2014 - US-Ukraine Foundation


2014 - US-Ukraine Foundation
2014 Annual Report
A Mission Committed to Ukraine’s Democracy
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation
1660 L Street NW - Suite 1000 • Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-524-6555 • Fax: 202-280-1989 • E-mail: info@usukraine.org
Websites: www.usukraine.org ∙ www.traveltoukraine.org
Board of Directors
Nadia K. McConnell
Jack I. Heller
Iryna Kurowyckyj
William Green Miller
Jim O’Beirne
Renata A. Zajac
Board of Advisors
Alan Cohen
Bohdan A. Futey
Ihor Gawdiak
Tom Gittins
John Jeanetta
Ann Olsen Schodde
E. Morgan Williams
Charles Wise
Tamara Woroby
Cover Page Note: Bells as a Symbol of Freedom - Sponsored and donated by the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Association of Blacksmiths
“Owing to your idea, those who receive them will hear about Ukraine! Bells can ring for joy, but also signal alarm. Unfortunately, these
are alarming times now in Ukraine. We are extremely grateful to all who support us and have been doing so throughout this time. This
support is very important!”
- Viktor Vintonyak: Ivano-Frankivsk, Sister City of Arlington, VA
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation … is a publicly supported 501(c)(3), not-forprofit non-governmental organization established in 1991 to support democracy, a free market, and
human rights for Ukraine.
The Foundation, headquartered in Washington, creates and sustains channels of communication
between the United States and Ukraine, in order to build peace and prosperity through an exchange of
information. The Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the mutual objectives of the U.S. and
Ukraine, advancing Ukraine as a cornerstone of regional stability and as a full partner in the community
of nations.
The work of the Foundation, over the course of 23 years, has been significant in the promotion of
democratic and economic reforms in Ukraine. Since the beginning, when the Foundation was one of the
first Western organizations to establish a physical presence in Kyiv through the founding of the Pylyp
Orlyk Institute for Democracy, it has continued to provide Ukrainians with the necessary information
and technical assistance to transform their nation into a democratic, rule of law state.
Kyiv, October 15, 2013 - Vice President/Ukraine Director Markian Bilynskyj and Program Director Yuliya Solovey
attend the International Conference on Anti-Semitism on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the infamous
"blood libel" trial of Menahem Mendel Beilis, organized by the Ukrainian Jewish Committee with the support
of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) . On left is Lesley Weiss, Director of
Community Services and Cultural Affairs for NCSJ.
Today, the Foundation, which has representative branch status in Ukraine, operates through its main
office in Kyiv.
The Foundation has earned a reputation in Ukraine and in the United States for its professionalism and
credibility in fostering non-partisan discussion, providing accurate information and encouraging
democratic reforms.
To support its mission in FY 2014, the Foundation raised $641,752 and had expenses of $658,862.
Volunteers provided additional in-kind services amounting to $202,756, adding to the total impact of
Foundation programs. Of all expenditures, program activities accounted for 63%, management and
general operations for 22% and fundraising costs for 15%. The Foundation distributed $209,448 in grants
and allocations, representing 32% of all expenditures and slightly over 50% of all program expenses.
This program educates the public regarding Ukraine and the U.S. and provides assistance to institutions and
individuals in expanding educational opportunities relating to public policy, economic development, health
care, leadership and democratic values.
Open World Project
Funded by the independent Open World Leadership Center at the Library of Congress, Open World is designed
to enhance understanding and capabilities for cooperation between the U.S. and the countries of Eastern
Europe, Eurasia and the Baltic States by developing a network of leaders in the region who have gained
significant, firsthand exposure to America’s democratic, accountable government and free-market system.
Through the Foundation’s Open World Project, “emerging” Ukrainian leaders attended 9-day training
programs organized and hosted by the Foundation’s partners in the cities of Arlington, VA, Birmingham, AL,
Kansas City, MO, Longview, TX, Modesto/Sacramento, CA, Omaha, NE, Philadelphia, PA, and Springfield, IL.
March 2014 - Ukraine Open World delegation takes in the sights of Springfield, IL where
USUF partners with the Springfield Commission on International Visitors.
Youth Leadership Internship Program
USUF has welcomed many young men and women to its Washington office through the years for an
opportunity to delve into U.S.-Ukrainian relations, to explore career choices, and to learn the political
process. Students are challenged while they serve at USUF and assist in various communications, research
and program activities. Our interns represent future leaders in U.S.-Ukraine relations!
