Agnes Scott Alumnae Weekend


Agnes Scott Alumnae Weekend
Alumnae Weekend
April 25-26, 2014
12/19/13 3:55 PM
Dear Alumnae Friends,
Reunion time is fast approaching! Can you believe that five years have passed
since your last reunion? Make your plans now to join us for Alumnae Weekend,
April 25-26, 2014.
Spring is a great time to come back to campus, enjoy the nostalgia of your college
days and witness what Agnes Scott is today. This year we will be celebrating the
college’s 125th anniversary, so this Alumnae Weekend will be full of added special
events. In addition to your class reunion activities, there will be a birthday luncheon
on Saturday afternoon and celebratory dance party on Saturday night with the
sounds of Livin’ Large.
We hope that you can join us for our traditional afternoon of intellectual exploration
called “Back to Class” hosted by Agnes Scott faculty and staff members—Charlotte
Artese, associate professor of English; Mary Cain, associate professor of history;
Susan Kidd ’78, MAT ’07, director of sustainability; and Kimberly Knight, director
of digital strategy. Topics that alumnae may choose from include “2Bx3: Three Filmic
Versions of the World’s Most Famous Soliloquy,” “The ‘Woman’s Sphere’ and the
Creation of Women’s Colleges,” “A Deeper Shade of Green Revisited” and “Where
have all the kids gone? Social media beyond Facebook.”
In honor of the college’s 125th anniversary, we will have some new and exciting Agnes
Scott merchandise for sale during Alumnae Weekend. We will also have some great
photo opportunities for alumnae to have their picture taken with Agnes Scott herself.
We look forward to seeing you in April and celebrating with you!
Best wishes,
The Alumnae Relations Staff
Schedule of Events
Pre-Alumnae Weekend Activities
Thursday, April 24
6 p.m.
Founder’s Club Reception
7 p.m.
Tower Circle Dinner
President’s Home
Honoring alumnae who have made a
leadership gift of $5,000 or more to Agnes
Scott. Reception is by invitation only.
Evans Hall
Honoring alumnae who have made a
leadership gift of $1,500 or more to Agnes
Scott. Dinner is by invitation only.
6 p.m.
Tower Circle Reception
Alumnae Garden
Reception is by invitation only.
Friday, April 25
9:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
2:15-3 p.m.
Back to Class
Evans Hall, Terrace Level
Enjoy lectures from dynamic faculty and staff
Luncheon Honoring Outstanding
Alumnae Award Winners
2Bx3: Three Filmic Versions of the
World's Most Famous Soliloquy
Charlotte Artese, associate professor of
Mary Brown Bullock Science Center, Teasley
Lecture Hall
Evans Hall
Service to the College
Mary Beth Thomas ’63
How have movies tackled Hamlet’s “To be,
or not to be” speech? That is the question!
We will look at and discuss clips from three
film versions of Hamlet, one that sets the
soliloquy on castle ramparts, one in front of
a two-way mirror and one in the aisles of a
video rental store.
Service to the Community
Carolyn Newton Curry ’64
Carolyn Clarke ’64*
Distinguished Career
Portia O. Morrison ’66
Outstanding Young Alumna
Kendra Outler ’93
Friday, April 25
What the heck is Instagram, how do I use a
darn hashtag and where is my Pinboard?
Come to this workshop with Agnes Scott’s
very own director of digital strategy and
you’ll be more confident and comfortable
using the communication tools of your
children and grandchildren.
3:15-4 p.m.
Back to Class
The classes will be offered again during this
second time slot.
The “Woman’s Sphere” and the
Creation of Women's Colleges
3-5 p.m.
Psychology and Neuroscience
Dessert Reception
Mary Cain, associate professor of history
and chair
Mary Brown Bullock Science Center,
Room 210E
Rebekah Scott Hall, Katharine Woltz
Reception Room
Alumnae psychology and neuroscience
majors and minors are invited to meet current
students and visit with psychology and
neuroscience faculty. Student recognitions
will be presented from 3:30 to 4 p.m. and
alumnae introductions will be from 4 to
4:30 p.m.
Nineteenth-century Americans held very
defined ideas about the imagined needs and
special strengths of women, ideas which led
to the development of single-sex institutes for
higher learning. This session will examine the
notions of gender and womanhood that gave
rise to women's colleges.
4-5:45 p.m.
English Department Reception
A Deeper Shade of Green Revisited
McCain Library, Kate Durr Elmore
Reading Room
Alumnae English majors, minors and friends
are invited to share refreshments and visit
with English faculty and students. Current
students who have received awards and
honors this year will be recognized.
