May - Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc
May - Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc
CRACKLIN’ STATIC Serving the Amateur Radio Community since April 16, 1968 RENO, NEVADA MAY 2015 ----PRESIDENT’S VOICE---- The DMR Project has been a huge success… We put up a second repeater on the South end of the valley on Davidson Peak to provide improved coverage in the valley and to the East and South of us. There is a third repeater for Mt. Rose in the works to get even more coverage. (100% of this project has been funded by donations --- There have been over 50 DMR HT’s purchased by club members). Thank you very much! You should have heard by now that we will take over the Western Nevada Noon Net effective June 1, 2015. The SNARS Noon Net will be ours to operate. We need people interested in being a net control operator and someone to be the Net Control Manager. Let me know if you are interested. There won’t be a club meeting on May 2 --- That is the weekend of the NVCON and a lot of people will be there working and attending. We will back at Denny’s for the June meeting. We are getting ready for the Field Day event. Steve, KS6A is the event chair and has us booked for the weekend of June 26-27, 2015 at the Washoe Lake State park. If you have questions or want to help or want to participate, or all the above, contact Steve at From Pat, W7DED: (Winnemucca) It's up and running!! 146.670, PL 123.0. It's linked to Toulon, 146.925, and 443.075 on Ophir. We had coverage all the way back to Lovelock, but was noisy. You should be using Toulon when in Lovelock anyway. Still need to see what it does going east on I80. Thanks to Jim W6US, Richard N7TGB, and John KG7AIQ for their hard work! It was a tremendous group effort. The club continues to grow with over 250 members now. What direction would you like to see the club move towards? Move away from? Get involved in? Stop doing, etc. Your input is important… Please let me know. 73, Mike N7MSK NO SNARS meeting MAY 2! CRACKLIN’ STATIC PUBLICATION E-mail……………. Cracklin’ Static is the Newsletter of, and sponsored by the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society. Opinions expressed herein are those of the editors and contributors and should not be considered as official expressions of the Club Officers, Staff or Club Members, or as endorsements by same. Material for publication may be edited to enhance readability or to save space. We reserve the right to use whatever font size or line spacing may be required in order to publish this Newsletter. Deadline for input to the newsletter is 1500 hours on the Sunday prior to the 1st Saturday of each month. Cracklin’ Static is e-published in Adobe PDF Format. It may be enjoyed at the SNARS web site. The normal SNARS Breakfast Meeting is cancelled for May due to NVCON being in session. Instead of Denny’s, make it to Boomtown! Amateur Radio License Testing 2015 SNARS, Third Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December. Testing will be at the REOC located at 5195 Spectrum Blvd., be there at 9 AM sharp! …... Bill Nichols… NN7K SIERA CLUB: Silver State Charter High School, 788 Fairview Dr, Carson City.….. 3rd Saturday of January, March, May, July, September, and November ……Dale Anderson, Elko Area: Third Saturday of January, April, July, October. 11:00AM, Northeast Nevada Regional Hospital, 2001 Errecart Boulevard, Elko, NV ……Joe Giraudo, N7JEH SNARS Repeater System Frequencies SNARS, P.O. Box 7727, Reno, NV 89510 Membership: $40 Individual, $50 Family OFFICERS 2014 President…...............Mike Katz...........................N7MSK Vice President…….....Don Seibert……….……………..N2MOO Trea$urer…..............Tony Marcin………….…………..N7ACM Secretary…..……........Rob Dunbar……………………….NB6C Director……..............Steve Johnson……………………KS6A Director………………….John Byerly………………………..N7ROJ Director………………….Judy Carlson……………………….KE6GIW STAFF 2014 By Laws Review Committee……………………...…..KE7HLR Club Public Information Officer…………………….. Control Operators Manager……………..……………W7DED Cracklin’ Static Editor……………………….……........WB2AWQ Digital SYSOP………………………………………………….K7JN Meeting Greeters………………………………………….AE7OX History Archivist…………………………………………….KF7KTC Station Licensee for KR7ENO…………………………WB2AWQ Control Operators FOR KR7ENO……………………WB2AWQ Station Licensee for W7TA…………..………………..KE7VSR Control Operators for W7TA………………………….KE7VSR Tech Committee Chair..