4th Sunday of Easter - Mary Queen of Peace
4th Sunday of Easter - Mary Queen of Peace
Mary Queen Of Peace OFFICE: 120 S 34th, Billings, MT 59101 Office Hours: Closed Monday, Tues. – Fri. 9am to 4pm 406-259-7611 www.maryqueenofpeacebillings.org April 17, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Mary Queen of Peace 3411 3rd Ave South 4th Sunday of Easter Daily Mass Ministers April 23 & 24 Tuesday through Friday@ 9 am Weekend Mass Sat. 4:00 pm Sun. 9:30 am Sun. 5:00 pm Reconciliation 1 hour before Mass Or by appointment PARISH MINISTRY STAFF PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR Fr. Jose Marquez 259-7611 Ministers 4 pm 9:30am 5:00pm Altar Server Needed Needed Richard Deis Isabel Aguirre Maya Luna Paul Tweden Needed Mike Harrington Dorothy Rangitsch Aggie Stenger Mae Zimmerer Les Magers Needed Joe Siebert Pat Young **** Audrey Wagner Celest Kessler **** **** **** Marion Leligdowicz Linda Leligdowicz Janet Simon Mary Rose Simon Bill Brown Elena Mota Paul Tweden Needed Needed Amy Aguirre Needed Crucifer Greeters Lector 1 Lector 2 Spanish Gospel Eucharistic Ministers jmarquez@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org PARISH BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Matthew Low, Ph.D. mlow@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org Sacristan Homebound Ministers to our Extended Family Tony Gomez 1 D. Feller & A. Buckalew 2 Paul Tweden SACRAMENTAL MINISTER Fr. Tom C. Harney 259-7611 ACCOUNTANT Celest Kessler ckessler@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Daphne Sutton mqp.dre@gmail.com MAINTENANCE STAFF Virginia Nava Steve Klang MUSIC DIRECTOR Peggy Contreraz pcontreraz@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org MUSIC MINISTRY Ann Hefenieder ann.hefenieder@gmail.com Pat Oertli Readings For 5th Sunday of Easter 1st Reading Acts of the Apostles 14:21-27 Psalm 145 2nd Reading Revelation 21:1-5 Gospel John 13:31-34 MARY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a welcoming, evangelizing, worshipping parish community, encouraging all to step into a deeper spiritual encounter and loving experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for peace, love, truth, and social justice through active stewardship - notably through our advocate - Mother Mary. We proclaim the promise of the Kingdom of God and the grace - filled nourishment that comes when our humanness becomes one with God’s Divinity in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Jesus said to them, "Come, have breakfast." And none of the disciples dared to ask him, "Who are you?" because they realized it was the Lord. Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish. - Jn 21:12-13 Stewardship Thought MARY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH “The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” MISSION STATEMENT ACTS 13:52 We are a welcoming, evangelizing,heard worshipping Because the disciples Our Lord’s call, they were able to parish community, encouraging all to spread the Gospel message with step into a deeper spiritual encounter and strength and vitality. We, too, can experience that same joy if we take time to open our hearts, loving experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for truth, social justice listen topeace, God,love, ask forand His direction and allow the Holy Spirit to through active stewardship notably through our guide our lives and our decisions. advocate - Mother Mary. We proclaim the promise of the Kingdom of God and the grace - filled nourishment that comes when 4th Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 Date 4/19/2016 Time 9:00 AM 4/20/2016 4/21/2016 4/22/2016 4/23/2016 4/24/2016 4/24/2016 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 9:30 AM 5:00 PM † † † † † Intention Catherine Weimer No 9:00 Mass- Fr. Jose @BCCHS Mass Leo Scholtz Marcella Honas-Wiesner Bill Jacobs Donald Pavlish Parishioners of MQP Offered by Mary Pavlish Mary Queen of Peace Parish 2016 Care and Share Report Care and Share March 2016 thru February 2017 Assessment 2016 40,785 Less Cash Contributions 11,748 Less Electronic Pledges collected 8-25-2015 29,037 Mary Queen of Peace Parish Stewardship Report Weekend of April 3, 2016 Weekly Income: The Manny Alvarez Scholarship for catholic school education will have approximately $1,545.00 to distribute to students of Mary Queen of Peace for 2015/16 tuition to the Billings Catholic Schools. Scholarship applications can