January 31, 2016 - Mary Queen of Peace
January 31, 2016 - Mary Queen of Peace
Mary Queen Of Peace OFFICE: 120 S 34th, Billings, MT 59101 Office Hours: Closed Monday, Tues. – Fri. 9am to 4pm 406-259-7611 www.maryqueenofpeacebillings.org January 31, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Mary Queen of Peace 3411 3rd Ave South 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Daily Mass Tuesday through Friday@ 9 am Ministers February 6 & 7 Weekend Mass Sat. 4:00 pm Sun. 9:30 am Sun. 5:00 pm Ministers 4 pm 9:30am 5:00pm Altar Server Crucifer Greeters Gregory Contreraz Matthew Contreraz Paul Tweden Needed Reconciliation 1 hour before Mass Or by appointment Laila Mascarena Sophia Mascarena Richard Deis Dorothy Rangitsch Aggie Stenger Nicholas Tognetti Sally Adams Needed Anthony Gomez Needed PARISH MINISTRY STAFF PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR Fr. Jose Marquez 259-7611 jmarquez@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org PARISH BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Matthew Low, Ph.D. mlow@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org SACRAMENTAL MINISTER Fr. Tom C. Harney 259-7611 ACCOUNTANT Celest Kessler ckessler@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Daphne Sutton mqp.dre@gmail.com MAINTENANCE STAFF Virginia Nava Steve Klang MUSIC DIRECTOR Peggy Contreraz pcontreraz@maryqueenofpeacebillings.org MUSIC MINISTRY Ann Hefenieder ann.hefenieder@gmail.com Pat Oertli Readings For 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading Isaiah 6:1-2, 3-8 Psalm 138 2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Gospel Luke 5:1-11 Lector 1 Lector 2 Spanish Gospel Eucharistic Ministers Sacristan Homebound Ministers to our Extended Family Needed **** Janet Mahoney Needed **** **** Needed Rose Ann Griebel Linda Leligdowicz Janet Simon Dee Martenson Amy Aguirre John Mota Paul Tweden Needed Mary Jane Hippler Needed He said to them, "Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, "Isn't this the son of Joseph?" Lk 4:21-22 Tony Gomez 1 Mary Jane Hippler 2 Mary Pavlish MARY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a welcoming, evangelizing, worshipping parish community, encouraging all to step into a deeper spiritual encounter and loving experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for peace, love, truth, and social justice through active stewardship - notably through our advocate - Mother Mary. We proclaim the promise of the Kingdom of God and the grace - filled nourishment that comes when our humanness becomes one with God’s Divinity in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Stewardship Thought MARY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous.” (1 Corinthians 13:4) MISSION STATEMENT are aonwelcoming, Do you get jealous? Do you focusWe more the thingsevangelizing, that other worshipping people parish community, encouraging all to have than on the gifts that God has given to you? Have you been step into a deeper spiritual encounter and pompous? Do you acquire more possessions impress others? loving experienceto with our Lord Jesus Christ. At times we are all guilty of these things. Pray for We pray for peace, love,more truth,humility. and social justice through active stewardship - notably through our Pray to become less self-centered and more God-centered. advocate - Mother Mary. We proclaim the promise of the Kingdom of God and the grace - filled nourishment that comes when our humanness becomes one with God’s Date 2/2/2016 2/3/2016 2/4/2016 2/5/2016 2/6/2016 2/7/2016 2/7/2016 Time 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 9:30 AM 5:00 PM † † Intention Fr. Jose-Newark Retreat-No Mass Fr. Jose-Newark Retreat-No Mass Fr. Jose-Newark Retreat-No Mass Fr. Jose-Newark Retreat-No Mass Deceased Pirtz Family Mary Garcia Parishioners of MQP Church in Latin America Thank you for your contributions to the Church in Latin America Collection. Your support makes a real difference in the faith lives of the peoples of Latin America. Please continue to pray for our Latin sisters and brothers. To learn more about this appeal, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at www.usccb.org. Faith Formation Preschool – 6th grade: Wednesdays 5:00pm to 6:45pm Jr. High and High school: Wednesdays 7:00pm to 8:30pm Children’s Choir: Wednesdays 6:45pm Special Education Class: Tuesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm RCIA: Thursdays see Daphne Contact Daphne Sutton