…………………………………N7ROJ Chief VE Examiner………………………………..……….NN7K Membership Chairman……………………………......N2MOO Program Chairman……………………………………….. Web Master …………………………..…………………….N7ACM & KG7DLF Facebook Page Administrator………….............N7ACM & KG7DLF Events (ARES) Coordinator…………………..…......WA6MTY I-80 Linked System (W7TA) Reno, Sparks, Carson City (Ophir Peak) 146.610 - 123.0 Not Linked, Stand alone Reno, Sparks, Carson City (Ophir Peak) 443.075 + 123.0 Lovelock, Black Rock Desert (Toulon Peak) 146.925 - 123.0 Mt Rose Linked System (W7TA) Reno, Sparks (Virginia Peak) 147.030 + 123.0 Carson City, Tahoe, Truckee (Mt Rose Knob) 147.150 + 123.0 Reno, Sparks, North Valleys (Peavine Peak) 147.210 + 100.0 Yerington, Wellington (Lobdelle Peak) 444.875 + 100.0 IRLP/EchoLink System (W7TA) Reno, Sparks (GSR) 147.300 + 123.0 Connected to/Status: Idle Standalone Systems, Ragchew Repeaters (W7TA) Reno, Sparks 52.580 - 114.8 Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Dayton (Ophir Peak) 147.390 + 100.0 Reno, Carson, Dayton (Mt. Davidson) 444.825 + 123. Reno, Sparks, North Valleys (Peavine Peak) 444.925 + 100.0 Off the air Reno, Sparks 927.1125 - 114.8 Digital Systems (W7TA) Reno, Sparks, Carson City (Ophir Peak) 145.050 - RNO Carson City, Tahoe, Truckee (Mt Rose Knob) 145.050 - ROSE Lovelock, Black Rock Desert (Lobdelle peak) 144.390 - TOULON Portable Repeaters (KR7ENO) Portable System 147.000 - 123.0 Special events only C4FM Digital Repeater - YAESU Reno, Carson, Dayton (Mt. Davidson) 444.825 + 123. D-Star Reno-Sparks (low level) 444.625 + D-Star Repeater, N7NDS Reno-Sparks (low level) 146.405 D-Star Hot Spot SUBURBAN SPUD GUN The spud gun (or potato cannon, or pneumatic antenna launcher, or whatever name you call it) is, for my money, the most effective wire antenna putter-upper. Better than the ubiquitous sling shot, better than a bow and arrow, way better than a bouncing ball, and certainly better than a hand-launched fishing weight. I’ve used them all, for both Field Day launches, and for home antennas. You can buy commercial spud guns, or you can roll your own, very easily. They range from very simple to fancy, fuel-propelled monsters. My first spud gun (which I DO hope to get back from an as-yet un-named SNARS member who borrowed it at Field Day two years ago and has yet to return same), is great: powered by compressed air and firing a copper “bullet” well over 150 feet up, tethered to a spinning reel with 30 lb test monofilament line. Untethered, it’ll go 300 ft + straight up. And don’t get in the way of the bullet! But it’s nearly 6 ft long, bulky and weighs close to 10 lbs. With more mundane projects in mind than putting a dipole up 150 ft, and wanting to keep the cost down, I decided to build a miniature version of the spud gun. The new kid on the block is shorter, weighs less, costs less, takes less time to recharge, and, like number one, is made with nearly all big box store parts. No special cutting, machining or tools required. The pictures tell most of the story: the main ingredients are twenty-four inch lengths of ¾” and 1-1/4” inch PVC pipe and associated fittings. Standard PVC primer and cement are used to make the joints. The smaller gun is just over 30 inches long, slim, and weighs only a couple of pounds, far more manageable than the larger gun. The finished gun with a fishing reel attached to the barrel The bullet is made from a half inch copper union, a cast end plug and Gorilla cyanoacrylate glue. A small amount of Scotch tape is carefully wrapped around the bullet to make a better fit – about .010 inch loose - between the bullet and barrel. The idea is to have a close enough fit to retain the pressure behind the bullet on launch, yet loose enough to prevent the bullet from binding in the barrel. No rocket science here, no need for close tolerances. The line can be simply passed through a small drilled hole in the end cap as shown, or tied to a small terminal lug glued in the end for attaching a line. A small fishing reel serves as the line storage and retrieval means, and a short length of pink Mason line is used to make the bullet easier to locate in heavy foliage. Showing the bullet, and the Schrader valve. Purchased pieces before assembly. The small brass fitting at the right was replaced by a Schrader valve in the final assembly. The barrel is not glued into the gun, thus it is removable to make retrieving the line with the fishing reel easier. The “trigger” is a simple 90 degree opening PVC valve, and a small screw near the bottom of the barrel prevents the bullet from accidentally entering the trigger valve. The charging port is a standard automotive replacement Schrader type tire valve. 