The Foundation provided an invaluable educational, leadership experience for these talented individuals
during the past year:
Kateryna Botsu - American University, School of International Services
Candidate for Master of Arts in International Affairs
Alina Filipchuk - New York University Abu Dhabi
Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Mark Temnycky - LeMoyne College
Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in History
Summer 2014 Interns: Alina Filipchuk and Mark Temnycky
Melania Denys Kovaluk Scholarship Fund
USUF and the Canada Ukraine Foundation (CUF) administer a scholarship fund for the benefit of students in
the village of Zabolotivci (Lviv oblast). USUF awarded $4,400 in scholarships during the year.
Maryniuk Scholarship Fund
The Foundation administers the Maryniuk Scholarship Fund, a scholarship fund for the benefit of students in
Zheldets, Ukraine (Lviv oblast). The fund was created by Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Luba Maryniuk, along with
their sons George and Jerome.
Sutaruk Scholarship Fund
The Foundation received funds from the Sutaruk Foundation of Michigan to establish the Sutaruk Scholarship
Fund for the benefit of students in Dubno (Rivne oblast), Netishyn and Slavuta (Khmelnytskyj oblast).
USUF awarded nearly $43,010 in scholarships during the year.
Ukraine Mathematics Award - The Shevchenko Scientific Society of America
and the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation annually sponsor a mathematics competition
for young mathematicians in Ukraine.
Receiving her award in December 2013 was Olena Karpel, Ph.D., Institute for
Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine, for her research work, “Measures on Cantor Sets and their
Public Policy
Ukraine 2020
An initiative, announced by the Foundation in September 2010, designed to support Ukraine's European
integration which President Yanukovych declared a priority goal for Ukraine. The initiative has three
important components – Policy Dialogue, Advancing Ukraine’s Image and Competitiveness, and People-toPeople Exchanges.
Ukraine 2020: Policy Dialogue is a collaborative and integrated action plan that brings together
government officials, public policy experts, business groups, non-profit organizations and individuals
interested in Ukraine’s European future. The Foundation received grant funds totaling $150,000 from the
U.S. State Department in September 2011 to implement a program supporting Ukraine’s aspirations for
European integration. Policymakers from both Ukraine and the United States met in several meetings during
the course of the program.
Ukraine 2020: Advancing Ukraine’s Image and Competitiveness is a strategic effort to improve Ukraine’s
economic development and image world-wide. The Foundation has been an active proponent of Ukraine’s
economic development and image through many programs over the past two decades, including its
Community Partnerships Project and more recently, its Discover Ukraine initiative.
Ukraine 2020: People-to-People Exchanges. For the people of Ukraine to maximize their role in their
country’s development and European integration, the Foundation proposes an expansion of focused
exchanges centering on youth leadership and professional technical assistance in private and public sectors.
The Pylyp Orlyk Institute for Democracy
The Pylyp Orlyk Institute for Democracy in Kyiv receives support from
the Foundation to provide Ukrainian policymakers with information on
public policy issues, such as democracy, democratic institutions, the
development of civil society and free-market economics, to help educate and impact decision-makers in
Economic Development
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation promotes business and economic development between Ukraine and the West
through an open exchange of information from corporate, government, educational and non-profit entities.
This is accomplished through:
- Market of Ukraine, a business development section of the Foundation's website, and
- http://www.traveltoukraine.org, a website that promotes Ukraine’s travel and tourism industry
- inclusion of business articles features in the Foundation’s e-newsletter, Update
- the posting of travel sector informational items through the Travel to Ukraine Facebook page
- periodic meetings and other events, including business conferences, organized by the Foundation.
Zapvtiv Community Development Fund
This fund supports Zapytiv, a community near Lviv, and established by the Boyko Family -- Mychailo and his
daughters Olena and Lieda.
Petrach Community Development Fund for Starij Dobrotvir
The William Petrach Charitable Trust, which had previously awarded the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation with funds
in 1999 to construct a community center and a church rectory in Old Dobrotvir (Lviv oblast, Kamyanka-Buzkyj
rayon), petitioned the Circuit Court of Arlington in March 2003 to terminate the trust and distribute the
remaining assets to the Foundation. The court approved the petition and awarded the Foundation with funds
to establish an endowment that supports the year-to-year needs of four community institutions - the
community center, elementary school, library, and rectory of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
Health Care & Humanitarian Aid
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation provides health care and humanitarian assistance to
Ukraine through this program.
