April - Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc


April - Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc
Serving the Amateur Radio Community since April 16, 1968
APRIL 2014
You should be aware by now that our club meeting venue has changed due to the closure of
Jack’s restaurant. We will be meeting at Denny’s located at 205 East Nugget Ave. This is at the
intersection of McCarran Blvd and I-80. Times are the same & you can order off the menu. A
gratuity will not be added to your bill, so please be sure to leave a tip.
The organizing of the Nevada State Convention (NVCON) is on track. Vendors are being signed
up, and speakers are being scheduled. There will be a Friday eve BBQ, the Saturday evening
banquet, a swap meet, a ham cram with VE testing, and an all-day VOIP conference on Friday.
Several sessions for Emergency Managers and coordinators will be taking place on Friday and
Saturday. A ladies luncheon is taking place on Saturday, and a tour of Tom’s (K5RC) Super
Station, W7RN will be held on Sunday.
The initial registration form will be available by the time you read this. It will provide more
info and give you the opportunity to sign up for the convention on-line. Site info --http://nvcon.org The form will be updated as speakers, programs and vendors are confirmed.
The SNARS Tech committee has been very busy fixing and planning. There are a number of
additions and improvements taking place and some that will be in place in the near future.
To that end, we will have a presentation & question/answer session at the April meeting by
the Tech committee chair, John Byerly, N7ROJ. He will explain what has been done and what
will be done. He will also be answering your questions, and listening to your suggestions.
Your system is growing and getting more sophisticated and is introducing new modes of radio
communication to our area.
73 -- Mike
SNARS meeting APRIL 5
7:30 AM Denny’s, 205 East Nugget Ave, Sparks
E-mail……………. holden7471@msm.com
Cracklin’ Static is the Newsletter of, and sponsored by the Sierra
Nevada Amateur Radio Society. Opinions expressed herein are those
of the editors and contributors and should not be considered as
official expressions of the Club Officers, Staff or Club Members, or
as endorsements by same.
Material for publication may be edited to enhance readability or to
save space. We reserve the right to use whatever font size or line
spacing may be required in order to publish this Newsletter.
Deadline for input to the newsletter is 1500 hours on the Sunday
prior to the 1st Saturday of each month.
Cracklin’ Static is e-published in Adobe PDF Format. It may be
enjoyed at the SNARS web site.
SNARS Tech Committee Chair, john Byerly, N7ROJ will
go over some of the work which has been done at our
repeater sites, and what work remains. He will also
answer questions and take your suggestions.
Amateur Radio License Testing 2014
SNARS, P.O. Box 7727, Reno, NV 89510
SNARS Repeater System Frequencies
Membership: $25 Individual, $40 Family
President…...............Mike Katz.........................N7MSK
Vice President……...Don Seibert……….….. .. N2MOO
Trea$urer…..............Tony Marcin………….…N7ACM
Secretary…..…….....Rob Dunbar…………. ….NB6C
Director…….............Scott Brink…………...… KC7STV
Director…………….Dave Miles…………… KF7EGU
Director…………….Jim Shepard…………….. W6US
STAFF 2014
By Laws Review Committee……………………...…KE7HLR
Call Sign Badges……………………………………..KB7GNA
Club Public Information Officer……………………..KF7IAW
Control Operators Manager……………..………….. .N7TGB
Cracklin’ Static Editor……………………….……....WB2AWQ
Digital SYSOP………………………………………..K7JN
Meeting Greeters……………………………………..AE7OX
History Archivist……………………………………..KF7KTC
SK Estate Advisors……………………………..….…KB7IWT
Station Licensee for KR7ENO……………………….WB2AWQ
Control Operators FOR KR7ENO……………………WB2AWQ
Station Licensee for W7TA…………..………………K7JN
Control Operators for W7TA…………………………K7JN
Tech Committee Chair..………………………………N7ROJ
Chief VE Examiner………………………………..….NN7K
Membership Chairman……………………………......N2MOO
