April 2011 Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for


April 2011 Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for
Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Nissan 5773
Volume 67, Number 5
April 2013
when your children will ask about the
meaning of their parents’ religious
observances.” Wolfson well understands
that no two children are alike - not even
those raised in the same household – so each
child must be taught in a manner that is most
appropriate for that son or daughter.
Adam Wohlberg
I was in Shop ‘n Bag this week and I saw it:
a box of matzah. Actually, there were
dozens of them. “It is only February 13,” I
said to myself, “who is buying matzah a
month and a half before Pesach?!?”
I don’t know if the appearance of Kosher
for Passover products on the supermarket
shelves this far in advance of the holiday is
something to celebrate (“You see how
concerned they are about our dietary needs
here in America?”) or if it is simply a way to
increase the anxiety level of Jewish patrons
who begin to fear ever earlier that there will
be no more matzah farfel available when you
need it later (so buy it now).
In any event, it is mid-February as I am
writing this article, there is snow on the
ground, and already I am thinking about Pesach.
I am looking for something new to
this year about the “Four Sons” - or
“Four Children” – who appear in
haggadah and about whom there is
shortage of commentaries.
In his book, Passover: The Family Guide
to Spiritual Celebration, Dr. Ron Wolfson
suggests that “The passage dealing with the
Four Children could be among the first
parental advice columns ever written. The
Haggadah suggests that the parents of
Biblical times had the same troubles parents
have today: how to talk to your children so
they will listen and learn. No less than four
times the Bible warns that the time will come
The chacham (the wise child), the rasha
(the wicked child), the tam (the simple child)
and the she’ayno yo’dayah lishol (the one
who does not know how to ask) may be
overly simplistic descriptions of children – in
fact the last two sound more like stages of
life that a child will eventually grow out of –
but at the very least, they remind us that we
cannot provide identical instruction to every
young person. Each child must be taught
according to his capacity and his interest.
The Four Children, though often viewed
as archetypes, may actually amount to but
one person. A commentator has suggested
that each of us, depending on the day and the
circumstances, could have any one of these
labels applied to us, and then any of the other
three 20 minutes later. Ask me about Jewish
law and I may seem wise. Ask me about
Israeli politics and my response will be more
simple than profound. And if you bring up
astro-physics, I wouldn’t even know what
questions to ask.
It is quite revealing - and perhaps
encouraging - to find as pious and as a
knowledgeable a sage as Rabbi Levi Yitzhak
asking God to account for the suffering that
he has personally experienced and that the
Jewish People has experienced throughout
the ages. Rabbi Levi Yitzhak compares
himself to the child who does not know how
to ask. How many of us see ourselves in that
It is the fourth child in the haggadah – the same light when trying to make sense of the
one who does not even know how to ask - suffering all around us?
that I find the most intriguing. And it is
Perhaps this year at your Pesach seder,
upon this fourth child that Elie Wiesel
can take a few moments to consider the
comments s in his Haggadah Shel Pesach: A
which we as individuals, as a
Passover Haggadah (Simon & Schuster
and as a nation yearn to ask but
Paperbacks, 1993) when he writes:
for which there seem to be no answers. Let
Every year, when he reached this place in us hope that this year Elijah will come, the
the text, the celebrated Rabbi Levi time of redemption will be announced and
Yitzhak of Berditchev would stop to medi- that our questions and our prayers will be
tate. After a long silence, he would cry answered.
out, “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
the fourth son who does not even know
how to ask the question, that is me, Levi
Planning the next Temple Sinai Reunion
Since our first reunion was such a success in May
2010, there was an enthusiastic request for another
one to be held in 3 years. We have begun planning for
our next reunion!
If you were a Bat or Bar Mitzvah at Temple Sinai in
West Oak Lane around the years 1964 - 1967, please
become a member of the "Temple Sinai Reunion"
Facebook page. We'll be asking for your input about
our next gathering to be held in the spring 2013.
Please share this with others who you'd like to see at
this reunion, too!
Yitzhak. If I knew how to ask questions, I
would ask You these questions: Read
them in my heart, Almighty God, they are
waiting for You there. I do not know why
we suffer and endure all the exiles in the
world. Nor do I know why our enemies
are so powerful and why we are so weak.
But doesn’t the Haggadah tell us that it is
up to the father to answer the fourth son,
even though the fourth son does not ask
the question? God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, I am Your son. I am not asking You to reveal to me the secrets of
Creation, or the mysteries of deliverance. Nor do I ask You to tell me the secret of Your
presence in the world. I
am asking You much less. Only that you
tell me the meaning of my suffering. Tell
me why we are persecuted so often, by so
many, and please reassure me, at least by
telling me that all that I suffer is for Your
Cantor Stephen
It seems a bit premature to be thinking – and
writing – about Pesach when Purim has yet
to arrive. Honestly, I’m more focused these
days on Megillat Esther than I am on the
And yet, it seems that Pesach has already
begun to permeate our psyches – at least
those of us who frequent our local
supermarkets! The displays of Passover
foods – some of which have already been
out for weeks – literally jump out at us,
perhaps earlier than any other year in recent
On the one hand, it seems silly that we
should be bombarded this way so far in
advance of the holiday. On the other hand,
perhaps there’s a significant – if unintended
– message here.
As a people, we are always anticipating
the next holiday or ritual observance. For
example: We announce the coming of a new
month on the Shabbat before it occurs. We
blow the shofar every weekday morning
during the month of Elul in preparation for
the High Holy Days. We count the days
between Pesach and Shavuot – the omer – in
anticipation of the giving of the Torah at
Mount Sinai.
of Festivals – Z’man Cheiruteinu – the
season of our freedom. Were it not for our
miraculous redemption from slavery in
ancient Egypt, we would not be here today.
And there certainly would be no displays of
Pesachdike foods to distract us.
May this Pesach be a time for family, for
food, and for festivity. May we never lose
sight of how fortunate we are to be free
people in a free land. And may we always be
grateful for the many blessings which God
has bestowed upon us.
Chag kasher v’sameach – have a
wonderful Passover!
Yes, we’re always looking ahead! And
when we consider the many preparations
necessary for the proper observance of Pesach, it makes perfect sense that we be reminded as early as possible.
So instead of groaning each time we walk
past the displays of Passover food, perhaps
we should be thanking our grocers for
calling our attention to that most important
From the
Edwin Altman
Technology continues to play a critical role
in our lives – we rely upon it for everyday
communications, on-line banking, shopping,
research, entertainment and so much more.
Synagogue life also depends upon
technology for almost all aspects of our
operations and we are therefore always
looking to enhance our interaction with
members and employees through the
application of new technologies.
By now I hope all of you have gone to our
newly launched website (www.tsinai.com)
that we introduced in December. You’ll find
an attractive, well organized website with the
latest calendar and event information, class
listings, educational offerings, school
information, staff bio’s and so much more.
A few weeks ago we completed the
conversion from our old accounting/
membership system to Chaverware, a new,
more robust technology platform. This
conversion, which took several months to
complete required a substantial amount of
Bill Kramer
In my last article, I praised our Sisterhood
and expressed my love and support for the
egalitarian values of Temple Sinai and
Conservative Judaism.
The positive
feedback was overwhelming. I didn’t
realize anyone even read my articles. I
was proven wrong. So, I would be remiss
if I did not build on that momentum, and
give thanks and praise to the other
outstanding arms of the synagogue, namely
the Men’s Club and Hazak. Both of these
groups run phenomenal programs and
support the synagogue in so many great
staff time. Converting systems is never easy
and required careful planning and
considerable time to compare and reconcile
data after the initial conversion.
I am extremely pleased to share with you
that by the beginning of March we will
provide all of our members access to
component to Chaverware. ChaverWeb will
provide on-line access to your demographic
information and allow you to easily update
it. Our congregational directory will be
available as well. You will also be able to
see your financial history of charges and
payments going back five years in time.
ChaverWeb will also provide the capability
to pay Temple Sinai obligations through
credit/debit cards, and to make donations as
well. In the not too distant future we intend
to turn on the “Event” module which will
allow for on-line reservations for upcoming
activities as well.
In addition to providing each member
with the convenience of transacting business
how and when they choose, ChaverWeb will
provide all congregants with a quick and
simple way to make sure we have current
email addresses and phone numbers on file.
As you can imagine we rely upon accurate
contact information to communicate with
you for everything from upcoming events to
weather related delays and closings and last
Hazak never stops hosting great
educational and social programs. The
dedication of all of the members to all of
their programs is awesome. The quality of
each event is unsurpassed, and attendance
is always terrific. As of now, I am too
young to be a member, but when I turn 60,
I hope our Hazak chapter continues to be
as vibrant as it is today.
The Men’s Club, with Men-in-theKitchen, Pub Nights, Poker Nights, Scotch
and Steak in the Sukkah, World Wide
Wrap, Daddy Daughter Dance, Men’s
Shabbat, Softball team and many
more activities, never stops amazing me
with the many ways it engages our
membership and our community. There is
an event for everyone.
Combined with our amazing sisterhood,
we have three tremendous arms of the
synagogue. Every group brings something
unique and exciting.
These separate
communities within our synagogue, add so
minute schedule or location changes.
I want to thank Marcy Gohen and Ellen
McGrother for the enormous amount of time
and dedication they provided to both the
Chaverware and Chaverweb projects.
I’m also pleased to let you know that
within two weeks we will be transitioning to
a new payroll processing company. This
change will save us money, make processing
easier and also provide our employees with a
web based capability to view their payroll
Finally, we are switching to a new
telecommunications carrier that will also
reduce expenses and significantly increase
our network bandwidth.
