First Press - First Presbyterian Church


First Press - First Presbyterian Church
First Press
Inviting all to know Christ, grow in Christ, and share Christ’s love.
December 2015
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Ponderings...
Children Ministries
Adult Education &
Longest Night
Serving Commission
Serving Commission cont.
Stewardship Updates
This ‘n’ That
Sunday, December 20: Longest Night Service
Worship Schedule
Christmas Greetings
Our annual Longest Night Service, a service of hope and
healing for all who find the holidays difficult, will be at 7:00
p.m. See page 4 for more details.
Sunday, December 13: Youth Musical
Our children and youth choirs will present the musical
Angels, Lambs, Ladybugs, and Fireflies at 11:00 a.m. in
the Sanctuary. There will be services in the Chapel and
Bridge at 10:00 a.m. All are encouraged to extend
their worshipping morning by heading to the Sanctuary
for this delightful musical offering.
Christmas Eve Worship:
December 24
Worship Schedule
10:00 Bridge Service
(Lower Level)
10:00 Sanctuary Service
Church School
Children’s Classes
10:45 a.m.
Youth/Adult Classes
11:00 a.m.
Reception Room
Join us to celebrate Christ’s birth
on Christmas Eve:
 6:00 p.m.
The Bridge Christmas Eve
Service (Fellowship Hall)
 9:00 p.m. Candlelight Service with
the Chancel Choir (Sanctuary)
Christmas Joy Offering
We are receiving the Joy Offering now through
December 27. Please give generously. See page 5 for
more information.
For a financial update, and tips on making year-end gifts to
the church, please see page 7.
Dear friends,
It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than Christmas, when its mighty
Founder was a child Himself. — Charles Dickens
The incarnation is a kind of vast joke whereby the Creator of the ends of the earth comes
among us in diapers… Until we too have taken the idea of the God-man seriously enough
to be scandalized by it, we have not taken it as seriously as it demands to be taken.
― Frederick Buechner
Pastor’s Ponderings…
God in diapers. God in feeble, frail flesh. God born in a manger, into a world ruled by a
king who had no qualms about killing baby boys. This is what we prepare for in Advent and
celebrate at Christmas: God came among us in the lowliest way imaginable; that God’s
power is revealed in weakness.
I’ve been spending a good deal of time with a young, expectant mother of late and recently
had the privilege to be with her through her labor to bring a tiny, healthy little boy into the
world. I’ve since had the privilege of walking with and hushing this tiny boy—a baby this
congregation has showered with blessings upon learning of need. This baby boy has
renewed in me my awe in the miracle of life and its fragility. His arrival, like Caroline’s
arrival in early Advent seven years ago, is perfectly timed to help me think afresh about
God’s arrival as an infant.
Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas, begins on Sunday, November 29. It is
this week that we begin a new church year, and a new schedule on Sunday mornings. We
will have two simultaneous worship services at 10:00 a.m. beginning on Sunday, November
29- one in the Sanctuary and one in the Bridge. Many have asked, “But what about the
children?” 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning has been a dedicated Sunday School hour for quite
some time. Some fear that we are displacing our most precious gifts through this change.
We actually hope, with this change, to make our children more present in and active in
every worship service held in our church. We are creating a children’s zone in the mid
sanctuary and will have child-friendly supplies on several of the tables in the Bridge. At
every service, our children will receive a special welcome and be given an activity to
engage in during the quiet moments in worship that will allow them to connect with the
focus of the day. Children will leave worship with adult volunteers around 10:45 a.m. each
week, after sharing whatever they have created during worship with the pastor. They will
have a chance to get their wiggles out and have a snack, in order to be ready for a Sunday
School lesson at 11:00 a.m.
We hope families will sit together, mid-sanctuary, supporting one another in the task of
parenting young worshippers. We plan to have volunteers to support our children and
families as well. We hope to give families in the Bridge some support in their work of
parenting in worship. The new Sunday schedule also means that children who will be
singing in worship or ringing bells in worship, can participate in a dedicated worship
preparation hour before the 10:00 a.m. services.
We will be spending the season of Advent searching for the Christ child in our worship;
there is no better time to become more aware of the children in our midst and to help to
nurture them as worshippers of God. Just as the support of a birthing mama is helping me
to prepare to welcome the Christ child once more, how might supporting the families in our
congregation help those of you who are not currently raising children in the holy
preparations of this season? And parents, I know this is a big change in rhythms for you. I
pray that you will give this a try, and know that the work you are doing to nurture your
children is holy work that your church wishes to support you in fulfilling.
