March 2015 - Nevada State Museum
March 2015 - Nevada State Museum
The New sle tter of t he Nev a da His tor ic a l S oc iety D oc ent C o unc il The D C Bee March 2015 Docent Council Officers President: Carol Coleman Phone: 849-3380 Stan Paher — 150 Years of Nevadans March 4, 10:00 am Vice-Presidents: Russell & Kitty Umbraco Phone: 972-7007 Secretary: Linda Burke Phone: 313-1103 Treasurer: Annie Bickley Phone: 970-309-2599 Past President/Parliamentarian: Sue Oddo Phone: 359-3484 DC Bee Editor: Joyce Cox Phone: 825-5584 Statistician: David Lowndes Phone: 851-9188 Nevada Historical Society 775-688-1191 Acting Director Curator of Manuscripts Sheryln Hayes-Zorn, x222 Research Librarian Michael P. Maher, x227 Library Technician Karalea Clough, x227 Curator of Photography Lee P. Brumbaugh, x228 Artifacts Curator Christine K. Johnson, x231 Store Manager/Administration Dorothy Barry, x221 Native Nevadan and author Stanley Paher Books will be available for sale after started his writing career in 1970 by com- Stan’s talk. pleting Nevada Ghost Towns & Mining Camps, a compilation of 670 ghost towns and 710 old-time pictures which show the towns, the mines and the silver mills in their heyday. It has won many awards. It is Nevada's all-time best selling history book with 14 editions and 67,500 copies sold. By 1992, he saw the need for a statewide atlas to accompany his large ghost town book. The Nevada Ghost Town A tlas consists of 540 additional images from the mid-20th century. The 71 all-color maps display several hundred ghost town sites, plus 150 locations for gem stone hunting, 110 for gold hunting, caves, hot springs, the 49er emigrant trail, Pony Express route, etc. About 200 pioneer cemeteries are included. Coverage is statewide and also includes all of the Death Valley National Park and the Mono Lake – Bodie area of eastern California. Stan became interested in history in the 1950s when he read Ghosts of the Glory Trail by Nell Murbarger. He soon began traveling throughout Nevada and by the 1960s had collected 1,500 slides and black and white photographs of Nevada. Stan wrote Death V alley Ghost Towns in 1973; Las Vegas, As it Began, As it Grew in 1971; Northwestern A rizona Ghost Towns in 1970 and Early Mining Days: California Gold Country in 1996. Stan’s talk will be about his new book Nevadans: The Spirit of the Silver State. Stan has collected articles that tell about the first explorers and emigrants, the diversity of the 17 Nevada counties, Nevada’s business and industry and the unique celebrations held throughout the state. Please join us for Stan’s interesting and lively talk. Stan Paher The Historical Society website: PAGE 2 T HE D C BEE Notes from your Docent Council Board Missing Your DC Bee: The DC Bee is emailed to Docents. If you do not receive it by the Sunday before the first Wednesday, please check your spam or junk email. Add Joyce Cox’s email to your contact list: so that you will r eceive the Bee. Dues: Ther e ar e still a few folks who have not paid their dues. Please contact the Docent Council Treasurer, Annie Bickley to pay. Contact information is on the left side of page one. Artown Tours: We plan on offer ing the Wednesday Free Artown docent-led tours of the Nevada Gallery and the Reno Gallery again. Tours are offered at 10 am and 1 pm. We’d like to have people to help give the tours, but we also need people who will greet visitors, get them to sign in, to take care of a table for NHS membership, and to help out in the parking lot getting people to parking spaces and handing out parking passes. Please talk with Carol Coleman if you can find the time to help out – you could sign up for a specific day, for a particular time, or for every single tour if you’d like. Bylaws Review: We’ll be working on a short review of the Docent Council Bylaws. The first meeting of the Bylaws Review Committee was held on February 26. The next meeting will be March 11. We hope to have information of the changes in the next DC Bee with the vote by members after that. Please contact Carol Coleman, Fordham Awards Luncheon Wednesday, April 1 The Fordham Awards Luncheon will be Wednesday, April 1 at Rapscallion Restaurant, 1555 So. Wells Ave., Reno. Your price will again be $10, as the docent Council will pick up the other $10 as a thank you for all the work that you do for the Historical Society. Guests will pay $20. You can make your food choices the day of the event, we’ll send the menu out soon so you can think about what you might choose. if