This change
together with the replacement of our central
office router should provide us with both
more reliable and speedier internet service.
I anticipate that all these improvements
will enhance the Temple Sinai membership
experience, making life even more
convenient for all. Please be on the lookout
for more information about the introduction
of ChaverWeb.
I’ll close by wishing everyone a Chag Pesach
Same’ach - may we all enjoy a wonderful
much breadth and depth to our Temple
Sinai family.
The dedication of our
leaders, Sara Wenger of Sisterhood,
Howard Cohen of the Men’s Club and
Betsy Lewinson of Hazak, along with their
respective executive committees and
volunteers is tremendous. Thank you to all
of the arms of the synagogue for all that
you do. Keep up the great work in making
our Temple Sinai community so warm and
engaging. Kol Hakavod.
Given that this is the Passover edition, I
want to wish everyone a wonderful seder
and a happy Passover.
Lastly, please make sure you save
Sunday, April 28th on your calendar - a
special day is planned at Temple Sinai Imagine 613!
B’nai Mitzvah
Eli Gordon,
Son of
Tracy & George
Lauren Whitman,
Daughter of
Michele & Jerry
Kyle Rubenstein,
Son of
Mary & Mitchell
April 6, 2013
April 13, 2013
April 20, 2013
Eli is a 7th grade student at Saligman
Middle School. He began his Jewish
education at the Ann Newman Preschool at
age two. and enjoyed many summers at
Camp Macabee. Eli has attended Perelman
Jewish Day School since Kindergarten.
Eli is a strong student, and his favorite
subjects are math and history. He enjoys
playing on his school’s soccer and track
teams. Eli especially loves skiing at Deer
Valley each winter with his siblings. Other
hobbies include art and hanging out with
his friends. This summer will be Eli’s fifth
year at Camp Harlam. He loves camp, and
spending time with all his friends there.
Eli is proud of the work he has done in the
area of community service. He has worked
with The Friendship Circle, as an MVP
volunteer, helping families and children
with special needs. In addition, Eli has
organized a “towel drive”, in which he
collected towels to be donated to refugee
families arriving into Philadelphia, through
Eli is excited to share this special day with
his proud parents, Tracy and George, his
sisters, Rachel and Sarah, his brother, Jacob. Eli is especially grateful to be celebrating this milestone with his four grandparents, Herb and Linda Gordon, Sandi
Hockfield and PopBill Hockfield .
Lauren is a 7th grade honor student at Keith
Valley Middle School. She began her Jewish
education at the Ann Newman preschool at
the age of three and has been a student in the
religious school for the past eight years. She
participated in Yad Squad and has been
involved in many of the Makor and Kadima
youth group activities.
Lauren enjoys many activities, such as
basketball, lacrosse, playing trombone in her
school band, and hanging out with friends
and family. In sixth grade, she was chosen to
be a part of PMEA District Band. Lauren
also played for her school basketball team
and has played for travel and other teams as
well. When it comes to friends and family,
she always has time. She loves to share
many laughs and smiles with the people she
For Lauren’s mitzvah project, she began by
collecting donations of food from friends,
family, and neighbors. With the help of some
friends, she was able to put together over 200
bagged lunches to donate to the homeless.
All her donations went to Mitzvah Circle
Foundation. Not only did she donate the
lunches, but school
supplies, gently used
toys, books, clothes, and furniture as well.
She also did some volunteer work at Mitzvah Circle’s
warehouse. Lauren enjoyed
helping out others and putting a smile on
their faces.
Lauren is extremely happy to share this
special day with her parents, Michele and
Jerry, her sister, Nicole, her grandparents
Joyce and Martin Gometz and Marilyn
Whitman and her extended family. She is
also happy to share it with the Temple Sinai
congregation and all her friends.
Kyle is a 7th grade student at Sandy Run
Middle School where his favorite subjects
in school are math, and social studies.
He has been at Temple Sinai since
Kyle loves to play basketball and baseball
and spending time with his friends.
He does brotherhood with the synagogue
and is planning on extending his Jewish
learning by attending Gratz.
In his free time, he enjoys going to the
YMCA to do things with his friends.
For Kyle’s Mitzvah project, he and Rachel
went to Dresher Estates next to the
synagogue and had a service for the elderly,
sang songs with them and then spent some
quality time getting to know them.
Kyle has spent his last three summers at
Camp Ramah. Kyle enjoys camp and
enjoys keeping up with his Jewish
education while he’s there. This year will
be his fourth summer and he’s excited to be
up there for eight weeks.
Kyle will be sharing his Bar Mitzvah with
his twin sister Rachel.
B’nai Torah
Temple Sinai students who continue their
Jewish education after becoming a Bar
Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah are invited to
return to the bimah to read from the Torah
and are recognized as a Ben Torah or Bat
Torah. We honor them and their parents
for their dedication to their Jewish studies
and thank them for enhancing our services
by reading from the Torah.
March 9
Andrew Korn
March 23
Matthew Ladov
April 13
Ben Cohen
April 20
Blake Goodman
April 27
Ali Isaacman
May 11
Rachel Reale
B’nai Mitzvah
Daughter of
Mary & Mitchell
Daugther of
Marla & David
Son of
Meredith & Steve
April 20, 2013
April 27, 2013
May 3, 2013
Rachel is a 7th grade student at Sandy Run
Middle School. She has been at Temple
Sinai since preschool and plans on
continuing her Jewish Education with
Gratz. Rachel enjoys being part of Rosh
Hodesh at Temple Sinai.
In her spare time, Rachel enjoys dance,
basketball and hanging out with her friends.
She frequents the mall often with friends
and loves going shopping.
For Rachel’s Mitzvah project, Kyle and
Rachel went to Dresher Estates next to the
synagogue, had a service for the elderly,
sang songs with them and then spent some
quality time getting to know them.
Rachel has spent her last three summers at
Camp Ramah. She enjoys camp and is
excited to be returning for her fourth
Rachel will be sharing her B’nai Mitzvah
with her twin brother, Kyle.
B’nai Mitzvah
March 2
Brendan Cantos
March 9
Jared Shotel
March 16
Carly Spike
March 23
Samantha Chadrow
April 6
Eli Gordon
April 13
Lauren Whitman
April 20
Kyle and Rachel Rubenstein
April 27
Emily Leckerman
Emily Leckerman is a 7th grader at Sandy
Run Middle School. She began her Jewish
education at the Ann Newman Preschool
and Camp Maccabee. Emily has enjoyed
many activities at Temple Sinai especially
Rosh Hodesh. She enjoys interacting with
all of her friends at Temple Sinai and is
looking forward to continuing her Jewish
Studies at the Jewish Community High
School of Gratz College.
Emily is a very caring, sweet, and
well-rounded person who enjoys many
activities including participating in the
UDJAA competition cheer squad. Emily
also enjoys dancing, singing, music, the
beach and spending quality time with her
friends and family.
While Emily was diagnosed with Crohn’s
Disease when she was 9 years old, she used
the disease to motivate others. Emily was
chosen as the 2011 Philadelphia Chapter’s
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
Honored Hero.
At the walk, on the
Parkway in front of thousands of people,
she gave a speech about the disease and
how it affects her. She was again honored
in the fall of 2011 at a Mother’s Wish
Emily decided to do two Mitzvah projects.
She volunteered at the Abramson Center for
Jewish Life working one-on-one with one
of the residents and transported the many
residents from their rooms to the activities.
Emily, as a second mitzvah project, has
sold over 200 bracelets to benefit Crohn’s
& Colitis.
Emily is proud to share her special day with
her Mother, Father, sisters Arielle and
Marissa, Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles.
There will be special memories of her 96year-old-great grandmother, Gucia Manela
who recently passed away. Emily knows
that her Bubbie Gucia will be there in spirit
as she reads from the Torah.
Ben is excited for his upcoming Bar
He has worked very hard
preparing for this significant life
event. Ben has 2 sisters, Lauren and
Jessica. He is the middle son. Having two
sisters has quickly taught him how to relate
to girls. He is in 7th grade at Sandy Run
Middle School.
For fun, Ben enjoys
hanging out with his friends, playing
baseball, video games, tennis, basketball,
and hockey. Ben has attended overnight
camp at Camp Kweebec for the past 5
summers. He loves his summers of playing
sports all day and having fun all night. Ben
is a great brother, friend, and student. He
loves working hard with everything he
Ben is collecting and donating gently used
baseball equipment for his mitzvah project
for the organization “Pitch in for
Baseball”. This organization distributes
baseball equipment to children all over the
world who want to indulge in the sport but
do not have the financial means. Baseball
is very important to Ben and he wants other
children to enjoy the sport as much as he
Ben is looking forward to celebrating his
Bar Mitzvah with his parents, sisters, aunts
and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and
Bar/Bat Mitzvah scheduling for
2016 has begun. Families with
children born in 2003 have
received information to begin the
scheduling process. Information
sheets must be returned to
Marjorie by Friday, March 8.
If you have a child in this
category and have not yet
received materials by mail, please
contact Marjorie Schwartz,
B’nai Mitzvah
coordinator, at x107.
May 3
Benjamin Cheifetz
Sara Wenger,
Eighteen Reasons I Love Passover
Being embraced by loving relatives
Welcoming friends and family
Unpacking the green glass Passover dishes
Unpacking the blue glass mixing bowls
Searching out new recipes and re-visiting familiar ones
Inviting guests to Seder
Being praised for a soft matzah ball
Being praised for a firm matzah ball
Listening to the voices of children
Singing Dayenu
Welcoming friends and family
Having meaningful discussions
Learning new songs
Drinking sweet wine
Cleaning , to the best of my ability
Remembering loved ones
Wearing new Spring clothes
Feeling proud to be Jewish
Eighteen Questions I Ask Myself on Passover
Do I appreciate the freedoms I have?