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation partners with the Centre for Corporate Social
Responsibility Development, Ukraine to promote Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) both in Ukraine as well as in the United States.
USUF worked civil society groups and key volunteers with the aim of improving
medical care for the many injured form Ukraine's conflict in the eastern regions.
Over $60,000 was directed in grants for this purpose.
Informational Services
The Foundation informs its supporters and the general public about its activities in the U.S. and Ukraine,
the mutual objectives of both nations, and areas of mutual interest.
The Foundation publishes Update, a periodic e-newsletter, maintains a web site, www.usukraine.org, and
posts information through its Facebook page. The Foundation also supports the visit of Ukrainian
policymakers and holds various public policy meetings.
The following are some of the key presentations and events sponsored by USUF during the past year.
February 6, 2014 - Patriarch Filaret, the Head of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv and All Rus'-Ukraine,
discusses the Crisis in Ukraine at USUF. > > > >
February 19, 2014 - Shevchenko's Bicentennial - Is Ukraine's George Washington At Hand? Discussion with
Peter Fedynsky Click to Watch: http://usukraine.org/events/Is-Ukraines-G-Washington-at-Hand.shtml
People Power vs Putin
Star singer Ruslana, in cooperation with the U.S.-Ukraine
Foundation, Lazarus, LLC, and R.A. McConnell &
Associates promote the new "People Power vs Putin" public
information campaign.
Click to Watch:
Ruslana continued her campaign to increase media attention on the Crisis in Ukraine by participating in the
Women in the World Summit in NYC in April. http://usukraine.org/events/ruslana-new-york-trip-report-2014.shtml
April 28, 2014 - Friends of Ukraine Network meets to discuss various crisis planning strategies and the newlyannounced U.S. sanctions against Russia, many of which had been suggested previously by FOUN, USUF and
others. The discussion was bolstered by the attendance of Ruslana and a Civil Society delegation, composed
of Luhansk's NGO organizer Volodymyr Shcherbachenko, media expert Maksym Butkevych and human rights
promoter Oleksandra Matviichuk.
May 15, 2014 - USUF and Friends of
Ukraine Network sponsor a roundtable discussion on the prospect of
additional sanctions against Russia.
Sanction recommendations had been
previously submitted to Members of
Congress and President Obama in
Click to Watch:
May 19, 2014 - Jed Barton,
U.S. Agency for International Development's Kyiv
Mission Director, spoke on
USAID's current program
objectives and the opportunities for technical
assistance projects in
Ukraine. The presentation
was sponsored by The
Washington Group (TWG)
and the U.S.-Ukraine
Foundation. > > > >
June 3, 2014 - USUF and Friends of Ukraine Network (FOUN) hold a roundtable discussion on Ukraine - the
current situation. Lead discussant: David J. Kramer, President of Freedom House.
June 12, 2014 - Myroslav Marynovych,
Vice-rector for the University Mission at
the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv,
spoke on "New Challenges for Ukraine and
Moral Values." Mr. Marynovych is a
Ukrainian human rights activist and
distinguished civil-society leader. He has
been awarded the Ukrainian Order of
Liberty, an honor granted by the
Ukrainian Parliament to recognize the
extraordinary efforts of citizens of
Ukraine to strengthen the sovereignty and
independence of Ukraine, develop
democracy, and advocate constitutional
rights. On June 11, Mr. Marynovych
accepted the Truman-Reagan Medal of
Freedom from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
June 19, 2014 - Serhiy Kvit, Ukraine's
Minister of Education and Science,
spoke on the need for educational
reforms, challenges presented by the
war in the eastern region of Ukraine,
and the need for additional U.S.
Informational/Technical Support:
USUF staff members regularly act as facilitators for various Foundation programs, providing technical support to enhance
communication and mutual understanding between Ukrainians and Americans.
To support its mission in FY 2014, the Foundation raised $641,752 and had expenses of $658,862. In-kind services
totaling $202,756 also aided the Foundation’s programs. Of all expenditures, program activities accounted for 63%,
management and general operations 22% and fundraising costs 15%. The Foundation distributed $209,448 in grants and
allocations, or 50% of all program expenses. The Foundation ended the year with $98,578 in net assets.
The Foundation was found eligible for inclusion in the 2014 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Charity List by the U.S.