Susan Kidd ’78, MAT ’07, director of
Mary Brown Bullock Science Center,
Room 304E
Since 2007, Agnes Scott has been on the path
to a more sustainable campus. The college
has come a long way, and there are lots of
projects on the horizon. Come hear about
the work thus far and meet the Agnes Scott
alumnae who are making it happen.
4-5:45 p.m.
History Department Reception
History/Education Suite, Buttrick 335
We invite alumnae History majors, minors
and friends to enjoy refreshments and visit
with faculty and students. Current students
will discuss their research and internships.
Where have all the kids gone? Social
media beyond Facebook
Kimberly Knight, director of digital strategy
Mary Brown Bullock Science Center,
Room 209W AB
Friday, April 25
4:30 p.m.
Frances Winship Walters Society
6:30 p.m.
Anna Young Club Dinner
Evans Hall
Alumnae from the classes of 1964 and earlier
are honored during this annual dinner. This
event is complimentary for alumnae.
President’s Home
Alumnae and friends who support the college
through their estate planning, including their
wills and other planned gifts, are invited
to join host President Kiss for this social
6:30 p.m.
Reception for Young Alumnae
Front of Evans Hall
Enjoy refreshments and music with ASC
faculty, staff and students.
Mary Brown Bullock Science Center,
Woolford B. Baker Atrium
Come and enjoy the camaraderie of sister
classes at this special young alumnae event.
Alumnae in classes from 1999 to 2013 are
invited to attend.
5-9 p.m.
Class Parties for Reunion Years
9 p.m.
The Hub Sing
(See class party schedule on pages 11-12.)
Alston Campus Center, The Hub
Join fellow alumnae and current students as
we gather to sing college songs.
5 p.m.
TGIF Party
Saturday, April 26
8 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration
9:30 a.m.
Class Meetings
Evans Hall, Terrace Level
• Class of 1949: Anna I. Young Alumnae
8-10:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
• Class of 1954: Alston Campus Center,
Amelia Davis Luchsinger Lounge
Evans Hall, Terrace Level
• Class of 1959: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 103W
8:30 a.m.
Worship Service
• Class of 1964: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Teasley Lecture Hall
Julia Thompson Smith Chapel
Please join us for an ecumenical Christian
worship service.
• Class of 1969: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 210E
• Class of 1974: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 102W
Saturday, April 26
• Class of 1979: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 304E
Buttrick Hall, front and side steps
(Rain Plan: Presser Hall, Maclean
1:45 p.m.—1969, 1974
2:00 p.m.—1979, 1984
2:15 p.m.—1989, 1994
2:30 p.m.—1999, 2004
2:45 p.m.—2009
• Class of 1984: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 112W
• Class of 1989: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 209WB
• Class of 1994: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 308
• Class of 1999: Mary Brown Bullock
Science Center, Room 209WA
Note: Alumnae can pre-purchase their class
photo with registration or pay on site during
Alumnae Weekend.
• Class of 2004: Evans Hall, Terrace Level,
Rooms 1 & 2
2:30 p.m.
Children’s Spring Fair
• Class of 2009: Evans Hall, Terrace Level,
Room C
Woodruff Quadrangle
Please join us for a fun-filled afternoon for
children ages 2-10. Children will enjoy a
moon bounce, entertainment and crafts along
with favorite fair foods. Parental supervision
is required.
11 a.m.
Alumnae Convocation with
President’s Address
Presser Hall, Gaines Chapel
Parade of the Classes
3:30 p.m.
Reunion Soccer Game
Presser Hall to Evans Hall
Gellerstedt Field
Join us for the inaugural Alumnae Weekend
Reunion Soccer Game hosted by former
Scottie Coach Laura LeDuc and the class
of 2004! This event is free and open to all
former ASC soccer players. Spectators are
Alumnae Luncheon and Birthday
Evans Hall
Join us for a fun-filled luncheon to celebrate
our alumnae classes and the 125th birthday
of Agnes Scott College. There will be all of
your favorite birthday party things—singing,
cake and party favors!
5-9 p.m.
Class Parties for Reunion Years
(See class party schedule on pages 11-12.)
1:45 p.m.
Class Pictures
9 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
125th Celebration Dance Party
Inman Hall, Front Steps
1:45 p.m.—1949
2:00 p.m.—1954
2:15 p.m.—1959
2:30 p.m.—1964
Evans Hall
Get your dancing shoes on and come boogie
the night away to the sounds of Livin’ Large.
Refreshments will be served.