How do I honor the relatives who preceded me?
Am I a positive role model?
Can I find meaning in the restrictions Passover imposes?
How can I improve my level of observance?
What would have sustained me as a wanderer in the desert?
If I had to suddenly leave my home, what would I take with me?
How do I express my gratefulness for my blessings?
Do I do enough to help the stranger?
Am I accepting of all kinds of people?
What can I learn from each of the 4 sons?
When I open the door for Elijah, what do I expect to happen?
How are Jews around the world celebrating?
How did Moses handle so much responsibility?
What have I learned from hardships?
Have I made someone else’s day happier?
Have I honored the holiday and made it holy?
What have I learned this year that I didn’t know before?
On behalf of Sisterhood, I wish everyone a happy Passover!
Temple Sinai Sisterhood
Gift Shop
We have a wonderful selection of
Passover Items
Wine * Seder Plates * Matzoh Plates * Elijah Cups * Miriam Cups
* Matzoh Covers * Books * Toys * Music *
All sales support Temple Sinai!
Sunday: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Monday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Tuesday: 4 – 6 PM
Temple Sinai’s 1st
Health and Wellness Fair 2013
promises to be educational, enlightening, and inspiring.
*Vendors * Exhibits *
*Educational Sessions *Food*
DATE: Sunday April 21, 2013
TIME: 9:30-3:30
LOCATION: Temple Sinai
For more information contact:
Francine Kohen (215-654-0321, fpkohen@msn.com) or
Andrea Rosenthal (267-468-1049, mindyrachrosen@verizon.net)
By Betsy Lewinson
Miami, FL, 5:00AM, Jan 4, 2013
I have joined 28 adventurers embarking on an educational/
humanitarian mission to visit Jewish communities in Cuba.
Under the auspices of Gratz College, our goal is to connect with
fellow Jews who are struggling to maintain their Judaism. As
required by this mission, everyone has donated a specified
amount of money for the communities that we visit. In addition to his/her personal needs, each traveler has also packed a
required 15 pounds of pharmaceutical or daily living supplies to
distribute at each location. … That is everyone, except me. Instead, I am hauling a sewing machine along with 40 spools of
thread and many yards of fabric. When I had asked the tour
director if this was a good idea, he said, “That would be wonderful, very much appreciated.” Upon his recommendation, I will
present this cache to the community of Santiago de Cuba.
Santiago de Cuba, Friday evening, Jan. 4th
Following a busy day of introduction to this city, we board our bus eager to welcome Shabbat with our
first outreach congregants. Our bus driver negotiates narrow streets as we near the Santiago Jewish Community Center. The one-story dwellings are built right up to the curb, row houses-of sorts-. Most of the
doors are open. People are sitting on the stoops hoping to catch the cooler evening air. As we drive along, I
peek into windows and doorways. I observe small rooms with few furnishings, a sofa, a few chairs, a
Christmas tree here and there. An elderly man is seated at a small table reading the newspaper. Children
on the stoops wave to us. Teen-aged boys standing on a corner stare. Within a block of our destination the bus is
blocked by a parked car. The road is so narrow that the bus cannot go around the vehicle. Instead, our driver
will have to back up to the end of the street, and we must “de-bus” to walk along a pitted sidewalk in the
descending evening darkness. Our arrival at the center is greeted with hugs and kisses and an enthusiastic exclamation of “Shabbat Shalom!” by the president of the community, vivacious, diminutive Emma.
We are ushered into one long, narrow room, perhaps 1/2 the size of one of our social hall bays…maybe less.
At the far end is an ark which is covered by a simple white cotton fabric embroidered with the lions of Judah. Above, is a wooden carving of the ten commandments, a star of David on either side. To the left of the
ark an oil-filled neir tamid hangs. This is an item of great pride to this group. They raised funds to buy
it themselves.
Santiago de Cuba, Friday evening, Jan. 4th continued
We assemble at the far end of the room, the sanctuary end, for Shabbat
services which are conducted by two young men who stand at the shulchan facing the ark. This congregation davens with kavana. Yes, they
know the Kabbalat service and participate with joy, as do we -- the visitors, the outsiders who have traveled for hours to reach this remote area.
And, yet, we are immediately at home. We are at one with these fellow
Jews. At home we identify as conservative or reformed or reconstruction1
ist or humanistic. But here, at the eastern end of Cuba, we are just Jews.
Even the melodies are familiar to us. I think that some of their melodies
are even enhanced by the addition of a Ladino/Sephardic lilt. The siddurim are Spanish/Hebrew, most of them brought to Santiago by a rabbi
from Chile. The Jews of Santiago are in close contact with the main synagogue of Havana where rabbis and teachers, mostly from Chile and Argentina have come to Cuba to instruct them. At the conclusion of the
service, as my travel mate rises to recite kaddish for her sister, everyone
joins in.
While we are wishing eachother a Shabbat
Shalom, our hostesses have set
up tables for Shabbat dinner where we are seated, six to eight, guests and
community members together. Elia who has led us in services, rises to
recite Kiddush. He then makes hamotzi using two rolls. I wonder to
myself, “Do they not have challah in Santiago?” Next, family members
rise to bless their children. At my table is seated a young couple, both
students of economics at the university, with an infant daughter along
with an aunt. All three bless this beautiful child.
There are few young people here, only two or three children. When I inquired where all 20-30 year olds were, one of the few young women replies that they had all gone to Israel. (More about that at another time)
Other congregants include a surgeon and a technology person. Elia
runs the computer system at the university.
At the conclusion of birkat hamazon, everyone jumps up spontaneously,
hooking arms in a circle and singing, “Hinei Ma Tov..” What a glorious
moment. What a glorious experience to be welcoming Shabbat with our
new-found mishpacha.
Men’s Club
David Kepniss,
Executive Vice President
During these winter months, Temple Sinai is brimming with activities and your Men's Club
finds itself firing on all cylinders as well. There's so much happening these weeks that you
need to allot yourself a good hour to review all of the scrolling flyers on the shelletron in the
lobby! We of The Men's Club find ourselves not only hosting a bunch of our own events, but
also supporting the events of our fellow congregants.
Starting with a look ahead, we are very much looking forward to our involvement in this
year's Purim Carnival on February 24th. We'll be baking and serving those pizza pies to help
support the Religious School PTO. We're also internally arguing over who gets to run this year's ping-pong ball / goldfish game.
March 24th is the 16th Annual Project H.O.P.E to distribute food to the elderly, needy and isolated Jews in the Philadelphia area. Be
sure to contact Samuel Domsky for volunteer opportunities and visit the event webpage to make an online donation for this worthy cause.
So much has happened these past few weeks, it's a challenge recalling it all! In January we hosted the Build-A-Pair program in
conjunction with the 7th grade Religious School class. It must have been one heck of a Bar Mitzvah the night before, because the Sunday
morning class was very thinly attended and we were able to help everyone with time to spare! At Build-A-Pair, the students and their
parents constructed their own tefillin while receiving a full lesson on the topic by Rabbi Wohlberg. Thanks to Jeff Workman and Paul Bratt
for running this successful event.
Two weeks later on Superbowl Sunday, as is the custom for most conservative
synagogues, TSMC volunteers Jeff Workman, Paul Bratt, Ken Zeitzer, Frank Romanowski,
Barry Caplan and David Kepniss hosted the World Wide Wrap. Again in conjunction with
the 7th grade Religious School class and with Rabbi Wohlberg, we taught seventh graders
to lay tefillin and recite morning prayers.
On February 9th, The Men's Club had a double header with TSMC Shabbat in the
morning and the Daddy Daughter Dance in the evening. This year's Shabbat celebration
again honored the Boy Scouts and The Men's Club. Thanks to Ken Zeitzer for organizing
the event, leading the service and keeping everyone's eyes rolling with his bad jokes.
"Glatt kosher ham".... nice one, Ken!
That evening was the TSMC's 3rd Daddy Daughter Dance and it was an Upper Dublin
blockbuster! Over 260 guests packed our ballroom in what was a tremendously successful,
Hollywood-themed event. In addition to the endless LED-blinking jewelry giveaways,
guests were treated to a memorable stroll down the red carpet while having photos snapped
by USY Paparazzi. Once inside, the excitement and magic continued with perfect music
selections that kept everyone dancing, plenty of sugary treats to amp up the girls' dance
floor moves, and special visits by Psy and Justin Bieber impersonators. We sincerely thank
the event's sponsors for helping to defray our costs. Edy and the USY teenagers were
wonderful in adding a lot of surprise and excitement to the girls' evening with dad. The
Dance was made possible due to the hard work of organizers Greg Fisher, Jeff Workman,
Aaron Marks, Hanan Fishman, Jay Worley, Rob Rosenthal, Jon Gangwer, Ira Gartenberg
and David Kepniss. Thanks guys! The personal feedback and Facebook comments from
the community on this event are overwhelmingly-positive and appreciative.
What is going on in our preschool?
