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KEYSTONER Volume 28, Number 4 May/June 2012 GO GREEN Get more POA info by e-mail If we don’t have a current e-mail address on file for you, you’ve received the new color Keystoner as a blackand-white copy via USPS. That also means you’re not receiving any of POA’s other e-communications either. If you want to not only receive your Keystoner via e-mail, but also receive legislative, education and general membership messages from POA via e-mail, please send us a quick update by fax at (717) 233-6833 (on white paper please) or by e-mail at Questions about HB 838? If you have any questions about HB 838 that haven’t been answered during a local society meeting or through online resources, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the following doctors: Dr. Charlie Stuckey Executive Director (717) 233-6455 Dr. Dan Russell Immediate Past President (814) 943-8164 Pennsylvania Optometric Association Health Information Exchange (HIE) update DIRECT messaging available free for a year; must sign up by August 15 L ast July, Governor Tom Corbett signed an Executive Order establishing the PA eHealth Collaborative (PAeHC) to provide leadership and strategic direction to advance health information exchange in Pennsylvania. Two staff members, Dr. Charles Stuckey and Deb Blanchard, were selected to serve on PAeHC standing committees. In May, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) approved PAeHC’s strategic and operational plans. PAeHC has now moved into the implementation phase of the plan, which includes the DIRECT Incentive Grant Program. Based on e-mail protocol, ONC’s DIRECT is a standards-based, secure system specifically designed to share health information from one provider directly to another. DIRECT is designed to replace mail and fax communications for sharing health information among providers. It is the first step toward the adoption of more robust forms of health information exchange. DIRECT can be used for structured or unstructured data delivery, meaning providers can simply provide unstructured health information much like they would via faxed or mailed letter; or, through add-ons that integrate with electronic health record programs, attach structured data that could be dropped into a patient’s electronic health record. However, providers do not need to have an electronic health record system to use DIRECT; providers simply need access to the Internet with no additional in-house technology or resources required. To use DIRECT, providers must contract with a commonwealth-approved, certified health information service provider (HISP), which provides functionality to users. PAeHC’s website includes a primer on choosing a HISP as well as a list of commonwealth-approved, certified HISPs. Through a $2 million grant, DIRECT is now available to individual providers at no cost for one year if they sign up with a commonwealth-approved, certified HISP by August 15, 2012. For more information about DIRECT and choosing a HISP, visit health_care_prof_minigrant.html. The site includes a webinar for providers interested in DIRECT. We encourage optometrists to take advantage of this opportunity to implement DIRECT as a first step toward electronic health information exchange. September 29-30 • Eden Resort, Lancaster Board Certification Preparatory & Optometric CE Program 16-hour COPE-approved program Dr. Bob Owens DEO, State & National Affairs (717) 354-2251 Saturday, September 29 ~ 7:45 AM - 6:00 PM, and Sunday, September 30 ~ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Dr. Bob Bittel Chair, Legislative Affairs Cmte. (412) 884-2020 Download the Registration Brochure for details AOA Member (prior to 8/10) ~ $550 I AOA Member (after 8/10) ~ $600 Schedule Registration KEYSTONER 2 May/June 2012 President’s Editorial Democracy in action By Donna M. Buraczewski, O.D. A s promised, the POA 2012 Spring passed 2008 Resolution A-1, which resulted Congress was an exciting and fulfillin the formation of the Pennsylvania Diaing endeavor. The weather was great, betic Eye Health Alliance (PDEHA). Dr. the venue was awesome, Lori Gray, chair of the Diathe activities were fun betes Task Force, presented and the education was the current status of PDEHA top notch. Thank you to and the plans for the future. everyone who attended – A sign of democracy in acI hope you enjoyed it as tion – the directive was given much as I did. and the POA volunteer leadOf course the most ers followed the directive. important component Dr. Hilary Hawthorne was the House of Delof California is the AOA egates meeting on Satliaison to Pennsylvania for urday, May 19. All but the 2011-2012 term. Upon one local society was my request, Dr. Hawthorne, Dr. Donna Buraczewski represented. It was very presented an update on the rewarding to see that State of the AOA, includmost societies had more than one repreing a discussion of the 2012 proposed sentative present. As previously communiBy-Laws changes. Dr. David Cockrell, cated, the House of Delegates is the ruling secretary/treasurer of the AOA, states that body of the POA. The By-Laws state: “The the primary objective of these changes is House of Delegates shall establish, by resoto “facilitate membership growth for the lution, the policies of the Association.” A long-term health of the AOA and the affilipresentation regarding the voting policy of ates.” (Check the AOA website for further the POA was previously presented at the information on these proposals). Heated 2011 House of Delegates and is available at discussion on these proposals arose during in “About the POA.” our (POA) House of Delegates. The result During this year’s House of Delegates, was a motion, which was passed, directing the officers for 2013 were elected. Conme, as Pennsylvania’s representative to the gratulations to President Dr. Robert OwAOA, to oppose items H, L, and J in their ens (Lancaster), President-Elect Dr. Maricurrent form. These items involve changes anne Boltz (Central), Secretary/Treasurer in the requirements for life membership; the Dr. Steve Eiss (Bucks Montgomery), and introduction of $35 dues for students; and trustees Dr. Richard Christoph (Berks), Dr. a change in the ascending dues schedule for Mark Margolies (Philadelphia), Dr. Rebecca recent graduates. I was also asked to vocalize Wincek-Bateson (Southwestern) and Dr. my plan to discuss all possible resolutions Lori Gray (Bucks Montgomery). Remember with the Pennsylvania delegation attendthese people give their time, dedication and ing Optometry’s Meeting in Chicago, June devotion to our profession. I am sure an 27-July 1. occasional small word of thanks would be Since this is the first time in recent hisappreciated by them. tory our House of Delegates has directed a The budget for 2013 was presented, president how to vote on issues at the AOA discussed and passed. Secretary/Treasurer level, I have mixed emotions. I applaud the Dr. Rich Christoph gave a thorough finanPOA House of Delegates for discussing the cial update. A $20 dues increase was passed. issues and letting your opinions be known. The POA Board and staff are committed As presented last year, the only “power” I to preserving the financial health of our have is the power bestowed upon me by the organization. House of Delegates. Each individual memUpdates on critical issues were given, ber has the opportunity to voice his or her including legislative affairs, healthcare reopinion at their local society. The presidents form implementation, pediatric vision and of each local society represent each member the diabetes initiave. On June 7, 2008, in at the POA House of Delegates and then I, Pittsburgh, the POA House of Delegates as president, represent you at the AOA level. I have vowed to represent the members of the POA to the best of my ability and do what is best for the members and for the profession. Let me assure you I have no personal or hidden agenda. Hopefully, all the members of the Pennsylvania delegation can state the same. So be assured that I will be well-informed regarding the issues; I will listen to all the information presented during the AOA House of Delegates by the AOA and the other states; I will caucus with the delegates from Pennsylvania; I will review the discussions at the POA House of Delegates; and I and your other elected officials will vote for what is best for the optometrists of Pennsylvania. That is and will be democracy in action!!! President’s Editorials are now posted on POA’s President’s Editorials Blog at for your comments. Letters to the Editor Letters may be submitted to or Editor, POA, 218 North Street Harrisburg, PA 17101. To continue the discussion on a previously printed Letter, please visit the Letters to the Editor Blog at The ideas expressed in Letters to the Editor are the opinions of the authors. The Keystoner reserves the right to edit letters submitted for publication. Lewerenz CE CD available On Saturday, May 19th at the POA Congress Dr. David Lewerenz presented a two-hour course sponsored by Kemin entitled AMD A-Z. A limited number of CD’s from this course are available at no charge upon request from the POA office. If interested, call (717) 233-6455 or e-mail Ilene@ KEYSTONER 3 PRC ▼ ▼ ◆ PRACTICE RESOURCE CENTER May/June 2012 News you can use HealthChoices Physical Health Zone expands in southcentral Pennsylvania effective July 1; New West Zone on September 1 Southcentral Expansion July 1 As reported in the last issue, seven counties in southcentral Pennsylvania will be moved into existing physical health HealthChoices Zones as of July 1, 2012: • • Bedford, Blair, Cambria and Somerset Counties will move to the existing HealthChoices Southwest Zone Franklin, Fulton, and Huntingdon Counties will move to the existing HealthChoices Lehigh-Capital Zone. As of July 1, the existing ACCESS Plus Enhanced Primary Care Case Management Program and the current Voluntary Managed Care Program will end in those counties. MA recipients not eligible will continue to be served through the Fee For Service Program. Providers in these counties serving MA patients will need to join HealthChoices MCO networks. The following HealthChoices MCOs are serving patients in the affected zones: HealthChoices Lehigh-Capital Zone Aetna Better Health; AmeriHealth Mercy Health Plan; Gateway Health Plan; United Healthcare Community Plan of PA; and UPMC for You HealthChoices Southwest Zone Coventry Cares (started April 1, 2012); Gateway Health Plan; United Healthcare Community Plan of PA; UPMC for You. Additional information is available at www.dpw. document/p_012005.pdf. Tools to Improve Your Practice New West Zone September 1 On September 1, 13 counties in northwestern Pennsylvania will form the HealthChoices New West Zone. The ACCESS Plus physical health program and the United Health Voluntary Managed Care Program for Medical Assistance Recipients will end on August 31. Affected counties include Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, McKean, Mercer , Potter, Venango and Warren. The open enrollment period for Medical Assistance recipients in these counties to select a HealthChoices physical health MCO is mid-July through mid-August. To serve people on Medical Assistance, providers in these counties will need to join the following networks: • • • • Coventry Cares ~ (866) 903-0748 Gateway Health Plan ~ (800) 392-1145 AmeriHealth Mercy ~ (800) 521-6007 UPMC for You ~ (800) 286-4242 To enroll as a Medical Assistance provider, call the Department of Public Welfare’s provider enrollment number at (800) 537-8862. Additional information is available at www.dpw. webcopy/p_012617.pdf Independence Blue Cross posts policy on post-op cataract eyewear A s a result of POA’s discussions with medical directors at Independence Blue Cross, the carrier has posted a revised policy regarding coverage for eyeglasses following cataract surgery. This policy applies to its Medicare Advantage products and allows for doctors to bill the medical plan for postoperative eyewear rather than requiring patients to seek reimbursement. Although the policy is consistent with Medicare’s coverage determination, the actual payment may differ from