Office of Personnel Management. The Foundation’s CFC code is 53914.
The Foundation gratefully acknowledges its donors and sponsors during the past year (see the Annual Giving Campaign
report which follows) and also thanks the Open World Leadership Center for providing grant project funds totaling
Social Media:
The Foundation has a growing network of followers through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
A periodic e-newsletter that covers events, news and analyses relating to Ukraine and the Foundation .
The Foundation's website at www.usukraine.org continues to offer current information on the activities of the Foundation.
The Foundation also maintains www.traveltoukraine.org which promotes Ukraine’s travel industry.
Nadia K. McConnell, President
The Boards of Directors and Advisors, Donors and Friends
John A. Kun, Vice President/Chief Operating Officer
July 20, 2015
2014 Annual Giving Campaign (September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014)
The 2014 Annual Giving Campaign, conducted from September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014, received
private gifts totaling $504,579 from 620 donors.
The gifts of the past year represent a 9% increase over the prior year’s campaign. Our third annual Ukraine in
Washington event, which occurred on December 12 & 13, 2013, helped to raise gifts and sponsorships totaling
Other highlights of the 2014 campaign include:
- Total Gifts of $504,579 represent the largest annual campaign amount ever for USUF!
- 620 Donors to the Campaing represent the second largest annual group ever to support USUF.
- Unrestricted Gifts totaled $457,439.
This amount, with donor requests, has been directed to the
Foundation’s general operations and programs, including education, economic development, health care &
humanitarian aid, information services, and public policy.
- Restricted gifts totaled $47,140 - for Sutaruk Scholarships.
- Combined Federal Campaign donations totaled $2,432 during the Foundation’s third year of eligibility.
- Total gifts of $504,579 represent 79% of all cash revenues raised by the Foundation in FY 2014.
Without these funds, the Foundation would find it impossible to continue its important work. I wish to thank
all our donors, with special appreciation to Chevron, Chevy Chase Home Care, Chopivsky Family
Foundation, ExxonMobil, Taras & Xenia Kozbur, Zsuzsa Krukovsky, Maria Hulai Lion Foundation,
Sutaruk Foundation, and Winner Imports Ukraine, Ltd. .
I want to thank the Foundation’s 620 donors who generously contributed during the past year. Your financial
support is very much appreciated.
You will also find the information herein on the Foundation’s website, www.usukraine.org.
With the 2015 Annual Giving Campaign in full swing, now is a great time to make a gift in
support of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. And please make the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation your
primary philanthropy for Ukraine's future!
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $25,000 – $100,000
Chevy Chase Home Care
Taras & Xenia Kozbur
The Maria Hulai Lion Foundation
Sutaruk Foundation
GIFTS OF $10,000 – $24,999
Chopivsky Family Foundation
Winner Imports Ukraine, Ltd
Zsuzsa Krukovsky
GIFTS OF $5,000 – $9,999
Andrej Busch
The Coca-Cola Company
Bohdan & Halina Denysyk
Fontera Resources
Natalie A. Jaresko
Kevin & Barbara K. Riley
Robin Schlebrugge
Estate of Antonina Shyjka
Lyudmyla Solovyova
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council
GIFTS OF $2,500 – $4,999
Arthur & Halyna Breslawec Levine
Leonard & Helena Mazur
Stefan & Wolodymyra Slywotzky
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $1,500 – $2,499
Lidia Jurkiw Gulawsky
Dmytro, Maria and Olha Jarosewycz Memorial Gift Fund
Zenon Kossak
John & Paula Kun
Victor B. Lebedovych
Remi Metral
Andrew & Marta Mostovych
Marta Pereyma
Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, Chicago, IL
Radim Smicka
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Bloomingdale, IL
Ukrainian-American Community Foundation, Rochester, NY
Ukrainian American Coordinating Council
Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union, Philadelphia, PA
Maksym Yevmenov
GIFTS OF $1,000 – $1,499
Christine Babiuk
Cygnus Technologies
Adrian & Larissa Dolinsky
Maria Figlus
Ihor & Natalie Gawdiak
Jack I. Heller
Marya Innis
Roksana Korchynsky
Maria Kusznir
Alex & Hanna Latyshevsky
Michael Lewko
Michael Mackin
Valeria Melechko
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Max Ots
Self Reliance (NJ) Federal Credit Union, Clifton, NJ
Lisa Scaglione
Halyna Traversa
Stephan & Tamara Tymkiw
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $500 – $999
Lydia Baltarowich
Bahriany Foundation Inc.