As a staff, we strive for excellence in
meeting each child’s needs as they grow
and develop. Our curriculum is created with
an understanding and focus on various areas
of development and learning and is guided
through open-ended conversation and
activities that enable our children to make
sense of their world.At Ann Newman
preschool we focus on the following areas
of development and learning :
Social/Emotional Development dealing with
interaction with a group all is seen during
circle time when the exchange of
information and ideas occurs. Learning
centers provide opportunities for children to
gravitate to other children who share
common interests and to develop a
connection. Conflict resolution is also a big
part of social-emotional development as
children learn to use words to express their
lunchbox, expressing thoughts and ideas, as
well as, listening to others thoughts and
ideas. Language development occurs in
every area of the classroom throughout the
Cognitive Development has to do with
language acquisition. Spending time putting
a puzzle together, adding an idea that is tied
into the discussion, taking new information
and connecting it to previous information,
retelling a story are all part of cognitive
Literacy Development has to do with
knowledge of the alphabet, familiarity with
books and reading, letter recognition. It is
seen when children paint, draw, write with
crayons, pencils and markers, and look at
Physical Development deals with large and
fine motor skills. Putting toy objects
together, manipulating play dough, using a
paint brush, dressing a baby doll are ways
children strengthen their fine motor skills.
Running, throwing a ball, jumping and
dancing help develop the large motor skills.
Mathematics Development has to do with
number concepts and operations, spatial
relationships and shapes, comparing and
measuring, knowledge of patterns. We see
this emerge when children put puzzles
together, use nesting toys and other
manipulatives that show differences in size
and shapes. When children take one item
out from their lunchbox and then another
and then another, they are using math skills.
Language Development has to do with
communication, progress in speaking,
listening to and understanding English and
Hebrew. This can be seen when listening to
a story, talking about the food in their
Science Development has to do with the
knowledge of living things, physical
properties of objects and materials,
awareness of Earth's environment, use of
tools to perform tasks. Cooking is an
excellent example of science development.
It is seen when combining dry ingredients
with wet, watching a liquid turn into a solid,
observing the change that occurs when heat
is used, etc. Science is observed when
taking nature walks, playing in snow,
observing a classroom fish, etc.
Social Studies Development has to do with
knowledge about self, understanding of
people and how they live, exploring change,
and simple geographic knowledge. It is seen
when children draw pictures of their family,
themselves, their environment. Awarness of
people in the community: Rabbi, Cantor,
teachers, maintencnce workers, mail
carriers, etc. and discovering how they fit
into their world.
Art Development has to do with
appreciation for various forms of visual art,
interest in the artwork of peers, use and care
of art materials, exploration of different
materials, tools and processes, increasing
awareness of color, line, form, texture,
space and design, sharing his/her artwork. It
is seen during easel painting, collage,
sidewalk chalk drawings, cards for friends,
Our staff has created a warm and safe
environemt for our children to enable their
potential in all the areas of individual and
spritual development. We invite you to visit
our preschool and see the joy of learning
and growing and witness a glimpse of God.
Joseph H. Maghen
Joseph H. Maghen,
“Courage is going from failure to failure
without losing enthusiasm.”
– Winston Churchill
Do you know someone who loves what they
do? Do you know someone who makes
what they do appear effortless and fun, even
when you know that it's not? This person
has found their passion. It is very likely that
this person has experienced setbacks and
even failures. Setbacks and failures are not
necessarily a bad thing. They can provide
new awareness and determination in oneself
Laurie Matez,
Wow, it’s hard to believe that camp is just
around the corner! We are busy planning a
fabulous summer. Each week will be
themed and filled will many activities for
your children to enjoy. Themes this year
will include “Explorations Station”,
“Musical Adventures”, and “Wacky and
Wonderful”. While you are enjoying the
wonderful times your children are having
during school, it IS time to think about
CAMP. Our registration is OPEN and we
are looking forward to having lots of FUN
with your children this summer. If you
to try even harder. Some people think they
need to find their passion sometime during
their school years, and as an adult it's
simply too late. While school is a time that
the developing mind is exposed to different
things and therefore can readily become
aware of something special, something
unique that makes their heart sing, finding
ones passion can happen at any age of life!
This is an important reason we provide an
array of activities to engage everyone here
at Temple Sinai and to interact with many
different people.
can support their interest with positive encouragement. The same is true with adults.
In our synagogue we do provide a nurturing
place for our children as well as adults, and
a variety of programs for all ages to actualize passions. Notice your friend who is trying a hand at something new, perhaps their
example will inspire your hand at trying
something new too!
Is there a formula to finding one’s own
passion? A nurturing environment is the
first step. When a person feels relaxed, he/
she is more readily open to test the waters
of something new. For a child, when it is
obvious from their inner joy that they found
something they love, parents and teachers
haven’t already sent in your registration,
don’t delay. We will begin forming bunks
and hiring all of our counselors as we
receive your papers! Once again, we will
have experienced and loving counselors to
engage your children. Our groups are
staffed by some of our own preschool
teachers including Joanne Black and Susie
Delfiner. Our camp this summer will offer
not only the regular hours of 9-1, but we
will be having weekly afternoon
programming too! Camp Maccabee offers
your young children the opportunity to
experience new themes each week. We
bring in special programs such as the HATMAN, PROFESSOR BOB, BRIAR BUSH
NATURE CENTER, and many others to
enhance their summer experiences! Our
counselors will plan so many fun activities
including arts and crafts, sports, nature and
MORE! Registration is open and we look
forward to having your child join us for
summer at CAMP MACCABEE!!!
Camp Maccabee is looking for a Water
Safety Instructor (WSI) for the 2013
camp season.
Applicants must be
18 years or older, love to work with
preschool age children, and be available from 9 a.m to 2 p.m. daily.
For information, please call Laurie at
215-643-6513 OR
email lalamatez@gmail.com
“He’s a what, he’s a what, he’s a music
whattayatalk.” We’re talking about the
Temple Sinai Players’ 60th production. The
Music Man comes to Temple Sinai March
The show is about a traveling
salesman Harold Hill who comes to River
City, Iowa in 1912 to sell band instruments
and uniforms to the town’s citizens. The
problem is that he does not play an
instrument and “cannot tell one note from
another.” All are taken in by his charm
except Marian Paroo, the piano teacher and
librarian. It is not until Harold helps
Marian’s younger brother Winthrop
overcome his fear of speaking that Marian
falls for the lovable con-man. Everyone
knows the show’s signature songs –
“Seventy-six Trombones,” “Ya Got
Trouble,” “Goodnight, My Someone” and
“Wells-Fargo Wagon” to name just a few.
Harold is played with warmth and charm by
Temple Sinai’s David Robinson. Marian
Paroo is our own sweet-voiced Tracey
Roffman, and the other 50 citizens of River
City are brought to humorous and quirky
life by members of the congregation and
Harold Hill-David Robinson
Carly Adelman
Marian Paroo-Tracey Roffman
Jamie Asaraf
Mayor Shinn-Michael Yanoff
Taylor Avery
Eulalie Mackecknie-Sheryl Tetro
Sherri Becker
Marcellus-Dan Caplan
Hayley Block
Mrs. Paroo-Loretta Fox
Karen Bryan
Winthrop-Jacob Robinson
Amaryllis-Paige Florin
Tara Burns
Zanetta Shinn-Arielle Tetro
Aaron Domsky
Gracie Shinn-Daniella Barow
Amy Feldman
Tommy Djilas-Jeff Weiner
Dara Fishman
Charlie Cowell-Joel Rosenwasser
Hayley Goldberg
Chloe Goldstein
Ewart Dunlop-Eric Siegel
Neil Goldstein
Oliver Hix-Andrew Rifkin
Ken Goodrich
Jacey Squires-Ross Schmucki
Lily Haklay
Olin Britt-Howard Blum
Gwendolyn Hoffman
Alli Jackson
Alma Hix-Jennifer Goldberg
Mark Kirschenmann
Maud Dunlop-Linda Dwoskin
Karen Knodel
Ethel Toffelmier-Missy Steiner
Lindsey Letofsky
Mrs. Squires-Joanne Shanzer
Matthew O’Donnell
Constable-Stu Weitz
Charlie Oski
Bailey Rifkin
Travelling Salesman (Rock Island
Hailey Roffman
Train Scene)
Ken Goodrich
Zach Roffman
Neil Goldstein
Samantha Robinson
Stu Weitz
Jay Silver
Charlie Oski
Rachel Tetro
Jay silver
Stu Weitz
Jeff Weiner
Andrew Rifkin
Eric Siegel
Howard Blum
Ross Schmucki
Mark Kirschenmann
Come visit 1912 River City, Iowa and let your friends and community members entertain you. We promise you a wonderful evening of
laughter, dance and song. Tickets on sale now. Visit www.tsinai.com/musicman or call 215.643.6510 to buy tickets or place an ad in our ad
book. We look forward to having you with us.
Life Cycle Events
Life Cycle Events
Jordyn Harleigh Breuer, daughter of Meredith & Mark Breuer,
granddaughter of Beth & Jimmie Edelman, great-granddaughter of Betty Edelman,
niece of Samantha Edelman and Lauren Edelman
Naftali Moshe Fein, gr andson of Dan & Debbie Fein
Avery Martina London, gr anddaughter of Barbara & Stephen London
Lauren E. Karp, daughter of Ellyn & Stephen Karp, to Richard I. Shusman
Leonard Abrams, gr andfather of Bari (Evan) Jacobson
Jesse Riebman, beloved father of Joanne (Meyer) Black,
grandfather of Stephanie Black and Jamie Black
Fredrick L. Platt, father of Karen (Gideon) Naim,
grandfather of Lili, Michael and Jordan Naim
Guchia Manela, gr andmother of Marla (David) Simon,
great-grandmother of Emily Leckerman, Arielle and Marissa Simon
Adele Adess, gr andmother of Suzy (Scott) Goldstein,
great-grandmother of Joshua, Allison and Daniel Goldstein
Natalie Cohn, beloved mother of Jeffrey (Marcie) Cohn
Matthew Zeitlin, beloved husband of Sylvia Zeitlin
Murray Fisher, esteemed member
Refuah Sh’lemah
Tami Hertzbach
Susan Impagliazzo
Sylvia Kivitz
Ivy Miller
Ivor Simmonds
Garry Spears
Sylvia Zeitlin
Available in the Gift Shop and from Flossie Albert, 215-643-5553
Your $4.00 contribution supports The Jewish Theological Seminary Ziegler
School of Rabbinic Studies Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies.