Reservation Form
Registration deadlines: March 15 (early-bird); April 1 (regular). Complete and return this form
along with payment to the alumnae office. For more information, contact us at 404.471.6323 or or visit
Fees for this year’s Alumnae Weekend are based on a per-event price plus a registration fee per
alumna ($6 for early-bird, $12 for regular registration). The registration fee is due whether you
attend one or more activities. The registration form includes both college and class events.
Alumnae can register for all events with one payment either by mailing a check or paying by
credit card online.
Class Year
State, Zip
Home/Cell/Business Phone
Is this an address change/update?
yes no
Name(s) of Guest(s)
I will attend the Alumnae Weekend events as indicated. I understand family members and
friends may join me at an additional cost. I have indicated the number attending each event.
(per person)
Number Attending
Anna Young Club Dinner—Guests
Reception for Young Alumnae
Alumnae in classes 1999-2013
Hub Sing
Saturday, April 26
Continental Breakfast
Worship Service
Alumnae Convocation with President’s Address
Alumnae Luncheon and Birthday Party
Children’s Spring Fair
125th Celebration Dance Party
Class Reunion Parties
1944—70th Reunion Reception (Fri.)
1949—Not your Downton Abbey Tea (Sat.)
1954—60th Reunion Celebration
1959—Starry, Starry Night (Sat.)
1964—JELL-O Jubilee (Sat.)
1969—Raggedy Ann is 45 (Sat.)
1974—Relax & Reconnect (Fri.)
1974—Jamboree with Mickey & Minnie (Sat.)
1979—Wish Upon a Star Dinner (Fri.)
1979—It’s Mexican for Me (Sat.)
1979—Whistle While You Brunch (Sun.)
1984—Come Sail Away (Fri.)
1984—Dinner Cruise (Sat.)
1989—Cheshire Cats Under the Stars (Fri.) Adult
1989—Cheshire Cats Under the Stars (Fri.) Kids 2-12
1989—25th Reunion Reception with Pres. Kiss (Sat.)
1989—Cheshire Cats Notte in Biblioteca (Sat.) Adult
1989—Cheshire Cats Notte in Biblioteca (Sat.) Kids 2-12
Lift here to remove reservation form for mailing.
Friday, April 25
Luncheon Honoring Outstanding Alumnae Award Winners
Back to Class—2Bx3 - Hamlet’s Soliloquy (Session 1)
Back to Class—Women’s Sphere (Session 1)
Back to Class—Deeper Shade of Green (Session 1)
Back to Class—Social Media (Session 1)
Back to Class—2Bx3 - Hamlet’s Soliloquy (Session 2)
Back to Class—Women’s Sphere (Session 2)
Back to Class—Deeper Shade of Green (Session 2)
Back to Class—Social Media (Session 2)
Anna Young Club Dinner Free
Alumnae in classes 1964 and earlier
(per person)
1989—Cheshire Cats After-After Party (Sat.)
1994—20th Reunion Dutch-Treat Dinner (Fri.)
1994—The Cat in the Hat Spectacular (Sat.) Adult
1994—The Cat in the Hat Spectacular (Sat.) Kids 2-12
1999—Green Berets ¡Olé! (Sat.) 2004—Under the Sea (Sat.) 2009—Golddiggers Go South of the Border (Sat.) All Classes—Pre-purchase class photo
Pre-order 125th commemorative book*
Registration fee is per alumna.
Subtotal $
Registration $
Early-bird Registration—$6 (if paid by March 15)
Regular Registration—$12 (if paid after March 15)
(please check one)
($6 or $12)
I would like to make an initial or additional gift to
The Fund for Agnes Scott, the college’s annual fund,
in honor of my reunion.** $
Payment Options:
Please enclose a check payable to Agnes Scott College for the total reservation
fees and mail to Agnes Scott College, Office of Alumnae Relations, 141 E. College
Ave., Decatur, GA 30030-3770.
If you would like to pay
by credit card, you can
register securely online at
*Commemorative books will be
shipped to alumnae over the
summer. Pre-orders receive a
special slipcase.
**Registration and event fees are
not tax deductible. If you make
a donation you will receive a gift
receipt in the mail.
Class Reunion Gifts
Whether it’s funding student scholarships, supporting faculty or helping the
college meet its immediate needs, your gift to The Fund for Agnes Scott
makes possible the transformative experiences that define an Agnes Scott
education. Every gift to The Fund for Agnes Scott also counts toward
The Greatness Before Us campaign.