be found at the entrance of church. Questions call Celest at 294-7605. Application submission deadline: 4-25-2016. Don & Mary Cantrell MQP Parish Maggie Jacobs Melanie Hanel What is the impact of your gift in support of the 2016 Care and Share Annual Catholic Appeal? Topping the list is helping to ensure a sacramental presence in all of our parishes in the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings. There is nothing more fundamental to our faith and our Catholic family. Your gifts help bring priests to our diocese, support the formation of deacons, and train Lay Leaders of Prayer. Thank you for your generous support of Care and Share – your stewardship is truly spreading God’s mercy throughout our diocese! 2015 Care and Share Balance Manny Alvarez II Memorial Scholarship Catholic Home Missions Collection This collection supports home mission dioceses. What are home mission dioceses? They are those dioceses in the United States that are unable to offer their people the basic pastoral ministries of word, worship and service without outside help, our help, the catholic family in the United States. To learn more about this appeal and to assist you in your discernment process, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at www.usccb.org. Faith Formation Preschool – 6th grade: Wednesdays 5pm to 6:45pm Jr. High and High school: Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm Children’s Choir: Wednesdays 6:45pm Special Education Class: Tuesdays 1pm to 3pm RCIA: Thursdays see Daphne Contact Daphne Sutton for information or to volunteer: mqp.dre@gmail.com 294-7607. Angela's Piazza: Women's Drop-In Center Please remember that any household items you wish to retire would be a wonderful asset to the annual Spring Garage Sale Fundraiser at Angela's Piazza: Women's Drop-In Center! We are accepting books, linens, toys, baby equipment, tools, furniture, housewares, etc. Please, no electronics or clothing. The Garage Sale is scheduled for May and we will accept donations any time Monday-Friday, 9-5 at 420 Grand Avenue. Call 2550611 for more information. MQP Envelope donations Loose cash/checks Other Income 4,049 1,785 17 Total Weekly Income Weekly Expense Budget 5,851 9,181 Over (Short) Year-to-date Income Total: Year-to-date Total Expenses Budget: Over (Short) (3,329) 328,925 367,236 (38,311) 4th Sunday of Easter "Jesus said, 'My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me." How blessed we are to be the "sheep" of such a Good Shepherd! Jesus promises that "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish." When we follow the voice of our Shepherd, he leads us exactly where we want to go. But, of course, it's up to us to make sure that we recognize this voice. In today's culture, many voices are competing for our attention. The voice of the media is a loud one, entering our homes and families through television, the Internet, print materials, and so on. We are also more and more a culture whose ears are literally filled with the voices of our favorite singers and the sounds of our personal playlists--the sight of people marching through their day with earphones blocking out other sounds is now a common sight. All of this has its appropriate place. We simply need to be sure that we don't allow these voices to become the primary ones in our lives. --PRAYER LINE----PRAYER CHAIN----PRAYER LINE----PRAYER CHAIN----PRAYER LINE---Would you like prayers for a special person, a need, an intention, or an illness? Your parish community is here to help and to support you with prayer. Our parish community has a network of prayer ministers who remember each day in their prayers the intentions/needs of those who request. “Ask and you shall receive.” To activate our prayer line, please call Marion Walton: 259-5784. If you or a family member are homebound, in the hospital or scheduled for surgery and would like the Sacrament of the Sick, Please call Father José at the office @259-7611 #06. Funerals: Initial funeral planning: Contact Fr. Jose Marquez, 294-7606 PRAYER PETITIONS: Intentions of the Pope for the Month of April: Universal Intention: That small farmers may receive a just reward for their precious labor. Evangelization Intention: That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts “That the Lord will bless Montana with the presence of Comunita Cenacolo”. Brian Crain in Concert Brian Crain is coming back to Billings Friday April 29th at 7pm, at St. Bernard