Anton Bogdan
Inci Bowman
Katia P. Breslawec & Guy Peterson
Douglas R. Cox
Yuri & Inna Deychakiwsky
Lydia Giffler
Roman Goy
Roxolana I. Horbowyj
Oxana Horodecka
Nicholas & Irene Ilchyshyn
Lindsay Iles
Kilgore College - Small Business Dev Center
Igor Boris Kuczynski
Igor & Susan Kuzmenko
Deborah LeClair
Ira & Janina Marks Charitable Trust II
Jerome & Diane B. Maryniuk
J. Brian & Daria McKay
Michael Mirkin
Jaroslaw Paluha
Karyna Pearce
Thomas Persson
Slava Pylyshenko
David Safir
Mykola & Theresa Saporoschenko
SUMA (Yonkers) Federal Credit Union
Ukrainian American Club of Rochester, NY Inc.
Elena Vialova
D. Woodfine
George & Marta Zahalak
GIFTS OF $300 - $499
Vladimir Bachynsky
Michael Carpenter
Peter Chekin
John Czerwinskyj
Jurij Dobczansky
Victor Donchenko
Boris Hlynsky
Julia Keda
Oksana Koropeckyj
Eugene & Maria Kovalsky
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $300 - $499
Alexander & Maria Krychyk
Maria Lisowsky
Yaroslav Lototskyy
Leonid Medved
Carlos Gomez Melendez
Irene Nowak
Natalie Pawlenko
Thomson Reuters
Alan Richeimer
Kristine Stefansic
Dorothy Stiefel
Eugene Strulyov
Yanina Turner
Nataliya Yemets
GIFTS OF $250 - $299
Bohdan Aftanas
Theresa Ben
Mary Brudny
Craig & Svitlana Z. Carson
Ulana Diachuk
Robert S. Gardner
Bohdan & Irene Hlushewsky
George Hrycelak
Maria Hrycelak
Mykola & Linda Hryhorczuk
George Jaskiw
George Kiebuzinski
Teodozyj & Irena Kolasa
Natalie Korytnyk
Dmitry & Maureen Francis Koublitsky
Chris Kulczyztky
Ada Kulyk
Bohdan Kurylko
Chrystyna Kuzmowych
George & Tania Kuzycz
Zwenyslawa Lebedovych
Zenon B. Masnyj
Meest-America Inc
Michael & Bertha Melikyan
Milan Real Estate Ltd
George Mycak
Zoreslava L. Mysko
Orest Pizyo
Fundraising for Maxymko Romanyk Treatment
Tatiana Serafin
Vladimir & Nadia Shkilnyk
George & Tatyana Sierant
Keith Smith
Jessica Stoll
Martha Turczyn
Gregory & Oksana Woloszczuk
Marta Zielyk
Maria Oksana Bachynsky
Roman P. Bukachevsky
Paul Dodds
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $100 - $249
Carol Anderson
Maria Andrusjak
David Bagstad
Anna Bajlak
Bohdan & Halyna Balaban
Ulana Baransky-Bendixon
Lidia Bazar
Andrew E. Bej
Lesia L. Belanger
Dmytro Berbeka
Alex & Valentina Bezney
Andriy Bibik
Yaroslav Bihun
Andrey Bobrov
Mary Bodyk
Sviatoslav Bozhenko
Patrick Browne
Svitlana Budzhak-Jones
Ala Bunescu
Charles Cannon
Motria Caudill
Tanya Chalupa
Anatoli & Barbara Chigrinuk
Lubomira Choma
R.L. Chomiak
Oleh Cieply
Zirka Clark
William H. Crow II
James Daloisio
Joseph Danko
Terry Dearmore
Alex Demko
George W. Dent, Jr.
Walter & Tamara Denysenko
Joe DeRiso
Zenon Derzko
Nadia Deychakiwsky
Orest Deychakiwsky
Thomas A. Dine
Jon & Ann Dubas
Mark Christopher Duncan
Daria Dykyj
Eaglebeak, Inc.