you have any questions. Parking Issues: Sur ely you have noticed that at times there are no spaces left to park in in the historical society parking. But inside, it doesn’t look like many people have arrived. Yes it is students using our parking spaces. We have a plan in mind to put notices on all the cars to make everyone aware that they are parking in historical society parking spaces. But first we want to remind you to ALWAYS put your parking pass on your rear-view mirror. Then we won’t be putting notices on your car. Docent Roster: We’ve been asked to hand out the list of docents to members of the Docent Council. This would include your address, phone and email address. If you prefer that your information not be circulated, please let Annie Bickley or Carol Coleman know – their phone and email addresses are on left side of page one. The April 1 Docent Council Meeting will be the Fordham Awards Luncheon that will again be held at Rapscallion Restaurant. Please see box below for more information. The Fordham Award is given to a person who has put in at least 48 hours per year over the last three years, excelled at a variety of tasks at the Society, and shown a willingness to assist in many areas. Year pin awards will also be handed out. be handed out. Welcome Dorothy Barry, NHS’s new gift shop manager and front office person. Dorothy worked for the UNR Center for Student Cultural Diversity for 11 years and worked at UC Berkeley in the Minority Graduate program before coming to UNR. Dorothy is completing her degree in History at UNR along with her son who is a Junior at UNR. Please stop by to welcome Dorothy to the Nevada Historical Society. Did you know that the Nevada Historical Society has a Facebook page? Become a friend and help us spread the word. The Historical Society website: PAGE 3 T HE D C BEE Changing Gallery Exhibit Hotels, Bars and Churches Art Exhibition by Erik Holland January 16 - May A one man show by Erik Holland at the Nevada Historical Society depicting the Hotels, Bars and Churches of Nevada, and the stories within. There will be many of Erik’s trademark combination building/landscape images, plus some surprises! The Nevada Arts Council is supporting this show with a grant to buy frames. Free Lecture — Erik Holland March 28, 2:00 pm – 3:30 Erik Holland will discuss the paintings in his exhibit on display in the Changing Gallery of Hotels, Bars and Churches. Come find how he selects buildings for his paintings along with the history of some of these hotels, bars, and churches in Nevada High Noon on March 19 The Society invites you to a free documentary series in the Reno History gallery at noon on the third Thursday of each month. High Noon: Shoot Out with Neal Cobb. The March High Noon: Shoot Out with Neal Cobb will be Thursday, March 19. Stay after the program to “fire “ questions at Neal Cobb. Nevada Historical Society The Nevada Historical Society is located at 1650 N. Virginia Street in Reno, Nevada. The cost to visit the museum is $5 per person with children 17 or under free: The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 5:00 pm. The Research Library is free and is open Wednesday through Saturday from Noon to 4:00 pm. Nevada Westerners Corral Reno’s Oldest History Club Dinner with speakers and presentations on history, third Thursday of the month, 6:00 pm, Sands Regency Casino banquet room, 345 N. Arlington Avenue, Reno. For reservations, call the Sands at 348-1392 no later than two weeks before. Congratulations! To Docents with March Birthdays 20th Russell Umbraco 23rd Mona Dible 26th Elda Elias Docent Meeting Speakers March 4, 2015 Stan Paher - 150 years of the Nevadans who are the Spirit of the Silver State April 1, 2015 Fordham Awards Luncheon May 6, 2015 Patrick Neylan—- St. Mary’s of the Mountain Catholic Church and the Early Days of Virginia City June 3, 2015 Alicia Barber—- The Reno Historical Website and App: Its Origin and Use September 2, 2015 Howard Herz — Gambling—Chips Dice and Cards — The AGA, Preserving Gaming History October 7, 2015 Ed Dybowski— Early Reno and the Truckee Meadows Area during the 1800s November 4, 2015 History of Pyramid Lake and the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe December 2, 2015 Patty D. Cafferata, Esq—- Christmas in Nevada January 6, 2016 Felvia Belaustegui — Reno’s Italian Section The Historical Society website: PAGE 4 T HE D C BEE HRPS Winter 2015 programs All programs begin at 7:00 pm at the Laxalt Theater in were page-one news for four decades. the