before
has such a great number of people gathered. We
have seen multitudes of salvations and miracles of
healing, more than we were able to count.”
ishop Zenobius Isaya continued, “The healings flowed like a
flood. Morogoro is reaped for Jesus! Then through the Gospel
Revolution Seminar the works of Jesus Christ are continuing to
become widely known, not only in this city, but to all the parts
of the region and into other parts of Tanzania. The work done
by World Impact Ministries is bearing much lasting fruit for
God’s kingdom.”
he proof is in the pudding—so the old saying goes, and on
the first night many wondered what would really happen? They
didn’t have to wait long. When the people who had been healed
were invited to come to the platform to share what God had
done, the second person on stage was a Muslim woman with
her young daughter, deaf since baby. The girl, Ramcha Ramadan, was able to hear and articulate even the slightest whisper.
The crowd roared with joy and gave praise to God.
Johnny Hanson commented after the last service, “Thousands
received the Lord, blind, deaf, and even lame people were
healed. Totally fantastic! Amazing to be a part of this.”
Later on that same night, there were many who had been carried to the meeting, now were able to walk. One woman shouted to the crowd, “You know me, you know my name, you know
that I’ve been lame, look what God has done for me!”
To many in Morogoro this was the big question—would God
heal Muslims? At the Friendship Dinner, Peter boldly declared
to political, religious and financial leaders that Jesus Christ
would do wonders among all the people, without discrimina-
eter summed up his thoughts: “Yes, I love to see miracles
of healings, especially when those healings confound unbelievers and make them realize that Jesus Christ is alive. However,
much more than healings, the greatest moment is when thousands repent from dead works and come to faith.” Only 25,000
follow-up books for new believers had been printed in advance
of the Campaign, and already before the last night, all the follow
-up material had already been used. Truly, this was a great har4
Joy is overflowing… Her left leg was
healed; crutches no longer needed.
Ramcha Ramadan hears even
the slightest whisper!
vest of souls.”
to me while lying in the backseat
of a car, and tonight you will
leave your car and
walk.” As it turned After 12
out, a lady, in her mid years she
-20s, had been una- is walking
ble to walk for 12 again.
years. She would just Thank
lie in her little hut, you, God!
Peter continued, “when people see healings they realize that our
message is not in word only, it is in power, and this open them to
receive the greatest gift—salvation”.
Young or old—it doesn’t matter! Joy
that Jesus gives, makes everyone smile.
orld Impact Ministries has more than 20 years of history
in Tanzania, but this was the first campaign in Morogoro, with a
population that is evenly split between Muslims and Christians.
The impact of the ministry was evident when the newly elected
President, John Pombe Magufuli, sent his Minister for Home
while others had to
wait on her, and she was the one
brought in the car. Again the
crowd roared with excitement as she was running, dancing, all the
while tears were streaming down her face, telling everyone what
Jesus had done. Jesus had indeed healed her in the back seat of
that car, and here she was crying and laughing, full of joy.
Minister brings
greetings from
President Magufuli.
elegates, all 956 of them, mostly pastors, were registered
for the Gospel Revolution Seminar, and for them it became a personal revolution.
Pastor Dwain Peregrym, from Scottsdale, Arizona, joined Peter
and taught on the “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” for the first
session each day. Then Peter shared for the rest of the day the
same message that he has taken to pastors around the world,
taking them into a full a revelation of what the Gospel is all about.
“This is not a Gospel refresher or a Gospel revival, because refreshing and revival need to happen often. This is a revolution,
and a revolution only happens when things have gone far off
course. Around the world today, the church has forgotten the
Gospel. We think we know it, but in truth we have forgotten it.
Affairs, Mr. Lamek Nchembe, 8 hours by car, to welcome Peter to
Tanzania again.
ight after night, the faith of the people rose higher. One
particularly moving incident occurred on the last night. Several
times in his message, Peter said, “there’s a lame person listening
Leaders’ Seminar
Truly, a revelation is needed. By the end of the Seminar the echoing cry among the pastors was—bring back the Gospel!
On the second day of the Seminar, many wept openly as God
showed visions and dreams to pastors. Hundreds testified that
they had seen images painted on the screen of their mind by
the Holy Spirit. The Seminar is particularly helpful when it comes
to follow-up for all the Muslims that come to Christ. Peter
makes it crystal clear that our job is not to get people to change
from one religion to another, but it’s all about seeing people
becoming new creations in Christ. Once people see themselves
identified in Christ, their religious affiliation will sort itself out.
Mark Danstan, Principal of WIBI Kenya, who attended the meetings, commented, “I’m proud to be a part of this Gospel revolution. We are shouting; Grace, Grace, Grace! This is unstoppable!”
To receive the free information package please
contact Principal Bettie Kinuthia via email:
World Impact Bible Institute (WIBI) will start a new
campus in Mwanza, Tanzania, in September
Jesus restored her
eyesight ...
Bishop Zenobius Isaya,
Director, welcomes you to
WIBI Tanzania: “WIBI is designed to empower you to
fulfill God's plan for your life.
Come and grow in God’s
grace and revelation of
Jesus Christ!”
… as well as his!
The Gospel of grace for
YOU… and for the WORLD!
Bishop Zenobius Isaya
“Don’t let discouragement, fear, or lack cause
you to miss God’s best for you. Welcome!“
- Peter Youngren
Smiling faces at the
Friendship Dinner.
my Arab translator says “Allah”. This
is no different than in Korea, where
they refer to God as Hananim, or in
Swahili speaking Africa, where God is
knows as Mungo.
work, that the Gospel was even greater than I had thought. The
more I discovered, the more intensely I felt the burden to give
this Gospel to millions outside of the church, but it didn’t stop
there. I realized that millions, even pastors, often have little or no
awareness of what the Gospel really is.