The cheering has already started for the
class gift trophies to be awarded at Alumnae
• Reunion Class with the Highest Gift
to The Fund for Agnes Scott
• Send your check, payable to Agnes Scott
College, to the Office of Development,
Agnes Scott College, 141 E. College Ave.,
Decatur, GA 30030
• Bring your checkbook or credit card to
Alumnae Weekend!
• Reunion Class with the Highest
Participation in giving to The Fund
for Agnes Scott
Gifts received prior to April 26, 2014, and
pledges payable by June 30, 2014, will be
counted toward your class totals for the
reunion giving trophies. All young alumnae
classes compete for The Mollie Merrick
Trophy for Young Alumnae Participation, on
the basis of gifts received (not pledges).
• Reunion Class with the Greatest Total
Giving to Agnes Scott College
• The Mollie Merrick Trophy for Young
Alumnae Participation.
You can share your class pride by making a
special reunion gift to The Fund for Agnes
Scott. Leadership gifts of $1,500 or more
will be honored at The Tower Circle Dinner
on Thursday, April 24, 2014.
The Fund for Agnes Scott staff will be at
Alumnae Weekend registration to accept
your gift or pledge on site during registration
hours on Friday, April 25, and until 10 a.m.
on Saturday, April 26!
If you have already made your gift, thank
you! If you haven’t yet, there are many ways
to give:
• Use the enclosed registration form
Class Fund Chairs
Class fund chairs do important work year
after year to help meet the goals of The
Fund for Agnes Scott. A special thank you
to the fund chairs of the 4s and 9s for their
dedicated service:
• Make a secure online gift at
Betsy Deal Smith ’49, Lynn Phillips
Mathews ’49, Mary Newell Rainey
Bridges ’54, Jackie Josey Hahne ’54, Caroline
Pruitt Hayes ’59, Shirley Lee ’64, Lou Frank
Guill ’69, Lib McGregor Simmons ’74, Kathy
Boone Elliott ’79, Virginia Rockwell ’79, Alicia
Paredes Laramy ’84, Tina Carr ’89, Molly
McCray-Finke ’89, Elizabeth Cloud ’94,
Gemma Philage ’99, Courtenay Miller ’04
and Jean Panek Samaniego ’09.
Class Reunion Parties
Class of 1964*
Saturday—JELL-O Jubilee
6 p.m. Reception; 7 p.m. Dinner
Rebekah Scott Hall, Katharine Woltz Reception
Class of 1969
Saturday—Raggedy Ann is 45
7 p.m.
Alston Campus Center, Anne Register Jones
Conference Suite, Rooms 205 & 206
Class of 1974
Friday—Relax & Reconnect
6 p.m.
Home of Mary Starling Inman ’74
3870 Club Drive NE, Atlanta
Saturday—Jamboree with Mickey & Minnie
6 p.m. Appetizers; 7 p.m. Dinner
Alston Campus Center, The Hub
Class of 1944*
Class of 1979
Friday—70th Reunion Reception
5 p.m.
Anna I. Young Alumnae House
Friday—Wish Upon a Star – Dinner with the
Crickets on the Terrace
6:30 p.m.
McCain Library, Elizabeth Henderson
Cameron Reading Terrace
Class of 1949*
Saturday—Not Your Downton Abbey Tea
3:30 p.m.
Anna I. Young Alumnae House
Saturday—Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee! It’s Mexican
for Me
6:30 p.m.
Home of Jeannine Garbutt Rollins ’79
4285 Harris Trail, Atlanta
Class of 1954*
Saturday—60th Reunion Celebration
5 p.m.
Alston Campus Center, Amelia Davis
Luchsinger Lounge
Sunday—Whistle While You Brunch
11 a.m. Mimosa & Bloody Mary Brunch
Home of Anne Griner Watkins ’79
1717 Rugby Avenue, College Park
Class of 1959*
Saturday—Starry, Starry Night
6:30 p.m. Reception; 7 p.m. Dinner;
8 p.m. Planetarium Show
Bradley Observatory and Delafield
* Don’t forget to register for the Anna
Young Club Dinner on Friday, April 25,
for classes from 1944 to 1964. (See page
5 for more details.)
Class Reunion Parties
Class of 1984
Friday—Come Sail Away
7 p.m.
Alston Campus Center, Anne Register Jones
Conference Suite, Rooms 205 & 206
Saturday—Dinner Cruise
7 p.m.
Presser Quad
Class of 1989
Friday—Cheshire Cats Under the Stars
6:30 p.m.
Bradley Observatory and Delafield
Saturday—25th Reunion Reception with
President Kiss
5:30 p.m.
President’s Home
Saturday—Cheshire Cats Notte in Biblioteca
6:30 p.m.