Nelson Building at 401 W. Second Street, Reno. It Wednesday, April 22: Let the Cowboy Ride: Ranch Life is suggested that you arrive by 6:30 pm to find your in Northern Nevada. Paul Starrs, a UNR geogr aphy pr oseat in the theater. fessor, will speak about his decades of research on western Wednesday, March 25: LeVere Redfield. Jack Harpster ranching. A former cowboy himself, Starrs will discuss is a twenty-nine year Nevadan, who retired to Reno nine ranching in the Great Basin. Starrs is the author of several years ago. This program is based on his seventh and most books including Let the Cowboy Ride: Cattle Ranching in recent book entitled, The curious Life of Nevada’s LaVere the American West. Redfield: The Silver Dollar King. The biography is a look at the life of Northern Nevada’s most famous and eccentric multi-millionaire, and a man whose outrageous antics Help Wanted! Christine Johnson, Artifacts Curator at the Society, needs Please contact Christine at 688-1191 x231 or donations of cotton sheets or muslin fabric to be used for if you have cotton sheets or muslin fabric to donate. artifact conservations and to cover art or large pieces of furniture in the artifacts area or in the off-site storage area. Outreach Program by Linda Burke The Outreach program of the Docent Council consists of taking artifacts, photographs, and information to people and places who are unable for some reason to visit the museum in person. This primarily consists of school students in the classroom, but also extends to any group, such as seniors, who are wishing to hear about us. This program has a long history at the Nevada Historical Society. I was involved with it when it was called History on Wheels, but it dates back to the seventies and eighties as some of our long term docents may remember. brush Lawmakers: the Story of Nevada's Legislators, Broad Ax and Buzz Saw: Nevada's Logging Industry, Tales and Treasures: Nevada's Folklore, and Las Vegas: The Nation's Playground. We found evidence of the latter being loaned out as far away as Louisiana. We also found editing advice from Phillip Earl, and many handwritten transcripts from former docents. Many of the programs consisted of slide and audio cassette programs; some were reel to reel film which we left for future viewing. Some of these programs resulted from grants to the Historical Society by the Nevada Humanities Committee. We made sure to keep a permanent copy for the collection, but will endeavor to sort through each program to determine its value for digitalization in the future. Shery has plans for a travelling trunk program, and Christine would Many of our docents who are involved in the gallery tours also like more diversification in Outreach. know of the artifact boxes that may be used on these I would like to thank Docents Annie Bickley, John tours and for outreach programs. They consist of boxes Gomes, Jack Harris, Betsy Morse, Lorraine Peterson, and entitled Native American, Mining, Mountain Men and Barbara Weinberg for helping to tackle this dusty, somePioneers. Some of the slide presentations we found were times awkward housekeeping. We opened up a fascinatfascinating consisting of such titles as A dd and Stir: Ne- ing treasure trove of past docent history which is just the vada's Foreign Born, Sand, Sagebrush, and Varmints, beginning of a new venture. and the $300 Cure: Divorce in Nevada. Others were SageRecently, a group of docents involved in our education program gathered together to sort through some old slide and film presentations in order to organize and select from them relevant material which can be scanned and computerized to be used in future Outreach programs. The Historical Society website: T HE D C BEE PAGE 5 March 2015 Community Activities • March 5, 5 pm – 7 pm, Fir st Thur sday at Nevada Museum of Art, live music of Judith Ames & Friends, check out the galleries, Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., free for museum members, nonmembers pay regular admission of $10/pp, 329-3333, • March 5, 6, 7, 10 am each day, W ishing, Br uka Theater for Children presents an adaptation of Grimms’ fairytale, Bruka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., Reno, $10 and $5 ages and younger, 775-323-3321, • March 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 at 8:00 pm, March 1 at 2 pm, Br uka Theatr e pr esents W ild Oats, a slam-bang, wildly western farce, 99 N. Virginia St., Seniors $20/pp, door price $25/pp, get reservations early, 323-3221 or