We would like to thank our Temple Sinai family and friends for all the support, concerns and donations we have received from the death of
Ellen's father and Garry's heart attack. Garry is coming along slowly. We are so appreciative of all the kindness we have received.
Garry and Ellen Spear
“Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?”
Inches Closer to Full Inclusion
As this issue goes to press, Temple Sinai’s
Shabbas dinner program has reached 60%
inclusion of congregants and faculty.
The February dinner was the strongest to
date, with 30 families hosting 85 families in
total. For March, another 34 families are set
to host.
If you have not yet hosted and would like to,
please contact Debbie Albert at
GuessWhoShabbas@gmail.com. We’re
our best to make sure every
congregant family gets in invitation. But don’t
wait, why not host others and join in this
spectacular mitzvah?
Breaking news: Temple Sinai now has a
fund designated for the program, so to show
your appreciation for your hosts or the
program itself, you can now donate directly
to “Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?” fund
and help the congregation sustain this
Upcoming dates are April 12, May 3, and
June 7.
Boy Scouts Troop 665
As Passover approaches, Troop 665 looks
back on fun and rewarding activities. This
past January, they traveled to Camp Hart to
participate in the Klondike Derby, a fun
competition for scouts region-wide. After
much practice and hard work, Troop 665
placed 7th out of 44.
Temple Sinai’s annual Scout Shabbat
took place on February 9th. Scouts helped
lead the service- chanting Torah, reading
prayers and receiving aliyot.
A time
tradition for both Troop 665 and
Temple Sinai, Scout Shabbat showcases the
commitment of these scouts to their Jewish
faith and heritage. Thanks to Ken Zeitzer
for again coordinating this event.
December 26th marked the first of two
service projects the troop participated in
over the last few months. The boys came
together to help fellow Troop 665 scout,
Robert Kushner, with his Eagle Scout
project, which was to build shelves and sort
clothing for “Mitzvah Circle Foundation” .
The second took place on February 10th,
when we
helped Scout, Jacob Bass,
complete his Life Scout project. The boys
helped entertain the residents of the
Abramson Center, by playing bingo with
them and talking to them about their fondest
memories. The residents really appreciated
being visited by the boys.
Upcoming trips include Camp Acahela,
where the boys will enjoy a snowshoeing
hike and snowtubing, and Blue Mountain.
Cub Scouts is open to all boys ages 7-10
and Boy Scouts is open to boys ages 11-17.
In recognition of Temple Sinai’s
sponsorship , Troop 665 observes kashrut on
its trips and activities. Contact Committee
renee1272@verizon.net) or Scoutmaster,
feindan@gmail.com) for more information.
Troop 665 wishes everyone a happy Pesach!
Celebrate the rowdiest and most action-packed day of the Jewish year by giving your kids a place where they can really go
wild—Jewish overnight camp!
Wait—your child has never been to Jewish camp? Great! You
may be eligible for $1,000 grant!
At Jewish camp, kids can scream their heads off on the climbing
wall (no mention of Haman needed), dance around the campfire,
and sing as loudly as they want. But the fun doesn’t end there!
They’ll also take home a sense of confidence, independence,
and a ton of new skills and interests.
Camps are already filling up, so visit OneHappyCamper.org to
apply for your grant today.
Have a happy and cookie-filled Purim from the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, the Neubauer Family Foundation
and the Foundation for Jewish Camp.
P.S. Does your child have a friend who would also love camp?
They might get $1,000, too! Learn all about it at
Dear Friend,
Are you or someone you know Grieving the Loss of a
Loved One? Jewish Family and Children's Service (JFCS)
of Greater Philadelphia is offering a Bereavement Support
group to address issues associated with loss and
bereavement. Participants will gain strength and comfort
through sharing with others in a guided discussion
facilitated by JFCS' Rabbi Elisa Goldberg.
The group begins Thursday, April 11 and continues on
4/18, 4/25, 5/2, and 5/9 totaling five sessions and taking
place in the Elkins Park area.
Pre-registration is required. $18 includes all four sessions.
Call 267.256.2045 or email Mfinegabbay@jfcsphilly.org to
register and for more information.
This program is made possible through a generous
donation from Goldsteins' Rosenberg's Raphael-Sacks.
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
Risé Bressler Chesed continued
In Honor of
Birth of Skylar Jane Arons .....................................................
..........................................Cindy & David Horowitz & Family
Susan Span reading Torah ............................... Judith Steier
In Memory of
Jesse Riebman ..................Marcia & Steve Cherry & Lauren
....................................Carol Packer & Mike Snyder & Andie
..........................................................Cindy & Adam Warkow
..........................................Cindy & David Horowitz & Family
...................................................... Debbie & Michael Pollack
........................ Freda Pepper & Howard Bernstein & Family
Irvin Solkov .................................................. Gertrude Solkov
Jack Ross ........................................................ Helene Ross
Dr. Leonard Abrams ........................ Janice & Alan Inselberg
Shane Frankel ................................................... Jodi Frankel
In Memory of
Joseph Goldstein ................................................. Ellen Levin
Natalie Cohn ........................... Ellyn, Steve and Lauren Karp
Abe Sussman ................................................ Mark Sussman
Natalie Cohn .................................... Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan...........................................
........................................... Ilene & Arthur Blatman & Marcia
............................................................. Marlene & Don Rush
........................................ Roz & Frank Romanoski & Family
Birth of Naftali Moshe Fein .................. Marlene & Don Rush
...........................................................Natalie & Raphael Kail
........................................ Roz & Frank Romanoski & Family
...................................................................The Bilsky Family
.................................................................... The Field Family
In Memory of
David Morris Cooperstein ..................................Carol Cohen
Natalie Cohn ..................................... Marlene & Ron Brooks
Jesse Riebman ..................... Nadine & Neil Canter & Family
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis..................... Jill & Jeff Hampton
.....................................Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein & Family
............................................................... Ellen & Ralph Levin
........................................................ Gail & Dennis Shusman
....................................................... Ina Weiner & Alan Shore
......................................................... Lynell & Richard Morris
............................................................Mary & Nathan Relles
....................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
......................................................... Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
............................................... Randi & Ken Zeitzer & Family
........................................ Roz & Frank Romanoski & Family
............................................................. Sally & Ed Rosenthol
............................................................... Terry & Gene Heller
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan...........................................
Victor Ferrari, M.D.’s receipt of the William Smilow Award...
Speedy recovery for Tricia Gomella ......................................
............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Engagement of Paul Bressler to Jolene Schaefer ................
Engagement of Lauren Karp to Richard Shusman ...............
Birth of Skylar Jane Arons .....................................................
............. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Aaron Kaminsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah ............................
............................... Betty Gross Eisenberg & Barry Bressler
Engagement of Richard Shusman to Lauren Karp ...............
........................................................ Dennis & Gail Shusman
Speedy recovery for Ann Feinberg ....... Ellen & Ralph Levin
Birth of Skylar Jane Arons ..................Mary & Nathan Relles
Engagement of Allison Edelman to Lawrence Friedman ......
.......................................... Nadine & Neil Lubarsky & Family
...................................... Wendy & Frome Fineman & Family
Engagement of Lauren Karp to Richard Shusman ...............
........................................................................... Pam Altman
In Memory of
Morton Klevan .......................................................................
Shirley Bressler .....................................................................
Arthur Silver ........... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Risé Sharon Bressler ............................................................
Joseph Bressler .....................................................................
.............................. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg,
...................................... Ali & Ed Goldis & Michelle Bressler
Vera Barsky ...........................................................................
Edward Berman .....................................................................
Joel Dolinsky ...................................... Berna & Larry Pauker
Bertram I. Berk .................................................... David Berk
Max Shusman............................................ Dennis Shusman
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Engagement of Lauren Karp to Richard Shusman ...............
..................................................................Amy & Ken Brown
Cantor Freedman's outstanding "Cantor's Cafe Artistry" ......
............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Cantor Stephen Freedman ........ Barbara & Stephen London
............................................................................ Ellen Spear
.................................................................The Cantos Family
In Memory of
Manny Handel .......................................................................
Morris Handel ..................................... Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Louis Richter............................................... Bonnie Kanefsky
William Milner ........................................Edith & Israel Milner
Janet Mintzer ............................................................ Eric Felt
Marvin Spike .................................Harriet & Bob Berardocco
Benjamin Edelman .................................... Howard Edelman
Seth Dembowitz ....................................................................
Bernard Bergstein....................................... Randi Freedman
Marvin Spike ............................................. Robin & Bill Kuzer
Saul Camann ............................................. Ruth Raphaelson
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Memory of
Betty Twer..............................................................................
Harris Twer ........................................................ Alan J. Twer
Joelyn Frisch ...................................................Beth Chernoff
Dorothy Nosheny .................... Stanley & Krendelle Nosheny
Cook For A Friend
In Honor of
Joyce and Sheldon Eveloff’s 49th anniversary .....................