1-1/4 inch schedule 40 PVC (the white variety commonly found in Home Depot etc) is rated for 1180 lbs burst, and 221 lbs operating pressure, but I only run 50 lbs max, from a small 12V powered compressor. A bicycle pump will work also. Clearing heights in excess of 75 ft are easily done with even this smaller gun, and high accuracy shots are a cinch. KB2SFS may be using the gun this year at Washoe State Park to put up some Field Day antennas. Now to build a pocket model for those “portable” operations………WB2AWQ Get ready for the SNARS Field Day 2015! The SNARS ARRL Field Day will be held June 26 through 28 this year, and we found a great location. Washoe Lake State Park has a large group area with a covered pavilion and a kitchen area with water and electricity that will be perfect for our outing. Field Day on the air activities begin at 1800 UTC (11:00 AM local) on Saturday June 27 and end at 1800 UTC (11:00 AM local) on Sunday June 28. We will be operating with a class A field day designation meaning that we will be operating as a club. We have not yet determined how many stations we will have on the air at one time, however all stations will operate off battery power or generator power with no connection to commercial mains. Ed Sloane KB7ZBN has offered to set up a GOTA station this year. GOTA stands for ‘Get On The Air’, and rules allow this station to be used by un-licensed persons under the supervision of KB7ZBN or his designee. This will be a great opportunity for any person who wants to try out ham radio to get on the air. The pavilion at Washoe Lake State Park is a very large area with a campfire ring in the center, and has a roof in case of rain. Picnic tables are provided, and a cooking area is available with water and power for preparing food. SNARS will be providing dinner for all participants on Saturday night, so if you can only attend for one evening that would be the time! Ample area is available outside the pavilion for setting up tents, and the large parking lot will accommodate RV’s of any size. A restroom with flush toilets is available on site. The Pavilion from the entrance Sheltered cooking area in the pavilion Lots of parking is available….. The rules allow stations that do not begin set-up until the contest starts Saturday morning to operate an additional 3 hours, however we have arranged for access to the group pavilion at 9:00 AM local on Friday. We will begin our set-up Friday morning at 11:00 AM will thus have a full 24 hours to set up antennas and prepare for the event. The ARRL describes the object of Field Day as follows: To work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12- meter bands) and in doing so to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio. SNARS will be paying for rental of the facility, however there is also an entry fee of $7 per vehicle for non-Nevada residents or $5 per vehicle for Nevada residents. If you are staying overnight, the camping fee is $17 per vehicle per night for nonNevada residents and $15 per vehicle per night for Nevada residents. Washoe Lake State Park is located 18 miles south of Reno and five miles north of Carson City. Travel on Highway 395 and take the Eastlake Boulevard exit. Park entrances are on the west side of Eastlake Boulevard towards the south end of Washoe Lake. For those interested in previewing the location to plan for setup, we will be meeting at the group area on Saturday May 23 at 2 PM. This will allow time for the QCWA members to attend the morning QCWA meeting and still have time to meet at the Washoe Lake group site. If the group site is reserved by then we may have to change the inspection date so if you are planning on attending send an email to and I’ll let you know of any change in plans. Late addendum from Steve: People can pitch tents around the pavilion area, but if they want to camp in the campground with individual sites they will have to compete for those with the general public. Saturday morning will probably be a difficult time for them to get campsites there. There are no gazebos in the group