Medicare.The revised policy, which can be viewed at, was effective May 16, 2012. New carrier, improvements for AOA Insurance Alliance I n April. members purchasing malpractice insurance through AOA’s endorsed program, AOA Insurance Alliance, should have received several pieces of correspondence regarding a change in insurance carriers: 1) a letter from AOA explaining the switch; 2) a notice of non-renewal from PACO (the old carrier), which is required by law; and 3) information from Lockton Affinity, AOA’s insurance broker, on how to obtain renewal coverage with the new carrier, a subsidiary of W. R. Berkley. As a result of the switch to Berkley, AOA Insurance Alliance is able to offer lower rates and expanded coverage from an A+ rated carrier. If you have any questions about the transition process, please contact Lockton Affinity at (888) 343-1998. The Keystoner is published by the Pennsylvania Optometric Association (POA). POA is the professional association for doctors of optometry in Pennsylvania, providing continuing education, public information materials, government relations and membership benefits. Direct any inquiries to the Keystoner, 218 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Phone: (717) 233-6455. Fax: (717) 233-6833. E-mail: Deb@poaeyes. org. Web site: Executive Director: Charles J. Stuckey, Jr., O.D. Editor: Deborah S. Blanchard. The Keystoner is partially underwritten by USI Affinity. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 4 Advocacy in Action Above left: POA Trustee Dr. Marianne Boltz talks with students Tara Bucklew and David Kong in Washington, DC, while advocating for optometry and our patients on Capitol Hill during the AOA Congressional Conference in April. Above right: Dr. Mervin Stoltzfus has his achievement documented in a photo with Senator Mike Brubaker during the Senator’s Annual Clay Shoot in April, which was sponsored by the Lancaster County Optometric Society. Right: POA President-Elect Dr. Robert Owens. Lancaster County Optometric Society President Dr. Vlad Petcov, and POA President Dr. Donna Buraczewski were among those who attended a fundraiser in April for Representative Gordon Denlinger, another event organized by LCOS. Local societies and individual doctors have been sponsoring local fundraisers for their legislators across the state. If you are contacted about a local event, whether sponsored by optometrists or by another entity, we encourage you to attend. They are not only fun, but also great opportunities for you to support and get to know your elected officials. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 5 Optometrist of the Year Scott Goldberg, O.D., F.A.A.O. The Optometrist of the Year Award recognizes a member of POA whose service to the profession and visual welfare of the public is outstanding. The Pennsylvania Optometric Association is pleased to name Scott Goldberg, O.D., as the 2012 Optometrist of the Year. Dr. Goldberg was nominated by the Bucks-Montgomery Optometric Society. Dr. Goldberg is a retired lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard. He spent four years in active duty in the United States Air Force, where he served as Chief of Optometric Services at Castle Air Force Base; and 20 years in the New Jersey Air National Guard, where he also served as Chief of Optometric Services at McGuire Air Force Base. He is a life member of the Armed Forces Optometric Society. In service to the profession of optometry, Dr. Goldberg served on the Board of Directors of the Air National Guard Flight Surgeons Society as the optometry representative. He drew attention to and helped correct inconsistencies in the rank structure of optometrists in the Air National Guard, which resulted in a major policy change to allow Strategic Air Command Air National Guard optometrists to be promoted above the rank of major. While serving as president of the Air National Guard Optometric Society, he helped create the Optometry Section of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. The AMSUS annual meeting is the largest medical conference for all federal service branches, and it did not have a section for optometry prior to the Air National Guard Optometric Society’s initiative. Also while serving as president, he was key in developing the “Top Eye” flight school for military optometrists. He became the school’s first official graduate with a Doctor of Aerospace Optometry degree. For 12 years he was a preceptor for third-year PCO students on five-month rotations. He served as a National Board Examiner from 1999-2011 and has received AOA’s Optometric Recognition Award continuously since 1996. Serving organized optometry, Dr. Goldberg has volunteered for six years on the Bucks-Montgomery Optometric Society Board of Directors, including the past two years as president. As president, he initiated funding to support the newlyformed Pennsylvania Optometric Student Association at PCO/Salus University and led BMOS’s financial and volunteer support of students at PCO through various programs, like the Quiz Bowl, Student Optometric Service to Humanity, Stand Downs and The Eye Institute. At POA, Dr. Goldberg has served four years on the Eye Care Benefits Committee. He participates in InfantSEE, the Pennsylvania Diabetic Eye Health Alliance, the POA/PCO Quiz Bowl and Optometry at the Capitol Day. He serves as Keyperson to Representative Mike Gerber and actively meets with Senator Daylin Leach. In his community, Dr. Goldberg was elected to the Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Distinguished Graduate Society in Humanities, and since 2004 has served as a member of its Board of Directors. Dr. Goldberg also serves on the Board of Governors of the Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Scholarship Fund, a non-profit organization that awards scholarships for academic excellence. He has worked with his local Lions Club since 1980. He is also a long-time participant in Stand Downs, which are grassroots, community-based intervention efforts to provide services to homeless veterans, by providing visual screenings and purchasing and distributing glasses for needy veterans. He is a long-time supporter of the Conshohocken FunFest, The Conshohocken Library, the Soap Box Derby and local fire companies. He is also involved with the West Conshohocken Homeowners SOS for the Holidays. The Pennsylvania Optometric Association is pleased to recognize Dr. Goldberg’s accomplishments and honor him as the 2012 Optometrist of the Year. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 6 Young Optometrist of the Year Lori Gray, O.D. The Young Optometrist of the Year Award recognizes outstanding leadership and service by a POA member who has been in practice less than 10 years. The Pennsylvania Optometric Association is pleased to name Lori Gray, O.D., as the 2012 Young Optometrist of the Year. Dr. Gray was nominated by the Bucks-Montgomery Optometric Society. A 2004 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Dr. Gray wasted little time becoming involved in organized optometry. In 2007, she joined the Bucks- Montgomery Optometric Society’s Board of Directors. She has held various positions within BMOS and is currently serving as vice president. In 2010, Dr. Gray became an active member of POA’s Legislative Affairs Committee and was appointed subcommittee co-chair for the House where she supports members serving as Keypeople to Pennsylvania Representatives. Dr. Gray is also serving as chair of the POA Diabetic Task Force and has worked to develop a new poster for doctors to display in their offices, educating patients about the importance of diabetic eye health care. In 2011, Dr. Gray mentored students at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry to help them organize and establish the Pennsylvania Optometric Student Association. She then spoke to the newly-formed group about HB 838 and what they could do to help the profession. She presented the “Top Ten Reasons to be involved in Organized Optometry” to students at the POA/PCO Quiz Bowl, and speaks to students about the importance of being politically involved. She has given multiple presentations on the local and national level on refractive surgery and dry eye, and presented several posters at national meetDr. Lori Gray with her friend and mentor, Dr. Scott ings. Through her involvement Goldberg, during the Outdoor Party & BBQ at Bedford as the Clinical Director of TLC Springs Resort. Laser Eye Center and Kremer Eye Center for five years, she was able to work with externs and recent graduates to increase their knowledge of refractive surgery. Dr. Gray has dedicated much of her time to the visual welfare of the public as well. As a student, she began working with Student Optometric Service to Humanity, participating in a mission trip to Guatemala, and then, while serving as president of SOSH, organizing and participating in a mission to La Gloria, Mexico. She provides education to school nurses through POA’s Kids Welcome Here program, participates in Sight for Students and InfantSee, and volunteers for various screening programs for adults and children. In 2011, Dr. Gray participated in an interview for a local TV station promoting the importance of eye health and glaucoma. In her community, Dr. Gray is a member of the Blessed Theresa of Calcutta Church. She volunteers for the Boyertown Community Reader program, where professionals come into the classrooms of elementary students, read to them and talk about their jobs. She has helped raise money for the Boyertown Area Multiservice, which works with the Senior Center and Meals on Wheels. She is a volunteer leader for the Boyertown Area High School where students can spend a day at her office and learn about optometry. The Pennsylvania Optometric Association is pleased to recognize Dr. Gray’s accomplishments and honor her as the 2012 Young Optometrist of the Year. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 7 POA Congress Highlights Honoring Lifelong Membership Robert A. Ginsburg, O.D. & Carl R. Urbanski, O.D. Congratulations to Dr. Carl R. Urbanski and Dr. Robert A. Ginsburg, who were honored as the POA members in attendance with the highest number of years of membership. Dr. Urbanski, right, has been a member for 54 years, and Dr. Ginsburg, left, has been a member for 55 years. We appreciate their life-long commitment to optometry and active membership in POA. Special thanks to Dr. Ginsburg for sharing his photography talent with POA again this year. George Gottschalk, Jr. Memorial Award Merit Award Paul Freeman, O.D. W. David Rule, O.D. Dr. Dave Rule, right, received the George Gottschalk, Jr. Memorial Award for his outstanding leadership of the By-Laws and Resolutions Committee. He is pictured with his partners, Dr. Mike Mohn and daughter Dr. Karen Rule. Dr. Paul Freeman received the Merit Award for his service optometry and work on Optometry: Journal of the American Optometric Association. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 8 William Van Essen Award Senator John Gordner The William Van Essen Award honors individuals or organizations outside the optometric profession who have significantly served the visual welfare of the public. The Pennsylvania Optometric Association is pleased to name Senator John Gordner as the 2012 recipient of the William Van Essen Award. Senator Gordner was nominated by the Anthracite, Central Pennsylvania and Northeastern Pennsylvania Optometric Societies. Senator Gordner, who served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for 11 years before being elected to the State Senate in 2003, has worked to ensure the visual welfare of the public throughout his career. We are grateful for his support of Pennsylvania optometry as we work to protect our patients’ access to quality primary eye care. Those of you who attended the 2011 Optometry at the Capital Day were fortunate to hear Senator Gordner address the group, expressing his enthusiasm and confidence in optometry. Senator Gordner currently serves as Majority Caucus Administrator for the State Republican Leadership. He is Chairman of the Labor and Industry Committee and Vice Chair of the Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Com- Dr. Kimberly Boyer, Central Pennsylvania Optometric Society president, presents CPOS’s William Van Essen Award to Senator John Gordner at CPOS’s Awards Ceremony in Hershey in May. Dr. Gordner was unable to accept his POA William Van Essen Award in Bedford. mittee. Senator Gordner is recognized as an honest, hard working legislator who has the best interest of his constituents at heart. The Pennsylvania Optometric Association is pleased to honor Senator Gordner with the 2012 William Van Essen Award. 