email, • March 6, 7:30 pm, Bio-Zones presented by The Reno Pops Orchestra, Admission Free but donations cheerfully accepted, The Rock Church, 4950 Vista Blvd., Sparks, • March 6, 7:30 pm, Ar genta Concer t Ser ies: T he Poet’s Love, Randall Scarlata, baritone and Hyeyeon Park, piano, featuring compositions by Schubert and Schumann, Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, UNR, 1664 N. Virginia St., $25 general admission, $5 for students with ID, 784-4278, Music/calendars/index.htm. • March 7, 7 pm, “Come in from the Cold” at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, doors open at 5pm, Blarney Band performs, seating limited to 200 person, $3/pp donation encouraged, 6000 Bartley Ranch Rd, Reno, 828-6612, • March 7, 7:00 pm, Har p Plus 2015, UNR Depar tment of Music, annual concert production features harp showpieces and chamber music involving harps and other instruments, Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, UNR, 1664 N. Virginia St., Reno, $10 general, Free for students with ID, calendars/index.htm. • March 7, 8 am – 4 pm, 64th Annual Rummage Sale, by Alliance with the Washoe County Medical Society, RenoSparks Livestock Events Center, 1350 N. Wells Ave, $3/ pp and 17 and under free, 775-829-1303, http:// • March 8, 3:00 pm, Ar t After noon, Film at NMA, T he Immortalists, the story of two eccentric scientists working obsessively to discover medical breakthroughs with the hope of creating eternal youth, $7/pp, $5/pp members, 329 -3333, • March 8, 1 pm – 4 pm, Ar tists Co-op, Reception, -Sun, 627 Mill St. Reno, 322-8896, • March 10, 2015, 7:00 pm, the TMCC Concer t Band presents “Winter Concert,” North Valleys High School, 1470 Golden Valley Rd., Reno, Free, 673-7291, http:// • March 13, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Ar t After noon, Wor kshop and Social for Seniors, enjoy a guided tour, related handson art project and light refreshments, $7/pp, $6/pp members, 329-3333, • March 13, 7 pm, “The Future of the Earth,” examines the possible scenarios that could spell the end of our planet, Mike Thomas, Plaza Hotel upstairs, light refreshments, Carson City, $5/pp. • March 14, 10 am – 4 pm, Second Satur day, Contemporary Mexican Art, at Nevada Museum of Art, enjoy a free day at the museum in hands-on art project and storytelling, 329-3333, eventcalendar/. • March 14 14, 7 pm, “Come in from the Cold” at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, doors open at 5pm,Reno Youth Jazz Orchestra performs, seating limited to 200 person, $3/pp donation encouraged, 6000 Bartley Ranch Rd, Reno, 8286612, • March 14, 7:30 – 9:30 pm and March 15, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Reno Chamber Or chestr a Concer t – Maestro Tomasz Golka, Chief Conductor of the Colombian National Symphony in Bogota guest conducts the RCO in the concluding concert of 2014-2015 season, $22-$45/full time students $5, Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, UNR, 1664 N. Virginia St., Reno, 348-9413, • March 17 and 20, 1 pm, Ageless Repertory Theatre (a reader’s theater) pr esents Bus Stop, a dr ama set in a diner in rural Kansas during a snowstorm from which bus passengers must take shelter, by William Inge, , Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo, Reno, Free – donations welcome, • March 21, 2:00 – 5:00 pm, Downtown River Distr ict Reno Wine Walk, 3rd Saturday of every month. Wine Walk proceeds benefit local charities. $20/pp, 775.825.9255 or • March 28, 10 am – 5 pm, March 29, 11 am – 4 pm, 13th Annual Nevada Women’s Expo, Dares You to Discover, Reno Sparks Convention Center, http:// Photo Fandango IX, an accomplished photographers invita- tional, FREE, Co-op open March 1-31, 11 am – 4 pm, Mon The Historical Society website: NHS Docent Council Calendar: March 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 NHS Docents 5 NMA First Stan Paher Thursday 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NHS High Noon: Shoot Out with Neal Cobb 20 21 22 23 24 25 HRPS Program 26 27 28 NHS Erik Holland 29 30 31 NMA is Nevada Museum of Art NSM is Nevada State Museum RLT is Reno Little Theater THE NEWSLETTER OF TH E NEVADA H I S T O R IC A L SO C IE T Y D O C E N T C O U N C I L Docent Council Nevada Historical Society 1650 N. Virginia St. Reno, Nevada 89503 Nevada Historical Society Hours Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Museum Hours Research Library Days & Hours Wed.—Sat.: 12 noon - 4 pm 775-688-1190 Admission Fees: Adults - $5.00 Kids - 17 and younger - Free