David Elley
J.C. England
Agnes Fabien
Gerald & Barbara Faulkner
Boris Fishkin
Iana Flippo
Tony Fujii
Andrii Galiuk
Dennis J. Gallagher
Roman & Helen Geletkanycz
Sarah George
Walter & Irene Gerent
William Gleason
Tina Goloborodko
Iaroslav Golubenko
Iryna Gordon
Iryna Goula
Jaroslawa Gudziak
Jaroslaw & Maria Hankewych
Martha Carver Harris
Michael Peter Hlady
Leslie Hodowanec
Gary Horlick
Natalia D. Horodecka
John Husiak
Walter & Neonila Iwaskiw
Michael Jankovic
Lydia Jarosewich
E. Douglas Jones
Elisabeth Ivaniw Jones
Millie Lotocka Jones
Robert Jones
Wojciech Jozefowicz
Maryna Kapustina
George & Chrystyna Kinal
Daniel & Daria King
Luba Klachko
Bohdan Knianicky
Andrew M. Kobziar
Irene Kobziar
Wasyl & Anne Kornylo
Ihor & Anisia Kozak
Jaroslaw & Kalyna Kozak
Aksenia Krupenko
Olga Kugatkina
Alexander Kuruz
Andrei & Raissa Kushnir
Bohdan R. Kusma
Ksenia Kuzmycz
Adrian Kuzycz
Bohdan & Oksana Kuzyszyn
Kyiv Mohyla Foundation
Alex & Zorianna Latyshevsky
David Lawrence
Wolodymyr & Neonillia Lechman
Ganna Leonenko
Ramunas Lesciukaitis
Valentina Limonczenko
Iva Lisikewycz
Petro & Tanya Lisowsky
Igor & Daria Lissy
Leonard & Larissa Lucenko
Michael & Roksolana Luciw
Wolodar & Martha Lysko
R.M. & Victoria Maksimowich
Victoria Malick
Oksana Manyuhina
Bohdan Marciniw
Larysa Martyniuk
George Masiuk
Ores & Kathleen Masnyk
Roman & Julianna Maziak
Paul & Sophia McArdle
Jack McConnell
Brian R. McMurray
Eugene & Helen Melnitchenko
Victor Melnychenko
Gregory Michalenko
Arto Mikkola
Dale R. Morse
Anna Mostovych
Oksana Mostowycz
Mark & Lubomira Mycio
Irena Mykyta
Marion Nesterenko
New York Online
Rosalie Wedmid Norair
Luba Nowak
Jaroslaw & H. Oberyszyn
Yuri Paholiouk
Benjamin & Lida Pakula
Donna E. Parmelee
Yulia Petrash
Leonid Petrenko
Areta Podhorodecki
Roman Popadiuk
Maria Popowych
Nestor & Olya Popowych
Zachary Prensky
Andrey Prikhodko
Oleh Procinsky
Roman & Lydia Procyk
Ernest I. Prokopovych
Vasyl Pryshliak
Raymond Y. & Stefa Prysiazniuk
Nadia L. Purnell
Luba Pylypec
Wolodymyr & Irma Pylyshenko
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $100 - $249
Harry Rab
Marsha J. Rabiteau
Wolodymyr & Anna Rak
Stephen & Lubomyra Rapawy
Jeanette Renton
Natalie Roop
Michael Roseman
Roman & Olha Roszkewycz
Vladimir Rozumniy
Petro Rudy
Irene Russnak
Irene Saikevych
Michael A. Samotowka
Daria Samotulka
Olga Kun Santos
Ann Olsen Schodde
James Schumaker
Daniel Schweri
Luda Semeniuk
Joseph & Jane Senyk
Kornel Senyk
Walter & Marilyn Sharko
Julianne Shepelavy
Ganna Sheremenko
Elena Shevchenko
Ihor Shevchuk
Vadim Sheynkerman
Olga Shoshenskaya
Ivan & Raisa Shvachuk
Edgars Simanis
Wira Slobodaniuk-Trigos
Alexander & Dada Sloniewsky
Lars Stalsberg
Lars Stalsberg
Denys & Oksana Stavnychyi
George Stawnychy
W. David Stewart
Mariya Sydorenko
Volodymyr Tarabara
Jorge & Olga Tatarko
Eric Trachtenberg
Oleh Tretiak
Theodora Turula
Ott Ummelas
George & Kathleen Ushytko
Michael Varnum
Alexander Vlasenko
David Vonka
Harry E. Walters
Victor & Paula Waluch
Louis C. Wein
Matthew Welch
Wasyl Werbowsky
Tamara Woroby
Don & Martha-Jean Wynnyczok
Inia Yevich-Tunstall
Jaroslav & Olga Zaplitny
Gregory Zsidisin
Hanna Zyruk
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
GIFTS OF $50 -$99
Zulale A. Abdis
American Express Foundation Employee Gift Matching Program
Elizabeth Ames
Peter Andrews
Vera Andrushkiw
Stefania Balahutrak
Jurij & Olga Barnaj
Michael Kalen Bell
Myron Boluch USNR-R
Roman & Lesia Borszcz
Katherine Buchynsky
Robert Bufe Jr.