....................................................... Betty & Bernie Roseman
Birth of Greyson Robert Lamberg ........... Linda & Neil Heller
Birth of Terry & Gene Heller’s great-grandson......................
Gene Heller’s special birthday.... Saundra & Robby Robbins
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan........... Terry & Gene Heller
In Memory of
Lillian Sugarman ............................................... Cheryl Baum
Bernice Cooke .......................................................................
Ida Heller ........................................................ Eugene Heller
Jesse Riebman ........................ Marilyn & Joe Carp & Family
Leona Goldstein .............................................Marvin Snyder
Dorothy Kline ....................................................Mitchell Kline
Yetta Lieblein .........................................................................
Miriam Becker......................................................Sheila Katz
Gucia Manela ..... The Satz Family & Jules & Marsha Factor
Janet Mintzer ........................... The Scatena & Felt Families
Marvin Spike .......................................... The Scatena Family
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Honor of
Engagement of Allison Edelman to Lawrence Friedman ......
...................................................... Debbie & Michael Pollack
....................................... Sondra & Mitch Levinson & Family
Birth of Naftali Moshe Fein ....................................................
........................................... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
In Memory of
Adeline Shilling ........................................ Beth & Bernie Johl
Alvin Esterlitz ............................................. Lynn Warszawski
Elaine Marx.......................................................... Philip Marx
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis...... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Sara Ginsberg Memorial
In Memory of
Minnie Schechter ..............................................Ada Fishman
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Honor of
Joan & Bob Parkin’s 50th anniversary .... Sheila & Alan Katz
In Memory of
Elizabeth London ......................................... Bernice Halpern
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship continued
In Memory of
S. Helman Karmel ......................................... Marilyn Keesal
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Jacob Barth becoming a Bar Mitzvah ... Don & Diane Factor
........................................................ Herma & Les Abramson
....................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Joan & Bob Parkin’s 50th anniversary ..................................
.....................................................Jennifer & Benjamin Thaw
Marlene Rush’s special birthday ..........................Rose Beck
In Memory of
Millie Katz ..............................................................................
Julius Katz ..............................................................Alan Katz
Baruch Cooperman .....................Barbara & Barry Goldstein
Sara Fannie Goldstein...........................................................
Abraham Cooper .........................Barry & Barbara Goldstein
Augusta Polsky .................................................... Carl Polsky
Norma Leopold Blumberg ........................... Debra Drossner
Barbara Shipon......................................................................
Joelyn Frisch .................................. Herma & Les Abramson
Abraham Fishman ........................................... Jack Fishman
Gloria Orlow...........................................................................
Antoinette Roman............................. Julie & Alan Gubernick
Jack Listman.................................................. Marge Listman
Julius Weiss...................................................... Martin Weiss
Molly Franco ..........................................................................
Gary Golden ..........................................................................
Esther Gardner ......................................................................
Melanie Gonnella ..................................................................
Nathan Franco ........................................ Meryl & Larry Stern
Eva Koren .............................................. Myrna & Larry Allen
Marvin Spike ................................. Pam & Marty Pearlmutter
Reisel Tellem ......................................................Ruth Visnov
Sister of Eliahu David ................. Temple Sinai Daily Minyan
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for David Menaker ... Faith & Sharon Silver
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis ..................................................
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan.................... Faye Laveson
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis ............... Lena & Oleg Fishman
In Memory of
Kitty Matusow ........................................................................
Joelyn Frisch .................................................. Faye Laveson
Rabbi Sidney Greenberg ................................. Flossie Albert
Joe Grossman .......................................................................
Celia Grossman ........................................ Renee Greenberg
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?
In Honor of
Alan Katz .............................................Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Stacy & Brad Flickstein ....................... Jill & Jerry Goodman
Nancy & Rob Rosenthal ...................... The Kempner Family
Stacy & Brad Flickstein & Family ........ The Borgman Family
The Reale Family ............................ The Warszawski Family
In Memory of
Natalie Cohn ..........................................................................
Bernie Albert .................................................... Flossie Albert
....................................................................... Marge Listman
.......................................................... Renee & David Sackey
Robert Rudofker .............................................. Freda Pepper
Bernard Albert .......................................... Joel & Amy Albert
Handicap Accessibility
In Memory of
Irving Silver ..............Faith Silver and Elene, Sharon & Barry
Stanley L. Wendkos .................................... Karen Wendkos
Lewis Lyons ........................... Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family
Richard Harris Memorial
In Memory of
Max Kamerling.......................................................................
Florence Sporkin ......................................... Richard Selman
David Hertzberg Scholarship
In Memory of
Samuel Elster ........................................................................
Sydell Hertzberg ....................................................................
Morris Albert .................................................... Flossie Albert
(Continued on page 21)
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Holocaust Education
Prayer Book continued
In Honor of
Stephen London’s special birthday ......... Becky & Jeff Miller
Speedy recovery for Leonard Itzker .............. Ethel Chernow
In Memory of
Joelyn Frisch .................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
Sidney Marshall Stern.................................... Ethel Chernow
Tajbe Warszawski....................................Henry Warszawski
Annie Lichtenfeld ..........................................Kurt Lichtenfeld
Kodrat Mikail ................................................... Mike Michaels
Louis Yarrow ................................................. Phyllis Gardner
Marlene Marks ............................................... Richard Marks
Charles Wisotsky ...................................................................
Mollie Wisotsky ......................................Toby & Martin Adler
In Memory of
Fanrose Small .................................................. Judith Reider
Dorothy Tickner ............................................ Stephen Kasloff
Rabbi’s Charity
In Honor of
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan .. Barbara & John Rosenau
Joan & Bob Parkin’s 50th anniversary ..................................
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan .........Sally & Ed Rosenthol
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis ...................................................
......................................Joanne & Richard Greene & Family
In Honor of
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg ........................ Cindy & Stu Lamberg
............................................................................ Ellen Spear
................................................................ The Cantos Family
Zach & Jake Segal becoming B’nai Mitzvah .........................
............................................. Elise & Jeff Weisman & Family
Birth of Naftali Moshe Fein................Linda & Jonathan Roth
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan .. Maxine & Asher Stutman
.................................................... Mike & Pamela Goldfinger
Speedy recovery for Bob Parkin ......... Sheila & Gil Newman
Naming of Myra Jade Eisenbrock ..........................................
........................................ Sylvia Fierstein & Helen Marimow
In Memory of
George Warkow ............................................. Adam Warkow
Nathan Simons.................................................. Alan Simons
Adele Adess ................. Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
............................................................... The Axelrod Family
Joelyn Frisch ............................................... Arlene Smuckler
.......................................................... Marilyn & Heshy Stock
Edward Littman ............................................Bernard Littman
Dr. Norman J. Meyers .................................. Betsy Lewinson
Mollie Kazansky ......................................... Bonnie Kanefsky
Samuel Plon ................................................ Eleanor Shapiro
Rose Brodsky .........................................................................
Tillie Horwitz .................................................... Enid Horowitz
Frederick L. Platt .............. Karen Kaplan & Aaron Shatzman
............................................................... The Gabbay Family
Morris Schoen ....................................................Kurt Schoen
Herbert Schriftman ........................................ Lee Schriftman
Samuel Visnov ...................................................Leon Visnov
Harriet Karp ......................................................Leonard Karp
Jesse Riebman .................................Linda & Jonathan Roth
................................................................. The Shotel Family
May Millman .................................................. Myra Shmukler
.......................................... Lisa & Marc Steinslofer & Family
Marian Coopersmith......................................... Michelle Berk
Phyllis Coopersmith Roberts ....................... Sheila Richman
Morris Fierstein ............................................. Sylvia Fierstein
Petluck Memorial
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Deborah Menaker ......................................... David Menaker
Anna Citrin .....................................Gladys & David Menaker
Albert Michael Toland ................................. Marilyn Adelman
Martin Josephs Library
In Memory of
Ruth Friedman ......................................... Ronda & Len Karp
Jesse Riebman ......................................Toby & Martin Adler
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Memory of
Lloyd Setleis................................................ Lisa & Lee Blum
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of
Eugene Silver.........................................................................
Manya Silver ........................................................Faith Silver
Norman Krasnov Fine Arts
In Memory of
Abraham J. Berg ............................................. Judith Hauser
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Memory of
Murray Bidner .............................................. Stephen Kasloff
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Honor of
Joan & Bob Parkin's 50th anniversary.................. Mimi Berg
In Memory of
Marvin Spike .............................................. Abby & Ari Segal
Jesse Riebman .............. Amy & Daniel Rosenberg & Family
....................................... Erica & Evan Rubenstein & Family
................................................... Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
................................................................ The Steiner Family
........................................ The Matez & Gartenberg Families
Dr. Leonard Abrams ...................................... Dageem Class
........................................ The Matez & Gartenberg Families
Larry Cardonick ................................... Dolly & Michael Love
Minnie Paul .......................................... Ellen & Warren Katz,
............................ and Jamie, Harris, Jacob & Bailey Cohen
Natalie Cohn ....................... Jamie & Harris Cohen & Family
Robyn & Rick Goosenberg ....................................................
........................................... Sondra & Craig Canter & Family
The Axler Family .................................. The G'maleem Class
Adele Adess .................................... The Impagliazzo Family
Prayer Book
In Honor of
Dahlia & Laura Julie’s 4th birthday .....Barbara & David Julie
Joan & Bob Parkin’s 50th anniversary ..................................