God came to us as a child. Let us welcome children more fully that we might thereby
welcome God.
May the peace of the Christ child be with you all,
As you probably noticed, we no longer have a children’s sermon mid-service and the children
are no longer going to Fish during the scripture and sermon. Instead our children are being
engaged in conversation at the beginning of the service and given an activity to do during the
quiet moments of worship (scripture and sermon especially). There is a designated area for
these activities in the sanctuary (mid-sanctuary, right side, where there is additional space for
handicapped seating). Supplies for children’s activities will be on several tables in the Bridge as
well. We encourage families to sit together and support one another in the task of parenting in
worship. And we will have volunteers supporting children in these activities as well.
The next Youth Group meeting night is December 13 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. If you know of a
youth (grades seven through twelve) who would like to join our group, please let me know how
to reach them. Brigitte will then contact their parents and give them program information and
planned dates.
I would like to take this moment to wish you and your families a very blessed Merry
Christmas. In this Advent time when we await the birth of our Savior, we are reminded how
much we still need Him today as we did so long ago! - Brigitte Evens
On Sunday morning, December 13, at 11:00 a.m. in the
Sanctuary the Melodia Choir, Jr. Chorale, and Westminster
Choirs will present the Christmas musical, Angels, Lambs,
Ladybugs, and Fireflies.
The insects are busy fluttering their wings, the fireflies are preparing to shine their
brightest lights, and the angels, lambs, and butterflies are bustling with activity as
they prepare for the birth of the Christ Child. God’s special creatures are sure to
delight you with this exciting story in song, dance, and drama.
There will be a 10:00 a.m. Chapel and Bridge Worship Service on that day.
Growing in Christ: Christian Education & Musical
We begin a new Sunday School time this month. Children will be dismissed
from both worship services around 10:45 a.m. each week. They will be
taken to the Sunday School wing at that time. They will have 15 minutes to
have a snack, use the restroom, get some wiggles out. And then will have
Brigitte Evens
Sunday School classes from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. At 11:45 a.m.
Children’s Ministry
children will be brought down to sit on the pew opposite the Gathering Place
where their parents can pick them up. If your child has allergies, please let
Brigitte Evens know a.s.a.p. We will be continuing with our regular
curriculum through December 20. There will be no Sunday School on December 27, but we will
resume on January 3, 2016. We are still looking for additional teachers to help out
occasionally. If this is something you would like to do, please contact Brigitte.
Growing in Christ: Adult Education & Worship
Adult Education December
The Wired Word
The Wired Word begins on the first Sunday in December at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. This class
connects contemporary issues with Biblical texts. Participants find it to be a stimulating way to
experience Bible study. There is a sign-up sheet on the Reception Room door and down on
the counter in the Bridge to register.
Services will take place on
Wednesday, December 2, 9, and 16 at 6:00 p.m.
Come to the Wednesday night suppers (see
article below) and stay for this contemplative
candlelight service.
Come for supper on Wednesdays!
Wednesday night suppers will continue at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall through
Wednesday, December 16. ALL are welcome to gather with your church family for a
delicious meal and outstanding fellowship in the middle of your week. Coming for choir or
band? Come early and eat! Coming for the Wednesday night class? Come early and eat!
Bringing your kids to choir? Eat while they sing… then feed them at church! Just don’t feel
like cooking? Come on over! $5.00 for ages 13 and up, $3.00 for children 6-12, Free for
children 5 and under.
The Longest Night
Sunday, December 20 · Chapel · 7:00 p.m.
Sometimes Christmas isn’t
“the most wonderful time of the year”
Yet even in the darkness…
God’s light does shine!
Come to a special time of affirm that God’s light and
presence are with those who struggle, and to experience the light
of Christ that continues to shine, even in the darkest times. Also,
please pick up posters (located around the church) and take them
and post them on area bulletin boards or share them with a friend.
Invite someone to come who may find this type of service helpful
this Advent season.
Christmas Joy Offering
Join Presbyterians around the world by supporting the Advent Joy Offering
which will be dedicated December 27.