area, just one large pavilion. There are a couple areas that have been flattened for tenting. Plenty of room for operations under the pavilion I am developing a field day team list, and if you have not yet added your name to the list please send me an email and include your name, call sign, phone number, preferred assignment and resources you are bringing. Drop me an email if you have any questions or you can call Washoe Lake State Park at 775-687-4319. This is going to be good! 73, Steve Johnson KS6A Blocked out tenting site near the pavilion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE NEW HAMS & INFORMATION NET * * * * * The New Hams Q&A Net on 147.150. The net is held weekly at 1300, every Sunday afternoon. The purpose of this net is a Q&A and information net for newly licensed hams and all hams wishing to ask question about different aspects of Ham Radio. It will give new hams in particular a venue for getting on the air in a controlled net moderated by a ham with more experience. The net will be open to any interested ham. Questions will be answered and discussed by the more experienced hams listening on the Net. For those in the North Valleys who may be out of the range of the 147.150 (+ split, PL 123.0) try using the 443.075 (+/123). It works from Lemmon Valley. NVCON UPDATE Exhibitors We have a great line up of exhibitors this year at the state convention. Please if you are not able to attend the other activities come out and support the exhibitors that made the trip this year. The exhibit hall is free for all to visit. The exhibit hall is open Saturday 8am-6pm and Sunday from 8am-10am. Here is a quick overview of exhibitors attending this year. *Elecraft - the manufacturer of K3 and KX3 Radios *Disaster Guy - Telescoping Communication Poles and accessories *Ventenna - Portable and Stealthy antennas for HF, VHF, and UHF *Hi-Tech Liquidators - Connectors, Coax, Batteries, misc parts, etc *Elk Antennas - Portable Log Periodic Antennas *Lido Mounts - No Holes Mounting Solutions For Radios, Phones, Etc *Q.R. Zed Engraving - Custom Badge Engraving *Amateur Radio - Meet the team behind this 24/7 online Elmering *NV7X & Friends - Powerpole connectors, Wire, etc *Quarter Century Wireless Association - Silver State Chapter 190 *AMSAT *Sisterhood of Amateur Radio *Northern Nevada Prepper Group Net *CALDMR Non-Profit Tables We also have a great line up of non-profit organizations in attendance this year. This is a great time to learn more about the clubs and organizations that are available to amateur radio operations in Nevada and the surrounding areas. Reno Ham Swap Lastly we will be holding a ham swap on Saturday morning at 6am! A great time to sell, swap and buy used amateur radio and related gear. This popular event has grown each year and is sure to be bigger this year! *Nevada Section ARRL *Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association (SIERA) *Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society (SNARS) *Reno QRP Join us at Boomtown, Reno - May 1, 2 & 3rd IMPORTANT NOTICES There are two items that I want to report to you: First is the cancellation of the SNARS monthly meeting scheduled for May 2, 2015 at the Denny’s restaurant. This is being done because that weekend is also the weekend of the Nevada State Convention (NVCON) at the Boomtown Hotel and casino. This is being done due to a large number of the membership attending NVCON, starting with the swap meet at 0600 on Saturday and culminating with the banquet Saturday evening. It was felt that the turnout would be small and that all the club leadership will be in attendance at the NVCON from early Saturday thru the day. The June scheduled meeting (06/06) will be held at the Denny’s location. The second item: Tony, W7XM was at a meeting where a number of the ARES leadership was in attendance. There was a point at which the topic of the Western Nevada Noon Net was discussed. Many of you are aware that the net has been going on for over 13 years and has been affiliated with the ARES function. As a result of the discussion, the ARES leadership has approved the net be turned over to SNARS to be run as a non-ARES net. At the SNARS Board of Directors meeting held 04/15, the Board voted to accept the transfer and control of the net to SNARS to be operated and administered by the club. The official changeover date will be June 01, 2015. Changes… 1. The SNARS Noon Net will continue to be held every day at 1200-local. 