There’s a huge difference between
Christians and Muslims in how we
view God. And that’s true about most
religions. Jewish believers have at
least one thing in common with a
large branch of Pentecostals (United
Pentecostals)—they don’t believe in
Codex Arabicus translates
the Trinity. In other words, they see
word “Allah” as “God”.
God differently. I see God revealed in
three persons; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, while adherents of
Judaism and ‘Jesus only‘ Pentecostals disagree. Similarly a fundamentalist Baptist often has a view of God that differs from that of
a Hollywood movie producer. Should this difference cause us to
stop using the word God altogether?
In our Gospel Revolution Seminars, the theme of the first day is,
Good News for Pastors, because for many leaders the Gospel has
been replaced by other interests; spiritual warfare, prayer techniques, leadership principles, and hundreds of other more or less
worthwhile issues.
Back in 2002, I didn’t realize that there would be opposition to
the message of God’s grace. Why would anyone want to balance
the message of grace with the Law, or balance love with fear?
Who wouldn’t want to embrace grace upon grace?
It didn’t take long to discover that I was wrong. The Gospel of
God’s grace caused contention 2000 years ago, and nothing has
changed. The Corinthians were tempted by human wisdom, the
Galatians by legalism and the Colossians by mysticism – all to
draw them away from the Gospel. Today, some foolishly suggest,
“grace will lead to sin”, or “grace as an excuse for sin”, “isn’t this
message a license to sin?” Sadly, the knowledge of the Gospel
has become so watered-down that many don’t even realize that
God’s grace is the only cure for sin. The church is at a cross
road—will we pursue the path of the Gospel of God’s grace, or
the path of rituals, liturgy and performance-based religion?
I have a burden for Muslims. That’s why I wrote the book, My
Muslim Friends (available at, where I
teach about these issues. Bottom line, we do not serve Christ by
blaspheming other religions. When we say that Allah is not a
name for God, we are blaspheming millions of Christian Arabs,
Christian Housa people in West Africa and Christian Indonesians,
for whom the only word for God they have ever known is “Allah”.
Burden For Israel
When I write in this manner, some will say that they no longer
want to support World Impact Ministries. Some will question
why I even bother to try to reach Muslims for Christ. A few may
even suggest that we should simply bomb the Arab world, that
they are hopelessly lost, and will never find salvation. Of course, I
want to keep every supporter, but above all I must follow the
burden. That burden—to win people to Christ—doesn’t allow me
to needlessly blaspheme others. There are 1.6 billion Muslims
and their eyes must be opened to who Christ is, and what God
has done for them through Jesus Christ.
hy did I start Way of Peace 11 years ago? Because of a
burden for Israel! Paul wrote, ”My heart’s desire and prayer to
God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For ... they have a zeal
for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant
of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own
righteousness, and have not submitted themselves under the
righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for
righteousness” (Rom. 10:1-4).
Burden For The Church
Millions of Christian tourists visit Israel annually. There are water
baptisms in the River Jordan, conferences in tourist hotels, buses
going back and forth to ’holy’ places, all the while Jews and Arabs
live without the Gospel. This is a grave concern and Way of
Peace, was established to share the Gospel in Israel. Every
month, we are there, in eight locations across Israel, through the
faithful and loving gifts from people who believe in the Gospel.
Many, if not most Christian organizations in Israel, work only on
n 2002, at one of the lowest points in my life, Jesus spoke:
“Peter, you don’t know me as well as you think, if you are willing,
I will show you more of who I am.” I responded, yes Lord. That
was a starting point to a deeper understanding of God’s love and
grace. Step-by-step, I saw more and more of Christ’s finished
social projects, but the burden does not allow me to do that. Like
Paul, I’m consumed with a concern that some think that they can
obtain their own righteousness, but they have not received the
free gift of the righteousness available in and through Christ.
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he burden is on me every day for our Bible Schools in different parts of the world, for Christian media, for the more than
360,000 leaders that have attended our seminars, and for the
opportunities God has given me to reach nations with the Gospel.
Every day, I am aware of the 24/7 Gospel television channel that
we started in the world’s largest Muslim city, and that now reaches 49 Muslim nations across the Middle East and northern Africa.
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The burden of the Lord is not heavy—it’s light. If I wanted to
throw it off, I could. God doesn’t force His burden on anyone.
Instead, God works in us both to will and to do His good pleasure.
A number of years ago, while I was under heavy personal attacks
both in media and from Christian ‘brothers’, I was invited to meet
with the president of Guyana, who is a Hindu. I have met many
dignitaries, but I’ll never forget this one, walking down the long
corridor door to the president’s office. The contrast struck me and
moved me in a strange way, because just a little earlier one Christian leader had pronounced that this ministry was finished. It
struck me as ironic, here I was about to share the Gospel with the
president of a country. It was like God was saying to me; I decide
who I work with.
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As an 18-year-old, with long hair and bell bottom jeans, I had a
burden, that every person will hear the Gospel. I hope that I have
30 years left. Here is my prayer for those years:
God, help me to be like Paul, who kept his focus on the vision, and
to not be distracted by those who oppose this Gospel work. God,
help me that I will always consider that success is not in money or
honour from people, but in giving the Gospel to those who have
never heard, to not build on another man’s foundation, but that
that those, who have never heard will see the salvation of God.
God, help me to finish my race, and to testify of the Gospel of the
grace of God. God, you gave me the burden, and I thank You that
You will give me the strength and give the strength to partners to
serve God in our generation.
Please mark your calendar these 3 days of inspiring
fellowship with friends across Canada and the U.S.A.
For more information:
CANADA: 190 Railside Road
Toronto, ON M3A 1A3
USA: P.O. Box 2108
Vista, CA 92085
Grace Prayer Center: 1.877.974.7223