Awards Chairman…………………………..…………KB7ZBN
Program Chairman……………………………………N2MOO
Web Master …………………………..…N7ACM & KG7DLF
Facebook Page Administrator…………...N7ACM & KG7DLF
Events Coordinator…………………………………...WA6MTY
SNARS, Third Saturday of February, April, June, August,
October and December. Testing will be at the REOC
located at 5195 Spectrum Blvd., Reno
…... Bill Nichols… NN7K
SIERA CLUB: Silver State Charter High School, 788
Fairview Dr, Carson City.….. 3rd Saturday of January,
March, May, July, September, and November
……Dale Anderson, kv7s@charter.net
Elko Area: Third Saturday of January, April, July,
October. 11:00AM, Northeast Nevada Regional Hospital,
2001 Errecart Boulevard, Elko, NV
……Joe Giraudo, N7JEH n7jeh@arrl.net
Linked System --- Reno, Carson Area
146.610 (-) PL 123.0
443.075 (+) PL 123.0
Lovelock & Black Rock area
146.925 (-) PL 123.0
Mt Rose Linked System
147.030 (+) PL 123.0 Virginia Peak
147.150 (+) PL 123.0 Mt Rose
147.210 (+) PL 100.0 Peavine Peak
444.925 (+) PL 100.0 Peavine Peak
444.875 (+) PL 100.0 Lobdelle Peak
GSR Linked System
147.300 (+) PL 123.0 Grand Sierra Resort
444.825 (+) PL 123.0 Mt Davidson
IRLP: 7873, Echolink:WA7DG/R (581256)
Rag Chew 147.390 (+) PL 100.0 (no link)
52.580 (-) PL 114.8 (no link or features)
Packet 145.050
APRS 144.390
D-Star 444.625 (+) N7NDS B, N7NDS G
The Name of the Game
Jim Shepherd, W6US (nvjims@gmail.com)
The Other Technician Privileges…
Somewhere between the ham-crams and the new ham
classes, most new Technician class licensees seem to get the
mistaken idea that FM VHF/UHF is the only thing that they
can do. Nothing is further from the truth.
Go to: http://www.arrl.org/graphical-frequency-allocations
, download and print the band chart. Next, get out a bright
colored Sharpie™ and circle all of the technician frequency
allocations on all of the bands. You should quickly notice
that there are only 6 bands out of the 28 ham bands that
you can not use… 160, 60, 30, 20, 17 and 12 meters will
have to wait until you upgrade or have a control operator
looking over your shoulder, but everything else has
segments or the entire band open for your use.
The HF bands allow you to use CW which will let you make
contacts worldwide with up to 200 watts of power. In the
‘good old days’, the Novice license was the primary entry
class license, and everybody got started using CW on low
power mostly with crystal controlled homebrew rigs… Many
hams even got their DXCC award before they upgraded. On
10 meters, there is a 200 kHz segment from 28.300 to
28.500 where you are authorized to use USB (upper
sideband voice). Ten meters has been open on a regular
basis lately, and has been providing worldwide DX. We are
nearing the end of the peak of the sunspot cycle, so now is
the time to have fun on this band.
Springtime is the best time of the year for 6 meters, the
Magic Band. It’s the lowest of the VHF bands and in the
spring it acts very much like 10 meters. Single sideband from
50.100 to about 50.400 will net a lot of contacts. While most
of these will be in the Midwest, Canada and the Caribbean,
occasionally you will get some double hop openings to
Alaska, Hawaii, Japan or the east coast. Transequatorial
propagation will add a number of South American countries.
This is also the lowest band you can use digital modes like
the WSJT modes which will allow contacts around the world
not only with atmospheric propagation but with
‘enhancements’ like meteor scatter, aurora, and
moonbounce! It is even possible to make contacts by
bouncing signals off of airplanes, rain and clouds.
2 meters and 70 cm, when used in combination, can provide
some very interesting contacts via ham radio satellites.
There are a number of satellites in all sorts of orbits that can
allow communications around most of the earth from here.
While usually requiring more power and bigger antenna
arrays, moonbounce allows you to make contacts around
the world. The use of the new weak signal digital modes has
made it a lot easier to get started in this game.