Offering funds are divided equally between The Board of Pensions Financial
You can help make a difference by joyfully donating to The Christmas Joy
Offering. Special envelopes will be in the pews during the month of
December — or mark your check for “Joy Offering.”
Advent is right around the corner, and once again the youth
are sponsoring "The Giving Tree." Ornaments with gift ideas
for needy families will be found on the Christmas trees in the
Gathering Place and downstairs by the elevator. Your help
and generosity has been much appreciated in the past, and
we hope that you will continue supporting this project.
Watch the bulletin for the deadline to return your gifts to
church, as many of the items have to be distributed before
school gets out for winter break. If you know of a family in
need, please contact Mary Seddon at 574-707-1321 or at!
...2016 is fast approaching. That means many of us will be receiving 2016
...The Serving Commission would like to distribute our extra calendars to the
clients at Church Community Services and Faith Mission of Elkhart.
...We will gather your extra calendars in a basket on the Welcome Table and on the counter in the
Bridge area.
...Please remember this simple Mission activity as you sort your mail.
You may notice several very empty trees appear around the church in the
Narthex and downstairs. These “Mitten Trees” need your help.
During December, dress them with mittens, scarves, hats, children’s
underwear, and socks. All the items collected will be taken to Beardsley
School, where they will be dispersed to help keep cold hands and heads
warm this winter!
Thank you for decorating our trees with warm gifts for others.
Sharing Christ’s Love: Serving
Assistance Program for retired clergy and missionaries and six colleges
where the funds provide scholarships and help with basic operating costs.
The colleges are: Barber-Scotia College in Concord, North Carolina; Cook
Native American Ministries in Tempe, Arizona; Knoxville College in Knoxville,
Tennessee; Menaul School in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Presbyterian Pan
American School in Kingsville, Texas; Stillman College in Tuscaloosa,
Though times are hard for many there are numerous
agencies and churches doing good things in our community.
Here are a few with opportunities to get involved…
Sharing Christ’s Love: Serving
First Presbyterian Church, Goshen Christmas Day Dinner
You are invited to help with the annual Christmas Day Dinner at Goshen First
Presbyterian Church. The dinner, in its 17th year, is open to anyone from the
community — singles, couples, and families. Last year, more than 850 meals
were served and/or delivered. The dinner is served at no cost from 1:00—2:00
p.m. Anyone wishing to help with the dinner may contact the Goshen
Presbyterian Church 533-7845. Volunteers are needed for deliveries (arrive at
11:15 a.m.) serving (arrive at 12:15 p.m.) and clean-up (arrive at 1:30 p.m.) For
more information contact Alan Griffin, 533-7845, (,
or David Pepple, 536-5783, ( Volunteers call Monday
or Tuesday morning only.
What do you do between 10:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. on the 4th
Monday of each month? Consider helping serve 90 to 100 buffet
style lunches at Susanna’s kitchen.
Our church is one of over twenty Elkhart area churches that help
keep this program operating. This is Faith in Action. A hot meal
is provided to persons who walk through the doors at the First Congregational Church,
431 S. Third Street, without reference to ability, age, gender, race, or religious belief.
This Christian outreach program, Susanna’s Kitchen, began in 1982. Connie Minzey is
our contact for this mission project.
Presbyterian Per Capita
We are a “connectional church,” meaning that our congregation and pastors belong, with
other congregations and pastors, to a larger regional council known as the Presbytery (for us
the Presbytery of Wabash Valley). Our Presbytery belongs to a yet larger regional council
known as a Synod (for us the Synod of Lincoln Trails) and is linked to every presbytery in the
nation through our General Assembly. We participate in our wider church in numerous
ways, not least through financial contributions. We pay a set amount every year for every
member on our rolls— this is called Per Capita.
The 2016 per capita is $40.00 per member. Would you be willing to make an extra
contribution to cover your per capita? Please mark your check “per capita” and put it in
the offering plate or contact Cinda Olinger in the church office. Thank you!
November 2015 Monthly Update
With the year almost over, we have received $347,073 in pledges vs. a yearly budget of
$393,645. Thank you for your generosity! Our expenses to date are $430,512 a deficit of
$83,439. We’ve planned our expenses based on our total revenue, including pledges.
Please review your amount pledged so far this year and work to catch up if you are behind.
If you need assistance with this, please call Cinda at the church office.
If you have not yet submitted a commitment card for 2016, it’s not too late! And to the
many who have made commitments— THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We are immensely
grateful for the generosity of this congregation.
