Dear Marywood Women,


Dear Marywood Women,
Marywood High School • Alumnae Newsletter • Spring 2010
Dear Marywood Women,
This is an unusual newsletter in that the news is the Reunion Weekend, October 1-3.
You should have received a Save the Date post card and an email notice about the special
weekend. (Please include your email address on your registration so that we can keep in
touch with you in a paperless way.) Thanks to JoAn Pettite and her daughters, we have
a Facebook page too! Every manner of communication increases our chances to bring
more alumnae together at the reunion. Of course, my personal favorite is to pick up
the phone, cell or land, and call a classmate! I am happy to report that several alumnae
have contacted a class representative asking to be added to the list. We want the list to
grow and you can help do just that. ! Another way to make the reunion successful is to
donate a silent auction item. The more the merrier!
Marywood High School, Anaheim, Calif.
If you want to have a newsletter that features more information about you and your
classmates, please consider helping us with the next one. It is a task that requires being
a contact person, collecting the information and submitting it to Office of Congregation Advancement. The design, formatting and mailing can be done in our office.
However, if you are interested to do all of the above, your request will be granted gratefully.
I can’t wait to meet and greet you in October! There is a buzz about this already. Please
contact any one of us with questions and concerns. We will do whatever we can to make
this gathering memorable.
May our Provident God continue to unfold the blessings of Creation to each and every
one of us!
Sister Sue Paweski
Alumnae/i Relations Manager
Join the Marywood High School Alumnae
group on Facebook
If you aren’t on Facebook already, go to and join. Type
Marywood High School Alumnae in the “search” box. Click on “join group”.
With a Facebook group page, our contacts can be kept current, we can share photos, videos, and discussions, and we can keep our Marywood spirit alive and well!
Letter from S.
Ann Casper
Reunion info
Lodging and
December 2008
Dear Alumnae,
Thank you for your $90 gift to the Retirement Fund of the Sisters of Providence,
$345 to the Congregational Advancement
Fund and $195 to the Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Shrine Fund. Your gift is especially
meaningful for its arrival during these difficult and
uncertain economic times.
In this season when we celebrate God’s greatest Gift—Jesus coming to dwell among us—I
would like to “gift you” with a poem by John
Shea entitled “Sharon’s Christmas Prayer.” (I
suspect our retired sisters had a “Sharon” or two in
their classrooms.)
She was five, sure of the facts
and recited them with slow solemnity,
convinced every word was revelation. She said
They were so poor they had only
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat
and then went a long way from home without getting lost.
The lady rode a donkey, the man walked,
and the baby was inside the lady.
They had to stay in a stable with an ox and an ass (hee, hee)
but the Three Rich Men found them because a star lited the roof.
Shepherds came and you could pet the sheep but not feed them.
Then the baby was borned.
And do you know who he was?
Her quarter eyes inflated to silver dollars.
The baby was God.
And she jumped in the air, whirled around,
dove into the sofa, and
buried her head under the cushion,
which is the only proper response
to the Good News of the Incarnation.
May you have a season of “jumping in the air, whirling
around” and knowing “the Good News of the Incarnation” in each day and moment. Be assured that
the sisters remember your special needs in our daily
In Providence,
Sister Ann Casper, SP
Executive Director of Congregational
2 • Marywood Alumnae Newsletter • Spring 2010
2010 All-school Reunion
Friday, October 1, through Sunday, October 3
It is time to gather memories and stories…and bring them with
you to the Marywood all school reunion. And not just a reunion
luncheon but a reunion weekend! The reunion committee
thought that a weekend would allow more alumnae outside of the
Orange area to attend. Being in the heart of Disneyland might
be a great chance to bring family…or not…but the possibilities
are endless.
Here are the Committee members. Please contact them for more
information about the reunion and to donate silent auction
Kay Casserly ’59:, (714) 536-9526
Valerie Devereux ’59:,
(970) 872-1004
JoAn Heinz Pettite ’59:, (714) 404-1918
Janice Ramocinski ’70:, (714) 920-5413
Susan Lindberg-Lattuca ‘71:,
(909) 867-4089
Tina Slininger Proctor ’73:,
(714) 970-7650
Louise Hickman Brandy ‘76:,
(949) 366-0900
Katrina Misir ’76:, (714) 963-8926
Moira Niehaus Fisher ’79:,
(951) 734-7535
Helen Mae Almas, faculty
S. Sue Paweski, SP coordinator:,
(773) 463-2478
A peek at the Reunion Weekend Festivities
Friday, October 1 7:00 PM
“A Woman for All Time,” a one woman performance about the
life of St. Mother Theodore Guerin. S. Sue Paweski presents the
highlights of our saint’s life in habit and with a Breton accent.
Mas oui!
Saturday, October 2 11:30 – 3:00 PM
Reunion Luncheon with silent auction and raffle. Full course
served meal and cash bar. (Proceeds of raffle and auction to
benefit the renovation of Providence Hall, the residence of the
retired sisters, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.)
Sunday, October 3
Stay over and enjoy another day with classmates, friends, family.
Visit Disneyland and the surrounding sights.
Lodging and registration
We want to give you as much
time as you need to socialize
with classmates. The Doubletree
Guest Suites Anaheim Resort/
Convention Center has offered a
discounted price of
• $99.00 a night for a single or
• $129.00 a night for a suite
For room registration call
Doubletree Guest Suites Anaheim Resort/Convention Center
at 800-222-TREE (8733) and
ask for the Marywood Reunion
rate. Questions or concerns, call
Nancy Garvey, Sales Manager, at
and includes choice of entrée.
Complete the registration form
and return it as soon as possible.
The deadline for hotel reservations and luncheon reservations
is September 15, 2010.
The luncheon is $40 per person
Please reply
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Graduating class _____________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________ State _____________________
ZIP _____________________
Phone: Home _________________________________________ Work ________________________________________
Cell ___________________________________________
E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Marywood reunion luncheon: $40
I will attend:
 Friday performance
 Saturday reunion luncheon - entrée choice:
______ Chicken ______ Vegetarian
 Friday performance
 Dues to cover newsletter and mailings: $10
 $________ Donation to the Sisters of Providence for:
 Providence Hall renovation (retired sisters’ residence)
 As needcd
Total money enclosed: $________
Please make check out to Marywood Alumnae Association and send with form to JoAn Heinz Pettite
(, 415 S Split Rail Lane, Anaheim, CA 92807-3421.
On Line Book of Memories
As an added treat, an on-line Memory Book will be sent to all attendees. If you would like to update your
classmates about what’s new with you, please email or snail mail your information and photos to JoAn Pettite. She will compile your tidbits and add news of the reunion. Your Memory Book will be emailed to you
after the reunion. Don’t have email? JoAn has graciously offered to send a copy to you in the mail.
Marywood Alumnae Newsletter • Spring 2010 • 3
Sister Sue Paweski, SP
Marywood Alumnae Coordinator
1 Sisters of Providence
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876
This photo appeared in the 1980 La Colina.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Indiana 47876
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