Aleksandr Bunchuk
Roxolana Burachynskyj
Dainis Butkevicus
Orest & Lubomyra Chapelsky
Michael J. Chudoba
Christina Czechowicz
Mike & Oksana Danylyk
Vitali Datsenko
James Dick
Ruta Dirsyte
Fredrik Druvefors
Andrew Dunn-Lobban
Rodney Elnick
Richard D. Erb
George Fedynsky
George & Roma Figacz
Basil & Lidia Filonowich
Donna Fuller
Ivan & Oksana Galysh
Adam Greaves
Phyllis R. Gansz Greene
Mary Ann Groner
Anatol Grynewytsch
Larysa Harris
Assya Humesky
Michael S. Humnicky
Sungkuk Hwang
Markian Jaworsky
Russell S. Kaczmar
Walter & Lydia Karpenko
Ulana Klymyshyn
Atanas & Kateryna Kobryn
Viktoriya Kolesnikova
Bohdan & Ruth Korolyshyn
Vira Koshkina
Susan Kovbasyuk
Martins Kreicis
Wayne Kristoff
Lorraine M. Kuchmy
Rostyslava Kulchytska
Nadia Kyfor
Christine Lenzo
Taras & Jaroslava Lonchyna
Wsewolod & Marcia Luckewicz
Elizabeth Maixner
Steven Malinsky
Tetyana Mamchuk
Bohdan & Eva Markus
Greg & Deborah Marten
Stephan Martynow
Rose Masnyk
Kenneth McClellan
Alla Meleshevych
Zenon Miahky
Kristina K. Morden
Dagfinn Mork
Askold D. Mosijczuk
Patrick & Marlies Murphy
Norine Murrell
Orest Nebesh
John & Valentina Olijnyk
Grzegorz Palka
Oleh G. Pankewycz
Klaus Pape
John & Sandra Pawluk
Olena Petrova
Andreas Pfeil
Thomas G. Pillsworth
Robert Pipchick
Luba Procyk
James Rank
Russell Razzaque
Eugene Repeta
Alana M. Ritenour
James Robson
James Robson
Eduard Rose
Mykhaylo Rubezhanskyy
Danylo Rudakevych
Arnold & Mary Rudakewych
Madis Särglepp
John Schulz
Christina Shepelavey
George & Marta Shevchuk
Tatiana Shinkevich
Roma Shuhan
Nestor W. Shust
Peter Shyprykevich
Dmytro & Oksana Sich
Kazys Simutis
Kimmo Sippola
Zdanna Krawciw Skalsky
Nicholas Skirka
Wolodymyr & Bohdanna Slyz
Thomas Smith
Software MacKiev
Chrystia Sonevytsky
Ivar Suits
Gintautas Sulskus
Myron & Julia Sydorowych
Tetyana Tarabara
Natalie Tegler
Regina Maria Thorn
Oresta Tkaczuk
Marie A. Ulanowicz
Ville Varjola
Velcro Group Corporation
Alexander Viktorov
George Walchuk
David Williams
Gregory & Marianne Woloszyn
Marie C. Zarycky
Peter Zrinski
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
Jan Ove Askautrud
Andrew Bain
Mary Ellen Banton
Orysia Baransky
Ellen Barlit
John & Geraldine Barston
Kristian Bauer
Brad Beeler
Liliya A. Bellis
Lada Bidiak
Georgi Bonchev
Anna Boychuk
Stacy Brunett
Reginald & Ala R. Budd
Wanda Burt
Susan Calaman
Dan Cirnat
Lidia V. Cloherty
Gataullin Danis
Michael Danylyszyn
Vera Demchenko
George & Christine Demidowich
Barbara Dickinson
Remigijus Drungilass
Stephen Dworzanin
Romana Dyhdalo
Mikhail Edoshin
Olga Elder
Oevind Elvenes
Daria Elyjiw
Yaroslav Fatyak
Jawad Fazal
Chrystyna Ferencevych
Roman Ferencevych
Andre Fernandez
Maria Fizer
Jaroslawa Francuzenko
Girts Gailis
Latrice Garrett
Bohdanna Geleta
Andrew Germansky
Kristaps Gertmanis
Michael Glen
Vadim Glukhovsky
Peter Goletz
Daria Gorodnia
Mikhail Goykhman
Irene Grochola
Gints Grosbahs
Vladimir Hartmann
Marie Hayes
Sean Haynoski