for information or to volunteer: mqp.dre@gmail.com 294-7607 Magnificat — Reduced Price! Time to Order! If you would like to get a subscription to the Magnificat through the parish please let Matt know or call the office and let us know!!! We can get a greatly reduced price if we get enough people to sign up. You will be blessed with beautiful artwork, morning and evening prayer, daily Mass, and much information about the many saints in the Church. BRING IN YOUR OLD PALMS Last year’s Palms are needed to make this year’s ashes for Ash Wednesday. Receptacle will be in the entrance of the Church. Men’s Breakfast Hosted by KJCR Radio Billings Catholic Radio, KJCR welcomes Trent Horn, Apologist for Catholic Answers to the 3rd annual men’s breakfast on Friday, Feb. 12 at 6:00am at the Holiday Inn Ballroom. Cost is $15. Tickets and details are available at www.kjcrradio.com. Contact Roy Brown at 294-5250 with questions. Talk is titled “No More Mr. Nice Guys.” Parents: Before, during, and after Masses please accompany your children to restrooms. Retrouvaille Visit retrouvailleMT.org for emotional Montana testimonials. For confidential information or to register for the program in Great Falls, February 2628, 2016, call 800-470-2230; 406-761-4830; or email RetroMT14@gmail.com. You may also register at HelpOurMarriage.com. Offered by MQP Parish Josi Quarnburg MQP Parish MQP Parish Terrie Diede Thomas Garcia Be Our Valentine Mary Queen of Peace Parish’s 2nd Annual St. Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance. Saturday, February 13th, 2016 Crowne Plaza, 27 North 27th Street Cocktail Reception 6:30pm Elegant Dinner 7:30pm John Roberts Y Pan Blanco Band 8:30pm Table of 8, $500.00 or Individual seating $75.00. Enjoy complimentary Champagne, Red Roses and Prizes For questions or reservations call 294-7605. This is a fun evening! Chocolates, Wine, and Wine Glasses - Perfect Together! The St. Valentine’s Day Dinner-Dance Committee is asking parishioners to drop off bottles of wine, wine glasses, and chocolates to the church/parish office. The mix will be part of the gifts/spot prizes at the event on the 13th of Feb. Call the parish office for additional details. Mary Queen of Peace Parish Stewardship Report Weekend of January 17, 2016 Weekly Collection: MQP Envelope donations 2,876 Loose cash/checks 887 Total Collections $3,763 Weekly Collection Budget 5,127 Over (Short) ($1,364) Year-to-date Collection: Year-to-date Collection Budget: Over (Short) 139,407 148,681 ($9,274) Mary Queen of Peace Parish 2015 Care and Share Report Care and Share March 2015 thru February 2016 Assessment 2015 38,349 Less Cash Contributions 39,599 Less Electronic Pledges collected 8-25-2015 2,909 2015 Care and Share Balance (4,159) Ash Wednesday: February 10, 2016 Mass 9am, Ashes following Mass Ash Wednesday Service 5:30pm K-6 students in attendance Ash Wednesday Service 7:30pm Youth Group in attendance Carroll College Scholarship Carroll College funds a $1,000.00 scholarship per parish in honor of the deceased priests of both Dioceses. If you are considering attending Carroll College fall of 2016, apply for this scholarship. Each parish will select one recipient from their parish. Call 294-7605 to request an application. Deadline for scholarship applications is February 1, 2016. Complete your application and deliver to: MQP Parish Office - 120 South 34th Street -Billings MT 59101. Calendar of Weekly Events 2-01-2016 2-02-2016 2-03-2016 2-06-2016 2-07-2016 Catholic Marian Charismatic Group 6:30 PM MQP Neo-Catechumenal Way 7:00 PM MQP LF School All Religious Ed. & Youth Grp Meet See Faith Formation box Children’s Choir practice 6:45 pm LF School Food Bank and Collection for the Needy All Masses Food Bank and Collection for the Needy All Masses --PRAYER LINE----PRAYER CHAIN----PRAYER LINE----PRAYER CHAIN----PRAYER LINE---Would you like prayers for a special person, a need, an intention, or an illness? Your parish community is here to help and to support you with prayer. Our parish community has a network of prayer ministers who remember each day in their prayers the intentions/needs of those who request. “Ask and you shall receive.” To activate our prayer line, please call Marion Walton: 259-5784. If you or a family member are homebound, in the hospital or scheduled for surgery and would like the Sacrament of the Sick, Please call Father José at the office @259-7611 #06. Funerals: Initial funeral planning: Contact Fr. Jose Marquez, 294-7606 