From 6 meters up, you have the use of all legal powers and
modes. Want to fly a radio controlled airplane? There is a
segment of the 6 meter band that is dedicated to flying
them. Want so shoot some video from that plane? You can
downlink that video on frequencies above 432 MHz. You
don’t need to have an aircraft to do amateur TV, there is a
lot of work done on 432 and 1296. We currently do not
have an ATV repeater in this area, so you can build one that
will benefit the entire community. The hamshack is too far
from your house to have a reliable WiFi link? Set up a HSMM
network in the 2.4 GHz band and use it to extend your
connection. A mesh network like this is planned to debut at
Field Day this year and that will be a good time to try this
There are lots of different things you can do. You are not
limited by current technology. You can develop new
modulation modes as long as they stay within the
bandwidth requirements of the frequencies you will be
using, and the format is made available. Joe Taylor, K1JT,
won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993 for discovery of a
new type of pulsar using weak signal radio signals. He is
responsible for the WSJT modes which are extensions from
his astrophysics work. He got involved with radio astronomy
after getting his ham license as a teenager.
While some modes require special equipment, a HF allband, all-mode radio including 6 meters, 2 meters and 70
cm will get you into the biggest part of the ham radio fun. It
will let you initially do CW (and SSB on 10 meters) on the HF
bands, do weak signal work on the VHF/UHF bands as well
as doing FM on the repeaters.
VHF/UHF/microwave bands can be added to these radios by
using transverters that convert the higher frequencies down
to one of the HF bands, usually 10 meters. Currently made
radios that fit this description include ICOM models IC-7000,
IC-7100 and IC-9100; Kenwood TS-2000; and Yaesu FT-857D,
FT-897D, FT-817ND. There are some older models on the
used market that also fit the bill. Information on
Don’t just get stuck on just using FM on the repeaters,
exercise your privileges and communicate with the world!
The New Hams Q&A Net on 146.610. The net is held weekly at 1300, every Sunday afternoon.
The purpose of this net is a Q&A and information net for newly licensed hams and all hams wishing to ask question
about different aspects of Ham Radio. It will give new hams in particular a venue for getting on the air in a controlled
net moderated by a ham with more experience. The net will be open to any interested ham. Questions will be
answered and discussed by the more experienced hams listening on the Net.
For those in the North Valleys who may be out of the range of the 146.610 try using the 443.075 (+/123). It works
from Lemmon Valley.
Weekly nets on the SNARS repeater systems
Western Nevada Noon net (daily, 12:00 PM)
147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 +
The Morning Net (Monday – Friday at 10:00 AM)
147.300 + 123.0
Bishops Storehouse Net (Monday nights at 9:15 PM)
147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 +
North Western Nevada ARES Net (Tuesday nights at 7:00
147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 +
State SATERN Net (Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM)
147.300 + 123.0
State SKYWARN Net (Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM)
147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 +
Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net (Wednesday nights at
8:00 PM)
147.150 + 123.0, 147.210 + 100.0, 147.030 + 123.0, 444.875 +
State ARES Net (Thursday nights at 7:00 PM)
147.300 + 123.0
SNARS New Ham Net (Sunday afternoons at 1:00 PM)
146.610 - 123.0, 443.075 + 123.0, 146.925 – 123.0
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Below is the list of this summer’s list of events that require Amateur Radio Communications. If you want to participate,
email the contacts shown below.
The first event is Reno 5000 so if you want to participate email me now. I will hold a brief training at the April ARES
training at the REOC on April 5th.
NOTICE: The Reno Tahoe Odyssey is the weekend of NVCON. If you aren’t going to NVCON, I will need your help.
Washoe County EC
EVENT 2014
Reno 5000
50/50 race
Reno Tahoe
America's Most
Beautiful Bike
Pony Express ReRide
Death Ride
Tahoe Rim Trail
Expedition Man
Tour De Tahoe
Reno 5000
Reno Tahoe Gran
Tahoe 200
Reno Air-Races
Sierra Valley Gran
Edible Pedal 100
Reno 5000
Field Day, June 28 and 29, is fast approaching, and with all that’s going on in the interim – NVCON, and W1AW/7, we
need to get rolling. I’d like to concentrate on the basics, getting stations up and running, with simple antennas as would
be used in an emergency. KISS principles apply here folks! Here are the big needs:
1. A site. We have one site already, and it’s pretty good, but we’d like one or two more to choose from. Criteria are
that it’s cost-free (or VERY low), large enough to accommodate 6 or 7 stations, allowing some room to spread
out, and it should be in Reno or close, definitely in the Truckee Meadows area, and in NV. Trees would be nice
but are optional. If you know of a good site that we could get, or maybe you have a large hunk of property
that’s just begging for a few RVs, campers and tents for a weekend, let us know. We can discuss at Saturday.s
breakfast at Dennys.