Can I deduct the value of volunteer work I did for the church? No. The
value of personal services is never deductible as a charitable contribution. However,
unreimbursed expenses you incur in performing services on behalf of a church or
other charity may be. For 2015, you can use a “standard mileage rate” of 14 cents to
compute a deduction for any miles you drive in performing services for your church.
2. I gave $135 to my church when I registered for a spring retreat. Can I deduct that? No,
assuming you received benefits (e.g., lodging, instruction, materials) worth $135 or more.
Charitable contributions generally are deductible only to the extent they exceed the value of
any benefit received.
3. What kind of records do I need in order to prove I made a contribution? For cash
contributions under $250, you must have a bank record such as a cancelled check. For
contributions (cash or property) of $250 or more, you must receive a written receipt from your
church that includes the church’s name, the date of the contribution, the amount of cash
contributions, and a statement that no goods or services were provided by the church in return
for the contributions.
From your Stewardship Committee…
We want to thank you for your generosity in giving. Your church thrives because of your
financial commitment. If you have not yet sent in your pledges for 2016, please do so. It helps us
tremendously as we shape our ministry and budget for the coming year.
What does the pie chart mean? You may have seen the pie chart in the Stewardship video
or in one of the Stewardship mailings. It describes how First Presbyterian’s resources are used.
The chart comes from a tool known as a “narrative budget.” Unlike a line item budget, which
speaks only about the use of money, a narrative budget seeks to tell the
story of the overall impact of the use of all of our major resources— people,
time, facilities, and money. The narrative budget takes into consideration the
use of time on the part of all paid employees and the use of our physical
space and then indicates how all our resources are used to support our
various ministry commitments.
To create the narrative budget, all
employees tracked their use of time and we examined the use of our building
by the church and outside community. All this enabled us to understand the
percentages of where our resources are used, across our four major ministry
areas: Worship and Education, Welcome, Serving (Mission), and Care.
Stewardship Updates
Your Charitable Contributions:
3 Things Every Church Member Should Know
December 2015
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Staff
See schedule below
9:00 Threads
9:00 SC
9:00 & 10:00 Tai Chi
9:15 Yoga
5:30 SC
9:20 Handbells
10:00 Bridge
10:00 Sanctuary
10:45 Children’s CS
11:00 Adult CS
9:00 Tai Chi
AA Committee
Youth Musical
10:00 Chapel
10:00 Bridge
10:45 Children’s CS
11:00 Sanctuary
9:20 Handbells
10:00 Bridge
10:00 Sanctuary
10:45 Children’s CS
11:00 Adult CS
One Service
10:00 Chapel
No Church School
5:30 SC
6:00 OA
8:00 AA
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Staff
See schedule below
5:30 SC
1:00 Women’s Study
No Youth Choirs
Newsletter Deadline
9:15 Yoga
& 10:00 Tai Chi
9:00 Tai Chi
See schedule below
No class
No Youth Choirs
9:00 Threads
9:00 Samaritan Ctr
9:00 & 10:00 Tai Chi
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Office Closed
9:15 Yoga
9:15 Yoga
6:00 Bridge
9:00 Sanctuary
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
9:00 Tai Chi
See schedule below
No class
No Choirs
9:00 Threads
9:00 Samaritan Ctr
9:00 & 10:00 Tai Chi
5:30 SC
6:00 OA
8:00 AA
Regular Sunday Schedule
5:30 SC
5:30 & 6:00
Work Night
6:30 Coin Club
7:00 Session
See schedule below
9:00 Threads
9:00 SC
9:00 & 10:00 Tai Chi
Bridge Rehearsal
The Bridge Worship Service
Sanctuary Worship Service
Children Church School
Adult Study
5:30 Caregiver’s
Support Group
Regular Wednesday Schedule
Men’s Bible Study (MBS)
Council on Aging (COA)
Wednesday’s Table (WT)
Youth Choirs
Wednesday Night Class
Bridge Band Rehearsal (BBR)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (CCR)
Alcoholic's Anonymous
Elkhart Embroiderers’ Guild
Overeaters Anonymous
Samaritan Center
Women’s Bible Study
December Birthdays
December 1
Celia Weiss
Nathan Windy
December 2 Jeanne Van Putten
December 5 Caroline SandersonDoughty
December 6 Ross Linton
December 7 Derek Linton
Debby Burton