2013 POA Board of Directors Dr. Robert Owens 2013 President Congratulations to the 2013 Board of Directors. From left: Dr. Richard Christoph, trustee; Dr. Rebecca Wincek-Bateson, trustee; Dr. Steve Eiss, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Donna Buraczewski, immediate past president; Dr. Mark Margolies, trustee; Dr. Lori Gray, trustee; Dr. Robert Owens, president; Dr. Marianne Boltz, president-elect. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 9 Membership Recognition Awards POA is Pleased to Honor Membership Milestones ~ Thank You! 76 Years Ralph G. Keeport, O.D. Morey X. Powell, O.D. 74 Years Herschel L. Siegel, O.D. 70 Years Louis E. Goldszer, O.D. Robert J. Johnson, Sr., O.D. 69 Years William H. Kennedy, O.D. Richard H. Klinetob, O.D. 67 Years Irving Bennett, O.D. Freda Sattel, O.D. 65 Years Seymour E. Gottlieb, O.D. 64 Years Robert C. Foedisch, O.D. Bernard Kushner, O.D. Robert J. Morrison, O.D. Albert I. Singer, O.D. 63 Years Robert J. Brown, O.D. Ralph J. Cericola, O.D. S. Donald Furnary, O.D. Herbert E. Halliday, O.D. Harry Kaplan, O.D. Elwood H. Kolb, O.D. George E. Rimby, O.D. Adrian B. Runkle, O.D. Joseph H. Smith, O.D. E. William Spitz, O.D. Gerald B. M. Stein, O.D. William F. Weir, O.D. 62 Years Harold L. Castleman, O.D. Richard F. Gambino, O.D. Victor S. Morrison, O.D. Frank J. Mottola, O.D. Paul L. Russo, O.D. Leo Ryglinski, O.D. Melvin D. Wolfberg, O.D. 61 Years John Biernacki, O.D. Arthur C. Bittner, O.D. Sanford Glasser, O.D. Harry C. Kennedy, Jr., O.D. Ira M. Kropp, O.D. Lewis M. Krotick, O.D. Alvin Levin, O.D., CAE Thomas J. Perka, O.D. Louis J. Pietrandrea, O.D. Edwin A. Sweeney, O.D. Clifford C. Wagner, O.D. Leonard Weiss, O.D. 60 Years David B. Beyerle, O.D. Eugene J. Bogage, O.D. Richard L. Gulden, O.D. A. Michael Iatesta, O.D. Richard R. Lehr, O.D. Bernard Mallinger, O.D. Louis J. Pease, O.D. Alvin Weinberg, O.D. 59 Years Herbert M. Bushwick, O.D. John A. Embich, O.D. Stanley T. Hozempa, O.D. Harry M. Kaiserman, O.D. Milton Klein, O.D. George C. Morelli, O.D. Richard J. Neuer, O.D. William W. Peters, O.D. Stanley J. Stachacz, O.D. continued on next page May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 10 Membership Recognition Awards 58 Years Theodore L. Altman, O.D. George E. Baxmeier, O.D. Stephen Blaschak, O.D. Daniel J. Griffin, O.D. Jerome Mattes, O.D. Edward J. Sigmund, O.D. John W. Stagaman, O.D. Kenneth C. Vincett, Jr., O.D. 57 Years Victor C. Cherico, O.D. I. William Collins, O.D. Albert Dichter, O.D. Leonard B. Krachman, O.D. Jacob Parker, O.D. William K. Vincett, Sr., O.D. 56 Years Nishan Boyajian, O.D. Richard G. Eshelman, O.D. John F. Neuer, O.D. Robert P. Nungesser, O.D. Sidney J. Pariser, O.D. Sanford R. Silverstein, O.D. 55 Years Donald D. Friedberg, O.D. Elmer Friedman, O.D. Robert Fruhlinger, O.D. Robert A. Ginsburg, O.D. Daniel Goldstein, O.D. Raymond Ernest Good, O.D. Norman Kushner, O.D. Israel E. Press, O.D. Robert J. Scholes, O.D. 54 Years Donald J. Chaputa, O.D. William Eisenberg, O.D. Norman Foxman, O.D. M. Bernard Keisler, O.D. William R. Kline, O.D. Ronald L. Markwood, O.D. Thayne W. Maurer, O.D. Ralph Miller, O.D. Ambrose B. Peterman, O.D. Donald S. Tannenbaum, O.D. Carl R. Urbanski, O.D. 53 Years John P. Borland, O.D. John G. Kulba, O.D. Robert S. Podboy, O.D. Warren Riegel, O.D. William G. Walk, II, O.D. 52 Years Frank J. Gazda, O.D. Eugene L. Kane, O.D. Theodore M. Katz, O.D. Leonard Levin, O.D. Don H. Pettit, O.D. 51 Years Ned C. Blymire, O.D. Bruce M. May, O.D. Robert A. Rosenberg, O.D. 50 Years J. Marvin Bloom, O.D. Richard A. Feldstein, O.D. Walter L. Kaplen, O.D. Jay Lipsitz, O.D. George C. Pence, O.D. Michael J. Tamarkin, O.D. Norbert A. Winter, O.D. 45 Years Arnold Bierman, O.D. Leonard J. Boyek, O.D. Mark W. Eger, O.D., F.A.A.O. Gilbert Isserman, O.D. Chester L. Kolley, O.D. Paul E. Moore, O.D. Robert J. Ottaviani, O.D. Charles W. Popivchak, O.D. Bernard W. Rothschild, O.D. Bernard H. Shepman, O.D. Norman J. Yatko, O.D. 40 Years Daniel A. Cohen, O.D. Stephen H. Cruse, O.D. Arthur R. Kaplan, O.D. Stuart Kaufman, O.D. Gerald E. Olson, O.D. Thomas L. Pyle, O.D. David A. Rosenbloom, O.D., F.A.A.O. W. Reynolds Sisson, O.D. Charles M. Tarnoff, O.D. 35 Years Richard A. Bechtel, O.D. Anthony J. DeFazio, O.D. Leonard D. Gervinski, O.D. Davis C. Haire, O.D. Robert L. Hodes, O.D. Donald M. Leckey, O.D. Nicholas Pappas, O.D. Barton B. Rack, O.D. Joseph J. Raglani, O.D. Larry M. Rigo, O.D. Alan John Roth, O.D. Leroy F. Seria, O.D. Gerald G. Soltis, O.D. Satya B. Verma, O.D. Scott S. Weaver, O.D. 30 Years Wolfram H. Andrews, O.D. Edward T. Brajdic, Jr., O.D. John P. Brandt, Jr., O.D. Glenn S. Corbin, O.D. Susan N. Csonka, O.D. Robert J. Doty, O.D. Susan E. Edmonds, O.D. David H. Foster, O.D. David W. Fox, O.D. John A. Guzzetti, O.D. Joseph S. Ieni, O.D. Malcolm H. Kelly, Jr., O.D. Jordan J. Lubowitz, O.D. Craig A. Luchansky, O.D. Marla L. Moon, O.D. Patricia A. Murphy, O.D. Stanley R. Nebel, O.D. George E. Ozer, O.D. J. Steven Robinson, O.D. Robert W. Rogers, O.D. Stephen Rudnick, O.D. James L. Schmitt, O.D. Philip J. Schwartz, O.D. Dirk Vandermeer, O.D. Jack H. Walsh, O.D. Robert C. Wheatall, O.D. Robert A. Wortman, O.D. 25 Years Mitchel L. Abrams, O.D. George Thomas Banyas, O.D. Steven Mark Berger, O.D. Robert D. Blase, O.D. Elise Beth Ciner, O.D. Mary Jane Cosgrove, O.D. Juanita Maria Danyi, O.D. Jeffrey Frank Desimone, O.D. Dennis E. Dombrowski, O.D. David Michael English, O.D. Janice Bianchi Frederickson, O.D. Ralph E. Gilmore, Jr., O.D. continued on next page PICTURE THIS: Increased Revenue from more patients filling their Rxs before leaving your practice KODAK Lenses are available exclusively at independent practices. Just one more progressive a day = $48,000 Offer KODAK Lenses and increase your capture rate. 800.759.0075 • Kodak and the Kodak trade dress are trademarks of Kodak, used under license by Signet Armorlite, Inc. ©2012 Signet Armorlite, Inc. May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 11 Membership Recognition Awards Mary E. Good, O.D. Samantha Diana Jenkins, O.D. Todd M. Keppich, O.D. 10 Years Robert William Lloyd, O.D. Neil G. Callahan, O.D. Shauna Brea Lushko, O.D. Anthony J. Callan, O.D. Jamie Lynn Magnotta, O.D. Ryan W. Cowburn, O.D. Matthew A. Mastrine, O.D. Devin G. Depner, O.D. Abigail Lynn Meade, O.D. Robert S. Duszak, O.D. Jill Ann Miller, O.D. Charles J. Falsone, O.D. Marc D. Myers, O.D. Lawrence Andrew Filak, Jr., O.D. Maria F. Mylonas, O.D. Sandra Lynn Fink-Freeman, O.D. Jimmy Tuy Nguyen, O.D. Kathleen F. Freeman, O.D.,F.A.A.O. Chinye Mukosolu Otojare, O.D. Jessica L. Glass, O.D. Holly M. Parlavecchio, O.D. Joanna S. Godlewski, O.D. Michele R. Pendrak Bush, O.D. Michael Jay Gray, O.D. Melissa Randecker, O.D. Harry N. Halscheid, O.D. Nicole Maria Rinehart, O.D. Howard R. Hartzell, III, O.D. Lisa Beth Roberts, O.D. Michael Peter Higgins, O.D. Heidi L. Sensenig, O.D. Stephen Robert Holloway, O.D. John Joseph Shedlock, O.D. Kirsten A. Jervis, O.D. 20 Years Rebecca L. Sterner, O.D. Lisa R. Keiser, O.D. Antoinette L. Botti, O.D. Leah M. Stevens, O.D. Heather M. Lawrence, O.D. Richard P. Christoph, O.D. Kristie L. Teets, O.D. Leslie Erin O’Dell, O.D. Therese C. Deschenes, O.D. John J. Trant, O.D. Jason M. Paist, O.D. Jodi L. Duda, O.D. Megan Marie Walsh, O.D. Michel Luise Pawlosky, O.D. John Allen Godfrey, O.D. Jeffrey R. Peterson, O.D. James R. Hall, O.D. Chrystyna M. Rakoczy, O.D. David A. Hardic, O.D. Monica L. Rechichar, O.D. Elizabeth A. Harris, O.D. Maria Ruduski-Downey, O.D. William J. Jacobson, O.D. Gretchen Brewer Schneider, O.D. Randall H. Kane, O.D. Carrie R. Schreck, O.D. Edward M. Lopez, O.D. Nathan C. Stebbins, O.D. Shane S. O’Brien, O.D. Mirka Sulc, O.D. James B. Paulson, O.D. James M. Tickner, O.D. Sara Elisabeth Pike, O.D. Vincent Troia, O.D. Donald G. Snyder, Jr., O.D. Tera Lyn Unzicker Fassero, O.D. Patrick Stone, O.D. John A. Wetherhold, O.D. 15 Years Michelle A. Wetherhold, O.D. Nicole Diane Bosak, O.D. Rebecca L. Wincek-Bateson, O.D. Gregory A. Caldwell, O.D., F.A.A.O. Christine Annette Zlupko, O.D. Christopher N. Carver, O.D. 5 Years Connie L. Chronister, O.D. Milla L. Batushansky, O.D. Mark Joseph Dalton, O.D. Kevin Charles Bistline, O.D. Shelley Renee Diggins, O.D. Nicole M. Caldeira-Flanagan, O.D. Diana Jo Donch, O.D. Lori Ann Caputi, O.D. Christopher Esh, O.D. Linda Casser, O.D., F.A.A.O. Tammy Lynn Esh, O.D. Brooke M. Catanese-Shedlock, O.D. Chad Michael Guaetta, O.D. Neena Chacha, O.D. Robert John Hanak, O.D. Ardis Marie Clement, O.D. Keith S. Hilliard, O.D. Gina Marie Devlin, O.D. Deborah Luciano Husson, O.D. Tu X. Dinh, O.D. Tricia L. Korenkiewicz, O.D. Bonnie Sharon Eldredge, O.D. Mary Louise Petrunyak, O.D. Christina Marie Gillow, O.D. Kara Cook Ritchey, O.D. John Joseph Glasner, IV, O.D. Michael Joseph Rymar, O.D. 25 Years, continued Gary R. Hess, O.D. Bruce David Hillman, O.D. Paul J. Hoolahan, O.D. Mary Ellen Judge, O.D. Evan A. Lowry, O.D. Anthony Joseph Mancuso, O.D. Donna B. McLaughlin, O.D. Myles Samuel Neiman, O.D. Marie E. O’Hora-Sokol, O.D. Kenneth W. Savitski, O.D. Joseph Michael Smay, O.D. Richard H. Sterling, O.D. Lisa Ann Toole, O.D. Perry C. Umlauf, O.D. Michael P. Walker, O.D. Marc Robert Werksman, O.D. Debra Wolaniuk, O.D. Frank Edward Zbignewich, O.D. Jonathan Stein, O.D. John C. Zelazowski, O.D. Alexandra D. Wasmanski, O.D. Rhonda A. Wendekier, O.D. Michelle Lynn Wertelet, O.D. Robert Howard Whitlock, O.D. Thank You To Our Membership Award Sponsors C&E Vision Buying Group James Henderson Insurance Agency Northeastern Pennsylvania Optometric Society Tura Inc. USI Affinity Insurance May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 12 Calendar September 23, 2012 CPOS Fall CE Forum featuring Drs. Melton and Thomas. Hotel Hershey, Hershey. Mark your calendar! September 29-30, 2012 Essentials in Eyecare: POA Board Certification Preparatory & Optometric CE Program. Eden Resort, Lancaster. 16 hours of CE for board certification prep or simply to count toward 2010-2012 license renewal. Visit the Meetings & CE Programs page at for details. October 21, 2012 NEPOS Third Annual CE Seminar. Hilton Scranton Conference Center. Eight credits of CE featuring Drs. Andy Gurwood, Marc Myers, Sachin Patel and Shakeel Shareef. For more information, contact Dr. Sherry Winn at or (570) 586-3228. Please see registration brochure included with this issue. November 18, 2012 POA November CE Program. Hershey Lodge & Convention Center, Hershey. Featuring diabetes and glaucoma education. Mark your calendar! Any time, any place! POA Webinar Series (three available): HD OCT, Glaucoma or Oral Medications. On-demand online via POA’s website on the Meetings & CE Programs page. Each webinar provides one hour of CE at a cost of $25 for members; $50 for non-members. Format is 50-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A period. Contact with questions. 