2. Generators. Figure one generator should be able to run 2, possibly 3 setups at most. 3 to 4 gennys should
3. Foodies and food. Like to cook? For a hungry FD bunch? We’re thinking of doing simple for lunch – say pizza or
subs, but dinner we’d like something decent, maybe burgers and dogs (good stuff not fast food!), with some
chicken and fixins. (no yellow mustard!) A couple of folks here would be good.
4. Perhaps most important, after a site – operators and band captains. At this juncture all bands/modes are open CW, SSB, digital, GOTA, talk-in. Captains would be responsible for all that’s needed to get operating, but if
anything is needed that a captain doesn’t have we can certainly help locate stuff – rigs, antenna help, etc. Don’t
let not having all the equipment and paraphernalia prevent you from pitching in and running a station.
5. Setup and teardown people. An event like FD works best when there’s lots of help, and it sure is appreciated by
all involved.
So bring your ideas and suggestions, and most of all your willingness to participate in FD to breakfast this Saturday.
We will have a time slot for FD discussion. You can contact either me or Ken here: Howie: holden7471@msn.com
or 787-8205, or Ken djdoublexl189@gmail.com See you there!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(answer on page 8)
Nevada State Convention May 30
– June 1 - Virginia City, Nevada
Spend a weekend with us in the largest historical site
in the Country, Virginia City, for the first ARRL
Nevada State Convention. We have a full schedule of
interesting ham radio events, plus many family
activities such as the historic downtown district, the
V&T Railroad, mine tours and the site of the
Comstock Lode. You may even meet historical
characters such as Mark Twain.
Friday, May 30th, 2014
VoIP Conference
State Emergency Managers & State ARES
Leaders Conference
Welcome BBQ Dinner at Silverland Inn &
Night on the town in Virginia City, Nevada
"National Historical Landmark"
Saturday, May 31st, 2014
Ham Swap at Silverland Inn & Suites Parking
Exhibitors Inside & Outside Silverland Inn &
Earn Your License in a Day - Ham Cram/Class
VE Examinations
Forums & Workshops - ARES & General
tracks, Opening Ceremony
Women's Luncheon
Banquet at Piper's Opera House Featuring
McAvoy Lane as Mark Twain
Raffles Prizes all day
Sunday, June 1st, 2014
Sunday Breakfast
ARRL Forum
Grand Prize Raffle Drawing
W7RN Memorial Station Tour
Price List
$25.00 - General Sessions
Friday, Saturday & Sunday Sessions
$15.00 - Friday BBQ Dinner
Friday Night at Silverland Inn & Suites
$8.00 - Saturday Box Lunch
Box Lunch
$8.00 - Saturday Breakfast
Continental Breakfast
$28.00 - Saturday Night Banquet
Saturday Night at Piper's Opera House Featuring McAvoy
Layne as Mark Twain (See below for more detail on this
$10.00 - Sunday Breakfast
Buffet Breakfast
$85.00 Package Deal
Includes: General Sessions, Fri BBQ, Sat
Banquet, Sat & Sun Breakfast, Sat Box Lunch
& 10 Raffle Tickets.
A Night with Mark Twain
Join us for a unique experience in listening to the
tails of Mark Twain (McAvoy Layne) at this years
convention banquet at the Piper's Opera House in
Virginia City, Nevada.
The night begins with a social and wine tasting
with a buffet style dinner following shortly after.
The nights feature will be visited with the tails of
Mark Twain from his adventures in Virginia City
and beyond. The finish to the night will be a raffle
and the option of a night in Virginia City roaming
the streets of the original buildings where miners
of the heydays once walked.
The Saturday Night Buffet Dinner is only $28.00.
McAvoy Layne as Mark Twain
For twenty five years
now, in over four
performances from
Leningrad University in
Russia to Piper’s
Opera House
in Virginia City,
McAvoy Layne has
been preeminent, in
preserving the wit &
wisdom of “The Wild
Humorist of the Pacific
Slope,” Mark Twain.
Sunday Morning
$25.00 - Earn Your License in a Day
Saturday Tech Study and CRAM Session
W1AW comes to Nevada!