............................................... Steve, Chellie & Lisa Davidoff
In Memory of
Abraham Brodsky .......... Alice & Sammy Heller & Lois Ferm
Robert Kay ..................................................... Erica Lamberg
Lillian Bender ............................................. Germaine Polsky
Jeffrey Zipter ............................................Joan & Bob Parkin
In Memory of
Rose Rubenstein...................................... Lucille Rubenstein
Rose Rubenstein...................................... Lucille Rubenstein
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Memory of
Harriet Buxbaum ................................. Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Jacob Gordon.........................................................................
Jesse Riebman ......................................... Ilana & Ben Israel
Joelyn Frisch ..........................................................................
Marvin Spike ......................................... Judy & Jerry Caplan
Milton Kessler.................................................... Marilyn Karp
Mark T. Starr ...................................................... Renee Starr
Lillian Fisher .................................................... Sharon Taylor
Dorothy Schwartz ..........................................Susan Budman
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Honor of
Stephen London's special birthday .... Carol & Jules Einhorn
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan ...........................................
........................................ Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Adeline Shilling................................ Aileen & Irwin Hollander
.............................................................. Dottie & Rich Singer
Sandra Winters ..................................................... Amy Field
Adele Adess ...........................................................................
Marvin Spike ............................................. Jill & Brian Rosen
Bonnie Blyweiss ............................... Joyce & Fred Kempner
Steven Weiner........................................................................
Rose Weiner ..........................................................................
Minnie Ida Katz .................................................Linda Schatz
Jerome Feldman ........................................ Mildred Feldman
Bertram Burak .................................................Richard Burak
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Memory of
Joelyn Frisch ................... Roz & Frank Romanoski & Family
David Plavner ................................................. Stanton Lacks
Isadore London ...........................................Stephen London
Temple Sinai Building/Maintenance
In Honor of
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan .... Cynthia & Bensy Razon
............................................................... Karen & Bill Kramer
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis ..................................................
Birth of Avery Marina London ............... Karen & Bill Kramer
Engagement of Allison Edelman to Lawrence Friedman......
......................................................... Cynthia & Bensy Razon
................................................ Ellen & Ralph Levin & Family
Engagement of Lauren Newman to Evan Isaacs .................
......................................................... Cynthia & Bensy Razon
Joan & Bob Parkin's 50th anniversary ..................................
........................................................... Jackie & Myron Kerbel
Marriage of Stephanie Adelman & David Kreisman .............
......................................................... Jessica & Jim Charatan
Birth of Naftali Moshe Fein ....................................................
Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis ..................................................
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan ..........................................
...................................................... Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
In Memory of
Marvin Spike................. Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Judith Nothmann ................................. Barbara & David Goff
Frederick L. Platt .............................. Cindy & Adam Warkow
Lewis Sovel ...........................................................................
Irving Cohen ....................................................... Diane Sovel
Adeline Shilling ......................................................................
Hannah Shaines................................................ Eleanor Liss
Jesse Riebman......................................................................
Adeline Shilling ......................................................................
Marvin Spike.......................................... Karen & Bill Kramer
Irene Wilk .......................................................... Sanford Wilk
Harold Karon .............................................. Sondra Levinson
Jesse Riebman................................... Susan & Michael Paul
Jacob Jacobson ....................................................................
Beatrice Chazin ............................ Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
Murray Grand ........................................................................
Joelyn Frisch .................................................... Tobey Grand
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Memory of
Marvin Spike...................Adam Weitz & A Sharp Production
Tillie Gorenstein ...............................................Alan Budman
Irving Kempner ........................................... Fredric Kempner
Dr. Arnold Mazer ...................................... Marci & Stu Weitz
Theodore Weitz ............... Stu & Marci Weitz & Arleen Weitz
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Honor of
Birth of Lucinda Adrianna Fagan ..... Joan & Manny Winokur
In Memory of
Edward Barol ..................................................... Ellen Taupin
Joelyn Frisch .........................................................................
Ishaya Goldfarb .....................................................................
Adeline Shilling ................................. Joan & Manny Winokur
Judith Cramer ...................................................Marilyn Stock
In Memory of
Edith Blumstein .....................................................................
Harry Blumstein ......................Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family
Dov Shamir................................................. Abraham Shamir
William Shore ...................................................... Alan Shore
Jack Klemow ............................................... Andrea Domsky
Allen Cohen .......................................................... David First
Frances Brown ................................................. Edwin Brown
Samuel Wilensky ............................................... Elaine Duritz
Hedi Levenback.......................................... Elizabeth Shamir
Anna Cohen ..................................................... Gilda Gispan
Jack Sherman ........................................H. Monna Schwartz
Esther B. Furman ..................................................................
Mollie Cohn Foreman ........................................ Harriet Cohn
Eli Stock ............................................ Heshy & Marilyn Stock
Howard L. Hampton ....................................Jeffrey Hampton
Herman Miller .................................................... Jeffrey Miller
Manya Schwartz ...................................... Jerome Lieberman
Gertrude Ellick .................................................... Joan Parkin
Jerome Udell ......................................................... Joel Udell
(Continued on page 22)
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support 11/16-12/31
Yahrzeit continued
In Memory of
Naomi Gessiness ..................................................................
Judah Gispan .............................................Jonathan Gispan
Lila Brody...............................................................................
Herbert Brody .................................................. Joshua Brody
Bertha W. Berger ............................ Joyce Brodsky & Family
Sara Blumberg............................................... Judy Blumberg
Samuel Shapiro ................................ Marilyn & Heshy Stock
Max Meyerowitz............................................. Mary Ginsburg
Bernie Osser.............................................. Nancy Goldsmith
Norman Dissin ...................................................... Reda First
Anne Parkin ..................................................... Robert Parkin
Irving Wolfman.......................................................................
Blanche Wolfman Cohen.............................. Roger Wolfman
Ann Ginsberg......................................................Ronda Karp
Michael Lubline............................ Rose & Stanley Steinberg
David Weisman ....................................... Roslyn Romanoski
Louis Raphaelson ...................................... Ruth Raphaelson
Ann Ruth Vernick...........................................Sandy Murland
Rose Cohen...................................................... Shirley Levin
Joseph Izes ......................................................... Simon Izes
Celia Steinberg ..................................... Stanley A. Steinberg
Andrew Teich................................... Susan & Stephen Teich
Hyman Grand ................................................... Tobey Grand
In your hectic life, how can you fit in another “to do”? You may not even need
it (God willing) for a long time. Why not put off thinking about it for now?
Why not? Because no one knows when the need will arise. When it does,
many tasks must be handled and decisions made in a limited amount of time.
Contacting loved ones
Selecting and purchasing a gravesite
Making funeral arrangements
Handling the affairs of the deceased
Now is the time to lessen the burden placed on your family by purchasing a
gravesite for that inevitable need. Having one less decision to research and
make during that difficult time is one of the greatest gifts you could give them,
along with the peace of mind of knowing that everything has been arranged
exactly the way you wanted.
Temple Sinai has available gravesites at nearby King David Memorial Park in
Bensalem, PA at reasonable costs for its members and their families. For more
information, please call the Temple Sinai office 215-643-6510 or
Cissy Plotnick Preschool
Scholarship Fund
The Cissy Plotnick Preschool Scholarship Fund
was established as a tribute to
Cissy Plotnick’s years of service in the Ann
Newman Preschool of Temple Sinai. The
Scholarship funds will help offset preschool
tuition costs for families who demonstrate a
significant financial need and would like to send
their children to Temple Sinai’s Preschool.
Applications are welcome from both Temple
Sinai members and nonmembers.
All donations to the Scholarship Fund, small or
large, are appreciated. Donations to the fund will
be accepted at any time. To donate to the
Scholarship Fund to help others, simply go
online at www.tsinai.com under the Contributions
tab, check the Cissy Plotnick Scholarship Fund
and fill in your donation amount.
To apply for Scholarship Funds, please
contact the Temple Sinai accounting office
at 215-643-6510 x121.
2:00am and you can’t sleep? Pretty soon you’ll be able to log into ChaverWeb and
check your account balance, see your payment history for the past 5 years and make
credit/debit card payments as well!
Interested in making a donation on-line – try ChaverWeb!
Need the address or number of a Temple Sinai member? ChaverWeb will offer you online access to our Membership Directory!
Want to provide us with updated address, email, phone or yartzeit info – do it yourself
on ChaverWeb!
ChaverWeb – making things easy for our congregants.
PA Registration #PA041884
Mommy and Me Playgroups
Fridays: 9:30 AM
At Temple Sinai
Please Patronize our Advertisers
Contact Linda Goldberg
or email
March 2013
Daily Minyan Times
28 Adar
Day Light Savings
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
1:30p United Synagogue Zimryah:
Junior Choir - offsite
4:30p Boy Scouts
6:00p TS Players dress rehearsal
6 Nisan
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
10:00a Adult Ed Book Club
1:00p TS Players mattinee
Music Man
4:30p Boy Scouts
6:00p TS Players
Music Man
13 Nisan
8:00a Project H.O.P.E.