2012 Business Partners POA gratefully acknowledges our 2012 Business Partners PLATINUM C&E Vision Buying Group Ophthalmic Management Services, LLC GOLD Allergan USI Affinity SILVER Signet Armorlite Alcon BRONZE VSP Allergan and Optometry Proud to Be a Part of Your World Allergan supports the field of optometry with our products, educational programs, practice support, and online resources. Visit our optometry-dedicated website for more information. RESTASIS® (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05% LASTACAFT® (alcaftadine ophthalmic solution) 0.25% ALPHAGAN ® P (brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution) 0.1% COMBIGAN® (brimonidine tartrate/ timolol maleate ophthalmic solution) 0.2%/0.5% LUMIGAN ® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.01% ACUVAIL® (ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution) 0.45% REFRESH® Lubricant Eye Drops ZYMAXID® (gatifloxacin ophthalmic solution) 0.5% LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% ©2012 Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA 92612 ® and ™ marks owned by Allergan, Inc. ZYMAXID® is licensed from Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. APC03FP12 120628 May/June 2012 KEYSTONER 13 Classified Ads Practice for sale West Central PA. Forty-four-year-old practice for sale. Excellent location with high visibility. Building with ample parking included in sale. A complete primary eye care facility with 1,800 sq. ft. Call (814) 5358697 between 4-4:30 or (814) 255-1644 after 6:00 PM. Mechanicsburg/Central PA. Busy primary care and contact lens practice for sale. Four exam lanes. Great small town near Harrisburg. Well-established (sixty years). Good location on busy street across from public library. Owner willing to continue part-time during practice transition period. Call Erica Voss-Meloy at (717) 991-7077. Optometrist wanted Pottstown. Optometrist needed, one day per week, Tuesdays preferred. Great opportunity to practice primary care, including children and some infants. New office. Fully equipped, includes Epic refracting system, OCT and B-Scan. Ophthalmologists included in practice. Call (610) 326-2754, fax (610) 326-6456, or e-mail Pittsburgh. Part-time optometrist needed in the South Hills on both Wednesday morning and all day Friday. If interested please call (412) 344-8691. Central PA. Full-time optometrist wanted for well-established optical office, with a well-established patient base, located in Central Pennsylvania. Please send resume to York. Part-time optometrist needed 1.5 to 2 days per week, possibly leading to fulltime. Well-established private practice in nice location with well trained staff. Reply to Central PA. Exciting opportunity for an optometrist interested in a full time position practicing in a professional optometric practice in central Pa. Full scope of care: diagnosing and treatment of eye diseases, co-managing lasik and cataract patients, and general optometric care. Our large vision therapy department needs an energetic and knowledgeable doctor to participate in maximizing each patients visual and perceptual skills. Competitive salary and benefits. If interested e-mail to Allentown Area. Optometrist wanted for northern Lehigh Valley optometric practice. 2-3 days/week possibly leading to full-time. Please reply to or call Tanya at (610) 767-1555. Lehigh Valley Area. Part-time, two days per week. Professional environment and state of the art equipment. Call (610) 258-6666 ask for Pat. Westmoreland County/Western PA. Optometrist wanted for fill in work, Monday or Friday, for end of June to mid-late July. Interested optometrists should contact Philadelphia area. Looking for energetic full-time optometrist western Philadelphia suburb. Please e-mail interest to Lebanon. Well-established MD/OD practice seeking full time optometrist. Competitive compensation package with incentives and benefits. Beautiful well-equipped office. Great hours and pleasant working environment. For more information, please e-mail to or fax to (717) 270-0301, attn: Sue. Reading area. Optometrist needed 1-4 days a week. Please call Dr. Dennis Linsey at (813) 960-8896. North Pittsburgh. Optometrist needed for part-time in a progressive private practice. 1.5 to 2 days a week with potential for growth in the future. Mondays and Saturdays needed now. Full-scope of care. Technology-driven practice with EMR, OCT, automated phoropter, Fundus Camera, VF. Excellent trained and dedicated staff. Please e-mail if interested. Central PA. Full-time optometrist wanted for medically-oriented practice. Well-equipped with OCT, Optos, Marco TRS and more. Send resume to or call (514) 375-0125. time or full-time position. Please e-mail Equipment for sale Equipment in excellent condition, used less than 4 years. Topcon AIT 350W 3-instrument table (ADA), Tomey TL-3000B autolensometer, Canon TX-F NCT, Canon RK-F1 auto K/refractor, 2- Essilor pupillometers, Humphery FDT 710, Shin Nippon CP-30 chart projector with remote and screen/mirrors. E-mail for photos. Diversatronics Desk with Sink; Smart Centration System Hardly Used in Excellent condition; 1 Optical display case. Call (610) 258-6666 ask for Pat. Woodlyn slit lamp. Includes Goldman tonometer. Instrument is in excellent working condition. $1800. Pittsburgh area. (724) 274-8383. Kowa non-mydriatic digital retinal camera. $8995. Excellent working condition. Includes camera, Kowa VK2 software, Windows XP Pro computer, installation and training. E-mail or call (570) 259-0458. Advertise in the Keystoner Free of charge to members; $1 per word, minimum $25, for non-members. Ads must be submitted in writing via e-mail to or via fax at (717) 233-6833. Please indicate the number of months you want your ad to run, up to a maximum of three months. The deadline to submit classified ads is the 1st of the month preceding publication. (Example: January 1 for the February issue.) POA/ C&E members can also post classified ads at Choose the Green Option Optometrist available Pittsburgh. TPA certified optometrist, currently completing a primary care residency (completion July 2012). Looking for a part- TO SIGN UP OR FOR MORE INFO: (877) 770-3323 ~ Offer Code POA-5028 KEYSTONER 14 May/June 2012 don’t be dr. stress c&e buying group provides more than discounts. 