The Comstock Memorial Station is representing Nevada
in the ARRL Centennial Celebration by hosting W1AW/7
NV over two separate weeks. The first is coming up April
30 through May 6. We will have three operating positions
and will be looking to have the station on the air for the
entire 168 hours of the week. This is an invitation to all
Nevada hams (and those wished they were) to participate
and be “rare DX”. Some of the other W1AW/X stations
have reported making 19,000 QSO’s during their week!
We will attempt to operate as many modes as we can
technically implement. It doesn’t matter what your skill
level is, or your license class, we will have Extra Class
“Elmers” on duty to put you on the air and expose you to
the many exciting facets of HF operation.
On Saturday, May 3, we will also participate in the 7th
District QSO Party (7QP) as W1AW/7. This station will be
operating in Storey County and we are looking to
“deputize” other stations as W1AW/7 NV from the
remaining 16 counties in Nevada. Are you up to having a
huge pileup from 6AM to Midnight on Saturday, May 3?
Says McAvoy, “It’s like being a Monday through
Friday preacher, whose sermon, though not
reverently pious, is fervently American.”
We are looking for stations to operate mobile or portable
from the rarer counties. Could be a fun warm-up for Field
McAvoy is the ghost of Samuel Clemens in A&E’s
biography of Mark Twain, and in the Discovery
Channel’s Cronkite Award winning documentary,
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He is a winner of
the Nevada award for excellence in school and
library service, and author of a soon to be
published memoir, Becoming Mark Twain.
Please contact me for complete details about operating
schedules for the first week (we will do it again in
October!) and for W1AW/7 NV operations during 7QP.
Other Convention Events
$35.00 - VoIP Conference
Friday - Digital Voice Conference
State Emergency Managers & ARES Leadership
Friday - Included in General Session Registration Fee
$8.00 - Friday Box Lunch
Box Lunch
Saturday Women's Luncheon
Saturday Lunch
Tour of W7RN Comstock Memorial Station
Phone: 775-847-7929. Please share this email with your
friends and club members.
Tom Taormina, K5RC
The Comstock Memorial Station, W7RN
Storey County ARES, KS7AA
Virginia City, Nevada On the Comstock
(Editor’s note, W1AW/X is running from all 50 states over
the year as part of that celebration.)
Our first communications event of the year is April 13 th,
the Reno5000 Marathon (www.reno5000.com ). I am
looking for anyone interested in helping with the
communications for the event coordinators.
Even if you are a new Ham and don’t yet have your radio I
will assign you to work with an experienced Ham. If you
are interested, email me at wa6mty@gbis.com
I will be holding the final planning and assignments for
this event at the April ARES training on April 5th at 5195
Spectrum Blvd in Reno starting at 0930.
At that meeting you will receive details for the different
ECOMM1 our Mobile Communications Command vehicle
is still with Washoe County Heavy Equipment Service
while they service the truck for us. Evidently there are
issues with the wiring harness, compliments of the
previous owners so they will continue to work on the
truck. For more information check out
02 Apr 2014 6:00PM Spring Technician Class
REOC, 5195 Spectrum Blvd.
05 Apr 2014 7:30AM SNARS Breakfast Meeting
Dennys - 205 Nugget Ave, Sparks
16 Apr 2014 6:00PM SNARS Board of Directors
REOC, 5195 Spectrum Blvd.
19 Apr 2014 9:00AM VE Examinations
REOC, 5195 Spectrum Blvd.
=4&year=2014 for full details!
Name That Rig: If you said Heath DX-60, you’d be
wrong but close. This is the Lafayette KT-390 “Starflite”
AM/CW transmitter, designed as direct competition to
the DX-60. 90 watts input, 80 through 10 meters non
WARC, introduced in 1962 and sold for $69.95 in kit form.
Washoe County Emergency Coordinator
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From the SNARS archives, in keeping with
the ARRL’s 100th birthday, our club
Archivist Jon Fox KF7KTC has unearthed
the original ARRL declaration of our
Affiliated Club status. We maintain that
today, and are an ARRL Special Services
Club as well, not something that every
club can attain.
We’ll be pulling more stuff from the dust
pile for future issues. Meantime, if you
have anything of historical interest to
newsletters, whatever), contact Jon so we
can add it to the pile.