22 Adar
AIPAC Policy Conference
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
7:00p TS Players rehearsal
8:00p Men’s Club EC meeting
6:30p Mincha/Ma’arviv
23 Adar
AIPAC Policy Conference
12:00p Red Cross Blood Drive
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
6:45p RS 7th Grade
7:00p JCHS
8:00p Adult Choir
8 Nisan
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
6:45p RS 7th Grade
7:00p JCHS
8:00p Adult Choir
24 Adar
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
7:00p TS Players rehearsal
7:00p Executive Committee
2 Nisan
9:15a Preschool PTO
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
7:00p TS Players
Music Man - Preview Show
9 Nisan
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
8:00p Board meeting
25 Adar
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
26 Adar
9:30a You’ve Got Questions? I’ve
Got Answers with
Cantor Freedman
6:00p Minyan Same’ach
7:00p Preschool Shabbat
3 Nisan
7:00a Cook For A Friend
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
7:00p TS Players Music
10 Nisan
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
14 Nisan
Passover Begins
Temple Sinai Offices Close at noon
No Preschool; Spring Break
7:00am Shacharit Service with Siyum
for First-Born Sons
5:30pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
15 Nisan
First Day of Passover
Temple Sinai Offices Closed
No Preschool; Spring Break
9:30a Shacharit Services
12:15p Mincha Service
Second Seder
16 Nisan
Second Day of Passover
Temple Sinai Offices Closed
No Preschool; Spring Break
1st Day of the Omer
9:30am Shacharit Service
7:30pm Mincha/Ma’ariv Service
17 Nisan
Chol Hamoed Pesach
No Preschool; Spring Break
7:00am Shacharit Service
6:30pm Mincha/Ma’ariv Service
27 Adar
Shabbat HaChodesh
Parashat Vayakei-Pekudei
9:30a Shabbat Services
with Adult Choir
Bar Mitzvah of
Jared Shotel
12:00p Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
6:42p - Havdalah
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with Cantor
6:00p Minyan Same’ach
11 Nisan
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with Cantor
12:00p Preschool Dismissal
6:00p Minyan Same’ach
18 Nisan
Chol Hamoed Pesach
No Preschool; Spring Break
7:00am Shacharit Service
6:00p Mincha/Ma’ariv Service
Visit the Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop
for all your Passover needs!
* Wine * Seder Plates * Matzoh Plates * Elijah Cups * Miriam Cups * Matzoh Covers *
* Books * Toys * Music * Hagaddot
Hours: Sunday: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM , Monday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM,
Tuesday: 4 – 6 PM
5 Nisan
Parashat Vayikra
9:30a Shabbat Services
Bat Mitzvah of
Carly Spike
7:50p - Havdalah
8:00p TS Players
Music Man
12 Nisan
Shabbat HaGadol
Parashat Tzav
9:30a Shabbat Services
with Adult Choir
7:57p - Havdalah
8:30p Hagesher USY Prom offsite
19 Nisan
Chol Hamoed Pesach
9:30a Shabbat Services with
Adult Choir
Havdallah - 8:04pm
All sales support Temple Sinai!
4 Nisan
20 Nisan
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
8:00p RS Committee meeting
20 Adar
Shabbat Parah
Parashat Ki Tissa
9:30a Shabbat Services with
Adult & Junior Choir
Bar Mitzvah of
Brendan Cantos
10:00a Knesset Mishpacha
6:35p - Havdalah
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
5:00p TS Players dress rehearsal
8:00p Sisterhood Board meeting
8:00p Keruv: Understanding
7 Nisan
19 Adar
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with Cantor
6:00p Minyan Same’ach with
Junior Choir
1 Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
7:00a Morning Minyan
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
5:00p TS Players Dress Rehearsal
6:00p Confirmation class
6:45p RS 7th Grade
7:00p JCHS
8:00p Adult Choir
29 Adar
First Seder
Sundays (@ TBI) ······ 7:00pm
Mondays ················· 7:30pm
Tuesdays················· 7:30pm
Wednesdays ············ 7:30pm
Thursdays ··············· 6:30pm
Fridays ··················· 6:00pm
21 Adar
AIPAC Policy Conference
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
9:30a Hazak/Men’s Club Brunch
12:00p Yad Squad
1:00p TS Players rehearsal
3:00p Girl Scouts
4:30p Boy Scouts
(unless otherwise indicated):
April 2013
21 Nisan
Seventh Day of Passover
No Preschool; Spring Break
Temple Sinai Offices closed
9:30a Shacharit Service
7:30p Mincha/Ma’ariv & Yizkor
22 Nisan
Eighth Day of Passover
No Preschool; Spring Break
Temple Sinai Offices closed
9:30a Shacharit Service
& Yizkor
7:45p Mincha/Ma’ariv
23 Nisan
Preschool Resumes
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
7:00p Executive Committee
7:30p Girl Scouts Leader meeting
24 Nisan
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
25 Nisan
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with
Cantor Freedman
6:00p Minyan Same’ach with
Junior Choir
27 Nisan
4 Iyar
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
9:45a Hazak Brunch
12:00p Yad Squad
3:00p Girl Scouts
4:30p Boy Scouts
28 Nisan
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
5:00p TS Players dress rehearsal
8:00p Men’s Club Board meeting
8:00p Keruv: Understanding
Yom HaShoah
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
12:00p Yad Squad
4:30p Boy Scouts
11 Iyar
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
10:00a Adult Ed Book Club
11:00a Sisterhood
Health & Wellness Fair
12:00p Yad Squad
5 Iyar
12 Iyar
29 Nisan
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
6:00p Confirmation Class
6:30p Friendship Circle
6:45p RS 7th Grade
7:00p JCHS
8:00p Adult Choir
6 Iyar
Yom Ha’atzmaut
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
6:45p RS 7th Grade
6:00p Yom Ha’atzmaut
7:00p JCHS
13 Iyar
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
6:45p RS 7th Grade
7:00p JCHS
8:00p Adult Choir
Earth Day
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
30 Nisan
7:00a Morning Minyan
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
6:30p JCHS Food For Thought
7 Iyar
8:30a Sisterhood NYC Theater
Trip “Matilda”
9:15a Preschool PTO
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
7:00p Boy Scouts Jamboree
8:00p Board of Directors meeting
14 Iyar
9:30a An Exploration of Jewish
Practice, Tradition,
Beliefs and Current Events
with Rabbi Wohlberg
1 Iyar
7:00a Morning Minyan
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
7:00a Cook For A Friend
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
8 Iyar
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
18 Nisan
Lag B’Omer
8:45a Junior Choir
9:30a Religious School
12:00p Yad Squad
3:00p Girl Scouts
2:00p Jr. & Adult Choirs at
Abramson Center
4:30p Boy Scouts
19 Nisan
Parashat Shemini
9:30a Shabbat Services with
Adult Choir
Bar Mitzvah of
Eli Gordon
10:00a Knesset Mishpacha
12:00p Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with Cantor
6:00p Minyan Same’ach
7:00p Preschool Shabbat
4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade
6:45p RS 7th Grade
7:00p JCHS
8:00p Adult Choir
8:19p - Havdalah
15 Iyar
9 Iyar
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with
Cantor Freedman
6:00p Mechina Shabbat Dinner
7:00p Minyan Same’ach
10:30a Beresheet: Back to the
with Faith Rubin
(unless otherwise indicated):
Sundays (@ TBI) ······ 7:00pm
Mondays ················ 7:30pm
Tuesdays ················ 7:30pm
Wednesdays ············ 7:30pm
Thursdays ·············· 6:30pm
Fridays ·················· 6:00pm
3 Iyar
Parashat Tazria-Metzora
9:30a Shabbat Services
Bat Mitzvah of
Lauren Whitman
10:30a Junior Congregation
16 Iyar
9:30a You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers with
Cantor Freedman
6:00p 4th/5th Grade
RS Shabbat Dinner
7:00p Minyan Same’ach
10 Iyar
Parashat Aharei Mot-Kedoshim
9:30a Shabbat Services
B’nai Mitzvah of
Kyle Rubenstein and
Rachel Rubenstein
11:00a Tot Shabbat
20 Nisan
Daily Minyan Times
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
26 Nisan
8:11p - Havdalah
2 Iyar
Yom HaZikaron
1:30p Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
8:26p - Havdalah
17 Iyar
Parashat Emor
9:30a Shabbat Services with
Adult & Junior Choir
Bat Mitzvah of
Emily Leckerman
10:30a Junior Congregation
8:33p - Havdalah
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025-1005
E-mail ........................ mainoffice@tsinai.com
Main Office ............................... 215-643-6510
Edy Israel, Executive assistant .......... x100
Suzanne Teleha, Rabbi’s assistant ..... x103
Marcy Lyons Gohen, Accounting ....... x121
Ellen McGrother, Accounting ............ x122
Fax ............................................. 215-643-9441
Religious School........................ 215-643-7626
Ann Newman Preschool ........... 215-643-6513
Gift Shop ................................... 215-643-5605
Professional Staff
Adam Wohlberg (x106) ............................. Rabbi
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
....... Founding Rabbi
Stephen Freedman (x108) ........................ Cantor
Nathan L. Chaitovsky............. Cantor Emeritus
Edwin Altman (x105) ........... Executive Director
Joseph Maghen (x112)………….…..Director of
Congregational Learning
Faith B. Rubin (x117)………………Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
Marjorie Schwartz (x107) ............. B’nai Mitzvah
Shelly Shotel ……………...Director of Family
..................................................... Engagement
Edy Israel ....................................USY Advisor
Temple Sinai Officers
William Kramer ................................ President
Jeffrey Hampton ....... Executive Vice President
Meryl Stern ............................... Vice President
Tobey Grand ............................. Vice President
Michael Paul ............................. Vice President
Janet Isaacman .................................. Secretary
Lawrence Florin ................................ Secretary
Cindy Warkow .................................. Treasurer
Jeffrey Gordon ................................. Controller
Andrea Rosenthal ..... Immediate Past President
Alan Katz ................................... Past President
Andrew Meyer ........................... Past President
Sara Wenger ..................... Sisterhood President
Howard Cohen ............... Men’s Club President
Betsy Lewinson ...................... Hazak President