December 8 Ralph Wightman
December 10 Cheryl Ann Miller
December 10 Leslee Gilpin
Christopher Seddon
Mumbi Waithaka
December 12
December 13
December 15
December 16
December 17
Larry Pio
Nikki Gernand
Laura Gernand
Josphat Mwaniki
Susan Ellington
Richard Bracken
Allison Valentijn
Matthew Kennedy
Starr Robinson
Josie McCormick
December 18 Nom Thammavongsa
Paula Barb
Tom LeFevre
Angela Waithaka
December 19 Chuck Vetter
December 20 Harry Haught
December 21 Lylah Laughman
December 24 Hanna Downs
December 31 Pat Charles
December Anniversaries
December 9 - Rosetta & Steve Slusser
December 12 - Nancy & Ed Zoller
December 19 - Carol & Steve Eldridge
December 20 - Betty & Bill Rice
December 20 - Terry & Andy McCaskey
December 22 - Dorothy & Harry Haught
December 24 - Marilyn & Oscar Schricker
December 27 - Lain & Ron Downs
December 28 - Jean & Charles McKinney
December 29 - Mindy & Sam Weirich
90th Birthday Celebration
On Sunday, December 20, we will be celebrating Chuck Vetter’s service to Habitat
for Humanity. At age 90, Chuck has been involved in every single house built by
the organization. In honor of Chuck, we will be collecting an offering to give to
Habitat for Humanity. Consider giving $9, $90, or $900. There will be a special
celebration at the Gathering Place following the service.
Newsletter Deadline
The next newsletter will be emailed on December 18
and available for friends without emails on December 20
and mailed the following week to those who are not in worship.
The newsletter deadline for articles is December 11.
Thank you so much for all the cards and
calls received while I was ill. I missed so
much being here for church.
Julaine Yoder
Daisy Eastman
July 30, 1926—October 31, 2015
Holiday Schedule for Church Office:
The church office will be closed December 25
through January 3. Cinda Olinger, our church
secretary will be using her last vacation days
during the week following Christmas. If you
would like to volunteer to answer the door and
the phone, give the church a call. The
custodial staff will be in for regular groups and
most mornings. Please call first to make sure
you have entry to the church.
This ‘n’ That
Poinsettias will decorate the church
on December 20, in memory or honor
of loved ones. You may request a
name to be listed in the bulletin by
filling out an order form located
outside the Sanctuary or in the Bridge
area. Be sure to include a check in
any amount of your choice.
Open House on December 6th. It will be the
last one until April or May, if we decide to
renew at that time. All are welcome and if
anyone would like to help we will be holding
this from 1 to 4 PM on the 6th of December.
Only the Sanctuary will be open to the public.
We welcome the donation of Christmas
cookies to distribute to any guests who might
pass through.
Congratulations to Mary Beth
Hoffer on her new grandson Soren
David Hoffer born to Zach and
Shennendoah Hoffer on October
The Personnel Committee is currently
engaged in the annual performance evaluation
of our Co-Pastors. If you have feedback you
would like to provide, please send a signed
letter or email to Dottie Arnold (email address
is; mailing address is
54610 Meadowbank Lane, Elkhart 46514) by
January 15. Comments will be kept
Dear Friends of Beardsley,
This has been an exciting beginning to the
school year at Beardsley. We have a new
look and a new schedule. There are many
wonderful changes here, but one thing that
never changes is the amazing support we
receive from First Presbyterian.
You have supported us financially in so
many ways: our uniforms, school supplies,
and direct financial help for many of our
families throughout the years and at the
The other precious gift you give us is your
The many volunteers who have
cleaned, painted, mentored and tutored
have been a particular blessing to the
Beardsley Community. We always feel that
you have “our back.” A simple thank you
seems hardly enough. But we thank you
just the same. Know that you are enriching
the lives of our students, staff, and families.
You are appreciated.
Jan Beutter
Social Worker
Beardsley School
Thank you to all who have
donated baby items for the
family in need. You are an
awesome church.
Many, many THANK YOUS to Terry Bishop
and Matt Kennedy for hanging the past
pastors pictures on the wall across from the
Gathering Place. Without their help the
project could not have been completed.
Thank you so very, very much!