Steve Johnson, KS6A, has a combo
modern and classic radio setup that could
make any collector of the great radios
jealous. Three photos show it all yet don’t
do it justice. As described in Steve’s
(mostly) own words:
(Photo 1) Along the shelf at the main operation
position I have from the left a Yaesu FT-897, a
Kenwood TR-7400A 2M rig, an SBE 34 HF rig from
Sideband Engineers (1965 era transition rig - solid
state except for glass driver and finals). The main DX
rig is my Yaesu FT920 and above that is a Heathkit
monitor scope and a Dentron GLA-1000B amp and
on the amp is a Yaesu SP-980P speaker/phone patch.
The Hallicrafters S20R is out of sight to the right. In
the rack I have two (Hallicrafters, vintage early
1940s) SX-28's. (Photo 2)The second operation
position is an AM station with a Heathkit DX-100 and
another Hallicrafters SX-28. The mike is an Electrovoice mike that came out of Bill Eitel's estate (he
started the Eimac tube company).
Author’s note: The third photo is Steve’s active
workbench with yet a fourth SX-28!
Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society
REOC, Wednesday, March 19, 2014
A. Call to Order (N7MSK)
Time: 1800L
1. Board Members Present:
2 . Guests Present: N7ROJ, W7DED
B. Adoption of Agenda
1. Vote to adopt: By NB6C: Second N7ACM: Motion Carried:
C. Reports
1. Chair: (N7MSK) – directed to other reports.
2. Secretary: (NB6C):
a. Current membership – 214 reported by N7ACM
3. Treasurer: (N7ACM):
WADG checking account is closed and the money moved to Heritage Bank of Nevada
Bank Balances:
Checking $8,637.06
Savings $3,236.11
PayPal $331.11
Proposed budget presented and discussed. Moved to accept the budget: By: W6US
Seconded: KC7STV Motion Carried:
We are going to change our corporate status from a Co-Op to true non profit 501C with the
State of Nevada Secretary’s office
D. Committee Report
1. Trustee (K7JN) Trustee Absent
a. Discussion of sending letter out to Mr. Dean
2. Tech Committee (N7ROJ)
a. Discuss potential of having people from Lyon County attend our tech
committee meetings
b. Discussion of clubs packet repeater frequencies
c. Update on the progress of the club’s D-Star repeater
d. Request to purchase 4 RLC controllers and enclosures at $3,039.60. This
purchase will standardize the controllers throughout the clubs repeaters. N2MOO
motioned to approve the purchase of the controllers: Seconded by NB6C
4. Education (N7ACM)
a. Technician class to start April 2, 2014 at the Washoe County REOC. This is a 7-week
course. Information is on the club’s website
5. Events (WA6MTY)
a. Discussion of need getting club members to help out with upcoming events
5. Other/New Business
1.Report on NVCON (N7MSK)
a. On-Line registration is now up and running
b. The overall program has been listed. As of tonight there are 21registered
c. Raffle tickets are ready. A booklet of 6 tickets will cost $5.00.
6. New Business / Other Business:
a. Special event Station for Nevada’s 150th year celebration – Nothing to report
b. Letter from N7OVC requesting to reinstate his privilege to use the clubs radio system.
Motion by N7ACM to allow reinstatement of N7OVC privileges after he signs the clubs
acknowledgement letter: Seconded by W6US. Motion passed.
c. Motion to approve club acknowledgment letter as presented by N7ACM: Seconded by
N2MOO. Motion approved
d. W7AOR has offered to acquire a 2-meter D-Star port to be located on Mt Davidson and
would allow use for the club. At this time the Tech Committee has a very full schedule
this year. N7ACM motioned to table this until next year: Seconded by W6US. Item tabled
until next year
e. The Prepper’s Net has asked if it ok for a non-ham to use the radio while a licensed
amateur is in physical control of the radio. This is allowed by the FCC and no action
needed by the board
f. Request the nets that use the SNARS repeaters to just thank Dave Metz and the
members of the SNARS Technical Committee at the end of their Nets
g. N7ROJ stated he is working to get the club use of a County park for Field Day
Motion to Adjourn: By: NB6C Second: N7ACM Motion Carried: Meeting adjourned. Time: 1910L