Hlib Hayuk
Edward Hernandez
Osyp & Eugenia Holowackyj
Iwanna Holowaty
Osyp & Irene Holynskyj
Walter Hoszko
Tomi Husa
Toke Jensen
Sergey Kamenshchikov
John & Katherine Kershaw
Bob Klymkowych
Roman & Margaret Kopychuk
John Peter Kornylo
Maria Kornylo
John Kosciw
George & Mary Kotyk
Susan Kovbasyuk
Anna Kucan
Martins Kumerdanks
Mantas Kuzmickas
Jon & Kathleen Lazar
Ouliana Leewenburgh
Andrew & Lada Onyshkevych
Michael Liskiewicz
Ievgen Litvinov
Iwan & Maria Logusz
Levgeniia Loshmanova
Asta Mackeviciene
Fedor Makogonov
Darya Malyutina
William & Sheila Moore
Stephen Moss-Evans
Victor & Areta Nadozirny
Osyp & Nadia Nimylowicz
Ola Movchan Novak
Algirdas Orantas
Wasyl & Oksana Palijczuk
Irene Pashesnik
Vera Pawlak
William Peirce
David Pekar
Anna Poberezhna
Daumantas Pocius
Asko Poder
Paul Prisyazhnyuk
Vera Proskunova
Emil & Maria Pyk
Omelyan & Roxolana Pyk
Ted Ramsdell
Christoph Riekert
David Rowell
Walter Z. Rywak
Dewey Seid
Stefania Semuschak
Vira N. Sendzik
Anna Sleczka
Harriet H. Spagnoli
Vainius Stalgys
Radek Stavarcik
Birger Stenskold
Mykhailo Stepura
Michael J. Szurpeta
Dmitriy Terkel
Nadya Thole
Christian Tschendel
Jochem van de Weerthof
Eugenia Vesa
Jean Veselenak
Michael Wasiak
Peter Wenglowsky
Roman Wolchuk
Robert Wood
Andrij & Larissa Wowk
Bartosz Wysocki
Sergii Zagoruiko
Roman & Nadia Zajac
Martin Zawila
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s
(September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014)
Special Notes to the Annual Giving Campaign:
1. The Foundation was supported by matching gifts from the following organizations:
American Express Foundation, Employee Gift Matching Program
Thomson Reuters
Velcro Group Corporation
2. Donations as Memorial Gifts were made during the past year:
$5,000 from the Estate of Mrs. Antonina Shyjka
$ 1,000 in memory of Michael and Taisija Korchynsky, made by the Estate of Michael Korchynsky
$ 250 in memory of Dr. Milas Lebedovych
$ 210 in memory of Leo Wysochansky
$ 100 in memory of Alexis Olena Figacz
3. Combined Federal Campaign gifts totaled $2,432 during the Foundation’s third year of eligibility.
4. Gifts from the event, Ukraine in Washington 2013, totaled $155,275.
General Operations
Economic Development
$ 317,935
Health Care/Humanitarian Aid $
Sutaruk Scholarhship Fund:
U.S. Staff
Nadia K. McConnell
John A. Kun
Executive Vice-President and
Chief Operating Officer
Vera Andrushkiw
Vice President for External Relations
Nataliya Lakiza Sachuk
Lead Consultant on Ukraine's
Peter Voitsekhovsky
Director of Research
Oksana Yakovenko
Program Director
Ukraine Staff
Markian Bilynskyj
Vice President - Ukraine Operations
Key Volunteers
Yuliya Solovey
Chrystia Sonevytsky
Key Contractors
Scott Emmel
Custom Computer Services, Inc.
Natalie Shear
Natalie P. Shear Associates, Inc.
Oleksiy Synelnychenko
ArtDriver LLC
Alla Chernashkina
Kyiv Operations
Petro Mavko
Oleksandr Shumelda
Lvic Operations