2. The SNARS Board will appoint a Net Manager who will be responsible for the day to day functions of the net. 3. The net manager will recruit and train the Net Control Operators. 4. The net will not be part of an ARES function (they have two other nets operating at this time) so the format will change slightly. 5. The net will operate from Monday through Saturday – On Sunday at 1200, the SNARS Noon Net will be replaced by the SNARS New Hams and Information Net, as it currently exists – moving from the 1300 time slot to the 1200 time slot. TOM TAORMINA, K5RC SAVE THE DATE THE WEST COAST CW ENTHUSIASTS’ CONFAB May 1-3, 2015 Boomtown Hotel Casino Reno NV In conjunction with the ARRL Nevada State Convention, NVCON 2015, we are sponsoring a weekend event for all CW enthusiasts. It is especially dedicated to the members of FOC and CWOPS, but it is also an opportunity to introduce another 400+ hams to the fun of CW. The events are being held at the Boomtown Hotel Casino. It is on the Nevada/California border on I-80. See and Tentative Agenda Friday o CW Enthusiasts’ Dinner Saturday o Special Event CW-Only On-Site Station K7RC for the 7QP Contest (Washoe County) o Track Presentations CW – You Are Missing Fun On the Air – Tom Taormina, K5RC Free dB’s – The World of Wire Antennas, Hank Garretson, W6SX Field Day – The Gateway to Live Contesting, Hank Garretson, W6SX o 7QP Multiop at W7RN in Virginia City (Storey County) Sunday o Open House at the Comstock Memorial Station, W7RN Registration will be via the NVCON Web Site. Stay tuned for that announcement. As a preview, Boomtown has given us room rates of $29.98 and $49.98. KOA has an RV park on site. SPONSORED BY ONE DAY TECHNICIAN FASTCLASS at NVCON Buy the Book and Save the Date! Long-time Ham Radio instructor David Book KD7YIM will be teaching a one day Technician Class Amateur Radio FastClass in Reno on Saturday, May 2. This is an easy way to get your “Ham” license in just one day instead of going to 6 or 7 weeks of classes. No Morse Code is needed and it’s a 35 question test at an 8 th grade level! This class will be part of a Reno Amateur Radio Convention, NVCON 2015, being held at Boomtown Hotel Casino. David says “all 18 students in my January class passed their Technician test the first time so I must be doing something right. I’ve done 15 or 20 of these classes and usually have a 95% pass rate for people who’ve read the book ahead of time.” For full info on the class and to sign up go to David adds “I’ve been getting a lot of 4WD fans in my classes lately since Ham radio is so far superior to CB radio. But the new hams have to keep their CB radios so they can talk to the people who don’t have their ham license yet!” (Editor’s note: This class is limited to 40 people, and registration is closed. However, there may be space available. If you are interested in doing the FastClass, visit the website above ASAP for costs and full details!) EVENTS REQUIRING COMMUNICATIONS (click on the appropriate contact if you can help or would like more info) MIKE’S MISSIVES CHAPTER SEVEN PART 97 ---- Frequently asked questions & answers Q. As a public service, the local TV station wants to set up an amateur radio spotting network that it would use to supplement their weather reporting during severe weather situations. Is this legal? A. Simply put, no. According to Part 97.113, Amateur Radio is prohibited from gathering news for broadcast purposes. While the TV station can monitor the Amateur Radio net, it is not allowed to actively participate and use the amateur station for their broadcasts. The exception would be if there was no other means of dissemination of the information to the public and the information is important for the immediate protection of life and property. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NAME THESE RIGS Technical Committee Meeting - SNARS Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT Washoe County Regional Emergency Operations Center, 5195 Spectrum Blvd Reno, Nevada 89512 Board of Director's Meeting - SNARS Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT Washoe County Regional Emergency Operations Center, 5195 Spectrum Blvd Reno, Nevada 89512 Welcome to the these New SNARS Members for May! Ron Bardarson Tom Arnold Mark Tadlock W7FIA WA6OVP KE6AGD (thanks to Tony W7XM for compiling this info) ARES NEWS (Answers on pg 10) SNARS CALENDAR NVCON - Nevada State ConventionFriday, May 1, 2015 All Day to Sunday, May 3, 2015 - All Day Boomtown Casino Hotel 2100 Garson Road, Verdi, Nevada 89439 New Hams Workshop Wednesday, May 6, 2015 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT Washoe County Regional Emergency Operations Center, 5195 Spectrum Blvd Reno, Nevada 89512 Saturday, May 9th at 10am there will be an All Hazards Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation in Nevada Fair. America’s Prepare-A-Thon, Nevada’s Prepare-A-Thon, and Ready Washoe. All Hazards Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Fair at Great Western Marketplace at the old K-Mart Bldg on Summit Ridge Rd. May 16th is a One Day Ham Cram at the Regional EOC on Spectrum Blvd. This will be my last review of the General questions before the new test comes out on July 1. Mark your calendar if you like to camp out and operate a portable station, I can use your help with communications support. July 18 and 19 is the Tahoe Rim Trail race September 11-15th is the Tahoe 200 back country race. 73 BOB MILLER WA6MTY Washoe County Emergency Coordinator Amateur Radio emergency Service (ARES) 775 843-5952 SNARS LADIES We had 9 ladies this month for our luncheon at the Red Robin. Next month we will be meeting at Kimmie's restaurant on the 13th. (May) Yvonne W7YMM 7QP SEVENTH CALL AREA QSO PARTY In case you missed the announcement in the NVCON info previously, NVCON happens to coincide with the Seventh Area QSO Party! It’s a relatively short contest, just 18 hours long. If you are at NVCON you can work through K7RC, or in Virginia City at K5RC, or if you can’t make NVCON, do it from your own station. Here’s some info on 7QP from the WS7N website: 7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 2-3, 2015 1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May). 7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only. Work stations once per band/mode. 7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties. Find full details, exchange, rules etc. at: es NAME THESE RIGS (from pg 9) The “Tuna-Tin 2” transmitter, first appearing in the May 1976 issue of QST magazine is possibly the most-often duplicated homebrewed transmitter construction project ever. Using 2 very inexpensive 2N2222 transistors (available today for pennies each), parts readily available (at the time) from Radio Shack, delivering a whopping 500 milliwatts output and built into a used (and, I hope, washed out!) tuna fish can, the legendary Doug DeMaw W1FB (SK) designed and built the Tuna-Tin 2, and quickly worked all US call areas on 40M CW with it. The New Jersey QRP Club offered it’s own version of the Tuna Tin transmitter in kit form for over 7 years until 2006, and QRP enthusiasts the world over have been building their own Tuna Tins ever since 1976. Yours truly built his own version, although not in a tuna can, in the mid 80s and worked out to the West Coast from New Jersey on several occasions with it, in one case lowering power out to just 100 milliwatts. Such was the popularity of the Tuna Tin that in 1978 DeMaw came up with the “Sardine Sender” (can you smell a trend here?), a similarly uncomplicated QRP transmitter for 80 meters, only delivering 750 milliwatts, using many of the same readily available parts. While not as popular as the Tuna Tin, it nevertheless enjoyed a long run with the QRP crowd. An updated version of the “sender” from 2001 is depicted here. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Weekly nets on the SNARS repeater systems Western Nevada Noon net (daily, 12:00 PM) 147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 + 100.0 The Morning Net (Monday – Friday at 10:00 AM) 147.300 + 123.0 Bishops Storehouse Net (Monday nights at 9:15 PM) 147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 + 100.0 North Western Nevada ARES Net (Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM) 147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 + 100.0 State SATERN Net (Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM) 147.300 + 123.0 State SKYWARN Net (Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM) 147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 + 100.0 Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net (Wednesday nights at 8:00 PM) 147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 + 100.0 State ARES Net (Thursday nights at 7:00 PM) 147.300 + 123.0 SNARS New Ham Net (Sunday afternoons at 1:00 PM) 147.150 + 123.0, 443.075 + 123.0, 146.925 – 123.