Catholic Church. This time he will be accompanied by guitarist David Hunt. Many of Brian's compositions are used in movies and television commercials all over the world and in 2005 Brian composed his first two symphonies, entitled Spring Symphonies, which were recorded with the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra. Admission is free but a good-will offering will be most appreciated. CDs will also be available for purchase. The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree would like to invite you to our annual Spring Fling Dinner and Dance. Saturday May 7th, 6:00 PM at St Bernard's Church lower hall. Cocktails from 6-7 PM, roast beef dinner with all of the trimmings at 7:00 PM. Free babysitting, pizza and a movie for the kids. $10.00 per person in advance, $12.00 per person at the door. Contact Jared Keller for more info 855-2935 My Apron Stories The Ladies of Mary Queen of Peace parish invite you to join them for their 8th annual Tea. May 14th - 1:30pm - Mary Queen of Peace lower hall (elevator available).This year’s theme is APRONS. We invite you to bring or wear your favorite APRON. And come with your best Apron story to share, if you wish. Ladies tickets $7.00/ $8.00 at the door. Young ladies $5.00/ $6.00 at the door. Tickets may be purchased after Mass, or at the Parish Office. A lovely light lunch will be served. There will be wonderful door prizes to win, as well as many delightful raffle items. This would be a great Mother's Day gift idea! 3411 South 34th Street - 259-7611. Calendar of Weekly Events 4-16-2016 4-17-2016 4-18-2016 4-19-2016 4-20-2016 4-21-2016 PANTRY PROJECT all Masses PANTRY PROJECT all Masses Catholic Marian Charismatic Group 6:30PM MQP Neo-Catechumenal Way 7:00pm LF School No 9:00 AM Mass as Fr Jose is at BCCHS Mass Symbolon 6PM, MQP office All Religious Ed. & Youth Grp meet see Faith Formation box MQP Fellowship Dinner 5:30pm Perkin’s 765 S. 20th St. West Divine Mercy Prayer Group 5:30pm Upper Church OLG Choir Practice 7:00pm MQP Lower Hall Enrich your spiritual life; get to know Jesus better Marian Charismatic Prayer Group: The Marian Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Monday at 6:30pm at Mary Queen of Peace (3411 3rd Ave. South). We start with the Rosary, we sing, we give prayers of thanks, we meditate Scripture, we pray for intercessions. With joy in our hearts, we are renewed! Rosary Wednesday: There will be parishioner-led Rosary recital after every Wednesday morning Mass. Be part of a prayer devotion that makes a difference in our daily lives! Eucharistic Adoration: Pope John XXIII was quoted as saying one ought to sit in Eucharistic Adoration in some church at least once a day. MQP offers Eucharistic Adoration, every Thursday following the 9:00AM Mass until 6:00PM. Divine Mercy Prayer Group: The Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets the third Thursday of the month at 5:30pm at Mary Queen of Peace. Following the Diary of St Faustina three main themes of prayer are to ask for and obtain the mercy of God, to trust in Christ's abundant mercy, and finally to show mercy to others and act as a conduit for God's mercy towards them. MQP CCW FUNDRAISER The CCW of Mary Queen of Peace will be hosting a fundraiser Scholarship for a young girl, for Catholic school education April 30, 2016. Kraut Bierok (cabbage pockets), will be sold for $2.00 each. Fresh, homemade, not frozen. The CCW will sell before and after masses, on Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1, 2016. CCW Vicariate Scholarships for College The five vicariates of the Great Falls-Billings Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are once again awarding a $300.00 Scholarship to a high school graduating senior woman. One additional scholarship, one in each of the five vicariates, will be awarded to a non-traditional catholic women student who is currently enrolled or will be enrolling in the fall of 2016 at a college, university, or a vocational-technical school. Applications are available through your local parish office. You may also contact your Council of Catholic Women President for further details. Deadline to apply is May 31, 2016. You may also contact Wilma Mavencamp, DCCW Scholarship Chairperson, P O Box 445, Malta, MT 59538 or call 654-1346. The email address is maven100@itstriangle.com.
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January 31, 2016 - Mary Queen of Peace
Fr. Jose Marquez 259-7611