McCain Library, Elizabeth Henderson
Cameron Reading Terrace
Class of 2004*
Saturday—Under the Sea
7 p.m.
Mary Brown Bullock Science Center,
Woolford B. Baker Atrium
Saturday—Cheshire Cats After-After Party
(following the dance party)
Home of Allison Adams ’89
142 Poplar Circle, Decatur
Class of 2009*
Saturday—Golddiggers Go South of the
7 p.m.
Dana Fine Arts Building, The Dalton Gallery
Class of 1994
Friday—20th Reunion Dutch-Treat Dinner
6 p.m.
The Marlay House, 426 W. Ponce de Leon
Avenue, Decatur
* Don’t forget to register for the Reception
for Young Alumnae on Friday, April 25, for
classes from 1999 to 2019. (See page 5 for
more details.)
Saturday—The Cat in the Hat Spectacular
5 p.m.
Evans Hall, Terrace Level, Patio & Rooms 1-3
Class of 1999*
Saturday—Green Berets ¡Olé!
5:30 p.m.
Alston Campus Center, Oval Garden
Need to Know...
Where to Stay: A block of rooms has
been reserved at the Decatur Courtyard by
Marriott (formerly the Decatur Holiday Inn)
at 130 Clairemont Ave. This hotel offers a
convenient, free shuttle service to Agnes
Scott. To make a reservation, please call
404.371.0204 and indicate you are a part of
the Agnes Scott College Alumnae Weekend
block to receive a rate of $112 per
night. You can also make your reservation
online at
MARTA: The Decatur station is located on
the East/West line. You then walk three blocks
south to the campus.
Special Needs: If you have mobility,
dietary or other special needs, please contact
the Office of Alumnae Relations no later
than Monday, April 1, at 404.471.6323 or
Children are welcome throughout the
weekend. Child-care arrangements should be
made by each alumna. If you need assistance
with babysitters, please visit www.sittercity.
com—there are many great Agnes Scott
students listed on this site.
What to Bring: Atlanta weather in
April can be unpredictable. Plan for warm
days and cool nights and remember those
comfortable shoes for walking.
Refund Policy: If you need to cancel your
Parking: No parking permit is needed
reservation, the alumnae office can issue you
a refund check. The deadline for requesting a
refund is Thursday, April 10. No refunds are
available after that date.
for alumnae who park in the West Parking
facility, South Candler lot or Main Loop.
Handicapped parking spaces are available on
the Main Loop and on the first level of the
parking facility. Golf carts will be provided to
assist alumnae and guests with transportation
on campus throughout the weekend.
Want to make a gift
that’s larger than life?
We invite you to join the Frances Winship Walters Society by making a planned
gift to the college. There are several ways to make a planned gift.You can name
Agnes Scott as a beneficiary of one of the following: a bequest, charitable gift
annuity, trust, individual retirement account or gift of insurance. If you are at
least 70 years old or will be 70 by Dec. 31, 2016, your gift can be counted at its
full value in The Greatness Before Us campaign. If you are younger than 70,
a portion of your planned gift can count in the campaign.
Join us!
To learn more about a planned gift to Agnes Scott, please contact
Michelle Staes, J.D., director of capital gifts and planned giving,
at 404.471.5475 or
Echo Voices
A Keepsake for Future Generations
A Keepsake for Future Generations
Celebrate 125 years of Agnes Scott with An Echo of Voices: 125 Years of Agnes Scott
College, a photo
125 years
An Echo
of Voices:
125 Years
of Agnes
distinct athemes—sisterhood,
ring and
photo book that traces
the college’s
themes—sisterhood, leadership, honor, academics, traditions, the ring and
This hardbound, museum-quality book features stunning campus photography by
and design
by Laurie
Shock, aby
This hardbound,
award-winning Atlanta photographer Billy Howard and design by Laurie Shock, a
a look back at
years of
learning and laughter as generations of Agnes
this amazing
and went onoftoAgnes
a look back
125 years of
and laughter
as generations
Scott women were transformed by this amazing institution and went on to lead,
nurture and revolutionize our communities and the world.
Order your copy today for $49.95.
Advance copies will come in a
Order your copy today for $49.95.
commemorative slipcase.
Advance copies will come in a
commemorative slipcase.
Order online at
Order online at
or mail a check made payable to
Agnes Scott College to
or mail a check made payable to
Kim Vickers ’87,
Agnes Scott College to
Office of Alumnae Relations,
Kim Vickers ’87,
141 E. College Avenue,
Office of Alumnae Relations,
Decatur, GA 30030.
141 E. College Avenue,
Decatur, GA 30030.
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