Neil Ciotola, President George DeLoach, Vice-President Io
Neil Ciotola, President George DeLoach, Vice-President Io
THE CROSSINGAT KENBERG PROPERTYOWNERS'ASSOCIATION BOARDOF DIRECTORSMEETINGMINUTES February 17,2015 President Neil Ciotola called the scheduled meeting of The Crossing at Kenberg Property Owners' Association (POA) Board of Directors (Board) to order at 7:00 PM in the POAoffice. Present: Neil Ciotola, President George DeLoach, Vice-President Io-Ann Ryon, Secretary Steve Goebel, Treasurer Jim Nester, ARCChairman Tracy Bendele, Business Manager George Clegg Kathleen Kirby David Bassi Absent: Debby Milam Guests in Audience: Michael Valencia (Lot 423,212 Highland Woods) of Quorum, Acceptance of Agenda, Approval of Minutes: II I A quorum was determined present with one member absent, Debby Milam. Neil i?to~a asked that item D (Future Proposals for Tennis Courts) under Unfinished Business be deferrrd to the next meeting and that an item E be added to Unfinished Business (Potential Sale of a RrJidential Lot Owned by the POA). The agenda was approved as amended. A motion was made b YGeorge Clegg (second George DeLoach) to approve the minutes of'[anuary 20,2015. The motio' assed unopposed. I 1. Confirmation f 2. General Members Questions/Concerns: Michael Valencia, a new property ownttr catle to meet the Board and to ask some questions about his future building plans for his lot. The Bo rd knswered his questions and welcomed him to our community. I 3. Reports: A. Financial/Property Management: (Made by Tracy Bendele) Tracy stated that we have 271 of 305 properties with paid assessments (89%) with 34 unpaid. The two payme t plans approved last month were sent out and one has already been paid off. We also gained afroperlty owner (304 to 305). I I As to property management, 4 properties sold. Lot 337 sold on i-iS-iS, Lot 16 (commercial property) sold 1-26-15, Lot 214 (commercial property) sold on 2-2-15, and L t 349Ai (407 Saddle Mountain-house and lot) sold on 1-16-15. We have two more properries pending. B. ARC Committee Report: (Made by Jim Nester) Jim has received two applications since the January meeting, Lot 74 for a home and lot 191 for a carport on adjoining Lot 16 . That makes three approved since January, (Lots 73,74, and 191). No more pending applicati ns. Currently 1 we have one completed construction (Lot 261) and four in some stage of con ruction (Lots 105, 257,73, 74). C. Community Events: (Made by Neil Ciotola) The First Chili Cook Offwas a su cess with 12 entrees and a group of about 40 participating. It was a beautiful day and all h d a good time. The First Place winner was Steve Frost. Steve Goebel, and David and Susan rley tied for Second. All the dishes were excellent and tasted by all in attendance. The ne t event will be the Kids Movie Night at the Pavilion, March 7th at 7:00 PMwith set up at 6:00 P Popcorn and juice will be available. D. Welcome Committee: No visits were held the last month but two are now r ,ady to receive a visit. This is Thomas and Alison Farer, 333 Saddle Mountain and Timothy Bl ir and Jennifer Shindle, 407 Saddle Mountain. There is another home in the process of closi g, 705 Mountain Creek Trail. 4. Unfinished Business: A. Update of POA Lots Tax Status (Tax Reduction Effort)-Neil Ciotola- After!talking to Tom Newton (POAAttorney), it was determined that Neil can complete this proces I ~thout an attorney. Neil will continue with the process to classify the three lots into "co mon use properties" (they are part of the developed parks). B. Pavilion Project-Park I-N eil Ciotola- Mr. Kirby and Mr. Frost have been ntacted and will evaluate and access projects to be completed at the Park (electrical and the dedk issues). The detailed proposals will be available at the March Board Meeting as well as the informanon on the paint and lighting. When the weather allows, some finishing work will be don Ito the steps into the river below the pavilion. I '1 C. Assessment Procedures review/modification-After conferring with the P ~ttorney Neil found that few changes need to be made to this procedure as the process for fo edlosure is already alluded to in our RR & C's and it is included in our contract with our pd~IAttorney. We have to amend our current policy to remove late fees and interest. These fees and interest will also be removed from the current overdue accounts. A motion was made by S teve Goebel (Second George Clegg) to draft an amendment to remove late fees and interest rom the current policy. Motion was passed unopposed. Neil with draft up these changes and submit to the Board for review before filing with the county. D. Future Proposals for Tennis Courts- Defer to February. I E. Potential Sale of a POA Property-Neil checked with the attorney about the ossibility of selling the residential lot owned by the POA(Lot 62). If and when a residentiallotJ is owned by the POA,it can be sold to anyone that is not a current property owner or one th!at has ever contributed money (past owner). A policy will be developed and filed with the!cotmty to cover situations of this type. This will be discussed with the general membership at the I nnual meeting as selling a property would be a way of funding a major improvement. I ? 5. New Business: A. Recertification ofRR&C'S for 20l8-Neil conferred with Tom Newton and fou d that it is not necessary to have a canvas committee to notify the property owners of this vot~ o renew existing RR&C"S.We do however have to break the votes up into each residentir. section (Hidden Lakes and Mountain Creek/River Forest). We have a year to complete t e voting and the restrictions are renewed with a vote of 50% plus one in each section. Dependingl ow droperty ownership falls an owner with property in both sections would have to sign for I newJI in each section. In the past renewals, we had the votes needed for each section but they ave been recorded as a com~ine.d total. The Board decided to start the v?ting ~renewing 9f~r.e~e.nt RR~C"S) at the annual meetmg in June 2015. The draft documents and lists WIllbe ready f r lnitlal review at the March Board meeting. It was also noted that even though some statements 1'1 ~Heoriginal RR&C"Sconflict with current state law and state law in those situations must be IItlwed, the remainder of the RR&c"S are in effect. I r 11 B. POA Sound System-A borrowed sound system has been used at each of ou CRmmunity Activities. We have the opportunity of buying this system at a fair price of $2 ,5.pO. A motion was made by [o Ann Ryon (second David Bassi) to buy this sound syst m for $225. Motion passed unopposed with one member abstaining. I 1 6. Announcements: Next Regular Board Meeting, March17, 2015 at 7:00 PM Kids Movie Night-March 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM 7. Adjournment: With no more business to come before the Board, a motion to adj(])urr tyas made by George DeLoach (second George Clegg). Motion passed unopposed. Meeting adj u ne~ ~t 8:37 PM. I Minutes Approved: 3 -/7- c:l0/-5 ~~ Neil Ciotola, President Attachment for Corporate Binder: Agenda Sign In Sheet none Filed: 1 Original-Corporate 1 Copy-Secretary Binder Bi