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WINNEMUCCA ON THE AIR! W7DED and W6US Getting the antenna ready KG7AIQ and W7DED setting up the repeater rack The completed repeater rack under test W7DED working on the antenna installation Winnemucca photos by Rich Nehrbass N7TGB Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING REOC, Wednesday, April 15, 2015 I. Call to Order (N7MSK) Time: 1800L 1. Board Members Present: SNARS: N7ROJ, KS6A, N2MOO, KE6GIW, N7MSK, W7XM, NB6C 2 . Guests present: KA7F00, W6US, KG7PDC II. Adoption of Agenda 1. Vote to adopt: NB6C Second: N7ROJ III. Reports 1. Chair: (N7MSK) – directed to other reports. 2. Secretary: (NB6C): a. Current membership – 250 3. Treasurer: (W7XM): a. Bank Balances: Checking $11,619.20 Savings $3,238.89 PayPal $7,566.54 b. The above balances include money collected for convention. Next month the balance will be lower after SNARS pay the bills for the up coming convention. IV. Committee Reports 1. Tech Committee (N7ROJ) Tech Committee a. Steve K. has repaired the Kenwood repeater and it will be heading to Winnemucca. b. The new Fusion repeater is back from Davidson and programmed for 146.610. The other new fusion repeater is programmed for 443.075. Both new repeaters will be installed at Ophir. Adapters cables for connecting RC4 to Yaesu repeaters need to be c. Tony brought up that we need to coordinate the new frequency for 443.925 to be used for the new DMR machine. d. We need to work with CARCON to coordinate a single log in for our frequency coordination. e. We have secured a little used DMR box at a discount price with warranty. 2. Education (W7XM) a. On 4/22 will be a DMR workshop/training for new users b. Still need to work on Extra class. This won’t until after the convention 4. Events – (KS6A) a. Field Day will be located at Washoe Lake State Park June 27-28. 22 participants have signed up. Setup will start on Friday June 26. KS6A will have a meeting at the park to coordinate site logistics. VI. Report on NVCON – N7MSK and W7XM a. Staff shirts will be ordered soon. Shirts for purchase with registration will close tonight. b. On-line registration will close on April 26 c. Convention room rates will close on April 20 d. 130 room nights have been reserved to date e. Planning committee will meet next week VII. New Business / Other Business a. DMR Project- N6IB is selling us an extra repeater he had planned on using but can’t. This repeater is $1600, which is cheaper than previous purchases. The frequency will be 443.925. N7ROJ will tune the duplexers ahead of time. The current donations are sufficient to purchase this repeater. The repeater will be on display at the convention. We are hosting a DMR net on Tuesday nights. We are experimenting on linking with California for a couple of nets. b. SNARS will take over the Noon Net effective June 1, 2015. ARES started the Noon Net. The net was a NTS net and the process for handling traffic was lost when management of the net was handed off to a non-ARES member. KA7FOO offered to help train a new net manager. 1. SNARS will be looking for a member to take over the Noon Net. The net will be run Monday through Saturday. A new preamble will be written dropping ARES and NTS from the net. On Sunday the New Ham Net will be held at 12:00pm. N7ROJ made a motion stating SNARS should take over the operation and managing the Noon Net starting June 1. Motioned seconded by NB6C, motioned carried. c. KS6A discussed that Boomtown would like to put together a package to provide our meeting needs. Consensus is we will look at this after the convention. d. Tom Barnes N7OVC has requested to use lower Peavine for his personal repeater. N7OVC has submitted an application which has been reviewed by the Tech Committee. N7OVC repeater will be 224.800 with a pl 103.5 outputting 12 watts into a Telewave 2 bay folded dipole. N2MOO motioned to approve N7OVC application to rent a space on SNARS Lower Peavine repeater site. N7ROJ abstained from the vote. Motion seconded by KS6A. Motioned passed VII. Motion to Adjourn: By: NB6C Second: KS6A Motion Carried: Meeting adjourned. Time: 1905L
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