Connie Minzey & Mary Rasp
Upcoming Weekly Worship Schedule
December 6
December 13
December 20
December 27
Sanctuary Preacher
Rebecca Kuiken
Rebecca Kuiken
Rebecca Kuiken
Rebecca Kuiken (Chapel)
Bridge Preacher
Sarah SandersonDoughty
Sarah SandersonDoughty
Sarah SandersonDoughty
One service in the Chapel
Looking Closely for the
Christ Child
Looking Closely for the
Christ Child
Looking Closely for the
Christ Child
Celebrating the Christ Child
2nd Sunday of Advent
3rd Sunday of Advent
(10:00) Chapel/Bridge
(11:00) Christmas
4th Sunday of Advent
Chuck Vetter Celebration at
10:00 a.m.
Longest Night at 7:00 p.m.
1st Sunday of Christmas
(10:00) One Service in the
No Church School
Joy Offering Dedication
Pat Van Dyke
(10:00 Chapel)
Deb Pulianas
Connie Minzey
Susie Lehman
Betty Kegerreis
Betty Kegerreis
Betty Kegerreis
10:00 a.m.
Sue & Dick Griffen
Steve Seward
(10:00) Coke Goode
Steve Seward
(11:00) Betty & Bill Rice
Jill Stoll
Steve Seward
Jill Stoll
10:00 a.m.
Music (Sanctuary)
Chancel Choir
& Handbell Choir
(11:00) Angels, Lambs,
Ladybugs, & Fireflies
Youth Musical
Chancel Choir with
Alexis Barton, violin,
& Sean Patrick, cello
Dennis Hoffer,
Guest Organist
Hospitality Host
Katie McCormick
Connie Minzey
The Chuck Vetter family
Wednesday Table
Sound Operator
Tim Good
Mike Stoll
Tim Good
Mike Stoll
Tim Good
Mike Stoll
Tim Good
Mike Stoll
Tech Booth Bridge
Mason Bortz
Josh Fore
Mason Bortz
Josh Fore
Mason Bortz
Josh Fore
Mason Bortz
Josh Fore
Daily Prayer Listings
the week of December 6, 2015
the week of December 20, 2015
the week of December 13, 2015
the week of December 27, 2015
Sunday – Judy Ashley & Rudy Gourdine
Monday – Jane & Doc Atkins
Tuesday – Becky & Philip Banas
Wednesday – Paula & Stu Barb
Thursday – Jayne & Wayne Barker
Friday – Jean & Jim Baxter
Saturday – Judy & Fred Bechtold
And at Greenleaf Living Center – Audrey Reames
& Bette Brownewell
Sunday – Andy Braden
Monday – Mason Braden
Tuesday – Dick Brotherson
Wednesday – Patty, Jim, Drew, & Spencer Brotherson
Thursday – Joan Brown
Friday – Bette Brownewell
Saturday – Justin Buenger
And at Julia Temple Health Care – Eric Semple
Sunday – Freya Burket & Alec Scheimann
Monday – Beverly Burt
Tuesday – Debby & Bill Burton
Wednesday – Blake Butler
Thursday – Phid Butler
Friday – Nancy & Bruce Carter
Saturday – Joyce Carter
And at Hubbard Hill – Ralph Murphy, Aimee Patterson,
& Paul Randall
Sunday – Jodi, Terry, Anna & Ashley Bishop,
Kaylin Rumler & Lylah Laughman
Monday – Mary Jane Blanken
Tuesday – Elizabeth, Richard, & Drew Bond
Wednesday – Rosemary Bond
Thursday – Jean Borneman
Friday – Norma & Mac Boyer
Saturday – Richard Bracken
And at Holy Cross – Gladys Cone
Phone: ( 574) 264-3109
Fax: ( 574) 264-5309
Rebecca Kuiken, Co-Pastor
Sarah Sanderson-Doughty, Co-Pastor
Celia S. Weiss, Director of Music & Organist
Brigitte Evens, Children’s Ministries Coordinator
Mary Seddon, Bridge Coordinator
Matthew Kennedy, Coordinator of Bridge Music
Cinda Olinger, Executive & Financial Secretary
Susan Kendell & Lydia Michaels, Nursery Attendants
Terry Bishop, Sexton; Matthew Kennedy, Custodian
Steve Seward & Steve Slusser, Building Watchmen
The church staff wishes you a
blessed and peaceful Christmas!