2% toWards your poa & aoa dues increased office efficiency consolidated billing one statement marketing resources practice management tools continuing education call 800-346-2626 *ABB percentAge is less thAn 2% POPAC Pennsylvania Optometric Political Action Committee Recurring Contribution – What color are you? DIAMOND LEVEL Over $1,000 Annually > $83.50 Monthly > $250 Quarterly > $500 Semi-Annually GOLD LEVEL $750-$999 Annually $62.50-$83.25 Monthly $187.50-$249.75 Quarterly $375-$499.50 Semi-Annually SILVER LEVEL $500-$749 Annually $41.67-$62.42 Monthly $125-$187.25 Quarterly $250-$374.50 Semi-Annually BRONZE LEVEL $100-$499 Annually $8.34-$41.59 Monthly $25-$124.75 Quarterly $50-$249.50 Semi-Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Other Recurring Contribution Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually One-time Contribution q $120 q $250 q $500 q $1,000 q Other $ Member/Payment Information Corporate donations are not permitted under state law. All contributions must be made via personal check/credit card/bank card. Name q Check # $ q Credit Card # q MasterCard q Visa q Discover Expiration Date Name on Card Billing Address for Card q AmericanExpress 3-Digit Security Code (back of card) q Debit Card/Bank Account # Bank Routing # I authorize POPAC to charge my credit card or debit card according to the contribution I have pledged above and understand my account will be charged 1) ONCE for a one-time contribution or 2) MONTHLY, QUARTERLY or SEMI-ANNUALLY AS INDICATED for a recurring contribution until I cancel. Signature Online Contribution via PayPal To make a quick, easy and secure contribution through PayPal, please visit Both recurring and one-time contributions can be processed via PayPal. Mail or fax this form to: POPAC, 218 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101; Fax (717) 233-6833 Contributions for POPAC are not deductible for federal tax income as a charitable contribution. POPAC complies with applicable laws and files regular reports with the Bureau of Elections. May/June PRST STD2012 US POSTAGE PAID HARRISBURG, PA PERMIT NO 400 KEYSTONER 16 KEYSTONER Pennsylvania Optometric Association 218 North Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 phone: (717) 233-6455 fax: (717) 233-6833 e-mail: Website: Address Service Requested & You eye Citizen of the Year Heartfelt congratulations to Dr. James Tribbett, who was honored with the Boyertown Area Citizen of the Year Award. Dr. Tribbett is a long-time, dedicated member of POA and the Berks County Optometric Society, having served as president for both organizations. Dr. Tribbett was honored in Boyertown in April not only by those in his community, but also by some who traveled long distances: Dr. Tribbett’s three daughters traveled from Colorado, California and Hawaii to celebrate with him. New members We are pleased to announce the following new POA members. Please welcome these doctors to their professional association: Mahdokht M. Davoodi, O.D. (LVOS) Chelsea A. Lizik, O.D. (WPOS) Helen Luu, O.D. (CDOS) Eileen Ottaviani, O.D. (NEOS) Zoe R. Phillips, O.D. (MCOS) Lindsey N. Welch, O.D. (BMOS) * Worth noting * VOSH Missions Several POA members recently traveled on VOSH missions to Haiti. First, a team of eight volunteers that included Drs. Tracy Sepich, Mark Rakoczy and Dave McPhillips, traveled to Cap Haitien in northern Haiti. The team served over 1,400 people. Dr. McPhillips then traveled on a second mission to another region of Haiti, where he observed a 3-year-old – not scheduled to be examined – whose eyes were bulging. The child was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma and sent that day for emergency treatment. VOSH continues to work toward establishing self-supporting eye clinics in Haiti. Dr. Tracy Sepich ARE YOU SHARING THIS NEWS WITH YOUR STAFF? Most of the information in the Keystoner is not only valuable for you, but also for your staff. We encourage you to share your Keystoner with your office manager, paraoptometrics and other staff. OFFICE ROUTING FORM ❑ Doctor ❑ Office Manager ❑ Para ❑ Para ❑ Para ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Scranton, PA 18503 100 Adams Ave HILTON CONFERENCE CENTER SUNDAY OCTOBER 21, 2012 THIRD ANNUAL CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINAR NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA OPTOMETRIC SOCIETY (570) 342-8300 Scranton, PA 18503 700 Lackawanna Ave Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel (570) 343-3000 Scranton, PA 18503 100 Adams Ave. Hilton Conference Center Local Accommodations: Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is attending staff at the Department of Ophthalmology at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. 8:00 – 9:45 am Dr. Marc Myers and Dr.Andrew Gurwood BREAK Break Lunch Closing remarks Lecture slides and course handouts will be available on prior to and after the event 4:30pm Retina Cases New Developments in Retina 2:45 – 4:30 pm Dr. Sachin Patel 2:30 – 2.45 pm Glaucoma 12:45-2:30 pm Dr. Shakeel Shareef 11:45am- 12:45pm Modern Management of Ocular Occlusive Disease (COPE 24917-PS) 10:00 – 11:45 am Dr. Marc Myers and Dr. Andrew Gurwood 9:45 – 10:00 am Send Registration and Payment To: Dr. Sherry Winn 301 West Grove Street Clarks Summit, PA 18411 RSVP by October 10, 2012 (Seating is limited so respond early) (Includes 8 hours of CE, vendor exhibits, lunch, and snacks) AOA Members $75 NON-Members $150 Registration Fee: Dr. Shakeel Shareef is a Glaucoma specialist at the Flaum Eye Institute and an associate professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in Rochester, NY. Retina Institute in Clarks Summit, PA Dr. Sachin Patel is a retinal specialist at the Patel Coatesville Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. He also is guest lecturer and adjunct clinical faculty at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Dr. Marc Myers Is a Senior Staff Optometrist at the Dr. Andrew Gurwood is a Professor at The 7:30am REGISTRATION Periocular Malingancies (COPE 28696-SD) PRESENTERS: PROGRAM AGENDA Please call (570) 586-3228 YES NO ALCON MERCK AVALON EYEWEAR COOPERVISION THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: AOA MEMBER: _______________________________________ SOCIETY _______________________________________ ARBO# _______________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________ PHONE _______________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP _______________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________ NAME REGISTRATION FORM: Make Checks Payable To: NEPOS or email Questions???
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