Prayer Petitions: Intentions of the Pope for the Month of January: Universal Intention: That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. Evangelization Intention: That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity, and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. “That the Lord will bless Montana with the presence of Comunita Cenacolo”. Fundraiser for 2016 MEXICAN FIESTA COSTS Hosted by MQP Hispanic Committee Choice of: “Beef & Bean” or “Bean & Cheese” Burritos $2.00 each (made by Torres’ Café). ORDER any time: Fill in your request and place in the collection basket or by phone, call Bill Contreraz, 839-0904. PICK UP: We will contact you for your order pick up. All orders come frozen. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Make checks payable to: MQP Fiesta Burrito Sale. Any questions, please contact Bill Contreraz, 839-0904. The Light is on for You! (Confession 1 hour before and 1 hour after Mass with Fr. Jose; No 9:00am Masses on Fridays during Lent) Fri., Feb. 12, 2016…. Mass 5:30PM Fri., Feb. 19, 2016…. Mass 5:30PM Fri., Feb. 24, 2016…. MQP Penance Service 11:00AM Fri., Feb. 26, 2016…. Mass 5:30PM Fri., Mar. 4, 2016…. Mass 5:30PM Fri., Mar. 11, 2016…. Mass 5:30PM Fri., Mar. 18, 2016…. Mass 5:30PM Fri., Mar. 25, 2016…. Good Friday Service Enrich your spiritual life; get to know Jesus better Marian Charismatic Prayer Group The Marian Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Monday at 6:30pm at Mary Queen of Peace (3411 3rd Ave. South). We start with the Rosary, we sing, we give prayers of thanks, we meditate Scripture, we pray for intercessions. With joy in our hearts, we are renewed! Rosary Wednesdays There will be parishioner-led Rosary recital after every Wednesday morning Mass. Be part of a prayer devotion that makes a difference in our daily lives! Eucharistic Adoration Pope John XXIII was quoted as saying one ought to sit in Eucharistic Adoration in some church at least once a day. MQP offers Eucharistic Adoration, every Thursday following the 9:00AM Mass until 6:00PM. Divine Mercy Prayer Group The Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets the third Thursday of the month at 5:30pm at Mary Queen of Peace. Following the Diary of St Faustina three main themes of prayer are to ask for and obtain the mercy of God, to trust in Christ's abundant mercy, and finally to show mercy to others and act as a conduit for God's mercy towards them. It's SOUPER BOWL time! The annual fundraiser for ANGELA'S PIAZZA: WOMEN'S DROP-IN CENTER is coming up on Friday, February 5th! The SOUPER BOWL will take place at American Lutheran Church, 5 Lewis Avenue. For $30 - bowl of delicious hot soup and bowl. Or have lunch for $20 (no pottery). Serving times are 11:00-1:30pm for lunch, and 4:006:30pm for dinner. Call Angela's Piazza at 255-0611 if you'd like to purchase gift certificates, or stop in at 420 Grand Avenue, Monday-Friday, and 9-5. Lunch at SVDP Help needed!! The Christian Service Commission is planning a Chili Lunch on February 20, between 10am and 2pm at St Vincent de Paul to help feed the homeless in our community. We expect to feed over 100 people and need your help to accomplish this important ministry. There are easy two hour work shifts to sign up for as well as grocery donations and baked goods for the meal. Sign-up sheet is at the entrance of the Church. Food donations should be dropped off between 9:30 and 10:00 am at St Vincent de Paul. All who partake of this meal are very thankful, appreciative and humble. Let us, the many parts, be the body of Christ to those in need. Discovery Night will be held on Wednesday, February 3, from 5:00-7:30pm in the Ralph Nelles Center at BCCHS. Discover the Possibilities of an exceptional, affordable Catholic education! 79% of all students receive some form of tuition assistance or scholarship. New students who attend Discovery Night will receive a $50 tuition credit. Currently enrolled families who refer a new family to BCS that enrolls and attends our school in 201617 will receive a $250 tuition credit. Call 406.867.8043 for more information. Join us in celebrating Catholic Schools Week with Bishop Warfel at our CSW All-System Mass. Mass will be held in the Ralph Nelles Center at Billings Central Catholic High School on Wednesday, February 3, at 1:30. Following Mass, the 2016 BCS Awards of Excellence will be awarded, and a reception will follow in the BCCHS Library. Call 406.867.8043 for more information.